#heroically green
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months ago
Okay so Izumi works for Hawks in the Heroically Green AU. In this AU, school starts later cause kids need time to control their Quirks so it starts age 8.
Izumi, age 16, is smoking on a roof after dancing half the night away because she doesn’t want to go home yet. Doesn’t want to look at her mother and smile the perfect smile the woman loves. Doesn’t want to be anything but herself.
Hawks, age 19, lands on the roof. Any other time Izumi would be having a fangirl attack. He just debuted last year and is already skyrocketing.
Instead, this exhausted teenager sees another exhausted teenager. She wordlessly offers a cigarette. He takes it.
It starts a pattern of meeting up to smoke that evolves into them talking and soon enough they’re laughing together.
When Izumi confides in him about her issues and that she needs a job, he offers her the position of personal assistant. She goes to UA for school which is much more like a university in this world and she has time in the afternoons to work for him. It’s mostly scheduling and shit.
They’re great friends.
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dailymtgflavortext · 1 month ago
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"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Even now, there is hope left." —Galadriel
-Heroic Intervention
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its-stimsca · 4 months ago
also same anon from the other fortnite one but heroic hope too 😵‍💫😵‍💫 with water & bioluminescence & cat themes... it's ok if two is too Many!!
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Fortnite battlepassss I just shit out my assss- does anyone remember that. Anyone.
🩱 🐈‍⬛ 🩱 / 🐈‍⬛ 🩱 🐈‍⬛ / 🩱 🐈‍⬛ 🩱
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thegoldenavenger · 1 year ago
I wish you would draw superhero au yqy/sj(/lqg?)
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superhero au! superhero au!
they're all part of the same superhero team ofc. shen jiu AKA the crane actually has plant based powers but he does not like advertising that so he leans into crane and wind imagery. yue qingyuan just goes by his sword name for now. he's a pseudo iron man type character; his heart is greatly damaged and he needs a battery to help keep it beating. he also uses the battery to power his armor. he's very strong but doing too much in field work can be lethal. liu qingge is from a superhero family. he goes by storm his sister goes by mist :3c the liu clan use tattoos to seal power/energy/spells onto a person so he is covered head to toe in magical tattoos. (they're mostly strengthening spells or weapons he can manifest. cheng luan is life size going down his spine.)
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subtextnatural · 10 months ago
Cas defying everything an angel is supposed to be 🤝 Spike defying everything a vampire is supposed to be
for love
how fucking romantic is that 😭❤️
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friskibitz · 4 months ago
this is like the stupidest thing ever but nowadays i don't get into fiction as well unless it moves. like i really love video games and movies, i'll watch a show every now and then, and i'm fine with a visual novel, but it kinda has to move. like it needs an audiovisual element. i'm not even sure if it's the moving image or the miracle of music that does it more for me. this has led me to be into superhero movies (nightmare) while being incapable of being into comics
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pianokantzart · 2 years ago
I’m not sure if you’ve done an analysis on Luigi’s first time in the dark lands but I’d love to hear your take! I love all your essays on the film and was just curious what your thoughts were in this scene. I wish that scene was a bit longer in the film to build more character and show Luigi’s strengths a bit more in my opinion.
Thank you anon! I have mentioned before that Mario has good fighting instincts while Luigi has good survival instincts. The scene of Luigi in The Darklands perfectly encapsulates these survival instincts– as well as his clumsiness– and how they coexist.
After getting his bearings in The Dark Lands, the fist thing Luigi does is gather his tools and sling the bag over his shoulder. His impulse is to cling to familiarity: he's in charge of carrying the tools, so he picks back up where he left off, as though he's trying to tell himself "This is fine! Just a quick hiccup... can't go back to Brooklyn without these. Tools are expensive. No need to panic."
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The second thing he does is call for his brother. Even though he saw Mario go in a separate direction in the warp pipe, he's hoping despite everything that he's somewhere nearby. That he isn't alone.
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"Mario?... Mario, where are you?"
Then, Luigi's shirt gets snagged on a branch, and this is when his clumsiness + his survival instincts become apparent: He gets his shirt caught in a branch, and tugs a little too hard, throwing him off balance – clumsy. When he's off balance, he nearly falls into a stream of lava, but his feet intuitively find just the right stepping stones to get him safely across without injury – good survival instincts. Still reeling from his close call, Luigi backs into a hollow tree full of bats – clumsy. As the swarm flies toward him, Luigi immediately turns away, hands flailing in self defense until he gathers himself into a solid protective position: crouched down, one hand waving the bats away while the other holds his hat as a shield against his face – good survival instincts.
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At this point, Luigi's on high alert. Continuing forward, his gaze darts in all directions, following every little rustle and footstep. He spots something in the shadows just as his flashlight flickers out. He hits it to knock the battery back in place, and there's a dry bones... inches away, eyes alight, rushing forward to attack.
Luigi turns on his heels in an instant when the enemy rushes at him. He immediately tosses the tools aside, lightening the load so he can run away faster... good survival instincts... ... Then the clumsiness kicks in. He looks back at just the wrong moment, and throws himself stomach-first into a low hanging branch.
He is flung back into his pursuer, knocking him to pieces. Luigi is a little unsteady on his feet as he gets back up, but seeing the motionless bones on the ground before him he believes himself the victor, and gets a little cocky.
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"HA HA! Yes! You just got... a'Luigi'd!" Protect him.
The victory lasts roughly 8 seconds. The skeleton returns to life and the bones slowly join back together. The dry bones moves toward Luigi again- far more slowly this time. Luigi, wisely, does not immediately go into a full sprint. He is placed in a bad spot– enemy in front of him, pool of lava at his back. Turning around is dangerous, and trying to rush forward risks reigniting the chase. Right now, the best option is slowly backing away in a large circle...
On cue, just as he's acting with good survival instincts, the ole clumsiness does him in again. While backing off he trips on a rock, leaving him prone as hoards of other dry bones break to the ashen surface of the wasteland with their sites set on Luigi.
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Luigi is surrounded by the time he clamors back to his feet, the mob slowly moving in, close enough now that they can grab at him. There is no long an option to continue slowly backing away. Luigi zig-zags around the encroaching hoard and makes a break for it, reigniting the chase.
Running for his life with undead at his heels, Luigi takes aim for the nearest possible sanctuary: a castle in the distance. He is now in full survival mode as he flings himself over the jagged stones jutting precariously over the surface of the lava. He's a prodigy in the art of a rapid retreat, rapidly flicking back and forth between fight and flight whenever needed as he scampers and scurries and climbs with equal parts desperation and impressive athleticism.
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Mario may be the most physically adept of the two, but Luigi's got some innate skills that come to the forefront when death is on the line, and though he lives in a constant state of anxiety he does not freeze up easily. Whatever the danger, he is levelheaded enough to find the best available method of escaping the threat, even at the height of his terror.
At last he reaches the castle doors. They are heavy, but he finds the strength to push them apart just far enough to throw himself through. He's almost too late in shutting the doors behind him; clawing hands reach through the gap, gripping at his face and clothes, just before Luigi summons the last bit of strength needed to slam the door shut and bring down the latch.
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For a moment, he remains on edge. Luigi searches his surroundings, almost tripping again as he looks about– vaulted ceilings and dilapidated hallways, covered in debris. It looks like nobody's been here in ages, and the door– pounded against by hundreds of angry fists– holds strong before his pursuers give up, and all goes quiet save for the rolling thunder outside.
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By all accounts, he seems to be in the clear. Letting out a long sigh of relief, Luigi sits down for a well-deserved rest, unaware of the audience of masked strangers that has silently gathered behind him.
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I, for one, don't think that Luigi would've been captured so easily if they hadn't snuck up on him from behind and overwhelmed him with numbers. Not after a performance like that.
Luigi is scared– unashamedly scared– but his ability to keep a level head when all hell breaks loose is nothing to sneeze at. He is a total klutz, but at the end of the day he is a survivor, not because he knows how to fight, but because he knows how to flee.
It just so happened the cards were not in his favor this time around, but there is a lot of potential in the guy once he gets his footing.
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mfelewzi · 2 months ago
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Link from Facebook, please supporting original post.
Art: “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” by Julek Heller, an illustration for the book “Knights” by Deidre Headon (1982)
“Gawain unloosed and pulled off his helmet, and thrust back the chain-mail coif from his neck. And taking a last look at the wintry world about him, he knelt and bent his head forward for the blow. ‘Strike, then,’ he said.”
— Rosemary Sutcliff, “The Sword and the Circle: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table” (1981)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months ago
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You brought this on yourself:
“All Might!” Izumi shouted, trying to get to him. The baton he’d handed her was sparking with the electricity running through it and she casually jabbed Magne in the side when the woman aimed her magnet at her, ducking under the swing.
When Izumi reached the hero’s side she hissed seeing the bloody mess that was his torso. All Might looked at her, something in his eyes before he grabbed her free hand swiped something in her palm, the wetness of it confusing Izumi as he closed her hand around it. “Run, and keep this safe.” he ordered. Izumi didn’t hesitate, bolting as soon as the man shoved her. Her clenched hand she kept tucked to her chest as she whirled around with her baton, making a swipe at Toga who danced backwards with a glare. Best Jeanist shot his threads out at her and Izumi lunged into them, dragged away quickly by the hero.
“Once upon a time,” All Might said in a booming voice. “There were two brothers at the start of the age of Quirks. The younger was sickly and Quirkless. The older though had another Quirk. The ability to take and give Quirks.
“Why are you telling my story All Might?” the man, the villain, fighting All Might asked. “I know it already.” Izumi landed beside Best Jeanst, baton still ready for battle. Her hand she kept close to her.
“You injured?” Jeanist asked her.
“Scrapes and bruises. They wanted to recruit me, said I was brainwashed.” Izumi told him. Yeah sure. She was brainwashed by nineteen years of hate towards her, clawing her way into heroics only to be forced to leave her home as her mother refused to believe she deserved it. Screaming she stole it from someone worthy.
She got lucky Hawks liked her. That Hawks cared about her.
“The elder man began out as a helpful figure, but soon his true intentions were revealed. He wanted power, and more of it.” All Might said. He punched at the villain who waved away the blast. Steam was pouring off All Might. “His brother wished to stop him. In an attempt…”
“To convince his brother, the man forced a Quirk upon him I know, I was the one who did it.” the villain said boredly. “And of course the rest of the story is that my brother had a Quirk all along, the ability to pass on his own Quirk which could also absorb other Quirks. When I gave him a stockpiling Quirk, they bonded. What is your point?” the man shot more of his tentacles out, and All Might punched them away.
“That Quirk continued through the years!” All Might yelled. “It continued down for generations, going through until me!” another punch and the steam seemed to overwhelm him before it vanished. Izumi’s mouth dropped open.
“Yagi-sensei!?” She gasped. Best Jeanist’s own shock felt like a physical thing, the hero stiff as he stared at the fight.
Izumi stared at the man who she knew for the teo years. Her old neighbour who had provided her a safe place when she needed it. Who helped her get her things and escape. The man who taught classes along with his boss All Might at UA. The man who shot her brilliant smiles and who cheered her on as a fuck you to society.
“When we had our last battle, I was injured badly enough I knew my hero career would be over!” Yagi said loudly. “I began looking for someone to pass my Quirk to. I eventually met a young woman so much like myself.” He laughed. “A Quirkless woman who wanted to be a hero to save people. She inspired me! Convinced me that perhaps I should appear as the Quirkless Tagi Toshinori rather then the all powerful All Might to judge my successor!”
“But you didn’t pass it on,” the villain said. “I can tell, you still have One for All.” he wasn’t attacking, obviously as surprised as Izumi and the rest of those watching at the scene.
“I got a job at UA and went through candidates. My former sidekick offered one up and I eventually dismissed him for a comment about the Quirkless woman who got into heroics!” All Might continued. “She proved herself, over and over again even when everyone doubted her!” Suddenly it clicked and Izumi opened her hand. A smear of red blood was on it, wet and almost shining.
“Yet you didn’t offer her it?” The villain said. All Might scoffed.
“She wished to be a Quirkless hero, and I knew she could do it. I knew it when she got into UA, when she beat two strongly Quirked students in her first combat practise, when she fought through the sports festival, when she faced Stain. She would be the perfect successor, a symbol of Hope and Change! But I would not offer her a piece of hair, would not give her my DNA unless she wished it.” All Might laughed. “No other would I ever wish to succeed me, and if she wished it now I would never force her to take it.”
Izumi stared at her hand, at the streak of blood. She slowly lifted her head. Shigaraki had turned and looked at her. Their eyes locked, and Izumi almost swore that a year passed. They stared at one another, neither moving.
It was a choice.
She lifted her hand and covered her mouth, licking up the streak of blood as Shigaraki yelled out, “SENSEI!”
The villain whirled to face Izumi. The heavy not-gaze he held over her made her want to run. Instead she pushed her shoulders back and stared back. Readied her baton, as her feet widened and her teeth became bared.
“It takes two hours girl, for the Quirk to activate!” the man shouted at her. Yagi… Toshinori seemed to be bulking up behind the man. “Plenty of time-”
One last punch came. The villain flew forward, slamming onto the ground as Shigaraki screamed for his sensei. The other villains grabbed him and began dragging him, trying to follow the command from earlier. A portal appeared and they vanished.
The big villain didn’t move. Toshinori dropped.
Izumi ran. She bolted from Jeanist, running towards All Might, towards Toshinori. She ran faster then she ever had, stepping over the villain and going right to the skeleton form of her friend. “Toshinori!” pulled from her lips as she dropped to her knees beside his head. “I have bandages-”
“No,” coughed the hero. He looked at her with his dark eyes. “It’s okay Izumi.”
“No it’s not I can… can I give it back?!” Izumi begged. He shook his head, looking at her with a softness he showed only for her.
“No.” he smiled at her, blood on his teeth. “You can’t and that’s okay young Izumi. You don’t even have to keep it if you don’t wish. Give it to another hero if you want, keep on your path.”
“No, you gave it to me.” Izumi told him, sniffiling. “It’s mine now.” the words echoed, drawing the memory of her holding the terribly made stuffed animal. She reached out to pull his head into her lap. “No one should die alone.” she said sofly.
“I’m not. You’re here, my daughter… my daughter is here.” Toshinori said, eyes holding her face. The lights were dimming. God, Izumi wanted to laugh and cry. The entire scene was dramatic, something out of a movie.
It was fitting. Fitting for All Might, for the larger then life hero who saved everyone with a smile. Fitting for Yagi Toshinori who could quote any superhero movie from the pre-Quirk age. Fitting for her dad.
“I love you dad.” she said, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
“I love you to…” he breathed out and then he was done. Izumi’s tears spilled down her cheeks, her sobs echoing. She lifted her head to scream her grief, the tears falling around her. She cried and cried, unaware of how much time had passed until she stopped.
The villain was being handcuffed when she finished. The heroes were giving her room. However a reporter’s drone was in the air, watching. Izumi bared her teeth. She removed her father’s head from her lap gently before standing. She pointed her fan at the drone.
“I know this is probably live. I’ve been a fan fo heroes since I was born and I know this is going to end up beings made into memes, gifs and reactions. I know you’ll see this Shigaraki Tomura.” she snarled out. “I said before I’ve been fighting a War since I was a child. And I still am, it’s just now my opponent is you.” she grinned, fierce and dangerous. “Getting a Quirk didn’t level the playingfield, I’ve always been as equal as you. I’ve always been fighting on even footing. It just gave me a boost. It gave me a new advantage.” she stared down the camera, shaking in her shoes. What was she doing? Why was she doing this? “I’m the Warrior. And you just declared war on me, war on society. So I’ll meet you head one. But I’m not alone.” Izumi said. “Uravity, Ingenium, Psyren, Froppy, Anima, all of my class is with me. All of 1B is with me. Eraserhead, Present Mic, Nezu, Midnight, Snipe- all of UA is with me.” she bared her teeth again. “Best Jeanist, Hawkes, Endeavour, Wash, Miruko, they’re all with me! So are the reporters, so are the support engineers! You want a war on society? You think we’ll all fall to you? Watch us fight back! Because this isn’t a 1v1 battle! It’s not multiplayer! I won’t let another person die for this War! So watch your back boy!”
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daisybell-on-a-carousel · 3 months ago
Just found out I missed a jaybin story and he has a little winter Robin uniform in it,, devastating,,,
#HE FINALLY GOT A SNOW READY SUIT. IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM#poor boy had to go the mountains and the arctic in classic robin shorts. this is everything#do you know how much ive been messing around with drawing a snowbin uniform#mine looks better though.#the lime green for the sleeves and pants makes the red stick out in a bad way. uneven. i do like the little santa belt buckle though#not sure if intentional#its weird seeijg two face not recognizing jaybin though. its written like its their first meeting. very fascinating#they have a fun interaction#and some brief 80s barbara and jason interaction. even if they dont talk. its more than i knew there was#a little jason picture on his desk...#im liveblogging as i read this rn. btw.#dc liveblog#WAIT. IS THIS AN 80S COMIC IMPLYING JASON DIED IN AUGUST#or its implying the jokers attack against babs n jay happened recently so more like july death#im seeing the august thing rn though bc that is the cooler and funner option#lots of focus with their obsession w the war on crime. neat#the prologue was 2 years ago! def an early case for jaybin. also means he likely died in the current year for the comic#bc 2 years was about the length of his robin time#!! alittle jaybin info sheet... look at his cool jacket.....#oo listed as 5'0 here#ohhh im not normal about this actually#80s comics are so normal about him its great#“Jason heroically threw himself in front of Haywood to try to protect her from the explosion. but it killed them both.”#what if i cried#probably not the intent. but mention of jaybins death combined w bats trying so hard to save a two face goon makes me think of willis#i wnjoy the art of him here#edit: no wait im awful with remembering dates. got his death n birthday switched up#his birthday.....
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ikes-waifu · 6 months ago
Does anyone play a green Hawke? Im mostly picking the red and purple options cause green Hawke seems slightly too optimistic.
(Last time I played I picked almost exclusively purple options)
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doolallymagpie · 2 years ago
venom-2350 is so fucking funny like
idk why I decided the klyntarians of that reality are some kind of “guardians of the universe and all that is good” thing
but the idea of a sad wet kitten of a tabloid schlock reporter who specifically hates this one photographer so much getting, like, an arisian lens, and saying “ok sure we’ll save the universe later but I’m using you to kick her ass first” is incredibly funny
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davey-in-a-minivan · 2 years ago
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jane imagining sophie in ep 25 vs sophie at that very moment
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dctrlover1969 · 2 years ago
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weaverlings · 2 years ago
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my ideal form btw
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(illustrations are by Lialia and Valentin Varetsa)
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gemini-care-barr · 1 year ago
Also, interesting that green arrow and Black canary aren't on your radar of favorites! Can you indulge as to why? <3
I’ve only listed my top 5 favorites! Those spots and the characters in them are precious, but that doesn’t mean I don’t adore so many characters not listed haha. There’s no particular reason why Ollie and Dinah aren’t on the list, there’s only reasons why the characters I listed are on the list.
Besides, I have way more than 5 favorites and Ollie and Dinah definitely are counted amongst them lol. I think both of them are very cool, admirable, fun, and unique, but I hold them close to my chest and don’t publicly talk about them much for whatever reason (some people can’t get me to shut up about Ollie and Dinah tbh), not even I really know why haha
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