#her being scared of not living up to leias expectations but wanting to be a little kid just for leia
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darkmeld · 5 days ago
thick shoulder length hair always left untamed. reflecting back on the days of the jedi academy where jaina never took the time to twist and tangle it into the style that her beloved mother was ever so known for. in truth, there was so much the princess ( turned general ) was known for.
could jaina ever really fulfill leia's shoes?
that was the million dollar question these days. it was their duty to keep the new republic safe and out of harms way. to prevent the return of a galactic empire. to prevent the need for another rebellion. the task fell on the shoulders of the organa - solo family. with that, came burden and loss. loss of time together growing up. a burden that any decision can impact the entire galaxy.
to say this didn't weigh heavy on her mind would be a lie.
she remembers her mother doing her hair as a child. still ever so wiggly and impatient for it to be over but in this moment, jaina tried to give grace. give her mother this moment to take care of her as if she were a kid once again.
" okay, okay, okay. " tense shoulders try and relax as legs cross over one another, sitting before her mother. jaina twittles her thumbs, impatient but calm, " you're not giving me buns, right? "
@aldereign : ❛ i’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still. ❜
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thatseventiesbitch · 9 months ago
That '90s Show Part 2 Review
Overall, I'm giving Part 2 4.5 Stars out of 5!!!! I completely loved it, and thought it was an improvement from last season. I am now all the more excited for part 3, given what I know is still coming. 😜
If you're interested, here's my real-time reactions thread from Twitter (pinned to the top of my bio).
Stay tuned for my breakdown (warning: there be spoilers here):
The Good
The H U M O R continues to be the brightest spot for me. This is a genuinely funny show - I laughed out loud (okay, closer to howled if we're being honest) several times. It feels similar (though not identical) to T70S' brand of humor. I can tell it was made by the same people. This season, like last, Ozzie was my main man and had the one-liners that sent me the most but I can say the same for Jay, Gwen, Nate, and Leia too. And Bob. Oh hell, all of them! I'm sure I'll be reblogging my favorite moments for months to come while we wait for part 3!
The C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T is the other shining star for me. The first season was limited (disappointing?) in this regard - to be fair, they only had 10 episodes to introduce us to a whole new handful of characters and make us care about them, and they mostly did. But this season brought the depth I was looking for - and we're only halfway through! 🤯 We learn more about Jay's playboy past, and see how he's actively working to grow and change and do his relationship with Leia differently. Ozzie is humanized when he has his heart broken - and his friends are there to pick up the pieces 💔. Nate struggles with his feelings and relationship with Nikki all season, and by the end of episode 8 he seems to be grappling with still having real feelings for her that he can't move on from. Nikki's pregnancy scare really affected her, and not in the way one would necessarily expect. She ended part 2 feeling lost and unsure of her direction, or what she truly wants (and not her parents), for the first time in her life. Gwen's storylines were perhaps my favorite of all (I'm a big Gwen stan, okay?). I was impressed that they decided to 'go there' with the racism plot, and even more impressed at the frank conversation she had at the end of the episode with her white (and well-intentioned, but bumbling) mom. Was it perfect and resolved? No. I think that was kind of the point. Not to mention her navigating her first real feelings and her relationship (?) with Cole. And Leia, my lovely Leia - she is learning about communication, forgiveness, honesty - all with the gentle guidance of her family and her friends. And that's not to mention Red and Kitty, who had sweet, plot-driving storylines of their own. I loved their realization that they like their rut - but loved even more when Red was inspired to live every day like it's his last and pushed through his fears to go to Paris with Kitty 🥰. This longer season has afforded more 'filler-like' episodes for us to just hang out with the characters, and get to know them more intimately. What are their wants, fears, insecurities, innermost thoughts? We are getting there. We are really getting there. Let's see what 8 more episodes will bring!
BOB! Bob gets his own point, because I enjoyed him so much (and seeing him and Red eventually come together to be overprotective grandpas 🤣. I laughed so much at his relationship with Leia, how they were just chilling in the basement, how he wanted all the teen gos. And Gwen's "What the heck, do you tell your grandpas everything?" 😂
DONNA! I adore Donna Pinciotti (Forman?), always have, and I adore her even more in the '90s than I thought possible. I love seeing her as a mom and her relationship with Leia. More pls.
This season felt more '90s to me! They incorporated more '90s references and brought back the regular fantasy sequences that always set the original apart. Off the top of my head, I loved: Kitty's Carmen Electra fantasy/nightmare (😂), Leia's Lisa Loeb fantasy (🤣), the Macarena (that shit was e v e r y w h e r e in the mid-90s, man), the Mentos commercial, Jay and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith cameo!!! also, Leo's son???) and all of Kitty's '90s slang that she picked up from the kids at school 😂👏🏻
The guest stars! Mitch and The Angel returned from T70S, and I am a big Will Forte/that era of SNL stan so I thoroughly enjoyed his appearance, too (and know he's been involved on the OG series on the writing/production side).
Red's trains (callback to season 1 of T70S - whoa!!) 🥰
I thought they struck a good balance this season between those heartfelt, 'very special episode'-type moments that '90s sitcoms were infamous for, without actually being too sickly-sweet, ala a Full House or Girl Meets World type moment. Donna and Leia's interaction in Nikki's bedroom regarding the voicemail comes to mind, as well as the is-Nikki-pregnant storyline and Nikki and Nate's celebratory dance at the end 🤣.
Which reminds me - I thought Nikki and Nate's storyline was intriguing. I have always been sort of a fan of their relationship - I don't think it's as bad as some others seem to - but remain unconvinced that they're 'meant to be' or endgame or whatever. But I enjoyed watching them navigate their break-up this season and then reluctantly find their ways back to each other, though. We'll see where it goes in part 3!
I immediately noted (and was pleased!) that there was a Laurie mention and a Midge mention this season. Both very off-hand, but it was something I was curious about. Who will be next? Betsy Kelso? 😮
The Bad
For me, ngl, Topher Grace's (Eric) absence was really felt. It is definitely the kids' show now and a substantial storyline isn't one I'd ever expect, but gosh I missed him from the family scenes at the beginning (both those with Red & Kitty, and those with Donna & Leia). The silver lining is how the other characters continue to reference him - almost in every episode, really - and so we still learn things about him and his relationships to his wife, daughter, and parents through these mentions from other characters. There will always be a part of me that is crossing my fingers for another Eric appearance, though, and I think there always will be.
Kitty's characterization as an overbearing mother was overdone. To be fair, this isn't a deviation from the original show. This is how she was often written towards the end of T70S - overbearing, possessive of Eric, lashing out at Donna or feeling in competition with her. It was done for laughs, but it wasn't particularly funny to me (and never was) 🤷‍♀️.
Not enough Geia content for my 'shipper heart 😩. We got one boob touch 😂, and it is clear that Leia still prioritizes her friendship with Gwen above all else (I lol'ed when she worried Gwen was in jail and that she would have to commit a crime to join her) but I want more, damn it! Part 2 solidified for me that Geia is never going to be anything more than a crack!ship. 😰
Which reminds me - Jay and Leia are kind of 'meh' for me. They're fine, I don't dislike them together, and I do like how we're seeing them both learn and grow through their relationship but... it just inspires kind of lukewarm feelings, I guess.
There wasn't a lot of Sherri in part 2. I love Sherri. Hope to see more of her in the next part.
The Ugly
I am pleased to say that I can't think of anything!!! Fez was absent (although they didn't directly reference their break-up, Sherri is clearly single and on the prowl all season) but I didn't miss him (🤭). Ditto to Kelso and Jackie - although we did get one reference to Jay's dad and the Kelso family heirloom (aka porn). I would say the ugliest part is that I now have to wait until October for part 3!!!
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feruslands · 8 months ago
My sketch fanfic "Vader/Ferus"
For @la-sopa and @reconstructwriter, who inspired me to continue, and for everyone who loves "Vader/Ferus"
Warnings: rape
"Daddy Feri", part 3
When Ferus Olin woke up, he touched the Force and was relieved to realize that Vader was not nearby. But his child was here. Ferus decided for himself that no amount of disgusting truth about Leia being Darth Vader's daughter would make him give up the baby.
He and Leia were still in the medical ward, equipped with technology and all amenities. The droids provided him with medical care, and Olin was recovering from his wounds. Everything was fine as long as he could spend time with Leia. But all these days were poisoned by thoughts that Darth Vader would definitely return.
And it happened, a week passed and the Sith returned.
Vader entered the isolated medical unit where his prisoners were being held. He ordered Olin to take Leia to the new premises. When Leia saw Vader, she began to resist and cry - the monster in black armor scared her very much. Ferus would sense that Vader was in a bad mood, he realized that it was better not to test the Sith's patience, so he silently picked Leia up in his arms, and she instantly calmed down. The rooms where Vader brought the prisoners looked like a technological prison, but there was a lot of space and several rooms connected by corridors. Vader tells Olin that they will live here now, but any attempt to escape will end in death. Ferus tries to explain to the sith that Leia is still a child, she will not be able to live in prison, she needs walks on the street, communication with other children, as well as thousands of different things that any child needs for full development. Vader suggests that he take a walk in the acid rain and chat with the local cubs of ferocious predators. The Sith leaves them alone, and sets up several droids to spy on them. Ferus guesses that the Sith is too busy right now to bother with them. He wasn't surprised by the fact that Vader didn't really care about baby Leia and her well-being. But fortunately, the Sith wasn't going to starve them out. So Ferus concentrated on taking care of the baby.
Olin correctly guessed that Darth Vader was in great irritation. The Sith did not expect that Palpatine's new tasks to destroy the rebels would be so difficult and exhausting. Vader was in great need of rest and medical rehabilitation procedures. But Darth Sidious seemed to be testing his apprentice's strength, so he ordered him to go on a new assignment. Such a consumerist attitude made Vader hate his Master. But it was good, hatred gave him energy.
Vader managed to hide the existence of Leia and Ferus in his fortress from Palpatine. But there was even less free time, he had to deal with erasing the memory of serving and guarding droids, as well as falsifying statistics on the provision of his fortress, so that no summary of the figures could conclude that the building consumes energy, food and water, more than is required for one person.
In addition, he was angry at how easily Olin was able to calm his daughter, and how trustfully she clung to Ferus.
Baby Leia was still set against her own father, which caused him to be angry at her. She was afraid of him. But she was still too young to understand the motives of his actions, accept him and take his side. Vader understood that it would take a long time before she grew up and realized everything.
But even on the emperor's new assignment, a lot of things didn't happen the way Vader wanted them to, again.
As a result of heavy fighting, he suffered extensive damage to his suit, and this confused his plans and forced him to carry out long-term and global repairs. The waste of time infuriated him. He was one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy, but he couldn't heal his injuries on his own. 
On the way to the Vjun, he reported to his Master. He hoped that Palpatine would encourage him and give him the opportunity to perform a series of complex medical operations that would improve his overall health and make him less dependent on the suit. But Palpatine obviously wasn't interested in that.
This caused him to grow furious. He felt like he was on Palpatine's leash, and he hated being dependent on anyone, that is, being weak.
The only nice thing about the situation was that he could take it out on Ferus. Vader knew he had done the right thing by keeping the Jedi alive. In the future, he could use the Jedi to force Leia to do what he needed.
And now he had enough reasons to treat this dumb cunt the way he deserved to be treated.
Ferus felt the tension in the Force that day. There had never been a steady, calm feeling of the flow of Force in Vader's fortress, but this time the Jedi felt something wrong, some kind of warning in the Force. He put Leia to bed, kissed her on the forehead when she fell asleep, and left the room himself.
Ferus didn't think Vader would come to Leia. He noticed that for some reason the Sith avoided the baby. The Sith made her his prisoner and hid her from the whole world, but at the same time he ignored the existence of his child.
Olin hoped that the Sith would ignore him too, but instead he felt a growing darkness. Suddenly, Ferus heard a hideous wheezing voice, duplicated by the voice filter in the mechanisms of Vader's suit.
Ferus saw Vader standing in the doorway. The Sith was without a helmet and was giving orders into the transmitter.
Noticing the Jedi, Vader grinned nastily and turned to face him.
Ferus saw Vader's face, disfigured by a burn and looking like a plowed field, and he unconsciously winced. He knew that many Sith were unsightly, but he did not think that Darth Vader was so physically ugly.
Vader, like a predator chasing its prey, felt jedi's incipient fear, and enjoyed it. He also felt his disgust, and this disgust caused him cold rage. He knew a great way to punish a Jedi.
Many of Anakin Skywalker's memories have faded. But Vader still remembers that perfect, brilliant Padawan all too well. That boring handsome boy always looked at Skywalker with arrogance and condemnation. Now the Sith knew perfectly well that the time when he felt impotent anger at that arrogant boy had long passed. Everything has changed. Now Ferus was his thing, without the right to his own opinion.
Ferus, as if reading his thoughts, shuddered, and this tremor made Vader feel his triumph.
Vader, filled with self-satisfaction, approaches the prisoner and puts hand on his shoulder.
“What's wrong, Olin? Are you that afraid of me now?" Vader asks mockingly.
“Don't touch me!” Ferus, with great disgust, throws off the heavy metal arm of the Sith and pushes him away.
Vader grins even wider, and watches his former rival closely with a mocking sneer.
“I've been too merciful to you, even though you don't deserve it. You still don't understand who is the Master and who is the miserable slave. I'll do whatever I want with you. And no one can stop me!”
Ferus is horrified to see the glee in his hideous yellow eyes. The Jedi understands what is about to happen.
“Come closer, you cowardly Jedi whore." Vader barks.
With the help of the Force, Vader attracts the Jedi to himself like a puppet, he strangles and beats him. When the victim can no longer fight and resist, Vader throws the beaten Jedi to the floor, and rapes him right there on the floor.
Vader forcibly possesses the old enemy, causing him to scream in pain.
"That's for you, asshole." says Vader
It was not only revenge for disobedience, it was also revenge for the past.
Ferus loses consciousness from the beating and violence.
Vader summons a cart carrying corpses so that this weakling can be sent back to the medical unit. Vader knew that raping his old enemy would give him pleasure, but he did not even imagine that it was so huge. This bastard will get what he really always deserved more than once.
Meanwhile, little Leia is crying silently, she is afraid to leave the room. She knows that something very bad is happening to Daddy. However, she promised him not to leave the room, no matter what happened.
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archaeic · 2 years ago
con't with @ofthclight from here
          she’d like to point out that she has nothing to her name either .  she’s a princess without a planet ,  a girl without a family ,  a fighter whose fight is slowly dwindling .  for as long as she’s been fighting for peace ,  she never thought she would live to see it .  and now that she might be able to ,  she finds the prospect more terrifying than she does relieving .  but she knows what he’ll say in response .  he’ll tell her that she doesn’t need a planet to be a princess ,  that the galaxy loves her ,  that no matter what the next steps bring ,  she’ll have him .  she almost hates that it’s comforting .  how one man can irritate her beyond her wildest imagination and make her want to blast his head off one minute ,  but also say all the right things to sooth anxieties even she doesn’t fully realize the next minute ,  she’ll never understand .  
slender fingers play idly with the hair at the name of his neck and leia smiles softly at him ,  eyes narrowing playfully .   ❝ it won’t all be back door rebel activity and propaganda… ❞  there’s a suggestive lilt to her tone and she seals the promise by dropping a lingering kiss to his cheek .  his next comment earns a genuine laugh .  one that’s as warm and rich and entirely too amused for its own good and when she pulls back ,  leia keeps her arms looped around his neck .   ❝ would that not require you to own good pants in the first place ? ❞  judging by what he showed up in for the wedding ,  she knows that he’d be helpless without lando’s help .  he’d probably spend the next few decades of their marriage wearing the same dusty shirt and muddy boots .
❝ people will talk regardless , ❞  it’s the one thing she’s used to more than anything .  the one things he dreads about embarking on such a public honeymoon .  people talk ,  and it is her duty as a senator ,  a princess ,  and now a figure of the rebellion to listen to them .  she already fears how hard she’ll have to bite her tongue to keep from speaking her mind .   ❝ and when they do ,  i highly doubt they’ll talk about your wardrobe choices .  especially not after you open your mouth . ❞  again ,  she smiles ,  threading her fingers through his and looking down to where he looks at her ring .  the public might question her choice of a mate .  he’s a thief ,  with enough bounties on his head to rival her own .  he has ties with the spice trade ,  with crimson dawn ,  the hutts ,  and more than she can name .  he’s a scoundrel through and though ,  but he’s hers .   ❝ something you’ve bought or something you’ve stolen ? ❞
the fact that she's thinking decades into their marriage might have scared him at one point but he's not afraid now, not of the way he feels for her, nor the enormity of it, nor the promise of forever. he's shot at darth vader! sure, it didn't work, but he had the balls to try and he didn't immediately die so....sometimes facing your fears was as easy as that. he wants to be married to her forever. till she's old and grey and probably still bossing him around and telling him what to do. and maybe they'll have kids, a couple of them, to boss around to. to worry about and fuss over and look after, and who'll do the same for them in their old age. not that han ever thought he'd reach old age - he's been in so many scrapes, it was not a guarantee that he would make it long enough to be crotchety and more ill-tempered than he already was.
"you're right, i'm a very skilled orator," he begins confidently. "i'll let my smooth negotiating skills speak for themselves." they both knew he was nothing of the sort, and that frankly, speaking to politicians often made him feel stupid and out of his depth, but she was right about one thing, he sure knew how to get someone's attention when he did speak. he is a scoundrel but it makes him suited perfectly for the task at hand. he can play the game mon mothma needs them to play, being exactly the person everyone expects while at the same time, playing a bigger role than they realize. and with him there, eyes won't be so fixated on leia, which gives her more room to maneuver. let him be the big oaf the princess married, if that's what is required of him. she knows he is suave and debonair. or something close to it, anyway.
he leans into the touch of her fingers through his hair, lets his eyes slip shut for a moment, before she is speaking again and he laughs, a bark of a sound. "really? come on, princess. you don't think i'd pilfer your engagement ring, do you? that's just asking for bad luck. i was thinking i'd pick you up something nice...there is bound to be some gambling on the hyperion....i could clean 'em out and take you to pick out the biggest, shiniest rock." if that's what she wants, anyway. something gaudy seems out of character, but hell, if that's her wish, who is he to say no? he lifts her hand as if inspecting the sap. "guess we'll have to match, too, huh? or how do you do it on alderaan? oh, do i get a sword? i would love a sword," he says, with a grin. he doesn't want to make her sad by talking about the home to which she can never return but it's still part of her and he wants to honor that.
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winchesterxxi · 4 years ago
A Human Wiretap (Poe Dameron x Reader)
Tumblr media
GIF BY @captain-flint​
Rating: G (General Audience)
Type: Fluff
Summary: While in Kijimi, Reader is shocked by the revelation of Poe having been a spice runner before becoming a Resistance pilot, unaware that he knows about her own secret
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: None
A/N: let the stream of Poe content commence
✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸
Kijimi was the last place you wanted to be right now. You had always known of this place to be infested with pirates and all the lawless beings of the galaxy, the country being practically a crime heaven.
The destination had been appointed as The Thieves' Quarter, the place you were told you could find Babu Frik, and to your unrest, your husband seemed to be able to navigate the streets of the foreign planet pretty well, occasionally stopping against a wall at any given corner, looking around for any threats.
“Are you sure you never came here?” you ask one time while leaning against his side on a cold brick wall, waiting for the safe sign.
“Not really.” He says looking over at the snowy empty street, before turning his head back at you for a split second “Coast’s clear, let’s go”
And just as he took the first step to round the corner, an armoured woman came into view pointing a blaster at Poe’s face.
Not even allowing a second to process another thought, you reach for your own blaster, pulling it from its holster and aiming it perfectly so that it was secured in the direction of the person’s head on both of your steady hands.
“Heard you were spotted at Monk’s Gate. Thought He’s not stupid enough to come back here.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised.” Poe mumbles from his stance.
“Blaster off him. Now.” You warn from your spot, a scowl upon your face, ready to shoot, in case she dared to make another move.
“Zorii!” Poe exclaims in fake enthusiasm, before snapping his head quickly between the two of you. “She won’t ask twice, I would listen to her”
“You pull that trigger, you’re next, honey.” You assure her, readjusting your fingers as to place a stronger grip around the camera.
“She used a pet name, she’s serious.” Poe nods and nervously warns the woman whose weapon was now closer to his forehead, almost pressed against it.
“We’re only here to find Babu Frik, we don’t want no trouble.” You tell her cordially, expecting to explain your presence in the clearly unwelcoming planet and maybe have her help you. You eye the woman up and down, eyes scanning the shining golden armour, before settling on the deep black visor.
“Who are you?”
“Honey,” Poe speaks, being careful not to make any sudden moves that could make the woman pull the trigger “this is Zoriii. Zoriii, this Y/N, my wife.”
You are a little taken aback by the fact that they seem to know each other fairly well, given the assurance that Poe had just given you moments ago, that he’d never step foot on Kijimi.
Her helmet turns to you “Wife?” she scoffs “I guess there really is someone for everyone.”
“You have no idea.” he smirks, a momentary lapse, and you snap a look at him.
“I could pull this trigger right now.” She says, pushing the blaster harder against Poe’s head, and you take a step forward.
“You do that, my blaster is the last thing you’ll see in this life.” Sharp words leave your mouth, both you and Poe knowing damn well that you were badass enough to keep the promise.
“Babu only works with the crew. That’s not you anymore.” Zorii says, still talking to Poe, as if your presence and the one of your weapon aimed at her is non-existent.
“What do you mean crew?” you ask her, and for a moment, her attention is directed to you, before slowly tilting once again in your husband’s direction, whose hands were still up in the air in a surrendering feat.
“Oh your wife doesn’t know?” her voice, goes up an octave, clearly amused by whatever is about to unfold. Your eyes scan between the two of them waiting for some kind of explanation of whatever secret conversation was going on in front of you. “Funny he never mentioned it…”
“What is she talking about?” you question Poe but he gives himself no time to utter a word at you, just quickly waving his hand and facing Zorii.
“Zorii, married people are still allowed secrets- “ he tries but she is too quick to reveal the information you were dying to be delivered.
“Your husband was part of the Spice Runner Gang.”
You can’t stop your jaw from going slack at the revelation, not being able to form any coherent words and instead just moving your mouth like a fish out of water, dwelling on whether you felt hurt, angry or any other emotion of the rush that caught you in that moment.
Poe’s shoulders slump slightly and he bites his bottom lip, eyes closed in frustration. He then turns at you, hands still up, as you were still gripping the blaster, which was now pointed at him as he was walking towards you, cautious steps, one at a time.
“I can explain.”
“You were a smuggler? AND A SPICE RUNNER AT THAT?” You drop your blaster to your side, stepping towards him, your brain having decided on anger as the momentary emotion.
“In 2 years of marriage NOT ONCE did it occur to you to mention that!?” you yell the two middle words, incredulous at your husband’s secret, having spent your whole relationship that he had always been a resistance pilot, just like he had assured you.
“Oh, don’t act like I’m the only one with a secret here!” his hands drop to his side, and he is no longer trailing in front of you like a lost puppy looking for forgiveness but instead returns to his conflictual side, a defence mechanism, you’ve come to learn.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you scoff, genuinely clueless as to what he could be referring to. And definitely not expecting him to voice the secret you fought years to keep.
“I know you’re a Sywalker!” he says loudly, and its as if your spirit has left your body, the blood draining from your face, and for a moment you forget that breathing is a necessary bodily function.
“H… How do you…”
“The week before we got married I-…” he takes a deep breathe in, running a hand through his wild curls, now dusted with white snow. “I heard you and Leia.”
Poe was making his way to the X-Wing hangar when he stumbled across an ajar door from where he spotted your figure passing across it and disappearing multiple times.
It wasn’t until he stepped closer and leaned against the wall, that he got the full picture.
You were pacing back and forth in an empty resting room of The Radus, pattering your boots across the white floor as Leia sat by the window, looking at you in this impossible frenzy, fingers pressed against your mouth while the other hand rested on your hip.
Your motion comes to a halt in front of her, turning on your toes to face her.
“Should I tell him?”
“I think you should do what you think to be the right thing.” Leia answers her, reaching forward to grab your nervous hands in hers.
“We’re getting married next week, but I don’t think telling him would be any good…”
That’s when Poe’s heart sank to the bottom of his chest, tightening at the implication of your wedding and a number of awful possibilities running across his mind as to what you could be hiding from him.
“He’ll think…I don’t even know. I’ve spent more than half of my life hiding this and if he finds out… What if he thinks I’m a freak? And…And just leave me?”
Poe, from across the door, inches closer, curiosity getting the best of him and brows furrowing.
“Y/N, honey, Poe has been around plenty of force-sensitive people. I can assure you that my niece being one won’t scare him away.” Leia assures you while giving your hands a firm squeeze, and you let your head fall back, closing your eyes.
Wait, what? Poe was really trying to connect the dots at the amount of information that he had been bombed within this short amount of time.
“Not the daughter of Luke Skywalker.” You sigh.
“You knew?... All this time…” your eyes brim with tears.
Poe turns to Zorii who still stood behind him, the blaster having been lowered.
“Can you…give us a moment?”
“Who the hell do you think you are to be asking favours right now?” she snaps but Poe’s eyes plead at her for a single ounce of sympathy. “I’m staying right here.”
Poe turn around to face you, still very aware of the blaster pointed at the back of his head and he lowers his voice so that only the two of you can share the conversation.
“You still married me?” you are looking down until you speak, watery and red eyes finding those of Poe who’s demeanour completely changes upon your question. He rushes to your front, gloved hands finding your upper arms, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “You knew I was lying to you and you still… you still…”
“Honey,” his hands slide up from your arms to your cheeks “Look at me. I love you. I know why you did it. I probably would’ve done the same. I’m not mad, never have been, never will be.”
You were fighting the urge to ramble on, but upon looking into your husband’s sincere eyes, you relaxed your whole body and he takes that as a cue to pull you in for a hug. With your face flush against his chest, you mumble an apology, fists tightening around the fabric of his cloak.
“I’m sorry… for snapping at you earlier. It was very hypocritical of me.”
Poe smiles against your forehead, before placing a tender kiss against its warm flesh.
“It’s okay, honey, I swear. At least…at least I think I owe you an explanation.” Poe takes a deep breath in “I… When I was a teen, still living on Yavin 4,… their ship crashed near my hometown and I just… I needed out of there, I wanted to be reckless. So I joined them.”
You pull your head away from his chest, craning it upwards.
“Zorri’s mom was… she was the leader of the Spice Runners and she had this plan of inviting other crime lords here to form alliances, but she really was just planning on killing them. Zorii offered to fight against her with me and take control of the Spice Runners but I was done. Honestly, I wanted a better life.”
“And you got it. Congratulations.” Zorii’s voice makes the two of you snap back at her, Poe’s hand rushing down to your side, grabbing your hand and stepping slightly in front of you. “You know, I’m still digging out of the hole you put me in when you left to join the Resistance.”
Her helmet then turns in your direction and you have no time to manoeuvre the blaster back to pointing at her, afraid that she’d shoot.
“You. You’ll do.” She says referring to you “A Skywalker. A bounty for her might just cover us.” She says and you frown at the word us until you find your peripheral vision starting to get dotted on the sides by equally armoured soldiers who you assumed to be Spice Runners.
“Djak’kankah” she commands.
“Don’t djak’kankah” Poe pleads, knowing the meaning of the word.
Just then, when you perceive that the smugglers are running in on you, you quickly snap up your blaster and take them all one by one with perfect aim, sliding your leg under Zorii’s feet and akeing her fall to the cold ground right in front of you, both of you pointing your blasters at each other.
“We could really use your help. Please.” You huff, trying to calm your beating heart from the adrenaline of the previous moment.
“Not that you care…But I think you’re okay.” She breathes through the helmet.
“I care.” You let a sly smile tint your lips, sliding your blaster back into its holster and offering the woman who just seconds ago was dead set on killing you your hand.
When she is hoisted back to her feet, she walks ahead of the both of you signalling for her to be followed but as she is about to pass Poe she throws him a few words.
“She’s a keeper.”
“Don’t I know that.” He smirks, turning back to see you walking to catch up to him. Before you can say anything, his gloved hand is already pressed against your cheek as he brings his lips down to crash against yours.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” You whisper against his lips “But I still need to-“
“You can tell me all about it tonight. While laying in bed. No rush.” He smiles assuringly at you and you swear if you didn’t have a mission at hands you would melt into his embrace for as long as the galaxy aloud you to.
“Let’s find that droidsmith.” You smile at him, before placing one quick kiss against his jaw and walking towards Zorii, leaving the former Spice Runner, current lovestruck Resistance Pilot, completely enamoured and stunned behind you.
 ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸
@blondekel77​  @pedrobreakmyback​
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coexiising · 4 years ago
Good Neighbors - Chapter One
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SUMMARY ✦ You were excited to learn that someone was finally moving into that old house next to your own. The Skywalker-Amidala family seemed like a great addition to your friendly neighborhood, with their two twin kids and happy personalities. Though, the more you get to know your neighbors, the closer you get to the husband of the family: Anakin Skywalker.
WARNING(S) ✦ Modern! Anakin Skywalker, Alternate Universe, Infidelity, Eventual Smut, not so slow burn, Eventual Romance, Neighbors, and they were neighbors, anakin looks so good in a suit, sneaking around, forbidden love
NOTE ✦ I’ve been wanting to write a Modern! Anakin fanfic for a while now, so here we go! This will be a multi chapter fic, I don’t know how many yet but expect a lot because I’ve got some ideas to play out! This chapter is more of an introductory, but expect some more spicy drama in the next coming chapters. 
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As tradition goes every year, you could smell the smoke coming from the middle of your neighborhood's culdesac while you made your way outside your garage with your mother, who held a large tray of potato salad in her hands that she insisted she carried herself over to the white tables in the distance. It was hot outside, early July was coming strong this year with the heat, reaching a staggering eighty nine degrees outside and it was already well past noon. Though, you should’ve been expecting the heat, since it seemed to creep up on you every time this yearly cookout happened.
It had been a little tradition, jokingly deemed a ‘holiday’ by your younger brother, that had been going on for as long as you could think back to. You could remember being five years old and running around with the neighborhood kids and jumping into your pool after eating the bountiful amount of food that was supplied for the families that participated. It used to be a handful of them, three or four families that came and had a small little barbeque together. But over time that changed, and now it became a whole neighborhood thing.  
The dads of the block always started earlier to get everything set up, which was really the long white tables where food could be set and setting up the large grill on the pavement. And the moms always slaved away in their kitchens making some type of side dish, whether it be fruit cups, potato salads, or whatever. You were twenty two now, almost done with your undergraduate degree, and you wondered if you would ever find this sense of friendliness anywhere else when you eventually moved from your home. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to leave, it was just more convenient for you to stay and you didn’t mind your family that much. They were supportive, there for you no matter what, and your home was close to your University anyways.
“I wonder if Lisa is going to wear that ugly dress she bought the other day,” Your mother stated, making short, languid strides next to you. “She brought it to the house a few days ago when we were having a little wine date and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that she was definitely not twenty five anymore and that dress did not hug her in the right places.”
You laughed, jokingly hitting your mom on the shoulder. “Mom, come on, it can’t be that bad.” She didn’t respond, only grinning towards you with a hint of playfulness filling her eyes behind her thick, black sunglasses. Your eyes scanned the crowd already forming, kids on the outside running around with a ball. You knew a lot of them, even held some of them as babies after they were born. But when you took another glance at the group, you saw that there were two you didn’t recognize. A boy and a girl, both looking similar to one another and the only difference being the slightly different shades of their hair. “Mom, who are they?” You asked, pointing to the girl and boy who were now fighting each other for control over the soccer ball.
“Oh, they’re the kids of the new neighbors,” Your mom answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You looked over at the house next to your own, a two story one with white coloring and many windows. It had been for sale forever and it became quite the local news when someone actually bought it. You guess you hadn’t realized that the people who bought it were now occupying it. “They’re twins, I think. The mom and dad are on the younger side too. Courtney says that the husband is working at that law firm down on first street and apparently the wife wants to run for senator in a year.” How the hell did she know this much about everyone? You shouldn’t even question it at this point, since she was friends with all the neighborhood moms who loved to gossip.
Looking around for any unfamiliar faces, you were surprised to see none. Were they not coming out for the cookout? It seemed like the perfect place for them to meet everybody. “Oh!” Your mom exclaimed. “I forgot the tongs on the kitchen counter, could you go get them for me, please?” Without a second thought you nodded, turning on your heel and making your way back towards your house. As much as you loved your mom, you were sometimes annoyed with her forgetfulness, especially because you asked her if she had everything three times before you left just a few moments ago. Oh well, it wasn’t that big of a deal, you would be in and out in no time.
You walked up the well cut grass of your lawn to your front door, sandaled foot almost hitting the concrete when you heard the creak of another door. It belonged to the door of the house beside you, the light tapping of shoes making their way onto the patio filled your ears, feeling somewhat foreign since you weren’t used to hearing anything from that house. You wondered what it looked like inside, if everything was rusted and worn. It had to have been almost ten years since someone lived there.
But when you turned to finally get a look at your neighbor, your thoughts were completely halted.
Your mom was right, he, most likely being the husband, was on the younger side. He had to be in his early thirties, still a lot of youth painting his broadened features. His skin was lightly tanned, it was hard not to notice the way that the sun seemed to do a good job in painting his long, muscular arms that reached to close the door behind him. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt and black pants, though it wasn’t like something that you had seen other dads wear before, it was more formal, more pristine like he was trying to make an appearance. But if the story checked out, he was supposed to be a lawyer, it was his job to look professional. You continued to look at him, almost shamefully so as your eyes trailed from his clothing to his face, taking in the sharpness of his jaw and the blues of his eyes that very much reminded you of the light blue sky above you now. And then to his hair, which was cut short and had a golden glow to it.
Right as you were about to turn and get into your house, the ball that had been with the group of kids came flying your way, hitting against the door next to you and making you jump at the loud noise. It was lucky that it didn’t fly through a window, or your parents would’ve gone ballistic. You could hear some of the parents start to shout at the kids, telling them to stay away from the houses if they were planning on kicking that thing off of the ground. The same kids you were questioning earlier ran up your lawn, most definitely to retrieve the ball that would’ve hit you dead on if you hadn’t been gawking at their father.
“Luke, I told you to not kick it that way!” The girl, Leia, yelled towards her brother, a little stomp in her step as they made their way towards you. You picked up the ball and held it in your hands, kneeling down and waiting for the kids to approach you. Luke shook his head, shaggy hair falling into his eyes and saying, “It wasn’t me! It was that other guy over there. Why do you always blame me!” You laughed, the dynamic almost reminding you of you and your brother when you were younger.
Handing them the red rubber ball, they both gave you a small ‘thank you’ and Leia muttered a tiny ‘sorry’ and they went on their way. Watching as they went, you didn’t even realize that someone else was walking up to you. Still kneeling, you looked up and saw that it was your neighbor, looking down at you with a tiny, pleasant smile on his face. You blushed, realizing the awkward position and stood up, ignoring the heat coming to your cheeks and offering a smile to him as well. Being this close to him, you could see that he was tall as well, standing a good couple inches over you. Usually this would’ve made you feel intimidated, but for some reason it made you want to draw closer to him. You mentally scolded yourself for thinking this way, knowing that he was your new neighbor, and not to mention he had two very cute twins and a wife who was probably beautiful.
“Sorry about that, I hope they didn’t scare you that bad,” He said, taking a glance at his kids who were already starting another round of whatever game they were playing with the others. His voice was low, but there was a sense of calm to it. It wasn’t rough or gravelly, almost like honey as he spoke to you. “I haven’t seen you here before, do you live here? I think I’ve seen your mom and dad around but we were waiting until the cookout to introduce ourselves.” Kind of a stupid question to ask since you were standing on your porch with your keys in your hand, though you gave him the benefit of the doubt.
“Yeah, um,” You thought back to the day you saw your neighbors two cars parked in the driveway, was that a Sunday? No, it was a Monday. “I’m usually around here more but last week I had to pick up a couple shifts at work to help my friend.” Your coworker and friend came down with the flu and had to find someone to cover her ships ASAP, and you weren’t doing anything important and stepped in to help.
He nodded. “Makes sense. I’m Anakin Skywalker, you already met my kids but they’re Luke and Leia.” Skywalker. A strange last name that confused you for a moment, realizing that you’ve never heard of anything like that before. Then again, you hadn’t heard of the name Anakin either, but somehow the unique name fit him.
“Y/N,” You responded, giving him a nod.
“Y/N,” He said, like he was testing the name out on his tongue. You tried to ignore the feeling you got when you heard it come out of his lips, which were very nice by the way when you took a second to glance at them. It sounded good in Anakin’s voice, and you found yourself wanting him to say it over and over again if he would. There was a moment of awkward silence between the both of you, a random amount of tension that you didn’t know if you were imagining or not. Then Anakin opened his mouth again to say, “My kids were looking at the pool in your yard the other day when they were exploring our backyard.”
“Oh, yeah,” You said. “They’re welcome to come over any time and use it if they want.”
“Are you sure?”
It was normal for the people in the neighborhood to use it if they wanted to. It was a big underground pool that had been built when you were a little kid. “Yeah, everyone does. Just make sure to ask someone before and they’ll most likely say yes. We like to get the most out of it every summer.” You realized that you were supposed to be back with your mother, she was most likely getting antsy as to what was taking so long. So you took the opportunity to leave, even though you wouldn’t mind staying and talking to your new neighbor for as long as he wanted to. He wasn’t just attractive, you thought that he was nice too.
“Well, I need to get something from the house and get back to my mom. See you later, Mr. Skywalker.”
“Just Anakin is fine.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Right, see you later, Anakin.” He gave you one last smile and right as you turned around, you could’ve sworn you saw a wink. You turned on your heel, ignoring the eyes he clearly had on you and making your way into your house. The moment the door was closed, you leaned against the wood and closed your eyes, replaying that last moment over and over again in your head. Had he really winked at you? Or was that just your mind spinning some kind of fantasy?
Oh, Christ.
It was hard to ignore the butterflies swarming in your stomach.
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helbertinelli · 4 years ago
But doesn't it make sense for Anidala to be a troubled relationship since we know where Anakin's gonna end up down the line?
No. Anakin and Padme loving each other and being so good to each other is what adds to the tragedy. People were expecting Vader to be this abusive, evil person behind the mask, but that's not who he was and that's what makes his story even more tragic. He was just a good guy who wanted to help everyone and who was scared of losing his family and he did the absolute worse choices, and not out of malice or evil, but because he was desperate to save his wife and child(ren). And then he lost everything because of those choices and he lived his entire life in pain and with hate for himself and the Emperor and everyone else, except for Padme and his child. Padme was the only person he never stopped loving even when he lost everything. And then he found out about Luke and he loved Luke just as much too. And I'm sure he loved Leia like he loved Luke when he found out of her existence.
It's because Anakin and Padme loved each other so deeply and they were so good to each other, it's why Anakin choking Padme was the point of no return for him (we knew that Anakin won't turn back to the light side then), it's why Luke was so open to believe in the good that exists in his father and try so hard to save him (just like Padme did before him), it's why Anakin chose to finally do right by Padme and his family and help his son and turn away from the dark side, it's why Leia chose to forgive him in the end and name her son after him.
If their relationship would have been troubled and Anakin and Padme would have acted like they do in TCW where they're fighting and they mistrust one another and it's a chore to spend time together, then not only it would have cheapened their relationship but everything else that followed the end of their relationship wouldn't have made sense anymore. Why would Anakin still love Padme when their love was lukewarm and they were always troubled? It would have been no different than his relationship with Obi-Wan or other Jedi. Why would Padme think there's good in Anakin even after he hurt her if their relationship was always troubled? She believed that because she knew Anakin, she knew he wasn't a bad person and she knew that him being a Sith wasn't what Anakin was meant to be. If their relationship was like in TCW, where Padme breaks up with him after he beat up the guy who tried to force himself onto her, if Anakin always treated Padme like she was cheating on him and if he treated her like at the end of ROTS often, then him turning to the dark side would have happened much sooner and he wouldn't have cared so much about doing right by his family because he never trusted his family and he would have been content to just stay with the dark side. There wouldn't have been a reason for him to turn back.
It would have been out of character for both Anakin and Padme if their relationship was troubled (they're good and kind people and they wouldn't treat each other badly) and it would have cheapened the tragedy of Vader and Anidala if their relationship was any different. There is conflict in their relationship, but it's always the two of them dealing with something, rather than the two of them against each other. The biggest conflict was having to hide their relationship, but they never took that out on each other because they were in it together. And then the other big conflict was that they were always apart and they were always living in fear of not seeing each other ever again.
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imagineyourworld-old · 4 years ago
Just Friends
Poe x Genderneutral!Reader 
Summary: You were tired of denying the assumption that you were dating your best friend, so you finally gave up. But what happens when Poe finds out that you’re supposedly dating? 
Warnings: Maybe a slight bit of angst, but mostly fluff 
Though you couldn’t see him you knew it was Poe who was standing behind you. It wasn’t the familiar smell of grease and rain and something you could only describe as Poe that gave him away, nor was it the sound of a suppressed laugh, it was the way you felt. His presence made you feel like no one else’s, safe, happy, loved. Poe felt like home.
“Good morning, sweetheart”, he whispered in your ear before he wrapped his arms around you. You leaned back into his embrace until your back hit is chest and just a little further.
“Morning, handsome”, you replied, which earned you a soft kiss on your cheek. You hummed in content as you felt the contrast of soft lips and rough stubble on your skin.
“The two of you are sickeningly sweet, did anyone ever tell you that?”, Rey, who you had been talking to before Poe turned up, asked. Poe, whose nose was now buried in the crook of your neck, simply nodded.
You had actually heard it quite often, from friends and strangers alike. Usually the statement was followed by the question how long the two of you had been together, which was usually the moment your smile dropped. Because you weren’t together, you and Poe were simply friends. Affectionate friends, but that was just because you knew each other all your lives, you had grown up together after all.
“I need to go, I’m late for a meeting with Leia”, Poe whispered against your neck. You turned around in his embrace, causing your faces to be closer together than they usually were. A blush crept up your neck and you hoped that, due to the close proximity, Poe wouldn’t notice it. 
“Then why did you even come here?” 
You felt him shrug rather than actually seeing it. 
“I wanted to see you”, he simply said. 
Before you could reply, or even properly process what he’d said, Poe pressed another kiss to your cheek and left. 
Slowly you turned back to face Rey, who had an amused look on her face, an all too familiar look. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, but no words came out. 
“I know I’ve told you before, but you can talk to me”, she said. “How long have you been dating?”
A groan escaped you before you could stop it.
“I know I’ve told you before”, you mimicked her words. “But we’re just friends.” 
“I know I’ve told you before”, Rey grinned. “Just friends don’t hug and kiss like that, just friends don’t tell go out of their way to see each other for just a few seconds and just friends don’t look at each other like that.” 
You loved Rey, you really did, but she couldn’t keep a secret to save her life, so you couldn’t tell her what was running through your head, through your heart, at her words. Yes, Poe was an affectionate guy in general, and yes, he was especially affectionate with his best friend, but you weren’t like that. Sure, you hugged your friends, you sometimes even kissed your friends on the cheek like Poe did, but you didn’t mean it like you did with Poe. You loved your friends, but you didn’t love them like Poe. It had taken you years of failed relationships and denying to come to terms with the fact that you were in love with your best friend. 
“Whatcha got there, buddy?”, Poe asked the little droid, who had a single red flower carefully tied to his antenna. 
A couple of beeps and boops told the pilot that it was a gift from his best friend. 
“From (Y/N), really?” 
He smiled at BB8′s affirmative beep. Carefully he untied the flower and lifted it to his nose. He had no idea what kind it was, but it smelled sweet and fresh and made his heart beat just a little bit faster. 
“Either someone is trying to get on your good side or you and (Y/N) finally admitted your feelings.” 
At Snap’s comment Poe lifted his head from the flower. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, he said, even though he did. He knew he wore his heart on his sleeve and anyone could probably tell how he felt about you, anyone but you that was. 
“I really don’t know what the deal is with the two of you. Are you in a secret relationship or something?” 
Maker, Poe really was getting sick of telling people that the two of you were just friends. It’s not that he didn’t love being friends with you, your friendship was sacred, but uttering the those two little words added cracks to his breaking heart every time. 
“You know we’re not. We’re -” 
“- just friends”, Snap added the familiar words. 
Poe twisted the flower in his hand. Maybe one day, after this war is over, he could take you somewhere, maybe back home to Yavin IV and tell you how he really felt. 
“Truth or dare?”, Rose asked. 
Everyone focused their eyes on Finn. 
“Dare?” It was more of a question than a statement, though he really didn’t have anything to fear from Rose, neither her questions nor her dares were ever too harsh. 
“I dare you to...”, Rose looked around, clearly trying to come up with something. Finally her eyes landed on a certain golden droid in the distance. “I dare you to ask C3PO to explain to you the different dialects of Huttese in great detail.” 
Finn groaned, but he stood up and walked over to the droid regardless. 
You took another sip from your glass while you watched. While 3PO seemed enthusiastic Finn’s face was a mixture of forced interest and regret. Next to you you heard Rose laughing. 
Finally Finn returned, having finished the first dare of the evening. Everyone in your small group, consisting of Rose, Rey, Snap and Jess clapped. 
Just a fraction of a second later he looked straight at you. 
“(Y/N), truth or dare?”
“Truth”, you answered without a moment of hesitation. 
A smile spread across Finn’s face. 
“Are you and Poe a couple?” 
Your first instinct was to reply with a sarcastic “a couple of besties”, but you knew that wasn’t the answer everyone was expecting, nor was it the answer they would believe. Ironic how in this case a lie was more believable than the truth. 
The second the word left your lips you regretted it. Maybe the alcohol was to blame, maybe it was the fact that you knew your friends would not believe the true answer, maybe you said it because it was the answer you wanted to be true. No matter what, the others starting cheering and shouting as soon as you said it. 
“I knew it!” 
“Since when?” 
“About time!” 
They were all talking at the same time, making it impossible for you to tell who said what. 
“Jess, it’s your turn”, you said in hope of making your friends forget the lie you had just told. 
“Poe, I’m glad you’re back”, Finn greeted his friend. 
The pilot simply nodded. He had been flying for hours after finishing a tiring mission, and though he was glad to see his friend, all he really wanted was sleep. 
“(Y/N) is in some sort of meeting, but it should finish soon.” 
At the mention of your name Poe lit up. Up til now he hadn’t even realised how much he had missed you in his short absence. 
Finn seemed to notice the change in his behaviour, at least judging by the way he grinned at him. 
“I can only imagine how happy they’ll be to have their boyfriend back.” 
Poe, who was already on his way to the door, stopped and turned to Finn. 
“What did you just say?” 
The other man simply smiled. 
“You don’t have to pretend anymore, (Y/N) came clean and told us you’re together.” 
Poe’s heart stopped before it started beating rapidly. Surely Finn must have misheard something. Maybe he was talking about another (Y/N), or maybe you were dating someone else, though the mere thought seemed like a punch to the gut. 
“What?”, the pilot asked again, this time in a hushed voice. 
Confusion overtook the happiness on Finn’s face. 
“We were playing truth or dare a few days ago, right after you left for your mission, and when I asked if the two of you were dating (Y/N) finally admitted that you are. Though they refused to tell us anything else.” 
Now it wasn’t just Finn who was confused. Why would you say that? Did that mean - Poe didn’t even dare to finish the thought. For years you had ignored his flirting, his hugs and kisses and “I love you”s, there was no way you felt the same. 
“I have to go”, he whispered, not sure whether Finn actually heard him and, quite honestly, not really caring. He just had to talk to you. 
The second the door opened you got up from your spot on the edge of the bed. You had been waiting for Poe to come to his room for almost half an hour and now the moment of truth had come. 
Usually you would run up to your best friend and greet him with a hug and a kiss, or he would sweep you off your feet and pull you close, but today the two of you just stared at each other. 
“I need to talk to you”, you finally said. 
Poe took a step towards you, he was hesitant and you hated the uncertain, almost scared, look on his face. 
“Talk.” His voice was lower than usual and he didn’t meet your eyes. Suddenly it dawned on you, he must have already heard what you did and he was mad, disappointed. After all you had been through, this might be the moment your friendship, the most important relationship in your life, was at its end. 
“I was asked if we’re dating, yet again, and I was just tired of denying it. No one ever really believes the truth anyway, so I just said we were and I’m so, so sorry.” 
Though you had stepped closer to Poe and were now only centimeters apart you didn’t dare to reach out to him. 
Poe just nodded. He didn’t say anything, didn’t look at you, didn’t touch you. 
“I understand if that makes you uncomfortable and I’ll tell everyone that I was lying. Please forgive me, please don’t be mad.” 
You hated the way your voice trembled, hated the fear that Poe might be mad at you, he was never really mad at you. But most of all you hated that even if he forgave you, there now was no way he didn’t know how you felt. And while Poe, who was brave and funny and clever and the handsome, might want to be friends with you, there was no way he’d ever want to be more. Deep down you knew that, but that didn’t make the certain rejection any easier. 
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of silence, Poe met your gaze. 
“What if you don’t?” 
Maybe it was due to nerves, but you couldn’t make sense of his words. 
“What do you mean?” 
You heard Poe taking a deep breath before he stepped closer to you, close enough for you to feel the heat radiating off of him and his breath on your face. 
“What if you don’t tell them that we’re not together? What if we ... actually were together.” 
His last words were more of a whisper than anything else. 
The uncertainty and fear in his expression were replaced by a look you knew all too well, hope. 
Slowly, softly you placed one of your hands on his neck and buried the other in the soft locks you had run your hands through so many times. 
“If we actually were together I think we’d kiss”, you whispered as you leaned closer. 
You didn’t know who closed the small gap, all you knew was that you felt his smile against your lips. 
It was a chaste kiss, more of touching of lips than an actual kiss, but it sent of a mixture of fireworks and butterflies in your stomach anyway. 
“If we actually were together I would tell you that I love you”, Poe whispered. He leaned his forehead against yours, your noses almost touching. 
“I love you too”, you returned the words you had said so many times before, but this time giving them a new meaning. 
“You do?”, he asked. 
Instead of an answer you pulled him closer until your lips met his in an actual kiss. A kiss that was soft and conveyed years of unspoken feelings, years of missed kisses and a promise of the years to come. 
“What do you mean they only just confessed their feelings?”, Rey asked BB8 in a shocked tone. 
The little droid repeated his previous beeps. 
“I’ve got to tell Finn!”, she exclaimed before jumping from her chair and hurrying out of the room, BB8 right behind her. 
This just popped into my head and even though I have more than enough to do with my uni work (and the other imagines I am working on) I just had to write it down. 
Please excuse any mistakes, it’s almost midnight and I have more coffee in my body than water. 
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years ago
Where We Start Again -3
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: how do you fake date someone you have real feelings for?
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist
Playlist by @tiny-friggin-human
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The first thing Peter heard when he entered your apartment was shouting. You looked disappointed as you locked the door behind you and put your keys in a bowl next to door.
“Sorry. That’s my dad.” You apologized. “He claims using his “lawyer voice” is the only way he can get clients to listen.”
“It’s fine.” Peter assured you. “As long as he doesn’t use that voice on me.”
“Not unless your skirt is too short or you got a grade below a 90.” You said through a tight smile as you dropped your backpack on a kitchen stool. He uncomfortably shouldered his, unsure of if he should do the same.
“You can put your bag down. Put it next to mine so they can talk.” You raised your eyebrows suggestively. Peter shook his head as he laughed at your dumb joke and put his backpack on the stool next to yours.
“What are the gonna talk about?” He played along and you thought about it.
“Yours is probably telling my backpack about how scared he is since he heard your last five bags disappeared.” You whispered dramatically and Peter scoffed.
“I just lose them a lot, okay? I can’t believe you noticed that.” He mumbled. He did lose his backpack a lot when he had to ditch it for Spider-Man duties, he just never thought you’d notice that he always had a different bag.
“Sometimes I see things when I’m not applying lipgloss or brushing my hair.” You said through a big, fake smile and Peter got the hint.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” He told you. “I know you do other things. Like paint, apparently.”
You looked at a small canvas hung on the wall together. It was a painting of squidward on a yellow background with your name at the bottom. You looked at it proudly and adjusted it so it wasn’t crooked.
“I hung that up there two years ago and my parents still haven’t noticed.” You laughed, but Peter didn’t find it very funny. “I think it’s kinda of pretty.”
“It’s lovely. You’ll have to make me one someday.” He said as he gazed at you. You seemed different now that you weren’t at school. You weren’t standing as straight and finally looked relaxed.
“You want me to paint a bunch of dicks on your ceiling?” You asked and he almost choked on his saliva.
“Why would you do that?” He asked in bewilderment.
“It was a Michelangelo joke, ciccino.” You said an unexpectedly authentic Italian accent.
“Oh. Um, pizza spaghetti spicy meatball to you too.” He muttered and you laughed loudly. He looked at you quizzically, never having heard you laugh like that before. It was never that loud or cheerful. You noticed his staring and covered your mouth in embarrassment.
“Sorry about that.” You said sheepishly and he shook his head.
“Don’t be.” He said softly. “It was nice to hear.”
“Come on. I’ll give you the rest of the tour.” You took Peters hand and lead him to a room at the end of the hall. “This is my bedroom. I’m sorry I don’t have Yoda on my sheets. I hope daisies will do.”
MJ’s words echoed in Peters mind when you didn’t let go of his hand. He blinked a few times as he looked around your room. He’d imagined what it might look like a few times, as he did with a most people. He was pretty sure Flash lived in a dirt hole outside of a SuperCuts. Whatever he imagined your room would look like, the reality was better. But as he looked closer, he noticed an absence of photos with friends or mementos from school. It was almost like your popularity started and ended on school property.
“Your sheets are fine. It’s smells like you in here.” He said without thinking. “Was that the creepiest thing I could’ve possibly said?”
“Nah. A boy in my Econ class told me he wanted to use my hair as a towel once. You’re gonna have to try harder to creep me out.” You let go of his hand and smoothed your skirt before sitting on your bed. Peter stood awkwardly near the door until he found the words to say. He didn’t want to take another step into your room at risk of ruining the wholesome atmosphere.
“Your hair looks soft and all, but I don’t think it’d be very absorbent.” He said finally and watched your face for a reaction.
“Right? Some people are so dumb.” You joked and he felt himself ease up. He took a few steps toward the center of your room and noticed a guitar leaning again your dresser.
“Do you play?” He asked curiously and you nodded. You got up and walked over to the guitar, fingering the strings as a soft melody played.
“A little. I can strum along time a few songs.” You told him. He joined you next to the guitar and touched the neck.
“Thats still something.” He assured you. “I didn’t know that about you.”
“Theres a lot you don’t know about me, Peter.” You quipped and stopped touching the strings.
“Good thing I love to learn.” He replied and you picked up the guitar.
“What’s your favorite song?” You asked and played him an energetic riff.
“You’re gonna laugh.” He hesitated to tell you.
“I would never laugh at you.” You promised.
“It’s Hey there Delilah. My mom used to sing it when she made dinner.” He admitted for the first time to another human being. He and Ned didn’t cover vulnerable topics, so he kept personal stuff to himself. It was hard to keep it in sometimes, but he never felt like he had another choice until now. I
“That’s a great song. She had good taste.” You said softly. You had heard about his parents passing from MJ when you asked her about the cute boy who sat at her lunch table a week earlier. You didn’t expect him to open about it so soon, but you were glad he did.
“Yeah, she did.” Peter agreed. He never expected to be talking about this with you, but it felt good to get off his chest.
“What was she like?” You wondered as you fingered the melody to Marry Me, Archie.
“Amazing. We used to do crossword puzzles together and she would finish hers before I read my second clue. And she always had something in the oven. It made the house really hot in the summer but my dad and I didn’t mind. We were happy as long as she was.” He reminisced. You listened intently to him as you played the song softly.
“What would she make?” You asked him.
“Pretty much everything.” He replied. “Her favorite was chocolate chip cookies. But from scratch, not a package.”
“Were they good?”
“They were so good.” He sighed happily. “She used to put extra chocolate chips on as the cooled down. I miss those cookies.”
You didn’t say anything but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. He knew you were listening, and that’s all that mattered. His eyes wandered to your bookshelf which was bare of books except for one.
“Charlottes Web?” He raised an eyebrow as he picked up the book and flipped through it.
“It’s my favorite book.” You told him. He was leaning a lot about you just from being in your room.
“Could’ve fooled me. It looks brand new.” He held it up for you to see.
“I only read it one time. When I was younger.” You shrugged and put the guitar down.
“But it’s your favorite?” He wondered.
“The ending makes me sad. I remember the story and how it made me feel, and that makes it my favorite.” You half smiled. “I just can’t read it anymore because-“
“It makes you sad.” He understood. “That’s cute.”
“You’re cute.” You nodded your head at him and blew him a kiss, like you were cat calling him. He looked away bashfully and brushed it off. “I’m serious. I really like this color on you.”
“So I’ve been told.” He mumbled shyly. “Thank you for the candy, by the way.”
“Well I had to pay you back for the gogurt.” You teased. “Should we get going?”
“Going?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“To the mall. For a dress. Like we agreed.” You said slowly and he remembered why he was at your house in the first place.
“Right.” He nodded curtly. “Let’s go.”
“How’s this?” You opened the dressing room curtain and stepped out in a short maroon dress. Peters eyes lit up at the sight of you until he realized something.
“Isn’t that the same dress you just had on?” He asked.
“No. That was burgundy. This is maroon.” You said like it was obvious and it went right over Peters head.
“You look great.” He complimented, and he meant it.
“You said that about the last three.” You whined and looked at yourself in the mirror. You adjusted the dress nervously and decided you hated it.
“Yeah, but you do this crazy thing where you’re super pretty and look good in everything, so.” Peter shrugged and you bit back a smile.
“Peter Parker with the flirtatious banter. We love to see it.” You winked, something he was coming to see you did a lot, and went back into the dressing room. You came out a minute later in a long white dress.
“What do you think about this one?” You asked for his opinion as you smoothed the dress down.
“Oh my God. You look like Princess Leia when she - I’m gonna stop talking now.” He interrupted himself before he said something uncool.
“You don’t have to hide who you are from me, Peter. If you want to make a Star Trek reference, I want to hear it.” You folded your arms and admired the dress in the mirror.
“Okay.” He obeyed. “And it’s Star Wars. Star Trek is different.”
“Oh. Which one has the bunnies playing basketball?” You pursed your lips as you looked over your shoulder at the dress.
“That’s Space Jam.” He couldn’t even hide his attitude. “That’s not even-“
He cut himself off when he noticed the playful smile on your face.
“You’re messing with me.” He realized and you nodded.
“You’re cute when you’re riled up.” You shrugged a shoulder and disappeared back into the dressing room.
“How’s this?” You reappeared in a little black dress. It had a sheer layer over the mini skirt that was short in the front and longer in the back. You looked beautiful, to say the least. Like the person who designed the dress made it with you in mind. Peters eyes slowly trailed down the dress and a smile tugged at his lips.
“You know the scene in Mean Girls when Aaron sees the picture of Cady as a little girl on top of an elephant and smiles? And like, that happy song with guitars plays in the background?” He asked you and you looked confused.
“I think so, yeah.” You shrugged.
“That’s how that dress makes me feel.” He confessed and you tilted your head.
“Like I’m a child riding an elephant?”
“Like I’m seeing you for the first time.” He replied. “The real you, anyway. Again, not trying to sound like a stalker, but I’ve looked at you a lot over the last four years. But this feels like the first time I’ve ever really looked at you. You look - - you look happy.”
“Do I not normally look happy?” You asked quietly, turning to look at your face in the mirror.
“You have a sadness to you.” Peter admitted and your head whipped to him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be saying that.”
“No, it’s okay. No ones ever honest with me.” You were quiet for a moment following the confession. “What else do you see?”
“I see a really beautiful girl.” Peter answered honestly. He thought he was complimenting you, but you looked annoyed with the answer. He remembered what MJ said about you hating being watched and took that into consideration as he formulated his answer.
“I also see someone who’s smart and can solve a rubix cube in under a minute. I see someone who’s funny, but never at the expense of someone else. Someone who remembers your favorite candy and helps you glue a LEGO lamp together after school. And I see someone who would pretend to be my girlfriend to save me from a bully. That’s what I see.” Peter recited. You looked at him for a moment before taking a seat beside him. You looked like you were searching for the words to say, so Peter kept silent.
“We need to get you a tie to match my dress.” You said finally. You gave him a soft smile and took the hand that was gripping the arm of his chair. “Thank you.”
“For?” He wondered what he had done to warrant a thank you.
“For everything you said. No ones ever known me that well before. No one ever wanted to.” Your voice wavered and Peter thought he could see tears in your eyes.
“I’ve always wanted to.” He confessed. “And somehow, I’m getting the chance. I still worry that I’m gonna wake up and this will have all been a dream.”
“What?” Your expression changed from appreciative to annoyed too quickly for Peters liking. “Why?”
“Because girls like you don’t hang out with guys like me.” He shrugged like it was simply. You hastily got out of your chair and Peter feared he had said the wrong thing.
“Says who?” You asked sharply as you folded your arms. He was positive now he had said the wrong thing.
“Says everybody.” He said weakly.
“Fuck everybody.” You snapped and Peter jumped a little in his seat. “You are better company than anyone one of those sentient bratz dolls at my lunch table. I’ve had more fun with you these past two days than I have in four years with them. I don’t care what everybody says because I like hanging out with you. So I don’t want to hear anymore of this status talk. I’m just a person, Peter.”
“An extremely popular person. And your reputation would plummet if you were caught hanging out with an extremely unpopular person, like myself.” He tried to explain himself as he got out of his seat but it only made you angrier.
“Caught? Like I’m committing a crime just for being seen with you?” You laughed bitterly. “I don’t know who instilled in you that I’m some deity that no one can talk to, but it’s not true. I thought you understood that.” You said in disappointment before storming into the dressing room and swiping the curtain shut.
“Y/n- daisy wait. Wait.” He pressed himself against the doorframe and sighed. “I do understand that. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on a pedestal like that. I know you’re just a person.”
He heard you sniffle behind the curtain and his heart broke when his worst fear had come to light.
He had made you cry.
“You don’t get it, Peter.” You said quietly through the curtain. “Everyone think I’m a stuck up snob or a perfect, plastic doll. And no one cares to get to know the truth. They just see what the want to see. I want them to see me the way you do.”
“Maybe they don’t deserve to see that. Daisy, you are this exceptionally phenomenal force of nature.” He promised as he tried to make amends. “You hold a power that their tiny minds could never understand. Forgive them. They’re slow.”
He smiled in relief when he heard a laugh from the other side of the curtain.
“Now that I have you laughing again, will you come out?” He pleaded.
“I’ll think about it.” You said after a beat of silence.
“For the record, I liked you from the first day of freshman year. Before you were popular.” He admitted to someone other than Ned for the first time.
“Didn’t my dad almost hit you with his car?” You asked as you opened the curtain just enough so he could see you.
“Yes.” He stuttered, surprised that his apology worked. “But I was jay walking so that’s on me. And as I waited for my heart to start beating again after nearly colliding with your dads Toyota Camry, I looked up and saw you crying.”
“I thought he killed you.” You defended your actions.
“But he didn’t.” Peter smiled easily. “And now we’re talking through a curtain because we’re fake dating and I can see your bra strap. What a wonderful world.”
You laughed loudly again, a laugh he was sure only he got to hear.
“Come in here.” You grabbed him by the shirt and tugged him into the dressing room. His knees weakened at the sight of you in just a bra and panties so he averted his eyes to the ceiling and counted to ten in his head.
“I don’t mean to worry you but I’m about to die, so do with that what you will.” Peter wheezed as he focused on the ceiling tiles.
“Relax. Just turn around.” You ordered and he obeyed. He turned around and tried to ignore the sounds of you getting dressed. “Okay. You can look now. You were saying?”
“I’m saying I liked you before you were the queen of Midtown Tech.” He repeated as he put his hands on your shoulders. “I liked you when you were just the girl who cried on the first day of school because her dad almost turned me into a skinny white boy pizza. I never thought I was gonna be good enough to talk to you. That’s why I’m worried I’m gonna wake up from this. Because it’s something I’ve wanted for so long.”
“You are good enough. You are so good enough.” You laughed sadly and stepped closer to him. “You’re the only one in this school who treats me like an actual person. I’m sorry I got defensive. It’s just because I’ve been wanting this for a long time too.”
“Tell you what.” Peter started. “You’re gonna buy that black dress and I’m gonna buy a tie to match. And I swear, I will never make you feel like this again. I never meant to make you cry, daisy. I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you for apologizing.” You said sincerely. “I don’t get those a lot.”
“Then you better start getting used to it because I make a lot of mistakes.” Peter joked and your body shook as you laughed.
“I look forward to what you can come up with.” You smiled softly.
“Come on. People are gonna think you’re jumping on my skeleton.” Peter said as he opened the curtain and walked out.
“Okay.” You followed him out. “Wait, what?”
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Roommates - Theo x Reader
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(gif source)
Summary: y/n’s landlord is increasing her rent once her lease is up. She has two options: move out or find a roommate. Theo, coincidentally, is looking for a new apartment.
Word count: 2105
Warnings: cursing, theo being a total house husband
a/n: and they were roommates
master list
“So then he finds out that Leia is his sister and- y/n, are you even listening?” Stiles cut himself off and looked over to where the y/h/c was nervously bouncing her leg. y/n’s head snapped up when she heard her name, nearly dropping her phone in the process.
“Uh, yeah, of course! I just um, keep going, I’m listening,” she replied unconvincingly. Her odd behavior caught the attention of the rest of the pack - not that they were really paying much attention to Stiles’s retelling of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - causing the previous conversation to be forgotten.
“Okay, spill. There’s a handful of mostly human polygraphs in here and you’re a terrible liar. What’s up?” Malia grilled, looking at y/n expectantly. 
“It’s really nothing, everything’s fine,” y/n squeaked out, her ability to lie getting worse and worse with each word. After receiving another pointed look from Malia, she finally cracked. “Ugh, fine. I just got an email from my landlord that he’s bumping up the rent when my lease is up and I can’t afford to stay there by myself anymore,” y/n ranted. The group, minus y/n, glanced around at each other with frowns. Each and every one of them would drop everything to help y/n, but it just so happened that they were all already stuck in leases or didn’t have any extra rooms at their homes. After a few moments of silence, Theo piped up.
“I could be your roommate and split the rent if you want,” he offered nonchalantly. Stiles looked between Theo and y/n as if they’d both grown two heads. Before y/n could decline the offer, Theo continued. “My lease is almost up and your place is much nicer anyways. It’s a win win,” Theo pointed out casually and leaned back deeper into the cushions. 
An awkward silence hung in the air for a moment as y/n mulled it over. It wasn’t a horrible idea. Having a chimera as a roommate was basically like having a top-of-the-line security system. Plus, between being a full-time student and working part-time, y/n was hardly home so it didn’t really matter who her roommate was, just as long as they did their fair share of chores.
“Sure, why not,” y/n replied warmly.
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It had been about a month since Theo moved in. Aside from sleeping, y/n had spent very little time at their now shared apartment. If she wasn’t at school or working, she was spending time with the pack, which felt like a full time job in and of itself. Too bad they weren’t getting paid to keep the whole damn city safe. For what felt like the first time in months, y/n finally had an entire weekend off. No looming deadlines from her classes. No long and grueling shifts for work. No supernatural threats. 
When she got home that Friday night she dropped her purse by the door, toed her shoes off halfway through the room, and unceremoniously flopped down onto the couch, sighing loudly as she did so. 
“Well hello to you too,” Theo called as he entered the room stealthily. y/n jumped, startled by his presence.
“Jesus, I didn’t even know you were home. What are you, a ninja?” y/n asked, chest heaving slightly.
“Something like that,” Theo smirked, earning an unimpressed eye-roll from y/n. Theo moved to sit down on the couch next to her, making sure to leave a respectful distance between their bodies, and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. “So, you’ve been busy,” Theo began, striking up a light conversation. y/n snorted and leaned her head back into the cushions.
“You’ve got that right,” y/n groaned, running a hand through her tousled hair. The last thing y/n expected when Theo moved in was for him to be willing to hear her vent about school and work, but he actually seemed to enjoy the conversation and company. She told him about her lazy group project members and the sleazy old men who came to the diner she waitressed at. She told him how poetic justice had been served when one particularly disgruntled customer slipped and fell on the drink that he’d intentionally spilled when a waitress wouldn’t give him her number. Theo actually laughed in response to that story, his gleeful chuckle brought a warm smile to y/n’s face. 
“I didn’t mean to unload on you, thanks for listening though,” y/n finished shyly. Theo brushed off her comment.
“That was entertaining, thank you,” Theo replied with his signature grin. y/n felt heat rise to her cheeks but turned away before Theo could notice.
“Anyways… as much as I’d love to not move from this couch for the next 48 hours, I should probably clean up a bit. I’ve been a pretty shitty roommate,” y/n grimaced as she forced herself off of the couch. Theo gave her a puzzled look and patted the spot next to him on the couch, rolling his eyes when she seemed unwilling to sit back down.
“You’ve hardly been here since I moved in. I don’t think you’ve eaten a meal here, much less made a mess. Except for maybe your shoes in the middle of the floor,” he pointed out, gesturing towards her anti-slip waitressing sneakers. y/n’s face continued to burn as she moved to kick the shoes towards the shoe rack by the door. Naturally, she turned to sarcasm as a defense mechanism.
“What shoes? I don’t see any shoes,” y/n quipped slyly, waltzing back across the room to once again sink into the couch. Theo chuckled wordlessly at her antics and tore his eyes away from her to look at the TV.
“Friends or The Office?”
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As luck would have it, y/n’s free weekend was short lived and the following Monday she was back to her never ending stream of school work and back-to-back work shifts. Fortunately, she was able to run home during her lunch break and wisely chose to use the time for a well-deserved nap. As she pulled out her keys to open the apartment door, she heard mechanical humming coming from inside. Truth be told, she had yet to figure out what kind of roommate Theo was, much less come close to understanding the walking enigma, so she had no idea what she was about to walk into. Was he building something? Did he figure out a way to bring the dread doctors back? Was he doing something unspeakable with a lady friend that would surely scar y/n for years to come?
As y/n mentally prepared herself for the horror movie that she was expecting to walk into, she inserted her keys in the lock. I need a fucking nap, whatever weird shit going on behind this door be damned. She pushed the door open with tense shoulders and hesitantly peered into the apartment. There stood Theo. Not holding any tools, not actively in cahoots with the nightmarish scientists that occupied part of their high school days, and (thank God) fully clothed...
But vacuuming.
Her murderous, half-human, former dirt bag roommate was vacuuming. Like a bona fide house husband. 
Theo heard the door softly close shut behind y/n and he turned to face her, unplugging the vacuum machine in the process.
“What’s with all of this?” y/n asked hesitantly, gesturing vaguely to the vacuum cleaner and the various cleaning supplies set out on the coffee table. Theo glanced at the area around him, proud of his work.
“I had some time to kill so I figured I’d clean up a bit. I’m pretty much done now so I shouldn’t bother you if you’re studying or…” he trailed off, giving y/n an opportunity to fill in the blank.
“Ha, I probably should, but no. I will be dead asleep for the next thirty minutes and then I have to head to the diner for a double shift,” she groaned and shrugged off her jacket as she made her way towards her room. Considering the fact that it was only noon on a Monday, y/n seemed far too tired. Theo frowned for a moment and genuinely considered going to have nice civilized chats with her manager and professors. That’s probably a bad idea though. Unless...
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For some reason unbeknownst to y/n, her professors had begun to show some mercy in the number of papers and projects they assigned. Her manager at the diner even offered to decrease the hours she worked each week if she was feeling overwhelmed. Theo wore a knowing grin when a joyful y/n came home one day and explained this all to him. If y/n caught his mischievous smirk, she certainly didn’t call him out on it. With all of her newfound free time, y/n decided that she wanted to host a pack movie night at their apartment.
“Alright, the pizza is on the way and Scott is bringing snacks. We should probably get the movie set up before Stiles gets here and somehow convinces us all to watch Star Wars again,” y/n rattled off while she paced the apartment to make sure everything was in order. “I washed a bunch of blankets earlier, could you take them out of the dryer and put them on the couch?” y/n requested as she anxiously walked to the kitchen and began pulling out plates and cups. Theo nodded gently as he popped into the kitchen to check things out.
“Don’t stress too much. As long as there’s people and pizza, everyone will be happy,” Theo said, attempting to ease her anxiety. y/n smiled lightly at his words and took a deep breath. Lately he seemed to have some magical ability to calm her down. Theo left the kitchen to take care of the blankets while y/n put together a makeshift snack bar, complete with plates, bowls for snacks, and beer. The pizza and most of the pack arrived just as y/n and Theo were finishing up with their respective jobs. The pizza delivery boy seemed a little scared by the tall, muscled men and tiny but mighty women surrounding him so she gave him a decent tip and rolled her eyes at her friends’ naturally intimidating nature. After y/n ushered them all inside and set the pizza down on the kitchen counter, she joined the rest of the pack in the living room. To her surprise, the blankets had been neatly set out around the room and folded with expert precision. She sent Theo an impressed smile and winked when she thought no one was looking.
Stiles was the last to arrive and much to his disappointment Ghostbusters had already been set up on the TV. It didn’t take long for everyone to grab food and get situated around the living room, so by the time y/n was done buzzing around the apartment like a madwoman to get everything situated there was only one spot left on the couch. y/n knew that her friends - aside from Stiles - weren’t actively trying to hurt Theo’s feelings, but seeing him tucked into the corner of the couch distanced away from everyone pained her more than she’d admit.
So, she did what any good friend would do. Not only did she gladly take the spot on the couch next to him, but she also casually tossed her legs over his and covered the two of them with a blanket. The action definitely earned her a few raised eyebrows, including from Theo, but no one dared to call them out. y/n was able to easily ignore the sideways glances they earned throughout the course of the movie, mostly because she had fallen asleep about 15 minutes in. By the end of the movie her head had fallen to lazily rest on Theo's shoulder and he had subconsciously pulled her in closer to his side.
After the movie finished and they spent some time catching up, the rest of the pack began to trickle out of y/n and Theo’s apartment. Lydia was the last to leave so she offered to lock the door behind her so that Theo wouldn’t have to move and wake y/n. Lydia tossed out a few stray cups on her way out the door, and because she was never one to tell secrets, she definitely didn’t send the girls a picture of Theo and y/n now both passed out and cuddling on the couch.
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a/n: this seemed like a great idea in the shower and now i’m not sure i even like it but i hope you enjoyed :)
edit: enjoy my best friend’s live reaction to this fic
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Speak your Heart | Cassian Andor x Reader (Oneshot)
Words: 2395
A/N: Hey, look, it's another "not exactly unrequited love, they're just idiots" fic starring our favorite grumpy captain.
May the fourth be with you!
Summary: You may or may not have a crush on your longtime friend, Cassian, but he thinks that you may or may not have a crush on his friend Bodhi. It's up to your friends to quickly fix that.
When you laugh so hard, you would laugh with your whole body, clutching at your stomach or rubbing your cheeks when they grew sore. Your laugh was the most amazing sound Cassian had ever heard. It wasn’t a soft melodious sound, but it was a genuine, wholehearted laugh that would make anyone smile and join in. But, right now, he hated it. If it was caused by Jyn, he would have been fine. He knew you enjoyed her sarcastic humor and banter. No, it was caused by his other best friend. The quiet pilot that was always full of surprises.
You finally regained your breath and slapped the pilot’s shoulder. “Bodhi, Bodhi, tell them about the time you had to lead a small team of new recruits,” you said.
Bodhi rolled his eyes. “Oh, that one. So, there was this new guy who was acting all big, bragging about his knowledge of ships and how he fought numerous stormtroopers on his own. Long story short, he almost caught one of the Skippers on fire from his failed attempt of hot-hiring it and when the troopers came, he screamed and flung his blaster across the docks.”
“We had to go and save him,” you added. “Bodhi made it so we were able to get the cargo and save the guy all in one piece. He can think of plans so quickly under pressure. I don’t know how he does it.”
Bodhi ducked his head and laughed. “Well, I had an idea of how stormtroopers think. It wasn’t too difficult. The way they acted, it seemed like they were also new recruits, so it wasn’t too hard to take care of them.”
“Better watch out, (Y/n). If Bodhi ends up being full himself with all those compliments you’re stuffing him, then Cassian will have another handful to deal with,” Jyn said.
“Yeah, the other being you, of course,” Bodhi shot back. “I don’t think I’ll ever be like that, though.”
Jyn smirked. “But, can you even imagine the two of us ganging up on Cassian like that?”
He nodded with a wide smile. “He’d go insane. Probably abandon us on the nearest moon.”
“Guys,” you said, shaking your head, “that would mean I’d never hear the end of it about you two.”
Jyn wrapped her arm around your shoulder. “That’s right. Cassian tells you everything, doesn’t he?” She exchanged a knowing look with Bodhi.
“Not everything,” you muttered, crossing your arms as you thought about the numerous times where Cassian would avoid you for no reason when he had been telling you almost everything about the missions he had in the past and the ones he had recently come back from. You weren’t sure when your friendship with him had reached the point where the two of you would exchange stories late at night before finally attempting sleep, but it felt effortless.
You sighed, leaning your back against Bodhi as he carried off his conversation with Jyn and the others. There were times where you’d slip deep in thought and it occurred often enough that your friends learned to let you be unless they knew you were in a bad mood prior to it. Your eyes drifted away from the group, looking around the canteen nonchalantly.
All those faces, new and seasoned. The war never cared which ones they were, it just takes. Many would have sworn off on sentimental attachments and at one point, you did, too. That is, until you met Cassian and Kaytwo. You rarely saw them apart and it wasn’t until you were assigned to assist them as their technician did you have any close contact with either of them. Many spoke about the stoic spy who always got the job done, no matter the cost.
Cassian Andor. A man who had been in the fight since he was a child. You thought that a man like him wouldn’t want to get close to anyone unless they were solely a means to an end. So, when you saw Cassian panic after K-2SO got shot and damaged his arm and wiring, you were shocked to say the least. You had to help him drag the droid back to the U-Wing and try to stabilize him with the resources you had on hand while Cassian powered up the ship and flew away from danger. He had let out a sigh of relief when you told him that Kaytwo would be fine and repairable once the three of you reach base. Since then, you realized that living beings always end up getting attached to something or someone no matter how hard they tried.
Your eyes ended up landing on the very captain that occupied your thoughts more than half the time. Without realizing it, a smile slowly spread across your face. You were definitely attached to someone, alright.
Bodhi nudged your back and smiled. “Go talk to him.”
You turned your head to Bodhi and shook it. “I don’t know. Last time I did, he stormed off. I don’t know why, though. Maybe it was something I said, but I’m not sure what would have caused him to do that.”
Cassian froze as you looked at him with a smile. His heart began to beat fast as he thought of how to respond. But when he decided to settle for a smile, you turned your head away and towards Bodhi whose face was inches from yours.
“You should go talk to them, you know,” Kaytwo said. “There’s a ninety-five percent chance that you are misinterpreting (Y/n)’s and Bodhi’s relationship.”
“And what is that five percent?”
“That misinterpretation percentage used to be much higher, but given how long you want to prolong your lovesick yearning, that percentage would only decrease with time.”
Cassian grunted at this, walking away from the droid and out of the canteen. “And what are the odds of this biting us in the ass in the future?”
“Depending on what you choose.”
“I don’t have time for this. There’s a meeting in half an hour. Are you going or not?”
“Of course I am, Cassian. Your mind will be too preoccupied to pay any attention. But, remember what I said-”
“Let's start going.”
You stood up just as Cassian and Kaytwo began to walk out of the canteen. There was a sour expression on Cassian’s face as he spoke to Kaytwo, making you sink back down in your seat. “He’s busy,” you muttered.
Bodhi glanced over his shoulder then shook his head. “But that’s just how Cassian looks most of the time.”
“I don’t want to bother him.” You swung your legs around so you were facing everyone again.
“I don’t think he’d ever mind if it was you.”
“Bodhi’s right, (Y/n). Maybe you can try when his meeting’s done,” Jyn said.
You sighed. “Alright.”
The Rogue One crew was being sent off to another mission off planet for who knows how long. It was risky as it was within enemy lines near a major Imperial facility. You knew that they were fully capable individuals and together they were unstoppable, but you couldn’t help but worry whenever your friends left the tarmac of the base.
Maybe you should tell him before he leaves. Everyone’s been telling you to make the first move, since Cassian wasn’t budging any time soon. You were scared of the rejection, of him putting up and fortifying the walls around himself, and you would be losing a really good friend.
You had waited for Cassian outside of the meeting room. It took longer than you expected, but as soon as it ended, you jumped up from the crates and rushed over. Cassian halted as soon as he saw you. As you stepped towards him, he looked up at Kaytwo, then brushed past you. Your eyes widened as you watched him leave.
“I would tell you what was wrong, but Cassian told me not to,” Kaytwo said, awkwardly patting your head before strolling over to where Cassian had gone.
You collapsed on Jyn’s cot as soon as you entered her quarters, wondering why he was suddenly acting this way towards you. Jyn continued to talk about the time she was able to meet Princess Leia and how they had to rescue themselves when they were separated by the crew. You hummed along to show that you were listening, absentmindedly helping her pack as she threw clothes and gear onto the cot.
A heavy piece of cloth was thrown at your face, your surroundings falling into darkness. You pulled the jacket off and saw Jyn standing in front of you with hands on her hips. She raised an eyebrow, snatching the jacket from you and shoving it into her pack.
“We’re leaving tonight, but Cassian typically gets to the U-Wing an hour before us,” Jyn hinted.
“So… should I go now or…”
She sighed in frustration. “Run!”
“Okay, okay!” you shouted as she chased you out of her quarters with a blaster.
You weaved past tired pilots and mechanics as they retired for the night, only a few bothered to spare you a glance before yawning and continuing on to their respective quarters. There was a lamp shining next to the U-Wing where Cassian was loading the ship and checking to see if he had everything for the mission. Kaytwo took care of the heavy load and went to check on the ship’s condition.
“Cassian!” you called out.
His head shot up, a series of emotions flashing across his face when he realized that it was you. He was always happy to see you, but he wasn’t sure that you’d be friendly with him still after he had been giving you the cold shoulder lately. He set down his datapad and crossed his arms as you skidded to a stop right in front of him.
“You should be asleep. I heard that they had given you a pile of projects to work on this week,” he said.
His eyes widened as you gripped his shoulders and pulled him away from the U-Wing. Kaytwo popped his head out of the ship and shook it before going back to his tasks. You found an area behind stacks of crates where the two of you could be alone. You took a moment to catch your breath before opening your mouth for the rushed speech you had made in your head on your way to reach him.
“I’ll look after Bodhi if that’s what you’re worried about,” he said.
“What? No! I’m not worried about him. Well, I am. I’m always worried about you guys. Why would you say that all of a sudden?”
His eyes looked everywhere but you, your hands slipping from his shoulders as he stepped back. “If that’s not what you ran here for, then hurry it up. We’ve got a mission to go to soon.”
So all that gossiping that Chirrut and Baze had been doing with the others were true. Cassian was jealous. Apparently, he thought that you had feelings for Bodhi instead. “You know, I always thought that you were one of the smartest people I know. I guess I was wrong.”
He narrowed his eyes. “What-”
“Captain Cassian Andor, the leader of Rogue One, the very team that helped steal the Death Star blueprints, the spy who could get intel out of anyone, yet he can’t tell whether his friend is entirely in love with him.”
It took an extremely long and grueling long minute for that information to process, but he wasn’t sure if he was processing it correctly. He frowned as he looked at you. “Do you mean…”
You sighed, placing your hands on his shoulders again. “I. Am. In. Love. With. You. You. Idiot,” you said slowly, shaking him with each word. “Just thought I should let you know before you leave. You don’t have to respond, but I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to tell you.”
“(Y/n), I…”
“Just kiss them, Cassian!” Kaytwo shouted.
Cassian turned to scowl at his droid, but you pulled him towards you and smashed your lips on his. He stumbled back in shock, his back hitting the crates. You pulled away in concern, checking to see if he was alright. He glanced at the screen of his datapad, then turned back to you.
“We have half an hour left,” he said before pulling you in for another kiss.
The second kiss took your breath away as he pressed himself against you. His heart pounded in his chest, a giddy feeling spreading throughout his body as you eagerly returned the kiss. He wasn’t sure when he fell, but it was gradual and natural and it had caused a conflict in him when he thought that you were in love with Bodhi instead. Bodhi was his friend as well, and if the two of you made each other happy, there wasn’t much he could do but let it happen. Yet, here you were in his arms, reciprocating his feelings.
The two of you finally pulled away for air. Cassian rested his forehead against yours and sighed in content. “I love you, too.”
“Finally!” you heard Jyn’s voice shout.
You and Cassian walked away from your secluded crate corner and saw that the crew had already gathered. They all grinned widely before loading their things onto the ship.
“I… I need to go,” Cassian said softly.
You nodded. “I know. Better come back to me in one piece, captain.”
“Of course I will. Wait for me?”
“Of course.”
He was glad that you had made the first move. If not, then he would have ran off from one mission to another without telling you how he felt. Then, who knows where the two of you would be. He would have probably lost you.
As he entered the U-Wing, all of his friends turned to him with a smile. Bodhi stepped forward and patted his shoulder. “It was about time,” he said.
“Yeah, we were going to lock the two of you in a dark room together for two hours if you guys didn’t make a move,” Jyn said.
Baze snorted. “I think sending them out on a mission together would have worked as well.”
“The Force would have found a way,” Chirrut piped up.
He was definitely glad that you made the first move.
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years ago
Even later late-night half-assed AU idea:
Everyone lives AU where the Empire is still A Thing but Order 66 doesn’t happen and they ends up in a decades-long war anyway, but like. With double the number of Skywalkers running around shooting things and Being Dramatic.
Also a Kenobi.
And some Naberries.
Leia’s act of ~youthful rebellion is marrying the smuggler who helped save her, Luke’s and Obi-Wan’s lives that one time.
Luke’s act of ~youthful rebellion against his father is transferring to whatever squadron/unit Han’s in and being like :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD as they zoom off somewhere for Adventures.
Leia is like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  when Anakin asks if she knew about this beforehand - no one told him to expect this much trouble with twins, okay. Obi-Wan will you stop laughing please???
(I kind of want Leia to fly as Rogue leader on a few missions without Anakin realizing and then some Dramatic Reveal where she pulls her flight helmet off and shakes out her hair - slow motion of course.
When Anakin asks how the hell that happened Wedge and the rest are “She’s Luke’s twin! How were we supposed to know?”
Or something equally ridiculous in which Anakin realizes even Rex has turned against him and all is lost and such?
I just feel not enough hilarity comes from the whole Twin Thing, okay, and I’m super tired.)
Meanwhile Leia sleeps a little better at night knowing Chewie’s looking out for her idiot husband and idiot brother.
And like, nothing against Wedge or the rest of the Rogues, but everyone knows they didn’t keep an eye on Luke as enable strongly and that’s why the crew of Rogue One declared independence from the rest of Rogue Squadron, and look, okay, it’s a delicate balancing act keeping things from being on fire all the times with these idiots. 
But also the realization that Chewie can only do so much when the Falcon runs into trouble in the Outer Rim - “What do you mean you lost my son, Solo???” “Padme, please calm down, you’re scaring the smuggler.”
Only for Luke to show up a few months later with a hermit beard and also a Mandalorian and tiny green gremlin kid in tow, just
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD “Boy, do I have a story to tell you guys!”
“Also, we have a Moff in carbonite and my husband is the new ruler of Mandalore, and anyway, what have you guys been up to?”
Anakin being handed this tiny green gremlin kid and being all >:((((((((((((((((((( because no! He will not be won over by an adorable tiny green gremlin kid okay? His heart is made of stone!!1!
But like five minutes later he’s totally wrapped around Grogu’s tiny little finger and entertaining him by floating objects over his head and Luke elbow Din, all “See? Told you it’d work.”
(Also, also, the next time Luke gets in a lightsaber duel with a sith lord he straight-up catches the sit lord’s lightsaber in his prosthetic hand because of that time Luke saved the Mand’alor’s life due to Imperial assassins and beskar is rather incredible like that, isn’t it? :DDDDDDDDDDDD)
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stellarstarwarsimagines · 4 years ago
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Lie For Me (Part III of V) (Part I) (Part II)
Pairing - Modern!Ben Solo x Reader
Summary - Something has changed in the relationship between you and Ben. No longer can you say that you hate him. You find yourself wanting to spend alone time with him, and you volunteer to drive out to his parents house out with him to check on Chewy. The question is, does he feel the same? 
Word Count - 5.7k
Warnings - None! 
Something had changed. There was no doubt about it. As soon as Ben walked in the door behind Poe for your movie night, it was different. Normally there’d be a rolling of eyes, a sarcastic comment about how happy you were to see each other that turned to fighting that turned to the two of you being kept in separate rooms until you had both calmed down enough to be in the same area as each other without bickering. 
This time there were smiles, but he seemed . . . weird. Well, weirder than normal. He was leaning to one side and his fingers were twitching as he handed over a bottle of wine to you. 
“Two bottles from you in a row, Solo. What did I do to deserve this one?” You asked, grinning up at him, and trying to put him at ease as you reached for his arm and tugged him inside. 
“You put up with my parents for two hours. I should’ve bought you a whole case.” Ben replied, but nevertheless eased up somewhat, his tense jaw loosening. 
But you shrugged your shoulders. While you didn’t think Ben’s parents were that bad, you also hadn’t been through the same things with them as Ben had, so you chose not to comment on that. “But I got to see your childhood bedroom, and pet your dog, so it was a win for me.” 
“Even though you missed the shrine to Satan?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. 
It was going to take some time to get used to him teasing you. “Yes, even if I’m disappointed about it.” You replied, letting out a laugh. Watching your friends get comfortable in your living room in their various positions, you glanced back over at Ben. “Wanna help me with the popcorn?” You asked. 
To your slight surprise he nodded, and followed you into the kitchen. 
While you started getting everyone’s favorite drinks together, you put him in charge of the popcorn. “You know, there is one other thing that I am disappointed about.” You told him. 
“What?” Ben asked, and you could hear the air of curiosity in his voice. 
Once you had the rest of the drinks, you turned around and pouted at him. “I didn’t get to see those baby pictures.” 
He rolled his eyes at you as he started opening bags of popcorn, “and you never will.” 
You crossed your arms over your chest, your pout turning into a bit of a smirk as a thought struck you. “I wonder if Leia could send them to me over text . . . or even email . . .” You pretended to ponder. 
Ben wasn’t buying it though. “You don’t have her phone number, or her email, so I think it’s safe to say that those two options are out for you.” 
“But you do . . .” You replied, taking a couple of steps closer to him. 
He watched you through narrowing eyes, and you knew that he was trying to figure out what game you were playing. “Yes . . .” He answered. 
Taking a chance, you lunged forward, grabbing his phone out of his front pocket and holding it up with a satisfied smile. “In here.” You looked down at the phone, turning your back to Ben for a brief moment and gasped when it turned on at once. “You don’t even have a lock on your phone?! Are you a psychopath?” You asked him in disbelief. 
“I’ve got nothing to hide,” he said, swiping for it, but you moved it out of his way so he couldn’t reach. “Give it back.” He said. 
“I will, as soon as I find Leia’s phone number.” You teased as you started to look for his contacts. “Oh my god, even your apps are in alphabetical order - oof!” You let out a gasp as Ben grabbed you from behind, wrapping his arm around you as he used his other to try and grab his phone. 
“Give it back,” he whispered in your ear in a low voice. 
You were startled, not only by how he had pulled you against his chest with no effort, but by the way that your heart reacted to it. It was pounding so hard it hurt. The two of you hadn’t been this close since you danced together a few weeks earlier, and you had forgotten how . . . nice it was to be so engulfed by him. 
Swallowing, you shook your head, trying not to let how much his embrace was affecting you show. “Make me, Solo.” You snapped back, holding the phone out of arm’s reach, a smirk on your lips, as you glanced over your shoulder at him. 
There was something strange in his expression, almost a challenge as he answered your smirk with one of his own. “You know I can.” Ben replied, and instead of doing what you expected, which was reaching out with his much larger arms and grabbing the phone, he began tickling your side with the arm around you. 
Letting out a screech you began swatting at his hand. How the hell did he know you were ticklish?! He was unrelenting as his fingers brushed up and down your sides from the bottom of your armpits to your hips. You tried to keep the phone out of his reach, but you couldn’t help it as you burst into laughter. He grabbed the phone and shoved it in his back pocket. “That wasn’t fair!” You complained, breathless as he let up on the tickling. 
You didn’t have to see his face to know that he was smiling, but you looked anyway. You glanced over your shoulder to see a cute smile you had never seen on his face. It was a happy smile, a smile that you had caught glimpses of, but never seen in full. It was so contagious, you couldn’t help but smile back. “I know.” He said, and for a split second, you thought he might have leaned even closer to you. 
And you found yourself wanting him too. 
“Is everything okay in here?” The both of you looked up to find Poe in the doorway, looking at the both of you with curious eyes. 
Ben stepped away from you, and you felt heat rushing up to your face at the position that your friend had found the two of you in. “Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?” You answered, maybe a little too quickly. 
Poe’s eyebrow raised as he looked between the two of you. You wondered what he saw on Ben’s face when he did, because you were too scared to look. “We heard screaming. Wanted to make sure the two of you weren’t going at it again.” 
“We’re fine,” but from the tenseness in Ben’s voice, it was clear that the two of you had been up to something. Not giving Poe the chance to ask any more questions, he grabbed the popcorn and made his way out of the room, leaving Poe and you alone. 
He was still staring at you, his eyes narrowed, and you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze. “What?” You snapped, wondering why he was staring at you. 
“Something’s happening between the two of you. I’ve got my eye on it.” He replied, pointing his two fingers at his eyes and then back to you. 
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the drinks, and pushed past Poe back into your living room. 
Movie nights at your place have been happening for several years now. Poe, Finn, and Rose always took up one of the couches while Rey and you took up the little two person loveseat, which left Ben the recliner. It was a system that had been going strong since the first movie night. 
Apparently today, Rey decided to change it. When you walked in, you were surprised to see Rey reclined back, watching you with a little devilish grin on her lips, nodding her head to the remaining spot on the loveseat. 
With Ben. 
Sometimes, your friends were way too meddlesome. You didn’t want anyone to think their little trick had affected you though. You handed everybody their drinks, settling on the couch next to Ben and grabbed the remote. “It’s stand up night isn’t it?” 
“Then Comedy!” Finn spoke up from the couch. 
“Then horror.” Rey said, giving you a scheming look. 
You let out a sigh. Everyone in this apartment knew that you hated horror movies. You were easy to scare, and now you were even more sure that Rey had set this seating arrangement up on purpose. “Fine,” you mumbled under your breath as you flipped it to the stand up show you guys had been watching recently. 
As usual, everyone started drifting off about the third movie. They almost always did, beginning with Rose, Finn, Poe and lastly Rey, but Rey seemed determined tonight to at least stay up until the horror movie started. Probably to make sure you were going to play it. 
She knew you too well. 
When you hit play, you leaned back against the couch, bringing your feet up off the ground, so the demons couldn’t get them, and sighed, knowing what you were in for. You were distracted from your thoughts when Ben nudged your side. You looked up at him to find him holding out your blanket, your security object, towards you. With a grateful smile, you took it from him, wrapping it around you, and not even noticing how much closer you had put yourself to Ben in the process. 
You also didn’t notice the way that he leaned even more into you. 
When the movie started, you knew within the first five minutes that you were in for it. You hated jump scares so much, and that was all this movie seemed to be. Within ten minutes, you had your blanket under your nose, watching with wide eyes, waiting, anticipating the next scare. 
“You know, you can almost always tell when the scare’s coming by the music.” Ben whispered in your ear. 
Looking up at him, you noticed for the first time how close the two of you had gotten. There were mere inches between your faces, and you felt your heart beat pick up with that newfound knowledge. Why was he so close? Why had you gotten so close? You were so distracted; you took a minute to comprehend what he had said. “I - what?” You asked, hoping he took your stuttering as scared, and not having anything to do with his proximity. 
Ben seemed to be unaffected by how close you two were sitting. You could tell no difference in his voice or anything like that, but he also didn’t move away from you like you would have expected. It seemed he was going to continue to surprise you tonight. “Listen to the music. It almost always gets louder, and then goes silent right before there’s a jump scare. Trust me.” Ben whispered to you. 
Deciding to listen for his tips, you turned back to the screen, right in time for a demonic looking ghost to pop out, screaming. 
Letting out a yelp of your own, you covered your head with the blanket, cowering into Ben’s side without a second thought, even as you heard him and Rey, still awake on the chair, laughing at you. “That’s the last time I trust you, Ben Solo.” You mumbled under the pillow. 
“Hey, I did say almost, not all the time.” You heard him reply, and then felt a tug on the blanket, a pout on your face as he tugged it off your head. You had to bite your bottom lip though, when you caught sight of his face, that smile you had seen earlier back on it. It was hard not to smile back at him when he was looking at you like that, but you tried to resist. 
“Still,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Ben shook his head, that grin seeming to widen as he looked at you. “You, um -” He reached around you, draping his arm across your shoulders and reaching into your hair. “You had some wool.” He said, plucking it out and flicking it away.
Heat flooded your cheeks, and you didn’t even know why. “Oh, thanks,” you replied, giving him a small smile that he returned. 
You expected him to take his arm off of you, but the evening’s surprises continued when he didn’t. It was loose, and you knew you could shake it off if you wanted to, and nothing would be said about it . . . 
But you didn’t. 
Instead you curled into his side even more, tucking yourself into him and his warmth, almost snuggling into him as you let your head rest against his side. Then his thumb started stroking your shoulder, and your whole body relaxed. You couldn’t help but wonder when this change had happened. What moment had you started feeling so comfortable around him when a month ago you would have shoved him away? Just like how it had been hard to pinpoint when your dislike for him had begun up until two weeks ago, it was now hard to determine when you started liking Ben. 
And you knew, deep down, that it wasn’t the type of like you had for Poe, or Finn . . . No. Your heart didn’t react to their touches the way it reacted to Ben. This was a whole different story. 
The fact was . . . at some point and time, that hate had changed to something much more. 
The loud shrill of a cell phone pulled you out of your slumber. You groaned into the warmth at your side, reaching out until you found the offending object and answered it without a second thought. “Hello?” You mumbled, your voice rough with sleep. 
The voice on the other end of the line startled you awake though as soon as she said your name, because it made you realize you had answered Ben’s phone. “Leia, I’m sorry, we were sleeping, and I didn’t see whose phone -” You shot upright, making Ben groan next to you as you disrupted the position he had fallen asleep in. Partially asleep, his hand slid from your shoulder to your hip, and heat rushed to your face as his hand met the bare skin where your top had ridden up. If that didn’t make you flustered enough, his thumb started rubbing circles into your skin, and you were going to -
“Did you hear me?” 
“Oh, no, I’m sorry, can you say that again?” You asked, attempting to focus on anything other than Ben Solo’s large hand. 
“I’m sure Ben’s asleep, but could you wake him up for me? We need him to go check on the house. The alarm for the gate’s gone off which means that Chewy’s got out again.” Leia told you. 
“Of course, give me a second, and I’ll see what I can do.” Dropping the phone at your side, you placed your hand on Ben’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Ben, Leia’s on the phone. She needs to talk to you.” 
All he did was grunt, which you should have expected. 
Sighing, you began to shake his shoulder more vigorously. “Ben, come on, you’ve got to wake up. Leia says that Chewy has gotten out, and you need to go check on him.” You told him. 
At least one word of that sentence managed to get through his sleepy brain. “Chewy?” He repeated, his voice low with sleep. 
Dear God why was that voice so hot? “Um, y-yeah, Leia says he’s got out. She’s on the phone.” You told him, placing the phone in his hand. You bit your lip as his hand gripped your bare hip for another second as he hoisted himself up, but then he dropped it, bringing it back to his own thigh as if it had never been around you in the first place. 
“Mom?” he said, bringing the phone up to his ear, his voice groggy and deep. “No, you didn’t interrupt a date, but yeah I’ll go check on him.” His mother must have said something else then, because he glanced at you for a quick moment before he responded. “Mom, I can drive fine, and she’s tired too, I doubt she wants to drive out to the house with me -”
You didn’t even think about what you were doing. You grabbed the phone back from Ben’s hand and put it up to your ear. “Don’t worry, Leia, I’ll go with him.” 
“Thank you, Sweetheart. You two please be careful, and thank you so much.” Leia told you. “We don’t know what we’d do if something ever happened to Chewy.” 
“It’s no problem. We’ll let you know as soon as we know he’s safe and sound.” You assured her. Then the two of you said your goodbyes, and you hung up the phone, turning back to Ben. “Well, I guess we better get out of here.” 
He looked exhausted. He was rubbing sleep from his eyes and you could tell that if you let him, he would be asleep again in about ten seconds. “Listen, I know you told my mom you would come with me, but you don’t have to -”
“It’s fine,” you brushed off, standing up and stretching your arms out over your head, arching your back and trying to get a good stretch. “I can see why she doesn’t want you driving. You take a bit to wake up, don’t you?” 
You said so because he was staring at your stomach, looking a little dazed. When you looked down to see if you had something on your shirt, you realized how much your shirt had ridden up when you stretched, revealing a few inches of skin, and pulled it back down. 
“You sure you’re okay? I can drive if you want.” You offered, trying to break the weird tension that seemed to fill the room. 
Ben shook his head, standing up and stared at you for a moment. You had the very distinct feeling that he was trying to read you, trying to figure out why you wanted to come with him on this late night drive when you didn’t have to. You could see the frustration in him, not knowing the answer to his silent question, and yet, he didn’t ask. “Are you sure?” He said instead. 
Giving him a small smile, you nodded. “Yeah, I am. It’ll get me away from all the snoring for a little bit.” You added on, pointing towards Rey and then Poe, the loudest in the room. Was that the real reason? No. The real reason was that you wanted to spend more time with him. Alone time, but you were way too scared to admit that right now. Not without knowing if he was even sort of starting to feel the same way. 
His gaze never wavered from you, almost as if he could sense that you weren’t telling him the whole truth. If he did though, he didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he spared a glance at Poe, and then turned back to you. “You should hear him in the apartment. It’s worse.” 
You grinned at him. 
The drive back to Ben’s parents place was mostly silent, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. The two of you had transgressed to the point in your relationship where you could be quiet around each other and not feel awkward. You spent most of the trip watching Ben, sneaking glances, and then turning away when you saw him turning your head towards you. It was embarrassing, and you felt like a high schooler with a crush. 
You were thankful when you made it to his parents house to escape the tension. “So why aren’t your parents home?” You asked, climbing out of the car. 
“France I think.” Ben replied, making his way up to the front door and unlocking it. 
“You don’t know?” You asked, stopping in the doorway.
Ben’s voice turned tense. “I stopped keeping track of that a long time ago.” Then he turned back and noticed that you weren’t following him. “Are you coming?” He asked, tilting his head towards the backyard. 
Nodding, you hurried after him, following him until you reached the gate that closed off the backyard to the woods behind it. “Definitely seems like he got out.” You said, noticing the lock that had been knocked off. 
“Damn dog is too smart for his own good.” Ben muttered, looking out into the darkness of the trees behind the house. “Guess we’re going in after him.” 
Your eyes widened, eerily reminded of the horror movie that you had watched hours earlier. The wind whistling through the leaves, the crickets chirping and the owls hooting sure sounded the same as it had then. “Uh, in there?” You said, biting your bottom lip. 
Ben picked up on your hesitation at once. “I’ve been in these woods a hundred times. There aren’t any axe swinging murderers hiding out in a wooden cabin.” 
“All it takes is one time.” You argued, eyeing the woods, fingers twitching at your sides. 
He let out a sigh, and held his hand out to you. “I’ll go first. So if they try and take you down, I’m going with you.” 
You glanced at his hand, then looked up into his eyes, eyes that were imploring you to trust him. After that, you didn’t even hesitate, slipping your small hand into his much larger one and letting him lead you into the woods. “So . . . are we going to walk around until we find him, or -”
“I have a pretty good idea of where he’s at.” Ben said, chuckling when a tree branch cracked, and you jumped. “Sorry, that was me.” 
Narrowing your eyes at him, you shoved him with your elbow. “You shouldn’t harm your own people like that.” You joked, reminding him of all the times you had called him a tree. 
Ben rolled his eyes. 
The two of you didn’t say anything else for a stretch, but you never let go of his hand, and the longer you held onto it, the less scared you found that you were. Once again you were struck by how comforting it was to be with him, to have him at your side, something you would have thought you were crazy for thinking months ago. While yes, Ben had been the one to start the feud . . . You hadn’t been the nicest to him either, and you wondered how much time and getting to know each other had been wasted because of that. “Hey, Ben?” You said, giving his hand a squeeze to get his attention. 
“Hmm?” He acknowledged, though his attention was focused on the woods around the two of you. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out of nowhere. 
“What?” Ben asked, shooting you a confused look for a moment before holding a tree branch out of the way for you. 
“I’m sorry for being bitchy all the time . . . you know, earlier.” You told him, shrugging your shoulders. After all, you could probably list most of the times that you had been horrible to him, but that would take way too much time. 
Ben stopped at your words, looking at you with curiosity in his intense gaze. “What brought this on?” 
The thing was . . . you didn’t want to admit what was bringing this all on. As much as your relationship had grown, you weren’t positive that he wouldn’t laugh at you if he discovered you had grown feelings for him after all that. “I - uh . . . Trying to be a better person?” You replied, not sounding the least bit convincing. 
He snorted. “Sure you are.” He said, pulling a last branch out of your way and gesturing you forward into a clearing. 
As soon as you stepped forward, you were shocked by what you found. You had to admit, the forest had made a beautiful little natural place here. A small creek babbling from somewhere nearby along with the chirping of crickets filled your ears, and there was just enough moonlight to shine down between the branches of the trees to illuminate the flowers blooming from the ground. 
It was beautiful. 
Even the large, very muddy dog rolling around in the water. 
“Damn it,” Ben murmured when he caught sight of him. “Chewy!” 
The dog perked up at once when he heard Ben’s voice, and ran straight towards the two of you. Of course, you should have seen what was about to happen, but your mind was too distracted by how the moonlight was shining off of Ben’s hair. So you let out a grunt as the dog collided with you, covering you in his mud and licking your face. 
“Chewy get down!” Ben ordered, but instead of doing so, Chewy decided it was Ben’s turn to get kissed and covered in mud as well. 
You couldn’t help but laugh watching Chewy attempt to chase Ben around in circles and get as much mud as possible on him. “Might as well give it up!” You called to him, another laugh bursting from your lips as he almost tripped over a root. Of course his momentary loss of balance was what Chewy needed to jump up and began licking him, covering him in as much mud as you. 
By the time that Ben managed to get Chewy off of him, It was safe to say that the two of you could use a shower. 
“Please tell me you have some spare clothes up there.” You asked, nodding up to the house as you held up your filthy shirt. 
Ben nodded. 
The clothes that he gave you were so comfortable, albeit large, that you almost wanted to keep them. You sat next to him in the bathroom, you on the counter and him leaning over the sink, both of you attempting to wipe away the remnants of mud from your faces. 
“I bet Chewy was a fun dog to have around when you were a kid.” You stated, shooting him a grin in the mirror. 
Ben shook his head, but a small smile tugged at his lips. “According to my mother I used to ride him.” 
The image crossed your mind of a young Ben Solo, laughing, smiling, on the back of the large dog, and your smile widened. “Oh, there’s got to be pictures of that somewhere.” 
“You’re never getting to see them, and I don’t know why you keep trying.” Ben said, and although his voice sounded frustrated, the lack of tension in his face said otherwise. 
“I refuse to believe that. Given the opportunity, Leia would show them to me in a heartbeat.” You argued, bumping him with your shoulder. 
He bumped you back. “Which is why you’re never going to get the opportunity again.” 
You frowned at him, giving him the best pouty eyes that you could manage. “Come on, Solo, just one. Let me see one picture. That’s all I’m asking for.” 
Your eyes had no effect on him whatsoever. “You look ridiculous like that.” He said, and your heartbeat kicked up as he leaned forward, bringing the washcloth he had been using up to your forehead and brushing it along your hairline. “You forgot some mud.” 
“Thanks,” you said, biting your bottom lip, your eyes trapped in his gaze. There was something so intense about them that you had always found intimidating. They were the same now, but instead of being intimidated, you felt drawn to them. So drawn you almost didn’t notice when he said your name. “Hmm?” You mumbled, not trusting your voice. 
“Why did you want to come with me here? You know that I would have been fine.” Ben asked, confusion clear in his tone as he dropped the hand that had been wiping the mud from your face to the counter, close enough to touch your leg. 
You wanted to lie to him. It should be easy to. You were sure that given the opportunity, you could think of many reasons why you would have wanted to come with him, but right now, your mind was drawing a blank. It was as if his eyes held some sort of spell over you, and you couldn’t speak anything but the truth. “I . . . I wanted to spend more time with you.” You answered, hoping that answer would be vague enough for him. 
It wasn’t. 
“Why? We had just spent hours together watching movies and -”
You cut him off before he could continue. “Does everything have to have a reason? Can’t I like spending time with you?” 
Ben shook his head. “A few months ago you didn’t want anywhere near -”
What part of your brain, or maybe your heart, told you to do it, you weren’t sure. All you knew was that Ben was rambling, and you knew he wasn’t going to stop until you admitted why you wanted to spend time with him. You weren’t sure you knew the right words yet though, so instead, you did what seemed logical at the moment. 
You slid your hand into the hair on the back of his head, and used it to tug him forward until your lips met in a kiss. 
And Ben froze. You felt his whole body stiffen at your actions from the neck your palm was resting against, to the hand that had now curled into a fist at your side. Heat rushing to your face, you pulled back, embarrassment inching through your whole body as you stared into his intense eyes once more. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have -”
He didn’t let you get another word out. A gasp left you as his lips met your own in a passionate kiss that you had never expected him to be capable of. Ben Solo was a man of logic and seriousness most of the time. There had been moments when you had seen outbursts of emotion from him, mostly anger, but this was something else. 
He wanted you. It was clear in the way his hands gripped your thighs and then used them to bring you against him. In the way his lips parted and pulled you in with such emotion that it left you breathless and sent your head spinning as you tried to play catch up. The two of you had kissed at that first party, and while it had been nice, it didn’t even come close to comparing to this. 
Kissing Ben Solo was like kissing an inferno, and there was no way to smother it out. Not that you had any desire to. 
When his tongue slipped past your lips, you let out a soft moan, clutching him to you by his shirt and wrapping your legs around him. You wanted him closer. You wanted to feel every part of him against you, and he seemed to have no problem with that either. As your tongues met, he slid his large hands up and down your thighs. The way that they covered almost the whole entire body part made you shiver in anticipation of what those hands would feel like on your bare skin. Of course, that put the thought in your head of what his bare skin would feel like under your fingers . . . 
Your hands had been resting on the back of his neck, but you slid them down enough to slip under the collar of his shirt onto his warm skin, massaging the muscles that strained under your fingers. 
He groaned. He groaned and he seemed to melt under your touch, his hands slipping from your thighs around to the small of your back, splaying across it. His embrace was so warm, so firm, you felt like you wanted to drown in it and the sensation of kissing him. 
Then his phone started ringing. 
When he let out another groan, this one significantly less pleasurable than the last one, and pulled his lips away from yours, you frowned, not done with kissing him yet. Instead you took matters into your own hands and leaned forward to kiss along his jawline. 
You thought he might push you away, but he didn’t, his hand on your back keeping you pressed tight against his body while he pulled out his phone. “Hello?” Ben said, and you were pleased to hear the strain in his voice. 
As soon as the voice responded though, it was like a switch had been flipped inside of him. Once again you felt him tense up, and curious as to his reaction, you let your lips leave his skin, watching his face. He was avoiding your gaze, looking over your shoulder into the mirror. “Yes, Chewy’s fine. He’s back in the backyard.” 
Well that explained it. He probably wasn’t comfortable letting you kiss all over him while he was on the phone with his mother . . . 
“All right. We will. You’re welcome.” Ben said, and then slid his phone into his back pocket once more. 
You looked up at him, meeting his eyes once more, and frowned at what you saw there. Now you would be the first to admit that you didn’t know Ben Solo so well that you could sense everything he was feeling from looking at his face, but there was no denying there was something there that wasn’t before, and you didn’t like the looks of it. 
Your eyes closed as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead, which normally is something that would have made your heart pound, but instead, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was . . . off. 
“We should go.” Ben said, his voice soft as his lips brushed against your skin. 
You nodded, biting your bottom lip as you looked up at him, but he didn’t meet your gaze, instead walking out of the bathroom and leaving you there with the gut feeling that the relationship between the two of you had fundamentally changed. Again. 
The drive back to your apartment was silent, tension thick in the air as you tried to make conversation while Ben replied with one word answers. When you pulled up, the sun was rising, and you spotted all of your friend’s cars there, so you assumed they were all asleep. “Are you coming in?” You asked, your voice quiet in the morning light, noticing how he didn’t turn his car off. 
“I have to get some work done. I’ll see you later.” He replied.  
A dismissal if you’d ever heard one, you nodded, climbing out of the car and up your steps. Ben didn’t even wait to see if you made it inside. In seconds he was speeding down the road. 
Watching him drive away, you couldn’t shake the feeling that whatever relationship could have come from you and Ben was over before it could start.
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elionwriter · 4 years ago
Since I'm not sure I want to write new, full Fanfictions right now (I'm already working on a Good Omens one) I'm just gonna post some Star Wars/ Dinluke headcanons and prompts and ask you guys if you want me to flesh them out.
Their meeting and the events on board of Moff Gideon's light cruiser change things quite radically for both Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker. On Din's side, without the child actively in his care he is left without a proper goal and without a proper path. He can't go back being a simple bounty hunter, mostly because the ones he did it for are gone...
So what now? He always knew he would do anything to bring Grogu's mission to a proper end but he never actually thought of what would happen after. Nor did he immagine that it would leave him so shattered, broken and lonely.
Is it stubborn denial that his business with the child is over that makes him investigate further about the matter? A part of him wants to believe that yes, yes it is, but something about it just doesn't sit right with him. As Dr. Pershing is brought back as a prisoner to New Republic forces he is thoughtfully interrogated about his work and his part in the operations of the empirial cell. The man doesn't give his interrogators a hard time, answering everything as honestly as he can, but doesn't seem to know much afterall. Din can't help but feel somewhat sorry for him: he was taught cloning engineering by the last Kaminoans alive, apparently another species the Empire had decided were better off exterminated and forgotten after fulfilling their purpose. Except they hadn't, not completely, and now experts on the subject were even more rare than beskar. The Dr. was one of them and his knowledge and capacity was the only thing keeping him alive after the empirials sought him out. Whether or not he had any real sympathy for the imps was rather irrelevant and they were his one remaining shot at doing his actual job (there wasn't really a high demand for clones nowadays). He followed Moff Gideon's orders but he knew that the orders were actually coming from much higher up. Who was pulling the strings and what they ultimately wanted, he didn't know. They didn't trust him with those informations. All he knew was that they needed him to create a body with the kid's life expectancy and his M count. They had kidnapped and experimented on other force sensitive children but none of them seemed to have Grogu's qualities and were disposed of. When the guard told him to stand up to be brought back to his cell, the doctor looked at Din and asked "Is the child safe?" "Yes, he is." Answered the mandalorian and the other nodded exhausted "Good, that's good. Thank you." Din nodded back to him and watched him leave.
The only reason Din had been allowed to follow the interrogation was obviously Cara Dune, which had delivered Dr. Pershing and Gideon to the authorities. Cara was however busy talking with someone he didn't know, another woman, a very elegant and majestic one at that. He couldn't help but notice the friendly and intimate tone the conversation seemed to have. Cara later introduced her to him as senator Leia Organa -Solo, a legend of the Rebellion and the Princess of Aldeeran. Suddenly the two's steadyfast bond became very clear. Apparently, the Senator found the story about the two prisoners extremely distressing and had already "her best man" look into it. She spoke very kindly to Din and, as a true politician, thanked him for his services to the Republic. Din quickly changed subject and asked if Moff Gideon had revealed anything more useful than the doctor.
As expected, Gideon hadn't been as collaborative and hadn't spoken a word since he was brought in. Something in his demeanor, however, had definitely shifted and below the ever guarded and secure facade there was worry. 'That's the face of a man in deep shit! We aren't the ones he's scared of though, one can only guess what makes a guy like him fret like that...' said Cara without bothering to hide her worry.
That was the reason why Din, in the little breakes he stole from the collaboration he had fallen into with Bo-Katan and the other mandalorians, kept searching for answers. The something or someone that scared Gideon had to mean danger. And if there was danger out for Grogu it would ALWAYS be his business.
That's when he realized who the princess' "best man" was. Luke Skywalker had apparently been searching for answers too and it's during one of these occasions that they newly meet. They have a common goal and pupil to protect but very diverse skill sets and areas of expertise. That's why on the hush-hush they agree to meet occasionally when either of them seems to have some new information or lead. Neither of them properly introduces to the other, there's really no need for that, and their partnership remains for some time elusive at best. Din is a naturally secretive and private man, the Jedi on the other hand, seems to have become it, a necessity rather than an inclination. Luke doesn't ever bring Grogu along nor does he mention him, after assuring the other that the child is safe and well. Din doesn't ask. And yet, the most restless one of the two about it is the Jedi. Just like Luke can feel Din's ever present affection and sense of duty toward Grogu, Din can sense that the other is very uneasy on the matter, like two parts of him are constantly battling over something. Again, he doesn't ask.
Despite all this, however, their relationship is far from strained. There is a mutual and instinctive trust and respect between them and it becomes quickly very clear that they work well together. During the nights they have to camp or during the trip in hyperspace the two talk. They discuss about their dying creeds, their principals and beliefs, fighting techniques and recount some of their old adventures. After a while, they open up enough to discuss of their situation and daily challenges and earnestly seek the other's opinion and advice on how to face them.
Din learns that Luke is still a figure on which the New Republic sometimes relies upon, even if only for extremely delicate situations; that he spent the last few years travelling throughout the galaxy looking for lost Jedi artifacts and knowledge, hoping to learn how to best bring the order back to life for new generations of force users (expecially his young nefew); that during said travels he always made a point to help those in need and right wrongs where he saw them; that he still found himself dealing with loose ends of the Empire.
On the other hand, Luke learns of Bo-Katan's quest to reclaim Mandalore; of Din's search for knowledge and history on a culture that should be his own but that he progressively realizes he knows very little about; of his uncertainty on where he stands both with his creed and his peers and the aggravation of the dark saber which he is currently the wielder and protector of.
They feel for each other. No, they understand each other. Even as words completely fail to reveal the most critical parts of these conversations. What they do understand is this: nothing seems to make anymore any fuc****ng sense in their lives! That everything was much more simple when they were just a bounty hunter and a farm boy.
It's not that Din doesn't want to find other Mandalorians and help his people. He and Bo-katan may not always see eye to eye, but they both made extremely clear how loyal they are to their creed. It's just that Din doesn't know anymore if he still has a right to that title and to the armour he wears, if everything he was taught was a lie or not. He broke a lot of rules for the child and can't decide if that is for the best or not.
Luke, on the other hand, can't decide what to make of the Jedi teachings and contradictions he has collected. How can he act like expected and pass on lessons he himself isn't really sold on. It was his family and his ties that kept him alive and safe from the dark when facing the Emperor and his father, but it was also attachments and the Jedi's taboos that had damned his father to begin with. Should he encourage the complete detachment the old texts preached about, should he too talk only of light and cast a shadow on everything that didn't fall in that limited range of the force? But most importantly: should he keep his young apprentice from his beloved father and pointedly ignore the warm flame the mandalorian had effortlessly lit up in him?
Luke can't help but notice that when he slips and gets a bit too close, a bit too intimate and touchy with the other man, the mandalorian doesn't push him away and seems to answer this boldness with an awkward, shy breathlessness. While a part of him knows, Luke doesn't allow himself to hope or acknowledge that flicker in his chest might be mutual.
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mysticaltora8276 · 3 years ago
Break Down of A Scene
Oh boy. I found this lovely thing and felt the need to break this down. Not sure exactly where it's from but if I had to guess I'd say this is from Sacrifice from Legends written by my least favorite writer of Star Wars media Karen Traviss. Here we go.
“Dad, was the Empire really a reign of terror?”
-Yes it was what with all the threats of extermination, orbital bombardments, forced labor camps, forced conscription, slavery for non-humans, suppression of rights...just to name a few.
“Just a bit…”
-What? Uh Luke? What? WHAT?! No! You should be denouncing it with the strongest vehemence considering you fought against in a Rebellion!
“I know you and Uncle Han and Aunt Leia had a rough time of it, but what about ordinary people?”
-Define "Ordinary people" Ben Skywalker. Really I'd love to hear what you'd say to all the Ithorians, Wookiees, Twi'leks, Bothans, Neimoidians, Lasat Jedi just to name a few who were actively persecuted against and discriminated against in the Empire. So yes the ordinary people did have it bad.
Mara chewed with slow deliberation, her gaze in slight defocus on a point in the mid-distance. “You might want to ask Alderaan. No, wait—it’s gone, isn’t it? Oops. That’s what happened to ordinary people, and I know better than most.”
-Yes because you participated in it and now would be a good time to tell him that since he clearly understands that implication....
Because you did some of it. Luke faced up to the fact that he couldn’t expect Ben to believe a word either of them said to him.
-So you're just going let him believe in this nonsense instead of correcting him? You are his FATHER! Speak up!
They’d both done things that they were telling him he couldn’t do now.
-Opposing a fascist government....Why aren't they encouraging that? It doesn't make sense. Why is opposing a fascist ideology bad?
“But most people didn’t really notice, did they?” Ben seemed to be fixed on course.
-Yes they did. Some joined the Rebellion because of Alderaan. But quite a few were too terrified to do anything. I mean wouldn't you be if you know that the government is willing to blow up a planet on a whim?
“Their lives went on as before."
-No it didn't....unless they were in with those in power. Most were scared of being next.
"Maybe a few people who were political got a midnight visit from a few stormies, but most folks got on with their lives, right?”
-Ah Ben, way to say "how I am fascist without saying "I am fascist." " See that's the lie of fascism. The idea that if you just shut up and keep your head down then you won't disappear....That's a lie. It doesn't matter because all it takes is just you getting an official angry or existing if you’re the local target of abuse by the government which the case of Star Wars existing as a non-human or a Jedi. So no Ben they lived in fear of being next.
“Right,” Mara conceded. “But living in fear isn’t living at all.”
-Thanks Mara....Now elaborate a little please?
“It’s better than dead.”
-AKA I can't be bothered to help out people and instead tacitly support an institution that murders people on a whim. And what do you mean “it’s better than being dead “? Are you basically saying that you’d rather live under a fascist regime because it supposedly “leaves normal people like me” alone then get killed fighting for democracy? Ben your father opposed a fascist government and for that matter. Luke, you want to pip in at any time? You've seen the abuses and aftermath. Ugh I hate this kind of straw manning
“You think the Empire was okay, Ben?” Luke asked.
-That's not what I had in mind. Seriously Luke what?
“I don’t know. It just seems that a handful of people can think they have the duty—the right—to change things for everybody else."
-Which is what your cousin is doing right now. Literally. I mean seriously. Even in canon the Empire apologists acknowledge the wrongs of the Empire even if they downplay the severity of it. Heck why isn't Luke shutting down this thought train? He'd know better then most.
"It’s a big decision, rebellion, isn’t it?"
"But most decisions that affect trillions of beings get made by a few people.”
-Again your cousin is doing precisely that with....GAG(Appropriate). Also in a properly functioning democracy or republic that isn't the case....
Luke and Mara looked at each other discreetly and then at Ben. He’d acquired political curiosity somewhere along the line.
-This isn’t political curiosity this is strawman arguing basically say I support a fascist regime because I’m one of the “normal People”. It’s one of the most insidious and dumb arguments you can make but unfortunately quite a few people listen to this.
Whatever mission Jacen had sent him on—and he had, Luke was certain—it had made the boy think. "
-Like a fascist. Sorry but I saw this clip in another post and while it was critical of it I felt the need to break down the issues I personally have with this. This is a poor argument and while I'm not a big fan of post Endor EU save for Zahn whose writting I think shines the best this is just plain bad.
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obwjam · 4 years ago
Stargazing (giant!poe x tiny!reader fluff)
it’s bad batch week yall!!!!! my god i am so excited for tomorrow. in honor of getting all new, good star wars content in the year of the lord 2021, i’m going to be posting new writing every day this week! starting with this little bit of giant!poe bf x tiny!reader fluff i whipped up this afternoon. it’s been too long since we’ve talked about this man so let’s go
“What do you see, Poe?”
Poe turned his head. He could barely see your small form in the dark, but the glow of the moonlight prevented you from being invisible. It was only your second date, but the first date was more like a mission-turned-romantic-evening when you and Poe had to spend hours drifting aimlessly through space when his ship got damaged in enemy territory. Who knew your first kiss would come with only an hour of life support left? That was weeks ago, though, and Leia decided you both deserved a night off. Not to mention that Poe wouldn’t stop making mushy comments to you every chance he got and everyone begged for them to get a room.
A quiet night of snacks and stargazing was definitely in order.
“Hm?” Poe was barely paying attention. For once, he was absorbed in the beauty of the moment. Totally silent.
“Every day. What do you see? What does it all look like?”
Poe then realized you were asking about… well, about people. Giants. Ugh. He really hated when you said that.
“Well… it just looks like the world,” he said. He didn���t know how else to describe it. How do you describe the world to someone? It was like trying to describe colors to someone who couldn’t see them.
“What does it all look like to you?”
Poe wasn’t sure if you’d respond to that, but he glanced over and saw you shrug.
“It just looks like the world,” you said softly, but somehow the gentle breeze carried your words up to Poe’s ears. He could detect a small smile in that voice.
Poe laughed to himself. He supposed you both had trouble trying to describe the world to each other. Maybe it was because you lived in the same world.
“You seem to be taller than normal,” you said. “Maybe everything looked smaller to you, I dunno.”
“Hah, well, maybe, but not that much. There are people far taller than me.”
You shuddered. “That doesn’t seem possible.”
Poe snickered. “Nothing looks small to me.” He turned to you, and you were, as he anticipated, looking back at him. “Nothing at all.”
You tried to smile, but found you couldn’t. “You don’t have to be nice. It’s okay.”
“It isn’t a question of nice or mean,” Poe said, confused, turning to his side and propping up on his elbow.
“Well… you don’t have to lie, I guess is what I mean. You don’t have to try and spare my feelings.” You sniffed. “I know what I look like to you.”
Poe shook his head. Where was this coming from? “No. No, you don’t. ‘Cause when I look at you, I don’t see tiny. I don’t see small. I just see you.”
You turned to Poe in surprise. “You… really mean that?”
Poe nodded as best he could. “Just ‘cause I can carry you around in my pocket doesn’t mean I don’t see you as a person, (Y/n). Just like you can see me for what I am without thinking giant.”
You paused for a bit too long.
“U-unless you do,” Poe stumbled. “In which case, uh, well, I guess--”
Your laugh cut him off. “I just see you, Poe.” She fiddled with her hands before continuing. “It took me a while, though. To get comfortable with… this. Whatever this is. After that night we had.”
“I can hardly imagine.”
You nodded. “Yeah. It’s, uh. Well. If I want you guys to stop looking at me as tiny, then I have to stop looking at you as gigantic, right? It goes both ways.”
Poe hummed. If he was in your situation, he didn’t know that he would ever reach that same conclusion.
“That’s real mature of you.”
You shrugged. “It’s necessary, really. If you actually want me around, I… I want to be comfortable with it. I’m sick of being scared all the time.”
“Well, it’s a natural reaction, isn’t it? There’s nothing wrong with feeling scared.”
“There’s something wrong if it’s the only thing you’ve ever felt in your life.” You stopped to take a breath, and Poe took the moment to cut in. 
“Do you like hanging around with us?”
You took longer to respond than Poe was expecting, which made his heart drop a bit.
“Yeah,” you said finally. “I do. I really do. The other day… Finn called us friends. It kind of shocked me, I guess. Made this feel real.”
“Did you think we were pretending to be your friends or something? Do you think I was pretending to like you? Because, I’m not pretending, everyone can attest to that,” Poe stammered, concerned.
“No,” you laughed, smiling at Poe so fiercely defending his feelings for you. “No, not at all. You wouldn’t have waited this long if you were trying to trick me. I don’t… really know what it felt like. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I’ve never been around giants like this, much less be integrated into the group. I just didn’t… well, I didn’t want to think of us as friends -- more than friends -- if you didn’t think the same way. To be honest, I… I didn’t actually think you’d see me as a real person. I just figured you’d, I dunno. See me as a very intelligent house pet.”
Poe knew how hard it was for you to say those words. He also knew how serious it was for you to admit this to him. This was the first time he was hearing about your internal struggle like this, and it was rocking him to his core.
“(Y/n),” he said, surprising himself with how shaky his voice was. “I don’t… I’ve never seen you that way. As a… as a pet,” he managed to say. “Y’know, this was all new for us, too. We were trying to figure out how to make you comfortable and how to deal with everything. I know it’s different for me, but I was just as unsure as you were. I didn’t want you running out on us or hating us without giving us a chance. Without…” Poe stopped.
“Without what?”
Poe sniffed a laugh. Nothing could get past you.
“I knew when I met you that I liked you, babe. Not just because you’re tiny, which makes you objectively adorable.” Poe paused, and he swore he could see you blushing. “But ‘cause you’re funny. You’re intelligent. You’re strong as hell. And I like spending time with you.”
“...I thought you did that because you had to,” you whispered.
“Well, maybe, at first. But it didn’t take long to realize that there was something special about you, and not for the obvious reasons.”
You fiddled with your fingers, trying hard not to burst into tears. “The obvious reasons?”
“You kidding? You are easily the most badass member of the resistance. Well, behind Leia, I guess. And me. And Rey is pretty cool too--”
“Okay, okay, yeesh, I get it,” you giggled. “Well, you’re pretty special too, Poe Dameron. Never in my life would I have guessed that someone like you… cool, handsome, talented--”
“Go on,” Poe smiled. You groaned.
“Self-absorbed,” you teased. “Even if we were the same height… well, I’d never think I’d have a chance.”
Suddenly, Poe stretched his hand out and gently wrapped his fingers around you, allowing you to somewhat take a seat as he lifted you up, flipped on his back and placed you on his chest. You gasped. This was certainly the most intimate you had ever gotten.
“This okay?” he asked quietly. You let out a small mhmm. “Good. I think we can see the stars better this way.” He paused for a moment. “And I can see you a lot better, too.”
You rolled your eyes. “You are so cheesy.”
“But that’s why you love me, right?”
You sniffed a laugh, and your smile shone through your voice. “Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
Poe sighed happily, gently placing his hand over you. This thing… whatever this thing was… he knew it was going to work.
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