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winchesterxxi · 1 year ago
Maybe if I made a grown man arch his back off the bed and groan my name, I’d calm down.
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winchesterxxi · 2 years ago
I think I figured out my biggest problem with “The Mandalorian” season 3. I mentioned in a previous post that I have issue with this season’s lack of focus and constant subplots that are muddying up the main narrative. Now that I think about it, I think the bigger problem is that the show feels too safe and wants to remain safe.
What I mean is that it feels like Favreau and Filoni don’t want to shake things up in the show. They’re still doing these one-off episodes where Din and Grogu get involved in some conflict that gets resolved by the end of the episode. It feels like the show could be something more, it’s just the showrunners don’t want to stray away from the formula. Because of that, it feels like there’s a lot of potential not being explored here.
For example, I didn’t mind that Grogu decided to return to Din after being taken away by Luke Skywalker…at first. Now it feels like we missed the chance to really develop Din as a character. Imagine a whole season where Din is forced to be on his own, trying to figure out how to move forward without Grogu by his side. Sure, the Mando fanbase would be sad, but imagine how much character development and growth there’d be for Din. And another reason why I have a problem now with Grogu returning to Din after only two episodes apart is that season 3 really should’ve just been about Din and Bo-Katan.
(EDIT: Also, it’s not like Grogu can’t just come back by the end of season 3)
Since this season is centered on uniting the Mandalorians, Din and Bo-Katan should’ve just been the main leads. Grogu doesn’t even feel central to the plot here, they really could’ve written this season without him. Who knows, maybe that was the original intention, but Disney or Lucasfilm stepped in and said, “Hey, don’t separate Pedro Pascal from the green alien that makes us money”.
But with that said, I can’t give Favreau and Filoni a pass either. They’re also at fault since they packed this entire season with weird one-off side stories (the giant bird episode) and subplots that are clearly meant to build up a different show (episode 3). Then, every time it feels like the show is picking up momentum, like when Din, Grogu, and Bo go to Mandalore, they immediately undercut it by having the next episode be about something else. I’m like, this is not how you build a story, you have to keep the momentum going, especially since there’s only eight episodes this season.
It’s really hard to say that Mando S3 is a bad season because it’s technically not. I do like the Din and Bo partnership storyline. The story makes sense and is easily the most compelling plot thread of the season. My issue is that it feels like the writers are holding themselves back. They don’t want to stray too far from what’s familiar (Din being dad to Grogu, the goofy side stories), so every time the show feels like it’s taking a big step forward, they immediately backtrack. It’s like the storyline wants to be “Andor”, but the writers are afraid of going full “Andor”, if that makes sense.
Maybe Disney is scared they’ll lose viewers if the show takes too many big steps away from what’s familiar and that they’ll experience another “Last Jedi” backlash. Which is ironic since viewership went down this season anyways. And no, I’m not one of those people blaming Bo-Katan for the drop. I’m putting the blame squarely on the writing because of the reasons above.
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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Boba S1 E5
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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The Mandalorian art of Abigail Larson.
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
Pedro Almodóvar really said “Brokeback Mountain was cool but it needed more animalistic fucking. Here’s Pedro Pascal and Ethan Hawke” LIKE—
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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What a cutie bashful baby! 🥺
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
I just know that as I watch Joel brutally destroying people, I’m also going to be calmly thinking, “This is what Din looks like. This is what Din looks like when he fights. This is what Din FUCKING looks like when he fights.”
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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Javi Gutierrez | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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PEDRO PASCAL on set HBO The Last Of Us
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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📸: wes ellis
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
Sometimes you have to turn on the fairy lights and write filthy smut.
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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Star Wars Vanity Fair Cover Shoot with Pedro Pascal, Ewan McGregor and Rosario Dawson
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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Pedro Pascal Talks the Future of The Mandalorian ✰
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
no but like post-order 66. you and obi-wan fall into a sexual relationship just to feel something and at one point.
you call him obi-wan during sex instead of ben and he puts his hand around your throat and says "i told you not to use that name anymore." you whimper out, "i'm sorry, ben." his hand tightens a little bit, "say my name"
"ben." you moan out as he's fucking you
and he's fucking you to the point you're crying out his name and he cums and it's all just *chef's kisses*
and yes, i do plan on writing this.
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winchesterxxi · 3 years ago
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Part Two
Obi Wan Kenobi x F!Reader
Read part 1 here
Summary: You begin to settle in with Obi Wan, but things slowly start to heat up and the inevitable tension grows.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: mention of death,⚠️brief unwanted physical contact from a stranger⚠️, TONS of tension, light smut, drinking
A/N: thank you all for your positive response to chapter one <3 depending on how this is received, I will continue this story. This one dives into a little more backstory which I am really excited about. It’s also a bit longer than part 1, please enjoy :)
Gif cred: @drsattlers
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“You must focus, Y/N”
“I’m trying” You groaned. You really were trying. This was only the beginning of your training and to give up now would be the ultimate defeat.
“Try harder” Obi Wan encouraged, "You can do it"
You sighed in frustration, honing in on your breathing as you tried to connect yourself with the object in front of you. Your eyes were shut tight, forcing your mind to intertwine with the force without the privilege of sight.
A magnetized sensation tingled and coursed through your fingers, shooting the hairs on the back of your neck straight up. The feeling caused you to gasp lightly.
“Very good, my young Padawan” Obi Wan praised you proudly. Your eyes shot open in amazement, staring at the pebbles that danced in the air. Your connection to them was weak, but you were finally successful in gaining control.
“Master, you taught me this years ago, why is she just now starting here?” Anakin spoke from behind you, startling you, snarky as ever. It was supposed to be just you and Obi Wan, but somehow Anakin ended up joining your training.
“Hush, Anakin. Jedi all learn at their own pace. Remember I told you I was about her age when my Master began training me. You were lucky to start so young” Obi Wan reminded Anakin. His teases never bothered or discouraged you, he was just annoying.
Anakin cleared his throat, “You’re doing great, Y/N. My apologies”
“That’s alright, Anakin. Thank you” You responded calmly.
Something told you that Obi Wan insisted he say this to you, considering your back was facing them and it was uncharacteristic of Anakin to apologize.
The pebbles floated gently back to the ground. You took in a deep breath and let a smile fall across your lips, pleased with your accomplishment.
"We shall wrap up there for today, Y/N." Obi Wan nodded.
"Thank you, Master Kenobi"
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Your sensitivity to the force made itself known when you were reaching adulthood, something Obi Wan told you was rare, but not impossible. You were taken to Coruscant to train as a Jedi at the age of 17. After half a year of training under Master Ti, she was appointed to take on larger responsibilities within her position on the Council and you were transferred to Master Kenobi.
Obi Wan was already training Anakin, something that the Council argued many times when considering who would take you as their Padawan. They said Obi Wan already had his hands full, and truly, he was reluctant to take on another learner, but he saw the ambition in your eyes and took to you immediately. You tried to not compare yourself to Anakin, who was only a year older than you, as you knew his training began as a child, and to compare yourself to him was tormenting your confidence.
However, you were quite the quick learner once you picked up on controlling your abilities. Obi Wan was always impressed with you, and was sure to let you know how proud he was. Shortly after this time, Anakin became preoccupied with his own Padawan learner, Ahsoka. From there, Obi Wan's time and attention was all yours.
2 years...that was all you had with Master Kenobi before it all collapsed, and life as you knew it was gone. Somehow in those 2 years, Obi Wan became the best mentor and companion you could’ve asked for. You came from a broken family, and you found your place with him and Anakin. Despite the rules of forbidden attachment, he sensed your need for a family, and he would've never dreamed of denying you of that.
You've spent the past 10 years believing he was gone. His presence in this galaxy changed everything for you. These years had been filled with crime and poor decisions. Each poor decision growing more and more risky. Somehow all of that didn't seem to matter anymore as your eyes pried open and you were awakened to the sight of his cavern, tucked away and providing as much safety as possible on Tatooine. And just the day before, you woke up on the street of another planet that you'd already forgotten
You had not realized just how exhausted you were until you had a proper pillow under your head. Your mind was trampled with horrific dreams formed from your memories. This was not an abnormal occurrence for you and these nightmares were never easy to shake.
It was always flashes of death, destruction, and absolute chaos. Suddenly you were back in that cramped closet, the sounds of dying Jedi flooding your senses from beyond the door that shielded you. It was an unbearable memory. One that was relentless in your mind. You were meant to die that night, but you survived, and you suffered with that guilt everyday.
Shaking your head to rid the feeling of your fading nightmare, your vision adjusted to the lighting and you looked around the enclosed space, searching for Obi Wan, but he was no where to be found.
“Obi Wan?” You called out, your groggy voice breaking through your tone.
You threw your legs over the side of his bed and tried to gather yourself before standing up. In that moment you realized this was the best nights sleep you’ve had in years. His presence…his protection…it provided a feeling of safety you’d not known since you were still a young Padawan.
A pattering of footsteps drew your attention to the opening of the cavern.
“Good morning, Y/N” Obi Wan perked up as he came back inside.
“Good morning Obi Wan” you said sleepily.
“I hope you slept okay”
“I should be the one saying that to you. You slept on the ground”
“Oh don’t you worry about me. I was quite alright” He said with a smile.
“Well, yes, I slept great. Thank you again”
“No need to thank me. I liked the company” Obi Wan said sweetly. You felt the same way. “My work shuttle leaves in an hour. I’ve got to get going. Will you be here when I return?” He hesitated with the last part. It broke your heart that he thought you may leave so soon. Even though you certainly did not want to overstay your welcome.
You nodded in agreement, “I may get some more rest, if that’s alright”
“Of course. The alarm will alert you to any unexpected visitors. Although, I will warn you, sometimes the little creatures will set it off. Just be on alert. I’ll be back before sunset" He began to walk off, "Oh, and I left some food for you, its on the table” Obi Wan offered a grin.
“That is very kind of you. Be safe”
The look that lingered in his expression as he stared back at you speechless resembled that of a man who’s holding onto nothing but hope. You stared back, trying to comfort him with only your gaze. Little does he know how much his mere existence is helping you cling to what little hope you held onto as well.
“What?” You spoke up, not knowing if he was going to stop staring anytime soon.
“I just…I can’t believe you’re here” His voice cracked through a whisper, almost as if he was trying to fight back tears.
You smiled in response, dropping your head to your lap in attempt to hide your rosy cheeks. Without another word, Obi Wan collected his satchel and walked away, but not without looking back to you, still occupying his bed.
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The cantina was a rouse of loud chatter and music. Obi Wan says the empire has yet to raid this place, and for now, it was safe. You observed the wide variety of patrons devouring their food and drinks, drunkenly dancing or fighting their night away. After he returned from work, he insisted on going out for a drink, which you'd never dream of turning down that offer.
“Quite the interesting place, isn’t it?” Obi Wan raised his voice slightly for you to hear him over the commotion.
“It’s something” You said back.
“Are you alright?” Obi Wan asked you, leaning in so you could hear him better. He was concerned for you, and didn’t want you to be uncomfortable.
“Hm?” You leaned in too, unsure of what he said.
“I said are you alright?” He repeated.
“Oh, yes! Just taking it all in. I usually avoid these kinds of crowds”
“We can go if you-” He began frantically.
“No! No, I’m okay! I like it. And once our drinks come to the table I’ll be a lot better” You assured him, grinning warmly.
“Agreed” He smiled back.
The drinks finally made their way to your secluded booth. You sipped the foul liquid as it burned a trail down your throat. You needed to take the edge off, so you tolerated it. The past 24 hours were wonderfully eventful, and it had brought you a sense of comfort that you never dreamed you'd feel again, but it was also overwhelming and a drink or two couldn't hurt.
“Probably should’ve gotten a beer, like you” You gestured to his giant glass of ale.
“Not liking your liquor?” He smirked.
“It’s just...strong” You giggled as your face twisted in distaste with your next swallow.
“The drunker the customer, the more credits they’ll spend” Obi Wan suggested, “I guess that’s why they make them so strong”
“That’s…true, I suppose” You laughed.
“Should we order you something else?” He offered with concern in his eyes.
Instead of offering an answer, you winced and groaned before tipping the glass all the way back, allowing it to land heavily in the pit of your stomach. You shook your head aggressively and breathed out with what felt like fire.
“I guess that answers that question”
“You were saying?” You responded, crossing your arms and sitting back, proud of yourself.
The two of you chatted and caught up for what felt like hours, and truly, it could have been several hours before you even thought to check the time.
“I’ve not felt this happy in a long time” You admitted, this aggressively changed directions in the conversation, but you were still floating in the fuzziness of your drinks and you couldn’t wipe a smile off your face if you tried. You were happy. You were with Obi Wan and he was looking at you like you were the only woman that mattered in the entire galaxy.
“I would have to say the same” he smiled at you, your eyes locking immediately and neither of you dared to break the contact.
You hadn’t spoken of the kiss from the day before, and neither of you really knew how to bring it up. Were you both just eager to touch someone again? Was it your pent up grief needing some kind of outlet? Or did you both really love and need each other as desperately as you felt in that moment?
You weren’t sure how Obi Wan really felt, and the last thing you intended to do was finally walk back into his life just to complicate it.
“We should probably go soon” You broke the silence, opting out of bringing up the situation replaying in your head.
Obi Wan nodded and threw back the rest of his glass. Neither of you really drank enough to inebriate you, but you were definitely feeling more confident than normal, something you only needed a little encouragement to feel.
“I’ll go close our tab” He said as he slid out of the booth. You nodded and smiled, feeling oddly unsafe the second that he left. Although, who could blame you, really? This place was crawling with less than desirable individuals.
A towering figure approached the booth suddenly, jolting your heart into your stomach, sucking a gasp from your throat.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to startle you”
“Oh, um, that’s okay” You breathed, your palm stuck to your chest as if to manually slow your racing heart rate.
“I’m Varlo, what’s your name?”
“Y/N” You responded in a flat tone, hoping to deter any further conversation.
“Pleasure to meet you”, He smiled down at you. You didn’t like that he used his height to power over you. You shyly smiled back and nodded.
The man was dressed like every other human traveler in the cantina, and although the whole place reeked of liquor, he especially had a pungent smell. His eyes were already getting him in trouble as they wandered like a lost soul up and down your body, stopping briefly at your breasts that were slightly exposed in your top.
“Is there something I can help you with?” You asked, trying desperately to hide your irritation. He was polite until the moment he looked at you like an object.
“There is plenty you could help me with” He smirked and winked.
“I’m really not interested” You continued to hold your smile. Kindness generally came easy to you, but you prayed he’d walk away before it escalated.
“That’s too bad. Is that your boyfriend?” He said smugly, nodding to Obi Wan who was wrapping up paying the bartender.
Please hurry up Obi Wan
“Yes” You responded briskly without thinking before you answered.
“Would he mind if I borrowed you for the night?” Varlo shot you a menacing grin. Your stomach turned in disgust.
“I would mind. I told you I’m not interested”
“I hear you, but…” he dropped to a whisper and leaned down, becoming dangerously close to your face, “with a body like this” he started, putting a hand on your thigh. You winced and froze immediately, “I don’t know if I can resist”
You opened your mouth to answer but as you tried to force out the words, Obi Wan approached quickly, and shoved the guy off of you with a brute force. He was seething, and gave Varlo no chance to defend himself, rightfully so.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Obi Wan shouted. His tone was stricken with rage, and it was a side of him you never imagined he even had. Others in the bar turned to look at the commotion. The last thing either of you needed was negative attention... or any attention really.
“Obi Wan!” You called to him.
“Sorry, man, I’ll be honest, I was just trying to fuck her” Varlo laughed hysterically as he wiped the blood from his nose. This guy was more drunk than you thought. Who the hell says that?
Obi Wan’s jaw clenched as he held the man by the cloth of his tunic. He demonstrated great restrain as he loosened his grip and threw Varlo to the ground. The rage had not blinded him enough for him to think that hurting this man was a good idea right now.
“Don’t ever touch her, or any other woman, again. I won’t be so merciful next time” He growled, and pulled his fingers through his hair and away from his face.
“Let’s go” Obi Wan insisted, turning to leave and motioning for you to go ahead of him.
The humid air brushed your skin with a slight breeze as you exited the cantina.
You turned to him immediately, “Obi Wan what was-”
“Y/N, are you alright?” Obi Wan gripped a hold of your arm and pulled you around the side of the cantina, away from the public eye. Butterflies danced in your stomach at the foreign contact.
“I’m fine, really I’m okay” You assured him. Unfortunately in ten years traveling alone, that wasn’t the first time a man had tried something so bold.
His hands cupped your heated cheeks, and his eyes scanned your face for dishonesty. Something in his deep concern for you brought out suppressed sadness within you. Your eyes started to well up and you swallowed the lump rising in your throat.
“You’re not” He whispered, watching the tears pool in your eyes.
You were overwhelmed and you were letting it all out all at once.
“I’m okay, just a little upset but I’m fine” You said, taking a deep breath in. Obi Wan brushed his thumb over the stray tear that fell down your cheek. You smiled at him, so thankful that he came when he did.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to stop him sooner. Did he hurt you?”
“I don’t know what made me lash out like that, I apologize. That wasn’t like me at all and I-”
“Thank you for protecting me” You said graciously, interrupting his spiraling thoughts.
“I told you, I…I can’t lose you again. I can’t fail you again” His voice broke subtly, and it shattered your heart.
“You never failed me Obi Wan”
“I wish that were true, little one”
“Kiss me” You insisted, knowing you couldn’t convince him of how deeply you trusted him with your life and how he had never failed you, not once.
And he did just that. He planted his lips upon yours and it was delicately passionate with every second that it lingered. He tasted of beer and smoky musk that piqued your need for more. He pulled your face into him before moving his hands to rest at the sides of your shoulders. You could sense his ache to let his hands explore further but yet again his restraint impressed you.
You wanted him more than just this kiss behind a run-down cantina in Mos Eisley. You needed him closer, raw against your skin. It was like an itch that needed to be scratched, and his supple lips pressing perfectly against yours was only brushing the surface of your desire. His protective nature, the way his rough hands grabbed your face, the way he spoke to you, it all drove you insane.
You pulled away, hesitantly, finding it hard to break that contact with him.
“Is this wrong?” He whispered, he looked like he was in pain, but it was a beautiful type of pain.
“10 years ago? Maybe. Back then there was a Council of Jedi that would’ve frowned upon this, Obi Wan. But its just us, now” You preached, stopping only to take a deep breath “We are two human beings that want each other. No one is here anymore to tell us it’s wrong. That’s up to us. Do you think it’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, darling. I don’t know what I believe in anymore. I’m not the man I once was, but even that man, all those years ago...that man still loved you dearly, Y/N” He confessed, his smile soothing the tension.
His words lit a fire in your heart. He looked so beautiful in the glow of the moonlight. He always did. He was a beautiful man.
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A speeder taxi took the two of you back home, and during that ride neither of you said a word to one another, which only helped to tightened the sexual tension between you two.
As soon as you entered the cavern, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into another kiss, wanting to pick up exactly where you left off behind the cantina. The vibrations tingling across your skin from the light influence of alcohol still in your system that made you feel free and confident. You were still sober enough to make your own decisions, that much you were sure of.
“Are you still drunk, Y/N?” He wondered, suddenly aware of how far this could go.
“Yes, but only a little” You groaned. You wanted to keep going so you leaned back into his kiss.
He pulled away from you.
Uh, what?
“You need sleep. I won’t do this if you’re not in your sober mind”
“Obi Wan, I want you. I’m not too drunk to make that decision.” You assured him.
“And I really want you too, darling. But not like this” He said softly, intertwining his fingers through your hair.
Damn his politeness, you thought.
“Please,” you begged, “I need you so bad, Obi Wan”
“You have no idea how hard it is for me to say no to you right now, Y/N”
“Then, don’t” You pleaded in a whisper. You clenched your legs together to ease the ache that was forming.
A brief moan left his lips as he watched you writhe in desire, “Another night” He said firmly, yet kindly.
“Okay” You nodded, accepting his polite decline. It was so thoughtful of him to not even imagine taking advantage of you, even though you knew he wouldn’t be.
Obi Wan smiled sweetly down at you, “Let’s get you to bed, yeah?”
You nodded again, defeated but honored that he cared so deeply for you. He helped you to remove your shoes as you sat down on the bed.
You playfully rolled your eyes, “Obi Wan, I can get undressed by myself.”
“Well, certainly, but I don’t mind helping” He winked back at you. He believed that you were able to make a conscious decision to sleep with him, but he wanted you to be sober, and to not risk you regretting anything with him. You understood, as hard as it was, you really understood.
You tried to remove your top, to just leave your undershirt. It was more comfortable to sleep that way. Your shirt got caught on your necklace, so Obi Wan reached up and assisted to pull the shirt over your head. He cleared his throat uncomfortably as he caught sight of the thin material of your undershirt and how it left little to the imagination. The sensation of his skin against yours sent chills across your body, causing your nipples to peak in response.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away. Obi Wan swallowed hard and whimpered subtly, setting your shirt to the side.
“Do you need help to take off your-” He began nervously, gesturing to the pants you wore. It was possible you could hear his heartbeat over your own.
You nodded and unbuttoned your pants slowly, looking deep into his stare the entire time. He was kneeling in front of the bed at your feet now. Timidly reaching for the waistband of your pants, he cleared his throat again, which seemed to be something he did frequently when he was nervous.
“I need your help” You whispered in a sensual tone. You absolutely did not need his help, but to tease him did not break any rules he had set for the evening.
As he pulled down the material, you shimmied your hips slightly to help him slide them down with ease. His brows pressed together is such a look of desperation upon sight of your skimpy panties.
“Thank you, sir” you chuckled in a teasing tone.
“My pleasure” he purred back as he set your pants to the side with your top.
You were left there in your undershirt and panties, ready to slide yourself under the covers. Obi Wan remained kneeling on the floor, his eyes slowly magnetized to between your exposed thighs. In order to tease him even further, you parted your legs slightly, revealing to him the dampness pooling in your underwear.
“Gods” he moaned and dug his nails into your thighs. He wanted to pounce onto you like he was a starving man and you were his last meal. “I want every inch of you underneath me” he growled lowly.
But he couldn’t do that. Because he swore to you and to himself that it was wrong, he wouldn’t do it.
“But not tonight, right?” You playfully mocked him, knowing he wouldn’t change his mind either way.
As neither of you said another word, he admired the curve of your body and the newly revealed skin he’d never seen before.
“Will you sleep with me, Obi Wan?”
“Y/N, I told you, I can’t d-”
“No. I mean just sleep with me. Next to me” You corrected. To have the company may help with your rampant nightmares.
He looked up at you in a pleasant confusion.
“Of course, Y/N, if that is what you want”.
He removed his shoes and over-shirt, and crawled into bed behind you. It was cramped, but that feeling of him pressed against you was all you needed.
“Goodnight, Obi Wan”
He whispered back, “Goodnight, darling”, and planted a light peck on the back of your head.
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IM SORRY I KNOW I PROMISED MORE SMUT and the one bed trope but I wanted more build up so please be on the lookout for part 3!!
I am making a tag list for this series. If you are interested please comment! If I have tagged you and you are not interested, please let me know and I’ll remove you. No hard feelings❤️
Tagged: @simplysolo @captaincarmel164 @hotchslatte @marygoddessofmischief @notmyideia @meshlasolus @ceruleanrainblues @shylittlefoxx @infinity-witch @star-whores-a-new-hoe there are two blogs that wanted to be tagged but it would not let me for some reason :((
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