#nikki x nate
nikkiruncks · 28 days
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#same ship different font
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cannonball5 · 1 month
Things I noticed about Nate and Leia in part 3, spoilers to follow:
Nate taking the blame for the kitchen to be a hero to impress Nikki
Leia is the only one to call his sacrifice “heroic”
Leia organizing a gift for Nate as a thank you
Leia obsessing over why Nate would do it (leading to a fight with Jay)
Leia going into the men’s bathroom and threatening a professional wrestler for an autographed belt for Nate
Nate commenting to Red that he didn’t want to have to settle for his “second choice” like Red did (as if Kitty could be Red’s second choice, come on)
Leia attempting to convince Betsy to break up with Nate and spending time with her (risky move considering how Jay clearly feels about Betsy)
Leia attempting to look out for Nate by telling him he needs to break up with Betsy
Otis suggesting to Nate to say he cheated on Betsy with Leia
The recreation of the That 70s show intro with Nate as Eric and Leia as Donna
Leia obsessing over having her parents’ love story. Jay is her first love, but Nate is the boy next door.
We already see the cracks forming in Leia and Jay’s relationship. I mean this summer is the longest the couple has actually been around each other and Leia seemed pretty annoyed with Jay when he didn’t have any bro time with Nate. We’ll see how long they last over the course of a whole school year.
Meanwhile Nate and Nikki are back together but have yet to actually address the reasons they broke up in the first place. It’s great that Nate believes in Nikki but a fair chunk of part 3 was her complaining about how he wasn’t a very good boyfriend to her (I think he’s in a much better place to be a better boyfriend post Betsy, but still). Nikki and Nate are the Kelso and Jackie relationship dynamic of the series and that relationship was not built to last. I know Kelso and Jackie are married in the show but that has more to do with Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis being married irl than there characters’ compatibility. Also everything we hear about Kelso and Jackie’s marriage is just a bunch of red flags.
Am I being delusional? Probably. But I’ve been in this boat before and that ship sailed beautifully into the sunset, so maybe it will happen again.
If I missed and Nate and Leia moments from part 3 please let me know. I love them so much.
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thatseventiesbitch · 3 months
If anyone is Eric/Donna coded, it's Nikki/Nate 🤷‍♀️
Now, to preface this, when I say 'coded' I mean 'I see several similarities', not 'they are identical and will have the exact same storylines and outcomes'. I think that is still very much up in the air. But I've seen several takes that Jay/Leia are Eric and Donna 2.0, but as the resident Eric/Donna expert™ I think Nikki and Nate are moreso.
Exhibit A:
NikNate's season 1 dilemma almost perfectly mirrored Eric and Donna's Promise Ring dilemma. Nate is insecure about his relationship with Nikki throughout the season - he worries Nikki is too smart for him and will leave him behind, he worries she's interested in other guys, etc - and he needs reassurance from her that they are a serious couple and will be together in the future. Nikki can't really give him that reassurance. She says the future's not set - and quotes Terminator 2 😂 - "There's no fate but what we make for ourselves." Aka - "If we're meant to be together, then we'll end up together," which is what Donna tells Eric at the end of season 3 when he is searching for the very same reassurance.
This conflict doesn't break-up NikNate like it does Eric and Donna at this point, but it's not a conflict they really solved or addressed, so it simmers under the surface for the rest of the season and into the next, ultimately setting up their break-up in early Part 2.
Think a number of factors contributed to their break-up: Nate's almost kiss with Leia eroding Nikki's trust, yes, but ultimately they break-up in the circle after both coming to the realization that they've been more invested in their friends' relationship than their own, leading them to question whether they're really compatible and in a relationship worth saving after all.
They're both devastated after the break-up, but Nikki does a much better job of hiding it than Nate - just like in early season 4, with Eric and Donna.
NikNate's break-up mirrors Eric and Donna's in a lot of ways.
Nikki dresses hot to try to torture Nate (her referee striped thong *lol*) - so does Donna (Eric begs her to stop trying to look so hot when she comes over - aka not wearing a bra).
Exhibit B:
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Exhibit C:
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Both couples, after a few episodes of trying to move on from one another, find each other back in bed. Both couples try to explain their 'relapse' off as meaningless, but it eventually becomes apparent they still have real feelings for each other (NikNate's tenderness with each other during the pregnancy scare storyline & Nate's feelings while watching Nikki sing; Eric and Donna... well, shit, I wrote a whole fanfic about this, you can read it here if you want 😅).
I don't know if NikNate are ultimately meant to be or are going to end up together like Eric and Donna did. But I wanted to add my thoughts to the discourse, because I don't think they are Jackie/Kelso reincarnate at all.
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sulietsexual · 3 months
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Dreams last so long, even after you're gone I know that you love me and soon I know you will see You were meant for me, and I was meant for you
Nikki & Nate Season 2 [That '90s Show] Requested by @torturedpoetskywalker
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winnie-the-monster · 1 month
Aww imma cry. Nate really traded his van to get Nikki her guitar back. 🥲🥲🥲🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
That being said, I saw them getting back together coming. I was still hoping that they wouldn’t.
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that90sgifs · 1 month
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2x06 || 3x06
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moodboard: nikki x nate
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disneymbti · 20 days
Prompt: “are you sure we can’t just stay like this forever?”
Can you please drabble for Niknate with this prompt?
Hi there, Poorni! I really hope you like this a lot!
We Are in The Moment and We Can't Just Stay Like This Forever
On July 7th of 1996, Nate and Nikki are in Nate's bedroom, just finishing their passionate lovemaking from last night, Nate was watching Nikki in his bed sleeping; and he just can't believe that Nikki is sleeping peacefully in his bed looking so beautiful and precious like a dream coming to live. "Are you sure we can't just stay like this forever?" Nate replied back to Nikki once she is fully awake and dressed to go back to her house. Nikki said to Nate, feeling guilty that she has to leave Nate behind; "Maybe, but we know the rules to our fling arrangement but maybe someday, we will work things out." Nate smiled brightly at Nikki after that sentence and replied back to Nikki. "I hope so, Nik because I missed you." Nikki smiles at Nate like that but then she leaves because of her growing feelings for Nate again and is afraid to get hurt again by him. But maybe things will change for them.
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thestupidhelmet · 3 months
What was your favorite kid storyline of Part 2?
(Personally I loved Nikki’s the most)
Nikki's. 😊
I liked others' stories, too, but hers is the most fully-developed so far (imo), especially how it continues from what's established in Part 1.
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Here’s the link of the cast “That 90′s Show” being interviewed
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kissandships · 1 year
*evil laugh* Nate/Nikki & Jackie/Kelso
Nate/Nikki are definitely a NOTP for me. And Jackie/Kelso is not anti but not shipping either. They needed to be with each other in order to grow, and I think they are sometimes genuinely sweet and cute
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
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Just thought of this 😍
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will80sbyers · 2 years
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thatseventiesbitch · 3 months
That '90s Show Part 2 Review
Overall, I'm giving Part 2 4.5 Stars out of 5!!!! I completely loved it, and thought it was an improvement from last season. I am now all the more excited for part 3, given what I know is still coming. 😜
If you're interested, here's my real-time reactions thread from Twitter (pinned to the top of my bio).
Stay tuned for my breakdown (warning: there be spoilers here):
The Good
The H U M O R continues to be the brightest spot for me. This is a genuinely funny show - I laughed out loud (okay, closer to howled if we're being honest) several times. It feels similar (though not identical) to T70S' brand of humor. I can tell it was made by the same people. This season, like last, Ozzie was my main man and had the one-liners that sent me the most but I can say the same for Jay, Gwen, Nate, and Leia too. And Bob. Oh hell, all of them! I'm sure I'll be reblogging my favorite moments for months to come while we wait for part 3!
The C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T is the other shining star for me. The first season was limited (disappointing?) in this regard - to be fair, they only had 10 episodes to introduce us to a whole new handful of characters and make us care about them, and they mostly did. But this season brought the depth I was looking for - and we're only halfway through! 🤯 We learn more about Jay's playboy past, and see how he's actively working to grow and change and do his relationship with Leia differently. Ozzie is humanized when he has his heart broken - and his friends are there to pick up the pieces 💔. Nate struggles with his feelings and relationship with Nikki all season, and by the end of episode 8 he seems to be grappling with still having real feelings for her that he can't move on from. Nikki's pregnancy scare really affected her, and not in the way one would necessarily expect. She ended part 2 feeling lost and unsure of her direction, or what she truly wants (and not her parents), for the first time in her life. Gwen's storylines were perhaps my favorite of all (I'm a big Gwen stan, okay?). I was impressed that they decided to 'go there' with the racism plot, and even more impressed at the frank conversation she had at the end of the episode with her white (and well-intentioned, but bumbling) mom. Was it perfect and resolved? No. I think that was kind of the point. Not to mention her navigating her first real feelings and her relationship (?) with Cole. And Leia, my lovely Leia - she is learning about communication, forgiveness, honesty - all with the gentle guidance of her family and her friends. And that's not to mention Red and Kitty, who had sweet, plot-driving storylines of their own. I loved their realization that they like their rut - but loved even more when Red was inspired to live every day like it's his last and pushed through his fears to go to Paris with Kitty 🥰. This longer season has afforded more 'filler-like' episodes for us to just hang out with the characters, and get to know them more intimately. What are their wants, fears, insecurities, innermost thoughts? We are getting there. We are really getting there. Let's see what 8 more episodes will bring!
BOB! Bob gets his own point, because I enjoyed him so much (and seeing him and Red eventually come together to be overprotective grandpas 🤣. I laughed so much at his relationship with Leia, how they were just chilling in the basement, how he wanted all the teen gos. And Gwen's "What the heck, do you tell your grandpas everything?" 😂
DONNA! I adore Donna Pinciotti (Forman?), always have, and I adore her even more in the '90s than I thought possible. I love seeing her as a mom and her relationship with Leia. More pls.
This season felt more '90s to me! They incorporated more '90s references and brought back the regular fantasy sequences that always set the original apart. Off the top of my head, I loved: Kitty's Carmen Electra fantasy/nightmare (😂), Leia's Lisa Loeb fantasy (🤣), the Macarena (that shit was e v e r y w h e r e in the mid-90s, man), the Mentos commercial, Jay and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith cameo!!! also, Leo's son???) and all of Kitty's '90s slang that she picked up from the kids at school 😂👏🏻
The guest stars! Mitch and The Angel returned from T70S, and I am a big Will Forte/that era of SNL stan so I thoroughly enjoyed his appearance, too (and know he's been involved on the OG series on the writing/production side).
Red's trains (callback to season 1 of T70S - whoa!!) 🥰
I thought they struck a good balance this season between those heartfelt, 'very special episode'-type moments that '90s sitcoms were infamous for, without actually being too sickly-sweet, ala a Full House or Girl Meets World type moment. Donna and Leia's interaction in Nikki's bedroom regarding the voicemail comes to mind, as well as the is-Nikki-pregnant storyline and Nikki and Nate's celebratory dance at the end 🤣.
Which reminds me - I thought Nikki and Nate's storyline was intriguing. I have always been sort of a fan of their relationship - I don't think it's as bad as some others seem to - but remain unconvinced that they're 'meant to be' or endgame or whatever. But I enjoyed watching them navigate their break-up this season and then reluctantly find their ways back to each other, though. We'll see where it goes in part 3!
I immediately noted (and was pleased!) that there was a Laurie mention and a Midge mention this season. Both very off-hand, but it was something I was curious about. Who will be next? Betsy Kelso? 😮
The Bad
For me, ngl, Topher Grace's (Eric) absence was really felt. It is definitely the kids' show now and a substantial storyline isn't one I'd ever expect, but gosh I missed him from the family scenes at the beginning (both those with Red & Kitty, and those with Donna & Leia). The silver lining is how the other characters continue to reference him - almost in every episode, really - and so we still learn things about him and his relationships to his wife, daughter, and parents through these mentions from other characters. There will always be a part of me that is crossing my fingers for another Eric appearance, though, and I think there always will be.
Kitty's characterization as an overbearing mother was overdone. To be fair, this isn't a deviation from the original show. This is how she was often written towards the end of T70S - overbearing, possessive of Eric, lashing out at Donna or feeling in competition with her. It was done for laughs, but it wasn't particularly funny to me (and never was) 🤷‍♀️.
Not enough Geia content for my 'shipper heart 😩. We got one boob touch 😂, and it is clear that Leia still prioritizes her friendship with Gwen above all else (I lol'ed when she worried Gwen was in jail and that she would have to commit a crime to join her) but I want more, damn it! Part 2 solidified for me that Geia is never going to be anything more than a crack!ship. 😰
Which reminds me - Jay and Leia are kind of 'meh' for me. They're fine, I don't dislike them together, and I do like how we're seeing them both learn and grow through their relationship but... it just inspires kind of lukewarm feelings, I guess.
There wasn't a lot of Sherri in part 2. I love Sherri. Hope to see more of her in the next part.
The Ugly
I am pleased to say that I can't think of anything!!! Fez was absent (although they didn't directly reference their break-up, Sherri is clearly single and on the prowl all season) but I didn't miss him (🤭). Ditto to Kelso and Jackie - although we did get one reference to Jay's dad and the Kelso family heirloom (aka porn). I would say the ugliest part is that I now have to wait until October for part 3!!!
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sulietsexual · 5 months
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Nate & Nikki [That '90s Show] Requested by @hydesjackiespuddinpop
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winnie-the-monster · 1 month
“There you are, you dumbass. What the hell is wrong with you? You love me? You are so full of it. You just can’t stand to see me with someone else.”
“Nik, this is real look at my face.”
“That’s the same face you make when you pee in the woods.”
“And you know I love that too. You’re proving my point.”
“I have no reason to believe anything that you’re saying. You almost kissed Leia. You dump me in front of my friends, and you tell me you love me just so you can break up with Betsy.”
Nikki is making some excellent points. Everything Nate’s done, isn’t showing that he loves her. It’s showing the exact opposite
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