Same Red & Kitty, Different Decade
614 posts
Blog dedicated to the Netflix series That ‘90s Show A Place to Keep things light and positive about the show and it’s characters. Ask Box is always open to talk about it all!Side note: I run That70sshowsgoldencouple and adore seeing Debra Jo Rupp and Kurtwood Smith as Red and Kitty Forman being the Golden couple in a new decade-the 90s! 💛
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 5 months ago
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. ❤️
I am disappointed at the series cancellation, but can’t say I am surprised. The writing has been on the wall for a while, and Netflix gonna Netflix (cancel an up and coming series with a dedicated fan base after a handful of seasons, just as it’s hitting its stride).
I never, ever thought a T70S reunion or reboot would happen and so I am so happy and grateful for every unexpected moment we got (even if I wish we got more). The headcanons and the fanfic will live on, forevermore.
Thank you, That ‘90s Show, for:
The opportunity to go back to Point Place, Wisconsin one more time
A glimpse into Eric, Donna, Jackie, Kelso, and Fez’s futures (+ Red and Kitty too!)
Confirmation that my OTP got their happily ever after ❤️ and the chance to see them on-screen as married partners and parents (#otp: mom and dad)
Introducing new characters to care about and play with
The ‘90s references and the T70S callbacks that made my nostalgic heart so happy
All the laughs
And a special thank you to Kurtwood Smith, Debra Jo Rupp, and Laura Prepon, who made this wonderful, sentimental show what it was
I have thoroughly enjoyed this series and while it’s not quite as special to me as the OG series, I know it is one that I will come back to again and again via both rewatching and writing. Thanks for following along with me! ✌🏻
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 6 months ago
All of this, love it!
That ‘90s Show Part 3 - My Thoughts
Real life was real life’in this week 😅, so I’m just now able to share my thoughts re: the newest That ‘90s Show episodes.
Overall, another wonderful installment! The actors have definitely settled into their characters, and I’m invested in their storylines and relationships (beyond just Eric, Donna, and Leia). Reception to part 3 so far seems very positive. I’m going to remain hopeful it will get another season!
More thoughts beneath the cut:
It’s sort of stream of consciousness rambling, lol.
-Leia, my love. The wrestling storyline in episode 1 was funny. I loved seeing Leia’s persuasive, edgy side come out when she secured the autograph, much like back in the pilot when she got the tap from Mama. She’s really come into her own as a character this season.
-So much appreciation for the Doug Funnie and Porkchop cameos! 😆 As a child of the ‘90s, Doug was one of my favorite cartoons! And Red and Kitty’s Beanie Babies plot was… strange, lol, but funny. And it was nice to see them in cahoots. I knew Beanie Babies were going to make an appearance at some point, because they’re such a quintessentially ’90s thing. Remember how they gave away mini ones at McDonald’s for a while, and people went nuts? It was a strange time.
-Okay, the scene at the kitchen table with Red, Kitty, Leia and Donna after she broke the shower head genuinely had me cackling. And Donna gets another gold star mom award for the way she talked to Leia about it afterwards. I love how good of a mom she is. Hits me right in my feels. 🥹
-Jay and Leia… okay, probably an unpopular opinion but I just feel so lukewarm about them! 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t dislike them, I don’t ship them, they’re fine, I just don’t feel emotionally connected to them. Their first time didn’t elicit any big feelings or emotions from me. Their cliffhanger at the end - meh, I don’t really care if they stay together or break up. I remain more interested in seeing Leia explore other relationships - with Gwen or Nate, for instance - but she didn’t have many storylines apart from those with Jay or her family this time. Maybe it was foreshadowing to have Leia admit she expects to have a life long love like her parents do, and her friends reminding her that’s not realistic at all…
-Betsy! She reminds me of Brooke a bit and also Laurie, but mostly feels like her own character. Her relationship with Nate also reminds me of Kelso/Brooke’s relationship and Kelso/Laurie’s, in turns. She is much smarter than him but seems bemused and oddly charmed by the simple Nate, ala Brooke. And she’s manipulative, dominant, and sex-positive, ala Laurie. The scene where Nate tried to break up with her and she said no (😂) literally mirrors the Kelso and Laurie one from T70S. I definitely believed her as a Kelso, but you can tell she has intelligence her brother does not (thanks, Brooke) and seems serious about college/school in addition to having sex. A good mix of her parents, overall, and I enjoyed seeing her interactions with Jay and all the Kelso family lore we learned about this season!
-Kelso family lore: Jay and Betsy’s quibble - “Dad stayed with MY mom!” shows some underlying resentment/competition between the siblings, and also reveals that Kelso and Jackie took a 3 year break at some point (which we already kind of knew, due to their multiple remarriages) during which Kelso went back to Brooke (unclear)? Jay’s line about the time the entire Kelso family went to therapy for 20 minutes and the therapist told them they’re all afraid to love themselves was interesting, too.
-Okay, it was actually very sweet how Kitty found Isaac for Ozzie. I’ve enjoyed his arc this season: his heartbreak over Etienne, finding a queer community, his horror over being the last virgin *lol*, and now his blossoming relationship with Isaac. He seems more confident about himself and his sexuality than ever before. And his dry sense of humor always makes me laugh.
-We got to meet Gwen’s dad! I enjoyed him, his backstory, and his interactions with both Sherri and Gwen. Hoping we might see him again. Also, this shuts down the ‘Hyde is Gwen’s dad’ theories for good.
-The Jay and (Not So) Silent Bob schtick is so-so to me, but I did laugh at how they were following ‘their kids’ Ozzie and Isaac at the movies 😂.
-We got some good Eric nuggets! Starting with Eric and Donna being the same height in their wedding pictures - which I would cut my pinky finger off to see, btw. He lands his dream job working with George Lucas on Skywalker Ranch (I looked it up, and yes it’s a real place) and writing a book about the new Star Wars movies. Gets him out of the picture more permanently, but still leaves the door open for him to visit/return for a holiday episode or something. Loved Donna’s conversation with him on the phone, and imagining her helping him get settled out in California and visiting. And then Kitty’s comment about Donna drooling on his chest when they sleep - 🥹. My favorite detail yet.
-(Did anybody else think of the scene in T70S where Eric and Donna were discussing going to premarital counseling and Donna said they’d learn things about each other, like for instance what if one day she gets a high paying job in California - will he move? And then Eric is like ‘Whoa, why can’t I be the one to get the high paying job?’)
-Oh my god, I loved the ending sequence of them all in the car, dressed like the T70S characters and imitating the opening credits. Loved, loved, LOVED. When Leia put her hands on the dashboard like Donna, I think my shipper heart exploded. 🥰
-Donna and Bob’s moment on the car was very sweet (as was Bob reminiscing over Midge - this feels like confirmation that she’s passed away in-universe). I also thought it was poignant how Donna realizes (and values) both Eric and Leia’s happiness and doesn’t want to take that away, yet feels lost herself and is thus having difficulty making this decision. And then ultimately, she decides to just go back and forth between her two favorite people. 🥰
-The Clueless fantasy!!!!! Yes. So much yes. (I really enjoyed all of the ‘90s references this season)
-Wow. Sherri really is a Laurie clone (*cough* replacement *cough*). The fact that she’s done it with everyone - including the judge at Kitty’s court hearing. She’s earnest and often well meaning, but trips over her words and her relationships. Red and Kitty have so much to teach her. It’s a very parental relationship. Really makes you think about what could have been…
-This season made me such a NikNate shipper. I was kind of starting to come around to them after part 2, but their arc at the end where Nate believes in her musical talent and sells his van to buy back her guitar really got me. Nate is really winning me over, in general. #OTP: You’ll Always Be My Baby
-Ooh, that cliffhanger! Will Donna let Leia stay in Point Place now? Will she have to go to Our Lady Of Perpetual Sorrow? Will Leia forgive Jay for stealing her grandma’s keys? Stay tuned to find out! 😁
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 6 months ago
Haha I loved Red in this episode!
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 6 months ago
🤐but also 😁 at reading some of y’all’s tags.
This was an episode I attended a taping for!
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lmao what is Nate doing there 😭
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
Never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd get to see Drunk Red and Drunk Kitty together!! 🤣🤣🤣
Oh I think I am going to love this scene and episode! I think I know what their storyline is and if not I have a bts photo from the scene that looks pretty cute!
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
Can’t help wondering if someone saw my comment and that’s why we got that awesome trailer yesterday
Lips are staying sealed till the premiere then!
uuuhh Netflix u wanna drop that 90s show part 3 trailer this week so baddd
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
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Part 3!!! Eeeee!!!
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
Your second paragraph says it perfectly!
Writers : Gives fans Betsy
Fans : 😡 No, not like that
People, i swear🙄
😂 Yeah, that’s how it goes. I fear it will only get worse as viewers get to know her more and what her personality is like/which parent she aligns with more.
It’s tough when you’re competing against decades of everyone’s personal headcanon. But, ce la vie. Never going to satisfy everyone.
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
I get people thinking about the continuity and everything but like it's a fucking sitcom you're not supposed to overthink everything or the continuity yes it's fun to joke about it and whatnot but like by continuity standards Leia technically has a maternal aunt that no one talks about she was in one episode of That 70 show and then no one even the show poofed her out because it's a sitcom and no one really cares about this shit
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
“I need a name and I need an ass!”
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
eight episodes is not a full season of television
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
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New summary for part 3 of That ‘90s Show. Not exactly a trailer but it’s something! Yay!
@thatseventiesbitch @nikkisgwens @yenalii @randomwriter23
Not quite sure who else to tag, that might be interested in the news. Let me me know if you’d like me to tag you in any other updates for the series
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
@nikkisgwens I don’t necessarily get access to new episodes, I fly out to California to see the taping of the episodes 😊
uuuhh Netflix u wanna drop that 90s show part 3 trailer this week so baddd
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
THIS!! I mean COME ON! It’s 10 days away!
Also I’ve seen two of the upcoming episodes, there are definitely storylines/scenes that could make for a good teaser!
If we don’t see anything by Thursday or Friday I *may* just start sharing some spoilers 🫢
uuuhh Netflix u wanna drop that 90s show part 3 trailer this week so baddd
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
I love this! Hope you continue it!
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this WIP wednesday im taking matters into my own fucking hands!!! eric forman u are still bisexual and thats FINAL !!
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
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Kitty dancing the Macarena was something I'd so been waiting for since we got the news of That '90s Show and it was just as awesome and funny as I knew it'd be!
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that90sshowgoldencouple · 7 months ago
Jay: So you like cats?
Leia: Yeah.
Jay: *tries to impress her by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
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