#just block me
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tex-now · 1 year ago
Hey if you hate Ena and love Akito just block me
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florbexter · 4 months ago
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I love them so much T-T
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foryoupeko · 1 year ago
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Thanksgiving Attack Part 2!
Toxic Yuri Attack!
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peachdues · 2 years ago
Oh hello, anon — you really outed yourself, huh?
You know, I’ve said I’m a hothead — I tend to react fairly quickly, especially when I know I’m in the right.
But it’s just so funny — because, while I was typing a fiery response to this one message, which seemed oddly familiar in syntax, I get this follow up from the same account, not one full minute later. Sort of magical you realized you had been hacked not even 60 seconds later, isn’t it?
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Guess you forgot to hit “anon,” huh, @giyuuharoiwearer ?
Adding @mrsgshinazugawa to the list because it’s the same fucking anon.
Don’t even try to deny it, you did the same thing with @xxsabitoxx .
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what kinda fucking cringe is your "poem" keep that shit out of the geraskier tags if i wanted to see weird crap i'd go on reddit or wattpad
Just block me. I’d block you but you don’t have the balls to be mean to my face.
We are on the cringe website. Reddit and wattpad wish they had our cringe history.
Don’t like seeing something? Block the creator.
It’s that fucking simple, you wad of wet toilet paper.
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@0dde11eth some coward didn’t like the love poem I wrote you. Help.
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bibyshitsuji24k · 2 years ago
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In the Victorian Era, daisies symbolized innocence, loyalty, and an ability to keep things secret.
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lover-of-mine · 9 months ago
No, seriously, I am in my own blog, I tag shit properly, I don't go adding my opinions to posts I don't agree with, I don't go around sending shit to people, I still make my edits, I still write my metas, I stay in my lane. What the fuck do you want from me? Just block me. If you don't like my interpretation of the show anymore, just fucking block me. Why are you wasting your time thinking about what I, Anna tumblr user lover-of-mine, think about a fictional character? Why are you acting like I'm somehow hurting his feelings? Tommy is not real. Buck is also not real. Wanna know who's a real living and breathing human being? Me. I am. And that's not stopping y'all from talking shit about me. Why should I stop discussing media just because you specifically don't like what I'm saying? Just leave. No one is forcing you to follow me.
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sokkastyles · 1 year ago
Genuine Apologies Issued to Living People: Azula 1, Iroh 0. 
Genuine Apologies Issued to Living People: Azula 1, Iroh 0. 
Genuine Apologies Issued to Living People: Azula 1, Iroh 0. 
Genuine Apologies Issued to Living People: Azula 1, Iroh 0. 
Genuine Apologies Issued to Living People: Azula 1, Iroh 0. 
Genuine Apologies Issued to Living People: Azula 1, Iroh 0. 
Genuine Apologies Issued to Living People: Azula 1, Iroh 0. 
Genuine Apologies Issued to Living People: Azula 1, Iroh 0. 
Genuine Apologies Issued to Living People: Azula 1, Iroh 0. 
Go answer my other asks
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This ask definitely reads like is was written by someone who had a stroke.
Anyway, if by Azula's genuine apology, you mean when Azula slut-shamed Ty Lee, made her cry, then said "alright, alright, calm down, I didn't mean what I said," then made the whole thing about how Ty Lee needed to teach Azula how to get boys, I'd say this is classic abuser gaslighting. Notice how Ty Lee's needs aren't being met, Azula still did not actually apologize or admit that she hurt Ty Lee, just said she "didn't mean it," and Ty Lee is still the one putting in the emotional labor to maintain the relationship at her own expense. Eventually, this relationship will reach a point where Ty Lee will get fed up.
As far as Iroh is concerned, his crimes are so huge that a verbal apology would be rather ridiculous, but taking an active role in saving the nation he once made war upon already makes up for that, so mincing words over apologies is ridiculous. But considering that Azula has never once felt sorry for her role in the destruction of the other nations, I can see how you would try to cling to this one time Azula kinda sorta apologized to make it seem like she has a moral leg to stand on here.
And demanding that I respond to your insults doesn't give you a moral leg to stand on, either. So you and Azula have that in common.
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the-cooler-sidestep · 10 months ago
i wonder if having a blog similar to yours but with a better cropped banner and without the cringe badge is funny. i think it's funny. if you dont think it's funny maybe you just need to learn humor i guess idk
Oh wow you're like genuinely obsessed with me holy shit
Well there's no helping this one but uh I guess everyone be aware somebody is doing this
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Anon please go hug your mom or something I'm not worth being this mad at
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silvernyxchariot · 1 month ago
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖊? 𝕿𝖍𝖊 "𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘 𝕼𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖙?"
Hello, fellow Hunters. My name is Nyx. @princevictoriapunk and I have come to you with the MC (+OC) trend where we make collages for our characters+their manz.
Pink edits = mine
Red & Sylus = his
Tiktok Link if you want it with audio
✧ ˚  ·    . 🥀
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𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕺𝕮
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𝕸𝖞 𝕸𝖆𝖓
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𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖓
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✧ ˚  ·    . 🥀
This is the first time bestie has locked in on one husband, while I have THREE 😂 (Rafayel, Caleb, Sylus). The paradox of our characters yet ability to be friends is so amusing.
I was honestly thrown for a loop when I was told Rafayel was associated with pink because my thought process was, "His hair is purple. So, ofc, his theme color is purple. But Xavier is associated with purple; instead of blue like his eyes. (?¿?¿) My brain doesn't like this."
People started thinking Xavier was my main because I use lots of purple in my aesthetic. 😭
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ikamigami · 6 months ago
I'm too scared and anxious to watch today's qna episode. Should a specific question come up, I don't want to hear Reed mocking us, the victims, for getting "too caught up in the family thing" again, as if this show never had a familial theme to begin with
There's nothing like that thankfully..
I think (and hope) that in that podcast with Solar it was the last time it was mentioned..
And yeah this show was always about family but some peeps just only think about one thing.. and it'd be fine if they weren't trying to argue about incest not being incest and actually make their ships in AUs - like that one person - and not act as if these ships were the most important thing in the show and as if they really wanted it to be if not canon then at least canon compliant..
And I think that this is ridiculous.. acting like that is childish and stupid.. and I wish that certain individuals wouldn't try to drag VAs to their circus..
And also they act like hypocrites.. and like they're holier than thou.. and they often times sound so patronizing..
But dear anon let's get back to your main concern.. you can watch today's episode cause there's nothing about ships and such ^^
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blackbeardsheartbreak · 1 year ago
If you’re sad about Izzy’s death or have thoughts about how it was handled- that’s absolutely fair.
If you think Izzy was an innocent victim of Ed’s abuse - fuck right off with your racist and ableist bullshit.
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blazeeblake · 11 months ago
I should probably just stfu, but that's never been something I'm good at so, broken record time, here we go.
While absolutely never condoning abuse of any kind to anyone (not fans, not people working for the show), I think it's valid to hope for and be excited about/worried over romantic representation that lies outside of what already canonically exists. No one queer story represents everyone, and it'd be cool to see mainstream network TV finally hurdle a slow-burn queer romance next. You can be respectful and/or a fan of what's been given *and* reasonably want to see more/something else.
Can some folks (myself included) get too hyperfocused on one part or possibility of a grand scheme? Yeah, of course. But I'm pretty sure the actual nasty/toxic people are either not on this site to hear the calls to chill tf out, or , if they are, they wouldn't listen anyway because they're, you know, nasty and toxic.
Maybe it's because I've tumbled through some peak fandom madness, but I think some deep breaths, pauses before hitting post now, and some kindness (to ourselves and each other, maybe in the form of tag filtering or blocking or even logging off to give certain subjects and people space) would work.
And remember, if it's not fun anymore, you can take a break, whatever that means for you. Nothing wrong with that, at all.
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rosyjn · 1 year ago
if you support Israel, get off of my page. block me.
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acenturions · 3 months ago
people who hate proshipping hate fun.
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angy-grrr · 4 months ago
I’m telling it to you because your entire basis of Bakugou’s character being good is solely dependent on Deku. Instead of, how come Bakugou is number 15. How come we don’t see Bakugou get his autograph. How come we don’t see bakugou interacting with anyone. It’s just, Bakugou got a bad ending because Deku didn’t want to join his agency.
And what’s worse, is that deku’s character isn’t dependent upon Bakugou, which is why you can’t say Deku’s ending is bad because bakugou isn’t part of it. You can only say Bakugou’s ending is bad because bakugou doesn’t have anything outside of Deku, when the ending should have showed Bakugou’s life instead of forcing Deku into his character again.
So you can’t even claim the dynamic is integral to the story. When it’s literally only relevant to bakugou and bakugou alone because Deku exists without him
you haven't read anything I have said about these "leaks" and it shows.
You know what? I just deleted the whole answer to your points, its clear you dont give a fuck about what I could say and only care about how "I make Katsuki dependent of Izuku".
If you dont like my content just block me or the tags I use, if you go to a bkdk account and get mad at said account for liking their dynamic and characterization, and focusing on relating things to that, you are just going to be more angry and annoy others.
Curate your own internet experience, if you want analysis of Katsuki on its own without even mentioning Deku im sure someone already did talk about it, and its not me.
Its not my fault he is not the protagonist and he's written like a heroine. Go cry about it to the author, get the fuck out of my page.
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