#boba fett shows up
padawansuggest · 1 year
Boba: I’m the same, but cooler. I do drugs now.
Fennec: He did drugs once and the force led him to a tree.
Boba: It was an awesome tree. I saw the ghost of my Buir and Ba’Buir and they laughed at me and I think I’m force sensitive now but I’m afraid to find out.
Sabine: *is a little shit* Huh. I think we should go talk to my master about this, I’m sure she can help :)
Ahsoka: *standing stock still in the middle of Luke’s new school while the twins look at her funny* I feel this odd sense of impending doom. My padawan is doing something she shouldn’t be :(
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cosmicish · 1 year
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edvicsrich · 1 year
EVERY wednesday I wake up to a boba-less episode
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syn0vial · 6 months
personally i think boba fett and murderbot have the same mental architecture where you could commit unspeakable acts of violence towards them and they'd be like "okay 🙄" but the second someone they like says something nice about them, they have to stand in the corner blair-witch-project-style for a minimum of five minutes or else they'll explode
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corellianhounds · 1 month
It feels like the writers of The Acolyte watched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and similar movies and came away from it trying to mimic the ideas of what the different characters’ perceptions and desires of discipleship, weapons training, and teaching were, but without really have a solid understanding of what their own character motivations or development were going to be in the show they wanted to make. It feels like mimicking the ideas of eastern martial arts movies but only having a surface level understanding of why characters in those movies actually do what they do.
There’s no compelling drive to most individual characters in The Acolyte and no end goals driving a more logical cause-and-effect that result in an organic, character-driven conflict and story, and if you as the writer save whatever is supposed to be compelling these characters for the end of the story, everything before that needs to suddenly slot into place for your reveal to work, or large parts of previous episodes are still going to be left as weak storytelling, not just moments of “Oh the audience won’t understand the full story until the end.”
Whatever core ideas they were trying to do in The Acolyte feel messy and disjointed the same way The Book of Boba Fett felt to me where they were taking surface level ideas from organized crime movies to try to evoke that feeling in the Mos Espa turf war, but not knowing how to use them effectively as a narrative device outside of wanting the vibes of “drug war, intimidation tactics, controlling (what parts of?) a city, five vaguely “crime families” controlling different areas, them betraying the leader they pledged allegiance to later.”
None of the crime lord or western aspects of TBoBF land correctly because they still don’t have an understanding of what makes those genres work, and the story they wanted to tell was moving people around instead of giving them character depth and seeing what happens as a result. Surprise endings aren’t going to have any meaningful impact if you haven’t written a story laying the groundwork and foreshadowing leading to that reveal. You can’t just keep cramming in what you think are interesting visuals and aesthetics in an effort to make a good show. Bad art can carry a good story, but good art can’t carry a bad story.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Thinkin bout Cryptid Luke…
A few ideas I have…
Luke in Legends’ continuity rebuilt the Jedi Order, but in Disney’s continuity, he did not. And while I strongly dislike Disney’s version of Old Luke, I do like the idea in my head of a lone Jedi operating without any Order (which is not what Disney’s Luke is, so I guess there’s nothing really there…)
Like, in the days of the Old Republic, you had to ask the Jedi for help. The Jedi sometimes stumbled on problems, yes, but they mostly responded to cries for help.
Luke doesn’t have that option. Yes, he can respond when a Force Sensitive calls for help with magic rocks, but for the most part, he is just wandering. He is going where the Force guides him. He is just… not there, blink, there.
I like the idea that things go to shit, Luke shows up in his ominous black hood, Luke solves the problem, then Luke vanishes as quickly as he came, with no trace he was ever there.
However, side idea: Luke travels with his motley crew of children. But, THEY are ALSO crypids!
Like, you are a citizen of some planet. You are just standing on a corner, waiting for a space bus, looking at a space newspaper, and you glance up and see an ominously cloaked figure standing on the opposite side of the street. You cannot make out any features. It is dark out, and he is standing beneath a space streetlight, but all the light does is cast his face further into shadow.
Quickly, you look back down, hoping that the ominous shape across the street hasn’t noticed you. You feel a chill run down your spine. You sneak a glance back up, only to find that there is another black-cloaked figure, standing right beside the first. It is half the first’s height, but it’s also cloaked in darkness.
You look down again. You hear a noise, like moving fabric, and look back up, worried the pair is approaching, only to find another small, ominous shape has joined the first two beneath the space streetlight. You can’t bring yourself to look away, and so watch as another black-cloaked figure emerges from behind the tallest one, the first one.
Finally, the shape moves as though inclining its head. You feel your heart begin to race as it slowly turns to face you, and the streetlights finally illuminate a mouth. A mouth that is baring a smile full of sharp teeth, right towards you.
A space bus suddenly drives past, blocking your view for only a second. But, as the bus passes, the four shapes are gone. Vanished without a trace. The streetlight goes out. You decide that you should never smoke death sticks again, despite the fact that you have never smoked a single death stick in your entire life.
(Luke was going to the grocery store with his children. He was just trying to wait for them to catch up, since he got lost in thought trying to figure out how many vegetables to get. He noticed that the person across the street seemed scared, and so tried to smile reassuringly, but there was a noise in a back alley that he and his three students darted over to check out. It’s a cat. The four of them are very pleased.)
Or, I like to think that there’s a rumour that if you say “Skywalker” in an Imperial base, Luke Skywalker will show up and destroy the place. Most of the Stormtroopers and older people are like “psh, yeah right. Jedi can’t hear their name across the galaxy.”
But, slowly but surely, the whispers of Skywalker’s name are dying out. Because he. Keeps. On. Appearing. Right after anyone says his name, even if it’s in a whisper.
(Luke just so happened to be in the area. It was the will of the Force ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ )
There are so many options for Cryptid Luke! So! Many! Options! This man does not know how to enter a conversation like a normal person, he just appears from the shadows and scares people. Most of the galaxy think he’s just a myth created by the New Republic and the Empire. The leftover Jedi themselves think that he’s just a myth made up by the New Republic and the Empire. Nobody believes he exists aside from the people who have seen him, but even they are half convinced that they made him up.
I just would like Luke to randomly show up, kill some Imperials, scare some other Imperials, adopt another child, then go home. It’s my ideal.
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rev-love-er · 3 months
everyone knowing what genre conventions are when screaming how amazing of a western The Mandalorian is vs. fans being upset The Acolyte is YA because they expected it to be Dark and Edgy and Mature
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stardustandash · 1 year
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queen-esther · 1 year
I couldn’t be less excited for the future of Star Wars, lol. The Mandalorian was originally marketed as a completely original show with new characters and stories, but it’s all turned into one giant Dave Filoni circlejerk that pushes his boring Clone Wars/Rebels OC’s front and center in the Star Wars universe at the expense of already established characters, and yet fans who accused the sequel trilogy of doing exactly this are for some reason eating all the Mando crap up.
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 8 days
Rewatching TBoBF for research purposes (and for fun) and, man… do you remember how hyped we all were the first time watching it? Every minute waiting to see Omega come around the corner? Thinking for a moment the rancor could be Muchi (then learning that it wasn’t but falling in love with it anyway and the trainer and Boba treating it like a puppy)? Wondering if we might get a Din or Peli cameo? Hanging onto every crumb of Kamino, shown or mentioned? Going nuts over the Mando’a in the music?
Good times… good times…
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disappointparents · 2 years
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who’s afraid of cad bane?
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cobbssecondbelt · 1 year
I'm beginning to seriously wonder what was the point of Cobb's post-credits scene.
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thelaurenshippen · 2 years
so was anyone going to tell me that the mandolorian takes place over the course of THREE YEARS or did I have to figure that out myself by looking up star wars timeline articles!!?
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doortotomorrow · 2 years
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merrysithmas · 1 year
who is the primary and most powerful disney bo katan hater? that would be me 😎
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