#boba fett shows up
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the-stars-are-warring · 3 months ago
It's been like 4 years but My main stance on Fanservice is that the like. 5 minute sequence where Boba Fett comes to get his armour back from Din and proceeds to fucking Annihilate a bunch of storm troopers both in and out of armour is the best Fanservice Star Wars has ever accomplished by a Large Fucking Margin. that fucking ruled.
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redbean-nom · 5 months ago
boba just so happens to always have a perfectly poetic insult on hand when dealing with the pykes because he spent a year in the sarlacc shower-argumenting every interaction of his life
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padawansuggest · 2 years ago
Boba: I’m the same, but cooler. I do drugs now.
Fennec: He did drugs once and the force led him to a tree.
Boba: It was an awesome tree. I saw the ghost of my Buir and Ba’Buir and they laughed at me and I think I’m force sensitive now but I’m afraid to find out.
Sabine: *is a little shit* Huh. I think we should go talk to my master about this, I’m sure she can help :)
Ahsoka: *standing stock still in the middle of Luke’s new school while the twins look at her funny* I feel this odd sense of impending doom. My padawan is doing something she shouldn’t be :(
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cosmicish · 2 years ago
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edvicsrich · 2 years ago
EVERY wednesday I wake up to a boba-less episode
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syn0vial · 1 year ago
personally i think boba fett and murderbot have the same mental architecture where you could commit unspeakable acts of violence towards them and they'd be like "okay 🙄" but the second someone they like says something nice about them, they have to stand in the corner blair-witch-project-style for a minimum of five minutes or else they'll explode
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corellianhounds · 7 months ago
It feels like the writers of The Acolyte watched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and similar movies and came away from it trying to mimic the ideas of what the different characters’ perceptions and desires of discipleship, weapons training, and teaching were, but without really have a solid understanding of what their own character motivations or development were going to be in the show they wanted to make. It feels like mimicking the ideas of eastern martial arts movies but only having a surface level understanding of why characters in those movies actually do what they do.
There’s no compelling drive to most individual characters in The Acolyte and no end goals driving a more logical cause-and-effect that result in an organic, character-driven conflict and story, and if you as the writer save whatever is supposed to be compelling these characters for the end of the story, everything before that needs to suddenly slot into place for your reveal to work, or large parts of previous episodes are still going to be left as weak storytelling, not just moments of “Oh the audience won’t understand the full story until the end.”
Whatever core ideas they were trying to do in The Acolyte feel messy and disjointed the same way The Book of Boba Fett felt to me where they were taking surface level ideas from organized crime movies to try to evoke that feeling in the Mos Espa turf war, but not knowing how to use them effectively as a narrative device outside of wanting the vibes of “drug war, intimidation tactics, controlling (what parts of?) a city, five vaguely “crime families” controlling different areas, them betraying the leader they pledged allegiance to later.”
None of the crime lord or western aspects of TBoBF land correctly because they still don’t have an understanding of what makes those genres work, and the story they wanted to tell was moving people around instead of giving them character depth and seeing what happens as a result. Surprise endings aren’t going to have any meaningful impact if you haven’t written a story laying the groundwork and foreshadowing leading to that reveal. You can’t just keep cramming in what you think are interesting visuals and aesthetics in an effort to make a good show. Bad art can carry a good story, but good art can’t carry a bad story.
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ficandkaboodle · 4 months ago
Every couple of months, I remind myself to never forgive Disney for how they handled The Book of Boba Fett 🖤
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stardustandash · 2 years ago
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queen-esther · 1 year ago
I couldn’t be less excited for the future of Star Wars, lol. The Mandalorian was originally marketed as a completely original show with new characters and stories, but it’s all turned into one giant Dave Filoni circlejerk that pushes his boring Clone Wars/Rebels OC’s front and center in the Star Wars universe at the expense of already established characters, and yet fans who accused the sequel trilogy of doing exactly this are for some reason eating all the Mando crap up.
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cobbssecondbelt · 2 years ago
I'm beginning to seriously wonder what was the point of Cobb's post-credits scene.
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redbean-nom · 4 months ago
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some designs for tusken era boba :)
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unarmored/pre krayt hunt armored/post krayt hunt
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alternative lighting style and flat colors
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thelaurenshippen · 2 years ago
so was anyone going to tell me that the mandolorian takes place over the course of THREE YEARS or did I have to figure that out myself by looking up star wars timeline articles!!?
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much-obliged-timothy · 2 years ago
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merrysithmas · 2 years ago
who is the primary and most powerful disney bo katan hater? that would be me 😎
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spill-that-anxietea · 2 years ago
Bo-Katan was never a true member of their covert. Bo-Katan does not buy in to the old ways. She was being respectful of the coverts rules while she was with them. The Armorer tells her to take her helmet off because she sees that it’s more important to unite ALL Mandalorians together, regardless of whether or not they follow the old way. Bo-Katan is probably the only one who can do that. PLUS SHE SAW THE MOTHERFUCKING MYTHOSAUR.
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