#hephaestus cabin hc
pain-is-too-tired · 6 months
I see a lot of Apollo kids getting cold easily type of stuff. But I offer-
Apollo kids being able to warm themselves to a certain extent vs Hephaestus kids getting cold easily.
The Sun is what warms the earth. It's what makes it cold or warm and it can't really be put out.
Fire on the other hand??
Like yes you make fire to warm yourself, but fire can be put out in a way the sun can't. You can hide from the sun, sure. But you can't throw water on it and call it a day.(also, metal in general can cool down at a certain level and take a lot to get to its melting point-)
So yeah. Hephaestus kids are wrapped up in 50 layers during the winter why the Apollo kids might even be seen in sweaters and shorts-
Leo an exception simply because he can summon actual fire, but still-
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poppitron360 · 3 months
Rick Riordan: If I had a nickel for every time a son of Hephaestus died heroically in an explosion in the fifth book in my series, I’d have two nickels.
Rick Riordan: Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
Rick Riordan: Unless…
Me *Standing protectively in front of of Harley*: No, Rick- please!!
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splosh-crime · 4 months
Demigod Kids Always Win
Some demigods have godlike power or mastery over the mind, but others have more subtle abilities. These understated skills are among the first to present among demigod children.
And what do these divine young ones do with these blessings?
Whether it’s competitions, bets, or just a game, very few demigods lack a competitive spirit.
⚡️Zeus: best jump-roper, longest breath-holder, highest jumper
🌊Poseidon: best sandcastle builder, best paper boat-maker, fastest swimmer, deepest diver, best fisherman
🌾Demeter: most berries picked, prettiest flower crown-maker, coolest stick-finder
💀Hades: coolest rock-finder, deepest digger, scariest storyteller, hide n seek champion, mafia winner
☀️Apollo: Angry Birds winner, Quack/Clap Dilly Oso champion, loudest voice, longest sun-stare, best singer
🍇Dionysus: funniest Mad Lib, staring contest champion (credit: @king-zacharyy ), fastest tree-climber, best storyteller, best party-thrower
🕊️Aphrodite: best braid/hairstyle, prettiest nail polish, best makeup
📦Hermes: Mario Kart winner, Duck Duck Goose champion (credit: @king-zacharyy ), fastest runner, best pickpocket, best prankster
🧠Athena: prettiest friendship bracelet, rock paper scissors & Evolution game champion, chess champion, ninja game champion
🧨Ares: thumb war champion, arm-wrestling champion
🔥Hephaestus: best Minecraft builder, best Lego builder, Jenga champion, most jalapeños eaten
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xanasaurusrex · 1 year
Ohh I see! I’ve just read the Athena one and it’s awesome! Uhmmm could u do the ephestus one next? Is he a main one? Idk tbh. Cause i don’t wanna like request Eros who’s minor cause yk ur order and sum but ephestus would be fun! (Sorry if the name’s wrong… I ain’t English native an dim not sure about the spelling, sorry). Have a lovely day and again: love the Athena cabin!❤️‍🔥
⇢ ˗ˏˋ hephaestus cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
hi!! i think you meant hephaestus, and of course i can do that! if you want to request eros or any other minor god, go for it! and thank you so much for the love on the athena cabin hcs, they were so much fun! have a great day, and thank you for the request love! <333
so hephaestus kids are cool but kinda chaotic
their minds run a mile a minute
they always have new ideas for things to make on their mind, and things to invent
they just always have a lot of ideas
hephaestus kids do very good in prank wars, because they're very good at rigging up things like buckets of water falling on you when you open a door
another one of their favorite pranks is putting a mento in the cap of a coke and then attaching a string, so that when you open it, the mento falls into the coke and does the foamy thing
so moral of the story, if you can, avoid getting into a prank war with a hephaestus kid
hephaestus kids also come up with the best nicknames for people
a hephaestus kid will spend some time with you, gauge your personality and the things you do, and then they give you a nickname
it's rarely ever a malicious one (or you're a mean person, then you get a bad nickname), it's usually one that fits you that you actually really like
so in my athena cabin hcs i said that they expanded the arts and crafts area, and yes, athena kids are the ones who frequent this area the most, but you'd better believe hephaestus kids are hanging around there as well
they love making things with their hands, and even though they specialize when it comes to mechanical things and working with metal, every one in a while they want to make a pipe cleaner butterfly
beckendorf was really good at origami butterflies
so after they died, everyone made an origami butterfly, and they put a framed picture of him up on the wall, and then surrounded it with origami butterflies (rip)
anyways, moving on
the hephaestus cabin is always just about a bajillion degrees
and even though not all hephaestus kids have the fire power that leo does, they are all less susceptible to heat
i mean, they have to be around heat a lot when they're forging weapons, so naturally, it doesn't affect them as much as it affects others
literally, if you have a friend and the two of you want to hangout, you will literally never be hanging out in the hephaestus cabin, because you will literally melt
(not literally, but you'll just be sweating like a pig the whole time)
hephaestus kids also always make the best marshmallows at the campfire
i mean, come on
they forge amazing weapons, and work with fire on practically a daily basis, of course they roast the perfect marshmallow
if you have a very specific amount of roasted-ness in mind, just tell a hephaestus kid, and there you go, your perfect mallow
the hephaestus cabin also has quite a few retro items, such as cd players and record players
but they're not... exactly like they should be
hephaestus kids like to take these older items and make them more usable and modern
so there are some funky looking record players in the hephaestus cabin
they just like experimenting on things like that
the hephaestus kids also set up a sort of PA system for the camp
this was sanctioned by chiron, but they don't really listen to what he says about it
they play a lot of music, and yes, they do announce things, but there's often some comedy thrown in there
hephaestus kids are actually really funny
like they could honestly be full on comedians
they just have a sort of dry sense of humor, and really good timing, which is like half of being funny
hephaestus kids are also all really close
like when you're a hephaestus kid, your best friends are your siblings that you live with in your cabin
there are always a few typical older siblings that are the oldest in the cabin, usually the head camper of that cabin and a few others that you always know you can go to when you need it
hephaestus kids are also have the least drama
i mean, camp half-blood is filled with teenagers going through puberty, having first crushes and first relationships, that kinda stuff
of course there's gonna be drama
the hephaestus kids just somehow have less
this is partially because they always find themselves focused on things other than who kissed who and who cheated on who and why they did what
they have armor and weapons to make, dude, they can't be focused on that
that's not to say that there isn't drama with hephaestus kids, it's just a lot less common
and whenever you hear something regarding a hephaestus kid in drama, you kinda are taken aback and are like... wait what?
most hephaestus kids' love language is gift giving, and that mostly consists of things made by said hephaestus kid
like, oh you mentioned you wanted to start wearing rings more?
for your birthday, you find a package of like fifty, all different and interesting and unique, with perfect craftsmanship with the name of a hephaestus kid on it
sometimes they collaborate with the hecate kids to put crystals in the jewelry they make (because of course they make jewelry
hephaestus kids are almost never seen not wearing at least one piece of jewelry, made by themselves or their siblings
one head camper of hephaestus cabin like a decade ago taught themselves how to give piercings, and now every head hephaestus camper knows how to give piercings
obviously no hephaestus kid is forced to get a piercing, but most of them are
most of them have their ears pierced at the very least, but it's not uncommon to see a few people with snake bites floating around
chiron, the most innocent ever, has no idea where people are getting pierced, and has asked around, but nobody wants to rat out hephaestus cabin, because it's really convenient
idk i kinda imagine hephaestus kids as a little bit alt
that's all i have for hephaestus cabin headcanons! this was honestly a little bit difficult for me, and honestly i cannot tell you why. i do think these are all pretty good headcanons though, and just because it was kinda hard doesn't mean i didn't love it! (that's what she said) these were really fun, and i can't wait to get to work on the other cabin hcs i have sitting in my requests! thanks so much for reading, i love you all!! <3333
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nightingale2004 · 5 days
My percy jackson fans.
Has it the idea of a half blood school occured to anyone?
Now I'm not just talking about a regular old school. But we were given a summer camp for our darling demigod children, but what if the gods took the time and created an academy for their children?
Ever since the camp was created, their children first stepped foot in the camp and were sorted in their cabins, there was still those who didn't have a place to go , family that didn't want them around, and things in normal schools that the camp didn't have or could provide for the children.
So the gods created the Half-blood academy for their demigod children.
The half blood academy has normal classes that any school has. It also has dorm room for kids if they wish to stay until they graduate. The academy was also under the care of Chiron as headmaster.
The academy also had stables for the Pegasus, a large library, a cafeteria, a large bonfire, an auditorium, a music room, an infirmary, definitely a pool, an inside and outside gym with an obstacle course and a fight ring alongside their weapons to train with, they also have an archery range, many kinds of classrooms and a workshop for the Hephaestus kids
They also have many classes with different subjects and, of course, many clubs and many different sports, not just capture the flag (school version)
Also, to the demigod world, the school is their second home away from home or second favorite place other than camp. But to normal people, it's a school for the "special needs" kids.
The half blood academy is also not the only one in existence. Other schools would be created by other gods for their children. They would also participate in sport competitions with both normal and other demigod schools, except with the normal schools, they have to never show their abilities. And Aphrodite's children also created their own cheerleader team (other demigods are welcome)
Also, the satyrs are the caretakers or the academy and guides along with guards, referees, and guidance councilors, while dionysius is the deputy headmaster under Chiron.
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no el chispo y la bruja updates in months i’m loosing taste in my left ear and vision in my right💔
Anon you are so sweet 😭, I’m glad people still enjoy my content!
I’m still writing the next few chapters, I hit a road block in between those months between graduating, but I promise I’m getting back into it soon. You never realize there can be plot holes 😃👍🏽
In the meantime I have some hcs on my sillies to supply y’all from this Breisa n Leo drought:
Leo and Breisa have very different curl types, but use the same hair products, to give that same texture and bounce to their curls
Breisa loves sweets, her favorite is baked goods and sour stuff like Chamoy 
Leo loves spicy food, he’s Mexican and Texan, if it doesn’t burn his tongue— is it really spicy? 🤨
Breisa can cook for survival and has a basic understanding of spices work
Leo is the better cook in the relationship
Leo was shorter than Breisa for a while, she teased him restlessly— and then he hit his growth spurt and it flipped
They are still short compared to average height
Leo has an accent in certain words he says or his Leo-isms
Breisa thinks it’s hot , especially when he rambles^
Leo often voice cracks, Breisa thinks it’s cute despite his embarrassment
Breisa is insecure about her weight she thinks it’s too much—Leo is like “wdym Bby g 😤❤️‍🔥”
Leo can and will pick her up when he sees her
Leo is like a furnace in the summer, and he will cuddle Breisa til she kicks him off the bed
Breisa actually tolerates his body temp when it’s cold, she is just as cuddly as him
If she is close to him, Leo will fidget with her fingers and her rings
He loves making her jewelry
She loves wearing it
Breisa favorite color is purple
Leo’s is red orange
When they get together Leo will occasionally have purple lipstick marks on his face
Breisa kisses him where he’s most insecure about, and traces his scars
If she can’t kiss his face, she’ll kiss his wrist were his pulse is
Leo can not flirt for the life of him, it’s bad pick up lines
Breisa gets flustered over his pickup lines, she tries to pretend it has no affect on her
“You think I’m ugly?”- Leo
“In a cute way.” - Breisa
They’re idiots in love 🥰
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privatewizard · 20 days
hi! ignore this!
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percyluvr · 7 months
helloo, could i request a leo valdez x daughter of poseidon!reader headcanons? thanks 🦈
leo valdez x daughter of poseidon!reader summary: hcs for leo with a daughter of poseidon reader
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when y'all first started dating, percy was a bit of a hater
y'know after the whole......... firing on the romans thing
but after a while it was fine
bc y'all r too damn cute
you sneak out of cabin 3 to go see leo a lot
and it's kinda annoying to percy sometimes
cuz you're nowhere near as sneaky as you think you are
but he likes it bc then he can have annabeth over
so it's kinda a win win
but anyways!
you guys sneak out to go sit near the lake
and just cuddle and talk
sometimes y'all fall asleep
and wake up to water splashing your face (it's percy)
other times you sleep in cabin 9
but percy knows either way
he always finds y'all LMFAO
he's so annoying to y'all
but it's all in good fun
bc you and leo prank him back
y'all have like a youtube prank war going on LMAOO
ANYWAYS enough abt percy trynna annoy y'all
leo is such a sweetie
he's always making you things
especially little ocean themed charms for your bracelets
you make him matching bracelets. out of the charms he makes.
UGH my mind
you sit in cabin 9 watching him make shit
and he gets a lil nervous with you watching him so intensely
sometimes he messes up what he's making because ur so distracting
and he just tries to play it off like he meant to do that
it haunts him at night LMFAOO
you made him a flame-resistant bracelet bc u know how he was always worried about burning your bracelets
and he actually cried
like he bursted out into tears and gave u the tightest hug ever
he might've cracked one of your ribs
shhh don't tell anyone..
he LOVES when you take him underwater
y'all just be chillin down there from time to time
until percy starts lurking down there too...
percy is a menace to y'all frl
during meals, y'all always sit at the same table
consequences be damned
everyone at camp is SO sick of y'all
pda central i swear
this man COULD NOT get his hands off of you to save his life LMFAO
always cuddling at campfires
late night swims n shiiiii
if ur ever cold
yk he's got u bbygirl
hes like a damn heater
but like
he cant turn it off
so ur like dying of a heat stroke when yall cuddle during the summer
he feels bad
but he loves being close to u
he's always thinking ab how lucky he is to have u
and how he doesnt deserve u
and u know that he thinks that
so ur always reassuring him that hes good enough and u will always love him
hes pretty insecure but he tries to play it off as no big deal
but ur always there for him
and thats something he loves ab u
y'all just get each other on a different levellll
poseidon lowk LOVES him
#prouddad vibes
and hephaestus loves u too
yall lowk got ur dads to be besties
thats how powerful yall r together
y'all are always tg
like 24/7
yall schedule to be in charge of the same activities so you dont have to be away from each other
how yall dont get sick of each other is BEYOND ME
ig thats just how it be when ur in love!
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ssparksflyy · 6 months
hii, this is my first time requesting and I’m not very good with English, so I’m a bit nervous but, I read the Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena and I loved it! So could I request for some general headcanons for Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena? Totally okay if you don’t have time or anything!
thank you so much 💗💗🥰
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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leo valdez dating hcs ! ° ༘⋆₊˚ෆ
pairing: leo valdez x daughter of athena!reader warning(s): none!! a/n: hii! tysm for requesting! i hope u enjoyed this, i love writing leo w a child of athena cause i can finally talk abt his smarts !!
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nerd alert!!
its ok tho cause you guys are always able to help each other out when u have an issue with wtv ur working on
leo asks u for advice and ur opinions whenever hes working on a project
i feel like leo would be popular bcs he's a mf social butterfly
which means he knows everything abt everyone
that's why his hair is so big, its full of secrets
so while ur mapping out a plan for the next capture the flag game, you'll ask him if he thinks your plan could work based on how well people know each other
like ur not gonna put 2 ppl with beef by each other, cause then they'll end up fighting each other and not focus on the game
yk? yk.
ur smarts definitely compliment each other, and ut always trying to learn more about each other's interests
leo's definitely picked up some books in ancient greek about battle techniques and architecture
as have you on mechanical engineering
sometimes at the end of the day, when ur laying on the couch in bunker nine together, he'll ask you questions on architecture, just to hear u talk about things ur passionate about
he just loves seeing ur eyes light up and adores the way you practically talk with your hands as well
call me maybe crazy
athena would actually kinda like him ?!
she doesnt appreciate his constant jokes
but she thinks hes smart ( bcs he is ) and knows he makes u happy
hephaestus also rlly likes you
he likes anybody who shows his kids love lowkey
which means he likes you extra
if u were ever to get married, leo would 100% make your engagment ring, but hephaestus would me the one who would make you two the most beautiful wedding rings
its his way of showing he cares as a father
all of cabin 9 loves you
i feel like cabin 6 and 9 (omg 69) were already good friends, so they were ecstatic when they heard their fav mfs finally got together
i feel like in the flirting era it was a lot of spending time together, but just being unable to confess your feelings
now you still spend a bunch of time together, but dont rely on longing glaces and lingering touches
leo is the touchiest mf we all know this
but when u touch him?? the boy is in shambles
this sound a little strange but i promise i dont mean it like that
like yea he loves holding ur hand and kissing your knuckles
but when you kiss his knuckles?? hes a flustered mess
when he cups your cheek and you kiss the palm of his hand, he goes craaazzzyyyy
bouncing off the walls nd everything
he loves it when you tell him random little facts nd shit
ur literally his google
his go-to when he has a question
hes super proud of his smart gf ok ??
leo and percy actually get closer when you start dating
cause now they can both obsessively talk abt their genius gfs
and theyve evolved from the "my gf is smarter" "no my gf is smarter" fights
you and annabeth used to find their fights funny tho
annabeth is literally so supportive :))
she trusts leo and knows he makes you happy and has also obvi noticed how u light up his world
she still plays a semi-protective big sister role
like if shes leo getting a little to close, she'll shoot him one of her warning looks, and he'll move a little further away
but other than that she literally loves u guys :)
morse code is used quite often with you two
especially at night, when you dont want to break the comfortable silence, so you tap messages onto each other's backs.
or when your in a crowded room
or when your talking shit
before you met leo, you had only known a little bit of morse code but as you became closer, he taught you more nd more ♡
he loves it when you read to him
ur like his personal podcast
when you finsh reading a book together, u both write reviews about the book and have them all in a little notebook ♡
leo is for sure the type of guy to take pictures of you 24/7, 365
he has his all time favs taped up by his bunk in cabin nine and ofc has some of his bulletin board in bunker nine
he has the rest saved in a box, along with a bunch of other trinkets from dates u went on :))
you have a box like this yourself, filled with pictures of him, trinkets, and metal flowers he's made you ♡♡
oh and you for sure have a spot
you stumbled acrosss it while on your way to bunker nine and showed it to leo immediately
its a small clearing in the trees, where the sun shines through the leaves, and theres a small patch of flowers ♡
u have most of ur dates there, it ur special little place
leo is literally ur most perfect scholar bf fr ♡
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a/n pt.2 : heyyy, i hope u enjoyed these hcs!! im trying out hair rollers overnight rn so its a little hard 2 lay down but we will manage! also heres a leo x child of athena moodboard that i did for my event :) anyway, have a good day/night!!
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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thestarstoasun · 6 months
Because the next part of this isn't where I want it to be yet due to packing and schooling, I'm going to post some (more) of my headcanons!
• The Hermes cabin treats all unclaimed demigods as their own siblings even after they get claimed (depending on how fast they get claimed).
• The year-round demigods are closer with each other, but during summer they tend to spend more time with the other campers more. The bonds they have are a bit obvious though.
• Travis and Connor Stoll have a running prank of convincing all new demigods that they're twins (at least until Travis leaves.)
• During Nico's brief stay at camp in The Titan's Curse, he made friends with the Stolls and a few other campers. (Canonically he met Will, but I did hc they met before it was confirmed.)
• The Ares campers are the best at every weapon, except bows. Some Apollo kids (Michael Yew included) take full advantage of bringing this up. When Sherman Yang brought up Will's less than proficient bow skills, Clarisse had Sherman apologize.
• Chiron teaches the year-rounders using Ancient Greek textbooks + books and myths, so they can understand the material easier.
• When Jason shows up, some people have to pay up because there were bets made on which of the Big 3 would have another secret demigod, when Hazel came more drachmas were exchanged to the Apollo cabin. (Drew: "How the Hades did you guess Hades would have another secret child!?" Will: "I mean, technically, it was Pluto?")
• After Beckendorf's death, the Hephaestus cabin seemed to dull until Leo showed up. He reminded them a lot of Beckendorf and yet was so different (starting with height).
• The Demeter kids hate the winter months and prefer spring and summer.
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xixovart · 2 months
Will Solace HCs :)
-He spends so much of his time working with ambrosia & nectar that his skin is always practically glowing with health (even without Apollo kid powers).
-Once tried to use Nico's eyeliner. Leo asked him if he was cosplaying a raccoon, Kayla dropped an armful of medical supplies in fear (she thought he was dying), and Will was officially banned from doing his own makeup
-He glows in his sleep so much the other Apollo campers had the Hephaestus cabin make blackout shades for his bed
-Has an incredible singing voice from constantly using prayers/songs to heal and from practicing songs with his mom when he isn't at camp.
-Does not tell anyone about this hidden talent until it becomes relevant. On a picnic date with Nico, he started to sing to his boyfriend as the sun set over camp. Will didn't think that much of it until he looked at Nico, only to see him staring at him in awe
-Had a serious Doc McStuffins phase, and still has a Stuffy plushie on his bed
-On days where the infirmary keeps him busy for hours and hours straight, he starts referring to things by completely incorrect names. Partly for his own amusement and partly due to complete exhaustion.
-This habit was not lost when he started work as a med student in a mortal hospital, which led to him awkwardly trying to explain to his supervisor why he just told a patient they had "entered self-destruct mode" (appendicitis) but not to worry, the doctor would "quickly stab them back to normal" (perform emergency surgery).
Hope you like em! <3
this is so amaz8ng tysm 😭💗
second one literally just adds onto my idea of will solace looking like a “bad teen beach movie adaptation” and i love it
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drysdalesworld · 8 months
Hi! I saw that you write for pjo! Could you write some hcs of the main three kids catching the reader (adoptive older sibling! Child of hephastus!) Sneaking out of camp to see their lover. (I was thinking its sort of like- a forbbiden love situation for reasons) and low key keeping that information as possible blackmail (in a lighthearted way,Like siblings often do to bribe eachother into doing stuff the other doesnt want to like chores n stuff).
The reader is afab but uses they/them pronouns and is around 19/20.
Thanks in advance!
“why are you hanging half way out your window?”
pairing: platonic!thalia grace x nb!child of hephaestus!reader, platonic!nico di angelo x nb!child of hephaestus!reader, platonic!percy jackson x nb!child of hephaestus!reader
it’s a bit short but i hope you like it!
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— reader honestly had snuck out to see their partner so many times that they may have been too cocky the night they gotten caught by percy/thalia/nico
— let’s say readers lover is a mortal & knows that they “work” at a camp during the summers (they met at college!) & always offers to see them after camp hours when appropriate
— reader has never been caught so why would that night be an exception?? (they all use it to their advantage)
— they all catch reader on the same night but at different times!
— PERCY had been out on a walk when he heard a window harshly open, halting him in his tracks as he whipped his head towards the hephaestus cabin, seeing a black backpack be quickly thrown out the window before approaching
— dude didn’t know what to expect but he def didn’t expect reader of all people to be crawling out of their window in the middle of the night
— “uh, why are you hanging halfway out your window (y/n)?” he asked, both arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the reader weirdly
— poor reader froze mid crawl & literally felt their heart drop to their stomach. out of all people, it had to be percy that caught them sneaking out.
— “getting fresh air?” they replied, finally out of their window & landing on their feet
— the blonde only hummed as he narrowed his eyes at the reader, totally not believing what the just said. “uh huh. well, whatever it is you are doing, i will be remembering this entire interaction & will use it accordingly”
— his words did not make reader feel better about the situation, trying to plead with him to not tell anyone else. he reassured them that he wouldn’t, but he’d definitely use it as blackmail & bring it up whenever he needed something.
— perhaps the next time he had a craving for blue gummy worms, he’d bring up this exact moment the next time reader was planning on sneaking out & get a reward for somehow keeping his big mouth shut about this for so long. yeah, he definitely deserves an award for not ratting reader out (at least that’s what he thinks)
— THALIA had just arrived back at camp for a little getaway after being & traveling with artemis’ hunters for so long
— she had nearly fallen asleep until she heard someone trip over something right outside of her cabin, cursing to themselves as they got up
— the moment she opened the door to reveal the reader, thalia wanted to laugh out loud
— “what the hell are you doing?” she asked
— “nothing” reader would reply as they fixed themselves & brushed the dirt off their pants
— “doesn’t look like nothing”
— “it’s 100% nothing, thalia”
— “where are you going anyway this late at night?”
— “what’s with the interrogations, grace?”
— thalia gave up on trying to pry the information out of you & only rolled her eyes, bidding you a good night before promptly telling you that she won’t forget about this in the morning
— she def is planning on getting the information out of her one way or another OR will always bring it up until reader cracks & spills the beans
— NICO is already wide awake when he sees a shadow breeze past him as he sat near the woods, having trouble falling asleep
— his eyes immediately dart up towards the figure, squinting in attempts to get a more accurate image of whoever it was walking around at midnight
— “(y/n)?” he asked
— the groan that reader let out sounded more like a growl as they became increasingly frustrated at getting caught three times trying to leave
— “yes, nico?”
— “what are you doing up this late?”
— “on a walk”
— “going for a walk at midnight with your backpack filled to the brim?”
— “yes. building endurance y’know?”
— the scoff nico made wanted you to crawl back into your window & never come back out. getting caught once was fine & something you could handle. but three times? the universe just seemed to hate you at this moment
— “hmm, sure. whatever you say”
— the minute he turned his head back towards the stars, you immediately beelined towards the woods/exit of camp half-blood, cursing yourself for being so carefree in your escape
— nico wasn’t too hellbent on using it for blackmail but once he heard about thalia & percy catching you the previous night as well, he just knew he had to join in on their teasing
— you spent so many nights doing percy’s laundry that you could literally tell what his size was from just looking at a piece of clothing. you gave the last piece of your favorite dessert to thalia too many times to count. & you took on the brunt of nico’s chores. you’d get them back later, trust!
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poppitron360 · 4 months
Headcannon that Leo’s mom died on March the 14th because how devastating would that be, given how much he loves Archimedes, that his mom died on Pi Day?
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pjoxreader · 1 year
Can i request hcs with jason,leo, and percy (separately) where they get into the fight and the reader has a panic attack/gets really scared? Ik its kinda specific sorry
They Get In A Fight And Reader Has A Panic Attack
((I unfortunately got hit with the insomnia truck and did an all nighter , So I tried to piece together what little energy I had to get this together! I hope you still like it! 🥲))
TW: Panic Attack, Hyperventilation
Jason Grace
-He was stressed, trying to keep things running in both camps and get the altars set up for all minor gods in both camps wasn’t easy. -”Hey Jason could you-” before you could even finish getting the words out Jason snaps. “Can’t you ask someone else for once!” he yells in frustration but seeing you take a step back in surprise with a look of fear across your face makes him regret every word.
-He felt the guilt hit him like a ton of bricks. ((hehehe)) “Look I’m sorry I…” Before he could finish you start to hyperventilate dropping to the ground. Jason ran to your side in a second.
-”I’m not mad, I’m not. I promise, I’m sorry just… Follow my breathing, ok?” He says gently and takes some deep breaths, helping guide you out of the panic attack. “In… And out…” he says with each breath to make sure you were following along.
-He holds you the entire time gently rubbing your back until you calm down, but the guilt of causing you a panic attack would never leave him…
Leo Valdez
-Leo was a busy man, between his own projects, working on the argo ll, and being the counselor of the Hephaestus cabin he was always busy and always stressed.
-He had been interrupted three times already while he was trying to work on his own personal project, trying to take a break and focus on making something for himself for once. He was just about to start when the door opens *again*...
-”What!?” he snaps in frustration going wide eyed in surprise when he hears a shatter. He could feel his heart sink a bit as you looked at him with worry trying to pick up the shards of a broken plate. “I… I’m sorry.. I… I just wanted to bring you some food…” You choke out, voice quivering slightly.
-Leo quickly goes over, taking your hand to stop you from grabbing the shard. “Careful, don’t touch the shards.” he says anxiously before he lets out a quiet sigh as he felt the guilt eating away at him already. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to scare you.” his voice was just above a whisper as he could feel your hands were shaking. 
-You just hug him tightly, not being able to get any words out as he hugs you tightly in return. He rubs gentle soothing circles onto your back to try and help calm you but he felt his own lip quiver slightly as the guilt was still creeping inside of his mind even after apologizing. 
Percy Jackson
-Percy was trying to get some time alone in his cabin to calm down and take a breather. He was summoned for **ANOTHER** quest. He was getting sick and tired of quests and fighting some monster who had beef with the gods.
-A knock on the door snaps him from his attempt to calm down, making him grind his teeth in frustration. If Lester was standing outside his door again he was going to kill him himself. He storms over and slams open the door. Fully expecting some god here to make his life harder.
-To his surprise there you were jumping in shock since he had slammed the door open. The two of you stare at each other and Percy could see just how tense and nervous you were. He tries to speak but no words come out so you speak up first.
-”I… I just wanted… To check on you.” you admit softly with a sheepish laugh that turns into a little gasp as you start to hyperventilate. You had unfortunate memories with slamming doors so they often caused a panic attack.
-Panic hits Percy too as he quickly leads you inside, sitting you down on the bed. “I… I didn’t mean too… I thought you might be…” he takes a shaky breath and holds you close knowing there was nothing he could really say to excuse his actions right now.
-”I’m sorry.” he admits genuinely. He holds you close trying to help soothe you, resting his head over yours to help ensure you knew he was right there with you.
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ahllohehn · 2 months
Hermits and The Olympians/Emperors of Olympus is a Hermitcraft/Empires SMP based Percy Jackson AU based off my art and headcanons!
(Please do not use the tags for other PJO AUs as I use them to specifically label what's based off mine.)
Seperated by art/doodles, headcanons/discussion, fanfics:
OTHER HaTO Related Links:
HaTO Roleplay Blogs Masterpost by gem-the-oracle HaTO Archive of Our Own Series HaTO Discord Server
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flirtygingercats · 7 months
My HCs for Cabin 10 🩰 🕊 🎀
As a Cabin 10 girlie, I know 100% that these things would happen
They'd definitely be friends with Ares and Hephaestus kids
Ares kids would do their dirty work for them and help them plan ways to get back at other campers who were bullying their siblings
Aphrodite kids always have a Hephaestus friend so that they can build them things like lipstick swords, nail file daggers, a flame-resistant self fanning hand fan like from period dramas
Aphrodite kids are all about ~hacks~ so they'll take a shower then go to visit their Hephaestus buddy and put rollers in their hair since the forge's heat would basically dry and style their hair for them (no need for a blowdryer they can just sit and talk while their hair basically get a perm)
Also, they would def get the Hephaestus cabin to install a huge counter with sinks in their cabin so that they can sit in the sink and do their makeup (IYKYK)
Cabin 10 sleepovers almost every week
Cabin 10 loves love so ofc they're the biggest Disney princess fans ever!
If they hear that another camper hasn't seen them (looking at you Annabeth) they'll practically drag them to their cabin and force them to watch the movies
Aphrodite kids tie dye, bleach splatter, cut up, crop, add corseting to their shirts to make the bright orange chb tees less ugly
I feel like aphrodite kids are all interested in different things so like you have the nature girlies, the theatre kids, the stereotypical Regina George type, pastel goth queens, witchy baddies, fashion school students and the dedicated athletic ones (like dance, ice skating, gymnastics, soccer etc)
The nature girlies in cabin 10 work with Demeter kids to create a butterfly garden at camp that has benches and tall grasses and butterfly bush plants (like this) and they'll go out there and just sit and watch the butterflies
During capture the flag, they'll be in the group guarding the flag because they can charmspeak anyone on the opposite team to turn around and go the other direction
Not everyone in cabin 10 is comfortable with combat so they'll often help with strategy esp. if ares cabin is on the opposite team because they know them so well and can predict what they do
They have a secret cabin groupchat that can't be tracked and they'll ask their siblings to bring them certain makeup/skincare products the next time they come back to camp or to send them
Along this line, they would definitely make a list of products they've run out of and ask hermes cabin to go get the stuff for them
Like "oh you're sneaking out to get takis? Can you get mascara and lip liner while you're out? We need Charlotte Tillbury pillow talk and L'oreal telescopic mascara. Thanks bestie"
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