#hens post made me check my photos and yeah.
infectiouspiss · 2 years
new fifth member just dropped
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matan4il · 5 months
911 ep 705 first watch reactions
Of course 911 would "punish" the "You are the boss of you!" guy with an alien hand that attacks him, and does what it wants. Pooor Buck and Eddie paying the price for that...
Okay, love the storyline with Hen and Karen possibly eventually adopting an older girl. Too many shows just find easy, unrealistic ways to give their same sex couples kids, and I am really glad that 911 shows the reality of it, and that it is a more complex struggle for many, that it's an act of continuously choosing to be parents. That's actually an amazing, difficult thing, and it should be faithfully depicted and respected, for all of its heartache, and the little moments of triumph.
Buck and Tommy on a date, and Eddie comes along with Marisol? Love how Buck's bisexual awakening and coming out continues to involve Eddie so much. Tell me they're end game, even if they're not gonna get together right now, without telling me they're...
I did not need to learn Marisol is moving in with Eddie like this, with any build up, or even any sort of insight into the relationship, and nope, that does not bode well for them. IDK how 911 managed to do it, but they have somehow managed to give Eddie a love interest the show is even less invested in than Ana.
And the funniest bit, is that Marisol and Eddie's big development is only there to further Buck's journey anyway.
"You can never have too much closet space" LMAO the way 911 both made me laugh, and feel sorry for poor, baby bi Buck. XD
Hmmm. Were parts of this scene cut out? We don't get to see Eddie on his own date with Marisol, but constantly looking over at Tommy and Buck? Boo. I'm glad we at least got the BTS photos, then. But seriously, why!? That was gonna be so delicious.
Oh, Tommy's breaking up with Buck. I mean, good for him, and he ain't wrong after Buck's "after this, we're gonna go out looking for chicks" reaction, but man do I feel sorry for Buck. Him and Tommy might not be my end game (Buddie forever will be), but I do think this relationship could be good for our baby bi. Tommy being in the same profession, knowing what it's like to have this gap between who you are and the image of guys in your line of work, plus he's got more experience than Buck, is sure of himself, can help our boy figure himself out, and also Buck obviously does like his vibe. He deserves to be with someone he actually likes, not just the first woman willing to be with him that the plot pushed in his way.
Oh, baby Buck. :( You didn't even tell Maddie about Tommy. You really aren't ready it. But also (and as a Buddie shipper, more importantly), Tommy broke things off with Buck, but what is eating him up, is that he lied to Eddie. XD Yeah, this gonna end with wedding bells, sooner or later. On screen, off screen after the show ends with canon Buddie, or only in my head if 911 never dares make Buddie canon, I don't care. That kind of emotional devotion is not something that my hopelessly romantic heart can ignore.
OMG, this is how Buck comes out to Maddie? XD Via random pronoun mention, and as a by product of trying to figure out how to tell Eddie the truth? This is hilarious. lol It really makes it clear that, after all, the issue for Buck really isn't people knowing he is also dating guys (or checking their asses), even when it's the other closest person in the world for him, it's Eddie. Specifically. Buck's ready, even if he doesn't have the exact clear words yet, he's just not ready to tell Eddie. Can't imagine why. XDDD
What was that awkward post-sex scene with Eddie and Marisol? And the issues with her moving in are popping up a second after she has. But yeah, we have no idea who this woman is as a person, she's been a cardboard cut out so far, and then one of the first things we do learn about her, is that she would call her stuff better than Eddie's? Once again, this is not the stuff great romance is made of. Or... even just the stuff any kind of romance is made of.
Wait, Marisol was a nun, and Eddie didn't even know!? This whole ep is telegraphing in the news of how weird and awkward and underdeveloped this r/s is, not just for us as viewers who know nothing about Marisol, but apparently for Eddie as well.
And of course his Catholic guilt is gonna kick in now. I'd care, except 911 has given me absolutely no reason to. Seriously, I care more about Buck and Tommy after just 2 eps, than Eddie and Marisol, even though this is technically her 2nd season on the show.
Of course Buck went to find Eddie, and spotted him at the gym. Forever 201 vibes, with Eddie being the focus of Buck's attention. ^u^
I couldn't care less about Eddie's Catholic guilt crisis, and how it's actually a projection of what his real issues are with Marisol, but it's nice to see that as always, Buck's the one who can tell when something's off, and offer Eddie exactly what he needs (even when that's to talk to someone else, but Buck figures out immediately who the right person to address is), and then they just very naturally switch, because Eddie can also tell when something's off with Buck, and he wants to tell him something. Soulmates. THAT is the stuff that great romance IS made of.
:/ The imagery of Catholic nuns has not been around for over 2,000 years, please stop being ignorant about your own religion, and the very different way it looked in its early days.
Bobby is forgiven, he does give good advice, and his "her ex, the Lord" bit, which prompted that reaction from Eddie, is hilarious. XD
So... when Eddie is having issues with Marisol, he already knows he has to figure out how he feels about her, but instead of doing so, he goes to his safe place... Buck's loft.
Man, Eddie being into Tommy's choice of avoidning relationships with women, and hanging out with boys, after in the past, Eddie had dealt with his Shannon issues by running away from her, and re-enlisting in the army, where he gets to hang out with boys, when we all (Buck included) know why Tommy's "hanging out with boys"... I do like that if they want to (and hopefully they do), this further lays the groundwork for Eddie's own queer realization.
Buck and Eddie helping each other with their respective romantic problems, without realizing they are each other's respective romantic solution is gonna make me chew on my own fists. Again. But I'm not even a little bit surprised that Eddie was totally fine and accepting of Buck being bi, or that the first thing he thought of is how this reflects on them. Because their friendship IS way deeper and closer than normal for platonic friends, and Eddie's little reassurance is also an admission of that.
Man, for a second I was worried they also cut out Eddie in the loft, once more putting his thumb on Buck's pulse point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 303. I would have sued for emotional damages. But yeah, it says so much that the peak of emotional meaningfulness for Buck when coming out is in relation to Eddie, and that the scene itself peaks with Eddie, instead of finishing rushing out to take care of his own romantic business, hurries back to Buck first, to hug him, place his hand on Buck and give him orders. "Sure, you're gonna be dating this guy, but I'm still your real husband."
Well, at least Eddie amitted to himself and Marisol that he doesn't actually know her. But... I have never seen two people being both being so happy about not moving in together, and I'm supposed to think this r/s has a chance? Okay. Suuuure.
The scene with Buck going to Tommy to set things straight ready for something was lovely, it was nice seeing him excited, and get to choose, and hear he's wanted. But since the note Tommy and Buck's storyline in this ep should have ended on, is Buck showing Tommy he's ready enough to let others know he's dating a guy by inviting Tommy to come with Buck to Madney's wedding, then why is the very next scene playing the romantic switch again, making us think Buck's car just arrived at the wedding with him and Tommy, only for Buck and Eddie to walk in together? I see what you did there, 911.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
A Man And His Cat
You both explore pet play.
Warnings: Adult situations +18 , Pet play, Spanking, Oral, Its kinky
A/n: Sooo who wants smut? my quarantine imagine went down well so here is another dirty fic. This will probably be a mini series feel free to send me your kinks and I will try and incorporate them. I am still working on my other stories slowly but on a little writers block and I may or may not have re-watched superman vs batman so look out as there might be some more dc on the horizon because omg I nearly forggot how yummy they were. Anyway here is another smut piece for you all hope you enjoy xx
Taglist @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​
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A Man And His Cat
You lounged across the sofa in your hello kitty onesie playing your xbox, you'd gotten Jurassic world evolution and was currently snickering letting your t-rex run around eating people. Henry was upstairs you could hear him moving around in the study. The door bell went off you quickly got up wrestling kal out of the way to answer it hearing the post man call out he had left it on the bin you thanked him bringing the large box inside with a few letters piled on top. Not thinking anything of it you brought the post in kicking the door shut behind you.
"Babe what the fuck?" You froze not sure at first what you'd done wrong
"Shit hands! hands! sanitize them quick! we cant take chances! Your not supposed to answer the door I've told you that! Were in London! For Christ sake" He said rushing to you snatching the post handing you the sanitizer that sat on the table by the door. You shook your head quickly rubbing the sanitizer over your hands letting it soak in as Henry shook his head at you watching closely.
"Sorry, sorry I forgot" he sighed since receiving your official 'shielding'  letter from the government Henry had been a little mother hen....papa bear? Either way he was on edge hounding you about keeping your hands clean not touching anything that could possibly be infected or letting anyone other than himself with in 6ft of you. He even made you take your temperature each day with good reason tho your heart clenched things were getting bad the infection and death rates climbing each day ,there was rumors that the UK was on the course to being just like Italy and Spain. In a way his worrying was your fault when the letter came through Henry had freaked out a bit, it hit him hard when he realized it wasn't just speculation it was a fact that if you caught this thing it would most likely kill you and he was shook to the core. It didn't help when you'd only told him a few days prior not to worry about your condition that it was under control ,which technically it was every two months you was having blood tests every so often your blood count would dip a little but you normally managed it with your diet just eating more meat usually does it, the protein helping your count go up a little. You didn't bore him with the details he didn't need to know to much, you knew what to do and when to do it, it was normal for you. You feel yourself getting rough you get a blood test and up your steroids, you feel better you lower them back down the main goal being avoiding blood transfusions. But Henry had insisted he needed to know everything now he said it'd make him feel better so you told him, sat him down and explained that somehow your body can survive on a borderline blood count it should be 120 to 150 yours hovers around 100 to 110... If your lucky, not low enough for a transfusion but low enough to cause a few problems if it drops any more the lowest it got in recent years was 57.... yeah that wasn't fun, you'd spent two whole days seven till seven getting transfusions then had to go back to have the iron in your blood taken out....It was not pretty, but since then you'd been more careful. You explained the fact that your immune system was practically non-existent you caught chicken pox a year before and it nearly killed you two days after the spots appeared causing all sorts of issues pneumonia, bacterial infections in the heart and lungs then sepsis resulting in a few weeks in hospital in the infectious diseases unit so yeah safe to say catching this thing would be bad. Henry bless him was gobsmacked he knew you was anemic ,that was it, he had enough on his plate you didn't want to add to it.You leaned back on the side unit by the door trying to pet kal who sniffed at your hand then snorted walking off, he didn't like the sanitizer one bit.
"Henry I'm sorry I just-it keeps slipping my mind" he nodded wrapping you up in a bear hug resting his chin on your head.
"I know baby I'm sorry for snapping... I just don't want to loose you, stay indoors and stay safe those aren't just the government's rules ,their my rules as  well baby girl remember?" You nodded kissing his chest before replying.
"Yes daddy" then turned and walked to the living room again noticing kal playing in his small cubby hole that had been a cupboard until recently, it had been turned into his own little bed room, complete with bed, night light and shelves that had some family photos of the three of you, you blew him a kiss and he huffed plonking his head down on his fluffy bed stretching out ready for his morning nap, you settled back down to play your game. Henry used the sanitizer then ran a hand through his hair sighing he picked up the post bringing it in placing the large box on the counter. He smirked realizing what it was. His order from bondara ignoring the letters he quickly got a knife slicing open the box. Henry routed around in the box like a kid on Christmas excited he headed up stairs to collect his other investments. You was pulled out of your game by Henry combing your hair back with his fingers pulling it up and back into a high ponytail, something you had no idea he could do, you paused the game turning to him but he held you still facing the TV then you felt them. He had clipped your little fluffy grey kitty ears in your hair pulling the pony tail tighter to secure the bottom of the crocodile clips. You brought a hand up to them confused a little touching them softly. He walked to the side smiling cooing at you
"There she is my precious little kitty! Just look at how cute you are?" You flushed at him as he bent down petting between your 'ears' then he growled in your ear.
"I could just eat you all up" you mewled rocking on the sofa a little anticipating the way this would turn out he gasped a little.
"But whats this? you still need your collar how will anyone know you have a loving owner if you don't have a cute little collar on?" he strode across the room plucking something from the box and retrieved a few more items from the counter that you hadn't known was there ,now tho you could clearly see a folded black towel you moaned at the implication he must have brought it down from upstairs turning he made his was back to you this time standing in front of you.
"As much as I did like your own kitten collar I got you a new one, not from bondara I didn't like theirs much but thankfully etsy is still up and running, here it is see?" You gasped as he revealed a pink leather choker with a pretty lace and ruffle design making it look more like a fancy Lolita choker then a kitty collar apart from the large rose gold D ring hanging from the middle just below a dark pink bow and medium-sized rose gold bell You quickly made to grab for it but he pulled it out of reach .
"No let me do it" you quickly held your head high stretching your neck for him to put it on he chuckled at how eager you was, you smiled wide as he quickly placed it around your neck you sighed when you felt the inside was a little padded with a soft almost suede like material. He spun it around so the bell and D ring was central then hooked two fingers inside checking how tight it was satisfied that it wouldn't choke you he pulled away and watched you closely then he sighed
"No ... its still not right is it kitten?" You tilted your head feeling a little ashamed?upset? he didn't like it? Did he think you were ugly? You blinked frowning at him bottom lip wobbling a little as you were on the brink of tears pulling back from him.
"What-" he shushed you placing a finger to your lips
"Kittens don't talk, now there is something missing pet, Ah! I know now this might be it" he said and picked up a small shiny matching rose gold heart tag, he held it to you to read it. On one side it said kitten the other had 'Property Of Henry If Lost Call' and his phone number on it you gasped a little opening your mouth the thank him but he snapped his fingers at you.No talking. You pouted mewling up at him again not sure how to communicate how much you loved it. Then you clicked leaning forward licking his hand biting lightly before tilting your head nuzzling his crotch. You smirked as his breath hitched in his throat and he grunted swearing quietly unable to stop himself from grinding on your head a little then stopped as you pulled back he grunted again rearranging himself in his bottoms. He made quick work of threading the tag onto the D ring he kissed your head
"Good girl and look baby it was a set" he leaned over you picking up a thick soft paracord lead in pink with leather handle decorated to match your new collar clipping it onto the D ring then looped it around his hand tugging lightly prompting you off of the sofa once you stood he quickly undid the buttons on the onesie letting it fall leaving you naked in the room. You shivered nipples puckering as the soft lead grazed your breasts and tummy as he moved, stepping out of the onesie Henry kicked it across the room.
"There we are kitten, nearly finished now down" he said barley containing his excitment you got down on your hands and knees before him holding his gaze rubbing your thighs together rocking side to side trying to caress your tingling clit between your lips as you felt small trickle of your arousal escape onto the floor mewling at the tiny flickers of pleasure it caused. Henry lead you across the living room to the island in the kitchen crawling was a little tricky at first but you soon found a smooth rhythm staying beside him smiling as the bell tinkled at every movement you made, he smiled down at you from this angle you could already see the bulge forming in his trousers, you went to sit down when he stopped only to have him fold the lead in one hand an strike you with it lightly across your breasts making you yelp out then moan looking down seeing a red stripe across them.
"No sitting until your told now ass up, good kitten just like that" you complied preening at his praise. He bent down holding out a fluffy grey kittytail plug you squealed a little bending further down pushing your tender breasts to the cold floor looking back at him expectantly waving your ass in the air at him. He laughed and crouched beside you running a hand across your dripping pussy  he leaned over kissing your head growling as his fingers massaged your wet center you moaned pushing back on him, he dragged his fingers to your opening plunging two thick fingers inside crooking them trying to scoop out more of your cum holding the plug just below you arched pushing back skimming your breasts across the cool floor trembling as he fucked you slowly bringing the plug to your clit and pressing it in small circles making you buck against him moaning and keening in higher pitches.
"Oh looks like I may have wasted money on lube hey baby? all wet and ready for me already such a precious thing." he ran the plug along your ass smearing your arousal across you all the way down to your slit you moaned as he spread his fingers out pulling your lips with them revealing your quivering hole to the cold air of the room making you gasp and clench as the freezing metal plug passed over it resting heavy on your clit, bucking a little you whined pushing back a little as the cold metal met your heated wet flesh, he held it still letting you warm the toy before running it back and forth slowly twisting it letting your arousal coat it wanting to make sure it was wet enough for him to push it in once satisfied he lifted it moving one hand to your bottom then began pressing it insistently at your tight little pucker. You whined placing the side of your face on the cool tile looking at him, he stroked your head shushing you when he realized just how much bigger this was from the last one
"Ok kitten now try to hold still one big deep breath just like before...Good girl now out push on your bottom" you nodded whining  bearing down on the toy as he held your shoulder using it to pull you back as he started pressing the tail further into you. You arched taking deep breaths when the plug seemed to get wider and wider you shook your head trying to arch away as it stung despite your arousal easing the way, you panicked a little as it seemed to keep stretching becoming sore as your tight ring tried fighting it .
"N-no its to muc-AAHH!" you cried out , he shushed you
"Come on kitten... Nearly there....Just a tiny bit more I promise......Push out again for me good girl! shh that’s it...Such a good girl for me......Ah ah no! stop moving bab-baby no no don't do-HEY! enough!-you’ll hurt yourself!" He scolded you as you tried to push against his hand on your shoulder to wriggle away then when that didn't work you unconsciously tried tucking your bottom beneath you whimpering. He stopped you with a quick volley of sharp spanks you yelped as his hot hand heated your ass, then there was a familiar popping sensation as your bottom swallowed the plug closing snug around it. He had used the distraction to quickly push the last of the plug in with a quick little shunt. You pushed up on your hands breathing heavy as the plug was indeed larger then the one you had used before, you ached as your ass tried fighting it wanting to push it out you let out pitiful breathy moans as you rippled around it.
"Daddy? Its big-im not sure-FUUCK OOHH" you cut yourself off moaning loud when he grabbed the tail and gave a small tug smirking as you cried out then followed it trying to ease the pressure he thrusted it a few times hitting something deep that made you arch high and squeal pressing back on to it as your pussy ceased and your clit throbbed so hard it almost felt raw he let go then twisted on his feet petting your head drawing patterns on your back.
"Oh baby I know its hard but your a kitten and kittens don't talk , if you carry on daddy will gag you understand?" you nodded at him pressing your head into his chest and kissed it softly wanting a little comfort, hissing deep breaths as you clenched around the tail plug whining, he brought the hand from your back and rubbed around the plug pressing it lightly.
"Its a little bigger but look at you? such a good girl look at that pretty little tail now just one more thing and you'll be daddies perfect kitty" he stood back up getting the remaining items a set of mittens that had no thumb piece instead just one Little pouch to fit your hand in with little paw prints on them they would be held on by two thin leather wrist cuffs. you wriggled around now growing accustomed to the bulbous plug pressing on your insides moaning as the ache became more a pleasurable throb you rocked a little in the air mouth open gasping as you rocked faster feeling the plug press against the back wall of you pussy, Henry quickly snatched up your hands one after the other locking them into the paw mittens. He stood back groaning loud as he watched cupping his erection rubbing along the bulge moaning rocking his hips into his palm as you kept arching your back. The sight was more erotic then he could have dreamed, he almost drooled as you rotated and wriggled your hips pushing back and forth trying to make your plug hit the spot he had pressed it to earlier moaning with closed eyes flushing a bright red, flinching as the tail ghosted your legs as it swayed behind you, turning you looked at the soft tail hanging between your legs giggling as the soft fur licked at your thighs. He snapped out of it and tugged you moving slower this time you stopped every so often moaning and whimpering as each step make your pussy twitch as the plug pressed against the back wall of it teasing your sensitive flesh from the wrong side by the time you got to the sofa both thighs were wet and you was shaking with need he sighed sitting down on it legs spread holding the lead tight keeping your head close to his crotch
"Come on baby time for your little treat" he said motioning for you to pull him free you brought your hands up fumbling with the zipper only really achieving to rub him through them ,making him grind against your hands throwing his head back you groaned in frustration whimpering at him resting your head in the inside of his thigh running your nose across the bulge sighing he looked down then petted you between your ears again.
"Oh kitten you can do better then that come on get daddy out." you pouted at him and nipped his thigh with your front teeth making him hiss and tug harshly on the lead growling at you before wrapping the cord around his fist once more pressing your nose into his crotch
"Bite me again kitten and see what happens, you think I wont fuck your throat raw? Ram into your mouth until my cock is choking you? Face fuck you until your pass out? I wouldn't test me kitten not now Ive waited to long to have you like this." His low ground out threats made you moan you couldn't wait until he fucked your mouth, already craving his salty taste, you kissed his cock through his trousers licking at it, it made you realize what you should do you trembled tucking your knees underneath you to keep your weight off of the plug you licked a long strip up the front of his trousers wetting them making him grunt again, one hand rested on your head petting you, you smirked watching through your lashes as he started flushing and panting, he loved it when you did this it was the only time he let you tease mostly because he was enjoying himself to much to fight for control, for all his talk of wanting control you think he secretly liked being at your mercy every once in a while, you poked out your tongue grazing his zipper then bit down making sure to press on him harshly making him yelp and hiss though clenched teeth when you dragged it down, he fumbled quickly undoing his top button and shimmied them down his hips giving you enough room to bite his boxers and pull them down....only you didn't you wrapped your lips over them sucking on him hard through them making sure to soak his boxers with spit making him groan giving a  thrust up to your face fisting his fingers in you hair a little careful not to pull off the ears.
"FUCK kitten!! Oh GOD! fuck pleaseplease do that again!! come on once more such a good girl" you did taking your sweet time kissing and suckling on him nudging him with your nose pushing him up and latched onto the sensitive underside of his cock running your teeth over his hot flesh rocking your hips left and right letting your pussy massage itself poking out your tongue you flattened it running it up the vein near his head pinning it to his hip then opened your mouth around it humming, he jerked up ass leaving the seat moaning out loud swearing at you for being a tease, you continued up finding his swollen crown you licked at it then his slit sucking again on him. He groaned loud and drawn out flexing his fingers and widened his legs you carried on enjoying having the man at your mercy for once kissing and sucking at his twitching length he began rocking faster panting.
"OH! yesyesYES Baby...WAIT HOLD ON!... Fuck slow down!Dont nono that's it kitten thats enough daddies going to cum! NO! ENOUGH!" you giggled as he used the lead to jerk you away panting and sweaty you thought it was funny you'd never heard him that desperate before, he normally had godlike restraint  holding himself back for hours if he really wanted to, he gasped then ran a hand across his face and melted into to sofa fighting of the impending orgasm. You sat there biding your time once he relaxed you swooped back in ready to force him to cum in his boxers, but only managed one kitten lick before being jerked away again he growled at you in warning giving you a stern look then tugged of his top still panting.
"you cheeky little thing!" you grinned raising yourself to your knees running your hands up his thighs as you leaned in kissing along the v of muscles above his boxers licking at his skin then nuzzled him lightly ghosting his stomach with your nose placing butterfly kisses here and there feeling him flex trying to arch his cock up to you, you slowly made your way down again opening your mouth tilting your head to engulf the muscle just on his boxers waistband flattening your tongue relishing in the pleasure filled noises he let loose and in the same moment curled your fingers over it the elastic pulling it away letting him spring free hitting your chin. He grunted as you let go letting the elastic snap back onto his balls only letting his cock free he looked down at you giving you a heated look
"Careful baby you don't want to play these games with me" you blinked innocently at him smiling then began kissing lower until you was at the base of his cock ignoring the small patch of hair at his root kissing him obscenely with open mouthed wet kisses then licked him from base to tip before plunging down on him he groaned closing his eyes tight
"FUCK KITTEN! Oohh god that's so hot, shit your mouth is SO FUCKING HOT UGH!" You sucked him deep swallowing around him letting one hand wander to his balls cupping them and rolling them in your palm your other hand dropped between your legs and you ground yourself on your hand moaning onto his cock as you worked your clit in slow firm strokes making your new gloves sticky and wet from your arousal. He cried out desperately bucking into your mouth and throat moaning and crying out cutting off his own words as you kept changing your pace hearing your little bell jingle with your movements on him bobbing your head slow with harsh sucks to his head then fast making sure to swallow or moan as he hit your throat focused solely on making him cum. Today he would cum first you were going to make sure. You whined as you changed direction on your clit feeling the heat in your belly slowly make its way down settling in your hard clit rubbing and tapping at it moaning louder as your orgasm began to build. He shivered his thighs jerking and trembling as you pointed your tongue pressing on the sensitive vein underneath it he shook his head clutching at the sofa grunting breathlessly each time he felt the vibrations of your throat moaning on him.
"BABY BABY STOP! I cant fuck please its to much- no nononono not yet I FuckFU-Fuuuck ah AH AH OH SHIT FUUUUUUCK" you ignored him, he was so lost that he had forgotten the lead, you used it to your advantage pulling back and sucking hard on his head licking at his slit then gripped his sack squeezing it tight as it tensed upwards then with one small drag of your teeth he whimpered loud and high releasing in your mouth jerking himself uncontrollably into your mouth face fucking you just like he threatened. You gave yourself a mental pat on the back but decided to go further swallowing as much of his cum you could but continued to suck and bob on him then cried out as your rocking hips found that perfect position on your clit making it throb and twitch your walls clenching, spasming making the plug move and caress your depths finally you screeched around his cock and came over your hand soaking the glove he yelped curling his feet into the floor shifting back trying to get away you followed placing your hands on his thighs pushing them back as he tried closing his legs trembling from your own release moaning and withering against him.
"UGH NOO FUCK STOPSTOPSTOOOP! ITS TO MUCH BA-KITTEN STOP IT NO PLEASE" he through his hands down blindly pushing you but you fought him wanting to torture him a bit, a little pay back for the other day you reasoned, but you couldn't fight him long even in his fucked out quivering state he was ten times stronger than you, you dragged your teeth across him one last time as he pushed you back off of him completely.
"Your a little bitch, you know that?" He said head tilted back and one arm draped across his eyes heaving deep breaths you just giggled kissing his thighs
"Where the fuck did that come from Anyway?" You just smirked licking your lip trying to collect the cum that had escaped from your mouth he groaned watching your pink tongue darting out.
“Meow?” You were a dangerous little kitten he decided. He looked down feeling your wet mitten then frowned a little before smiling deviously.
"Oh kitten? You didn't touch yourself did you?" You froze a little then sent him coy glance pulling your hands down slowly hoping he wouldn't notice. He caught your offending hand quickly
"Did you?" You shrugged feigning innocence as he pulled your hand up sniffing it you blushed
"It certainly smells like you" you whined at him flushing embarrassed  making him chuckle, he licked a long strip of of the mitten slapping his lips as he puled away tutting.
"Oh i think you did didn't you? Because daddy knows exactly how you taste and that my sweet little kitten is definitely you on this little mitten, such a needy little kitty hm? Did suckling on daddy really make you that desperate? Poor little baby" you panted as he bent forward his pupils dominated the blue of his eyes hot and playful all in one he peered down at the wooden floor sighing.
"Such a messy little pussy you have" he pushed you back a little you ducked when his leg swung over you and he got up walking to the counter again you watched  carefully as he approached the box you took the time to admire his taught ass as he bent forward a little reaching inside picking something out then folded the towel over his arm then hear the distinct sound of leather cracking on an open palm. You snapped out of your ass worshiping gaze eyes flicking  to his hands as he spun around looking at him as he held a new leather paddle with a paw print on it he smiled slyly crooking a finger at you. Come here. You gulped then rose from your spot on the floor crawling toward him gulping.
"You know kitten you was very reckless at the door earlier it was very naughty trying to torture daddy and playing with yourself without permission? I think you should be.....Corrected shall we say, for future reference just as a deterrent?. After all prevention is better then cure isn't it?" he licked his lips watching you squirm on the spot just across the kitchen island he tested the small paddle again. Your whole body ceased up as he stared at you.
"Erm N-no lets not how about best two out of three? You know three strikes and your out?" He chuckled shaking his head.
"Oh baby but that was three strikes and how many times do i have to tell you? kittens don't talk do they?" You pouted trying to sit your bottom down only to jerk it back up as your tail plug pressed deeper and the soft fur tickled your leg... not only that you didn't want to get it wet with your arousal
"Come kitten what do you say?" You blushed
"Meow" his face lit up yet his eyes only got darker
"That’s it such a clever kitty, but I must say you will be getting more then three strikes of your new paddle trust me now come round here like a good girl" you crawled around to his side squeaking as he lifted you effortlessly bending you over the counter you hissed as your breasts squished into the freezing cold marble your toes didn't touch the floor as he shuffled you up with the edge of the island on your thighs. He stood off to the side a little admiring the way your grey tail hung between your legs, the pitiful noises were delicious he grunted feeling himself twitch already starting to harden again he patted you bottom drawing lines along the soft skin moving to your slit following up towards the plug lifting the tail holding it taught in a fist but not pulling it out just tugging enough to make it press down into your pussy from behind. You moaned squirming trying to follow it as he held it high toes scrabbling up the cupboard door failing.
"Oh baby that's so cute, you know I  can see your pussy trying to find something to latch on to, does it feel hot? Is it empty? Sweet kitten you see if you had been a good girl following your rules, if you had stopped when daddy said and asked to touch yourself daddy would already be balls deep, battering away at your needy little pussy painting your insides with his cum... but no instead you hand to be a naughty girl and will have to settle for your paddle." You cried out as he circled your twitching clit as he spoke emphasizing words with shallow thrusts on his fingers he pulled away picking up the paddle striking your lower cheeks and pussy making you jump and moan hearing a wet slap as the sting settled in he pulled away running a hand over the pink spot
"Oohh look at that hah you have a little paw print on your tush now,I think fifteen will do don't you sweety? Five for each naughty thing you did? You know normally I would have you count and say thank you, but well seeing as your a kitten today you should meow instead" You groaned as he lifted it again slapping a bit harder this time you yelped as he aimed for the under curve of your left cheek then meowed dutifully.
"Very good again" he struck you again lower on your thigh no harder then before this time you meowed again moaning as your pussy clenched dripping on your touching thighs. You closed your eyes tight as he continued peppering your ass with the paddle the final five landed in quick succession on your weeping pussy you meowed loud and hard sobbing each pussy spank had directly struck the underside of your clit. Throwing the paddle on the counter he cupped your red swollen lips his hand cooling the burn. He smiled then tilted his hips up bringing his fully erect cock to your entrance. Throwing the towel down on the floor. You sobbed higher as he drew lines on your slit teasing your muscles you jerked against him just on the edge of cumming kicking out your legs.
"You know I have been doing some reading about squirting, I think I've sussed out how to make it happen on command shall we test it out?" You shook your head grunting as he thrust forward you cried out feeling him force your walls apart making room for his fat throbbing cock it stung more then ever with your weight on your tummy and plug in your ass but you loved it.
"Ugh! NOOO!AH AH FUCK!" You mewled grunting at each punishing thrust stretching you he was fighting the plug in your ass for room holding firm  he grinded your clit you screeched as he angled his hips and tugged up on the tail making the embedded metal run along his cock growling. Before you knew what happened your body ceased walls tightened clamping around his cock moaning and gasping releasing, flooding over him he laughed groaning as your steady stream of cum hit his abdomen and washed over him.
"Oh fuck! yes I knew you could do it good girl, fuck that's so HOT! again more come on baby you can do it! Give it to daddy once more then I'll fill you" he grunted doubling his efforts stroking his cock around inside of you giving sharp tugs to your tail jolting you back against him to meet his brutal hips making you whimper at the harsh treatment one of his hand snuck below you pinching your clit almost jerking it off.
"FUCK I’m nearly there KITTEN! OH SHIT! Fuckfuckfuck you better fucking cum for me! Or I'll get the wand out again!" That did it You threw your head back placing your toes on the cupboard door rocking against him cumming again long and hard, so hard you couldn't make a sound all the air left you and you just hung there your mouth hanging open in a silent scream he grunted gabbing your shoulders pulling you back to him making your spine curve painfully as you fell apart around him again your sopping pussy sucking on him trying to trap him with on final painful thrust he growled rubbing his cock head on your cervix releasing torrents of cum into you. He lowered your shoulders down feeling you go limp taking a moment to catch his breath then he pulled the box towards him panting heavy fishing out another plug
"NOnonono please Henry no moreIi cant-I came again I promise I did please don't get the wand out!" You panicked pleading with him as his hand disappeared into the box pushing back on him, he smiled waving a dildo plug on your face
"Not a wand see this is for your pussy love, to keep my cum inside you for the rest of the day.....after all you was a bad kitten" you mewled relaxing happy he wasn't going to torture you again to tired to argue you laid still as he pulled himself from you quickly plugging you up before anything could escape. You moaned and wriggled he slid you off of the counter to you feet quickly supporting you as you nearly dropped to the floor smirking a smug little smile you reached behind you to pull the tail from you he smacked your hand away
"Ohh no I think I will have you stay like this all day, at least then I know you wont answer the door" you gaped then pouted at him crossing your arms at him
"A-all day? What if I get cold" he chuckled walking across to the sofa throwing you his tshirt you quickly tried slipping it on but dropped it due to your mittens you sulked stamping a foot he pulled on his boxers then returned picking up the tshirt sliding it on you then quickly undid the mittens you flexed your fingers when they were free , he collected the damp towel on the floor wiping down your thighs and between your legs you took the other end patting his pelvis down blushing realizing just how much mess you'd made you looked down still wiping him tears sprung to your eyes sniffling
"Oh god this is so embarrassing" could hear the quiver in your voice, ready to cry out of shame he growled not having non of that he shook his head hooking his fingers into your collar pulling you up on your tiptoes forcing you to look him in the eye.
"Not its fucking hot! I cant believe how sexy that was feeling you cum so thoroughly, drenching me uncontrollably, fuck it was the most amazing feeling! And I cant wait to make you soak me again and again, one day I’m going to drink it from you." You blushed shocked by his words as he leaned in kissing you passionately sucking on your tongue he pulled away tossing the towel into the washing machine then pulled the leather cuffs from the loops in the mittens throwing then in as well quickly turning it on to rinse and dry. Then quickly he scooped you up settling back on the couch, you squirmed pulling the tail from under you he held it up your back lightly  then handed you the controller.
"Now show me your Jurassic park d-did you let the t rex out?" You smiled giggling at him nodding then snugged back into him as you started making a new paddock in the game. These next few months were going to be the best of your life if today was anything to go by.
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viking-raider · 5 years
Services Due *One-Shot*
Summary: You’re promoting your new Amazon Prime show at a convention and decide to toss a coin to your Witcher, Henry, who’s there promoting the Witcher.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Rating: Silly Fluff
Word Count: 1,444
Inspiration: This post by @thesapphichistory​
A/N: just a fun little one shot that crossed my mind after seeing the post and wondered what Henry would do with you since you “paid” for his Witcher skills.
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(Cred to @hcavillier​ for the lovely photo of Henry)
You came to the Comic Con to promote your web series that was due to premiere in two weeks  You’d been signing autographs and taking selfies for hours, and finally got to go on your lunch break. But you were stopped by another pair of fans, so you indulged them and signed the few things they had for you and took several selfies with them, but turning to head over to the vendors, when one of the two girls squealed and started dancing in place, like a dog excited to get a treat. You turned to look at what she was going on about, following her eye line to a tall, broad shouldered man, with an ass you’d know from anywhere; Henry fucking Cavill. You two knew each other decently well, you’d met in 2011 on the set of Immortals, where he was the lead and you were one of the random lesser goddesses. You couldn’t recall the last time you’d seen the Brit, his Man of Steel premiere perhaps. The two fan girls finally managed to get a handle on themselves and scurried over to Henry, clamoring all over him, but Henry just smiled brightly at them, patiently and graciously did everything they asked of him. Satisfied, the girls went off, leaving him be.
Taking advantage of lull between fans bombarding you both, you dug into your pocket and found what you wanted, and moved over to him. “Henry!” You called to him, getting his attention, you watched as huge smile come across his face, meeting his blue eyes. You smiled back at him, and tossed the object in your hand at him, which he caught smoothly one handed.
“What’s this for, y/n?” He asked, looking down at the coin in his hand.
“Toss a coin to your Witcher.” you laughed, stopping in front of him.
He tried to fight the smile crossing his lips, biting his bottom lip to try and stop it, but failed miserably. “I should have fucking known.” he chuckled, pocketing the coin. “Is there a monster you’d like me to slay for your payment?” he asked, playfully.
“Yeah.” You nodded, feeling your stomach growl. “My stomach.”
Henry’s smile turned into a sly grin. “I can do that easily.” he told you, turning back to the table he had been signing things at and leaned over it to grab his coat. “I know a great place.”
Henry led you out of the convention building and to his rental car. You both took the time to where ever it was he was taking you, to catch up with each other since the last time you’d seen each other. Henry did several more Superman movies, Justice League and did Mission Impossible: Fallout with Tom Cruise. You’d done several movies in the time between your last encounter, but had done mostly tv and web shows and took a year off just to recharge your batteries before you started filming the web series you were promoting for Amazon Prime. Henry pulled into a parking lot of a local famous pizza place and parked.
“Aren’t you on a stupid strict diet for the Witcher?” you asked, following him inside.
“I am.” he laughed, finding a booth for them in a back corner so any prospective fans wouldn’t see them and come over. “But, it’s my cheat day.”
“Then, I have the perfect timing to utilize your Witchering skills.” You teased him.
“You’ve always had good timing.” He teased back, giving you a mischievous wink.
You rolled your eyes at him as the waitress came over to the table and ordered at medium cheese pizza with a Dr. Pepper for you and water for Henry. The waitress brought the drinks and let you know the food would be done soon, before going off to her next table. The conversation between you and Henry lulled for a moment as you both downed some of your drinks.
“So, how’s it feel not to be Superman, anymore?” you asked him, around your straw.
He heaved his shoulders and frowned down at his water. “It feels alright. I enjoyed playing Superman and all. But it takes a toll, it’s a big thing to live up. I just hope the guy that takes my place does a better job than I did.”
“You did a great job at Superman, Hens!” you told him, impassioned.
“Well, if you think so.” he grinned at you. “I’ll take your word for it.”
“You’ll always be my favorite Superman.” You smiled back at him, tapping the side of his calf with your foot to drive the point to him.
Henry tapped your leg back as the pizza arrived, “I bet you, your coin back, that I can eat more slices than you can.” He challenged you, seeing your hungry gaze at the food and set the coin on the table between the two of  you.
“I’ll have you know I haven’t eaten since last night, when I got off my flight.” You warned him, glancing up at him from the mouth watering pizza. “There’s a mighty beast to be slayed in my stomach.”
“Oh, I’ll slay that beast and kick your ass by eating more for good measure.” He warned you back, picking up a slice. “You may not have eaten in a while, I haven’t eaten in two months.”
With that, the two of you dove into the pizza with all haste. You’d just finished your second slice as Henry started reaching for his fourth, to stop him from grabbing it you kicked his foot under the table, making him retract his hand and giving you the diversion to grab the slice he’d been going for and stuff the first bite into your mouth.
“That’s cheating.” Henry laughed, picking up a slice.
You shrugged your shoulders at him and smiled around the now half gone slice. By the time the pizza was gone you’d caught up with him and there was only one slice left on the pane between you. Henry eyed you and you stared back at him, it started to feel like a Wild West duel at the O.K corral; who was going to grab the proverbial gun and win. You narrowed your eyes at him and he narrowed his back at you, and suddenly felt both of his feet pin yours down, preventing you from kicking him again, if you tried.
“Is that all for you.” the Waitress asked, seeing only one slice left and seeing if you wanted the check.
“Almost.” Henry told her, still watching you.
You turned your head out the window. “Is that Luke?” you asked, frowning.
“Not falling for it, short stuff.” Henry replied, shaking his head.
“Don’t need too, Godzilla.” You laughed, as Luke Evans knocked on the window after seeing the pair of you.
Henry turned his head and blinked, seeing it was actually Luke, which gave you the advantage to snag the last slice and devour it. Henry looked back at you as you inhaled the slice and rolled his jaw, the competitive part of him annoyed he’d lost, but the other part of him was amused at the sight of you engulfing it.
“This is mine.” You said, picking the coin up off the table.
“Hey, guys.” Luke greeted you coming up to the table and sliding into the booth beside you. “What’s going on?”
“Henry used his Witcher skills to slay the hungry monster in my stomach, then I kicked his ass by eating more than he did.”
“Oh, I let you win.” Henry chimed in.
“Like, fuck you did.” you laughed at him.
“I did, and you cheated.”
“I did no such thing.” You grinned, guilty.
“How’d you cheat?” Luke asked, amused at the bickering between you both.
“She kicked me in the leg, for a start.” Henry told him. “Then she tried to trick me into thinking you were outside…”
“Blasphemy!” You proclaimed. “It wasn’t a bloody trick, he’s right here.” you said, waving your hands at Luke, in demonstration.
“You know very well you did it to make me look away, whether Luke was here or not.” Henry countered, crossing his massive arms over his equally large chest.
’Christ, playing the Witcher has made him even hotter.’ You thought.
“Alright, fair.” you gave in, rolling your eyes at him.
Henry winked and rubbing his foot up your leg. “I don’t mind losing to you, y/n. Spending time with you is enough for services due.” he assured you.
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copperbadge · 4 years
shy-vi0l3tt3 replied to your link “The 20 best Italian beefs in Chicago”
Heyyyy, now. Lived my entire life in the 'burbs of Chicago, and when we travel we say we're from the city. We're not, but... We're also more than strip malls and bigotry. �� ... Elgin is a serious stretch though. �� What the hell-gin.
LOL! Honestly I have no problem with the burbs, or even people saying they’re from Chicago when they’re from the burbs -- my issue is more that I live in south loop and don’t have a car, so I can’t get to most of them. So the Trib will be like EIGHT PLACES IN CHICAGO YOU MUST EAT AT BEFORE YOU DIE and I can’t access them despite living literally in the middle of Chicago. If they just said Chicagoland instead I would not have such rage!
Well, that and any convention that calls itself the Chicago XYZ Convention and actually happens in Rosemont. No charging Chicago prices for Rosemont atmosphere.
arukou-arukou replied to your link “The 20 best Italian beefs in Chicago”
You've made me so curious about this sandwich I had to check and see if there were any Chicago ex-pats in my area selling this wonder sandwich, and sure enough, there are. I may have to make a Venture in the near future. (Or see if they're on DoorDash or something.)
Awesome, you’ll have to let me know what you think of it! 
Bear in mind that while I have held myself up as some kind of arbiter of Italian Beef, 90% of the time I buy one, take it home, take 2/3 of the meat off of it, eat it, and then eat the rest reheated on my own sandwich rolls over the next few days. There’s no shame in not being able to eat like a pound of shaved beef in a single sitting, and it browns really nicely when toasted or pan-fried. 
dbdatvic replied to your photo “only packing the essentials  Hen-dbag. ��
Well, I got ninjaed on my planned "shirley you mean only PECKING' the essentials?" but perusing the comments I saw "csibecsütörtök". I have NO clue of meaning or language, but I notice that chickens can almost certainly pronounce it.
Apparently  csibecsütörtök translates to “Chick Thursday” which I think is probably like ladies’ night in Hungarian. HUNGARIANS, PLEASE ADVISE. 
kyamdone replied to your link “The 20 best Italian beefs in Chicago”
my question is why did they go to ELGIN??? its not even in the same county????? much less the actual city!!!
I’m guessing they have high circulation numbers in Elgin :D 
prairie-grass replied to your post “It’s coming up on time for my first yearly performance review at my...”
Ugh I just went from an org that had no perf revs, just 'personal development' which was never a critique just a conversation about what's going well vs not and how to help, back to the review style and I'm like 'wtf you want to see how MEASURE UP??? Get out of my face!!' I filled out my form running on pure spite and my manager was very confused.
LOL! At my old job, about eight years in -- so I’d done sixteen different forms of performance review, more or less -- they did an anonymous survey asking us how we felt about performance reviews in general and the process at our job in particular. I let them have it with both barrels: I thought that performance reviews were not very useful for anyone other than someone who needed to improve, that they were mainly there as an extra point for HR to justify its existence, that we should be developing and in contact with our managers as time passed rather than having high-stress-for-everyone twice-yearly checkins, and that it didn’t reflect well on HR that every time we had one we had to fill out a new and different form. 
Shortly thereafter we transitioned from twice-yearly to once-monthly performance reviews where there were no forms, metrics, or goals, but the managers were supposed to take notes on what was said and keep them in a hardcopy file. Literally no manager I knew, mine or others’, actually did this. Most didn’t even have the monthly review after 2-3 attempts at it. I know mine didn’t. 
mander-mouse replied to your post “I’ve been trying to explain the regional foodstuff known as Italian...”
I miss Portillo's!!! I recommend trying buns/rolls from S.Rosens and Turano too! Also, off topic, if you want to eat the BEST Chicago deep dish pizza in existence I recommend Bacino's of Lincoln Park (2204 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60614), my soul misses that pizza....
Yeah, I eat S. Rosen rolls for preference, but sometimes Gonnella is on sale :D I didn’t care much for Bacino’s when I tried it, but I don’t like deep dish to start with so I’m biased....
bonnie131313 replied to your post “But Sam. All this discussion of pizza puffs ignores the actual best...”
Some places have it on their kid's menu but most people buy it at a grocery store (Dave's is the best) and a lot of mini-marts will have it too
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cal-tries-to-write · 4 years
Dead men walking
Synopsis: Sam and Dean pick up a case in LA that seems simple enough but once they get there they only hit dead ends. That is until their one decent lead only leads them to almost getting arrested after a run in with some old family friends. A 911/supernatural crack fic.
Warnings: mention of blood and monsters (I’m honestly not to sure what to put here)
A/n Welcome to my first fic I’m publishing! And I decided to make it a rushed crack fic because I’m sad about the ending of superntural and I miss 911. This was also supposed to be a short little joke fic but here we are. Also a huge thank you to @buckleysjareau for helping me work out how the team would react go check her post which gives an amazing scene to what each of the characters are thinking, how they react and their like over all thoughts of the supernatural being real.
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“Dean I don’t see why we took this case there are plenty of hunters in LA.”
“Because you were complaining about just sitting around the bunker so I found us a case.”
“Ok but you hate LA, the traffic, the weather, the wait,” Sam stops halfway toward the house smirking at his brother, “this wouldn’t have anything to do with Maddie would it?”
“What Dads old hunting friend’s kid? No. It has to do with the fact that people are dying in weird way.” He scoffed not even bothering to look back at Sam.
“Whatever you say man. But if I remember correctly you had a huge crush on her when we were little didn’t you?” Sam laughed continuing towards the house.
“Shut up.” He glared tearing down the police tape and opening the door.
The outside looked normal, tan siding, windows with the shades drawn, a perfect porch, even a white picket fence but the perfect scenery changed the second they stepped inside. Gibberish covers the walls written in what the boys could only assume was blood. Symbols covered the ceilings and pools of blood the floor.
Sam shuttered looking around the room, he had seen a lot of messed up things, many worse than this, yet for some reason being in the room he was more on edge then ever before. Looking at the blood stained walls he tried to identify any of the words or symbols but failed, “So, I don’t know about you but I don’t recognize any of these words or any of the symbols.
“I’ve got to agree with you there.”
“Well then I say we head to the M.E to look at the bodies to see if there’s any clues there.”
“Yeah sounds like a plan.” After drivin back into the heart of LA he was pulled from his thoughts as Sammy informed him that they would need to stop by the police station before heading to the M.E to get the photos that were taken at the scene.
“Why don’t I drop you off at the M.E and I’ll go to the police station.”
“Alright just don’t forget to pick me when your done.”
“I would never.”
“Sergeant Grant?” Dean asks as he walk the officer the receptionist had told him was first on the scene.
“That would be me. What can I do for you?”
“I’m agent Ackles with the FBI I’m here to ask you a few questions about a 911 call that you responded to and look at the photos and evidence.”
“Let me guess the Briggs house? That place looked straight out of a horror movie when I got there.” She said as she started walking towards the evidence locker.
“Yeah that would be the call.” He replied following behind her.
“The only thing left at the scene was this,” she held up a plastic bag with a golden dagger in it, “well other than the body and writing.”
“Here,” Sergeant Grant handed him the two manila folder she hand been holding, “the crime scene photos. I was just looking over them and I still can’t piece together what happened.”
He thanked her as he left the station and flipped through the folder in the car. About 10 minutes later the only thing he knew is that Mr.Briggs was still alive and holding the knife when first responders got there. He heard his phone buzzing below some of the paper work. He quickly moved the folders to picked it up, “Sammy please tell me you have some clues after seeing the body.”
“I’m afraid not. The body’s fairly clean just cuts all over they seemed to be made by a small knife.”
“So we have no clue to what’s causing this other than a dagger and some bloody symbols and writing. Great,” Dean sighed as hit hit his head on the steering wheel, “okay I’ll be at the M.E in 20 minutes.”
Sam couldn’t make heads or tails or the case, nothing matched up, he could find any of the symbols in any books or online, he could figure out what language the writing was, if they were even actual words, he reminded himself. After sitting at his computer for a good two hours he decided he may have better luck getting information from the case files Dean had picked up earlier. They didn’t give him much but they did give him a lead to start with the next day, after the call was placed medical was dispatched first, arrived first and even got there before the guy died, the police were called after they walked in and saw the blood on the walls and ceiling. The statements came from a Captain Robert Nash and after a quick google search Sam found he worked at station 118.
“Get dressed,” Sam called into their room, “I found us a lead on the case. Or at least I think I did.”
“What’s the lead?” He yawned sitting up and stretched his arms.
“The cop you visited yesterday, Sergeant Grant, she wasn’t the first person on the scene. Medical was called first specifically the 118. And when they got there Mr.Briggs was still alive so we’re going to the station in hopes they have some information that the police reports missed.”
“And you can’t go by yourself because?”
“Because I don’t feel like interveiwing 6 people entirely on my own.”
“Eddie!” Buck called after his friend as they walked towards the station.
“Buck.” He stopped and waited for him to catch up.
“Did you know that there’s a suprising amount of sibling serial killer?”
“I didn’t.”
“Well there are a ton. Like there were these two brothers who traveled across the US posing as FBI agents and killing people in mass amounts. They actually managed to make it to the top of the actual FBI’s most wanted list in record time. That was until they got caught and supposedly died in custody.”
“Supposedly?” Eddie gave him a questioning look as they entered the locker room.
“Well there have been tons of reports on people seeing them after their supposed deaths. And there’s a bunch of theories they escaped but the FBI didn’t want people worrying so they said they died.”
“Did you get any sleep last night of did you spend the whole night researching serial killers?”
“I got some sleep.” Buck yawned looking offended. He finished buttoning his shirt and then running to catch up with Eddie who was heading upstairs. Eddie just laughed at him.
After getting in a brief nap at the start of the shift then nothing but non stop calls the team finally got a break as they got started getting ready for dinner.
“Is Maddie going to stop by for dinner?” Chimney asked as he handed plates to Buck to set the table.
“I figured you would know considering your her boyfriend.”
“And you her brother.”
“Touché, and yeah she said she would try to stop by.”
“Buck can you go see what the two guys in suits want.” Bobby asked as less of a question and more of an order.
“On it,” He setting down the last plate running down the stairs only to freeze once he got fairly close to the two guys.
“I’m Agent Ackles and this is my partner agent Padelecki we were hoping to talk to Captain Nash?”
Buck completely terrified with fear said the first thing that came to his mind which was, “No your not.”
The two ‘agents’ looked back and forth between themselves than at him. “I’m sorry?” The taller one, Sam, Buck remembered from the article said.
“Buck you ok?” Eddie spoke from behind him causing all three of them to jump slightly.
Eddie took a step closer to his friend seeing that he was clearly uncomfortable.
“We are agents Ackles and,”
He was cut off by Buck saying louder than probably necessary, “They’re serial killers from the article I was telling you about.” 
As everyone in the stations head suddenly turned towards the four men on the main floor after hearing Buck say that the people he’s talking to are serial killer. Eddie took a step forward putting himself between Buck and the two ‘agents’.
“Wait, what, no we’re not serial killers.” Sam said putting his hands up, “Look your Evan Buckley right?”
Dean gave looked at his brother like he was insane. There was no way this was little Evan Buckley. Maddies baby brother, who last time they saw him was barely tall enough to reach counter tops. This guy looked like he could bench Dean.
“How do you know that?” Buck looked even more terrified now.
“Yeah how do you know that?” Dean looked at him confused himself now.
Sam turned to explain to Dean ignoring the looks Buck and Eddie were giving him, “Maddie and I kept in touch and after I left to go to school we started talking more. So,” he turned back to Buck and Eddie, “if we can talk to her I’m sure,”
“What do you want with Maddie?” Chimney, who along with Hen and Bobby had joined them on the main floor, questioned with a pissed look on his face.
“Im going to call Athena.” Hen said pulling out her phone and dialing Athenas number.
“I did the second Buck said serial killers.” Bobby told her. Hen stopped dialing and put her phone away.
Both of Sam and Dean were now even more worried with the threat of cops coming to the station. “Wait please just give us a minute to explain.” Sam attempted to defuse the situation.
“Sam? Dean?” Maddie called as she walked into the station, “What’s going on?”
“Maddie,” Sam sighed in relief, “Thank god can you please tell your brother we are not serial killers?”
She shifted her gaze between Sam and Dean and Bobby, Chimney, Hen, Buck, and Eddie. “Yeah they’re not serial, what are you two doing here?” Her eyebrows were knitted together as she walked towards the group and faced them.
“Ummm Maddie why are you talking to the serial killers like you know them? And like they’re good friends of yours and not serial killers?” Chimney asked.
“Because I do? Wait why do you all think they’re serial killers?” She looked at them realizing they all looked panicked, “Loom let’s all sit down and we can talk this out, alright?”
“So all of it, everything like ghosts, demons, shifters, vampires, werewolves, it’s all real?” Eddie questioned with a suprisingly calm look on his face, “And you,” he motioned to Sam and Dean who were sitting across the table, “you guys kill them?”
“Yeah.” Maddie answered from next to them, “I did too when we were younger that’s how I know the Winchesters. John and our dad used to go on hunts together and when we got older the boys and I did too.”
“I’m sorry can we back track here? So MONSTERS like honest to god MONSTERS are real and YOU hunted them? Is that what you and dad did on your hunting trips? Killing not deer but DEMONS! You could have gotten hurt! And how come I never learned any of this?” Buck stared at his sister across the table. He looked more distressed about learning his sister used to hunt these monster than learning about the monsters themselves.
Maddie let out a sigh, “Mom and Dad were very divided on the whole hunting thing. Dad wanted us to learn to be hunters because that’s how he grew up, Mom didn’t. So they compromised the first born kid, would learn all about monsters and how to hunt them, the second kid, would be kept completely in the dark about the supernatural.”
“The supernatural is real,” Eddie mumbled under his breath before raising his voice, “I knew it.”
Everyone immediately turned their heads towards him. A blush crept up his face once he realized he had said that louder than intended, “My sisters used to tease me all the time because I loved everything supernatural as a kid. I also believed in a lot of it to so they used it to play pranks on me.”
“Bobby everything alright?” Athena suddenly called from the main floor, “I got your text saying that you had two serial killers just walk into the station?”
Bobby stood up and hesitated as Athena climbed the stairs into the loft, before he looked at Sam and Dean then at Maddie and his team, “Yeah everything’s just fine. It was just a false alarm.”
Eddie jumped in to explain a little further when Athena gives him the ‘are you saying that because you’re in danger’ look, “Buck here thought agents Ackles and Padelecki looked like two serial killers from an article he read last night. I think the lack of sleep is finally getting to him.” He laughed off the second part.
She bummed before turning towards Sam and Dean, “Agent Ackles and you must be agent Padelecki. What are you two doing here?”
Sam spoke up quickly, “The police reports said the 118 was the first on the scene so we figured we stop by and see if they had and extra information that might help the case.”
She nodded understanding the help first hand accounts can have, “Well Ive got to get back to work. I’ll see you all later, and I will see you at home.” She walked over to Bobby giving him a quick kiss before turning around heading back down the stairs.
“I can’t believe you almost got your sisters friends arrested because you thought they were serial killers.” Hen laughed at Buck
“I mean technically I wasn’t being dumb the serial killers were them just not THEM.”
“I hope you know that sentence make absolutely no sense even with context.”
“So,” Maddie turned back around in her chair to face Sam and Dean, “you two never did explain what you are doing here.”
“Right,” Sam sat up straighter, “we heard about the Briggs house and it looked like something in our domain so we figured we check it out.”
Dean rolled his eyes, “Except we have found anything that helps us solve the case or figure out if it’s even remotely supernatural.”
Maddie stood up and pushed her chair in,“Well then, what can I do to help?” She said looking Sam and Dean in the eye.
A/n so that got long and I decided to stop that there because I like that as the last line. I might make a part two but I’m also working on another less cracky 911 fic. And I know super creative alias for Sam and Dean. Sorry about the weird spacing tumblr didn’t like me copying and pasting from docs apparently.
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daesungindistress · 4 years
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Been awhile since I posted about Chickbang! Here’s the whole gang! It isn’t often that I can catch them together in one photo. This one was taken about two weeks ago, so already they look a little different because yep! They’re still growing. 18 - 20 weeks old. No eggs yet. It could be any day now or we could have months to go. Who will be the first? I suspect Dae or VIP. We’ll see!
Putting the rest behind a cut 🐔
The pecking order in Chickbang is still a little unclear to me, but I think it goes something like this. From top to bottom: GD, Tabi, Bae, VIP, BB, CL, Dae, Gwisun
Fortunately, Dae doesn’t bully Gwisun quite like she used to. Just a quick peck here and there. It sends Gwisun running, sure, but she doesn’t seem too flustered. In fact, Gwisun has really come into her own recently. Where she used to be a wallflower, now she’s quite feisty and runs circles around the rest. Still the smallest of the bunch, but not by much. Here she is having a little skirmish with GD:
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Tabi has become pretty bossy and I think of her as the Head Hen. She’s a bit mean toward Dae, who is consistently last out of the coop each morning, seeming afraid. They do alright while inside the run, but when I let them out in the yard where there’s more space, Tabi likes to chase Dae all over the place. For fun? Maybe she just likes to watch her run. It isn’t very nice of her, but I can’t help laughing... because isn’t that so ToDae? The chasing, I mean.
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And again...
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Can’t stop won’t stop...
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Sneak attack!
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So yeah! Here are some recent pics. First, Tabi, the inquisitive and friendly:
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Dae, who also likes to join me on my chair. But she might just be trying to get away from the others: 
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Little Gwisun looking so stylish now that her crest is filling out! I recently noticed she has little heart shapes on a few of her feathertips:
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CL, who is rather aloof these days:
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VIP looking... very grouchy under those bushy brows. She’s super easy-going though. Hey, look, her feathers have little hearts too!
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Here’s Bae photobombing a shoot I was having with GD. That’s nothing new. She’s always putting herself in front of the camera when I’m on the ground trying take pics...
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As for BB... Had some problems with BB recently. One morning she didn’t come out of the coop with the others -- highly unusual. She wouldn’t move, just sat inside on the roost all day long. When I let them out into the yard that evening, she followed them, but did so slowly. She was lethargic and picking at grass half-heartedly. Kept herself away from the others with eyes closed, and it seemed all she wanted to do was sleep. Definitely not normal, healthy chicken behavior. I was worried I might lose her.
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I looked her over but didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. Put her in a dog crate and brought her inside the house to a dark, quiet room where she could be calm and comfortable. Where she could rest and (I hoped) recover. Rather than expend energy keeping up the appearance of being well around the rest of the flock (sick chickens get picked on). Throughout the first day, every time I checked on her she was either asleep or on the verge of it. Here she is falling asleep with her head in her food bowl:
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Burying her head in the towel bedding...
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I offered her various foods that she and the other chickens have devoured before... but she wasn’t interested. Bought a liquid vitamin supplement for poultry and tried giving her that with a dropper. Well, it must have tasted awful because she wasn’t too tired to resist that, and together we made a mess, lol, but I got some of it in her. Finally, I gave her the yolk from a boiled egg -- a good, nutritious food for recovering chickens -- and to my delight, she loved it! She took to it right away, and by the next morning the bowl was empty.
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By the end of her second day inside she was back on her feet and cluck-clucking at me quietly when I entered the room. One time I opened the crate door and she tried to walk right out! That night I let her rejoin the flock, and within a few days she was back to her old self! Never did figure out what was wrong with her, but here, have a gif of her digging in the dirt the day I let her back outside with the others:
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...and enjoying a little dirt bath.
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And then there’s GD. Chickbang’s leader sure has filled out nicely:
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Look how chesty he is! How tall and upright he stands! How proud his posture is!
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“I’m sexy and I know it.”
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He reached sexual maturity about two weeks ago and has been trying his very best to have his wicked way with the ladies... with, uh, limited success. They haven’t reached laying age yet (shouldn’t be long though!) and want nothing to do with him, lol. He has managed to mount them a few times, but for the most part it’s just him harassing them and grabbing at their necks while they squawk and run away.
His little mating dance is pretty funny though. He drops a wing and walks into it sideways, almost like he’s tripping. Weird? Definitely. But whatever works for chickens...
Beautiful though he may be, I’ve finally decided it’s time. Time to find him a new home. The main reason being his half-bald head. Sadly, the feather picking has been an ongoing problem for months, one I’ve been unable to solve. I’ve tried everything short of separating him from the others -- something I just don’t have the heart to do. It would take at least a month for his crest to grow out enough that they might stop picking at it. Putting the pinless peepers (blinders for chickens) on the rest of the flock, which I hated doing btw, bought him three weeks of new growth. For a while I thought I had found a solution. Then, one afternoon, they went wild on him and picked his head smooth again. Well, nearly.
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I’ve given up on trying to regrow his crest. He needs to go somewhere else, to a kinder flock that doesn’t have a history of feather picking. Mine have been doing it to him almost their whole lives. It’s a bad habit I can’t break.
That’s right. GD is being booted out of Chickbang 😔
The other reason is, of course, his constant crowing. It was okay when he only did it a little in the morning and evening, but now he’s LOUD and he crows all day long, every hour of the day, on and on... also any time he hears my voice. Which means I can’t have conversations, not even over the phone, as long as he’s around because he crows incessantly in the background. Not sure what my neighbors think of it, but frankly, it’s getting to me. I keep the chickens close to the house and it’s just not working out. Sorry, bud. You’re gonna need to sing your song elsewhere.
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It will be a bit sad to see him go because, yes, I’m attached to him, and he’s easily the most visually interesting (and entertaining) member of the flock. He probably takes up more space on my camera roll than all the others combined! It’s been a lot of fun watching him grow and mature in appearance and behavior, including his teenage terror phase. Also educational in terms of learning how to tell a male apart from the females.
But it’s just been one thing after another with him... and it was never my intent to keep a rooster anyway. Hoping I can find him a good home where he can have a nice (non-abusive) harem to watch over and for whom he can crow his little heart out as often as he likes, loud and proud.
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Kombat Krew and dating them would include;
Some fluff to break up the smut. Because I can write nice things. Yeah, I already wrote for Sub Zero, but I had fucking more to include. Love that Frosty man. Please enjoy.
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Sub Zero/ Kuai Liang;
·         So, his personality is warm. But he isn’t. Please be prepared to wrap up around him.
·         You ever wanted to share a bath/shower with your boyfriend, because hell that sounds cute? Not happening with him, unless you’re a fan of coldish showers.
·         He would happily talk to you whilst you have a hot bath though. He just wants to talk to someone, who won’t ask him if he’s related to Elsa.
·         He is really soft and caring when it’s just the two of you.
·         Dating him would make you become that couple that act super old but aren’t old yet.
·         Deep conversation, philosophical debates and chatting bubbles before bed and in private.
·         Reading the same book and having conversations about it after each chapter.
·         In Winter you’ll have to banish him to his side of the bed, but in Summer you literally beg for him to spoon you.
·         He’s not really had a proper relationship, so he’s a bit awkward at first but he gets used to it and gets better. It’s more like he doesn’t know what to say/do, rather than him being a bad boyfriend.
·         He has a soft spot for having his hair played with, he actually loves it when you rub his scalp and run your hands through his hair.
·         A lot of hugs in private. He loves wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling into your neck or resting his chin atop your head.
·         A lot of peaceful silences, holding hands and meditating in private, or maybe reading. If you paint, he’ll love to watch you create. Intrigued by everything.
·         Ultimate hype man, who is supportive, loving and caring. And is also so proud of you.
·         I could write more for him but like I have to stop.
·         Will make you warm drinks to keep you warm and wrap a blanket around you.
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·         In his Black Dragon days, he would spoil you rotten. Like whatever the fuck you want you can have.
·         He can’t take you shopping because something crept up? Fuck it take his card. You’ll have to show him what you bought though. That’s the deal.
·         Hope you like someone who can’t drive, because he can’t fucking drive. At all. Terrible. Speed limits are just a myth to him.
·         Speaking of Speed limits, he once, for the shits and giggles bet you he could trigger a Speed Camera. Why did he do something so stupid and pointless? Because he wanted to make you laugh.
·         Dating him is just one giant fun rollercoaster. One you don’t throw up on, but you will lose your sunglasses on. It’s fun all round.
·         He’s two modes you need to be aware of. He’s a lazy shit for someone who can run so fast. He just wants to lounge about all day when its his day off. Like you don’t even need to get dressed, you can just lay there in his t-shirt and look fine as fuck for all he cares.
·         Speaking of which, he’s a sucker for you in his clothes. You wanna lounge there in his hoodie, fine by him. He loves it when you fiddle with his necklace. Its his good luck charm and would attempt to find one for you to wear.
·         Second mode is more like, get up we are going for a drive. Type of guy to drive three hours at night, to get pizza and to see the ocean, even though its fucking dark.
·         He totally watches trashy TV. He can’t sleep? Well good, because fucking TLC has a My strange addiction Marathon on. Hope you like trash filled TV.
·         He will totally let you do a facemask on him. Pre and Post burn.
·         You wanna braid his hair? He is down for that, drag your arse over here because he wants to braid yours.
·         Lush bath bombs are his guilty pleasure. He will steal yours. And then invite you in to share a bath with him. Just an excuse for him to be cuddly to be fair. Will try and scrub the glitter off before he goes out. It’s clearly shards of glass, and not from an intergalactic bathbomb.
·         Is just generally a big softy.
·         If you’re sick, then he’s getting sick too. Like he would literally spend all day in bed with you trying to make you feel better.
·         After his burns he’d love for you to help him with his mostueriising and taking care of him.
·         If he can’t sleep at night after the accident, or wakes up after a nightmare, he’ll just hold your waist and bury his head into your hair. He’ll whisper about how much he loves you and how much you mean to him.
·         He is the proud boyfriend to take a million photos of you, all candid, and post them everywhere “Hey Kano, wanna see a photo of Y/N making coffee? I couldn’t give a fuck what you say anyway”
·         Won’t accept anyone saying any shit about you, unless they want his foot or a hook sword up their arse.
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·         This Poor man needs a hug and pronto. At first, he’d feel guilty about your relationship. How could he move on? But then once he settles in, he becomes a pretty sound and well-rounded boyfriend.
·         He is extremely protective of you. Nobody is saying anything about you, looking at you the wrong way or anything of the sort. He’ll give them a warning stare before frowning at them. You’re always blissfully unaware of this.
·         He acts grumpy but he’s really not on the inside. He’s just using it to come across grumpy to make people not want to talk to him. You’re different though.
·         If you’re creative, he’d support you in whatever endeavours you were doing. And if you made him anything, he’d cherish it like it was worth millions, because to him it is.
·         He loves to hold your hand and kiss it. One of the few displays of PDA he will do. But it’s really discrete in public. He’s just a traditional kind of guy.
·         He sometimes can’t sleep so will stay awake reading, listening to the soft sound of you whilst you’re asleep. Watching your chest rise and fall, your face scrunch up whilst you dream. Listening to all the noises you make. Your precious when you’re asleep.
·         He’s a Grumpy bastard around everyone, but less so around you when in public. People notice and make comments. Not so loud he hears mind you, because pissing him off is not advised for them.
·         Will give probably call you something like Sakura, I’m so bad at cute pet-names because they aren’t pure filth  He won’t call you it around others, its just your thing and your thing alone.
·         He gives into you too easily. You want to braid his hair? Fine but he’s not going to smile about it… okay maybe just a little, don’t tell anyone either yeah?
·         He can cook and doesn’t burn things either. Who fucking knew? You sure as hell didn’t. But yeah, he’ll totally cook for you!
·         Takes good care of you when you’re sick too, will become a human heater and hold you tight. Making sure you’re hydrated and well fed. You aren’t getting out of bed either, you need to rest.
·         Becomes a mother hen when he looks after you. You’re a bit drunk? Puts you to bed with a glass of water by your side. Will say he won’t give sympathy for the self-inflicted hangover, but he does.
·         Also, meditation together and cute walks in the fire gardens. He just wants a bit of love.
·         Would boast about you to Kuai. He doesn’t mean to brag, but since they became friends they have this friendly rivalry going on.
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Erron Black;
·         Yeehaw motherfucker. Don’t ever say that to him, he will not be impressed.
·         Will give you whatever you want at the bat of your fucking eyelashes. He’s a fucking sucker for them. And a sucker for you.
·         Very boastful boyfriend, whatever you do, he will boast and brag about you. Especially in his Black Dragon days.
·         Is a massive flirt, always and forever. Be prepared for some inappropriate work place flirting. It’s going to happen.
·         You have a pretty cool couples costume prepared for Halloween. Like he’s down for seeing you dress up. Just don’t imitate his accent, please for the love of god, don’t do it. Kabal’s impression is the worst and he’s done with it, before he even opens his mouth.
·         Said it before and I’ll say it again, louder for the people in the back this time. Fucking. Pet. Names. Galore. Sugar, Sweetie, Darlin, babe, Honey, Sweetheart, Doll, Honey. You name it, he’s going to call you it. In his accent though, he gets away with them all.
·         Can’t cook but can BBQ? You aren’t sure, but he does it well.
·         He’ll teach you to shoot straight and be proficient with firearms. Ain’t no way in hell he’s leaving you if you can’t protect yourself.
·         He is not a neat person. Expect guns on the table, mud on the floor. He is not neat, accept it. He tries, he really does but it does not work.
·         He isn’t into reading.
·         Dates include, going to a bar, maybe some dancing and he can tell you what most of the constellations in the sky mean. Just keep it hush, hush, he has a reputation to maintain.
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 Bi-Han; (Going with Pre-Noob and kind of an AU where Subs tower in 11 happened)
·         Is completely different to Kuai. He isn’t too bothered by people’s opinions on your relationship. He’s the Grandmaster, what are they actually going to do about it? (Arrogant as fuck)
·         He’s fun to date, a bit of a tit at times but fun.
·         He knows when to calm his banter down.
·         Him meeting your parents/family is going to be tense. He always has this smirk on his face. It’s like a really smug owl. He does charm everyone however, because as much as he’s cocky, he’s a charmer.
·         Lives to embarrass his brother. Always and forever. You’ll have to put up with it.
·         Will give you his jacket when your cold, drape an arm over you and kiss your forehead when you walk along.
·         He’ll train you to be proficient in hand to hand combat. Protecting yourself is key, because he can’t be there always, and dating him puts a target on you sadly.
·         He teases a lot, its all playful and friendly, but he has a very big ‘Make me attitude’
·         He’s more laidback than Kuai. PDA isn’t a massive no-go for him, he won’t be making out with you in front of others. But he will let you sit on his knee when he’s working.
·         He gets Jealous fairly easily. Someone checks your arse out? His arm is around your waist.
·         He’s a little less serious in comparison to Kuai, like he has more jokes, more banter. But he is a lot less mature.
·         Has a good balance like I said, he knows when his banter is getting too much and knows when to be serious.
·         Nobody is going to disrespect you. You’re potentially the future spouse of one of the Grandmasters. You deserve the respect that comes with it.
·         Hope you like walking and hiking into the middle of bum fuck nowhere, because he sure as hell does.
·         He enjoys camping with you. Because it’s just the two of you. No Lin Kuei, no responsibility, no Tundra.  
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A DILF vs Fire Hoes
He couldn't believe it. Buck was looking at the blog someone had mentioned while on a call saying he had been dethroned. What!
He wasn't jealous. Honestly. He was past that. Sure Eddie was hot but he wasn't just that.
It didn't make him feel any better about people objectifying his best friend. This was, creepy?
It was Chimney who found him.
"What ya doin Buck?"
"Nothing!" Buck replied.
"Eddie Diaz is a dilf. Hmm" Hen said behind him. When did she get there.
Buck quickly shut the laptop. Fuck! He hoped he didn't break it.
"Whoa buckaroo easy there man" Chimney hissed.
"It's stupid" it was.
"Well they may be right but maybe they shouldn't say it." Hen said while taking a sip. "What I'm not blind. But this DILF and MILF shit is kind of disrespectful to me." She said to Chimney's look.
"Exactly." Buck said while going to put his laptop up.
But why did his stomach still feel weird.
They were back from a call, in the truck, when Chimney told Eddie. Or well he tried to.
"So you see that thing?"
"What thing?"
"Buck didn't tell you?"
Way to throw me under the bus Chim. Buck thought.
"There was an article on people who know multiple languages having stronger mental dexterity or something. Made me think of you" Buck said earning silence.
"Umm. Thanks?"
Buck could punch Chimney if he wasn't his friend and Maddie wouldn't kick his ass. And well if he did that kind of thing. But seriously.
Eddie didn't need that shit. Christopher neither. It was better not knowing.
"I reported you" Buck heard as Hen sat next to him.
"What?!" He's innocent.
"I reported it. The blog, the other day. Well more sent a request for them to take that down. Mentioned the possibility for a kid seeing that stuff and maybe a lawyer looking into things like posting pictures or the location of people's houses. Half bullshit but could work."
"Oh" Buck thought about it. Hopefully that did it.
"Hey Hen, mind if I talk to Buck about something?" Eddie said coming over with a banana, a plantain?
"No, sure. I was finished with him, he's all yours" Hen smiled while going downstairs.
"So. Reading articles that remind you of me. That a regular thing?" He said before taking a bite.
"What? No. I mean. I don't read them because they remind me of you, I just hap-"
Wait. Not everything reminded him of Eddie right? Why'd he say that?
"Earth to Buck. You okay dude?"
"It's hard not thinking about your best friend once in a while. I think of Christopher and you" Buck shrugged.
Who was he trying to reassure again?
"That's nice. Only good things right. I'm not pushing him on you too much? " Eddie frowned.
"No! Being around him is great. I think, about, y'all being happy, and hope you two, don't get hurt"
"Good to know. You can relax your brain buddy."
"Don't ask questions that are hard to answer then"
"Sorry. Hard to tell. I'm not exactly in your brain"
But wasn't he? Sometimes.
They're done with shift. It'd been a long week.
Eddie was suggesting Buck come over for grilling with Christopher when Bobby came in.
"Eddie can I have a word."
"Huh? Sure Cap, something wrong?"
"You might want this to be private." Bobby said looking at Buck.
"No. I'm okay with him hearing it, it's Buck" he said like that answered it.
"I'm sorry. It was brought to my attention you were being harassed?" Eddie's face shifted.
"We got it taken down after their recent action. But they'll have an officer in the area if anyone tries something, for safety the next couple of days"
"What are you talking about?"
"The blog. I assumed you'd seen it. Chimney said you all knew"
"Bobby I don't know anything about a blog"
Bobby looked from Eddie to Buck who was staring at his shoes.
"Kind of a funny story" he winced.
"That's why I didn't tell you. I didn't want to ruin your day. And then I thought Hen talked some sense into them"
"Buck!?" Eddie was muttering curses. They may have been in Spanish but Buck and Bobby knew.
"Next time Buck just tell them. Make the time and say it" Bobby told him as Eddie was finishing getting his things ready and Bobby was out the door.
"I'm sorry Eddie. I didn't think they'd say something like this and if I did I'd have told you to keep Christopher safe, I would"
"It's fine Buck"
"It doesn't feel fine. I messed up. I didn't mean to but I did. I don't have to come over if you'd rather not see me" Buck sighed.
"Oh you're coming over. And you're cooking." Eddie said while getting to their cars.
"You really want to risk burnt food for me to make up for my mistake?"
"Guess you'll just have to make extra sure it's edible then huh"
Buck guesses things could be worse.
Eddie could hate him for a number of reasons.
Or they could have gotten catcalled by self titled fire hoes by now.
He's outside keeping an eye on the food as inside Christopher is helping his dad set up sides and toppings for the burgers.
The music is nice as there's a light breeze. A lady is jogging as she sees him from the street stopping to stare.
Suddenly Buck feels self conscious about having smudges on his face and arms. He doesn't know why. It hasn't bothered him before to be ogled at but maybe that was more of a Buck 1.5 thing.
He hears Eddie coming over as he remembers the food. Shit!
Only one patty is a little too charred but there's still enough for the three of them.
"Getting distracted?"
"No." He lied. "Maybe. You see her jogging before?" Buck nods toward her. She's stretching now.
"I'm not sure. Think so, but I'm not setting you up with a pseudo neighbor"
"I didn't mean- I thought she was one of-"
He feels Eddie's hand on his shoulder and instantly relaxes.
"Want to call patrol? Have 'em scare her off"
"She might not be though. I mean I'd feel bad if she wasn't, you know"
She's already leaving when Buck moves the burgers to a container.
"I don't blame you. You know that right?" Eddie's asking while Bucks checking everything's safe and turned off.
"No. I do? Still, could have gone about it better I guess but everything's like that isn't it."
"Yeah. Maybe I was a little harsh in my reaction. You didn't mean bad by not telling me and if people had done something you didn't make them. Plus nothing happened" Eddie said.
Buck fought not to say 'Yet'.
He felt an arm around his back in a sort of side hug.
"For the record, we think about you too."
Huh. That came out of left field.
Eddie wasn't meeting Bucks questioning eyes.
There was something there. Or was that just Buck.
Eddie was guiding him in turning towards the house.
"Christopher asks if I think you had a good day sometimes. You can ask him if you want" Eddie's smiling as Christopher looks up hearing his name from the couch.
"Are you done Buck? I'm hungry and dad said we can't have cookies until after we eat" the little guy was putting up his biggest pout.
"Yeah. Had to put some extra Buckley care into these for you guys. Hope it's really tasty buddy" Buck winks.
"Dad says were omnivores so you don't have to worry too much"
That earns a laugh from both of them at Christopher's words.
The burgers are good but best while fresh so they're devoured fairly quickly.
Christopher is finishing his first as Eddie and Buck are fighting food comas after their seconds.
"Dad what's a DILF?"
Bucks spilling some water onto himself as Eddie's beer is starting to foam.
"Umm. Where did you hear that?" Eddie asks.
"Is it a bad word? "
"No buddy. It's weird, some people don't like it" Buck starts.
"I heard Denny's mom say it."
"Christopher a DILF is-"
"It's a kind of pickle." Buck is chiming in as Eddie is turning his head too quickly.
"She could have been saying it odd or you may have heard it different buddy. A dill is a type of pickle like we ate. Not everyone likes them but they're not really bad"
"Okay. Can we eat cookies now?"
"Yes Christopher. Pick which you want." Eddie is opening the assortment for him.
Bucks wiping sweat off his brow like he just diffused a bomb. Metaphorically.
"Thanks. You're a lifesaver" Eddie whispers before Christopher is back in his seat.
That feelings back. But Buck notices this time it's more towards his chest than his stomach.
"Any time. I'm always here if you need me"
And he means it. He really does.
"You're the best Buck" Christopher is putting a cookie in front of him.
"What about me?"
"You're not a Buck dad."
"You know what? Here" Buck is breaking his cookie in two and handing it over to Eddie. "I don't think I could handle a full one. Mind helping me?"
"Sure. Maybe he is the best" Eddie's telling Christopher.
"I'm right here."
"Yep. Let's wash up and we can nap over a movie, sound good? "
Buck isn't arguing with that even if he wanted to.
"I wanna pick. Please." Christopher pipes in.
"Okay. Wash your hands then start it up. We'll clean up a bit so it's not too bad then go to the couch"
The dishes are soaking, other trash discarded.
The three of them are currently sitting with a large blanket. Eddie's head's lolling as Buck is drooling.
Christopher is giggling at them as he's tuning into his favorite parts and starting to lean.
"Odd how that sorted itself out huh?" Bobby says while looking at his phone.
"If you ask me it makes sense, in a weird way." Athena says while drinking on the couch with him.
"At least maybe now they'll leave them alone, hopefully."
"We can hope, but for every dozen there could be one that doesn't take this well. Some won't like hearing Eddie's off the market even if they'd never have a chance with him."
"Well if something does happen he's got us. Know what's stranger?"
"I can kind of see it"
"See what?"
"See them together. Or why people would think that. They're already close, help each other,"
"Bobby they're grown men don't go trying to set them up"
"I might have already done that. Unintentionally"
"Well, then if they get together you're deserve a gift basket"
"Really? "
"I'm kidding" she laughs.
She's looking at the photo posted to the blog.
They look cute. Eddie's leaning into Buck.
He's looking almost possessive to the camera.
She wonders if he thought about this. No telling.
Sorry fire hoes. Is the hottest firefighting DILF taken? Titles the page.
People today.
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sunsetcurve · 5 years
Waves of Thunder * Family Danger Chapter 3
Sorry, at work right now but I know a big chunk of this chapter was Thunderbolt related, so I just inserted the whole thing. 😬
The Man Cave was in shambles ever since Charlotte left. At least that was exactly how Henry made it out every time he called her for an emergency. She went with it a while. Henry was pretty dependent in some aspects and she had only given him a couple of weeks to wrap his head around the changes. Eventually, though, she simply had to tell him very firmly that she couldn't continue to do this. 
She had a job search. She had weekly labs. She was going out for an internship. She just… couldn't coddle him. “Henry, Schwoz is standing right next to you. I can hear him breathing. The man taught me practically everything I know about the place. Turn to him for this help…”
“LAAAAAME!!!” Henry practically shouted. She just held the phone and blinked her eyes, with a sigh, staring ahead. He was about to say something when she started speaking to someone in her background.
“Hey. What're you doing here? I thought our thing was tomorrow?”
“I got here early for some meetings. Want me to go?” A guy said. 
Henry suddenly and oddly felt bothered by this call intrusion. “Who dat?” 
“No. I was just saying goodbye.”
“No you weren't,” Henry claimed.
But, she didn't hear him. Instead, she said into the phone, “Bye, Hen. Good luck on your mission.”
“Oh, that's Henry? Heyyy, Henry!” He said into the mouthpiece. 
She giggled the way that she had when she met Captain Man at Jasper's birthday party. Henry noted this because he didn't hear that type of behavior much from her. She wasn't very giggly. “Get outta my personal space, Max!” She said. Henry doubted she meant it from her giggling, and WHO was Max? “Max says 'Hi,’ but also 'Bye’ because you've got an emergency and we've got science things.”
“What kinda science things?” Henry asked, but Ray shouted,
“Like, right now, Kid!” He punched the enemy, but held onto his phone.
Before Charlotte hung up he heard her say to this Max, “From the sound of it, he's the fight. Probably wouldn't remember you anyway.” Her voice was fading as the phone headed for her bag. “He'll remember your sister.”
“He still crushing on her?”
“Who knows?” And she hung up. 
Henry was fighting as he put his phone away. He'd definitely look into this later! Who the jack was Max? And who was this sister of his that he had allegedly crushed on? And was she still hot? But more importantly, whether or not she was, who was that Max guy to Charlotte? 
Science things were usually not discussed between them. To be frank, they bored him and she didn't need to waste her breath, for both their sakes. But this sounded suspiciously like science things, but being enjoyed with a guy. A guy that made her giggle. A giggle with zero effort. It's not like he was jealous, but he probably should at least size this dude up. Charlotte never dated in school. Her parents didn't allow it. She could hang out with friends all day every day if she wanted, but no boyfriends and no dates. Only high school graduates could date in her house, an unfair stipulation, considering that she was an only child.
But, Henry was distracting himself. He and Ray bagged their bad guy and he headed home shortly after that.
He and Charlotte spoke a few more times, while playing on their live video games, and he called her a few times, but she apparently had gotten the internship she was shooting for. All she'd texted was, “Got my internship. Yay!” 
But, her social media post had, “So grateful for this opportunity. The youngest intern for this program in a decade. The only freshman this year. Big ups to my parents, teachers, mentors, and special thanks to Max for so many nights of helping me with my entry project. #TheScienceBroIBeenWaitnFo” Then she included hearts, hugs and kisses emojis. Why hadn't his text been so impassioned?
Henry stared at it for a while before going to the comments and reading an entire 46 comments thread of exchange between her and this guy. 
To sum it up, Dude was super excited for her, and said so, and included a bunch of emojis of his own, and they spoke science here and there, some simple, some went over Henry's head, but the thing that didn't was Max's use of parentheses when he repeated Science “Bros.” 
Now… it was very much so possible that in the short span of time that Henry guessed she knew this dude, he'd quickly caught on to her penchant for not being a “bro,” but since in this rare instance SHE used it, he figured that Max was hinting at something else and honestly, it was on his nerves. 
He checked out the guy's page. “Maxy-T. Corny,” he muttered. But, he looked familiar… Then, Henry saw photos of he and the sister. “Phoebe? This is Phoebe's brother, Max???” That dude was a villain, last time he knew of. Oh, but in his profile, it clearly stated that he'd left villainy behind to be the best hero he could be. Henry groaned, but couldn't force himself to leave the page. Mainly because there were a lot of photos of Char there. She wasn't tagged, so he hadn't seen them before, but they were like… uncomfortably cozy.
One was of her in a lab of some sort, in her pajamas and protective gear, side-by-side with one of her at a science gala, all dressed up and… surprisingly hot, Henry had to admit. The caption said: Get you a girl that can do both. And Charlotte had liked the post and commented with a smile and a wink. “Oh! Okay.” Henry said, nodding as he continued stalking the page. 
One was a video of Charlotte in this field of sunflowers, wearing sunflowers and doing one of those dance challenges. He… didn't know Char could dance like that! And then she levitated? Must have been with Max's help. The caption said: Hope floats. #DoYouLoveMe #SheGotMeInMyFeelings “EXCUSE ME???”
While he was yet stalking, dude went live. “Hey, we're here at Char's lab, working when we should be celebrating…”
She giggled from the background and said, “Oh, so you're gonna shade me like this? I steal your lab?” 
“Charlotte's lab, that Charlotte built with her own two hands and is at working, everyday…” 
Her face appeared to interject, “He totally let me borrow his lab everyday. I was only pushy the first time!” They both laughed and exchanged looks and whatever the look was, Henry hated it.
Whenever they talked, she didn't mention Max, and whenever Henry brought him up, she laughed it off and changed the subject. One of the times that they were talking, Henry was in the Man Cave and Ray came upon their conversation. “Is that Charlotte?” He asked and rushed over, jumping into Henry and Charlotte's video call. 
“Hey, Ray!!!” Charlotte cheered and waved both hands. 
“Charlotte,” he folded his arms, “I've been told you're fraternizing with the kid that turned us over to a room full of villains.” 
“It's not that serious, Ray. We hang out. Besides, that's in his past. He's legit Z-Force, now. Actually, he loves pranks. I think that you'd get along with him, now.”
“Oh because he loves pranks?” Ray asked.
Henry chimed in, laughing, “Yeah, just because he loves pranks.”
Ray: I mean… I also love a good prank.
Henry: Yeah, a good prank is worth a lot to me.
Charlotte: He'll be here soon, if you wanna chat 
Henry suddenly remembered his frustrations, “No! I was checking on you, because you two seem like you're dating. This guy's older, has had way more dates, probably. Probably has a lot of groupies.”
“Superpower groupies,” Ray added.
“The absolute most desperate of groupies.”
“That isn't a lie,” Ray bragged.
Charlotte told them, “The most insulting thing about this conversation is that both of you think that there's something that you would think of that I wouldn't.”
Ray informed her, “We know how guys think.”
“Oh yea? What do you guys think he's thinking about?” 
They both stuttered and Ray finally answered, “Well, grown up sleepovers, for one.”
“Yeah!” Henry seconded, then shuddered, “Gross.”
“Oh, it's gross that someone would be interested in me?” Charlotte snapped. Henry tried to explain that wasn't what year meant, but she had ran with it, “For your information, I love grown up sleepovers and I'm told that I'm excellent at it!” 
“I'm out,” Ray said, leaving the conversation. Busting Charlotte's chops, maybe even giving that Max kid a hard time, he had been ready for, but one of his “kids” having grown up sleepovers? That was where he tapped out.
“Charlotte, that isn't what I was getting at, but wait, what? You've… slept over with that dude? Do your parents know?”
“Do yours know about your… things?”
“That's different. My parents are super not attached. Yours used to have you keep tabs of where you were and who you were with in Goofle Drive.” He laughed, remembering that.
“My parents know that I'm seeing Max and they support me, unlike my so-called best friend who hasn't had anything nice to say to me in months.”
“Char..  I have had plenty of nice things. I just kept them to myself.”
“That's helpful.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Match the wingperson energy that I gave you for every single girl you were interested in during the course of this friendship.”
“I don't recall.”
“I encouraged you to ask Bianca out, and after you made me regret it by basically making a fool of yourself, I still motivated you to tell her how you felt before the world ended. And because of it, when the world kept existing, you'd gotten a kiss and a girlfriend!”
“Okay, that did happen, but…”
“Then you rejected my very helpful advice to NOT try to do a dual identity date with her and Chloe. And after you didn't listen, you spent most of the night isolating me from my other friends to try to advise you through a problem that I never would have been stupid enough to find myself in.”
“And you never even said thank you, or more importantly SORRY!”
“I see your point.”
“Henry, you once told me that you would never date me because I was like a sister to you.”
“You said that you wouldn't date me because I was a dishonest idiot and it already complicated your life enough just being my friend!”
“And… that was true then and is true now. But, you're acting… not like my brother. You don't pull this with Piper.”
“I don't feel the same way about Piper as I do about you,” he blurted out. 
“Precisely. And like the idiot that I said you were, you waited until I found someone else to acknowledge this. I'm not Chloe, Henry. I'm not giving you a shot because you decided that you don't want to see me with someone else. Especially when I was there to witness herbe neglected until she left for Kids in the Woods.”
“I don't want to date you.’
“Good. Then there's no reason that you can't be supportive.”
“Yeah. Well, I gotta go. Swellview emergency.”
“Cool. Be careful out there.”
“Will do.”
Charlotte told Henry, “We should come up with a backup story. We'll need cover if Jasper is ever going to buy that we're dating. My cover is that we're keeping it a secret because my parents won't allow me to date. Easiest fiction is something steeped in the truth.”
“Oh, yeah, your parents don't let you date. Now, you ewwwing at me makes sense.”
“We made the sound at the same time, and that's not the reason that I did.”
“Friends should never date. First off, you might ruin the friendship and on top of that, I mean, I see you like a sister. You understand.”
“I don't understand any of that. If I were going to date, I'd definitely want the person to be my friend first. I want us to have common ground. I want us to have things that we can share together as friends even though we're dating. And, I have literally never thought of anyone as a sibling. Maybe it's because I am an only child, or maybe it's just because we have such different ways, you couldn't have possibly ever grew up as my sibling. My parents would have disowned you by now.”
“Harsh, but realistic… WAIT! Then why'd you say EWWW?”
“I said ewww, because you're a dishonest idiot and it already complicates my life enough just being your friend.”
“Charlotte, that's the rudest thing you've ever said to me… but it's maybe true, possibly.”
“I don't need you to tell me that I'm making sense. What about your cover? Jasper will have so many questions and most of them, I'm sure he'll ask you.”
Henry waved her off, “Between the two of us, no matter what we say, he'll believe us.”
Having a hectic schedule, but still no paycheck was a bummer. Charlotte really needed one of these searches to come through. As she played videogames with Henry and Jasper, she complained about it on the headset. 
“Why don't you see if Ray has something you could do from there?” Henry wondered.
“He's been a lit.tle. fussy with me since my notice. Henry, do you really think Ray might consider that?”
“Don't see why not. He often asks me 'Are you and Charlotte talking again? I have wanna ask her something!”
“When were we not talking?”
“He only means that he knows I'm no longer a priority.”
She paused for just a moment and her character was almost killed! She took a moment, put her head back in the game, and practically whispered, “You’ll always be a priority, Hen.” He smiled to himself, and even though she couldn’t see him, she countered, “Don’t be smiling.”
A/N: I usually do these at the front, but I wanted to just tag this bit of info in here… I do not know WHO I got the idea of Charlotte + Max Thunderman, and I’ve seen very little of the Thundermans, so Idek none about them. If I’m OOC with him or whatever, charge it to my head and not my heart. 
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Banana Fish - AshEiji - Skipping Stones - Ch6
Title: Skipping Stones
Part: 6/?
Word Count: 5396 (It’s two chapters put together.)
Description: A collection of oneshots filling in some scenes that probably didn't happen in between episodes/scenes, but that I like to think did because these boys need to talk to each other.
Edit: This fic is also available on A03 under the same name. I would post a direct link but Tumblr then doesn’t put the post in searches so..
Eiji had told Ash that he felt ridiculous wearing his clothes. Ash had simply replied with “what other choice do you have?” Which was fair enough – Eiji had lost all of his luggage when he had been kidnapped. Ibe had tried to track their stuff down, but it was taking forever. No one seemed to understand why two people had ditched all of their stuff in L.A and then flown to New York.
It was fair, but Eiji still felt ridiculous. Skinny jeans and baseball jackets just weren’t his style.
And yet Ash had smirked and winked at him as he headed out the door. “You look great, sweetie.”
“Shut up,” Eiji had pouted at him, but just before he had closed the door his face had cracked into a smile. He was sure that his face was glowing as he headed downstairs, pockets in Ash’s borrowed jacket.
They needed food, and he was determined to make Ash Lynx eat a healthy, balanced diet. It seemed to be one of the only things he could do. That, and take photos.
He wondered around the aisles, a little listlessly. He read some English, but he had no idea about what brands would be best. He was only now realising that he barely knew what food Ash liked to eat.
“Are you alright there, hun?”
Eiji had stopped jumping at everything so much, but he did turn and blink in utter confusion at the round, middle aged woman smiling at him.
“Oh, mmm,” Eiji nodded. “Yeah.”
“You just look a little lost,” she continued, plucking down items from the shelf without even looking. “What are you looking for?”
“E-everything, I guess.” Eiji still felt like a deer stuck in the headlights.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, just haven't seen you around here before, that's all," the woman said.
"Oh, we just moved in upstairs," Eiji said, forcing a polite smile onto his face.
"Of course, of course, I thought I'd seen people moving in," the woman started walking down the aisle, putting things in Eiji's trolley too. He didn't mind, she seemed like the kind of woman who knew what she was doing. Eiji was missing having a capable adult around and she seemed to have adopted him now. "Didn't think I saw you with those lads though."
She must have meant Bones and Kong. It was weird that they knew about this move before Eiji did. It was weirder that they had managed to keep quiet about it. It must have been Ash's orders.
"It was a surprise," Eiji said. "I wasn't meant to know about it."
"Ooh, fancy your boyfriend surprising you with a penthouse apartment! You are lucky!" She was piling bags of pasta into Eiji's trolley now.
"Don't tell me that charming blonde boy hasn't snatched you up yet. Haven't you seen the way he looks at you?"
Eiji was sure his heart had stopped beating. Ash looked at him? In a way that made people think they were together? When he wasn't play flirting?
"And the way you look at him? You must be teasing me – the two of you are head over heels!”
He wasn’t sure if he was quite ‘head over heels,’ but he was definitely at least a little bit in love. Maybe a fair bit in love.
The thought made his face even warmer and he smiled into the trolley. The woman misunderstood, she gave him a friendly nudge with her elbow.
“See, I’m always right,” she said. “Sandra – I was right!”
A woman down the aisle turned and grinned at Eiji.
“Now, what are you thinking of, dear?” the first woman kept smiling at Eiji. “You should make his favourite dinner as thanks.”
Eiji realised that he had no idea what Ash’s favourite food was. Not fast food – he complained bitterly about it after the week straight in that van. Not Japanese food. He was saved from having to answer by Sandra interrupting her friend.
“And where do you come from?”
“Oh, um, I’m from Japan.”
He might as well have said Mars. They both stared at him like he had three heads.
And then, both together, “say something in Japanese!”
He did. A large part of him wanted to resent them, but he couldn’t find it in himself. They meant well, they were helping him buy food, and they made him surprisingly homesick. He missed having a mother to take care of him, and if these people were volunteering, then sure. It was like having two mother hens clucking over him and he enjoyed the attention.
And they thought he was dating Ash.
That was a fantasy that he wasn’t quite ready to let go off yet.
“Have you asked Eiji out yet?”
Ash dropped his fork into his meal, staring at Max across the table.
“I was talking about-“
“I know, but believe it or not, I’m a little bored at looking at every white, business owner who walks through Golzine’s doors,” Max leant back in his chair, a smile at the corner of his mouth. “I want to check in on my son’s love life.”
It made Ash cringe, almost as much as he was sure Max cringed when he called him ‘dad.’ He really hadn’t put enough thought into his cover story – he hadn’t expected Max to lean so heavily into it.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Ash picked his fork pack up gingerly and toying with the pasta on his plate. He hated this restaurant. It was all fake, red leather sofas and glass lampshades that almost poked them in the head and it was full of bratty kids. But Golzine didn’t own it and he would never think to look there.
“So you haven’t asked him.”
“No,” Ash poked at his food a little more. He knew it wasn’t a sufficient answer and he could feel Max’s eyes boring into him. “There were times – there’ve been several times where I thought it would be good – perfect – to ask him. But I didn’t. I couldn’t.”
“Really? Why?” Max continued eating, as though his stomach wasn’t all knots at just thinking about Eiji.
“Because –“ Ash swallowed. He stared down at the pasta. The way the sauce shone on it made him feel vaguely sick. “Because I’m not good enough for him.”
Max burst out laughing. A real belly laugh, like the annoying uncle at a family gathering. It lasted for a good thirty seconds before he finally quietened down.
“What?” Ash snapped.
“It’s just – you – Ash Lynx – this great big crime boss, and you don’t think you’re good enough for sweet little Eiji?” Max was still grinning.
Ash shoved the bowl of pasta away from him. He did it too hard, and it clattered into Max’s plate, threatening to send it over the edge. But of course, he caught it and slipped it back onto the table. He raised an eyebrow at Ash.
“You don’t get it,” Ash was still holding his fork. He dropped it with a clatter, not caring that people turned around to stare at him. They were probably thinking he was much too old to have a temper tantrum. “I’m – not – I’m not worth it. I’m a monster – I don’t even think twice about shooting someone in the head. I don’t even remember faces anymore. Most of the time it doesn’t bother me to pull the trigger and when it does it’s because I murdered my best friend.” He was scratching his jeans, so hard that he could feel his nails on his thighs. “That’s bad enough, right? But I’m – I’m nothing. I’m what Golzine passed around – just a pretty thing to be used and forgotten about. A secret for men to savour. And I’m good at it.” He paused, frowning back at the pasta. “My dad was right, when he called me a whore. So no, I’m not good enough for Eiji. I’m nowhere near.”
He gritted his teeth so hard that it felt like he had lockjaw. He wasn’t crying – he was close, very close, but not yet. The words sat in the air. People were gawping at him, but Ash didn’t care. He couldn’t find it in himself to care anymore.
“Come on, let’s step outside,” Max had a hand on Ash’s upper arm in seconds, practically dragging him from the restaurant. Ash let him. It was all he could do not to start shaking. He just clenched his jaw – clenched his muscles – clenched everything and let himself be pulled outside. They stood under the outside cover of the restaurant, the Summer heat choking them even in the shade.
Ash stood there, sweat trickling down his forehead already. The heat was as unbearable as the tight feeling in his chest.
“You realise you have nothing to lose, right?” Max’s voice lay somewhere between soft and casual – as though that hadn’t all spewed from Ash’s mouth.
“Eiji’s crazy about you.”
“Shut up.”
“Now, Ash, that’s no way to speak to your-“ Max stopped. The word was still sat between them, nestled among the others. “It’s true.”
“I think that makes it worse.” Ash hated how small his voice was. He sounded like a child.
“You don’t want him to get hurt, right?” Max, like a clockwork toy, pulled his cigarettes out of his pocket. He took one out with his mouth, then held it out.
Ash stared at it for a moment, disbelieving. His eyes flickered back to Max, but he was looking out at the car park, not at Ash – thank God. Max shook the box, gently, and Ash plucked out one of the cigarettes. He held it between his fingers the way he had seen so many people do. He wanted to stare at it, examine it from every angle, but that seemed childish.
“I just about went insane,” he said, watching the sun glisten on the parked cars. They looked like shiny bugs. “I drove myself insane on that plane imagining the things he would do to Eiji.”
He let the words sit in the air like the heat of the day. It was so hot out here he could see the air wobbling in the distance.
“Do you know what I see when I look at you, Ash?” he didn’t answer – he didn’t want to know the answer. “I see a survivor. Your father was wrong. You’re no whore, you’re a survivor. Tough as old boots.”
“If anyone here is an old boot, it’s you.” Ash muttered, but his fingers were trembling so hard the cigarette was going to fall from his fingers.
Max didn’t laugh. Ash didn’t even see if he smiled because in the next second he was being enveloped by Max’s arms. He found his face pressed against Max’s chest, his fake glasses digging into his nose.
He was probably meant to hug back. His arms felt like lead at his sides. He felt like a robot that had short-circuited – trapped in his own head. Ash’s hands moved in slow motion, very slowly coming to rest on Max’s back. It was a bizarre feeling. Men Max’s age didn’t usually hug Ash like that. Or, they did – they must hug their sons like this, maybe their friends. Ash didn’t usually hug like this.
He should probably feel sad about that.
They stayed still for a long time. Ash shut his eyes and savoured this moment – of feeling small, but protected – for as long as he could bear in the summer heat.
Then he pulled away, slowly, so that Max didn’t think he was repulsed by him. They still hadn’t said a word, but whilst Max was lighting up, Ash took a moment to cuff at his eyes and nose.
“You’re good enough for Eiji, kiddo,” Max said. “But I’m not the one to ask.”
“Oh no?” his voice was slightly strained, but it wasn’t awful.
“You need to get past Ibe. He won’t let anyone touch that boy.”
Ash rolled his eyes. At least his smirk was back.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he asked, holding up the cigarette. It was a little crumpled from the hug,
Max glanced at it, breathing smoke out from around the one in his mouth.
“It’s not even legal for you to smoke.”
“Then why’d you give it to me?”
“Because – you were sad,” Max shrugged.
“I hate you.”
“Almost as much as you hate Eiji?”
Ash considered, twisting the cigarette between his fingers irritably.
“Then I can live with that.”
Ash sighed, rolling his eyes again. One day they would just roll right to the back of his head and stay there.
“Hey,” Max said and Ash glanced at him. “Chin up, kid. It’ll all be okay, one of these days.”
Max had a hold on his shoulder. Ash let it sit there.
“I don’t know how you can think like that.”
“What’s the alternative?”
“Assuming I won’t live till my twentieth birthday.”
“If you really thought like that, you’d run back to that apartment and make the most of every second with that boy.”
It wasn’t some big motivational speech, but that was hardly Max’s style. A speech like that wouldn’t have made Ash feel better anyway. In a weird way, Max had known exactly the right thing to say. It was weird – really weird, that he was that used to Ash already.
What was weirder was that he was right. Ash had to tell Eiji.
He had to tell him now.
Not just because of the speech, mind, because he had clocked the police car pull up two minutes ago. The officer was walking over to them now, her eyes on Ash’s cigarette.
“Will you pick up the bill for me, dad?” Ash said, handing the cig back. He couldn’t stop the smile on his face. Max wouldn’t suspect anything – he’d suspect that he had succeeded in cheering Ash up.
“You know the next one is on you.”
“Excuse me, sir, did I just see you give a cigarette to a minor?” the police officer had snuck up on Max’s blind side.
“No – well, I mean – he was just holding it is all-“ Max stammered.
Ash smirked, taking this as a chance to slink away. He was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
“Hold it, there – you’re in trouble too, Mister.”
He couldn’t believe that in all this time of his own mind stopping him from asking Eiji out, now it was a police officer.
And it was all Max’s fault.
“What kept you so late?” Eiji didn’t even look around when Ash walked in the door. He was curled up on one end of the sofa, flicking through random tv channels.
“You didn’t lock the door, Eiji. Anyone could have got in.”
Eiji glanced up then. A week or two ago, Ash was sure he would have apologised profusely. Now, he smirked and shrugged.
“I know you’ll always save me when I get into trouble,” he said. “You’re my Prince Charming.”
“What does that make you?” Ash kicked the door closed, climbing onto the arm of the couch so that he could nudge Eiji with his feet. “You’re too old to be a Princess.”
Eiji just laughed, nudging him back.
“So what kept you?”
“Max gave me a cigarette and we got stopped by the police,” Ash tried to say it like it was no big deal.
“That doesn’t bother you?” Ash said.
“Max would never let you smoke,” Eiji was smiling, and the sunset behind him made his hair shine. It made all of him shine – it made his eyes sparkle and his skin turn gold.
Ash shrugged. He knew he was pouting, but he also knew that it made Eiji smile at him.
“I – actually meant to talk to you,” Eiji stood from the sofa, running a hand through his hair. He looked nervous and it made Ash’s stomach drop. This was it – this was the moment where Eiji told Ash he was going back to Japan – that he couldn’t do it anymore.
“What’s wrong?” Ash stood too, feeling oddly tall still in his shoes.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Eiji wasn’t convincing. He wasn’t looking Ash in the eye.
“What?” he looked at Ash then, all shining Bambi eyes.
“When are you going back?”
“I’m not – at least I don’t plan to,” Eiji said. “No, it was – I –“ he stopped, staring at Ash as though he lost his train of thought. He cleared his throat, looking down so that his fringe flopped across his forehead. “I can’t look at you and do this – you’re going to have to close your eyes.”
Ash raised an eyebrow, his lips quirking upwards despite his nerves. Then, he obeyed, his eyelids fluttering as he fought to keep them closed.
“You better not take me to a new apartment, I was just getting used to this one,” he said, still fighting that smile, because he knew Eiji was flustered and he knew it would make him worse.
“Oh my God, shut up, this is hard enough!” Eiji snapped, his hands pushed Ash’s shoulders. Not really hard enough to make him lose his balance, but he went to step back as a kindness.
That was when Eiji’s hands kept him in place. He froze – wishing he could open his eyes – wishing he could see what was happening. How was Eiji looking at him?
He must have been on tip toes, to hold Ash’s shoulders like that.
Then Eiji pressed his lips against Ash’s. It was more of a brush, really. Barely even a second of contact. A nano-second of contact that transformed Ash’s heart into a butterfly. It wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be happening. He started to open his eyes, his mouth open to ask what the hell was happening when Eiji said-
“Wait, no – that was bad. Let me try that again.”
Ash wanted to laugh. That was Eiji’s voice alright. But it couldn’t be Eiji.
It was Eiji’s lips that met his a second time – properly this time. It was still a chaste kiss from a Disney movie – a kiss Ash was only vaguely familiar with.
Yet it was still a kiss. From Eiji Okumura.
Ash opened his eyes, half expecting himself to be lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling, the ghost of the kiss still on his lips. He wasn’t. He was staring at Eiji, who was watching him carefully.
For a moment, his brain wasn’t working. In fact, he didn’t think his brain had been working since he walked into the room. It definitely wasn’t working when he said, “I can’t believe it took three tries to get that first kiss right.”
But Eiji was smiling at him.
“Third time lucky?” he said. “I am a lucky charm, after all.”
“You’re a dork, that’s what you are,” Ash said, taking Eiji’s face in his hands. It squished his cheeks ever so slightly as he grinned at Ash.
“That’s no way to talk to your boyfriend,” he said.
The word froze the smile on Ash’s face. Boyfriend. It had slipped off of his own tongue so easily when it was a joke. Now it was serious.
“Shit-“ Ash’s hands relaxed on Eiji’s face. “Shit – you mean-“
“What?” Eiji’s own smile started to fade. “Is that okay?”
Ash nodded. He kept nodding, he went to press his head against Eiji’s and paused. He looked over Eiji’s face, Eiji’s slightly nervous eyebrows and worried eyes. Then he tilted his head and kissed Eiji, savouring the moment. He barely pulled away, feeling Eiji sigh against him. His eyes were closed, a small smile on his face.
Eiji looked like an angel. An angel who closed his eyes and sighed when he got kissed by the boy he liked. The boy he liked – who was Ash. Who had been called demon and wildcat and all the nicknames held some truth in them.
Maybe he was right after all. Maybe he wasn’t good enough for Eiji – he certainly wasn’t what Eiji deserved. Eiji deserved someone much better than him – someone a lot happier who he could be a lot happier with.
He kissed the top of Eiji’s nose, feeling out of his depth. He didn’t do this.
Eiji smiled, his eyes full of stars when he opened them to look at Ash. He caught the troubled look in Ash’s eyes immediately. He put a hand to Ash’s, turning it over so that he could link their fingers.
“It’s okay,” he whispered. “Let’s just – chill, yeah?”
Ash nodded. The tight feeling in his chest loosened. He sat down heavily next to Eiji on the sofa, suddenly feeling conscious of everywhere his body was.
“You’re worried,” Eiji said. He still had hold of Ash’s hand.
Ash let out a long breath. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
“You said we’d be safe here.”
“I know.”
“You don’t want to see me get hurt.”
“Well I don’t want to see you get hurt either.”
“I can take care of myself, Eiji.”
“Can you?” the question was harsh, it stung Ash. But he supposed there was a glimmer of truth in it – he did seem to get into a lot of trouble. “I can’t go back to Japan and not wonder about you every day of my life,” Eiji shifted, leaning his weight against Ash’s. He had done it so often that it was comforting. “But, everything will be okay.”
“That’s what Max said,” Ash leant his head against Eiji’s, revelling in the feeling of Eiji’s soft, thick hair against his cheek. “You old people are all the same.”
“Hey!” Eiji elbowed Ash. “Let’s just – take it one day at a time.”
Eiji stayed, pressed against Ash, his fingers tracing patterns on the back of Ash’s hand.
It wasn’t just that Eiji would be in danger. It was that Ash had no idea how this worked – this romance thing.
But it was one day at a time. One of Ash’s problems at a time.
For today, they were chilling, and Eiji was leaning against him. It made his chest feel as though it was on fire.
He squeezed Eiji’s hand and buried his nose into Eiji’s fluffy hair. Baby bird hair.
Ash couldn’t remember falling asleep. He didn’t realise they’d been sat there in silence for so long. He didn’t realise he was that comfortable.
But he fell asleep on the sofa, leaning against Eiji Okumura.
“You’re extra peppy today.”
The voice made Eiji jump. He almost spilt boiling water all over the kitchen side. He turned to see Bones leaning across the counter, staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’m in a good mood,” Eiji admitted. He leant against the side, waiting for his tea to brew. He found himself grinning again, running his hand through his hair self-consciously. “I – well, I kissed Ash yesterday night.”
Bones just stared at him. Even Kong, leaning with his back against the counter, just stared at Eiji.
“So?” Bones asked. “Don’t couples do that all the time?”
“What do you mean?” Eiji dunked the tea bag up and down with his spoon.
“You’re together, aren’t you?”
“Well, as of yesterday, yeah.”
That made Kong turn around. It made Bones stare, open-mouthed at Eiji.
“No way,” Bones murmured. He stared at Kong, then back at Eiji. “The way you two stare at each other all the time – you had to be together.”
“You live here with him, for God’s sake,” Kong added.
“That was –“ Eiji brought the mug to his face so that it would look like the heat on his face was from that. “It was more to keep me safe.”
“Boss wants to keep everyone safe,” Kong nodded in agreement to Bones. “He doesn’t give just anyone an apartment.”
“I know,” Eiji said. “I figured – but, I don’t know – it seemed ridiculous to think that he really liked me like that.”
Bones cocked his head to the side like a dog.
“Because I’m me,” Eiji said. “There’s nothing remarkable about me.”
“You’re an award-winning high jumper.”
Eiji hadn’t even seen Ash move. He was just suddenly leaning against the open wall of the kitchen, his hair disheveled and his arms crossed.
Bones and Kong looked suitably impressed, staring at Eiji with wide eyes and open mouths. Eiji glared at Ash, hating how he felt his own mouth dip into a pout.
“Yeah, I’m a high jumper who can’t jump,” Eiji said. “At least, I can’t land.”
“Well, there’s that,” Ash pushed his fringe out of his face, looking at Eiji from between the golden strands in a way that made Eiji’s heart stammer. “But at least you’re cute.”
It was getting easier and easier to hide when his heart was skipping a beat and when his face wanted to burst into flames.
“Yeah, one of us has to be,” he said, taking a sip of tea.
Kong and Bones were staring at him like he had just shot himself in the head, turning to goggle at Ash’s reaction. He still had a hand in his hair, his teasing smile frozen on his face.
Then he laughed and let his hair fall back into place.
“No need to be so smug about it, Eiji,” he said. He had a habit of drawing out the syllables of Eiji’s name that he couldn’t get enough of.
Eiji laughed, stepping forward so that he could rest against the divider of the kitchen and the living room. He wanted to lean right forwards and kiss Ash. He didn’t have the confidence – not in front of Bones and Kong – not when Ash’s eyes were glinting at him like emeralds.
But he did still have the confidence to keep teasing. Part of him enjoyed the astonishment on Bones and Kong’s faces when he got away with it, and partly because he laughed Ash’s laugh. There was a special laugh he had for Eiji and a special smile that he wanted to see again and again. Before going back. If he was going back. Which he wasn’t thinking about.
“You are good for some things, though,” he said. The steam from his tea curled up between them like incense.
“Oh yeah?” Ash was leaning his elbows on the counter now. It would be so easy to kiss him.
“You make a great pillow,” Eiji grinned.
Ash rolled his eyes, glancing at Bones and Kong as they snorted into their hands, then he raised an eyebrow at Eiji.
“I think I’m good at this too,” he said, and before Eiji could react Ash’s hand was tugging at the collar of his t-shirt, and Ash’s lips were against his. His mouth was warm and the touch was all-inducing. Eiji couldn’t think. Even when Ash pulled away he could only blink at him, sparks coming from his broken brain.
Bones elbowed Kong and muttered something about leaving before it got too ‘mushy’ and ‘icky’ in here. They waited for Ash to tell them what to do for all of half a second, before they were gone from the room.
“Since you’re speechless, we’ll call that one a win to me,” Ash said. His fingers slipped around Eiji’s on the handle of his mug and the touch shocked Eiji back into reality.
“You cheated,” he said.
“Are you the one who has to start all the kissing then?” Ash asked. He tilted his head to the side and Eiji’s gaze caught on the curls of hair at the nape of Ash’s neck. They really were too long – he should get them cut – but not before Eiji had tangled his fingers in them.
Eiji wanted to say ‘yes,’ and smirk back at Ash, but there was still those nerves he had seen yesterday in all that green. There was still a spark of fear in Ash that they were going ahead, and they were doing this. He couldn’t help but wonder if Ash had ever been with someone – like this – before. He didn’t think so. He didn’t want to ask and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
“No – that was – I mean,” he took a breath and found himself smiling. “I liked that. A lot.”
Ash didn’t reply. He was staring at Eiji, his eyes taking in every detail of his face, but slowly. He was taking his time, as though he had been told to memorize exactly what Eiji looked like.
“Good,” he murmured after what felt like an infinity. He slipped the mug from Eiji’s hands and took a sip. Immediately, he grimaced and put it back down. “That’s not coffee.”
“No, it’s green tea,” Eiji said. He felt defensive of it as he pulled it back to himself.
“I didn’t know we owned green tea.”
“You wouldn’t, you never go food shopping.”
Ash laughed, he leant further across the counter. “Then should I give my dutiful little housewife another kiss?”
Eiji laughed and blushed and realised he didn’t know what to say. This was all so easy and so natural and yet stilted and awkward. It was like playing roles they thought they were meant to. He leant back across the counter, tilting his face towards Ash. He wanted to be close to Ash, always. He wanted to have Ash’s mouth as close to him at all times as possible so he could show him how his heart was bursting with a hundred different emotions for him.
Ash moved slowly and almost teasingly, tilted his head towards Eiji.
Then, he pressed a kiss onto Eiji’s cheek, letting his mouth linger there, just above Eiji’s skin so that it tingled.
“I can’t believe you’re so easy about this,” Ash whispered.
“Well,” Eiji found Ash’s hand, lining the base of their palms up, and then each finger. He watched them interlock with each other like parts of a puzzle coming together. “Being your pretend boyfriend got me into so much trouble, it seemed silly not to get into trouble and kiss you whilst I’m at it.”
Ash laughed without sound against Eiji’s cheek, his fingers tightening on Eiji’s. He needed him, Eiji realised. Ash needed him, and he needed him to be patient and calm about it all. He wasn’t sure he could live up to that, not at all the time.
“You know, you’re not just a good pillow,” Eiji murmured.
Ash pulled away, toying with Eiji’s mug instead, like a bored house cat.
“No,” Eiji bit his lip, trying to see Ash’s future reactions playing out on his face. He was not a fortune teller, he wouldn’t be able to tell how this would go. “You – probably hear it all the time and I bet you hate it now, but you’re – handsome, Ash. You’re so –“
He broke off, the word stuck in his throat. How many times had a man Ash hated said that to him? How many times had that word made Ash’s skin crawl? Eiji let it stay silent. He had said it once. That was enough. Any more times and –
Ash’s lips twitched. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a breath that seemed to come from the very core of his being outward, before he seemed to allow himself to smile. He opened his eyes again, smiling at Eiji as though he was an angel.
“I do,” he said, simply. “And I thought I hated it, but you say it different,” he paused, tilting his head to the side and examining Eiji again. “I like the way you say it.”
“Oh – good,” Eiji didn’t pay attention to the words falling out of his mouth, he was preoccupied with the relief washing over him like a tidal wave. He hadn’t realised that worry had wormed its way into every crevice and now he was so relieved. “Then I’ll keep saying it. I’ll say it every day if you want – all day, every day-“
“Eiji, shut up,” Ash shook his head, but he was smiling. He was grinning like he couldn’t control it.
Eiji did, unable to help his own smile. This was Ash Lynx – Ash Lynx genuinely happy. Ash Lynx grinning like a seventeen year old should grin.
Ash Lynx, leaning over the counter to kiss Eiji again. Just one more, lingering kiss that promised so many more, before telling Eiji to get the coffee machine going.
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head to toe | lee taeyong.
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genre: ten pounds of fluff. slightly suggestive?  character/s: taeyong x reader.  overview: you love each other from head to toe. literally. word count: 2971.
13. "Sorry I'm late." 28. "Drive safely." 99. "Be careful."
Taeyong’s voice pulls you out of your concentration. You look up from your laptop screen and scan the entire room until your eyes finally land on his figure. Calm and quiet, he’s sitting in front of his easel where a blank canvas is placed. Sunday nights mean the both of you catching up with the work you’ve put off over the weekend – you with your Film App paper, and him with his commissioned portrait.  
You stand up, dragging your chair with you to where he was. He hooks an arm around your ankles and lift them up to his lap. Being able to touch you and feel you near brings him a deep sense of comfort. And only then is he able to start his own work.
You sit on the sofa and let out a loud sigh of relief. Nothing beats having a boyfriend who can cook – and cook deliciously, mind you. Taeyong wears a smug look on his face as he watches you. "Full?"
Still in the last few moments of food coma, you could only nod. And then, when his gaze is back on the TV, you pull your shirt up just enough to uncover your belly and take Taeyong's hand. He immediately glances at you as soon as his palm rests on the soft skin of your stomach.
"You feel this?" you ask. "It's our food baby."
He snorts. "Wow, what's its name?"
"Chicken-stir-fry Lee."
"I swear to God you're the weirdest thing ever," he says. But he squeezes your waist and pulls you into his side, anyway.
Irritated Doyoung is in the middle of his speech when a hand lands on the small of your back. "What did I miss?" Taeyong asks, stealing the glass of champagne from your hands and taking a sip himself.
"Not much." You see Doyoung catching sight of Taeyong, the supposedly man of the hour, amidst the crowd and grimacing. "Just your opening speech, is all."
The man beside you snickers. "He handled it well, anyhow."
"But I was anticipating seeing you talk about your work."
He looks at you from the corner of his eye and frowns. "I’m sorry I'm late."
You want to snap back at him but you don't have a chance to, because Doyoung is already marching over to where you and Taeyong were standing. He then thrusts the wireless microphone onto your boyfriend’s chest and drag him to the spotlight, much to your delight and Taeyong’s dismay.
There is a certain kind of security to be felt when you’re caged in between Taeyong’s arms and your legs are all tangled up. You feel like everything can go wrong – you can fail your exam, get sick with the flu for days, lose all your hair, and even misplace your lucky pen – but still feel happy and content. Because nothing can make you unhappy. Not here. Not when you’re safely tucked under his chin and pressed oh so warmly against his chest.
“What happened to his eyebrows?” Taeyong’s sister asks you as you bond over cups of coffee. She chances upon her brother’s latest profile picture and tsks in disapproval at the sight of him with one of his eyebrows partly shaved.
You shrug. “I’m the one supposed to know him the best, but even I don’t know what goes through his head sometimes.”
“There, there,” she cooes. “He’s a lot to handle, isn’t he?”
“I’m just at that point where I’m glad his fingers and toes are still complete.”
You and his sister sigh in unison.
Taeyong holds your hand tightly after he sits you down on the couch. His hands are hot and sweaty against yours.
"What's wrong?"
He sighs, avoiding your gaze. "I've been hiding something from you."
"What is it?" Immediately, you are on full alert. Whatever he's going to say, you already know it's not good. You begin to anticipate something bad, like he's killed someone and now he needs help hiding the body; something worse, like he's going to use you for his upcoming exhibit; the worst, like he's going to break up with you.
"I have chicks," he says, eyes quickly searching yours for a response. He doesn't know what he sees there. Disappointment? Betrayal? Fury?
"You mean... you've been cheating?"
"What?" Your boyfriend shifts in his seat more comfortably. "No! I meant chicks, as in baby chickens. I just didn't want to tell you because you said you didn't want pets, and they're not pets! I'm just keeping them for inspiration for my new exhibit." He picks at your fingernails as he spoke, fidgeting with your hands out of nervousness.
You exhale the breath you don't realize you've been holding. If you didn't love this guy, you probably would have punched him. He sometimes makes you nervous and panicky for no reason. "Okay. Okay, that's fine."
He clutches your hands to his chest as he too sighs in relief. "Okay, good."
"How did you bring them here without me noticing?"
"Oh, that was easy. I bought them as eggs and then incubated them under our bed. I kept a daily log of them in my phone and not in a notebook so you wouldn't be able to see. Everyday, when you leave, I check up on them and cuddle them one by one like a mother hen. And then, after weeks and weeks of just pure love and warmth, they started hatching. So now, I've eight baby chicks."
"Did you just say you incubated them under our bed?"
"For weeks and weeks?"
"And now that they've hatched, where do you keep them, exactly?"
"Oh! The pet store where I bought them from said to put them somewhere with soil and proper ventilation, so I put them on your mini garden."
"Lee Taeyong!"
"The hell is this?"
You grab a handful of your boyfriend's hair and frown. Taeyong being an artist has its fair share of crazies. But having been with him for years has made you immune to them, so seeing him now with electric blue hair isn't as surprising as his old "experiments". But seeing Yuta and Johnny with red and green hair respectively is nothing short of shocking.
"What, you like it?" Yuta asks, his bangs covering his eyes as he blowdries his hair.
"It's like a powerpuff convention I wasn't invited in."
"See, I told you she'd hate it." Johnny elbows Taeyong against the rib.
"Shut up, Buttercup."
“Yes, give it to me, baby!”
Your arms and legs are starting to hurt from the awkward positions you put yourself into, but the smile it brings to your boyfriend’s face makes it all worth it.
“Okay, I think that’s enough pictures, [Y/N],” Taeyong says as he walks towards you. He’s beginning to think that asking you to take his picture for his Facebook profile is a bad idea. You do have a slight tendency to go overboard. Because even as he’s fast approaching you, you still manage to capture him in a candid shot or two. He quickly removes the strap from your wrist and manages, with great difficulty, to retrieve the camera from your grip.
“Not yet, just a few more!” You let out a whine in protest, almost shoving the camera lens in his face to give him a lot of pictures to choose from. “Whoa, look at that jawline,” you exclaim to distract him, knowing full well that he takes so much pride in what he considers to be his best asset. “What a killer.”
Later on, he’s posting one as his new profile photo. Before he could even finish uploading it, Taeyong tosses you your own phone so you could be the first person to like it.
You know you’re in for a wild night when your boyfriend wears his clip-on lip ring, with Taeyong knowing full well how the small piece of accessory makes you feel all sorts of things.
"I don't see how–"
Taeyong shushes you before you could finish your sentence. "You won't be able to see it if you keep talking. Be quiet and just stare at it."
You do as you're told, but after a minute or so, you complain once again. "I still can't–"
"Any second now."
You purse your lips and swallow the complaints that bubble up your throat. Instead, you take a deep breath and really concentrate on the canvas that was in front of you. Besides the weird splash of colors that seemed unorganized and accidental, you focus on the black lines that curve fluidly across the plane. And just like that, it hits you.
"It's a bunny!" you exclaim, straightening your posture at the same time. Taeyong has insisted you look at the picture with your head tilted at exactly 45 degrees. Now your neck just hurts and you let out an involuntary yelp.
"Good job, baby," he praises, dropping a quick kiss on your forehead. He puts the canvas away and places a new one in front of you. "Now, this one you have to look at from the back like you're walking away and someone from behind you suddenly calls your name..."
You rest your chin over your palm as you watch Taeyong dote on Jisung, his latest intern.
“Why are you being so mean to him? It’s his first day,” you complain as soon as he leaves the intern to do his assigned task and goes to you. “On my first day here, I didn’t even do much.”
“Yeah, well, I was faking being strict on you because I liked you. But now, I have to be really strict,” he says in defense.
“Because you might end up liking the new interns too?”
He shakes his head and steals a peck from your lips. “Nope. I’m actually a very strict and uptight person. I’m just nice to you because I’m whipped.”
You laugh at his strange attempts at flirting. And you don’t understand if you find it funny because his advances come off as awkward or because no matter how strange it seems, his flirting still manages to make your heart flutter. “You drive me nuts, seriously.”
“I may drive you nuts, but at least I drive safely.” And then Taeyong winks with both of his eyes.
Scrolling through Instagram on his phone, Taeyong drops his head on your lap. “Hey, you think my doodles are pretty, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“How come you never thought of having it tattooed on you?”
You frown. “Because it’s permanent?”
The word makes Taeyong sit up. “And we’re not?”
Now it’s his turn to frown. He mulls over something for a while before speaking again. “Then let’s be permanent.”
“Like married?”
“Yeah,” he says, a small smile gracing his lips at the thought. “Like married.”
You shrug, feigning nonchalance, when inwardly you were screaming. “Fine.”
“Fine,” Taeyong repeats. “I want my fleur de lis drawing inked on your shoulder.” As he spoke, he grabs ahold of the collar of your shirt and drags it sideways to expose more skin. And then he marks the spot where he wants you tattooed by leaving open-mouthed kisses on your skin.
Besides his genuine macabre style of painting, Taeyong is also known for his rather strange exhibitions.
“Are those—”
“Yes,” he cuts you off, urging you to move on to the rest of the artworks on the first day of your internship. But you choose to stand still and stare at the teeth scattered behind the glass display.
“Are they real?”
“Yes. Have you read the description?”
Your eyes dart away from the teeth and briefly shift to the justified paragraph printed on clean white paper just at the bottom of the display, but you don’t bother reading.
“Are they yours?”
Taeyong sighs. “Of course not. You know where I got them?”
“I pulled them out from the mouth of interns who ask too many questions.”
You don’t speak a word for the rest of your mini tour.
“You call yourself an artist with this kind of work?”
You groan, taking the brush from your boyfriend’s grip. Sitting up, you fold your right knee up to your chest to inspect your foot. And, just as you expected, Taeyong has smudged the nail polish all over your toes.
“Well, I’m sorry the wand is too small!”
“Ugh.” You snatch the bottle from the table and work on your nails yourself. “I’m painting your toes in the same way you did mine and then we’ll see how you like it.”
Doyoung makes his usual round of the exhibit just before closing time. As usual on a Friday night, there are still several students taking notes, connoisseurs basking in the different sights, and just random visitors taking pictures. Nothing is out of place, he thinks, but he could only sigh when he catches sight of you and Taeyong by the corner. If he had a dollar for every time he catches the two of you with your tongues down each other’s throats, he would have been able to purchase an original Van Gogh by now.
Love means compromise. So on days you really need a dose of your boyfriend’s cuddles, he lets you sit on his thigh and hugs you with his left arm while working on a sketch with his other.
“You nervous?”
“I’ll be with you the whole time, I promise,” Taeyong reassures with a smile. His hands find purchase in your waist before his fingers find each other and interlock behind you, keeping them in place. “Now, take a deep breath for me.”
You do as you’re told and exhale after a few seconds. His words don’t completely quell the nervousness within you, but they manage to calm you down a little. You’re now beginning to regret agreeing to holding your first exhibition in your boyfriend’s own place. But you realize it’s too late to back out now, because Taeyong is already ushering you towards the crowd. You see your family and friends, who all congratulate you for a job well done. You catch sight of your professors, whom you avoid on purpose for fear of a long, intellectual discussion about art theory. You also get to meet fellow artists, most of whom were invited by Taeyong himself.
Somewhere along the way, you lose your boyfriend in the crowd, but you let him be, not wanting to disappoint your guests by sticking to Taeyong’s side the entire time. However, when the crowd thins and your social skills get drained, you look for him first. And it isn’t that hard to look for a red-haired boy in a sea of brunettes.
As soon as you appear in front of him, he says, “I’m proud of you,” as if he has been practicing all night to say it and now that he has the chance to blurt it out, he does. You squeeze his hand and smile. After all, despite the countless criticisms and comments you’ve heard all night, Taeyong’s approval is the only thing that mattered.
Being an intern for Taeyong – the Lee Taeyong – is taking up all your patience, to say the least. Sure, you have been offered an internship by other artists, but Taeyong's studio was the nearest to where you live. Traveling back and forth daily for an ordinary university student like you is taxing and costly, so you decided to choose him over others. You're starting to rethink that decision now.
"Be careful!" he shouts at you for the hundredth time today. "That's an authentic Rothko you're holding, not some poster from a souvenir shop.”
You roll your eyes. Usually, it’s Doyoung, his curator and closest friend, who gives you tasks and assigns you work to do, but he has flown out of the country since the weekend, leaving you under the wing of the devil himself. Taeyong’s first job assignment for you is to clean up his studio. You think of it lightly at first, but later on realize he hasn’t cleaned the place ever since he has turned it into his workplace. Media of various kinds cling to his floor and easel like glue (you found some kind of blood-like substance that you didn’t bother asking about), and it has taken you almost three whole days to scrub them off completely.
Now he’s making you move all the paintings from his exhibition area to the storage room for some reason he isn’t telling you. As carefully as you can, you attempt to lift the painting higher as per your boss’ instruction. But with the day’s worth of carrying and transferring finally catching up to you, you stumble back, the painting in your hands becoming dangerously close to being damaged. So Taeyong comes to your rescue, catching your wrist just in time.
But this isn’t like what you see in romance movies or John Green novels where boy catches girl and they stare into each other’s eyes until they fall in love. Because Taeyong takes No. 15 from your grip and brings it to storage himself. The painting is saved, but you never hear the last of it, because he scolds and nags your ears off and leaves you standing in the middle of his studio feeling like the worst intern ever. You cry about it to Doyoung over the phone, but he still says he ships the two of you together.
“Oh, please.” You scoff. “I will never fall in love with someone like him.”
But boy are you wrong.
Send me an idol and a number!
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rfsak2 · 7 years
Yay!! You liked it! I’ll guess I’ll keep going then!
Filtered   Summary: The early days told in a series of photos. Jack Lowden/Reader  Warnings: None 
She smiled and even closer to take another photo of the strangely curious squirrel. Straightening, she checked the screen on her camera and chuckled. 
“My, you are cute!” 
She took another picture as the creature leaned into the the lens, little hands grabbing at the camera. 
“Squirrels, Y/N? Really, hen?” 
She jumped and the squirrel skittered up the tree, noisily protesting the sudden intrusion of the big man. She turned and eyed said big man. “Hey, Jack. Welcome to Dunkirk!” 
He nodded and strolled closer to her. “Ye’ve been here all day?” 
“Yeah. I like to wander around a new place and take pictures in the first day. Especially at filming locations. Sorta like visual brainstorming, I guess.” 
He grinned and squatted next her in the grass. “Get guid pictures then, love?” 
She nodded and passed the camera to him so he could flip through her efforts for the day. She shifted to sit cross legged and turned toward him fully. “How was the trip down?” 
"No’ bad a’tall.” He grinned at something on the camera and smiled. “Look at this cheeky li’l git!” 
She sat forward so she could see the camera and Jack widened his stance so she fit neatly in the circle of his arms. She nodded and smiled. “He was a blast! His mom said he was a bit of a ham normally. Wanted to show me everything he was learning in school!” She turned and realized just how close he was to her. “He was adorable…” 
He nodded and hummed, a noise deep in his chest that she felt vibrate along her shoulder. “Ye look happier than a month ago, Y/N.” 
“Yeah, well aside from that just being a shit day anyway, I am.” She blushed. “It’s a wonder what will happen when you drop dead weight. Thanks for your help with that by the way.” 
He nodded and backed up a bit, giving her room. “He didn’t text ye again, then?” 
“Nope. No contact at all. I’m free!” 
He smiled. “I’m glad he’s left you alone, hen.” He stood and held a hand out to her. “The lads wanna go get dinner and get to know one another betta’ ‘for filmin’. I was told to come find ye and brin’ ye along. Fancy dinner then?” 
She nodded and took his hand, reveling in how much bigger it was then hers. Once she was standing, he handed back her camera and led her towards the cafe, hand brushing hers the entire way. 
She sat, straddling a bloody plane, and Jack couldn’t think of a time he had had a harder time focusing during filming. 
Bloody hell. 
He shifted in the cockpit, shifting his long legs around to get comfortable. 
She caught the movement out of the corner of her eye and she turned for her assistant to face him fully. She studied him quietly and Jack felt a brief moment of panic as if she could know what he was thinking. 
She smiled and spoke to her assistant, eyes still on him. “Grab my still camera please? Jack, stay still.” 
He nodded dumbly and watched the way her body stretched and balanced on the nose of the plane as she moved to safely grab her camera. She adjusted her position and pointed the camera at him. 
“Is this official filmin’ business, hen?” 
She smiled and shook her head, adjusting the focus of the camera. “Chris isn’t ready yet and the lighting is perfect.” 
She took a test shot and the adjusted her own positioning, leaning forward so she was all but lying fully on the nose of the plane.  
Jack wanted a picture too. 
He could see right down her shirt and could feel his face turning red. Having been raised to be a gentleman, he turned to the side.
“Nuh-uh. Straight ahead, baby.” 
He turned back to her and she was looking over the viewfinder of her camera. Their eyes met and she blushed and, safe and secure in the knowledge that she was as affected as he was, he grinned. 
 There was a rapid fire clicking as she shot half a dozen photos in the space of a second or two. 
 She sat up and flipped through the photos. Smiling, she showed him the results. “Damn you are fine as hell, pretty boy!” 
 He smiled and shifted some more. “Guid light.”
This damn cockpit.
 She passed the still camera back and accepted the filming camera. “Good light only does so much, honey.” 
 He blushed. 
This damn woman is gonna kill me. 
 She rolled her neck and rubbed at her shoulder as she sat at what was quickly becoming their table. 
Jack slipped in next to her and smiled, hand coming up to softly massage the back of her neck. “Tired,Y/N?”
 She nodded and opened her eyes to study him. Beautiful man. “Can I hire you as my personal masseuse?”
 He grinned. “For you, free.”
 “So generous.” 
 He chuckled. “Can I get ye a drink, lovie?” 
 Nodding, she pulled her purse into her lap. “That would be great, thanks.” 
 He batted at her hands. “I’m payin’.” 
 “You don’t have to.” 
 “But I’m goin’ too.” He shifted around to grab his wallet from his pocket. “What do’ye want?”
 He paused as if digesting that bit of news and turned toward her. “Ye havin’ me on?” 
She shook her head. “Why? Don’t think a girl can drink Guinness?”
 He huffed. “Lots of people dinna like th’taste, is all.”
 She chuckled and shrugged. “Well I do.”
 He nodded as if he didn’t believe her and went to the bar, Harry and Fionn sliding in on the opposite side of the table with their own drinks. When Jack returned with her beer, there were a whole new slew of disbelieving comments. 
 “Are you trying to get her sloshed, Jack?” 
 Jack held his hands up in front of him. “No, th’lady insisted.” 
 Harry eyed her. “Guinness, darling, really?” 
 She huffed, pretending to be offended. “Is it because I’m a woman or because I’m American?” Then she took an ironically ladylike sip of her beer. 
 Harry smiled and backed off. “Whatever you say, girlie.” 
 A spare five minutes later a bowl of chips landed on the table between her and Jack. “What’s this?” 
 “Donna wan’ it said that I let you get tipsy, hen.” He sipped his own ale. “Unless, tha’s yer intention, then I’d happily get drunk with ye.” 
 She smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek, perhaps too close to his mouth to be purely platonic. “You’re a gem, Jack.” 
 He grinned and laid his arm on the back of her chair. “Take a selfie wit’ me?”
She laughed when he nodded hard enough to cause his sunglasses to fall onto his nose. 
 She grabbed her own shades from her purse and put them on, then mimicked his posture by grabbing her beer and leaning back against his chest. 
 He passed his phone from his free hand to the one on her other side and snapped a few photos. He shifted, sitting up straighter and leaning over her shoulder. He gathered her a bit closer and as he took this final picture, she felt his lips connect with her cheek. 
 She smiled reflexively against the rim of her pint and giggled. 
 “Ye laughin’ at me, lovie?” He all but rumbled in her ear and smiled down at her. 
 Setting her beer down, she shook her head. “Your stubble tickled a bit.” She rubbed a thumb over the line of his jaw. “You’re so blonde, I didn’t even know it was there until now.”
 He set his sunglasses back on top of his head and smiled down at her. “M’beard actually grows in red.”
 “Really?” She smiled. “I’d like to see that.”
 “I’m sure you will one day.”
 There was companionable silence for a while as she sipped her beer and chatted with Tom on her other side.
 Her phone dinged and she picked it up. She smiled against her pint and glanced at Jack, finding him looking at her over the rim of his own drink. 
“It’s a guid picture, love.”
 “It is.” 
 Jack had posted the last photo he had taken to instagram, tagging her personal account. It was frankly adorable, but also suggestive. His lips pressed to her cheek and her in mid-giggle. Her family and friends were going to eat this up. The caption was simple, but again suggestive. 
 Gotta love a woman who loves good booze. #guinness #myfavouritelass
Who the fuck is that in that picture? Also you’re cute and I miss your face.
 Are you dating someone? Details needed!!
 Damn is he fine! Who is he?
She smiled and beat back the part of her that wanted to jump to conclusions about what this meant or that meant. She had made that mistake before. 
No. She would let him come to her. She would enjoy this for what it was until it became something else. She responded quickly and gathered she would need for the day’s filming schedule. 
 As she closed her hotel door behind her, Jack opened his in front of her. “Guid mornin’, hen.” 
He took her bag from her hand and slung an arm over her shoulder. 
 She wound her arm around his middle. “Good morning, rooster.” 
 He laughed. “Sleep well, didya?”
 “I did indeed, you?” 
 He shrugged with a cheeky smile. “My phone was blowin’ up all night.” 
 She chuckled. “Mine too. Through no one’s fault but your own.” 
 “Does it bother ye?”
 “What?” She looked up at him. 
“Tha’ I caused a bit’o a tizzy wit tha’ photo.” 
 They slowed as they approached the lift. He pulled away from her briefly to push the button and then set his hand in the small of her back. 
 She shook her head and squeezed him in a one armed hug. “No… let ‘em wonder. What about you? Do you regret your choice of photo? There were other options, you took a few.”
 He grinned and guided her into the lift before him. “No’ a’tall, love. That was the only photo ye smiled in.” His smile softened and she felt her heartbeat speed up. “T’would be a shame to waste that bonnie smile.” 
 She blushed and there was a silent moment as the doors closed and the lift started it’s descent.
 He coughed into his fist and rubbed the back of his neck. “Y’know, Y/N… we dinna haf te leave ‘em wonderin’…”
 She turned toward him, blush back full force. “Hmm?”
 He smiled shyly and she was charmed. “We can-” 
 The lift dinged and the door opened and Harry came in, one hand clutching a Starbucks cup.
 He stepped into the lift and cast looks between them. “Am I interrupting something?”
How was that? If y'all have any ideas, holler my way! Bad Day Blues Up Next: Embraced
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wolfhourr · 7 years
100 questions
I was bored af and tried to do these questions.
1. Is a kiss considered cheating? ya.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Not one I could think of
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? probably flying
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? hopefullyyyyy
5. Tell us some funny drunk story. Oh my god I know so many but a bunch of friends and I were celebrating midsummer and we had this wooden cross which we’d decorate with branches and flowers and one of my friends (he’s got long wavy hair) stole my flower crown and carried that cross halfway home through half of the town we live in and it was like half past 1 in the morning and the people on the streets were shouting ‘oh my god it’s Jesus’ all the time and that was freaking hilarious
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex? long distance isn’t cool
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? I don’t think of shit like this often but I’d like to have it quick and simple
8: What are your current goals? becoming a pro in photography (concerts mainly) and drone videography (basically shooting aerial footage for music videos and movies, that would be the most rad thing)
9. Do you like someone? I actually like a lot of people
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? ugh, there are a few people who do that frequently but mostly band members
11. Do you like your body? parts.
12. Can you keep a diet? Nope I’m pretty weak regarding food
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? Stop fucking killing each other and try to love everyone regardless of their origin or religion or sexuality or views
14. Do you work? I study Scandinavian Studies but I’ll be working as an aupair in Finland starting in August 2017
15. If you could choose only one food to eat for the rest of you life, what would it be? This is the toughest freaking question anyone has ever asked
16. Would you get a tattoo? I actually have 5
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? concerts, cameras, things that make me genuinely happy
18. Can you drive? what? A car? A person insane? Like a fucking champ
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? my best friend aka Julienne that gorgeous shining bean
20. What was the last thing you cried for? my dad being my dad
21. Do you keep a journal? I have a scrapbook where I put random little things like receipts from vacations or stuff like that in and I also print out mini photos for it
22. Is life fun? What kind of question is this? Life’s an up and down
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant? as long as they don’t hear it and you can smell it away
24. What’s your dream car? VW Golf R in metallic dark blue
25. Are grades in school important? As long as you don’t fail the class entirely or get kicked out of school it’s fine. Grades are so fucking overrated these days
26. Describe your crush. Ahahahaha he’s suuuuch a dork, especially whenever he’s drunk haha no but seriously he’s a dork and he get’s pretty touchy then
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? uhh, can’t rememberrrr
28. What was your last lie? I really don’t lie often but maybe I said I wasn’t feeling well just to avoid going out with some friends
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? I think there are a lot of dumb things I told so I can’t really think of one specifically right now
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? depends on the people but generally yes even though it shouldn’t be
31. Something you did and you are proud of? my photographs of band members
32. Favorite cocktail? Not tasted all of em but I love Mojitos
33. Something you are good at? sleeping, eating, taking photos, being dumb
34. Do you like small kids? depends on the kids
35. How are you feeling right now? stuffed with lunch and tired but generally fine because life’s good
36. What would you name your daughter/son? daughter: Ebba son: Heinz-Ewald!
37. What do you need to be happy? music, positive vibes and photography
38. Is there someone you want to punch in the face right now? I’m a very non-violent person so nope.. maybe Trump tho
39. What was the last gift you received? my grandma bought me a new handbag yesterday and it’s fabulous
40. What was the last gift you gave? frozen flavoured water to my beloved Fachschaft
41. What was the last concert you went to? A Finnish band called ‘Wake The Nations’, I had the pleasure to take pics for them there hehe
42. Favorite place to shop at? C&A, H&M
43. Who inspires you? Sawyer Hartmann & Logan Henderson, actually a lot more human beings
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? I’m pretty good with alcohol so I have to drink a ton to get drunk and I’m a poor student so basically I was 20 (and I still am 20 lol)
45. How old were you when you first got high? never got there
46. How old were you when you first had sex? never got there either
47. When was your first kiss? 2013 lol
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year? staying in Finland haha
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? A lot of embarrassing things honestly
50. Post a selfie there are photos of me on this blog come on
51. Who are you most comfortable around? my best friends of course!
52. Name one thing that terrifies you. insects
53. What kind of books do you read? none honestly
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? “Nick Jonas won’t marry you and never fall for boys, they won’t value your good heart”
55. What is your favorite flower? white roses
56. Any bad habits you have? I have many, can’t choose
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? ugh, I deffo don’t have a specific type of person, it really strongly depends on the person. It can be the metalhead in one of the other Fachschaften and it also can be the hot model or the mysterious musician whose head is in the clouds 99% of the time. As long as the person treats me right and isn’t suuuuuper weird it really can be anyone.
58. What was the last thing you cried for?  didn’t we have that question already
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgusts you? Yaaaaa. I hate mushrooms, any sort of fish, snails, insects, basically all that stuff that Germans don’t eat, and oh yeah we have that thing called blood sausage here which is the most awful thing ever
60. Are you in love? all the time
61. Something you find romantic? lying in the grass at night time staring into the sky and talking is something I wanna do with someone special
62. How long was your longest relationship? 6 months? long distance I mentioned that
63. What are three things that irritate you about the same sex? - why do girls bath their faces in tons of make up EVERY SINGLE DAY like I don’t even wear more than mascara EVER - why do girls have to be so disgusting when it comes to public toilets and stuff - arrogance
64. What are three things that irritate you about the opposite sex? - superior behavior - beards - can’t think of the third rn
65. What are you saving money for? for my further studies in October 2018
66. How would you describe your bad side? bad..? 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I always try to be nice to people and approach them without any prejudice and I try to make people feel good in my presence
68. What are you living for? music and photography haha
69. Have you ever done anything illegal? I parked illegally a couple times lol
70. Do you like your body? check out question 11
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? I strongly hope I haven’t
72. Ever sent nudes? lmao nope
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? In my mindddddd lol
74. Favorite candy? Ferrero Rocher. I’d die for them.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day or almost every day? Tag it! nopeeee I’m sorry I’m lame
76. Do you play any computer games? What’s your favorite? I used to play Rollercoaster Tycoon and Sims 2-4 a loooooot
77. Favorite TV series? Riverdale!!!! And the old German series ‘Wege zum Glück’ which is such a soap opera but I’m a sucker for it still
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? There have been so many “coincidences” that make it hard to believe he isn’t existent. And also there’s so much positive stuff in my life right now, I think he led me where I am right now.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? I read a Swedish book from Henning Mankell about murders and it was cool
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? everyone is allowed to eat what they want, I don’t even careee
81. How long have you been on tumblr? since 2011/12, not sure
82. Do you like Chinese food? every now and then, yes.
83. McDonalds or Subway? Megges!
84. Vodka or whiskey? V!
85. Alcohol or drugs? only done alcohol so that’s it for me
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country? of course!!!
87. Meaning behind your blog name? it’s my favorite song by the Swedish band called ‘DNKL’
88. What are you scared of? not finding someone to spend the rest of my life with
89. Last time you were insulted? I tend to suppress things like this
90. Most traumatic experience? being taken away from my grandparents regularly when I was young
91. Perfect date idea? it has to do with sunsets and the ocean
92. Favorite app on your phone? Instagrammmmm
93. What color are the walls in your room? white
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favorite youtuber? I love the vlogs from Lex&Los and I am obsessed with the videos of the Swabian comedian Dodokay.
95. Share your favorite quote. boy there are so many I can’t even come up with one right now
96. What is the meaning of life? finding that one passion and doing everything to live that passion every day
97. Do you like horror movies? N O P E
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? probably my birth has made her cry at some point
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? the way some bandmembers treat me is truly something special hehe yes
100. Can you keep a secret? for sure!
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fixedxpoint-archive · 7 years
all of the body and mind questions!!
There actually wasn’t much makeup when he was a child. In his little colony there were ways to create simple makeup colors using the plant or sea life for pigments ( like how Egyptians made paints using bone and plants ). When Jack was little he hated the idea of makeup because it was, in his mind, “too feminine”. Now he sees that anyone can wear it without worrying that it’s gendered more for females and maybe he’ll wear it if a certain little one asks.
Just enough feminine. It’s not in a very traditional way but it’s in subtle ways. How he holds himself around strangers is very much a manly man but with people he care for is more “mother hen” like. Jack cares very deeply and it translates to him being overprotective and always badgering his loved ones to take better care of themselves. He also really does love more traditionally feminine clothing in the comfort of his own home because damn do tight trousers and a button up get annoying after awhile. So cue baggy jumpers and flowing lounge pants when he’s alone while pampering himself.
You’d be surprised how much of it is just a front for people. He is rather masculine but he puts up a front for people. A lot of the “let me save the world by myself because I’m the only one who can” is him trying to overcompensate for his masculinity but it’s really only 30% that fake.
He’s a transgender male individual
He’s still in the questioning stages of being either Asexual or Demisexual.
Uh….go check the heart one. ( i don’t understand why these are both her because sex is literally gender but less rude and strictly binary )
No he does not.
This is very verse dependent. ( i have too many verses whooooooooops ) And really it’s hard for him to come out and say “yes, this is my person and i love them very much”. In his experiences when he comes to the realization that he’s in love with someone they have either left him or have passed on. So it takes him an extra long time to really come to terms with his love. He does love a lot of people though and he hopes they all know.
Jack’s actually had a few surgeries. A double mastectomy and bottom surgery although he does still have his original reproductive organs because he didn’t have the money/he wasn’t sure he wanted to get them removed.
They’re weeeeeeeeird spots. His tailbone is sensitive. The weirdest one is his clavicle ( shoulder blade ) along with the glabella ( the part between your eyebrows ). There are normal ones like his neck and his belly but yeah, he’s a weird boy.
He really doesn’t like a lot of touching because those friendly nice touches have been turned around on Jack and used to hurt him. He’s actually been stabbed and killed by a man who he had loved and thought would love him in return for his immortality. You have to be a very trusted friend for Jack to let anyone near him and even then it’s very little allowed contact. Shoulders are all that’s really allowed but certain people can hold his hand or touch his arms but there’s basically nothing else allowed.
It’s still a very hesitant thing with Jack but there’s a bit more lenience to touch. Saying that, so long as the touches are well above the belt 99% of the time he’ll allow it.
Absolutely nowhere. Jack will very likely kick the shit out of some stranger who touches him. ( not really but it gives him anxiety )
He can fall very hard for someone depending on how deep of a connection they have. If there’s similar interests and their personalities mesh well with one another, Jack can catch a crush in as little as a few weeks or as long as several years.
There are so many things that make him happy. His loved ones, how far he’s come in life, who he is as a person now, and just everything in general makes him happy.
He hasn’t actually had a depressing thought in some time now. Though his scariest is actually pretty scary. It was when the whole realization of him being unable to die happened and he made an entire list of things to try so he could kill himself.
He think it beautiful on other people but he’s not too sure how it’d look on him. Though that doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be a point in time Jack would refuse it but he isn’t so sure when the day would happen.
Jack is very much 50s chic. Anything that’s a button up, form fitted trousers, and old work boots and he’s happy. But he also loves baggy tops and graphic tees ( those are very rare ) and warm jackets that have fuzzies inside them. He more dresses for the 50s.
Jack actually hates looking in the mirror. No thanks to body image issues and an intense amount of self-hate he keeps away from them. If he does happen to be near a mirror he does a quick little check and that’s it.
He’d probably have an Instagram to post different photos from his life with silly or sappy captions. And maybe a tumblr where he geeks out about the 50s, space, and all things on the LGBTQ community.
Jack would be happy with anyone so long as they were a good person. It doesn’t matter how they look, their gender, their background or even what they wear. As long as they love him and know that there’s not going to be much going on in the bedroom department he’ll take on anyone. But if there had to b a description he loves a person with a great personality as well as a good sense of humor. And maybe just a little bit smaller than him so he can have their legs wrapped around his waist while he carries them around.
Jack’s in a better state of mind now than he was years and years ago. As of right now he is semi-okay with himself. There are things that he’s done that he wishes he could do over, make them never happen or something because he hurt a lot of people. But now he’s doing better since he knows that the things he’s done since then may not make up for the past but it’s a step in the right direction.
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beyondcuckoo · 5 years
Chupacabra--A monster of a story. has been published on Elaine Webster - http://elainewebster.com/chupacabra-a-monster-of-a-story/
New Post has been published on http://elainewebster.com/chupacabra-a-monster-of-a-story/
Chupacabra--A monster of a story.
     River chewed her tongue—a childhood habit that comforted her in some basic way. Ari would be unlocking the door to their apartment just about now. It would take him awhile to unearth the note she left on the bar next to the scotch bottle.  She could hear the click of the ice as it dropped into the whiskey glass, then the pour and first sip. He would notice it where the bottle was, plain, simple and strong like the drink.
     River’s attraction to older men had led her to the college professor’s bed. She liked them strong, smart and handsome; each one meaner than the last. This time she would break the cycle for good—get away from the smog and settle in the high desert of New Mexico. The lab tech job didn’t pay well, but Summerford Genetic Testing Laboratory had extensive government contracts and promise of a financially secure future. The remote location, hidden away in plain view, in a mundane gated and security patrolled Business Park, offered River solace.  She rolled down the window and waited for the guard to speak.
     “Can I help you?” he asked.
     “I’m here for a job interview,” River said as she dug through her purse and unfolded a scrap of paper.  “I have an appointment with . . . uh . . . Manuel Chavez.”
     “Oh, yeah, Manny said he was expecting you. I’ll give him a buzz. Hold on a second.”
     River dabbed at her forehead—she’d get used to the heat—after all it’s a dry heat—which she’s been told is better. The lab would be air-conditioned and the desert cooled in the evenings. She’d be all right—she had to be.
     “Okay, Manny’s in his office. Drive straight until you hit the dead end. His office is on the right. You’ll see his name on the door. Good Luck.”
     River pulled her Ford Focus next to a Jeep Wrangler with dealer plates and the word “Rubicon” initialed on the side. The office door opened as she turned off the engine and a weathered man, well over sixty emerged. He wiped his palm on denim jeans and held his hand out to River.
     “Welcome. Sorry I didn’t dress for the occasion, but I forgot to do laundry this week. Gotta hire a housekeeper one of these days. I’m going to be your boss,” he said.
     “I’m River  . . . River Agosto,” she answered as they shook hands. “Am I hired? You haven’t even interviewed me.”
      “Well I read your résumé and if you want the job, it’s yours . . . doesn’t pay much and I’m lucky to have you. This place makes tons of money off the government, but is chintzy with the paychecks. C’mon in and I’ll show you the place . . . again nothin’ fancy, but it does the trick.”
     River glanced around at the computers and lab equipment—all typical.  A subtle putrid odor permeated the air. “What’s that smell?” she asked.
     “Oh, I clean the specimen cages daily, but they still stink . . . can’t get all the smell out of the air. We’re doing some research for the military—trying to genetically cross amphibians with rodents. You know how they say that after a nuclear war all that will be left are the rats and cockroaches? Well in reality it would be rats and lizards. Anyway we’ve made some progress crossing the DNA. Washington wants to save some money and stop sending people to war. They think they can do more damage with animal combinations, specifically designed to survive chemical weapons. I guess in some weird way it makes sense—to stop killing people and fight our wars with genetic mutations.”
     River took a step back. “Is that what I’ll be doing here, mutating animals? I don’t think I can do that. I don’t eat animals . . . I certainly won’t torture them.”
     “No worries, sweet pea. We’re wrapping up the live specimen research. You’ll be mainly analyzing data—all on the computer modules. You won’t have a reason to get your hands dirty. You did come here for a job, didn’t you?”
     “Yes, yes, of course. I’m sorry; I just haven’t been in an animal research lab for a while, it’s part of the reason I became a vegetarian . . . can’t stand the sight of blood.”
     “Well if it’s animals you like, I’ve got plenty of them on my ranch. Do you have a place to live yet?”
     “I haven’t gotten that far. First I wanted to see if you’d hire me, and then check into a motel for a week or two to see if it works out. I work hard and long hours don’t bother me, but I can be sorta sensitive.”
     “Sensitivity makes for a good scientist. We don’t need to talk much, anyway. We get our daily tasks through the network and as long as our list is up-to-date we can come and go as we please.”
     Multiple work stations lined the walls. “Who else will I be working with? It seems like you’re set up for about ten people.”
     Manny glanced at the clock. “Listen why don’t you let me take you to lunch, then I can explain more. I also have a proposition for you.”
     The word proposition sent chills up River’s spine. No more men— that was the pact she had made with herself. Plus Manny was too old—even for her.
  *   *   *  
     Four-wheel-drive seemed to be the common bond between the vehicles parked in front of the local diner. The smell of broiled burgers and deep fried potatoes welcomed River as she emerged from Manny’s jeep. “Will I be able to eat anything here?” she asked.
     “Oh damn, I forgot. Say, listen, I’m a harmless old guy. Why don’t you come back to the ranch with me and I’ll cook you up some fresh vegies and rice?”
     Raven flinched again and silently screamed, no . . . no . . . no!
     Manny sensed her dilemma. “Look, I lost my wife a few years ago. I have a big ranch with two houses. I keep up the outside okay and tend the livestock, but my housekeeping sucks. I haven’t done laundry in weeks and I was going to ask you . . . since you need to rent a place and all . . . if you’d consider living in the cottage out back in exchange for some cleanin’ and cookin’. If you want we can go out there now and you can see the place.”
     Everything was happening a little too fast—but what the hell—it can’t hurt to look. But he better not try anything.  She dug her nails into the passenger-side arm rest, while Manny chatted on about the job and how hard it was to find good lab help out here in the land of no opportunity. It took thirty minutes for the Jeep to maneuver the two-lane paved, then one-lane gravel road, to the ranch. The jeep handled the potholes with ease, but River held on tight until they pulled up to the front of a stucco ranch house with solar paneled roofing. Several steel windmills mounted on the nearby hills turned in the moderate breezes while cattle and sheep grazed the dry grasses.
     “Oh I see you’re into green technology,” River said.
     “Yeah, I’m completely off-the-grid, so to speak.  Haven’t paid utility bills in years,” Manny replied as he put his shoulder to the car door. “Wait and I’ll get your door for you.”
     “No, no . . . I can do it,” River quipped as she slid out the passenger side. She didn’t want this old man helping her—or touching her for that matter—she didn’t know why.
     Manny shrugged and started off towards the backyard. River jogged to catch up with him and moments later they stood facing the small cottage behind the main house.
     “This was my wife’s art studio. I keep it the same as when she left it, but I think it’s time someone else lives here. If you want I’ll let you have it in exchange for some housework. What do you think?”
     River turned the door knob and stepped into a room of safety. Sketches and paintings covered the cream-colored walls. Most were figure drawings of people—young and old, clothed and nude—each had an expression of pure unadulterated love.  The children’s eyes sparkled, the old men winked, the women were beautifully draped with satin fabrics.
     “Oh no, this is your wife’s studio? I can’t live here.” River whispered.
     “Well it’s time for me to move on. We can pack this stuff up and you can re-decorate.”
     “Can I ask what happened to her? I’d need to know before I think about this.”
     Manny slid into the over-stuffed chair by the window. A splash of sunlight through a crystal prism bounced a rainbow off his cheek. Manny slumped and stared as if in a trance. “I killed her.”
     River took a step back and looked towards the door. What was she thinking coming here? Nausea hit, her pulse raced and panic sent her running. She got halfway to the front yard, when she realized she had no car—she was stuck. She froze. Manny came up behind her, touched her left shoulder and she let out the breath she held.
     “I’m sorry, Manny said. “I didn’t actually kill her—she committed suicide. Please come inside the house. I’ll make some coffee and I’ll tell you more.”
  *    *    *
     River did move into the studio. Manny over time revealed the pain he had caused the one closest to him. He had adored his wife, but his words didn’t match his feelings. He described the anger as a reflex, something contained in his brain cells. He didn’t know why he said the things he did—he didn’t mean them—they flew on their own.
    River knew Manny well. He was her father and her lovers. He was Ari, who she had abandoned for the desert, freedom, and healing.   She hadn’t changed anything in the studio—instead she settled into the peace that lived there. There was one photo of Manny’s wife—a framed clipping from an art magazine. She had blue eyes and shoulder-length white hair—carefully styled. The magazine said she was an up-coming local artist, specializing in the human form. River liked that line, “Specializing in the human form.”  In some way she felt if she could merge with the woman in the picture, she could heal them all, even the one who took her own life.
     A barn and animal enclosures filled the property behind the cottage. River got to know the Nubian goats and Road Island Red Hens by name. She bonded with a young doe, Gretel, and they took daily hikes together. Sure-footed Gretel mastered the steep hillsides with ease and often ran ahead as River brought up the rear.
     “Gretel, wait up,” River gasped—breathless from an especially strenuous climb.  She pulled herself over a rocky ledge and stared into a pair of steely-grey eyes. The four foot tall creature, stood erect and stunk like rotten meat—blood dripped from its month.  The pair stared at each other for a few seconds until the shaggy, brown-haired creature squealed and ran off into the nearby ravine.  A soft bleating sounded from behind a nearby boulder.  River sprinted towards the cries.
     “Oh my God, Gretel! What happened to you?” River gathered the goat into her arms. There were two puncture holes in Gretel’s neck and River pulled a towel from her daypack. She wrapped her companion’s neck, and hoisted the limp body over her shoulders.  Luckily they hadn’t climbed more than a quarter mile and River descended the trail with the unconscious goat in less than an hour—slipping and often sliding short distances.  When they reached the house, Manny, belted back his second morning Bloody Mary and stumbled towards the pair. River dropped to her knees and allowed her burden to roll into her boss’s arms.
     “Be careful with her—she’s hurt pretty bad,” River instructed and unable to ignore Manny’s breath asked, “Have you been drinking, already?”   
     “No more than usual,” he said, shrugging off the comment. “C’mon let’s get her to the barn. I have something to stop the bleeding.”
      Manny, used to tending livestock injuries, stopped the bleeding, cleaned and wrapped the wound and re-hydrated Gretel with an IV-drip. The effort had physically and mentally sobered him. Exhausted he lowered himself next to a shaken River seated on a bale of hay. He took her hand as she pulled away.
     “Wait, sit down . . . I won’t hurt you,” he said to the trembling woman.
     “How do I know that? How do I know who will and will not hurt me? You’re like every man I’ve known, sweetly cruel, stupidly drunk and unreliable.”
      “I haven’t always been this way,” Manny mumbled. “It’s this place and this job. I spend my days designing beings and systems meant to destroy. From Gretel’s wounds, it appears she ran into one of my experiments.”
     “You mean that you created that thing I saw, in the lab?”
     “We call them Chupacabras— goat-suckers—Gretel’s lucky she’s alive.  They adapt well to both desert and jungle environments; are merciless killers, and as you know, it’s been our military project for the last year to come up with a new weapon. Several escaped from the lab awhile back and the government put a hold on the project until we do damage control—I laid off the lab technicians working on the project. You’re the first new hire since last year. I thought I had trapped them all—but obviously not.”
     River backed to the far wall and slid to the floor. Through the open barn door she gazed at the flocks and herds of animals that wandered Manny’s property. “So the livestock are lab animals?”
      “Well they started out that way, but my wife, Tara, adopted them as pets,” Manny started then stopped. He resumed as if he had a list memorized. “A vegan, like you, she fought for their lives and with me. The work hardened me—I built up a defensive wall—no one got in—not even Tara. I drank more. We drifted apart. I had my work and she had hers. I grew hard, angry and cruel. She grew distant, afraid and anxious. I finally had the cottage built, so she could be alone. It worked for a while until I grabbed her prize rooster for lab animal feed. When I came home for lunch that day, she was dead—took an overdose of valium—the pain was too much.”
     River stared at the man. Once again she wanted to run as far away from him and this place as she could. All she could think about was that no matter what she did, or went, she ended up with her back against the wall. What was the attraction? How do these people find her?—or does she find them?
  *    *    *    *
     Gretel recovered—the old man and young woman didn’t. River had walked away that day determined to break free from everybody—at least until she knew how to mend. She and Manny worked in the lab, but talked very little. On the ranch they avoided each other—never saying more than, “good morning,” or “nice day.” River analyzed data which lived on spreadsheets. She didn’t care what the numbers felt—just that they added up—made sense—didn’t fall out of place. All was good, until one afternoon she glanced up from her computer screen and Ari towered over her.
     River gasped, “What are YOU doing here?”
     “Sweetheart, I’m here to take you home—with me—now c’mon,” he said as he pulled the rolling desk chair around.
     “I meant what I said in that note I left,” she hissed. “How did you find me, anyway?”
     Before Ari could reply, Manny came in from the back room. “What’s going on here?”
     “Who the hell are you?” Ari grumbled.
     “I’m her boss. How did you get past security?”
      Manny hit a red button and an alarm sounded. Ari started for the door just as the patrol car pulled up and an armed guard emerged with his weapon drawn. River panicked, put herself between the two and addressed the guard by name. “Carl, it’s okay, I know this man.”
     “Well he hopped the fence on my shift and I’m not getting in trouble for it,” Carl said as he grabbed Ari’s arm, pushed him over the car hood and rummaged through his pockets. “This is government property . . . you’re going to jail.”
     Manny came up behind River, “Who is that guy?” he asked.
     “Ari, who I thought I’d never see again. I give-up—what’s wrong with me? I’m not that special—why won’t they leave me alone? Am I some sort of bully magnet?”
     Manny touched River’s shoulder, but she pulled away. “Don’t you touch me . . . I don’t want anybody touching me!” River threw open the office door, grabbed her purse, stomped past Manny, lowered herself into her car and sped away. Within minutes she was inches from the rear bumper of the security guard’s car and she leaned heavy on the horn.
     “Pull over . . . goddamn it . . . I want to talk to you!” she yelled into the dashboard, until the car in front pulled over.
     Ari got out of the car. The guard came next. River ran straight towards them, “You son-of-a-bitch! How dare you show up here?”
     River picked up a fistful of gravel and flung it at Ari, who ducked it. “Hold on sweetheart, you’re upset . . . slow down.”
     River reached down for another handful of gravel, and the security guard grabbed her arm.
     “Okay, just hold on, now. This obviously isn’t any of my business, but you’re gonna hurt someone and I can’t have this sort of thing happen on my shift. Look, buddy, get back in the car and I’ll drop you off at the gate. And missy, I’d suggest you go back to work, unless you want me to call the sheriff.
     River dropped the gravel—stared for a second as the two men drove off—she couldn’t breathe. She squatted for a second and forced air into her lungs, then blew it out.  She repeated the exercise until the anxiety subsided and slid back into her car.         
     When she re-emerged at the cottage, she locked the door behind her, slumped to the floor and sobbed huge air-gasping cries, unaware of the Chupacabra that stared from across the room—that is until the odor reached her nose. River froze—the thing approached and sniffed at her toes. Dried blood covered its chin and chest and River spied a rabbit carcass by the kitchen door. The lizard-rat crouched. River squirmed along the floor towards the door. It pounced forward and leapt, both feet airborne, then crashed on top of her. Blood spurted from the gunshot wound that had blown most of the skull away. Manny shimmied through the broken window.
     “River!” he screamed.
     River pushed at the dead animal and rolled it away. Blood spattered the walls and ceiling, yet she felt safe—the fear gone—the panic ended.
     Manny knelt and gently took her hand in his. “Are you okay? I’ve been tracking that beast since the attack on Gretel. I never thought it would end up here.”    
     “Something is done—finished. Can you feel it?” she asked.
     Manny shuttered. He grabbed for the bookcase as leverage. Tara’s photo tipped off the top shelf and fell in his lap.  Her twinkling blue eyes looked up at him—deep as a mountain glacier—her smile—how he had loved that smile.
     “Yes, I feel it. I’ve been forgiven.”
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