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aceredshirt13 · 2 years ago
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So Raffles fan art in the style of The Great Mouse Detective seemed like a good idea at the time but then I was like HOW THE FUCK DOES MICE WORK???
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eirinstiva · 2 months ago
Professional gladiator
My dear friend Bunny Manders sent a letter! This time is about their time at the Criminologist's Club. Wait. Criminologist's Club? What are you thinking, Raffles?!
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"If you don't," rejoined Raffles, "you will miss some sport after both our hearts. Think of it, Bunny! (...) They shall give their morbid minds to the fine art of burgling, for a change; and while we're about it, Bunny, we may as well extract their opinion of our noble selves. As authors, as collaborators, we will sit with the flower of our critics, and find our own level in the expert eye."
Raffles is looking for adrenaline again, and it's better if he has Bunny at his side.
Something that I really like about this story is how Raffles knows Bunny so well, that he's sure Bunny will go him him to the dinner. Bunny knows Raffles too, but there are some details about AJ that he keeps for himself only.
Let it, however, be borne in mind that Raffles did not talk exactly like a Raffles book: he said the things, but he did not say them in so many consecutive breaths. They were punctuated by puffs from his eternal cigarette, and the punctuation was often in the nature of a line of asterisks, while he took a silent turn up and down his room. Nor was he ever more deliberate than when he seemed most nonchalant and spontaneous. I came to see it in the end. But these were early days, in which he was more plausible to me than I can hope to render him to another human being.
Details like AJ having a copy of Bunny's key (!!!)
This story feels like a cat playing with a mouse before killing it. Is Raffles the cat playing with the club? Or is Raffles the mouse in the claws of the cat? I don't know, just don't give Bunny too many frightful moments, please!
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copperbadge · 4 years ago
shy-vi0l3tt3 replied to your link “The 20 best Italian beefs in Chicago”
Heyyyy, now. Lived my entire life in the 'burbs of Chicago, and when we travel we say we're from the city. We're not, but... We're also more than strip malls and bigotry. �� ... Elgin is a serious stretch though. �� What the hell-gin.
LOL! Honestly I have no problem with the burbs, or even people saying they’re from Chicago when they’re from the burbs -- my issue is more that I live in south loop and don’t have a car, so I can’t get to most of them. So the Trib will be like EIGHT PLACES IN CHICAGO YOU MUST EAT AT BEFORE YOU DIE and I can’t access them despite living literally in the middle of Chicago. If they just said Chicagoland instead I would not have such rage!
Well, that and any convention that calls itself the Chicago XYZ Convention and actually happens in Rosemont. No charging Chicago prices for Rosemont atmosphere.
arukou-arukou replied to your link “The 20 best Italian beefs in Chicago”
You've made me so curious about this sandwich I had to check and see if there were any Chicago ex-pats in my area selling this wonder sandwich, and sure enough, there are. I may have to make a Venture in the near future. (Or see if they're on DoorDash or something.)
Awesome, you’ll have to let me know what you think of it! 
Bear in mind that while I have held myself up as some kind of arbiter of Italian Beef, 90% of the time I buy one, take it home, take 2/3 of the meat off of it, eat it, and then eat the rest reheated on my own sandwich rolls over the next few days. There’s no shame in not being able to eat like a pound of shaved beef in a single sitting, and it browns really nicely when toasted or pan-fried. 
dbdatvic replied to your photo “only packing the essentials  Hen-dbag. ”
Well, I got ninjaed on my planned "shirley you mean only PECKING' the essentials?" but perusing the comments I saw "csibecsütörtök". I have NO clue of meaning or language, but I notice that chickens can almost certainly pronounce it.
Apparently  csibecsütörtök translates to “Chick Thursday” which I think is probably like ladies’ night in Hungarian. HUNGARIANS, PLEASE ADVISE. 
kyamdone replied to your link “The 20 best Italian beefs in Chicago”
my question is why did they go to ELGIN??? its not even in the same county????? much less the actual city!!!
I’m guessing they have high circulation numbers in Elgin :D 
prairie-grass replied to your post “It’s coming up on time for my first yearly performance review at my...”
Ugh I just went from an org that had no perf revs, just 'personal development' which was never a critique just a conversation about what's going well vs not and how to help, back to the review style and I'm like 'wtf you want to see how MEASURE UP??? Get out of my face!!' I filled out my form running on pure spite and my manager was very confused.
LOL! At my old job, about eight years in -- so I’d done sixteen different forms of performance review, more or less -- they did an anonymous survey asking us how we felt about performance reviews in general and the process at our job in particular. I let them have it with both barrels: I thought that performance reviews were not very useful for anyone other than someone who needed to improve, that they were mainly there as an extra point for HR to justify its existence, that we should be developing and in contact with our managers as time passed rather than having high-stress-for-everyone twice-yearly checkins, and that it didn’t reflect well on HR that every time we had one we had to fill out a new and different form. 
Shortly thereafter we transitioned from twice-yearly to once-monthly performance reviews where there were no forms, metrics, or goals, but the managers were supposed to take notes on what was said and keep them in a hardcopy file. Literally no manager I knew, mine or others’, actually did this. Most didn’t even have the monthly review after 2-3 attempts at it. I know mine didn’t. 
mander-mouse replied to your post “I’ve been trying to explain the regional foodstuff known as Italian...”
I miss Portillo's!!! I recommend trying buns/rolls from S.Rosens and Turano too! Also, off topic, if you want to eat the BEST Chicago deep dish pizza in existence I recommend Bacino's of Lincoln Park (2204 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60614), my soul misses that pizza....
Yeah, I eat S. Rosen rolls for preference, but sometimes Gonnella is on sale :D I didn’t care much for Bacino’s when I tried it, but I don’t like deep dish to start with so I’m biased....
bonnie131313 replied to your post “But Sam. All this discussion of pizza puffs ignores the actual best...”
Some places have it on their kid's menu but most people buy it at a grocery store (Dave's is the best) and a lot of mini-marts will have it too
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moonlit-grove · 2 years ago
A few asks for Naomh and Vie if you'd like ^^ 🐁, 🪨 & 🎲 for both ^^
@dumb-dumb-mander also asked for mouse with Vie ;3c
🐁 Capybaras are friend-shaped. What shape does your OC have?
Vie is definitely also friend shaped. Also trustworthy shaped.
Naomh is scholar shaped. Or scary shaped if it's Jungle Scion AU.
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
Vie cherishes! She puts it on a shelf with her other shiny rocks! She loves shiny rocks!
Naomh will probably end up giving it to a skritt, whoops. Or maybe to Kynean if he likes it.
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
Vie would probably multiclass rogue/bard for the fun of it.
Naomh would either play a cleric or a warlock... Depending on which way she wants to go with it.
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rastronomicals · 5 years ago
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August 24:
On the 24th of August, 1982, REM issued Chronic Town, their debut EP.
On this day in 2004,Mouse on Mars dropped their eighth long-player, Radical Connector.
Coincidentally, also on that day in that same year,, indie act The Snake The Cross The Crown dropped their third album, Mander Salis .
On this date in 2009, Assjack released their self-titled debut album.
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lingchung-gratitude · 2 years ago
Dec 2, 2022
I am grateful for...
My early birthday gifts. Foot massager from Ai-Hsin, winter gloves from Sonia, running shoes from bf, generous spa gift cert from Manders, red belt-bag from Shelley and Dom. I’ve received so many gifts already and it’s not even my birthday yet!
USB Type C adapter. I didn’t even know such a thing exists. My old mouse runs on USB and is not compatible with my Mac. But with the adapter, I can make it work. I don’t need a new mouse!
Pork tendon rice bowl. Deer Garden’s Thursday special was delish. I left satisfied. I love tendons.
Seeing Sophia. Sophia is my ex’s older sister. We kept in touch over the years. I love getting updates about the family. They were good to me!
Realizing I have more orthotic benefits than I thought! I likely need better metatarsal support on my feet. My right toe goes numb after 45 min of running / walking.
Turning meal socials into walking socials. I’ve successfully converted two brunches into walks. I don’t want to eat out too often.
Afrobeat Kitchen’s gluten-free options. My friend’s gf can’t eat foods with gluten. I was at a loss on where to order from since I’m hosting. Tada! Afrobeat to the rescue. I love this joint to begin with. And I love it even more now because it marks its menu items with <GF> symbols.
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jayonice · 8 years ago
Free Animals Zoo(animal farm but attacking Capitalism)
It  was  five o clock  in the morning, the   animals  of “zoo de Nice(nee-c)” or  Nice Zoo, were sleeping in   their habitats and  what not.  Sage Herbert,an African Grey Parrot,started squawking at the animals  to meet him in the courtyard. He talked of  a  dream  he had,in which  animals could own his own habitat.  He preached  to them about how bad  it was  that  The   Zoo  staff had  control of the habitats of  the  animals,and  how  it  should  be  their own property. The Next  Night,Sage Herbert died in his sleep at 9 years  old , quite young for his species.
His  Most Trusted  Advisors, two other African Greys Called Perci And  Toussaint, laid out for the animals  A  list called “The five Noble ideas”, they were  listed as such
The  zoo  staff owning our habitats is bad
The African   Greys ,Chimpanzees , Elephants,dogs/wolves/ And the Dolphins  Know best
All  Animals  Will Work for their  own habitats
If there is  no  payment   to the  Chimps Once A Year, Their Property would be Seized
Everything is for profit
Mr. Marmont Heard them, and proceeded  to fight the animals with his bare hands, the chimps would be ordered to gang up on him, and Soon after, Mr Marmont ran away from the zoo. Perci And Toussaint were inagurated; at the inaguration, Perci held 5000 euros in his beak, He said that each habitat will be given only 1000 euros, well, the ninety five percent were given five hundred less than the five percent. Mayesh, An elephant appointed by Perci, was to be in control of Zoopoursante,or zoo for health, which insured Only natives of France. These included the Rats, some of the wolves, flamingoes, crows, doves, frogs,and lizards.
Dasim, another elephant, took control of Sante-orient, or oriental health, which insured the pandas, The polar bears, the Orangutans,and various dog breeds including: Jindos, Pugs, Shih-tzus, akitas, chow chows, shiba inus, and the Pekingnese. Fadhal; the favorite of the elephants, Founded Chaud Inc. Which Covered the chimps, the  african greys, the lions, the african tigers, some of the elephants, the lemurs, the meerkats, some of the lizards, the hyenas, and the pied crows, who used their feet often.  The Penguins had their own Insurance Company, but they kept it a secret from Perci.
Some Of the crows and rats would be hired as teachers, some as physicians, and the rest of them worked in their habitat, which was a big cage. Jose, a Capybara, was upset because latin animals didn’t have any insurance, that was settled when a new branch of Chaud Inc, Which included him, the coyotes, and the little tiny chihuahua.  Perci himself was upset, which made him squawk out “This is why we removed the staff!”, after that comment, Toussaint took his ideas and started
Les limites, or the limited.
Their Philosophy was that the zoo staff kept the habitats clean and gave them food, but didn’t interfere with the design/ Actions in each individual habitat. Perci was on the side of  Les animaux libres, and their philosophy was that humans shouldn’t control or regulate anything no matter what. Toussaint Shouted in the first debate “the  lower Animals of this zoo should not have to make money just to eat!” , mainly because Perci decreed that food shall now cost money, the animals discussed this and thought it kind of strange, but Charlie, a young Chimpanzee:convinced them that it was for the good of the Zoo, and not them. Although Toussaint was popular, The decisions of the Five percent gave Perci the winning vote, and Toussaint was forced to abolish his political career.  In la centre medical,  a mouse named Leon, was a medical professional, and had paid 300 euros for a basic education. A Lioness came to his desk with her adult cub, and asked him to bandage his upper thigh, he charged them twenty euros for the whole thing. She paid him the fair amount, but went to complain to Michel; a four year old lion who only said “I WILL MAKE MORE”.
In The Panda territory, Ming Hua was going to give birth to the cub of Chen Jia Long, an elephant helped carry her to the Medical Section. Dr Elmer, a penguin who also received medical training, charged Jia Long 50 euros, the disgusted father replied “THE MIND OF THE FIVE PERCENT HAS BEEN CORRUPTED, THIS IS NOT WHAT TOUSSAINT STOOD FOR!” , A Jindo called Kim Honghyuk, had to be called in to restrain the shouting panda, and make him fork up the money, or else Elmer would keep Lian Bao to himself.  As Elmer went home, he heard the sounds of the wolves ever so clearly, and went back in the habitat to be with Jeremi. Meanwhile, Leon got into an argument with Julie: a mouse, over their new son, the manders shushed them, but they still went on. Perci sent a crow to check on the Aquatic animals, and he found Henri and Nina, arguing over Henri’s snoring habit.
“You need to sleep more often” , Nina commented, while Henri responded by saying that Nina needed to lose some weight. Meanwhile Lune, Was resting alone, she had no one to share her habitat with. In “L’artique”, Igor: a gray wolf, was sleeping. he had made friends with Yuri the polar bear, and was dreaming about playing with him. Yuri got up from his sleep and asked “Comrade, are you willing to talk?” , Igor Mumbled, and didn’t do, or say anything after that.
The Shiba Inu, named Nikko, got up from his doggy bed at  the pet park, and gathered up the rest of the dogs. Once they got to the Marsupials, He asked “ Ai, are you going to come with us” , Regie, a Koala, stated “ There is no hope for that, plus i’m tired” and rolled back over to go to sleep. Suki, the akita, commented that Marsupials weren’t worth talking to, and had them go on their way. Before they could get to Perci, They were stopped by Libre elephants who got in their way.
In the morning,Charlie called a meeting, He said that the rodents, dogs, and reptiles, would have to work overtime. Yuri/Igor, came up to protest this option, with Igor’s Words “Dogs aren’t supposed to work for someone who makes them work overtime” , the pandas and the crows stirred up some more noise, While the Flamencos twirled around in Protest. Perci sent out gorillas to Subsidise the noise, but one gorilla, a limited named “Wokumbe”, watched in horror as the violence ensued. 5 salamanders, Three Wolves, and Two Crows were killed in the ordeal. Perci demanded that everybody pay him for medical care, and everyone was mad at him again.
Toussaint meanwhile, held a meeting Of the limited,. “We will try to get control back to Mr.Marmont” , He commented, banging a part of his wing on the table. Chen Jia Long debated on whether to use the word “control” or not . Since Toussaint could speak, he called Mr Marmont.   The habitats of some of the animals were deteriorating because they haven’t  been cleaned once a week like before. Then, the limited saw something that broke Toussaint’s heart.
A Condescending Leon shaking his head, while a wounded tiger cub was dying; since his parents couldn’t afford the insurance Perci Had set up. Toussaint was on the phone “ squawk, aide maintenant” or help now, into the phone. Mr Marmont had suspected this would happen with the animals, and gathered up some of his men, to break up le laisses.  Toussaint’s plan was to kidnap Perci, burn his earnings, and torture him by the wings until he renounced supervision. Ming Hua disapproved, saying that violence was never the way to compromise. He mentioned the French Revolution, and she shut her mouth.
“We never planned to be violent anyways” Toussaint Added, he mentioned that he and the mice besides Leon, would stick molasses to his wings, he described it in detail, and Chen was shocked that the degree of violence was a low one. The meeting was adjourned, and Toussaint went to the kitchen cabinet, carrying the molasses in his beak. Fadhal went up to Perci, and grabbed him by the torso with his trunk. He held him down in a basement with his foot, and let the mice do their thing. With everything Perci didn’t say, they burned 10 Euros, while Perci was screaming internally in Agony.
Within an hour they burned 1000 Euros out of the african grey’s paycheck, and the mice tied him up, while the rest of the animals left the room. Perci panicked, he’d taken so many precautionary measures to prevent this, but they worked against him. He saw Mr Marmont’s shadow, with a light and a cage, he felt his body get untied, and the next thing the parrot knew, he was locked up, in a cage, in the birdhouse.
The newly rehired staff looked around some of the habitats, and saw that they had collected some grime. The dying cub was on the brink of death, barely breathing, the reinstated medical staff were fortunately able to save him, While a representative showed the staff the Insurance system layouts, and that the mice were hired. As a punishment; Leon received no extra food, and he wasn’t allowed to go into the Jungle Gym of the rodents Except Jose. Mr Marmont was shocked at the discovery of plans to build a school, and the plans for Perci to take every insurance company from the elephants. The middle aged men put the older papers away, and got some of his other staff to disable the insurance companies. Mayesh, Dasim, And Fadhal were not affected by the actions of the humans, though they were sad they had no more power. Besides the extra cage for Perci, the African Greys lived a normal life again.
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rachelpaugustblog · 4 years ago
Connections: A theory on my taste in art
Is all art built on the idea of connecting two things? Side by side, a weighing scale, parts and wholes.
The first show I saw that I actually enjoyed was Martin Creed’s Toast. It ran as a clock with artworks on each corner of its face. The painting is wheeled off at ten past and the film begins, an order, a demand, the whole exhibition commanded by a repeating pattern of change. The cheeky paradox of constant change. Works combined in time and space. Follow. A causal connection. I think I loved it because I saw a meaning in all the parts joined together. And isn’t that what we try to find in life.
Then I fell in love with The Woolworths Choir of 1979. Church, choir, dancing, fire, an eye witness. Brought together by the twitching hand. I decided that the artworks that confuse me the most, and the artworks that interest me the most, bring together lots of disparate elements but smoothly connect them through visual and sound. This becomes confusing because you’re left trying to figure out what the true connection was, why these things are thrown together. I’m always looking for a deeper meaning, looking for things that are linked together, marvelling at the empty synchronicity of the universe.
Then of course there was language. We put words side by side in a sentence and somehow we understand the conceptual connections in our mind. Putting two words like howling and silk might be the equivalent of the Woolworths-style video. Beautiful and fascinating but a mission to decipher.
And some art pieces work just like language. I see Cildo Meireles’ How to Build Cathedrals instantly as coins, bones, and communion wafers connecting them. Mark Manders brought together fox, mouse and belt. Perhaps we always make sense of art through language. I think it provokes either words, or feelings. Sometimes, I go into works that are meant to be felt with a determination to understand. And when I find a work I can understand, that understanding brings me a feeling. Satisfaction.
If all works have parts, then perhaps it is the relationship between those parts that grabs my interest, or escapes it. I find myself dismissing representative paintings as a bad habit, assuming they are all boring, never making one myself, but that sort of prejudice is another question. I think one of the things I find dull is how the parts of the painting often come together so harmoniously to make their whole. A photorealistic painting even conceals its parts from view. If a series of brushstrokes are coming together to make one whole painting, it can’t be made all that exciting to me. We have run out of ways to place disparate strokes side by side in a way that surprises.
Of course the other parts of a painting, ignoring its physical strokes, are the things depicted in it. We look for meaning in these straight away. If there is symbolism, we can read a painting and connect each of its symbols together in an attempt to decipher it. A friend once said that paintings are a treasure hunt for people fluent in cultural symbolism. She reckons she’s a genius.
Can we understand any work except through connection? Feeling rears its head again. If I make a work that is abstract and sensory enough, perhaps it cannot be read. In my head there are these two sides of art-making, that which is packed full of meanings and symbols and opinions and the other which is not understood using language at all. Is this not the conflict of western philosophy as I was taught it, the battle between reason and emotion? Should I make work that speaks to the senses or to the intellect? I think a balance is worthwhile, if not necessary. Only with emotion will they care about what you have to say.
But surely a work that cannot be read but is driven by emotion can always be read by someone. The child sees shapes and figures in the clouds. Someone will come up with a wild theory about what it represents. As long as we are thinking in language, then perhaps a meaning can always be read.
What would a baby make of such work? Would they feel something, before they learn language? What do we gain from works written in languages or symbols we don’t recognise? The child in the art gallery. Get a baby to make a hand print and we will read into it meanings of mind. Meaning is a God that stays in the sky.
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rastronomicals · 7 years ago
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August 24:
On this date in 1982, REM released their debut EP, Chronic Town.
On this date in 2004, Scream Club released their album, Dont Bite Your Sister.
On this date in 2004, Mouse on Mars released their album, Radical Connector.
On this date in 2004, The Snake The Cross The Crown released their album, Mander Salis .
On this date in 2009, Assjack released their album, Assjack.
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rastronomicals · 6 years ago
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August 24:
On this date in 2004, alternative rap act Scream Club released their second album, Dont Bite Your Sister.
On the very same day of the very same year, but in another place entirely, Mouse on Mars dropped their eighth long-player, Radical Connector.
Coincidentally, also on that day in that same year,, indie act The Snake The Cross The Crown dropped their third album, Mander Salis .
On this date in 2009, Assjack released their self-titled debut album.
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