#help my poor adhd and autistic ass
so my brother has autism with a bit of ADHD, he is an intp, he dives a lot deeper into politics then I do, has a way better memory then I do, he seems to care about most things at least 60% more then me, he's a wee bit more social and is interested in many things, he is very frugal, he's less into understanding people and more understanding art (he also has like 10 different little treasure chests full up of little trinkets)
I on the other hand have severe ADHD with a bit of autism, I'm an istp, I don't really care much for politics I just vote based on whether it affects me or is a humans rights violation otherwise I don't care, I have a very shitty memory although that could be from suppressing my emotions 24/7, he doesn't do that ig. I don't care about most things, I really couldn't be bothered. I am pretty anti-social I guess, I can speak if it's a small group but big groups? forget it. I am more confrontational, I speak my mind more openly when I see an issue, I call people out more often although I try not to be an asshole about it and only when it comes to people I know and it's not personal. I don't really tend to collect things, i prefer practical things. it's also harder for things to catch my eye although I'm not frugal about it, in fact I've been known to be lavish even. I'm fascinated with understanding others and myself.
I bring this up because I've been mistyped as intp (or entp) every time I have taken mbti tests, I've only ever gotten istp once and it was the first time I took the 16personalities test, I think it's funny how similar and different me and my brother are because I didn't mention it but we have even more similarities and it's fascinating to me
there's no real point to bringing this up but I wanted to say it anyways
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atticollateral · 2 months
Autism Assessment Update (bc it's been almost 3 months since I mentioned it haha oops) (it's a novel. you've been warned.)
tagging @examishbookwyrm bc they did comment on my autism assessment post I made in MARCH!! n i didn't respond...(adhd moment) get honourable mention'd.
--- SOOOO. BIG ASS PERSONAL LIFE UPDATE!!! I have... literally the worst news? Like the worst-worst news I think I will ever share. So imma start from the beginning :> [I detail everything about the assessment in this post. The process, the assessment itself, and the after.]
So. This is part of the NS Pilot Program for assessing people who were going to age out of the early-childhood-assessment waitlist (because hey! it is a 5 year long wait! haha!) which was led by NS Health and the Gov. of Canada (who paid for all the assessments.) It's safe to say that NOBODY is happy! (if you look it up you will find articles on how... awful it's been. Also if you look up articles I might have left out details bc my brain is VERY SPOTTY bc i am enraged) but anyway,
The first part of this is they had been calling my mom during the day; my mother had been working days. So she wasn't picking up. And they weren't answering her calls back or her messages! Already a big red flag. Because they can't get ahold of her they call me. Me! The person they're going to assess, who, at the time, was 18, and perfectly capable of consenting, as an adult, and taking care of their own medical records and appointments and such. They go "Hello, is this (deadname's) mom?" And I go "This is (deadname); and my name is [Chosen]" and they go "Oh, Well. Can you get your mother to call us?" And I said in a tone I believe was very clearly annoyed bc wtf? "Oh, no, you can tell me whatever you're going to tell her!" They tell me "Well we're looking to get you into the NS pilot program for autism assessments" yada yada "is that something you'd be interested in?" And me being me (poor and reasons to think I'm autistic and being on the waitlist) go "yeah!" AND THIS FUCKING WOMAN GOES "ok then get your mom to call us. this is the date. we need her to confirm." and I go "...why?" and they go "we just need to talk to her." and I go "...why can't you just talk to me?" and she just repeats herself so I go "um. ok. well. you have a good day? bye?" and hang up. So i'm simmering; bc I am literally an adult. I don't need my mom. I should be treated like an adult and I'm getting infantilized. I got the woman's name and # so I give it to my mom. It takes another month to get a date for the assessment approved bc they STILL WONT ANSWER HER CALLS OR MESSAGES.
My mother was required to do two prerequisite assessments a week or two before my in-person one. One over the phone and one over zoom. I am above the age of 16 (as stated) and perfectly capable of consent and being an informant. (you are legally allowed to consent to a majority of medical assessments in NS when you turn 16 w/o alerting ur parents, and clearly allowed to do that over the age of 18 as that is age of majority.) So i'm just miffed. They tell her not to tell me anything. She says fuck that (thank the gods) and so she tells me things they tell her. So the night before the assessment I help her with the form they MAKE HER FILL OUT before the assessment like "when did your child start walking/running" "when did they learn to ride a bike" "when did they start talking/writing" stuff like that. and I go ok. sure. autism can show in early childhood, it's a neurological developmental disorder. I get it. Even though autistic individuals can have average, slowed, or accelerated development (IT'S ALMOST LIKE ITS LITERALLY CALLED AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER) There's a question that catches me off guard. "what is your child's dominant hand" ...i'm sorry. back it up. *Yes.* There are studies that say many people who have ASD are left handed or ambidextrous. But oh. My. Gods. Above. THAT IS NOT GROUNDS FOR DIAGNOSIS; and you can also ASK THE KID during the assessment! What kind of question?! [I am right-hand predominant but I am ambidextrous.]
I move on.
I go into the assessment. On the table; the dr's introductory sheet in a photo frame. His title sits atop the document with a head, MADE OF BLUE PUZZLE PIECES alarm bells alarm bells alarm bells oh my fucking god help me jesus christ please help me i promise i'll believe in you if you help me right now please please plea "Hi!" A woman greets us, sitting in an office with the door open. I don't know her name. She doesn't stand from her desk. "I'll be with you in a moment." I laugh awkwardly. My mom says ok as the woman shuts her door. I tell my mom "I hate it here; can we go home?" Because I genuinely feel unsafe; I'm shaking. She laughs softly and goes "It'll be okay." So I put a brave face on bc I love my mom and she's nice and wait for the lady. She calls us in a few minutes later. I don't remember her introducing herself. I don't remember her offering a handshake or any other "polite" gesture. That would be something important to do, and I would have remembered it. She tells us how long it will be and a lay down of what's gonna happen and asks MY MOTHER FOR CONSENT TO FILM ME. Not ME for consent to film ME, an 18 year old. My mom turns to me confused and asks me if I'm okay with it instead. I go "yeah." (I was not okay with it); the woman told us the assessment would not happen if they could not film it. So I agreed; giving *assent* rather than *consent* was something I was pissed off about then and there. The woman asks HER if she'd like to stay so my mom asks ME if she wants me to stay, I hug my mom after I ask her to leave because I'm an adult and can handle myself. I don't need my mom to be there. I sit down. I have my pompompurin stuffed animal with me and a messenger bag with pens and stuff in it because I know there are things to write and don't like using other people's things. She doesn't ask about the bag. She sets up the camera and such, explaining that she'll have to occasionally turn to her laptop to make sure the recording is still going. I have pompom in my lap along with a fidget while she talks. She says something along the lines of "um, you'll want to put that away, you'll need your hands." And I go, rather firmly, something along the lines of; "I'll put it away when I need to use my hands. I am focusing on you right now." To which she seems surprised and goes "um... okay, that's fine." And continues on. (Was she not expecting an adult to have clear boundaries and be able to state their needs?) She offhandedly mentions something about [Dr] perhaps coming in to see me at some point during the assessment. My heart drops. She's not the doctor? She isn't the psychiatrist? What the hell?
The assessment begins. They're giving me tests for children, she said she made it harder. I disagree. I find the tasks easy. Simple games/puzzles. I tell her I like puzzles. She keeps throwing positive affirmation at me; I become annoyed with it after awhile because I know she's only doing it to make me continue doing the activity. It's common for people who work with children. She is infantilizing me. I know I was thinking it subconsciously.
The tests are not geared towards my age range, I notice immediately. I become miffed, going "these are too easy for me so far" or something to that effect. She laughs at me. I become upset. We start the reading part of the test. I read to show reading speed and comprehension. I read out loud to show my pronunciation. I read words that don't exist to show my reasoning skills when it comes to language. I am in my 5th year of high school (I struggle with school). This task is mundane and annoying. I feel like I am in third grade. I feel infantilized. I feel like the tests aren't going to be accurate. I am annoyed. I do it fast as I can to get it over with. Some of the reading pieces she makes me do multiple times.
We begin the mathematics part. I am not good at mathematics. She has upped the difficulty for the mathematics, she tells me. I begin; The first test is a Working Memory test; listing numbers she reads to me in a specific order. I am bad at it after the more convoluted ones. Some of the work is recognizing shapes and patterns. There is addition, fractions, multiplication and division questions. She points out I'm 'doing the test wrong' multiple times. I tell her that this test is stupid (or something to that effect) due to the structure. She laughs at me. There are a few tests I can't do or become quickly annoyed with (naming mean, median, and mode, prime numbers, fractions.) As I haven't done them since 11th grade level (I took a different math course and haven't done math since I finished my credits 2 school years ago.) We break for lunch after doing half of the mathematics.
I return to continue with the mathematics. I am still annoyed even after eating lunch. I had complained to my mother how it felt like torture: No eraser, No Calculator, no Tools, and no asking for help (She is not allowed to give me help, even if I don't know something.) I am on the brink of actual tears in frustration because I cannot receive help. I understand the potential why, but I think it's idiotic.
We begin the writing and listening comprehension. I am made to write an essay on a game I like and why I like it, I am given 10 minutes. I write it about Minecraft and it's offshoots. For listening comprehension, there are a few tests. I tell her about certain parts of what i've heard. Most of them are ads, so telling her what they say is easy for me, because it feels like slush and I have trained my ears to pick up more important information because of APD (Auditory Processing Disorder). She repeats them a few times to get me to tell her more. There are more working memory tests. Something with shapes, form, and colours. One about things she's listed. There's a test where I tell her a story in a picture book based on photos only. I am becoming tired. There's a test where I need to copy a picture. I am not allowed to trace the picture. I am not allowed to hold the picture. I am not allowed to use a tool. She says something about how I should like it because I told her I am an artist. I start going on while begrudgingly doing the test that this is horrible, this isn't what art is, and i'd like to not be doing it this way because it is impractical. She laughs at me again. I am annoyed. I get to take another short break after that.
There is another test when I come back with shapes. I see there are 8 pieces and a grid I must put them in; observing the grid, I go "I need all 8 pieces." She gives me 4 pieces. I frown. I say "I need all 8 of them, can I have them please?" as I put the 4 she gave me into the grid. She hands me 2. I put them in. I repeat myself. "I know I need all 8 of them. Can you give them to me please?" She gives me 1. I become insanely frustrated at that point. "What is this?" I go, "Can I have the last piece?" I ask her annoyedly, and she gives it to me. She's smiling. She thinks this is funny? I put it in the place. I rearrange the pieces into a nicer pattern in the grid because she annoyingly gave me the pieces while she takes her notes.
There is an activity where I have to tell her a story using 5 random pieces of garbage. She shows me how to do it first when I already understand the premise and was going to do it after the verbal instruction and presentation of the items. I know it is to assess my imaginative play. I am an 18 year old artist. This is easier than breathing to me. I do it begrudgingly because I am embarrassed to do it. She laughs at me again. I am so annoyed at this point I am thinking the most angry thoughts. What is her issue??? I don't say anything while I wait for the other tests.
I am presented with a test with over 100 questions. I say out loud multiple times "I don't have OCD" to multiple questions I've been asked before to assess me for OCD. She says something about 'Don't think about it. just answer.' and I say something along the lines of "I've been to therapy since I was about 12. I do therapy speak. I know what the questions are asking me. I can't not think about it." She scoffs at me. I am so irritated. Many of the questions ask me if I am suicidal. Many of the questions ask me if I am paranoid. There are questions about ego, and questions about self-worth, questions about poverty, questions about things that don't pertain (to see if I'm paying attention.) I finish the test. She asks if I answered honestly. I say "I think so." But I my answers will be different tomorrow. They're always different later. That's how surveys work.
One of the last tests is asking me questions and having me answer. Things like "do you have friends?" "how do you feel about relationships?"; I ask her "Well, how do you define relationships? Are you in any? Are you asking me about friendship or dating?" She tells me she has a partner; a husband if I recall. I say something about marriage and romance. She asks me more questions about feelings, boundaries, relationships, and experiences in my life. It is the last test.
We leave the room to talk to my mother in the waiting room. I have not seen [Dr] once. Girl asks me what my pronouns are. I tell her it/its. She complains. I tell her too bad flat out. We leave.
I only learn upon getting home that her name is Alison.
I wait a month for my draft results. I had to get my teacher to fill out a form. I had to sign a consent form for them to do that which they made me do digitally after the assessment and CLEARLY wanted my mother to sign. She gets me to sign it because I'm an adult. She understands.
My mom sits me down. She goes "You aren't going to like this." I frown. "I'm not autistic?" She nods. "You aren't. But they said you have 3 or 4 other things."
Alarm bells again. I get her to bring up my draft assessment on the computer for me to read. I am enraged. They refer to me as "transgendered". They misgendered me. There were numerous, insane typos that would be easy to catch on the first pass.
I begin work on an Essay/Paper telling them why their assessment is bullshit and how I meet the criteria for autism spectrum disorder. (I READ THE DSM-5 AND DSM-5-TR FOR THIS CRAP.) I also berate them the whole time for their behaviour, the nature of the assessment, and lack of care. A week or so later I get the final draft. They still misgendered me; and there are still typos. I get my mom to email it to me and I send it to multiple of my friends, my Therapist, and give her my consent to share it with my Psychiatrist and anyone else she sees fit with her discretion with the password for the protected document, along with a screenshot pointing out the most glaring typo (being misgendered.) My therapist and psychiatrist show it to the Autism Lead in their district with my consent.
I receive an overwhelmingly positive onslaught of "this assessment is bullshit! You SHOULD be angry." The autism lead tells my therapist I do likely have autism based on what was shown and told to her, and to get a second opinion (as she can't diagnose me without assessing me herself). I tell my therapist more about the assessment. She does some research.
The Psychometrist (someone who administers psychological tests/assessments) is underqualified during time of assessment.
Medical Negligence.
[Dr.] Is clearly on grounds to be tried for Medical Malpractice.
I am now working on submitting a complaint and finishing my paper.
I may potentially be involved in legal trouble against the psychologist I never even got to see or speak to.
Fuck that guy.
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kaifougere666 · 4 months
Random facts about my boy Momo (Armonia)
Sorry this might come off as very edgy, please no hate 🙏🙏
Tumblr media
● He is actually 797 years old. (23 in human age, which means if he were to act like a human he would say he is 23)
● He is a demi god
● his duty as a god is to travel through dimensions to take informations (this is absolutely not an excuse to make multifandom art, what do you mean ? 😳)
● his mother (Marianne) isn't the greatest person.. (tried to kill him and his older brother) but she's gonna have a redemption arc soon
● He still has dreams and nightmares about her. (Poor boi is traumatised :[ )
●He is blind from his left eye. He was born not able to see much from that eye and his mum stabbing him in the eye didn't really help either... XD
● His full name is Armonia, he uses it when he is mentioned as a god, but prefer being called Momo, his nickname. It makes him feel more manly hehe
● He tends to be flirty, weather as a joke or seriously. Flirt back and he's as red as the carpet.
(Sometimes he flirts back but his shy ass don't do it every time XD)
● He is trans, panromantic and polyamorous
● He is french and japanese like is mum and grandmother, but his biological father was Algerian (just like mine !)
● His biological father died when he was 3, Momo don't remember much about him, but he looked very much like Momo.
(I should draw him, and maybe give that man a name XD)
● He is 153cm like me irl
● He has adhd and ptsd
● He sometimes cough blood due to his health degrading (you thought being powerful was free ? Nah, lemme take your health.)
●He mostly grew with faeries in the woods and with Gods at the assembly. Him and Ayezl are childhood friends
He had 2 other childhood friends, Anasui the orphan and Tenshi the autistic angel (I should make them a refsheet, I know)
● He went to magic school, a school where demi gods, wizzards and many other species (not faeries) go to learn about magic and to control their powers. There are different types of classes and diploma. There are 3 magic diplomas, the first one is the one wizards and witches have, it has a respectable rank. The second diplomas is for advanced mages, and the third is when you surpass the level of a mage. Most god who went to magic school have their 3 diplomas. Momo has his 3 diplomas :))
● loves to work as an apothecary, kind of like Mao mao in apothecary diary. Testing poisons, making remedies, he has to do that in potion making too. (Even though he kinda hated those classes because of his teacher back In school, hated the teacher but loved the subject XD)
That's all I got for now, if you have any questions about the boy, don't be afraid to ask me (or any questions about any of my OCs)
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augment-techs · 1 year
awkward thoughts about Skull as a parent at 3am
is absolutely both the mother and the father biologically, because I cannot STAND the idea of him and Kim or Trini or some rando hooking up once and then this happened
either there is alien tech or sorcery involved; I'm not choosy
the realization that he's pregnant would lead to an instant panic attack; possibly the worst one in his life if he has the time in the scenario
this is largely due my headspace largely relegating Bulk to being somewhere else for a time
also Skull is a teen parent because that would JUST be his kind of luck; 16 minimum, 19 maximum
he would be hesitant and terrified to ask for help, because the only people he could go to are the scientists at Promethea or the Power Rangers, and heaven forbid it be easy for him
stops taking any medication he's on, which makes things worse on an epic scale if he's still in high school--he already lacks the preferred range of concentration ability due to adhd/autistism/migraines/depression/anxiety so with the added stress of carrying a baby he's hiding and his already poor grades diminishing horrifically, the teachers (Miss Appleby) would either be very worried, or very hard on him
gets morning sickness seventeen times a day and THIS is what gets a worried friend's attention (Bulk, or Billy, or Kim) when he looks like he's going to die from how dehydrated he is
almost DOES die from the dehydration and blood that starts coming up in the vomit
someone finally gets the truth out of him and takes him to a professional at about five months along
EVERYONE freaks out because his body is NOT designed for this AND he is barely showing at all when he should be a blimp by this time
for some reason my brain says he carries to the eighth month, but goes into early "labor" because of the stuff that happened to get him this far breaking down and ruining his internal systems
he does not get a C-Section and does not deliver out the back end because I want this to be absolutely horrible for him
I also want him to win the "whose labor sucked more" game when his friends--post Rangering--have their own kids and they're trying to freak out the new blood; despite Skull never bringing it up
Spike isn't as small as he could be, but for all that he utterly DESTROYED Skull's internal and external organs, he's also not very big either
but he did have all of his head hair straight out of the gate, which Skull likes to bring up when reminiscing or to embarrass him
yes, Spike is his REAL first name because, and Billy likes to quote this a lot, "I might as well start trying to ward off evil spirits now, since we all know my luck with monsters is gonna rub off on the little guy," was Skull's explanation; without much heat because he was fucking exhausted and delirious when he came up with it
thinks his stretchmarks are his best feature, despite the fact that carrying around a baby also gave him the ass he was lacking for most of his life and--for only about as long as was necessary--boobs for breastfeeding which turned into much more solid objects as he got older
ends up with a million pictures of him via his friends of tiny baby Spike, but also of the both of them constantly falling asleep together
he pays his friends back by getting pictures of them with the baby in all sorts--but mostly napping--too
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steakout-05 · 2 years
A List Of Headcanons Regarding Barry Steakfries Because No One Can Stop Me
this’ll be updated over time the more headcanons i either adopt or pull outta my ass :D
Starting off neat with this one, Barry is a raging bisexual. In a bonus episode in Age Of Zombies (Barry’s first official appearance in a game), Prince Runingunin (amazing name) dresses as a saloon girl who initially calls him for help. Barry, upon seeing him, kisses him (adorable), and after learning he’s actually the prince, he initially panics but then asks “Wait... why are you dressed as a confusingly hot saloon girl?” and “Wait... are you wearing Cherry Lip-gloss?”. Like the dude’s not even that panicked about it, just a little confused, even pretty interested haha. I’m also one of those fuckers who ships him and Craig HARD!! Barry does show an attraction to women as he did have a girlfriend at one point in Robot Bird (but that was before she dumped him for being too cool to show up to dinner). As a fellow gay I also have the tendency to have a lot of gay headcanons because men are cool and I just think LGBTQIA+ headcanons are neat :)
Short answer: Barry is autistic because I’m autistic and I  said so. Not-so-short answer: When I watched Shirt Sleeves for the first time, I interpreted Barry’s urge to rip his sleeves as something he does for sensory stimulation, like if he’s understimulated or really excited or nervous. Barry is very easily excitable (see: literally any media he’s in) and impulsive which can lead to him unknowingly ripping his sleeves. I mean, he even says it himself: he often feels compelled to get really excited and to yell and rip his shirt material. Also he’s just.... so autistic??? I can’t explain it properly but he’s just like me fr i feel like Barry would tug at his sleeves when feeling real insecure i do the same thing i dont know
Another headcanon related to shirt ripping and this one’s more of a theory but his shirt ripping thing could also be something similar to Trichotillomania, which is a disorder in which the person pulls at their hair either from stress or because it pleases/satisfies/may ease anxiety for them. Barry may have something similar but for like... sleeve ripping. He describes his impulsive shirt ripping as a “disease” and that he thinks he’s unwell for it (i mean he even goes to therapy because he believes it’s affecting him that much that he’s concerned about it). In one part of the video, we see Barry as a little kid ripping at his sleeve and visibly becoming more relaxed and pleased (also the detail of him looking around as if looking to see if someone’s there is really interesting to me just a note to self) which to me says that this behaviour may be both a form of stim or another disorder which,,, yeah
Anyway enough about shirt sleeves, Barry has ADHD and there’s SO MUCH EVIDENCE!!! I wrote this all down in my notes and I am SO ready to infodump it okay so: In Rainbow Barry, he shows traits of desiring instant gratification and impulsiveness as he becomes progressively more frustrated about the order of his new jetpack taking forever (me too buddy) and he tries to get his mind off of it. Feeling super impatient, he runs to Legitimate Research’s lab, seemingly not noticing the truck coming towards him and proceeds to make anOTHER HOLE IN THE WALL HE ALREADY BROKE THROUGH (this reminds me of how whenever Saxton Hale jumps through a wall it’s in the shape of fucking Australia) (Barry is just the tinier Saxton Hale change my mind). Anyway, he also is forgetfull and has trouble with distractions, as again in Robot Bird, he misses dinner with his ex-girlfriend due to getting distracted and finding a robot bird that shits shoots money (but who needs a partner anyway when you have a sick ass robot bird that shoots money) (and a robot dragon that breathes fire) (and a robot dog that is awesome) (that you stole from a poor struggling scientist)
Barry shows more ADHD traits in The Very Last Minute, wherein the entire thing is about Barry procrastinating on this thing he really needs to do which is blasting monsters in the streets and whatnot. Y;know, just a regular Friday night. So anyway, Barry is shown trying his best to actually start training, but he just can’t seem to stop geting distracted all the time. Like, he’s excited about being able to blast shit into pieces, but he just can’t seem to get started actualy training for it and jumps from task to task and distraction to distraction, which struggling with focus is a trait that many people with ADD/ADHD have, me included. What’s intersting to me is how this links back to autism with a thing called “Demand Avoidance”, in which the person may like doing the task at hand, but when faced with a set time or deadline, they just can’t seem to get started and may feel overwhelmed. Barry, whilst procrastinating, appears to be visibly overwhelmed whilst skipping (which is apparently a thing necessary for training) (and why wouldn’t it be) which is probably just a joke but I really like overanalysing things and providing my own interpretation to stuff so,,, Barry likes training, the man is ripped as fuck and he has a lot of equipment in his house for it. However, because of the deadline, he feels overwhelmed and suddenly feels “lazy” and distracted by everything (even painting which he is REALLY good at!). There’s some lyrics in the song that go “Gotta keep focused, gotta keep training but I just can’t seem to stop procrastinating” and it relates to the feeling of “i really need to do this task right now, i know it’s important and i need to do it, but i just can’t” and it’s just both so relatable and so accurate to how it really is to be so procrastinated and/or overhwlemed when you really gotta do shit.
Barry’s need for instant gratification extends to Level 2 in which, after reaching the end of the lab, Barry feels unfulfilled that there’s no sort of reward, and he feels frustrated and empty. That’s... really all I got. There’s tons of other ADHD things related to Barry but I think I’d just be repeating myself if i wrote ‘em all down and i think i got my point proven
not a barry headcanon but Flash (his dog) has .wav files of normal dog barks which is why he sounds robotic in Shirt Sleeves thank you
you know how in the trailer, Barry has glasses? Yeah uh he actually needs those to see properly, so when he ditched them after breaking into the lab, he immediately realised that he couldn’t quite see certain obstacles like missiles from a good distance, so he went to the department of one of the scientists (via breaking through their wall) and was like “hey uhh.... you got any tiny non-nerd looking glasses that are invisible or something?” and the scientist was like “you mean contact lenses?” and Barry was like “yeah those” and now Barry has contacts :) (reminds me of how Jon has contacts in the Garfield strip.... i wonder why) (maybe Doc Boy punched him in the face one time i dunno) (EDIT: this was actually talked about in one of Barry’s vlogs! someone asked him about it and he explained that his poor eyesight was “cured” when a laser shot him directly in the eyes. this did cause side effects though, as Barry says that he occasionally “tastes colours” and sometimes has trouble controlling his bladder. which brings me into my next somewhat “canon” headcanon...)
Barry has synesthesia, more specifically he tastes colour. As mentioned above, Barry says this was caused by a laser to the eyes which... goddamn if the lasers at the lab have the ability to completely re-wire parts of your brain to experience synesthesia if shot into your eyes then i don’t even want to know what it’s capable of if you point it directly at your cranium.....
Stealing the jetpack wasn’t the first time Barry caused copious amounts of destruction and chaos, he is in fact a chronic and professional chaos causer, is banned from several establishments in Australia and that’s the reason he worked at a department owned by really Bad Corp (yeah its kind of implied he worked there in the trailer? its confusing) (EDIT: he was going door to door and selling gramophones and that’s why he rocked up at the lab. he doesn’t work at LR.... i dont know how i came to that conclusion)
When Barry first started his vlog, he was actually pretty nervous about it at first because he didn’t go online much (other than youtube to watch cat videos) (barry canonically watches cat videos and i think that is amazing) and definitely hadn’t started anything like a vlog to such a large group of people before. This is why he sounds more quiet, down to earth and has a lot more stutters and pauses in his speech, cause he was kinda nervy and hadn’t done this before. As the series went on though, and the more Barry got to learn his audience, he quickly became a lot more confident and loud as he got more comfortable and thus you don’t hear him stammer as often in the later episodes. Call that subtle character development!!!
thankyou for  reading i’m going to play roblox now :)
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bluegoblinfox · 9 months
My son's motability car was nicked last night. Off the drive. I executive dysfunctioned and left the keys in the front door. I would say like an idiot but it's more like a stressed out autistic ADHD dyslexic person with chronic illnesses. So I won't say like an idiot.
No one's hurt. It's just stuff but I am shaken up as my house keys are also missing and my landlord won't pay for out of hours lock smith to come out in between Christmas and New year.
I've secured the door but I am still sleeping downstairs for my sanity tonight.
I'm not angry at the kids who did it and I'm very sure it is just kids. They do it often around here. Steal a car. Joy ride and abandon it or burn it out.
It just makes me sad. They steal cars to joy ride and don't think about the potential consequences of them hurting themselves or others. It makes me sad because they don't think anything "bad" will happen to them.
If they get caught that's a blight on their record and a step further down a dodgy path. If they don't get caught they will properly ruin their lives and others in an accident. It's awful that they are in that place where stealing cars is acceptable to them.
I can't blame their sense of disillusionment, frustration, anger, envy or greed. When the rich get richer and the poor like them and I, are left to get more and more broke. With fewer and fewer services available to help and support, to guide or mentor.
Young people with hard lives, few opportunities who make dumb choices. I've made dumb choices too. I was entitled, privileged and didn't know it and still made dumb choices as a teen. I drank, stole and broke the law. Consequences were something that was barely even an after thought.
I hope the forensics on the car yield something that helps to catch them. Not because I want justice or revenge but because it is better to catch them and save them from their own stupidity and dumb ass choices than it is for them to end up dead or killing someone in an accident.
It makes me sad the state of things and I know as the gap between the haves and have nots grow that crime to will grow. Feeding the hate and further dividing us. Which in turn serves those in power. As when you are busy fighting each other, you become blind to the fact that we are all on our knees. You become blind to the fact that those who stoke the fires of division and hate also have their boots on all our necks. You become blind to who the real enemy is.
Like in the hunger games we all need to remember who the real enemy is. It is not the kids joy riding or the immigrants, it isn't the woke or trans folk. Its the 1% with 99% of the resources, hiding in their version of the capitol and pitting us all against each other. They need to remember there are more of us than them. We need to take back the power.
Ty, River, Echo Rose, Ling
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hazelcephalopod · 1 year
The Great Hunt Ch 31: On the Scent
Cairhien Sun symbol.
Reunions are had and plans are lay what new adventures await our poor little guys and very cool autistic granny?
disclaimer: there will be spoilers, I will tag them but this is a book from 30 years ago that I am desperately trying to finish. I am very ADHD and this helps me do that. Also, it’s my first read thru but I am somewhat familiar with the story and what is going to happen, probably not enough to not be surprised tho. Happy reading! 
All WOT spoilers. 
Rand POV
OH! Verin is the Reader. Well that’s not a Wisdom, but an Aes Sedai kinda is! (Sp: this is wrong)
“Lord Rand of House al’Thor.” Tragic main character disease and a nice coat continues to plague this poor Shepard. 
Oh no he thinks he’s done. Oh you poor sweet dipshit
Love how they do behave like a DnD party but we get the narration that no, NPCs are listening and reacting to this very suspicious and concerning conversations happening in the middle of the street. 
Mat: (summarizes the last few weeks for him)… & where the hell have you been? Rand: Perrins a what?!
Ah. Nvm Verin and the Reader are in fact separate people. Still Verin is here!
Inn found: The Great Tree. Innkeeper: Mistress Tiedra. 
Hurin didn’t smell any Trollocs and tbh I’m not sure there ever were any. Sry Rwnd my guy, I still support most of your wrongs. 
… I don’t think Rand is doing well. Like, this is a lot of suspicion. Which is somewhat reasonable but… idk. This is all a lot for anyone and uh, he’s more than anyone regrettably for him
Warm baths are nice tho aren’t they! 
“…he chose the black coat, to suit his mood…”
Fucking “Selene”… this poor guy (just in general not just her, but also her). 
I almost envy Rand. Got mail? Just burn all of it. No mail. Nor responsibilities. Nor choices to make. Just burn it! It’s flammable! 
“Mat was juggling three boiled eggs and trying to appear nonchalant.” A) how? He’s juggling!; b) who is he trying to nonchalantly impress here exactly? 
Really enjoy Loial having pockets large enough for presumably sizable books. 
Switch POV: Perrin. 
Really appreciate leaning into “who knows what and how do they view those things?” Here. 
I am astounded still that it is book 2(!) and magic portals and different worlds have just been dropped like “yup there’s countless other worlds sorta like ours. And teleportation. Anywayyyy….!”
Verin hearing about “Selene” and the portal stones and shit thinking: this is weird and fucking suspicious. “Hey—”
Mmm delicious meal. Oh and we are back to remembering Mat is dying and other sadness? 
Hey! It’s “The Travels of Jain Farstrider”!
Lord Barthanes… hmm. Familiar…
“There are Darkfriends among the high as well as the low.” -Verin. What an interesting thing to say my beloved autistic granny.  
Barthanes Damodred?! Well of course the rumor would be enough. Tbh if the king was smart he’d have the rumor started for the express purpose of destroying Barthanes. You’d think it would make the king suspicious but I’m not so sure anymore that anyone would care or notice. 
“The more he found out about kings, the less he liked them.” -Perrins thoughts. Yup, a shit for sure. 
Rand like: dammit Hurin how will I burn those letters now! 
It’s like a heist thing! Gotta get in and do the things to the rich guy/s! 
That’s not dignity Perrin it’s fear and discomfort. With a good dash of “I hate this” but because of the former. 
Amazing! Verin: looks at the kings letter “well this is trash” burns it. I love her. 
“People see what they expect to see.” -Verin. Truer words madam. 
5!? These fuckers are obsessed with Rand! Rand! (I mean I think he’s adorable but really?)
Oh oh right. So, uh Barthanes has the horn. That’s what the heist is for. It is a literal heist. I mean, this book has almost everything. We got to a heist, we started with an adventure novel, survival, several other things, and now also a heist. I probably should have mentioned -or tbh realized- this earlier. 
Oh right the giant ass buried statues. Which are apparently the largest of the sa’angreal which can be used by channelers and seem very powerful. The one we’ve seen can only be used by men. There’s two in total. Hmm… I’m sure they couldn’t be important at all. The womens one is on Tremalking. Wherever that is. Apparently they were created as weapons which were never used. So. Probably not important at all. /s
I am sure rn Rand is terrified but this is overpowered by him suspecting the ancient statutes are (somehow) part of the plot to control him and still trying to convince himself he is not the Dragon. Mmm mmm nope. This is all part of the plot to frame him as a false dragon. Nothing else. 
Well what a relief they must be used in tandem to Break the World but one wonders how much damage they could do alone?! /s (the big ass sa’angreal)
… you need to be very powerful to use them. Whose that powerful? No *widely* known man, and several women including Moiriane. No worries until the Dragon proclaims himself. *stares off into the distance suspiciously close to Rand* surely no Aes Sedai would help with that tho right? (Yes sure Verin. Wait did she lie…? No… no I think not)
Perrin, Rand knows less than you think you do. By far. And you admit to not knowing much. I mean technically Rand knows a lot, but tbh I feel like he’s too in denial to actually use that information. 
Another great chapter. Bands back together. Verin is here. They are going to do a heist in a nobles house for the Horn which rests on Rand’s shoulders, and his impeccable half-hated new wardrobe of three very nice coats. More letters were burned. Everyone is loosing it a little bit imo. Absolute a+’s all around. 
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rubyatarah · 2 years
Content warning for car accident and general ranting!!! Dont read if you dont wanna! Literally just wanted to whine bc I am in a mood.
Im autistic and that’s fine but no one said anything until I got into a car accident two months ago and that traumatizing thing exacerbated my symptoms to the point of not being able to mask which makes sense I guess. I just never got that until now! Not to be like waah it took so long bc I’m 20 just a young gal. Um a lot of harm can be done ignoring shit for 20 years though lol! Anyway I am saying my whole life I have been praised and rewarded for my good behavior (oh YUCK) when I mask and alternately chastised for my poor time management, distractibility, fidgeting, auditory processing issues, just general needs, all that kinda stuff you know. That made me never realize I was masking and think instead that I was just doing what I was supposed to. All of those behaviors being incorrect or not appropriate has really been so fun to help me percieve myself as like the most bad annoying stinker. Grrrr anyways thankful for the weird things we learn about ourselves when shits hit fans. It’s making me think about my gpas throughout school years and be like ohhhhh that year was extra difficult for me because x. Not like parents divorce was hard :( like yeah but when it makes you have a hard time functioning in ableist life things it’s extra hard and you feel shitty for making it about yourself. But it iiiiiis about yourself. Ok thank you friends lots of love and happy days 🖤
Also! Adhd diagnosis when I was younger made it tricky trying to open my brain up to this idea because everything not neurotypical about me was always attention deficit, cptsd, depression, anxiety whatevers. So interesting I want to learn stuff but so much effort going to play a game on my phone for an hour
Also everyone in Alaska runs stop signs I think. That’s why my truck is totaled anyway. Now I see it everywhere. It was summer too! I can dig not being able to stop on ice it happens to the best of us but I’m sending that bitch 60mph straight into the ditch on dry ass roads. She’s so lucky I swerved and hit the rear door she was about to have her shit way more rocked if I had been eating or changing the music. I do be eating while I drive ok. Not anymore obviously lol who has a vehicle not me but miss girl had a big dog in the back of the car that ran off scared when my bumper tore the door clean off ?? Im like uhh I’ll see the dog home because you obviously aren’t trying to keep it safe. Unfit honestly. My sister was saying she hopes its not traumatized but if it becomes aggressive and bites her she had it coming. That’s not nice I appreciate it though. Anyhow I was hitting the brakes and broke my metatarsal and sprained my ankle when my front end smashed in and it was such a pretty old tacoma!!! Have you ever smelled 20 year old airbags broken exhaust and coolant frying all at the same time in that small of a cab I am telling you I thought it was certain death. Being stuck in there was so scary but nice firefighter helped me get out. Anyways I have complex ptsd whats another incident. Every night my elbows and shoulders and neck start hurting its so dumb. I want to go back to climbing all the time and stuff
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
I Want To Go To College (And Make It The Government's Problem)
Friends. Romans. Followers. Countrymen. Cuntrymen. Lend me thine limited attention spans and autistic superpowers, I promise I'll keep it short. Bolded mine for ADHD TLDR.
I got accepted to one of the best fashion design colleges in America. This is great because I'm a poor QPOC and if I were given the opportunity and contacts within the fashion industry to actually pull off the revolution within it that I fully intend to, I could make this the government's problem. Also boring-ass couture's problem. It'll be great.
Problem, though: I got accepted to one of the best fashion design colleges in America. This is great, but I'm a POOR QPOC and therefore I'm already going in a system set up against me. My family is helping me pay for student housing, and I'm currently on SNAP benefits so that'll help provide some buffer as well, and I'll be pirating as many school books as I can, and I'm gonna be getting as much scholarship and student aid as possible, but...
None of that is gonna prevent the fact that education is expensive and made to prevent people like us from doing jack shit meaningful with our lives, and I still need to pay up front for the upcoming semester at the end of the month.
If you're my follower and you at all like my content, I'd deeply appreciate if you could send a few bucks my way. If you're not my follower and you want to support some random stranger who really fucking hates the American government and the way that high fashion has become commodified by corporate capitalism and wants to do something very violent about it, please also send a few bucks my way.
Thanks for your time reading this. All cops are bastards and fashion is art worn on the body or else.
PAYPAL: http://paypal.me/tatteredveil
VENMO: @ItsTheInnkeeper
CASHAPP: $ItsTheInnkeeper
KO-FI: /inneskeeper
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oinkinpigprince · 2 years
Filbo headcanons because I’m traaaash and he’s my therapy dooooog
Okay so he cannot sew like at all but he can crochet and makes stuffed animals
Definitely autistic and/or adhd, no way that boy (or anyone on that island) is neurotypical
The type of guy to help a complete stranger in the grocery store after they mistake him for an employ and not question a single thing about it
His favorite food is French fries, a basic food for a basic bitch/lh
A hopeless romantic and secretly falls for every one of his friends at least once because he simply cannot distinguish ‘I respect and admire this person’ and ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with this person’
It doesn’t matter cause he’s too much of a bitch boy to do anything about his crushes and would suffer in complete silence then do anything
This is doubled because he is bisexual, I make the rules
Would be very nice about my DID and constantly ask about who’s fronting and their name and pronouns
Asks for peoples pronouns only to end up using the/them anyways
Actually a very charismatic person and in the right setting can befriend damn near anyone after long enough
If he were human, he’d have freckles, blue hair, and pronouns
Mans got a lil chub, apple shape body though so all of the fat goes into his stomach, once again I absolutely make the rules
Ngl I think all of the grumpus would be a lil chubby except maybe Shelda but that’s because she reminds me of every hippie old lady my mom befriended
I should do one for shelda, she may be a fraud but she reminds me of a home I never had, sorry for trauma dumping mid post
Favorite animal is absolutely frogs, if he could he’d own like 20 different species and give them buck wild dumb ass names
Him and beffica have a very brother and sister like relationship after snak tooth, and often hang out @ coffee shops together and argue for fun
According to historians him and buddy are roommates, just roommates, nothing else at all
It’s sorta like a Chandlo and snorpy situation where neither of them say they’re dating but they’re definitely dating
Mainly because I headcanon the journalist is mute and Filbo is bad at communicating but they’re dating
I could make a whole post about why I think the two would make for such a cute couple but no
Loves giving people things and when shopping he will usually get one gift for a friend
Tw alchol
Rarely drinks but has a low tolerance anyways so a few drinks in and he’s already stumbling and bumbling
has sent several drunk messages crying about how much he loves his friends and regrets them in the morning, everyone thinks it’s sweet for the most part
Very sentimental drunk and has sat in a bathtub crying over how much he loves his friends and how much they mean to him, while buddy hold a puke bucket and rubs his back
Okay tw over
Had a pretty lonely childhood as a middle child got neglected a lot and grew up very independent and ‘weird’
He was outcasted all throughout middle school due to his weird hyper fixations and poor social skills, he developed major imposter syndrome due to this and never truly feels like he had any friends so that’s why he’s so thankful for the ones he has now
He LOVES one piece and owns all of the volumes
He also loves my hero academia and watches the anime on Hulu
Definitely watched bee and puppy cat when it first came out
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omegasamwilson · 3 years
I literally had a panic attack when I watched Ayo take off Bucky's arm. I was born without my left arm and see a lot of myself in Bucky. I have a prosthetic and had to stop the episode and watch it later. And it really hurt me to see your completely disregard that and say I have no right to be upset. It really pisses me off. I'm fully acknowledging that Bucky did a terrible thing, and he needed to be stopped. But she didn't have to remove his arm. He wouldn't have hurt her. To see you refer to his arm in the tags as a weapon further hurt me. It's not a fucking weapon, it's his fucking arm. You're trying to twist this into a race issue when it's about fucking ableism. I'm brown not black so I don't know if you'll accept my concerns with your post
Hi, one, I apologize for what is sure to be a very long and very frustrated statement. But I’m dealing with a lot of shit rn (actually related to race and ableism specifically) but I wanted to respond because my ADHD ass will forget otherwise.
Okay. One, you say “he wouldn’t have hurt her.”
We, the audience, knows that. Ayo did not. What she knows is that the man before her was an assassin and sniper, even before he was captured and forced to kill by HYDRA. He was a WWII sniper and seemed to be quite skilled (I’m going to assume that’s one of the reasons HYDRA tried to experiment on him and picked him to he the winter soldier.) In any case, this newly reformed (and at the time, just barely reformed. As in, he was healed a month, maybe two months before the events of infinity war. So he’s been healed for a whopping seven months.) This newly reformed assassin, who had been the victim of either chemical or otherwise mental subjugation freed a terrorist from prison.
Not only did he free a terrorist from prison, he freed a terrorist that was obsessed with HYDRA. If any terrorist knew a back door to unlock the winter soldier again, it would be Baron Zemo, who knew each and every one of HYDRA’s secrets.
While Shuri is definitely brilliant, it’s entirely possible that HYDRA buried a safety within their “asset” just in case he was able to break his programming. It’s entirely possible that it was so well buried amongst the labyrinth that is the brain that even Shuri couldn’t find it. After all, Shuri isn’t a neuroscientist, and the brain is largely regarded as the final frontier. So it’s entirely possible that she missed buried programming.
So, we have a person that got rid of HYDRA’s programming seven months ago that just freed one of the only people on the planet that could have the information that could potentially reactivate the winter soldier. And THEN, we have a video of this man “acting” as the winter soldier in madripoor. This was uploaded on the internet and I’m assuming that Ayo saw it.
What proof does Ayo have that he won’t hurt her? That she won’t weaponize his arm and hurt her? What proof does she have that he’s not under Zemo’s control, that Zemo can’t control him in a second. The only thing she knows are that Bucky Barnes freed a terrorist that had access to all of HYDRA’s information, the terrorist appeared to control the winter soldier in madripoor, and it is entirely possible that there is buried programming designed to deactivate the winter soldier.
She deactivates it, realizes he’s fully in control of himself and says, “bast damn you, James.” As in, “fuck you for freeing a terrorist and acting like it isn’t a big deal. You are clearly acting on your own accord in this.”
And yes, it’s different being Black vs. being Brown. It isn’t to say that racism and ableism don’t intersect with Brown folks because obviously it does.
But l specifically asked for Black opinions bc of the demonization of Black folks, especially the trope of “big scary Black women” or “big scary Black men.”
It’s ironic I see this today when I have a story that is so relevant and anger inducing.
I work with white parents of Black children, usually through adoption since I work primarily with lgbt parents, but I do have some cis het white parents raising Black biological kids. One of the parents and friends got into it today because her autistic Black child got into it with their sibling (also disabled). The sibling intentionally triggered their older sibling and punched them and it escalated to the point where the bigger sibling finally reacted and shoved the younger sibling. It broke the younger kid’s glasses. The youngest is legally blind and needs very expensive and specific prescription classes to even have 20/40 vision.
The mom called the police on her child and the kid was arrested and charged. She is 15. Mom described the kid as aggressive and awful and terrible and all sorts of names. A ww called the police on her Black 15 year old child having a meltdown. And she played into stereotypes that Black people, Black women, are aggressive/scary/angry. A ww could’ve gotten her child killed for having a meltdown because she broke a white child’s disability aid.)
A ww couldve gotten her child killed because she played into anti-Black stereotypes. That white people need protection from them. Even when the white child was initially the aggressor in the scenario.
Sure, it’s different, but it plays to the same stereotypes. Poor white disabled person needs protection from the aggressive scary Black person, and we’re just going to assume that the Black person was being unnecessarily aggressive because it plays into all of the stereotypes about Black people. No, there’s no way that this Black person was making a decision based on a series of evidence that could point to them genuinely being harmed.
(By the way, in the scenario of the two kids, I think they both needed help and support, and that the police shouldn’t have been called period.)
Nope, it’s just an aggressive Black person being ableist.
The same systems that have everyone seeing Bucky as a cute little uwu cinnamon roll in need of protection are what caused everyone to see Ayo as an aggressive ableist Black woman. White people usually get the benefit of the doubt. The best intentions are believed even when the evidence clearly says otherwise.
The evidence Ayo had indicated that she had no idea whether the winter soldier could’ve been reactivated and whether or not Bucky could’ve been under zemo’s control. She had no idea. None. She made a decision based off that information. And the fact that Bucky didn’t react strongly indicated that he was acting on his own accord.
Mayhaps, Ayo might even have been trying to trigger the winter soldier. I just thought of this but it makes sense. That the WS would react very defensively and even potentially deadly to that level of fighting, even if his previous orders were different.
In any case, this situation isn’t comparable to every day disabled people because our disability aids to not double as weapons. Most people can’t do more harm with a prosthetic limb than they can with a regular limb. Bucky can. Bucky’s arm is also a weapon and that fact complicates matters considerably. If bucky’s arm were simply a regular arm with typical strength, it’d be a no brainer situation. But it’s not. We don’t know the wakanda enhancements of his arms, but we know in the comics, he could kill with a single punch using his arm. He uses his arm tactically to map his surroundings. He uses his arm to send off EMPs that can disabled weaponry. It even has a retractable blade for close combat. It is a disability aid that it also a weapon. It was designed to be a weapon. The normal conversations around disability aids don’t fit it because no one today has a disability aid that could kill someone in seconds and even cause larger scale damage with a targeted EMP.
And finally, I want to say this, I am truly sorry that you had a panic attack while watching the episode. That is never fair and it’s never fun to be triggered by television shows.
I do hope this helped to better explain and clarify my perspective.
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not me who read the lil bit of info you posted on ashlin as protagonist and not antagonist and thought ‘OOH she sounds rly cool’ anyways!!! your new wip 👀 i am looking. i’m curious about theo and squish, do you have any info on them you’d like to share? 👀 [@fiercely-raging-writer]
Sorry, that was really agressive, but you just happened to ask about my favorite characters!!!
I'll start with Theo, because I love them and they're easier to explain, asjdakjds. Theo (they/them) is a neurodivergent enby healer. They're Autistic and have ADHD, and they're very passionate about helping people and animals. They're a talented healer, and they wind up saving Ashlin's stubborn ass in Book 2 (yes, this is a duology!!). They literally bounce up and down when excited, and have poor volume control. (People often tell them they are too loud, but when they get excited, they get loud, and what they think of as quiet is apprently most people's "medium".) They also flap their hands when stressed or upset, and bite their nails. They almost never have any nails to speak of. They tend to ramble alot, and people often have to remind them to get to the point, which is fine sometimes, but not when you're anxiously waiting to see if your loved one is going to live or die. They love animals and will baby-talk to any animal they meet. They will also stop whatever they're doing to pet an animal, so for this reason (and no other, lmao), no animals are allowed in their surgery room.
They are probably the closest thing to a self-insert, since nealry all of their ADHD/Autistic tendencies are things they have in common with me. They are me if I was enby, lived in a fantasy world, and was a doctor.
I'll talk about Squish under the cut.
Squish is a slug.
No, I'm not kidding. She's a magic slug. She's about 18 inches long, pale yellow, and she sticks to things. She has antennae where a sluf would have eyestalks, but her eyes are on her main body, around the head area.
She communicated via chirps and squeaks. She chirps when she's happy or excited, and squeaks as general conversation. She tends to squeak when she hears her own name (like "yes? hello!"), and when she hears Dorian or Ash's names. (She's a bit like a dog (or cat or horse or any animal, really) in that she understands a few words, and will react to them!)
She joins their little party by accident. Squish is going to be used in a magical ritual of some sort, and Dorian fears she's going to get hurt or die if it happens. And while he and Ash are on the run from the people/person who plan on doing that ritual, they snatch Squish and go. Dorian just yells at Ash to grab her, and they do, but they only do it because they think she's useful.
But because Ash is the one who physically saved her from danger, and carried her while they were escaping, Squish imprints herself on Ash and won't leave their side. She tries to get rid of the slug multiple times, but it doesn't work. Ash is getting annoyed, but Dorian thinks the whole thing is hysterical.
Eventually, Ash excepts her fate a Protector of the Slug and they name her Squish. She likes to ride on their shoulders or in Dorian's bag.
Also, she hates to be left alone. If she gets worried enough, she might scream. Oh, yeah, she screams. It's a very loud, piercing shriek, and she doesn't seem to need to breathe during it.
And she also changes colors to show her mood. Bright yellow is happy, dull brown is sick or very sad, etc. She also perks or droops her antennae to show if she's happy or sad. And she purrs when Dorian pets her. (Ash thinks it's weird to pet a slug until she ccatches herslef doing it by accident.)
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Hey, I saw your Monster High AU character designs and saw you made Emile an alien and also made him autistically coded. Was that intentional? /gen
It's a really cool idea, and I love the fact that he's from another planet, but coding him as autistic feel a little iffy to me as an autistic person.
Not saying you should, like, change him or anything. I really like the idea, I think there's a lot you could do with it. (/gen) I'm more just letting you know that the stereotype of an alien character being autistically coded can be harmful if handled incorrectly.
But on a more positive note I love the character designs, and love the wheelchair rep with Remy. All in all it's a super cool AU and I hope my saying something about Emile doesn't douse your passion because I really do like this concept. /gen
Yes that was intentiona, and yes I fully understand the iffy implications of this.
I actually knew about this before i even made the au or came up with his design, so i asked my irl autistic friend and my other friend whos not autistic but is very very active in the autistic community about it, as well as checking to see if there was a negative history of autistic people being portrayed as aliens in media.
They said as long as i didnt make him a stereotype it would be fine so i took their advice, and i think something important to note about this au is that picani is not the only disabled/neurodivergent character, in fact most if not all of the monsters are.
I actually chose to make him autistic and an alien because in my research i found autistic people will sometimes liken their expereince to feeling like an alien among humans, which i totally get as a person with adhd.
I also tried my best to not make him stereotypical, he's not a emotionless robot kind of alien or the kind of "oooh hes so unique and special isnt he magical how he sees the world differently look at the poor baby he doesnt understand a thing" because i know both of those are things autistic people are stereotyped as.
I actually didn't even make him stim with handflapping because i realized there's far too many autistic characters who stimm that way and i wanted to show different ways he could.
Picani is his own monster with moments of ignorance and briliance and treated with respect like every other characte, he does have times where he doesnt understand social norms or basic things and some times those are used for comedy but he also is trying very hard to learn and has tools to help him, just like alot of autistic people.
I am being careful and doing my research with him to make him his own monster like everyone else in this au, i promise you, i don't wanna half ass this.
If i offend you at any point with his portrayal or with any of the disabled characters i am very open to criticism, and will glady improve them and deeply apologize in advance.
I hope this clarified my intentions, i'm kind of bad at explaining things.
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yandereaffections · 4 years
Masterlist 4 in order: Continuation of Marvel, My Hero Academia, Mystic Messenger, Nameless: the one thing you must recall, Ouran High School Host Club
1st master list
2nd master list
3rd master list
5th master list
6th master list
7th master list
Continuation of Marvel
Tony Stark-
“I sent you more gifts! do you like them?!
NS FW headcannons
Sugar Daddy
NS FW Alphabet
S/o getting attention to the constant attention he attracts
Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
Cold in Public yet Cuddly in Private
Pushover S/o
Tsundere S/o
Jealous of the amount of attention Steves giving S/o
The Purge
Plus size Lingerie model S/o
“How else would they know you belonged to me?”
“its like you were made for me”
S/o who doesnt mind his Yandere tendencies
S/o has a high Sex Drive NS FW
Jealous Tony
Finding a kitten
Shy/Book-wormy S/o
Valentines Day
Stephen Strange vs Tony Stark
S/os first relationship
Nerdy S/o
Poor yet incredibly Sweet S/o
S/os First Time NS FW
S/o not wanting anything to do with Tony
Touchy S/o Hiding behind him
Zombie Apocalypse
Sugar Daddy to a Male College student S/o
Corruption NS FW
Single Parent S/o
Learning S/o has Terminal Heart Cancer
S/o with a Prosthetic Leg
Cute S/o that listens to Death Metal
Drawing Tony in a maid outfit
Blind S/o
Vampire S/o
S/o who shuts down after kidnapping
Yandere S/o protecting their Love interest
Punishing S/o who tried to escape
Artist S/o
S/o who can see ghosts
Suicidal S/o TW
“Hey demons its ya boy”
Making Halloween costumes
Poly Naga Stephen+Tony
Tonys Type
Hunted Down
S/o having a delayed reaction to being Kidnapped
Injured S/o 
S/o being hit on by Quentin Beck
Cyber stalking 
S/os in the military 
Crush thinking his Flirts are only jokes
Losing S/o to the Snap
Comforting S/o after a bad day
Strong Kick ass S/o
Not knowing S/o immortal, watching them get stabbed
S/o loving DIY stuff
Finding out S/o been begging to Jarvis to help them escape
S/o secretly making robo stuff
S/o having inhuman strength 
terrorist S/o
S/o calling ptsd “spicy nostalgia”
Submissive tony NS FW
Tonys s/o phasing through security after being kidnapped
Life Threatening Situation
Male S/o is a single parent
Modest S/o wont let him spoil them
S/o in a depressive episode
What kind of gifts does he buy his darling
How he shows affection
dealing with competing suitors
Proposal HC
Vampire Tony Hunted down
Incubus Tony
Natasha Romanoff-
Dealing with competition
Wanda vs Natasha
“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that” NS FW
NS FW headcannons
Bucky vs Natasha
S/o whos not into girls
Hunted Down
S/o Disobeying
Avenger S/o
Choosing S/os Clothes
Shy s/o
Wanda Maximoff-
Wanda vs Natasha
NS FW headcannons
Bisexual S/o
Vampire Wanda
ADHD & Autistic S/o
S/o who runs away
Nick Fury-
Shy and Quiet S/o
Bruce Banner-
Being able to control his emotions
Hela Odison-
Carol Danvers-
Powerful S/o
Single parent s/o
Oblivious S/o
Oblivious S/o is getting flirted with
Hunted down
My Hero Academia-
Izuku Midoriya (Deku)-
Coming home covered in blood begging for love
“if you dont love me ill kill myself”
NS FW alphabet
Deku vs Bakugo
Naga Izuku
Submissive NS FW
S/o who is clingy during their period
Kidnapped S/o giving up
Naga Izuku NS FW
Jealous S/o leaving hickeys all over him
College Roomate
Siren Izuku w/ Lost at sea S/o
S/o w/ Psychedelic quirk
Poly Uraraka/Deku w/ a S/o who loves to Knit
S/o w/ a Angelic quirk
Not letting anyone else touch his S/o
Poly Nage Deku/Bakugo w/ Harpy S/o
Naga Izuku w/ Crush whos terrified of snakes
S/o who is tired all the time
The Purge + Blind S/o
Poly Uraraka/Deku HC
Nurse S/o
Tough S/o using her quirk to play with kids
S/o who loves his fluffy hair
Bakugo + Izuku with a S/o whos Quirk ends up hurting them
Dating Aizawas daughter
“hows the weather up there?”
Villain Deku trying to supply his vampire s/o with his blood
Darlings whos accidently morbid and creepy
Finding Crush s/o crying cause they were rejected by someone else
Gifting him an actual heart in a jar for Valentines 
Yandere Alphabet: B,D,H,M,O
Villain Deku Headcannons
Comforting S/o who is upset over a character design change
Goth Darling who melts at affection
Comforting S/o who feels objectified 
Poly Deku & Uraraka Headcannons
S/o who cant kiss directly in fear of eye contact
Darling attracting butterflies to them with their blood
Kidnapped S/o breaking down in relief that they dont have to worry about school anymore
Kidnapped Darling demanding cuddles when coming home
S/o that demands affection
Darling who loves that love lolita fashion but broke
Praise Kink & Sugar Mommy S/o NS FW
Poly Kirideku
S/o wearing a lolita dress inspired by his hero outfit
Izuku Midoriya vs Peter Parker
S/o likes to be carried by him
S/o escapes only to come back with fast food
S/o saying "Yo! Guess what I found!!" with a arrow in their shoulder
S/o who jokes they're basically a acrow with anxiety cause they love shiny
"Why would you want me? You could have anyone you wanted" 
Bakugo Katsuki-
Deku vs Bakugo
Shut in S/o
S/o who has low self esteem due to family
S/o whose friends are affectionate
S/o Practicing their Love Confession with Deku
Accidentally hurting S/os feelings
Unknowingly kidnapping Vampire S/o
Liking Naga Bakugos punishments
Poly Nage Deku/Bakugo w/ Harpy S/o 
Werewolf Bakugo protecting his mate
S/o whose parents dont let them have more than the minimum
S/o does illegal quirk cage battles
S/o Revealing her Healing quirk 
Tall darling with low self esteem
Parents not supporting S/o after Winning tournament 
Quiet crush Kabedoning him
S/o who can beat his ass
Bakugo + Izuku with a S/o whos Quirk ends up hurting them
S/o has a ‘villainous’ quirk 
Kidnapped darling ignoring him
Naga Bakugo/Hunted down
Darling confessing to him first
Only being soft for his S/o
Villain Darling
S/o who’s the polar opposite of him
Finding his missing  kidnapped S/o in his bed
Kidnapped darling loving him back
S/o who spars cause they want to be pinned
Accidently hurting a low self esteem reader
Bat quirked reader
Aizawa Shouta-
Werewolf Aizawa + Breeding NS FW
Depressed S/o
Feral NS FW
Villain S/o
The Purge 
Incubus NS FW
Poly Incubus EraserMic w/ S/o NS FW
Vampire S/o
Demon Aizawa w/ angel s/o
Life Threatening situation
S/o being forced to be a Villain cause their family is that way
Werewolf Aizawa
S/o who relaxes when he plays with their hair
Thicc S/o
S/o who loves cats just as much as him
Making him jealous from giving all your attention to cats
Cuddling HC
Hawks kidnapping Aizawas S/O prt 2 (prt one on Hawks section)
Shinso dating Aizawas child
Cat like S/o
Stalking celerity S/o
S/o with daddy issues
S/o w/ a Bear quirk
Taking care of his new child
Neko s/o going into heat NS FW
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,E,L,W 
Student reader turns out to be the UA Traitor 
Finding his S/o tangled in his scarf
S/os personality changes around animals 
Stalker Headcannons
Finding out crush sleeps with a eraser head plushie
Tall S/o that pulls him into their chest in every hug
Aizawa falling for a MILF S/o
S/o who was rejected at first before Aizawa fell for them
Ropework NS FW
Favorite Position & Breeding kink NS FW
S/o avoiding him cause they think theyre annoying
Presentation Michael-
Poly Incubus EraserMic w/ S/o NS FW 
Todoroki Shoto-
NS FW alphabet
Jealous Todoroki
Yandere Crush
Kidnapping Tourist S/o
“You’ve already made me a victim, no need to make me a liar too”
Naga Todoroki
Yakuza Leader S/o attempting to send a hit on his father
Orgasm control, BDSM NS FW
S/o who wants to be a Manga artist more than a hero
Sick Darling
S/o whos clingy during their period
Yandere Alphabet: C,E,K,W
Falling for S/o HC
Villain Shoto w/ civilian crush
Villain Shoto w/ villain crush
Engulfing him in a hug after a battle happy hes ok
S/o doesnt speak the same language
Tsuyu Asui-
S/o’s a fan of hers
Hitoshi Shinso-
Siren Hitoshi using his voice to make S/o take their swimsuit off
Naga Hitoshi
Shinso dating Aizawas child
How he would treat you
Dabi Todoroki-
S/o who’s unfazed by Dabis appearance
NON-CON + Incubus Dabi NS FW TW
End of the world + Breeding NS FW
Innocent Baby sitter crush
Witch S/o
Poly Incubus Dabi/Hawks w/ S/o NS FW
S/o with healing tears family constantly makes them cry
Freedom HC
Stealing his drugged crush after a dental surgery 
socially awkward and anxious s/o
another social anxiety s/o HC
Celebrating S/os Birthday
Commenting he should visit his mother more
Gentle darling S/o
S/os in a loveless quirk marriage 
Loner S/o
Fluff HCs
S/o who has a cruel family
S/o whos so scared of dadi they cry anytime he gets near
Kidnapping his S/o
Shigaraki Tomura-
Buff s/o who’s actually a softie
someone hurting his darling right infront of him
Younger sister reader
S/o also has skin problems
Affectionate and loving darling
S/o who only allows him to touch them
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,H,I
S/o w/ a quirk similar to his own
Sick darling
Proposing to him
Finding out S/o is his favorite streamer
Peaceful S/o who hates violence 
Favorite Position NS FW
Praise/Body Worship NS FW
S/o who looking at him with motherly loving eyes
Breaking down and coming to him for comfort
Gentle darling
S/o saying he takes away their emotional pain
naive and trusting darling
 “Do I need to remind you what happened last time you acted out? Because I will if you keep pushing me.”
Someone trying to save kidnapped S/o
Kirishima Eijirou-
Fluff HC
S/o who acts tough but is actually really soft
Finding his S/o fighting Bakugou
Poly Kirideku
Getting jealous over how you treat your friend
Momo Yaoyorozu-
S/o Spoiling her
S/o wants more stuffed animals but already has a bed full of them
Uraraka Ochako-
Poly Uraraka/Deku w/ a S/o who loves to Knit
Poly Uraraka/Deku HC 
More Poly Deku & Uraraka Headcannons
Tamaki Amajiki-
S/o isnt bothered with being kidnapped
S/o whos on their period
Tamaki + Mirio Poly HC
S/o also has Anxiety 
Kidnapped s/o insisting on a movie night
S/o is something like the mom of 1A
Seeing his darling is stabbed yet calm about it
Sugar Daddy & One thing that would instantly turn them on NS FW
Coming home to S/o and their collapsed pillow fort
S/o who loves to cook
Gifting him butterfly hairclips
Hearing S/o saying "Do you have Five wilting Cabbage Leaves instead of a Brain?" to another that tried asking them out
Kidnapped S/o who just stands there after breaking out of captivity
Tamaki + Mirio Poly HC 
Accidentally bumping into Blind darling
S/o who likes cats but hes a dog person
S/o who has a god level quirk but is a dumbass
How his yandere tendencies are affected by losing his quirk
Darling flirting with other people
Bear quirk S/o
S/o missing school cause they got hurt while fighting a villain 
S/o whos soft with Eri
Pregnant S/o who doesnt want to keep them
Rival s/o whos mad at him for taking their spot in the Big Three
Wooing a introvert darling
Villain Mirio
S/os boyfriend left her pregnant 
Equally clingy S/o
S/o with wings
Cottagecore S/o
S/o with a symbiote quirk
Cat Quirk reader
S/o having a depressive episode
Quirkless S/o whos afraid of heights
Cockwarming and creampieing NS FW
S/o who loves the petname ‘kitten’
Hawks Bird habits HC
Soft S/o getting pissed and yelling in Spanish
Bathing with him
S/o likes it rough slightly NS FW
Breeding/Heat HC NS FW
Using his Feathers as a form of bondage NS FW
Finding out his S/o is pregnant 
Kidnapped S/o whos chill as long as they have games
S/o whos dependent and clingy feels like he they dont deserve him 
Celebrating Halloween
S/o dressing up as him for Halloween
Villain Hawks
Poly Incubus Dabi/Hawks w/ S/o NS FW 
Comforting S/o whose friend started ignoring them suddenly
Falling for a different heros S/o
Breeding season NS FW
Hawks kidnapping Aizawas S/o (prt 2 on Aizawas section)
Almost forcing his Vegan S/o to eat meat
Wings HC
Raising a child
Vegan darling HC
Dealing with s/os teacher who doesnt treat them right
Extra Heat HC NS FW
Raising a teenage child
Darling who has separation anxiety
Soft S/o whos tall and buff
Feral Headcannons
Shy, Awkward reader
Bat quirk S/o
Miruko & Hawks x reader Headcannons
Preening S/os wings
Male S/o First Time & Corruption NS FW 
S/o who has self harm scars on their legs TW
S/os scared of birds
Hero s/o hates the hero commissions
S/o has a affectionate pet bird thats a little shit to keigo
S/o who has a body pillow of him
Trying to get him on a normal date
Virgin S/o NS FW
S/o whose power ultimately harms them
Darling ends up pregnant because of him
raising a child
S/o is as much of a clean freak as he is
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,I,K,W
Calling him a crow because of his looks
Escaping with Eri
S/o is a escape artist
Naga Overhaul
S/o scared theyll get zapped if they touch him
S/o who loves affection but is shy about PDA
Using him as a shield against socializing with others 
Finding out S/o is Kirishimas sibling
S/o who isnt given gifts often
Using his quirk during sex NS FW
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,J,W
S/o who loves him just as much
Would denki hurt anyone or punish his S/o
Darling confessing their love to him
Yandere Alphabet: A,K,S,R,T
Finding out S/o goes out to feed cats with Aizawa and Shinsou
S/o going out of their way to spend time with them
Cuddling HC
Crush is Bakugos sister
Finding out S/o wonders out at night
Jealous HC
S/o who also has a animal quirk
Chubby S/o
Miruko & Hawks x reader Headcannons
Mina Ashido-
Inko Midoriya-
Introducing deku to their new sibling w/ s/o
Lingerie & Bodyworship NS FW
Average day with her
Haunted house
Rei Todoroki-
Soft and quiet darling
Foreplay Headcannons NS FW
Introducing her new child w/ s/o
Calm S/o yelling for the first time
Protective S/o
Mystic Messenger:
Saeyoung Choi (707)-
NS FW alphabet
Hunted Down
Angry 707
NS FW Headcannons
Yoosung Kim-
Vampire S/o
Jumin Han-
Vampire Jumin turing over his S/o
“Just tell me their name and ill make this all better”
NS FW headcannons
Agoraphobic S/o
Naga V
Nameless, the one thing you must recall:
Life Threatening Situations
“i saw you talking to them, Back off their mine”
Oran Highschool Host Club:
Tamaki Suoh-
S/o who only wears the same jeans
Finally being in a Relationship with S/o
Attempting to break up with him
Celebrating S/os birthday
Bakery owner Crush isnt interested
Deal with a down on her luck singer
Sweet tooth S/o
Book loving S/o
Honey Mitsukuni-
S/o collects Stuffed animals
Crush isnt into young men
S/o fears men
Mori Takashi-
Werewolf Takashi
Dancer S/o
Book loving S/o
S/o asking to be spoiled
Taking S/os cat
S/o crying because on knee and back pain
Hikaru Hitachiin-
Poly Headcannons
Kaoru Hitachiin-
Poly headcannons
Homeless Crush
Falling for Haruhis childhood friend
Werewolf S/o trapped
S/os afraid of girls so they cross dress
relationship Headcannons
Kyoya Otoori-
Future wife disappears before wedding
Bullied S/o
Darlings a MMA Fighter
Werewolf/Hunted down
S/o related to Honey senpai
Darling threatening to fight the sun after getting a sun burn
Tamaki trying to help Haruhis clueless S/o on romance
Crushing on Haruhi but wanting to hide her gender
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photoeyestuff · 2 years
Time to word vomit cause I'm going insane and a girl is completely destroying my brain. My cold ass heart is pounding 24/7 now and I don't get it. I struggle with emotions cause... Hi hello I'm autistic and people need to almost slap me in the face with their emotions for me to get it and this girl ain't doing that but at the same time is... Aaaahhhrg! Help meh! I don't get it! I like her a lot... I love her I think... I've been crushing on her for years but never made a move cause I respect boundaries and I thought she wasn't into me. She had rejected me once cause someone decided to make a move for me cause I "was too much of a pussy to do anything", people please don't do that, it's not funny and it couldn't make things way too hard for people who aren't neurotypical. Anyway... Turns out she's into me now! I'm sooo happy but also suffering a lot cause I'm far away for now and it hurts cause I'm not with her but also I'm stressing cause I'm afraid I'll freeze when I'm with her cause physical touch it's hard for me... It's the first time in my life I'm craving someone's touch... And sex! Wtf?! I've been avoiding sex like it's the plague for my entire life but now I want it! I have no idea what's going on :')
I'm 26, I'm supposed to have this shit figured out and it's frustrating cause I feel like a kid that doesn't know shit. I'm life smart cause I was forced to be. I'm amazing at fast thinking for trouble solving cause my life is a mess and my family loves to give me trauma and shit to solve but in terms of healthy relationships and emotional stuff I has the dumb. This girl is amazing and the healthy way she treats me is a completely new thing for me and I'm struggling.
My poor journal heard that and way more but hey, it's cheaper than therapy and I have no money for therapy even though I really need it. My adhd meds take all my money away and I can't survive without said meds so... Yeah... Let's see if I can figure this out by myself. She can't know about this struggle. I need to be strong for her. I'm the "I'm fine. This is nothing. I'm okay. Nothing bothers me" type of person.
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clearsky · 4 years
My Top Comfort Characters/Kins and My Main HCs For Them
(Note, not all my kins/comfort characters are on here, just the ones I have more than 5 hcs for)
CW: Korekiyo Shinguji (DRV3), Himiko Yumeno (DRV3), Shinsou Hitoshi (BNHA), Kyoko Kirigiri (THH), Tsuyu Asui (BNHA), Entrapta (Spop), Ibuki Mioda (SDR2), Celestia Ludenberg (THH), Funtime Foxy (FNAF), Peril (WOF)
Korekiyo Shinguji (DRV3)
He/They pronouns
Chains and loose accessories are for stimming
Likes the feeling of silk and cotton
Can't stand the feeling of anything rough or bumpy
He likes collecting small trinkets and the bones of small mammals
Can't stand anything salty. He'll eat it but he certainly won't enjoy it
Dating Rantaro
Can flirt, but only if he doesn't try
Petnames are a hell yea
Gets sunburnt really easily
Group dates with Celesnaegiri and Ikuzono
Can't cook for s h i t
Had a scene kid phase in middle school
Went to the same middle school as Celeste and Maki
Knew them when Celeste went through her "I'm not like other girls" phase and Maki was a Band Kid™
Himiko Yumeno (DRV3)
She/Her pronouns
Can force herself to fall asleep within seconds regardless of where she is
100% forces herself to fall asleep when she doesn't wanna listen/talk to someone
Himiko/Angie/Tenko relationship. I'm calling them the Traffic Light Trio
She likes taking naps in the forest
She prefers enclosed/tight spaces more than open ones
Has several hundred stress balls and squishies laying around
She overheats easy
Shinsou Hitoshi (BNHA)
Questioning his gender, but goes by any pronouns
Knows he's Asexual, at least
Has no clue what his romantic orientation is though
The kind of person to carry treats in his pocket just in case he runs into a cat
Will stop to pet literally every cat he comes across
Great at reading people
Doesn't talk unless it's 100% needed
Hangs with Tokoyami, Jirou, and Denki most often
Aizawa has 100% unofficially adopted him
Fosters kittens
Not a big fan of physical touch
He is 100% in the bakusquad. Anyone who says he's in the Dekusquad is a c o w a r d
He and Tsuyu vibe
Knows a bunch of random facts
Dark humour? Dark humour
*skates backwards into his therapist's room slowly sipping from an absurdly huge cup of coffee* Candice you're not gonna BELIEVE the shit I just went through
In case I forgot to mention it, he skates
Kyoko Kirigiri (THH)
Bi with female preference
Burns go up to her shoulders/collarbone/chest
Prefers to just listen as opposed to saying anything
Knows a ton of random trivia about everyone else in her class
She keeps a notebook she fills with all the trivia
Doesn't celebrate her birthday. She just doesn't see the point of it
Doesn't hate sugar/sweets, but if given the choice she would choose literally everything else
Cuts her own hair
A cat person
Permanent dark circles
T-Tall 😳
Like,,, 6'1 at LEAST
Only person taller than her is Yasuhiro (6'3)
Canon no longer exist
Ahahaha healthy life habits? What are those?
Can't handle horror games
She's the kind of person you'd go to if you needed to rant but didn't want any advice
Polyamourous yo
She's a dom yall are just scared to admit it
Tsuyu Asui (BNHA)
They go by They/Them
They and Ochaco are dating
They like to hang with Shinsou
Which mainly just means the two sitting in one of their dorms in near total silence doing whatever
Can speak English and French as well as Japanese
Learned English from cartoons
Picked up French bc they thought it'd be fun
Prefers to stay neutral in the whole Bakusquad / Dekusquad thing
They're invited to all outings/events by/for both squads
They like puns
They're a dumbass but willingly, and for fun
Like "someone says they like dark humour and they'll turn off the lights before telling a joke" kind dumbass for fun
Great at poker
Likes Disney Movies
Very touchy once you get close enough
Not in a sexual way, just likes physical contact
Especially fond of piggyback rides and cuddles
Extreme fear of needles
Entrapta (She-Ra)
She/Her or It/Its
Doesn't bother trying to figure out whether she's cis, trans, nonbinary, or what
Was AMAB though
Short as fuck (4'7)
Strong as fuck though
Cuddle game strong
Physical touch is a fuck yes
Piggyback rides
Anything where she's touching someone is wonderful in her book
As long as she's the one that initiates it
Anyone else touching her without her permission makes her freak
Prefers being high up
Makes it harder for anyone to sneak up on her
An ace at video games
When it comes to sexuality she just says she's Questioning
Ibuki Mioda (SDR2)
Any pronouns + Pup/Pupself + It/Its
No idea what their gender is otherwise
Biromantic Asexual
Just likes sexual jokes
Gets distracted easily
Has severe hearing problems
She's plays her instruments as loud as possible, with the amp right next to her, without ANY ear protection
It's caused some damage
She talks so loud bc she has no idea how loud is considered acceptable
Wears hearings aids most of the time
Several piercings and tattoos
Likes hearing things jingle
She has a bracelet with a few bells hanging from it
She'll shake it whenever she's bored
LOVES hair accessories
Ribbons are a particular favourite
Occasionally she'll hang little charms from her hair "horns"
The kind of person who never takes any pills/medicine bc she keeps forgetting she has to
Frequently uses emojis
Skates everywhere but she isn't very good at it
She keeps crashing into everything
Has broken every bone in her body at least 3 times
Most of which was bc she keeps trying to kick in doors and skating down the stairs
Celestia Ludenberg (THH)
Any pronouns, mainly goes by She/They
Bi, 70:30
Collects mini hand sanitizers and can tabs
Has single handedly gotten Mario Kart, Mario Party, Monopoly, Uno, and Clue banned a grand total of 17 times (and counting)
The kind of person to purposefully target someone regardless of what game was being played
Favourite victim is Byakuya (bc he gets so upset about it and she finds that hilarious)
Mains Waluigi
Has several banned Twitter accounts bc whenever she's bored she'll start discourse on purpose
Hangs with Korekiyo, Ibuki, Byakuya, Yasuhiro, and Leon most often
It's a weird friend group but everyone's sorta gotten used to it
She and Byakuya gamble together occasionally
She tries to avoid it bc he'll willingly blow his entire fortune in an attempt to beat her
Can't stand the feeling of water
Mainly bc she can't swim for shit
Horror movies? Hates them
Gets flustered super easily
Taka is her twin brother
Kotoko, Kokichi, and Gundham are their half siblings (Same father)
Peko and Toko are their cousins
She sucks ass at go fish
Fuck canon she's 4'11 now
C h u b b y
Once she gets comfortable enough with herself she dyes her hair in the peekaboo style
Either black and red or black and blonde
Haven't decided yet
I'll be doing Celesnaegiri hcs as a seperate post but I just feel it's important for you to know that she expresses her affection verbally and is a very touchy person
Went to middle school with Maki and Korekiyo
Has horrible eyesight
She wears contacts most of the time but she always puts off buying more
After the 5th or so time she ended up blindly stumbling around a week after her contacts ran out Kyoko convinced her to buy glasses as well
Religious accessories yo
Like chokers and dangly earrings with crosses and pentagrams and shit
Likes wearing wacky earrings
Can run and do all sorts of tricks in heels
She and Mukuro are exes yo
Keeps her hair short so it's easier to manage
Hair never gets longer than her shoulders if she can help it
She seems like the kind of person who'd keep her bangs grown past her eyes regardless of how frustrating or inconvenient it is
She's a sub yall just don't wanna admit it
Funtime Foxy (FNAF)
I'm going on the record to say this
Funtime Foxy is genderfluid and that is that
Goes by Funtime
Any pronouns, They/Them most commonly
Plays music (keyboard and guitar mainly)
They and Funtime Freddy (Freds) mainly play with the kids
Freds mainly tells stories with Bonbon while Funtime more so plays one-on-one
Has nicknames for everyone
Circus Baby - Ringleader
Ballora - Bells
Funtime Freddy - Partner
Bon Bon - Bun
Peril (WOF)
I like both Nonbinary She/They Peril and Mtf She/Her Peril
They're both such good concepts
She's a lesbian, Harold
She only had a crush on Clay bc he was pretty much everything she was supposed to like in a guy
Gimme a moment while I force all my mental disorders onto this poor child
Autistic, Anxiety (Social anxiety, mainly, but she has most types), Adhd, PTSD
I'd like to reiterate yet again that She's a lesbian
Sunny and Glory were her gay awakening
Peril in Book 1: Damn, Sunny and Glory sure are pretty. Anyone would be lucky to date them. Clay would probably go for them over me. He would be stupid if he didn't. I myself would willingly date them over someone like me. They're just so pretty :(
Peril waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of arc 2: WAIT-
Rarepair alert but Peril/Sora
Peril meeting Sora: "Hmmm She's attractive. I would love to date her. Too bad I'm straight and in love with her brother lmao :P"
Peril, a mere month later, waiting for Ruby to leave Jade Mountain, pacing in her cave, running face first into a wall: WAIT-
I remember reading this one amazing story where Sora taught Peril to read/write and Peril found out she set off the bomb and comforted her/convinced her her run so that's canon now
Btw if anyone can remember what that story was called/what platform it was on and could tell me I'd appreciate it very much
I'd even be willing to draw a character of your's or make you an icon or something
I usually don't accept requests bc I get burnt out easy but this is a special case
She runs into Sora again sometime between the beginning of TOP and the end
I like to imagine she just goes wandering around
Anyway she confesses like a mere few minutes after running into her again bc Peril is just subtle like that
The actual confession takes 15 minutes and the entire time Sora is just sitting here like "👁👄👁 sure"
Bam Peril/Sora
Peril plans to keep it a secret for a little while longer but she spends 3 seconds around Clay and pretty much blurts it out
Clay, who wasn't even aware that Peril was a lesbian, is just "👁👄👁"
I wanna say Clay doesn't know what a lesbian is but in my canon Sunny is a lesbian so Starflight has already told him
Anyway he's super supportive
From that point Peril is sorta open about her sexuality?
Like, she gives Clay permission to tell the rest of the D.O.D bc she isn't about to risk being in front of them when they hear the news
(When Sunny starts actively seeking her out as a hang out buddy and Tsunami, Glory, and Starflight appear to tolerate her presence just a bit more afterwards she pretends she isn't confused by the change)
She's pink, white, and blue bc I said so
If you look at a certain angle in the right lighting her eyes, mouth, fire, and under her scales all look purple
But her fire is normally white and blue bc I said so
Also she pale as fuck bc in my canon their fire just sorta burns their colour away
You know how you leave something outside for too long and it gets sunbleached? Where it gets all washed out?
Like that but more extreme
By the age of 10-12 firescale dragons are just white with pale eyes
That's right not even the eyes are safe
Ram horns :P
I'm also fond of Peril/Sunny
Or maybe Peril/Sora/Sunny
But Peril/Sora is the main thing
On the topic of that bringing in my hc that if one sib in a sib group is fire resistant all of them are
She,,, She can change her scale colour
But only slightly and only if her emotions are strong enough
Bc I don't give a fuck about Darkstalker's scroll we were robbed of hybrid Peril
Unfortunately all of Peril's emotions are strong
Rainwing ruff along her head and neck
It's like a hood
It's mainly smoothed to her sides but when she's startled it flares out
Y'all will know what those look like as soon as I get off my ass :P
She,,, She can mimic bird cries
Hates the summer
She has more than enough body heat already and the outside is just hot enough to add on and make her feel sick
She can somewhat control her heat but most of the time it's based on her emotions
It can go from standing-in-the-middle-of-a-burning-building-cant-see-your-nose-smoke-is-so-thick heat (Strong emotion) to Hey-thats-a-nice-cozy-campfire heat (Calm/"weak" emotion/Sleeping)
I'm just gonna make a different post with all my Peril hcs cuz there isnt enough room for all of them here
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