#help i think fanfics made me trans
avo-kat · 1 year
i was checking my drafts (for the irrational fear that there will be a bug that suddenly releases all your posts in draft; this has no basis on reality, so dont worry), and found this post from march 1st 2023.
its me working out that im definitely not trans:
dont mind me, im just sitting here and thinking out loud
me: oh im just a regular woman. not straight. but otherwise normal. thats all. :) [pre 2020]
me: hm actually. you know what? hmhm. something is up
me: no its fine. its time. i came out as lesbian to my friends! this is great. i love this. time to buy... lgbt merch. [around 2020]
me: what kind tho... hm.... somehow.... u know? normal rainbow stuff is fine, right?
me: hmmmm im not feeling so good actually??? [around 2021]
me: is that... u know what.... i think i may be.... non-binary? i thought this was only smth for kids but looking into it, huh, i guess so!
me: now i can wear more boy clothes. and walk a bit more masc. thats kinda fun. mens tank top. mens shorts. baseball cap. i feel awesome. hairy legs. hairy armpits. hell yeah!
me: but im just nb im not trans thats not being trans
me: i dont wanna intrude or take away or smth im just nb
me: im fine being the way i am no need to do hrt or anything really
me: and honestly, i dont wanna lose my identity as a queer woman!!! i love being a queer woman! well ok not a woman anymore but im still like, sapphic! that kinda thing!!! im deathly afraid of losing this part of my identity!
me: im super fine w my body and im fine staying this way and also being my agab at my job
me: besides im so cute now and id deffo look ugly as a guy
me: i dont even like guys that much so like come on
me: that one guy is giving me such gender envy. thats just 1 exception tho [around 2022]
me: i prefer he/they but im fine with all pronouns :)
me: i like it when ppl use male words for me. just makes me feel good. nothing else :)
me: (i have no dysphoria cuz im nb im not trans)
me: its cool im fine
me: hmmmmmmmmm
me: mhmhm eeeh
me: im not feeling so great again thats so weird....??? [late 2022/early 2023]
me: mhmhmhmhmh
me: oh look im growing facial hair
me: guess ill shave. thats annoying. kinda cool but annoying
me: oh wow i gotta shave more often huh thats so annoying
me: hm hair is growing more... actually... feels nice touching my hairy face kinda
me: oh well i gotta shave for work, so
me: ach. why does that feel unpleasant?
me: oh well. heh, if i were a man (im not tho), some things would be kinda fun!
me: if i were a guy. that would be fun. like. purely hypothetical, yknow?
me: like if i suddenly got the superpower to change my appearance. that would be sooo cool. just cuz.
me: wouldnt that be fun. it would. it would be so fun.
me: not trans tho
me: def not trans. i feel shaky and queasy just thinking of it. im not
me: just nb. im fine. im fine staying like this. like. im. im fine.
me: like sure im not like super comf
me: thats on me deciding not to be more gnc in public. yeah. it would be such a hassle
me: yeah. what if tho lol. can u imagine. god, telling my boss? no way man that wouldnt fly
me: and id be so ugly. im cute right now. and im not strong. or build. and im too fat. if i were to be a man id wanna be, like, hot, yknow? strong and sharp jawline. if i were to be guy. im not. i wouldnt. im not trans lol
me: lemme write this fanfic real quick. just smth self-indulgent. what if i woke up in the body of the main character of this shounen anime lol. id be a boy lol. like. id be a man. mans body lol. that be fun lol. and what if i managed to fall in love with that male character. wed be so gay together. haha. two guys. such a funny idea
me: .....................
me: like what if i got top surgery.
me: like, sure. a year ago i was scared of losing my boobs. like if i had breast cancer and had to remove them. id look so off. my body would look wrong. boobs are an important visual element.
me: but what if i got top surgery. like. i hate bras. i dont like them being touched much either honestly so i wouldnt really lose anything? it would be more comfy for me day to day. and while sleeping. so, honestly, only upsides?
me: ...what would i need, theoretically. hm. half a year of therapy? oh. yeah. no. im not trans. so. yeah.
me: ....................
me: like, what name would i even pick. idk. well doesnt matter. im not trans.
[new addition, july 2023] me: im trans :D
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also let's hear it for our [cam stone exists] entry being the only one (so far) of the 2 trans 2 furious zine to have an editor's note, hell yeah
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Never going to forget the time I made a fanfic that was omegaverse based & I was called transphobic since omegaverse is very transphobic according to them. (Omegaverse has helped me with my dysphoria so much especially on days I struggle with my body since I can't get surgery)
I'm a trans man, the person complaining is not trans. It's just very funny to see them throw a fit over me being transphobic while they send me basic death threats, In fairness they just think I'm some cis dude since I never call myself trans online but still, no one should be forced to out themselves publicly just to write fanfics without harassment lol
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saintjosie · 4 months
hi! no idea if you take asks like this but thought i'd try. i'm writing a transfem character in a fanfic (in canon they are a cis guy, i just headcanon her as trans), specifically about effects of estrogen. i'm doing a lot of research but i was wondering if there's anything specific you think would be important to know? ty in advance if you do answer! <3
oooh what a fun ask!
having recently taken a stab at writing some fanfic myself, i think the things that would be the most helpful are the things that are more anecdotal because i’d imagine those would be the things that would help get inside her head.
first, there’s a lot of stuff about some of the physical changes out there like softer skin, thinner body hair (but not necessarily less) boob growth, fat redistribution, changes to color perception, eyes and lips appearing bigger because of skin changes and fat redistribution etc. but also really important to writing a trans character is the pacing of the those changes.
the changes are slow. much much slower than most people want. there’s a specific frustration in the slowness because while some changes happen quickly, other take years. and also frustration in comparison. some people see changes within weeks or even days. some people don’t see anything for months or years.
in my own personal experience, everything happened FAST. within a few DAYS i had the beginnings of breast buds. within a few weeks skin had visibly softened and changed texture, especially on my face. but other things took more time. i didn’t really have real boobs until 2.5-3 years in, even though i saw other people with the same timeframe or shorter have much more breast development. the patience required can be excruciating but also the joy is overwhelming and it’s a constant cycle.
and another thing i don’t see talked about too much bc it’s hard to qualify and sometimes hard for some people to notice are the way i process emotions and the way i think about things. now HUGE caveat, some people will use this as a way to justify bio-essentialism and transmedicalism and so it’s very important to note that this is MY experience and uniquely interacts with my own journey.
when i started hrt, within a few hours of taking the first dose, i felt different. not physically, but almost as if there was a peace in my soul because my mind became less cloudy and i could differentiate my emotions more clearly. and i used to think this is because t-blockers means no t and no t means less angry but trans mascs would tell me that their experience with t is the same and not the opposite. i’ve now realized that kind of thinking was actually invalidating to trans mascs on t. and ive realized that its actually because testosterone didn’t feel right in my body and removing it from the equation helped me understand myself better. i had always experienced emotions in this way and my discomfort with my body had stopped me from understanding the complexity and nuance with how i was feeling.
and it took me YEARS to understand what had happened. and it happened alongside of being in therapy and a lot of personal growth. hrt was the catalyst but it was the effort i put into growth that made the difference.
if you have any more questions, i’d love to share more cause i think it would be fantastic if more people who were not trans fem would be able to write trans fem characters with substance, nuance, and complexity! it’s difficult but important and thank you for attempting to do so and approaching this with respect!
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butchbarneygumble · 2 months
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Imagine how I must feel as one of the only fans of Mighty Magiswords. You know. A headcanons-and-fanfic kind of fan. I even cosplayed Prohyas once.
Of course, it's nothing compared to what the actual victims went through... I'm fine. But it still felt like a part of my identity has been permanently soured. I don't want to seem like I somehow have it worse, that's not my intention. Nothing bad happened to me personally. I'm only posting my own side of how I deal with the situation, to get some closure myself and show solidarity with the victims.
I don't admire him anymore, and that's putting it lightly.
Full story under cut. Content warning for non-graphic discussion of csa.
The news came to me from my ex-but-still-friend. He told me privately, out of nowhere, just dropped it on me. Like, "Hey, sorry to tell you, but the guy you like got arrested for csa". However, I am glad he told me rather than me having to find out on my own.
The news hit me, and I felt nothing in my body. I usually would get this painful fight-or-flight all through my body whenever I read something that upset me, something I've been training myself to get better with. But right now? I just felt like... "huh. That happened." It helped a lot that Magiswords wasn't my fixation of the moment. And like... it's been like I've been slipping away from it. Like I didn't need it anymore.
More and more people were talking about him, and it wasn't positive. Who? Kyle.
I talked to him. Personally, like many people did. He never acted weird to me. I admired him. I loved his art, sent him physical fanart, all that stuff. I knew more than one person said he was not trustworthy but hey, he made a show that saved my life, so it was a constant struggle between feeling like I had to pick sides. I was going through hell by virtue of my dad being terminally sick and needing constant care, so I was gonna ignore the red flags and enjoy my silly sword show that brought me such joy.
Even if as time went on it started get harder and harder.
But you know what a certain depressed horse show said? When you're wearing rose coloured glasses, red flags just look like flags.
I now think dodged a bullet.
What emotions do I feel? Betrayal. Anger. Disgust. Disappointment.
The irony about it all. The sheer painful irony of blacklisting somebody for *drawings*, and then going behind everybody's back to actually hoard *actual* csa, and revenge porn, and all sorts of nasty stuff. For the record: there is nothing wrong with being put off or disgusted by specific sorts of drawings. But the irony here is what's most painful to me. I do not like people using this as a "gotcha" for either side of this tired argument. It's disrespectful to the actual victims.
People say I can easily seperate art from the artist if I want to but... right now I don't think I want to. He's in every pore of its identity. I do not want to talk or think about Magiswords right now, and I don't know if I ever will again.
It meant so much to me. Prohyas felt like Me. Being a goofy capable adult who doesn't stop collecting things he likes just cuz he's an adult. I thought I was trans for a while and the euphoria of relating to Prohyas helped that. Then he got lowkey confirmed nonbinary and I was over the moon.
It was good. Emphasis on "was".
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And to the man himself I have one thing to say: you're another one in a long history of cartoon artists who end up being unsavoury, slimy people, taking advantage of young people, especially girls, in the animation industry. Not something to be proud of. I know we talked and you seemed perfectly okay to me, personally. All I can think is thank god it never went beyond casual chats.
I guess I can finally say I never liked the joke about Vambre not liking pants. Sure, sensory issues exist, but I doubt that was the intention of the design. I have deleted my sideblog where I chronicled ooc screencaps of the show and deleted my little spotify playlist of songs that reminded me of the show. I don't want to finish my longfic where Prohyas and Flonk fell in love anymore. I can't even change it into ocs because it's just so ingrained in the show's lore. So yeah, there's that.
I'll be fine. When the news hit I took it surprisingly well. I was going to an Alestorm concert and it was the most fun I had in ages. So yeah, I've got Christopher Bowes and His Plate of Beans to fill the void of comedy music. Was fixating on Simpsons already so there's that in terms of cartoons. I'm fine.
All I can say is my heart goes out to all the victims, and I'm deeply sorry I didn't see you sooner. I hope you can heal and have some semblance of closure now that he's gotten arrested. My heart goes out to all of you and again, I am so so sorry. I wish you all the love and healing.
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artoatsblog · 9 months
What your favorite Nick toon says about you but it's EVERY Nick toon
Doug- When you were asked what you wanted for Christmas, you said "plan white bread."
Rugrats- You're a "90's kid" who wants the modern cartoon enjoyers to get off your lawn.
Hey Arnold-Same as Rugrats, but 5 time worse.
Rugrats (2021)- You only said this one to piss off the above two.
Ren & Stimpy- You're a gay man and all you OCs are ugly men who you need to kiss each other or else you'll die (This isn't an insult, you're the strongest member of our society.)
Rocko's modern life- You relate to at least one character way more than you would like to admit to others.
CatDog- Weird furry.
The angry beavers- Weird furry with taste.
Aaahh!!! Real monsters- You like the idea of Tim Burton's movies but your too cool to actually enjoy them, also your probably non-binary.
Kablam- As a kid you wanted to make something with this exact energy and now, you're a youtuber.
Oh Yeah! Cartoons- same as Kablam but you really miss Cosmo's old voice.
The wild Thornberry's- You worship the ground Tim Curry's walks on SO BAD.
Rocket power- Honest 90's kid.
SpongeBob SquarePants seasons 1-4- You're annoying about seasons 5+.
SpongeBob SquarePants seasons 5+- You know better than me about those people being annoying about seasons 5+.
As told by ginger- You were going to say Hey Arnold, but you didn't want to be lumped in with certain other people.
Action league now- You made at least five short films that look exactly like this.
Chalkzone- Your playlist for working out has the theme song for this show looped for five hours and nothing else.
The fairly oddparents- Your trans, and you hate no other person more than Elmer Hartman.
Invader Zim- You were a vary emo kid/teenager in the late 2000's (same, no shade)
Jimmy Neutron- you're really glad that that you picked the show in "Jimmy Timmy power hour" that wasn't made by an asshole.
All grown up- Come on guys "As told by ginger" is right there.
Avatar: the last airbender- I don't want to hear the lore of the fantasy book you wrote.
Avatar: the legend of Korra- Same as atla but You also made a LOT of shipping fanfics.
My life as a teenage robot- Transfem.
The X's- You don't exist, if you're going to go into the comments and say this is your favorite Nicktoon, you're lying.
El Tigre- This is just the good version of Danny Phantom.
Danny Phantom- That was a Joke don't yell at me.
Mr. meaty- You want this odd but cool type of puppetry to come back (if you thought I was going to make fun of this one your wrong.)
Tak and the power of Juju- Your enjoyment of this show is based entirely on the fact that you liked the games.
Back at the barnyard- Shitposter.
Fanboy and Chum Chum- Shitposter but awesome.
Catscratch- Yeah, I think Wayne Knight's voice is hot too.
The mighty B- Gay.
The penguins of Madagascar- I don't have a joke for this one I just think you have impactable taste.
Planet Sheen- You always wanted Jimmy Neutron to have more "Rawr XD" swag.
T.U.F.F puppy- You ether are Jerry Trainor, or you have a Jerry Trainor stan account.
Kung fu panda: legends of awesomeness- You have a three-hour lore video on this franchise, and I hope it does well.
Winx club- You wanted to help them get free from Netflix.
Robot and Monster- It may just be me, but I think you might enjoy Dan vs.
Teenage mutant ninja turtles (2012)- You don't like rise of the tmnt.
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles- You don't like tmnt (2012).
Sanjay and Craig- You used to freak other kids out with your scabs.
Monsters vs aliens- You can deny Coverton's rizz (sorry).
Breadwinners- Your about to go into every cartoon reviewers house with a shit ton of water balloons.
Harvey Beaks- In the middle/late 2000's you were more of a cartoon network kid, you loved Cowder.
Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket- Same as Harvey Beaks but with Flapjack instead of Cowder.
Bunsen is a beast- Your Elmer Hartman.
Welcome to the Wayne- You wrote at least one fanfic for the ending of this show.
The adventures of kid danger- We don't talk about this one.
Middle school Moguls- it's ok monster high is about to come to Nick for real.
The loud house- Your ether a sapphic girl or a straight guy with a DeviantArt account who needs to be punished.
The Casagrandes- Same as the loud house but with the added advantages, because if you have a DeviantArt account in this one you're more likely to have a normal relationship with your family.
It's pony- You don't hate the British as much as the rest of us.
Middlemost post- John trabbic III is such a bad ass name though, wait this show has Del the funky homosapien and Tony Hawk as guest stars, I might need to which this.
Star trek: prodigy- You really like Netflix original animated shows don't you.
Big Nate- You haven't read the books.
Monster high- You the perfect in-between of goth and prep.
Transformers: earthspark- Why does this show have better non-binary rep than most other shows...I mean they are called Transformers for a reason.
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kupete · 23 days
Idea dump? not really?...or yeah?
(below there is context)
Sooo i have ideas of Dream and Nightmare being living in the early 1500s Spain, where instead of just being town's people the aggressor, what if it was the spanish inquisition?
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Now, HEAR ME OUT, the whole tree thing, can be considered temptation, people would want the golden apples, and the whole thing... i think the inquisition would consider it heresy, later wanting to burn it (and dream) nightmare does munch munch yara yara.
But this time, Dream actually dies, years later gets canonized as another saint that got persecuted and killed by the inquisition, living again, working like the Rise of the Guardians? common idea where divine figures depend of beliefs.
Meets Ink, chill (after processing the whole thing), how Ink wants to protect the AUs from Error, thinking he is good, helping him to fight Error.
Realizes the state of the aus, Ink does not intervenes (obviously) and gets more context: In the last 500 years, there has been desperation, and pain, etc, Nightmare had being vibing, with so many people believing and trying to get safety, Dream meets with Nightmare, neither of them is happy, misgendering of Nightmare, fight bam bam, rivalry that could be solved with some talking and therapy.
I used the art for the story by Joku as a pose reference, to compare, is funny seeing a 1500s person doing the peace sign.
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★ I remember years ago when people made gijinka of dream and Nightmare, it was common making Dream a woman? i don't know if someone else saw that? well, still making Nightmare a guy and they were twins, with my vision of trans coded Nightmare.
★Why in Spain? I had understood that Joku was from Spain? or atleast living there (if thats not the case pls tell me)
★And of course, i just made the numbers, with Dream being 500 (old) so 1500, and what was the IT thing? The Spanish Inquisition.
★I would probably nerf the tree, i don't know why something so important is just...there? at human reach, so is just a collection of emotions, like condensation, instead of the origin of emotions.
★They take watch of the tree for generations, instead of just them.
★I wanted to write more about Nightmare, and how it was being trans in the 1500s without even knowing what's that, like being closeted, but my wrist is killing me, it would be the focus how that affects the relationship with Dream.
★I used the Rise of the Guardians thingy, because i personal issue i had with the original story is, why Dream became stone? it was a defense mechanism? can he do it now? i just made Dream die and live again years later.
If someone wants to make a fanfic... it wouldn't bother me you know...PLS do! i really wish there were fanfics about trans nightmare, of course giving credits if using the artwork or heavily based story.
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sonicphobia0601 · 26 days
It's time I spoke about Ludo.
Specifically, how he treated me. After the cock cluster in June (I think us older fans would remember how someone exposed him. Wasn't me and I can't find the blog that did. Awkward), I made it clear that I was willing to help him in the fandom and gave him a nudge. I also made it clear that I would show Tumblr what he is like. He didn't take it and thought I was joking. On that same day, I wrote Chapter 17 of Death and Autism after blocking Ludo. I thought it was the last I saw Ludo. Obviously not!
I write Chapter 18, publish it and thought nothing of it. That was a big mistake.
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This shows several things. @kingludoavarius has a gigantic ego (which is worrying). And the way he worded my chapter was quite rude. "Your little rant". As if he was talking down to a child. And that is the equivalent of basically calling me the R slur because I'm autistic. Also, the next part showed that Ludo has obviously learned NOTHING. And to show that it was egotistical, he waited until Chapter 18 to say something even though he wasn't mentioned. (And I draw inspiration from people and include them in fanfiction all the time with permission).
This rubs me the wrong way because of multiple things. This proves he was closed off to suggestions, narcissistic and bigoted. Heck, if he wrote Billie in a queer platonic friendship with Seve he wouldn't be looking like an ass to the entire community and would be perfectly fine as is.
But no, he stuck to his guns and continued his egotistical behavior which evolved into flat out bullying. And it got worse.
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Shit got so bad that he had to dragged someone else from the Harry Potter fanfic part of AO3 to bully me. I wasn't being a judgemental prick. This guy acts like queer platonic relationships do not exist (and if someone from the official Billie Bust Up Tumblr says that Katie is in a queer platonic marriage, then this backs up my argument. Do not @ the official Tumblr please. They have already dealt with Ludo).
Things got so bad that @bbu-fan-blog had to step in and basically tell Ludo they're the asshole. To the person running the fan blog, you are definitely going places. Good places too. Here is what @bbu-fan-blog had to say:
"Since BBU is a very personal project, and many characters reflect the devs' personal lives and experiences, changing the LGBT+ identities portrayed in the game, changing sexualities can potentially come off as insensitive. While experimenting with changing characters' sexualities in many fandoms or movies/books/games isn't seen as big of a deal, for BBU its personal nature implicitly asks fans to apply some awareness about the LGBT+ element in it." (a reblog, 2024)
And there are many fandoms that allow LGBTQ+ ships. Harry Potter and Supernatural are not special. The problem is that these fandoms have canonically straight characters and leave interactions between characters open for interpretation (With Destiel, if you didn't know Dean was straight, it could be a cute little relationship between him and Castiel, who is a literal angel. And Harry Potter? Pfft, I have a headcanon where Harry is trans only out of pure spite towards JK Rowling who bullied an actual woman to the point of getting herself into a lawsuit on top of her disgusting transphobia).
And since the characters in Billie Bust Up are tied to real people... Such as Barnaby and Fantoccio having AUTISM for example... I think treating them with the same level of kindness is the best way to go about it. Like there's literally nothing to fix with them. Billie having undiagnosed ADHD is another one. Since the devs wrote them a certain way and have real world ties, their sexualities and queer labels are not open for interpretation. Like let me be honest and raw. Barnaby has a very fruity voice. And I definitely wouldn't change Barnaby even if I was paid a shit ton of money to do that. Seriously, listen to Barnaby in his intro cutscene or listen to this:
I definitely imagine Barnaby dating a guy and singing this to him after he died. And... Uh, spoiler alert, from what I can tell, Barnaby is gender fluid. I definitely need to learn how to write gender fluid characters. Like it's fun but I find myself getting confused. And I'm gender fluid myself.
So Ludo, if you are reading this from an alt account or something like this, congrats. You just bullied a queer autistic adult who is YOUNGER THAN YOU. Scratch that, since if memory serves me right, Ash is autistic and younger than you. So congrats on being a giant bully not just to the autistic side of the fandom but also to the younger fans and fans who are LGBTQ+. Also congrats on actually bullying the developers both to their faces and behind their backs. We DO NOT NEED FIXING.
And one more screenshot.
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I read the comments here. The person who wrote the fic in question realized they made a few mistakes and showed that they're willing to listen and change their tack. And what does Ludo do?
Tried justifying pro shipping.
So yeah. Ludo needs to stop being on his computer. It's becoming clear he is chronically online and trying to justify LGBTQ erasure and pro shipping. Which is again, a form of pedophilia.
The writer themselves didn't know (and from what I hear, the writer is a minor). In fact, I don't think they researched. They probably saw Barnaby, Billie, Scrimshaw or Fantoccio, said "Ooh! Cool thingy that looks fun!" And jumped right in without doing research. Which is an oops any new fan could have made.
I can't stress this enough. RESEARCH. RESEARCH. RESEARCH.
So, yeah. TL; DR: Ludo bullied an autistic queer person for simply working with what they do know with info provided by devs and voice actors.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. And Ludo, my pronouns are he/him for you if you are reading this.
Blogger's note: These comments are deleted. So the original screenshots are the ones I provided to talk about my unfortunate experience. These screenshots show Ludo's true colors.
Another thing to note: Billie Bust Up is considered a creative view to the lives of actual people and it would be rude to say nothing. The characters from Billie Bust Up are loosely based on actual people and their stories and struggles. Erasing their sexualities to fit your narrative is basically slapping and bullying the developers themselves. A fine example of this is Billie Bust Up themself because they're loosely based on Katie, who is aroace and is in a QUEER PLATONIC MARRIAGE by the appearance of things, Fantoccio and Barnaby are both loosely based on Ash, who is bisexual and is on the spectrum (their sexualities are probably from actual people on the developer team). The next time I hear "But they're fictional mimimimimimi" just remember that the characters are indeed based on real people and should not have their sexualities changed to fit your narrative because the fandom would see this as a form of bullying the devs and fans alike. Some characters are autistic (A REAL DISABILITY THE BLOGGER HAS) and having disability erasure on top of that would be actively bullying autistic people indirectly by trying to erase the thing that makes these characters so relatable in media (and no, Sheldon Cooper and Jeffy is the worst examples of representation since they only showcase one emotion, which is misinformation in my own humble opinion).
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi I just have a question and I mean to ask it as respectfully as possible
When did people start head cannoning Regulus as trans? I just dont understand how people came to that conclusion?
I’m also just very uneducated on the trans community and I know that and just don’t really know where to get reliable information about the whole community and the people in it.
Idk in my opinion I just almost feel like people made Regulus trans to meet a diversity quota. I also feel like it kind of takes away from the fact that James could be genuinely attracted to biological males? Like maybe people are still so attached to Jily that they can’t truly let go of it even in his other ship?
Sorry I just really would like to see the point of view from someone who is part of the trans community (correct me if I’m wrong on that please) and also enjoys and writes trans Regulus. It really just makes me sad that I don’t read so many fanfics that I’m sure are absolutely beautiful just because I’m a little put off by Regulus (or even Remus) being trans.
Anyway I’d love to hear the reasoning you have and I’m so sorry if any of this came off as offensive or rude🫶
Okay, so to answer your first question, the first fic in ao3 tagged with trans! Regulus Black is dated in March 2016, so 8 years ago. (I see a Jegulus fic tagged in 2005, for comparison).
As far as people coming to the conclusion of reg being trans, I think it's just people seeing themselves in the character, or enjoying the headcanon. It's not like...deciding it IS canon. If that makes sense?
For information on the community, I'm not sure what you mean. Like information in being trans? If you have questions on that, I'm more than willing to answer them! I can point you to reliable websites or try to give you my own experience.
I don't think it's 'meeting a diversity quota.' I think it's that Harry Potter is genuinely super NOT diverse. Canonically, most characters are straight, cis, and white. And fanfiction writers like to write what they want and what they relate to. Many fanfic writers know trans people/are trans, so it's natural to include trans people in their works. It's not meeting a quota, it's just emulating their lives.
And as far as James's attraction..sure, he can be attracted to people with any genitals. But I think you're missing the point that trans Regulus IS a boy. Your body doesn't equal your gender. So when James is attracted to him, he is attracted to a boy. He is, therefore, gay (or at least queer) by being attracted to Regulus. Very gently, seeing trans Regulus as a substitution for Lily because they might have similar bodies is a bit transphobic. Though body parts can be important to some people, putting Regulus and Lily on the same plane is a bit off. (Also, many people headcanon James as pansexual, meaning he can be attracted to any gender, so he doesn't care what gender people are.) You ARE right in saying that some people probably do think this way though. But it's not okay.
As far as not liking the headcanon of trans!Regulus or trans!Remus or whoever...I don't think that's a bad thing IN THEORY. For example, I don't see Harry as trans. There are some Drarry fics which have trans!Harry and I don't read them, because that's not my headcanon. Fanfics are for your enjoyment, and you don't have to force yourself to read them if they don't share your specific headcanons. I would just think about WHY you're not reading these fics. If you just see these characters as cis, then that's fine! But if it's because you might need more education of transness and what it means to be trans, then maybe take the time to educate yourself and go from there, you know?
I hope that helps!
(Also if anyone wants to chime in in the comments, you're welcome to, but please be respectful, this was a genuine question)
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rainboq · 22 days
I just wanted to start by saying that I adore Statistics and Purity Through a Prism.
Do you have any general advice you can give to less experienced writers? I’m also hella into making LiS fics, but I’m still trying to find my footing. Plus most of my projects fizzle out around chapter 5, and I’m not sure how to get momentum back after taking a break 😂🥰 how do you write stories that go for so long?
First of all thank you very much for enjoying my fanfics! I'm sorry that I haven't updated anything in a while, life and original fiction projects have pretty much taken over (I'll be self publishing a novel in the next few months).
For general advice, consider the following.
Keep an idea diary. Write down your ideas, just because you have nothing to go with it doesn't mean you won't later and don't be afraid to mash things together.
Learn about story telling as a craft. Study any and every medium and think about how to apply their lessons to word smithing. I highly recommend Every Frame a Painting, Thomas Flight, Hello Future Me, and Ellen Brock.
Read everything twice. Once for pleasure, once to tear it apart to figure out how the sausage is made. Dissect word choice, structure, pacing, foreshadowing, all of it. If you want to get better as an author, get better at media analysis.
Ask yourself why a project fizzles out. Did you lose sight of your original goal? Is it not turning out the way you hoped? Can you not remember where you wanted it to go? I tend to write with a few very specific scenes fixed in my head and I need to massage the characters to make those scenes happen and make sense. For Prism that was Kate and Chloe's clifftop kiss. Everything after that was kinda ad-libbed.
Embrace failure. Enjoy failure. Fail faster. As the Frizz would say: take chances, make mistakes, and get messy! You will learn more from your mistakes than from your successes. It's okay to be disappointed and upset when things don't go your way, but then dust yourself off and figure out what went wrong where and learn your lessons. (Just because you can write a novel in 3 months doesn't mean you should)
Your ideas are crap. It's okay, mine are too. Ideas always suck, they become good when you actually write the stories and find your blind spots. Make it work in the edit. You can change things right up until you publish, so play around and have fun.
It's okay to not finish projects. Use them as learning experiences. Practice writing better and better hooks. Find character's voices. Toy around with premises.
Practice with a purpose. With everything you write, pick something you want to focus on. Dialogue, pacing, structure, action, word play, imagery, etc. Pick something, study, execute.
Keep it simple. Elevator pitches are 30 words or less. If you can't summarize the crux of your story simply and succinctly, consider revising your idea to make it less complicated. Prism's premise is literally "What if Max never went to Blackwell". Statistic's premise is "What if Chloe was a homeless trans girl dealing for Frank". Complicated premises aren't bad, but they make executing much harder, and you don't need them to tell a good story.
Don't stop. Always be reading, writing, and thinking. Your creativity is a muscle, work it out. Hit the brain gym regularly with focus and intent and you'll see the growth.
I hope these help and good luck!
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legglesspotato · 3 months
Quick little question heheh
So, basically, this blog was made for me to express my love for this fandom (Obey Me!) through writing even though I’m not the best at it ;-;. It was also created to help me connect with other people who are apart of this community. On this blog (even though sometimes I don’t post a lot [and I am currently striving to write more]) I typically write (and/or in the process of writing) short/medium-ish length short stories. But, before I even considered making this blog I was actually writing my own fan fiction and I was going to make it considerably long! I lost motivation a while ago but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in it?
I would release the story in chapters and I was thinking about making the MC trans neutral and/or trans masc (because I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before and it would be relatable to me!)
Keep in mind though, that this is literally my FIRST fanfic I’ve ever written.
Would anyone be interested in reading it? Not sure when the first chapter or pilot (possibly) would come out but maybe if I know people are interested I may have more motivation to work on it!
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the-grey-stuff · 11 months
The Owl House fandom really helped me with my trans acceptance.
Keep in mind I identified as transmasc/nonbinary myself at the time, and absolutely believed in trans rights, but I was still having a hard time seeing trans men as actual men and trans women as actual women.
Of all things, it was all the Trans Hunter headcanons and fanfics that somehow made it click in my mind. That if he were trans or not he would still be Hunter, and he would still be a boy.
Trans Eda headcanons helped too.
I think that’s the beauty of headcanons. They exist in this hypothetical space that allows you to see things from two different angles, reframes characters you’re already familiar with in new and eye-opening ways. Headcanons allow you to project marginalized identities onto characters that are already beloved by people of many different walks and beliefs. It’s like a foot in the door to get to greater acceptance and understanding.
Trans headcanons are making a difference.
Your blorbos are making a difference.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
Apparently my fanfic helped someone in my readership realize he's agender because reading about a character who has zero attachment to the concept of gender, does not feel like any gender, doesn't care about pronouns being used for them and wants to dress any way they want without anyone gendering it really resonated with him and he did some soul-searching afterwards. And I love that for him, truly, I do. But what surprised me is that he really thought that "everybody but trans people" didn't like being associated with a gender, didn't feel like any gender, didn't care about pronouns and didn't have any attachment to the idea of gender. He thought we were all just going along with it because it's just what you do in society and everyone actually felt roughly the same as he did about it.
I was surprised, because although I'm neurodivergent, I had inferred fairly early on in life that people are pretty attached to these things on a genuine level. So I asked him how he arrived at that conclusion and he said that the way his very conservative, Republican family - which is mostly men, he was raised by his dad and grandfather, alongside his brothers - talked about being a man made it sound like an awful, arduous task that you have shoved onto you and can't escape but being a woman also sucked in similar ways according to them. Thus he arrived at the conclusion that nobody actually likes being a gender, you just have to put up with being one. And the fact that he had to put up with it was immensely depressing to him because he hated both of what he perceived as the available options.
Somehow my dinky little Reader POV fanfic where I made the Reader Character agender because I dislike how many Reader fics portray being an AFAB person who identifies as a woman... that little fanfic, without any ships in it, without any deep lore dives, without the things that this fandom usually likes, managed to plunge this reader into total gender euphoria because it made him pluck up the courage to wear something pink, let him know you don't have to be a man or a woman, and told him you're not a bad NB if you use any pronouns and you're AMAB.
And like... I know fandom is a shitty, hostile place a lot of the time. Especially in my fandom, it's a disaster. But reading the mountain of text he posted about how in the two weeks since he realized he's agender, his depression has lessened so much and he hasn't thought about suicide once... I think I remember why I got into writing in the first place, now. It's not just to tell fun stories. It's to tell fun stories about people that don't conform to the white cishetallo culturally Christian secular middle class able-bodied cookie-cutter bullshit that media is still drowning in. Because sometimes somebody is drowning and they think it's mandatory and fiction can tell them, "It's not, actually."
Nobody I know IRL likes the idea of fanfic because why write if you're not going to make money from it? But honestly I feel like this kind of moment has a value money can't really produce.
Sorry, I know I'm rambling. I just thought I'd briefly provide a small break from the sea of negativity in your inbox to share how fanfic and fandom can be good, instead of always being bad, as is so often the way fandom gets framed these days.
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moronphantom · 7 months
this one might get long and sappy, but when I first joined this fandom I was 16 and had just freshly been disowned by my family for being trans, living at what felt like the lowest point of my life. I found a home in dp, in how all the art and stories of him being trans both with and without his family’s support.
today I am 22. I came back to the fandom after being gone for a while, now with a home and a family and a life. I just woke up from top surgery, and on the way to the hospital I kept smiling, kept thinking of young me being so sure it would never happen. but it did! and I keep thinking of Danny, of all the characters, and this amazing fandom who’s helped me get to where I am today. the happiest person I’ve ever been since all the hell I went through before joining this fandom.
so I guess I wanted to say thank you all for creating a place for me to just be me. thank you for all the art, fanfics, theories, memes, and all types of posts who made me smile. I owe every single one of you the world for how much you made me smile and brought me the energy to keep going🫶
(sorry I’m sappy I’m a little all over the place from the meds)
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polteergeistt · 11 months
Once you accept that the way you present doesn't determine your gender, everything feels better.
I'm a transgender man. It took my quite some time to accept that I could be a man even if I wore dresses and let my hair grow and do feminine coded stuff.
For example, before accepting that, when I went through a lingerie store with my mom, I felt horrible and almost had panic attacks. Now, I can look at the most revealing red bra with lace and stuff and wonder if I would look hot in it (didn't get top surgery yet).
Before that, I needed my hair cut often. Now, I'm willing to let it grow. Now, I can handle wearing feminine stuff and admit that I look good in it. I still do feel dysphoria sometimes, but I can manage it better.
This is all thanks to the men who don't stick to gender norms and to fanfic writers.
In fanfics, especially in the Ghost fandom, I see the ghouls headcanon'ed as trans, with a bunch of feminine features, and still be refered to with he/him, called handsome, all that. I also see it in Sleep Token fanfictions. And even if they're not trans, feminine stuff are still associated with them and that doesn't make them any less of men.
In the medias, especially bands for me, I see men with long hair, painted nails, sometimes with feminine clothing styles. They still look manly or androgynous at best. It makes me feel like I can do the same, even if I doubt it still.
Now I can litteraly do anything that isn't masc coded and think "don't care. still a man." And boy does that feel good. However I still dress in a masculine way and present masc as much as I can because that feels good too.
This all seems very monkey brain of me to say that feminine stuff somehow can defines one's gender. I know it cannot, but this is how I saw things growing up. This is how I still see things unconsciously sometimes. I'm still getting used to it. But sometimes, going by these rules for gender euphoria seeking purposes feels nice.
With that being said, I want to thank all the fanfic writers who trans their blorbos' gender and all the people who help people feel better with their gender by proving that there are no rules when it comes to one's own gender identity except the ones that are self made.
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
Lost Fic #168
1. Hello! I was wondering if u could please find a fic for me. I read it in 2021 and it was about Aziraphale in WWII and I believe he was giving hot chocolate out to the people in London from his bookshop. Thank you so much!! - anon
2. Hello! I'm looking for a specific fic. It has trans masc Crowley, and he specifically arranged for his body to be trans masc. He made an effort (a vulva, I believe) and then got top surgery. I've been looking for it everywhere! - anon
3. I'm looking for a fic where all the versions (book, tv, radio and another version I can't remember) of A&C go to see a play put on by the Them, but the play is the leaked GOmens movie script. Any ideas? - anon
4. Was hoping you could help me find a specific fanfic. Okay so it was something along the lines of Crowley is the doctor but he had his memory erased and was dumped on gallifrey and then one day he wakes up while he thinks he is the doctor and his eyes are back to being his demon eyes and I think he was with Donna at the time and she was scared and they were trying to figure out what was going on. That's all I can remember about the story and I can't remember what site it was on and I don't remember what it was called but you guys seem very good at finding fanfictions so I thought I'd ask you for help. Also I'm pretty sure it was like an au or something like that I'm not sure, and I was maybe on AO3 again not sure. - anon
5. Hi! I read a fic years ago that featured Aziraphale finding the radio/book Azi in the shop, and then Crowley brings over the radio/book Crowley, and as it turns out, radio/book boys just start going at it, having sex and making out. TV!Aziracrow is concerned and has to figure everything out. Can you help me find it again? It was hysterical! - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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