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systarkitty · 1 year ago
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hapy 2014 tumblr!!!!!! ^_^_^_^_^
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enteringdullsville · 7 months ago
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I got bored so I made a thing. Modern Nick AU featuring a handful of the child protagonists, a chibified SpongeBob being their chaperone? A summer camp setting, perhaps? With everyone save for Danny, Jenny, and Dora having their ages fudged to be closer?
Sure, why not? From left to right:
Sanjay Patel
He may or may not have snuck Craig into his cabin, and Craig may or may not have started charging people for “sage advice from the talking snake”
Sanjay’s a relatively good kid but kind of a hellion. Manny spends much of his early life in a moral dilemma. Having them be partners seemed like a logical decision
His bowling pin head was really hard to adapt to my usual style without utterly mangling his face, but I think I did alright
Manny Rivera
He’s wearing the boots and scarf from his El Tigre costume
Bessie thinks he’s the coolest thing, but his and Danny’s egos clash almost immediately
This presumably takes place after he’s settled on heroism, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a troublemaker
April O’Neil
She’s quite possibly the only person getting any actual work done in camp
She’s ostensibly the least insane person in the group, but she’s prone to egging on the others’ antics and starting bets on how much things will escalate
Her age has been dropped a couple of years, so she’s often with Lincoln foiling Dora’s whole escape artist routine
Tommy Pickles
Still on his filmmaker career from All Grown Up! He has a lot of footage of a lot of things in a lot of places
Normally mild mannered and agreeable, but being given “strict orders” instantly makes his good mood vanish
His mind tends to wander when he’s bored, and it has no regard for its curfew
Lincoln Loud
He’s a weeb canonically, so he’s been given a vaguely animesque appearance
Whatever camp this takes place at, I can guarantee at least one of his sisters had been there prior. Since most of the characters here are the Everyman type, Linc’s cunning and trickster attributes are played up a bit
Has no regard for the fourth wall. Tommy has no clue what he’s on about and thinks he’s insane
Aang (Just Aang)
Whether or not he can bend is based purely on what’s funniest at the moment, especially since he and Dib make it impossible for this to be canon compliant
He’s definitely living in an AU with a less horrific backstory. Less responsibilities, less issues
Wouldn’t hurt a fly, but he’d definitely give a wasp a warning shot if it was being a jerk
Danny Fenton
Danny, and only Danny, is actually a little older here. He and Jenny are the counselors. Lucky them.
Doesn’t even bother with the secret identity since Bob’s the only one dense enough to not connect the dots
Being able to turn invisible is really helpful when Dib has questions he doesn’t feel like answering
Jimmy Neutron
There he is, officer. That one’s the ringleader
Aang’s existence is a constant source of frustration for him since he can’t come up with a scientific explanation for all…that
He’s right off the heels of Nicktoons Unite and is wondering when and why SB became so serious
SpongeBob SquarePants
The only adult we see at the camp for some reason, and the only nonhuman besides Jenny
I messed up his scaling, he was supposed to be small enough to fit in someone’s hand, hence his overly simplified design. That’s the height he is in-universe
Ironically and disproportionately strong. Not Jenny’s level, but about as strong as he is in Unite…without being adjusted for size. In other words, he can easily pick up and throw the campers like rag dolls
Jenny Wakeman
The only nonhuman kid at camp, as well as the oldest/youngest at 16/5
She’s the one thing stopping land bears from tearing the camp apart
She’s justifiably a little wary since she’s not exactly nature proof, but all the kids think she’s the coolest thing
Timmy Turner
A closer look at him reveals three familiar looking trinkets shaped like a wand, wings, and a floaty crowny thing
He doesn’t need magic, anyway. He’ll make everything possibly go wrong his own way
He and Bessie butt heads almost immediately; Timmy’s fine with one hypercompetent overachieving Girl Scout in his life, but he does not need another
Ginger Foutley
Usually found with fellow artsy types Rudy and Lincoln
Riddled with anxieties and restless leg syndrome. She comes of as brooding, but she’s just introspective
Since April’s a menace, she’s the actual least insane camper
Eliza Thornberry
It took her a bit to realize SpongeBob could actually talk to begin with and that everyone else didn’t have the same power as her. In fact, there’s a non-zero chance there are a bunch of animals from assorted Nick shows that are screaming in the background constantly and it’s messing with her head
I gave her just the one braid to make her distinct from the other Elizabeth in the cast
She slips in and out of her father’s mannerisms. SMASHING!
Rudy Tabootie
Mysteriously disappears to parts unknown it’stheChalkZone every now and then when he needs to blow off some steam
I find it funny how stylized I made everyone else while Rudy’s just slightly taller
SpongeBob sees a lot of himself in the kid. Rudy doesn’t know how to feel about that
Dora Marquez
Y’know, I added her as a joke, and she immediately became my favorite
She’s the youngest kid at her canon age of seven, so she’s coddled by everyone else. She HATES it, given that she’s been adventuring on her own for the longest time, so she’s a lot more cynical than usual. Easily the biggest departure from the norm
Constantly tries to escape supervision in favor of wandering the wilderness, but the talking cheese won’t let her
Arnold Shortman
He doesn’t know how he ended up as the “cool guy”, but he’s not gonna fight it
Appears detached and aloof, but he’s more likely just dissociating
Always seems to know what he’s doing to the point of parody. As smart as he is, I must reiterate he’s just improvising
Dib Membrane
Eliza, Rudy, and especially Timmy aren’t too keen on hanging around him for very obvious reasons
The fact he’s with people who are reasonably sane this time around means he’s in much better spirits. Lincoln’s probably his best friend at the camp, although Dib’s still a loner
He and Jimmy always run the risk of killing each other if they talk for more than two minutes at a time due to differing views on magic
Bessie Higgenbottom
The kid most likely to actually listen to the inane drivel that comes out of SpongeBob’s mouth
Since she’s still working on the whole Mighty Bee thing, she’s all over Manny, Danny, and Janny
There are very few campers that aren’t at least a little intimidated by her
There were a few other characters I wanted to add like Nate Wright (Big Nate), Annie Bramley (It’s Pony), Mikey Munroe (Bunsen is a Beast), but I scrapped them for space.
I elected to only use one character per series, causing me to drop Korra, Sheen Estevez, Ronnie Anne Santiago, and Hazel Wells for being spinoff characters (especially since Sheen and Ronnie Anne were around before getting their own shows). It also forced me to remove Fanboy and Chum Chum from my initial plan entirely.
I additionally wanted to keep SB as the only organic nonhuman character due to the inherent absurdity of having him as the sole adult figure, which is why Dib and April represent their series rather than Zim or a Ninja Turtle and why I chose not to use Harvey Beaks.
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blairefrances · 5 months ago
Guys, I have finally finished my favorite character Bingo! I might do the Video Games, Anime, Villains, and Extras later....
For now, here are the list of TV/Indie series characters that I love and like at the same time!
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Vambre Warrior (Mighty Magiswords)
Ferdy Mravenec (Ferdy the Ant)
Mystique Sonia (Hero 108)
Giovanni Potage (Epithet Erased)
Flain (Mixels)
Harry (Harry & Bunnie)
Uzi Doorman (Murder Drones)
Randy Cunningham (Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja)
Climber (Endzone Tournament/Law of Talos)
Doctor Masacrik (Psychocuties)
Cube (Pink Corruption)
Pim Pimling (Smiling Friends)
Scissors (Rock Paper Scissors)
Robot Jones (Whatever happened to Robot Jones?)
Mr. Trance (Mr. Trance)
Robotboy (Robotboy)
Mundi (Doki)
Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Stone (Ramshackle)
Goofball the Cartoon Ghost (Brain Dump)
Ongo (Jelly Jamm)
Snap (Chalkzone)
Bugbo (Bugbo)
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blogjhm · 13 days ago
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Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day from all of these love couples. (Just ignore the ones with Frankie and Mac and Dipper and Wendy.)
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rynewartworks · 6 months ago
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Who got the chalk?!?
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 11 months ago
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doombrulee · 7 months ago
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ive watched. far too many cartoons the past like 3 weeks. so i wanted to doodle a character from each one ive watched ^_^
of course ive watched a few others (camp lazlo, aaahh!! real monsters, and cow and chicken) but i couldnt fit them
a few of the characters r animals in the show but i humanized them because i cannot draw animals for the life of me 😓😓
my favorite out of these is ed edd n eddy btw. if you couldnt tell by the colored tongues. the angry beavers is a close second ^_^
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mikyapixie · 26 days ago
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wolfie245 · 9 months ago
Underrated Nicktoons Shows
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nicktoons-bracket · 3 months ago
Official Nicktoons Bracket!
First round will begin on Saturday, 3PM EST! Polls will run for 24 hours before closing! Make sure to get your vote in! :)
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The bracket is alphabetically organized (with shows that start with 'the' being alphabetized by the next word in the title. For example, 'The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron' becomes 'Adventures of Jimmy Neutron', and becomes first on the bracket.
Close up's down below!
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darknoverse · 11 months ago
Hello everyone uh uh I hope y'all don't mind me posting some selfshipping stuff here (not as if you can tell me what to post lol but yk). Feeling better about posting these here at last
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I need to talk about my sonas more omg . And I will... Eventually
💥Characters In order 💥
-Trek &Nos4a2
-Taz & Chameleon
-Costar &AKU
-Sunny & Skrawl
Each panel separated under cut
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I'm gonna explode everytime I love at those aaAaaaaaa (I'll draw more 💥)
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incorrectchalkzonequotes · 1 month ago
It's exhausting being right all the time.
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cartooongasm · 1 year ago
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rynewartworks · 2 months ago
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Nicktoons Unite C-Team!
The Unite crew only gets bigger as more dimensions get mapped out by Jimmy and friends.
WARNING: I will be talking about these characters as if you already know each of their story's.
Rudy Tabootie: He is only limited by his imagination with the magic chalk. I can see him being a trailblazer of the nick-verse, Rudy's magic chalk allows him to traverse other worlds where he eventually finds the other Nick heroes in their base on Volcano Island.
Tak: Given how Tak appeared in two of the four mainline games I think it is fair for him to have a spot in the expanded team. He is a powerful shaman with connections to the Juju. I can see him as a stand in for Timmy when he is not around. Causing some tension since Tak is not as limited when it comes to offense with his magical abilities, like Timmy is with his fairies.
Korra: Why her instead of Aang? Given the story of ATLA is mostly self-contained with not much room for the story to detour into dimension hopping shenanigans, I think Korra would be a better fit for the team. I believe it adds to her personal growth as she would see defending other worlds as a way to extend her duty as the Avatar.
Miko Kubota: The most recent nick toon to be added to the team. Miko's story is left ambiguous due to Glitch Techs cancellation, but the few context clues we do have points to her being a human infused with glitch powers. I can see her being on the run from her former employers at Hinobi and stealing some of their tech to travel dimensions and needs the Unite team for protection.
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littebugbird · 6 months ago
my nicktoons tier list
(Bad comments and not nice things will obviously not be allowed here as I can block or I can delete that comment!)
(this is just my opinion if you like or dislike any I’ll respect you’re opinion.)
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zombipupzz99 · 18 days ago
I just realized I haven’t posted on here for a while so have theese stampzz of my fav chars
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(Free 2 uze creditzz arent needed but appreciated:3)
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