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desire-mona · 8 months ago
what i think my mutuals look like
u may be in here, u may not, doing as many as i want, if ur not in here then that doesnt mean i dont luv u :3 i hav a lot of mutuals
naut - i actually know what he looks like but in my mind. raggedy anne
harper - a mix between abed and gillian anderson
kiwi - young hugh laurie
my one tomska mutual - youll never guess
kae - meeks but somehow gayer?
kola - that one rsl photo combined with her actual face
ok computer - her pfp LOL
grey (musi) -s1 wilson
eli - i know what they look like actually so just. their face
joan - elvira
ami - abed, funnily enough
joel - straight up a dog
lisa - neil perry but specifically that one photo used as a pfp at one point
shui - also abed
john - phoebe from friends?
tiffany - again, i know what she looks like
marley - also s1 wilson but its different. like younger
sun (both of you) - ethan hawke in Dad specifically
bones - spock
reese - also spock but if spock was cosplaying neil perry
housewifemd - if house and wilson steven universe fused
ghostie - if jesse pinkman cosplayed frank n furter
joon - gender swapped neil perry
clara - gender swapped pitts
sid - richard cameron
tyty - his face!
ania - a vague cross between ginny danburry and gender swapped steven meeks
autumn (nocti) - her pfp
indie - also richard cameron
finn (occams chainsaw) - s1 gregory house
finn (puckspoetry) - neil perry but like. modern au?
bubble - gender swapped todd anderson but pink?
manda - thirteen (specifically thirteen with bangs)
tristan - his face. but also jesus
lovechild - NOT TAYLOR SWIFT. her face actually cuz i got secret access
dream(duality) - house when he went to that one migraine guys lecture thing
aspen - his face if it was more taublike
chandler - HIS face but more houselike
syd - allison cameron in black and white specifically
soph - rose tyler
hunny bun - martha masters
rain - i newly know what she looks like however she does still look like house in my mind
katie - neil perry at the play specifically
pinkie pie - pinkie pie
raph - steven meeks if he was dan howell circa 2009
dewi - charlie dalton
regulus - all 4 beatles combines into one being
jareth - todd anderson with white hair?
gil - his face mixed with rsl circa 2001
lesbians for trobed - trobed combined into one being
elmo - carrie
luke - thirteen (no bangs)
will - helena bonham carter in frankenstein (1994)
cuntstruck - that guy who wrote let it go (not the frozen song)
zeth - zeth
blue - allison cameron
blue - dick grayson
(im sure the blues can tell who is who)
thiam - jschlatt circa 2020 SORRY
valerie - martha masters allison cameron steven universe fusion
ash (crow king) - stretched james wilson
nico - stick dead poets society if he was also tyler joseph
percy - robin williams if he was a teenager
ashy - her face mixed with belle
nick - rsl and winona ryder steven universe fusion
matthew - youll never guess. anyone but barry boys next door
el - richard cameron AGAIN
sammy - their face mixed with neil perry gayface
daisy bell - dana mythic quest
maddie - abed in her artstyle specifically
missy - TROY TIGER!!!!!!!
rubester - daria? idk why
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askthehylianchampion · 5 months ago
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Hello, my name is Link. I have been given the impression that there are people who would be interested in speaking with me. So I have created this blog to be able to do so.
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basilsart2 · 17 days ago
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Meet the Artist 2025!
Shout out to @laserdaddie for inspiring me to do one this year!
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kirisaki-daichi-scenarios · 11 months ago
kiridai + part time jobs p1
for anon who asked "if kirisaki worked part time, what kind of job would it be and how would they behave?" i'll get round to doing hanamiya + zaki + maybe the others eventually, but i figured it was better to post something than nothing. also because it was matsumoto's bday last week and there's nowhere near enough matsumoto content out there. kiridai's unsung hero <3
Hara Kazuya
cannot keep a part time job to save his life
he doesn’t need one for the money but his parents thought it would be a good idea for him to get some real world experience instead of doing whatever the fuck it is that he does all day when he’s not at school or on the court
the problem is though that not having a financial incentive to keep a job means that hara doesn’t take them very seriously
the corporate environment - and most of his part time jobs have been corporate, working for family friends’ big businesses - bores him to death
and when he’s bored, the urge to bother poor innocent accountants and administrators, who are just trying to finish their 9-5 to go home to their family, is unbearable
what do you mean ‘have sympathy for middle-aged and depressed old salarymen who were minding their own business?' thinks hara as he sets forth on yet another mission to find someone to terrorise
so yeah, it’s not surprising that the jobs don’t usually last
i mean, he practically fires himself
like he gets called into the boss’s office, or into hr, or whatever, and they minute they say “so, hara, i think we need to discuss your behaviour recently…” hara interjects with “it’s horrible, isn’t it? guess i’m fired. sick. see you never.”
and is out of the office before they have time to call him back
the longest part time job he ever held down was at a music store, which worked for a while because he got along with most of his coworkers, and liked fiddling with some of the instruments on sale
but, yet again, bored hara + customer-facing role = very dangerous combination
even though some of the customers liked hara's very rock ‘n’ roll attitude to customer service, the minute his manager had to make cuts, hara was the first to go
(in retrospect, maybe it was something to do with how often he’d mock the manager for not having made it as a singer. hara just can’t help himself when it comes to kicking someone who’s already down.)
Furuhashi Kojiro
i’m not going to try be creative here, and anyone who knows anything about furuhashi already knows what his part time job would be
furuhashi works part time at a flower shop / garden centre type deal
furuhashi loves the flowers and plants under his charge, genuinely loves them like they’re his children
furuhashi hates the vast majority of his customers, with the same scathing fury that any animal lover would have if they had to let people with a history of animal cruelty adopt an animal in their care
when furuhashi sees that one person who 'loves' plants but can’t keep them alive to save their life (as they always tell furuhashi with a sheepish smile, “i love having them around but i just don’t have the knack for it!”)-
yeah the look on furuhashi’s face could kill
(n.b. the customer in question is probably hayama because he’s sort of got that vibe)
really furuhashi deserves our pity for having to spend so much time dealing with people he would gladly stab to death given a dark alley with no cctv
these being people who forget to water their plants; people who keep buying bouquets for their loved ones, bouquets that never end up watered and die an early death; people who buy a plant even after being told its high maintenance, ignore looking after the most basic needs, and then come back a week later like “uhh you sold me dying plants”
”i sold you dying plants,” repeats furuhashi, very slowly, eyes more less dead-fish and more piranha-on-the-prowl
“yeah, so can i get a refund or what?”
“i sold you dying plants,” says furuhashi again and his voice is getting lower, raspier, like a movie character who’s about to swear he’ll get vengeance on his wife’s murderer
luckily the customer realises its not worth taking a punt trying to get a refund they don’t deserve, in a darkly lit garden centre where they’re the only customer around, and they flee the scene before furuhashi starts an experiment on whether human flesh is a good fertiliser
honestly furuhashi’s probably the only person who’ll ever experience a garden centre to yakuza pipeline, because one day some oyabun’s going to scout him based on that anti-plant-killer rage alone
Seto Kentaro
torn about what to say here because, on the one hand, i can see seto being a trader as a part time job - after all, the man likes maths so he’s going to be good with spotting patterns
but, on the other hand, i really struggle to imagine him committing to a part time job whilst he’s in high school, or even university
there’s no motivation for him to have one, since his family are well-off enough to support his studies without him needing to pay for anything; and between studies, sleep, and basketball, does he really have the time for a job?
his parents would rather have their son studying to make sure he gets into tokyo university, than have him waste time with a part time job since he’s already got a work ethic (sort of)
maybe, like hara, seto’s parents get him a gig at a family friend’s company? you know, to get him out there networking in the world
but this would just be a part time job over the summer, and probably not many hours either, more just something for him to put on his cv
(though with a network of rich people, who needs a cv? hahahahaha…. ….)
and to be honest, i think seto would probably do alright in the corporate environment (by corporate, i mean big bucks corporate), even as a high schooler
he’d have to do something mentally stimulating - because if he was told to just deliver coffees to people, he: a) wouldn’t be bothered to do it, and b) would be too insulted to do it
but if he was doing something mentally stimulating, and maybe working with a team of fellow smart young people, then i do think he’d work hard and even enjoy what he was doing.
the man needs more hanamiyas in his life
(a sentence that applies to very few people in this world)
Matsumoto Itsuki
works at some sports equipment chain store as a sales assistant. he’d be lying if he said he enjoys the job, but it does mean discounts on his gear and gym membership, and, unlike many of the students at kiridai, he does appreciate having some extra money on hand.
when he’s at work without stuff to do, he’s usually twirling a basketball on his fingertips or trying to convince his coworkers to let him do inventory checks and avoid the customer-facing side of things
unfortunately this usually doesn’t work because a) matsumoto wasn’t gifted with a silver tongue and b) the guy who’s usually on matsumoto’s shifts with him refuses to let matsumoto live down the time where he hid in the storeroom to avoid hanamiya and hara who had just popped into the shop, and then locked himself in there by accident
‘course, that was when matsumoto had only recently joined the basketball team, and was still filled with teen angst and awkwardness
these days, if a teammate comes to the shop, he sticks his middle finger up at them if they ask for help and essentially treats them like he wishes he could treat all the customers
on the other hand, he always applies his employee discount to their purchases, even when the customer in question is hara in a particularly irritating mood. so let it not be said that matsumoto doesn’t have a soft spot for his teammates.
but, yeah, in general customer service is not matsumoto’s thing
he does genuinely try to help customers out and does a very good job of not punching annoying customers in the face (this is easier said than done in matsumoto’s case; after all, he spends most of his time with a bunch of guys who all believe violence is The Solution TM), but sometimes he lets his guard down
like the time someone came in saying they were new to play golf and wanted recommendations for a suitable club
“why the fuck would you want to play golf?” says matsumoto a little louder than intended.
“excuse me!” goes the customer
“what?” replies matsumoto before remembering he is talking in the real world and not in his daydream land where he beats up customers. “shit. um. let me go show you the club brands we stock.”
the only reason he didn’t get fired afterwards was because the store’s running low on staff as is
oh and matsumoto’s the only guy the manager doesn’t scold for not smiling at customers, because matsumoto’s customer-service smile makes him look like a gun is being held up to his forehead
it scared away far more customers than it attracted
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theworld-ologist · 11 months ago
What Happened?
Hey there, long time no see! I know it's been a long time. I didn't mean to leave you all in the dark. A lot has happened in my life which led to hiatus and eventual privating of this blog. What exactly? Well, following the hospitalization, my medical and mental health got pretty bad. I struggled a lot with trying to force myself to draw in a way I thought people wanted me to, so my art became very inconsistent and hard for me to work with. With my help of my partner, who I live with now, my mental and physical health has gotten much better and so has my relationship with my art. I'm still physically disabled but I put a bigger on emphasis on drawing for myself and how I like to draw, rather than what I think would appeal to people.
Knock Knock and DST have been my special interest since I was 13 and as a result, this form of expression is important to me. However, I don't know if people still want this blog around considering the niche nature of the fandom and most people moving on from it.
Please, help me decide The Lodger's fate.
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thecloudedkokoro · 7 months ago
Alright, let me try to be a bit more active on here again, aka reblogging things and maybe even talking a little bit instead of just posting art! 
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bittertwee · 7 months ago
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One of the greatest sentences in all of journalism is buried in a WaPo style piece on how online dating sucks and is getting worse
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lesgardiensdelagalaxie · 7 months ago
this blog was in fact made so i can write stupid drabbles about characters i am deeply in love with without anyone who follows my main account judging me </3 for this reason, a lot of my posts will probs be 18+ MDNI my apologies 😞 just too much of a whore for hugh jackman ig 😒
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deadghosy · 8 months ago
Hey it’s Will here! So, as others have seen and heard. My birthday is coming up, so I’m sadly gonna be on hiatus for posting daily so I can sleep and catch a flight for when I wake up. 🥲 sad isn’t it? But thank you guys who requested me things and love my blurbs! <3 warms my heart. So I will turn requests off soon, if you have anything else to request quickly or just want to know more about me or even talk to me. I’m here!
-signed deadghosy
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asianwithatwist · 1 month ago
intro post
i feel like making an intro post cuz im sure that a lot of people saw my plethora of heathers posts and me begging for the 2024 bootleg so heres just an intro post so i can be famous /j
hello guys! i prefer to go by jenna and this is basically a rant page. luckily only one person from my school follows me or else i would have a horrible reputation lol
i am a minor!!! just so yk..
i am 96% filipino! and like every asian person you know, i am also smart. not in math, but in essay writing. i am good at math, too, but writing is my strong suit. i love writing books and creating characters with depth and too complex storylines for little old me to go through.
as i havent researched much on my sexuality, i am most comfortable calling myself demisexual and asexual. bisexual may be too far and i dont wanna call myself bisexual bc i think both jd and veronica 1988 are hot lmaoo. just waiting for the right person..
stuff i like: heathers (movie and musical but not so much to dive deep into character analysis), other musicals, holly jackson and alice oseman books, murder mysteries, true crime, performing, collecting funko pops/vintage barbies, korean englishmen on yt, and bridgerton! (i also like danganronpa and ace attorney and harry potter but not as much as i did before)
stuff i hate: hatred toward anybody because of something about them, being in drama, idk people??
idk when to shut up sometimes so if you like talkative people im ur girl and a song lyric that correlates with me is
"i dont blame you if you want to bury me in your memory, im not the girl i ought to be." from mitski teehee ok anyway bye pls follow me or dont because my page can get embarassing sometimes
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tarotcxrdrose · 4 months ago
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Hello everyone! My name is Temar/Tem! I used to write Amy Rose a while back but in a more canon divergent light. I decided to revamp her and now I'm here! I look forward to interacting with everyone!
Now to begin with the major points. I am selective of those I will interact with, if I don’t follow you back please do not take it personally, I may follow you down the road or I just am unsure how to interact. I’m used to only interacting with a few select people I trust so I’m working on opening up more. I’ve just gotten back into the sonic fandom and there is so much to unpack! I don’t mind anyone correcting me on lore points that I get wrong or even offering help in making things sound a bit more concrete.
Amy will be headcanon heavy and canon divergent to a point. However I mostly follow the lore for the story! I still have a lot to catch up on but here is what currently goes for Amy. Amy lived in a village with her parents, however when Eggman took over her village fell under a prototype test of the Roboticizer, this was an ultimate failure with her village being turned into an abandoned base, Amy was rescued early on and only ventured back once to find out what happened to her loved ones. The entire thing deeply traumatized her and she latched onto the one positive of that outcome which was sonic, often she ended up wandering the world to find a place to settle down for herself.
Amy is actually incredibly strong, much stronger than she lets on, however she has terrible control of this strength and is thus terrified not only of using it but it possibly hurting the people she cares about. This happened in her youth where she was playing with a group of other kids, accidentally hurting one of them with her grip. This caused Amy a lot of strife and she grew to be worried about ever scaring her friends, it's why she sometimes down plays her abilities, not wanting to ruin the friendship she's made. Amy usually is much more mellow and listens to others, there's still shine of her energetic nature.
Amy doesn’t have confidence in her abilities and needs a kick start to jump into actually using them, a way to do so is triggering her rage or strong protective instinct for her friends or those she considers friends.
Amy actually wears color contacts! Her normal eyes are actually a bright red and it often scared others when she was younger so once she had the chance she quickly managed to find a solution, this happened before she met any of the sonic gang or sonic himself, however after a while she's begun to start using them less and less. On top of this she does have small fangs, nothing exactly prominent but mostly to help with eating.
The rings around Amy's wrists and ankles actually serve as weights and inhibitors. To both slowly get stronger overtime and to also keep her strength in check. They also hold a psychic link to her hammer which allows her to summon it from wherever. Amy does have psychic potential, however she likes to use her tarot cards more than anything even if most find it silly, yet her predictions are usually close to the truth, though she won't know how much.
Amy acts a bit more tomboyish, however she often enjoys gardening and baking. Her sense of fashion has changed to outfits that are more suited for the environment she lives in, this being a summer flora and fauna dominated place. Taking residence in a large forest that's been affectionately labeled 'The Garden' due to it hosting a massive amount of flowers and more, often times hand grown by Amy herself. She ended up building herself a small home, though she's working on adding more so if her friends need they can drop by and stay a night.
Amy did have a crush on Sonic but she quickly realized it was one sided. Despite that realization, it took her a bit to truly let go of her feelings and her childish behavior back then makes her feel a lot of regret on that aspect. One of the things she hopes to do when she finds the time is apologize to Sonic for her past behavior. Amy is still energetic and friendly going, however due to multiple traumatic experiences and the history of combat with Dr Robotnik Amy is much more cautious now and wiser. She's a strategist and tries to utilize her own strengths alongside her friends/allies.
Amy is 20 years old. Writing her at this age where she's more in her young adult years is my personal preference and also for the case of any shipping to come to this blog. I am more of a slow burn and chemistry shipper than anything, thus it would have to be plotted out and it could take a while.
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vampsickle · 1 year ago
helloooo ^_^!
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dsmpdaily · 2 years ago
i've started watching qsmp and looking through the tumblr tag im worried about this story stuff that's gonna happen
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i had a fucking dream about it so that's cool... jesus christ i cannot be free from being obsessed with people for even one second
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whitevvings · 12 days ago
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 ˗ˏˋ⚡︎ˎˊ˗  A private & selective KISARA from yugioh!. Heavily canon-divergent & headcanon-based from the manga. Open to AU verses and crossovers. Intended for a mature following only ( 21+ ) & may include mature themes such as violence, war, blood, and death.
Please read faq, bio, and verses before interacting!
Written by Maddy (30)
blogroll;  grimmjow (hiatus)
[ personals & minors dni ]
credit. [ original pixiv post deleted; please msg if artist found! ]
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