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perpendicularpotatoes · 12 days ago
For It Is September 3rd, and Tonight Is Actually a Full Moon [Fic]
In response to an article about the OFMD Craft Fair (that ended up raising over 85k! Holy shit! 🥹) mixing up Rhys Darby and Ewan Bremmer, @petrichorca pledged to make an extra donation if anyone wrote at least 300 words of Ed/Buttons by Saturday.
So uh, this might have slightly gotten away from me (and kinda sorta may have turned into a Ed/Buttons/the Sea/the Moon foursome...):
3.6k, M-rated, canon-compliant crack-treated-seriously [with the M-rating only preserved by a potentially excessive amount of oceanic/lunar imagery and metaphors...]
(For tags see screenshot below or its alt text)
He was torn from his musings by… what the hell, was that a flute? Edward surveyed the deck but nothing stirred among the sleeping crew. Curious he stood up and followed the tones towards the forecastle. It was Bird Guy! Stark naked, bird on his head and alternating between playing a few notes on a recorder and throwing his arms open wide as if he was trying to pull the full moon itself into a passionate embrace. Edward stood there in silent awe, mouth slightly agape. This ship was fucking amazing! Where had Stede found these people?! He couldn't wait to find out what brilliantly mental thing Bird Guy was up to here. — or — Edward learns quite a bit about the intricacies of basking in moon glow and the proper way to worship Her Majesty. Might help him keep his lunar calendar straight in the future.
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perpendicularpotatoes · 25 days ago
By sort of doing an accidental redraw, I realized that pretty much exactly 6 months ago I was incredibly excited about the left eye...
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Left one is from this and right one from a current WIP.
And to make it extra fun, the original first version of the right picture that I had considered almost done in August... 😆
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perpendicularpotatoes · 1 month ago
Too Much Fucking Rhino Horn
To nobody's greater surprise than my own, I bring you a second fic for @ofmdrareships:
A G-rated Kraken-Era crack-treated-seriously fic about Archie and Edward's first interaction.
[See tags in image/alt text]
It was a horribly, disgustingly, viciously, downright pervertedly beautiful Caribbean night. As soon as Ed stepped out on deck he was greeted by the giant middle finger of an otherworldly large, unbearably romantic full moon—shamelessly flaunting itself in an inky black cloudless sky, framed by a countless number of stars twinkling at him mockingly. — or — For Edward, a shit night turns quite memorable. For, in her experience, that's kind of how stuff goes.
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perpendicularpotatoes · 1 month ago
Like A Jackhammer
The accompanying illustration for my contribution to @ofmdrareships's Smut Day!
I'm 99% sure this isn't too much for tumblr, but just in case some's looking over your shoulder, I put the uncropped image after the jump.
Edward's a little overwhelmed right now, but no worries, he enjoying himself! (Well, for a given, slightly masochistic value of 'enjoying' that is...)
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I'm happy I managed to finish this in time even though it's kind of a pity that I didn't have enough time to include the Swede properly...
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perpendicularpotatoes · 1 month ago
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My contribution to @ofmdrareships's smut day!
Like A Jackhammer
The very first Top!Swede/Bottom!Ed fic
Which means that as of this day Edward has been topped by every single main cast member.
6.3k of E-rated canon-divergent crack treated seriously!
What were the odds of running into acquaintances while youre just trying to pull off eighty-nine consecutive raids so either some actually competent opponent, the deranged sadist that set the original record or your own over-worked crew would finally do you the favour of killing you? Kinda high actually, he supposed begrudgingly. --- Spanish Jackie and the Swede's honeymoon trip gets interrupted when they have a run-in with the Kraken Era Revenge. Situations evolve
See the tags and summary in the screenshots or the alt text below .
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perpendicularpotatoes · 1 month ago
WIP snippet of the art for my contribution to the OFMDRareShipWeek.
The top!Swede/bottom!Ed fic literally no one asked for ���
When I realized that the Swede was the only main cast member that has not topped Ed, I kinda wanted to write it just out of principle.
Don't ask me how that ended up as 6k words of canon-divergent, E-rated crack treated seriously... but do stay tuned for RareShipWeek's smut day next Wednesday.
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And in case anyone forgot:
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Via Samba Schutte's Instagram story (Season 2 - December 24th 2023)
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perpendicularpotatoes · 2 months ago
7—Innkeepers After [Fic] [Complete]
The second illustration for the last chapter of The Marks Left On My Skin.
As you can see in the progress pics after the jump, I was originally gonna give them a simpler bed for the inn. But then I was looking at 18th century beds and realized that what's a canopy bed other than a pillow fort? So obviously Edward deserves to get one of those.
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perpendicularpotatoes · 2 months ago
7—Innkeepers [Fic][Complete!]
It's finally time for the long awaited (I'm assuming 😜) tag of [Not-so-Ecclesiastical Latin] to come into play.
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After they had gotten settled in their little would-be inn, it was now time for Ed to demand answers to his still burning question of What the fuck was going on in books? They had gotten comfortable up on the settee in front of the fireplace. While it never got truly cold in the Caribbean, now, in June, the Wet Season was in full swing and afternoons had turned reliably damp and dreary—the perfect excuse for Stede to curl up with a book and for Ed to curl up with his head on Stede’s lap. Sometimes Stede read to him, sometimes Ed napped, sometimes Stede read to him while Ed napped. Right now, Ed was shirtless (like he had been most of the last week) and carefully laying on his side, back turned towards the fire, as to not irritate the freshly tattooed skin on his lower back. Stede was holding his book with one hand while absent-mindedly running the other one through Ed’s loose hair. It seemed as good a time as any. “So...those books on buggery? How come you never read me any of those?”
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perpendicularpotatoes · 2 months ago
7—Innkeepers [Fic] [Complete]
Just uploaded the last chapter of The Marks Left On My Skin. It's set in June 1718 at the not yet opened inn.
The work in progress pic from this summer after the jump is not that extreme this time but I did make some clear improvements regarding hair and hands.
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perpendicularpotatoes · 3 months ago
Unfortunately/mercifully I had not stumbled across the nastier racially charged interpretations of Ed/Izzy's relationship / Ed being generally abusive/violent (or at least the fact that it is sadly wide-spread in some fandom subsets at least), so since lots of people are just gonna see the picture without the context of the fic I've edited the post to add the following disclaimer:
Izzy is 100% into the choking here and if anything Ed is a bit uncomfortable with Izzy trying to manipulate him into being violent and gets a bit pushy about at least getting to under- as opposed to unnegotiated kink.
Both of their actions in this chapter are ill-advised and not what either of them want big-picture-wise and their dynamic isn't healthy, but there is definitely no Edward is abusing Izzy/everyone thing going on.
And my interpretation is that they do/did love each other "best they could" whatever that may mean...
5—The Kraken [Fic]
Just uploaded chapter 5 of The Marks Left On Your Skin.
1717—days immediately following s01e10 The Revenge Ed / Izzy
[EDITED TO ADD: I thought Izzy's masochistic tendencies were deeply enough ingrained in fanon/clearly enough depicted in canon to not require this disclaimer, but I've recently learned that there is a subset of people portraying Ed as generally abusive, so just to be clear: Izzy is 100% into the choking here and if anything Ed is a bit uncomfortable with Izzy trying to manipulate him into being violent and gets a bit pushy about at least getting to under- as opposed to unnegotiated kink.]
The progress pictures are after the jump. Izzy’s face went through quite a change and yesterday it finally clicked for me regarding folds in velvet. (Also the original version was from before I wrote the chapter so I adapted some things)
[Edit: found the source for the robe pattern]
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The two things I'm happiest with is definitely Izzy’s face and the robe.
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Here are two in-between steps of the entire image.
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Close-up of the robe:
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perpendicularpotatoes · 3 months ago
6—Calypso's Birthday After [Fic]
And the second illustration for chapter 6 of The Marks Left On Your Skin.
[Dramatically different WIP version from this summer after the jump.]
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I mean the background was still in the sketch phase, but the improvements of Ed and Stede are pretty extreme...
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Close-ups without shadows for better look at details.
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perpendicularpotatoes · 3 months ago
6—Calypso's Birthday [Fic]
Just posted the second-to-last chapter of The Marks Left On Your Skin.
[Sketchy WIP and alternative version after the jump]
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Just a regular WIP step this time, but it also gives a better view of the leg tattoos:
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I did make version with the half up hair for continuity's sake (see second illustration), but felt it made everything feel unbalanced... also went back and forth on the shadow intensity.
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perpendicularpotatoes · 3 months ago
6—Calypso's Birthday [Fic]
I just uploaded the second-to-last chapter of The Marks Left On Your Skin. Illustrations with WIP versions will be up soon as well.
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“Hey, you okay? Look, I was a wreck after my first kill as well. Well, it was my dad, so there’s—” Stede grabbed him by the lapels, pulled him through the door, spun them both around and backed him further into the cabin. Ed hit a bulkhead, but what knocked the breath out of him was the look in Stede’s eyes, the urgent need, barely contained by gentle concern, the unspoken question. Ed suddenly very much wanted to be caught, was gonna jump mouth first onto that hook and welcome the sharp pain as he was pierced and trapped with no hope of escape.
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perpendicularpotatoes · 3 months ago
I made a transparent easily tileable version:
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I finally made a proper pattern to use for Stede and Ed's robe! 💫
and here's a transparent version, if any of y'all would like to use it-
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perpendicularpotatoes · 3 months ago
I managed to find the proper source of the robe pattern I used!
Thank you, @lonicera-caprifolium! 🥰
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I finally made a proper pattern to use for Stede and Ed's robe! 💫
and here's a transparent version, if any of y'all would like to use it-
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perpendicularpotatoes · 3 months ago
5—The Kraken After [Fic]
The second illustration for chapter 5 of The Marks Left On Your Skin.
I swear to God eventually Ed will look happy again in the after pictures...
This one I actually didn't change that much from the first version from this summer. Still added it after the jump.
[Edit: found the source for the robe pattern]
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perpendicularpotatoes · 3 months ago
5—The Kraken [Fic]
Just uploaded chapter 5 of The Marks Left On Your Skin.
1717—days immediately following s01e10 The Revenge Ed / Izzy
[EDITED TO ADD: I thought Izzy's masochistic tendencies were deeply enough ingrained in fanon/clearly enough depicted in canon to not require this disclaimer, but I've recently learned that there is a subset of people portraying Ed as generally abusive, so just to be clear: Izzy is 100% into the choking here and if anything Ed is a bit uncomfortable with Izzy trying to manipulate him into being violent and gets a bit pushy about at least getting to under- as opposed to unnegotiated kink.]
The progress pictures are after the jump. Izzy’s face went through quite a change and yesterday it finally clicked for me regarding folds in velvet. (Also the original version was from before I wrote the chapter so I adapted some things)
[Edit: found the source for the robe pattern]
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The two things I'm happiest with is definitely Izzy’s face and the robe.
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Here are two in-between steps of the entire image.
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Close-up of the robe:
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