#healer archetype
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gailgoodwinnow · 6 months ago
You Have the Healer Archetype
You have the capacity to heal your broken archetypes and how they impact your life.
There is still a lot of toxic fluff floating around in this sea of soul stuff. I was led to this conclusion today while reading an advertisement for a free healing “masterclass” that incorporates archetypes in their healing process. It appeared in my social media feed, of course, after publishing this post. You know the fluff still floating around on the surface of all the soul stuff? Don’t let…
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crystalsenergy · 1 day ago
Shadow Work through Astrology 🎭🌟✨ CHIRON
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Chiron - ...your Soul’s deep wounds, pain,
the traumas of the Soul,
the pain and wounds that the being experiences so intensely and recurrently that they know the path—or part of the path—of this pain very well, what it generates, the defense mechanisms it triggers,
as well as the being’s tendency to carry baggage from the process surrounding this pain, (re)knowing what it feels like to experience such emotions about that topic.
to recognize Chironian Shadows is to primarily recognize your immense vulnerability,
to recognize the Shadows that Chiron represents is to embrace your wounds, pain, fears, and states of fragility that you’ve already brought here to heal.
It’s understanding that yes, you are vulnerable. And that’s okay.
a practical way to deal with this is to understand how this pain can also be valuable to others. It’s the path of collective vulnerability, guided by the heart and not the mind.
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traumatizing-unnamed-ocs · 5 months ago
Good People
Summary: Healer is trying to help Villain, Villain is wondering why Themes: Good vs Evil, probably a bit of trust issues, vulnerabilty and all that Possible Triggers: A lot of injury, though no graphic descriptions
Healer had to look away the moment Hero landed the first hit on Villain. They knew they shouldn’t. They knew, by fighting Villain, Hero was saving countless of innocent lives. They knew Villain was evil and dangerous and didn’t deserve better. But when they looked at the pair, Hero just couldn’t see good fighting evil. All they could see was two people getting hurt.
That was why they had decided to become a healer. They liked to tell people with their power it was just more suitable, or that they just wanted to help. In truth, they could easily have become a fighter, and if they really wanted to help, they wouldn’t hide away from getting their hands dirty.
“Healer!” The sound of Heroes voice got their attention, and Healer realized the fight was over. Hero had a few scratches and cuts, and tomorrow bruises would be showing, but Healer could hardly see any of that next to the large amount of hurt radiating from Villain, 
“Make sure they don’t die”, was Heroes short order, tossing the hurt villain in Healers arms.
The movement hurt. Their broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, torn ligament in their ankle all flared up with fresh pain, mixing into the wild panic pulsing through their body. Something in Healer suddenly set in place, and they were moving without thinking.
“Okay”, they said, their voice filled with the sort of calm they only felt when others needed them. “You’re going to be okay. I know it hurts, I know you are scared, but I promise it will all get better soon.” Healer hardly noticed that Villain was fighting against their grip while Healer was lowering them to the ground. There was a stream of Nonononononono mumbled between blood and pain.
“I know, I know, but you need to hold on for just a second.” With their free hand Healer whipped the sweat-soaked strands of hair from Villains face, while the other administered the dose of pain-killers. It wasn’t enough to fully stop the pain, but it did make the hot pulses of hurt die down a little bit, enough for Healer to identify exactly where and why Villain was hurting. It also lessened the screaming panic into a more manageable mixture of fear and confusion.
“See, the hard part is over”, Healer said, now moving a bit slower, so as to not bring up Villains fear again. “I’m sorry I can’t give you more against the pain, but this is all I have on me right now. Once we are back at the base I can treat you properly, but now I need to make sure we can move you without making things worse.”
“Why?” Villains voice was raw and breathy, barely audible to anybody but the healer kneeling over them. Just the one word had new pain radiating from their broken ribs, but the fear noticeably went down.
“What do you mean?” Healer tried their best to make quick work of getting Villain transport ready. Dress the wounds, secure everything that was broken - they would need to set the shoulder, but for that Villain needed to be more stable than they were now.
“Painkillers. Why?”
“Because you are hurt.”
“And? Boss said to keep me alive, not make me feel better.” That made Healer pause. They didn’t like this conversation, they wanted to shut it down, but talking calmed Villain down. So they thought about Villains question.
“What benefit would there be in keeping you in pain?”
“Punishment for my sins?” Villain suggested, with a hint of humor in their voice. They sounded much less afraid than they actually were.
“It’s not my job to punish anybody. I’m just a healer.”
“Then to save resources. That dose of painkiller could have gone to a poor orphan child or something like that, not a violent psychopath like me.” Villains tone stayed unchanged. They had fallen into a light, sarcastic mode of talking that would probably fool anybody that didn’t have Healers ability to see the human body for everything it could tell. The new, less panicked and more vulnerable fear, the slight uptake in the heart rate when Villain started talking about themself. It was such a typical human thing, Healer had come to learn. Everybody always seemed a bit afraid, and everybody always seemed to think they were the only one.
“All I know is that you are a person in pain”, Healer explained as earnestly as they could in the short amount of time they had. “And it’s my job to make people better.”
“Well you’re wasting your time on-” Villain screamed as their shoulder popped back into the socket.
“Are you done?” Hero asked, tone and body showing nothing but boredom.
“They are ready for transport”, Healer answered. “But I’ll need to treat them properly back at base.”
“Whatever, as long as we can get going. I need a shower.”
“I’ll get them in the car.”
During the short conversation with Hero, Villains body had mostly recovered from the shock of having their shoulder reset.
“You know Heroes not a good person, right?” Villain asked while Healer tried to get them situated in a way that would cause the least amount of pain during the ride back to the J.U.S.T.I.C.E building.
“What do mean?”
“They’re just in it for the money.”
“Does that make them bad? They still save people.”
“They beat people up for money. Just because the people paying Hero want them to save people doesn’t mean Hero is anything other than a hired hitman. Would have killed me without an ounce of regret if J.U.S.T.I.C.E had told them to.”
Healer couldn’t deny that. Even without watching the fight, Healer had seen the feelings still in Heroes body once they were done. Those weren’t the feelings of somebody just out of a life-or-death situation. Their body had read the same as it did after any regular training session.
“You think Hero should feel guilty about hurting you?” Healer asked. Villain tried to shrug, but their hurt shoulder had them mask their pain with a well faked laugh instead.
“I don’t give a rats ass what Hero feels. But you? You can’t tell me the thought doesn’t bother you.”
“It doesn’t matter if it bothers me or not. I’m not the one making decisions. I’m just here to clean up after the fight.”
“No, you’re not. If you were, you wouldn’t have given me pain killers.”
“Maybe it was just a spur of the moment decision. I haven’t been doing this job long, and I was trained to treat civilians and heroes, not villains.”
“So you regret giving me the painkillers?” It would probably have been smart to lie, but despite Villains unchanged voice Healer could see the vulnerability in the question. The slightly raised heart rate, the waves of anxiety and vulnerability.
“See. That means you care. And Hero doesn’t. Why are you working with them?”
“Because I can’t fight. And I’m not brave enough to go out there on my own. If I want to help people - and I do want to help people -  then I need somebody to have my back. Working with J.U.S.T.I.C.E, with Hero, I have that. Maybe some of them aren’t as caring or compassionate as I would like them to be, but they have good intentions. And at the end of the day, I get to give hurt people the help they need.”
“A bleeding heart. Cute.” The smile playing on Villains face was an earnest one.
“A coward”, Healer disagreed.
“Why, because you don’t want to die trying to save somebody's life? I would call that smart.”
“No offense, but I don’t think your moral judgment is the one I’m going to trust.”
“Fair. But if you ever want to help somebody J.U.S.T.I.C.E doesn’t want you to help… well, Heroes are not the only people that can work as hired muscle.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying, you were kind to me when you didn’t have to be. That means I’m going to be kind to you. I know, working with an evil villain like me probably goes against your moral code or whatever, but you never know where life takes you. And if it comes to it… feel free to call in a favor with me.”
Healer knew that they should decline on principle. Villain was… well, they were a villain. They had hurt people, killed people. But so had Hero. And Healer had always just wanted to heal what was hurt, not think about right or wrong.
“Thank you”, Healer said. 
This story featured Supervillain as Healer and RightHand as Villain. Will they return?
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incorrect-rockman-exe-quotes · 2 years ago
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taldigi · 6 months ago
Love that Yoosk learns Diarama after his rank 8. Learning to heal. baby boy...
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gonkaccino · 3 months ago
having an early shift monday night may have fucked up my ability to hit rank 5 with the hex tomorrow, meaning I'll have to wait at least one more day before I can join the apparently very small community of lettiefuckers
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revivivivify · 1 year ago
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itsjustevil · 1 year ago
You know, it's crazy how I've heard about this on here and from my discord friends, I never found anything that alluded to the main synopsis of Dungeon Meshi being "These bitches broke, so they're gonna cook up some delicious monsters."
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volfoss · 4 months ago
i would be very sorry for starting db but in my defense, bulma is quite possibly one of the funniest characters in fiction. and i had to meet her.
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timeless-clarity · 5 months ago
I’ve always been into finding hidden knowledge about humanity. Of human behaviour and history. I love to absorb concepts, let them ferment inside my mind for some weeks and then share them with the world using accessible language.
Whether that may be in client sessions when I’m holding space for emotional transformation or in my online content.
I believe we humans deserve the keys to timeless self-worth and a deep understanding of who we are.
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bluberryffxiv · 5 months ago
tell us more abt Belala!
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sad wet beast. very quiet and complacent
~10 years older than bonana (technically 6 now but sshh she doesnt know that)
she was named by their mother, after church bells
has spent the past 15 years living alone in their family home in sharlayan while studying healing
due to overexerting herself in conjury she has discolored hands and feet, as well as neuropathy. she always wears gloves/closed shoes both to hide it and protect them. this is also why she was sent to gridania, which kickstarted her side adventure
strong affinity for ice magic
good singer
horrible at coping with death / failure to keep patients healthy (shared trait with bonana. lol)
loves starlight, though she hadnt anyone to celebrate with for such a long time
she use to dream of being a journalist until being shunted off to sharlayan cut it short. i think after the family reunion post-endwalker she starts to pursue it again
i need to work on this but i imagine after exploring aloalo with bonana, statice ends up hanging out with her and helping her when her disability gets too overwhelming
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gailgoodwinnow · 1 year ago
Sacred Lover, Servant and Healer
The purpose of life is a combination of your personal quest for fulfillment and the contribution it makes to a broader sense of purpose within humanity. You could say that broadly speaking, based on common themes in ethics, spiritual philosophies and religions, the purpose of life is to love, serve, and heal. How you do it is your life’s purpose. Your life purpose is yours to determine. The…
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lisablack000 · 1 year ago
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"The primitive magician, the medicine man or shaman is not only a sick man, he is above all, a sick man who has been cured, who has succeeded in curing himself."-Mircea Eliade
The wounded healer archetype is a term coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.
The idea states that an analyst is compelled to treat patients because the analyst himself is "wounded." The idea may have Greek mythology origins.
Mythological origins
In Greek mythology, the centaur Chiron was a "Wounded Healer", after being poisoned with an incurable wound by one of Hercules's arrows. Jung mentioned the Chiron myth "wounding by one's own arrow means, first of all, the state of introversion".
For Jung, "a good half of every treatment that probes at all deeply consists in the doctor's examining himself... it is his own hurt that gives a measure of his power to heal. This, and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician."
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dailycharacteroption · 2 years ago
Faith Singer (Bard Archetype)
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(art by Renato Prezioso on Artstation)
 While every faith has its worshippers celebrate in different ways, music is perhaps one of the most universal expressions. After all, if a species is capable of deriving joy from sound, they will likely find ways to incorporate it into other things that bring them joy.
Now, I have no doubt that plenty of players have had their clerics or other divine casters take ranks in a perform before to illustrate their devotion through song, what happens when someone with bardic training turns their talents towards expressing their faith?
Whether they are part of a formal choir, a musician for services, a bard that found purpose through faith, or part of a culture where faith and music are blended, these faith singers, though not always vocalists, do put their musical talents towards expressing various hymns, shanties, and folk tales associated with their faith. Though they are not divine casters, they are blessed with a measure of divine favor as well.
This archetype was brought to us courtesy of Healer’s Handbook, but it doesn’t necessarily grant any sort of healing ability, only some powers associated with clerics. As such, it’s quite versatile for character concepts and the many religions that fill the Lost Omens setting, as well as any other setting you come up with.
 Naturally, as individuals blessed with divine power, these bards must align with their deity or faith’s beliefs at least somewhat. What they get in return for this is the ability to tap into the spells of one domain, starting with the least powerful, but mastering the first five such spells by the ends of their career. However, their ability tap into this wellspring is limited, allowing them to cast these spells only once each.
While supremely simple as an archetype, the versatility of domain (and subdomain) choices means you’ll have a lot to think about when coming up with your character. You lose out on versatile performance, but the bard is already a highly skilled class to begin with, and depending on what domain you choose, you may yet have plenty of versatile utility anyway.
 The sheer number of domains and faiths in the core setting along means that not only do you have to consider what domain to pick, but also how their choice of deity colors not just which domain they have and how it is interpreted, but also their music. Consider one with the air domain whose drums emulate the rumble of thunder before calling down bolts of lightning Raijin-style, or perhaps one who sings of the virtues of scalykind through deep bass kulning, or maybe even one who conjures an otherworldly pipe organ to fill the air with sound.
  The festival of the Mountains’s Crown, in which the sun passes directly over the summit of Mount Ishaan, is a sacred time for the vanara that dwell in the mountain city of Bakyana. Many performances will be held, particularly renditions of The Mountain God’s Coronation, an opera based on the state religion’s most important fable.
 Most prayers to the Huntress are meant to be silent, reflecting the stillness of their goddess, but the catfolk of Moro have one prayer that is sung aloud, one for the praise of the warrior who has slain an unnatural monster… or died trying. The song has many variants based on the danger and death toll of the creature in question, as well as whether the hunt succeeded, and the priest-singers who devote themselves to master it have to be able to perform every version.
 The current lord of Ogfleur recently converted to the faith of the Iron Keeper, and suddenly rival faiths in the city are facing a slew of sanctions against them, particularly followers of the Muse, with numerous “noise complaints” being the primary factor, despite their faithful being a beloved part of the city.
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lucisevofficial · 1 year ago
J continuing to play fe4 and is now joining me in being annoyed at how feh did Lachesis so dirty
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leonartiste · 1 month ago
“[T]he wounded healer is the archetype of the Self – one of its most widespread features – and is at the bottom of all genuine healing procedures.”
Marie-Louise von Franz, Puer Aeternus
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