#head disciple wei wuxian
kachawo · 2 years
Happy Birthday Wei Ying!
For his birthday, I want all the Wwxs to meet.
Child wei ying, first disciple wei wuxian, the yiling partriarch, the ressurected.
It’ll be confusing first, don’t you think?
15 y/o wwx would be sooo confused: why are you so skinny? And why is the future us shorter than you?
Mxy!wwx: is the height the only thing you noticed?
Baby wei yimg would be just there, silently watching his counterparts speak over each other with a cute little absent expression.
And yllz!wwx would be drinking the hell out of those wine jars mxy!wwx has in the jingshi
Yllz!wwx: we’re we always this scraggly?
15 y/o wwx: you’re one to talk! You look like a skeleton!
It’s all so chaotic and fun at the same time. Sure, if any sane person saw this scene it would sound insane. To enjoy the company of yourself? Insanity.
Both yllz!wwx and mxy!wwx envy the joy their younger self still has, the light in his eyes that they can never recover again. They indulge in this little temporary space they’ve made for themselves in this world, knowing that it won’t last forever.
They care for baby wei yimg like they do with a-yuan, they make him smile, break him out of his wary instinct.
15 y/o wwx tells him tales of his new home, the rivers and lakes, lotuses, the kind people. While the older two listen in with pained smiles, one more than the other.
“You’ll meet the most beautiful and kindest shijie ever.” Their teenage self would say.
Baby wei yimg would smile, comforted by the fact that someday, he would have a home, would have someone to love him and care for him.
Both young wwxs wouldn’t notice how yllz!wwx’s face curls in longing, and how mxy!wwx would flinch.
It’s painful, it’s the truth, it’s something they both ran away from.
“I miss her.” Yllz!wwx would admit, “It’s been a few months since I saw her. Heard she had a kid.”
While mxy!wwx would say nothing.
“Her kid’s name is Jin Ling.” He would whisper, “He’s just like his uncle.”
15 y/o wwx would joke that, jc would be a sour looking uncle. “So she really married the peacock?”
“Speaking of children. How’s a-yuan?” Yllz!wwx asks.
Then, mxy!wwx would go on and on about how good he’s been, how much he has grown, what his courtesy was, all with a fond smile.
“Aiya, he really acts so much like Lan Zhan.”
And then they all promptly discover that mxy!wwx is actually married to lan wangji.
“Eh?! That fuddy-duddy?!” 15 y/o wwx sputters, face red.
“We-we went back to gusu with him?” Yllz!wwx mutters, a bit hopeful.
“He’s patient with me, he understands and he wait. You have no idea how much Lan Zhan loves us.”
Mxy!wwx says. “I can’t imagine living a life where he isn’t a part of it.”
“That’s why.” He points accusingly towards both of them. “You both better suck it up, and treat him better for god’s sake!”
“Hah?!” “Stop shamelessly disrespecting him you young fool! And you!” He points to yllz!wwx.
“Hear him out.” he says softly, “Gusu isn’t meant to be a prison, he wants to protect you.”
And when it’s all settled down, and they’re back to chattering chaotically once more. A small, shy yet bright giggle blooms from between them.
Baby wei yimg looks at all of them with a satisfied smile, so young and childish, so innocent and free.
“I’m really happy we have a home!” He says with a smile.
A fond huff from all of them, and soft smiles.
A home, was Lotus Pier,
And even if it was on borrowed time. A home, was with refuges who only had each other, till the end of their lives.
And now. A home was with the clouds.
“Yeah.” Wei Wuxian says to himself.
“I’m glad we had a home.”
And he wakes up, birds chirping and sun light seeping through the windows.
“Happy Birthday, Wei Ying.” His husband greets him fondly.
This is home.
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thekansta · 6 months
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Lotus pier
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mediocretosubpar-soup · 6 months
Fun idea:
Wei Wuxian gets his own Yunmeng Jiang disciples in disguise squads. This is because one time Jin Ling mentioned that Wei Wuxian was hurt on a night hunt and Jiang Cheng's anxiety levels hit a new peak, so he, in the fashion of people who take their hot iron on vacation, put assigned a squad of Yunmeng Jiang disciples as a protection detail.
YMJ disciple: So you want us to observe Wei Wuxian to study demonic cultivation?
JC (dead serious but also lying through his teeth): Absolutely, WWX is the foremost expert but he'll never tell us his secrets. It is of utmost important that he remain alive and well, so we can study him to ensure we are prepared for new demonic cultivation inventions.
YMJ disciple (not buying this for a second but willing to give the SL some face: Sounds legit.
A few months into the assignment.
YMJ disciple A (distressed) about WWX: He totally knows!
YMJ disciple B: He knows nothing.
YMJ disciple C: I've been a random rogue cultivator, a helpful villager and then a conveniently wandering monk on the same night hunt. That man can't remember faces for shit.
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lurkinginnernarrator · 2 months
need more fics showcasing WWX's martial skill. Love the flute and ranged demonic cultivation attacks but WWX was also an accomplished swordmen, and head disciple. Need WWX to suplex someone. Or grapple.
Also more chengqing as a melee weapon. it'd be cool to see WWX use a spear too
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lizhly-writes · 5 months
hey guys do you wanna hear about my bad idea ahahaha i'm just joking i'm going to tell you whether you like it or not.
anyway! au where jiang fengmian brings back a starving orphan from the streets, and his name is yue qi.
(what happened to wei wuxian? don't worry about it it's fine) (idk maybe he doesn't exist? whatever)
yue qi is strong. yue qi is talented. yue qi tries harder than anyone. yue qi is perfect and you can't even really be irritated at him for it, because he's nice and polite and good-tempered and absolutely everything you could ask for in a da-shixiong.
jiang cheng feels so fucking bad about this. second best even in a whole new au, huh, a-cheng? but it's not your fault. even op protagonist bing-ge couldn't beat yue qi in a fair fight!
nobody knows this, though, so you're just going to have to suffer through the comparisons. it's your mom and your dad and all the little disciples thinking that yue qi is better than you. ooooh, that can't be good for that burgeoning inferiority complex your mom's instilled in you, huh?
but, you know. jiang cheng's going to be sect leader. he's going to need a strong sect. even if his mom fuckin bitches at him for not being as good as yue qi -- yue qingyuan -- then at least he's going to have a strong right hand, right?
so there are two routes we can go here. for the sake of my early morning ramblings, we're going to go for the more unrealistic one that requires me to jump through more hoops, because i think it's hilarious.
yue qingyuan starts getting more distant as he gets older. going on long nighthunts away from the lotus pier, you know. he stops leading the disciples in morning drills -- or, well, it's less that he stops, and more that he's not around to actually do that.
he's not around a lot.
snide, snide commentary about how yue qingyuan is going to run away to become a rogue cultivator, just like -- (but we don't talk about them). how yue qingyuan's not going to be da-shixiong for much longer. every time yue qingyuan returns to lotus pier, he seems to be more tired, more wound up, more stressed out --
and then everything stops. yue qingyuan comes back one day emotionally catatonic. he doesn't respond properly when people talk to him. unrelatedly (of course it's unrelated), there is some wailing and weeping in the night. some little shidi thinks that somehow a resentful ghost has made it into the pier and alerts da-shixiong about it in the morning.
thankfully, da-shixiong is back to normal in the morning. "i'll take a look," da-shixiong says, and then everybody forgets about it because da-shixiong is back and da-shixiong stops going on those long nighthunts away and everything is fiiiinnnne, don't worry. and if da-shixiong is a bit more brittle after that -- well, you're probably just imagining it.
jiang cheng worries about it. but yue qingyuan never says anything, because that's what yue qingyuan does. he never says annnnnnything to anyone.
of course, there's only so long you can argue with da-shixiong when the plot is coming up. gusu happens. the wens happen.
jiang cheng and yue qingyuan get sent to the wen evil summer camp, or whatever it's called. indoctrination, right?
lectures. drills. meaningless busy work for the sake of beating people down. obedience, and more obedience. there's a wen staring down every class, just waiting for them to slip up. there's one in particular that seems to have it out for yue qingyuan, sharp mouthed and pointy and HAHAHA OKAY, you've probably guessed who this is, haven't you? you're a genre-savvy audience, i bet!
ah, but i'll spell it out anyway, don't worry. for a-cheng, maybe, because jiang cheng can't guess, because yue qingyuan doesn't tell him anything. jiang cheng's out of the loop, on the outside, like he always is with yue qingyuan. don't worry, jiang cheng -- you're not special. he treats you like he treats everyone else.
but ah, that's the problem, isn't it?
jiang cheng stumbles over da-shixiong at night, past curfew, arguing with the wen. or, really, it's not arguing -- the wen is verbally eviscerating him, and yue qingyuan is just letting him. attacks on yue qingyuan's character and talent and everything, and about how yue qi's CLEARLY found a replacement (replacement? what does that mean?) and fine, you think you're so respectable now, of course only a high-bred sect heir is good for you (that jiang-gongzi, do you think he's a better version of me) (is this the version of me you've always wanted?) --
all yue qingyuan says is "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry--"
there's got to be one question on your mind, huh, a-cheng? yue qingyuan seems to know this wen. pretty well, it seems -- those insults aren't generic, this seems personal. why? how?
who the hell is wen qingqiu?
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waitineedaname · 5 months
the problem with the yunmeng bros (one of many problems) is that they are on completely different pages about what they need. Wei Wuxian thinks they need distance from each other for Jiang Cheng's sake, but Jiang Cheng wants him close by where he can keep an eye on him. Wei Wuxian wants to avoid talking about their issues, but Jiang Cheng really really needs to talk about it. Wei Wuxian says they should move on and treat this like another life, but Jiang Cheng's been living a lie for the better part of the last twenty years and just wants Wei Wuxian to keep his goddamn promise
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menimimimeni · 6 months
Wei Wuxian being an awful student is funnier when you remember that Wei Wuxian was a teacher
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onhoude · 2 years
Jiang Wanyin, Nie Huaisang, and Wei Wuxian teaming up (sworn brothers) would've been extraordinary. In canon it wouldn't work (it would also make an entirely different tale). For plenty reasons. For one, I think Jiang Wanyin would have too little insight to play along with their schemes, and Wei Wuxian too reckless to play things strategically/politically, but if we pretend the stars are aligned it would have been amazing.
More under the cut because I'm rambling. It all boils down to Nie Huaisang interacting with Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian more before Nie Mingjue's death and having a tight leash on them both while being pitiful and feigning as politically insignificant.
Jiang Wanyin is actually fine with creating some unrest in the cultivation world if he has another sect's (combative) reputable backing (which used to be Nie Mingjue, so his early presence would be part of the whole 'stars must align' deal). After all, he was also one of the main instigators for the Sunshot Campaign, as a gongzi who just lost his entire sect against largely hesitant sects.
Jiang Wanyin also rebuilt an entire sect and elevated it to a high position in his own generation, all while during a war. That said, he's respectable and efficient but lacks the influence, charisma and sway to be truly persuasive.
Nie Huaisang would garner information, offer what Jiang Wanyin lacks in cunning, and set things up for Jiang Wanyin to honourably settle things publically (or lets things be taken care of, less publically). His timid reputation would soften the fear people have of his other sworn brother, Wei Wuxian.
Now, Wei Wuxian (pre-death) is a powerhouse with or without Golden Core (the archery competition, for example) and intelligent, but unorthodox and brash. With Nie Huaisang placating him (and helping him stay out of trouble), Wei Wuxian might be more likely to leave things up to Jiang Wanyin (who, at this point, would have a greater chance of actually succeeding in back-stabbing cultivator land) while his presence alone suffices as a threat.
But not too much of a threat! After all, if the Head Shaker cries on Yiling Laozu's lap after only half a cup of wine, then he can't be entirely ruthless, shameful and without compassion. Especially if Wei Wuxian is as charismatic as he usually is towards Nie Huaisang in public, as well.
Sect Leader Nie Mingjue is also not to be messed with. Even though he openly dislikes Wei Wuxian (demonic cultivation is dishonourable), Nie Huaisang does like him, and at least his younger brother's meddling is pulling some weight politically. Additionally, Nie Mingjue respects Jiang Wanyin for his role during the Sunshot Campaign. If Wei Wuxian is still in good standing with Jiang Wanyin, then altogether it's good for the relationship between Qinghe Nie and Yunmeng Jiang (as well as Gusu Lan, though Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian have yet to figure out that Wei Wuxian's antics have a beneficial effect on one Hanguang-jun and thus Sect Leader Lan Xichen - who is of course sworn brother of Nie Mingjue himself as well as Jin Guangyao).
And even if Nie Mingjue still dies (which he likely will, especially if the alliance between Qinghe Nie and Yunmeng Jiang stabilizes), that would only make Nie Huaisang (tragically) more driven. And he'd be less alone, having the support of brothers to get him through it.
Tensions would be so, so, so high because Jiang Wanyin (as the de facto leader) isn't technically politically powerful, but everyone has to concede to him a little anyway because of the sheer pressure the three hold.
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talesfromnatea · 1 year
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sudden urge to draw the yiling wei but modern. We've got Wei-zongzhu, that fucking murder gremlin that is the head disciple, a shy corpse, the tiniest most terrifying woman, a meng yao who is feared by everyone because if he gets pissed off he'll use his administrative magics to move everything in the Burial Mounds an inch to the left, his goth baby brother, best boy Wei Sizhui, and a little con artist who is pissed off at her dads for not letting her put herself in danger with them
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lmao-ooooooo · 11 months
“-and i now pronounce you, husband and wife.-” 
A loud cheer erupts in the from the guest disciples common room. 
“And because i dont believe in gender,-” Wei Wuxian pauses to dramatically flip his hair 
“the bride may now kiss the groom.”
Li Xie grabs Se Yun by the collar and kisses him roughly. Lan Qiren wishes he knew what the actual fuck just happened.
He has so many questions. 
For starters, why are there fifteen yearolds getting married in the guest disciples common room and why, oh dear god why is Wei Wuxian marrying them? 
Lan Qiren dosent know whether to laugh or cry. 
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ann-mauriii · 11 months
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Wei Wuxian, head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang sect, master of six arts, son of Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze.
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kachawo · 2 years
YilingWei Sect AU: Head Disciple
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Click here for previous YilingWei Sect posts.
Meet Mo Xuanyu, YilingWei’s beloved and trusty Head disciple.
Him and his mother, Mo Fan, left the family village at a young age, with only the clothes on their back and a pouch of coins. Originally, they planned to travel north from Gusu, where Lanling stood, but an unfortunate encounter with bandits lead them to run into the forests, injured and bloodied.
Wei Wuxian founds them at the border of Jiangling, starved and close to death, and decided to bring them to Yiling, where he helped them build a home and start a new life. Mo Fan thrived with her surroundings, people appreciated and supported her. She taught the children of Yiling to write and read, and later would be a teacher in the BM when the sect is still fresh and new.
While Mo Xuanyu, who showed skill in leadership and the ability to teach just like his mother, was appointed to be the first ever Head Disciple of the YilingWei. (He’s not the first ever disciple, tho.)
He wielded a fan as if it were a dagger, moved liked the wind with a deadly sword, and was adept in all studies of talisman and arrays. Wei Wuxian couldn’t be more proud.
Mo Xuanyu specializes is talisman and rituals, and is the first one to master “Espy”
When Xue Yang comes along, they oddly get along very well. If Mo Xuanyu has WWX’s looks, then Xue Yang has his insanity. Mxy has learned the arts of keeping him in a tight leash.
He’s very good with children, that’s one of the reasons why he’s HD, but also he’s often had the responsibility of entertaining a-Yuan when he was a child, along with other youngs kids WWX picked up from the streets. They all call him “Yu-gege.” A-Yuan though, calls him “Pretty-gege.” And Mxy denied crying the first time.
Idk what signature color to give him! Frankly speaking, the disciples all wear black, gray, and red, the only difference in color are their swords. I always saw Mxy as the red and black guy, just the same as WWX! So it was hard to think of anything else.
I thought of gold because technically he was a Jin, but then his sword would look like Suibian. Then I just started fucking around to find out and thought orange looked pretty actually.
The acupuncture needle was crafted by Wen Qing as a preventive measure in case someone was attacked by resentful energy. The needle was made specifically to purge energy out of the body, when inserted into the right junctions and meridans, it can force the resentment out of the body and into the needle itself. (And can be purged in the same needle as well.)
It’s made with black quartz, which in this au, is a great medium for yin energy.
Also, the white markings on the inside of the bow (the circles) are indicators of symbol.
4 marks for the sect leader, 3 marks for the chiefs, and 2 marks for the senior disciples. Though really, it’s not that important, just an aesthetic choice.
Wwx has his in his belt but never wears it, he doesn’t like the idea of being identified by your status. He sees everyone equally and as family and doesn’t see the need to flaunt it.
It makes him feel a bit detached from the others, and he doesn’t like that feeling.
Hehe, thanks for reading! I think I’ll continue with these YilingWei Sect ideas. I wanna know if you guys want to know more about this AU!
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askew-d · 4 months
if wei wuxian had ignored lan wangji a little, that would be the utmost fix-up. because, listen to me: if wei wuxian had decided to play hard to get after so many times receiving the cold shoulder from hanguang-jun, the man would be so dejected. imagine he decides ‘oh, well, guess i’ll just stop pestering him and do my stuff instead’. lan wangji would be so confused, he’d start begging inside during public appearances for wei wuxian to pay attention on him once more.
he’d struggle to get first place in every competition to be noticed by the yumeng’s head disciple. he’d stare at him so intensely all the time that at some point every cultivator will already understand or he wants wei wuxian naked or wants him tied somewhere, whimpering. or both, for the matter, but who cares at that point??! the cultivators just want some peace!!
lan wangji would buy him stuff. write him stuff. indulge his mischiefs. ask his laughing brother for advice. paint a ‘wei ying… notice me,” in his white clothes, making lan qiren go mad (alright, he wouldn’t do it, but you get what i mean).
it’s just that, canonically, i believe he absolutely loves wei wuxian’s undivided attention (his teenage self wouldn’t ever admit though). but if wei wuxian had ignored him a bit, lan wangji would have learned long ago how much he doesn’t want wei wuxian away, causing him to protect him harder.
but that’s just another theory that’ll never get proved because wei wuxian is a simp. he’s a hanguang-jun worshipper. the gayest gay to have ever gayed. his sleeves are so cut that the fabric’s now gone and he’ll walk around naked. he couldn’t have not bothered lan wangji — if you ask him, he’ll say he was born for that.
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shanastoryteller · 8 months
Happy holidays! Lady mo please?
a continuation of 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Jiang Yanli does not often feel old. Her golden core does not keep her eternally young like it does her brother, does not prevent the more persistent illnesses from plaguing her, but it does east the aches and pains non cultivators her age often complain of, does keep her skin youthful without the aid of strange poultices and she’ll probably never need dyes to keep her hair dark. But she feels old now, watching Xuanyu and Lan Wangji fumble around one another, watching her struggle for the affection of a husband who might care for her, but does not treat her with care.
At least by the time she married Zixuan, he’d told her that he loved her.
 “What was all the commotion about?” Zixuan asks, arms encircling her waist as he tugs her back against his chest now that they’re back in their own quarters.
“Your cousin got drunk and pissed off the wrong people. Again.”
He huffs, his breath warm against her neck. “Yanli. You know that’s not what I’m talking about. I know A-Yao thinks I’m stupid, but even I notice servants running about and clan leaders and their wives going missing. Especially when one of them is mine.”
“A-Yao doesn’t think you’re stupid,” Jiang Yanli says, even though he kind of does. He thinks most people are stupid and Zixuan has at least grown out of taking it personally. That doesn’t mean she has to rub it in. “Xuanyu was just – a little upset. About things.”
“Lan Xichen likes her. Lan Wangji’s kid adores her. And we all saw what Lan Wangji thinks,” he says. Defending is also not the same thing as caring, but she doesn’t say that. “A-Yao even calls her our sister. Do you remember how long it took him to call me brother? It seems like it’s going well.”
If it had gone a little less well, she’d be less distraught.
Jiang Yanli is debating how much she can say without revealing Xuanyu’s pregnancy – enough people know that it won’t stay a secret for long, but Zixuan is terrible at faking surprise – when there’s a loud, frantic knocking at their door.
Zixuan frowns and goes to open the door.
“Fuck off,” slurs a familiar, beloved voice.
Jiang Yanli hides a smile and goes to stand next to her husband.
A-Cheng is standing there, sort of, considering he’s mostly being supported but a long-suffering Li Jun. “Meimei said she won’t deal with him anymore.”
“Ah,” Zixuan says, already resigned.
A-Cheng stumbles forward, grabbing her wrist and tugging her towards the table. He blearily glares at Zixuan. “Go away.”
He sighs, leaning down to kiss her and then saying, “I suppose I’ll be in a guest room.” He makes a face, remembering that the tower is full of foreign disciples. “Somewhere.”
He’s going to end up sleeping in their son’s room and A-Ling is going to complain about it. Loudly.
“Good night,” she says, barely keeping from laughing as she closes the door on Li Jun side eyeing Zixuan. Her sect has never completely forgiven Zixuan for being a teenage boy, not matter that she’s spent over a decade in the Jin rather than the Jiang.
She lets A-Cheng pull her down beside him at the table, leaning his head on his arm while he stares at her. She pours him a cup of water that she hopes he’ll drink. “Are you all out of sorts because of Xuanyu too?”
His face goes blank then it creases and he’s turns to hide it in the bend of his elbow.
With the first stirrings of genuine alarm, Jiang Yanli realizes he’s crying.
“A-Cheng? A-Cheng, what’s wrong?” she asks, putter her arm over his back and pulling him into her side like she used to when they were kids.
The words come out muffled, but he says, “I hate him. How could he – I hate him.” Then, quieter, in a tone that doesn’t match the words at all, “I hate him.”
She runs through everyone who’s here, every cultivator she saw A-Cheng speak to, but it’s a fool’s errand. No one gets to him like this. No one but –
“Wei Wuxian came back.”
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lurkinginnernarrator · 4 months
Fics where Wei Wuxian is a teacher, a mentor, a reliable leader. Mmmm yes. That hits the spoooot
Or even better, teacher duo wangxian
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boarloved-art · 4 months
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happy wangxian wednesday i love my dads
[ID by bytedykes: Digital MDZS fanart. Wei Wuxian is kissing Lan Wangji on the cheek, holding his chin and head in order to do it. Lan Wangji is holding him back, his hands on Wei Wuxian's waist. Wei Wuxian also has a foot popped. They are both smiling. They're outside, three bunnies at their feet, which have markings that resemble the junior disciples. The lighting is warm and sunny, like a morning. The first image has shading on the two of them, while the second image is the same but without it. /end ID]
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