#he's being dramatic dw
clockwork-freminet · 10 months
"I'm so embarrassed... I'm never showing my face in Sumeru again..."
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
War AU x Second Love
Lmao Sam this is literally the plot to the Nandopoleon AU this exists in my head 😭😭
So Fernando is Napoleon, right? And Napoleon had two wives, right? Mark is his first love(i.e. Josephine), older than him, and who he is deeply in love with but has to divorce because Mark can't really provide anything(i.e. no political advantages, infertile, etc.) So Fernando needs to make a political marriage. And who does he marry! The young son of one of the most prominent monarchies in Europe: Lance, Archduke of Austria.
Lance is very resistant to this at first of course. All grumpy like, "Dad, why do you want me to marry the guy who just defeated us in four separate wars. He's literally beaten us since practically my birth, and now I have to marry him? Yuck." Both him and Fernando come into the marriage with bad expectations, Lance despising Fernando for all he represents and Fernando viewing Lance as just a means to an end. But Lance fits in to the kingdom very well and Fernando comes to adore him and pamper him all the time. And suddenly Lance to his father is all like, "the Emperor is great actually 🥰 I was so wrong 🥰"
Meanwhile Mark is just forced to the side, and has to watch while Fernando's love for him diminishes, and his love for Lance grows. They still talk a lot and spend time together, but Mark is constantly sniping at Fernando about his new "wife."
I think Lance would stick by Fernando's side during his exile and subsequent return. He grows to be more loyal to Fernando than to his own family and original kingdom. And even though Fernando originally just views him as a means to an end, he eventually lets Lance fight alongside when they are eventually drawn back into war. Maybe in this AU, he actually wins 😔
#imagine lance on the battlefield 😭😭#hes been a pampered spoiled rich boy his whole life#but he really admires fernando and how different their upbringings were#i think he def recieved military training when he was younger just bcs thats what guys did back then no?#but obviously was never expected to ever fight in a war or be in battle#just his dad being like yeah ee have the best of the best military leaders so you should learn from them#and then eventually is drawn into battle himself bcs he doesnt want to leave fernando's side#<- irl the woman that Lance is based on cheated on Napoleon and they never interacted again post-Elba so 😬#lance would be like IM GOING TO ELBA WITH HIM#and lawrence is like huh what no??? you have land to inherit still!!!#and lance just sulks in vienna for those eleven months of nando's exile#and then gets alerted abt his return and they have a very dramatic romantic reunion#where Lance commissions his own uniform and such and goes to greet Fernando lkke 'I knew you wouldnt leave me 🥹'#also the age gaps of mark-fernando-lance is remarkably close to the historical age gaps i am stealing from#<- literally only 1 and 5 years off. so im glad it fits so well 🤭🤭#also yeah dw how pregnancy works ( ._.) it just does. mpreg :) we sweep it under the rug#also the thought of lawrence as francis i is funny to me just bcs i feel he should be cast as a driver or smth but its okay#also the 'third love' of this is just Seb as Alexander I whom Nando is weirdly obsessed with#catie.asks.#strollonso#webbonso#nandopoleon alonsoparte
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0809sysblings · 7 months
gonna pull a John.
"why did you kill them?" they annoyed me. "who was it?" some random person just walking by
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needylittlegirl · 2 months
!! if anyone cares i took kitty to the vet yesterday, they said hes CRAZY healthy for his age, and since everything looks good and fine theyre gonna treat him for a uti before doing any bloodwork or xrays and stuff cause its Probably just that so. they dont wanna kill my bank or stress him out more than necessary!! they said hes a very very healthy boy and im a good owner for noticing his discomfort so fast :] (they were boosting my ego the entire time)
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scaredofmyocs · 8 months
I love it when i accidentally stay up on the night im supposed to be catching up on sleep it totallly doesnt make me feel horrible all week long
#talk post#i love this blog i want to live here#I cant!!! i just cant!!! go to bed at a normal fucking time istg#but noooooo the wild grinders wiki no some stupid bullshit no one has ever cared about before#WHEN I DONT GET ENOUGH SLEEP MY MENTAL HEALTH GETS WAY WORSE!!!!! IF I DONT FIX IT WE ARE GOING TO GET TOO SILLY#(yelling at a mirror)#seriously bothers me tho that Im always worried about how intense my negative feelings have been lately#and im like “oh ill just get more sleep” and then immediately fuck it up the next night making me tired all week#making me feel SO bad in the mornings and at night and increasing my paranoia and other such thoughts#and in trying to tune it all out just forget about it again leading to me fucking it up again#this is a bit dramatic its only happened 2 weeks in a row#but that feels like a lot because thats like 10 nights where i felt like i blinked and i had to wake up and go to school#and not only deal with my shitty social skills but the results of said thing#and also try to fight the thoughts that are like “this shits pointless im not doing this” LIKE PLEASE pretend to be normal for one year#and also that one teacher i have who demands every students attention while he teaches like i already finished the work sheet shut it#like i do well in that class just let me do what i want im not being distracting like girl i have at least an 87 dw about me#PLUS most of the time im not even on my phone he just really wants me to look at the board but girl as i said I ALREADY DID WHATS ON THERE#i feel like i never get to relax but i do all the time so i dont know what i mean#i keep saying “its ok as long as i can bury all my thoughts and just keep going while filling what free time i have with things i enjoy”#but things only work for so long#i hate the passage of time#anyawy erm wrong my guitar is in my mind (stupid ass guitar riff)#walks over to my bed and trips on the way falling asleep on the floor#ramble#hit post
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irritablepoe · 8 months
one thing about me is that i'll freeze to death when angry. like i'm shaking and not from anger, it's just that i get so cold
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quettasecond · 2 years
btw if you dont consider ncuti gatwa to be the fourteenth doctor you are going to be sent to hell
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lapisdex · 1 year
@viigilant Confused Yaksha noises..
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Can't afford tea what's the point of living?
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inbox5 · 1 year
❝ i’ll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife. ❞  erik bit out, hating her presence, the lasso already hiden underneath the many layers of clothing. preparing for the worst. though he detested having to murder women, especially the talented. / @stjusts / sc.
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ham1lton · 3 months
nepo sister?
pairing: lando norris x fellow driver’s sister!reader (no faceclaim).
summary: your sister is one of the most famous f1 drivers in history and when she suddenly has a barrage of hate and online users comparing her to a certain lando norris, you’ve gotta step in and sort it out. you couldn’t foresee the man in question being into you.
warnings: jokes about adoption but it’s lighthearted. also mentions of racism and sexism. also y/n bullying poor lando in defence of her sister.
author’s note: as i do with requests, i put my own little spin on it! hope u enjoy 💕also i used aaliyah as your sister’s faceclaim but she’s your adopted sister so y/n is still pretty much whoever you view her to be. i refer to yn’s older sis as o/s. in case you were wondering who tf that is. reminder that requests are currently still open!
edit: now part of a series ! <3
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liked by oldersister, yourbffsuser and 20,873 others.
yourusername: why is my sister so dramatic? she picked me up from the airport in a FUR jacket in a LIMO? also this cat is evil. genuinely evil. cat satan. catan?
oldersister: i was at an EVENT! 😭 you’re lucky i even picked your ass up anyways 🙄🖕🏾.
-> user1: their dynamic is so funny.
user2: y/n in melbourne for the grand prix??? 😍
user4: o/s looks sooo good 😍😍😍
user3: the cat is so cute 🥺
-> yourusername: no need to lie bae ❤️
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liked by zendaya, oldersister and 627,982 others.
yourusername: my sister before, during and after the race. plus our dad!! he’s new to this ig shit so be nice or i’ll bulldoze your grandma. let me start by just say something… my sister is one of the best drivers in the world. i see a lot of people cussing her out and all i’m gonna say is don’t pmo. she’s my sister but even besides that, her multiple historic accolades speak for themselves. quit playing with your misogynistic and racist shit before i drag your whole lineage.
oldersister: stop being so aggressive 🙄 but thank you. love you.
-> yourusername: posted this to cover the fact i spent $82 on fast food using your card 😘
-> oldersister: that’s it? that’s not the worst you’ve done tbf.
hater1: be real. lando is better than o/s in every shape and form. it’s just a fact.
-> yourusername: so why is o/s a two-time world champion and lando isn’t?
user1: SPEAK ON IT!!! 🗣️🔈
hater2: o/s is overrated.
-> yourusername: snore. ass take. come up with something original and not completely false.
user2: y/n said might i suggest you don’t fuck with my sis!!!
-> user6: she’s in her solange era 😭
user3: is this because someone said y/n was worse than lando?
-> yourusername: like 🤣 don’t ever compare the two. o/s is a world champion and lando is… lando.
-> landonorris: NO CAUSE WHY AM I IN THIS???? 😭
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liked by charles_leclerc, tomholland and 283,928 others
landonorris: just woke up to my name trending on twitter. what you say fuck me for 😭😭 stop using my name to drag my fellow drivers i’m begging you.
user1: no cause if anything these haters are lando antis and not o/s antis. they set your ass up omgggg. pure insane hate.
user2: fighting for my life defending you.
user3: the three diff angles of the same george crying vid is crazy work ngl.
-> georgerussell63: no cause HE got dragged and now he’s setting ME up.
-> user3: dw king. find solace in that he either searched google purely for this photo or had them saved onto his phone. haters nowadays are fans in denial.
-> landonorris: nah i’m just a hater.
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liked by landonorris, oldersister and 726,733 others.
yourusername: i met lando nowins. i guess he’s cool.
oldersister: now that’s just not right.
-> landonorris: i know!! after the four hour long convo y/n and i had, she still drags me 😔💔.
-> oldersister: i wasn’t talking about that. i’m talking about the picture she chose for me. why did she use that photo after catching me off guard??? and if you know y/n, get ready for the bullying. she does it to all her loved ones.
user3: this is the content i follow you for y/n.
*liked by yourusername.*
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whilomm · 11 months
if they ever make a barbie movie 2 i think there should be a running gag of ken's ever increasing stack of stolen library books as he tries to figure out Who He Is (less dramatic this time hes just curious and exploring, hes talking to therapist barbie dw), and every once in a while he pops up to deliver random ass fun facts (some of which end up being plot critical many of which are just horses)
also he should have a horse girl moment
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astrxealis · 2 years
i think if i said that what fandaniel says and does speaks to me on a somewhat deep level ... that would be. concerning
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა ffxiv ໒꒱ *·˚#honestly /gen LMAO but it's funny T___T#i wrote this during class and then forgot about it ODHSIDBSKS ...... okay so. uhm#FR THOUGH fandaniel is such a vibe for me. i am utterly obsessed w his lines esp back when he wasn't using his actual voice#but also now!! the va is SO good ... bless their cameos as well LMAO let's go lesbians let's go <33#but yes :] maybe deep down i too feel the urge to burn down the world and cause destruction !! destroy everyone and everything including#my own self <3 take this as you will LMAOOO idk if i get really tired of being nice then ^^ T___T !?!?!#in general though even from when he first introduces himself properly as Fandaniel. that was such A Scene#yes he is annoying but do i want to punch him? sure. do i want to get rid of him entirely ... no. he's such an intriguing character and his#vibe is AMAZING. especially in enw where they yk yeah more on his character and his motivations#the ff villain i'd compare him to most is fandaniel but i do think fandaniel is a better villain :O just imo! i love kefka tho lol#no spoilers in all this hehe but yes if you know then yeah ^^ i'm probably fine dw i won't. go all Fandaniel any time soon#i'll just stick to being dramatic and extra and just have all my bad feelings inside like usual hehe >_< ✨#okay though genuinely ignoring the whole. haha destruction stuff. fandaniel is just really so interesting to me#the epitome of a character i want to shake around in a jar and examine ... under a microscope even. idk
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
Hi again 😊 You suggested i could send another prompt, sooo… maybe you & Jason have been together awhile, and you’re kidnapped by (choose your villain) and Jason is worried and frantic but trying to not show it of course, and negotiating for your safety? Ends up rescuing you of course, in whichever way you prefer, and then they find comfort in each-other 💗
I haven’t had time or energy to work on my WIP lately so this is very lovely and gratifying 😂👌🏻💗
aghh that's the worst! wishing you luck on your wip!! i'm glad you like these <3 requests are open for jason, dick, and MAWS!clark kent btw!
this one is very batfam focused hehehe. ft dramatic ass jason and his surprise kidnapped fiancé lol.
jason todd x gn!reader. tw: violence, kidnapped reader, reader is pushed off a building for a moment but they're okay dw <3, batfam feels, jason being a protective bf, bruce being a GOOD DAD! c:
"Actually, if we're being honest, if anyone has the most trauma in this family, it's—"
Batman grunts. "Really, Spoiler, not now."
The comm line crackles as Stephanie sniffs. "Fine. Stay in denial."
Every bat and bird in Gotham goes still.
"Hood?" Barbara asks carefully, already tracking his comm link.
"Oracle," he says, clipped. "I'm gonna get right to it: I need a favor. Can you help? Yes or no."
"Little Wing, where have you been?" Dick asks. "We've all—"
"Shut up, Nightwing," Jason growls. "Either you help me or not. Which is it?"
"We'll help you, Hood," Bruce says, voice washing over Jason like a balm.
Jason takes a deep breath. It's okay. He'll find you. Batman always beats the bad guys.
He fiddles with his jacket zipper. Moments tick by. Dick remains crouched on a rooftop. Damian is similarly poised.
"My..." Jason swallows. "My... fiancé's been taken."
The comm explodes with noise. Jason winces and digs the bud out of his ear for several seconds.
"You're getting married—"
"When was this—"
"Who are—"
"Enough," Jason growls, finally shoving the bud back into his ear. "I don't have fucking time for this. Yes, I am engaged, and they've been taken. No more questions."
"Tt. You are engaged? Impossible. Batman, clearly someone has hacked the line pretending to be Hood," Damian says, folding his arms.
Jason rolls his eyes. "Believe it or not, demon bird, I found someone crazy enough to marry me."
"Little Wing, I—I'm really proud of—"
"Shut up!" Jason pinches the bridge of his nose. This was a bad idea. You're in trouble, and Jason intends to tear Gotham apart to find you, but involving his family? Has he really stooped so low...
Deep breath. His focus is you. You're the only person that matters.
"Look, I'm telling you because Oracle's tracking me anyway, and B would snoop until he figured out who I'm really looking for, so it's easier to just tell you. But make no mistake: you aren't my family, and you won't see us again after tonight."
Bruce's throat tightens. His cape flutters in the wind.
"Very well," he says after a couple beats. "Last known location?"
"I'm sending you the address now. I've retraced my steps a hundred times though, and I can't—" Jason grits his teeth. He can't tear up or break things, not again. "Fuck. I can't fucking find them, B. I... I don't know if-if maybe I'm too late—"
"You're not," Dick says automatically. "We'll find them, Little Wing. We'll bring them home."
Your head is on fire.
It feels like there's a thousand needles pelting your skull. Whatever you were drugged with, it's hard stuff, and it hasn't worn away yet.
You look up; you're gagged and tied to some kind of support beam. As your vision clears, you see that you're in one of the new high rise-in-progress. Only the skeleton of the building has been completed because if Bruce Wayne isn't involved, construction takes forever to complete.
Faintly, you recall Jason mentioning something about a construction company leaving half finished projects across the country and using them as havens for criminal activities.
Yeah. This is not good.
"Where the fuck is he?" The voice echoes across the concrete floor foundation.
"Mike, we sent—"
"I don't give a fuck what you did; obviously, you screwed up! He's not coming!"
You close your eyes, trying not to throw up on your gag. Your head spins when you open your eyes again.
Who's not coming? Your rescuer? Or somebody worse than your kidnappers?
You try to take a deep breath, but your chest tightens instead.
"Fine," Mike barks in the adjacent room. "If that hooded psychopath doesn't show up, we'll just dump this one. That'll send a message. Prepare the explosives."
A door swings open, and you flinch. You cower, shrinking from the figure.
"You better hope he shows," the guy growls, and cocks his gun. "Your boyfriend is the only reason you're still alive. It'll be such fun to watch him fall to his death, don't you think?"
You try not to show your swelling panic. How does he know about you and Jason? And you have to warn him. Explosives. Jason's walking straight into a trap, without backup, because you know he'll be alone. He always works alone.
Mike sneers and waves the gun around.
"Oh, yeah. I know your secrets. In bed with Gotham's biggest crime lord. You must be his favorite. I can see why."
"Mike!" someone shouts. "We got company!"
Mike's eyes blaze cruelly. "Showtime. You're coming with me."
You thrash as hard as you can because if there's one thing Jason taught you, it's to always fight back.
Mike backhands you hard enough to send you sprawling. Your hands are bound, so you can't catch yourself, and you hit your head on the concrete. Blood pools in your gums.
"Try that shit again, bitch," he snarls, and hefts you up.
He drags you up a flight of stairs. Your head throbs, and now your jaw aches. You're too dizzy to try to fight back again.
You end up on the roof, which is a miasma of beams and wooden lattices. Wind cuts through your face, and you close your eyes so they don't water.
"Hood!" Mike crows. "Wonderful of you to join us!"
"Wish I could say the same," Jason says, and your heart leaps at the sound of his voice.
You start to shout through your gag because you have to warn him. It's a trap, he'll kill you both—
Mike wraps his arm around your throat and squeezes. Air stops, and you choke on your cries.
"I'll kill you," Jason snarls, and you know he wants to say more, but he's trying to protect you. "Let them go and maybe I won't break every bone in your body."
"Oh, don't worry. You two will be reunited soon. What is it they say? Love blinds you?"
"Michael Cassidy," a new voice says, deep and deadly. "Let go of the hostage. We can talk this out."
You crack open your eyes. Is that... Batman? And Robin? And... Nightwing? What—
The arm around your throat tightens and you gasp for air as you start to choke for real. Oh God. Batman's going to die because of you.
"You involved Batman?" Mike snarls, now truly irate. You feel yourself being dragged backward, toward the edge. Your stomach rolls in warning.
"Take it easy," Batman says, palms up. "We can work this out."
"You can't play fair?" Mike shouts. "Then neither will I!"
The wood beneath your feet is gone. You're falling.
But no sooner than you fall are you caught. Warm arms encircle your waist, and you're jerked to a stop before you can fall more than a few feet.
"I got you, baby, I got you."
Jason is connected to a grapple. At the roof edge is Batman, Nightwing, and Spoiler, all holding the grapple.
You shake your head, screaming against your gag. Bomb. Bomb!
"'S alright, 's alright, sweetheart, I won't drop you."
You scream urgently through your gag, butting your head against his helmet. Jason pulls your gag half free and you choke out the warning.
His grip tightens. "Shit. B, get out of here! Place is rigged to blow!"
The first explosion goes off. Jason meets your gaze. He's terrified, you can tell, but he tries to mask it.
"Let go," he says.
"He'll catch you," Jason promises. "I trust him."
And then he lets go.
Several more explosions go off. The building begins to crumble. Dust and heat sweep across your face and lodge in your already sore throat. You scream, in the air for a few more seconds.
Then you crash into gray body armor. A cowl, a cape.
"It's alright," Batman gruffly says. "Hold on tight."
Batman swings you both to safety on an adjacent rooftop. You watch him dive back into the flames. It isn't long before Jason swings out of the smoke, then the others. He pulls off his helmet and tosses it to the side, arms open.
You run and bury your face in Jason's neck, clinging to him. He hugs your tightly and rubs your back, saying over and over, I got you.
You sigh and slacken out of exhaustion.
"I've got you, baby," he says, though his voice is wet this time. "You're safe."
Jason checks over your wounds. You see the rage cross his face several times at every bruise and cut on you. He doesn't let go of you even after he's done. He's shaking too, perhaps more than you, as he cuts your binds and completely removes your gag.
The Bats land gracefully behind you. Jason stiffens as they do.
You kiss his jaw. His gaze returns to you.
"You saved me," you say.
"I always will," he says. "Always."
"Are either of you injured?"
Batman suddenly swishes to your side. You blink, startled.
"Nothing serious," you say. Jason grunts unhappily at that. You manage a smile. "Thank you. All of you. Thank you so much."
Jason nods stiffly. "Thanks, Bats."
Nightwing smiles, face soft with affection. "'Course, Hood. And, uh, Hood's fiancé. We're there any time you need us."
"That's right, chum," Batman says. The obvious care in his voice makes you ache.
Jason had called his family. His family with whom he has a plethora of problems. He'd called them for you.
"Jay," you say, voice thick with emotion. He seems to understand instantly.
"I'll always bring you home," he vows, cupping your face. "Whatever it takes."
He pulls you to him like he can't bear to be away from you any longer.
You squeeze his wrists. "I know. It's okay, Jay. I'm okay."
Out of the corner of your eye, you see that the Bats still have not dispersed. Spoiler looks like she's about to melt into a puddle. Nightwing is the same. Even Batman looks a little sentimental.
Robin is the only one scowling, tapping his foot impatiently.
"Hood, are you not going to introduce your fiance-we-just-learned-existed-tonight?" Robin asks, arms folded.
Jason huffs. "Not with those manners, demon brat."
You roll your eyes and extend your hand to Batman. You say your name, smiling.
"It's an honor to meet you, sir," you say.
Batman laughs, and it sounds a little fond. It's also kind of weird to hear Batman laugh. "No sir necessary. It's equally an honor to meet the person my son is marrying."
Jason makes a choked little noise. You beam.
"Well," Batman murmurs. "We'll let you two get home. We'll track down the rest of Michael's thugs—"
"Come to the wedding," Jason blurts.
Batman stills. "Me?" he asks carefully.
"Everybody," Jason says, tugging you into his side. "Uncle Clark, Aunt Diana, Selina, your ten thousand kids, everyone."
He turns to you. "I-I mean, as long as that's okay with you, baby."
"Oh, Jay. It's your family. Of course I want them to come." You lean in to whisper in his ear. "I'm proud of you."
"Little Wing, c'mere!"
Nightwing tackles Jason in a hug, then drags Robin, who protests loudly, in by his cape. Spoiler snaps a picture from the sideline.
"Now that's adorable," she says.
Batman looks at you. He removes his cowl, and you gasp quietly. He smiles, and it makes him look decades younger. You guess he hasn't smiled much since he lost Jason.
"Thank you," he says.
You tilt your head. "For what?"
"For bringing him back to us."
You duck your head. "Oh, Mr. Wayne, that wasn't me—"
"Bruce," he corrects gently. "And it was. You played a bigger part than you know. You saved him. Thank you."
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milksnake-tea · 11 months
warning: probably an ooc neuvillette i havent touched genshin in three months i know nothing about him this is based purely off vibes. also gets kinda suggestive at the end but dw its open ended BYE
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Thinking about being a phantom thief in Fontaine.
A notorious criminal that simply boggles, and quite honestly, infuriates the minds of the authorities.
You leave behind calling cards as a patronizing warning, and take whatever so happens to catch your eye - slipping past any level of security, no matter how strong. You willingly put your (fake) name out to the world, flaunting it even, and yet, no arrests have been made.
How could they, after all? How could you arrest a person who didn't exist?
Your name has become a curse among the voices of officers and lawmakers alike. Whenever a case has your name painted over it, all the investigators can expect is a headache. After all, you're a professional - and professionals don't leave behind any clue unintentionally.
And in a similar fashion, the only way you're caught is when you allow yourself to be caught.
Neuvillette can only sigh in exasperation you enter his office through the window once again, the quiet breeze and the clink of a lock being pried open being the only indicators of your existence.
Your arms wrap around his shoulders, a smile on your lips as you press a kiss right behind his pointed ears - feeling as he shivers, just a little bit, under your touch.
"I believe I told you to enter through the door," Neuvillette mutters, leaning back into your embrace, tilting his head up to stare up at you. Your lips tug into a smirk.
"Since when do I listen to you, mon cherie?" you laugh, an airy little chuckle like a windchime. You peck his nose, snickering as he wrinkles it. "Now, now, don't pout. You know I can't come in the normal way. I'd be arrested on the spot if I were to be caught entering the Chief Justice's office."
"You, be caught?" Neuvillette questions, raising his brow playfully. You hum, resting your chin on his shoulder, nuzzling him.
"Yes," you insist. "This place has so much security, all for you, my dear. Even I would have trouble simply walking through the front doors."
"And so you decide to scale the walls and break in through my window?"
"Precisely." Your hand comes to cup at Neuvillette's face, turning him to face you. "And now do you see how much trouble I go through, just to see you?"
"Unnecessary trouble," Neuvillette replies, unbothered. You roll your eyes.
"Goodness, just what did I do to deserve such an ungrateful lover?" you weep dramatically, jutting out your lip as you pout. "You know, there are hundreds of ladies out there who can only wish their husbands did a tenth of what I do for you."
"I apologize." A sliver of a laugh leaves Neuvillette's lips, his eyes crinkling as he smiles at you. "What can I do to earn your forgiveness?"
You hum, your gloved hand taking a firmer hold of his chin, your thumb running over his lip. Neuvillette doesn't resist when you open his lips slightly, pressing down on his bottom lip with your thumb.
"I think you know what," you mused.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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gyuslcve · 1 year
hi! could i request an "svt when they're drunk with their s/o" thank you!!
drunk svt with their s/o
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genre: fluff, humour (? i think)
rq: requested by anon!
not proofread
notes: thank you sm anon for this request!! this idea is so cute ;-; this is my first rq i’ve received so cheers to that <33 hope u enjoy this!
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choi seungcheol
✧ pouty babie (again)
✧ gets v protective of you
✧ he’s barely standing but he’d always have an arm around your waist
✧ “no one.. touch my girl! i’m her man.. hmph”
yoon jeonghan
✧ babygirl mode on
✧ keeps smiling at you :(
✧ is the calm kind
✧ constantly leaning his head onto your shoulder so that you’d braid his hair
✧ “ ‘love you y/n” [ smiles at you ]
hong joshua
✧ i think we’ve all seen him drunk on youngji’s show right
✧ still a gentleman
✧ tries to compliment you (keyword: tries because his words are barely audible atp)
✧ “you’re.. so prettyy…”
✧ kisses you between every word though
wen junhui
✧ cannot stand and will fall
✧ you’ll have to hold him with someone else (preferably cheol or mingyu)
✧ swats his hand and tells you he’s “completely fine”
✧ hugs you so tightly you can barely move
✧ murmurs sweet nothings into your hair
kwon soonyoung
✧ he’s gonna cry. 100%.
✧ hugs onto your arm, doesn’t let go
✧ you’ll have to baby him and smother him with kisses or he won’t stop crying
jeon wonwoo
✧ lots of nuzzling into the crook of your neck
✧ you can feel his breath fanning on your neck
✧ extra intimacy with you when he’s drunk
✧ aka gentle and soft kisses
✧ “thank you for taking good care of me my love.”
lee jihoon
✧ honestly i think jihoon’s just gonna fall asleep
✧ but!! he would be unconsciously touchy
✧ rests a hand in your thigh when you’re driving home
✧ alternatively he would hold your free hand
xu minghao
✧ who let this man get drunk oml
✧ his non-meditating side would take over and his calm composure is ruined
✧ calls his mother and talks about you like you aren’t next to him
✧ “mom.. please let me marry her…” “sorry ma’am i’ll get him home now”
kim mingyu
✧ big baby, you saw it coming
✧ would hug you and lift you up (dw ur safe)
✧ points to his cheeks asks for kisses
✧ or just pouts his lips and waits for you to pepper kisses all over him :(
lee seokmin
✧ he’s so loud omg 😭
✧ makes you play games w/ him
✧ lets you win though (best boy)
✧ you can say literally anything and he will laugh for five minutes minimum
boo seungkwan
✧ cue the dramatic singing
✧ it is an obligation to sing with him
✧ holds your hand while singing love songs to you (he means every single word)
✧ gets cheesy and flirty but denies being so when he sobers up
chwe vernon
✧ as expected, the quiet kind
✧ gets extra touchy though
✧ props his chin onto your shoulder and nuzzles into the crook of your neck
✧ eventually passes out and falls asleep
lee chan
✧ maknae side kicks in
✧ gets so giggly and clingy
✧ if it’s cold, he’d take your hands into his and warm them up while occasionally pressing soft kisses to the back of your hands (and giggles)
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author’s notes: thank you anon again for the cute idea <3 hope you enjoyed this !!
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