#song: take me to church by hozier
lesbicosmos · 1 year
when hozier said "if im a pagan of the good times, my lover's the sunlight" and when hozier said "no grave can hold my body down, i'll crawl home to her" and when hozier said "i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door" and when hozier said "heaven is not fit to house a love like you and i" and when hozier said-
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just-ghost-thoughts · 10 months
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sleepanonymous · 8 months
Legend has it if you listen to this soundcheck on repeat it will clear your skin, water your crops, and cure your depression. I hope this heals all of you like it has healed me.
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vlindervin7 · 7 months
realised yesterday just how often hozier actually used to sing about being not quite alive, not feeling like a person, about loving someone in a way that defies death and made him more alive, about suffering death for love. it's like he was constantly being buried underground and unearthed by love, over and over, which, while romantic in a way, is also incredibly sad. but i think it's interesting how his latest album (literally called 'unreal unearth') takes this idea and makes it its central theme. that's what this album is, one man's descent into the underworld. except, crucially, he makes it to the other side, and ends the album saying the darkness will come again, but this time he is "never going back [to hell] again." it feels like such a full-circle moment considering the rest of his discography and i'm so very excited to see what comes after this
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chappellrroan · 3 months
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heaven & love - take me to church / too sweet / work song / francesca
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When The Goo Goo Dolls said “I’d give up forever to touch you,” “you’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be” and when Hozier said “the only heaven I’ll be sent to is when I’m alone with you” and when Taylor Swift said “I would fall from grace just to touch your face” and when Hozier said “if I could hold you for a minute, I’d go through it again,” “I would not change it each time, heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I” and when Hozier said “I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door” and when George Ezra said “is the grass of Eden overrated? No one else is such a beautiful dream to me” and when Big Thief said “no love is like this, no sacrifices” and when Jeff Buckley said “my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder,” “all my riches for her smile,” “all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter” and when Johnny Cash said “you can have it all, my empire of dirt” 
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thegaycousin-upgrade · 6 months
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a mix-up of good omens-coded songs (idk how to title this--)
Hellooo my maggots, so there were a number of songs that were just so good omens and ineffable lovers coded that I had to see how they sounded together. But me being me, I don't know how to actually mashup songs, so I just sang it the way I'd have wanted to mashup the songs and made it into one song.
Of course all songs remind us of Good Omens now, that's a different matter of significant concern. But these especially were very Aziraphale and Crowley's religious-trauma-and-being-queer vibey.
The songs I cover here are (in order and excluding repeats) Devil's Backbone by the Civil Wars, Take Me to Church by Hozier, Angel By the Wings by Sia, Falling by Harry Styles, Holy Water by Noah Davis, The Village by Wrabel and Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen.
And, well. Yep. The lyrics in the order that I sing them are below the cut. Thank you maggots for dragging me into this brainrot it is painful and unholy and I love it here so so much. Thank you @falling-raine for yelling at me to post this. Wahoooooooo!
[LYRICS] Oh lord, oh lord, what have I done I’ve fallen in love with a man on the run Oh lord, oh lord, I’m begging you please Don’t take that sinner from me Oh, don’t take, take, take, take Take me to church, I’ll worship like a dog At the shrine of your lies, I’ll tell you my sins And you can sharpen your knife Offer me that deathless death, good god, let me give you my life Oh lord, oh lord, what do I do? I’ve fallen for someone who’s nothing like you He’s raised on the edge of the devil’s backbone I just want to take him home Oh, I just want to take, take, take So take an angel by the wings, Beg her now for anything,  Beg her now for one more day Just take an angel by the wings Time to tell her everything Ask her for the strength to stay What am I now? What am I now? What if I’m someone you won’t talk about? I’m falling again, I’m falling again I’m falling  I’ve walked through hell and back again Cause I’m a man who loves a man No you don’t need to pray for me No I don’t need your Holy water I don’t need your sympathy, sympathy, your— Holy water Just cause you think differently, differently There’s nothing wrong with you It’s true, it’s true There’s something wrong in the village, in the village Oh Coz I’ve been there, sitting in the same chair Whispering that same prayer half a million times It’s a lie though, buried in disciples One page of the Bible isn’t worth a life But I’ve heard there was a secret chord That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don’t really care for music Do ya? And it’s not a cry that you hear at night It’s not somebody who’s seen the light It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah Hallelujah.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love them so much.
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amethystamaranth · 7 months
okay but who else has discovered their fav songs from fandom?? Be it amvs, fic titles on ao3, or just posts saying that "omg this song is so (insert ship)"
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awestruck-atrophy · 1 year
I’ve heard take me to church a million times but listening to it after good omens prime puts it on an official crowley playlist is a soul-rendering experience
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I was born sick...
pearl, mitski // line without a hook, ricky montgomery // (she's) just a phase, puma blue // take me to church, hozier // unknown // bubble gum, clairo // alien blues, vundabar // waiting... P4R1S // she, dodie
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almondteeth · 2 months
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I’m seeing Hozier live tomorrow!!
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crow-raven-crow · 9 months
would you write something with the song “take me to church* from hozier, between reader and larissa?🤍
𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬, 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 - [𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝟏𝟖+]
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Larissa Weems x Outcast f!reader words: ~2.3k 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: LYRIC FIC, angst, fluff, nsfw: dom!Larissa, sub!Reader, marking, scratching, reader receiving, homophobia, description of anxiety, injury, blood, parental abuse, good ending (depending how you look at it)
summer: see above
AO3 link in title ✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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𝐚/𝐧: I HAVE BEEN BEGGING FOR THE FREE TIME TO WRITE THIS ONEEEEEE!! Hozier is definately someone that I want to get into more and this has given me that opportunity hehe. If you follow me on other socials, you'll know that I'm actually seeing him in concert in november with dog and bug - im so fucking excited. Lyrics are jumbled but in order of the song. Enjoy x
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Larissa pressed you against the soft cushions of your living room couch, her body fitting perfectly with yours as she rested between your thighs. A cold chill ran against your skin as soft, gentle hands explored the canvas you pushed forward, tracing over every dip, every scratch, every smooth expanse that your body had to offer. Her hand wrapped around you, your back arching as she pulled you up and consumed you with her touch.
If the Heavens ever did speak..
Her lips trailed down your jawline, starved kisses making their claim against the beautiful skin that housed your sinful soul. A whimper left your throat as her tongue met your pulse point, flattening and licking a long stripe up to your ear. Her voice was low as she spoke, a deep rumble in her chest projecting itself into desire dripping with lust. "Don't hide those delicious sounds from me, my darling.."
She's the last true mouthpiece..
Her hands traveled down your sides, tracing her fingertips down to your thighs as goosebumps were left in their wake. Her lips made their way down, down, down, her hot breath igniting a wave of electricity to shoot down to your core. Her tongue swiped over your right bud, swirling around the sensitive skin before capturing it in her mouth. An unadulterated moan left your lips as she sucked, your back arching into her ministrations as one of her hands toyed with the other.
The only Heaven I'll be sent to..
She gave the other bud the same amount of attention, pulling back after and admiring just how delectable you looked underneath her. A deep blush covered your features as your chest heaved, your eyes were dark and full of lust, full of want, full of the need to have her take all of you. She traced her fingers lightly along all the marks that were littered against your skin, appreciating them as though they were the most beautiful pieces of art that she'd ever made.
Is when I'm alone with you..
"Please.." The word left your lips weakly, merely above a whisper and contrasting the fire that burned within your lungs. It spurred her on, causing a sinister smirk to rise on her lips as she lowered her head between your thighs, facing where you needed her the most. Her lips ghosted along your inner thighs, your heart jumping to your throat as the need for her grew by the second. She placed kisses against your core, letting out a hum as the juices that managed to spill out made a presence against her lips. Her tongue ran through your folds, your nails sweetly digging into her shoulders as her tongue met your bundle of nerves.
Command me to be well..
The sounds she was capable of forcing out of your throat were sinful, and it was then that you realized how lucky you were to worship a goddess as unholy as her. Your back arched as she sucked your clit, the sensation coursing through your body and tearing a broken moan from your lungs. Her fingers teased your entrance, collecting your juices like a nectar before easily slipping into your core.
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies..
Your eyes fluttered shut as ecstasy took hold of your being, taking you in its corrupted grip as you begged to see stars. Her nails dug into your thigh, eliciting a hiss from you as the succulent pain kept you in the moment, kept you in the pleasure, kept you with her. A warmth slowly consumed your being, spreading to all ends of your soul and building you up with each curl of her fingers.
Her speed quickened as you got lost in the pleasure she provided you, the sight before her becoming an addiction she would dive into time and time again. Your body looked intoxicating under her touch as her limbs fit perfectly with yours. She continued a ruthless pace, pulling her name out from you in moans and whimpers and she built you to the wonderful edge. Your peak quickly approached, the pleasure slamming into you as your mind got lost in it, the entirety of reality fading away. Your body shook as you came, your mere existence being overcasted by the pure bliss that rippled through you.
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife..
A loud knock at the front door stole you from the hold of ecstasy, another set of knocks following and making you sober up. You both rushed to gather your clothes, picking everything up and becoming presentable before peeking through the blinds to see who still stood behind it, not knowing who would come up as you took the two of your to visit your hometown. All had gone well so far, though.. you were just forced to face the inevitable, the sight causing your heart dropping to your feet and your blood slow in your veins.
Offer me that deathless death..
Your parents stood behind the door, the tension building itself and closing up your throat at the thought that the only thing keeping you separated was a piece of wood. Your relationship with them wasn't the best and you were hoping that they wouldn't catch wind of you being there, let alone catch you with your lover. You turned to Larissa as panic rushed through your veins.
"You-" You cupped her face in your hands, gently rubbing your thumbs across her cheeks. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as every horrible thing they used to do to you came flooding back. They would never accept you, and if they saw this? You were sure you wouldn't see the light of day again. "You need to go.. please.."
Good God, let me give you my life..
A wave of confusion consumed her, the worry in your features stilling her blood as she realized exactly what you meant. "I- No. I can't leave you with them-"
"They'll kill you-"
"They'll kill you!"
A silence filled the room, and you hoped for everything wrong to fade from existence as you looked into her eyes. They were so full of concern, so scared for what would happen, so scared to leave you. "Meet me at the spot by the river.. I promise, Larissa.. I'll be there. Please.."
The moment in which she realized she didn't have a choice settled in her bones and made her soul feel heavy. Another set of knocks echoed off the walls of your found sanctuary, pushing reality, pushing dread, pushing hate to the forefront of your minds. You led her to the backdoor, urging her to get there safely as she slowly disappeared from your view.
My lover's the sunlight..
You'd do anything to protect her, especially from the entities that stood just a few feet away. Your hand grasped the doorknob, everything stilling as you turned and opened the door. "Oh! Hi.. Sorry, I was-"
They pushed themselves in, forcing their existence in your temporary home, sucking the safety out of it as they walked deeper into the house. Your father spoke, his voice never straying far from demanding."Why didn't you tell us you were here?"
She demands a sacrifice..
They settled around the kitchen island, your mom placing her bag down as your dad leaned against the countertop, both facing you and demanding explanations in the end.
"I'm here for work-"
"Bullshit," your mom spat out, venom lacing her voice. "No one would come to a small town like this just for work."
"You'd actually be surprised.." You trailed off as you rested against the opposite counter, never making the mistake of not facing them while speaking again. You had done so once, and the aftermath was nothing less than swollen. "There's a lot you can do with the outcast-"
"You're still on about that? When are you gonna move on from them?"
"Maybe the day I become a normie.."
Your head was harshly turned to the side as a solid smack made way against your cheek, the familiar feeling of your fathers ring slicing up the skin and allowing a burn to settle there. You rose a hand to your cheek, touching lightly before wincing, a warm feeling soaking into your fingerprints. You didn't even need to look to know what had happened.
Something meaty for the main course..
"You are not different, y/n! Do you hear me?" Your fathers voice boomed through the kitchen, successfully stealing the breath from your lungs as your eyes shut in fear. Your hands trembled and you gripped the edge of the counter behind you to ground yourself, before looking into his eyes for what felt like the first time in your life.
"I'm done being erased by you.." Your voice was weak, lost somewhere in your throat but was pushed out by the feeling of finally being able to be yourself, the feeling of finally being able to live with Larissa, to truly live with her. "You've taken too much from me, and I want it back."
Confidence brought your posture up, your soul projecting itself to stand your ground. Laughs were reflected back at you, forcing anger through your veins as each one escaped their throat. Your stance wavered, and your mother took the opportunity to grip you by the collar of your shit, bringing you the closest to her that you've been in years.
She took you in, took in the fire that burned behind your eyes, took in the dread that coursed through your veins, took in the way that you didn't back down this time.. Her eyes scanned along your features, landing at the base of your neck that was now exposed to her. "You're here with a woman!"
That looks tasty..
Another hard smack landed on your face, making pain radiate against your cheekbone. You took in a breath, shaking it in your throat before it settled in your lungs. Your eyes were trained down to her feet, and you knew there was nothing you could say.. She'd seen the marks..
That looks plenty..
"I didn't want-" You were cut off by another one, this time being shoved against the counter behind you and forced to look into her eyes. Your head throbbed as the room spun every so slightly.
"You have no right to speak.. You have no right to be part of this family." She paused, allowing her words to situate themselves in your ears.
This is hungry work..
"I never was-" The last one to every grace you was planted against your skin. Your soul screamed with the knowledge, but your body wildly contrasted the feeling as tears streamed down your face, the salt burning the open wound before you shot your gaze up to your mother.
Take me to church..
You walked forward, pressing her against the other counter before clawing her hands off you. The action shocked them both, and it was then that your parents realized that they no longer had you under their control - you worshipped one goddess, and it was your goal to get back to her.
"Y/n.. wait.. we only-"
"Leave! You said it yourself. I'm not part of this family, and I'm enacting that statement now. Get out of my house."
You forced them out the door, grabbing them by the arms and shoving them out, causing them to trip over their own feet as the door slammed behind them - the image of who they were in your life quickly slipping away as a fresh breath filled your lungs.
You ran through the house, from the front door to the back one and jumped past the steps. You needed to get back to her.
Only then I am human..
Your feet met the hard ground beneath you, rocks and leaves getting blown away with the urgency found within your steps. The cool air filled your lungs, a burning feeling making way to your throat with every breath. You stopped at the top of the hill, taking in the sight in front of you as you took a moment to catch your breath.
Only then I am clean..
The sun was setting, casting the valley in a golden glow, your lover stood at the edge of the river, the rushing water filling your ears as you watched her run her hands through the clear liquid, her hair glowed along with the light, and her features ran soft even though there was a filter of worry that overcasted them.
You made your way over to her, the shuffling of your body causing her to shoot her gaze in your direction. A bright smile met her lips as she stood up and rushed over to you, soon being overshadowed in the worry that quickly consumed her.
Amen, Amen, Amen
She cupped your face gently, taking in the intensity of your wound as you watched her eyes scan over every aspect of your face. "How-"
"They're not going to bother us anymore.." You sunk into her touch, pressing the uninjured side your face against her palm as you closed your eyes, your hands shooting up to hold hers as your thumbs rubbed against her knuckles.
You were quickly consumed into a soul crushing hug, the air knocking out of your lungs as a small yelp left your lips. You quickly started laughing as you squeezed her back, the love your felt for each other radiating off your skin. She turned her head, resting it on your shoulder before speaking. "Let's go back.. Let me take care of you, love."
A smile rose to your lips as your turned your head just as she did moments before. You already felt the safety echo through your chest, bouncing across your ribcage and settling into your heart. A light chuckle left you as your locked eyes with hers. "Yeah.. Let's go.."
Good God, let me give you my life..
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it does get a bit heavy in the middle but after rewatching the music video I needed to display some of the emotions from that and was inspired and ended up with this hehe.
thank you for this ask ! im sorry I havent been posting as much but again im a wokring college student so I know yall will understand. I absolutely love it in this community and always love when I get to write for you all :)
hope you liked it !
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: (tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
@eveymay @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @finnja555 @barbarasstar @s-c-rambledegggs @vendocrap8008 @gwendolinechristieiscute @lvinhs @lilfartbox1 @agathaandgwenslesbian
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god made men and sent down Hozier, Tom Hiddleston, and Ke Huy Quan as an apology
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youwerelikeanangel · 10 months
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happy 10th bday to only song in existence
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likealizardyousay · 3 months
Observation that has probably been made before but I made a chart for it
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songs about love as a religion my beloved
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