awestruck-atrophy · 1 year
I’ve heard take me to church a million times but listening to it after good omens prime puts it on an official crowley playlist is a soul-rendering experience
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hyperlexichypatia · 8 days
I am begging people giving U.S. politics commentary to have, just, a basic, basic, 6th grade citizenship class level of understanding of the relationship between the branches of government. Please. You will not get icky electoralism cooties if you learn that "Whoever is the president right now is responsible for decisions the supreme court hands down right now" is nonsense.
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introspectivememories · 4 months
i've decided that i dont care about max verstappen domination anymore. i am swinging back around to it being funny. by how many seconds will he be in the lead in the next race? 45? a whole minute? maybe every other car on the grid will just break down and then max can do all 50 or whatever laps by himself. ferrari will still find a way to fuck charles over.
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djungleskogs · 2 months
#OK I NEED TO STOP engaging with 911 ship wars but i have ONE MORE THING to say (probably lying)#i think it’s genuinely concerning how many people believe a ship has to have years of emotional connection before you’re allowed to ship it#like. imo you should be allowed to ship characters for any reason#crackships and rarepairs exist for a reason#secondly and probably more importantly#i think it’s really weird how many people are uncomfortable with the idea of gay sex#not in general but like#people were saying they were uncomfortable and weirded out because#an actor vaguely insinuated that the fictional character he plays would enjoy having gay sex with his partner#like people were calling him a freak#I THINK THATS WEIRD AND CONCERNING#it’s giving ‘my ship doesn’t have sex they make love while holding hands’#i think it ties into the first point#relationships are allowed to be built off attraction#you don’t need years and years of bonding for your relationship to be valid#and i think the visceral reaction against bucktommy because they’re not besties who share a kid is borderline homophobic#like there are plenty of valid reasons to dislike tommy and bucktommy like tommys previous behaviour#but being sooo against a ship based on the fact that there wasn’t enough ‘build up’ and that they don’t have a deep emotional bond#weird#and i don’t think it’s fetishisation to enjoy a canon couple im sorry that’s just a fucking crazy take#like it’s insane to me that apparently enjoying a gay ship is fetishisation unless it meets certain ‘emotional bonding’ criteria#also bathena is one of the most beloved ships on the show and their ‘build up’ was one date and a church hangout#and no one claims that they’re rushed and underdeveloped and that’s why one of them should be written off the show#like i said i think there’s a lot of valid reasons to dislike the ship (even if i do enjoy it)#but some of the arguments i’ve seen are just weird and i think you guys need to look at why it makes you uncomfortable#engage with other fandoms with more diverse ships and maybe you’ll calm down a little#911 discourse#for clarity the tumblr fandom seems to be okay but 911twt is an actual hell scape
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
#random personal stuff#I get it everyone in church wants to fuss over the babies#who are very cute and I'm glad that they're loved! they should be!#but I'd like to put in a good word *also* for a group who tend to get overlooked and undervalued#and that's older kids#once you get past baby age in the church circles I'm familiar with#you are no longer an object of adoration and are now a nuisance a burden and a problem that needs to be suppressed and contained#parents will openly complain about them and heaven forbid anyone reach adolescence because then they're regarded as next-door to a monster#and not many people are really listening to older kids or thinking about what they might need as human beings#which is connection and knowing that people give a darn about them personally#and don't just see them as something to be 'kept busy' or as free labor/babysitting for younger nuisances#I have the most interesting conversations with these kids#they're bright and hilarious and passionate about all kinds of things#and they're dealing with more than most adults seem to realize or take seriously#I remember being that age very vividly and the adult whom I wanted to be around the most was my aunt whenever she visited#because she actually took the time to listen to me and put up my jawing about [current obsession]#probably took a lot of patience on her part but I appreciated it so much#it made me feel like I mattered#sometimes the kids at church will talk to me and I want to be for them the kind of adult my aunt was for me#they ARE worth listening to!#everybody at every stage of life is worth caring about
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hot take this was one of the coolest shots in the show and I think it's under appreciated
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rabbithub · 2 months
You know the line, 'to be loved is to be changed'? I think that would work for Fallen Angel!AU.
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freckleslikestars · 11 months
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Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good luck.
DOCTOR WHO 3.10 | Blink
#doctor who#dw gifs#doctor who gifs#doctor who blink#Sally Shipton: the ship that never sailed#I was watching the time of angels/flesh and stone the other day and it made me so fucking angry because they did the angels so fucking dirt#and like okay they're alright episodes but the one thing that really pisses me off is the way they show the angels moving#like...the beauty of Blink is that you never see the angels moving you just see that they have moved#and that means that as the viewer you also feel responsible for not blinking - it doesn't move when you're watching the screen#and it really brings you into the episode - it makes it feel so much more real#to the point where it terrified me as a kid - I'd spend the whole episode with my eyes wide open because I was terrified that if I blinked#the angels would win#and because I didn't blink they didn't win#and then we have flesh and stone and we see the angels move and it just...ugh it takes you out of it. Like. There are so many ways they#could have done it without showing the angels move - just focus on amy's face and have the grinding sounds of stone would be the easiest#but they showed the angels moving and I hate it I hate it I hate it#as context Blink and Smith and Jones were the only episodes of Doctor Who we had on DVD as a kid because they were given out with the Radio#Times or the Daily Mail or something back in the day when they'd send TV episodes out with the news papers#and I remember going to the news agent's after church on the weeks those were available and buying the news paper that week#little seven year old me unable to actually see over the counter#I can't remember why I didn't get the rest but I got those two#and because they were the only ones I had and this was in the days before iplayer (it was launched December 2007) and then because I didn't#have access to a computer to watch stuff online#I just watched those two episodes on repeat#and so they became my favourite episodes by default#but also Blink stands up to the test of time#life is short and you are hot#every single line is a banger and sally sparrow and billy shipton is the greatest ship that never shipped in the world fight me#my gifs
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myglassesareinkansas · 11 months
I’ve never dogsat a puppy before, much less one that was only 16 weeks old, and I am. Very overwhelmed
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lordstormageddidnt · 8 months
Why do straight people on Reddit always act like the worst thing in the entire world is raising someone else's kid
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steakout-05 · 8 months
[VERY LOUD] i discovered audiostretch and my life has been changed forever
and of course the very first thing i used it for was the video of a kid with a very bad microphone that became an inside joke in my friend group. enjoy and please turn your volume down.
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scare-ard--sleigh · 1 year
my husband and i got exceedingly hammered last night and he proceeded to explain the history of catholicism & christianity to me so i could write more accurate porn fjbmgfbkj #blessed
#silver jelly#wish i remembered it a little more but it's okay he drew diagrams#difficult bc i think i was picturing joseph's parents as catholics and that wouldn't make sense if i also hc that they're the ones who#helped him get his job (or at least his foot in the door.) he's just def not a catholic.#but wait HMMMMM what if that was another point of rebellion/contention. he started in the catholic church but it never Felt Right#not as a priest but something very like. beginner. idk maybe even a youth minister there too.#having a job that's Almost It is so hard jbmkbg okay anyway. it makes his parents really happy and he stays for uhhhh probably less than#a year but probably more than a couple of months bc it's been sooooo long since he was able to make them happy.#but it doesn't make HIM happy at least not exactly. catholicism never did (he strikes me as a catholic school kid probably through#all his schooling so he's known for a long time that a lot of it doesn't resonate.) and maybe this is where mary comes in.#and maybe she gives him the confidence he needs to find a church that's more aligned with his beliefs and his approach to faith.#there's a talk where she's like 'you're miserable and this is going to be your life if you don't get away from what's making you miserable'#sad and foreshadowy bc. well.#so he goes to Thee Maple Bay Church that we see in canon. he's not in the cul-de-sac yet. this is also before he and mary were even dating.#and maybe that's part of what makes her fall for him. it takes a lot of strength to leave your job and your family's church.#she sees him as a guy who takes action. this is also sad foreshadowing.#god this is SO JUICY fjbmigkj#but what is he now you may ask???? still no idea <3#the christiansen mess
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inkedcryptid · 2 years
The entire Hozier album (2014) is pure poetry and you can't tell me otherwise
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
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goldenhypen · 2 years
you guys know that feeling when you’ve finally found your soulmate ,,,, but they live on the opposite end of the world and don’t even know of your existence 😀
#whether jakey be in korea or australia#somehow he’s always on the opposite side of the world from me :’)#except for a couple weeks ago when he was in la and i happened to be on vacation just one state away 😏#but that was the closest we’ve ever been :’)#warning: delulu venting up ahead#sjsjsjdjdj#like where am i going to find a guy who is so polite and kind and funny and handsome and rich and used to play the bass in church#and who likes to fish and who is athletic who used to play soccer and who can’t drink anything unless it has ice and who loves dogs#who takes sm pride in his dog and who loves and is good at math and who writes his own lyrics and composes#and who is learning to produce music and who loves to sing and dance and rap#and who loves others like he would himself and who loves and is so good with kids#and who protects his loved ones and who stands up for himself and others#and who is smart and caring and who strives and takes big steps outside his comfort zone to personally improve and grow#and who strives to reach his goals and dreams and who helps out and loves his family#and who is a cute lil scaredy cat but for the things that matter he is brave and does what he needs to in order to conquer it#i can go on and on but i’ll stop for now cuz i’m taking up sm room in the tags skdjdk#as you can tell my standards are vv high#i’m not letting this heart go to just anyone 🤨#(unless his name is jake sim and who fits in to all of these standards 🫶🏻)#i am so delulu rn#guys i miss him :(#i miss him every second of the day :( i miss him :(#ok imma shut up now hhh 🥺#♡#em speaks#also reading this back i realized i forgot to say some of those things sound so random but it’s bc some of the things he loves#applies to the things my family loves and i rlly value family#so like 🥹 imagine the things they would bond over 🥹#which reminds me to add that he also is learning to play the guitar 🥹 and that- ugh the bonding 😭#ok this is the 30th tag i’m out bye y’all if you have jakey pics send them my way :))
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
what weird things scared you as a kind? asking
well to preface: i was scared of everything as a kid. ranging from the idea of if rats could climbs stairs, to the concept of black holes. i was primarily scared of natural disasters, like tornadoes and hurricanes, but also bears and stuff like that... granted we don't have any of those things where i live.
but to point out some odd things... let's see.
i was scared of this old rubber clown mask my brother had for halloween one year. like it'd be laying on the ground in our bedroom closet and i always hated seeing it as a kid.
one time my parents bought this plush of Shrek that had a plastic head and hands, and for some reason they thought it'd be a great idea to put it in bed with me while i was sleeping to surprise me with it. to put it into perspective, i slept on the top bunk of a bunkbed with no real way to see what i was looking at, and the lights were off. well it scared the piss out of me.
one time me and my cousin were just dumping random shit into a cooler that was on our porch, with dirt and grass and sticks and shit like that. all of a sudden, a weird thought popped in my mind of like "hey what if this came to life and wanted to kill you for making it alive" and so like i started fucking crying and ran into my house
i have a vivid memory of getting a megamind toy from mcdonalds or something, and proceeding to hide it beneath our living room recliner since i was afraid that, with a character having a head that big, he would take over the world. a few days later i felt bad and removed him from beneath there.
i was always scared of treating inanimate objects poorly, because in the back of my head i always thought that id wake up one day to have my mind switched with it, and it'd pretend to be me and do evil things
last one since i don't want this to go on for too long, but before school one time, my mother insisted i watched the halloween episode of Family Matters, which had the ventriloquist dummy version of Steve Urkle. i had nightmares for like weeks
#ask#anon#i think theyre funny memories atleast#im sure theres a lot more that are equally as odd#ik i was afraid of water levels in most collectathon platformers from the n64 era#weirdly enough. i dont remember if Clanker scared me or not. the unagi eel from Mario 64 definitely did though#the visual of jolly roger lagoon from banjo tooie freaked me out#like. this big huge lake with a tiny hole you had to swim deep into? horrid. fucked up.#master hand from smash 64 scared me a bit. like i was too afraid to fight him myself.#oh uhh. shadowman 64 scared me as a kid#it was a game i borrowed from my dads friend cause i thought it looked cool#and i only remember playing the intro bit where youre platforming through the swamp until you get to a church(?)#it didnt scare me UNTIL there was a screen with like. a teddy bear pinned with nails n shit#so like id always try to give it back to his friend. and like it took a few tries cause he was like. nah youre free to keep borrowing it :)#like no man you gotta take it back this instant or its gonna kill me#OH!#at my great grandfathers house in his basement. me and my cousins would screw around down there#like there were pedal cars and stuff wed drive around down there for example#but hanging from the ceiling next to a window was this coconut head my uncle made#and it scared me to literal tears in front of all my cousins#so like. they had to cover it up with a grocery bag so id stop crying#my cousins still bring that up to me during holiday stuff#anyway i hope that answers your question!!#thank you for the ask anon :)
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