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what if we explored abandoned buildings while holding hands
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we need less reassuring people by saying "dont worry, thats not weird!" and more "who cares if its weird or not? its not hurting anyone"
do it weird style. freak it up
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maths enjoyers and bug enjoyers and horror movie enjoyers and so forth all need to come together and unite against the common enemy of people telling you how much they hate something as soon as you mention you like it
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Damn bro, you should like, run through the woods and rediscover child-like whimsy
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Kathleen Jennings
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we need to stop equating lack of independence with lack of maturity. people that live with their parents or have a caregiver or don't work or need more support than others aren't inherently immature. there's lots of reasons why people would be in this situation, even outside of disability (plenty of cultures out there expect people to live with their parents past what we consider the beginning of adulthood), and regardless of the reason we deserve support and community through what is already likely to be an isolating experience. don't make it worse for us
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physically im not here but mentally yeah im not here either 
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Masons Cavies
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“I want the inside of this house to feel modern, bright and new!” then why the fuck did you buy a vintage, dark and old house in pristine condition?????
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i hate fatigueee its so stupid. ohh when im home i'll do this or that Nope. replacing all of your bones with pure titanium now. Goodbye
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heavy rain, my beloved
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guys we’ve got july tomorrow
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i dont know what a mote is but it sounds like something like this
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testing out my new set of lockpicks in the petco spider aisle
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