#he's a little crazy too
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Bellatrix gifts Regulus an extremely poisonous baby snake for his 6th birthday and while everyone else fills with dread at the sight it of Regulus goes "really Bella for me😖!!!" along with giving her the biggest hug cause he absolutely adores it (Regulus let's it loose on another kid one day who upset him and Bellatrix gives Regulus a good job hair ruffle)
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suntails · 3 months ago
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growing up!
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groovyskulls · 20 days ago
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sun discovers what a cat is
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bet-on-me-13 · 3 months ago
Kitty was from Gotham.
So! Kitty was on her way to her old hometown to see what ever happened to her Dad.
See, she used to live in Gotham with her dad, mom nowhere to be seen of course, before running away to be with Johnny and subsequently dying.
She thought it would be better for her dad, not having another mouth to feed on a tight budget and not having to deal with their constant arguments every day. Looking back on it though, that might not have been the best idea. She hadn't even left a note, and for all they argued he did care about her enough that her disappearance would distress him.
But that was fine, she was going to check up on him right now!
He wasn't dead yet, she knew that much thanks to the Kid letting her access the Records of the Realms, but there was apparently some kind of Complications with his File which made it hard to pin down exactly how he was doing and where he was. So right now she was just wandering the streets of Gotham looking for him.
And guess what? No she still hadn't found him yet, he was suprisingly hard to track down. But she did find her apparent BROTHER!
Yeah, apparently sometime after she ran away, he had gotten himself another kid! He was too old to have been a bio kid so it was probably an adoption, but he definitely had a Connection to her Dad, the same kind that all parents and their kids have on their souls.
Well, if he adopted a kid that was fine by her, after all she always wanted a little brother (the Kid didn't count yet), but she kinda wished she had known before now!
She was gonna go introduce herself!
Tim was having a very weird day.
Well, it was a normal day for the most part. It became a weird one when a teenage girl walked up to him and introduced herself as his Sister, asking where their Dad was.
This wouldn't have been too distressing, Tim looked fairly average by the standards of Gotham and it would be easy to mistake him for another person with black hair and blue eyes.
The Distressing Part was that the girl in question had green hair, paper-white skin, and blood-red lipstick all covering a face he knew all too well. He saw it every time he had a nightmare about that night.
This Girl was the Joker's Daughter.
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dreamyluigi · 2 months ago
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i could be your housewifey i could be your girllll ✨
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archivewriter1ont · 3 months ago
Clone Wars Incorrect Quotes
Obi-Wan: Oh, dear! Cody, what happened to your hand?
Cody: I punched the General, Sir.
Obi-Wan: *thinking of the general most likely to get on Cody's nerves* I'm sure Anakin deserved it.
Cody: *clears throat uncomfortably* Not that general, Sir.
Obi-Wan: Well, you haven't punched me.
Cody: It was the droid general, Sir. General Grievous.
Obi-Wan: You punched. General. Grievous.
Cody: Yes, Sir.
Obi-Wan: Could you please start over from the beginning?
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carebeardean · 4 months ago
Charles has always left Edwin little notes slipped between the pages of his favorite books, in his science equipment, places he knows Edwin loves. Just silly things—post its that say ���hi Edwin :)”. doodles of Edwin with his nose stuck in a book. reminders to stock up on wolfsbane. but.
Then, post canon, Edwin tentatively starts dating people. And it’s ridiculous, because Edwin’s right there, all the time, but Charles..misses him a bit. And his heads a mess, and he can’t sort out what the hell he’s feeling most of the time, and whenever he tries to say any of it out loud it comes out rubbish.
So. He writes down some of the shit he can’t say right, and because he’s a coward, hides them so he doesn’t have to see Edwin’s face when he reads them.
then Edwin starts writing back.
Neat lilac blue little envelopes appear in Charles coat pockets. In his bag. Once, in his shoe? Some nights, Edwin will clear his throat and mention something from a letter, offhand, like they’re just picking up conversation, and Charles can pretend they are. That they always have talked about the basement, the belt, the nameless fear that chokes him every time Edwin walks out the door with someone else on his arm.
Sometimes he can’t. The words get stuck in his throat. Edwin’s not mad, he’s maddeningly, stubbornly kind about it, which is worse.
Some nights they trade. A secret for a secret. Charles learns about the novels Edwin used to hide under his mattress, about all the lonely years before Charles got there. About Simon.
Meanwhile, Edwin is losing his mind, because Charles has accidentally stumbled onto what was a fucking courting ritual in his time. Love letters were something engaged couples treasured for years, kept and reread over and over. (Edwin does. keep them in a special box, will take one out and trace the words, tuck it in his breast pocket for courage).
Edwin would rather have to reattach a limb again than lose Charles trust, all the dark and beautiful things he shares with Edwin only. He knows—knows Charles doesn’t mean to make him fall more in love with him.
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terrumdurak · 3 months ago
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now when i've saw this AU it has drawn all my attention! AU by levemetal (i'm relatively new to tumblr so i'm not sure how to add a link)
Mu Qingfang couldn't be more happy to have such an intelligent and capable shidi! Also I remembered that Luo Binghe should have been a Baizhan disciple originally - Liu Qingge saw him first, so i had to add a little bonus sketch:
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little binghe is very very sorry! he even brought his shizun to the best doctor he had known in his short life!
(no way he could break a bone of one of the strongest cultivators, but he's a main character after all)
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javierduffy · 16 days ago
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silly drawover because i missed them :]
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cryptidmickle · 2 months ago
hi your amnesiac au has me in SHAMBLES plsplspls im crying sobbing stabbing the floor
im so glad i discovered your blog 😭 your art is so lovely and nice and just. Yes. eats everythibg snd leaves no crumbs /silly
PLEASE i require more info about amnesiac au.
could this happen to the other Beasts? if it can happen to Shadow Milk, it might be possible with the others, should their Ancient counterparts get lucky with their attacks
does Shadow Milk gradually become less of an ass? does he seek answers as to Why he was so awful? does he care at all?
how horrified is he at the revelation that he was such a huge issue for the faeries + PV, if at all? he already doesn't know much about himself, so would not knowing he was such a problem, such an awful person, terrify him, considering he doesn't remember any of this?
idk. i personally would be so so incredibly horrified and terrified that i was so terrible and..well, monstrous, if i may. i kinda project onto Shadow Milk im ngl so that's probably why im saying any of this
IM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG im just so,,, AAAUAGTHYBHLRHTLBFLTTKG /POS abt this entire au. hoenstly it inspires me; both your art and your ideas and concepts
hope you have a good day!! stay safe /gen
SOBS IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THIS AU!!! i read all the tags on my posts btw so if any of u went crazy in there i saw it and went crazy w u. im deranged and mentally ill if u cant tell.
i would say the cracking of the souljam and loss of power is very possible for the other beasts! the amnesia however is a Very special case of pure vanilla fucking up the spell he cast
the other beasts would be depowered and much weaker, but retain their memories...... actually, would their corruption break as well since the souljam disconnected entirely from them? hm, i think redemption would be more possible if an ancient got a lucky shot, in that case
shadow milk does in fact become less of a jerk! what with no longer being secluded in a spire losing his mind and sense of identity all by himself, his personality is forced to become. eh. LESS THORNY.
pure vanilla is socializing him like a dog and he is NOT enjoying it. but i am. put that guy in situations.
shadow milk does in fact seek answers to why he did so many terrible things! he knows his... current personality isn't the greatest, but he can't imagine doing some of the things described
he feels a certain disconnect to the him others describe terrorizing them to the him of present, while he feels bad for what happened to them he doesn't really feel apologetic because was it really him? how's he supposed to know?
should he feel sorry because it technically was him, just.. evil? would that excuse it if he doesn't feel sorry at all?
this is where shadow milk and white lily have similar dilemmas because they both have previously done terrible things to others, especially pure vanilla. they feel bad about it, they dont wanna hurt him or others like that ever again
but then this is where they separate because shadow milk doesn't feel at fault, he doesn't remember doing all those things, he doesn't even know who that was! you want me to grovel forever about it? pathetic, what's done is done anyways, why not try to do something now?
white lily absolutely despises that mindset as she's competing with pv over who can hate themselves more, and she is winning. she thinks they both deserve to repent forever for their crimes but is constantly reminded of the fact that she remembers but shadow milk doesn't! she knows what she did, why she did it, it was bad and terrible, but she understands and that's what's important and she must repent for it
shadow milk doesn't know, he doesn't know anything at all and theres even more that they can't tell him as he's apparently been evil for centuries. it's hard to argue that he needs to feel bad when the personalities are truly separated.
......i went on a ramble again.
he doesn't feel bad about what he did but he is in fact, very unnerved that he may be capable of those actions again, and with pure vanilla trying to teach him to be good and kind its...... panic inducing sometimes, that maybe he can do something terrible again, that the evil is possibly just lurking under the surface and hes fooling himself and everyone around him
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maybmila · 10 months ago
One of their many, many, MANY bonding experiences with TOWW
Cw loud noise!
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jerichomadden1 · 2 months ago
The new impossible Minecraft ep was hilarious- death loop included
I obviously had to draw crazy Grian bc why not :)
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lastrhdesian · 3 months ago
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happy holidays...................!
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iamumbra195 · 5 months ago
Not really in the DC fandom and I don't really read many comics but I've been seeing some videos and posts making headcanons about the Al-Ghul family being Muslim and it pisses me off so much.
This interpretation is deeply rooted in Islamophobia and the ignorant notion that every Arab is a Muslim and therefore a "terrorist". The Al-Ghuls are not and have never been Muslims and any parts of the religion found in their characters are likely due to the fact that Arab culture has a lot of aspects of Islam mixed into it and because again, people think that being Arab and being Muslim are the same thing and a lot of the comic writers are white Americans who commonly have this misconception about Arabs.
I'm not going to go into the specifics of everything because 1) I don't know all that much about canon and 2) this is a little hard to explain but I will give several examples that pretty much disprove that headcannon because The Al-Ghuls do things that are considered major sins in Islam on the daily.
Ra's runs an assassin league/cult and despite what many people think killing people is a major sin in Islam except in very specific scenarios where it may be excused like in self-defence or in war. And what the Al-Ghuls do? That isn't excusable in any way.
Ra's' name in and of itself is proof. His name means the Demon Head and I promise you a proper practicing Muslim would not call themself that or commit the atrocities he has on innocent people. I don't know if this is true but I saw on the wiki that apparently a character named Gerhardt asked him if he was a man or a fiend from hell and Ra's, said that he was both and neither and that he was "Ra's al-Ghul". A Muslim would not associate themself with Hell, a place where evildoers are punished in the afterlife.
Talia committed zina (fornication), yet another major sin, and wears extremely revealing clothing despite the fact that modesty is an integral part of the religion.
The Al-Ghuls drink wine, eat pork and apparently Damian was often fed ox blood soup as a child despite the fact that all these things are explicitly forbidden for Muslims to consume in verses of the Quran. (To clarify a bit, in case you're confused about the ox blood soup, Muslims are forbidden from consuming animal blood because it is considered filthy and harmful, much like pork and wine.)
Not to mention the whole thing about Ra's nearly being 500 years old and the Lazarus Pits apparently reviving him every time he dies... but that's a whole can of worms I don't know enough about to open
So yeah, the headcanon that the Al-Ghuls are Muslims perpetuates harmful stereotypes about Islam as a whole. There probably is more to be said about this topic but unfortunately, I haven't read many comics and have only watched a few of the DC animated movies so I can't say much more.
Feel free to correct me if I've said something incorrect or missed something important.
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wi-tch8 · 2 months ago
" Are you the real Sonic? Or just...
something else. "
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Turn the light to see the secret! I mean... Turn up the brightness of your screen, plise? :3
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szynkaaa · 5 months ago
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reason 1934 why I'm sad the Old Monk Set did not make it into the final cut of the game:
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the peak we got at the fur on his neck and backside 😭😭😭😭😭
I will forever be sad about this loss. It genuinely feels like the final model in the game doesn't have much or any fur on the neck. idk if it's because most armors have a high collar so they removed the fur on the neck there?? But ugh, I love how much fur we got see in this old set.
just close your eyes and imagine wrapping your arms around him and kissing that fur exposed spot on his back ok. and now open them and weep at the loss.
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