#he’s pretty flexible
mistythedritten · 6 months
On the ABO Dream stuff
Dream is an Omega, 100%.
But he chose to be an omega, because he didn’t like being an Alpha, it didn’t fit him, so he transitioned to an Omega.
Basically, man’s is trans.
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puppyeared · 9 months
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updated Sleight ref!!
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chaoticlad · 3 months
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I hate him
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isagrimorie · 1 month
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In season 2 Hotch is suspicious and worried that ‘Is that Legal’ Emily Prentiss is a pawn Strauss placed in the BAU.
Prentiss is the last person troubled by Elle Greenaway's 'questionable' shooting. Spies are built with moral ambiguities. But Hotch didn't know that.
(Pre-London Emily tried to reset her life. And succeeded before Ian Doyle re-entered her life. Post-London!Emily realized and learned she could 'live' with her moral ambiguities.)
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Just taking up all of the seats in the sexiest possible fashion, as per usual
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sandushengshou · 1 year
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The Longest Promise (2023) | The Untamed (2019)
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froggo-tea · 5 months
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The Xero post I’ve been waiting to do ft. Markoth and PK.
Crimson nails are basically two old ghost men who betrayed their own kin and are in love.
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Philza looks better in his usual clothes, Bad thinks, but still terrible. Perched on a lamp between his children's beds, a blanket pulled tight across his shoulders, sleep deprivation in his eyes... Bad is not really surprised he has called someone to speak to, just is confused as to why its him.
Bad has better things to do. Like look for the eggs. And search for the eggs. And interrogate Federation Workers about the eggs.
But then, Philza also has better things to do than just sit there and stare at him.
So Bad stares back.
Eventually, eventually, Philza breaks the stalemate and speaks.
"What do you know of dreams?"
Bad raises an eyebrow at the comment, unsure what that could lead to, and even more confused as to why it was him called here to handle this.
In the end, he settles for the simplest answer. "People have them when they sleep."
Philza hums in return, eyes skittering a little frantically. He adjusts his position to be a little higher, but holds himself lower, peering down, "… you know my wife, yes?"
Now there is a loaded question. Bad tilts his head to one side.
"Yes," Bad answers, seeing no reason to hide it now. Part-time grim reaper, Goddess of Death... Of course her husband knows something. "I work for her, on occasion."
"And you would kill anyone - myself, yourself - if we were a threat to the eggs?"
"Even Skeppy?"
Bad's nose twitches, warning in his tone. "He's not /here/, Philza."
Philza gives Bad an unimpressed look.
"If he was /somehow/ a threat to Dapper? Yes. Happy?"
Somehow Philza looks like he both tenses and relaxes at that answer. He moves as though to sit on the lamp he is perching on, before realising what he is doing and slipping onto the mossy floor.
"I had a dream while I was asleep," Philza says instead of answering the question. "But, the longer I am awake, the less like a dream it seems."
"Dreams usually work the other way," Bad frowns, checking his evidence in his mind. He does not really know much - Philza was missing for nine days, claims to have been asleep and woke up in his basement, and a potato and a poppy appeared on his person in that time. Bad suspects the Federation has done something to the old crow, probably made him some sort of sleeper agent, but… If Philza is willing to trust him, Bad supposes he can give him the benefit of the doubt and assume any betrayal is unwilling.
"I remember it too well," Philza replies, and Bad frowns some more - it is the opposite reaction most people have to the Federation. "I don't usually remember my dreams, or have them that vivid, or have space so perfect in them. I laughed it off to Tubbo, pretended I usually have dreams like that, but… Even my dreams of my world are not as clear as that."
"And you were left with the potato and the poppy after," Bad keeps his voice level. He tries very hard to keep his voice level as his mind runs away, wondering what is up. "You don't usually wake up in the basement either?"
"I should wake up where I fall asleep," Philza points at the chair. "I sat down, I told myself I wouldn't spend a night anywhere else until the eggs were back. I dreamt. I woke up in the basement."
There's something a bit distant to Philza's voice which Bad does not like, but does not like in the way of children crying in their rooms, or the thought of Baghera alone in the Federation's hands, or the silence which now reigns over his dungeon-home. He does not like it in ways of betrayal and pain and fire, either, but he is old. He knows better how to deal with those.
"… Are you not going to ask me?" Philza asks.
"Do I need to?" Bad asks back.
It must be the correct answer, as Philza gives a laugh.
"In the maybe-dream, I woke up in the chair," Philza says, pointing towards it. "The trapdoor was gone - it might have been when I went to bed, too, but the memory is hazy."
Interesting, Bad would say. He half remembers the trap door being missing on Monday as well, when he went to check on Chayanne and Tallulah's beds, but in not paying attention… It was there by Saturday, so Bad really is not sure either if he made that up.
"I thought I heard a sound in the basement, so I went to look. There was a box with two new pot plants, one on each side. The box was… one of those new ones, like Toby has on his burnt up platform? The dyeable ones - it was Tallulah's purple. Inside were a lot of poppies, and a book."
"A book?"
"Right," Philza frowns as he talks, sinking deeper into the mossy floor. "I don't remember exactly what it said, but it was about an old crow whose children were missing. I thought… I think I thought it was Tallulah sassing me - you know how it is - for not being here when they hurt… At the end was an instruction to travel light, and a set of coordinates."
It sounds like a trap. Bad doesn't say that - he knows Philza must know that, but he also knows that if he saw something written maybe by Dapper… Bad wouldn't hesitate to do what it said. Not a chance, not when his child might need him. So, Bad doesn't say anything, he just nods.
"Do you know my nest?" Philza asks, almost out of the blue.
"Your nest?" Bad blinks, trying to string it together.
Philza is already moving for the nearby warp access. "I'll leave a red sharestone. If you walk to spawn, it'll be ready by the time you get there. You should probably have it, just… bring anyone else. Not even Dapper - the eggs bought Tubbo, but nobody else knows. It's our safe place. But… nowhere's really safe. And I can't always be there to save them."
It's a branch of trust that Bad has been offered, one he isn't sure he deserves but is absolutely not going to turn down. If Philza's children like it then, yes, he needs to know. In case they are ever hurt there, in case one of the children needs their uncle Bad.
He walks the shirt distance to spawn, chewing over so far. It's not hard to work out why Philza is in a spin, but Bad is missing some of the puzzle. He hates having half of an answer more than none at all, but at least he seems to be getting everything about /this/ question the old bird knows.
Sure enough, by the time he has worked out which of the sharestones Philza meant by the red one, there's another option just reading 'bad uppies?'.
It's kinda funny, and funnier still when he takes it and ends up… up. High in the sky, so high he can see the peaks of great pillars of stone, and the top of a fortress-dungeon, but not the floor.
"Take the warpstone," Philza gestures to the centre as he puts the sharestone away. "Just in case."
"Just in case," Bad repeats.
The warpstone is itself called 'uppies', and it is a nest that is not quite a nest. It is suspended in the air, not in a tree, and made of harsh stone not twigs. A few bits of furniture are scattered about, however, and a brightly coloured rug. Signs from the children learning new words, and a lip at the edge to stop anyone tripping to their demise. If Bad's timeline is correct about the word learning task, it must have been the last place Philza took his children before he left for a week - and they vanished.
"The coordinates were near here," Philza says, then pauses. "Not super close, but closer than anything else. About another thousand south, if you have your glider?"
"Not grapples?"
"I remember the exact route I took in the dream, not the numbers," Philza shrugs a little, smiles self-depreciatingly. "Never was any good with numbers or words. If I do it differently, we might not get there." Bad hums, and nods - to know the entire route in a dream? Very strange - and follows as Philza jumps from the southern edge. Follows him to one snowy peak.
"I stopped here to get my stamina back," Philza explains when Bad also lands. "I was in a rush for my eggs, but I know how bad that fall can be."
Bad nods again; they continue.
They land at the edge of some water and a village, then walk the rest of the way in silence. Philza's steps are very certain, too certain to have only walked it once in a dream and a second time guided by one, and Bad checks over his inventory.
Just in case it is a trap. He doesn't think Philza could fake this confusion enough to willingly lead him into a trap, but that only stops it happening if he knows what he's doing.
Philza leads Bad to a patch of hill where the trees are strangely cut. A couple of hummingbirds sit, tame, on the floor.
"There was a giant birdhouse here," Philza says. "It was cute - I remember thinking Chayanne and Tallulah had built it. Should really have noticed the windows were made of reinforced concrete," another, self-hating chuckle. "Inside… so many hummingbirds. And… And Chayanne's floaty, and Tallulah's hat. Next to them was a book. I explored a little, looking to see if the eggs, were there, before going back for it - 'A Cage for a Cage' the book read."
From Philza's flinch that means something - Bad isn't sure what, but he can make a few guesses.
"Then Cucurucho was behind me, laughing. I begged him, threatened him, asked for the eggs. But he just kept laughing as he ran out of the door. Sealed me in with reinforced something or other 'I hope you enjoy the island' my ass."
Philza seethes, and Bad expects him done. He still gives him a moment before asking, "and then you woke up?"
"No," Philza frowns further. "That's the strange part. I cried myself to sleep wrapped around their items. I dreamt… more like I usually dream - of my home, of my hardcore world, small glimpses. /Then/ I woke up. Still in the birdhouse. I knew it had been a long time, then, days at least - I was hungry despite all the golden apples. The hummingbirds were sat on me, but the book and the eggs' things? Gone."
Dreams inside dreams? A continuious narrative broken by another sleep? A walk remembered fully and that maps onto reality one to one? Bad can see why Philza is suspicious.
"The door was different, too, no longer a security door but this cute flower covered thing. When I opened it, it just… lead me out. And there was a path over… this way?" Philza leads Bad along, maybe a minute's walk through the trees at most.
"You remember in the nether there were the half destroyed Federation booths?"
Bad nods; he does.
"There was… kinda like one of those, just here. Two partial walls, a bit of a roof, some floor. A table with two chairs - Cucurucho at one, watching me. I screamed for him to give my eggs back. He gave me a book. It…" Philza takes a deep breath. "It teased me for falling for the trap so easily, then it told me I had to wake up - if I didn't wake up soon, I never would."
Dream fudgery, maybe? Bad already suspects memory alteration, so the Federation implanting dreams, or otherwise messing with them, is not impossible. Or, perhaps, making reality into something dreamlike.
Bad knows Philza was neither in his chair nor in his basement last night, but Philza doesn't seem to.
"I was confused, then I woke up in the basement, right by where the box had been. But no box, all my items from before back… just with the extra poppy and potato in my inventory. And Pierre yelling outside asking if I was okay. Wasn't really time not to be, what with the Duck's messgae starting right after he dragged me down to spawn."
Bad hmms to himself and watches Philza check the floor again, looking for quartz that very definitely isn't there. He is not really sure what the angel wants from him. It certainly doesn't make Bad less suspicious - the Federation could easily have implanted other orders into his dreams, ones Philza won't know about until they are triggered - but maybe that's the point.
"I don't sleep like that, either. Never that long. Too easy for someone to sneak up on you," Philza frowns. "Tubbo suggested the food at the party was drugged, but for all I took I barely ate any. Why wouldn't someone else have passed out too?"
"Tubbo's… interesting," Bad offers, not even sure what he means by that himself.
Philza laughs, and its something a little manic, "I was asleep a week and despite Fit and Pac's best efforts he broke into the Federation twice, found the room the happy pills were forced on people, and got shot. And made enough factories I pass out from the air quality if I walk too fast through his base. Interesting's a word for it, mate."
"The Federation is messing with your brain," Bad says, rather than address the imploding disaster which is Tubbo. "I don't know what exactly, but… while you were asleep, people loosing memories was talk of the island."
"I /know/," Philza snaps. "How do you think I don't know they've done something to me? Who the fudge else would be able to break my reinforced trap door entirely? One way or another that was gone when I woke up that Saturday, and the party was real, and the maze? But it was there when I woke up for Carre. But it was a dream, it was just a dream, but now I have a flower and a potato and that can't have been a dream, but it has to have been. I had dreams inside that dream, Bad! How do I even know this is real? That I'm talking to you now? That I'm not still trapped in that stupid birdhouse? That the island is even real? That any of you are real? That this isn't some… Isn't some fevered dream as I die of some ancient illness I picked up from the sniffers. What if- What is even real, Bad? Is there even a reality? Do our eggs- I don't- I don't know any more."
It's then that Bad thinks that, maybe, he has worked it out - the illusive thing which Philza wants from him. He thinks of how, as soon as he saw him after the eggs went missing, Philza just stepped up and offered him a hug. How, for a moment, the world was real and for a few seconds Bad felt safe and like his skin was his own. Neither of them have any answers, Bad can't even promise this is real in the end.
But he can open up his arms, so he does.
Philza collapses into them, gripping onto his hoodie as he lets out an ear-splitting shriek. Once, twice, and then it calms slightly into choked off sobs and half-chirped phrases both apologising and doubting and Philza cursing himself.
Some birds scatter, others peer down from the nearby, fudged up trees.
"I'm here," is all Bad can offer to the man in his arms. "You didn't do anything wrong," it tastes like a lie and yet Bad can't tell where the mistake was.
"I'm real, and I've got you."
Nearby one of the blue hummingbirds starts flying away. Bad does not trust it; he leans close and whispers, "where's your closest warp to mine? Let's go there where we can sit down."
Philza gives him the name, and Bad encourages him to warp - promises to follow. He watches for Philza's name disappearing and then reappearing on the map.
And then he grins a little sharp, turning his face out into the woods. "I don't appreciate spies."
Something atarts running; Bad lights a match, and starts a forest fire.
Surrounded by flames, he warps after Philza.
He has muffins at home. Muffins will cheer Philza up a bit, yes? They can have muffins, and coffee, and hug on the couch, and work out who they need to kill.
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worshipfulmercy · 4 months
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i have so many thoughts about his gender and how he's kind of textually a woman and/or abinary (read tags if interested)
#i dont stand for cis rust cohle. that's not real. come on...#like... super dissociated from his body and his desires. and he has to keep a tenuous hold on his identity via various forms of self control#('contemplating the idea of allowing his own crucifixion'#being sexless#being able to compartmentalize his identity to fit a need)#says himself that relationships between men and women don't work and are only fit to procreate#says his daughter's death spared him from the sin of being a father#the act of being a man or being a woman are two extremes that are too harshly defined for him#edges drawn too sharply and not allowing for any flexibility which he needs#to be a man is to be the executioner and to be a woman is to be predestined to be the martyr that is what he believes#these are choices too difficult for him to make so he leaves them unmade vague up in the air for other people to stare sneer and interrogate#and it's worse yet when his body is equal parts weapon and a stress relief mechanism to others#gets his bodily autonomy stripped so often it's second nature to him. uses barbiturates like a 50's housewife#he cleans up real fuckin' pretty— hisself and the messes he's roughly shoved into#he's tired of talking to other people like a human being— he speaks another language entirely. one more visceral and raw#one that says the truth and nothing but.#if i think about the scene in episode six with maggie and what it means—#if the two of them are women#or if one of them is something that isn't exactly a man—#i think i will lose it#rust's looser swagger (or lack thereof) in contrast to marty's prevalent machismo btw... fascinating#his kind of deer-like charm. he Looks vulnerable only he's protected by an impermeable barrier#like don't fucking touch him. you can't#rambled so MUCH. sorry. but if you understand you understand#rust cohle#true detective#disasterpiece.png
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meoproject · 13 days
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last week i thought he died. he was sleeping all curled up in his lil oivanest and didnt react to me rustling around or gently touching him, so i panicked and sent my friend a sad "OIVA IS DEAD" message
then i went to pick up his "dead body" and he uncurled and started clicking his teeth at me, all annoyed.
he was just having a real good nap. fucking old man making me go through all the stages of grief in 2 minutes.
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keybordcaps · 27 days
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the yapper! theyre on a coffee date right now, akechi is talking about the new featherman episode.
Don't worry, Akiren got to yap as well, but they did get a little rained on.
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lususnatura · 2 months
bold what often, or always applies to your character. italicize things that they will sometimes do. and strike out options that they never do. repost, don't reblog.
• fights honorably / fights dirty
• prefers close - quarters / prefers range
• chats during / goes silent
• low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
• attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
• goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
• is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
• gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
• uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
• rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging
• fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement / fights with delight
• fights because they have to / fights because they want to
• fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
• prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand to hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalised weapon / prefers magic, alchemy or spells
• their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
• transforms for battle / fights as they appear
• relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
• uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential
• exhausts quickly / has high stamina
• behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
• uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
• tries to avoid civilians / strikes down civilians
• damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
• signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
• mastered skill - set / learning their skill - set
• fancy footwork / sloppy footwork
• messy fighter / elegant fighter
• accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
• compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
• uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
• prefers to dodge / prefers to block
• defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
• uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
• plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
• waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
• fears death / fears pain / fears killing
• has ptsd / avoids fighting
• has lost a fight / has won a fight
• has killed / refuses to kill / enjoys killing
• wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
tagged by: i stole this from one of my other accounts tehe.
tagging: anyone who wishes to do it and saw this, say i tagged you!
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
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Guess I thought the best way to combat burnout was to do a mildly ambitious star wars illustration!! Also known as, these kids stole a fucking speeder!
During their padawan days, Brea and Anakin were huge troublemakers. Most (if not all) of the time it's Brea pushing him to break rules because she thinks he cares too much what the council thinks of him. It sort of goes too far when she convinces him to hotwire a speeder and take it out on a joyride through Coruscant, which is fun until they get roped into a drag race that ends up putting them in danger. Their masters end up having to save their necks and they get into the MOST trouble they've ever been in, leading the two to fall out of touch and for Brea to buckle down and take her training WAY more seriously. The two eventually do reconnect after the battle of Geonosis, and their friendship comes back stronger than ever!
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Hello! I hope you're doing well so far. What do you think of these headcanons: Bai He is one of LBD's descendant. That's why her body took so well to LBD's powers. Also, Wukong had met and spoken Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing pre Havoc, and during the journey he's just avoiding mentioning that he knew them before they got expelled from Heaven, and midway both the pig demon and river demon remembered that the friendly mischievous stableboy and the monkey menace that terrorized Heaven were the same person. Or, more funny factor, only the horse knew that the three were acquainted with each other before their disgrace and is just waiting for them to notice that they knew each other. When did you think SWK met Macaque, before he went to train in Subodhi's place, or after that?
hey <3 this will prob be a long answer, so imma just put everything under the cut :)
let us begin with headcanon #1
Bai He is one of LBD's descendants
ok, i have some issues with this hc tbh
1) LBD is a bone spirit, not in anyway a celestial or a human, also she's labeled as a demon simply bc the term yāoguài (妖怪) is synonymous to demon & evil spirit (and LBD falls into the "evil spirit" category, although from past showings it appears that she wasn't always "evil" but by lmk canon she is).
2) despite being in the "demon" category like DBK and Spider Queen, she feels very separate from them. idk, maybe it's just me, but LBD feels like one entity, like there cannot be ancestors or descendents of her bc she is way too connected to her own spirit essence (i don't know how to word that better). what i mean is, LBD's powers and statures feels a lot older than the celestial court itself. she holds herself with such high stature, she talks about destiny and fate as if she was there when they were created. she is old as bones (pun fully intended) and knows it. there is no one like her because there cannot be.
and 3) if Bai He were to have some ancestral connection to LBD, i think it would make more sense that an ancestor of hers was a priest to LBD rather than LBD herself.
but also, there's a part of me that feels like inserting Bai He into some past connection with LBD takes away from the chilling notion that LBD just picked Bai He for the sole reason that Bai He was a child, that Bai He was innocent, that Bai He was a casualty of her greater goal that she was willing to sacrifice. Bai He demonstrates LBD's uncaring and apathetic cruelty towards humans (the people she originally wanted to help) bc to her, once she builds that "perfect world," the humans will not remember her past actions or what it cost to create a Heaven on Earth.
she got that "end justify the means" mentality, ya know?
Wukong knowing his companions pre-JTTW
so, yes, i do love this headcanon, but i am also so conflicted bc on one hand: hilarious dramatic irony that these guys were familiar with each other in the past but because of centuries of shit, neither of them remember or one of them remembers bc reasons.
but i also think no bc i highly doubt Sun Wukong would remember every single celestial he interacted with while he was in Heaven. i think it would be funnier if he never recognized them bc both Zhu Baije and Sha Wujing have changed dramatically (Zhu Baije looks like a pig now, Sha Wujing.....i don't remember....shit). maybe he would think, "hey, these guys remind me of some idiots i met in Heaven lol," but it wouldn't really click unless it was made super obvious to him.
personally, i think Sha Wujing and Zhu Baije know but mostly because everybody knows it was Sun Wukong, Handsome Monkey King, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, who wreaked havoc in Heaven (twice, i might add) and went to war over it and almost won. like, in the books at least, Zhu Baije was very aware of who SWK was when his "wife" (whom swk was disguised as in order to sneak into the pig demon's house that wasn't actually his house) informed him that the monk he captured was accompanied by the legendary and horrifying Sun Wukong.
however, Sha Wujing would be the only one of the three to recognize Zhu Baije as the celestial guard who tried to flirt with Chang'e and faced the consquences but i highly doubt they even talked to each other before JTTW.
the Ao Lie addition is very funny, but idk if the guy would even remember any of the Heavenly court's faces or names unless he had to interact with them a lot (i will add it to my lists of headcanons tho bc it is funny and i like it, so my logical brain will have to suck it up).
When did SWK meet Macky
oh dear, i change my mind about this all the time. like, both work pretty good in my mind and would still illustrate that these monkeys were old, old friends who were close long before the brotherhood. even before s4 special came out my personal headcanon was that SWK & Mac met at most before SWK crossed his name from the Diyu, soooooo props to me.
tbh it doesn't really matter to me when they meet, but i'll go ahead and say my "range" for when they met and became besties is after SWK became monkey king to right after SWK trained under Master Subodhi (hey, maybe they even met when SWK was heading back to FFM and they hit it off so well, SWK just invited Mac to come over and the idiot never left)
so yeah, there's my thoughts :3
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hijackalx · 10 months
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starleska · 5 months
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decided to run Siegfried von Schroeder through the ol' f/o traits bingo card and aha...ahahaha...that does explain a few things 🙈💖
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