pronoun-checks · 4 months
Hey there! Could I get three separate pronoun sets? He/Him, It/Its, and xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself?
For the interests: I really like drawing, writing and music! My favorite artists at the moment are Lemon Demon and Will Wood!
Thank you! :]
Sure thing!
Wait a second, do you see him? That person over there by himself with his headphones on. I think I recognize him! I wonder what he’s listening to? He said his current favourite artists are Will Wood and Lemon Demon, so maybe he’s listening to one of those? Anyway, you’ve gotta meet him sometime; I think you’d get along nicely with him. He said he likes drawing and writing, so maybe he could show you some of his works sometime! He also mentioned that he really likes music. Oh, hey! He’s looking this way now! I’m pretty sure he’s waving at us! Do you want to go meet him? Sure, let’s go say hi to him! Hey!
Wait a second, do you see it? That person over there by itself with its headphones on. I think I recognize it! I wonder what it’s listening to? It said its current favourite artists are Will Wood and Lemon Demon, so maybe it’s listening to one of those? Anyway, you’ve gotta meet it sometime; I think you’d get along nicely with it. It said it likes drawing and writing, so maybe it could show you some of its works sometime! It also mentioned that it really likes music. Oh, hey! It’s looking this way now! I’m pretty sure it’s waving at us! Do you want to go meet it? Sure, let’s go say hi to it! Hey!
Wait a second, do you see xem? That person over there by xemself with xyr headphones on. I think I recognize xem! I wonder what xe’s listening to? Xe said xyr current favourite artists are Will Wood and Lemon Demon, so maybe xe’s listening to one of those? Anyway, you’ve gotta meet xem sometime; I think you’d get along nicely with xem. Xe said xe likes drawing and writing, so maybe xe could show you some of xyr works sometime! Xe also mentioned that xe really likes music. Oh, hey! Xe’s looking this way now! I think xe’s waving at us! Do you want to go meet xem? Sure, let’s go say hi to xem! Hey!
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interstellarsystem · 4 months
Nonhuman expressions of affection are great. Purring. Exposing weak points as a show of trust. Head bonks. Preening and chewing. Nuzzling. Biting. Intertwining tails. Feeding each other. Little chuffs, chatters, beeps and squeaks. Fluffing up of feathers, fur or other things. Dancing to impress. Cleaning their fur, scales, feathers or skin. Sharing body heat. Ears pointing toward those you care about to show your full attention is on them. Slow blinking.
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sleepyjim · 11 months
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terror-punk · 3 months
Be Openly Scary
Society is scared of a lot of things it shouldn't be. A lot of those things can't be helped, a lot of those things don't hurt anyone, and a lot of those things are not what people even think they truly are.
So you know what?
Talk about your hallucinations, your delusions, your psychotic symptoms. Share things about your gender identity whether it be nonconforming, trans, xenogender or anything else. Scream about your nonhumanity and animal urges. Be open and unwavering about your systems existence, presenting as more-than-one wherever you want. Use and introduce your pronouns, even if people find them weird or offputting. Rock back and forth, pace, twitch and stim in any way you please. Wear things that reflect your identity in public. Get tattoos and body mods to your heart's content. Tell people about your personality disorders.
Don't make yourself small because others can't handle you. Be open where safe. Be you. Be scary.
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zirra-ra · 2 years
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torgwn · 2 years
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something i made last month (id in alt)
pronouns are xe/xem/xyr or xey/xem/xyr or they/them
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ilovejoll · 7 months
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Stupid Nuzi thing (Honestly, Uzi ran into that one 💔)
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socksran · 4 months
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some splive stuff while i get my designs for them down
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nuke-your-mind · 15 days
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Image text: When people have DID do you guys think there’s ever like. a racist one (end ID)
people on tiktok have such consistently shitty takes about did but man it do be funny sometimes
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daenystheedreamer · 10 months
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rhaenyra dysphoria flannel dysphoria beanie sees a presumed crossdresser and immediate next shot afterwards delights at being called boy. Rhaenyra targaryen welcome to the resistance
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bodhrancomedy · 2 years
Jurassic Park needed a palaeontologist who just likes big bugs.
Not entirely sure of his survival chances but he’ll give it the old college try 😂
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interstellarsystem · 2 months
We didn't actually know plural pride day was a thing, somehow (it's every 3rd Saturday of July).
So, happy plural pride day to systems and plurals of all kinds. Systems of all origins, structures, member counts, disorders or lack thereof; you are real, you are valid, and you have a place in this world just as anyone else. People will not always be accepting, but that goes for any identity. Their perception of you does not define you or your reality.
The future is plural. Be proud.
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sleepyjim · 1 year
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Warm in blankets, wings wrapped around my partner... His gentle rumbling purr.. I want to feel this safe forever.
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imhereboo · 2 years
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xumoonhao · 1 year
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pronouns web badges 💖
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