#he was caught lacking-
trashpie420 · 10 months
Thor looking at Loki on a date with Mobius after Loki degraded him for dating Jane (a Midgardian):
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
this is probably an unpopular opinion with the amount of "everyone is married with kids" type future aus people make for sonic characters but i cannot see sonic getting married or having a kid ever. if he did somehow end up with a kid hed be the worlds first transmasc absent father or however the joke goes
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sulky-cabbage · 4 months
Ok but something about Sukuna focusing on Gojo while his chest (heart) is being pierced
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Reminds me of....
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idanielions · 2 months
Trey rkgk
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dyrehound · 6 months
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john bakes when he's stressed
thought this up when i was zooted and doing the same thing ngl
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normalbrothers · 4 months
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KIMBER: For your ceiling.
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You’d think that, between Gideon and Kremy, Gideon would be the easier one to get a read on (in terms of feelings towards certain situations and party members), but no. I can read Kremy like a motherfucking book. The way he spins lies and half-truths like a spiderweb; the way his tone will shift subtly depending on who he’s talking to, what they’re talking about, his feelings on the situation/subject/towards the person, etc; all of it. Kremy is so fucking easy to read for someone who’s supposed to be a silver-tongued conman.
But Gideon? His tone doesn’t shift all that much. He generally has a happy, confused, or entertained tone in his voice, with the exception of when he’s angry, frustrated, or upset.
Idk, maybe it’s harder for me to read Gideon because I listen to the podcast (it’s just easier for me since I can listen while driving or working), so I have to rely on tone shifts and other verbal cues. That, or maybe it’s because all of my past blorbos have been emotionally constipated men, who would only express their actual feelings about a situation based on tonal shifts, body language, and reading into what they’re saying.
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thenewgirl76 · 9 months
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted
Ember has yet another argument with Skulker after he blows her off once again for one of his hunting escapades. When it becomes clear that nothing she says is getting through to him she gets fed up to the point of blasting his mech suit to bits.
But she doesn't stop there. The moment a nearby natural portal leading into Gotham just so happens to appear, she doesn't hesitate to snatch up the now defenseless blob of a ghost and chuck him through it, intending to leave him at the mercy of the numerous ecto starved shades for a bit.
"Get back to me once you figure out what's more important to you!
Until then, have fun dealing with those shades without all your little toys, Mister "Ghost Zones greatest hunter!" is the last thing Skulker hears before the tear between realms closes up, leaving him all alone in a random alley.
Skulker's just in the process of dusting himself off while grumbling over Ember being so overbearingly fickle and demanding when he detects the presence of something. Something deadly, not just to him but to any ecto laced being. Something feral and ravenous. This is made all the more obvious when he starts hearing heavy breathing followed by animalistic growling.
Filled with dread Skulker slowly and reluctantly turns to face the threat. And to his shock is met with a familiar face. "Whelp, is that you?" Instead of answering the ghost child steps further into the dim lighting, giving him a clearer view of his face.
Only then does the ghostly blob with legs realize this isn't Phantom. The skin tone is completely wrong, so is the hero attire. And for some odd reason the gleaming eyes staring him down while the child drooled hungrily were glowing midnight blue instead of toxic green.
"You...You're not the whelp." This time there's a response. The lookalike takes another step forward and finally speaks. "You smell delicious," he rasps out, then gives a fanged grin, licking his lips and salivating even more profusely. "and probably taste even better."
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vnearthly · 6 months
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I reeeeally like what was said here because now that I'm looking again too, just because Kuras is a 1 in empathy or Mhin is low in strength doesn't mean it's nonexistent — it's just lower in relation to their other MAIN traits.
your tags helped me understand so thank u ts-rua. though the idea of him being nonchalant about helping ppl also sounds nice and angsty lol
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daily-sloop-john-b · 6 months
I know we all love to say "fuck mystra" this and/or Gale's Folly (subtitled: How Could You Be Such A Callous Idiot)—but really, Gale and Mystra are primarily REALLY BAD at communicating. The whole issue started when Mystra a) couldn't provide a satisfying answer to Gale's desire for more, b) Gale decided that instead of being vulnerable and working through it, he'd do a Secret Project(TM), c) Gale didn't bother telling Mystra what said project was, and/or she only vaguely warned him off it. And then Gale rolled a nat 1 on his arcana check, and then a second nat 1 for insight b/c the DM was attempting to take mercy on him and was staring at Gale and the book, worrying 4d6 under the table while not breaking eye contact and saying, very slowly, "...are you sure?"
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Going buckwild at the way Hilda The Series portrays adulthood and loneliness. Kaisa has no one to go to to ask for help getting the due book back, even though all it would take was someone she could minimally ask to knock on an elderly lady’s door and ask for a favour; she’s in the library after hours, is shown to have no allies aside from the woman who raised her and who she lost contact with. Johanna is only ever seen working or caring for Hilda, and her lack of a life aside from those two activities is pointed out by her own daughter when she thinks that this is going so far as to affect their relationship. The bell keeper lives alone in a small cabin on the edge of town, barely within city limits and away from everyone, a house barely even inhabitable and clearly only a place to sleep and eat. He works a solitary job and he’s the only one in the town still working it, meaning he’s probably overworked and forced to pull inhumanly long shifts. Victoria hyperfocused so hard on her projects that whatever friends she had before - and she must have had some from college time at least - lost contact with her, and she never made any other connections in Trolberg, anything that would tie her to the city and it’s inhabitants and make it so it wasn’t worth it to live by herself at the top of a hill. Even when that was over, she still chose to isolate herself somewhere abandoned and keep what was essentially another machine she’d built as her source of company, something she could understand and control instead of an unpredictable human being. Gerda works a job she likes but is shown to be disregarded by the person she works the most around, her abilities and intellect thrown aside for the good of someone she has to bear because of a hierarchy she was forced to accept in order to keep working. She’s appreciated by the town, but other than the main characters, we don’t see anyone paying her any mind when they don’t need something from her.
Meanwhile no kid has ever been alone in Trolberg. The mean kids are a group, the good kids are a group, even the gloomy teenage girls are a group. One of nightmare inducing entities, but a group nonetheless. All children in that world seem to operate on a ‘no man left behind’ code, looking out for each other even if they aren’t exactly fans of one another, helping even grown ups without asking why and working together. And this logic seems to extend to the adults who work around children too; especially the Raven Leader, who we see that through the children works as a vital part of the community and a way through which it comes together.
This isn’t very articulate but do you see the point? Do you see how clever that is? That a show about growing up has these themes? You can be magical, kind, strong, intelligent, competent, but none of that will make you truly happy if you don’t keep the most important thing from childhood? If you don’t keep your friendships, your bonds, something to tie you down to your reality and your community? The adults in the show all made their choices, and it’s okay to want to be alone, we all need it and some more than others (this is coming from someone who needs it a lot), but isolating yourself completely is the one thing that will make growing pains truly painful. I’m just so emotional over it. It’s so subtle and so clever considering the whole Mountain King plot that Hilda is willing to change species because she feels detached from her main relationships and surroundings. I love this show so much.
#Hilda meta#Kaisa isolated herself because of insecurity. Johanna did it because of duty (keeping herself and a daughter afloat seemingly by her own)#the bell keeper did it (apparently) because of a lack of interest#AND being overworked. that’s so important to mention#actually scratch that. I bet being overworked is the MAIN reason. imagine keeping patrol day and night I wouldn’t talk to anyone either#Victoria did it because of passion#Gerda did it unwillingly as a result of the system she was working for#I could mention so many other people too#Tildy doing it because of hopelessness after the two people she loved failed to reach out to her#Abigail because she convinced herself she couldn’t go back home#the midnight giant because he made one sole person his whole world and his species had to leave#the trolls because of the consequences of colonialism sparking internal conflict#it’s lonely. lonely all around.#the only group of adults that seem to be doing fine are the elves#which are. you guessed it. a tightly knit community#and paperwork or no paperwork they all work for the well-being of their society as a whole#growing up doesn’t have to be lonely. growing up doesn’t have to be lonely.#but God it can be. and its something you have to fight against because it’s so easy to get caught in the tide#the more I grow the more things I find in Hilda to relate to#the show seems to age with us this is fantastic#Hilda the series#hilda netflix#johanna hilda#kaisa hilda#Victoria Van gale#the bell keeper hilda
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golvio · 7 months
Sometimes I wonder if I write Ghirahim too butch or if the fandom is just completely wrong about him.
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commsroom · 1 year
doug eiffel is a car guy in the way that, like, he's got that pop culture attachment to the idealized great american road trip. there's not much eiffel dedicates himself to, but he learned to drive as soon as he could because having a car gave him freedom, and he valued that enough to care. he feels like the kind of person who has spent a lot of time sitting in his car listening to music, just to get away from... everything else. he's an analog guy; he can drive stick. he was made to go to drive-in movies. he calls the broken down shuttle he's stranded on - among other things - the "uss pontiac aztek", "uss ford excursion", and "uss reliant robin", so it's a reasonable bet he's got car opinions. monster trucks are on his list of things he misses about earth. he could be a nascar guy. eiffel was definitely living in an apartment, but if he had the space, he would love to be one of those guys with a bunch of rusted cars in his yard and an old truck up on cinderblocks. once zach said that if eiffel had money, he'd buy a motorcycle and tinker with it and never learn how to actually ride it.
"if eiffel had money" being the operative phrase. he used to drive a corolla - "that's the third warning. i'm not one hundred percent on how these oxygen meters work, but if they're anything like my old corolla..." - eiffel is a car guy in the sense he's got a list of dream cars, but they're all deeply impractical classic cars he just thinks are cool. in practice, he is driving the most 'dependable', most affordable cars possible, and he is not taking care of them. eiffel knows enough about cars that he could do his own maintenance, which means he won't pay someone else to do it, which means he's driving around with the check engine light on at all times. every car eiffel has ever driven has come like, pre-dented, permanently sounds like it's dying, and is just repulsive to be inside. it smells like old fast food wrappers and smoke in there. the back seat is full of miscellaneous garbage. the seats are stained and kinda sticky.
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terubakudan · 14 days
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A Lesson in Drip by Sakata Gintoki
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ffsg0jo · 3 months
rip jace you would've loved looksmaxxing and mogging
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