#he wants to be manager so bad but hes also annoying and dumb and megs just wants him to leave his office so he can pretend 2 work
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mrmeepsmadmind · 3 months ago
they are ignoring my big beautiful pathetic himbo wife and his cute little platypus tail that he has for some tank part reason im too dumb to understand why
#how can u laugh 😿 this is not a JOKE 😾⁉️⁉️⁉️#love the way starscream was smiling and entertained by demo's people pleasing and having to make himself frown#so he can make demo even more exasperated by his apathy#'it's funny when he nags cyclonus but he can stfu around me pls '#part of what makes armada starscream so cool is demo taking a lot of the more pathetic sides of his ppl pleasing#starscream's ppl pleasing is more for competitive career (power) reasons and fear#demo's tries to be but also he just wants megatron to like him and be nice to him pls :(#whereas megs actually likes starscream and wants him to succeed one day just not today lol#and starscream is like no wtf ure weird i just want ur position . gtfo#it's like the one worker the manager wants to make a new manager one day but the worker hates it there & just does whats needed then leaves#& trains new ppl by being like 'yea so the fuckass manager likes it like this so if u see him then do that shit but heres how i do it lol'#new ppl being mini cons who hes like that cool younger adult to wholl send ppl home instantly if theyre sick & is chilled but professional#meanwhile demo is the suck up tryhard who just needs to put the fries in the bag bro#he wants to be manager so bad but hes also annoying and dumb and megs just wants him to leave his office so he can pretend 2 work#cyclonus is the broke guy who just goofs off bcs if he gets fired then he gets fired but they havent yet bcs theyre understaffed#n he knows it too. he sleeps on the job if it slows down for 1 second. but hes an adrenalin junkie who can get distracted#demo wants meg to want his effin cookje so freaking bad... i love pathetic men#sideways secretly has 3 jobs total & 2 of them are at their competitors' who pay better so he dgaf abt this one#he never picks up shifts and doesnt care abt working less hours. hes hust here for the drama tbh#he clocks in wondering if demo will ever get that megadck hes been bitching abt#he clocks out a disappointed fujoshi#it's ok bcs karen hot rod who works at their competitors comes storming in with his kids & needs rizzed up#by either starscream or sideways bcs they fucked up his kids' orders on purpose after hr gave them a spiel abt their long list of allergies#demolisher#starscream#cyclonus#transformers#maccadam#tf armada#sideways
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Finding Him
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AU!Dean x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping/taken, angst, mentions/implications of rape, mentions of blood, gruesome I think, maybe. (If I need more warnings, I’ll add them. Not sure what I need for warnings right now) I would recommend to being at least 18 to be safe.
Summary: Dean doesn’t come home from a supply run. Sam and the Reader find the Impala, but no Dean. Who would take Dean? Why? Clock’s ticking.
Word count: 2,400-ish
a/n: Inspired by a fic called Lost by @talesmaniac89​, only I switched the roles and the whole premise of the story in comparison.
Finding Him Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
His vision blackened by the dark hood that covered his head.
“See boss, I found him, one of the Winchester boys.” A male voice says. As if he were expecting a prize.
“Yes, I see that, you were also to get his little brother you nitwit!” another man shouted.
Dean could hear growls in the distance. Meaning he was dealing with more than just one monster. Also, what kind of monster?
“But doing this draws out his brother. Once he is out and about, I’ll get him.”
“You better, but watch out for his mate. I hear she’s feisty.”
Y/N, they knew her as well. But she was only with the brothers for, not even, 6 months now.
“Why again are we doing this? Why don’t we just swarm their base now? I mean, we can use his scent to lead us there.” A female voice was heard this time. She sounded rather annoyed by the whole situation.
“Because, it’s her I want.”
“She’s a half-breed. First of our kind. Her mother was human. They say half-breeds are weaker than their pure bred counterpart. But I beg to fucking differ!” the boss man got furious at a memory.
Y/N’s a what? Dean thought. He could only huff against the gag in his mouth that was tapped in by duct tape. His hands were bound by all kinds of bindings. Rope, tape and even chains. These werewolves took precautions to prevent Dean from escaping or fighting back.
Y/N must have done something to piss this guy off. He thought.
“Just bring the other Winchester, Lure this bitch out. I want her now!”
 “Sam, I found the impala but no Dean.” She said into the phone.
“Store clerk said no one was following him in the store. So it must have happened outside of the store on the way home.”
“I don’t like this Sam, who would take him and why?”
“I don’t know. Come swing by, pick me up and I’ll drive Dean’s baby home.”
“Sure thing, then we’ll get hunting for your brother.”
She hung up the phone. She could smell it. It’s faint but it’s werewolf. Maybe it’s time to come clean about her lineage to Sam. It might help in finding Dean.
 “So you’re a half breed. Half human, half werewolf? How’s that possible?” Sam asked. Not a hint of malice in his words, no hint of anger or hostility in his body language.
“My mom was human. My dad was an alpha werewolf. But my mom died giving birth to me. I never really had a mother. But there’s this other pack, my dad went rogue on them when they started killing humans. He’d kill his own members to save humans.” She explained.
“Your dad sounds like a good man.”
“He was. Then his alpha found us. Tried to take me. He fought back. Or, tried to. I managed to get away. But in the woods I could smell my dad’s blood. He kill him. I’m more than sure, he’s the one that took Dean. He’s trying to lure me out.”
“He really shouldn’t underestimate the Winchester way of doing things.”
“What do you have in mind, I do see those wheels in your head turning?” she asked.
“We’ll need Cas’s help. I’ll even see if Bobby or any of the apocalypse hunters are up for some fuckery.”
She smiled, what does this guy have in mind, must be awesome.
 Weeks pass.
Sure he’d feed Dean, give him water even. But the alpha has a plan. And it’s not a great one.
He’s building an army.
“It’s my daughter, Alpha. She’s presenting, and I feel she is suitable for bearing a half breed.” Said a woman behind the door.
“Once she is fully presented, we’ll put him to work. And soon she will bear a half breed. Because if that bitch won’t come to me, we’ll come to her, with an army to boot.”
Dean swallowed thickly.
Already several scared girls had come in, he was forced to impregnate these girls. In hopes of making werewolves just like y/n.
He’s not dumb, half breeds are not as weak as people or other monster claim them to be. Because of their human counterparts, they don’t give up.
“How many have we made so far boss?” the same wolf that kidnapped Dean asked.
“9. Nine half breeds. And 5 of us. Two omegas, one beta, and two alphas. The half breeds don’t even need to present. That’s the thing we need to research further.”
“I’m sure our doctors in the sandy hills would love to look at them, and this girl of yours.”
“I’m sure. But, she’s mine. Mine to tame, mine alone. I’ll make an omega out of her.”
“You want to see what offspring you and her would produce?” he asked. Seeing his masterplan now.
“We need an army. Those British hunters already got the drop on us and have killed most of ours. But now, with us being mostly half breeds. We’ll see how much of a match we are to them.”
“Impervious to silver. But they’ll die like any normal human.”
“Maybe so. But we’ll train them in combat. We will win this.”
His comrade nodded.
 A low growl could be heard from y/n as she paced the library.
“Weeks Sam, it has been weeks. We need to find him.”
“I know, Bobby’s trying to round up everyone.”
“I can feel them doing something to him, it’s not good. We need to hurry.”
“Like what?”
“I can’t describe it without making you feel uncomfortable. But it’s not good. Let’s just put it at that.”
Sam’s phone rang. Caller ID, Bobby.
“Hey, Bobby, whatchyou got?”
“Sam, bring your girl and come to our hide out. It’s getting bad out there.”
“Bad, bad how?”
“We’re out numbered. The amount of werewolves is growing. More than what we can keep up with.”
“Okay, we’ll pack what we can and meet you out there.”
Sam hung up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Their numbers are growing.”
“I told you it was bad.”
“What are you saying?”
“He’s making an army of half breeds. Like me. And he’s using Dean to help in that process.”
“You mean, he’s forcing these wolf girls to rape my brother?” Sam asks, growing sickened and angry.
“Yes. Which is why we need to hurry. Let’s just go where we need to go. I’ll tell you what we can do to win.”
 “Great, not only are you like a human, but impervious to silver. So our bullets and knives won’t kill you.” One of the male apocalypse hunters fumed.
“So how do we kill them?” Meg asks.
“Just like how you’d kill any human. An ordinary weapon. But don’t injure them. Or Don’t waste time on the kill. They…we can heal quickly.”
“You have to have some kind of weakness.” Bobby says.
“Well, we’re not totally impervious to silver. I learned that the hard way from you hunters.” She says. “Just before I met Sam and Dean, I ran into a hunter. He learned of what I was. And tried to kill me. His silver blade slashed my arm. I had this nasty looking infection. But really it was poison.”
“Dean brought you back, and we healed you up.” Sam added. She nodded with a sad smile.
“That’s why you didn’t tell us. You were afraid we’d do that to you.” Sam says. She cast her gaze to her feet, fiddling her hands at her waistline. She felt Sam’s hand at her cheek. Coaxing her to look up at him.
“You had our backs, you saved Dean from shifters and wendigos. You saved me from vamps and werewolves. Cas from angels. Hell, even our own mother from a number of monsters. We wouldn’t have hurt you darlin’.”
“When he saved me, Dean. I imprinted on him.”
“How’d you…”
“I’m not sure. He felt safe. I felt safe. It was after he saved me, I��ve been able to feel what he feels. Know exactly where he was. Or is. Some say imprinting anyone, a wolf or human, is done by sex. But we didn’t do anything. He just held me. Safe in his arms.” She explained.
“Could be that. Could be a soul thing.” Bobby says. “Soulmates.”
Sam and Y/N nodded.
A moment passed. Y/N shook her head out of her thoughts.
“We need to get Dean back before the Alpha kills him. When he deems Dean no longer useful. I can, feel him. He does feel far. But I’m sure I can find him.”
“Well, let’s do this. Bobby, you, and the hunters try to get their numbers down. Kill as many as you can. Y/N and I will get Dean out of there. Then after—”
“I’m killing that Alpha, once and for all. More lives are in danger with him alive.” She growled.
Sam could only nod.
 A shot rang out.
“All the guards outside are half breeds. Aim for the head.” She ordered the hunters that came along.
Shot after shot rang out.
She took in their scent. They weren’t that old, freshly presented. She stared at them in confusion. Half breeds don’t present. Unless a certain gene allows them to present or not enough research went into half breeds.
“Sam, you and I we need to move in. now.” She ordered. Sam nodded.
“Keep them from entering.” She told the hunters.
“Sam, let’s go!”
And they ran their way inside.
 “Get the human!” the alpha ordered.
Dean, looking a bit rough from weeks and weeks of rough sex, little food and water and no sleep. The wolf picked him up by the collar, Dean grunted against the motion as his hands were bound behind his back since the day they brought him in here. His wrists have been cut up and bloodied from his struggles.
“I’d be happy to rip his heart out for ya boss.” He sneered.
“NO!” The alpha shouted.
The wolf shuddered.
“He’s mine.”
He threw Dean at the Alpha’s side.
Dean landed on his side with a hard thud and grunt. He was too weak to play the tough guy. Too weak to give a witty comeback.
He just laid there, waiting for his death.
 Sam, preoccupied by other wolves in the warehouse as Y/N walked into the Alpha’s Domaine. His den, his ‘Throne Room’. He stood on a balcony meant for loading large machinery. It had no railing on one side.
She could smell his blood. Causing a growl to emerge deep within her chest. Her fists clench so hard she could draw blood.
“There she is.” The alpha growled.
“Here I am. Do you want to end this or should I?” she asked. Glaring down at him.
“You dare talk like that to your Alpha?” he growled.
“You are not my alpha, I’m no one’s alpha. You are a murderer.”
“Now, I’d beg to differ on that. You killed your own kind.”
“I have two kinds. Human and wolf. Humans seem a lot better than you.”
He growled at her remark.
“You mean, like this human!” he pulls Dean up by the collar. His sheer strength alone allowed him to hold Dean in the air, hanging him by his collar. He hung him over the ledge with no railing. Intending on letting him either hang to his death or drop him.
Her heart dropped.
Dean kicked, trying to get free. He began gagging for air.
“He’s weak, just like your father was. Your father was infatuated with a human and it weakened him. He was my right hand man!” he shouted.
She tried to keep a good poker face going. But Dean’s eyes began to roll as he was loosing more and more air.
“You are just like him. Infatuated with a human.”
“Let him go.” She says. Demanding.
The Alpha cocked his head, cocking an eyebrow, smirking. Oh, she thinks she’s going to have it easy. He thought.
“Please, I’ll turn myself over to you willingly. But you have to let him go. Alive!” she demanded.
“Hmm, such a tempting offer.” The Alpha says playfully. “But, no. I think I’ll pass.” He says.
He repositions Dean so he could easily wrap his hand around his throat. She could tell he was squeezing the life out of him, he kicked furiously, desperately trying to get free.
I hope this will work. She thought.
She darts, climbing up a stack of crates leading up to the platform.
She managed to get on the platform without him noticing. She could see the color to Dean’s face changing. His eyes rolling.
A fire burned in her eyes. He’s not going to take him from her.
With her claws now drawn, she forces her hand through the Alpha’s back and through his chest.
He can see what looks like silver nails on her claws.
The impact causes him to drop Dean.
He drops on to his back with a hard thud.
The Alpha gags as the poison from the polish is coursing through his veins.
“You really should have taken the deal.” She says. Pulling her hand from his back the Alpha drops dead with a thud. On the concrete ground below.
“Dean!” she gasps. Seeing him not moving.
She rushes to him, cutting him free. She brings her ear to his mouth. He’s not breathing.
“No, no, no. Dean, please.” She begs.
She works him over her shoulder as she get’s him to a more flat surface.
“Dean!” she heard Sam shout.
She laid Dean flat on his back and began doing chest compressions.
“Sam, Bobby, we need to get him help.” She begs as she worked on him.
“Cas!” Sam prays out loud. “Cas, if you hear me please, we need you to save him!”
“Cas!” she adds on. “Please, I can’t lose him!”
“Sam, Y/N.” Cas says behind her.
“Cas, help him.” She begs. Her eyes blurring with tears.
“I will try.” He says.
He places two fingers to his forehead. Only to see limited injuries healed. But Dean took in a deep, much needed, breath.
Cas falls back, weakened.
“I do not have enough grace to heal him completely. My grace has been depleting lately. Once I am fully regenerated, I’ll heal him again.” Cas says.
“Thanks Cas, it’s something.” Y/N says. “Let’s get him home.”
Part 2
What’d you think? Want more? Let me know either by ask or reblog. Remember, feedback is fuel.
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @akshi8278​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 2/8/2021
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haec-est-fides · 4 years ago
✨ Imperial Household Saturnalia Headcanons ✨
Welp, it’s the last day of Saturnalia today so I figured now or never on my hcs. Enjoy, and happy holidays -- whatever you celebrate!
Nero’s birthday is two days before Saturnalia starts, so his Household just kicks off the holiday early with a massive party.
The business-side of Triumvirate Holdings closes for the holidays the week Saturnalia starts and stays closed until after New Year’s, so the oblivious mortal employees just think that the company is really nice to give them so much (paid) time off.
Saturnalia is basically the one time every year that Nero will invite the other triumvirs and their Households to his tower in New York no strings attached.
Okay, one string attached: bring gifts!
Gifts are exchanged among the Households on the 23rd.
Regarding gifts, Nero gives his kids credit cards the week before Saturnalia and lets them go nuts. That said, they generally buy each other really dumb stuff -- lots of gag gifts and inside jokes.
All of the private / non-business floors of Nero’s tower are decked out beyond belief. There are fresh garlands and wreaths everywhere, with real gold and silver decorations. The entire place is lit with strands of white, gold, and purple lights.
Indoor trees are not a Roman tradition, they’re a Germanic one. Since the Germani definitely help decorate, that means they get a tree!
Saturnalia is one of the only times you’ll ever see the Germani genuinely smile or laugh btw.
Everyone wears garishly bright and colorful clothes and pileus hats are the norm. (Even Marcus dresses for the occasion. His siblings make him.)
Gambling is a traditional part of the festivities, but now this ranges from old Roman dice games to betting on modern board games and even video games. Everyone “gambles” candies, coins, and whatever else they happen to have in their pockets.
Still, this petty gaming can and has resulted in fights.
There’s a bit of rivalry between the Households, but all of the kids get along way better than the emperors do.
Many of the kids really look forward to celebrating Saturnalia in NYC because they rarely get to travel and see their “cousins”.
Some of the kids in Commodus’ and Caligula’s Households absolutely love Nero’s tower, but Nero’s Household are like “This is normal? That’s just an elevator?? Would you like to see the massive kitchen where we keep all of the snacks???”
All serious schemes and rivalries are converted into elaborate pranks during the week of Saturnalia. Nero’s kids have home field advantage, but the other Households adapt quickly.
As soon as everyone arrives in NYC and gets somewhat settled, the Households pick who gets to be the Saturnalicius princeps for the holiday (sort of like a Lord of Misrule).
The kids all bribe each other for “votes”, even though the winner is chosen by pulling a name from a hat. It still gets rigged because the kids will write other people’s names rather than their own. (Lucius hates being Saturnalicius princeps, so he’s easy to bribe.) The winner’s job is Chaos.
They used to choose by putting a coin in a cake, but the cakes got too elaborate and one of Nero’s kids (Livia, a daughter of Fortuna) kept finding the coin every year.
There’s a ridiculously extravagant dinner every night of Saturnalia, set out in the biggest ballroom in the tower to accommodate everyone. Dessert is served first.
A big part of Saturnalia is temporary “role reversals” -- which, in the ancient world, meant things like servants being served dinner by their masters. Surprisingly, Nero is pretty insistent on this dynamic shift, or at least on everyone being “equal” for the holiday. He thinks it’s funny. He’ll even “take orders” from some of the younger kids if it’s something small. (Don’t push it, though.)
All of the dryads and other servants in the Household(s) are, like the Imperial children, put on a level playing field with the emperor(s) for the week. While said dryads / servants are understandably more hesitant about it, a few of the kids (like Meg, Cassius, and Sabina) make the effort to be extra nice to them and include them in the festivities.
The week is taken off from all kinds of work, but there’s also no “justice” met out. This means that everyone can get away with a lot, but it doesn’t mean that the emperors (or even some of the kids) will forget. Everyone knows to watch their backs after Saturnalia if they did something really stupid.
Hm, some more character-specific holiday hcs…
Meg is a formidable pranking opponent and you do not want to get on her bad side. She and Luguselwa are masters of illusion and they use their secret alliance to their advantage. Meg also helps the dryads decorate their trees / plants, along with her younger siblings!
Cassius sticks by Meg a lot because he’s worried about getting pranked by the older kids. He’s also too sweet to want to prank anyone, so Meg tries to show him the ropes. Sabina and Livia have his back too, and they will hold grudges if anyone tries to cheat Cassius at any games.
Marcus gifts everyone cards with original mean / tacky poetry every year. He secretly loves Saturnalia, but he has to keep up his reputation as the edgy kid. He absolutely almost tears up when Aemillia gets him a new dagger and writes her own bad poem back at him. Vergil and the twins, Julius and Julia, also make sure to include Marcus in their various “poetry competitions” over the week, and he loves it.
Lucius tries really hard to relax, but he still ends up parenting everyone. If any of the kids have a problem, they know that Lucius will take it the most seriously and know how to fix it. Gnaeus, the Household’s “tech support” kid, can completely relate. The two spend a lot of time hanging out in one of their rooms, away from the chaos -- though they do come out of hiding to beat everyone at board games and win candy.
Aemillia tries to get all of her siblings (and most of her “cousins”) thoughtful gifts, so she definitely spends the most time gift shopping. She’s also the Dance Dance Revolution undefeated champion of the Household and will take on any physical challenge thrown at her even if she doesn’t care about the prize. Lucia and Marius are similar in that respect, and the three of them are known to have a serious (but fun) sibling rivalry.
As for the emperors…
Nero is generally content to step back and let chaos happen for a week. (Trust me, he needs the break.) However, he does carry a lyre / some other instrument with him at all times. He will jump at any chance to perform. He takes requests. (Everyone else either loves this or hates it. Some of the kids, like Sabina and Vergil, make genuine requests and that earns them major brownie points with Nero. Other kids will make joke requests just to annoy everyone else.)
Commodus doesn’t like being cooped up indoors, or the cold, so he spends a lot of time engaging in competitive activities to keep himself busy. He denies losing to any of the kids, but sometimes does. He organizes (non-lethal) war games and gladiator matches (because of course the tower has a floor for that). He thinks paintballing and laser tag are festive.
Caligula is extremely enthusiastic about Saturnalia, but he still manages to be terrifying. He goes all out with his outfits every single day. He also helps the kids set up pranks, basically playing all sides of the prank war -- and making said pranks at least 3 times more dangerous than they should be. Caligula is the most difficult triumvir to prank, because he’s so paranoid and knows every trick in the book, but some brave souls still make the attempt.
Now, almost all of the kids in Caligula’s Household are too scared to prank their emperor. Likewise, almost all of Nero’s kids are too scared to prank Nero. Commodus’ kids aren’t scared to prank anyone, but they’ve picked up on Commodus’ animosity with Nero. This means that A) if anyone pranks Caligula, it’s probably Nero’s kids, B) if anyone pranks Nero, it’s probably Commodus’ kids, and C) everyone pranks Commodus. (Sorry, Commodus.)
Io, Saturnalia, all! <3
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Movies I watched in January 2021.
(only includes movies I watched for the first time)
 A stranger outside (directed by Jake Helgren) – 2018 (12) 2½ stars.
This film is a who is it/who did it movie about a girl named Daphne (played by Brittney Underwood) who is babysitting a young boy called Toby (played by Jet Jurgensmeyer) whose parents are out of town.
I gave it a low rating since I found it very dumb and the acting is not good, a hard movie to take seriously, the characters are also very stupid, and it is an overall very predictable movie.
But saying that, I would still recommend if you want to watch a movie you can make fun of and like seeing family bonds being made (between the babysitter and the boy). It is also a good movie if you want to get into horrors/thrillers or get someone else into them.
The main reasons I found this a dumb movie is how obvious it was that the maid was the killer, like, what maid only cleans the kitchen and does it in less than 5 minutes? She was also an overall bad killer and felt like a very lazy try.
Also, the girls reaction to everything, I don’t understand why they didn’t lock all the doors and how Daphne walked through the door that she put the windchime, a very dumb move. Also, Daphne’s friends when being killed, I could not wait for the scene to be over, she wasn’t doing a particularly good job at trying to escape.
*spoilers done*
Uncle frank (directed by Alan Ball)– 2020 (15) 5 stars.
This film is about an 18-year-old named Beth (played by Sofia Lillis) who travels back from Manhattan to her hometown Creek Ville, South Carolina, with her uncle Frank (played by Paul Bettany) for a funeral and end up being joined by his boyfriend (Played by Peter Macdissi).
I gave this film such a high rating because of how real this movie feels and how the acting feels so pure and you can tell that they put effort into this. I also just really love family connections in movies. It is just such a beautiful movie, made me cry so much. This film also really highlights how much Frank is terrified of his parents fining out he is gay.
I just highly recommend this movie. Anything I say will not do this film justice.
The main scenes that really stuck out to me where: 1) The flash back scenes between young Frank and past lover Sam. Mainly the scene where his dad (played by Stephen Root) catches them together one night. And he didn’t the relationship his son had with the other boy, which sends Frank into a panic. This scene also shows the type of man his dad was and how that impacted Frank.
2) The will reading where Frank is outed. This scene really pinpoints how much hatred Franks dad had towards him. In this scene you can also see the sheer panic he has and doesn’t want to stick around and find out what is family will say.
*spoilers done*
Deadly detention (directed by Blair Hayes) – 2017 (15) 1 star.
This film is about 5 high school students; the ‘hot girl’ Lexi (played by Alex Frnka), ‘hot boy’ Barrett (played by Henry Zaga), the ‘sporty female jock’ Jessica (played by Sarah Davenport), ‘the skateboarder’ Taylor (played by Jenifer Robyn Jacobs) and the ‘presumed gay, Christian’ with his bejewelled bible named Kevin (played by Coy Stewart), who all have Saturday detention. Their detention takes place in a now closed prison with someone trying to kill them.
I gave the film such a low rating since its just bad. The script is awful, the characters are written so poorly, I can’t believe this movie was able to be realised, it is also very predictable, you are able to tell who the killer is within the first 10 minutes.
This movie gave me the vibe of a poorly rewrite of ‘the breakfast club’ if it was a horror in prison. But if you want something you can watch to laugh at and not take seriously then you could watch this.
The main things that really annoyed me with this film are not that the killer was obviously the cop but that:
1)    Barrett never stops smiling! Someone is trying to kill him, and he doesn’t even care.
2)    Taylor and her skateboard, she can’t even ride properly, she should have left it, it’s not important.
3)    Keven and his light up shoes, and how he had to make sure they were on the same colour, he should leave them alone and hide.
4)    And just the fact that Barrett and Lexi care more about hooking up than trying to escape a killer, especially when Berrett is already dating Jessica.
*spoilers done*
Deadpool (directed by Tim Miller) – 2016 (15) 4 stars.
This film is about a man named Wade Wilson (played by Ryan Reynolds), who wants to get revenge on a man named ajax/Francis (played by Ed Skrein) for experimenting on him to cure Wades cancer and to give him healing abilities, but it ends up leaving him disfigured.
I gave this movie a high rating because of how it managed to include multiple genres at once; for example, this film included, action, a little gore, comedy, raunchy and romance. Also, the uses of breaking the fourth wall, I think was done particularly well.
Other things I like about this film is that he does not call himself a hero, because he does not want to be and at the end of the day, he isn’t one, but he’s also not a villain.
An example of this is right near the end when Colossus is giving that classic ‘you can be a hero’ hero speech, Deadpool shoots Ajax. Because killing him was what the main plot of the film was.
*spoilers done*
Soul (directed by Pete Doctor) – 2020 (PG) 3½ stars.
This film is about the journey of jazz piano player/middle school teacher, Joe Gardner (voiced by Jamie Foxx), who experiences a near death experience that gets him trapped in the afterlife, trying to reunite his soul and body, who is landed the responsibility to be the mentor to the soul, 22 (voiced by Tina Fey), who needs to find her spark to be sent to earth.
I gave this movie a middle rating because I like what it portrays – where your dreams come from, where your interests come from, also that for some, it can take a lot longer than others to figure out what they are. However, I feel like this film feel flat the longer it went on, it also feels like the people working on this got bored at the end and did not care anymore. Could as well be due to do with the fact that there were a couple things I thought would happen and make more sense but did not happen.
But its still, at the end of the day a cute, funny, family movie and great for kids to learn that they should do what they love and its okay if they take longer than others to figure out what they love to do.
Examples of what I thought would happen/hoped would happen that would have made sense to be in the film are:
1)    I was expecting that Joe was going to realise that he liked being a teacher. The flash backs really set up that was going to happen but then I just did not.
2)    I was hoping that we would get a time skip to a few years later and joe and the person that 22 went into would meet. I was expecting that the happen from the beginning.
*spoilers done*
Adventures in babysitting/A night in the town (directed by Chris Columbus) – 1987 (12 or pg. if you watch the Disney + cut) 4 stars.
This film is about 17-year-old Chris Parker (played by Elisabeth Shue) who is babysitting 8-year-old Sara Anderson (played by Maia Brewton) and her 15-year-old brother, Brad (Played by Keith Coogan), but ends up in a night full of adventures, along with Brad’s friend, Daryl (played by Anthony Rapp), due to Chris needing to pick up her friend, Brenda (played by Penelope Ann Miller).
I gave this movie a high rating because I think it’s a nice funny, sweet movie. I has great family like bonds between them all, which I love to see, and it makes you feel good watching it.
What I liked in this film was that it felt like it wasn’t trying to be realistic and because of that anything so unrealistic that happens feels normal.
I do highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes comedic adventurous films.
One thing I liked that I found funny was how the gang was trying to capture the kids and Chris all because of the Playboy.
I also really love the scene when we find out Chris’s boyfriend, mike (played by Bradley Whitford), was cheating and after Brads speech about Chris then says he isn’t going to hurt mike because he is a bigger person, Daryl kicks mike. I think the main reason I loved this scene was because it really shows how different each character is from each other, but they still have a great friendship.
One thing that did annoy me about this film was Chris and Dan together at the end. It would have been okay for me, but she broke up with her boyfriend that night. Also, we don’t know how old Dan is, all we know is he is in collage and Chris is 17 in high school.
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Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (directed by Paul Hoen) – 2018 (pg.) 4½ stars.
This film is about a zombie named Zed (played by Milo Manheim) and a human cheerleader named Addison (played by Meg Donnelly) who become close very quickly and need to hide that due to the fact that humans still believe that zombies are evil monsters.
I gave this film a high rating due to the how this movie made me feel, it quickly became a comfort movie for me, if you watch it you will understand where I’m coming from.
I also want to point out that yes, this is a very cheesy movie but its Disney channel, what else do you expect?
And despite it being the classic Disney channel cheese it is, I would like to pinpoint that it covers issues I think kids should learn about, for example; discrimination, not to pay attention to stereotypes and rumours also not to bully someone and just because they may be ‘different’
Highly recommend to all kids and anyone older if they love cheesy films.
I have seen that some people don’t like the fact that Addison compared her hair would get her treated the same way Zed gets does, and I can see where they come from but to me, I interpret Addison’s hair and wig as real things people can hide about themselves, so they don’t get treated badly and zombies as something that people can’t hide about themselves.
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Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 (directed by Paul Hoen) – 2020 (pg.) 2 ½ stars
This film is about werewolves coming to Seabrook/Zombietown due to their charms running out of their powers, needing to find the moon stone with help from a whitehaired teenager.
I gave this movie a low rating mainly due to how much it disappointed me. I expected much more, especially because of how the first one was amazing. This film felt very fast paced and felt like they didn’t put as much effort into it.
But saying that I do recommend watching, it’s still a fun time watching.
Examples of what annoyed me in this movie was;
1.     How the zombies as well as the humans automatically assumed the werewolves where evil. You would have thought that the zombies would be more understanding since humans thought that about them before and that humans wouldn’t have jumped to that conclusion as they were wrong about zombies.
2.     The ban on all monsters when the zombies didn’t do anything wrong.
3.     How bucky went back to hating zombies. I don’t understand why because at the end of the first movie he realised zombies aren’t bad.
4.     Eliza should have ran for school resident! Mainly due to her having such strong views I feel like she would have taken it very seriously.
*spoilers done*
Official secrets (directed by Gavin Hood) – 2019 (15) 3¾ stars
This film is about the true events of Katherine Gun (played by Kira Knightly), who is a British intelligence specialist and leaked secret information about an illegal NSA spy operation made to urge the UN security council to give approval for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, to the press hoping to avoid this from happening.
I gave this movie this rating due to how it keeps you engaged in what is happening, despite it being a sort of slow burn. Also, from what I heard it stayed true the real events (I’m 17 so I wasn’t old enough to remember it myself) and I like how it used the actual news footage.
This movie is also easy to follow and to know what’s happening.
I highly recommend this film if you love learning about true events/find them interesting.
The green mile (directed by Frank Darabont) – 1999 (18) 5 stars
This film is about Paul Edgecomb (played by Tom Hanks and Dabbs Greer), the commanding officer of the death row cellblock at Cold Mountain Penitentiary in Louisiana, who meets inmate, John Coffey (played by Michael Clarke Duncan), who has been accused of murdering two young girls. Paul’s life isn’t the same when he discovers John’s special gifts.
I gave this movie such a high rating because it’s just such a masterpiece of a movie. The actors did an amazing job at portraying their characters and made sure you like the characters your meant to like, despite what they did in the past and dislike the characters your meant to dislike.
This movie also gave me so many emotions, for example, one moment I’m really happy and the movie is making me feel good then the next I can’t stop crying.
Despite the rating being an 18+, I would recommend to anyone 15+.
I would like to state that the mouse, Mr. Jingles is my favourite character so, if you have seen it, you can guess that when Percy (played by Doug Hutchinson) stepped on the poor thing busted into tears and then when John healed him, I started crying even more because I was so happy.
I also thought the ending to the film was very poetic in the way the Paul is still alive and that being his curse, and having to see everyone he cares about die, due to John being executed despite, in the end, being innocent.
*spoilers done*
 Those are all the movies I watched this month. Please know that these are my opinions, and its perfectly okay of you have different ones.
This is the first time I have ever done something like this so please let me know how I can improve. And let me know your thoughts. 
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natsukitakama · 5 years ago
Monster Tomura Shigaraki x reader
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Author note : Okay about this one. I know I shouldn't but I could help myself but fell hard for the league of villains especially Dabi and Shigaraki. I hope you would enjoy it I'm still self-conscious about my writing so let me know if you enjoy this ! ♡ I somehow got inspire by two songs : Meg Myers Desire and an ost from the movie Joker called Call me joker if you want to know where everything came from. 
Before we started, let me reminds you this relationships is TOXIC please be careful. I picture Shigaraki to be a kind of Yandere especially if he falls in love with someone considering the type of childhood he had. No one should treat you the way he will in this story, you’re precious and deserve someone who’ll be able to take care of you properly. 
Warning : Toxic relationship / Mention of blood and violence / Kinda smut / Shigaraki manipulate Reader’s mind / Spoiler-free 
Words counting : 5576 
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A dark side, You always felt like it, sometimes it was as if you could touch it. You knew it, deep down, you knew some dark instincts were sleeping waiting to be used. But you always managed to keep it down no matter what. Sometimes you struggled though. People were so annoying, always yelling, complaining, screaming, and for what ? Nothing. It pissed you off, you couldn’t count how many time you wished you could just shut them for good. Your quirk was a destructive one, a weapon that’s how people would call you if they found out. But they won’t. You worked too hard for them to find out your secret. For now you were just a nice human being working as a nurse to survive. That’s all mattered for you : survive. You weren’t that  introvert person who weren’t comfortable with people, in fact you were kinda talkative and pretty good with people. You just couldn’t see their behavior, most of the times they were so selfish so violent and for what ? Nothing just a selfish reason to justify their fierceness. You always hated people who fought for nothing for instance you couldn’t see villains. 
But that’s what before you met him. You knew he was trouble, you knew it could be dangerous he was a monster just like you. Maybe that why you were attracted to him in the first place ? You met Shigaraki by coincidence. You were walking home when you found a man laying down, he seemed in pain judging by the whole blood he was covered with. You lived in a « bad » city full of thugs but they were fine with you so were you ; but you knew better than getting involve in some of their business. Nonetheless, you couldn’t let that boy on the floor, it wasn’t ethical. What should you do ? Checking him won’t cause you any trouble right ? You were just acting as a normal citizen just being sure he wasn’t dying, beside not helping someone in needs is a crime. 
So you just walked slowly in his direction trying to see anything who could confirm you his state. You caught his body slowly moving as he was breathing, he wasn’t dead that was a good thing. When you were finally closed enough to him you kneel down to have a better look at his body, you saw some marks on his necks probably because he scratched at it to help him going through his anxiety, then you caught some bruised on his back and a big wound on his side. That where the blood were coming you thought. 
« Uh hello ? Could you hear me ? I-I saw you lying here on the floor, I’m nurse i can help you but I need to know what happen so i- »
You couldn’t even finish your sentence as the man was holding your wrist, you gasped not only because he scare you but also because he was holding you firmly it might give a you some bruises later. The you felt it, a pair of red eyes was looking at you deeply looking for any sign you might be a danger for him. As if you could read his mind you were gently putting your other hand in the air. 
« It’s okay like I say I’m nurse. I won’t hurt you if I wanted you I could just let you down the floor emptying from your blood. My name is Y/N » 
The man above you was still holding your wrist with four of his fingers and you wonder why he didn’t hold you with all of his fingers. But before you could ask him anything, he let your wrist down and managed to lay on his back so his front body was full in front of you. 
« Alright you don’t want to give me your name that’s fine. May I have your consent to examine your body ?
Why would you ask that ?
Excuse me ?
It’s not like I could anything so just do your thing
Exactly you’re in « weak position » and I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of it so may I touch ?
Whatever do your thing doc’ »
Chuckling for his shyness (at least what you took for shyness), you took his shirt and proceed to raise it until you could finally have a look at his whole chest. He was pretty slim despite his muscle, you were worried he didn’t eat as much as he had to. You’ll probably buy him so foods later. Examining his white body you finally found that wound you were looking for. 
« Damn it’s pretty deep how did you get that ? 
I see not very talkative right ? But I need to know if there any chance you might some bullet in it 
What ?
I fell from a window so I might have some glasses in my body 
Alright let me see have a look, just be sure to take a deep breath I’m not gonna lie it’s going to be painful. If it’s too painful let me know
Don’t think just do your job doc’ »
So did you. Being the cautious one, you always be sure to have some tools on you just in case you need to take something away from your body. Luckily today, you got your ultrasound with you : well it wasn’t your ultrasound but you needed one and it wasn’t like someone would notice. It was a probe with a long wire and in the end they were some usb who could be linked to your phone. You quickly linked everything and use it on his body, so you were able to vibrate through his body looking for anything suspicious. Then you found it, 3 pieces of glasses one was close to his pancreas while two were moving around kidney. You needed to work quickly otherwise it might damaged his body. 
« Okay Hon’ I found three pieces of glasses on your body I’m about to cut you here and here to take them off. Again it might be painful I’ll try to be quick but please tell me if you can’t take it 
God, are you always talking that much ?
Only when I’m the one doing the whole talk hon’
Stop calling me Hon’
Give me your name then
Then it’s Hon’ I’m healing you so I’m giving you a nickname
Whatever just do it quickly »
Again you did as he said. You took advantage of the previous wound from his side to take glasses who were close to his kidney. You did everything to be as quickly as possible, during your whole surgery he barely moved as if was used to it. You couldn’t help but feel bad for him, he noticed your expression but say nothing about it. Then after taking the first two glasses you managed to clean his wound and then stitched it. 
« Alright Hon’ just one missing are you alright ?
Less talking more surgery »
You chuckled, and then processed to keep going. The last was one was a struggle, it was moving around his pancreas, in addition you have to be careful about his whole digestive system. With a deep breath you cut slowly, just enough to work, and then you moved your pliers around his body looking for the missing glass. A couple of minute later you finally took it and removed it. Again, you clean his wound and stitched it. Unfortunately you didn’t have anything who could be use as a bandage.
« Alright Hon’ I’m done with the cut things, you shouldn’t lose any blood now. I found some bruise on your back and neck should I see it ?
Are you sure about it ? 
Okay. Well, I don’t have anything I could use as a bandage should I take you to my house ?
Why would you do that ?
Well you can’t just walk with some fresh wound, you might catch some germs 
I’ll be fine now just leave 
I can’t 
Why not ? You just have to stand up and then move your legs pretty simple for a doc’ am I right ?
That’s not about that Hon’ but you looked very tired, I can’t let you walk on your own
Told you I’ll be fine someone is about to catch me
Uh ? There anyone here I lived here those guys aren’t about to help you
Not talking about them 
Then who ?
Don’t ask something you might regret » 
Before you could ask anything, you saw some big dark hole coming right besides Hon’ boy. The fact that he didn’t seem scared or even surprised should give you any clues about who he truly was, but still you tried to catch him before he walked through it, screaming « wait » your hand was so closed and yet so far. The last thing you saw was him looking at you right into your eyes before vanishing. In a blink of an eye it was as if nothing happened, you felt quite dumb for laying here on the floor. Helping a man without knowing who he was, he could have been dangerous but you couldn’t careless. Something about him really mesmerized you. Maybe was it love maybe were you just desperate. Anyway, it wasn’t like you could do much about it so you just stood up and walked into your house hoping everything would be fine. Hoping you won’t regret what you’ve done. 
You couldn’t be more wrong. Since you helped that man you started to feel strange a bit dizzy sometimes too. As if someone was watching you, stalking you, checking you. Even in your own house you started to feel as if someone was watching you. At first you thought you were being paranoid, you’ve been in your city since a long time and you have never been attacked before. But still, something was definitely wrong but it wasn’t like you could do anything about it. So you just let it go. 
The truth is, since the day you met Tomura he never stopped thinking about you. At first, he was scoffing at the memory of you trying to be buddy with him, then he remembered how careful you were with him even when you were trying to take those glasses away from his body. You always worked hard to not hurt him. He loved the way you seemed to acknowledge him while he has difficulty to do it himself. He couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful you were covering from his blood as you were taking care of him, how you smiled when he cracked some jokes (even if he was deadly serious when he talked to you). And then he started to dream about you especially the way you touched him, how soft you fingers was against his dry skin, how sweet your voice sounded even during such a terrible situation. Before he could even noticed, Tomura was addicted to you and he needed more interaction with you. He craved for it, he felt like if he didn’t he might go crazy (as if he wasn’t crazy enough). So yeah, maybe some nights he went into your house (how did he find where you live is a mystery), he may install some cameras on areas he was sure he won’t notice. Without noticing, you give him more information than he needed to find you. But he wanted to do it smoothly or he might scare you, even if the idea of kidnapping you was stuck in his minds, Tomura knew he would be more than useful to persuade you to join him. He could torture you if you needed it but he believed he won’t have to do it judging by the way you looked at him. 
So he started to stalk you to own as many informations as he needed : your schedule, your friends, who could be an obstacle , etc. Anything that might help him getting close to you. His plan was simple : making you fall in love with him or at least being important to your life, to the point you couldn’t think on leaving him. At some points he might need some dirty information about you anything that he could use against you (without noticing if course even if the prospect of kidnapping you was still an option to him). Honestly they were nothing he won’t do for you. Quite quickly he got some habits with you, every week at least once a week, he met you in the same spot you two have met the very first time. He was always seeing you at the same place, pretending suffering from something. And you being the nice little nurse you were, you couldn’t leave that poor boy so you took him in your house because it was more convenient for you (you thought, but he did everything to force you to take him on your house). And this, is how you fall into hell began. 
After seeing him so many times, you started to develop some feelings for him. Sure the man wasn’t what you could call attractive (even if you really appreciate his hair curled) but you couldn’t help but find him handsome. There were something about him, maybe that aura who irradiate from his body, the way he acted so dominant and yet sometimes so breakable as if you could hurt him by just touching him. His voice too, you couldn’t count how many you dreamt about it, the way he would talk to you, how your body would respond at his whisper ; and his hands for an odd reason you never stopped dreaming about them : would he put it on your throat while fucking you ? Would be that kind of man who grabbed your hips until bruised them ? How would they feel on your cheeks ? Days after days you were dreaming about him, lusting about him and sometimes you were day dreaming about dating him : would he love cuddling you while looking a movie ? Was he the type of man who laid on the couch so you couldn’t use him as a pillow ? But, you weren’t idiot, you knew the man was troubled you read the newspaper you heard about him on the TV. He was a part of the groups of people who worked against hero, what was their name again ? Yeah, the League of villains. Sounds really cool. At this time you knew it, you were addict to him. 
He was a dangerous man, he could kill you in a minute if he wanted too ; but he never did and you couldn’t explain why but you knew he would never hurt you. What « bothered » you, is the fact that you couldn’t really catch him : the man was unpredictable every time you thought you started to understand him he did something that surprised you. For exemple, the night you finally let him going into your house, even if you knew that could be dangerous, you thought he would just sat down while you were taking care of him. And for a couple of minutes that’s what he thought, after being stitched he puts his hand on your shoulder (you were afraid you might start to decay but he put 4 fingers on your arm) and the next thing you knew you felt his lips on yours. The kiss was very deep, as he was starving and was finally able to eat properly. Your bottom lips was between his teeth as he was bitting it softly just enough to make you moan so his tongue could find a way into your mouth. Not knowing what to do you, you just closed you eyes while your arms was around his neck, one of your hand stroking his hair ; when it came to him, his hand on your shoulder never moved but his other find his way into your back putting you against his body. His tongue never stopped moving, it first explored your mouth and then found your tongue starting a movement : up and down against yours as if to mimic the movement of his hips against yours. Just when your body started to move against his, Tomura’s lip left yours, the kiss last couple of minutes but you were already a blushing mess : He took a moment to appreciate the sight in front of him and then swept with the back of his hand the saliva from his mouth. He didn’t mean to kiss you, but the smell of your perfume, your slight touch on his body was enough to trigger his dark instinct, in fact he didn’t think, he just let his body do what he has to do and it felt amazing. The feeling of your tongue against his, your hand on his hair, your chest against his, everything felt far too good and he knew they weren’t turning back. He wanted to own you, your body and your spirit everything from you should be his.  But it was soon, far too soon to take you. For now, he needed a motive something would make you loose your mind. Cause for now you were too aware, you wanted to help him but he knew you didn’t trust him. He couldn’t blame you, after all he did a lot of things and was about to do a lot of more. He needed you by his side, but you won’t do something like this, not when you have so many things to lose. Tomura will work on that, he already knew how to do it. He is about to put you into a situation where all you could do was following him. 
Before that, he would taste you a little longer just because he wanted to. So he did, for a couple of days he just walked into the same spot claiming he needed to be taking care of, while all he did was making out with you. You won’t complain about it, you’ve been daydreaming about it a lot while touching yourself lately (he knew it thanks to his camera), so he knew he could touch you easily. But that would be too easy. He knew he had to wait until he could make his plan. That didn’t stop him from visiting you during your night, using kurogiri’s power to go into your room, sometimes it was just to see you sleep, sometimes he would stroke your hair. But then, he started to steal some of your things like a pantie, sometimes you swore you felt someone into your bed moving against you (it was him hugging you from behind, taking advantage of it to smell your perfume). It was enough, he wanted you by his side and he wanted it now : his plan was about to begin. 
One day, you found Tomura at the same spot than before. Knowing that his bruises were just an excuse to see you, you weren’t that scared when you found him laying on the floor. You did start to freak out when you noticed the blood coming from his body. That couldn’t be … He couldn’t be dead. Running as if you life depend on it, you quickly catch the small figure of your beloved. His face pale far too pale than usual, his breath was slow as if he was struggling to breath, you were looking for any cut but you find nothing : he only had bruised all over his body. Tears were rolling into your chest, as you were looking for any sign that Tomura was alive. You blamed yourself for feeling so overwhelmed, for fuck sake you were a training nurse you should get that. But still you were far too afraid by the thought of loosing him. 
« Tomu’ can you hear me ? I need to know what happen, I can’t find any cut on your body 
I-I was looking for you but those men wouldn’t let me go … They said I was dangerous to you, I should leave you … Before I could realize they beat the shit out of me 
What men ? 
Those one who live on the same building as yours » 
It was as if your mind was shutting down. You couldn’t think your body did all the work. You asked Tomura if he knew where they were going and then you took him into your apartment, you took care of his bruise and asked him to wait for you. He acted like he was shocked (but in truth he was turned on by your change of behavior and couldn’t wait to see what you’re going to do). Then you walked. Again, you couldn’t think about the situation you just walked into those bastards, those one who thought they could hurt your beloved. You hated them, you never hate anyone until now. They need to pay for what they’ve done, and they will. You started to walk quickly as you remembered when those bastard used to chill, some empty garden. 
Good you thought
Streching your body just a little bit, you started to walk slowly trying to not make any sounds. Your quirk gave us the ability of creating any weapon as long as you did experienced the shape of it. You were lucky, living into a shithole full of thugs and working as a nurse give you plenty of shape you were more than happy to use against those bastards. Crouching your body, you walked slowly behind threes counting your target : 1,2,3 … 8. There were 8 brassards who’re going to die tonight. You walked into the first one, it was smoking peacefully as if it didn’t beat Tomura couple hour ago. Shink, using your quirk you were able to create one knife, and use it to cut his neck right into his carotid artery, one of your hand was into his mouth to shut him. Then you walked into the second one, it was standing probably trying to pee. Shink, your knife went right into his chest, again, again and again, eight times to be exact while your other hand was again on his mouth so he won’t make any noise. Only six left. Number 3 and 4 were killed quite easily, you used your quirk to create a sword so you could behead number 3 and then cut both of number 4 legs. Unfortunately it screamed too loud, but that’s okay you could manage 4 targets. 
« Y/n what are you doing here ? 
What does it look like ? 
Y-You can’t be serious right ? Why do you do that ? 
You hurt someone I cared about you need to pay for that 
What ? N-No we never - Eh put that thing down OI -»  
Number four couldn’t talk anymore as you slide your sword right into his mouth, slowly so he could go through his head. You were looking right into those 4 targets left, they were shocked, some of them are scared but you couldn’t careless. They’re going to pay. So you ran into them, creating two swords fighting against us. Fortunately, the garden wasn’t very lit so they weren’t seeing you like they waned to. But you, you were used to darkness you could see it at least you saw more than them. Two of them died because of a cut on their neck, they emptied themselves from their blood. Only two left. Quickly not giving them time to adjust, you cut number 7’s legs and started to work with number 8. He was tough, really big, you couldn’t just cut him. Instead you focused on something really sharpe, but no one every hurt with something like an axe. You had no choice but fight him, trying to cut every sinew so his body would fall easily. Then when he was on the ground, not able to move, you start to beat him with your hand : one puch, two punch, again and again. At this time, his face was absolutely crushed  but it wasn’t enough. You took your knife, looking at the whole mess, and then started to cut his Chest until your hand could go through looking for something in particular. Then you grabbed it and took it away from his body, you could hear number seven screaming : you took number 8’s heart and process to squeeze it. 
« Pathetic 
W-Why are you doing that, I’m sorry I didn’t want to hurt you 
Hurt me ? You’ve never done something of that sort 
But why ? 
Like I said you hurt Tomura 
But he is one who as-
Shh there no need to talk 
They will know … someone would know 
Oh yeah ? Dead people can’t talk I’m afraid » 
With that, you put one hand on number seven’s neck and squeeze it while putting number 8’s heart in his mouth to suffocate him. It took you 5 minute to shut him down for good. Then you stand up, your body full of blood, surrounded by dead people. You smiled, they finally paid. Tomura was here not far away from you, looking at you. He won’t lie, he found you very hot, and was glad he asked those idiots to hurt him. Couple of bruises some cash were nothing in comparison of what you’ve done. It was worth it. 
Then you woke up, or at least you felt as if you were waking up from a weird dream : those one when you felt as if you were aware of everything but at the same time you knew you were in dream ; except you weren’t dreaming. Judging by those bodies laying on the floor covered with bloods, their bloods. You did it, you actually murdered all of them, but they deserved it right ? They hurt your precious one, they hurt him for no reason so they had to learn a lesson and they did, the worst way. Slightly you started to feel it, your body was shaking adrenaline was gone by now. And you realized, you killed them you took life from people. Asshole. They deserve it. They hurt what was yours. Slowly, as you were clearing your mind your body decided to work on his own and you throw. As if your body rejected this action, but they did deserve it right ? You shouldn’t throwing right know, you shouldn’t crying, shouldn’t shaking while wishing everything was just a bad nightmare. They were bad people they deserved it. 
Your body was now covering with blood, your hands, your clothes even your bones their no inch of your skin who weren’t covered with blood : their bloods. You killed those mans. One look at your left hand, the one who took the heart away from one of those man, you swore you could still feel the heart on your hand. You could feel it, it was sticky, though but soft at the same time especially when you squeeze it. It was sick, you were sick. Then, you heard it, some footsteps coming right into your direction : you thought it was hero or the police; but your weren’t afraid in fact you were pretty calm despite the tears rolling into your face, you felt relax as if killing those people triggered something in you. Were you a psychopath ? Were you calm because to you those kills were justified ? Someone was walking into your direction and then stop right in front of you : it was him. 
« Tomu ? » 
Your whole body starting to shake, would he be disgusted by you ? After all he never asked you to kill those men. Would he leave you on your own ? Without noticing you were by now on your knees looking at his figure, it seemed like god was now in front of you. Not noticing the huge bulge in front of you, you were far too focused on him. He was glooming. He said nothing, he was just looking at you smirking : this went far from his expectative and to be honest he never felt so proud of himself. Seeing you killing those man, beating the shit out of them, again and again, your body and your curve covered from blood, your eyes full of rage and anger, the fact that you did everything because of him. He couldn’t help but feel turned on. You were by far his bigger achievement. Tomura kneeled down in front of you, still not saying a single word his smirk never left his lips but you didn’t notice. You were focusing on his eyes, his expression looking for anything that would prove his disgust. But you found nothing. Instead, you felt his hand on your cheeks stroking it with four of his fingers and then he put it on your shoulder. 
As the first time you two have kissed, he pulled you against his body but this time he moved you on his laps. Then he started to kiss your face, especially your cheeks wet from your tears and then moving from your lips. He gave you the same hungry kiss you got the first time. Again and again, his hands were moving from your hips to under your shirt, slowly taking of your clothes. You bare skin was now in front of his eyes, as he started to kiss your jaw and then slowly moving into your neck finding your sweet spot : kissing it, bitting it. Turning on by your softly moan coming from your mouth, you shouldn’t do it but you couldn’t help but being turned on. His lips went now into your chest, giving the same treatment as before : kissing it slowly, bitting it and then licking it. Your hand not moving from his hair, your eyes shut by the pleasure growing up into your stomach. 
« Dont  
What ? 
You hear me don’t you dare close your eyes, I want you to look at me » 
So you did, but it was a struggle especially when Tomura took one of your nipple into his mouth to suck it as if his life depends on it. Your eyes moved everywhere, despite the grim scene in front of you : fulls of dead bodies, the smell of blood everywhere you couldn’t help but feeling even more turned on. After all you did it, your body was immaculate from their blood or so you thought. Though, you never felt so pure before, probably because Tomura was kissing each part of your body. Busy by your whole body being pleasured, you didn’t notice that you went now fully naked laying on the blood. You should be disgusted cause your back was covered from blood, but no, the sight of Tomura bitting your tight was too hot for you and when he moved into your intimate part you thought you would collapse. Everything felt so good, far too good you even started to cry. Shouldn’t you be crying from what you’ve done instead of the pleasure you got from Tomura ? Your brain couldn’t process what’s happening, but you couldn’t careless not when Tomura was giving licking at your sex, not when was giving you the attention you ever craved in your dream. Pleasure was began far too intense for you and you felt yourself coming, screaming, crying his name while he never stopped pleasuring you. And then again, you found yourself on his lap and before you could even react he was fully inside of you. 
« That’s it… God you take me so well » 
He started to move, he started to thrust into you so deeply. Fucking you on his lap, surrounding by bloods, organs, and dead bodies ; the sight of you riding him, crying from pleasure was a pure bliss. He wished he could last forever but pleasure had a cost. He quickened his pace, he tried to be deeper, trying to take every inch of you. But he knew what’s about to come, and he couldn’t wait  to impregnate you. Then, your head threw back as you were finally reaching heaven. The sight was enough to make Tomura come right into you but not before bitting your neck one last time. Magic. That’s what both of you felt. 
When you were waking up from your bliss, you looked at Tomura your body now starting to shake again. How could have this happen ? Having sex here ? Into the place you murdered people hours ago ? Making love while you were surrounded by dead people ? Why are you smiling ? You shouldn’t do. But couldn’t contain yourself. 
« You’re a monster Y/N » 
Your breath hitched at the meaning of his word,  that was true. You were a monster, you killed those peoples for no reasons, you gave in your urge and fuck with someone you should stay away from. Worst, you even fell in love with him and now you were afraid he might leave you. As if he could hear your thought, his hand went on your cheek forcing you to look right into his eyes. Again, you weren’t able to read his expression and it scared you. 
« But that’s okay cause I’m monster too » 
Relief went through your body, so he won’t leave you. You felt your smile being even bigger. 
« You’re my monster Y/N you better remember that » 
Nothing mattered to you, as long as you were with Tomura nothing could go wrong … Right ? In the end, he was what you always looking for or so you thought. You never felt so full and yet so empty. Finally someone could understand you, nothing mattered to you except Tomura, no emotions, no ethical, just you and Tomura. That’s all you need to live. 
The end. 
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lifblogs · 5 years ago
Title: Livin in You - Chapter 2
Rating: Explicit (this chapter is on the mature end though)
Pairing: Destiel
Word Count: 1023
Summary: Castiel is a mental health worker who is just fine with the way his life is. The only thing that really bugs him is how much his co-worker, and friend, Meg, mentions Dean Winchester, the most famous rockstar in the modern age. Meg drags him to a concert, and he ends up getting tied into the wild and angsty life of Dean Winchester. Suddenly his old life seems boring, but so much calmer. Suddenly, it matters to him that he’s still a virgin. Suddenly, this rock star that he despised the mention of, now matters to him.
Dean Winchester is a rockstar who’s on top of the world when it comes to music. Yet there’s more that he wants. He misses Lisa and Ben, he craves connection, craves being himself. Any hope for that amidst his alcoholic life all changes when Zachariah, the head exec of Heaven’s Records, pairs with a new exec, Michael Edlund -- the Archangel of Music. Under Michael’s dominance, he’s no longer in control of his own life. There are rules. No more sex with fans. No more alcohol. And in Dean’s view, no more go damn free will. Yet he stumbled into Castiel.
A/N: This chapter contains mentions of abuse.
“What if I open with ‘Sounds of Someday,’ and end with ‘Drowning’?” Dean Winchester asked, sipping on a straw as he sat in his manager’s office.
He frowned at the taste of apple juice, stared at the golden liquid.
Oh why, oh why can’t you be alcohol? he asked.
Crowley told him that he wouldn’t work with him if he drank when they did business, so this was the best he got. Crowley, the ever-important manager sat across a desk from Dean, black suit impeccably styled, a mischievous look in his eye. Crowley was a good manager because he was ambitious, and he was a good businessman. He knew what the people liked.
Dean often got into heated arguments with him because as the creator of the music he was sure he knew what his fans liked. Finding a compromise usually involved late nights that turned into some sort of drunken madness. Dean didn’t dwell on the times he’d woken up in his manager’s bed missing his pants. Good times were good times, and whatever got the compromise for his art.
Besides, Crowley really wasn’t so bad once you got to know him.
But that look, that look he was giving him now saying that he disapproved while also surely telling Dean without words that he’d lost a few brain cells.
“Are you drinking?” he asked.
“Assistant got me apple juice.”
“Then” — Crowley stood, planting his fists on the desk, and Dean clenched his jaw, knowing what was coming — “why did you make such an idiot suggestion, you bollock-headed numpty?!”
Dean grinned, holding up his glass. “I love when you go all Gordon Ramsay on me.”
Crowley just rolled his eyes and came out from behind his desk.
“Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean… My song list works.”
Dean shrugged, tossed the straw onto the desk, and took a long sip from his glass.
Suddenly his manager was right in his face, hands clasping the arms of the leather chair he sat in.
“And why not?”
Most people would shrink away, or be perturbed at the sudden lack of personal space, at the threatening bite in his British accent, but Dean just worked his bottom lip in thought, meeting his gaze.
“You want me to start with ‘Drowning’? It’s morose. Everyone’s gonna be leaving the stadium four bars in.” Crowley sneered. “Okay, well maybe not four bars, but it doesn’t get people excited. Sounds more like doom coming.”
Crowley leaned back. “And where did you learn words like morose?”
“Hey, being a highschool dropout doesn’t mean I’m dumb. I read.”
“You read too much.”
“Why do you like controlling me so much?”
“It’s my job.”
“Or maybe it’s abuse and I’m your little pet prodigy.”
Crowley’s brows lowered, jaw clenching, and Dean shot him a smile. Things got tense between them, but Dean was joking. The abuse in his life didn’t tend to come from Crowley, despite smatterings of toxicity. Nope. That was all his dad, may he rest in peace… or pieces. Depended on what mood Dean was in.
Crowley leaned against the desk, crossing his arms.
“Alright, you have a point about ‘Drowning,’ but revealing ‘Sounds of Someday’ too soon is going to blow the hype. That’s one of your best. You can really only go down or level out from there.”
Dean finished his juice, really wishing it was whiskey, especially because of the late hour, and then fished out his phone.
“Alright. I’ll ask Sam.”
“Still codependent?”
“Still an annoying asswipe?”
“You’re lucky I don’t quit because of that mouth.”
Dean shot his brother a text, asking what song he thought would be appropriate to start the concert with. It was rounding out to 11:00, but his brother was always up at night. Insomnia from the child abuse, though Dean had done his best to shield him from it.
“You like it too much,” Dean replied.
“I’m gonna cut down the venue for that. Give you a bandstand in a park instead.”
“Good luck with that,” he responded, watching as three dots appeared on his phone. Sam was typing.
Dean had gotten the message and turned his phone around to show Crowley. “We have a verdict.”
“‘Cannonball,’” Crowley read aloud. “Ooh, I like your brother.”
“Hands off, he’s got a girl.”
Crowley said nothing, just gave Dean a strange smile as he went behind his desk once more.
“So we can do ‘Drowning’ as the second to last, and finish with ‘Sounds of Someday,’” Crowley stated.
Dean shrugged, not having a problem with it.
“Sounds good.”
Dean rose, grabbing his leather jacket from the back of his seat. As he donned it, Crowley said, “Oh, and keep away from the fans after. Don’t want you in the tabloids like your friend Lee there, and you know late night excursions mess up your recovery routine.”
Dean mock-saluted as he started backing out.
“You got it, sir.”
“Always pleasure doing business with you,” Crowley said.
Dean shot him a finger gun and then he went down to the parking garage, heading for his 1967 Chevy Impala. Sure there was valet parking, but letting a valet in that baby? Ooh boy, they’d have another thing coming if they touched his car.
“Stay away from the fans,” he muttered as he climbed in, feeling the reassuring leather settle against his ass, the familiar creak of the door as it closed. He put the keys in the ignition, reveling in the throaty purr of the engine as it started up. “Stay away from the fans, my ass.”
Dean liked people, and people liked him. He was hot stuff, a lot of his fans were hot stuff. And of age. And consenting.
So what if he had fun? Lisa wasn’t interested in making their relationship work since she wanted to keep Ben out of the public eye, which Dean agreed was a good idea, so he was left to his own devices, and sometimes his hand just wasn’t enough.
He turned on the stereo, tuning it to an 80s rock station, ever his inspiration, and headed out into the night.
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gracie-p8-officialblog · 5 years ago
Spilling Tea On Phantom of the Opera 2004
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DISCLAIMER: I just want to say from the start that it is not my intention to offendanyone, you're entitled to your opinions and I'm allowed to have mine...
Ok, so, I just watched this movie a few days ago on my laptop and it was pretty much my first time sitting through the movie. I watched a few clips of the movie on YouTube but... Then, I decided to watch the whole movie. And this was my reaction.
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Don't get me wrong! There WERE parts I liked but... That was just half of the movie... But overall... Um... It was meh. Ahem. Down to business!
My opinion on Gerard Butler as the Phantom? Um, wow. And not in a good way. I feel like this was a case of a talented performer being grossly miscast as the Phantom. I think this Tumblr post best describes on what I thought of his singing.
"He's supposed to have the voice of an angel, but it sounds like he's been gargling vinegar" ~Quoted by @faded-florals
Don't get me wrong. His voice is quite good for an untrained singer but... The Phantom is one of the biggest musical theatre roles of all time! It's right up there with Jean Valjean. It's really not a role that could go a competent singer, someone who's never sang professionally before but could be good once they've been trained up a bit. The role demands a truly great singer... And he wasn't right for the part.
His voice felt too strainy, growly and rock-ish for the Phantom. I didn't like how Joel Schumacher bought into the whole "sexy Phantom" thing and cast a hunky heart-throb, who was nowhere near disfigured enough. It's meant to be a gothic thriller novel with a small romantic subplot, not a B-grade vampire romance movie!
As for Emmy Rossum as Miss Christine Daae... it's true, her voice is good. She should know though, should she wish to excel, she has MUCH still to learn (Heeeeehee. Sorry. Couldn't resist.)
Emmy's Christine had little-to-no character growth and personality but I don't think it reflects her as an actress, but reflects more on the director and casting director because of how young she was (but more on that later)
Not only that, her Christine was SIGNIFICANTLY dumbed down and oversexualized. I mean, the entire point of the story is that Christine grows strong enough to overcome the trauma of an abusive relationship and make sure that her abuser never hurts anyone ever again but still shows the Phantom compassion and sympathy. I mean, her story arc is her becoming strong-willed enough to overcome the Phantom's pull/spell/enchantment/hypnosis or whatever you percieve it as on her! And don't get me started on her costumes because of the SEVERE lack of modesty.
The chemistry was a little flat because she was underage and her two male love interests were both in their 30s (which totally isn't HER fault, of course, but the directors could easily have cast someone else older)
Her voice, too, strikes me as being much too young and undeveloped. She has a very pretty, sweet-sounding quality to her singing but she doesn't sound rich and operatic enough to be a convincing Christine. Rebecca Caine and Amy Manford do the best job of singing the way I think Christine ought to sound- a maturing opera voice! Though POTO is NOT an opera (you wouldn't believe how many people actually think it is...), it does revolve around opera, and Christine is an opera singer, not a pop star.
And now onto... Everyone's favourite vicomte!!!!!!
C'mon people, put your bottles down. It is a truth universally acknowledged (or at least in the wee Raoul Defense Squad Circle) that Raoul is one of the greatest and most underrated boyfriends to ever exist in musical theatre and it's almost impossible to hate him because of how relatable he is.
Ladies, puh-leeze. He's much more relatable than you admit and face it, we all have a little bit of Raoul in us. Failure to see things staring us in the face, saying or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, having a 'see it to believe it' attitude when we have little-to-no evidence on something... yeah, don't pretend you don't see a trend. Raoul is relatable whether we want him to be or not.
My thoughts on Patrick Wilson as Raoul, he was one of the few redeeming qualities of this not so great movie. Yeah, the swordfight and Tarzan leaps were a little too much but can you blame him?! And though I feel like that foppish wig made him look more like a magic elf prince than a vicomte, he couldn't control that!
His Raoul was so gentle and caring! Yeah, his acting was a bit stiff but at least his voice wasn't a chore to listen to, it has this warm, tender, comforting quality to it which suits Raoul. I really loved the way he sang "Don't throw away your life for my sake" and "I fought so hard to free you" in the Final Lair (😭😭😭) It feels like Raoul is genuinely apologising to Christine.
I know, I know... The Hadley Fraser fans are approaching with menacing expressions as we speak but let me clarify. I still think Hadley is amazing but... His Raoul kinda felt a little too shouty for me and his Raoul was closer to the LND-canon than POTO-canon (not his fault though).
Miranda Richardson (aka. Rita Skeeter) as Madame Giry is kind of weird. I mean, I know Madame Giry's supposed to be a little Strange and Mysterious. But this Mme. wasn't really Strange or Mysterious at all, or even slightly Spooky at all. She was just kind of an oddball. Popping up in random places to give warnings about the Phantom and looking at people as if she were questioning their life choices or something. As for her daughter... well, Jennifer Ellison's Meg was so-so. She's got a sweet-sounding voice and that added scene where she looked for Christine in the lair was a nice touch... But... Her Meg was kinda forgettable and uninteresting. Meg is supposed to prance around shrieking that the Phantom of the Opera is here, not whisper it in a blase manner that you half expect to be followed up with, "by the way, what's for lunch?" Not to mention, she rivaled Christine as far as low-necked costumes went.
Minnie Driver as Carlotta was spot on! Yes, I know she didn't sing the score but her acting was alright. She was very over-the-top and self-centered, which is great for Carlotta, but I felt her portrayal was a little too childish to be accurate. Carlotta is a successful middle-aged diva who's willing to scream and storm when she doesn't get her way, but she isn't a two-year-old pouting and throwing tantrums. (Yes, there's a difference.)
Ciaran Hinds and Simon Callow played Firmin and Andre, respectively. Their managers kinda felt like twits and nothing more. Also, Firmin's masquerade costume was ridiculous. The stupid kind, not the funny kind. ...Well, okay, it was a little funny.
I'm not going to touch on every song here, but I will say that "Hannibal" was beyond awful (if you thought the costumes in the stage version were a bit risque, you should see the movie ones- no, actually you shouldn't) and that "Think of Me," while very nice, was not particularly memorable. Christine's dress, however (despite its less-than-ideal neckline) was GORGEOUS, even though it looks completely out of place in a musical that supposedly takes place in ancient Alexandria.
"Little Lotte" kinda lost its charm by being spoken instead of sung. And Gerard Butler's voice in "The Mirror" was too rough and raspy for my ears and made me cringe in sympathetic shame. The title song was like a cheesy, campy B-grade horror movie tbh, trying way too hard to be spooky and chilling ("ooh, look, Phantom's Lair! It's DARK and SCARY down here!") and succeeding only in being cringeworthy. Not that I've actually ever seen a bad horror movie- or any horror movie at all, for that matter. Unless you count this one.
Christine's costume, too, annoyed me no end. She was basically wearing a corset and drawers under the dressing gown. *facepalm* The dressing gown is supposed to go OVER your COSTUME to keep it CLEAN, peeps. It's not a BATHROBE. And the amount of eye makeup she had on would terrify a raccoon. Yikes.
Though I liked the random horse because of its nod to the Leroux novel.
"Music of the Night" was so blah-slash-touchy-feely that it made me summarily uncomfortable.
I'd like to be able to say something nice about "I remember/Stranger than you dreamt it" but I have none. One thing that bugged me to no end was how Christine is no longer wearing stockings, like dude, that gives some GROSS implications. Anyways, let's skip to Il Muto!
Oh, but first I should say that "Notes" was rather a flop and that "Prima Donna" is unmemorable and indeed should probably be fast-forwarded as there's a rather unsavory bit involving a crew member showing the audience what he thinks of Carlotta's behaviour.
"Il Muto," I must say, was pretty doggone funny. Carlotta's "Your part is silent. Leetle toad," cracked me up into a bunch of giggling little pieces, and the little vignette of the Phantom tinkering with Carlotta's throat spray made her croaking later on a lot more believable.
Now for "All I Ask Of You", SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I honestly can't understand how anyone could listen to this song and still maintain that Christine and Raoul don't belong together. He represents everything she needs- stability, protection, a guiding hand and affirmed affection. She represents everything he needs, in turn- someone to show affection to and his childhood friend.
One thing I definitely think could have been left out was the scene in which Erik kills Buquet- we totally did not need to see him being chased, terrified, through the rafters and finally strangled. Gross.
And the Phantom and his rose crouching behind that statue... I think this was supposed to be sad, but there was too much snot mixed with tears for it to be sad. It was, again, gross. So was Gerard Butler's pathetic attempt at the "all that the Phantom asked of you" line. And the lack of a chandelier crash in that scene made the song anticlimactic.
And "Masquerade" was so-so but... The Phantom's entrance is anticlimactic somehow, and his Red Death costume (if indeed it's supposed to even BE the Red Death) is unimpressive. I don't like how Raoul just runs off to desert Christine as soon as things start looking ugly (yes, I realize he was going to get his sword, but still... something could have happened to her while he was gone. Duh, did this guy learn anything from "Little Lotte/The Mirror"? Just sayin)
As for Madame Giry's flashback immediately following, I like how it gives us some of the Phantom's backstory, but it seems really abrupt. You don't even realize until she's done that she was talking to Raoul the whole time- it sounds like she's just randomly reminiscing about Stuff, and if you didn't know the story you might be sitting there thinking, "who is this strange woman again?"
Also, Christine leaving wherever-it-is at, like, five in the morning to go to who-knows-where, completely oblivious to the fact that the Phantom is driving her. Whaaaaaaaaa? How'd he know she was planning to go for a graveyard stroll? Was he watching her through the mirror again? THAT'S JUST CREEPY.
"Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" was rather mediocre and dulled down the fact that it is a Christine Empowerment™ song. Why, exactly, does Christine's father have the biggest monument in the cemetery? If he were a rich and famous violinist as his crypt seems to suggest, why on earth was his daughter struggling along as a chorus girl taking free music lessons?
The swordfight... Well... I had mixed feelings about it. Sword fights are all well and good, but... The swordfight takes away the element of mysterious danger to the Phantom. Okay, fine, Christine getting Raoul to spare the Phantom's life is a nice touch, I guess, but did it strike no one else that his "now let it be war upon you BOTH" makes absolutely NO sense after that? If she just saved his life, why would he suddenly be all, "thanks, but no thanks, I'M GOING TO MURDER YOUUUUUUUUUU"?
And "Twisted Every Way" was after "Wishing" which made ZERO sense. Plus, I didn't like how they cut most of it because in the musical, it gave Christine a spine!
"Point of No Return"? Hooooooo boy....... There are so many things wrong with this number. Let's just a list a few.
*HOW did no one recognise the Phantom through his "disguise"?! At least in the stage play, it made more sense because of how he was wearing a cloak that obscured most of his body.
*Christine's sleeves falling down over and over again were REALLY annoying.
*It was just too touchy-feely for my taste.
*The fact that Emmy Rossum was a teenager during filming made this scene gross because of the way they oversexualized Christine in this scene.
*Gerard Butler's voice in that scene made me cringe and shake my head in sympathetic shame.
*In the stage play, Christine ran from him, showing her own agenda and resistance to his pull! While in the movie, she didn't resist him!
*Now for the one that took the cake... The disfigurement! Or it would be a disfigurement if it actually made him look, y'know, deformed. Instead, as several people have put it, he looks like he got a bad sunburn or something. It's really rather pathetic. It makes him look more like a drama queen than he already is! Yeah.... I really don't like this movie.
On to... Final Lair!!!!!!!! It was a flop. From Raoul's whining and flailing around and his stringy hair flopping about (shallow complaint, I know, but it's so ugly) to Christine's sappy melodramatic "don't make me choooooooose" faces to the Phantom's prancing around with his ropes and maniacal laughter that somehow wasn't really scary at all... yeah, it was a flop. A major, major flop. And though The Kiss wasn't all that bad, all I could think of was, "She's SIXTEEN! SIX! TEEN! THIS IS CREEPY, DISTURBING AND GROSS!"
Which is why it's so difficult for me to admit that, um, I... cried at the end.
And then that rose on the gravestone? That single red rose? And the look on Old Raoul's face (still Patrick Wilson, by the way, under all that makeup) when he saw it and realized he wasn't the only one visiting Christine's grave? Yup, I lost it again there, too. And I really didn't want to. Because I tend to cry over movies I love, y'know? And I didn't love this movie. At all
Yet I still cried at the end. I'm not really sure why. I think perhaps it had something to do with the way the story still "got" me, deep down inside, despite the lousy casting and less-than-perfect singing and ridiculously unnecessary elements that totally didn't need to be there. It's still a tragically beautiful romance, and even a bad film can't kill that.
In conclusion, I think Mary Poppins can best express what I thought of POTO 2004.
In conclusion, I rate it a 2.7/5
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dust2dust34 · 6 years ago
The Right Tools (Olicity, S7)
Summary: Set during the Happy Months (as I’m calling them). Some fluffy silliness - Oliver and Felicity move her desk into her new office at the cabin. (Prompted by Meg)
(read on AO3)
“Let me do it.”
“No, I’ve got it.”
And she did, damn it. She wasn’t going to let this thing win. Not now, not after days of looking for the perfect desk, of waiting for it to be delivered, of spending the last few hours putting it together. She was going to do this. It just… it wasn’t supposed to be this frakking heavy.
Felicity hissed as the edge of the desk bit into her fingers, but she didn’t let go.
Never give up, never surrender.
She curled her fingers, tightened her grip, and shuffled back into the little room that was going to be her office.
Their new cabin wasn’t huge, not that they needed huge. It was more than enough for her and Oliver, with space to expand. They were going to make one of the rooms a nursery for Mia. Oliver already had plans to convert part of the garage into a training space. And then there was the space in the attic that could be converted into a large bedroom.
That would be for William.
A familiar pang radiated through her chest. He still wasn’t taking their calls, and every contact she and Oliver tried to make with his grandparents seemed to fall on deaf ears. But they weren’t giving up. Even if it took months, they were going to find a way to bring their son home. Or at the very least remind him that no matter what he had a place with them, and he always would.
The momentum on the desk carrying stopped.
“Oliver, come on,” she urged.
“What?” She looked at him where he held the other side of the desk. “Come on.”
“Put it down.”
“I can do it myself, you don’t have to-”
“I’ve got it.”
“Oh my god, Oliver,” she snapped, finally dropping the desk. It landed on the floor with a heavy thud and she widened her eyes at him incredulously. “What?”
He gently set his end down and… and then he just paused at her outburst. She gritted her teeth, narrowing her eyes, waiting. But instead of speaking, he snapped his mouth shut and pressed his lips together in silent acquiesce.
Felicity rolled her eyes so hard they nearly popped right out of her head.
He’d made the mistake once of commenting about pregnancy hormones and she’d almost slapped him silly. Hormones. No, it wasn’t just hormones, damn it. He was being annoying and over-protective and she was sick of it. Her stomach might be getting to the ‘oh hey wow you’re definitely pregnant there, hey, can I touch your stomach’ - that’d been sweet the first time and the first time only - but that didn’t mean she couldn’t lift this stupid desk and get it into her stupid office.
Oliver blinked.
Felicity groaned. “I said that all out loud, didn’t I?”
“Yes,” he replied quietly. Too quietly. He put his hands up in supplication and she huffed. Loudly. “You can’t blame me for wanting to make sure nothing happens.”
“It’s a desk.”
“It’s a heavy desk,” Oliver corrected, already moving to shuffle into the small space left between said piece of furniture and the doorjamb. She rolled her eyes again and threw her hands up in the air as he barely made it through. When he reached her, he gently tried to nudge her out of the way, but she batted at his hands. He sighed. “Felicity-”
“This is so dumb-”
“It’s too heavy-”
“You are being such a di-”
“Is it so wrong that I want you to take it-”
“Don’t you dare-”
“Felicity,” he breathed, dragging her name out in exasperation. “Move.”
They stared at each other, Felicity fuming, Oliver steadfast. Neither backed down, not until Felicity finally snapped. “Fine! Fine, you stupid, stubborn man! Do your man thing. Be the man, lift the thing up with all your manness that your pregnant wife just cannot help you with-”
She was pretty sure he tried not to roll his eyes, but he didn’t succeed as he muttered, “Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously,” she said as he lifted her side of the desk.
She was ready to go on a tirade, a huge, vicious, amazing tirade about… about his stupidity and… and other things, but… But then he started moving the desk and… and oh.
A flush worked its way up her chest and neck, flooding her cheeks with warmth as she watched him work. It didn’t take a lot to remind her how gorgeous her husband was. Especially when he did things like this. Felicity swallowed hard. She was positive he was using his attractiveness against her. When she’d accused him of such during a recent argument, he’d told her she was being ridiculous, which she was absolutely not. He was probably doing it right now. Using his hotness as a sexy argument-winning weapon. And she should be mad about that. But also… he was doing sort of fine. He still huffed and puffed - that desk was heavy, and she wanted to throw a good ol’ “A-ha!” at him - but there was muscle. Lots and lots of bulging muscle, all bunched up under his newly-tanned skin and…
Wow, she loved white t-shirts, had she mentioned that before?
He snorted.
Felicity wondered if she was thinking out loud again. Not that it mattered, because he looked really good in white t-shirts, especially when he had to lift heavy furniture.
Or rather, drag it.
“Don’t scratch the floor,” she told him.
“I’m not,” he retorted with a little more bite than she was used to. Okay, maybe it was warranted considering he was covered in sweat and his face was red with exertion.
The muscles on this man.
She pulled herself out of her reverie. Seriously, self, be less of a cliché.
“You will scratch the floor if you don’t lift it, like… Yes, like that, good job.”
He rolled his eyes, but his sense of self-preservation kept him from saying anything.
Felicity watched him slowly scoot it into the corner where they’d decided it would go.
It was going okay. More than okay, actually, not that she would tell him that, but she did feel some of her aggravation bleed away as she watched him shove the desk into place…
And not move his hand fast enough.
Oliver smashed his fingers between the hard edge and the wall.
“Oh, fu…!” he growled, immediately yanking the desk back just enough to rip his hand out of the spot. His skin was already bright red and she could see the groove where the desk had crashed into his digits. “Son of a…”
“I told you!” was the first thing out of her mouth.
Oliver threw her a disbelieving look. “Really?”
“Well, I did,” she replied as he shoved two of his fingers into his mouth to assuage the ache. His face morphed into a mask of pain that had her melting before she knew it was even happening. “Oh okay, come here,” Felicity said, moving towards him. He made a face at her, his lips still wrapped around his fingers before turning away. “Oliver.”
“No, you’re being mean,” he said, but she could hear the smile in his voice.
“I am not,” Felicity replied, grabbing his shoulder and turning him back around to face her. He didn’t fight her and when he was facing her again, he let his hand fall from his mouth, leaving an incredibly pathetic attempt at a sad face in its place. She raised an eyebrow. “Now who’s being mean?”
Oliver scrunched up his nose at her.
“Lemme see,” Felicity said, holding her hand out for his. He plopped it in hers and she examined the damage. The skin was still damp from his mouth, and it was still incredibly sensitive from the hit considering how he whimpered, “Ow,” when she ran the tip of her finger over the spot. “You know, for a guy who’s been shot, and stabbed, and arrowed, and tortured, and… and all sorts of horrible things-”
“I can say with confidence that getting stabbed didn’t hurt nearly this bad,” Oliver interrupted.
“Okay, Mr. Tough Guy,” Felicity murmured, bringing his hand up to her lips. She kissed his fingers, over and over, making sure to cover every bit of him that she could. His breath hitched and she smiled against his skin. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m here to make it all better.”
Oliver hummed his agreement.
Felicity looked up at him from under her eyelashes to find his eyes had darkened. He slowly licked his lower lip and the sight had another flush racing over her. This one was hotter, leaving her panting slightly, especially when it also spiraled inward. Heat tugged at the pit of her stomach and her thighs clenched as Oliver slowly curled his fingers around hers.
“Much better,” he whispered.
“I think I know how to get the desk back against the wall,” Oliver said, his voice low, throaty. It only had more heat cascading through her. “One that doesn’t include smashing any fingers, or toes, or…” He took his hand back and dragged it down her front, the edges of his fingers ghosting over her beading nipples. “Other very, very sensitive parts.”
She managed to give him a little, “Oh?” through a choked whimper.
“Yep,” he replied before grasping her waist and lifting her up on the desk. Felicity let out a little delighted yelp as Oliver pushed himself between her thighs. Her stomach was definitely getting bigger, but it wasn’t in the way yet. Especially when he hooked his hands in her knees and lifted her legs up to spread her wide so he could press his growing hardness right against her core. She grabbed his shoulders to hold on as he arched his hips closer with a rasped, “We’ll just scoot it right back in there.”
Felicity chuckled, a husky sound that had his eyes dropping to her lips.
“That is a very, very… very good use of the tools we have at hand,” she agreed.
“Mmhmm,” she managed before she pulled his face down to hers.
The second her lips slanted over his, they were done for.
(And it did work. Sort of. Well, okay, not really, because Oliver had to reposition it completely when they were done.)
The End
Thank you for reading! Reviews literally feed the soul and muse!
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truesymphony · 7 years ago
A peculiar summoning;
@redeyesgreeneyes continued from here.
Few things in life were certain.  For hunters death was inevitable.  They would d i e though she had began to realize not all dead things stayed dead.  Aside from the whole demon thing, the boys had come back more than once and of course there was deals to be prolong life.  Death didn’t mean the end.  Well not for everyone.  
Ray had come to joke about she wasn’t a real hunter yet because she hadn’t died.  Every decent hunter she knew had some story about dying and coming back. Some it was just a couple minutes and other like Dean was months.  It was a sort of s i c k right of passage.  Or from what she heard that’s what it seemed like but she was okay with not dying.  She was perfectly okay with not knowing what was beyond this life.  Whatever it was couldn’t have been as good.  Hell was dark and full of torture and Heaven you were all alone so neither seemed appealing to her.
This was why she had to believe in the good in this world.  Something that could allow her to make sense of this world. It kept her going so she didn’t get sucked into despair. Her belief was what made her a decent hunter.  It gave her an edge over others in the same profession.  
Of course she wasn’t a legend in any way and hunters tended to be a dime a dozen.  The most notable thing she had done was meet the boys.  Working with the boys was a chance few got because they didn’t tend to work with others.  But everyone knew who they were.  The stories about them basically made them g o d s among hunters.  And seeing them in action, well it was something else.
Even if she never did much else she could say she got to see the boys and just how human they were. They made mistakes and got injured but they still managed to hold their heads high and overcome everything.  that was an amazing feat. It was truly something else.  
There were few things that Rachael was afraid of.  It wasn’t of death or demons or this life.  If she was going to die then she would accept it with grace.  Actually for her, dying believing in something than live not believing.  This was the life she c h o s e and there was z e r o doubts.  This was the right thing for her.
And now she was in front of one of the most powerful demons.  He had taken hell and claimed it for himself.  That took some big balls, she respected it but she wasn’t afraid of that.  She was curious about more than anything. He was unlike others.  Not only had he rebelled against the creator of his kind, he sided with humans and he won.  Hell was his.  
Seeing him smile was strange.  It was stiff and held no real meaning which irked her.  She’d rather him not smile than fake it.  She could accept this wasn’t the most pleasing of situations for him.  To be called upon by a human was annoying enough but she didn’t even offer her soul.  He had nothing to gain from this and yet he was still there.  Perhaps it was curiosity on his part as well.  
“Guess I like ta flirt with danger.”  She meant that too.  After all she was there flirting with a demon, what could be more dangerous than that?  Maybe there was nut it wasn’t nearly as fun as this.  After all he was quite charming one she got passed the whole attitude of his.
Her tongue darted across her lips.  His voice was smooth and sweet.  A certain quality she rather enjoyed.  She wouldn’t mind hearing it more.  “I like ta make thins interestin’ for sure.”  She probably would do something quite idiotic at some point in time.  Some may even think what she was doing now was moronic yet she didn’t care too much.  She was enjoying this and him very much.  “Mm maybe I jus wanna be bad.”  She winked to show she wasn’t being all that serious.
That was a dumb question on his part.  She wasn’t trying to get him to do anything and well he already had done just that. By working with the boys he had betrayed them.  She didn’t say that though.  After all what he did let them all survive.  She was grateful for it.  “Good advice.  Too bad I’m really bad at takin’ advice from others.”  So other demons had different eyes too.  She was curious what that meant.  She’d have to do some research.  “I don’t run.”  She shrugged.  “N that would mean runnin’ from you n I’m rather partial to you now.”
Maybe it was a waste of time but it was her time to waste.  And truthfully she didn’t see this as a waste.  It was an opportunity. “Good thin it’s my time ta waste then.”  The mention of Castiel made her snort.  The angel was interesting and Ray held a certain respect for him but she wasn’t Dean and he seemed to be the only one Cas cared anything about.  “I’m not a certain hunter.” She shrugged.  “Plus he doesn’t get my flirtin’.”  
Even before she chose to be a hunter she had no deserve for marriage or any of that.  Having to rely on someone, having them rely on her was more than she cared to think about.  She was content to live how she was now.  No pressure.  No fear of letting anyone down.  This was how she wanted things to be.
“Yeah I guess.  I mean I believe anyone can find it.  Ya jus hafta want it.  I don’t want it.”  She didn’t need some fairy tale ending.  She was happy.  She didn’t need a man or woman for that matter.  “Ya are wrong.  Ya played a huge role in savin’ the world which makes ya a hero.  Even if not everyone knows it.”  She replied with a soft, kind smile.  Not everyone knew but she did.  “N no love isn’t always enough.  Love means havin’ weakness but it also gives ya strength.”
And she was glad to have seen it.  He was different.  Not just his eyes but there was so much more to him.  She was quite happy to have the chance to see it.  Of course she knew this could be very dangerous for them both. It was risky for him to show her this.  It was a vulnerability and she was quite aware of that.  “Well it’ll be our secret then.  I’d hate for anyone ta think I get special treatment.”
It didn’t matter much to her what people thought of her.  It was just important he know her though.  She didn’t want him to think the worst or assume anything.  She was a woman of her word.  She didn’t want anything but his friendship.  “Mm perhaps I do want you on this bed.  I mean it’d be better without clothes but y’know I’ll take what I can get.”  
She could remember one demon who had gotten close with Sam and Meg as annoying as she was seemed to be capable of getting close so she didn’t believe that.  It was more they didn’t want to get close.  She shrugged at that deciding to keep quiet for the time being.  “I am.  But I’m adorable so y’know it evens out all that.”  She laughed.  After all if you couldn’t laugh at yourself then who could you laugh at?
The fact he agreed to stay at all made her happy.  “I’ll take what I can get.”  She replied with a smile before she fell back on the bed.  After a few moments she popped back up.  “What do ya do ta kill time?”  
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