#he is my special boy and I will keep giving him the cool roles
randyzorra · 3 months
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I went and saw a performance of Dracula (musical) the other night
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layraket · 6 months
theres so much going on jokes that i will deffinetly take advantage of theories of the meaning of things the goddamn art everything
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first of all apparently Malo Mart turned to a mega corporation???? well sorry twi no 60% of discount for you that sucks
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thats rough buddy
i cant take it seriously poor Four, look at that face
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thats the face of someone who will be grounded for some time after all this madness and is totally not happy about this
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Sky was waiting letters from Sun, maybe she couldn't write something for him? either way poor guy look at his sad face :( the heart makes it better
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baby? baby??? smol???? smol hylian???? tiny cute litol hylian????child????
ahhh Time dont just say yes and left it like that! i need to know!!!
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Twilight my man at this point you will be grounded dont test the old man's patience
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Time knows the dangers of excesive courage, yes it can keep you going and maybe make you win the battle, but can also kill you if youre not careful. This is what almost happened with Twilight, this almost might have happened to Time too
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He's scared that for this reckless courage he might loose his descendant, the one who brought hope to him and his wife to form a family and live happy
(also he saying this makes me think more about the posibility of Malon being pregnant, too much mistery please old man just tell me i will not say anithing ur secret is safe plweas)
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not much to say here, it might be a wrong translation that im doing but hey! it reminds me that Twi already knows that Time is the Hero's shade but like. with flesh and eyes. alive.
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When Wild asks Twilight's face changes inmediately, he doesn't want to look down, he still feels the need to be strong in front of the younger heroes, worrying them is the last of his desires
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Four is not stupid, he notices the actual mood of Twi and ask again, but with different words. It looks like it really made Twi reconsider things
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doesn't exactly talks what was having him a little down moments ago, but at least it seems to calm them, again, they shouldn't be worried after what happened
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Twi for hylia who were you thinking he was talking about????
no really i have that question who was he thinking that was asking for him?????
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"who kicked the fuck out of that bad lizard??? who did that???? yes you did!! you did it amazing!!! im so proud my beautiful exterminator of dumb lizards!!!"
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Hyrule 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💛💛💛💛💛✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
hes so badass jumping off heck yeah stairs are dumb
also Wind thats a cool move you too legend jumping and rolling are so cool love you guys
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Wars dont ruin the fun nono guys keep doing it i'll even give you chips if you do that
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oh they really think that Wars is broke and has no money alright
im glad that this bit kept going i love the boys teasing each other (Lege and Wars specially)
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hey listen
i dont want to ruin it
it would be funny
just listen
would be very funny that
it just
hey it would be funny cmon
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andddd theyre off!
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Hyrule learns from watching, from the actions and movements that he sees in the enemy, and uses it to make a plan to attack, learn patterns and be ready for anything
yep hes gonna play an important role in the next arc i have a feeling
now buildings art aprecciation cuz holy shit theyre so pretty
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fantastic work i feel blessed
(all art credits obv goes to @linkeduniverse ! )
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Again, way too detailed notes about a Cleo stream (15.3.2024) because it was great and I want to remember. (Please Cleo upload your VODs again please.) Featuring an Ancient City, Hermit scariness ratings, a new Emerald Daddy, and Life series reminiscing with the Clockers.
Plan for today: Ancient City raiding!, to get books
She´s definitely going alone because Ancient City raiding on her own is terrifying but you know what else is terrifying? The other people on the server.
The only person on the server Cleo is afraid of is False. Not Gem, Gem´s a kitten. False could take Cleo in a fight and kill her dead, but more importantly False can scare Cleo because she´s quite sinister. 5am Pearl is kinda cute. “can kill you, probably won´t,” if you entertain her. Cub isn´t scary either, the only thing to be scared of with Cub is the grind. Doc is 95% bark.
(In hindsight, finding a Swift Sneak II book so early is a tease knowing that it´ll be the only one.)
Chat is way more scared of the Ancient City than Cleo is. Worst that can happen, you summon a warden, you die, and your gear despawns, so what. Cleo thinks people are trying to freak her out and scare her into making mistakes.
This stream was right after or during Mumbo´s video on Hermits´ weird playing habits came out so there were plenty of questions about Cleo´s set-up. Cleo defends their choices, also they have a desk now.
Hypno drops by to show off his new armor and announce a raid. Cleo calls Cub her Emerald Daddy because he supplies her with emeralds.
Hypno drops off a shulker full of emerald blocks for Cleo, for free. Cleo then tells him he gets free books now. Hypno is astonished and delighted, and asks for a written voucher. Cleo writes him one and calls him Emerald Daddy too. Cleo: “Double Emerald Daddy, I´m good.”
Cleo won´t tell her fellow Hermits that they´re great to their faces because it would ruin her tough guy image.
Fun in chat: Etho sleeps. Bdubs: “sorry dad” Etho: “son I am at your place to give you a scolding” Bdubs: “be right up” – Cleo is sorry she saw that
Cleo discovers Joel´s glow ink shop and the glow squid Joel built from candles and is delighted. Joel is now her absolute favorite person. Armor stand buddies!
Taking advantage of the fact that all words are made up, Cleo makes a few more hoppadingdongs
Bdubs demands quiet because he and Etho are about to record one of their famous Bdubs-and-Etho clips. Cleo says they should get in a group. Etho: “Mum is so bossy, right Bdubs?” Bdubs: “She´s so bossy.” Cleo: […] *hits him* “Don´t talk to me that way.” Bdubs: “I´m sorry.” Cleo: “You will be.” Bdubs: “I´m sorry. That was a no-no, I´m sorry.” Etho: “Never talk back to your mummy.” Bdubs: “No, never.” Cleo: “Yeah, you two role-playing this thing again, it´s weird.” Etho, laughing: “You´re done with it, aren´t you, Cleo.” Cleo, also laughing: “I´m done with it. I was kind of done with it when it started, to be honest.” Bubs: “That shows your level of commitment.” Etho: “I feel like we move on from it and then Scar brings it up once in a while, and then Bdubs…” Cleo: “Me and Etho are kind of over it, so…” Bdubs: “Really? I saw Joel today and I thought, this is my uncle.” Etho: “Baby-sitter, right?” Cleo: “Cousin.”
Cleo offers to mute again but Bdubs asks her not to, having her there is great. Like audience chatter.
Bdubs shows Etho and Cleo his scaffolding challenge as his shop advertisement. Etho: “He´s so clever.” Cleo: “He is, he´s a genius. That´s our special boy.”
Bdubs starts his spiel: “You think you´re so cool…” Etho: “I thought I was…”
Bdubs wins the first game because Etho has trouble ringing the bell. And the second one. Cleo soon realizes that it´s easy to make Bdubs lose by sabotaging the scaffolding. Bdubs swears Etho and Cleo to secrecy about this easily exploitable weakness.
Cleo keeps talking about how wealthy they are. Very profitable shop, after all! (…true but I saw Cub´s stacks of diamond blocks the next day. Fear the grind.) Cleo bankrolled Etho already.
After a conversation about pricing Etho tells Cleo they have to teach Bdubs about peer pressure. Then remembers that “she doesn´t like it when we do that, we gotta stop.” Cleo says it´s fine. (Yay boundaries.)
Cleo asks Bdubs for a horse. Bdubs accuses Keralis of fraud (secretly swapping the horses people bought from him if they don´t buy the extended warranty.) Cleo asks if Keralis is gingering his horses. They talk about the meanings of the word, and why ginger is also used for red-heads. Etho: “Is it ´cause gingers are spicy?” Moment of silence. Cleo: “…sure?” Bdubs: “Yeah…” Etho: “I think we nailed it.”
Some talk abut spelling variations. “You can just say you don´t know how to spell, Etho, it´s fine.” And then talk about British dialects, how they drop the “t” in the middle of words (or phrases). Etho and Bdubs try to imitate it, badly. They don´t seem to understand what “in the middle of a word” means.
Shopping district talk, and some reminiscing about Shade-E-E´s. Cleo steered clear because she didn´t know Etho very well back then. Etho has a different glass prank in mind for this season. Etho and Bdubs also remember an end rod exchange thing they did, they neither remember what started it or how it ended. 
Cleo: “I feel like you´re not spiteful enough, Etho.” He lets too much go. Bdubs protests that Etho lets it go with him, because they have a history – Etho: that´s right – but to anybody else Etho is very spiteful. Cleo: He´s never been particularly spiteful to me, “and I deserve it.” Bdubs, dismissive: nah. Etho: “Well, to be fair, Cleo *builds up a dirt wall like he did between them in Third Life* I am kinda scared of you.” Both crack up. “You´re not necessarily who I wanna be poking.”
Cleo clarifies that the reason why False is the only one who scares her is because False is very quick on the insults. Cleo can be fast, but False can be faster. Bdubs: “Now I´m scared.”
Etho tells Bdubs the story of why he´s scared of Cleo: “I always viewed Cleo as, like, sweet, innocent, you know, quiet…” Cleo cracking up. It was because Cleo stole Pizza, for no reason. “She was laughing the whole time, like a crazy psycho.” Cleo: “It´s a llama.”  “I just thought it was interesting, I had a complete shift of what I thought of you at that moment.” Bdubs: “Yeah, she can do anything.” Bdubs was also shocked at that moment. They hadn´t talked about it, Bdubs just supported her in her plan to cause trouble. Stealing Pizza was more of a crime of opportunity because Scar didn´t want to talk to her and left Pizza there. “Bold move.” “It´s just Scar.” Etho reminds everyone that the Life series was fresh at that point, they know now that this sort of thing happens but they didn´t then. Cleo didn´t know most of the people in the series very well so she went full-on chaos gremlin. She blames Bdubs.
Etho repeats that that´s when his perspective on Cleo shifted. “And it never shifted back. Like, the more stuff she did, it just got further in that way.” Cleo can understand that: she got worse, as time went on, chaos-gremlin-wise. Etho: now we´re in season ten of Hermitcraft, she´s stealing villagers… Cleo points out that it wasn´t her idea, but admits that she fully embraced it. Etho isn´t sure he would have, Bdubs says he wouldn´t have. Cleo: “What´s Doc going to do to me.” Bdubs: “Uh, have you seen the sand dial?” Cleo: “Have you seen what´s inside it?” Bdubs, clearly grinning: “Oh, yes, yes.”
Scar is online and Bdubs invited him over to find out if he was actually upset about Cleo stealing Pizza. Scar arrives on his horse, but stays away a few blocks. Etho walks up to him: “You may approach, Scar.” Scar ender-pearls up to them. Bdubs asks how mad he was at Cleo over Pizza, Scar claims he was looking up tickets to the UK to seek his revenge. “Pizza meant more than I can express.” Does a whole sad monologue. Cleo and Etho think it was funny, Scar demands they take it back. Worse, and what also really threw Etho, when Scar asked Cleo to her face if she stole Pizza she denied it.
Cleo: “Yeah, but I´ve had my punishment now, ´cause now I´m your mother forever.” Scar just realized: “The family! What a wonderful moment.” Etho: “Out shopping together.”
Scar has to wait for Skizz to enforce rules in the shopping district, but Skizz is off on the high seas. Scar: “What if the boat went down.” “What the hell, Scar!” “That´d be awful!” Scar imagines it as, you float for a while, maybe see a shark, then get rescued in a helicopter. Cleo: you might see someone else die, while you survive ´cause you´re the main character. Scar asks after a Titanic character and is surprised Etho immediately knows her name because Etho is usually bad with movie references.
Cleo: “I would never do anything to you guys, you´re my family.” Bdubs: That´s sweet.” Scar: “That was sinister.” Etho: ���Trolls us.” Cleo: “Correct.”
Scar got a tip to keep a horse from wandering off inside a circle of berries from an e-mail. Only the best things come from e-mails.
Bdubs tries to prove scaffolding superiority to Scar. Etho and Cleo support the pitch. Scar is disappointed by mom and dad. Etho and Scar agree to give it a try sometimes. Bdubs says Tango puts redstone on scaffolding sometimes, Etho is horrified. Etho shows them that you can use scaffolding to clutch a fall. Scar tries it because it would also work on leaves – unfortunately Etho forgot to tell him that you need to crouch and he dies. He´s not going to be happy, but ultimately it was clearly his own fault. It´ll take him a while to come back, Bdubs feels like he should go get him but Etho and Cleo need to leave.
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Same thing (I don't know if the last one said 'x reader' or '& reader', but the difference is platonic versus romantic, as an fyi)
Rottmnt & female!reader where Y/N has the sort of big-sis presence April has, but she basically adopts everyone she meets, and her thing is to give them nicknames that relate to something they do or reminds her of them (and she gets mad if anyone else uses them). Torts kinda short-circuit the first time she refers to them by the given nicknames, and she doesn't even realize (but when she does, she kinda blows it off)
~Can be Raph x reader also because he would absolutely melt at a s/o as protective over his brothers as he is~
This is definitely not because I often see Raph angst and think "Nooo bubby it's ok!"
Or Donnie is Tinker. Cuz he likes tinkering
Mickey is also bubby but also lil'Mike
Leo is Baby Blue
Don't bully me this is my head it controls me I don't control it
This is INCREDIBLE Anon! Don't worry, I'm working on your other asks, but this one CALLED to me! (I did make it romantic with Raph, because he is my favorite boy 😌.)
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Leo adores you.
He loves spending time with you,
And it's kinda a competition between him and Donnie to see who can keep your attention.
Raph is winning by default though.
Leo loves that even though you're like a big sister,
You nowhere near as over bearing as Raph.
But he knows you still worry,
So he trys to tone it down a bit.
He gets so genuinly happy when you laugh at his jokes.
Like he will literally, hug you everytime you laugh.
Without fail it makes his day.
As for his nickname,
He's totally not a supporter.
At least that's what he tells everyone.
"Hey, Baby Blue, help me with these boxes, will ya?"
*Dramatic sigh*
Leo goes to you for advice on things he doesn't want the others to know.
Like if he's nervous about how they'll react to something,
He'll go to you.
Because you don't judge.
You just listen, and once he's done talking,
You'll tell him what you think, and how to go about the situation.
Leo loves you, and the second you stepped into their lives, he dubbed you, "Big Sis (Name)."
Donnie likes having you around.
At first he was kinda apprehensive,
But the minute you took on the role of older sister, his vision kinda changed.
He enjoys spending as much time with you as possible.
Mostly because of how good you are at listening.
Never, not once, have you ever interrupted his rambling, or explainations.
You just sit there, and wait untill he's done to ask questions.
And he loves that.
That's another reason why you're the first to see a newly finished project.
Because every single time, you wait for him to stop talking,
Then you tell him how cool it is, and how proud you are, and ask questions about it.
The first time this happened, he teared up.
But don't worry, they were happy tears.
As for his nickname,
He is not a fan,
He will scoff everytime.
"There you are Tinkerbell! I thought I lost ya."
You didn't think I meant an actual scoff did you?
You have to try and keep Donnie from doing stupid stuff to test his inventions.
And if you aren't there to prevent the stupidity,
You're always there to bandage him up, and scold him.
But he doesn't mind, he knows it's just because you care.
Mikey absolutly loves you.
Whenever you come to visit,
He'll stop whatever he's doing to give you a hug.
Doesn't matter what it is he's doing,
You will get that hug.
His favorite thing is drawing you pictures.
You have so many, you can barely see your wallpaper anymore.
But who cares?
You probably have the best decorated room in all of New York thanks to those drawings.
Mikey LOVES his nickname.
It makes him feel special.
"Where's my Little Dumpling!"
"That's me! I'm her Little Dumpling!"
Mikey does his best to impress you,
He just wants to make you proud.
So he likes to show off when your around,
And it scares the crap out of you.
Just make sure you don't turn your back for to long,
Because he will accidentally hurt himself.
You have pretty much taken on the role of mother around Mikey.
The second, Raph met you he was whipped.
Poor boy short circuted for like a full 5 minutes.
He loves how much you care for his brothers like their your own family.
He thinks it's amazing that someone else can love them like he does.
If they ever stress him out,
He'll talk to you about it because he knows you can relate.
The two of you are pretty much parents to three extremely chaotic children.
Raph loves that you give everyone nicknames,
He thinks it's cute.
He loves his nickname,
And he gives you one of your own.
"Big Red! come help me look for my backpack, I lost it!"
"Sure thing Cutie Pie!"
Raph invites you over as often as possible.
Movie nights,
Just some regular old quality time,
Anything he can do to have you over.
He just loves spending time with you.
You two are always trying keep the younger ones from accidentaly killing themselves.
And it is not an easy feat.
But hey,
You two are trying your best.
There you go Anon! I hope I wrote this to your liking. It's kinda rushed, but I personally love it.
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bonefall · 11 months
First off, obviously this is a WC blog so I won't go further but THANKS for the brief dunk of The Lion Guard, that's one of my biggest problems with the show. Second off, are you seeing this shit Elder Bones?! * Points at the Thunder Spoiler Thread at WCRPForums * Do try to avoid reading the posts that aren't chapters though, they're bad as usual for that site lol.
Maybe one day I'll grumble about Lion King on the side blog lmao.
Anyway... that spoiler thread. I try to take these threads with a pinch of salt, but... overall feelings are really getting negative. If I had a Vibes Barometer, the needle would be dipping out of positive right now.
We're 2 books away from the conclusion and I don't know if they have time to turn this around... and they chose to spend time traveling. It's partially a travel book, guys. Several chapters of pointless bullshit.
(Spoilers under the cut-- remember we are getting this secondhand from a spoiler thread. Some of this may turn out to be misrepresentation.)
We start off where the preview left off. They jerk the shit out of your chain with Squirrelstar teasing but spoiler we DO got her
We get a BrambleSquirrel screaming match. Please for the love of god divorce these characters, this is fucking insufferable
They also had to give Bramblestar a smug little gotcha moment where he's right about his argument, Squilf accidentally walks to SkyClan camp for the plot and it turns out that Bramblestar, the guy who was apparently supposed to have memory issues and brain fog, was right that Squilf forgot how to navigate her own territory
Im dead serious she like... accidentally walked to SkyClan.
This is a clever literary trick called bad writing <3
*I look directly into the camera. Right at you. Reader I am glimpsing across the magical threads of the internet, directly into your soul.*
"I Forgor"
if this thread is to be believed. Then the canonical explanation for why Tree was not mediating up to this point. Is because every single cat around the lake. Including the geniuses who came up with a unique role JUST for the specialest little boy. Just fucking forgot about him.
(bestselling young adult series)
Do I laugh? Do I cry?
I think im unlocking the emotion that those lizards who shoot blood from their eyes feel just before a squirt
There is also an absurd amount of Bramblestar winking at Nightheart and teasing him about his new mate and reminding the audience about how much Nightheart wuvs him. This is probably supposed to be charming?
it just feels unsettling, ngl.
It's even more Bramble Worship than normal, like the writer is trying really hard to stress how cool and awesome their special boy is :D and how dumb and mean his wife is >:( and it's so fucking forced.
They pad the book by having it be cloudy so that StarClan doesn't show up the first time they try to do the Squirrelstar thing
I kept thinking, "What if this wasn't a willing abdication?? What if the Clan didn't have a second chance to do this?? What if this was Nightstar 2 all over again and she died of plot convenience before coming back?! This dumbfuck system has fixed NOTHING"
Plumstone and Dewnose have a moment where they antagonize Nightheart over the fact he was chosen to accompany Squilf and Bramble to the Moonpool, because he just got back and it's not fair
And you know what? They're right actually
Nightheart huffs that Squilf was giving him a Chance To Prove Himself but he doesn't fucking get it! His whole life's been nothing but chances he threw tantrums about being offered or blew up through wrecklessness, like a spoiled brat nepobaby, and he keeps getting more and more
Meanwhile Plumstone here has been in the background just being this consistently steady warrior, and has never gotten a chance to shine
He also has a moment where he whines about Sparkpelt and Finchlight being mean to him in the past when Sunbeam shares they've been super nice to her.
Sunbeam offers that they're probably trying to make up for it and he agrees.
Folks. I REALLY. REALLY HOPE. That this ends with Sunbeam telling him, "Nightheart, you are the problem. They've treated me like Kin, and they treat their Kin well. Do YOU?"
Anyway something happens and suddenly Nightheart's on the trip with Frostpaw.
The rest of his chapters so far (at time of writing the spoiler thread is at chapter 14-ish) are traveling chapters.
The traveling chapters suck diet discount dick. They look like they were rejected submissions for the various travel shenanigans that happened in Riverstar's Home.
For me, this is the most disappointing part of the Thunder Spoiler Thread. I love Nightheart because I really like the idea of him learning to grow, consider his actions, and realize that he's actually been very loved in his life.
I like the impulsive Nightheart from Book 1 who doesn't know what's wrong with himself, shooting down every attempt others make to bond with him, making shocking descisions that frustrate the entire Clan and not realizing how much he gets away with. I hoped that maybe, just maybe, the writing could be a little clever for once.
But, no. On this trip he's still whining to Frostpaw about how his family "wanted him to be like Firestar" and this is treated as something Frostpaw is able to bond with him about, somehow, because Curlfeather wanted her to be a Medcat??? And now she's choosing to be a Medcat again anyway????
WC Writing Team: "Everyone is super invested in Frostpaw's story where she learns to choose her own path! Especially the idea that she chose to not be a medcat of her own will and made a brave choice for herself! Lets fix that"
Literally, I guess lol
Smoky Cameo. Fuck Smoky. I hate this character and I hate seeing his deadbeat ass.
Gotta love how Daisy's one major role in ASC so far has been to be a source of negative emotions for Nightheart, but Smoky gets to be the new Barley with a cutesy barn rest stop.
He calls for a human to come get Frostpaw because she's got wounds.
Like. Cat MEOW MEOW calling. And this summons... a magic vet?
She has the world's fastest field surgery, as if she's some kind of endangered wild leopard and a top-notch vet staff rolled out of a research truck.
They even inject her, by hand, with tranquilizer. Who the fuck carries cat tranquilizer around?
Is this barn in the back of a fucking vet office???
Does this universe have roving surgical vans that drive around and play music like an ice cream truck, waiting for cats to call them over?????
Frostpaw wakes up back in the barn
But now her neck wound is fixed and she's spayed.
She looks down at the fresh cut on her abdomen and is like "what's this"
Smoky: "dont worry abt it"
If Frostpaw is okay with being sterilized, this will be the first time in the series that a cat being fixed will be seen as a good thing
Which, irl, it is. To be clear. Spay and neuter your animals
But dudes, this is really massively unsettling me. It seems like she doesn't know what has been done to her. This has never been treated as a positive thing in this series before. In the last book she was talking about the sort of life she would like to live
Once again she has been stripped of her own choices in a massive way
And if Smoky apparently lives so close to a vet that they just come when he calls,
I have so many questions im losing my marbles
Why is Smoky not neutered
Why were none of his 3, possibly 4 wives spayed
Why are his kids not fixed
Why were his kits with Floss taken "when they were too young to even open their eyes" back in TNP if their humans are so loving and educated
Anyway through the power of the writers not caring anymore, Frostpaw can now talk to StarClan whenever she wants.
They have magically bestowed a connection onto her.
This is apparently something they can just do now. Maybe it's tied to near-death experiences or the vet or something
Remember Shadowsight having a whole thing about this at the end of TBC?
Remember Mothwing and how upsetting it was to have no connection to them and how finding Willowpaw was a big thing in TNP?
Yeah apparently they could just do this whenever. Sorry.
Frostpaw is just cool with this because fuck the last book where she found out she likes being a warrior
Agency? What's THAT
It's not ok if your mom encourages you to be a doctor nun, but StarClan rips your organs out and forces you to be their mouthpiece and that's peachy-fucking-keen.
Then she goes traveling for several chapters i want to commit crime
Riverstar does the usual alarmist moaning, "ooooouuugh this newest crisis could destroy riverclan!!! Oooooooooooooouuououou it's for real this time!!!!"
Everything's gonna destroy the clans. A light breeze has just reduced ThunderClan to rubble. A beetle has landed gently upon Harestar's nose, 34 dead 25,430 injured
Girl help frostpaw is being followed by clickbait headline ghosts
And, also, for no good reason, the ghosts can't just answer a question. Why? Who fucking knows. Never explained. They can summon Frostpaw into a Ghost Zoom Call whenever they want now, but they're forbidden from revealing anything useful.
Average autistic experience with zoom calls though, can confirm, that is what every zoom call ive ever been in was like.
Im serious though, she tries to ask Reed who killed him, he just says no i cant :(
She tries to ask where her mom is. They don't tell her she's downstairs.
Riverstar says nothing useful
I have never been more frustrated with StarClan as a plot device. This is actually fucking insufferable.
They're annoying enough when they send vague signs and prophecies that amount to nothing, but now they can pop up like shitty unskippable cutscenes and STILL add nothing of value to the plot
Something I was ENJOYING was how much more grounded ASC was compared to previous arcs, and that StarClan was back to being difficult to access directly. Gone. Goodbye.
The highlight of the book everyone leave me alone i need to speak directly to sunbeam
I like how she's finding more reasons than just Nightheart to stay in ThunderClan, but is also struggling with the shift in culture
It's in a Sunbeam chapter that we FINALLY get Squilfstar. Everyone say Thank You Sunbeam
If you even LOOK at the Sunbeam wrong I will smash you to death with my hooves
For once it actually feels like we're using the cast in ThunderClan. Cherryfall, Dewnose, Plumstone, Myrtlebloom, Bayshine, Finchlight, Sparkpelt, and Lionblaze all get some significant little lines to add to this.
In particular I like Cherryfall throwing a bit of a fit about being a senior warrior and acting high and mighty, which Sunbeam immediately dislikes because ShadowClan doesn't do as much posturing. It's fun to see how she percieves ThunderClan cats.
I have a softness for these sorts of stories though, to be fair. The idea of moving to a new place and having to adjust.
It's also neat that she's growing frustrated with how Nightheart has now ditched her THRICE.
Girl please steal his family and dump him.
Be a legend. Marry his sister. It would make you the queen of pettiness you would become my favorite forever
Ivypool's exams are also pretty neat, they all test teamwork abilities. I'm going to be happy when I finally get to read them in full, if nothing else, these trials have been delightful to see.
Anyway the next emergency gathering comes up and it descends into an argument
Dovewing gets to yell at Ivypool and tell her to back off <3 "You're not going to manipulate my mate through me, screw you"
Tigerheartstar and the other leaders eventually agree to meet with the mediator off-screen because the writers don't feel like showing us Tree's madd skillz which definitely justify having this unique role that we completely forgot about until just now
It doesn't accomplish anything meaningful because they only acknowledged the mediator role to make the fans stop complaining
Tigerheartstar agrees to not station more warriors in RiverClan territory but nothing else. Waow.
aaand Berryheart's planning something and Sparrowtail, Sunbeam's father, accidentally spills the beans to his daughter. I like this because I have always imagined him as a himbo
so... yeah. It's not looking great. I'm not having a good time in this spoiler thread. I am hoping that a fair amount of it is misrepresentation, because if it's what the leaker says it is, I'm not going to be a happy camper
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Evening all :) This is the second to last ep of s2. Unreal. I LOVE this episode. For so many reasons. I think its underrated which tends to be some of my fav moments and eps with them. Love this one for couple reasons. One of them being we’re re-tapping into why Tim is the best T.O. for Lucy. Little more look into Tim’s growing feelings for her. Also their continual growth as friends and their deepening bond. I love them so much. Like I said already this ep is underrated and one of my favs and you’ll see why. Let’s get started on this goodie.
2x19 The Q Word
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We start off with Lucy's alarm going off for her shift. She turns it off saying how she doesn’t want to work today. (Me either girl...) We see she has a special guest with her. Heh. It's Emmett. Dude still fine as hell. Guess she finally took him up on his offer. Damn girl proud of you cashing that card in haha Way to come back into the dating world.
He tells her to be few minutes late continues on to say ‘Bradford's chill’ LMFAO Not even a little and definitely not with training Lucy. You'll experience that soon enough and see how wrong you are sir. Lucy tells him she’s in the final stretch of her training. Just 30 more days and she’ll be free. (Like you really wanna be free of Tim…we'll let you believe that though.) She is excited to be free of the mind games, Tim tests and being chewed out in public. I can’t blame her there even though it molded her into who she is now as a cop.
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Emmett jumps on the chance about making her late after her probation. Lucy has to basically say down boy LOL It’s honestly really nice to see how happy she is. Like I said in the last ep with Tim. With not being Lucy level happy. In this case not Tim level happy or comfortable but nice to see none the less. She clearly has allowed herself to not let Caleb drag her down as much anymore. That's a massive victory for her. Should be noted and appreciated.
Can truly appreciate the relationships they had prior and what they had to give to them before they’re together. Lucy NEEDED someone like this post-Caleb. Needed a sweet goober. I am thankful for the role Emmett played in that. Helping her start to move past Caleb and the damage he inflicted. Her commitment issues showing themselves hard when she asks him to play it cool if they run into each other. To keep them on the DL. Also I don’t blame her she’s in the home stretch of this. Wants to do a final focused push to complete her training as well.
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We get to roll call. Grey announces today is the rookies one year mark in the program. He tells them congratulations on not washing out. Tim can’t help himself and poke the bear. Saying ‘We’ll see’ that shit eating grin of his and heart eyes I can not. How proud he is of her projecting off him.
Excuse me sir you’re doing a work flirt right in front of everyone. Look at the way he’s looking at her when he says it. A blind person could read his intentions. Her reaction is perfection. Like she can’t believe he’s doing their banter unabashedly in front of roll call… for all to see LOL Our marriage scene of the episode please enjoy.
Grey says this is the start of their 30 day push. To remind them they’re not there just yet. That they shouldn’t be celebrating until they cross the finish line. Pretty much a foreshadowing for Lucy in this ep. All of them but mainly Lucy and the SL her and Tim have in this one.
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Immediately following roll call we join them in their shop. Lucy mentions it’s weird they haven’t had any calls yet. Tim puts on his T.O. hat and barks ‘Crime doesn’t have a schedule boot.’ Lucy just smiles his T.O. company line having no effect on her. Tim notices it right away and asks ‘What she’s so happy about?’ Lucy plays it off says nothing. Can’t she just smile? Tim doesn’t let it go. (Wonder who he learned that from?)
Tells her she’s been doing it a lot lately is all...Lucy bites back she didn’t know being happy was an impediment to being a good cop. Tim remarks he’s just surprised she hasn’t talked his ear off about whatever it is. Tim Bradford speak for he actually wants her to. Whether he likes it or not he’s come to enjoy her sharing things with him. When she doesn't he gets antsy like in this scene. Questions what's going on with her.
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Tim acts like he can’t stand how chatty she is. When really he can’t handle it when she isn’t sharing stuff with him. Doesn’t want to feel left out in her life. Especially since she "granted" him re-access to it in 2x17. (He always had it she just had to remind of that fact) Lucy doesn’t budge on any info. So Tim starts taking shots in the dark. Asking random questions. 'Did she rescue a kitten?' 'Adopt a star?' LMFAO Timothy what? Haha god I love this man.
Lucy tells him what early s1 Tim would’ve been thrilled to hear. That her personal life is none of his business. He smiles and says there’s hope for her yet. Ok Tim I’m sure that’s EXACTLY what you want. Smh. My god these two. Do they even realize how much flirting just went down in that interaction? The banter, the looks, the cute little smiles. Look at them in those last two gifs above. As transparent as glass. These idiots I love them so much.
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If you needed to see their chemistry in one glorious shot. This is it. What a beautiful shot of these two. How the sun shines mostly on her is lovely nod to them as characters. They're checking in with one another silently as they hear a ‘shots fired’ call come over the radio. Processing the severity of the call together. The lighting is beautiful, the looks glorious, that silent communication ever present. I adore it.
They can hear how amped up the rookie on the radio is. Tim attaches them to the pursuit. Harper and Nolan attach themselves as well. Jackson hears his friends panicked voice. Tells Angela they we’re in the academy together. He the follows suit of the other two. Such an intense drive to where Chris and his T.O. are in pursuit.
Sadly Chris disobeys his T.O. to stay in cover while backup arrives. This kid has something to prove and leaves cover. His T.O. shouting at him to stay back. Unfortunately he’s shot instantly in the chest multiple times by their assailant. The guy takes off leaving Harper/Nolan to chase him as they arrive on scene. Tim and Lucy show up after all the chaos has ensued. Tim pulls Martinez Chris’s T.O. to the side. Says he’s going to need to talk to him since he was a witness to the shooting. Jackson decides to ride with Chris easing Martinez to go talk with Tim.
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Tim then does what he does best. Deescalates the situation. This man is trying to justify himself to Tim. Tells him how he taught Chris better than that. That he’s made mistakes before but not like this. Tim is incredible in this moment. This scene shows us how good Tim is at his job. How important he knows training rookies is to T.O.’s Why Martinez is panicking like he is. Feels like he failed this kid and is spiraling.
Tim uses that common bond to get through to an emotionally heightened officer. He's coming off his rookie being shot. He's not seeing straight and blaming himself. So Tim calms him down using logic and listening to get the statement from him. The empathy and understanding that follow are a skill that was sharpened by a certain rookie of his. (So damn proud) He's trying to relay to him this wasn’t his fault. He doesn't need to defend himself to him.
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I love how he relates to Martinez in this moment. All the while he is looking at Lucy. His words carrying extra weight to them. Almost like he's telling himself this as well as his fellow T.O.. This is hitting closer to home for him than he'd like. His look says so very much to anyone who is watching closely. Eric crushing it per usual saying so much with so little. The depth of how much he cares for her at this point. The man was gone for her long before they got together. (He just hasn’t been clued in yet about that fact.)
The way his eyes dart over to her while he’s comforting Martinez. What happened to this man is Tim’s greatest fear on the job. Not preparing Lucy enough and she gets hurt as a result. If he could only realize how much he’s already impacted her. She would not have survived 2x11 if not for his training of her. 'The Cop Eyes' he instilled in her to drop that ring for him.
She had the grit and determination all her own to survive no doubt. That 'No quit' paired with his training is why she made it. If you wanted to see Tim’s PTSD in action it’s this next portion. That deep fear of losing her the way he almost did back in 2x11. This next entire scene is screaming that PTSD from that. This moment a stark reminder for him that he could lose her just as quickly on the job due to a mistake. That it would be his fault. Again.
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Some may think Tim is too harsh here. He’s being a dick etc. That’s not what I see here at all. I see a man in emotional panic. A spiral really. Talking to Martinez shook him more than he’s leading on. Watching his biggest fear happen to someone else is triggering his PTSD more than he'd like. We all know even with Lucy’s forgiving him how he’s still haunted by her almost death. Tim is still learning how channel his emotions. Lucy has opened a floodgate of having them and he hasn’t learned to control them just yet.
I can relate so very much. When you’ve repressed feelings for so long, then allow them to the surface they can be overwhelming. The anxiety of drowning in those emotions comes out in one of two ways. Anger or a complete shut down. For Tim anger is an old friend of his. He can’t seem to tamp down how this situation is making him feel.
Nor does he know how to deal with why it is. So he sees a small mistake she makes and lashes out. His current anxiety is manifesting into anger right now. His fear taking a life of it's own. Losing it on her over something he wouldn't necessarily been happy about but not to this current level of anger.
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He is panicking because after the final 30 days elapses he won’t be by her side to protect her anymore. Its a harsh reality he isn't handling too well right now. Rios being shot bringing that into sharp focus. That this could happen to her without him there to guide her. So naturally he’s going to be hard on her especially in this moment. His way of controlling it and his emotions. He just watched a rookie get fatally shot and carted off to hospital due to a small error in judgement.
All those emotions and all that panic are coming through in spades in this moment. Tim isn’t handling his emotions about potentially losing her well. It more than shows in this scene. If he was trying to hold his emotional cards close to his chest about Lucy in this scene he failed miserably. It comes out when he asks her if she wants to end up like Rios? Showing his hand so much in this scene emotionally.
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Now Emmett making the mistake of trying to intervene bites him in the ass badly. It’s bad for a couple reasons. The road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say. Reason one it was a terrible idea. Don’t get between Tim and his person. Emmett caught an emotionally exposed Tim and ran into an actual buzz saw doing this. Today was the WRONG day to interfere with him. Not gonna lie I do love Tim going all alpha on him. Saying she’s HIS boot. Destroying Emmett completely asking if 'He's got it? Before walking away.
Second reason it was not his best idea. Lucy. I adore her telling Emmett she didn’t need him to save her. Damn right you don’t. She is capable of defending herself especially with Tim. That's one of her super powers really. It was more embarrassing for Lucy he tried to step in to "protect" her. Not only that but mess with her work dynamic with Tim. She asked him to be cool at work and he wasn’t. Lucy makes sure he knows that before she takes off herself. She isn't a damsel in distress and lets him know. Leaving Emmett stunned.
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Nolan and Harper get a finger print ID off the ditched car they pursued. They’re gearing up to break into Serj Derain's. Tim knows Lucy is shaken up for multiple reasons. Her friend Chris being shot, Him chewing her out and her mini fight with Emmett. He is always thinking of her first even when he doesn’t even realize he’s doing so. It's second nature at this point. He does this by resetting her mentally before they walk in the door of this man's house.
Saying how they already lost one cop today. She’s not going to be another. He refuses to lose Lucy by her potentially losing focus in this moment. This man just knows her like the back of his hand. It always floors me. Knows innately she needs these words of focus. That her mind is elsewhere and he needs it shifted back to the task at hand. The continuous proof of why he was the perfect T.O. for her. Tim reading her emotional state and directing her emotions. This is his version of taking care of her. By telling Lucy exactly what she needs to hear before they start this.
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Her look of understanding after he dispenses his words of wisdom to her is perfection. Complete understanding of what he's saying and doing for her in this moment. ❤️ Everything this man does for her has her best interests at heart and ultimately to protect her. (Just like she does for him) It’s a beautiful thing to watch honestly. The two way support these two have for one another. This is an underrated moment for them. I wanted to expound on it. It shows that bond they have.
That even though they’re closer than they used to be with how she can sass him from time to time when it comes down to it that instant respect she has for Tim and his guidance. It is evident in this scene. His wisdom is guiding her right now emotionally and she knows it. That when he is serious like this she takes notice and listens immediately. She would follow him into hell if he asked her to.
They get inside with no issues. He isn’t home and the house is cleared. They’re searching his home office. Lucy asks Tim what they’re looking for? He tells her anything that can tell them where he is. It’s then Tim runs across some disturbing info. Confidential Police files on the Derian’s. Makes sense why nothing has stuck to them now. Someone’s been leaking info to the Armenian mob. A dirty cop in their midst…
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We rejoin them in their shop. Lucy asks if they can talk about earlier? So much has happened today he’s not sure what she means. Lucy says about Emmett. Tim is immediately defensive. Tells her nothing to say about it. He tried to tell him how to do his job. On today of all days. Tim says he doesn’t care if he’s her BF. Lucy instantly cuts him off and corrects him. Says he’s not. (ahhh Lucy your commitment issues are showing again my dear) Tells Tim he’s a little dead to her right now anyway. I’m sure in the back of Tim’s mind that gives him a little peace.
Then comes one of the best parts of the episode for them. In not so many words this scene is Tim revealing something. Showing Lucy he cares about her in the most Tim way possible. He voices in a much kinder way his fears from earlier in the ep. That yes she’s only 30 days from the finish line. What scares him is when she crosses it he won’t be there to keep her from washing out anymore. 'Or worse...' The way she looks at him when he says this *heart clutch* Tim Bradford speak for I don’t want to lose you.
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He solidifies it by reinforcing yeah he’s going to be tough on her. That is a straight fact. Then rolls a compliment into it as well. (How far we’ve come. *wipes tear*) Tells Lucy he’s only doing that because he KNOWS she can handle it. No one one knows her better than he does. No one will ever look out for her best interests better than he will. Or will prepare her the way he can. He only has 30 days left with her. Tim is going to make her as sharp as possible. So he can let her go when the time comes. Only way he will have peace of mind is if he does it this way.
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Lucy’s reactions says it all. Beaming a little as she explains how sweet it is. She knows how he struggles with his emotions. That he tends to show them through actions rather than words. The fact that he told her this means so much. Tim in a roundabout way, told her he cares so much for her he’s afraid losing her after they're no longer riding together. That he can't protect her anymore after that. So he’s going to do everything in his power to safeguard her from this jobs worst moments and possibilities like today.
She makes sure he knows how 'oddly sweet' she finds his words. Tim is trying to bite back a smile above. That sunshine of hers seeping in just a little bit more. Trying to be a grump and be like 'That's not what I meant' when that's exactly what he meant. Revealing more cracks in that emotional wall of his. God I love it so Much.
Lucy continues on and says he’s not the one she’s mad at right now. That’s she’s used to Tim. Then he does something S1 Tim would be appalled at. Gives her advice on her personal life. Doing it not to please her or get her to stop talking. But because he genuinely cares about her. Giving me all the feels in this one. My shipper heart may implode.
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Tells her Emmett is a fireman. So naturally they’re idiots LOL He makes Lucy smile in a way only he can. Tim forges on saying they mean well and Emmett is a 'not bad fireman'. Tells her not to write him off just yet. That he meant well by it. Look at our boy. I’m legit beaming with pride as I write this. How far this man has come in 2 seasons hell just this season alone. Leaps and bounds all due to the the sunshine human to his right.
Lucy being herself can’t help but rib him about this. That the reason he’s giving her this advice is cause they’re friends. Honestly yeah. At this point they are. S1 finale was the start of the friends foundation but they weren't there yet. It was the beginning of that deeper bond of theirs and we’re nearing the end of s2. All that foundation has now been laid. The fruits of it are they are friends now.
Best part of this section Is he doesn’t even deny it really. He scoffs a little af first (denial isn’t just a river in Egypt Tim) but concedes at the end. The light in his eyes and the crooked smile. You know this man is happy to be considered her friend. Her confidant. Once again Eric saying so god damn much with so little. I’ll never be over how good he is with that. Like ever. Could go on for miles and miles but I won’t do that to you all haha That wraps up their scenes together in this one. SO much good content thought. Oh my lord.
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Sadly Chris passes away and Jackson is distraught. Lucy being there for Jackson is so sweet. Taking care of her business with Emmett but putting him first. I love their friendship. I do admire he came over to apologize and say he was wrong. Saying she’s the strongest woman he knows. That the last thing she needs is a protector. Well you as her protector yes. sorry Emmett lol That role is not meant to be yours. She has her fierce protector already. Tim is that but her emotional protector first and foremost. I mean he would smash a dude's face in for her LOL but she doesn't need that. That's it for this one. Such a good episode for them I can not.
Side notes-Non Chenford
Longer than normal cause the entire episode is so good. The Chenford would’ve been enough but the ep being so good on top of it I’m happy.
Angela seeing Smitty’s cam footage LOL he’s such an idiot and we all love him haha sadly how she finds out Erin Cole is a dirty cop though. Or one of them…
The whole SL with Chris, Derians and Armstrong it’s so solid and stressful to watch baha his SL was shocking when I watched it the first time. Watching this squeaky clean cop fall from grace and become a dirty cop. Tragic af but compelling as hell.
Rewatching it through the eyes of knowing you can see how much he was giving away in his scenes. So sad the ending for Cole. Debt erasure is a huge motivator for most it’s truly so sad.
Watching John and Grace continue to fall apart sucks. I truly liked them more so than him and Bailey TBH. Their chemistry was evident.
Harper thanking John for all his help in getting her kid back. That she wouldn’t be here if not for him. The impact he had. Such growth for her. Since day one she has marched toward growth and where she is now. I adore her arc and how far she has come in this moment. Such an overall amazing episode. Hell of an ep before the finale.
Thank you all for the continued support through likes/comment and reblogs. Means more than I can ever say. Our next ep is the finale. Woo. I’ll see you all then :)
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Kim Possible - Polish translation
Recently I started rewatching Kim Possible and I noticed a couple of differences in the translation.
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First of all, the pun names:
Kim Possible - Kim Kolwiek (kimkolwiek means whoever/anybody) The original evokes a heroin that can do anything. The Polish translation implies that Kim is just an ordinary person and that anybody can do what she does. It goes very nicely with her attitude that all her awesome missions are just normal acts of human service like holding a door open for somebody. In the Polish version of the theme song, it gives a double meaning ''Daj mi znak, Kim Kolwiek''. It keeps the original meaning of calling her for help but it can also mean ''Daj mi znak, kimkolwiek'' as in, anybody can call for Kim in your name.
Ron Stoppable - Ross Rabiaka ( rozrabiaka means someone mischievous, doing naughty and funny jokes. It can be used to describe anybody but most often it's used to describe misbehaving boys at school. ) The original name implies that Ron is an unstoppable badass which is funny when he's being clumsy, and fitting when he does something cool. The Polish version focuses on his role as a comic relief.
Shego - Strzyga ( Strzyga is a Slavic monster. A Woman with bird-like claws who drinks blood. ) There's very little to say. Shego and Strzyga sound familiar. Shego is the bad guy and she looks as if she had claws.
Brick - Byk ( byk means bull ) Nothing special, a big strong animal that fits his jock archetype, starts with B and is short like the original.
Steve Barkin - Steve Pilnik ( pilnik means file) His original name Barkin, refers to him barking orders. Pilnik in Polish means file, as in the tool used to cut bars in a prison cell (at least in cartoons). There is also a Polish phrase ''piłować kogoś'' - ''file somebody'' which means that somebody, usually a teacher, is reprimanding somebody.
Monkey Fist - Małpi Pysk (Małpi Pysk means Monkey Face) Fist and pysk rhyme. Also, pysk is a derogatory way to say face. Pysk is used to refer to animal faces, like snout or muzzle.
Gil Moss/Gill - Lech/Leszcz ( Lech is an old Slavic/Polish name. Leszcz means bream, a type of fish. ) Fun fact, the most famous Lech is the legendary Prince who founded Gniezno, and by proxy the whole country of Poland. Ironically, leszcz is an insult used to refer to somebody who's bad at sports and is weak. Meanwhile, Gill even as a child was great at swimming, while Ron was the weak loser.
P.S. Gill is a cool character, with a great design, powers, and connection to Ron. It's too bad he was only in 2 episodes.
I'm watching now episode 12 Pain King vs Cleopatra.
Kim and Monique are talking in the cafeteria. In English, Kim talks about how the back of her skirt was caught in her underwear but in Polish, she talks about how her pants split. In English, she says she was saving a ''desert prince'' from a death squad but in Polish, she says was saving an Arab prince from terrorist attackers.
Ron comes in and offers Monique a thing called a Bear Claw? In the Polish version, they changed the bear claw into murzynek. Murzynek is a chocolate cake but it also means black boy.
Polish dubbers don't give a fuck! I don't know if it would fly today.
I Googled what bear claw (food) is and this is what I found.
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In Polish the vacation plans change from spending time with wife and kids to going out fishing for a month. And the other wrestler says ''Take something for the mosquitos.'' instead ''That's charming.''.
The spell used to turn into a jackal monster is now Anubis, protector of every grave, make my hands and legs more powerful. (It rhymes in Polish.)
I wonder what translations from other countries are like.
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woodenfawn · 1 year
Re Zero Highschool AU Concept
very new to tumblr, sorry if i mess anything up!
mey and i just talked about this and threw it together and had a lot of fun with it XD I'm at arc 6 and mey is anime-only so far, so some things may be inaccurate, and some characters are not included!
If there are things you want to suggest please do, but any spoilers should be either really vague or plot-irrelevant (like, outside of main plot developments. Side stories are fine i think!) mey's notes from our conversation, I'll put some of my individual thoughts in at the end (Thank you @tanya-degurechaff for letting me ramble about my blorbos for so long! and watching re zero!!! and everything!!!)
Click on the keep reading to see all the notes, i think???
Shitty Re:Zero Highschool AU
All the king candidates are all part of the Student Body, all running for Student Body President. That's the competition.
Emilia is an awkward transfer student. Her step-dad, Betelgeuse, had to move for work purposes. She looks a lot like the weird girl, Satella, which people isolate her for. Emilia deepest secret: watches 70s TV shows. Her clothes look vintage. She watches Antique Roadshow. When she goes to Anime Club, she finds out the anime she likes are very out of date. (Astroboy). 
Subaru is the leader of the anime club and he instantly falls in love with Emilia and invites her to join. She takes the invite. Besides anime club, he also goes to the QSA, but as a student named Natsumi Schwartz and it's 100% convincing everyone.
Julius hates Subaru guys he swears. Julius is the captain of the fencing team and hangs out with Reinhard very often. He and Reinhard go to the chess club every Wednesday after school. Julius is also a secret LARP-er and goes to Ren fairs as a cool knight. 
Reinhard is a straight-A, valedictorian, star of all of the sports team golden students. He's planned to take the Astrea Company after he graduates. Secretly, Reinhard wants to be a shoujo manga artist. He keeps his shitty Manga in a pink sketchbook at the back of his locker. He goes to the Anime Club with Subaru and that's the only time he can draw.
Otto had a lot of trouble in elementary school and barely talked, rather interested in his anthills instead of people. As he got older, he started making friends and now hangs out at the anime club. He's known as the student janitor, cleaning up after everyone else. He also lays facedown in dirt talking to bugs. He's autistic and has a special interest… in bugs/nature in general. Sensitive hearing, uses noise canceling headphones. Scalper. Theater Tech. Stage manager. 
Garfiel is a freshman who's known to cause a lot of trouble and hates school. He's actually a youtuber who makes shitty rage roblox and minecraft trolling videos in his freetime. He's quite popular with elementary school boys. Calls Subaru Captain in school, follows him around. Great at sports
Rem is a VTuber for LugunicaEN. Her Oni form is her Vtuber model. Very popular for her genuine talks, she does ASMR, gives advice to people. She's very kind. Writes fanfiction. 
Ram is just a girl 👍. Mobility aid user. 
Priscilla is a theater girl, she acts like she is the best actress. Tries for all the lead elegant female roles. She's a good actor, just a little bit annoying. 
Roswaal is the theater teacher.
Wilhelm principal 
Crusch also does Fencing Club. She's very academically intelligent, though struggles socially. A good leader.
Ferris is the TA for the nurse. Also Vtuber for LugunicaEN. Openly part of the QSA, no one realizes she's a girl somehow. Girlfriends lesbians Crusch.
Liliana is an older student who gets held back, joins theater because she's a great singer. Priscilla has a sexuality crisis and becomes a woman lover.
Anastasia is part of the student body beforehand.
Otto is friends with Subaru's mom.
The triplets are all in the DnD club. It's just the three of them. Mimi is a Berserker.
Subaru is good artist, great at sewing. 
Ferris can also draw. They draw together and talk about their girlfriends. 
Emilia CANNOT draw. Worse than Reinhard.
Puck is the cool teacher, knows everything. Wise…
Beatrice is the librarian. Looks like a student, is not. Never leaves the school, no one knows why. 
Echindna is a history/english/science etc. Teacher, teaches everything no one else teaches. How is she doing this.
Satella is a weird girl who has never really talked to anyone. Advises the anime club, no one talks to her. Has a weird shrine in the girl's bathroom. 
Minerva is the school therapist, part of the health and social relationships classes. She's just so sweet… she takes care of the therapy dogs. Aggressively supportive of everyone. She's like a shaking chihuahua. Tries to act threatening, is just not. Really likes Emilia.
Felt is the youngest running for student body. She really wants two lunchtimes. That's her goal. 
Rom is the gym teacher 
Fredrica is the older sister of Garfiel, top student. She and Crusch are friends. Ready to graduate, just a girl. Trying to control her younger brother.
Henkel stands outside of Reinhard's class window shaking his head in disappointment.
Reinhard likes magical girls a lot, he just wants to help. He genuinely loves power of friendship stories. Really likes Tokyo Mew Mew and made Felt watch it. Reinhard likes to cosplay magical girls for cons and drags Felt along. 
Subaru convinces Reinhard to get Tumblr, does not know how to use it. Reinhard: "Dear Diary, I had breakfast today, two eggs and a toast." He also texts using the glitter flowers gifs with shiny text.
Al is a stage crew guy who follows Priscilla around. Otto doesn't know what to think about him. 
Otto disappears for days at a time. He is camping.
Garfiel is secretly a furry. His fursona is based on Garfield. Has commissioned Ferris.
Ferris is a furry artist. The Vtuber and Furry stuff is completely different.
Garfiel almost stopped going to school, Subaru convinced him to stay because he's been there before. Garfiel respects Subaru because of this and that's why he follows him around.
Petra is an elementary schooler who visits the highschool. On friendly terms with all the teachers. Why is this child here. 
Elsa is the science teacher, especially biology. Seems just fine at first, but has some… moments that's a bit terrifying. Everyone ignores that.
Meli is a future scientist, best friends with Elsa.
Gluttony twins are great students and hang out in the cafeteria all the time. Right below Reinhard, Crusch and Julius. Acts like delinquents.. 
Regulus is a horrible teacher. Terrible man. The kind of teacher that's like "your learning depends on how I'm feeling today", hated by everyone. 
Capella is not in the school… she. She is not in this au. Gets booted in this HS au.
Sirius is a very sweet teacher. She's the kind of teacher that's almost childish, really wants everyone to get along. She almost seems condescending, but she's genuine about it. Obsessed with Betelgeuse, every time he visits Emilia, she flirts. 
Pandora is the one who keeps Regulus in line. A faculty member. Philosophy Teacher.
Hector is a sad janitor man. Otto took over his job.
Tonchinkan are the three school delinquents, but strangely friends with Felt and therefore associated with Reinhardt (who's trying to keep them in line).
Daphne is the Lunch lady. 
Typhon is a student who's really into philosophy. Bad at it. Misquotes things often. Probably says a Lord of the Rings quote trying to be smart. Googles "how 2 be smart"
Sekhmet is a no nonsense teacher, she doesn't like being a teacher, but good at her job.
Individual notes:
We initially thought this up because we were joking about a Subaru-Reinhardt-Julius highschool fanfiction, cause honestly the way they're written in-story would fit that so well, and ended up making this whole thing...
I think the witches should all be staff/teachers of some sort, except for typhon maybe?
We set wilhelm as the principal just by vibes, but we have some ideas that would clash with the concept. maybe the dragon is the principal and nobody's seen him XD
Reinhardt's story in more detail: he's a straight A student (the kind with over 100% in all of his classes) who joined all of the sports but skipped it a lot because he was just so good at it and also he prioritized chess club. Julius is in a similar position. Subaru then invited him to the anime club (being the idiot he [she?] is) and Reinhardt accepted because "friend!!!!" he found his love for shoujo anime and now tries drawing his own. he's okay at drawing girls but awful at drawing guys. He picked up crossdressing from Ferris and Subaru and had a full identity crisis when he realized Ferris was transfem and Subaru is an egg (or closeted transfem or bigender or something). he realized he's just a cis man who likes crossdressing but he had to put his shoujo down for a little while... now he forces Felt to cosplay as a magical girl with him. She secretly has fun! Every time Heinkel shows up outside his classroom window he just... slides his sparkly pink sketchbook back into his backpack
Subaru sews the cosplay fits!
We said sirius is sweeter in this AU because i don't think anything would trigger her more extreme views in this story, and mey can't tell me if that's right or wrong cause they haven't met her yet XD i might be but i think a sweeter role fits her!
Rem and Ferris are in the same vtubing group. they refuse to talk about it
Emilia picked up her outdated language from old shows and anime! She joined the anime club because she was excited to talk about the old old anime she loves, and when subaru talks about waifus she just thinks "ah, like that lum girl!"
Julius has either really really good taste in anime or really really bad taste.
Subaru's just picking up friends cause he's too chaotic to follow the atmosphere, and the people he tried to become friends with just so happen to need someone like him!
Subaru WILL try to woo emilia with anime pick up lines
When Rem develops a sleeping disorder that makes her fall asleep while standing up sometimes, she becomes wheelchair buddies with Ram! Ram is determined to push herself (though she'll let Emilia do it sometimes) and Subaru helps Rem out!
Rom is a very sweet teacher. everyone is scared of him at first but they all call him grandpa at the end (teasing, but lovingly). Felt is actually his adopted granddaughter, and when she got to highschool it got a little awkward but made some very funny moments!
Ram is a very good student in some places but very bad in others. They don't know what to do with her. Sometimes she gets an A and it's clear she didn't cheat but sometimes she fails. sometimes in class she knows everything and WILL show off and sometimes she's straight up asleep. Nobody can figure out the pattern.
Otto will sometimes skip class and teachers either don't notice or just say "oh he's probably doing janitor stuff we shouldn't bother him."
can patrasche be the very aggressive therapy dog
i think i should stop here before i write a whole book
we haven't even got a fanfiction planned or anything we just talked about this for a few hours
if anyone does want to write a fanfiction that would be hilarious and send it to us please
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doubledyke · 1 year
i think ed and double dee have a special bond that we see some of in the show, but in my head of course it goes deeper. for example, i really like the scene in "to sir with ed" when ed is over at double dee's house late at night and they're just hangin out. it's one of my favorite little scenes because i feel like it gives a brief but interesting view into their friendship outside of the trio's dynamic.
we can pretty safely assume that ed's parents don't give a shit about him and frankly don't want to be around him, hence the removal of the basement staircase at least once. they're (mostly his mom) so blinded by their detestation for their son that they forgot they'd need to do laundry at some point. and you guys know what i think of dee's parents. they don't give a shit about him outside of how good or bad he makes them look.
i think the two really connect because of their lack of caring parents and for being kids who spend a lot of time alone, and are probably comfortable with/used to solitude, but crave the company of another person. i imagine that on a lot of summer nights when the boys are parting ways, eddy goes home and does whatever he does. but the other two go to edd's house to hang out until they're ready to go to bed. ed's parents wouldn't notice he's gone and edd's parents rarely come home before midnight.
their time together consists of science experiments where edd gets to teach his friend about things he thinks are cool. whether or not ed absorbs the knowledge is another story. they build models together, and watch gory horror movies while critiquing the practical effects. edd gets his hands on a taped surgical procedure and they watch between handfuls of popcorn. i think they'd also enjoy doing their own thing while in the same room; ed drawing while dee is studying or compulsively organizing, etc. i wonder if they ever make fun of eddy behind his back... 🤔
in the show, i see ed being somewhat of a protector of dee. he doesn't process a lot of the things dee says or does, but cares nonetheless and sometimes anticipates things that might upset his delicate friend. whereas with double dee, he takes on an almost parental/motherly role for ed. he tries to guide and teach him, but also wishes to keep his innocence intact as much as possible. he's also sensitive to his friend's feelings and reactions, though he might not really understand them. i could see him wanting to mentor ed in things like hygiene and other basic life skills that his parents neglected. he's not very successful in his efforts though.
ed and dee do, of course, get on each other's nerves for similar reasons. ed doesn't always want to learn about quantum mechanics and the clinical quality of dee's house creeps him out, in a bad way. a little filth would really liven up the place. double dee really wishes ed would take a shower - why, he'd even provide the hypoallergenic soap! he also struggles with ed's one track thinking and tendency to (unintentionally?) disrupt and destroy. one thing i find hilarious in the show is that most of the time when dee is frustrated with ed, he calls on eddy to handle it. there's something interesting about that, but i'm not fully prepared to delve into that right now lmao. maybe it's because double dee doesn't know how to get ed to change behavior barring physical force and he's not comfortable doing that (aside from the band-aid method). but eddy'll do it! i imagine ed's response to being upset with dee would be to utterly zone out and forget about it entirely in five minutes. but he might also purposely continue to piss him off for shits n giggles. he secretly wants to see double dee's "dark side" really badly.
anyway, those are just some thoughts and hcs i had the momentary mental energy to gather in one place. nothing revolutionary, but fun to share nonetheless. thanks for reading!
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bearmemesreviews · 6 months
FotW: SDMI - In Fear of the Phantom
Welcome back to Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated, and now we're getting into a problem many reboots and adaptions face - what happens when you try something different. Today's episode isn't really that special, serving as a bridging point between the next stint of episodes focused on the gang's love lives.
Except for featuring the Hex Girls of course.
Not to overshadow the main villain, which would be extra funny considering their backstory, but come on that's what y'all are here for.
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Yeah, they got a bit of a redesign since their last few appearances in the two billion direct to DVD films. Fans DID NOT like this, and in a later episode they had to actually address the backlash while also scrapping these outfits for the original ones. They also steal Luna and Dusk's hair dye and gave Thorn's highlights a diminished role.
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My personal opinion? Eh, I would've preferred a middle ground between the two, but for reboots I encourage designers to go all out since it's their own thing. So for Mystery Incorporated I would've either kept the redesigns or gave them completely brand new looks a second time. The OGs have a more cohesive aesthetic, but I like how MI experiments by giving each girl their own Alt style. It's probably Dusk who could probably use a new outfit though, since her Tank Girl getup doesn't mesh as well as Thorn's "Pagan School Girl" and Luna's "Lesbian Thespian" outfits do. Actually, maybe one of those Scene Kid reconstructions of School Uniforms would've worked better?
Oh yeah, this nerd.
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Backstory: Like most lesbians Velma is a massive fan of The Hex Girls, snagging front row tickets for the Scooby Gang just in time for them to witness a "Phantom" try to murder Thorn on stage. As with every mystery the gang decide to take it upon themselves to do the cop's job to keep the concert going while protecting the band.
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This leads to an exploration of the show's two main ships, Fredphe and Shoob - again, yes really.
This show is really good trust me on this.
Scooby outright calls Shaggy a cheater for going to prom with Velma instead of hanging out with him like they always do, and replaces Mathew Lillard with a wooden dummy much to Shaggy's chagrin.
Fred meanwhile comes out as nonbinary a teenage boy with emotions as he finally grasps Daphne's romantic interest in him. All thanks to an entire song written by Daphne where she uses Fred's special interest to get through to him.
Behold, one of the best songs made for a television show in history.
Before this spectacular moment of audio interposed with occasional Zelda CDI-level animation (to be fair are you even looking at the animation in the first place) we got some Phantom shenanigans. Mostly him responding to Scoob and Shag's ability to warp time and space by just setting them on fire, probably the most effective thing one these guys have attempted so far.
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Design: Obviously a homage to The Phantom of the Opera, and as we go through the series, you'll start to notice a lot more homages that Wikipedia will kindly point out for you. Though you can also see a bit of Comic Supervillain in his design, so much so that he doesn't seem to fit with the show's own aesthetic. He wears a black full body suit with a gigantic, taller than his own head, Dracula collar and grim reaper-esque hood. He has a fabricated piece of his outfit that goes over his shoulders like Football Pads, but with a sleeker design as it attaches his cape to the main costume. His cape is black but its interior is lined with a sparkling holographic material.
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His mask, belt, boots, and glovers are all made of golden mechanical pieces, as they actually allow him to charge up bolts of electricity to fire at the teens in our show. This tech is never explained, and he really only uses it a few times before forgetting he has these weapons at his disposal.
His mask is the best part of the outfit, legitimately cool while evoking a gas mask. It's almost like it was made out of several pieces asymmetrically stuck to each other with large bolts, like if C3PO was mangled in an accident and put back together with recolored bits of R2-D2. There are several short, cylindrical ports on his gauntlets, boots, belt, and mask that occasionally glow green.
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Reveal: Shaggy, with an extensive knowledge of obscure musical groups as we'll be shown time and time again, recognized the shiny material of The Phantom's cape as belonging to a One-Hit Wonder named Fantzee Pantz. And once that's discovered it's pretty obvious that the other suspect, The Hex Girl's manager, is not the culprit as he was just as responsible for Fantzee's obscurity as THG.
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No, the true culprit is the girl's songwriter, who first attempted to sabotage them through badly written songs but was thwarted by the girl's talent and popularity - So he then turned to just trying to kill them, and Daphne. He ends up taking Scoob's dummy to jail with him, but the original duo patch things up by then - letting us look back at Velma who got sidelined so badly this episode.
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2/5 Goofy as hell design for a goofy character, probably the most "Villain of The Week" we've encountered so far. In fact, he'd probably fit in better in Miraculous Ladybug than this show. Not that bad otherwise, just not as impressive.
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lindseybots · 6 months
OHOHOHOHOHO THIS IS A WHOLE AU???? This is INCREDIBLE my heart is MELTING LOOK AT THOSE SWEETIES!!! A thought to keep Wind away from the Tower of Spirits, in the Septimus Heap books there’s a rule where “when dead you only tread once more; where living, you have trod before” so perhaps Wind being a natural ghost unlike Zelda isn’t able to go above the lobby of the Tower. Cause let’s be real, he would totally go through the dungeons but Anjean would have his hide if he tried to go up the Tower.
Also, is this LU? Totally cool if not! Just the two of them having fun together is enough to get me bouncing off the walls!
Ooooo a lot to unpack with this one!
First of all, THANK YOU! I’m so happy that you love the au!! I’m having so much fun making it, so I’m glad you’re enjoying it.
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Next, I’m gonna answer the LU question because that answer is going to be shorter.
Honestly, I’m kind of glad you asked because I’ve seen people mention it a few times in comments, reblog tags, etc of some of my AU posts before, which made me wonder if there was some confusion about it. So, I’m glad I’m getting an excuse to clear this up.
While LU is super great (seriously go check it out if you haven’t) and I am incredibly honored that you think they are worthy of standing together on the same playing field, it is a separate thing.
The Wind’s Track AU is not associated with Linked Universe in any way. That is to say: in the “canon” of The Winds Track AU, the events of Linked Universe DO NOT AND WILL NOT EXIST.
Of course, if y’all want to make fan content that is a blend of the two AUs, that’s fine with me. All I ask is that, if you could, please make it clear somewhere that, normally, the AUs are separate entities to avoid any confusion for people who don’t know. Also, it’d be really nice if you’d give credit to the au creators so newcomers know where to find our AUs. (Also tag me so I can see it 👀🤭)
Again, I don’t mind if people make that kind of content to combine the aus, but I would hate for people to come here expecting LU due to miscommunication and then not get it. Y’know?
Now, I can talk about Wind and the Tower of Spirits.
I never actually considered him NOT being involved in solving the floors. The idea that he CAN’T is REALLY INTERESTING. Ohhhh that’d kill him inside.
This boy is so used to being at the center of the adventures, and now he has to leave it to someone else? AND HIS LITTLE BROTHER AT THAT?? AND YOU MEAN TO TELL HIM HE CANT DO ANYTHING BUT WAIT??? OHHHH.
Not to mention the fact that this is the location in the game that you revisit the most for the story.
The way I can picture this poor boy ready to just race up those stairs, regardless of potential consequences. Anjean would probably be tempted to tie him down if he wouldn’t just phase through the ropes.
I LOVE THIS IDEA. Not only is it angsty, but it fixes so many of the potential issues I’ve been trying to solve within this AU.
I don’t think I mentioned this before, but I was also trying to figure out a way to get Zelda to go help in the Tower of Spirits in the first place. The only reasons she goes at first in the game is because Anjean tells them that it’s too dangerous for Link / Spirit to go by himself, and during that time, she is the only one available to fill that role. If Wind were able to go, then there wouldn’t have been any reason to essentially force her in the role. There would need to be a new reason made.
This idea, however, FIXES THAT. THANK YOU!!
I also love that it reserves a portion of the game’s events to just be for Spirit and Zelda. They have such a wonderful relationship in the game, so having the events of the Tower be for just the two of them could really help in maintaining that strong bond that helped make Spirit Tracks so special.
I’ll make a point to find ways for Wind to be more helpful in other parts of the game to make up for his exclusion from the Tower of Spirits’ floors.
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celiosal · 2 years
Hi! How are you??? I want to say that I love your writing and how you organize your posts too! I'd like to request a reaction/headcanons, I hope it's ok for you to it and I completely understand if you don't want it! I feel like there's a stereotypes/gender role conformity about how boys and girls act in a relationships but I. Am. Weak. for things like, boys sitting on my lap, being the little spoon, stealing my clothes (I'm a tall gal and I use baggy clothes), etc. just boys being pampered emotionally/feeling safe and not (just) in the way society expects women to take care of men (as if they are our child). I'm a girl but I guess that writing it gender-neutral would still be cool since the fics' dynamics are usually the other way around. Take care of yourself! xoxo
Pampered Boys !
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pairings - mammon, belphegor, barbatos x reader synopsis - spoiling the boys with love and their reaction.
writing contains : fluff, established relationship, gender neutral (lmk of any possible mistakes), possible ooc, headcanons, showering with barbatos, just boys being pampered
a/n - aa you guys are so sweet 😭 I fully agree with you and I love the idea!! (we stan tall girls! ★) I hope I did it right!
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♧ It may not look like it but this little demon loves to steal your clothes.
♧ Believe me, he would steal hoodies, t-shirts, and basically anything he can wear.
♧ He just loves the scent of you and absolutely would never sell it, it's only for him and it's too special for him.
♧ He gets all pouty when you try to take it back, heck he even has a whole drawer filled with your clothing.
♧ Give him passionate kisses and he will start blushing furiously.
♧ When you sleep together, he loves being the small spoon. The comfort of your arms around him keeps the nightmares away (especially when you two watch horror movies together)
♧ He's adorable when he sleeps, sometimes he'll whisper your name and reach out to try and hug you. Of course you hug him and he relaxes again.
♧ I can not stress the things he will do to show how much he loves you, it got so bad to the point where he nearly set the whole house on fire.
♧ Absolutely appreciates everything you give him, when you come into his room you're bound to find one of your gifts in a glass container or some sort.
☽ Sleepy boy also loves being the small spoon when cuddling. It's soothing and helps him sleep better.
☽ Shower him in praise and he'll crumble into your arms.
☽ Just like his twin, he enjoys good food as well. When you cook him an amazing meal he'll finish it no matter if he's hungry or not.
☽ Despite already being in a relationship, he loves it when you choose him over his brothers, it always gives him a sense of pride.
☽ Belphie loves when you watch movies together, huddled in a blanket and hugging your arm.
☽ Adores sleeping on your lap, he just thinks that your thighs are more comfortable than a normal pillow.
☽ He only wakes up to you and you only, otherwise he'd be grumpy because he didn't see you first thing in the morning.
☽ As someone who's been touch starved, he loves it when you pepper him with kisses all over him. Your breath tickling his skin and making him chuckle.
☽ Just give him attention and he's satisfied for life.
‣ He's a busy demon alright, but when he does have time you two spend it by caring for each other.
‣ Give him a massage, he'll fully relax at the touch of your arms. Stiff and sore muscles finally disappearing.
‣ If you somehow wake up early before him, cook him breakfast and brew tea and he'll appreciate it to the end of days.
‣ Sometimes he wonders how he was able to get someone like you, you're always so kind to him.
‣ When you two shower together, both of you scrub each other's back. It's just a thing you do.
‣ Barbatos is one who won't show his emotions so easily, but if you do something special like a date, his walls will break
‣ On especially rare occasions, he can be clingy so just take care of him!
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© celiosal. 2022, do not repost/modify/translate
Reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated!
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sighonaraa · 9 months
so sorry for sending another ask lol. i went through every post under the football kiddo au and omg omg omg!! getting such a huge brain rot rn. i recently fell in love with ted lasso and i didn’t realize there was a fandom (most live action shows don’t rlly have one) im just so excited to go more into this wonderful fandom and read these fics along with the post and yk. everything ab being a fangirl lol (wish i got into this show and fandom earlier but better late than never) anyway, i have my own thoughts ab this au that i would love to share.
who can forget everyone’s fav kitman, will! can you imagine will but not a baby will. instead he’s around fifteen or sixteen and had his own emotional trauma and baggage (bcuz every character deserves a good old angsty backstory). and he just helps the kids by giving them water and helping injuries (my highschool has an athletic trainer program. idk if uk schools do but it would be fun). like he’s just a teenager who lives in richmond with everyone else and just starts showing up to help their makeshift football club. and like practically gets adopted my trent and ted. and he sees roy as this older brother (my personal headcanon is will’s an older sibling who ends up being the parent in his house due to his parents being neglectful) and for once he gets to be treated not as a parent. and jamie and sam and the other boys remind him of his younger siblings. also, once he graduates highschool. everyone, the kiddos, ted, roy, beard, trent, rebecca, higgins, etc all show up to his grad. and are screaming from the audience along with his siblings (and his parents aren’t there ofc but his found family is)
also, rebecca is such a cool aunt. like she grows a soft spot for the kids and treats them like she treats nora
sorry about my rambles, i just love this fic so much and i can’t wait for more. also brb gonna read your other works. just i think we both can agree how much we love this little found family.
so much love <33
hi hello hi!! it's so lovely to have you join the fandom, it's a very fun and sweet little corner of the internet and i'm so glad you're here with us now :-) and weeps? WEEPS! i'm overjoyed to hear that you're enjoying the football kiddos au -- i am slowly but steadily working thru chapter 4 and getting comments like this shrimply makes my day.
first of all: I LOVE YOUR WILL THOUGHTS. PLEASE KEEP TALKING. i am ashamed to say that i forgot will existed sjdkfj but i do adore him and his funky ways and i am very [eyes emoji] about a teenage will herding his wee siblings of various ages around town while the adults follow behind and keep anyone from running off into the street. the entire team coming to his graduation........... oh weeps :') this is everything i adore. he'd be so gentle and caring with all of the kiddos but particularly the younger ones, and able to tease the older ones in such a specific Older Brother way. this is so!!! ough. i'm rotating a new plotline for will in my head as we speak.
second of all: you are SO correct about rebecca that is in fact EXACTLY how she's going to be once she finally meets the kiddos. and nora!!! nora my beloved. she and rebecca will be having a large role to play in this fic Mark My Words.
and third of all: please do not apologize, i adore hearing people's rambles about my fics and i cherish each and every comment with all my heart. and yes, we CAN agree on that. this little found family is very incredibly special to meeeeeeee. so much love to you right back!! <3
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that-darn-clown · 3 months
hello i come to you bearing gifts (my rambles about the Security Breach era of the Rewrite)
so, a few important things to note:
the Glamrocks, at least, in their canon form, don't exist. they do have Equivalents, though
Malhare (Glitchy Rabbit Boy) DOES exist..but he's a lot less powerful. he's more a rogue computer program (that's also a small piece of Afton's soul/conscience) that can only manipulate electronics. what he does to Vanny is less outright mind control and more along the lines of him manipulating a Very fucked up and traumatized young woman and then asking her "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you wanna go APESHIT?" and her answer being yes.
Vanny and her father have much larger roles in the lore. specifically, they are related to one of William's '87 victims (the Toy Bonnie kid, Terrence, specifically). Vanny is the kid's niece, and her father was his older brother.
Vanny and her father's last name is Warren. that's a fun Easter Egg that i'll let you find out yourself ;]
WHO'S READY FOR GEN 2 AFTON AND EMILY KIDS?? (Cameron, Gregory, and Cassie)
things are Very different. Mike and Sammy decided to do a small reboot of the franchise, just for nostalgia's sake and to give the local kids a place to hang out. the animatronics are quite different, but they're like. rebooted versions of the OG animatronics + just regular Blackjack (the lone survivor of Henry's attempt to finally end everything. yes, he's still sentient).
all of the games are rather different. Help Wanted (original) is more like a collection of smaller Fazbear-Related games (that, in the lore, was used as a way to connect the old Fazbear brand with the reboot) that the player can choose to play through (with Malhare being inside a Tomogatchi-type game of sorts) and having two major protagonists (Summer/Tape Girl and Vanny's father, Bill. although he sucks). Security Breach now Actually has five "nights" (days that Greg spends at the new restaurant mostly on his own; the player would have to complete various tasks to get through the "nights" and be able to leave). Ruin is just Cassie exploring an abandoned Freddy's building (specifically the Fnaf 2 building) and unknowingly being led towards Vanny by Malhare mimicking her friend's voice (Gregory). she doesn't die, thank God. haven't figured Help Wanted 2 out just yet, but it involves Mike's older son, Cameron, having A Bad Time (maybe it'll be similar to a Fnaf 4 situation, where nothing's real and it's a nightmare/dream, except it's lore related stuff and paranormal in nature. i'm also keeping the whole theme of "What Makes You So Special?" because it still fits with the personality i have for Cam: a child with popular parent(s) who just tries to keep out of the spotlight. Cam doesn't know why he's getting involved with the Paranormal Shit out of nowhere, nor why it's happening in his dreams).
Vanny is a copycat killer, but she was kinda still manipulated by Malhare. y'know; a mix of canon and what i think would be a cool idea.
so now: A Brief Plot Summary Of The Games!
Help Wanted: Summer tries dealing with the paranormal Glitch Hare on her computer while trying to figure out why he's here. We also learn, apparently, that William is MARGINALLY (note the word choice here) a better father than Vanessa's father.
Security Breach: Charlie would like to relax and enjoy her afterlife, but apparently William's trying to kill his grandson so she's having to team up with a sentient robot fox to keep this gremlin from dying. How does she team up with the fox? By possessing the other robots for brief periods of time to warn and give advice to her nephew (? in a sense) to keep him from dying.
Ruin: Cassie just wants to explore an abandoned building, William's still pissed that Vanny didn't kill his grandson so now he's trying to get her to kill an Emily child (this would only end even Worse for him because Sammy WILL go ballistic if his daughter dies), and Charlie has to help her niece NOT get killed (the mask this time around is a Puppet Halloween Mask that Charlie can possess at will, and she speaks to Cassie while she wears the mask).
Help Wanted 2: Autistic preteen who also deals with selective mutism has The Worst Fucking Time while dreaming, and does not understand why the spirits of dead kids (and his dead grandfather, who is currently being tortured in hell) are so desperate to want to speak to him as he sleeps.
Random Animatronic: What makes you so special?
Cameron, stressed the fuck out and trying to do things:
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like. this kid doesn't know what's happening. for reference: Cam is around 11-12. Gregory and Cassie are closer to 6-8.
Ough sb is one of my favorite eras for the rewrite, I remember when we were at ren Faire and you explained some of the plot to me!! Anyways. My beloveds as always, sweet bebbies
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paraemu · 4 months
ok like i said on twitter here's a bullet point list on my dragon ball yaoi opinions
Goku/Vegeta: i know this is most popular for obvious reasons but this is a classic case of fujos deluding themselves. im not gonna say vegeta hasn't experienced some level of attraction towards goku but like he fully does love bulma and i genuinely dont think goku is capable of romantic or sexual attraction. that said i think their relationship as it is in canon is pretty interesting even without putting on the yaoi goggles
Gohan/Piccolo: this one i kind of get. people want gohan to have yaoi and he does have a pretty special bond with piccolo but this bond is explicitly a father/son thing. piccolo literally says in the show that gohan is like his own son. "piccolo is technically around the same age as gohan" he was obviously mentally an adult when gohan was a toddler so dont even try honestly
Gohan/Dende: if you REALLY need to ship gohan with a man this is your only real choice. its cute and had a lot potential pre-saiyaman saga but after videl i can only see it being one-sided. poor dende
Gohan/Trunks: ok this one needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis so lets break it down
Future Trunks/Future Gohan: after everyone else died gohan probably had to help bulma change trunks's diapers and keep him entertained and stuff so trunks was like a little brother to him. for trunks though gohan was this really cool masculine ideal that he was chasing after and i think its not a stretch to say those feelings took on a distinctly non-plantonic tint during puberty even tho he knew gohan would never see him that way. its safe to say gohan was future trunks's first (and only?) love
Future Trunks/Present Gohan: the roles have been inverted, now trunks is the cool powerful adult and gohan is the kid trying to match his strength. i think if they had been able to spend enough time one-on-one gohan might've developed a similar crush but with how little they saw each other and how high tension the situation was he was just left with the feeling that long hair really suited him...
Present Trunks/Present Gohan: we know canonically gohan was on babysitting duty for goten and trunks both. they have a brotherly relationship and trunks thinks gohan is kind of lame for being a nerd but he still looks up to him at times. no yaoi to be found this time around
Goten/Trunks: NOW we're talking! this is the crowning jewel of dragon ball yaoi. they grew up together, they're best friends who spend all their time together, they're the poster boys of fusion, they're literally attached at the hip. its got everything you could ask for in a good ship. case in point: gt and super both tried to make them het and they still haven't managed to put a single dent on their popularity. i hope they get married and have full saiyan babies
Whis/Bills: i love this one. they're such old gay queens who have been married since the down of time. im surprised its not more popular tbh, i think their involvement is blatant. couldnt have picked a better duo to relaunch the franchise
Whis/Goku, Whis/Vegeta: ok the way whis keeps checking out goku and vegeta is INSANE. he's not even trying to be subtle. that said i dont think he actually wants to fuck them hes just a muscle fan and they both remain oblivious
Android 17/Piccolo: ???? this is popular on twitter and idk why. ik they fought each other but nothing remotely bait-y happened in that fight. im chalking this one up to 17 is the only twink in db and ppl are desperate to have someone to ship him with
Yamcha/Tenshinhan: another pair the spares type of situation. its valid ig i just don't give a fuck about either of them. also i think tenshinhan is married to chaoz
Mr. Satan/Majin Buu: I SEE NO DIFFERENCE LOVE IS LOVE!!! ok jokes aside this one is literally canon. look at this figure and tell me it isnt
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074files · 1 year
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He is a beautiful boy with big eyes when you meet him in person! How old is he?
MAHIRO: I’m 22!
How long have you been in show business?
MAHIRO: I started when I was 13 years old, so that's about 9 years now.
It's like you’ve been surrounded by adults from early on. You are only 22 years old, so have you ever thought of being reckless?
MAHIRO: No, I don't have that kind of mindset. I want to become an adult as soon as possible. So I feel that I am gradually becoming one.
Have you always wanted to grow up?
MAHIRO: It wasn’t until I was over 20 years old. I want to get old quickly.
How old do you want to be?
MAHIRO: I can’t wait to be 40.
I'd like to take over for you!
MAHIRO: (laughs).
But why do you want to get old?
MAHIRO: I have the image of a lot of cool men and women in their 40s. That’s why I have to catch up with them as soon as possible. They are all really cool people.
You still have 20 years to go.
MAHIRO: I don’t know if it’s “yet” or “only.” I wonder if I have enough time to go from where I am now to being like those cool 40 year olds. I don’t have to be a celebrity to be cool.
Certainly, it may be wonderful to live a life when you turn 40 and think, “I am the best I am right now.” Takasugi-kun famously was scouted for being mistaken for a girl.
MAHIRO: Is it that famous!?
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What did you think when you were scouted? Did you think you wanted to be an entertainer?
MAHIRO: No, not at all. I came from a family who did not watch many dramas or movies, so I learned a lot after coming to Tokyo. I was scouted in 6th grade, and I didn’t know who belonged to the industry at all. So there were so many things I didn’t know that I really didn’t have any interest in.
How did you keep going this far? What do you think is the reason?
MAHIRO: Because I was able to have fun, or rather, because I realized that it was fun. Originally, being an actor was something I wasn’t that interested in, and I thought for sure I would quit someday.
How do you feel about the steadily increasing recognition? Have you realized it yourself?
MAHIRO: I don’t feel it much. I am not aware of it, or rather, I try not to. Even if I get more recognition, it won’t change what I do. I simply believe that if I can improve my acting, I will have a good job.
Do you get approached on the street?
MAHIRO: There are very few instances.
I wonder if you’re good at hiding your presence (laughs). You have a remarkable one though.
MAHIRO: It felt like I’m wearing a costume! Really. Now, I’m getting my hair done, and am dressed up with nice clothes.
What is your ideal self-image?
MAHIRO: I want to be someone that guys think is cool. I myself have many actors whom I think are cool, so I want to be someone that men admire.
Who do you admire?
MAHIRO: As an actor, I like Matsuyama Kenichi.
What kind of personality do you think you have?
MAHIRO: I have a great pace. I think I am the one who tries not to change my mindset.
Do you fit in with the special world of entertainment?
MAHIRO: Eh, I don't know. Hmmm… I’m actually not sure. Rather, I may not really know what the entertainment world is like. I simply do it because I like acting. I don't really need to do anything else, I just want to enjoy what I do. I think the entertainment industry is the place where I happened to find work.
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I saw the movie “Gangoose” (released nationwide on November 23, 2018) in which you star, and it was very interesting.
MAHIRO: Thank you so much! I’m glad to hear it.
Takasugi-kun, can you give us a brief description of your role?
MAHIRO: He’s timid and desperate to survive. Because he’s timid, my character is sensitive to various things, and gets frustrated easily. He has two friends, and wants to live with them, but he gets angry when they drink carelessly.
You were always screaming.
MAHIRO: I’m very loud. My character is especially angry all the time.
It was heartwarming to see the characters pulling together so desperately to be happier than they are now. The balance between you and your co-stars, Watanabe-kun and Kato-kun was also unique.
MAHIRO: They are two really nice guys.
Takasugi-kun’s good looks will stand out (laughs).
MAHIRO: No, no, no, that’s not true!
You three have an interesting balance, but how was it working together?
MAHIRO: It was our first time working together. Both of them are about 6 years older than me, but in the role, we were like family, and I was allowed to work with them regardless of our ages. We got along well off-camera as well, and they were so friendly to me that I didn’t even feel that there’s a 6 year gap between our ages.
What kind of characteristics were you able to grasp from the original manga?
MAHIRO: I was able to read the manga as well. However, the main axis revolves around the given script, though if there is something that I need to project from the manga in order to showcase the characters in their worldview, I try to take notes of the details. “Gangoose” has a manga, and a report novel. That became a crucial part in establishing the characters.
I was surprised that it’s based on a true story. It's a pretty tough world.
MAHIRO: It makes me think about it a lot. I recommend the novel to many people. Interesting is probably not the right word to describe it, but it is a novel that has a mysterious power to make you mix various things in your mind.
FOLLOW: @mahirofiles for more updates about Mahiro!
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