#he is a method actor 24/7
hauntedorpheum · 3 months
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I mean, we all, we all play a part. But you, It's like... It's like you like it
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
total drama horror au where after the "contestants" were chosen, chris kidnapped them and dumped them on an island to compete in death games against each other whilst broadcasting it to the masses livestream style. they're forced to comply with their "host" or else their food/living accommodations are stripped away and they're left to fend for themselves in the forest, but participating in the challenges is arguably more dangerous.
each elimination ceremony is taken to it's literal extreme, as the voted out player is just straight up executed on the spot.
the audience think it's some sort of ARG type deal at first, with the campers being actors, but eventually- probably by the first on-screen death- people catch on to it being Very Real.
(chris funds this little 'project' himself mr beast style using his vast amount of tv star wealth, so there's no network/producers that he has to answer to.)
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
Celebrity chef José Andrés' World Central Kitchen, among the largest providers of desperately needed humanitarian aid to Gaza, is pausing its operations following the deaths of 7 workers in an Israeli airstrike, the organization said Tuesday.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said an investigation into "a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people" was underway.
Despite coordinating movements with the Israeli military, the convoy was hit Monday as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, WCK said. The team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route.
The workers killed include a Palestinian and citizens from Australia, Poland, United Kingdom and a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada. [...]
Haaretz reported that Israelis fired three missiles in quick succession at three vehicles[...]
Netanyahu vowed Tuesday to probe the deaths of the World Central Kitchen workers.
"It happens in war," he said [sic]. "We are conducting a thorough inquiry and are in contact with the governments. We will do everything to prevent a recurrence."[...]
Hamas condemned the "heinous act" and demanded the U.N. Security Council put an end to Israel's "crimes of the occupation and its aggression" against Palestinians and their supporters.
"This crime reaffirms that the occupation still insists on the policy of systematic killing against defenseless civilians and against international relief teams and humanitarian organizations, within the framework of efforts to terrorize their employees, to prevent them from continuing their humanitarian duties," the militant group said in a statement.[...]
“I am heartbroken and appalled that we, World Central Kitchen, and the world lost beautiful lives today because of a targeted attack by the Israeli military," CEO Erin Gore said.[...]
The United Nations agency charged with leading the humanitarian aid effort in Gaza has complained for months about obstacles created by Israeli officials. In a report issued Monday, prior to the WCK tragedy, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) said that "access impediments continue to severely compromise the ability of humanitarian actors to reach people in the Gaza Strip." Since March 1, 30% of humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza were denied by Israeli authorities, the agency said.[...]
The obstacles prompted other efforts, including sea shipment such as the one World Central Kitchen was using Monday. The U.S., partnering with Jordan and other regional nations, has also used airdrops. But trucking aid in from Egypt is viewed as the best method for meeting the tremendous demand.
2 Apr 24
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Maunder Labyrinth Character Intros/General Information
A concept blurb for my haunted attraction yan series in which the Reader applies for a position at the location to make some extra cash for the upcoming season. This post lists the main cast plus a few of the rules they have to follow. Feel free to ask any questions
SawBones (she/they)
Doctor; grouchy 24/7
A woman of science looked down upon by peers and loved ones for her unorthodox methods. Tricked into visited the Labyrinth by "friends" and betrayed by that same group right before the exit. Seeing the talent in her twisted mind she was given a second chance. Was gifted the bodies of all four members as a welcome present to her new home which she then stitched into a new pet who carries out patrols for her. Turns every guest she gets her hands on into a new guard or another trophy on her shelf.
Sawbones lost an eye to a guest before being fully twinned to the Labyrinth. Hates Hound for stopping her from chasing after them once they had safely escaped her section. Her sole comfort is a cassette player she had in her pocket before venturing to the attraction with a mixtape of the songs it once loved. It serves a deeper purpose as her real name is on the tape.
Martyr (He/Him)
"You can trust me!" You can't trust him.
A once shy and awkward body with a tame love for horror now a homicidal fanatic. Lost his mind to the horrors and wonders of the Labyrinth, and slaughtered his friends as offerings for a hope to appease. Bangs himself up and dupes his way into large groups to slowly bump them off one before breaking into a frenzy and killing the rest in his lust.
Welds a chainsaw he decorates with stickers and prints guests might have on them. If something they own is cute enough he will let a guest go - if a ten minute headstart means anything.
Not much is know about Jumpscare. They reappear and disappear mostly as they please. There one second and gone the next. Devoid of expression and is alot jumpier than they look. Half of their scares are from being startled upon finding living guests while disassociating, and screaming their head off because of the realization.
Jumpscare is one of two actors who will not actively kill guests (unless they have a heart condition). They are interested in the outside world and offer places to hide in exchange for knowledge. Pulls back from this habit once Reader joins the crew and dumps their questions on them instead.
"I see dead people...." "B, that's a mirror." "I know...."
Plagued by wails and visions of the damned. Has trouble telling guests from living or dead and will fly into panic when they attempt to interact- adding another voice to the choir that haunts them. Reader's name tag helps Bedevil differ them from others, but they cling to their side to assure their companion is still among the living. Has thought of asking Reader to quite, but is too afraid of being alone again.
Hound (they/them)
Do not remove their muzzle. Do not interact.
Hound is the other member who will not kill guests - they are also the most monstrous in appearance. Hound is reluctant in their cannibalistic urges, but feels they deserve to live same as everyone else. Eats the corpses of guests littered around and offers sanctuary for survivors in their bunker. It is the only safe zone in the main building.
Twins - Leader (he/him) & Follower (whatever you want)
Follower and Leader swap between manning the front and being guides for the tour. Follower is very assertive, dominant, and boastful. Leader is reserved, submissive and self hating. Follower will lead a tour safely through the maze unless a guest acts against them. Leader will do just about any order giving to them, but has a walkie-talkie at all times to receive them from their bother. If a guests asks for a discount - they will give it. If they ask to be let go - Leader will let them go.
Spector [It]
Enforcer of law, order, and punishment. Has free range of all corners of the Labyrinth and the ability to phase through walls. A tell tale sign of their arrival is the temperature dropping. The cameras around the attraction are their eyes.
Your Boss.
Do not attack guests until signaled.
Do not fight amongst each other.
Once inside Hound's bunker no actor is permitted to attack guests until they exit.
Do not leave your assigned area.
Do not cover the cameras.
Do not take the hired helps name tag. Failure to comply to this rule will be met immediate termination.
Failure to comply otherwise will result in the mask given to you sewn into place. A second strike will give the jailer free range of punishment.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Not gonna lie if I were the reader after they got replaced by YouTwo I would be a neurotic mess lmao. I already mental issues but I can't imagine going through their trauma on top of everything. I would definitely be scratching myself again out of sheer stress and anxiety about whether or not everybody will replace me again. My arms would look horrible. Oh boy imagine everybody's reaction to realizing they've messed up this badly and absolutely ruined the reader
Other people: fun ways we can write! Coffee shop au! Red string of fate! Hanahaki! Enemies to lovers!
me: what if I sat and tried to seriously and realistically contemplate the ramifications of a severely traumatic experience and the following neurotic habits that arise from the spiral down
Reader gets back to Spider Society, either glitching back in or "being rescued" whatever, and, you're just doing shit like digging food out of the trash "you'd never guess what kinds of perfectly good stuff people throw away, and it saves time to not have to wait for anything to be prepped! Never know when you'll vanish in the middle of a meal or that one serial killer will pop out at you again!! Ahaha!
Someone comes to check on you and you deadass have a fucking, tripwire web trap all around you, you're not even sleeping in a bed you're in your own webbing (because we rock organic webbing here because it fucks) so the second anything like, opens the door of your apartment or comes near you, you're instantly aware. Peter B comes in "heeeey, just wanna check in, make sure you're doing ok--" and there's fucking web wires rattling cans as he opens the front door and suddenly you're wide awake with an actual fucking knife or some kind of equally brutal survivalist weapon and it takes you a few seconds to fully snap out of it and let him calm you down and he has to tell Miguel You Are In Fact Not Doing Ok
You've got real "scaring all your loved ones and everyone around you" energy during those times you're just like going through some manic shit, opening your mouth and going on a sudden 'epiphany' like "i know what would help!! I'm gonna start cutting my face in really visible prominent places and that way you guys will know by the scar who I am :) and when it heals I'll cut myself again :) and again :) maybe I should just cut off a finger, how many of me do you think are missing fingers? Or maybe I could give myself a cool scar!!" And it's just like. What the fuck do they even say to that. A lot of them just genuinely could cry over this, seeing what this did to you. You sound genuinely cheerful at the realization and give no mind to how casually you just suggested self harm out of paranoia and self preservation.
You're just having like hard-core eating disorder issues going from overeating to undereating, binging because you're suffer9ng trauma from starving and then starving yourself "no its fasting, I'm FASTING to save food and money and resources, ok, I can only fit so much in my backpack and--"
You have this backpack from your multiversal glitching travels and keeping it with you basically 24/7 even when you go to the bathroom becomes a comfort habit, because, "never know when your camp has been found by the runners and you've gotta make a break for it" or some other cryptic memory you babble at them like you're discussing coffee when it could be one of the most vile horrifying things they've ever heard
I think the most interesting but tricky thing I've thought of is, what if Reader's trauma-humor coping mechanism gets dialed up to 11 and you can basically never turn it off because, your brain is protecting yourself. It's like you're Doing A Bit but literally all the time like some traumatized method actor and you're just, they're never sure if you're actually telling the truth or actually recounting things you experienced after a while
"Oh man the last time I ate a meal this big was when I finally stopped glitching and I had to break into someone's house and rob them for food! Just call me Santa Claus! But this Earth had suffered a nuclear fallout so all they had was like, DRY CRACKERS and, a lotta canned stuff, icky, and, I was in the middle of trying to pry a tin of lil cocktail weenies open with my teeth when the irradiated house centipedes smelled my blood, just imagine like a normal centipede but, like, the size of a Shetland pony, hey, friendship really IS magic right, and me and these centipedes got SO close, so anyways they smelled my blood, right, and it made them hungry, and--" and here you got like The Entire Squad speechless, Hobies just over here like "fuck, I don't even know what to say to that, you want some ketamine bruv" and yall just hit em with "nah last time I tried ketamine I had a fever dream of being replaced by an evil clone and I was shunned by all my close friends who i thought of like family. Oh wait, that was you guys! That's awkward!"
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starnightlover · 5 months
Hi. Sorry, I just really feel like complaining. Obviously you can ignore this, I just have nowhere else to word vomit lol. I've been trying to shift since 2019. I've gotten into the void state for like 20 seconds but got too freaked out/excited and lost stability before I could manifest or shift anywhere. I feel like I'm going crazy. I've done the whole thing of pasting sticky notes with affirmations all over my apartment, had meditated for an hour or more a day for weeks at a time, listened to subliminals 24/7 and obvious tried all the classic methods like the raven method, julia method, etc, etc. I've had multiple lucid dreams where I tried to make portals and I've even had a lucid dream (or I guess I shifted) where I saw a "centre" for shifting with a bunch of islands and floating petals that we used as transportation between islands. I got a whole tour by some guide and he showed me other lives I'm currently living. That was like a year ago, and I haven't manifested anything significant or went anywhere since then. I'm going through a really tough time right now. I wouldn't have gone on like this if I didn't believe in it, but I'm just feeling really beaten down. I'm exhausted and frustrated.
Hi lovely, I'm so sorry you feel this way.
It’s understandable. But remember all the lucid dreams you’ve had and the void states that you’ve been in. They’re a reflection of your ability for shifting. You’ve been incredibly close before, and your subconscious mind is capable of doing so. You can take a break if you want, because shifting requires a healthy amount of persistence. Just remember that no matter how long of a break you have, you’ve come really far already. The void state is one step away from shifting. And don’t forget your lucid dream, where you basically saw your ability to change realities. Don’t take my word for granted. Just think about it. You can do it, you do have the abilities, all you have to do is keep going. You can take a small break if you want to rest, but don’t let yourself lose all your progress. Stay determined, stay motivated, don’t lose your abilities. You can do this!!
You’ve come so far, and you’ve been in the final stages. Don’t think about how it’s been years without a single shift. It’s been years where you’ve learned techniques, you’ve learned about yourself, you’ve honed in your shifting abilities. Just because you haven’t shifted in years doesn’t mean you’ve made no progress. This is just the next step in your shifting journey. Go forward. Take that step. Shift like nothing’s stopping you. You’re so close. You’ve had enough time to think about it. You’ve been here, wanting to get to your desired reality for all this time. You haven’t given up on it yet. You’ve kept coming back hoping, trying, dreaming, wanting to shift to the reality you want and finally be with your hard work! Why would you stop now? You owe it to yourself to keep trying. Don’t give up, because it has always been your dream to shift.
Your determination, drive, motivation, and dedication to shifting is so praiseworthy. It's been years since you started this journey, and you haven't given up! You've persisted for this long and you've gotten close so many times, it's almost impossible for you to not have enough abilities to shift realities. Remember all the things you've seen and experienced while trying to shift realities, all the things you've gone through and the efforts of hard work that you've put into shifting realities. Don't give up now. You just have to keep going. You can do it, I believe in you!
Keep going. Don’t stop now.
I mean, just think about it: you possess this incredible power within you to shape your own existence. You're not just a passive observer in the grand theater of life; you're the playwright, the director, and the star actor all rolled into one.
You see, the universe is like this vast, infinite canvas, and you? You're the artist putting forth the brush. Every thought, every belief, every intention you hold is like a stroke on that canvas.
Now, here's the kicker: you have the ability to shift to any reality you choose. It's not some distant, unattainable dream—it's within your awareness right here, right now. Reality-shifting isn't this Herculean task reserved for a select few; it's as easy as changing your mind.
You are the god of your reality, lovely!!! You have the power to shift!!! It's not about waiting for the stars to align or some external force to swoop in and save the day. It's about realizing that the power you seek has been within you all along. So, embrace it. Own it. Know that you are the creator of your own destiny. And when doubts creep in or challenges arise, remember this: you are god, and reality-shifting is as easy as flipping the script. You've got this. After all, you are god.
And remember! You don't actually need specific methods to shift realities; it's about tapping into your innate power as a being that is pure consiousnious not attached to any body, mind, or reality! . Every moment, you're making choices that shift you to a different reality, and reality-shifting to your DR is just as easy! It's just bevomi b aware of it. While methods and techniques can be helpful tools, they're just that—tools! The real magic happens when you tap into your own inner wisdom and intuition, trusting yourself to allow the process to unfold organically. Embrace your innate creativity and intuition, and watch as your reality begins to shift in ways you never thought possible.
Now just remember my love, to keep on visualizing, keep on affirming, and most importantly keep persisting!!!! . And, be gentle with yourself along the way. Shifting may not happen overnight, but each step you take brings you closer to your DR. So hold onto hope, and know that your breakthrough is just around the corner.
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nightguide · 4 months
Look at the chart from the rising sign beginning with aries and go from rising to eighth house to complete the restorative cycle of the heart so heres what you get:
1. Aries rising = Scorpio 8H
2. Scorpio rising = Gemini 8H
3. Gemini rising = Capricorn 8H
4. Capricorn rising = Leo 8H
5. Leo rising = Pisces 8H
6. Pisces rising = Libra 8H
7. Libra rising = Taurus 8H
8. Taurus rising = Sagittarius 8H
9. Sagittarius rising = Cancer 8H
10. Cancer rising = Aquarius 8H
11. Aquarius rising = Virgo 8H
12. Virgo rising = Aries 8H
Okay, so now look at your degree of the sun sign. That’s your actual sign, only the sun’s degree because the attitude of the degree changes you, so this is the alternate way of looking at your birth chart based on your life, so all planets except the sun follow the traditional astrology route except the sun’s degree.
So it naturally flows between the angle of the sun to society following abridged to personal development based on the new theory (name yet to be thought)
Because the traditional standards tell a story of the new prolific standards of the heart, it shows you what exactly happened in their lives without overly progressing worldly matters so if i can say my degree theory overputs this standard model from the traditional astrology physics from aries to pisces, then it's as it goes if i challenge my new model with it to apply to all planets except the signs of the planets does not change except the sun because sun in being changes as we progress now speaking we're in Gemini season (27/05/24)
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now apply my theory, you'll get an accurate description of what you are than what you do because traditional astrology doesn't ask you what you should not be doing except what you should actually be doing (only embracing what you do but why do it = fulfilment of the heart which is why it changes with the sun because the sun is what follows the energetic foregrounds of human living, it was only discovered when i was in actual heartbreak that i made a living in doing what i can to protect others from falling into a ground where doing actually matters instead of knowing your self worth because all areas of astrology never implies matters in thinking for yourself because:
it only follows signs other than where leo should be at:
traditional astrology = neptune
medieval astrology = nothing. they don't even want to guide you but make you into a being of pure hate, which is why the tradition then died out with me calling them out of their bullshit because medieval astrology is confused astrologers right now who are making no sense into what they're talking about by not actually acting on their own suggestions.
Vedic astrology = mars
electional astrology = mars
horary astrology = venus
Chinese astrology = mercury
financial astrology = sun + venus
mundane astrology = jupiter
western astrology = saturn
evolution astrology = jupiter + uranus
Tibetan astrology = uranus
Hellenistic astrology = jupiter
Genethliac (natal) astrology = they don't follow it
Locational astrology = venus + mercury (heartbreaker's mother)
Medical astrology = pluto
derivative astrology = mars + pluto (where i have discovered my degree theory from) ⭐
draconic astrology = sun + uranus (what i actually got it from) ⭐
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okay, this is the birth chart of actor Matt Smith (hello Haffy, this ain't a sin if you're doing it for the love of Allah because like everybody else, i was struggling to commit to my heart to Allah because of how hard life made me believe in Allah, Muslim women are predominantly the worst ones effected due to how much resentment they get from being themselves, so it's a virtue for me to look at this and feel at peace knowing i can read and do whatever i want as long as i know Allah (heart)
so, Matt is actually a Taurus. with a 4.44 (capricorn degree) sun. that makes him more diligent in emotional expression than he is in person, he makes his heart happen by being in a heartbreak which he is not actually used to, his methods of going about life is like (don't break your own heart, Haffy) 'look at what i have' and it will just be his person of honour (wife) and he will not give two fcks unless a man tells him off, he's much more sincere if someone were to... break him down from Hollywood if he was going to go home because naturally, he does not listen to his own heart because he thinks the heart will not go 'to heaven' because by moralistic belief, he believes in the old Jehovah's witness style of living than he is of dying, so Haffy. he's not into American's when America is into you, if i say you're big then you are big, by amounts of heart you can give or take, he actually goes by heartbreak if it was sincere to the heartbreakers life if actually questioned into moralistic belief of 'who made you do it' to 'how did it happen', Matt's code of honour is placed within the virtue of his wife is she lets it be because she knows and establishes the moral of conduct on behaving like an angel on his behalf to accept nothing in the expense of her own death (Jehovah's style), therefore he will never see reason until she breaks him right now, Matt. your Dad is well aware of what you're doing, he reads my Tumblr like a newspaper every morning, he likes my insights because he is the kind of man who will bring new concepts into this world by taking out the old. he is an inventor by pure chance all because he scorns the old beliefs by natural suppression, he does not believe in the commodity of age and likely disparity of the conversation being held here because like your dead father in law, he does not care except the conversation between life and death took place after you're 'trying to find a family' that already exists by melting down my own concerns, you don't believe in a common Islamic notion but your own narrative that you will not care to find unless i am deceased because in every single way, you don't want to stand alone and think naturally doing what is best for you except you will never do what you think is best for me, you don't want to try unless the common woman dies and only men and men alone are there to build a new inquisition to... please the father... that you.. wanted... to befriend. with... after... the methods of... the practical.. physical... becomes.. metaphy...sical? are.. you.. trying to... create a... new Islam.. by founding.. another mans project.. and say it's just...two men and one dead.. woman.. because the natural concept... of a God is woman and... she should be... dead for... it, like Matt openly admitted that this is the true concept of life when your narrative should only be based on dreams carried on when you know, you know, so it's technically a devout chinese to biblical methodology carried by a Christian sect that openly shames for this kind of thing because your ideas does not generate upon mindless reason but your ideas generate all because your Dad is willing for you to get back with me but you're too insecure on living it except you need a traumatic moment with one of your families (personally the father) to physically rape you into reason because your mind isn't complete without separation that will cost you your life (hence the 4.44 degree) meaning, you do know what to do and you're more worthy in actually doing it, but you're too ignorantly led on 'another idea' which always leads you back into your intrusive thought right now is that 'he could come anytime cuz Riaz (father in law) never lies'
you do realise that my Dad is a Muslim, he ain't one of your sociopathic-evangelical traditionalists, like my Dad died of a heart failure and you're subsiding that because another case that is leading you to solid corruption isn't going to make me do everything for you while you prance around New York or LA like that because your sick and twisted film drama Bunny Munro is actually going to be the death of you when you're inhibiting a character's traits like mine if i cannot physically plan to get out because you're too insecure to find a way to beat Cillian's accolades for it than just one NTA (national television award) for it.
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like this is what your Dad wants to actively tell you everyday if you were with him because when he is physically around because HE WILL limit you, he will restrict you for not speaking against his best interests, he has a heart to guide you but you're not too diligent enough to learn because since my father passed away, i had to learn to cope with my heart because he of anyone had a heart greater than mine because at 17 years old, nobody had the strengths or feats to learn more than he did because he was the one to see me but knowing what it's like to lose a parent is you losing your sense of disparity in learning what it's like to grieve because a man like you have everything you can to give but you grieve over 'nothing', you'd expect to let your father pass away because your job offers no condolences but to rub into Cillian's face if you win for 'existing' because old Hollywood defines on recognition from 'the father' when it's really critically acclaimed by heart and heart only, the world does not revolve around you and neither does your thoughts will do anything to shift me off angle as you do because your Dad will settle you straight by you not acting as you should because you DO have a filter around you 'in being' because you don't really know what it's like to see your father decay with every appointment he goes to or when he oversleeps everyday only to eat so much to eat so little, he adds little to too much salt in everything he eats and his weight gain does not go over 8 stone. his weight never improved. his weight never actually helped except the fact that he was cannula fed with nutrients every single appointment going or how many insulin injections he kept taking (your Dad is reading as i speak). My Dad had too many medications and nothing prevailed him except habit and he was cutting down on cigarettes, was actually improving til he collapsed on late June til his death on early July, his last words to me you sick bastard, was one when he wasn't on breathing apparatus to the day before he died. one was 'i love you' and the day before he died, Friday 8th July, 'how are you?'. Those were his last words. Your Dad is my highest priority to honour because i am devout on my trust and reason to live, my Dad was more than a champion to me and i speak of him very fondly, even before committing to the ideal of a husband i always wanted, i'd always dream i would find a champion like he is to me and tell him 'the story never ends' like he always taken me to car boot sales with me and my brothers and he always loved finding things that he may find of use to him and brag about the expense of his heart when looking at what he found compared to what he never found before, like money is absolute to him if he lived a different life, he's into DIY and likes to get his hands on things so often, knows his engineering physics and always looking for a reason to improve his home, he was finding a reason to talk when he went from plumbing to decorating, like the man has his sense of honour when a man does it, he knows how to treat his heart like he had a gift to bring and that's every father's joy when seeing his heart look too influenced in writing this of heart that someday he (my father in law) may take inspiration because i am of what he (my Dad) made me.
degree theory:
aries: (1, 13, 25)
Scorpio: (2, 14, 26)
Gemini: (3, 15, 27)
Capricorn: (4, 16, 28)
Leo: (5, 17, 29)
Pisces: (6, 18)
Libra: (7, 19)
Taurus: (8, 20)
Sagittarius: (9, 21)
Cancer: (10, 22)
Aquarius: (11, 23)
Virgo: (12, 24)
okay, there is another conversation about this and this is likely because the world of conspiracy theories will lead you to Celebrity/Fan image of the world if you're a thinker and a feeler, like there is a completely different subject when knowing you are a celebrity or person of influence that would get you thinking why Muslim's are not easily persuaded because they don't believe in fame the way non-Muslims do, they believe in honour that they know they're going to die physically one day and theres nothing they can do about it because it is physically evident in seeing a graveyard as a reminder of where they're headed to what they regret not doing, so they make everyday their last day which is why their life is consisted in following the female voice (respecting their parents honour) because their code of honour lasts for generations because Muslims are so precarious on what they say or speak that they limit on living by expanding on what they say or do because it is a generational habit they they pray on time or that they fast or that they greet the sick or that they attend a funeral so much to when you discover that they don't actually do so much when you believe in what you say or believe because they don't want people who make a mockery of their religion to be part of the family.
so the Islamic ideology is rooted with 'be and it is'
36:82 إِنَّمَآ أَمْرُهُۥٓ إِذَآ أَرَادَ شَيْـًٔا أَن يَقُولَ لَهُۥ كُن فَيَكُونُ ٨٢
All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is! — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
so it's a strong method to concern what does not have to change is what you should leave to Allah (swt), so it is separated in the the version of which i put my degree theory into that helps you grow.
i based the degree theory off following the rising sign from aries to every 8th house to 12, not 13. (Ophiuchus is not included because the heart of that sign goes back to the Ya'sin (heart in heaven but it is YASEEN because it actually helps with the modality of heartbreak)
so the signs that separate the quote is living and Hollywood calls them Muslims but they follow it with HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD
broken down this is acutely the strongest way to follow Islamic academia without making knowledge 'haram' as it became nowadays because Hollywood actually made the world more convenient to heart for Muslim's to reject it.
'BE' (Hollywood)
Aries (self worth)
Scorpio (in love)
Gemini (heart in heaven)
Capricorn (don't forget)
Leo (tomorrow life)
'AND IT IS' (Undead)
6. Pisces (sleep)
7. Libra (virtue)
8. Taurus (self worth)
9. Sagittarius (aakhirah (meaning 'afterlife')
10. Cancer (sibling in hell (hope)
11. Aquarius (life)
12. Virgo (fiction)
you can now see that the degree theory and heartbreak does not exist and i call it 'EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR'
I subsequently name it after a cartoon from Disney XD called 'Star vs the forces of Evil'
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it actually follows the same journey of a Princess from Mewni looking for a home on Earth when she literally enjoys fighting monsters and falls in love with Marco because in 2017, i was a heavy Starco shipper, i loved them too hard that i stopped watching cartoons all together to remake my own life, which is why i don't care to have a symptom named after me either cuz all i cared about is getting my wand back together to rule Mewni cuz this exists!
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you can go ahead and believe in a dream when all of your dreams are made of cartoons, like heck, do what you want so it's called the the 'Mewni code of honour' or just to make it defined more loudly and proudly 'EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR' because i am British. and Brits challenges the feats of the world because their accents are 'be and it is', like have you ever seen the inbetweeners and wonder why American's are scared of British people coming at them, like glad you know that American's forfeit the British legion as much as Taylor's British inquisition ended at Alwyn dumping her and she wrote the The Tortured Poets Department after the psychology made after when two people have sex and it all ends there because seeking values at times got Kelce (Kansas native) thinking why his mother loves him so much after he granted his first deposit, not only after the team (Kansas City Chiefs) was gaining position after position, no. Taylor sponsored the entire team because they will not take the hit after Kelce (Kansas native) made it an allegiance to the public eye that they will win after emotional string felt lines touched by gameplay made his Mom tell him off for existing before Swift came in, no. His mom was telling him off his entire life that he will never make it until debt free heartbreak came in and she acknowledge A RELIGION with a duty free slap from God that made him win every league all because his debts were due to the one writing it right now for putting him on site that made no fandoms more allegory than it is articulate for making sounds look like little children she wanted in the form of cash. cuz any Mom will want cash, any Mom will want to have their debts cleared for life, which is why she dreamed of moving to the UK for reasons listed:
UK is known to be in the middle of the equator, so when i discovered this degree theory. It will help 'her' (generalising everybody) in finding ways to accumulate knowledge by travel, so if she goes to anywhere in the UK, she will find sense that she's talking with more honour by giving into herself more like i am, she will want to start a blog by making stuff up by listening to what her heart desired most because desires are now more neutral here than anywhere else and
it is more safer travelling to Arab countries without being questioned for identity because Smith's identity is now exposed as the idiot that made him on there look famous only for him to redact and remonstrance an orderly effect on the way we're (Muslims) are supposed to be like because everybody wants to issue a recreance towards heartbreak.
so where and how does the names derive itself:
EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR - time zones lie in the middle for the BST (British Summer Time) after it went forward an hour 2 months ago, it makes travel much easier after Wintertime (begins from the shortest day of the year til the clocks go forward) to spring and from summer (longest day of the year til clocks go backward), time zones do not matter in the web of mind to heart when allocating marriage because separation anxiety breaks rules within itself, so Matt, listen. you got a mind and heart, that does not make you lose it when you're with me because i have more facts and knowledge i have discovered that no one will take away from me or neither kill me for it, because i am destined to break the world with my innova- no, it's just purely reason and i was born in Belfast (Northern Ireland) so if you look at the grounds i was born on cuz Belfast natives don't want to make things up but they rely on the greatest roots of being that they challenge the world for it (physics) and the nature of my Eros sign is on Pisces 5.39 meaning i actually care deeper than i should compared to any other sign and this my natural state of being when i am separated from you (body to honour physics of a metaphysical structure of the heart during heartbreak) so that makes me a Pisces than i am an Aquarius sun native due to my Taurus's inability to have because my Mars is where i am at because i am more fair there than i am here because that is another whole set of knowledge i am willing to put (Inshaa Allah) on there because you're not going to curse me for putting you on there because your Dad values me more than he values you because it's a shame that i made myself more necessary because all i have to do to condone my Islamic physics is reveal myself makes you makes me but not me this time, you more attracted to your Dad now than i am to... what do you think of me, i did not do this for you, you don't collect my virtues of status like a subconscious pig you made me type before i typed in... 'because'? because you wanted to be more famous from me which is where the 'STAR' part drives in the fact that Star from the show is beating up Ludo, a birdlike character that does not want anything to do with the show but curse the... what? so apparently, Ludo's logic drives the same direction as Matt's when i was annotating his Sun in Taurus 4.44 (Capricorn degree) and his ideology on human matters driving into the world of Tom Cruise's Church of Scientology because evidence is all around you that thank God, my entire Ummah (brotherhood of heart) knows how to figure out what is good and what is evil and wait til i crack down on what Scientology's roots come from up until the point where i tell your him that you don't even matter because science will break you down like an atom because good energy exists ('PHYSICS') and bad energy exists, people want what they're looking for unless you want to be acknowledging a new level of basis that does not exist which does not even attribute to society than just making the states of laws so mediocre that they would just accept what you would call 'Islamic ideology' and it would just be the same as this quote here:
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like.... you.. don't even make... sense.
'EQUATORIAL' - equator in the middle of the Earth of the commoner's kingdom (Israel)
'PHYSICS' - logic by law
'OF' - making sense to be
'THE' - God knows you're valuing a heart to break
'STAR' - woman coded logic, you always go back to your wife (married) or mother (separated or just not even looking at your heart) and it also means 'mother' because you know when it's best to break your own heart (male) when you have to give back. The code for women following it is that they 'be and it is' (father's honour to his heart and daughter's honour to follow for her mates heart to become her)
i made this look like a fckin fashion project because i know fashion more than anything as i have been en-route to the course in education from 2014 - 2022.
the bias of the project is always attain the reason of 'why?' and explain it to them like as if you were explaining it to the examiner who is a literal dumbass. the examiner does not know anything and you have to have the balls to teach them everything from roots to become, cuz what the hell are you even here for? what is your philosophy and why does even oxygen make you for being, cuz you're not leaving this Earth without making a scene too big for Earth to value you but you make a route to other learners to follow on as if you're 'the shit'. Make your bloodline look strong by making them look shit cuz it is a race for hearts in the end.
go ahead, make a blog and tag me. i'll challenge you to challenge me because your minds is as good as mine😊
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saelterlude · 5 months
link click musical list pt.6, (longer bcs i keep accidentally posting these early, gotta make up for the short pt.5)
also hi, this one took a while bcs i keep getting sad over not finding a Wang Yifei-Zhu Hanbin LG uppies clip :')
(pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.7 here)
81. 24/03/2024 night, Zhu Hanbin wore his shirt inside out lol, there's a good chance it was like that the whole performance since LG actors don't change costume. Also, I love how Zi bowen shouted his name, it's cute.
82. Cai Lu's short vlog, includes Guo Hongxu and Ji Xiaokun karaoke, JXK being bad at basketball, and chilling in the dressing room.
83. 28/03/2024, Cao Muzhi getting manhandled by Cai Lu (I drew it hehe) and also giving the biggest laugh when he won first round of RPS against Zhu Hanbin plss.
84. 01/04/2024, Wu Hanglu bullying Bai Zhuoming, Du Guangyi being aggressive, and BZM being confused and overwhelmed in RPS. If you're asking why DGY shouted his line, it's bcs BZM and WHL were too busy bickering to beckon him to the couch like they're supposed to do. Also, they sing 'Dive Back in Time' together.
85. 29/03/2024, Wang Yifei, please stop bullying Wu Hanglu, don't squish her, look at her, she's tiny. See? Now she's bullying you back.
86. 05/04/2024 night, piglet is back!! Wu Yihan, Cai Qi. WHY ARE YOU BOTH SO MEAN TO THE PIGLET?? WYH does not let CQ play around with RPS (by not doing them at all)
87. 05/04/2024 night, bonus to the performance above. WYH does not hug in "Pursuing Light" for once.
88. 06/04/2024 day, New Cai Qi pair unlocked with Guo Hongxu. Awkward eye contact and GHX just assumes he won RPS when he didn't lol, don't you know CQ cheats? Also, Zuo Yiping looks so short between them, helpp.
89. 30/03/2024 night, Wu Yihan going *finger points* "whos singing the sofa song?", and Qian Dongyue's birthday!
90. 13/04/2024 day, I think, Wang Yifei scared Guo Hongxu with that overly enthusiatic jump hug.
91. 13/04/2024 night, Jing Yanqiao 21st birthday!! Let's go! There's actually a full video of your encore now.
Also, #90 and #91, both GHX and JYQ caught off guard by WYF and ZHB's mic cupping habit during 'Dive Back in Time'
92. 06/04/2024 night, I can't find a clip showing Wu Yihan drinking vinegar, but I can show you Cao Muzhi being cute as he walks across the table. And saying 'be careful' in 'Dive Back in Time' bcs something happened with WYH offscreen, i think he hit a camera.
93. 06/04/2024 night, nevermind! Shimmer to the rescue! Here is Wu Yihan drinking vinegar! (he Du Guangyi-ed himself (#19 and #31))
94. 14/04/2024 day, Guo Hongxu has successfully been influenced to cup their mics. Also, I'm now declaring that Guo Hongxu and Wang Yifei is the perfect disgruntled cat-oversized puppy duo, just look at their hug.
95. 14/04/2024 day, another POV of the performance above so you can see Wang Yifei nod approvingly once GHX uses his method.
96. 14/04/2024 night, just a shortclip of Wang Minhui putting Cai Qi in a headlock.
97. Event clip, mostly just explaining the basketball event itself but I wanna show you all Du Guangyi being bad at basketball in the last 10 seconds.
(speaking of event, the theatre is gonna count which actor scores the most during basketball scene/"Faith of Friendship". me and the musical brainrot gang over in the lc 18+ server are doing bets on which actor is scores the most by the end of the month)
98. 19/04/2024, poor Deng Xianling just wanna tie her shoes, stop bothering her lol.
99. 19/04/2024, same performance as above. English boy Teng Chunpeng is very excited abt basketball.
100. 20/04/2024 night, have Jing Yanqiao, shamefully losing 2-8 to Zhu Hanbin
101. 21/04/2024 day, Bai Zhuoming won the match, he teases Wang Minhui about it the whole encore to the point he messed up the entirety of RPS song lol. (Also, they got 15-12, they were conspiring together)
102. 22/04/2024, Shu Rongbo getting startled by Cai Lu's leg and Du Guangyi adding to the leg jenga is very precious, I wanna draw that. SRB also won basketball 36-0 bcs DGY is a softie granpa, I guess we knows who wins this month.
(and no, as much as i favored him, i did not bet on srb :') )
(also, did i wait for the 22nd so i can get at least 1 srb video this post? yes.)
*Please give a big round of applause to @shimmeringweeds for all xhs clips. I could not navigate that site at all.
Bonus time! Made a list (here!) of Zhu Hanbin and Jing Yanqiao performances the other day, thus that's the bonus clips you're getting for this part. Please check them out, they're really cool.
But I guess I might as well add this funny video of Cai Qi and Cao Muzhi performing 'Mia Famiglia' from Apollonia musical. It's gold, just for the fact that CQ acts as if he's in a drama while CMZ acts as if he's in a comedy.
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laevateinn · 3 months
#funniest thing is when the stage actor gets mad and the stage acting leaps out of the dark - I agree but could you describe what about that scene is like particularly telling that Assad is a stage actor in your opinion? and also is that a good thing or a bad thing in that moment? just curious what other people's views on the acting are.
lmao of course! as a preface i don't mean it as a bad or a good thing. i think it's fun because i love live theatre and it's always fun to see that very specific kind of training bleed into actors on the screen; i also think it works really fucking well because of who armand is, as the theatre director and as essentially a 24/7 method actor.
what fucking leaps out like crazy re: his stage training is the diction. his enunciation is crystal fucking clear even when we cut back to dubai and hear him, in his louis impression, mock louis' emotional struggle with killing and eating humans. even through all the distortion and distance of the tape, it is SO fucking clear what he's saying. so the clarity of his diction marks him out as a stage actor, and especially, as i said in the tags, because he's acting at being angry. the T's especially are so sharp they're nearly their own syllables lmao. "louis' tri-annual fuck off and find me with apologies to follow" and "but revealing our nature to a reporter you met in a bar ten hours ago" stick out like crazy, again, not in a bad way, nor in a way that distracts from the scene. just in a way that i find amusing because of how it tells on him as a stage actor.
it's also worth noting that i was not and am not directly involved in theatre; i've frequently been on the orchestra pit side of things, i'm an avid lover of it, and i do associate with a lot of people who are quote unquote, theatre kids, but what i have to say about stage acting and picking up on things like that are from me watching actors or listening to them talk about acting.
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anonymousboxcar · 1 year
TTTE AU: Cockade the Actor
Recently, I’ve been playing around with an au!Diesel 10 that fits into a more RWS-type world. Known as D810, or Cockade, he isn’t villainous or bigoted against steam engines. This is in part because he noticed a growing disdain for diesel-hydraulics such as him, thus realizing he wasn’t in too dissimilar of a boat.
Where most of his class didn’t survive, Cockade did. He was a warm, affable engine who endeared himself to many people. He was also something many of his siblings weren’t: a minor celebrity.
Ever since a background appearance in a local commercial, Cockade wanted to be an actor. He pushed to appear in more commercials, instructional tapes, and TV episodes B.R. used to drum up good PR. These amounted to only several seconds of screen time apiece, but he loved it. He loved becoming a character, embodying part of a story. He thought it could help him work toward the silver screen.
And eagle-eyed rail fans recognized him in all his roles. He developed a small following that advocated on his behalf, working to get him — and at his urging, as many of his siblings as possible — preserved.
He never lost his passion for acting, nor his dream of a “big break.” So when the producers of a project called Thomas & The Magic Railroad came knocking, he all but threw himself at them.
His heritage railway loaned him out to the producers, who gave him his character’s — Diesel 10’s — livery and excavator claw. His enthusiasm and flair for dramatics proved infectious on set. He had only one serious hiccup: he tried method acting.
He didn’t mean any harm by it. He only wanted to try out a new technique; he wanted his first ever film performance to be his best and most convincing. But for all his good intentions, acting like his villainous character 24/7 got on everyone’s nerves.
Thomas, playing himself in the film, got fed up. “Do you want to ‘method act’ some bent buffers, too? I can help you with that.”
Cockade stared at him. “What?”
“The script calls for it, doesn’t it?”
“But that’s — oh. Ohhh.”
It was the wake-up call Cockade needed. Embarrassed, he apologized for his behavior and saved his acting for the cameras.
While still somewhat miffed at first, Thomas softened after Cockade helped him through some stage fright without any judgement. Cockade respected Thomas’ tenacity and sense of responsibility in turn. The two had a similar sense of humor, making each other laugh between takes and teasing the others.
He and Thomas also became close to Sarah, a recent custom-built engine cast as Lady. She gave as good as she got with their teasing, while also becoming interested in the technical aspects of film production and writing. Her perspective on something in the script was always fresh and helpful (even if it was critical).
The engines playing Splatter and Dodge — who didn’t have names of their own, and liked their characters’ names enough to adopt them — came out of their shells at everyone’s encouragement. They loved to ad-lib scenes with Cockade, and they contemplated going into improv comedy once their work was done with TATMR.
A good time was had by all. Cockade felt very satisfied with himself and the overall production, delighting in having so many new friends and connections in show business.
And then the film bombed at the box office.
These days, Cockade says it was a valuable lesson: there’s a lot of moving parts to a film production, and nothing can be perfect. You can only do your best with the part you have. What matters is that you had fun and you gained more experience.
It took him some time to absorb this lesson, though. He wondered if he could’ve done something more, if he could’ve helped. He feared this was the end of his career.
“I’ve been working towards this my entire life,” he said late one night. “I had plan, a vision, of my career. This was my chance at the big time. And now that I’ve had a taste of it, it’s all up in smoke.”
Sarah nudged him. “You read the books, yeah? Look at how many times Mr. Number One over there messed up. He’s still doing alright.”
Thomas only rolled his eyes a little. “My foul-ups did me a world of good, actually. I wouldn’t be famous if those stories didn’t get out.”
“Besides, so what if that’s it for your career or whatever?” Splatter asked. “You’ve been at the bottom.”
“S’not so bad down there. You’ll have us, for one,” Dodge said, grinning. “And if you went up that incline before, you can do it again.”
“…I can,” Cockade said after a pause. “Thanks to all of you.”
In the end, lots of people still liked his performance as Diesel 10. At his request, his heritage railway put him back into D10’s livery for “Day Out With Thomas” events. He auditioned and got to act in other, smaller productions. While typecast as a villain for some time, he considered that a small price to keep doing what he loved.
He still visits Sodor every now and then, both as himself and as Diesel 10. Thomas is always happy to see him. They often chat about how Sarah’s doing as a railway consultant in television writing. Other times, they listen together to Splatter & Dodge’s latest improv comedy podcast released online.
Cockade’s big break didn’t go as he imagined it, but that’s alright. He doesn’t need the glitz and glamour of Hollywood anymore to have a fulfilling career. To him, the fulfillment comes from the wonderful people he meets along the way.
“And failure is never forever,” he tells people, smiling. “It’s always an opportunity — if you let it be one.”
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kikizoshi · 1 year
Godos Fluff Headcanons I Absolutely Adore
(...and some general lifestyle headcanons thrown in)
-Nikolai likes to cover Fyodor with his cloaks/capes sometimes when they hug (like in those long, rocking hugs). It gives him a feeling of comfort, like Fyodor's safe and nothing can hurt him. Fyodor likes it too; to him it feels like an extra layer of endearment and makes him feel safe, secure and loved (plus it's warm).
-Nikolai is one of the few people Fyodor trusts entirely with his ushanka. This isn't a small thing--he usually doesn't even like to let people touch it, but he even trusts Nikolai to spot clean it for him.
-Nikolai absolutely loves to take care of Fyodor, which works well, because Fyodor likes being taken care of. This extends to cooking (where Nikolai will often ask Fyodor to pick one new dish to try to go with whatever staple meal Nikolai's making that week), making him tea most days and keeping the berry preserves stocked up, and nursing Fyodor when he's sick.
Nikolai doesn't enjoy trying to get Fyodor to remember to eat, or sleep, or shower, sometimes, but he takes Fyodor's health even more seriously than his own most of the time, and so is usually trying out some new method to achieve at least one of these things.
-Nikolai worked as a stage actor before he took up terrorism, and practiced a lot at home. Fyodor would often watch his practicing, occasionally give feedback, and they might talk a bit about the story afterwards. This was a common before-dinner activity for them, which was mostly for fun, but also helped Fyodor get out of his work headspace and into his home headspace, and of course Fyodor's psychology-based feedback often helped Nikolai with his nuances in his delivery.
-Dinner is a very important together time for them. Both make a point of having dinner together as often as possible, so that they're sure to have time together to talk. Though late-night conversations are also common with them, there's always a chance of Fyodor being sucked back into work or Nikolai needing extra time to work something out/rehearsals or shows taking place at night, so they make dinner the designated time together. Also, since their dinner is usually a dish Nikolai made, Nikolai likes to share the food with Fyodor, and Fyodor likes to appreciate the shared food with Nikolai.
-Depending on how late Nikolai's shows ran while he was in a play and what came after, they may have dinner together as late as 1 or 2 in the morning, but still, they always ate together (Fyodor was almost never ready to go to sleep by then anyway, which I'm sure helped, but the idea that he shared his usually alone-time with Nikolai is sweet to me).
-Regarding the dishes: generally the system is that Nikolai cooks and Fyodor cleans. The everyday dishes are usually washed by Fyodor, since he goes to sleep much later than Nikolai and often has several cups of tea and snacks long after Nikolai's gone to bed. Nikolai puts away the clean dishes in the morning, long before Fyodor wakes up.
-Regarding their sleep schedules: Nikolai (according to himself) tends to find his moods and general thought process annoyingly mercurial if he ends up more than an hour off his sleep cycle, and so is fairly regular with going to sleep around 23-24 and getting up around 6-7 (giving up his precious productive night hours was hard on him--the time past 1-ish when your brain lets you be creative--but he soon learned to replace them with alcohol). This of course can be completely thrown out of balance when he has rehearsals/shows, but the rest of the year, he sticks to it religiously.
Fyodor has no such trouble with moods and, like Nikolai, finds his best hours to be in the early morning. So, he generally goes to bed around 3-5 and wakes up at 11. Unlike Nikolai--whose body, like a clock, always keeps him asleep for exactly eight hours--Fyodor relies on alarms and always gets up at 11, unless he has somewhere to be earlier. He doesn't generally go to bed earlier though, so he just tends to be (more) tired on those days.
-Fyodor's usually tired (either from his sleep schedule, physical ailments, or both), and his energy levels tend to range from moderate to low. At first this irritated Nikolai for a bit, I think, but he eventually came to learn what Fyodor's low-energy emotes meant (which can look kind of funny when Nikolai reacts to an emotion that seemingly isn't being expressed).
-Nikolai loves swing dancing, but Fyodor doesn't usually have the stamina for it. So instead, when the dancing itch arrives, they waltz or do some slower dance with a bit of verve. Dancing's difficult in the narrow living room, but they manage (and, when Nikolai's brother and sister-in-law come over, he swing dances with them, which Fyodor enjoys watching).
-There's a park a few roads down from where they live, and they often in the late spring and early summer enjoy playing violin and cello together out in the greenery. Nikolai especially loves when the birds twitter while they're playing.
-Speaking of birds, Nikolai also loves going out with Fyodor and pigeon-spotting. Sometimes he'll take a bag of breadcrumbs to sprinkle for the birds they come by. He does this alone too, but enjoys sharing this activity with Fyodor.
-Nikolai also, when he has more free time, enjoys bird-watching. He keeps a journal of the different birds he sees, how many, etc. When he gets up at about 6, they're really active, and sometimes he'll luxuriate in an hour of peaceful bird-watching and documentation from the kitchen window. (Unfortunately, the window view is onto the street, so he doesn't see as many as he would in a park or garden, but he still sees enough to be somewhat satisfied.)
Fyodor isn't very interested in birds in and of themselves, but he loves listening to Nikolai's enthusiasm, love for and musings about the little creatures, and so will often ask about Nikolai's recent sightings when he knows Nikolai's been bird-watching.
-Fyodor loves to use terms of endearment. 'My Dove' and 'Dear' are his favourites outside of 'Kolya' (and its variants). Nikolai likes to take inspiration from the moment to make pet names, so may say something like 'My Little Red-Nose' (when Fyodor's sick) or 'Drowned Rat' (when Fyodor's wet and upset about it) (I imagine most of them would be animal or food related, but my imagination has a rough time keeping up with Nikolai's), as well as 'Fedya' (and its variants). He might also call Fyodor 'Fedka' if he's feeling derisive enough, though I can't imagine Fyodor would ever call Nikolai 'Kolka'.
-One thing Nikolai loves about Fyodor is that, when Nikolai gets into one of his black moods, where he can't seem to enjoy or appreciate anything, and, in general, just wants to sink into nothingness, Fyodor understands and doesn't judge him, nor expect more. Fyodor will usually take up the cooking (which... his food is usually bland and tasteless, but neither care all that much in those times), keeps the lights dimmer/curtains drawn, and most of all lets Nikolai come to him.
He also doesn't complain about lack of hugs, though they're very important to him. Nikolai finds hugs disturbing in a black mood, because he can't feel anything from them, and so they just distress him. It is harder on Fyodor than I think he usually admits to himself though, not being able to hug or pet or really comfort at all his friend who's in so much pain.
-Fyodor doesn't like being around drunk people, but Nikolai often relies on alcohol to get him into the right headspace to work. To compromise, Nikolai tries not to get more than tipsy around Fyodor, generally going for lightly buzzed, and usually does it while Fyodor's working. (Though this does go out the window sometimes if Nikolai wants badly enough to numb his emotions.)
-Fyodor gets miserably sick relatively frequently (~3-4 times a year), often with the changing of the seasons, which usually knocks him out for a solid two weeks. Nikolai hovers and cares for him with all the terrified devotion of a mother whose baby suffers from scarlet fever. The sheer nervous energy emitted from Nikolai tends to overwhelm and tire Fyodor out, but he still finds Nikolai being there to take care of and be with him to be more comforting than if he was alone (him having to comfort Nikolai tires him out, but also helps him feel more at peace). (Occasionally, maybe a little less than once a year, Fyodor will have a seizure bad enough to keep him in bed for a few days, and the dynamic's about the same as when he's sick.)
-A few times, Nikolai kept vigil over Fyodor's sick body (the first time being after a particularly bad seizure left Fyodor bedridden for five days, a few months into their friendship). It… Well, let's just say it never ended well for Nikolai. Fyodor eventually managed to calm Nikolai down enough about his frailty to get him to compromise on sleeping close together (though Fyodor first tried sending Nikolai away, Nikolai worked himself into an even bigger panic when he couldn't see how Fyodor was doing).
-Nikolai is absolutely terrified of doctors. He's also a borderline hypochondriac. Thankfully, Nikolai's aggressively healthy (except for some minor stomach issues and some major mental issues), so this isn't often a problem. However, the few times it was, and Fyodor genuinely needed Nikolai to go to a doctor, it always took a very long and drawn-out discussion to convince Nikolai that the doctors weren't going to torture him to death (Fyodor never learned what exactly Nikolai was afraid of, but it seemed something along the lines of what you'd expect from a BCE Chinese torture chamber, or Yosano's clinic).
-Needless to say, Fyodor's spent many a night listening to Nikolai's fears and explaining why they're likely not one of The Horrors. He might have gotten tired of it, except Nikolai's fears were usually so creative and obscure that Fyodor actually often found them fascinating.
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1tsjusty0u · 5 months
hm. another. whats zeldas opinion of revali/vice versa?
alright so!! pre cal!!! revali likes/relates to her that expands into likes but also realized they are. Very Different People. and theres some issues about that. he also thinks shes really cheesy + is kind of dumbfounded by her sometimes. for zelda its Finally someone who doesnt like this twerp blindly (the twerp is link), to being, once again, different people but they can agree on One thing at least which depends from situation to situation. they dont argue but more passively disconnect from each other. unless they agree on something! also revali gets the whole powers deal with zelda and gets the struggle and all that jazz. well sort of. he understands the effort and not mastering her powers and the pressure that comes from that. but at the same time. wh. why is she the princess/why does hyrule have this grip if not for her powers. her interest in sheikah tech is probably why shes leading it but . why not an actual sheikah ………. he doesnt mention it mostly but its just a question of ‘why am i following you…’ . revalis american voice actor had that mindset except for link, which i get where hes coming from but i. do not think revali is following orders from link. that would be certain sheikahs as well as some of the guards. also revali is like. a teen to me. but anyways yeah!!! when they first meet they bicker slightly about the divine beasts but ultimately bond of their hatred of link. past this revali Does listen when she talks/rambles about the divine beasts. he doesnt really know how to do Conversation when she does it and either nods along or tries to relate it to something to not just Be Silent and have something to say. zelda sometimes gets annoyed by it but appreciates the effort. they dont really talk a lot save for champion meetings which at some point would escalate into a roadtrip at some point. revali and zelda would both be put off by each others social and rupee status. theyd probably like doing archery together! revalis issues later on kind of start when his opinions on link. dont change because fundamentally its the same just views it at a different angle. so the normal type of bonding is strained slightly. he doesnt know How zelda hates link as in the specific way she hates link not. how could she. thatd be kind of stupid. but like. her thought process. and when his has changed and hers has not he just kind of lies. i dont want link to be the only factor for this either; general things like once again the social statuses of the two and how that’d affect their views, just simply not getting the sheikah tech only really liking medoh, and just. not really knowing how to bond? revali has 0 hobbies. zelda tries to though it is hard when youve got to prioritize your powers. the sheikah tech is just an alternative method For her powers . she may have been genuinely interested in it if she hadnt had to worry about that but its more likely that it wouldve stayed buried. as of right now she Does like it but theres a more. desperate angle to it. shes less doing it because she wants to and more she Has To. plus she’d probably have shame about her ramblings, especially for things that arent Important like the sheikah tech. also she has no idea how to relate to revali at all. she doesnt get the training 24/7 thing and its like. ‘please tell me you do something. fun to do’ ‘ . ‘ . and then for her thered be the thing of when she doesnt hate link. no idea how i’ll make that work (im. Not doing the yiga memory for that one) or how gradually the change happens and whether she just kind of. projects onto him/just acts nicer or both. either way her opinion would have have to had changed from retaliation based on the assumption that link hated her to ‘oj he doesnt hate me.’ trying to make amends. but once that happens she doesnt really know how to feel about link. like on one hand the core issue of him not really being able to emote hasnt changed and cant change really. she has to be able to accept that or just. not care when people Do hate her. self confidence . especially consi
dering link didnt even hate her at first he just . Did Not Emote. gotta accept that people will think their things and move on. i dunno wording it it doesnt feel right but. yeah. anyways once that changes how does she. talk or relate to revali anymore. she doesnt hate link anymore what do they talk about. uh. so yeah! she’d probably try with chemistry and such but its a bit of a dead end. he’d be glad she’d appreciate rito culture and actively asks about things but theyve got to. talk to each other
post cal if revali and the others dont disappear!! he’d be pretty worried over all, and would Not approve of the whole reestablish the monarchy. zelda would uh. while she did in fact miss him and shes glad to see him shes not happy about the questioning of her life choices however she would be happy to see him. i think. gradually she starts the monarchy idea? because at first shes busy with living in kakariko and learning how to fight and exploring sometimes and helping paya and working on the slate/making a new slate with communications. this. this is actually furthering the they leave argument. however if they stay while wreath is doing fuck all then they can stay with zelda. also they could. just simply stay at their own regions and such….. they might as well be alive at this point. Anyways during that time she’d just be happy to talk and train with him. revali would elaborate on things wreath did so she Wouldnt do them (like getting hit by a boulder hypothetically). hes impressed by the machine guns she’d probably make at some point. however i think urbosa and mipha and daruk would take more of a lead on helping her. the same thing of agreeing on that One Thing pre cal would happen here too. but would probably openly disagree on some of the things she thinks during travels. i think she’d get more serious post cal though and he can respect that . more serious as in more willing to talk about things/snap. ts underswap sans is this a joke ruthless route
so basically ! mutual meh. more likely to get stuff done together but i dont think theyd know how to be friends with each other. zelda would Try at the very least its just hard. i dont know how well i explained any of this especially with zelda. also i dont think they could Not be friends its just they have very little commonalities. theyd have to be ok with that. also for more general observations revali thinks shes weird and zelda thinks hes weird firey flaming text the weirdos
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kp777 · 21 days
By Edward Carver
Common Dreams
Aug. 29, 2024
Guterres said Israel's "large-scale" operations in the occupied territory were "deeply concerning" as human rights groups also condemned the attack.
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres late on Wednesday called for an immediate stop to Israeli military operations in the occupied West Bank, which continued into a second day on Thursday, leaving at least 18 Palestinians dead after two days of escalated attacks.
Guterres' remarks came as human rights groups condemned Israel after it launched an incursion into the northern West Bank on Wednesday morning—reportedly the largest attack on the territory in decades. Guterres said the "dangerous developments" were "fueling an already explosive situation in the occupied West Bank and further undermining the Palestinian Authority," according to the U.N.'s news service.
"Latest developments in the occupied West Bank, including Israel's launch of large-scale military operations, are deeply concerning," the U.N. chief wrote on social media.
"I strongly condemn the loss of lives, including of children, and I call for an immediate cessation of these operations," he added.
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The Israeli assault has included the bulldozing of infrastructure and a wide array of attacks on at least four cities. Guterres was one of many international actors who condemned the incursion over the last two days.
"Israel's launch of a major coordinated military assault on cities and towns across the occupied West Bank follows an escalation in unlawful killings by Israeli forces in recent months and will put more Palestinians at risk," Erika Guevara Rosas, a senior director at Amnesty International, said in a statement.
Guevara Rosas expressed concern that the incursion will destroy critical infrastructure and increase forced displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank—methods that she said were "key pillars of Israel's system of apartheid."
Kenneth Roth, former executive director of Human Rights Watch, said that he was worried about a displacement crisis like the one in Gaza.
"The last thing that we want is this kind of massive displacement taking place in the West Bank, too," Roth toldAl Jazeera.
"Frankly, 'the dream' of the far-right ministers in [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu's government is to 'solve the problem' of the West Bank," he added. "'Solve the problem' of the apartheid regime that Israel is maintaining there, by just getting rid of the Palestinians. That would be a massive war crime."
Rights groups have also expressed concern about an increase in arbitrary detentions of Palestinians in the West Bank, which have already been at a high level since October 7. Those who are detained are often horribly mistreated; more than 50 have died. B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights group, issued a report earlier this month that documented systematic torture in the detention centers.
Israeli forces have detained 25 Palestinians in the northern West Bank in roughly the last 24 hours, Al Jazeera reported, based on data from watchdog groups.
Israel has occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza since 1967. In an advisory opinion last month, the International Court of Justice declared the occupation of the Palestinian territories illegal.
Jeremy Corbyn, a member of parliament in the United Kingdom and former leader of the Labour Party, argued that Western governments were complicit in Israel's attack on the West Bank and should implement an arms embargo.
"Israel knows it can commit war crimes with impunity," he wrote on social media. "That is why it has launched its largest assault on the West Bank since 2002. We are witnessing the total erasure of Palestine—and our government is shamefully complicit. End all arms sales to Israel, now."
So far, the U.K. and the U.S., Israel's main arms supplier, have done no such thing. The Biden administration did on Wednesday sanction Hashomer Yosh, an Israeli settler group, and three of the group's individual members, calling out "extremist settler violence."
While much international attention has shifted to the West Bank, Israel's assault on Gaza continues apace. Israeli forces killed at least 15 Gazans in overnight attacks, including two girls who were struck by shrapnel, Al Jazeera reported. Israeli forces have killed more than 40,000 Gazans and more than 600 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7, when Hamas and allied militant groups massacred more than 1,100 Israelis.
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tinybeebo · 1 year
Method Acting
Little! Sebastian and Caregiver! Mia
Chapter: 1/?
A/N: gahhhhh this was supposed to be a one shot, oh well I suppose.
Minor Cw! For swearing
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Seb lay there, staring at the ceiling, now adorned with glow-in-the-dark stars. Courtesy of Mia, of course 
He wondered how long this baby stint would go. 
It’s been a month now
Yet his main problem was that he didn’t hate it.
For god sake, he was a 28-year-old man. He shouldn’t be allowing himself to be brought down to this. 
Its simply really
He just wanted to help his girlfriend
One night he suggested method acting 
☆ ✩ ✩ ✩ ☆ ✩
  “What, you mean like be the character? 24/7? Yeah, no.” Mia scoops a glob of cookie dough ice cream, plopping it into her bowl. Sebastian waits on the couch for her, legs crossed, arms spread. 
  “Why not? All the greats do it! Al Pachino, Robert De Niro,-” He pauses, struggling to remember more of ‘The Greats.’ “Oh,- Jared Leto! Jared Leto pretty good.”
Mia sits on the couch and hands Sebastian his bowl, she lets out a huff of a laugh.
  “Babe, 1. Jared Leto is not one of ‘The Greats.’ 2. What he does isn't method acting, it's borderline psychotic.”  She snuggles into Sebastian's side, sighing. 
Sebastian pouts, and Mia smiles.
  “M’just trying to help” he sets his head atop hers, wrapping an arm around her. 
Mia moves herself to face him
  “You know, if I was a method actor, you would have to deal with that as well, right?” She smirks, playfully wiggling in his arms. 
     “Well yeah, how else would it work?” he answered as if it was a no-brainer.
“Alright then, I’ll come home in character next casting call then,” Her tone carried a snarkiness but was lighthearted. She settles back into Sebastian’s arms, grabbing her bowl of ice cream. Sebastian picks up the remote and hit play, seeming very proud of his contribution to his girlfriend's acting repetiteur.
Sebastian walks in, sore and defeated. Rehearsal was a complete shit show today. Kieth decided it would be a great idea to rewrite an entire song without telling anyone. So rehearsal was primarily just a screaming fest.  
He snuffles to the closest surface he can lie on, letting himself fall onto the couch. He lies face down momentarily before scrunching himself into a fetal position. 
He’s there for only a couple of minutes before Mia comes home, her energy clearly the opposite of his. 
She’s bubbling, a new script in her hand. 
  “I feel good about this one, Seb. This character just feels-” she stops, looking at the poor man curled on the couch. 
     “That's-Thats great, really it is.” Sebastian's words mostly go into the couch. He rolls up to face her, groaning loudly, offering a tired smile.
Mia coos at the man and sits down beside him, patting her lap. 
Sebastian squirms his way up to her, flopping his head on her lap. 
She hums, running a hand through his hair. 
They stay like that for a moment, basking in the quiet. 
Then Mia has an idea.
  “Hey, Seb?”
  “Remember what you said about method acting, how you would go along with it?” She said, ever so sweetly. 
Sebastian rolls up, facing Mia directly.
  “Can it wait till tomorrow?” He asks, pleadingly. 
    “Aw come on, Seb. I think you’ll like your part in this. You’ll barely have to lift a finger.” 
Sebastian thinks face scrunched in concentration. Mia coos, placing a playful poke in his nose.
  “Hey!” he scoffs 
    “You in or not, piano man?” she pokes at his sides, tickling him.
  “Q-quit that!” he squirms, huffs of laughter escaping him.
    “Or what?” she starts to wiggle her fingers more intensely, purposely tickling more. 
  “A-ah-ah! Stop- please, please! Ok, ok! I’m in-I’m IN! Ah ha-” Sebastian wheezes and pleads with the redhead.
    “Great!” she releases him and hops off the couch. 
  “Where you going?” Sebastian says, breath still labored.
    “The car. I bought supplies for this,” she stated plainly
“You bought supplies?”
☆ ✩ ✩ ✩ ☆ ✩
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nightsidewrestling · 7 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Fabian Rhydderch
The Cyhyraeth Duke of C.R.C Fabian Rhydderch (2020)
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Jarlath's son and Naoise's grandson, Fabian. An Irish-Catholic living in Wales and a methodical and enthusiastic father. He's also one of Kirby's first cousins once removed.
"Call on me, if you need a friend."
Full Legal Name: Fabian Banquo Huckleberry Gemini Rhydderch
First Name: Fabian
Meaning: From the Roman cognomen 'Fabianus', which was derived from 'Fabius', a Roman family name, itself derived from Latin 'Faba' meaning 'Bean'.
Pronunciation: FAY-bee-an
Origin: German, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, English
Middle Name(s): Banquo, Huckleberry, Gemini
Meaning(s): Banquo: Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from Scottish Gaelic 'Bán' 'White' and 'Cù' 'Dog, Hound'. Huckleberry: From the name of variety of shrubs (Genus Vacinium) or the berries that grow on them. Gemini: Means 'Twins' in Latin.
Pronunciation(s): BANG-kwo. HUK-el-behr-ee. JEHM-i-nie
Origin(s): Literature. Literature. Roman Mythology, Astronomy.
Surname: Rhydderch
Meaning: From the given name 'Rhydderch', from the Old Welsh name 'Riderch', derived from 'Ri' 'King' and 'Derch' 'Exalted'.
Pronunciation: HRUDH-ehrkh
Origin: Welsh
Alias: Cyhyraeth Duke, Fabian Rhydderch
Reason: This is Fabian's Ring name
Nicknames: Huck
Titles: Mr
Age: 21
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: June 13th 1999
Symbols: Banshees, Cyhyraeths, Ghosts, Crowns
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Welsh
Spoken Languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Theme Song: 'Hole in My Heart' - Cyndi Lauper (2017-)
Voice Actor: Stefan Pejic
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Weight: 166 lbs / 75 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Sparse
Facial Hair: Goatee
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 5
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Triple, Both), Tragus (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Adam Nye, Roger Lum, Macario Marino, Joseph Winter, Enrico Di Napoli, Heddwyn Pritchard, Padrig Llewellyn, Macaulay Rhydderch, Pace Rhydderch, Hale O'Hannigan, Walker Rhydderch, Eadburg Rhydderch, Iago Rhydderch, Jacob Rhydderch
Colleagues: The C.R.C Locker Rooms / Too Many To List
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Jean Rhydderch
Mentor: Jarlath Rhydderch
Significant Other: Jean Rhydderch (22, Wife, Née's Patterson)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Jarlath Rhydderch (44, Father), Ursula Rhydderch (45, Mother, Née Cavanaugh)
Parents-In-Law: Finnian Patterson (51, Father-In-Law), Iona Patterson (52, Mother-In-Law, Née MacAlastair)
Siblings: Eadburg Rhydderch (24, Brother), Gardenia Rhydderch (18, Sister), Hadley Rhydderch (15, Sister), Iago Rhydderch (12, Brother), Jacob Rhydderch (9, Brother), Kayla Rhydderch (6, Sister), Lalage Rhydderch (3, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Fiachra Rhydderch (25, Eadburg's Wife, Née McWilliam), Francescu Patterson (19, Jean's Brother), Ianthe Patterson (16, Jean's Sister), Anto Patterson (13, Jean's Brother), Iole Patterson (10, Jean's Sister), Bruno Patterson (7, Jean's Brother), Jocasta Patterson (4, Jean's Sister), Dobroslav Patterson (1, Jean's Brother)
Nieces & Nephews: Alan Rhydderch (4, Nephew), Anna Rhydderch (1, Niece)
Children: Moire Rhydderch (1, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Anglesey, Wales
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Naoise Rhydderch, Jarlath Rhydderch
Managers: Jean Rhydderch
Wrestlers Managed: Jean Rhydderch
Debut: 2017
Debut Match: Fabian Rhydderch VS Jarlath Rhydderch. Double Count Out
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Brawler / Hardcore
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (2017-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Belly To Back Suplex, Bulldog, Figure-Four Leglock, Inverted Atomic Drop, Low Blow, Multiple Jabs, Poking /Raking Opponent’s Eyes, Running High Knee Strike, Big Boot, Atomic Drop, Backbreaker Rack, Diving Overhead Chop, High Knee, One-Armed Body Slam, Piledriver, Running Big Boot, Running Leg Drop, Vertical Suplex Powerslam
Finishers: Sleeper Hold, Jumping Knee Drop, Top Rope Jumping Knee Drop
Refers To Fans As: The Fans, The Family
Backstory: Fabian Rhydderch of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) Owning Rhydderch Family. When Jarlath dies Fabian will have a 1/448th ownership of the promotion. Fabian is a 'Cyhyraeth Style’ (Brawler / Hardcore) trainer. He’s mostly Irish
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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tetsunabouquet · 7 months
Takuma Ichijo Headcanon- His Relationship with Media & Entertainment
-Enjoys BBC detectives. They're his go-to source for detective tv shows. Considering they pioneered the genre, he is quite the snob who prefers these over shows from the US (unless it's BBC America, he gives shows coming from them a pass). -He enjoys classics like Monsieur Pierrot to modern BBC detectives like George Gently. -Has read all things Agatha Christie ever wrote. -Owns all the DVD boxes of the shows he likes. -Even owns DVDs of the obscure BBC movies that fit in the detective genre like The Thirteenth Tale. -It introduced him to newer names that weren't highly popular and mainstream, such as the author Diane Setterfield. -Mysteries surrounding family dramas intrigue him the most, because it reminds him of home and he actually appreciates navigating his own life through the characters from his books. -Especially if the protagonist is the son or daughter navigating themselves through family relates mysteries. -Don't underestimate the power of relatibility, as a young kid and dealing with a friend like Kaname, mystery books seemed more real to him then slice of life kind of stories. -That scene where he tries to solve the mystery of Aido by trying to link it to a detective he's reading was young Takuma 24/7. Like, he tried to find hidden clues that would help him understand things better at a pretty young age. -With his father being an actor, he gets free access to detectives his father is starring in before they even hit the cinemas. -His father also gifts him extras from set. -Its his primary bonding method with his father, considering Takuma is much closer to his mom. -Which is also how he befriended Senri. The last acting gig that Senri's mom did was a movie with Takuma's father and he was supportive towards her when she fell pregnant during filming. The boys have been having playdates since they were babies. -Their mutual love for Rakugo also comes from having met through the industry and vaguely falling in with other celebrity children. They have been performing their own little routines for their parents since childhood. -Once Senri befriended Rima, she started doing their costumes. -They have a couple of home videos of their performances too. -Once, Takuma even wrote a song for a skit, and Senri said he has the same lyrical sense as the Headmaster. -Eventually, he did write a couple of books, including Aido's memoires before he retired as a simple bookshop owner.
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