#he done goof
moonknightblog · 1 month
What do you think Harrow going to say to Lockley before Lockley (rightfully) shoot him four times…
The Wait…. and what?
How was he gonna manage his way out of this one?
Oh Harrow~
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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The penisest of tunes.
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electrozeistyking · 8 months
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Tiny Disassembler Tries To Put Himself in Second Food Coma; Girlfriend Won't Let Him
(you better believe that first time was an accident)
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periwinkla · 1 month
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I implore you to imagine their anime voices here. /out of context wip from the narumitsu comic 💙❤️ PS. I'm going to post the wips on ko-fi first, as I don't need to care about the time to post stuff, so if you want to see them as soon as they're posted... -> here
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blazefire2012 · 5 months
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I thought I'd just draw a few of my favorite screen shots...
This is not a "few"...
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aylish91 · 11 months
Nightmare finds/saves his Soulmate
I had a thought/daydream while working on the next request…
Killer feels his boss get back after being gone for a particularly long period of time. Being the gremlin man that he is, he decides to investigate and pester the dark lord. Shortcutting directly into Nightmare’s study, he is frozen in place by what he finds.
Sweat beads on his skull.
A very large form of Nightmare hunches over on his knees in the middle of the room, tentacles writhing around him and something, or rather someone, in one of his great arms. His free hand is splayed against the carpet, sharp claws slicing through the fibers.
The energy in the room is so overwhelming that Killer has to brace himself against it to keep his bones from rattling from how heavy the oppressing magic is. A clear warning.
His soul is overtaken by fear…
Nightmare slowly glares up from his hunch, bright slit of an eyelight quivering. His normal grin is gone, replaced by a gaping sharp-toothed snarl, an unearthly growl shaking the room.
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Even Killer wasn’t stupid enough to protest, shortcutting as fast as his ability allowed him. Appearing in the living room, he collapses onto a knee to grip the coffee table, Nightmare's magic still clinging to him.
Shakily, he looks up. “S-so. I’d recommend avoiding the boss for a while…”
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icecreampizzer · 8 months
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Dug up an old black paper notebook I barely used, thought it would've been fun to draw some Junipers on it :] I need to up my color pencil game to be honest
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persy-r-bozo · 1 month
☆Free FANART Backgrounds/Lockscreens!☆ :] Pt:1
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FT: Flipped Alts for other desktop arrangements. :3
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Credit would be nice!! but it's not needed :]
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arrowheadedbitch · 24 days
Thinking about the episode where Nessie Jr hatches and how Colonel Baird assumes that Ezekiel is goofing off so she gives him a job to do and he keeps trying to get that job out of the way as fast as he can so he can go back to the very important job he was doing.
There's so much to be said about that part of the episode!
The way colonel baird assumes he's goofing off, the way he doesn't even try to defend himself until after he's already finished the thing she was stopping him from doing, the way he only explains why he was on his phone after she's already scolded him multiple times, the way he HACKED a GOVERNMENT SATALITE from his CELL PHONE, the way he genuinely cares about the egg despite it being dumped on him because of the assumption that he isn't working on something worthwhile, the way he's genuinely upset that he almost killed the egg by accident, the way he doesn't realise a bunsen burner will kill the baby but knows how to HACK a SATALITE from his CELL PHONE, the way he doesn't really care that Baird kept him away from his important work because of an assumption, the way he never tries to curb her assumption, the way he's only annoyed and really only mildly scolds her for making him take longer to figure out the other's were in big trouble, the way that this episode deeply effects how Baird sees Ezekiel, there's just so much to be said
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naffeclipse · 7 months
Man, I don't know how Eclipse expects the photographer to trust him ever again. Imagine being forced to put your life into someone's hands so many times and finally handing them a sliver of trust, just for it to be pulled away from you in an instant. Not only that, but to be changed so horrendously that you'll never be able to return to your old life again. Just for selfish pleasures. He really screwed up this time.
Eclipse has the gall to expect Y/N to be totally fine with the impromptu makeover. Y/N, however, is going to let him know otherwise.
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dannyheart01 · 23 days
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It was the closing shift at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, most of the employees had gone home already and the animatronics had all gone into sleep mode. A dark skinned man with curly bleached blonde hair wearing the uniform of a Fazbear technician was carrying a box full of spare parts from the Parts and Service to the Kids’ Cove. The technician was being followed by a teenager with white skin, reddish brown hair and brown eyes wearing a regular day shift uniform also holding a box of spare parts.
“I’m telling ya Toby, there was a yellow rabbit at Fredbear’s,” said the dark skinned man.
“Jeremy, both my brother and I never saw a yellow rabbit at Fredbear’s whenever we would go, there was a yellow bear, yeah, but no rabbit,” replied Toby.
“That’s because you were six when Fredbear’s closed!” yelled Jeremy, “your memory can’t be trusted!”
“With that logic, neither can yours!” Toby argued back.
“The difference is that I’m twenty seven, and you’re sixteen,” said Jeremy.
“And you’re twenty seven and working at Freddy’s!” replied Toby.
The two employees argued back and forth while walking to Kids’ Cove. When they got there, there was another employee there cleaning the tables. The employee was a teenage girl around Toby’s age with pale skin, straight black hair, wearing gothic makeup and jewelry over their day shift uniform. The girl was eyeing the twitching animatronic laying on the floor being careful to avoid the Mangle as she cleaned. 
“Millie, tell him that there wasn’t a yellow rabbit at Fredbear’s or any rabbit at all!” said Toby to the goth girl.
Millie sighed and rolled her eyes before answering him.
“Fredbear’s shutdown ten years ago, and any information about it is unreasonably hard to find, there could have been a purple bear there for all we know!” said Millie exasperated.
“I just want that thing fixed,” said Millie while nervously pointing at the Mangle animatronic spasm on the floor, “it’s making me nervous.”
Jeremy and the other technicians were getting fed up with having to fix Mangle everyday, as of then Jeremy was the only technician that hadn’t gotten fed up with repairing the Mangle. Even the regular front employees were getting fed up with having to save Mangle from the toddlers. No one knew why Mangle was the only one of the Toy animatronics to get treated like that by the toddlers when all of the Toys were meant for toddlers and physically play with the kids as well. Millie and Toby were the only closing shift employees who were willing to help Jeremy repair them. But Millie won’t touch Mangle in case “it flipped out and bit her head off”. 
“I recommend fixing him quickly since your boyfriend is here,” said Millie to Jeremy.
Jeremy was examining what damage was on Mangle when Millie said that. He looked confused at first before it clicked in his head who Millie was talking about.
“Oh you mean Mike!” said Jeremy, lighting up.
Millie nodded as she moved to move the decorator gift boxes out of the way so Jeremy and Toby had space to work. 
“What’s he doing here?” asked Jeremy slightly confused after a few seconds.
Mike Schmidt was the nightguard who took over the role after Jeremy transferred to the day shift. Mike also happened to have been best friends with Jeremy since they were twelve. The night shift typically started from twelve a.m and lasted to six a.m so it was strange for a night guard to be there so early. The earliest a night guard has been was arriving a whole thirty minutes early to avoid walking to the bus in the rain. 
“Hell if I know, he’s just been sitting at one of the tables watching the band even though they’re not powered on,” said Millie.
The boys quickly made whatever repairs that they could make while Millie continued to clean the room. Toddlers were messy beasts so there was spilled juices, sodas, dropped pizza and cake frosting smeared everywhere. One would think that parents would have the decency to clean up their kids or at least prevent them from making so much of a mess, but this was Freddy’s they once had to add the rule ‘don’t poop on the floor’ to the guest rule list, so they couldn’t have that. 
After finishing them they walked out into the main room where they found Mike sitting at one of the tables staring at the classic animatronic with a somber look on his face. Mike was more accurately staring at Freddy, the lead singer and one out of two original animatronics that came from Fredbear’s that were still kicking around. Mike looked like if he had a cigarette he would be smoking it. Jeremy tried to sneak up on Mike and scare him, but when he shook Mike’s shoulders, Mike didn’t flinch or look surprised at all. Millie and Toby stood to the side of them and looked at the band adopting the somber look that Mike had. 
Toby couldn’t keep his eyes off of Bonnie, he could see how little kids loved that damn rabbit but he just creeped him out. It didn’t help that whenever he looked at that rabbit he just saw that blasted shadow rabbit that haunted him on the days leading up to the day that he almost died. 
“I don’t like that rabbit,” said Toby, breaking the awkward silence.
Millie grimaced while looking at Freddy. Millie was normally fine around the animatronics, even getting along well with them, except when it comes down to Freddy and Mangle. She always appeared uneasy around them no matter how hard she tried to hide it.
“I hate that bear as well,” said Millie, “on a personal level.”
“If I had a drink, I would have drank to that,” said Mike, his raspy voice coated with a British accent startling Millie and Toby.
Millie and Toby barely see Mike at all, let alone hear his voice so they weren’t expecting that. They had no idea what they were expecting but it wasn’t exactly like how they pictured his voice. It made sense that he had the voice of a smoker as he gave off the vibe, but it was the British accent that threw them off. 
“Hey Mike, why are you here so early?” asked Jeremy while his arms were wrapped around Mike’s shoulders and practically hanging off of him.
Mike let out a heavy sigh and got up before answering him
“We’re getting a delivery today,” said Mike.
Mike got up from where he was sitting. Mike fixed the chair upside down on the top of the table.
“What new attraction is being added now?” asked Toby.
“I didn’t think that we would get a new attraction so soon after what happened with the Hide and Seek game,” said Millie, ignoring the way Toby flinched upon being reminded of that game.
Mike took one last look at Freddy before answering them. Jeremy seemed to be studying Mike’s facial expression and mode. Jeremy started to look a bit queasy, even muttering the words ‘it can’t be him, can it?’. 
“Not a new attraction, maybe one day,” said Mike.
“Follow me,” said Mike as he gestured for them to follow him.
Mike took them out the side door, and to the side of the building where they usually got deliveries.
“They’re moving an old animatronic from Fredbear’s,” said Mike suddenly.
Millie and Toby were extremely young when Fredbear’s closed down due to some freak accident that happened there, so they barely knew what Fredbear’s was like. Toby had been there a few times as a young child with his brother while Millie never went at all. Mike and Jeremy on the other hand who went to Fredbear’s regularly enough to have a full picture in their heads of what it was like, even if Jeremy was completely wrong about there being a yellow rabbit there. 
“Is it..?” asked Jeremy hesitantly.
Jeremy looked like he was about to say something before stopping himself, leaving the question to hang. But it seemed as though Mike knew exactly what Jeremy was getting at. 
“Yes,” answered Mike, not clarifying what they were talking about.
Neither Mike nor Jeremy looked well upon realizing who was being shipped there while Toby and Millie were just very confused. Using what little information they knew about the diner this meant that the animatronic they were talking about must have been Golden Freddy, or Goldie for short. It could have been another animatronic as with what Millie said, information about Fredbear’s was hard to find so there could have been other animatronics there, one of which being the one moved to Freddy’s. But the two teenagers doubted that it could have been another animatronic as Freddy and the Marionette were already there, and they were the last surviving animatronics from that location, according to some of the older employees who liked to gossip about the company’s shady history.
“Why’s he being moved here?” asked Jeremy.
“The majority of the board members want to scrap him down for parts to make a new animatronic but Mr. Emily and-, too attached to that damn Bear to let him be taken apart so the board told him that if Goldie is able to play nicely enough with the other animatronics here, specifically the ones that were also from Fredbear’s, they’ll fix him and give him another chance at being show animatronic,” replied Mike.
Mike was about to say something after the word ‘and’, but stopped himself as if he just realized he wasn’t meant to say whatever he was going to say. What Mike said also put their wondering to rest about who this animatronic was. Jeremy looked understanding towards what Mike had said, but it was clear in his eyes that there were many questions he still wanted to ask. Mike also carried himself in a way that suggested that he knew more than he let on.
“How come none of the other animatronics are online?” asked Toby, “when the toys arrived all of the classics were online to greet them.”
“Trust me kid, it’s best if the others don’t know about Goldie until he’s settled in already,” replied Mike.
They didn’t have to wait much longer for the animatronic to arrive as a company branded truck pulled up in front of them. Mike and Jeremy went to help the delivery guys take Goldie out of the truck. The Golden Freddy animatronic was inside of a wooden box, the box was much smaller than what they expected. The box looked like it could fix Bonnie who was the smallest of the classic band if they took off his calves. They thought that Goldie would be a bigger animatronic since Freddy himself was a big animatronic, but they guessed it made sense that Goldie was on the smaller side since he was meant to be Freddy’s younger brother. 
After the delivery people left Millie and Toby helped the two senior staff members wheel the box into the restaurant. Jeremy and Mike seemed to freeze up when passing by the Toys stage before remembering that they were switched off, but Millie wasn’t sure if Mangle was turned off with how he was twitching on the floor earlier. They managed to get the box to the backroom without a hinge. 
The backroom looked a lot different from the last time that they were there, which was the previous day. It was clear that earlier that day that someone had been in there to decorate it. In the corner was a makeshift bed made out of cardboard with some pretty nice looking children’s blankets over it with a single as well. Tucked away in a corner were some children's toys that looked used, the toy that caught their eyes was the Goldie plush that sat on top of one of the boxes. The whole room looked much cleaner than before.
“I suggest you two leave the room so we could turn them on,” said Mike.
“Why?” asked Toby, “we’ve handled Mangle, a dangerous animatronic that could take anyone’s head off at any given time before.”
Mike sighed before answering him.
“Goldie knows both Jeremy and I, he’s used to us, he doesn’t know you, he might freak out if he wakes up in an unfamiliar place with strangers,” answered Mike. 
Both Millie and Toby nodded in understanding and left the room. It didn’t take long before something went wrong. They heard a loud crash before they heard Mike screaming and Jeremy yelling. They swung the door open to see that Goldie was standing over the downed Mike with a look of pure hatred on his face standing over him with Jeremy trying to pull him off. Goldie froze when he saw Millie and Toby looking at them with shocked expressions. Goldie seemed to realize what he had done and backed off of him.
Goldie was a withered animatronic missing his right ear, with tufts of fur missing exposing the bare endo underneath and the previously massive bowtie was a mess with one side almost completely gone and the other with the ends shredded. He also had a massive top hat that looked like it would fall off his head at any time. His fur was matted in many areas and it looked like it was once a bright yellow but now it had darkened over the years. His eyes, or lack of, were the most interesting thing to them. Where his eyes should be were empty pits with a small blue light in the left eye and a small red light in the right eye. 
“What the-” started Toby.
“I’m so sorry, I-” started Goldie at the same time.
“You’re so cute!” Millie said, interrupting both of them.
Everyone in the room looked taken aback at what Millie said but none more so than Goldie himself. Before Toby or anyone could stop her she ran up to Goldie and hugged them. Squishing her face against the side of Goldie’s face while kneeling down next to him while being careful not to smudge her makeup against him. Goldie looked mildly uncomfortable while being hugged. Well at first he looked uncomfortable but soon he lit up with a bright smile and his eyes grew significantly brighter. 
“You…you think I’m cute?” asked Goldie with hope breaking out in his voice.
“Yes, you are,” said Millie, “you will be forever cute to me as long as you don’t try to take my head off.”
Goldie tensed at that comment while both Mike and Jeremy looked visibly uncomfortable. 
“Ye…yeah I would never do that,” said Goldie suddenly springing up mid sentence with a goofy tone of voice.
“Then I guess you’re alright by me!” replied Millie.
Toby noted how weirdly Goldie acted when Millie said that. He knew that something had happened at Fredbear’s that caused it to shut down, some kind of accident, and he was starting to get the feeling that Goldie was involved. Especially with the way the higher ups didn’t want the other animatronics to know that Goldie was being moved there.
Mike got up off the ground and dusted himself off. Mike looked sadly at the teenager and animatronic before speaking.
“Well Millie since it looks like Goldie likes you and you like him, so I think it would be best for you to be the one to repair him,” said Mike
Millie groaned and rolled her eyes causing both Goldie and Toby to lightly laugh. 
“Think of it as punishment for not helping Jeremy and Toby with fixing Mangle after shift,” said Mike.
“How do you know that?” asked Millie.
Mike didn’t need to answer because Jeremy’s face gave it all away. It was obvious that Jeremy had told Mike about it.
“Ugh, fine I’ll fix the little bastard,” said Millie.
“Don’t worry toots, I don’t bite,” said Goldie cheekily.
The boys left the room to give Millie the space she needed to work with only Jeremy hanging behind in case she needed help. Toby was confused. First Mike and Jeremy said that Goldie might attack them because he doesn’t know him or Millie but then he attacked Mike and was fine with them. Not only that but Mike and Jeremy have been acting strange with this animatronic. Normally Jeremy was cool and leaned back but now he seemed on edge and Mike well he always seemed dead on the inside whenever Toby saw him. 
“So what now?” asked Toby.
“We wake up the others and tell them that there’s a new animatronic here and introduce everyone once Millie finishes fixing him,” replied Mike.
Toby wasn’t sure how well Millie would be able to fix since she didn’t have the experience that someone like Jeremy did when it comes to fixing animatronics. The most that would get fixed is the joints and parts that are a fire hazard will get covered.
Soon they reached the main stage. Mike flipped the power switch for the stage and one by one each animatronic turned on.
Chapter 2: Fragments of the Pasts, coming soon!
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Everyone is always talking abt how much Link hates Oakworthy and they’re absolutely right but if you ask me the funniest part about it is that he’s trying to play it cool. Like he’s so goddamn excited to get a chance to shittalk Hermie but as soon as Normal expresses that he’s still into him (he needs him), Link backs off. He’s giving Normal a big thumbs up and telling him to go get his man, but then leaning down to whisper to Scary about how much he hates Hermie’s stupid theatre kid ass as soon as he turns away. He’s trying so hard to be supportive but every day spent in Hermie’s presence is a day closer to turning over a new leaf and excepting that murder is ok, sometimes, if it’s Hermie.
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sealrock · 16 days
05. stamp
no content warnings word count: 332 words
In the dimly lit office, the parchment letter lay discarded in a crumpled mess on the desk, the person who received it no doubt caught in a rage. The glittering ruby stamp that kept it neat and folded, concealing its damning contents tucked inside the pages, had been cut haphazardly with the addressee's dull letter opener. The letter reads as follows:
24th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon, 15XX
Dear Lord Tatlonghari,
This letter is a confirmation of my decision to expel Paris Wormwood from the Marduk Seminary based on multiple infractions the student has committed since her enrollment two years prior.
Given the magnitude of Ms. Wormwood’s behavior, despite her right to receive an education and your ever-grateful donations to this institute as an alumnus, I cannot put the need to maintain the health, safety, and well-being of the whole school community aside. With a heavy heart, I consider expulsion the only option. The decision to expel a student is always a last resort that I have not come to take lightly.
As discussed with the Spade Council on the 15th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon, 15XX, your ward is being expelled on the following ground(s):
[x] behaved in such a way as to pose a danger, whether actual, perceived, or threatened, to the health, safety or well-being of any person;
[x] failed to comply with any clear and reasonable instruction of a staff member to pose a danger, whether actual, perceived, or threatened, to the health, safety, or wellbeing of any person;
[x] consistently behaved in an unproductive manner that interfered with the well-being, safety, or educational opportunities of any other student.
Paris Wormwood's expulsion will commence on the 25th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon, 15XX.
I encourage you to seek support for yourself and your ward if needed. A range of supports are listed in the attached documents within this letter.
Yours Sincerely,
Mimika Mika, Headmistress of the Marduk Seminary
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lighthouseas · 1 year
whenever will has a bad day at work (or just a bad day in general), and he's just sitting on the couch and sulking, mike will put on will's current favorite song and ask him to dance really stupidly formally like they do at weddings. will always rolls his eyes and pouts and refuses at first - until he sees mike, his wonderful amazing beautiful boyfriend, busting out his absolute cringiest dance moves to their favorite the cure song or whatever else and singing along to said song horrifically off key in the middle of their living room. and then mike extends his hands to will and forcefully pulls him up off the couch and twirls him around and dips him down to kiss him like he's the most special boy in the world (because he is. Obviously) and will can't pout anymore because mike's hands are so big and warm in his own and it's just them, being stupid and silly and crazy together in their tiny little one bedroom apartment and dancing along to all of their favorites. before the first song even finishes, though, will finds himself singing and dancing along too and twirling mike back because mike's dopey little grin is so damn infectious that he just. can't help it.
and this is how mike develops the Tried And True Method To Turn Will's Frown Upside Down (pun not intended) that he still continues even when they're older and married, because they're still stupid kids at heart and love each other so much that it needs to be shared in every way possible ❤️
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jtl-fics · 1 year
You said you had something queued for the non-specific reality show AU?
"Welcome to Ugh." Andrew says while sitting in a perfectly white room on a simple black chair.
"We're your hosts, I can't believe I'm still alive to suffer through this, it's Jean Moreau." Jean says pouring half of a bottle of wine into a wine glass and handing the rest of the bottle to Andrew before taking a sip.
Andrew accepts the bottle, "And Contractually obligated by the Real House-spouses of Exy to say I'm happy to be here, Andrew Minyard." Andrew says.
"Today's segments include, 'No Kevin just because it has Exy in the title doesn't mean any of us want to hear about changes in player stats'" Jean says tiredly.
"And ,of course, 'Is it fashion or is Neil just hot enough to pull it off?' The answer may surprise you."
Thanks @ittyybittybaker for goofing around with me in messages about this yesterday lol
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