#haunted by blorbo visions
Grips your shoulders No you don't get it. I am haunted by thoughts about Harrow. He's such a tragic character—he loved and was loved. His wife was killed partly because of his own choices and partly because of a war with Xadia that had gone on for centuries. He had to raise his sons alone. He gave into his hate and anger and took the life of Thuder, King of the Dragons, Avizandum, Murder of his Wife, Zym's Dad. With only hours before his death, he finally realized his many mistakes. He knew that he would become another casualty of hate and history, but in one act of hope and love and desperation he wrote a letter to his son detailing all he learned. He may have been doomed by the narrative but he wanted to have faith that his sons wouldn't be. He wanted to have faith in a narrative of love. He then died. His sons weren't able to attend his funeral. His best friend went on to try and murder his beloved sons and further a narrative of power. Do you GET IT do you UNDERSTAND
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pyrriax · 1 year
the sign i am emotionally attached to a character is headcanoning them using mobility aids (projecting onto them Aggressively). it varies depending on the character.
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secondbeatsongs · 4 months
Hello, you said in some tags in a poll that Speed Racer (2008) is your favorite film. If you’re okay with it, I’d really like to hear more about why you love it. I love the Wachowskis’ work (they’re among my favorite directors), but I kinda ended up bouncing off Speed Racer (2008). So, hearing that it had a real impact on someone makes me very curious why. I’m not interested in criticizing your opinion or arguing with you, I’d just really like to know why you love it in the hopes I might be able to enjoy that movie more in the future.
oh god this is from seven months ago, I'm so sorry - but I do love almost everything about Speed Racer (2008) and I still think about it nearly every day.
I love that it's so bright and colorful and absurd. I love that it's an anime in live action form. and I love that at its heart, it is a story about love.
it's about the mistakes people make out of love, and the consequences of that. it's about the way children grow to understand why the adults around them make the choices they do, and maybe choose to do the same things. it's about taking risks for the people you love, and the pain of failing to change the world, because everything is capitalism and everything hurts.
(and it's also about being transgender btw. like, that's one of the main things about it - it is very much a movie about being transgender)
what if your father's choices hurt your older brother, and your older brother's choices hurt you, and now it's you and your younger brother staring down a future where you're going to end up hurting him by making the same choice?
and then...what if you can escape that? what if the broken parts put themselves back together, and the hope doesn't run out, and you're not alone with the things that haunt you? what then?
and now you're at the end and mistakes were still made, people were still hurt, but everyone's grown and changed and they're different now. and they've figured out that maybe, just maybe, you can change the world by doing something you love, by creating art and beauty and making people feel things.
maybe you really can defeat capitalism by driving a car really fast. and even if everyone thinks you can't...don't you have to try anyway? shouldn't you fight with the skills you have, the only way you know how?
what if it works?
and I'm not even gonna get into most of the Racer X stuff (because I want people to go watch this movie, and most folks probably won't be spoiled for it), but his whole deal is just...everything. I love him.
(if there's a guy from Speed Racer that I want to put in a jar and shake every so often, or maybe wrap in a blanket so he can have a nice nap, it's Racer X. he's a great character. prime blorbo material)
anyway I've been rotating this movie in my head ever since I saw it for the first time, and I think I've seen it...seven? times now? and I still cry at the final race, and I still get blown away by the intro sequence.
(the beginning of the movie is genuinely one of the best things I've ever seen - it does an amazing job of introducing you to the world and the story of the characters, and gets you emotionally invested in it right from the start. it's fantastic filmmaking)
also like. story stuff aside, from a technical standpoint, the movie is a masterpiece. it's the type of thing that people hated when it first came out, but when you look at it now and see how it was made, how it intentionally looks bizarre and cartoonish, plastic and surreal, you can see the exact vision the Wachowskis were going for, and it's brilliant.
the way they did the visual effects, the way they made the outdoor scenes feel so detailed, the way the driving and the tracks work - they put so much thought into that, and the behind-the-scenes vids show how cool their process was.
also uhhh cars go vroom, crash into each other, flip upside down, explode, maybe have bees and hammers in them sometimes?
(the above is me complimenting the unhinged vibe of the races themselves, which I love very much)
anyway I could make other full posts about the script of the film and how much I love it, or the cool side characters, or the fanfic potential of the amazing world of the film, or how I can prove that it's set in 1991...but I guess if anyone wants those rants, they'll just have to watch the film and then come talk to me. :)
(please. please come talk to me about Speed Racer.)
so, yeah! I kinda lost my mind there and made this post way longer than I intended, but I do feel strongly affected by this movie, and I hope this has helped explain why.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
i have the vision of an alternate blorbo about selkie jason todd, where he can’t steal his pelt back, but continues his operations as red hood as he does so canonically. batman finds out his identity, he makes batman choose, etc.
except! when hood is in that dingy place making batman choose between him and the joker, batman orders him to put the gun down. his body moves, screaming in wrongness and unwillingness as he sets the gun down. the realization made him sick. batman had the pelt on him. bruce was using the pelt against him. the same man that promised the younger version of him that no matter what happened he’d never take advantage of jay like that—now held the reigns. he could practically feel the pelt rubbing against kevlar—how did he not notice beforehand? jason was left with a sickening sour sensation under his skin as the joker begins to laugh
anyways what batman does next is up to interpretation, or yours if you write this lol
In the “Our Dead Drink the Sea” universe, selkies cannot actually be controlled by whoever holds their seal skin. It usually makes them obey orders more easily in fear of what their captor may do to their skin if they don’t, but they aren’t robbed of their free will.
But let’s say it’s a universe one step to the left where having a selkie’s pelt does give you full control over them.
If Bruce did something like that to Jason with his pelt, deliberately…. Yeah, I don’t see Jason ever forgiving him for that. This may only be my opinion, but a selkie’s pelt is an extension of their body and soul. Using it to control the Selkie is like assault/abuse of the worst kind. Even if Bruce has good intentions and was only trying to deescalate the situation, even if he saw no other way, even if he handed Jason’s pelt back to him right after… the damage would be done. No amount of apologizing would be able to undo the massive amount of damage that did to what little hope/trust Jason still had for him. Forcing your own will on someone else like that… I really don’t see that resolving itself soon, if ever. Jason would always think: Bruce did it once, he might do it again. And that will haunt him for the rest of his life and cast a shadow on any and all attempts Bruce might make to set things right.
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pastel-player · 1 year
“Why are you Animorphs posting? Is this an old fixation we are suddenly being made aware of-”
“No, I’ve never read any of them but the more I learn the more fascinated I become and I kinda want to read this series now. But what if it becomes a fixation. How could I live.”
Y’all don’t understand. The very genuine fear. The fact that I know this could happen. That this is in line with the kind of stuff that invades my brain.
I don’t think I’m ready to be able to point at those horrific covers that haunt the peripheral vision of my elementary library memories and go “that is my blorbo.” I am not ready. One day I will be. But today is not that day.
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eddywoww · 11 months
Halloween prompts!
Have you ever wanted to write something spooky involving your favorite blorbos? Maybe something spooky AND vaguely horny?
Reblog this post and see what you get sent. Write a short (or long, I can’t tell you what to do) prompt with a line of dialogue!
1) “I think we have a ghost.”
2) “Why do you have garlic hanging on the door?”
3) “You can’t bite my neck, that’s too obvious.”
4) “What exactly is this…costume supposed to be?”
5) “To be honest, I don’t have a great hankering to go into the big spooky house.”
6) “Yes, I do think werewolves are real. Would you like to make fun of me some more?”
7) “Don’t think were goin’ anywhere with Count Dracula over there.”
8) “I think you’ll find it’s Frankenstein’s monster, not Frankenstein.”
9) “No offense but I’m getting swamp monster vibes.”
10) “I’m allowed to be a slut on Halloween.”
11) “Aren’t you a little old to be trick or treating?”
12) “Like taking candy from a strange man in a mummy costume.”
13) “Michael Meyers wouldn’t put up with this.”
14) “The ghostface mask stays on during sex.”
15) “I’m not going near a haunted house. You know how I get, I’ll just end up punching someone.”
16) “I can’t be here. Witches always want virgin sacrifices and unfortunately, I fit the bill.”
17) “If you say his name three times…”
18) “I’m not going near a ouija board, so you can stop right there.”
19) “This isn’t scooby doo and I refuse to be Velma. Glasses or not.”
20) “I thought a vampire would have a cooler house, if I’m being honest.”
21) “You ate all my candy. Again.”
22) “I didn’t invite you to pumpkin carving just so you could make fun of my vision.”
23) “This has to be the laziest attempt at a costume I’ve ever seen. I’m into it.”
24) “Halloween is about being both inhumanly scary and ridiculously gay.”
25) “And what if the escaped convict is one of us? What then?”
26) “I’m never doing an escape room with you again.”
27) “What’s not horny about corn mazes?”
28) “I know he’s wearing a scary mask but that isn’t going to stop me.”
29) “If I have a heart attack, I’m blaming it on you.”
30) “I didn’t think demons were real.”
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calamitous-magpie · 6 months
What is a favorite fandom headcanon for you?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.*
Chamber is a good person.
No, actually. This maybe falls outside the realm of headcannon, per se -- it's more like an interpretation that I really like, rather than an entirely new thing that I'm making up based on pre-existing material, but the definition of headcannon varies so much that it still probably counts. I think the most interesting version of his character would be one that is deeply, deeply haunted by the Everett-Linde incident but can't bring himself to regret it because it was necessary to prevent a greater tragedy. Whatever that "greater tragedy" is hasn't been revealed, but it seems like it's still lurking on the horizon. It might have to do with Fade's apocalypse/nightmare visions.
There is some backing for this interpretation! On the signage and displays on the Fracture/Everett-Linde map in-game, there's a lot of references to the Odyssey, including the phrase "between Scylla and Charybdis." It's reference to a choice that Odysseus is forced to make that will result in a bad ending either way. The modern equivalents of the phase might be "to choose the lesser of two evils." The same phase is also the name of a card that features Chamber. The implication, therefore, is that he made a similar choice instead of one that was selfishly motivated. A lot of this was noticed and analyzed first by Strawberry79 on Twitter, and I found it pretty compelling and adopted it.
I see a lot of people characterize Chamber as either flat-out evil/extremely manipulative and completely unsympathetic OR sympathetic but woobified/sadboy and I don't really vibe with either of those interpretations? The former feels like it lacks nuance and the latter sucks the fun out of his character, which is that he is deceptive and charming and always wearing a mask. Forcing him to drop the mask is PEAK emotional turmoil and character development. And romance. Rewards of being loved vs moritifcation of being known etc. i love subjecting my blorbos to pain
A short list of other headcannons I have about Chamber that do not require an essay:
his parents died when he was young-ish (late teens) and he spent the rest of his childhood and some of his early adulthood with an aunt and uncle
He listens to Nina Simone and Sade
He's a classically trained pianist (not a headcannon). No one realized this until Gekko brought a cheap keyboard with him when he moved in and Chamber started idly playing it while they were setting it up. Gekko, who shares very little else with Chamber, goes to him with questions about music theory from time to time and Chamber is always happy to answer them.
For only moderately self-centered reasons, Chamber likes to teach about things. He's hosted a handful of seminars about nanotech before, and was similarly happy to talk with Gekko about music and piano technique.
The younger agents make a lot of jokes about him behind his back that they'd never make to his face. They're all more intimidated by him than they'd really like to admit. It's the tie, probably.
This one took a while to answer because I had to sit on it for a bit! I could absolutely write a longer essay on this but I'm going to curtail it. For now. Thanks for the ask!
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what ghost haunts you ?
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* The Ghost of Vengeance
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you ache for revenge and little else. red paints your vision, and it has grown so thick that it has grown so hard to see. somewhere within your ribs is a child longing for comfort again. you will never let them see the light of day. for now, there is blood on your hands and your teeth. before you were a human, you were an omen with a heart constructed of thorns. when audre lorde wrote, “i feel it’s my anger that helped keep me alive.” when ashe vernon wrote, “isn’t this rage so ugly? and isn’t it mine, still? good god, isn’t it mine?” you will never find peace within your own anger, but you bathe in it anyway. the way you always have.
tagged; @danversiism (finally getting to some of these; and geez thanks tania)
tagging; @strxngetimes (just to see this; im here to psychologically torture my friends), @wrathbit (i could guess what peter gets based on url alone), @gammaragee (if bruce doesn't relate we're doomed), @biitchcakes (kissy face you), and anyone else, please tell me of how your blorbo tortures you.
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poobletoods · 2 years
encountered a blorbo song a month or two ago and was haunted by a mental amv
my heart said “make an animatic” and my schedule said “fucking don’t” so my brain compromised with this
my conditions were that I couldn’t spend more than ~30 seconds on each frame, each one had to be rough enough to not take long but clear enough to get the point across, I couldn’t post or share it until it was completely done, and if I really felt like I wanted to fully draw one of the frames, I could do it later
the result being my motivation for this lasted for the entire time I was making it! huzzah! I did break the 30 seconds rule quite a lot towards the end (which is funny because those frames are visible for like less than a second each lmao) but I gave myself some leeway since I was in the home stretch at that point
ANYHOW, thank you to @cosmignon​ for putting this in my brain by introducing me to this song, it’s a real good one! glad I could finish this and transfer the incessant vision of nonexistent animatic to all of you :) who knows, maybe some day I’ll make this a cleaner thing
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thatrandombystander · 4 months
Can you explain the queerness of Black Flags? I have zero context other than occasionally seeing gifsets of hot people in pirate gear. Is the queerness actually addressed (somewhat/well/not really) in story or is it people seeing things?
I don't mind spoilers, it's just one that I've had on my to-watch list for a while and I've just curious how much of the queerness is vibes vs reality. Not to diss queer vibes...sigh...I hope you get what I mean...
Also...Lesbions? O.O
It's been a good uhh at least 5 years since I watched Black Sails so some details escape me but the queerness is integral.
It takes a good while before you find out my main man James Flint's backstory and Deal but he is quite truly waging a war against England and polite society for what they did to his (male) lover while also working towards bringing his lover's vision of Nassau into reality
The queerness haunts the narrative and drives my man into his violent bloody bloody pirate rage (warning for violence)
Also lesbians and poly relationships are there for real. Don't remember how early the lesbianism starts but pretty sure reasonably early on?
The first season of Black Sails came out during the peak of Game of Thrones and you can tell but you can clearly see the executives letting the writers have free reign from the first episode of season 2.
Season 1 is still pretty good but it's not Great. It's the only season to feature sexual assault and is the closest season to that sort of male power fantasy that Game of Thrones and Vikings or whatever else appeal to.
Black Sails is literally in my top three shows of all time (on the quality scale not fandom blorbo brainworms scale) and the four or five people I've gotten to watch it have all come back to tell me how good it was and also started spreading the gospel.
If you're not worried about spoilers, Rowan Eliss did a video essay about the show's writing which is what finally got me to have and watch the series.
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aq2003 · 8 months
I listened to the tenth doctor song recs and they were all so fucking on point. Also Inertia as a fourteen song ohhhhhh my god. Amazing. Pompeii is for sure a ten song but also the tendonna of it all. Every Will Wood song was SO spot on. I was going to send my favorite lyrics from one of them, but then it became like half of the song, and then I ended up wanting to do it for each one, so just trust me when I say I see the vision. Flight of the Crows made me insane. Similar to the Will Wood stuff I was gonna send some specific banger lyrics but it was just the whole song. 10/10.
(post for context) YEAHHHHH!!!! i am still trying to clean my ten playlist up ie only let in songs that super fit my very specific meaningless criteria and organize it by each of his three seasons so that you can vaguely string together his arc just by listening to the it. it's a difficult balance so it's def a work in progress hdkgldjhfkw
inertia is fun bc i found it and went "woah, fourteen!" then i later found a fancam of him to it. like so true op we are melding our minds together. and pompeii...ohhhh god the tendonna huh. not even in the sense its about donna but like. this song is in the s4 specials/pre-waters of mars section of my ten playlist bc it's her haunting the narrative so bad. this random song can represent the fires of pompeii/waters of mars narrative connection SOOO well
will wood has so many ten coded songs it's insane i think my favorite one that i listen to and think the blorbo thoughts about changes every week. currently feelings the shrimp emotions about against the kitchen floor though bc. The tenmartha huh. good lord. what the fuck
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also a couple of the songs i recced (cicada days and flight of the crows) i originally found from this post from @alexmey-does-an-arts, they've got more ten-coded songs there that you might also like!!!
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bendableclown · 4 months
How each of my Blorbos would react to Scorn (2022):
Caliborn: unphased. All metaphors are going over his head. He likes the part with the blender.
Waluigi: Traumatized. Inconsolable. He can’t sleep because he’s haunted by visions.
Murdoc: Tries to act tough but he’s super grossed out. Might vomit.
Censordoll: Will either help her work through her trauma or will send her spiraling. Either way, it will be a religious experience.
Medic: I think he’d play it over and over for fun. He loves the zuck machine cutscene.
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moongothic · 5 months
I had a dream last night that Toei had made like a One Piece feature film/animated special about Crocodile and y'all it was fucking weird
You know the brainrot has reached terminal velocity when the blorbo starts appearing in your dreams. (To be fair, I have had about a million other One Piece themed dreams in the past and Crocodile did show up in one once before, like years and years ago (which is slightly deranged considdering I only lost my mind about this man last fall), but still) (I'm just glad this wasn't one of my usual nightmares)
So the set-up for the movie was that a bunch of people, including Crocodile and Daz, had infiltrated somekinda skyscraper because they were on a mission to do... something. I don't remember what their actual goal was, somekinda secret agent kinda bs, but they were there.
The first little bit of the movie was more like a video game where you just had to get deeper and deeper into the tower without getting noticed/found out and it was going decent, though eventually Croc and Daz got separated from one another (can't remember if they got spotted and split intentionally or what)
Crocodile found himself in a weird science-y room that started emitting somekinda pastel rainbow colored hallucinogenic mist that was showing him Visions from the Past to Haunt and Taunt him
And this was kind of where the movie would cut between the other shit that was happening and what Daz was up to while going through the building, and what visions were haunting Crocodile. I can't remember the details anymore for either plot, just that at some point the mist showed Crocodile a young, blond haired Whitebeard
The second last time we cut to Crocodile in the pastel mist, an old man with blond hair appears to him to come taunt him or something, but the scene cuts away before the altercation can begin. What was strange though was that the old man looked almost like an elderly Crocodile (without the scar and with the blond hair)
We cut to Daz and he has made his way to the top of the skyscraper with some people, being chased by their enemies. They're stuck inside the skyscraper though and Daz decides the easiest way to make their exist is for him to literally cut the roof off so he does that in usual One Piece fashion. And then he jumps off the building, doing some flips in the air while turning parts of his body into blades and then back to flesh, which somehow slows down the fall?? And then he just. Lands safely into Ivankov's hair.
??????????? Dream logic don't think about it
Anyway, we cut back to Crocodile and he's having an altercation with the strange old man, which Crocodile wins with strange ease (like this was supposed to be the big, final showdown and it wasn't really either), the old man vanishing into the rainbow mist. The mist then turning thicker and thicker until it consumes everything and Crocodile with it
We then cut to outside the skyscraper where Daz and the others are, where Crocodile has now reappeared, as if he had been teleported there by the mist. But what's strange is that Crocodile is now a child with blond hair.
I don't remember how the movie then ended, I just remember feeling annoyed how although we got a Crocodile-centric OP movie, this would now mean we will never get to see his full backstory because the movie ended up confirming that Crocodile was Whitebeard's bio-son while refusing to spill the beans in detail
IDK I did have more dreams from there on (one of them was about the animated Barbie movies?????????) but I can't remember much anything else, and they weren't related to this OP dream. I'm just. Like I've seen objectively weirder dreams, there's just something about this one that kinda haunts me
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
it's time for the final vote, gamers! and this time, we have three characters going head to head!
as a reminder, please vote for whichever character you find the most compelling based on their description, not just who you think they might be! go wild! or don't! idk! i'm not your dad!
Bomb Mom
She's a war criminal who nearly genocided an entire species because a few of them killed her children. Her favorite hobby is creating explosions. Her best friend is a god. She uses the corpses of those that she's killed in order to bypass locked doors. If she wanted to she could contact her god friend by using an Alexa device. He wishes she would stop visiting.
Cringe-Ass Vampire Wannabe
cringe little fucking loser what is wrong with you be normal. loves men to an inappropriate extent and has so so much religious trauma. Why Do You Have Fangs. he's an orthodontist for all the wrong reasons and speaks like a victorian vampire who just came back from time traveling the future. he is not a vampire (very important to note) but you bet your ass he pretends hes one. hes like if an emo middle school warrior cat fan did not grow up.
The World's Saddest Man
He’s a hot fucking mess on his best days. He is so riddled with trauma and mental illness that it’s a miracle he can still function, and he’s fighting for his life each and every day just to get out of bed. But he keeps trying. Goddammit, he never stops trying to keep his head up and be there for others because he doesn’t know how to be there for himself. If he can help the people he loves, then it’ll all be worth it. Underneath all the angst and pain that makes up much of his personality, he is a deeply devoted, loving man who truly wants to do good and make the world a better place. Also, he’s haunted by visions, so that’s a whole other thing.
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tucutucus · 6 months
What if i drew down the visions that haunt me?
Depictions of divine origin, twisted by the intricate maze of human interpretation
What if i painted the walls of my abode, with what haunts my sore soul only to be found after i pass away?
What if the paints cause a greater horror, untouched recognition, like the ever feeling of something being on the tip of your tongue but falling short of it
What if it was blorbo from my shows, werewolf AU?
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profanetools · 1 year
kagrenac ofc
ofc, the one and only:
First impression
canonical footnote, 'some guy', barely registered beyond 'there's a name for that person'
Impression now
[500 headcanons later] painfully divorced painfully 'type A' prominent lesbian academic-autocrat who can have a little personality cult as a treat, turns into wretched failwoman with just one fancy hammer, knife, and glove. my scrunkly. my blorbo. my beloved, who haunts my OCs by simply being herself <3
Favourite moment
how her being missing from the narrative torments anyone who cares about the dwarves. how her being missing doesn't torment anyone, because no one who cares about the dwarves - who they really were, not the dwemeriboo scholars - is left. how an absence that should be deeply profound, isn't. and what a horrible tragedy that is.
Idea for a story
washes up in a cave somewhere 4000 years later on tamriel half-dead with a massive cauterised wound where trueflame got her, is rescued by local crab fishermen who have no idea who this fancy looking elf in their blood-stained ceremonial clothing is, the local witch's apprentice is fascinated by her and shows her their collection of cool rocks. kagrenac mildly appreciates the cool rocks, before it dawns on her that she has to reckon with the enormity of the actions she has wrought. awful!
chaotic beach episode with Bthemetz
modern AU where she invents a synthesiser
bottle episode where she and Nerevar are trapped in an escape room
Unpopular opinion
people don't really have many opinions about kagrenac, unless they are me, but I think despite her harsh persona, I like to headcanon her as someone who is actually very good to her mentees and treats her allies well, even if she has a reputation for eviscerating those who oppose her. there's a reason why people are loyal to her beyond her ideas themselves.
Favourite relationship
outside of OCs, i think her relationships with dumac, almalexia, and nerevar are all fascinating in different ways. dumac because there's a dynamic about trust at play. almalexia because we have 'similar but different' ruling there - kagrenac has a v similar paranoid breakdown in my version of events. nerevar because they're foils in a fascinating way.
Favourite headcanon
i hit her with my transgenderism beam. i think she steals bedcovers and is not a morning person. i don't think she can cook well. i think she's a fairly missable face in a crowd - average in the sense that she's the median by dwemer standards, neither tall nor short, not particularly distinct, etc. - and when dressed plainly - which is fairly often - she does not stand out in a room, she does not have a special 'aura' about her at all. i think she uses bthemetz's bathtub to grow experiments in (her job is philosophical engineering but her hobby is bizarre biology, it turns out) and as a result bthemetz ends up making a second bathroom in her home in the void. i think she's a snob about house music. i think she can't hold her drink that well and it's kind of adorable. i think she's got a fairly non-expressive face + a resting bitch face combo. i think she always meant well but lacked the trust in others to see fault in her plans and her ways, seeing all others as incapable of really understanding her vision. i think she misses bthemetz, knows she misses bthemetz, and loathes this about herself. i think she's a hot mess.
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