#hasan europe
hasanabiyoutube · 16 days
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nevzatboyraz44 · 10 months
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Allah rahmet eylesin mekanları cennet olsun 🤲
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hasanabiouttakes · 1 month
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aci25 · 2 years
'Good Morning Britain' Interview Gives 'Don't Look Up' Vibes
The movie ‘Don’t Look Up’ eerily mirrored reality this week when a climate activist appeared on the UK morning show ‘Good Morning Britain.’ So we put real life and the movie side by side for all to see.
Just proves what I've been saying about Don't Look Up and why the film was so uncomfortable for the critics and the media. The film wasn't just satire, it was a holding up a mirror and reflecting society.
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lilium--bosniacum · 7 months
Selem Aleykum
I would like to do some research about the bosnian genocide . What was Europe's stance during that time?
We aleikum salam.
I can't think of a direct source that would answer that specific question right now, but what comes to mind are the following books:
The War is Dead, Long Live the War: Bosnia: The Reckoning by Ed Vulliamy, the first western journalist to visit and report on concentration camps in Prijedor in north-western Bosnia.
Under the UN Flag: The International Community and the Srebrenica Genocide by Hasan Nuhanović. He talks about the complicity of the International Community, and more specifically the UN Dutch battalion that was in charge of the Srebrenica "safe zone" when the enclave fell to Bosnian Serb forces. Nuhanović sued the state of the Netherlands for the deaths of his family members, mother, father and brother, who were expelled from the UN base where he was employed as a translator.
Speaking of the Dutch in Srebrenica, there is a photograph, that I can never forget for as long as I live, of a Dutchbat "peacekeeper" gleefully filming a group of Bosniaks picking through a pile of trash during a time of severe food scarcity and starvation for the people in the enclave. In my opinion, it's rather symbolic of Western Europe's stance towards Bosnia, then and now.
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As I've said, not a direct answer to your question, but if you're doing research on this subject, these two books should be on your list regardless.
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matan4il · 4 months
Amin al-Husseini docu: part 8
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Last
Translator's notes:
-> Erwin Rommel was the commander of the Nazi forces in North Africa. They landed in Tunisia and were moving eastward, towards the Land of Israel. Rommel was stoppsed at the Second El-Alamein battle, in November 1942.
-> Walter Rauff was appointed as, among other things, the head of a unit called Einsatzgruppe Egypt (similarly named to the Einsatzgruppen in Europe, the "death squads" in charge of exterminating the Eastern European Jews, and which according to the latest research shot to death at least 2.5 million Jewish men, women and children in the shooting pits there). Einsatzgruppe Egypt was stationed in Athens, awaiting deployment in the Land of Israel once it would be occupied by Rommel's forces. The unit of 24 men was supposed to instruct the local Arabs, recruited by the Mufti, in how to exterminate Jews in gas chambers that were to be built in the Dotan Valley.
-> Prof. Yossi ben-Artzi is actually presented by the docu as "researched Operation Atlas," but I can't in good conscience write that, when he was actually researching The Templers. They are a German radical sect, which was established in 1861, and aspired to form the "perfect Christian society" to speed up the return of Jesus, which could also be helped by colonizing Israel. They began to do so around the end of the 1860's. This sect views Jews as denied salvation, since they didn't accept Jesus. At the peak of the Templers' colonization in Israel, they had somewhere between 900 to 1,200 adults, with a total community size of around 2,000 members living here. In the 1930's, they greatly identified with the Nazis, and at least 300 adult Templers were also officially members of the Nazi party. They even had local chapters of the Nazi party and the Hitler Jugend (Hitler youth) at their colonies in Israel. By 1934, there were reports of the Templers spreading Nazi ideology to local Arabs in Israel. Templer men were drafted into the Nazi army (the Wehrmacht) on Aug 20, 1939. Some of them left for Germany with their families, altogether 550 people. The British expelled most of those remaining to Australia. The few left were expelled in 1948, following Israel's Independence War. Israel paid the sect reparations for the property they had to leave behind (most of which was confiscated by the British). Today, there are still about 1,300 Templers living in Australia (with a center in Melbourne) and 700 in Germany. Their main center there is in Stuttgart, where they have their own conference hall, archive and monthly newspaper.
(in the pic: The Fast Hotel in Jerusalem, displaying several country flags along with the Nazi one in 1933)
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-> Operation Atlas included 5 parachutists. The three German ones were Kurt Wieland, who headed a local Hitler Jugend chapter and left in 1936 for Germany to join the Nazi army, Friedrich Deininger, who helped the Arabs during the 1936-1939 Arab revolt (in which many Jews and Brits were targeted in Israel) and was incarcerated for this by the British, but he managed to escape to Germany, and Werner Frank, who had joined the Hitler Jugend in 1934 already. The two Arabs were Abdul Latif, who had participated in the Arab revolt, was expelled for it by the Brits to Iraq, but ended up becoming one of the Mufti's assistants in Berlin, and Hasan Salama, one of the leaders of the Arab revolt (during which he also killed many Arabs and gained from stolen property), after which he fled to Lebanon, then Syria, where he joined the Mufti on his way to Iraq, and finally to Germany. Salama became one of the Arab leaders during Israel's Independence War, and in fact he led the attack on bus 2904 from Netanya to Jerusalem, which is the anti-Jewish attack that started the war on Nov 30, 1947.
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-> The participants of Operation Atlas parachuted east of Jericho on Oct 6, 1944. Some of their gold coins got the local Arabs talking, leading the British police to them. By Oct 11, even the Jewish press in Israel published the info on the strangers who had parachuted there. On Oct 15, the Brits captured Wieland, Frank and Latif. On Oct 16, they formally published this info. A few days later, they called off the search for the remaining two men. Deininger was captured in 1946, when he tried to contact his family, and Salama, who oversaw the start of Israel's Independence War, was eventually killed in a battle not too far from Rosh Ha'Ayin, the area where the springs the operation is said to have targeted are, and the same zone that Salama himself was from.
-> Decades after the war, Professor ben-Artzi, out of admiration for some of the Templers' colonialist accomplishments in Israel, lived with them in Stuttgart to gain their trust and study them. He was told by one man, who had returned from Australia, that the (then undisputed) story of Operation Atlas' goal being to poison Tel Aviv's water is untrue. According to ben-Artzi, 7 years later the man confessed to be the Nazi Waffen SS soldier Werner Frank, and it's his testimony that the professor is mostly basing his assessment of Operation Atlas on.
-> I'll offer my POV on Operation Atlas, but it's obviously just my personal opinion. I do think Frank had motivation to deny his complicity in what would have been a mass murder, for his own sake and that of his sect. I also don't know why his testimony should be seen as any more reliable than that of so many other Nazi criminals, who after the end of WWII, denied some of the facts or their own motivation. I do believe the substance the parachutists were carrying was poison. Other than Professor ben-Artzi, no historian disputes this, they mainly argue what the poison was for. Beyond the fact that black pepper is a much easier way to throw dogs off, poison specifically is a really dumb idea for that task, because it's bound to leave a trail of dead dogs that would lead back to the parachutists. And of course, the Mufti was a raging genocidal antisemite, obsessed with making sure that even Jews outside of Israel would be exterminated, so why in the world would he be so involved, and even emotionally invested (calling the parachutists his sons) if the operation was not targeting Jews specifically?
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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inkofimagination · 8 months
Can you elaborate more on Hasan’s girl in college years that he had and then they met up recently and she comes on stream and SPILLS shit about him bc it was 10 years ago and its fine now and ppl actually start shipping them
lovers to enemies ex’es to strangers to friends to lovers trope????? ( long one sorry )😎
Oooh, i love this! 😌
Like she isn’t from the states, just studied there and after she graduated, left back to Europe(you can pick a country).
She comes on stream as a special guest because Hasan saw on social media that she is back in states and knew that she would be down.
The chat loves her at the first sight because she is funny and doesn’t try to impress them, just stays herself.
She tells stories how they met, how they broke up, how much shit they went through.
He tells it from his perspective, then they argue(of course).
The chat is going crazy because she is spilling just so much stuff.
‘Yeah, he thought having a threesome the day after we broke up was an AMAZING IDEA’
‘It’s called revenge, sweetheart’
Chat is cackling, clipping stuff, making edits how you two talk like married couple and how he looks at you.
‘Wow someone who can cuss HIM out? and he doesn’t clap BACK??’
‘She is scary. I LOVE HER’
‘SHE CALLED HIM SWEETHEART💀💀💀💀💀 look how he fumbled’
‘He still loves her aw🥺’
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thommi-tomate · 6 months
Interview with Sepp Maier
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Mr. Maier, how do you look back on the football year 2023?
With a lot of emotion. It started with Manuel Neuer's serious injury, which he sustained on his skiing vacation. That was a shock, of course. But one thing is clear: Manu never took too many risks. I never doubted Manu's comeback afterwards. He's such a great goalkeeper, he just had to come back. Of course, it was sad when FC Bayern parted ways with Julian Nagelsmann. It came as a surprise, but perhaps it was unavoidable. Overall, it wasn't FC Bayern's year.
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The Munich team also said goodbye to leading personalities prematurely. Looking back, how do you view the departure of Hasan Salihamidžić and Oliver Kahn?
Of course, that was a big personnel shake-up. Brazzo tore himself apart for FC Bayern, I'm sure of that. And maybe Olli didn't fit into the manager's chair. He certainly gave his all for the club, because he has a deep red Bayern heart. The way Uli settled accounts with Olli afterwards was certainly not good. That was Uli at his best again.
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What was your personal highlight?
Manu's return in the home game against Darmstadt 98 is clear. I never understood the whole drama, nor why other goalkeepers were traded in the first place. And my opinion of Yann Sommer is well known: I would never have signed him. I'm happy for him that he's now performing so well again at Inter Milan. But Sommer wasn't one for FC Bayern. A small highlight was certainly the double contract extension of Manuel Neuer and Sven Ulreich recently. FC Bayern showed its old strength. That was a great move.
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For the first time in many years, FC Bayern is not first at the end of the year, but sees Bayer Leverkusen at the top of the table. How much does that make your Bayern heart ache?
That hurts a bit - and it's also really unusual. But it has to be acknowledged without envy that Leverkusen deserve it. They have set a new record with 25 unbeaten competitive matches across all competitions, which is quite a remarkable run. Xabi Alonso would be a great coach for FC Bayern, he's doing an excellent job at Leverkusen. The way football is played there makes every fan click their tongue. It's unparalleled even in Europe. And honestly? I wouldn't have put it past Alonso.
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Will Leverkusen even become German champions in the end?
I still believe that Bayern will be champions again in the end, but it hasn't been as difficult as this season for a long time. Thomas Tuchel must get the players back on track immediately in the new year. Bayern must not weaken for a single minute. Otherwise that's it for the title. But there are also quite a few people who would begrudge Bayer Leverkusen the title. If only because of Alonso. That would also put an end to this stupid "Vizekusen" (second-kusen or also his english equivalent neverkusen)
Thomas Müller has extended his contract with FC Bayern until 2025 ahead of the last game of the year. It wasn't a complete surprise, how did you take it?
With great joy. But I also firmly assumed that Thomas would stay, he's simply a Bayern legend. Müller is such a good guy and a really good player. The way he performs on and off the pitch is wonderful and I pay him a lot of respect for that. Müller hasn't always had it easy with Tuchel, but he's taken it professionally. I'm sure Tuchel also liked his attitude. Thomas Müller lives and breathes FC Bayern. The interview after the 3-0 win against VfB Stuttgart was 100 percent Müller. He was funny and totally clear with what he said. You can't imagine him at any other club anyway. Like with me back then.
Is Müller the Gerd Müller of today?
Absolutely. Thomas Müller is the Gerd Müller of modern times. There's nothing more to say. Gerd would be proud that Thomas has extended his contract again.
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What makes Müller so unique?
His professionalism and his authentic and funny manner. I can only repeat myself: he's just a really good guy and a great footballer.
But Müller will probably replace you as the record player - does that annoy you?
Not at all. I'd rather have Thomas than someone from BVB (laughs). It will happen and he is a worthy successor. I wish him all the best. He will have earned it.
Harry Kane has scored 21 goals in 15 league games. An incredible rate, isn't it?
Absolutely. In the summer, you could assume that things would work out with him and Bayern, but his performance is already exceptionally good. There are almost no words. The special thing about Kane is that he also works for others and shows how much he has already internalized FC Bayern. He's good for the Bundesliga. Kane is clearly more valuable than Lewandowski.
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Finally, let's take a look ahead to next year's European Championship at home. What are your thoughts on the tournament?
I have mixed feelings about the home European Championships. Of course it's something very special. And it will be a very important tournament, especially for Julian Nagelsmann. He can win everything, but he can also lose everything. One thing is clear: the team must improve. We won't get through the preliminary round with performances like the recent ones against Turkey and Austria. Then we'll fail badly, but I'm thinking positively. The closer we get to the European Championship, the more euphoria there will be in Germany. It will be similar to 2006.
Julian Nagelsmann recently hinted in the ZDF sports studio that he could imagine bringing Toni Kroos back to the national team. What is your opinion?
I wouldn't bring Kroos back. I don't think it's good for him to play for the national team again. He's had his time. We have many other talented players in his position who can help the team. It's a popular topic for the media, but I wouldn't call Kroos up again. That doesn't mean he's not a great player and hasn't done anything for German football.
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Meanwhile, Marc-André ter Stegen is fighting for the number one spot in the German national team, but is currently injured. Who will be in goal for Germany at the European Championships?
Manuel Neuer. Ter Stegen is a very good goalkeeper, but Manu is on the way to his old form, so there is no doubt who will be number 1 at the European Championship in Germany.
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Final question: After 17 months of proceedings, the European Court of Justice has given the green light for the establishment of the Super League. Are you pleased about this?
Of course not. Nobody needs the Super League, there is already the Champions League for the big clubs, many national leagues and then the Nations League. The Super League will turn football into a two-tier society. I see that with great concern.
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tieflingkisser · 2 months
‘This Genocide Is About Oil’ (29 Nov 2023)
Given the billions of barrels worth of oil in Palestine, some advocates believe that fossil fuels are influencing Israel’s attacks.
“This genocide is not about the claims of Israel protecting itself,” said Shereen Talaat, founder and director of MENAFem Movement for Economic, Development, and Ecological Justice, which approaches the climate crisis in the Middle East-North Africa region through a feminist lens. “This genocide is about oil.” Both off the coast and beneath the occupied lands of Palestine, over 3 billion barrels of oil are estimated to exist, according to a 2019 U.N. report. These numbers don’t even include the gas potential in Palestine. The Levant Basin, which sits in the Mediterranean, is estimated to have some 1.7 billion barrels of oil while over 1.5 billion barrels are estimated to lie beneath the occupied West Bank area that Handala calls home. Despite the billions of dollars these resources offer if extracted, Handala would prefer the oil and gas stay where they are—the world cannot afford more fossil fuel extraction.  “We want more clean energy,” he said. All of this, of course, is aspirational. Right now, it’s downright impossible. Though the U.S. is reportedly pushing Israel to allow Palestinians to profit and build an independent energy system from offshore gas post-war, under Israeli occupation, Palestinians cannot drill for oil and gas. Many communities are not allowed to build out solar energy, either. Israel, on the other hand, hasn’t wasted time in claiming these dirty resources for itself. On October 29, its government approved 12 licenses for six companies to look for more gas fields offshore. Since the launch of the war between Russia and Ukraine in 2022, Europe has been in need of an energy provider that can fill in the gaps. For years, Israel has been trying to build a pipeline to export gas to European nations. “In the Middle East, you can never talk about conflict without the corresponding associations of oil and gas,” said Atif Kubursi, a retired economics professor at McMaster University who authored that 2019 U.N. report. “This is particularly problematic now that Russia has cut its oil and gas to Europe, and everybody is looking for alternatives.” Many advocates feel that foreign interests in extracting these resources from Palestinian lands are contributing to the potential genocide Palestinians face, at least in part. Historically, foreign policy in the Middle East has often involved fossil fuels. Could it be different this time?
Local Palestinian environmental activists would prefer to leave fossil fuels alone: They don’t want their people’s hands sullied by contributing further to climate calamity. Handala wants to see the land heal, especially after all the destruction it’s faced. He says that before the Israeli occupation in 1948, Palestinians were creating green spaces and planting forests.  “[Palestine] was one of the only green areas in the Middle East,” he said.  He dreams of a future where biodiversity thrives again—where creatures like the black iridescent Palestine sunbird can fly free, where the olive trees can once again grow old. The burning of bombs and fossil fuels pushes these dreams farther and farther away. For Yasmeen El-Hasan, an advocacy officer with the Palestine-based Union of Agricultural Work Committees, there’s no way to untangle the global thirst for oil and gas from what’s happening to Palestine. None of this is a coincidence, she said. “It is quite apparent that the international complicity in the ongoing Israeli genocide of Gaza is intricately tied to the capitalist interests of global actors and corporations, where financial gain is prioritized over Palestinian lives (and preservation of our environment),” El-Hasan wrote via email.  She believes that this is “only one of the many reasons” why much of the international community is standing by Israel. “As the Indigenous people and stewards of the land, these actors view us as an obstacle to their profit,” El-Hasan said. 
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borgiabarbie · 1 year
Wild DLS theorising incoming...
So... Since we discovered this in the update:
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It seems extremely likely that in addition to Mephis and No. 44 (assuming they aren't one and the same) there's also a bright one after Laia.
Could No. 44 be a fallen angel looking to steal Laia's soul light in order to regain power among the bright ones? 🤔 It would definitely fit with the references to Mark Twain's No. 44, the Mysterious Stranger where No. 44 is the biblical Satan, a fallen angel. (Off topic: has anyone else seen that super creepy Mysterious Stranger claymation from The Adventures of Mark Twain? *shivers*)
Anyway, it might make sense if this villainous angel was the mysterious benefactor who gifted the six paintings to Brașov Museum, setting off the entire chain of events. There's plenty of references to the benefactor seeming initially angelic before revealing their true diabolic self.
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Also Kudos to the Custodian for identifying Laia's angelic soul back in Season 2.
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It would also make a lot of sense for Mephis and No. 44 to work together to steal Laia's soul light. In the Faust legend Mephistopheles is the devil's agent, harvesting souls on his behalf. Perhaps back in S2, when Gabi recalls seeing No. 44 with a black dog, that is the form in which Mephis appears to humans with whatever gift Gabi possesses. It also makes sense given that Vlad's brand from Mephis was a black dog.
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It's interesting that Gabi describes number forty-four as having "a scary face" and being "really, really old". Meanwhile our mysterious benefactor is described as a "young man" and a foreigner. This suggests he might be able to change his appearance (if they are indeed one and the same) 🤔 an ability we know both dark and bright ones possess.
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This would explain why Vlad hasn't recognised Mephis if he's masquerading as someone else (an ability possibly boosted by the energy artifact that he's stolen from Noe's grandfather).
In S4 E1 we get our first glimpse of the mysterious ambassador (presumably No. 44 or Mephis) outside of the opening prologue.
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Later on in the chapter Lale and Mehmed encounter a sinister stranger who refers back to Mehmed's childhood accident and is fixated on Lale's beautiful soul.
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Presumably they're the same person under those robes? Maybe their fashion sense just became less elegant over time. But it's also not impossible that one figure was No. 44 and the other was Mephis.
This still leaves the question: Who is the mysterious benefactor/No. 44?
A quick look at my list of suspects:
Hasan/Ezel: The name Hasan can mean benefactor in Arabic, but I really don't think he's our villain. He was killed by the dark powers (because of Huma's deal) which seems pretty inept if he was actually working for them. I do wonder if he's potentially another azure though, given his apparent reincarnation 🤔 We did find out in S4 E2 that Ezel has been travelling in Europe, so he could have potentially been in Romania during the events of S1, but he's still low on my suspects list.
Mehmed: He was the reason Huma made her deal, and we see him interact with the sinister stranger in S4 E1, so it's pretty safe to assume he's neither No. 44 nor Mephis. Plus if Mehmed *has* been trapped in a wall this entire time he definitely wasn't roaming around Romania making deals with Sandra's father and spooking Gabi during S1. It's clear that Mehmed's got his own darkness going on, but I suspect that was acquired after Lale's death.
Councillor Septentrion:
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Septentrion is possibly too obvious a suspect? 🤔 But I definitely don't trust him. On the Noe route he was the only person who knew about Noe's romantic feelings for Laia, information I presume he passed on without Noe's knowledge (to someone else in the dark world) so that Noe could be blackmailed into accepting the Aditum position. He also took a suspiciously long time to get help when Aditum Procol was dying. And we know that he can make human bodies, they're just not as good as the ones Noe can create. Maybe someone is impersonating Septentrion, and the real one is locked in a cupboard somewhere.
Henry: He's a young man so he made the suspects list, but I think he's just kinda inept rather than suspicious. Poor guy just wants to be Leo 😔
Aquil: Okay, he's not exactly young, but he is sinister. I can definitely imagine him maybe betraying Laia and Leo at a later date, but I don't think he's Mephis/No. 44/the benefactor.
Ruthven: I'm discounting him on the grounds of being dead.
Ted: As above (at least on some playthroughs).
Asmodeus: Probably too busy being a terrible stage magician with a monumental ego to mastermind anything.
Jean: Yes, that art lawyer from S1. Admittedly he was Romanian so there's no reason the Custodian's granddaughter would describe him as a foreigner, but he still seemed somewhat suspicious. I wouldn't be surprised if he reappears before S4 is over.
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That's it for my suspects list, but the brilliant @nesrinslittleworld has a great theory based on the latest update.
TLDR: I love DLS and can't wait to find out what S4 has in store.
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nevzatboyraz44 · 9 months
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60 ihtilali sonrasında idam edilen Fatin Rüştü Zorlu'nun Plevne komutanı Gazi Osman Paşa'nın torunu olduğunu bilmiyordum.
Hele idama götürülürken Osman Paşa için yazılan marşın çalındığını hiç bilmiyordum.
Sadece bu anekdot bile 60 ihtilalini yapanların nasıl vatan haini kriptolar olduğunu anlatmaya yeter.
Yassıada komutanı Tarık Güryay'ın anılarında Fatin Rüştü Zorlu'nun idamı şöyle aktarılır:
Zorlu, ölüme gerçekten zorlu bir metanetle gitti.
O kadar ki, hatta mahut gömleğin üzerine giydirilişinden sonra, kendisine dini telkinde bulunan hocanın, Arapça kelimeleri telaffuzda düştüğü hataları düzeltti.
Kollarını arkadan bağlarken, başsavcıya son bir ricada bulundu.
Ellerinin önden bağlanmasını istedi.
Fakat bunun kanunen imkânsızlığı kendisine anlatıldı.
idam sehpasına, öz dedesi gazi Osman Paşa'nın adına yazılan marş eşliğinde gitmiştir.
Beraberce sehpaya doğru yürüdük.
Ne masaya, ne de masa üzerindeki sandalyeye çıkarken yardım istedi.
Hatta heyecandan eli titreyen cellâda:
"Oğulum ne titreyip duruyorsun?
İlmik senin değil, benim boynuma geçecek"
... dedi.
Sonra âdeta kendisini uçsuz bucaksız bir boşluğa atar gibi:
"Allah memleketi korusun, haydi Allahaısmarladık!"
...dedikten sonra, ayaklarının altındaki sandalyeyi itmek işini de kimseye bırakmadı.
Boyu uzun olduğu için, ayakları masaya basmıştı.
Cellât masayı itti.
Ona bu kadarcık da iş düşmüş bulunmasaydı, Zorlu sanki asılmış değil, intihar etmiş olacaktı."
Allah rahmet eylesin, mekanı cennet olsun...
(The person who was executed innocently by the coup plotters after the military coup in Turkey in 1960, while he was the foreign minister of the period.)
I did not know that Fatin Rüştü Zorlu, who was executed after the 60's revolution, was the grandson of Pleven commander Gazi Osman Pasha.
Especially, I never knew that the anthem written for Osman Pasha was played while he was being taken to execution.
This anecdote alone is enough to explain how the people who carried out the 1960's revolution were traitorous cryptos.
In the memoirs of Yassıada commander Tarık Güryay, the execution of Fatin Rüştü Zorlu is described as follows:
Zorlu went to death with truly tough fortitude.
So much so that, even after the so-called shirt was put on him, he corrected the mistakes made by the teacher who had given him religious inspiration in pronouncing Arabic words.
While tying his arms behind his back, he made one last request to the attorney general.
He wanted his hands tied in front.
But he was told that this was legally impossible.
He went to the gallows accompanied by the anthem written in the name of his grandfather, Gazi Osman Pasha.
We walked together towards the coffee table.
He asked for help neither on the table nor on the chair on the table.
Even to the executioner whose hands were shaking with excitement:
"Son, why are you trembling?
"The noose will be around my neck, not yours."
... said.
Then it was as if he threw himself into a vast void:
"God bless the country, let's say goodbye!"
After saying that, he did not leave the job of pushing the chair under his feet to anyone else.
Because he was tall, his feet were on the table.
The executioner pushed the table.
"If he had not been so responsible, Zorlu would have committed suicide rather than being hanged."
Rest in peace...
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decadent-hag · 8 months
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"Deccani portrait album beginning with the Mughal emperors, proceeding to the Deccani kings, then closing with the Safavid shahs; the images are labeled in Persian in the lower corner with Latin script titles added near the shoulder of each person. Possibly produced during the reign of Abul Hasan Qutb Shah (r. 1672-1687) the last ruler of the Golconda sultanate. The album is bound to be viewed left to right; probably for export to Europe."
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barbiegirldream · 6 months
my hoi4 map players were making a highspeed railway across europe and mentioned hasan. my whole body convulsed
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sixbucks · 1 year
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In Siberian Permafrost, An 18,000-Year-Old Puppy Was Discovered - Hasan Jasim
After being discovered in the depths of Siberia’s permafrost, a fascinating prehistoric pup has experts scratching their brains.
The puppy’s name was “Dogor,” which means “Friend” in the Yakut language spoken in the area. It was reported to be only two months old when it died. It was discovered in Siberia, north-east of Yakutsk, near the Indigirka River, and was recently researched at the Swedish Centre for Palaeogenetics (CPG).
The ancient canine has survived in amazingly fine shape, complete with fur, whiskers, and teeth, thanks to the permafrost, which acts as a natural refrigerator. However, researchers are still unaware of what species this curious creature previously belonged to.
While preliminary genome sequencing revealed that the specimen is male and 18,000 years old, it was unable to determine if it is a wolf, a dog, or a proto-dog common ancestor of the two.
“Despite having Europe’s largest DNA database of all dogs from around the world,” Love Dalén, professor of evolutionary genetics at the CPG, told The Siberian Times, “they couldn’t identify it on the first try in this case.”
“What if it’s a dog?” says the narrator. “We can’t wait to see the results of more testing,” said Sergey Fedorov of the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk’s Institute of Applied Ecology of the North.
Around 32,500 years ago, humans began to settle in this northern area of Russia. In addition, earlier study suggests that humans domesticated dogs from wolves between 10,000 and 40,000 years ago. Dogor might theoretically fit anywhere within this range, whether as a devoted home dog, a voracious wild wolf, or anything in between.
Permafrost produces ideal conditions for the preservation of organic materials. The sub-zero temperatures are just enough enough to prevent most bacterial and fungal development from decomposing the body, but not so cold that the tissues are damaged. Scientists are occasionally able to obtain viable DNA fragments that can be used to sequence the genome of the organism in question if the conditions are just perfect.
The 40,000-year-old head of an ice age wolf, still coated in skin and fur, discovered last year in the Abyisky district of northern Yakutia, is another amazing example of permafrost preservation.
In the last few decades, researchers have discovered scores of wooly mammoth remains from the tundra of Siberia and beyond. A 28,000-year-old mammoth named “Yuka” was discovered near the mouth of the Kondratievo River in Siberia in the summer of 2010. It is one of the most famous and studied examples. Scientists have even considered harnessing the DNA of permafrost-preserved mammoths and utilizing it to resuscitate the species from extinction, despite the fact that there is still a long way to go.
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munyekamarie · 1 year
i want to like Hasan but he’s such a stupid arrogant fuck 😭😭😭 like no bro people weren’t mad about you being wrong about russia invading ukraine they were mad about the callous and disgusting disregard you had for people trying to inform you on the geopolitics of eastern europe, and why russia was clearly up to some shit leading up to the invasion. your “haters” weren’t “just listening to what CNN was saying” they were looking at what russia was doing on the fucking border you dumbfuck. truly upsetting that the largest leftist streamer/content creator in the west is completely incapable of taking the lightest of criticism and engaging in the slightest of introspection. 
sorry for the rant. i was trying to watch his 2022 clip reaction video, and he was saying some dumb shit about the invasion again 💀
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