#harsh sound
alchemisland · 10 months
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cumgrandpa · 1 year
Well, everyone, here's my CIA torture playlist. I made it myself for if I was the CIA and I was torturing you. Good fucking luck!
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frogsare-friends · 3 months
"war on palestine" "war on gaza" "israel palestine war" "israel palestine conflict" actually it's none of those things, it's a genocide and an ethnic cleansing, hope this helps!!
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thinwhitedoc · 2 months
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SHERLOCK | Martin Freeman as John Watson
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ikarakie · 20 days
obssessed with the way astarion says cazador's name. he spits that shit out with such venom and disgust every single time
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Does anyone else absolutely HATE white noise? When it comes to other frequencies, I don’t mind them as much (like brown noise), because they sound much smoother to my ears and less harsh.
Here’s what brown noise sounds like if anyone is curious.
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ardentpoop · 6 months
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you guys really don’t get him tbfh
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iceglade · 3 months
if you discard all of the first parts of dawntrail you need to go do it again.
woe , two more expansions of kozama'uka be upon ye!!! turn around and walk back to urqopacha you missed the point. ITS NOT FILLER. TRUST ME. ITS NOT.
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flaringk · 9 months
I have made a technically playable Homestuck Mario Kart game skvjbsdjkvhbsdkjhvbsdkjvhsbdvkjhsbdv
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sm-baby · 9 months
Ive only been vaguely following your swap (?) AU and I have to say you're stronger than any US Marine. Not only the amount of content you put oout but the detail and story and quality- AND you somehow manage to put up with people who don't seem to care about the story you want to tell, or otherwise only read look at the art and none of what you've been saying for awhile. Like if I were you I would have turned off asks because of the crazy flood of Jax lovers, coming from someome who also likes Jax. So I jusy wanted to pop in and say I am in awe of your patience and energy to put up with some of the less fun aspects of fan content
Yeahh ... Ill leave the discussion on this ask for the day U_U Thank you, I didn't know I needed to hear that!
I honestly don't mind that some people only come over for the art, thats still flattering to me! As long as theyre having fun, Im happy!
I just have s o me bounderies I wanna put front and center cuz its hard to spread word to a lot of people with out explicitly and repetitively doing so.
This is exactly why I hessitate to write Jax. Ive had my fair share of people grossly infantilizing my characters and it got so uncomfortable; I do NOT want a repeat of it. I don't want jax to be the mascot of the au, I don't want him to be seen as a pretty face rather than a character I also put a lot of writing into!
Ive had suggestions saying to just ignore those people, and yes! I mostly will! But I wanna flat out say in the beginning that I don't like that before it grows in the background!
Its not fun, and I wanna snip it out. I don't want Jax ruined for me. I want to write him the way I want, and I want others to see him as he is. People are allowed to have their interpretations of the guy, by all means go ahead! I love the interpretations that hes a little more chill, or goofy, or soft-- People are allowed to empathize, find him attractive, and all that! I love that for you!
just not complete... Uh... Whatever that "baby boy", "cinnamon roll" thing is...
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automatonwithautonomy · 4 months
it is just. so interesting to me how the entirety of red valley revolves around warren. i mean. "how are we supposed to sleep when all we can think about is waking someone up" he is - their ticket to fame and fortune, their frankenstein's monster, their failure, their friend. he is the only thing that matters, the center of the universe in that cold mountain at the end of the world.
but, like. he's just some random fucking loser who has ptsd. he isn't important. all he managed to do was have the right brain chemistry and it is so fucked up how he is constantly reminded of this. he is the most important slab of dying meat on earth. the world's most special statistic. just some fucking guy. his only acheivement is that he can sleep, no fucking wonder it's all he wants to do.
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wolveria · 1 year
Tough Love Writing Advice
I’m seeing this a lot on AO3 lately, so time for a friendly PSA.
In your notes/tags/summary, STOP saying your fic sucks. Even if it’s self-deprecation, it’s not doing you any favors. Think of it this way. If you tell me your story is terrible, why should I keep reading?
STOP saying you suck at summaries, especially in your summary. I want to know what your story is about. I would rather have a "bad" summary than no summary at all. No one cares if you “suck” at summaries. They just want to read.
STOP saying your fic is garbage and you didn’t bother to proofread it. Again, related to above, I have limited time and energy to read. I’m going to choose stories that appeal to me. If you’re telling me right out the gate your fic is garbage and you don’t care enough to even give it a glance over, then why should I stick around? Why should anyone?
You’re doing yourself a great disservice by knocking yourself down before a reader even gets to your story. Even if writing is a hobby for you, it’s a bad habit to start off with the self-deprecation. It builds zero confidence and gives you an escape to not commit to anything.
Not to sound like a hard ass, but I did this for years. Decades even. And it set me back for so long, and it makes me sad to see so many writers doing it.
It doesn’t matter if your fic is actual garbage (I disagree any art is garbage), or that you suck at summaries. You don’t need to announce it! You just keep practicing to get better. And it's hard to get better when you constantly tell yourself what you create isn't good enough to enjoy.
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blood-and-mud · 4 months
Live, Laugh, Love Lawrence (help)
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I get these little obsessions over Lawrence every 4 month or so, so I'm here to share some random unfiltered thoughts and disappear again:
Lawrence's struggles feel exceptionally human to me. He feels like the realest person when it comes to being afraid to be preserved as a monster. (His crying fit after being called a monster is what lives in my head rent-free) He feels so human when he is afraid and nervous, it's ironic.
Even though he is a massive coward, I came to a thought that he isn't a lying type. Of course, he lies from time to time, but he seems to be painfully bad at it, and when it comes to telling the truth, he either doesn't want to admit it to the verge of a breakdown or just says as it is. Maybe it's stupidity and he's just accidentally honest, but I like this part of him.
Also, I sometimes wonder which particular situations brought him so much shame. I see shame splattered all over him. I know there were a lot of mistakes made by his own hands, but what was the first disturbing thing he did? Was it a mistake? And what happened before that? And after?... I guess I'll just keep wondering
I always considered the reason for his unstable state to be his fear of admitting to himself what he is and what he likes. He was neglected and outcasted his whole life, and I feel like he can't admit his dark desires to himself because it would mean they had a reason to. That he deserved it. What a frustrating situation, isn't it? I think his mind agrees, this is how you get sleep-deprived twitchy creeps with inability to emotionally regulate themselves.
For some reason, I think of the word "tender" when I remember Law. In some (maybe most) situations he is everything but tender, but I can't unlink this word from him.
Law would have greatly benefited from schema-therapy if he had the balls to face himself (and maybe was mortal :D)
I wonder if he ever bit himself to just see what happens (I'm sad 'cause he would have bit someone for sure if he wanted to)
I also involuntary realized he is involuntary celibates (or a certified incel). And even though I can get over the fact that stereotypes about incels being sexists aren't always true, Lawrence did worse things than just being a sexist. This thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth...
I wonder if he ever wanted to become a mortician. (He is the type of guy that makes people enforce only hiring women though)
"The Consequences of imagination is fear"&"Drown me" by Junie & TheHutFriends are MC meeting Lawrence-coded IMO
PS. it's just a random pic to a random post.
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
What I Say: I'm fine. What I Mean: There was a Star Trek Novel in which Tuvok and Jack Crusher (Beverely's Husband) have to go undercover in a bathhouse that they think is a brothel to get information out of a potential lead and because of a series of hijinks at one point must come to terms with the fact that they're definitely going to have to go into the boss's private room completely naked and might have to go even further than that to get the info they truly need. They were ready to go all in on that "I'm not gay but a mission's a mission" life.
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Transcripts under the cut
[Image 1:
“We’re here to meet someone,” he said. “I was told that a Melacron named Pudris Barrh enjoyed visiting this establishment.” The alien smiled. “Oh, I see…you’re one of Barrh’s boys,” she remarked with a knowing lilt. Barrh’s boys? Crusher asked himself. What did she mean by that? He experienced a moment of alarm but kept his composure.
“If you can get past Old Scowly there,” the female continued, “you can join Barrh at his pleasures if you like." She raised a long slender arm and pointed to a gilded door to her right.] [Image 2:
“I don’t know for certain what kind of establishment this is,” said the commander, “but I can make a pretty good guess.”
“Unfortunately,” the Vulcan whispered back with sincere and undisguised revulsion, “so can I.”
"Still, we may have to go along with it.” Crusher regarded Tuvok. “Would that…pose a problem?”  “Naturally,” the Vulcan replied.
The commander grunted. “I was afraid you would say that.”
“And knowing what I do of human marriage customs,” said Tuvok, “I would imagine it would pose a problem for you as well.”
Crusher looked lost “Maybe we could just play along for some of it…for the sake of-”
“My master will see you now,” said Old Scowly. He had reappeared before the Vulcan knew it. “You may enter through the changing room, remove your clothes, and join Pudris Barrh at his pleasures.”] [Image 3:
As it happened, Tuvok wasn’t happy either. If he didn’t know better, he would have said that the uncomfortable sensation in the pit of his stomach was apprehension. Of course, that was impossible. His control over his emotions was impeccable. And yet the sensation remained.
“There must be another way,” said Crusher. “There is no other way,” the Vulcan told him. “This is the situation in which your plan has placed us.” He knew his words sounded biting, but he didn’t wish any of them back.
The human ran his hands through his thick, dark hair. “Damn it,” he said, “If Beverely ever…” “Find out about this?” the ensign suggested.
Frowning, Crusher nodded. “But as you say, there’s no other option open to us. I guess we’ll just deal with whatever comes as best we can.” He grunted. “The things we do for king and country.”] [Image 4:
When the air cleared for a moment - a byproduct of their entrance - the Vulcan was able to get a better look at their host. He was rather corpulent for a Melacron, it seemed, and more pale-looking than most.
As thick, sludgy ripples made their slow way outward from Barrh’s generous torso, he waved to Tuvok and Crusher. “Please, gentlemen, join me. We’ve not met yet, but there are few better places to get to know someone than in The House of Comfort!”
[Crusher] and Tuvok exchanged a quick glance. Taking a deep breath, the human walked up to the carpeted stairs and placed first one foot, then the other, into the hot, liquid muck.
The ensign had little choice but to follow suit. He assured himself, as he sank up to his chest in the thick, surprisingly pleasant-smelling stuff, that there was realy no logical reason T’Pel ever had to become acquainted with this misadventure.
Besides, he reflected, there was quite a good chance that the majority of his and Crusher’s actions would be classified. He had to confess that he found some comfort in the prospect.]
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Tuvok and Crusher apparently both go home and tell their wives about this experience. I don't know if we learn of T'Pel's reaction but Beverely apparently thinks its hilarious!
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ezralva · 4 months
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Oh I love how this article defines Choso and his stand in JJK universe. Simple, accurate, objective, refreshing, unique, and nothing but the truth. Offering the what-ifs scenarios that are so intriguing.
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threestripeslider · 10 months
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hi i hope this is literally the last time i have to say this, but this up there?
this aint a compliment. this isnt constructive criticism, this isnt anything writers love to see – most of us actually loathe shit like this. because this feels like entitlement to our fucking time for their own entertainment.
writing is my hobby. i do it for fun. because i like it. i do it in my damn free time, when i have the time, inspiration, motivation and energy, and most important of all I DO NOT GET PAID FOR IT. i do this shit for free for myself, i just happen to also like to share it with an audience.
i appreciate the kind comments i get, i'm happy to see people enjoy my stuff, but comments like these make you look like an entitled brat. i am an IRL person, who works an IRL job to earn IRL money on my IRL time. i am aware some comments like these may be genuine, innocent questions, but please, remember, im not a machine, who can just spit out chapter after chapter. i am busy with my personal life and my own health, i dont have the time or sometimes even interest to write. i don't owe you anything. i am literally sharing my stories with you because i want to – but if your only response is just gonna be bottomless greed and entitlement for my time, i might as well just delete my entire library and keep my stuff to myself and my friends.
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