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「 Call me Happy! 」 Archiving and sharing images I like here!
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gingerbreadfrosting · 2 days ago
i'm so sorry you've been dealing with this for years!! that's so scary. it's regretful that you have to go public with it cus i'm sure that's not comfortable for you. anyways, i just blocked all of her accounts cus apparently we were following most of them... i was under the assumption they were your sideblogs because the content was the exact same.
thank you, I appreciate your kindness. 🤍 But yeah, there have been many, many people who have said they thought her blogs were mine; it just goes to show how dedicated she has been to imitating me. It's to the point where people can't even tell us apart. Very, very unnerving behavior on her end.
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gingerbreadfrosting · 2 days ago
Hello! I'm genuinely curious since she's been stalking you for years why not just block her accounts and save yourself the worry?
I do block her accounts. I have them all blocked. That does not stop her.
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gingerbreadfrosting · 8 days ago
People seem to be stubbornly overlooking the fact that you've been harassed by that user for years, to the point of them searching for your personal blogs, on top of reposting gifs you took the time to create and source. It's simply embarrassing to me that people can't seem to read. I hope things settle down for you soon! Sending much love.
Thank you, it means a lot to me. Some people seem to be under the impression that making a post was a grab for attention but I find no pleasure in airing out my personal business like that (some of it being a bit embarrassing)... But she only cares about receiving attention and her reputation in aesthetic communities. I demonstrated that I've tried to directly ask her to stop to no outcome, but the only way she cares is if I talk about it publicly.
A lot of people seem to think it's just about her reposting from me, but it's also about how she's obsessively block evaded me, searches through my blogs, sends me messages, and does things solely with the intention of upsetting me. And stealing someone else's edits and work is just downright lazy and uncalled for, especially when she claims credit for them. It takes like, 15 minutes to pop a video into ezgif. She couldn't even help but to copy captions I made on my GIFs.
I never even mentioned that I had a breakdown in 2023 (I had just turned 18! I was underage when this started!) where I contemplated deleting my entire account because she had found my private blog I only shared with friends, and she started posting about my special interest at the time despite having zero prior interest in it. I felt so monitored and it ruined my mental health for a long while - I felt uncomfortable doing and saying anything publicly and I felt like I couldn't be myself because I knew she'd go out of her way to find it. She does things purposely with the intention of harassing and upsetting me, and it is very clear and blatant.
I'm not the kind of person to believe in "copying" because no singular person owns an aesthetic... but everything she does is with the intention of copying me, while she claims that everyone else is copying her. It's creepy to the degree that she's done it with me. Posts are one thing, but copying entire interests and personality traits is just weird.
I think anyone who thinks I did this for attention just doesn't truly understand how this kind of situation feels, and I hope that if it ever happens to them or someone they love, that the world will be much kinder to them. Sorry for the long message, I just had all this on my mind hahah, thank you and I hope you have a good day!
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gingerbreadfrosting · 10 days ago
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gingerbreadfrosting · 13 days ago
Do any of you know any pretty summer / tropical blogs like mine? 🏖️🌈🌺
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gingerbreadfrosting · 14 days ago
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「丸福珈琲店」海遊館監修 ジンベイザメのブルーパフェ♪
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gingerbreadfrosting · 21 days ago
I really don't use this blog much anymore. So I kind of want to use this to post about a really popular set of accounts.
I have been stalked by @adequately/@islandmusic/@bonkie/@230yen/@mofufufu/@comfye (she owns many, many blogs) for four years.
She went out of her way to find my personal blog after I remade, when I had made no indication of what this blog was and only interacted with people I knew, meaning she purposefully went out of her way to find me. She also obsessively checks my blogs to find new posts and new blogs of mine, as she stole from one of my blogs that I had only posted once about on my personal blog.
Proof her stealing my posts recently. This is just recently. There is literally years of this. My URLs are going to be censored because I don't want my personal blog to be known. However, I will keep the dates visible to prove that she took them from me.
These are my uploads posted first:
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And here are her blogs, reposting literally all of this in a row. Back to back. These are one after the other. Many of these are from the same day, minutes or hours after my posts. She does not even hide that she is stalking me.
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This is literal years of this behavior from her, I couldn't possibly show all of it. She also steals my GIFs and claims them as hers. In 2024, she stole nearly every GIF I would post. She did not even bother to change my original captions that I made that were not in the original sources, proving that she just copied directly from my posts.
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I have reached out to her multiple times begging her to please leave me alone and that I don't want anything to do with her, but she is still very obsessed with me and hostile no matter what I do to get her to leave me alone.
Here is me begging her for months to leave me alone on a sideblog, because she often turns off her DMs, tagging, replies and asks on all her blogs. Probably for this literal reason. There is also a DM she sent me where she admits to stealing from me.
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Even though she apologizes for her behavior, she does not mean it because she does not stop. She lied to me. I do not steal posts from her. I don't even look at her blogs, and I blacklist her URLs to avoid her and her content. She is literally obsessed with me, and has been for four years, ever since I was a minor and she was a grown adult.
She steals from other blogs, too. I know she's done this many times, but I really only have this screenshot from ages ago. These images are from the same Instagram post, hers are just put into a different order. I don't know who the person in the first picture is but I censored their URL for their privacy.
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I also have reason to believe she has sent me a lot of anonymous hate messages but I can't prove it, and I won't put them here for that reason + a lot of them are very violent and hateful e.g. encouraging me to commit suicide.
If you see this, I hope you take this as a wake up call and leave me alone. I have been begging you to leave me alone for four years, but you never do. I want nothing to do with you. You started harassing me when I was 16 years old. I want you to stop harassing and stalking me. I want you to stop being obsessed with me and everything I do. I want you to stop looking at my blogs even when I have you blocked and try to stay away from you. I want you to stop purposefully going out of your way to find me and my accounts. Please move on with your life. And if you won't do that, I at least hope that people will realize the fear you've been inflicting on me for years.
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gingerbreadfrosting · 21 days ago
I really don't use this blog much anymore. So I kind of want to use this to post about a really popular set of accounts.
I have been stalked by @adequately/@islandmusic/@bonkie/@230yen/@mofufufu/@comfye (she owns many, many blogs) for four years.
She went out of her way to find my personal blog after I remade, when I had made no indication of what this blog was and only interacted with people I knew, meaning she purposefully went out of her way to find me. She also obsessively checks my blogs to find new posts and new blogs of mine, as she stole from one of my blogs that I had only posted once about on my personal blog.
Proof her stealing my posts recently. This is just recently. There is literally years of this. My URLs are going to be censored because I don't want my personal blog to be known. However, I will keep the dates visible to prove that she took them from me.
These are my uploads posted first:
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And here are her blogs, reposting literally all of this in a row. Back to back. These are one after the other. Many of these are from the same day, minutes or hours after my posts. She does not even hide that she is stalking me.
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This is literal years of this behavior from her, I couldn't possibly show all of it. She also steals my GIFs and claims them as hers. In 2024, she stole nearly every GIF I would post. She did not even bother to change my original captions that I made that were not in the original sources, proving that she just copied directly from my posts.
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I have reached out to her multiple times begging her to please leave me alone and that I don't want anything to do with her, but she is still very obsessed with me and hostile no matter what I do to get her to leave me alone.
Here is me begging her for months to leave me alone on a sideblog, because she often turns off her DMs, tagging, replies and asks on all her blogs. Probably for this literal reason. There is also a DM she sent me where she admits to stealing from me.
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Even though she apologizes for her behavior, she does not mean it because she does not stop. She lied to me. I do not steal posts from her. I don't even look at her blogs, and I blacklist her URLs to avoid her and her content. She is literally obsessed with me, and has been for four years, ever since I was a minor and she was a grown adult.
She steals from other blogs, too. I know she's done this many times, but I really only have this screenshot from ages ago. These images are from the same Instagram post, hers are just put into a different order. I don't know who the person in the first picture is but I censored their URL for their privacy.
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I also have reason to believe she has sent me a lot of anonymous hate messages but I can't prove it, and I won't put them here for that reason + a lot of them are very violent and hateful e.g. encouraging me to commit suicide.
If you see this, I hope you take this as a wake up call and leave me alone. I have been begging you to leave me alone for four years, but you never do. I want nothing to do with you. You started harassing me when I was 16 years old. I want you to stop harassing and stalking me. I want you to stop being obsessed with me and everything I do. I want you to stop looking at my blogs even when I have you blocked and try to stay away from you. I want you to stop purposefully going out of your way to find me and my accounts. Please move on with your life. And if you won't do that, I at least hope that people will realize the fear you've been inflicting on me for years.
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gingerbreadfrosting · 25 days ago
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スシロー マーメイドパフェ
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gingerbreadfrosting · 25 days ago
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スシロー マーメイドパフェ
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gingerbreadfrosting · 25 days ago
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スシローで「マーメイドパフェ ~ハワイアンブルー味~」を食べました
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gingerbreadfrosting · 1 month ago
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gingerbreadfrosting · 1 month ago
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gingerbreadfrosting · 1 month ago
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喫茶まりも 新丸子店
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gingerbreadfrosting · 1 month ago
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gingerbreadfrosting · 1 month ago
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gingerbreadfrosting · 1 month ago
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