#harry with puppies
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frankmayo · 8 months ago
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found photo(right) 3 years ago but i did not sure that this is Harry,
and today I found photo(left) from Picture-Play Magazine,
now i know the man of the photo(right) is Harry♥
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linophrynelight · 4 months ago
Yeah it bugs me how the fandom often mischaracterizes Harry as just a goofy lil golden retriever puppy, but I can't stop thinking about how the reason for that is because that's how many of us play him. Thousands of people look in the mirror through Harry's eyes, and what's reflected back at them is their own naive hopefulness about the future, their revolutionary spirit, their belief that he can -- and will -- recover, their love and respect for Kim and their desire for his approval. We bend over backwards to make this violent old alcoholic cop into the kindest version of himself the game allows us to. And when that's not enough, we spend hours making fanart and fanfiction where he's even kinder, and he does recover, and he finds love again.
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claudufus · 4 months ago
I love the marauders band au bc it has so much potential, I mean imagine the interviews.
Give me Remus doing the buzzfeed interview with puppies, give me James and Sirius doing the wired autocomplete interview. Give me Regulus doing a what’s in my bag, Give me Peter beating everyone at an art challenge. Give me Sirius and James prank calling people on Elle.
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lupinflowrs · 6 months ago
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high school sweethearts drarry but they're that one clingy annoying couple 💞
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oodlesodoodles · 6 months ago
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slytherinsneakers · 3 months ago
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Sooooo my gf and I just watched the Terror this month and we are OBSESSED.
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bigendervampire · 1 month ago
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voldemor doodles...
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thashining · 4 months ago
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harris-only · 1 year ago
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Now let me jump on each of their laps
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ultravioletbrit · 3 months ago
“loathe” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 485 words
“sledding” - 25 Days of Jegumas - Day 15 - @noblehouseofgay
“Please?” James asks.
“No.” Regulus tells him bluntly, not looking up from his book.  
“But… please?” James is begging.
“James. No.” Regulus says firmly.
“But… but… Reg!!” Now James is whining. “Everyone already has someone, and I’ll be all by myself.” He pouts a little petulantly.  
“I didn’t know you needed two people for sledding, Potter.” Regulus deadpans. “You just sit on the thing and roll down a hill. Seems very doable with one idiot. You don’t need me.”
James huffs. “First, you don’t roll down a hill on a thing. That’s kind of the point. You’re on a sled and you slide down the hill.” James holds his arm out and slides his other hand down it, apparently mimicking a sled on a hill. “Second, I guess, maybe, technically you don’t need two people. But everyone else will have two people which not only means their sleds will go faster, which makes it so much more fun. But also… I’ll be all by myself.” James pouts, but he does genuinely sound sad. Regulus keeps his eyes firmly on his book. He will not cave.  
“James.” Regulus starts slowly. “I don’t like to be cold. I don’t like to be wet. I don’t like the snow. I highly doubt I will like sledding.”  
“But you love me.” James says sweetly. And Regulus makes a catastrophic mistake. He looks up. He looks up into those beautiful, hazel, puppy-dog eyes… and he caves.  
Regulus is on a sled with James, speeding down a hill and he hates to admit, it is a little fun. That is, until they reach the bottom of the hill and James steers the sled the wrong way and they end up sledding right into a snowbank.
James is laughing uncontrollably as he climbs off the sled and tries to help Regulus up, but Regulus bats his hand away and stands up on his own.  
Regulus is obviously covered in snow. It’s clumping in his curls and seeping through his clothes. He’s cold and he’s wet, and he thinks he might genuinely murder James right now, because James is cackling. Regulus sends him a murderous glare that obviously does nothing except make him laugh harder.   
“I loathe you” Regulus hisses and James snorts, attempting to cover another chuckle.
“I loathe the snow. I loathe the cold. I loathe sledding.” Regulus is taking measured steps towards James. “I loathe you and your very existence. I loathe it all.” He stops in front of James trying to sound infuriated and not like he’s pouting. “I hate you. I mean it this time, Potter.” He’s pouting a little. But James still pulls his lips between his teeth and nods his head quickly, doing his best to look appropriately scolded. “Stop laughing. You are insufferable!” He pushes James down into the snowbank and that does it, James bursts into hysterical laughter. “Ugh. You are so lucky I love you.” Regulus tells him as he stomps away.
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frankmayo · 8 months ago
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"Harry McCoy, who contends that he is the enemy of every man in his comedies, says: If you had twenty Keystone foes (who) throw custard pies at you, When you put on your Sunday clothes, you'd keep some bulldogs, too."
만약 키스톤에, 당신에게 커스타드 파이를 던지는 20명의 적들이 있다면
당신이 좋은 옷을 입었을 때는 (보디가드용으로) 불독 몇 마리를 항상 데리고 다닐 것!
-Picture-Play Magazine, January, 1917
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teethburied · 6 months ago
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YASMIN & ROBERT Industry 3.05 'Company Man'
this gifset was made for @thehananigirl to support a palestinian family. commission me for a gifset to help a child get medical care!
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jaylienpotter · 2 years ago
You asked, I answered.
James: Regulus! Give me back my glasses.
Regulus: nope!
James: I can't see anything!
Regulus: sounds like a you problem.
James: yeah? How would you like I do something you hate? Hm? Because I hate migraines from not having my glasses.
Regulus: like you would do anything to hurt me.
James: oh I don't need to. *gets up from the Slytherin couch* I think you're amazing. You're so loveable, Reggie.
Regulus: w-what...?
James: you deserve the whole world. You don't deserve the shitty life you have.
Regulus: *takes a step back* s-stop.
James: *gets closer* your feelings are completely valid-
James: -and you deserve to be heard and loved.
Regulus: STOP! *extends his hand* Have the glasses!
James: thank you. *takes them and looks at Reg in the eyes* you look so much prettier like this.
Regulus: stooooop!
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wyrmwright · 1 year ago
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do you see the vision
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takethispotion · 2 years ago
I loove drawing Kim melting for just a moment...
I just wanted to draw some expressions and this came out. Can't say that I'm mad about it.
I love the idea that Kim actually likes flowers, so here you go.
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I actually made more panels, 'cos people on reddit got me inspired, so enjoy:
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Again, thanks for ideas! It was really fun to draw that :>
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cupidgnome · 1 year ago
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date at the park + dinner at a sushi restaurant + mia & milo are now bigger dogs!!
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