#harper felicity queen
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@darknightfrombeyond​ just answering this here for tagging / organizing purposes!
I have to leave you curious of course!  but yes Tommy and Rob are the brothers but they have two younger sisters!
Thea Laurel Queen is the third child and eldest daughter, and she's Ivy's daughter through and through!  She picks up both the Speedy and Arsenal mantles herself and is the only meta in the family, and much like Robbie she eventually creates her own mantle too.  She's the embodiment of "too smart for her own good" (much like her mother), clever and strategic with a talent for puzzle solving in ways that seem like jumps to anyone else but are actually carefully thought out.  She's also quite athletic, having always found success in every sport that she tries, but her favourites are soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, and archery!  and her face is Danielle Campbell
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and last but certainly not least is the baby of the family, Harper Felicity Queen!  Harper is the only sibling to not have dabbled in vigilantism (her older siblings are insistent that she be at least 18 before she makes that choice) but I know myself that she never does!  She fully intends to take over the family businesses (primarily Queen Consolidated and Knight Media, Thea Laurel is determined to take over the vineyards) with her father's stubbornness and persistence and her mom's cleverness and hard-working nature.  She has an endless supply of hobbies and is still very much in the process of figuring out who she wants to be, but she is equal parts sweet and ambitious and determined to never limit her options in life!  and her face is Mackenzie Foy
(I also have Mackenzie as a non-FFL oc named Diana Queen who's also Oliver's daughter, but she was made after I thought of Mackenzie as an Olivy kid fc)
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as for William... I haven’t figured out whether he exists or not in this verse (Oliver is less of a playboy as he’s forever hung up on Ivy) but I do want him to exist because Ivy would be a wonderful step mom and he would be a wonderful older brother so tbd for now!
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amelia-queen-black · 4 months
Roy: I always keep a bat by my bed.
Diggle: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Sara: I sleep with knives.
Felicity: Haha, the three of you are pathetic.
Roy: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Felicity: Oliver.
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alannacouture · 1 year
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I just started an Arrow rewatch, so if I start posting a shit ton of Olicity content, that’s why. I figured I’d just give people a warning. 💚🏹👩‍💻
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jbuffyangel · 4 months
The Love We Deserve: Arrow 2x06 Review (Keep Your Enemies Closer)
This is the episode I knew the writers were going THERE with Olicity. I wasn’t sure about endgame. I certainly did not know how Oliver and Felicity’s story would unfold, but “Keep Your Enemies Closer” confirmed we were in this, fam. We were in this all the way.
2013 Jen's live reaction:
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Let’s dig in…
The first scene immediately sets up this juxtaposition between Felicity, Oliver and Isabel and it carries through the episode. It’s not a love triangle. Isabel doesn’t matter enough to warrant a point on a triangle, but they use her (quite effectively I might add) to show Oliver and Felicity are anything but “just friends.”
Isabel is bitching at Oliver for whatever-he-failed-to-do-this-week and Felicity is trying to get his attention for some arrow (Roy Harper) related business. Initially, she tries using “Mr. Queen” in a very boss/employee way, but ultimately is fed up with being ignored and yells “Oliver!”
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Isabel barely tosses Felicity a glance, but Oliver ends the Co-CEO argument to leave with Felicity. Trust me when I say, Isabel clocks this decision.
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Source: @okmcintyre
Oliver and Felicity join Diggle in his search for Lyla Michaels. She went to Russia to search for Deadshot and now she’s missing. Oliver uses a Queen Consolidated subsidiary in Moscow as their cover story and use of the company jet. Unfortunately, Isabel tags along. She believes Oliver is meeting with their overseas partners behind her back. Once she discovered Oliver didn’t have any meetings planned with their subsidiary in Moscow, her accusations shift to Felicity.
Oliver: I’m not this person you think I am.
Isabel: That depends.
Oliver: On what?
Isabel: On if I think you used the corporate jet for a weekend of fun with your assistant.
Oliver: Excuse me?
He does his very best to look incredulous at the idea of hooking up with Felicity while on a romantic weekend in Moscow. I really wouldn’t put Russia on my Top 10 list of romantic getaways. Tahiti made a lot more sense, but whatever. The point is – Oliver’s feathers are immediately ruffled. Did I see him blushing? Oliver lies all day every day both professionally and personally, but this line of questioning has him quite tongue tied.
Isabel: A blonde IT girl all of a sudden gets promoted to be assistant to the CEO? There are only two ways that happens. One is nepotism and she doesn’t look like your cousin.
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Source: Paigeota
It absolutely should be happening, Oliver.
Isabel: What were her qualifications aside from an abundance of short skirts?
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Source: Paigeota
This scene is incredibly important because A) it’s hilarious and B) this is the first time Arrow has addressed OUTLOUD Felicity Smoak as a love interest for Oliver Queen. Everything up until now has been gazing, fervent glances, shoulder touches, soft tones, sexual innuendo and the electric chemistry between Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards. But Isabel puts her money on the table and flat out accuses Oliver of sleeping with Felicity.
We, the audience, know Oliver and Felicity are not having sex (much to our horror and disappointment), but Isabel presents the one question we’ve been dying to ask Oliver – does he WANT to sleep with Felicity? And his answer is… glorious.
First he laughs, uncomfortably, like this is the most INSANE line of questioning to ever take place. Keep in mind this man was tortured on Lian Yu for information about bombs, planes, the location of a Chinese archer and Japanese soldiers bones from WWII. But nope, Oliver is shocked – SHOCKED I TELL YOU – that anyone would ever think he’s having sex with Felicity. Methinks he doth protest too much.
But Oliver trips up at the mention of skirts. He stutters his way through defending Felicity. It is damn near gallant of him to argue they are an appropriate length. No ma'am, the skirts are not too short. Not for Oliver Queen!
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We can chalk this up to Oliver being a flesh and blood heterosexual man. The day they stop looking is the day they die. But this is the first time anyone has asked Oliver if he is sexually attracted to Felicity. He blushes, laughs, protests and stammers his way through his answer like a 13 year old boy.
Also, it’s extremely important to remember one episode prior Oliver was rejecting Laurel Lance in her apartment hallway after she tried to kiss him - his primary female love interest. Then the very next episode, the writers are crafting a scene forcing Oliver to address a romantic relationship with Felicity.
Is it a funny scene? Yes, but the real win for Olicity shippers is the question is being ASKED. The answer is even better. Yes, Oliver has noticed the skirts and the spectacular legs that go with them. You don’t say that about a character who is going to remain a platonic, comic relief Girl Wednesday.
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We are so far from done. Diggle infiltrates the Russian prison where Lyla is being held while Oliver and Felicity meet up with Anatoly to purchase a Russian police car as part of their escape plan. Felicity is extremely anxious about Diggle, so Oliver offers her some witty banter and a shoulder touch as reassurance.
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When the Russians try to fleece Oliver he threatens to make their children orphans in Russian.
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It’s all very Bratva Oliver and menacing, but with Felicity he makes a little joke and winks! One could say his demeanor is quite light hearted – dare I say flirting?
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Source: Paigeota
Oliver returns to the hotel and has a drink with Isabel. Bizarrely, he brings up Felicity again – unprompted. He couldn’t wiggle out of this line of questioning fast enough and now he can’t stop bringing it up! Pick a lane, my dude.
Oliver: Does everyone really think that Felicity and I are…
Isabel: No. Just everyone who works at Queen Consolidated.
My kingdom to hang out by the water cooler in that office.
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More with the loud chuckling. Nothing to see here but friendship. Look at all the friendship. Hardy har har.
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Isabel: You don’t seem like the kind of man who has female friends.
That’s the understatement of the century. Putting Oliver’s sexual partners aside for the moment - Felicity is in a unique position. Oliver doesn’t have a lot of friends let alone female friends. Felicity is also the only female in his life who knows he’s the Arrow. Has he told her everything about his past? No, but relax. We’re only on Season 2. 
Oliver has shared quite a lot with Felicity in a relatively short amount of time. He trusts her (as much as he's capable of) and Oliver does not trust easily. Felicity is the only woman Oliver can be completely and authentically himself with. This makes her more than unique – it makes Felicity special. I think Oliver understands that and he approaches their friendship with reverence. He toes a very strict line with Felicity – for a very good reason which he will reveal later on in the episode.
Isabel: Underneath that swagger, I see you pretty clearly. You’re intelligent, driven and lonely.
Isabel reveals she doesn’t buy Oliver’s bad boy routine and instead believes she shares a lot in common with him. We can take this conversation one of two ways – 1) two people connecting over vodka and a shared ability to speak Russian or 2) Oliver is working Isabel to keep the real reason for this trip a secret. Bonus? He gets laid in the process.
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Clearly, I’m going with option 2. He feeds her a line about loneliness in Russian and Isabel practically races Oliver back to the hotel room.
Mercifully, we don’t have to watch them have sex. Oliver is pressed for time because they need to save Diggle, but Isabel is fine with the wham bam thank you ma'am. Oliver thinks he left enough time, but as he opens the door to his hotel there stands Felicity just about to knock.
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Oliver left Isabel undressed and in his bed, but the woman finds her clothes with lightning speed when she hears Felicity at the door and purposefully makes her exit then.
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If Isabel bought Oliver’s “we’re just friends” speech then doing this would not be necessary. Isabel wants Felicity to know they slept together. Regardless of what people at Queen Consolidated think, Isabel knows there’s more going on between them than Oliver will admit. She wants to hurt Felicity. Isabel is marking her territory and I would encourage you to listen to Stephen Amell’s thoughts on why. #Cosigned.
However, this is NOT information Oliver wants Felicity to know. He is so embarrassed he can’t even look at Felicity as Isabel walks out the door.
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Felicity is stunned. She’s actually speechless. Oliver tries to offer up some feeble explanation, but he doesn’t get very far. 
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Felicity immediately makes a joke to alleviate the tension, but as she turns we can see her hurt and anger.
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She cannot fathom a reason why Oliver would sleep with this woman. Whether or not Oliver heard Felicity’s remarks – he grimaces because he knows he screwed up. BIG TIME. It is so awkward and painful.
But again, the viewers must ask a fundamental question – why is this scene being written like Felicity caught Oliver cheating on her? Oliver is single. Isabel is single. Felicity is single. Nobody is dating anybody. And yet, the Arrow writers make it clear Felicity is hurt by this encounter – like she’s been betrayed.
As for Oliver, he absolutely did NOT want Felicity to know he slept with Isabel. He knows it will hurt her. This shows Oliver is somewhat aware Felicity has feelings for him. Congratulations, Oliver you’re not a total pine tree.
What’s more telling is Oliver’s reaction. He acts like Felicity caught him doing something wrong. If he didn’t return Felicity’s feelings then her opinion wouldn’t really matter. It’s never stopped him from dating or sleeping with other women before. And this is just a one night stand. Not even – it was a quickie. But Oliver is ashamed. This makes him look bad. Generally speaking, when you have romantic feelings for someone you don’t want that person to see you hooking up with someone else. It sends a very mixed message.
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Felicity Smoak wears her heart on her sleeve. She can’t let it go. It’s not just that Oliver slept with someone. It’s that he slept with ISABEL. The woman who is trying to steal his company. Her bitchiness is embedded in her DNA, so Felicity’s work environment probably less than fun. Felicity cannot stand Isabel and Oliver slept with her. HER. 
Felicity: Over 64 million women over the age of consent in Russia and you sleep with her.
But this time it is Oliver’s turn to make a joke to deflect. The entire vibe is couple’s fight.
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Source: Paigeota
But Felicity is not joking when they get home and she’s tired of the mixed messages. So ask the question point blank. God bless her. No sexual innuendos, stammers, deflections, furtive glances or unspoken truths.
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 Source: Paigeota
Oliver’s initial response is kind of flippant to be honest.
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 Source: Paigeota
He gives Felicity a very generic “It just happened,” which is the exact non-explanation cheaters use. Sex doesn’t “just happen.” It’s a decision. Oliver made a choice and Felicity is trying to understand why because maybe if she understands then it will hurt less. Even worse, he says it didn’t mean anything. The problem is it meant something to Felicity. Take it away Willow Rosenberg.
Xander: We were just kissing. It doesn't mean that much.
Willow: No. It just means you'd rather be with someone you hate, than be with me. - BTVS "Innocence"
Truly one of the most devastating lines in television history delivered by an equally heart wrenching performance by Alyson Hannigan. What Felicity is truly asking Oliver is not, “Why her?” but rather, “Why not me?”
Felicity’s disappointment in Oliver’s response is palpable and feels very similar to their scene in 1x12 when she asked Oliver if she could trust him. She didn’t want a flip answer then and she doesn’t want one now.
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Source: Paigeota
Oliver lowers his voice into his gentle Felicity tone and says, “Hey,” so she’ll look at him again. The real intimacy between them is revealed in a single word. He cannot wiggle out of this, so Oliver is approaching her question, and pain, with the reverence she deserves. Felicity closes her eyes for a moment before she meets Oliver’s gaze again, like she’s steeling herself against whatever explanation is coming next. This time the answer will be honest, but it will hurt more.
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Source: Paigeota
Oliver speaks hypothetically of course, in an attempt to discuss what he feels for Felicity without really discussing it. It keeps their friendship in this little protective bubble as Oliver takes an infinitesimally small step over the strict line he has drawn between them. Oliver feels life as The Arrow, and his proximity to danger, prevents him being in a loving relationship. He slept with Isobel because he doesn’t care about her. Oliver won’t be with Felicity because he does care about her.
What is MONUMENTALLY IMPORTANT about this scene is Oliver acknowledges the elephant in the room for the very first time. He feels more than friendship for Felicity.  Does Oliver Queen love Felicity Smoak? Yes. Is he ready to admit that to himself - let alone to her? No. Oliver believes his love endangers Felicity. He cannot lose her, so he will not allow himself to love her. As frustrating as Oliver’s answer is it’s not difficult to understand why he feels this way - especially after losing Tommy.
Felicity gives a little nod like this was the explanation she expected, but still needed to hear. Despite the hypothetical, they both know Oliver is speaking about her. Rather than a meaningful relationship, Oliver has resigned himself to a life of loneliness. He may have hook ups and one night stands to fill his bed and relieve an urge, but he withholds access to his heart. This is not just about Oliver’s refusal to truly love someone. It’s also about his refusal to allow anyone to love him in return.
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He's taken bullets that hurt less than this.
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In the end, it’s Felicity’s response that truly packs the emotional punch. She believes Oliver deserves better, regardless of his way of life. He deserves more than empty affairs and lonely, dark and violent nights.
There is so much this man cannot forgive himself for and the guilt is overwhelming. Oliver believes he has no right to happiness. Loneliness is his penance.  When all you experience is pain and loss it can be difficult to imagine a life without it.
"We accept the love we think we deserve." - Perks of Being a Wallflower
Oliver hurt Felicity deeply by sleeping with Isabel.  They both know it. He continues to hurt her by drawing this line in the sand between them. Yet, in the face of that pain, Felicity dreams a life for Oliver that’s more than the one he’s resigned himself to. It is forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love in action. He does not feel worthy of Felicity Smoak, but those are the lies Oliver’s guilt tells him. She knows the truth.
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Source: Paigeota
The stunned look on his face says it all - no one has ever told Oliver Queen he deserves to be loved. 
John Diggle
Contrary to the previous six pages, this is actually a John Diggle focused episode. And boy, does he drop a bomb on Oliver and Felicity.
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Oliver didn’t immediately recognize Lyla’s name, which is fine because I don’t think they’ve shared a scene. Felicity reminds him Lyla is John’s ARGUS girlfriend and I had whiplash at that status update. Girlfriend? When did we get to girlfriend? I feel more comfortable with super spy sexy time friend.
Diggle lowers the boom. Lyla Michaels is his ex-wife. SAY WHAT??!
Felicity: Explain that sentence.
Honestly, how do Oliver and Felicity not know this yet? What do they talk about in the bunker? It can’t always be about crimes and arrows. Sharing is caring OTA – embrace it.
Diggle: We couldn’t figure out how to stay married without a war to fight.
Diggle and Lyla were married while on tour in Afghanistan, but divorced shortly after returning home. Lyla joined ARGUS and Diggle went back for another tour.
Diggle and Oliver hook up with Anatoly (!!!) and he informs them Lyla was trying to break into the worst prison in Russia on a tip that Deadshot was being held there. Unfortunately, she was captured. It hasn’t been a pleasant stay given how battered Lyla is looking.
The only way in Gulag is to be a prisoner, so Diggle volunteers. Oliver balks at that, but Diggle needs him on the outside make the moves necessary for an escape. Also, Lyla is Diggle’s woman and he's going to save her, damn it. SWOON. Find you a man with a hero's complex. They make divine husbands. I speak from experience.
Anatoly provides enough drugs to land Diggle in prison for 400 years. Oliver and Felicity are nervous about this plan. In one of the sweetest moments between Diggle and Felicity, she gently kisses him on the cheek and wraps his scarf around his neck. It’s a good luck kiss, but everyone is clearly worried it’s a goodbye.
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Of course, once John is inside he runs right into Deadshot. He sure is easy to find for a globetrotting criminal mastermind. Deadshot knows where Lyla is being held and wants in on the escape plan in exchange for her location. After Deadshot kills Anatoly’s guard, John has no choice but to team up with him.
Lyla: You came for me.
Diggle: I always have and I always will.
This is what stellar ships are made of folks. This is the content we're here for.
Of course, Oliver and Felicity rescue Diggle, Lyla and Deadshot, but the pinnacle of the episode for John is when they dump Deadshot on the side of the road. They’ll help him get out of prison, but not out of the country. John holds a gun on him – ready to pull the trigger to avenge his brother’s death, but he can’t do it.
Deadshot: That’s the thing about honor, John. You can’t turn it on and off.
What a great line! I love that line!!! It’s so fully encapsulates John Diggle’s character. I’m sorry I know he’s a killer, but between Deadshot bringing Olicity together with the ridden computer and this moment with John– I’m really starting to like this guy.
Deadshot offers John some additional information about his brother’s death. A thank you for not killing him I guess. He asks John how he thought Andy was killed.
Diggle: You shot at a client that Andy was protecting and you missed.
Deadshot: I don’t miss. Your brother was the contract.
Diggle: Who would want to kill Andy?
Deadshot: I don’t know their names, just an alias. H.I.V.E.
The plot thickens! I’m sure all the comic fans were excited about the introduction of H.I.V.E. I was clueless, but with a quick Google you’ll discover H.I.V.E is a terrorist organization. So, this means one of two things, John’s brother was an honorable man who ticked off a terrorist organization or Andy was not as honorable as his brother and ticked off a terrorist organization. This adds a layer of complexity the Diggle vs. Deadshot storyline desperately needed. It was running a little stale.
Diggle: You know me and Carly broke up because I couldn’t love her and hate him at the same time.
Lyla: I’m honored to be the exception.
Diggle: Lyla, you were always the exception.
Ok, I’m onboard the SS Dyla. Let’s get remarried. I’m ready.  
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We go from the Dyla love scene directly to Olicity’s final scene in the office. This is not a mistake. John guides Oliver on his path. This also includes his romantic life and one of the ways Diggle guides Oliver is by example. Dyla always points the way.
Stray Thoughts
This is the first episode we meet Amanda Waller. She’s loyal to Lyla Michaels and knows about Oliver and Diggle’s vigilante operation, so she’s arriving on the scene as a fully formed bad ass.  
Diggle refused Anatoly’s vodka. Based on the look Oliver gave him I’m guessing that was a very bad idea. Drink the vodka, John.
“I wouldn’t mind a drink.” I mean honestly the boys could be so sexist sometimes. Felicity likes booze too!
“I will take care of her.” Snort. Yeah, I’ll bet Oliver.
Isobel immediately jumps to the conclusion that Felicity is sleeping her way up to the top. Way to be supportive of your fellow female coworkers and fighting that glass ceiling together, Isobel. This just makes her more evil in my opinion.
Sara left town. That’s fine I need a break from the Lance drama.
Quentin lets Roy go because he's working with the Arrow too, so I'm counting Lance as part of the team.
No Laurel. Hallelujah. Did you even notice she was gone? Nope. This character lifts right out.
There’s this whole weird subplot where Moira’s lawyer wants Thea to dump Roy because he’s a felon and it makes Moira look bad. Sure, Roy Harper is the problem. Not the 500 people who died. Even Moira thinks this plot line is ridiculously stupid and gets these crazy kids back together. Can we be done with the Theroy breakups? I’m tired. Find these two an actual storyline.
Slade: I will not be the reason something happens to you.
Shado: When I care about someone there's nothing I won't do for them.
Slade is in rough freaking shape after being burned over half his body, but he gets snuggle time with Shado so it isn’t all bad.
Never trust a Russian woman. Has Oliver ever seen a movie?
Flashback Sara betrays Oliver and gives Ivo the location of Slade, Shado and the soldier bones. Let's go with Stockholm syndrome to explain this insanity. Or she's just completely terrified of Ivo. Either works. But still - dick move Sara.
Why does David Ramsey wear shirts? It’s really a crime against humanity.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x06!!!
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me!
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blazethecheeto · 7 months
Things Arrow Characters Absolutely Have Said Pt. 7
Felicity: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it.
Oliver: What- how?
Felicity: You’d be like “come to bed … Mr. President” and I’d be like, “I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.”
William: I drink to forget but I always remember...
Mia: You're drinking orange juice.
Thea: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives.
Roy: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train.
Thea: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
E-2 Laurel: How are you gonna carve a gigantic pumpkin?
Rene: The same way I make onion rings.
Rene: *grabs a chainsaw*
Curtis: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Felicity: Well that would suck because you can't microwave metal.
Oliver: Good morning to everyone except those two people.
Dinah: If this plan goes down the drain, where should we regroup?
Rene: The afterlife, I guess.
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mynameisgreenarrow · 8 months
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Unthinkable 10 Years Day 4: Favorite Season 2 Location: The Clocktower
Like a bird on a wire.
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askthearrowfam · 1 year
Arrow fam as things I heard in school part 8
Last part because my last day of high school was today
Roy: it's not a foul, it's called aggressive defense
Roy: Play defense for me
Roy: *tosses Mia at Connor*
Emiko: *laughing hysterically* I got two hours of sleep! I'm so tired.
Ollie: I got special scented stickers and gave one to everyone who did a good job today.
Ollie: This is how many I have left.
Ollie: *Holds up an unopened pack*
Young Roy to Dick: You're dumb.
Roy: Capital D-U-M-D
Ollie: How much is your life worth?
Roy: ten bucks
Felicity: $200,000 - my life insurance
Roy: I should have life insurance the way I drive
Alfred: Hands to yourself.
12-year-old Bruce: I'm trying to dislocate Ollie's shoulder
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
Me writing Arrow fanfiction and actively ignoring the comics because I fucking can.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 months
👶 & 🎀 + Ivy & Oliver
👶 to meet their child/children + 🎀 for their child/children’s birthday
Olivy have four kids, so this is oldest to youngest!
Thomas Ray Queen ( June 10th, year TBD ) – the eldest, takes after his father 100%. Inherited the Queen family archery skill, fiercely protective of his family, dry sense of humour, heart of gold, feels a lot of pressure to live up to his dad’s legacy & takes on the green arrow mantle; named after Tommy Merlyn & Ray Palmer
FC: Matthew Daddario
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Robert John Queen ( December 23rd ) – a vigilante, the perfect mix of his parents. Clever, methodical, always at least ten steps ahead of everyone else. He has a talent for archery but it's not his preferred weapon, and unlike his vigilante siblings, he starts off with a fresh mantle rather than an inherited one. Acting head of Queen Consolidated until Harper is ready to take over; named after Robert Queen & John Diggle
FC: Brenton Thwaites
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Thea Laurel Queen ( February 25th ) – third child and eldest daughter, and she’s Ivy’s daughter through and through.  She picks up both the Speedy and Arsenal mantles herself and is the only meta in the family, and much like Robbie she eventually creates her own mantle.  She’s the embodiment of “too smart for her own good” (much like her mother), clever and strategic with a talent for puzzle solving in ways that seem like jumps to anyone else but are actually carefully thought out.  She’s also quite athletic, having always found success in every sport that she tries, but her favourites are soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, and archery. Determined to eventually take over the Vins Vallières & Chevalier De La Reine vinyards; named after Thea Queen & Laurel Lance
FC: Danielle Campbell
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Harper Felicity Queen ( October 31st ) – last but certainly not least is the baby of the family, Harper Felicity Queen!  Harper is the only sibling to not have dabbled in vigilantism, instead she fully intends to take over the family businesses (Queen Consolidated and Knight Media specifically) with her father’s stubbornness and persistence and her mom’s cleverness and hard-working nature.  She has an endless supply of hobbies and is still very much in the process of figuring out who she wants to be, but she is equal parts sweet and ambitious and determined to never limit her options in life; named after Roy Harper & Felicity Smoak
FC: Mackenzie Foy
(I also have Mackenzie as a non-FFL oc named Diana Queen who’s also Oliver’s daughter, but she was made after I thought of Mackenzie as an Olivy kid fc)
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amelia-queen-black · 1 month
Criminal: I’ll never talk! Go on, Arrow! I have nothing to lose!
Arrow: Interesting take on your situation. You seem to have fingers.
Criminal: What? Of course I have fingers, what are you…
Arrow: Fingers can be lost. Toes too. There’s quite a lot of you that could go missing, suddenly. If you catch my meaning.
Criminal: Stop, I’ll tell you anything, please!
*back in the bunker*
Felicity: Roy, did you catch everything? That’s how we get our intel. Be all growly and menacing, and… Oh you’re taking notes, nice!
Roy gives her a nervous smile before looking back at his notes: Never, EVER, piss Oliver off.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 8 months
favorite arrow bunker (or arrowcave lol)?
the first (s1-s3)
the second (s4-s8)
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I like to call it the ArrowCave but it seems like there are many names for the HQ of Team Arrow. It also changed location and design a few times but which is your favorite?
Thanks for the suggestion anon. I do like how Team Arrows base changed more than Team Flash and am curious what all yours favourite one is too.
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jbuffyangel · 6 months
One: Arrow 2x02 Review (Identity)
I often think if I was online in Season 2, and joined the fandom earlier, then my viewing experience would have been completely different. I would've been more confident Oliver and Felicity were going to happen.  But I was not, so I spent the majority of the season flip flopping between confidence and feeling like I was hallucinating the whole thing.
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But “Identity” is one of those episodes an Olicity shipper can point to and say, “Yes!!! I AM RIGHT!!! There is something going on with these two.” Oliver and Felicity are nowhere near ready defining what that “something” is, and neither was I, but this episode is a core building block of their relationship and the new direction the writers were taking the show.
And it’s so much damn fun.
Let’s dig in…
Oliver is having a rough week. His mother is in prison for “helping” to destroy the Glades which killed many and injured more. It is not a fun time to have the last name Queen. Oliver is trying in earnest to make a difference in the city not only as The Arrow (I’m just calling him that. I don’t care if they’ve done it officially order not), but also as Oliver Queen.
Blood (what a horrifically bad last name), the new Alderman, is not letting the Queens get off that easily and is raking Oliver over the coals in the press. People hate him because Oliver is the poster boy for everything wrong in the city. Since he operates under a secret identity, Oliver can’t really say “Lighten up. I am literally saving your asses on a nightly basis.”
Is this treatment unfair? Yes. We know Oliver did everything he could stop the Undertaking. Is this treatment fair because Oliver’s family were accomplices in the Undertaking? Yes. Sins of the father (and mother).
The good news is Oliver is trying to make a difference not just as The Arrow but as Oliver Queen. Oliver assures Blood he’s his own man and commits to hosting a benefit so all the elites in Starling City can see how the other half live and actually do something about it. Blood balks at Oliver writing a check, but agrees to the benefit – which is just a bunch of rich people writing more checks, so I didn’t really follow him round that logic bend, but whatever. Blood agrees to the benefit because he believes Oliver Queen can be the face of the new rich regime in Starling City – the kind that gives a crap about other people.
Oliver is also embracing his new role as CEO at Queen Consolidated, which means he needs a secretary to schedule the meetings and make all the coffee.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
The whole scene has a snap, crackle and pop that quite frankly Season 1 was severely lacking. I’m all for dark and twisty, but can we inject a little levity once and awhile?
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
Felicity is rightfully furious with Oliver for promoting (or demoting) her into a job she absolutely does not want. His reasoning is Felicity needs a secret identity to cover up why they are talking all the time. This pretty much boils down to Oliver not wanting to take an elevator down eighteen floors several times a day. I have lived with a heterosexual man for twenty years and he avoids stairs like the plague, so nothing has ever been more accurate on this show.  
Let’s break this down a little further, shall we? You have a phone, Oliver. You could just call Felicity. Not every conversation has to be in person. Also, to answer the question of why he’s talking to Felicity Smoak all the time, I feel certain people would just assume they are hooking up. I mean… he is Oliver Queen.
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But nope, Felicity must be within fifteen feet of him ALL DAY LONG. For business reasons and business reasons only. Absolutely has nothing to do with Felicity’s sexy little dresses. NOPE! Nothing to see here folks.
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The blasé way Oliver refuses her resignation only infuriates Felicity more. He offers her a new fancy computer to entice her, but then asks her to make dinner reservations with it. Something Oliver could Google.
I’m not coming down on secretaries and neither is Felicity. I was a secretary or administrative assistant as they like to call it nowadays for many years. You have to be smart, organized, great communication skills… yada yada yada. But asking Felicity Smoak, TECH GENIUS, to be a secretary is tantamount to asking me to be a Tech genius. That math ain’t mathing.
Oliver argues they all have jobs they don’t want. He’s CEO, Felicity is a secretary and Diggle -
Diggle: It could be worse. My secret identity is his black driver.
HA!! The accuracy. Just a healthy reminder of racial inequalities. Oliver’s withering stare only makes it better.
Let’s examine Felicity’s decision a little closer. She could just quit or absolutely refuse and return to her desk in the IT department. Oliver isn’t really going to fire her. Instead, Felicity acquiesces and makes the damn dinner reservation. Oliver is not the only one who prefers closer proximity.
But she is never EVER bringing Oliver Queen coffee.
From a practical standpoint, it would be weird for Oliver to hang out in the IT department and talk shop. A private office where they can CEO & secretary by day to cover up their crime fighting activities does make a lot of sense.  He doesn’t have to explain why Felicity is by his side all the time.
The whole scene has “I want to rip your clothes off” energy, which is just fabulous. But most importantly, this job change moves Felicity into every facet of Oliver’s life – both day and night. The writers don’t need to search for reasons for these two to be in a scene together. There’s only so many bullet ridden computers Felicity can fix. Ultimately, this means more scenes with Stephen Amell for Emily Bett Rickards. She might not be number two on the call sheet, but Emily is clocking more time with Arrow’s lead. That’s all I’m saying.
This is not the end of the Olicity fighting!!!
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Oliver has a run in with the cops and Laurel, while he’s trying to stop China White and Bronze Tiger from stealing the FEMA medicine trucks intended for the Glades’ hospital. Oliver is shot in the leg, which just adds to his annoyance that his efforts to save this damn city were thwarted by his ex-girlfriend and Walmart Wolverine.
Diggle: Why because this time it’s Laurel leading the charge?
Diggle makes an unsarcastically snarky remark about Laurel, which sets Oliver off, and he yells at John.
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Source: Paige
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She refuses to let Oliver take his frustrations out on Diggle, particularly when he’s being an insensitive jackass.
Felicity: You don’t get to jump down his throat just because you happen to be having a lousy week. Ok? You’re pissed he invoked the almighty Laurel. You’re not the only one whose love life is taking it on the chin.
Oliver has been incessantly brining up Carly all episode and Felicity is furious he hasn’t noticed how upset Diggle looks whenever he does. They broke up and Oliver is too self-involved to notice.
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There are so many things I love about this moment. Felicity grabs Oliver’s arm to force him to listen and there’s a glorious look of shock on Oliver’s face when she does because nobody, and I do mean nobody, ever talks to him like this. Not even John. But Oliver doesn’t move Felicity’s hand away.
Felicity also makes a snarky comment about Laurel. That “almighty Laurel” not very subtle. Perhaps, we are seeing a little jealousy seep through? It’s true Oliver twists himself into a pretzel for Laurel Lance, often to the detriment of the mission. I’m sure Felicity and Diggle are tired of the off again and on-again rollercoaster of Lauriver – much like the audience. Oliver’s hyperfocus on his weekly soap opera with Laurel must be aggravating at this point – particularly when he’s oblivious to his best friend’s pain.
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Finally, I love the way Oliver calls after Felicity, the gentle way he drags out her name syllable by syllable, as she storms off. Between Oliver’s attitude this week and the new job – Felicity needs a break. She holds Oliver accountable and takes the space she needs.
Oliver’s no good, very bad day continues when he’s forced to choose between the benefit with Blood and saving the next FEMA shipment to the hospital. Of course, Oliver chooses the hood and with Diggle & Felicity’s help is able stop China White and Bronze Tiger.
China White: You’ll never be anything but a criminal to them, which means you’ll never be a hero.
Oliver: As long as the city is safe, it doesn’t matter.
Oliver Queen is doing all of this for the right reasons. His heart is in the right place even if his execution isn’t always perfect. As predicated, Blood chews him up in the press for missing the benefit. More proof that Oliver is a selfish elitist no different than his parents. It stings, particularly since Oliver valiantly tried to straddle the line between his two personas. He sullied the Queen family name more by missing the hospital benefit because he was too busy saving the hospital as The Arrow. But nobody will acknowledge the good The Arrow does because he’s a criminal.
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Source: @crisistemporal
Oliver doesn’t complain. He just sits at his desk, alone and brooding, taking punch after punch as he watches the news coverage about who he truly is as a person. And it’s all lies.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
But then we hear a “click, click, click” of Felicity’s heels. There are no further discussions. No more arguments. No apologies. She simply sets down a cup of coffee and firmly whispers to Oliver -
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
It’s just one cup of coffee, but it says so much. Oliver may drive Felicity crazy with his stubbornness, and he can be an insensitive jackass sometimes, but his heart is in the right place. Felicity knows everything Oliver does for the city. She knows who he truly is, and Felicity knows Oliver doesn’t deserve what’s being said about him. This cup of coffee is more than a peace offering. It’s empathy.
Oliver’s surprise shifts into a soft smile because he knows with that single word from Felicity, he is forgiven for all the ways he’s failed this week. On the surface, it’s a small gesture. A kindness. But on a deeper level, it’s Felicity believing in Oliver. The world may be against him, but he always has one person in his corner – even when he infuriates her. Its why Felicity took the secretary job. She believes in Oliver.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
The smile fades a little as Oliver gazes after Felicity as she walks out. He watches her for longer than necessary, a look of tenderness and, perhaps, concern. One cup of coffee shouldn’t mean so much. But it does. It means everything. Oliver is clearly not oblivious to his feelings for Felicity, but he is far from admitting them. Falling in love with the unattainable is cause for great concern.
Oliver and Diggle
Felicity was more upset about Oliver’s insensitivity than John was, but they are dudes, so it’s not totally surprising. Also, Diggle is just used to Oliver being somewhat self-absorbed in his own pain. For the most part, it doesn’t bother him, but Oliver constantly bringing up Carly was salt in an open wound.
What’s sweet about the whole thing is Oliver was really trying to be a good friend. He was trying to think about John and be supportive of his relationship. His inability to read Diggle’s reaction means Oliver is still very much in the training wheels portion of his emotionally-sensitive-man development.
Does anyone care that Diggle and Carly broke up? I don’t. I’m thrilled. They had the heat of cardboard and I really need Arrow to focus on chemistry in ALL their ships, please and thank you. Plus, the whole dating your sibling’s significant other thing is weird. Please be done with that kind of storyline.
Diggle: I guess I couldn’t hate him and love her at the same time. You are not the only one reconciling two sides of himself.
It’s not just being Oliver Queen’s right hand man that’s interfering with John’s love life. His obsession with killing Deadshot overshadowed whatever it was he felt for Carly. If you care more about killing someone than loving someone that really sums up the relationship. It’s time to be done.
Diggle’s snarky comment about Laurel was said in part to get a rise out of Oliver. Behold his success. It was a completely passive aggressive remark. Oliver is not the only one who can pour salt into an open wound.
I also believe Diggle is not quite over the whole “You always choose Laurel” fight of Season 1. Both Diggle and Felicity’s comments about Laurel in this episode have less to do with her and more to do with Oliver’s reactions to Laurel. Oliver is upset Laurel isn’t panting every time The Arrow shows up and neither Felicity or Diggle have the patience for this toxic train wreck anymore.
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Diggle reassures Oliver that he’s not the only person struggling with duality and John doesn’t always get it right either. The breakup is not Oliver’s fault. Being too wrapped up in his own suffering to see Diggle’s is his fault, however and OLIVER APOLOGIZES. The power of Felicity Smoak is real.
Diggle: We’re dangerous close to hug territory.
The boys aren’t ready to hug yet but give it time my friends. Give it time.
Oliver and Roy
This episode has one of my favorite Oliver and Roy scenes. After getting arrested AGAIN, Oliver tries to talk some sense into Roy, but this time he uses a different tactic – personal experience.
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It’s rare Oliver gets to emote like this, and Stephen Amell chewed up this scene. Oliver rarely speaks about his feelings and his explanations for wearing the hood often involve other people. Yes, it’s to honor his father. It’s to save the city. It’s to honor Tommy. But what is the emotion fueling Oliver Queen?
Anger. Still waters run deep my friends. Under that calm, seemingly emotionless, demeanor is a man filled with rage. Oliver Queen was born to privilege and his experiences on Lian Yu woke him up to the unfairness of life. He sees the injustices the weak, poor and vulnerable suffer every day. What makes Oliver Queen a hero is he is DOING something about it. He will be the justice in an unjust world. Oliver is not just saving a city. He’s saving himself. The split persona, man and hood, is the only way Oliver is keeping himself a whole person. The hood is an outlet for rage, but it holds Oliver Queen together. Otherwise, he’d lose himself to the darkness.
This is why he confronts Roy. Oliver recognizes himself in Roy Harper and wants to give him direction. A way to channel that anger that’s not going to get him killed. So, The Arrow gives Roy a job – he’s going to be his eyes and ears in The Glades. No more fighting. Just intel.
Unfortunately, Roy chooses to lie to Thea about his deal with The Arrow. So, another break up is probably coming up soon.
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Lian Yu
Oliver is reeling from shock after killing someone for the first time. Slade is rightfully concerned.
Slade: I’ve seen men in war with that look in their eyes. The one that says he’s split into someone else. Someone he doesn’t even recognize. If someone doesn’t talk to him, it’ll tear him up.
Oliver is rightfully concerned about his actions. He is questioning the morality behind it. Shado assures him that he was saving her life, but Oliver is not so sure. Was it completely necessary to kill that man? No, it wasn’t and deep-down Oliver knows that. What came out of him was unbridled rage and that has him scared.
Shado takes it upon herself to lead Oliver to the river where she washes off the blood. It feels like a baptism – the split between selves is being anointed and blessed. She argues that an island cannot make Oliver into something he is not.
Shado: Everyone has a demon inside of them… opposing forces inside all of us. The darkness the light. The killer and the hero.              
Oliver may feel he is two people now, but the duality was always there – he’s just more aware of it. Every person has the power for good and evil. Our life is the culmination of choices. The cosmic balance sheet is for God alone to judge.
Oliver is right to be concerned, but the fact that he is concerned, is further proof that he is still a good man. Evil people rarely reflect on right or wrong because they don’t care.
Speaking of duality, how uber creepy was Slade this episode? It completely wigged me out the way he watched Oliver and Shado by the river post coital. Sure, everyone mostly had their clothes on, but it has STALKER written all of over it.
Also, Slade advising Oliver women are a distraction who will get him killed did not feel ultraistic in nature. Slade is clearly in love with Shado and Oliver is completely oblivious to it. There is a darkness lurking underneath Slade and Oliver’s friendship, one that is glaringly obvious when compared to the present-day scenes with John Diggle.
Laurel Lance
Ugh. Laurel. She finally explains why she hates the Vigilante so much. She blames him for Tommy’s death.
Laurel: You didn’t save him. You were too busy fighting a meaningless duel with Malcolm Merlyn. And when people, people you told me you would protect, needed your help you weren’t there. I don’t think you wear that hood because you’re a hero. I think you wear it to hide that you’re a coward.
Yes, Oliver was fighting Malcolm Merlyn on a rooftop while Tommy was saving Laurel’s ass at CNRI, but the duel was hardly meaningless. He was fighting Merlyn for the remote control to the earthquake machine.  
You know what? The details don't even matter. I don’t need to defend Oliver against something this stupid.
The only reason Tommy was in the Glades was to save Laurel. If Laurel just listened to Oliver, then Tommy would be alive today. Laurel is projecting all her guilt onto the Hood because it’s too emotionally devasting to be the reason the love of her life is dead. That part of it I understand and sympathize.  
My main source of frustration is with Oliver because he just CANNOT let it go with this woman. He has a pathological need for her approval. Oliver doesn’t want Laurel to know he’s the Hood, but he absolutely wants her validation. Oliver used the Hood all last season as a mechanism to build a relationship with Laurel that he couldn’t have as Oliver Queen. 
Now that Laurel is good with Oliver again, he’s obsessed with making her buddies with the Hood. She is only going to like one half of you at a time Oliver. It's fine. Who cares?
The Hood even tells Laurel he would have gladly given his life for Tommy. WHY DIDN’T THIS RAISE AN ALARM WITH LAUREL?
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I don’t recall Tommy and the Hood being too chummy. In fact, Tommy was adamant Laurel have nothing to do with that guy because he was dangerous. So, the Hood arguing he also lost a friend and would have given his life for Tommy should set off some bells in Ms. Assistant District Attorney. The longer Laurel goes without figuring out who Oliver Queen is the stupider she looks.
She does get something right. Laurel knows telling the Hood to stay away will only make him come around again and Oliver plays right into her hands. Only this time Laurel has the whole precinct waiting for the Hood. We’re supposed to be worried but there will be a trick arrow to get him out of this jam.
Stray Thoughts
How much do you love that Felicity is using a counting method to control her Freudian slips?
I hate China White. I know we’re supposed to love her because COMICS, but every episode with her in it is so stupid from a bad guy perspective.
“I had a secret entrance installed when I ran the club.” Ok, but did Oliver install it himself? Did he pay off the contractor? I have questions.
“He has this way of seducing you. Making you feel like he’s some guardian angel. But he’s not. He causes chaos and death.” Well that went dark rather quickly.
WHY IS LAUREL THERE? (My notes, which we can apply to pretty much any scene with this character). Why was Laurel with the cops out in the field trying to arrest the Hood? That doesn’t feel like a normal Assistant DA duties.
“It seems someone has broken our coffee maker. Violently.” Oliver loves Felicity's sass. Look at that smile. He’s such a fool for this woman.
“It really weirds me out to no end that you refer to yourself in the third person like that.” Diggle had some golden one-liners this episode.
“Crucifixion has such a bad reputation. The Romans used it to punish people who acted against the public good.” A clear sign someone is a total whack job is when they argue the benefits of Crucifixion. IS THIS GUY FOR REAL????!!! See, what we’re not going to do is wax poetically about the way the Romans tortured people.
Diggle wore a mask, but then he took it off in front of China White, which was spectacularly stupid unless she already knows Oliver is the Vigilante. I don't remember if she does.
See? We don’t need to kill. We have trick arrows!
Oliver finds the hozen in cave with the skulls of Japanese soldiers from WWII. That’s super gross. The gift shop story was better.
“You can take a beating. There’s a difference.” But he’s the Parkour Prince!
Ok, enough with the RED arrows. We get it.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x02 (hasn’t posted yet but it will soon!)
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me!
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
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Family Trees of the Multiverse: Arrow Family
This was honestly such a headache. Oliver’s sired way too many kids with too many different women. As usual, color-coded to make it easier to see who exists within the same continuity; if it’s just black that means their existence is consistent, but if it specifies [Prime Earth] then that means the character was only introduce into the comics during the Prime Earth era (same goes for New Earth).
Colors, as following (though you’ll also see on the tree since I specify each continuity/Earth):
Prime Earth: black
New Earth: red
Arrowverse: green
Earth-11: light blue
Earth-16 [not the YJ cartoon; The Just comics]: pink
Earth 16 [the Young Justice cartoon]: brown
Earth-22: dark pink
Earth-49 [Injustice]: yellow
Earth-167 [Smallville TV show]: dark blue
Earth-203 [Birds of Prey TV show]: lavender
While I try not to double-portray - since most different versions of a character still align - the fact that Arrow already used Shado in another capacity and thus made Kazumi Adachi Emiko’s mother made me double on that, though I still think that she can be considered a version of comic!Shado.
Also, because this part looks messy even to me, regarding the Black Canaries. Dinah Laurel’s last name is usually Lance, these days Drake Lance (with the Lance being married-into for some reason), but in the BoP TV show, her last name was Redmond. Likewise, her mother’s name in the BoP TV show was Carolyn Lance, while New Earth’s continuity named her Dinah Drake and Prime Earth has, far as I could find out, not given her any name at all yet.
And though the YJ cartoon doesn’t come up otherwise, I did find it noteworthy that Bernell was confirmed to be Cissie’s father in the show, since her parentage appears to not have been brought up or confirmed either way in the Prime Earth era so far.
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