#happy Karen makes me very happy
tennis-kittens · 2 years
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Doubles trouble collection • Karen Khachanov and Denis Shapovalov • Cincinnati Masters 2022
Karen's dance moves is the quality tennis content we deserve.
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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“the lightening’s not frightening when u r w me, oh cuz love is not always what u think it’ll be!”
CROMA!!!! Croma art!!!! Cuz I forever and ever adore these two together….. they’re so good…! 🥺
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cutielatias · 2 years
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ACNH Ep.4 little resume
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podado-t-memes · 2 months
My favorite part of the original Little Orphan Annie comic strip (from 1924), is when Annie is getting bullied by a snobby rich boy, so Annie punches him…
Random Karen: You can’t let your daughter fight!
Daddy Warbucks: You’re right! I can’t let my baby girl fight like that! I need to teach her proper form!
Random Karen: Wait no—
Daddy Warbucks: *Proceeds to teach Annie how to box*
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enjolrasofficial · 1 year
ngl i hate the "denny needs a father figure" rhetoric . it highkey implies that the parents he has are not enough and i'm so not here for it. this might be controversial but that and chim accepting his father in his life as well as buck rebuilding a relationship with his parents are all storylines i don't understand and don't like mostly bc they all give me the feeling that they'll blow up in their faces bc that's what abusive family relationships do. i really hope they're going somewhere with this whole "blood is thicker than water" thing bc i came here for the found family trope and i wanna see more of that. what i don't wanna see buck or chim or denny get hurt bc people believe they "need their rEaL" families in their lives
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romypearl · 4 months
The Queen's Pawn - Regina George/Oblivious!Reader | II
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
Summary: Everyone is interested and obsessed with Regina George, after all, she is the queen of the North Shore, so why does Y/N barely look at her? The new student, oblivious to her existence, intrigues and irritates the blonde at the same time. And she doesn't know how to deal with it.
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: Slight internalized homophobia
Word count: +2200
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She's always liked strawberries. Sweet, soft and tickling the roof of mouth. And, coincidentally, every now and then it turns pink.
Like the remnants of ice cream that hang around the corner of Y/N's plump lips.
It's hard to ignore, is what Regina tells herself as she turns away, trying to find a random fixed point to distract her. What proves to be more than impossible, out of the corners of her eyes she watches a little speech about Greek culture, something about Stoicism and a guy called Zeno, she doesn't really know, can't pay attention in the long words, only and exclusively in that spot. How could the Miss Perfect and Retainer of All Knowledge miss something so silly? The blonde huffs and crosses her arms in frustration, how has no one seen this yet? The Plastics seemed indifferent, pretending to pay attention to the matter while typing messages, knowing that their respective partners would do all the work for them and be grateful. She had no such luck. When Mrs. Blake, inspired by the... variety of grades, announced that she was going to pair up for assignments, she was sure that had guaranteed a top mark and a pat on the back for the minimal effort, equivalent to a zero. It would have been like that, if she hadn't made Karen switch papers to have Y/N as partner. After all, if she's so clever could easily get an A for both, but it backfired.
"What the hell kind of word is Eudaimonia?" she finally asks, frowning in confusion.
"Did you pay attention to anything I said?"
"All the things you say are very boring." Regina shrugs and turns so that they're face to face "Just like you."
She waits for some reaction, ever since they started studying about an hour ago Regina teases her and pulls all the strings in search of the right one, the one that will snap her out of the calm state of mind or hit her in some way. Nothing. She's rather unreachable. And, just like the other times, totally ignores the petty comment.
"But..." she hates doing it, every lousy second "Can you tell me what it is?"
"Right! For the last time..." Y/N settles back in chair and takes another spoonful of ice cream to mouth, thinking about how to summarize what she's been trying to say for a long time "Eudaimonia is a term from Greek philosophy that means a state of happiness and inner well-being. In literal translation it is "the state of being inhabited by a good daemon, a good genius"."
"Daemon?" I'm getting more and more lost "Did the Greeks believe in that?"
"No, it's daemons, not demons." the newbie's monotonous tone becomes animated as she starts talking, which makes Regina's heart skip a beat and she doesn't like it "In Greek mythology, they were spiritual beings who occupied an intermediate place between gods and humans, they could be either benevolent or malevolent..."
Then another speech begins, this time she tries to pay attention, but gradually the words blur into disconnected sentences and all she can focus on is how they sound on the girl's lips, how she pronounces them, her tongue curling between pearly teeth, the soft sound and, still, that damn ice cream. She tries to remember the last time she ate one, it seems like months, maybe years. What did it taste like? Overly sweet and sickly? Smooth and addictive? Why did her mother have to interrupt them and offer a dozen options? And why did she have to choose just that? Tempting. Lovely. Irresistible.
Y/N gasps in surprise and freezes in place as she suddenly feels something soft pressed against the corner of her mouth, thumb rubbing something that is apparently resisting coming out and her eyes meet sky blue irises, staring at her obstinately. The touch is long, almost purposeful, and they don't realize they're holding breath, unaware of their surroundings, too caught up in each other to notice the curious gazes of the two lackeys.
To everyone's surprise, including her own, Regina rubs the stain, picking up some of the gloss in the process, and brings to her lips, sucking it off. She has to hold back a groan and fight against her body to keep composure, pretending not to be shaken by her own impulsive, totally thoughtless, act.
"If my face was so dirty, you could simply have warned me." she says after a long, thoughtful pause, unable to find any conceivable reason except that "But I appreciate your gesture, it was really kind."
Kind? Has anyone, at any time in life, used that word to refer to her? Maybe her dad, once, just after Kylie was born and before they lost control completely. But there was nothing kind about what she had done, quite the opposite.
"Do you want more?" the blonde points to the almost empty bowl, anxious to mask the situation quickly.
"No, thanks!"
"How about Doritos?"
"I think I've eaten too much junk food today, it can't be good for me." Y/N jokes and opens a big smile, making cheeks stand out along with dimples that are almost imperceptible to inattentive eyes.
"We have strawberries." she says immediately, not stopping to think about those soft lips around the red fruit. When Gretchen looks at her in confusion and frowns, trying to subtly point, the plan comes back to mind and she decides to put it into practice "Also blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. Whatever you like, sweetie."
"You really like berries."
"You can't blame me..." Regina leans on the table, one hand on chin, long eyelashes batting slowly and a smirk, the same one that has won over every boy she's ever wanted "When is your color."
"What do you mean?" the other asked, without even looking up from the papers, missing all the theatrics.
"Red is your color..."
"My favorite color is yellow." she finally abandons the notes, only to find George defeated in front of her, about to slam her head on the glass table to get out of this nightmare "Can I use your bathroom?"
"Of course!" Regina snorts and points towards the corridor "Second door on the right, don't get lost."
Secretly, George hopes, wishes, that she really would get lost so that she could finally have the opportunity to guide her through something, or simply talk to her without two ticks on their backs. When she wants to, Gretchen can be very... clingy and insistent, often taking the brunette as a side effect, not unexpected considering how insecure she is about herself and the stability of her position in the hierarchy of North Shore, a drone that takes pride of function. Most of the time it's acceptable, in fact her presence barely matters to the queen bee in ordinary situations, but now all she wants is for the two of them to disappear at the snap of a finger.
"Karen, Gretchen, I need you to do me a favor." Regina is direct, in a casual tone.
"Of course! What do you need?" Wieners replies promptly, always eager to please.
"Can you go to the convenience store and get some Redbulls?" she smiles and stands up, taking one of the credit cards out of the purse, tossing it for them to take "All the flavors you can find."
"Yes, now. And get some more ice cream too."
They exchange glances, but don't dare deny Regina anything, even if it means half an hour's walk "Right, we're going."
The pair get up and leave quickly, holding their tongues to avoid questioning her about the sudden request, nor about what seems to be an interest in the newbie. Right from the first day, they listed her as a loser, with no social sense and who no one would have the courage to touch without a ten-foot pole, so they didn't understand why she insisted on winning her over. And they had no idea that she would have her as a partner in history and now visiting the George mansion.
Regina smiles triumphantly. The living room is finally quiet and she can turn her attention completely to the plan, she didn't feel shy or pressured to succeed around them, but didn't have all the attention from Y/N as she can have without silly questions and random celebrity gossip. It's the perfect moment.
She stares at herself in the mirror above the fireplace and fixes the smallest details of appearance so that she looks flawless.
"Gina!" her mother calls out from the kitchen, walking briskly into the room, and she rolls her eyes, before feeling blood run cold at the sight of her companion "What a adorable girl! She even offered to help me in the kitchen."
"Mom..." she mutters between teeth, trying to keep composed as her mother steps forward, arms around Y/N's shoulders "She's here to study."
"Oh, of course, of course! Studying is important." June says with a mischievous smile and finally lets her go "Studying what? Human anatomy?" and winks suggestively at her daughter, causing a wave of embarrassment and annoyance.
"Mom!" Regina exclaims, face burning with embarrassment, hoping that the girl won't pay any attention to her mother. At least she didn't offer condoms like last time, which didn't embarrass her like it does now "It's history."
"And philosophy." Y/N adds.
"A lot less interesting, but still important." the woman continues, not letting herself be put down, and turns to the visitor "Darling, would you like something to drink? Juice? Lemonade? More ice cream?"
Y/N, not at all affected by the expansive and slightly invasive personality, nods and opens a shy smile "A juice would be great, thank you."
"Perfect!" June hurries off to the kitchen, but not before taking one last meaningful look at her firstborn, who blushes visibly.
Regina sighs heavily and sits down at the table, this time next to her classmate, trying to regain control of the situation.
"Sorry about that. Sometimes my mom is a bit much."
"It's okay!" Y/N replies, settling into the soft chair, and goes back to concentrating on the notes scattered across the surface. In an almost imperceptible movement, she adjusts her glasses, which the blonde hadn't even noticed were resting on the top of head, and puts them on face, completely transforming her appearance "You're lucky."
It's Regina's turn to gasp, barely feeling the surprised sound escape between her lips. She'd deny it to anyone who asked if she thought the girl was beautiful, deny it to death, but there's something differently captivating that prevents her from lying now. The lenses enhance the Y/E/C eyes, making them more penetrating, as if she could see into the soul through them. The sight makes the older's heart race and her palms sweat, having to concentrate not to let it show, let alone appear enchanted.
"Do you wear glasses?"
"Yes, for years, but I was trying to get used to contact lenses." the newbie says, adjusting the frame correctly, sighing with relief "Which turned out to be a disaster."
"They look... good on you." she comments, trying to sound casual and not too anxious, failing miserably as she stares "Your eyes are beautiful."
"Thank you!" Y/N finally lifts her face and catches the queen bee with a simple glance behind the lens along with the amused smile, rare occasion, the same one Janis gets "But they don't work."
Regina laughs at the witty response, finding her perspicacity and humor interesting, very different from what surrounds her in everyday life. She's not afraid to make a joke about herself, when any of the trio would rather fight a bear than do such a thing, making themselves the material for silly and light-hearted jokes. Y/N seems to be completely oblivious to the effect she is causing, Regina's flushed cheeks being nothing more than the result of the warm weather, the friendly laughter aimed at everyone and the hospitality something routine, perhaps an apology for the not so pleasant first meeting. All the compliments, overly embellished and full of hidden intentions, simple acts of politeness, so she remains unaffected and continues to read the manuscripts, without giving the blonde what she so desperately wants.
"You know, the text isn't going to write itself." she laughs and points to the long-forgotten laptop "And I've already made it clear that I'm not going to do everything myself."
With a disbelieving nod, Regina goes back to work, trying to ignore the signals her own body gives off in the presence of the other. It's hard not to be affected by the sweet perfume emanating from inviting skin, the taste of ice cream she wants to try again, the way she seems so at ease and unimpressed in her house, lips puckering as she encounters a paragraph incomprehensible at first reading and now pushing up the stubborn glasses that insist on slipping down her nose. God, all of this is messing with Regina's head in a way she can't explain, there are no plans that could infiltrate all the sinful thoughts that invade her with this privileged view.
She forces herself to concentrate on the task in hand, which tingles as she feels their arms lightly touching, but a part of her desperately craves more of these moments of closeness, even if it means ignoring the voice of reason that screams in her mind that she's not a dyke and wouldn't be for Y/N. It's just a fucking plan. Nothing more than that.
Taglist: @reginassweetheart @chaengluva @avelynpye @bianchiniomg @royalityofmultifandom @lottiematthewsceo @notjaexiee @mayles @l1lass @bridkesby @newyork1432
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superhaught · 5 months
Sweetest Girl
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Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warning(s): slight reference to bad home life for reader?
Word Count: 1700, Part 1/?
Anonymous Asked: hello! I was wondering if I could request a regina x fem!reader fic where the the reader is known as the sweetest girl in school that everyone loves and regina is like “what’s so great about her” and just ends up falling in love with her
Part Two
Regina knew that she wasn’t excelling in her chemistry course this year but she certainly didn’t think she was failing. But the teacher asked her to stay behind after class and gave her a solemn look as she explained that with Regina’s most recent test score (which was, admittedly, abysmal), her overall grade in the class would drop from barely passing to failing. 
“Well, what am I supposed to do? I’m a senior, it’s not like I can retake this class!” Regina griped, beginning to feel her stomach turn over in panic.
“Calm down, Miss George. You still have time to improve your grade. I’d recommend that you start working with a tutor. One of your classmates is available for such an arrangement as it turns out. She’s a very gifted student who is doing quite well in this class. She will likely tutor you not expecting anything at all in return. Are you willing to reach out to her?”
Regina crossed her arms in front of her chest, “I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?”
Regina’s teacher formed a thin-lipped smile, “No, Miss George. You don’t.”
Regina took the slip of paper with the tutor’s contact info scribbled on it from the teacher and left the classroom for her locker in a huff. 
Gretchen and Karen were waiting for her and immediately, Gretchen was hounding the blonde in concern, “is everything okay, Regina? What did the teacher want?”
Regina sighed, “I’m failing. I need a tutor, I guess.”
“Oh no!!!” Gretchen exclaimed. 
Karen tapped into the conversation in a brief moment of focus and said, “don’t worry, Regina. I failed chemistry last year and had to be tutored, too.”
Regina rolled her eyes, “yes Karen, and you fucked your chemistry tutor instead of studying.”
Karen smiled, “oh yeah!”
Gretchen chimed in, “well, it’s going to be okay Regina. I bet you’ll do really well if someone can take their time to explain the concepts to you. Do you know who will tutor you?”
Regina nodded, “yeah, the teacher gave me this name. Someone in my class.” Regina passed the slip of paper to Gretchen. 
When the small brunette read the name she made an excited sound, “oh! I know her, she’s the sweetest ever! You’ll like her Regina. She’s like, the nicest girl in the school.”
Regina narrowed her eyes and snatched the paper back, “why would I like the nicest girl in school? She sounds like a try-hard… What makes her so great?”
You were enjoying your lunch outside in the courtyard because it was a sunny day out. You scrolled through your phone and an email notification caught your eye so you opened it right away. The email read: Hey, I need a chemistry tutor. Teacher gave me your name. Can you? -Regina George
Oh, wow. You thought. Regina George wants me to tutor her?
You typed your response back and sent it off with a whoosh: Hi Regina, I’m happy to help! Do you want to meet to go over logistics today after school? I’ll be in the library if you want to swing by :) you can also feel free to text me if that’s easier
You sent Regina your phone number at the end of the email and in a few minutes, you got a text from, presumably, Regina. She said, “okay whatever” then another few seconds passed and she sent another text, “this is Regina, obviously.”
You responded, “haha yes, I figured!”
The little bubble that indicated she was typing popped up for a long moment and then disappeared. Then it popped back up and turned into a simple text, “k.”
Later that same day, you were sitting in the library doing your homework in the welcome peace and quiet. As you were working, you saw the blonde out of the corner of your eye. 
Regina walked down the half staircase into the library and flipped her hair over her shoulder, her tote bag hung from the crook of her elbow, and her other hand held an iced latte notably not from the student-run cafe but instead from the Starbucks down the road from the school. 
Regina approached your table and plopped her bag down on the floor and pulled out the chair across from you, “went to get a coffee before meeting you, hope you don’t mind. You didn’t want anything did you?”
You smiled and shook your head, “I don’t mind, and no thank you, I’m okay. I don’t drink coffee.”
Regina raised an eyebrow as she sat down, “you don’t drink coffee? How do you survive?”
You laugh lightly, “I guess I’ve never really needed it, and I prefer tea anyway.”
“Huh…” Regina didn’t seem satisfied with your answer but she dropped it, “so, do you just stay here to do homework after school?”
“Usually, yeah! I like to get as much done as I can before the library closes.”
“Why would you want to spend more time in this godforsaken school?”
You swallowed hard, “Oh, um… just ‘cause.”
“So, do you want to talk about tutoring for chemistry?”
“Okay great, do you know how often you want to meet or how many hours you want to do per week?”
“Christ, I don’t know.”
“It’s okay!” You assured her, “let’s just start with two hours a week for now. We can meet twice a week for one hour each and see if that feels good or if we need to work more or drop down to just an hour.” 
“Does this time work for you?”
“And what about another day in the week?” You asked.
Regina shrugged, “Thursdays?”
“Perfect!” You jotted down a note of the schedule in your planner.
“Do you tutor a lot?” Regina asked, then sipped her coffee.
“Not super often. When I do, it’s usually because a teacher recommended me.”
“Are you like a teachers pet or something?” 
“I don’t know, I just like helping.” 
Regina was silent for a moment. She was considering you. Examining you. 
“So for chemis-“ you began.
“You know, it’s like weird how nice you are. Like, it’s off putting.” 
“Oh… off putting?”
“Yeah, ya know. Like you don’t have to be nice all the time, or for free. Not everyone deserves kindness.” 
“I mean, I disagree, but-“ 
“I can pay you, you know. For tutoring me, I mean.” 
“You don’t have to, though. I don’t need you to.” 
Regina scoffed, “you’re just gonna give me your time and energy for nothing?” 
“Yes. I just want to help. It’s not transactional.” 
“Oh, you sweet thing. Everything is transactional. Maybe you don’t want my money but you expect to get something out of this, don’t you? Otherwise, you wouldn’t.” 
You were frustrated, “how do you know that? You don’t know me or what I’d do!” 
“No one does anything for free. No one performs a service for free. No one is that nice.” Regina took another drink of her coffee. 
“Are you trying to ruin this?” 
Regina raised an eyebrow again but was quick to respond, “am I making you mad?” 
“You’re frustrating me. I’m just trying to do a nice thing.” 
“So you don’t want me to question your motives?” 
“No! I mean…” you huffed angrily, you felt your cheeks grow increasingly red and hot, “there is no motive.” 
“I don’t believe that.” 
“Look, do you want my help or not?” 
“I want to be tutored. What I don’t want is to owe you anything.” 
“You don’t owe me anything!” 
Regina’s expression turned into the slightest smirk as she stood up from the table and grabbed her tote bag off the floor, “I’ll meet you again on Thursday to review this week’s course materials. When I see you again, I expect an answer about what exactly it is you hope to get out of doing this for me.” 
With that, Regina turned and left the library, her hair swishing behind her. 
You hadn’t noticed until then, but you had crumpled up a piece of paper in your hand during that conversation. 
Thursday came around too soon for your liking. You had no answer for Regina’s demand, other than the truth, which you didn’t want to tell her. 
At 4:05 pm sharp, Regina waltzed down the stairs into the library once again, tote bag in hand, removing her sunglasses in an elegant motion, a drink carrier from Starbucks with two drinks in her other hand. 
You watched as Regina gracefully spit her chewing gum into a trash can on her way while walking up to your table.
She took one of the cups out of the drink carrier and set it down in front of you, “chai latte. Is that okay?” 
Your jaw dropped open a bit as you stared stupidly at the drink and then back up at her, “y-yeah… that’s really nice, thank you.” 
Regina didn’t sit down, “do you have an answer for me?” 
You sighed, “you really won’t accept that I just want to help you out?” 
Regina wordlessly shook her head. 
You looked down at your hands and saw that they were shaking slightly, so you hid them under the table in your lap and kept your eyes averted from Regina as you whispered, “I do what I can to avoid spending time at home.” 
Regina remained silent. 
You looked back up at her. Her jaw was set and she had a severe expression. You watched her exhale a heavy breath through her nose, nostrils flaring, then she sat down across from you and dropped her bag onto the floor. 
“Okay,” she said simply. “Let’s get started then.” 
You spent the next hour reviewing that week's chemistry lessons with Regina. 
When you decided to stop for that evening, Regina reached across the table and wrote something into your notebook. 
“There, that’s my address. You don’t have to check in with me, or anything, you can just come over whenever you want to.”
“Regina, are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure. My mom loves having company to entertain, and there’s plenty of space in my room for you to be comfortable and do work.”
“I… I don’t know what to say.”
“How about, ‘thank you?’”
You laughed and nodded, “thank you, Regina. Really.”
The blonde stood up and returned her notes to her bag, “‘course. See ya tomorrow in class.”
“See you then…”
Next Chapter
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tommystummy · 5 months
On their way to a fire, Buck opens his big mouth and says something very stupid. Not an unusual occurrence but this one is unique: “Hey, Hen? Can I ask you a gay people question?”
Hen side-eyes him. “Are you sure now’s the best time?” The engine shakes on its suspension.
Buck blusters forward. “So Tommy and I have been dating a month and a half now.” The mention of Tommy grabs both Chim and Eddie’s attention.
“Wait, really?” Chim asks, Hen’s not sure if he thought it was shorter or longer than that. His memory of time seems to be the worst hit by the encephalitis.
“2 months next Thursday.” Eddie says.
“Y-yeah… that’s right.” Buck raises his eyebrows at Eddie. The rest all stare, Hen included. Those two have always been locked at the hip but knowing each other’s anniversaries seems excessive. Buck seems to agree.
“How do you know that?” She asks.
“Their first date was the same day I asked Marisol to move in with me.”
“When did Marisol move in with you?” Hen and Chimney ask in unison. Last she heard about Marisol she had only just met Chris, moving in seemed a long way off for them. Since when was she living with him?
“She didn’t” Bobby answers, giving his sternest glare to the rear view mirror. Hen knows this means she’s in charge of keeping these fools in check so he can focus on driving.
“Yeah we decided against that. Anyway Buck you were talking about Tommy?” Hen stifles a laugh. There was a story there she was going to have to wring out of Bobby because Eddie’s deflection abilities are legendary.
“Yeah so- um- ho-how long before we can uh…”Hen cocks her head. What exactly is Buck after with Tommy right now, they’re not nearly to the point of I love yous and she doesn’t think Buck would be this nervous about dating advice. “I mean how long did you and Karen wait until you, uh” Oh.
“Had sex?” Hen asks bluntly.
“Whoa, you and Tommy haven’t had sex yet?” Chimney asks, astonished.
“Buck when’s the last time you waited this long with anyone?” Eddie asks with a cocked eyebrow.
“Never? Maybe high school?” That tracks.
“Or Abby.” Chim offers. Buck winces at that. She knows that woman did him dirty, looks like the scar still aches.
“Six minutes to ETA.” Comes from the drivers seat. “5 and a half…” Bobby takes a sharp turn that shakes the whole truck. “5 minutes.”
“So how do I ask him to fuck me.”
A chorus of “BUCK!” rings through the truck. Eddie looks petrified at the idea of his best friends having sex with each other, Chim looks exhausted with his brother-in-law of barely a month and look, Hen would give the world to see this kid happy but sometimes he’s just too stupid for his own good.
“Buck. I think you need to remember Tommy doesn’t have a lot of experience in this area either.”
“He doesn’t?”
“Did you forget he’s only been out as long as you’ve been at the 118?” Hen learned that about Tommy from Buck’s gushing the day after the wedding. She’d also talked to him in a fluorescent lit waiting room after the most gorgeous hospital ceremony she’s ever been a part of, so she’s aware that he’s not used to being with men that want more than just sex from him. “He might think you’re just as nervous as he is.”
“I didn’t know he got nervous.”
Chim huffs at that. “Next time you see him ask him to tell you a story about a rooster.” That makes Hen smile.
“He probably won’t believe you’re ready until you can talk to him about it.”
“I don’t— I-it usually just kind of happens. You get a look, there’s a nod, they look at your lips and lean in…”
“Yeah but that was women who knew what they wanted and what you wanted. Tommy won’t know unless you tell him what you’re ready for.”
“So to get him to fuck me I have to tell him to fuck me?”
“Jesus, Buck. Yes.” Hen laughs. They are, thankfully, finally pulling to site so she doesn’t have to enumerate exactly how he needs to ask. If she did she’d have to explain birds and bees that she is not the best person to explain.
“Come on, kids, let’s save some lives.” Bobby calls as he pulls the parking break.
The fire looks pretty bad, two story house, they’ll have to split up by floor. As they gear up Buck says, privately, off-mic. “Thanks Hen, you’re a good Gay Yoda”
“Do him or do not, there is no try.”
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star-chlld · 5 months
Buck turns around, and Bobby nearly breaks his composure. A giggle slips out, and there's a sharp smack to his shoulder as Athena playfully glares at him. And then Tommy is there, giving another apology for his tardiness and up close, the bottom half of his face is significantly less soot covered. Bobby has to stifle another laugh as Tommy greets Athena, making some comment about how happy he is to see them “on dry land.” Bobby gives Athena’s hand a squeeze before letting go and stepping towards Buck. He's grinning widely, and Bobby pushes him towards Maddie and Chimney before offering to take a picture of the three of them. At least nobody can say Bobby is afraid of a little harmless blackmail. After all, Buck had harbored plenty of embarrassing photos of Bobby over the years. It was karma, right?
“Alright,” he says, “now one without the 5 o’clock shadow, Buck.”
Buck, confused, reaches up and touches his face, looking horrifically embarrassed when his hand comed away black. He pulls up his sleeve and wipes across his mouth but it only serves to smear the black around. “Wait, how noticable-”
“Very,” Karen interrupts, leaning over Chimney to offer a makeup wipe. “Like, incredibly noticeable.” Buck looks horrified, but Bobby patts his arm. 
“We're happy for you, Buck, seriously. Just maybe wait until he's cleaned up next time.” And he means it, of course. Bobby is partly just happy this one isn't a news reporter, or a “death doula,” but mostly relieved that Buck looks happier than he has in a while  Although he does notice Ravi slip Hen a $20.
“Don’t worry,”Karen says playfully, “I totally understand how hard it is to resist a firefighter right off work,” and this makes Hen bark a laugh. 
“If memory serves, last time I came home after a fire, you made me sleep on the couch until the smell was gone!” Bobby doesn't hear what Karen says in response, instead distracted by Buck, who is still smiling but tense, almost breathless. Bobby turns, just slightly, and puts his hand on his arm, smiling warmly. Buck’s breath catches, eyes relieved but still a little uncertain. He squeezes Buck's shoulder in response, and the relief is immediate before he's drawn back into the conversation. 
Bobby steps back, moving next to Athena and slipping an arm around her waist as she congratulates Maddie. She holding her phone low, discreetly typing something, and as soon as Maddie steps back towards her husband he glances over. 
“Are you doing a background search on Tommy?” he asks, which is a stupid question because she clearly is. She raises an eyebrow in response, and Bobby grins before kissing her. Buck makes an exaggerated gagging noise before turning back to his conversation, but Bobby lowers his voice just in case. “Kinard is spelled with one N, by the way."
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
Hey this is a little different I guess but can you do a regina x fem reader where reader is so genuine and thoughtful about loving regina that Miss queen bee sometimes gets overwhelmed because when has anyone treated her like that when they didn't want something or her want something from them?
Used To It
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Description: Regina is used to putting all of the effort in her relationships. She starts dating Reader and gets overwhelmed by the amount of love and effort she's shown. Reader helps her realize what she deserves.
WARNINGS: none, fluffy as fuck
Regina George was not used to love.
I mean, sure, her parents loved her. But, they loved her because they were her parents. It's kind of a requirement to love your kids.
She thought Aaron loved her, but he just loved what dating Regina gave him. Popularity, status, friends. Same thing with Shane, he loved her because she was good at sex.
She never really felt love.
She had always heard about it, seen it in movies, read about it, but she had never experienced it.
She thought dying for 15 seconds would finally get her the love she had been chasing her whole life. Turns out, it doesn't. It just makes everyone feel pity for you.
After completely healing from the spinal injury, and neck brace free, Regina came out to the whole school. Most people were surprised but some people kinda already knew.
A couple of months after coming out, Regina started talking to a girl in her Physics class.
Y/N Y/L/N.
She was very sweet and charming and always knew how to make Regina feel better. After a few dates, Y/N asked Regina to be her girlfriend, to which the blonde said yes.
Now, a couple of months into their relationship, Regina felt overwhelmed. In a confusing way.
It's not like it was Y/N's fault. It wasn't.
The girl had been nothing short of perfect to Regina. Taking her on spontaneous dates, buying her gifts, pda, the whole nine yards.
She wasn't used to it.
She was used to taking control in her relationships but this, this was different from any relationship she had been in. This was....healthy.
The blonde didn't know how to bring up how she felt to Y/N. She had talked to Karen and Gretchen and even though they weren't much help, they were right.
"Be honest with her, Regina. She'll understand."
The blonde had texted Y/N to come over so they could talk. She had to let her know that it wasn't anything bad, so she wouldn't freak out. Fifteen minutes after she sent the text, Y/N showed up.
She had stopped and gotten Regina her usual from Starbucks. Regina's heart melted at the gesture and thanked the girl with a kiss. She led Y/N into her room, for more privacy as the girl made herself comfortable.
"So, what's up, baby?" Regina took a deep breath and sat at her vanity, facing Y/N. "Umm. I don't know how to say this." The blonde began to fidget as Y/N looked at the girl with a comforting smile.
"Take your time baby." Regina took another deep breath. "I've never been in a relationship that's so...healthy. And it's overwhelming." Y/N nodded, allowing Regina to go on.
"I've never been around a relationship that showed me what love was supposed to be. My parents, Aaron, Shane. I've never been exposed to stuff like that and you have shown me more love in these few months than anyone and it's very overwhelming. I don't wanna mess anything up because I'm happy for the first time in my life, but I also don't wanna hold back."
Y/N nodded and stood, walking to where Regina was sitting. "Regina, first off, thank you for being honest with me baby. Listen, I just wanna give you the best. I know your past relationships haven't been the best, but I'm going to make up for the sucky parts by treating you like the princess you are."
Regina's eyes filled with tears at the girls words. "I don't want to overwhelm you but I also don't want you to feel like I'm going to treat you like your other relationships did. This is a team, Regina. Not an individual thing. I'm going to be there for you, just like you're going to be there for me."
Regina nodded, tears running down her face. Y/N wiped her tears and kissed her gently. "I'm so proud of you for telling me, Gina. I know it wasn't easy. But please, for the future, know that you can come to me for anything, baby. I won't judge."
The blonde nodded, burying her head in Y/N's neck. Y/N kissed her head and guided her back to her bed. Y/N laid back and pulled Regina into her arms. "I really care about you, Regina. All I want is for you to be happy."
And as Regina fully relaxed in Y/N's arms, she felt true happiness for the first time in her life.
Yeah, she could get used to this.
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megalony · 2 months
Now You're In Trouble
This is a new Eddie Diaz fic I've finally gotten round to finishing. I'm very happy with this imagine and I hope you will all like it.
Please let me know what you think and if I should do a follow up to this or not.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff
@jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @itshamleth @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: While the team are on a night out, a situation unravels when (Y/n)'s ex tries to approach them and sends (Y/n) into a panicked state.
(Mentions of past abuse)
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Tilting her head to the side, (Y/n) laid her cheek on Eddie's shoulder and curled her arms around his bicep. She tucked herself into his side, coiling his arm into her chest as they headed towards the restaurant.
Her fingers brushed up and down his arm and she smiled when she felt his lips pressing against the top of her head.
As soon as they walked inside, their eyes set on Buck who was leaning against the bar. He had his back arched out and his fingers drumming against the counter, but it was as if he had a radar that immediately sensed the couple. His head turned and a wide grin spread across his features the moment he locked eyes on them walking his way.
"You made it."
(Y/n) couldn't help but roll her eyes as she and Eddie approached her big brother. They told him they were coming, why did he not believe them and act so surprised like this?
She approached the bar, loosening her arms around Eddie's arm which led him to immediately curve both hands around her hips. His chest glued up into her back and they walked in tandem towards the bar. (Y/n) flopped her arms onto the counter, imitating the way her brother was slouched while Eddie curved around her like a second skin and attached his lips to the side of her neck.
"Why do you sound so surprised?" She nudged her elbow into his and flagged down the barman.
"Because you've barely left the house." Buck gave them both a pointed look before he turned and took the glass of beer that was placed in front of him. "So who's watching the kids?"
(Y/n) knew Buck wasn't being rude, he was only jesting. She and Eddie had just had twins last month and while Eddie had been on leave, (Y/n) had barely gone out. She didn't want to, she just wanted to take some time to be with their little family and get into a routine with Chris and the girls.
But all the team had been round almost every day on their days off to see them all and make sure they were okay. This was the first time they had been out together without the kids. The last time the couple went out alone was when (Y/n)'s parents had come down to town and they all had a family meal with Maddie, Chimney and Buck.
At least this time, it was a meal with the whole team. Bobby, Hen, Karen, Chimney, Maddie, Buck and (Y/n) and Eddie. The only person who couldn't make it was Athena as she was on shift tonight. But they had found cover at the station so they could all hang out together.
"Is everyone else here?" Eddie took a glance around to try and find whereabout they would be sitting and see if they were the last ones here or not.
His hands moved up and down (Y/n)'s dress and he grinned when she shimmied back against him and flopped her head back on his shoulder. He wormed his arms around (Y/n)'s waist and gave her a squeeze, kissing her cheek until his eyes locked with Buck who was staring at him with that same look as always.
It didn't matter how long Eddie and (Y/n) had been together, Buck always gave him that look whenever he showed PDA. It was mainly so Buck could tease them, although in the beginning it had been hard to get his head around the fact that his best friend was dating his twin sister.
"They are now, fashionably late as always Hen." Buck waved Hen and Karen over just as (Y/n) grabbed her and Eddie's drinks.
"The taxi was late, it wasn't us and we're technically just on time."
(Y/n) patted Buck's shoulder and whispered "We're gonna sit down," as she cast a smile towards Hen before they moved so they weren't blocking the entrance.
They made their way towards the back where their team stood out in any crowd. (Y/n) could see her sister's bright smile immediately and watched Maddie wave her hand out towards her, beckoning her over as if (Y/n) and Eddie were about to go and sit somewhere else.
Bobby was seated on the right end of the table, with Chimney on his left and Maddie next to him. There was a seat on Maddie's side which (Y/n) guessed was where Buck had perched himself, so she sat opposite Maddie, and Eddie sat on her left so he would be opposite Buck.
When they sat down, (Y/n) placed Eddie's glass in front of him and shimmied a bit closer until she was tucked into his side. She liked the way he curved an arm around the back of her chair and dragged his fingers up and down her arm and shoulder. And she felt the way he sucked in a deep breath when her hand slid down over his thigh.
"How are you, and how are the girls?"
"They're doing great, Lottie's much better now too." (Y/n) took a sip of her drink before she leaned herself into Eddie's side. Lottie had been the smaller twin and she had a few breathing problems for the first two weeks, but she had recovered very quickly and she was putting on weight and was almost as healthy as Mavis.
"I bet you don't wanna come back next week, huh?" Bobby leaned his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together with a smile.
Eddie had booked his time off in advance; he knew with (Y/n) having twins she was very unlikely to reach or go past her due date. He went on annual leave exactly two days before (Y/n) went into labour at thirty seven weeks and now Eddie wasn't sure he wanted to go back.
It had been strange but so lovely to be at home and not have to worry about his sleep pattern or getting up early for work or taking a late shift. He got a regular eating pattern back and had meals with (Y/n) and Chris and he had two daughters to fuss between.
Going back to work meant leaving his family and Eddie didn't want to do that. He wanted to stay home with them and look after them all. He had been in the routine of walking Chris to school and then going on a walk or a little jog with the girls so he didn't have to go to the gym. He had been walking miles each week and it was a routine he loved.
A groan tumbled past Eddie's lips as he muttered a quiet "No," into (Y/n)'s neck where he buried his face at the thought of leaving. His teeth grazed her neck as he made a trail up her neck to her jaw, nudging his nose against her cheek which caused (Y/n) to grin.
"You can't work next Wednesday though, remember? Our parents are coming down and we'll need back up." Maddie tapped her hand on the table as if to make her point a bit clearer while Buck took his seat next to her. And Hen and Karen sat down next to (Y/n).
"You are not leaving us alone with them- either of you." (Y/n) gave a pointed look between her twin and her husband.
Neither of them were allowed to work next Wednesday when their parents were coming down Tuesday night and staying until the weekend. They were having a meal round at (Y/n) and Eddie's house because this would be their parent's first time seeing the girls.
"We won't leave you," Eddie whispered against the shell of her ear before he leaned over and picked up his glass.
"If you have Eddie home, you don't technically need me-"
"Excuse me, if Chimney's working then I need you there." Maddie smacked her hand against Buck's chest until he dropped his head forward and nodded with a roll of his eyes. He couldn't exactly leave Maddie there with no one to converse with and no one in her corner if (Y/n) had Eddie. They all weren't lucky enough to get the night off together, someone had to work and Chimney had offered. Buck knew with Chimney working that night, he wouldn't be able to get out of dinner.
They were all going to have to suffer through another family meal and it was going to be worse for (Y/n) and Eddie because it was happening at their place. They didn't have an escape plan if they wanted to leave; they were going to have to entertain her parents until the night was over.
At least they would have the kids as an excuse to leave the room if they got too overwhelmed or annoyed. And if either Chris or the girls weren't well or got agitated, they would have a reason for cutting the dinner short.
"They're your parents too." Eddie mumbled across to Buck with an arched brow and a bright grin.
"Speaking of parents, how are you coping with twins? You both handling the sleepless nights?" Karen wriggled her brows and leaned around Hen to look at the couple sitting next to her.
"I think we're getting the hang of it."
(Y/n) leaned her cheek on Eddie's shoulder and tucked herself a little more under his arm while her fingers skimmed up and down his thigh.
It had been a bit of a shock at first when they found out they would be having twins, but it seemed to run in the family. Even though (Y/n) and Buck were technically donor babies and their parents hadn't been expecting twins either. Their mum had told (Y/n) a few stories from when she and Buck were little, saying how fussy Buck had been as a baby whereas (Y/n) hadn't been too much trouble, in her mother's words.
Neither Lottie nor Mavis seemed to be fussy babies. Lottie needed a bit more attention, but both of them seemed to settle rather quickly and all they wanted was to be held and fussed and cuddled. They stopped crying immediately once someone was holding them, and they didn't care who was caring for them.
(Y/n) had seen one of her friends when she had her second boy and he had been such a fussy baby. If anyone but his mum held him he would scream his little lungs out. (Y/n) was relieved neither of her girls were like that.
The conversation floating around the table was light and (Y/n) smiled and sat up straighter in her seat when everyone gave their orders.
She felt Eddie's hand begin to trace patterns and designs over her right shoulder and up and down her arm. And every now and then a shiver ran down her spine and she leaned into him, smiling at the touch.
"You okay?" Eddie murmured against her temple. When he noticed her free hand dragging up and down her neck, he gently lowered her hand and replaced it with his lips. His nose tickled beneath her jaw and he pressed a few wet kisses against her skin.
She knew what he was doing. Every time (Y/n) absentmindedly scratched, rubbed or prodded at her neck where her scar was, Eddie would replace her touch with his. He would feather his fingers along her neck or serve kisses up and down her skin.
He was associating a gentle, loving touch with the mark she was trying hard to ignore and get over.
The mark her ex left on her skin when he brandished a kitchen knife during an argument.
"Yeah, I'm good." Her nose nudged against his, pushing his head back enough to steal a kiss from his lips.
Most of the conversation switched to work stories and of course, they had to be funny or lighthearted. No sad or broken stories around the table, not when this was meant to be a joyous night and a time to let loose and have fun with friends.
And (Y/n) was happy to listen to the stories floating around. With her cheek nuzzled into Eddie's shoulder and his fingers messing with the strap of her dress, she smiled against his shoulder.
It felt good to be out with friends they considered their family. It was good to be out the house where both of them had hidden away for the last month. Although, before they had the twins, (Y/n) wasn't always one for going out. She felt safer staying at home and having friends round with them. At home, doors could be locked and the environment was safe, somewhere she was familiar with.
It took Eddie, Buck and Maddie a lot to get (Y/n) to feel safe leaving the house and coming out somewhere with them. Going out alone wasn't someting (Y/n) felt able to do, but being with family was easier to go through with.
By the time everyone was on their third or fourth drinks, the food had arrived and the atmosphere was better than ever.
(Y/n) grinned softly when her brother slid the extra bowl of fries he ordered in between them both since he was sat opposite her and Eddie. He knew the lasagne (Y/n) ordered came with garlic bread rather than fries and he knew she and Eddie both had a thing for stealing the fries from his plate. So Buck had the initiative to order extras.
Rolling her lips together, (Y/n) did her best to supress a yawn and leaned forward to start eating.
She wasn't sure what made her look up. Maybe it was Hen saying she was going to get another handful of drinks for them all while the bar was empty. Or perhaps it was a sixth sense that prickled goosebumps on her skin and sent claws dragging down the back of her neck.
Whatever it was, (Y/n) lifted her head, briefly glancing at her big sister who was in the middle of explaining one of the more funny yet embarrassing calls she had answered over at dispatch. Her eyes then drifted to Hen who was already down the steps and towards the bar on the left.
But when her eyes looked ahead of their table, all the blood in (Y/n)'s body ran down to her feet.
An overwhelming feeling of dread pooled in the pit of her stomach and made her dinner crawl back up her throat. Every part of (Y/n) began to tremble and caused her fork to tap and jitter against the rim of her plate before she dropped the utensils with numb fingers.
This couldn't be happening.
This wasn't fair.
He was here.
Her ex was here in the same restaurant as (Y/n) and her family; and he had seen her. Those pale grey eyes seemed to light up with glimmering sparkles when they locked onto (Y/n)'s frame as if he had just come across a pot of gold that he couldn't resist.
"Hey, you okay?" Buck's smile started to fade and his eyes creased when he looked ahead of him at his twin. She looked like she was having some kind of awful revelation, as if she remembered leaving the cooker on or that she'd forgotten to give the twins their last feed.
He nudged his foot against hers beneath the table but when she didn't answer, Buck gently tapped the end of his fork against the back of her hand. He didn't like the way (Y/n) didn't react. He was never sure how his twin would react to certain touches or noises.
Sometimes she would jerk back from his touch if he caught her unaware, she expected a fist to be thrown or a raised voice to be shouting at her. She would shudder and cower and pull away and loud noises always sent her reeling. But he wasn't used to seeing her give no reaction like this. It was as if she couldn't see or hear him, she was too intently focused on something else.
"Baby? You feeling okay, hm?" Eddie set down his knife and fork on the edge of his plate and twisted to the right to look at (Y/n).
He moved slowly so he wouldn't surprise or scare her and rested his hand on her arm, smoothing his thumb up and down her skin to try and gain her attention. When she didn't respond, he leaned in close to look at her before he glanced around the restaurant. He wasn't sure what or who she was looking at to make her look so shell-shocked.
Eddie's brows furrowed. He didn't like the way (Y/n) started to shake or the shallow breaths she was barely managing to take in.
She couldn't look away. No matter how desperate she was to look anywhere else but at the source of her nightmares, (Y/n) couldn't do it. Her body was frozen in place. Her hands were trembling against the table and her body was locked tight in place. She couldn't lean into Eddie no matter how desperately she wanted to hide behind him and seek his love and protection.
She couldn't find her voice to tell her brother that there was a threat here, no matter how badly she wanted to scream.
"Baby what's the matter?" Eddie let go of her arm in favour of looping his arm around the back of her chair like he had done earlier. He leaned into her side but his attention snapped to look behind Buck when an unfamiliar voice flooded the air.
"Long time no see, ey?"
Eddie shifted his arm from the chair to rest on (Y/n)'s shoulders while he leaned forward in his chair. His left elbow propped up on the table and he rose a brow at the stranger stood rather close to Buck and Maddie. Both of whom had their complexions fading to a rather horrid shade of grey like all the colour was fading them to black and white.
The beer Buck started to drink came back up with a violent cough as he slammed his glass down on the table and jerked to spin round in his seat.
Oh God no.
No, not him. He couldn't be back again to cause more havoc and chaos for Buck's twin and their family. That wasn't fair.
Just as Buck twisted harshly in his seat, about to grab the violent man behind him, Aiden moved before Buck had the chance.
Everyone at the table stopped eating and the chatter died down to nothing but small murmurs and confused whisperings. Unsure who the stranger was who seemed to be trying to make a scene at their table.
He walked around the back of the chairs, clearly avoiding both Buck and Maddie in case either of them reached out to stop him from getting to his intended target. (Y/n).
The closer he got, the less (Y/n) could breathe.
His eyes, two grey marbles staring her down, assessing for weak spots and anything he can use to hurt her. His sharp teeth punctured through his smile that sent her stomach reeling. That was the way he would smile at her before an argument ensued and fists would be used.
The shaking increased until (Y/n) was vibrating back and forth in her chair. Her throat was closing up, gulping and gasping for air she couldn't find. Her eyes were watering, leaking a few stray tears down her heated cheeks and every inch of skin was overcome in cold sweat and goosebumps.
A scream was building up in her chest but she couldn't fathom how to make any noise.
Her frozen state finally thawed when Aiden stepped past Bobby and came almost within reach of her. He hadn't been those close to her in years. (Y/n) had finally started to forget what his grin looked like up close. She forgot the little scars painted on his knuckles from the amount of times he'd split them open. She had gotten that smell of his horrid cologne out of her mind, but now it was flooding her senses and making her feel faint.
Eddie jumped back in his seat, both hands planting down on the table when (Y/n) lunged. He had no idea what she was doing, and neither did anyone else round the table. He felt for a moment like she was trying to throw herself in front of him like a shield of protection, but after a second ticked by, he realised that wasn't what she was trying to do.
Her body slammed into his chest, an elbow flung into his abdomen causing him to grunt and lean forward. He tried to find his hands on her hips but (Y/n)'s movements were too fast and hazardous.
His eyes widened when, with a sharp breath that verged on a cry, (Y/n) grabbed the steak knife from his plate.
"Get back!" (Y/n) stumbled onto unsteady feet with knees that threatened to cave in beneath her and topple her to the floor. She wielded the knife badly, she knew it, but it was a good enough threat to protect her family at the table.
The grooved edge of the knife imbedded into the palm of her hand and she couldn't stop the knife from shaking when her arm wouldn't hold still. But it was still a threat. Aiden knew her well enough to know she would slash him with it if he got too close. If he tried to hurt any of them.
Her chair scraped back against the floor and if (Y/n) could get her thoughts in order, she would have realised brandishing a knife in the middle of a restaurant wasn't the best idea. But she couldn't think. There was nothing going round in her mind except for one thing.
We're not safe.
This was her family. Her siblings, her husband, their friends. None of them were safe if Aiden was stood here leering at them, waiting to find out who to strike first.
He had hurt (Y/n) far too many times. He had slashed her with a knife and hospitalised her. He had fought with Buck and broken two of his ribs, for which Buck had dislocated Aiden's wrist and broken his nose. He had threatened Maddie and tried to hurt her when she refused to let him into her apartment to see (Y/n).
All he ever did was hurt them and (Y/n) couldn't let him do it again. She didn't want to feel his knuckles smashing into her body or feel a knife cutting through her skin making her wonder if she was about to die bleeding out on the floor. She didn't want to be hurt anymore. Eddie promised no one would ever hurt her again and (Y/n) needed that to be true. If threatening Aiden was the only way to be safe then that was what (Y/n) would do.
"(Y/n)-" Buck rolled his lips together and coiled his hands back to his chest when he reached across the table for his twin only to see her jerk away from him. She wouldn't even look at him. She wouldn't turn her head away from Aiden. Looking away from him for one moment might cause him to lunge.
"Who is he?" Both Chimney's hands fell to Maddie's shoulders while his eyes scanned around the table.
Hen was back with them, stood beside Karen. Bobby was now up from his seat but he didn't want to move and make (Y/n) anxious any further. Buck had his trembling hands near his sister, desperate to reach out for her but he couldn't risk scaring her and letting her get hurt again.
"That's Aiden. Call the police."
Eddie guessed who it was. (Y/n)'s reaction was a dead giveaway that this had to be a bad person she had bad history with. If this wasn't her ex then Eddie would hate to see her reaction to him. Hearing his name sent Eddie's blood boiling. He'd heard the stories. He'd witnessed the scars. He had seen (Y/n) waking up from the nightmare Aiden induced.
As much as Eddie wanted to push in front of (Y/n) and wipe that horrid, vulgar smile from Aiden's face, he couldn't. He had to help his wife.
"Get the fuck away from her! Or did you forget we've got a restraining order against you?" Venom seeped into Buck's voice as his thighs bashed into the table when he tried to move closer.
They had a restraining order ever since Aiden got arrested after slashing (Y/n) with a knife. He wasn't allowed within two hundred feet of her. He couldn't approach her or her family, he couldn't speak to her or try and touch her and he couldn't follow her anymore.
This was a little different, they understood they couldn't always refrain from bumping into each other like this. But he was violating his order by intentionally getting as close as he could to (Y/n) and he was frightening her and intimidating her. That wasn't allowed.
Eddie's jaw locked tight and his hands started to shake when he took a step closer to his wife. His hands steadily found her hips and he took his time, holding her tenderly and slowly as not to shock her or make her hurt herself by mistake.
With one hand on her hip, Eddie curved his right hand around and tried to reach up for the knife. His fingers curled around the back of her hand but he could feel her iron grip. Her hand was frozen, her fingers were deadlocked, her arm was as straight as a board.
She was in shock, acting out of instinct and she wasn't going to give up the knife when it was the only weapon of defence she had.
It didn't matter that Aiden was starting to laugh in mockery or that people on the nearby tables had evacuated towards the bar to be out of the danger zone.
Eddie tried to tug her arm back, to bend her elbow and lower her arm so he could get the knife, but she wouldn't let him. Her head started to shake as tears drenched her cheeks and quiet gasps slipped past her dry lips with each shallow breath she managed to take. She locked herself in place, trembling back against Eddie as he glued his chest up against her back and hovered his lips over her ear.
"Baby put it down- please, (Y/n) please put it down." The words tickled the shell of her ear as he kept his voice low enough so that no one else could hear him.
He had never pleaded with her like this before.
He had never had to bargain or beg for her to calm down in a situation like this. Any time (Y/n) worried about her ex turning up, Eddie always made the same promise. He would keep her safe. He would look after her. He would get her ex away from her and make sure everything was okay.
But (Y/n) had acted before he had chance and as much as Eddie knew this was her self defence mechanism, she didn't need to do this. He was here. Buck was here. The whole team were here to witness Austin and keep her safe from him. They didn't need the police turning up and seeing (Y/n) with a knife, it wouldn't do them any favours.
No one in the restaurant would say anything if they found out (Y/n) was an abuse survivor and this was her ex trying to torment her.
"Baby, give me the knife please."
It almost worked. Eddie could feel her resistance wavering in her arm and her trembling fingers were almost about to unlock and give in.
"She's gone mad,"
Aiden's laugh echoed around the walls and riled up every person at their table who was now up on their feet, ready to lunge at him if he took one step closer to (Y/n). How could he be laughing? How could he think this situation was even the slightest bit amusing? Did he not realise that doing this, riling (Y/n)'s panic and being this close was going to get him arrested again and give him another jail sentence?
"Get away from my wife before it's me holding the weapon." Eddie would have no problem holding that knife at an angle that showed he'd had precision training and he knew how to wield it correctly.
He would take pleasure in making Aiden cower and restraining him if he dared stay this close to (Y/n). Because Eddie couldn't back up yet, he couldn't try and move (Y/n) when she was going into shock and she was barely responding to him as it was. And it wasn't (Y/n)'s responsibility to move when Aiden was the one threatening her and violating his order. He needed to move.
Bobby took a quick glance around. People were evacuating the dining area. Others in the back of the restaurant were now sitting quietly like this was a dinner show to accompany their meals. A few odd couples were trying to carry on as if nothing was happening. And there was a crowd at the bar.
While the rest of them tried to move closer to Aiden to get him to either move or be moved. And Chimney stood at the other end of the table, one hand on Maddie's shoulder and the other holding his phone as he talked to the police.
All the team knew about what Aiden had done and they knew how he terrorised (Y/n). They knew he had hurt her beyond reason, how he had threatened and almost hurt Maddie and that he had been in countless fights with Buck over the years when he wouldn't leave (Y/n) alone.
The only person he had yet to fight with was Eddie because for some reason, fate never let them meet. He had heard all about him, but had never bumped into the man he would quite happily place in the ground without guilt.
"Alright you need to leave or you'll be arrested for violating your restraining order." Bobby placed a rough hand on Aiden's shoulder and gave him a tug backwards to get the point across.
He was going to get arrested if he stayed here any longer. The best thing was for him to leave the restaurant and not look back before the night took a drastic turn.
"Oh I don't think so. She's threatening me, in a public place-"
"Because you're a sick fucker who's intimidating and threatening her so get back."
The smile that previously adorned Aiden's face started to fade. This wasn't the kind of fun he was used to. People weren't listening to him. They weren't backing down. They weren't believing him or letting him relish in the power and control he usually exuded in these kind of situations.
"She pulled that out unprovoked. Remember what it feels like?" Aiden's voice lowered to a sinister whisper but his sneering expression and sickening smile had tears streaming down her face.
He dared to take one step closer before he rose a brow and his grin broadened when (Y/n) lashed the knife in his direction with a broken cry.
"No- no don't! Baby, don't do that." Eddie tightened his hold on her hand and pinned his elbow into the crease of (Y/n)'s elbow until her arm relented and bent down, lowering the knife.
He pushed his chest over her back, pushing her down while he twisted them both to the side to add some space between them and Aiden. He couldn't let (Y/n) hurt Aiden, not in front of a crowd because then Aiden would undoubtedly twist the situation and try to get (Y/n) arrested for this. Eddie wouldn't allow that.
"Move." Buck's voice was dangerously low as he darted in front of his twin, standing between her and her abuser. His hands found Aiden's chest and he gave a rough shove, forcing him back three paces.
His large frame blocked his twin from view, letting (Y/n) and Eddie hide behind him so Aiden didn't get the satisfaction of seeing the distress he was causing.
"Baby, give me that, please."
Eddie tried again, his words lathering against (Y/n)'s ear like honey while he moved his arms. His left arm curved around her frame until his arm was pressing into her waist, pinning her back against his heaving chest with his lips kissing the tip of her jaw. And his right hand slithered up her hand until his fingertips curved around to her palm and got hold of the knife handle.
Relief pooled in his stomach the moment (Y/n)'s trembling hand released the knife. He jerked his arm behind him and waved his hand until Hen reached out and took it from him. They didn't need it nearby for someone to grab as a weapon and now (Y/n) was somewhat disarmed, they could try and calm her down.
The moment it was out of her hands, (Y/n) coiled her arms to her chest. Her fingers started to scratch along the scar on the left side of her neck that went right down the side of her jugular and stopped less than a centimetre away from her collar bone. A slash mark that would have gone straight across her throat and could of killed her if she hadn't of moved in time.
Her other hand deadlocked around Eddie's wrist on the arm that was bound around her waist like an iron bar. She couldn't do anything but give in to the shaking and lean back against Eddie when her knees felt like they were going to cave in. She creased forward, trying her best to fold in on herself as she gasped for air, turning her face to try and burrow into Eddie as best she could.
"We're leaving." Eddie's hand moved down to hold onto (Y/n)'s hip, squeezing her side lovingly to show that she was safe. And he spoke loud enough for Buck to be able to hear them.
They couldn't stay here anymore. It wasn't right that they should be the ones to leave when Aiden was the one causing the problems, but they couldn't stay either. Not when (Y/n) was this distressed. Not when she was going into shock. Staying here wasn't going to help, Eddie needed to get her home and try to calm her down.
Eddie took a deep breath, his left arm bound around (Y/n)'s waist while he reached his right hand up to hold her wrist to stop her from scratching her neck. He replaced her touch with his lips, kissing the scar that was going to be inflamed if she scratched at it like that any longer.
He tried to get her to walk with him, but it was harder than he thought when (Y/n) stumbled over her feet and seemed like she wanted to go down on the floor.
Chimney was already guiding Maddie away and Hen and Karen were following suit. They were all ready to leave and get (Y/n) out of this situation.
Both Bobby's hands moved to Buck's shoulders to try and get him to move away from Aiden. Whatever he whispered in his ear seemed to work as the pair of them moved away from him and went closer to Eddie and (Y/n). They twisted to the left and tried to round the side of the table, but (Y/n)'s head snapped back to the right when she heard Aiden's sickening voice.
"A knife, real original (Y/n). Now you're in trouble."
Everything started to spin.
Her hands slammed down into Eddie's arms, scratching up and down his exposed forearms as a desperate cry bubbled past her lips.
Not those words. Those four little words in a quiet whisper acted like a starting pistol. They pushed (Y/n)'s body into fight or flight mode, they made her adrenaline overwork and gave her the energy to run. Those were the words she heard before items started to get thrown and hands started clawing at her. That was what she heard before a knife was wielded in front of her face and her skin was splitting apart.
Tears distorted her vision, but not enough to stop her from seeing the way Aiden's fingers danced across the table. The moment his fingers skimmed across the steak knife from Bobby's plate, (Y/n)'s lungs ceased to work.
She could feel her energy dwindling away and she didn't have the effort to lift her arms any higher than her head. She wanted to lash out. She wanted to lunge for another knife and stop Aiden before he hurt her or her family. Eddie was behind her. She had to protect him. Buck and Maddie were here, she couldn't let them get hurt on her behalf, not again.
But all she could do was flop her arms over her head with her forearms pressed against her throat to keep it safe from another attack.
She could hear Buck yelling at him to put it down. She could feel Eddie's chest rumbling behind her while his voice changed to the darkest tone she had ever heard. But she couldn't see anything. Her vision turned black and her knees gave way as all the air got trapped in her lungs which weren't working at all.
Her head flopped forward with her chin tucking down into her chest and when her knees caved, she felt Eddie tighten his arms around her. He went down on his knees with (Y/n) slumped against his chest, barely breathing, barely conscious as she blacked out with only her hearing working properly.
"Okay, okay it's alright baby. Let's get you out of here."
By the time (Y/n)'s vision changed from magenta to flickering, sparkling dots trying to form a picture, she realised they weren't in the restaurant anymore.
She could feel Eddie's arm beneath her knees, his fingers puncturing into her thigh with his other hand pressing into the side of her chest. She hadn't realised she had lowered her arms from around her head until she felt an odd material beneath her nails and noticed she was clinging to Eddie's shirt.
Her cheek was pressing down on Eddie's shoulder while his lips merged with her temple.
The cold night air hit them both like a speeding car and it shocked (Y/n)'s lungs into gasping, drinking in large gulps of air to regulate her system again. She could feel Eddie's chest tensing and puffing out beneath her touch as he slowly went down on his knees on the pavement.
The rest of the team were now outside, minus Bobby and Chimney who were inside, preventing Aiden from taking a knife as a weapon.
(Y/n) tilted her head back enough so that she could look up at Eddie through spotted vision that was distorted even more by the tears streaming down her face. Her trembling hand unlatched from his shirt to cup the side of his face, her thumb gliding across his cheekbone to ground herself with him.
"He was- he was… he would of hurt me! He might hurt y-you or Buck… I had to-"
She didn't mean to. She didn't mean to cause a scene or create havoc for everyone else to clear up after her. But she didn't know what else to do. How else was she supposed to protect her family from that monster?
She had found something to defend herself with. (Y/n) couldn't let Aiden hurt Buck again. He had already suffered broken ribs and superficial wounds when he'd stepped in to defend his twin from her abusive partner. She couldn't allow that to happen again, she had to defend herself and her family. And she could never let Aiden get his hands on Eddie. Maddie had suffered enough with her own marriage. She didn't need to be traumatised by (Y/n)'s ex, he was her problem, not Maddie's.
And she certainly couldn't allow him to hurt the person who had pieced her back to together and loved her to the end of the Earth as if she deserved nothing less.
"Shh, shh baby it's okay. We wouldn't let him hurt you, he won't hurt any of us, it's okay."
"He did-"
"Not today, not this time. Everyone's okay, you're alright. I'm here, Buck and Maddie are here and they're okay. I've got you, I won't let him hurt you, baby, I swear."
His arms tightened around her frame, pulling her into his chest, wishing he could break his ribcage and stuff (Y/n) inside to keep her safe. To keep her closer to his heart. He would do anything for her. He wished he had seen Aiden coming first. He wished he had moved before (Y/n), that he had stood up and put himself in between them to prove to her that she was safe and that he would keep her out of harm.
She wouldn't have needed to reach for the knife and get defensive if Eddie had acted faster and got in the way first. If only.
But it was okay now. Eddie had (Y/n) in his arms, she was safe and she wasn't hurt, at least not physically.
He was going to take her home and look after her. That was a promise.
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thatfandomslut · 8 months
Healing You
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: description of an injury & fluff that might rot your teeth
Can I re request properly for a Regina x reader where there’s loads of hurt/comfort and Regina’s back problems because the bus can be a part of it. Thank you so so much
Mean Girls requests are open.
When Regina George sent a text to her girlfriend that she was in desperate need of a back massage, (Y/n) made sure to pack all of her essential oils. Regina had finally lost her corrective neck collar but still had severe back pain due to the bus accident. Anytime she needed a massage, (Y/n) was there with essential oils and what could be a new career as a masseuse. Or, at least, that was what Regina deemed as (Y/n) gently rubbed out the knots that had formed down Regina's back. Regina wasn't sure if she was tearing up at how much pain she was in, or if she was tearing up because it felt so good.
(Y/n) gently kissed the back of her head as tears rolled down her cheeks, her eyes shut as her chin rested on top of the pillows gently. "What's wrong, princess?" (Y/n) asked as her thumbs gently rolled over her skin carefully. She made sure to work hard at the deep knots but to be careful to not further injure the girl. She was always so gentle when massaging Regina, recognizing all of her limits or signs of pain. "Does it hurt? Would you like me to stop?" (Y/n) inquired softly, easing up on her touch. She didn't want to keep massaging Regina if it hurt.
"No, no, please keep going," Regina gasped as (Y/n) fingers got right back to work. Regina wiped some tears away as she thought about all of the words inside her head. "I was just thinking of how I wasn't a good friend to Gretchen, Karen, or Cady. Nor was I always nice to you. And, I'm sorry. I know I don't use that word very often, but I genuinely mean it. I'm sorry I wasn't a good girlfriend, (Y/n)."
The notion rendered (Y/n) speechless as she took in Regina's words. Her fingers slowed to a stop as she lay next to Regina, gently nudging her so that she could meet Regina's ice-blue eyes. "You were never a bad girlfriend. Neither of us is perfect, but that doesn't make us bad. If you were ever mean to me, we talked it through. I am happy and content with you. I think an apology could go a long way with the girls, especially Gretchen, but you were never a bad girlfriend to me." (Y/n) whispered, letting her know that this growth was okay and normal to go through.
Regina nodded before leaning over to kiss (Y/n), who responded quickly, kissing her back. (Y/n) smiled on Regina's lips, glad to have brought her comfort in what seemed to be her hour of need. Gently pulling away, (Y/n) placed another kiss on Regina's nose and the other on her forehead. "Do you want me to keep massaging you, or would you like to take a nap? I could wake you up when it's time for your pain medication." Everything was on a schedule for Regina. Normally, (Y/n) would get calls and texts asking for massages around this time because it was when her medicine would be wearing off and she would need more.
Regina smiled as she thought for a moment. "Would it be wrong to ask for both? I could really take a good nap as you massaged me. When I fall asleep, you could also hold me." Regina offered as she tried to bribe (Y/n) into something she already knew she was going to do. (Y/n) moved to continue her massage, agreeing to Regina's offer easily. She didn't need Regina to bribe her with cuddles in order for her to massage Regina as she fell asleep.
It wasn't long before Regina's soft snores were heard, and (Y/n) stopped herself from massaging Regina's back. Sneaking off the bed, she made her way to Regina's bathroom as she washed her hands from the essential oils she had on her hands. Returning, she was happy to see Regina still asleep. (Y/n) laid in bed as she gently cuddled up to the girl, holding her close as she set an alarm. She wanted to make sure that Regina received her medicine.
The alarm's beeping woke (Y/n) up from her dozing as she pulled away from Regina, who groaned in protest. Retrieving the medicine, she gave Regina her water jug to take it. "Why do you stay here and help me so much (Y/n)? I really appreciate it, but don't you have other things to do? I don't want to be a burden." If there was anything that had changed about Regina since the bus accident, it was her speaking up about insecurities. And ever since (Y/n) had been coming over to help her, Regina constantly checked to make sure she wasn't being a burden or keeping (Y/n) from something.
"Healing you is very important to me, Regina. It's why I make sure you get proper rest to heal. I learned how to do massages, and what essential oils are the best, and I would do all of that again if you ever needed me to. I love you, and I will always take care of you whenever you need me to." (Y/n) said softly before sitting next to Regina and taking the water bottle back to sit on the nightstand. "It's what partners do. They take care of each other."
Regina smiled over at her, more comfortable and less insecure. "I love you, too. Thank you for all you have been doing to help me (Y/n). Your support and care have meant the absolute world to me." Regina admitted, laying down and motioning over at (Y/n) to join her. (Y/n) accepted the invitation happily before snuggling up to her girlfriend and pulling her into her arms carefully. She would always be there for Regina, no matter what, and she knew that Regina would do the same for her, too.
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buddieism · 2 months
tommy's character, bucktommy's inherent flaws, tommy & eddie as mirrors and buddie endgame; a (lengthy) meta analysis
honestly, what's really confirmed my feelings about tommy (and the imminent bucktommy bones -> buddie pipeline) is that there have now been multiple opportunities for the writers to actually make tommy a likeable/serious love interest for buck and they just…haven’t. because while fans are naturally going to overanalyse every little thing, the vast majority of the show's audience are regular viewers who consume the show at face value and don't think twice about it -- so if tommy was intended to be buck's endgame or anything remotely close to it, they'd absolutely want to make the most of his (very limited) screen time to present him in the best light they could. think about karen, the only non-main LI, and how she was introduced to us -- despite hen's cheating, we can see how dedicated karen and hen are to each other and how karen is a complex character in her own right who is immediately easy to root for and love.
comparatively, when we look at tommy's s7 appearances and specifically his interactions with buck, it becomes abundantly clear that there isn't really much depth to their relationship at all. which is fine! it's just... you know. fine. let's get into it.
following the cruise arc, we watch tommy through buck's eyes in 7x04 where he's basically wining and dining eddie -- flying him to vegas, getting them front row tickets to a fight, sparring with him in muay thai, playing pick up basketball with him -- tommy and eddie are so similar (which we'll come back to later), and we even get that line from eddie about how well they "click." as the audience, we are being subconsciously told to align tommy and eddie together -- and furthermore, we are told that tommy can easily make grand gestures when he wants to. now let's compare that to the bucktommy moments of the season.
bucktommy's first date: tommy makes a shady comment that would have outed buck if eddie or marisol caught onto it and then proceeds to abandon him on the sidewalk because he thinks buck isn't "ready" for a relationship with a man
i'll be objective here -- i understand in a show like 911 there's always going to be "unnecessary" relationship conflict for the sake of drama and i can also see how buck trying to play off their date as platonic to eddie might have put a bad taste in tommy's mouth. but we hear from tommy himself that he struggled with being open about his sexuality when he was at the 118 so he could have absolutely extended some sympathy towards buck for not wanting to come out on the spot to his best friend -- especially when tommy fully knows how important of a role eddie plays in buck's life. at the very least, he didn't have to leave buck alone on the curb. this isn't me trying to woobify buck because yeah, he's a grown man, he's fine -- but that doesn't mean it still isn't a bit of an asshole move.
the bachelor party: tommy doesn't dress up for the theme and dismisses buck when he's clearly disappointed about him doing so
tommy showing zero interest for the bachelor party buck planned is practically the writers waving a massive red flag in front of the camera -- him having to leave because he's on call is an understandable 'conflict' plot point but why not have him show up in an 80s themed outfit? it wouldn't have changed anything except that he and buck would have had a positive interaction; buck would have been happy that tommy cared enough to make that small gesture and it could have been a cute way to establish their relationship as one built on mutual effort. (btw, the bucktommy hospital kiss could be seen as a big gesture, sure -- but from a more practical viewpoint knowing how rushed this season had to be, it was also just an easy way for buck to "come out" to the rest of the 118 without having to spend too much episode airtime on it.)
the medal ceremony: tommy says 'enjoy it while it lasts' (which, LOL) and also is not shown reacting to buck receiving his medal. he also has a conversation with henren in a deleted scene.
again, i'm going to try to give tommy the benefit of the doubt -- i'm not saying he has to be sunshine and rainbows all the time and i have no issue with a character having a snarky/sarcastic side. but when his screentime is so minimal, every line of dialogue matters. and it's pretty damning that the writers aren't taking those few chances to give us something to appreciate about him. with buck, tommy makes a dismissive comment for literally zero reason, and with hen and karen, who are rightfully looking out for their friend, tommy refuses to take them seriously at all.
bucktommy's dinner in the finale: buck displays some vulnerability about losing bobby, and tommy... really doesn't seem to care.
honestly i refuse to rewatch this part of the ep because it really icks me out on another level but iirc: buck says he's glad bobby's okay because bobby is like the father he never had -> tommy says "your father's alive" -> something something joke about daddy issues. ignoring #that joke entirely, it's really insane to me that they have tommy even acknowledge the nuclear bomb that is buck's relationship with his parents. yes, we had a bit of a ham-fisted 'redemption arc' in s6 but that doesn't negate the buckley parents being absolutely heinous and the fact that buck verbalises how bobby played the role of the father figure because philip didn't -- all for tommy to basically deny that to his face -- is absurd. tommy has expressed on multiple occasions that he's jealous of the 118 family bond, so this line is just... very interesting to me.
now, let's recap all these events and bring eddie back into the mix!
post-bucktommy's first date, buck is more torn up about the fact that he lied to eddie than the actual date to the point that he has to vent to maddie about it. he then comes out to eddie, who is incredibly supportive (and oliver and ryan make some very curious acting choices indeed). eddie is reiterated as one of buck's most significant relationships.
pre-bachelor party, eddie is the one to suggest he and buck dress in matching (queer-coded) costumes. he then stays by buck's side at the party when everyone else leaves and although we'll never get to see it (tim minear i'm inside your walls👹), they sing an absurdly romantic karaoke song together. eddie is reiterated as one of buck's most significant relationships.
during the medal ceremony, when the camera pans to each member of the 118's love interest/family, it is eddie we are shown smiling at buck, not tommy. this is especially interesting considering we get buck reacting to tommy. i honestly can't get over how a reciprocated tommy reaction would have been an easy yet significant moment to cement bucktommy as a relationship, but they gave us eddie's instead (with chris in the background and marisol conveniently obscured, mind you). eddie is reiterated as one of buck's most significant relationships.
in the final episode, when eddie is experiencing his personal worst nightmare, buck is the one at eddie's side every step of the way. buck talks to christopher, buck reassures eddie (without judgement), and it's made clear that buck will be there for eddie, whatever he needs.
at every possible opportunity, we the audience are being implicitly told that eddie is buck's person. he is his place of support (buck having his more vulnerable coming out scene with eddie rather than his sister); he has buck's back (the bachelor party); he is his family (medal ceremony reaction), and ultimately, this goes both ways (finale).
some other things worth noting: when buck has his coming out scene with maddie, she tells him he's confused about his feelings in a way that seems to indicate she's talking about his feelings towards eddie ("if you there's something you need to tell eddie, you will"). in bobby's conversation with buck in the firehouse, he's verbally supportive of tommy and even asks if buck is going to see him, but buck goes to eddie's house instead. these were deliberate choices made by the writers; eddie has been consistently intertwined in bucktommy's relationship both overtly and subtextually throughout the entirety of s7. and let's not even get into the whole 'evan' thing, because that could be a whole other post in itself.
from the first moment we start to learn about tommy's character (beyond his... coloured past), we find out that he and eddie are practically mirrors. why not make tommy and buck share similar interests? why not give them something to bond over? why present tommy and eddie as almost identical in every way? because tommy is a placeholder for eddie. buck's initial bisexuality journey can't happen with eddie when eddie still hasn't come to terms with his own feelings. so, in the meantime, tommy is the "safe" choice in buck's mind because buck has nothing to lose with tommy whereas he's got everything to lose with eddie. buck can't confront what he truly wants yet because the risk factor is far greater and it's been repeatedly asserted that buck has an issue with people in his life leaving -- he would never do anything to jeopardise his relationship with eddie.
but ultimately (and in my opinion, fairly soon), we are going to get that moment where it "clicks" for buck and he realises that it is eddie he has feelings for. and when that happens, there's basically only one way it can go. we know buck can't keep secrets from eddie; we know eddie is going into s8 feeling "isolated"; we know tim loves making his characters suffer before they can be happy. in my mind, the narrative is going to go something like this: buck feelings realisation -> pining buck era -> eddie healing journey and a reevaluation of what buck means to him -> some insane life-threatening situation that really doubles down on how buck and eddie care more about each other than anyone else because it is 9-1-1 at the end of the day -> love confession induced by their dramatic near-death experience -> #BUDDIE_CANON !
when we factor in how there was a possibility of eddie having the sexuality arc this season instead, how tim has said buddie is one of his favourite dynamics of the show, and how supportive both oliver and ryan are of the ship, i really can't see how everything isn't building to buddie endgame. every other main pairing of the show has had seasons of development, of conflict, of bonding moments. buck and eddie have gone through that with each other time and time over (tsunami/lawsuit/shooting arc etc), which is why every other random love interest that's introduced for either of them falls flat in comparison. they quite literally are exactly what the other person needs; buck wants the stability of a home, a family, and unconditional love; eddie wants someone he can trust, a caretaker for his son but also a partner. buddie is the ship the audience wants to root for, because we know they work! now that we have canonically bisexual buck and eddie finally having to face his complicated feelings about losing shannon, buddie isn't just the logical conclusion -- it's the inevitable one.
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yestrday · 2 months
I just, househusband Zhongli crumbs, I beg, everything you write is just gold ❤️❤️❤️
househusband zhongli is everything to me :((( i wanna go home and see him in an apron with his fancy liyue cuisine all ready for me uhuhuhu....
you might like: yandere! genshin malewives + zhongli
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🐲 yandere! malewife zhongli
his biggest red flag is spending big amounts of money behind your back and not even realizing what he's done wrong unless you jam it into that thick skull of his. he'll be explaining to you why buying that noctiluous jade is a worthwhile endeavor till you hit him with the 'and????!!! what do we even need a noctiluous jade for!' and he opens his mouth and closes it when he finally thinks.
when he sees you overworking yourself, he gently closes the laptop and guides you towards the bed. it hurts his heart to see you so tired. look at your eyebags! just terrible. he tucks you into bed and makes you wait as he brings over the pot of tea he's been boiling for over an hour now.
a lot of the neighborhood grannies fawn over him like they're back to being little schoolgirls. sometimes when you come home early from work you'll see zhongli sat on the porch giving a history lecture with that buttery voice of his while the grannies are crowded around him with shy smiles, giggling behind their fans.
gets really moody when he smells someone's perfume on you. he tries his best to not let his jealousy steep into his interactions with you, but you can tell something's up when his normally gentle voice is suddenly clipped and curt with you.
has a black belt in karen. he's stated multiple times that he's more than willing to... approach your boss to have a civil one-on-one chat with him about your working conditions. these musings of his happen every time he sees you stumbling into the house, just barely delirious.
doesn't pay others much attention. whenever the two of you are on dates, his attention is on you and you only. he'll acknowledge their presence when needed be, but everything else slips by him when you're just too endearing not to look away from.
you don't trust him on groceries, not when you think that he might come home with high-end brands instead of sticking to the budget. the two of you often go grocery shopping together, and you have to drag him to the normal supermarket and not the all-organic alternative sitting right beside it.
is strangely eager when it comes to giving gifts to your nephews and nieces, should you have any. christmas and birthdays are the only times you'll give in to zhongli's overspending because he always hits you with the 'those children only deserve the very best...!' so you feel guilty. you can see how gentle his eyes are whenever he holds one of the little ones in his arms or how he quietly anticipates their happy little smiles whenever they unbox your gifts.
after that, he always muses about wanting to have a family of his own... while giving you one of those looks. mmm1. those family reunions always leave you sore the day after. not because of the reunion itself, but rather, what they've brought on after.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
dinner date with the brothers (realistic)
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: this is lowkey a shitpost, bad attempts at flirting
a/n: I don't know basic physics so forgive me if not every star can emit light ?? idk also I have no idea if I did something like this before at this point I don't even know what I did and did not already write
your date was probably rescheduled at least 7 times because this man either forgot or arrived way too late the fancy restaurant couldn't give you a table after you missed your reservation (because of work)
hopefully your 30 grimm soup is perfect because he'd get mad at the waiter if the food is 'too cold', he's basically a karen
when he's done eating a meal but you're not he'd just stare at you with no expression on his face and when you're done or notice him he starts a conversation
oh he has it all planned out, he's gonna take you to the best restaurant in the devildom and make you madly in love with him
but mammon ends up knocking over a glass of water, falling off of his chair and knocking three waiters down with him like dominoes when trying to flirt with you, it's like he just says your name and chaos unfolds (it's kind of cute)
also mammon wants to pay the bill but he forgot he bought a huge motorcycle the day before so hopefully you brought your card
listen to me, never let this guy plan date night because it will be akuber pizza at 3am in his room (unless you like that I guess) also levi is probably a picky eater so imagine you take him to a fancy place and all he orders is fries
if he likes you enough he will talk about tsl lore the whole time despite mentally swearing not to before the date
sometimes he reads romantic stuff from his phone under the table to you and then proceeds to be embarrassed
honestly nothing could really go wrong, he arrives on time, he's nice and direct with the waiters, the place has a very nice vibe and his attempts at flirting with you aren't horrible
he's just not the best at starting and keeping conversations alive so maybe there's an awkward silence here and there
the worst thing that could happen is a cat somehow making it into the restaurant and satan climbing over tables to get to it as fast as possible
he can probably get you into exclusive places, since he's kind of famous
downside to being kind of famous: you might encounter an overly happy fan who isn't rude but just eats your time
asmo doesn't want to be mean and completely ignore his fan but cmon he's literally on a date
he looks at you with the biggest 'help me' eyes so you have to make up some fake emergency so you two can leave
you know what happens
please book your dinner date 5 weeks in advance and tell them you're bringing beel so the staff can mentally, physically and culinary prepare
but beel is an actual sweetheart to you he lets you eat his curliest curly fries (meanwhile there are waiters crying in the background trying to bring the 100 steaks to your table)
if you tell him you like something he will order 20 more of said dish for you (please give the waiters a huge tip)
he was nervous honestly so he asked to burrow a fancy suit from one of his brothers (even if the date is at akudonald's)
but this man can say the most unhinged stuff with a straight face, followed by a cute compliment
'hey mc you know I wonder if the devildom would notice if I took away the stars one by one until nothing but darkness is left also your eyes look pretty :))'
you know that one song about blinking in morse code to get the waiter's attention? that
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shanastoryteller · 4 months
happy birthday! 🌻🌻🌻 mdzs identity porn or dealer’s choice please :)
When Shawn is twelve years old, he goes out to ride his bike before dinner and never comes back.
It’s not the first time Shawn’s stayed out later than he was supposed to, so Madeline sighs and puts dinner in the oven and goes searching, figures the walk will at least be an opportunity to snap some photos with her new camera. But as she walks block after block and there’s no sign of her son, she becomes even more concerned.
One hour crawls to two. She returns home to phone the Gusters, but they say Shawn isn’t there, that Gus hasn’t seen him since yesterday. Heart in her throat, she dials the station.
“Hi Honey,” Henry says, distracted. “I told you I was working late-”
“I can’t find Shawn,” she says.
There’s a one tense beat of silence then he snaps, “What are you talking about?”
“He went out on his bike and he didn’t come back for dinner and I didn’t see him anywhere and he’s not with Gus,” she says and she can hear the tears in her voice. “Henry.”
“Karen and I are taking a cruiser out to look for him,” he says, voice suddenly all business. “You stay at home and call dispatch if he comes home, alright?”
“Alright,” she whispers, “what if-”
“Maddie,” he interrupts, voice firm and unyielding and still not enough to hide his fear. “This is Shawn. I’m sure he just got caught up in something. Everything is going to be fine.”
“You can’t just take him!” she says, eyes wild in a way they hadn’t been while he helped her unload groceries. “He’s not like the practice people, someone will notice he’s missing!”
“Yes,” says the old man, with a sturdy, implacable face that’s somehow so much unsettling than her mania. “That is unfortunate. We’ll have to move. But you shouldn’t have invited him inside.”
“Just let him go,” she insists. “We have to move anyway. Just tie him up and pack everything and we’ll be long gone by the time he wriggles free. He doesn’t know anything.”
He sighs. “Darling. He noticed the blood.”
“No, he didn’t,” she says, then looks to him. “Did you?”
Shawn shakes his head, the gag in his mouth preventing him from talking, which is unfortunate, because he’s better at lying when he’s speaking.
He had noticed the blood, faint as it was against the wall, and the scuff marks, and he was planning on getting out of there and going straight to his dad and telling him that he thinks he knows what’s really happening to the beach bums that have washed up on shore, and it’s got nothing to do with too much alcohol and high tide.
She would have let him leave. He was almost out the door when the old guy showed up.
“He’s a clever boy, I’ll give him that,” he says, offhand. “It’s unfortunate.”
He opens into a drawer and pulls out a knife. Shawn tugs even harder at his bonds, but they don’t give an inch.
“No!” She steps in front of him, arms wide. “I like him! He’s nice, and good, and you can’t play with him. I won’t let you.”
Anger wild enough to make Shawn flinch away steals across his face before he folds it back under his veneer of civility. “Very well, darling. You can have a playmate. But if he can’t be controlled, he must be disposed of. Understand?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she says, shifting to completely block him from Shawn’s view – and Shawn from his, which he thinks may have been her goal. “Thank you. We’ll be good.”
“You better be,” he says sternly. “Don’t make me regret this, Yang.”
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