#Henrietta Wilson
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paracozmistari · 2 days ago
Actually wait I’m so excited for Bobby’s cult leader mom. I hope we never stop learning absolutely bizarre facts about this man. Child alcoholic figure skater with magic blood that saves infants from a rare disease i love you forever
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military-newsboys · 3 days ago
Buck: i'm the fries at the bottom of a mcdonald's bag. Eddie: Maybe you go unnoticed at first, but someone's always thrilled to see you. Chim, sobbing: Truly inspirational.
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whateverhappenshappensig · 21 hours ago
Buck: *reading something in his phone*
Chimney: Buck, hand these to your parents
Buck:*grabs it and passes it over the Bobby and Athena next to him without looking up*
The Buckley’s: *sitting across from Buck offended af*
Chimney: um…I meant the Buckleys…
Bobby and Athena: *smug and teary but trying to be nonchalant*
Buck: *slowly looking up in shock and fear* I-I-I mean-
Maddie: dear lord, I need a drink.
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buddieisgoingcanon25 · 21 hours ago
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Yes I have TVFanatic. I have. Multiple times.
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icyfox17 · 1 day ago
I wanted to write a little something with Chimney, Hen, and Tommy. Also decided to make it a fix-it fic. Enjoy!
Chimney clapped his hands together. “Look at us,” he said, smiling over to Tommy, then back at Hen. “The original gang, back together.”
“The original gang?” Hen questioned, her voice staticky through the mic.
“Yeah! Me, you, Tommy, all on a mission to save the world… or LA, at least.”
Tommy raised an eyebrow and shrugged, otherwise staying quiet.
“Wouldn’t ‘original’ indicate I was there from the beginning?" Hen asked. "I’m not part of your original gang, Chim.”
“Yeah, and technically neither of you are part of mine,” Tommy added.
“Okay, party poopers,” Chimney huffed. “I’m talking about my original gang that I started hanging out with first.”
“Hm,” Tommy hummed. “Wouldn’t that have been Eli?”
Chimney glared. “You know what, I’m not talking to either of you the rest of the time we’re up here.”
Hen rolled her eyes, but reached up to give him a pat on the shoulder. “We’re just messing with you, Chim. We get it.”
“Yeah,” Tommy agreed. “The 118 was a very different type of gang until you guys came around anyway.”
Chimney perked back up at that. “See! Like I said, the gang is back together.”
“Trying to prevent terrorists from blowing up half the city,” Hen reminded him.
“And trying not to make ourselves targets in the process,” Tommy added.
“Once again, party poo-”
“So,” Hen interrupted, “Tommy. How’s life been lately?”
“Fine,” Tommy replied, immediately suspicious.
Chimney pulled a fresh piece of gum from his pocket and popped it into his mouth. “We heard about your little tryst with our lover boy Buckley."
Tommy sighed. “Oh good. I was hoping my private life would be a topic of discussion for you all.”
“Hey, I can’t help it if I’m married to the guy’s sister.”
“Yeah,” Hen said, “and I can’t help it if I sit in an ambulance with a guy who can’t keep a secret to save his life.”
“Ignoring that.” Chimney looked over at Tommy. “What’s going on there?”
“Okay." Chimney cleared his throat. “I’ll ask again, and we’ll try the truth this time,” he said, just like he was talking to Jee. “What’s going on there?”
Oh, how Tommy wished they weren’t still ten minutes out from their location. He could use a nice bomb threat as a distraction right now. “Nothing,” he repeated. “There’s nothing going on. I- I thought… it doesn’t matter. There’s nothing.”
“And you’re good with that?” Hen asked.
“I have to be,” Tommy replied honestly. “Evan… Buck made it clear that he didn’t have feelings for me. It was just a one night thing.”
Chimney and Hen shared a look.
“Wait a minute,” Chimney said. “Buck told you he didn’t have feelings for you? Firefighter Evan Buckley of the 118?”
“Yes, Howie. Can we drop it now, please?”
“Absolutely not. We’ve suffered through months of this man moping over you being gone, and you’re going to tell me that he said he didn’t have feelings for you?”
If only helicopters came with parachutes.
“I don’t know anything about that,” Tommy said, his grip a bit tighter on the pitch stick.
“You don’t-” Chimney let out an exasperated sigh. “Have you tried buying flour lately? Sugar? Sticks of butter?”
“Howie, what the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m pretty sure Buck created a shortage with how much he’s been baking.”
“He’s not wrong,” Hen cut in. “Probably spent half a damn paycheck on eggs alone.”
“I still don’t know what either of you are talking about. Can I fly this bird without distractions, please?”
Chimney waved him off. “You’re doing just fine with the distractions. What we’re talking about is the fact that Buck is, for some reason, lying like an insane person!”
“Yeah, you’ve been the topic of most of his conversations since the breakup,” Hen said. “There was a brief window where he was upset about Eddie leaving, but then it was back to you.”
“Every time he thought about calling or texting you, he’d whip up some new recipe,” Chimney explained. “Most of them weren’t any good. I get triggered by the smell of bananas now.”
“The cinnamon swirl muffins were delicious though,” Hen reminded him.
“Oh, yeah, those were a hit.” He shook his head. “But that’s not the point. The point is, Buck is an idiot, and if he’s telling you he has no feelings for you, then he’s lying.”
“Or you misunderstood,” Hen added.
“Guys, this is…” Tommy sighed. “This is a lot of information to take in right now. Why don’t we focus-”
“It’s not like we were much help though,” Hen continued. “We did all kind of keep telling him not to call.”
“But that’s because we thought Tommy dumped him.”
“Tommy did dump him.”
“Tommy is right here,” Tommy reminded them.
Chimney crossed his arms over his chest. “Do you not have feelings for him?”
“What?!” Tommy exclaimed. “I never said that.”
“Ugh! O- Of course I have feelings for him. I wouldn’t have gone home with him that night if I didn’t still have feelings for him. I wanted to get back together.”
“He said no?” Hen asked.
“So you guys got the whole rundown on us hooking up, but the rest of the stuff gets left out?”
“I don’t get it, Hen,” Chimney said, turning to face her. “They both care about each other, both want to be together, but they’re both too stubborn and stupid to talk it out.”
“It’s like a bad movie,” Hen muttered.
Somehow, they were still three minutes out from their location, and Tommy felt like he was going to go insane. “Listen,” he said. “Evan is… I’ve never had someone like him in my life. He’s funny, and smart, and hot, and he cares about people, and he’s just a genuinely good person. That- That’s why it wouldn’t work. He’s too good for me. He deserves better.”
Chimney stared at him, mouth hanging open with a confused expression on his face.
“Oh my God,” Hen said, shaking her head. “Chimney’s right. You’re both stupid.”
“Guys,” Bobby’s voice suddenly echoed over the line. “Did you all forget you’re on an open channel right now?”
A beat of silence, the group glanced at one another, then Tommy responded. “So, everyone could…?”
“Could hear this riveting conversation? Yes.”
Chimney sucked in a breath. “And everyone includes?”
“Well, the entire LAFD, LAPD, then you’ve got the FBI, NSA, and DHS.”
Another, unrecognized voice came over the radio. “The U.S. Coast Guard is here as well.”
“Oh yeah, and the Coast Guard.”
“And me.”
Buck’s voice caught Tommy off guard, and the chopper dropped a few feet before Tommy quickly regained control. He ignored the yelps from Howie and Hen.
“E- Evan, I-”
“They’re right, Tommy,” Buck began, getting right to the point. “Listen, I- I was angry that morning, and I said some things that I didn’t mean, but I- I wasn’t talking about you. You left before I could explain and I’m not… I don’t even know if I could have explained it right then, but, it’s not true that I don’t have feelings for you. I feel everything for you. You… Tommy, i- it scares me just how much you mean to me.”
Tommy didn’t know what to say, so he stayed quiet until both Hen and Chim reached over and smacked him on the arm.
“E- Evan," he stuttered, "I- I really wish we weren’t having this conversation with hundreds of government officials listening in. Do you think my fake mouth static could get me out of this?”
Buck laughed. “I told you, Tommy, it’s not that great.”
Tommy grinned. “When I’m done here, and our shifts are over, I’d… Evan, I’d really like to talk to you in person.”
“What are you doing Saturday?” Buck asked in response. “You free?”
Tommy took in a shaky breath. “I’m free.”
“Then be safe, Tommy, and come back to me.”
Tommy nodded, blinking away tears. “Copy that.”
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finnslay · 2 days ago
*Hen and Karen going to Maddie and Chimey's so that Denny, Mara, and Jee can spend time together*
Maddie: you're not gonna believe what happened
Hen: what???
Maddie: buck slept with Tommy
Hen: WITH TOMMY??? are they back together orrr
Maddie: I don't think so, cuz Tommy thought Eddie was competition
Hen: oh my god he did??? Then what happened
Maddie: Tommy left. But buck said- and I quote- "I don't have to sleep with everyone I have feelings for and I don't have to have feelings for everyone I sleep with."
Maddie: he keeps insisting he can't be in love with Eddie cuz he's straight
Buck, who was in the kitchen, baking cookies for the playdate: What about Eddie???
Hen and Maddie: NOTHING
Chim and Karen: *shared glance of "get me out of here"*
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ifmagicexists · 20 hours ago
s8 is making me miss the fire engine transition scenes so bad, we need these guys to talk to each other again i am on my knees begging! all the storylines feel so disconnected from each other now
its especially egregious with the buckley-hans because after everything that happened to maddie in 8x10 i really would've expected slightly more interaction with her buck and chimney where they're checking on her but ??? nothing??? and buck used to talk about his life and relationships with the team but we haven't properly seen it in seasons now since even in s7 he went to maddie directly, and that's fine, i love the buckley siblings, but its odd that their interactions now are so limited in what they accomplish, where we barely even get to see how maddie's doing nevermind hear from her about it
and the realisation that spurred this entire post: why the fuck have buck and hen not had a single significant interaction about his sexuality or relationship with tommy??? like literally at all ever a full season later???? you'd think it would make the most sense for buck to go to her but he had to get that random tokenistic speech from josh instead because he went to ask maddie for some reason?? which i love maddie but not only is hen gay, she also actually knows tommy, it makes so much more sense to talk about it with her and even chimney but for some reason we just can't have the team actually talking to each other anymore this season and it makes no sense
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oddygody · 2 days ago
The thing I love about 911 is I feel that at its core,it is a soap opera. It’s different than other soaps obviously but it’s apart of this interesting genre of like “modern” soap opera. It’s not like a regular show it feels like? I mean we’re on season 8 and it could really see it going for at least a another 10, it’s formula always gives new plot points, it is a character driven show but also we have these emergencies delt with every episode and multi episode plots of major disasters. I just see no grand end in sight and I want it to keep going and expand in itself
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neil-berry · 2 days ago
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criminalmindsbae · 2 days ago
if you think you’re aisha’s #1 one fan, you’re wrong. oliver is lurking in the shadows.
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bi-and-bewildered · 21 days ago
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the face of two people about to have the best gossip session of their life
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jdorian · 1 year ago
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9-1-1 otherwise known as THE GAY FIREFIGHTER SHOW
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military-newsboys · 3 days ago
Chim: I wonder if different brands of shampoo taste different Buck: They do Hen: Eddie: Chim: Buck: Wait, ask me again and I'll hesitate before answering this time.
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whateverhappenshappensig · 20 hours ago
Someone from Bucks past comes by and drops off his old camera.
He used to record messages to Madie on it to not feel so alone. We follow random clips of Bucks adventures throughout his travels in his Jeep - the joy, the lonely angsty shit, maybe some songs he’s written, some landscapes and monumental moments in his life he’s never talked about because these videos turned into his coping mechanism for all the shit happening on his travels and his loneliness. He’s laughing, scared, sobbing and smiling throughout them.
The camera is dropped off when Bucks not around - the rest of the fam is. He’s out with the kids. They think it’s just funny shit and watch it without him - it gets angsty fast and the don’t turn it off. They keep watching in horror and laughter in an unfiltered truth of what Buck went though.
The extent of it is up to you - anyone and everyone feel free to do their version of this. I’ll never get around to doing anything with it
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guhitsaglit · 7 months ago
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No favoritism at the 118
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mythtakens · 8 months ago
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9-1-1 + out of context
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