#hand made bjd
eveningdreams8 · 11 months
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I realized I never did comparison photos with Orchid (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)
Turns out the hight difference is all leg 🤣 honestly I have been thinking of shortening the Granado legs so he would be a more realistic 1/12 scale as he is a bit over
Orchid was intended to be a bit on the short side of 1/12 scale adult not everyone can be 180cm models u.u
I think I will just fix the surface and send him off to get cast all flaws be damned or I will never finish him (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) when I do a pre-order I will send him off whether I fill a bare minimum or not, the quantity of orders would just determine if I do a small or bigger batch
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dreamatduskk · 3 months
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blown-blooms · 2 months
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Made her a petticoat :]
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aro-tarot · 10 months
I definitely did not just buy an expensive set of dice that has Astarion quotes in each die and is a really pretty set
Not at all
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capsensislagamoprh · 1 year
I showed my jewels for dolls to the rest of the Paper Army recently. They liked them, but say that Sorcha is more of a fire and gold kinda girl. I was like... but... mah jewels! Anyway, this happened:
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I promise, they look just as bad IRL. (♫♪♪ Can you see, can you see my Camera Work! - it needs some work, got no skill - Oh my Camera work! ♪♪♫) These are the same leaves I used to make that necklace above, in case you wanted to see unblured photos. Why you come here for decent images, I dunno.
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This one looks enchanted. It's not for Sorcha. Mostly because I made it too small. It fits play scale - Barbie and the type.
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I made a bracelet too.
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Thinking of making earrings for the leaf necklace and all that. Not sure. Thoughts?
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snowflop · 9 months
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Happy new year from me and my beastie 🎉
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puppitproductions · 1 year
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(As well as Chag Sameach & Ramadan Mubarak!)
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parrythisucasual · 11 months
no pressure ofc but may i request a jax x reader where the reader is basically a ball jointed doll with some of the parts made of a soft playdoh material that can be shaped? i have no idea if that makes sense lmao. if not feel free to just do a normal bjd! as for story specifics ive been on a hurt/comfort kick tonight so maybe reader has joint pain or smth?
feel free to put your own spin on things! ive loved basically everything ive seen of yours in the jax x reader tag so im sure itll be great.
Jax x Doll! Reader
You were tossing and turning in your bed. No matter how you lay, your joint always managed to get caught on your sheets or blankets. It doesn't seem bad, in theory, but it was terribly painful. You finally settle in a spot, sighing happily. 
“SH(boing)T!” you yelp, jerking so hard you nearly fall out of bed. Your knee had pinched the blanket. You throw the sheets off, tears of anger (and probably pain) pricking the corners of your eyes. You swing your legs off the side of the bed, deciding to go for a mid-sleep walk. You’d say midnight, but there isn’t exactly a night here.
Trudging from your room, you walk up the halls. Your joints, your annoying burdens, click with each step. You feel a pang of jealousy; the others in the circus didn’t have any problems with their new bodies. If you really had to be a doll, why couldn’t have you been a plush one, like Ragatha? Instead, you’re stuck with stupid ball joints and silicone. It sucks.
As you pass by his room, you find you’re not alone in your restlessness. The sound is faint, but you can hear the floor creaking in Jax’s room. You pause outside his door, wondering what he could possibly be up to. 
The creaking passes from left to right as if he was simply walking back and forth in his room. As if he was pacing. You frown, debating whether or not you should knock. Maybe something was bothering him?
You shake your head, turning away. Jax wouldn’t talk to you, what are you thinking? You’d ask him if hes okay and he’d gaslight you into thinking he’d been asleep, into thinking you’d interrupted his night. He wasn’t the kind of guy to admit to his problems, not the type to care about yours.
You start up the hall once more, mind settling on the digital lake. At very least you could relax to the Lake_Ambiance.mp3 and watch the digital water move.
You let out a sharp yell, falling to the ground. Your knee had locked up, twisting at just the right angle the joint wouldn’t move anymore. God, it felt just like a sprained ankle. You hiss, gripping your knee in your hands. The tears really do come now, rolling down your cheeks in an oddly realistic fashion for this digital realm. Well, at least your night couldn’t get any worse.
“What, you forgot how to walk or something?” Dear god, it got worse. You glance behind you, the familiar smug grin staring you in the face. Jax’s confidence falters, very plainly, when he sees your tears. He raised a brow, “Oh, come on, you just fell. Are the waterworks really necessary?”
You try to stretch your knee out, yelping when it doesn’t budge, “It’s not just a fall you ignorant little- AUGH!” you give up trying to move your leg, resolving to simply lean back, giving yourself room to breathe.
Jax trots over, bending down and inspecting your knee, “How’d you manage this?” he reaches out and your stomach drops, “No, don’t!” He freezes, the surprise plain on his face, “Why not? I can snap it back into place easy as-”
“You stupid rabbit, it hurts!” you practically wail. He sits back, “Don’t be stupid, (Y/N), we’re digital now. Can’t get hurt. Can’t die.”
You turn your face away from him, growling slightly, “Clearly, I’m different. Not like you’d care, right? Too busy shoving your head up your own a(honk).” Jax doesn’t react to this, much to your surprise. Instead, he silently stands up, walking up the hall, one hand on his hip.
“Wait, where are you going? Jax?” you regret what you said immediately, you really didn’t want to be alone with this right now. “You won’t let me help you, I’m going to find Caine.”
“You’re… huh?” you blink, confused. Jax shrugs, “If it hurts that bad, why would I leave you like that?” You aren’t sure whether or not he really was going to find Caine, but with the lack of arrogance about him, you decide to trust him, “Alright… thank you.”
He doesn’t respond, merely gives a dorky salute as he rounds the corner. As the minutes pass, you begin to wonder whether or not you should have believed him. Just as you were about to give up hope, Caine appeared at the end of the hall, flanked by Jax.
“Oh, dear, oh dear! Would you look at that!” Caine’s annoying grandeur made your head hurt, but you couldn’t have been more relieved. With a simple snap of his fingers, your leg righted itself without pain. “Now then, anything else I can do for you, my dear (Y/N)?” the eccentric ringleader asked. You shake your head, a relieved sigh escaping from your chest.
“Excellent! Well, off to bed with you!” he zipped back into the air, “I was busy, after all.” Caine darted away, leaving you alone with Jax once more. He seemed off, not grinning as he usually did. You’re not sure what to say, until-
“Are you okay now?” he asks, looking anywhere but your face. “Um… yeah, now I am,” you start to sit up, and Jax rushes to your side, grabbing your hand and practically lifting you to your feet himself. “Are… you okay?” you ask, “you’re acting way different.”
Jax finally looks at you, “Why wouldn’t you tell anyone you were in pain? Are you really that thick? Any of us would’ve helped you! Any of us would be there for you!” he snapped, seemingly angry you’d hidden this.
“I… I didn’t want to burden anyone…” you admit, a bit shocked. “Burden us? Are you kidding?” his voice grew louder, making you wince, “you think your health is a burden? You moron, you’re-” he stopped suddenly, noticing your expression.
“I-I’m sorry… I-I…” He sighed, interrupting your shaky apology, “Next time, come to me. Okay? I don’t want to see you get hurt. (Y/N)...” he hesitated, “I just… I really care about you. Please, don’t hesitate to tell me you’re in pain.” He gathered himself, then placed a quick kiss on your forehead before darting into his room with a final, “Night.”
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cryptic-forge · 1 month
your dolls are stunning, so so beautiful. Do you have any advice for getting started making my own? I'm so inspired and want to try my hand at it someday
thank you!
i was in the "i want to make a bjd some day" swamp for maybe a year, but the leap from customizing monster high to sculpting from scratch seemed too big to get started. then i was staying over at my friend's for a few days, and we went to get supplies to spend the night crafting & watching tv. i saw a pack of fun-colored clay and went "i'm gonna make that bjd right now." and then i did. the next day, i made another out of a different clay. i had limited tools, and limited workspace, and both of the dolls were pretty rough since i made them in one night each, but it got me started. learning 3d modeling & making actually functioning joints & spending more than one evening on a design came later.
so what i think is important is letting go of the idea that your first doll is special. that it needs to either be meticulously planned & encapsulate all you want to be as a dollmaker, OR that it needs to be simple because people keep advising you to start small. it's a good idea to get a rudimentary understanding of how bjd joints work, either from handling dolls first hand or from pictures and diagrams, but your first doll doesn't have to pose well, or have the joints fit the sockets exactly, or be high quality in any other way. it can be, if you want, but the most important thing is to START. when you make one doll, it becomes so much easier to make another, and the best way to learn jointing is to feel the parts in your hands.
limiting your time and tools might help to get the ball rolling, like it did for me. my partner likes to put things in a calendar; if you're like that too, maybe reserve an evening next week, and make a note like "thursday: start on your first bjd."
....and if your question was not in fact about the creative side of things, and you were after more practical advice on what to do when you have the clay on the table in front of you/in your 3d program of choice, i'm always up for answering questions.
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eponadolls · 4 months
BJD Sales
Hi everyone! I will have several big expenses over the summer (wisdom tooth removal, newer car, potential ADHD and pcos evals/diagnoses, etc) and I want to make sure they are as... least-impacting as possible on my savings, especially since most are medical and I have no idea how much my insurance is actually going to cover... so any reblogs and shares are always appreciated!
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Most things will be cross-posted on Den of Angels, Instagram, and Facebook. Additional information will be under the cut. I ship from the USA and due to postal concerns, I can only send the large, high-value packages within the USA right now.
Allergen warning: I live in a pet-friendly, non-smoking household near a corn mill.
Harucasting Smile Maji head: She’s some kind of tan resin, but I don’t 100% remember which one. Her previous owner split the head and body so the coa went with the body. I remember her previous owners name & email, but I don’t recall their instagram handle. Maji has thankfully NOT been recasted so I do not worry about her legitimacy, but I wanted to be upfront about that detail. Her magnets need to be reglued and she still has faceup residue. As with any of my Harucasting dolls, in respect to Haru’s wishes, I will only sell his dolls to pro-artist/anti-recast individuals.
$100 + shipping
5stardoll Elf Elaine: She was painted by her previous owner and given a mani-pedi which is chipping as well as pretty purple body shimmer. Her face still has faceup residue on it. She’s really cute but I need to make room — I am willing to sell her head separately, though. According to her card of authenticity she was produced in late 2018. I believe she is in normal pink skin.
$170 + shipping
Latidoll Blue Yern:
Yern is a slim MSD sized doll and the Blue (MSD) line has been long discontinued. Yern still has her coa and Latidoll manual, as well as the emblem in and outside of her head. I am not sure of the specifics but her torso has had some kind of mod job for mobility reasons?
Yern is from early 2009 and has certainly yellowed, but her yellowing appears to be consistent. Yern would probably benefit from a restringing with thicker elastics but I can get her to pose and stand just fine. Her s hooks were replaced and she has traditional/standard bjd s hooks in her wrists and ankles. For whatever reason one elbow likes to stay slightly bent. Yern will be shipped UNSTRUNG so that would be a good opportunity for her elastics to be changed; she still has an o hook for her head.
Her faceup is holding up really well considering it is quite old but please be aware that it is old, has some wear, and it is not factored into the price I am selling Yern at. The biggest sign of wear I noticed as a small dark streak near her temple.
She has some damage near her foot/ankle. Considering her age I think she has been holding up really well.
$100 + shipping
Dollzone MSD Girl Body: normal pink resin. Arrived from Alice collections in late 2022, spent most of its time in the box. Asking $200 + shipping.
Harucasting Big Geuru: She is in neul medium tan. She has a face up by @tonocha331. She has an extra pair of hands and comes with her box and card of authenticity. She will come without clothes or eyes.
She has some small s hook scratches in one wrist from a previous owner and several small scratches on her belly. Her face up seems to be in overall good condition other than three shiny spots on the side of her head. $550 + shipping
Logandolls Primrose: Primrose in light tan (coffee) with additional heel feet (strung) and an extra pair of hands. She does not come with a company box but she has a card of authenticity and comes with a blanket that I believe logandolls made for her. Received in a trade from my friend @groovyblueworld! She will NOT come with a pair of eyes. If desired, I can ship her in an old Dollzone company box for extra protection. Ordinarily she would cost $480 new but I am asking $440 + shipping - you basically get the extra hands and feet for free and an extra $10 discount. I can also sell a Flower Primrose faceplate in Resinsoul normal for an additional $40.
$440 + shipping
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN Round Up : Sugar Rush 2023 Part One 🍭🍬
It’s that time of the year again where i attempt to recap all the sweetness we got from the past 6 months. I may not be able to add every single incident/speculation but i did include the ones that were most talked about, and added some cpn “archaeology” here and there too. most of the links contain multiple cpn, especially since i made a couple of mini round ups for certain time frames or events.
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this is also the best time to look back on all the fun we’ve had as a fandom and how the boys give us happiness. i hope this remains the same in the next half of the year and that we continue to support them both. 🫶🏼
past sugar rush posts for reference: 2021 ( one two ) & 2022 ( one two ) ; anything before that is mostly likely archived on my masterlist.
• XZS Vlog Number 3 clues
• NYE CPN things ✨
• Paper Planes again
• A CPN Timeline of how LTS stage was made
• KXZ’s sus greeting and rainbow light show for ZZ’s anniversary with them
• 1/5/2022 tarot card reading of XZ & WYB that made the turtles lose it
• Rainbow Thrasher shirt 🌈
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• BLACK PAIRING. 🖤 and the fact that Yibo was doing the same pose as LWJ, keeping his hand behind. the actual performance of yibo also gave way to lots of fanarts of this pairing! they look so good together!
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• fake bits & pieces ( additional 45 fake rumors )
• their studios posting on the same day, 1/12 and the similarity of teasing that content will be released in parts
we also see more similarities in the drawings:
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The appearance of 🦴 necklace at all the studio rehearsals and even the final one makes me somft. He had to remove it for the stage cause he is meant to be bare. I don’t advertise people to treat this necklace as the indicator of their relationship, but i will be lying if i say i’m not happy seeing it. especially if it’s out there, that he can show it off and not have to hide it.
• XZ & WYB mentioned together three times in one day - 1/14/2023
• YBO’s comment on snow
• 1/17 random cpns = the same trousers again ; 330,000 tickets, bg color of studio posts and YBO’s continuing comments about the weather in the city they are in.
• Bouboo replies to a fan with “DAYTOY” on their username
• CPN @ Xiao Zhan’s lunar new year photos and douyin posts
• XZ’s lunar new year post looks like a movie ticket stub. What a coincidence cause Hidden Blade is also premiering that day ☺️ there was also a cinema that showed XZ’s GUCCI Ad before the show started. Lol. and at the Shanghai Roadshow for Hidden Blade, lots of BXG dolls on in the group photo were captured.
• Hidden Blade Guangzhou roadshow : mention kneepads and looking at dandan doll / yibo asking someone with a suo-er doll and him holding a bjd of himself.
• LRLG contribution 1/23/2023
• XZ’s colleague in ADLAD + Zack ( photographer ) talking about watching Hidden Blade
• 7th day of the Lunar New Year CPN + another xzs and ybo similarity
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I don’t usually go for kadians but yibo-official using 13 = yizhan makes me ☺️ ; also the similarity in how they caption posts again. on the same day. yes it’s not an obscure thing to include on a post that is made on the 7th day of the Lunar New Year. Wishing people good luck on a new beginning and all that. but it’s the countless similarities in how their studios do things. they have the same taste? their employees are dating? who knows.
• GG at Sunshine With Me shooting, looking so much like Yibo:
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• Huang Ziteng posted about watching Hidden Blade and the schedule of the film is coincidentally 10:05
• Yibo shares a post about the snowboards given to him by Su Yiming + sweater paws shadow
• Top comment on Yibo’s 2/2 weibo post is a cpf and similarity with GG using a doge emoji when trying to be humble
• YBO posts about a 🍉 video being fake and it looks the same as xz clarification account. !!!!
• Fandom stories that have been on my mind recently. ( includes cpn on wyb kissing xz backstage of SDC and the 232323 kadian which is “new” for this month. ) old ones mentioned : wyb’s side accounts, a bxg story, changsha home and same day tests.
• 2/4/23 Fake Rumor House contribution
• People in the industry supporting (?) them : GQ photographer is a turtles, Yixuan replies to a fan with daytoy on their username, sungjoo using xz’s cover song as bgm for his douyin post back in 2019 + Yubin doing an unboxing of DVD and praising a spread with zz/wyb on it.
• YBO asks to show off glutinous rice balls and XZ responds ☺️
• Night Light fake rumor & same sun emoji
• Candy compilation from Sunshine By My Side filming wrap up
• Fake Story : riding a bike at night / AI art
• On 2/12, Yibo posted a douyin, a stock video where you can clearly see what jacket he is wearing. BXGs noticed that it said “milano” and thought it may be a clue that GG will go to Milan Fashion Week. more explanation here.
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• Both boys have been quiet and not “seen” for the better part of Feb, even 2/14 was especially quiet for them online. Yibo-official did post their candid compilation of Hidden Blade behind the scenes but it’s connected to promotions and not exactly for valentines day. It’s a common CPN speculation that when they are together, they get very quiet online and no paparazzi can take their photos. tho I have to say, 2/14 is not that important to them like 520 is. and then come 2/17, it’s interesting how you get to see them. let me rephrase that, they allowed us to see them. xz going to eat a meal with his assistant and wyb filming his drama. i’ve always been a believer that somehow, they can control when people will see them in public. they can be on ninja mode when they want to, especially xz.
the next day which happens to be 2/18/23 Ai Bo Ai Zhan Day, yibo shows up @ Shanghai airport at 6:30 in the morning. knowing that he finished filming past 10:00 PM, dressed in skinny jeans and looking so stylish. which is not his usual airport fashion these days. he will be in beijing for a couple of hours ( no one really knows for what ) and returned to SH the same day @ 5PM. turtles hope they saw each other atleast. Bobo really chooses the early flight so he can be with ZZ longer. ☺️☺️☺️
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• Lost General Jewelry
• Chengyi comic about ZZ cutting his hair before going off to see WYB
• Them looking so similar with these photos, GG’s is from his 2/22 Milan flight. The same hair. looking like twins. Also, one of ZZ’s photos had that BOarding design & photo. Yes I know it fits the whole theme of the pictures but still, turtles’ DNA was moved. Lol.
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• Using the same security personnel @ PEK?
• ZZ was spotted buying LEGO
• The similarity in their photo composition
• ZZ created an instagram account and his username has similarities to Yibo’s. Again. Same brain cell.
• 2/24 Fashion Show appearance minor candies
• Zhan-ge saw the balloons coded with all the colors! BXGs! ❤️💛💚 @ Tod’s Milan fashion show venue entrance
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• This one is hilarious, Bobi in Milan? @ Tod’s store visit 😂
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• cpn on yibo-official being quiet during MFW
• a possible connection to yibo’s CCTV performance to ZZ’s suzhou embroidery gift
MARCH 2023
• GUCCI infinite possibilities meaning, ZZ’s veteran cadres style and same emoji
• XZS Chapter 5 vlog candies
• giving thoughtful gifts
• Weibo night account posts a recommendation photoset for person of the year and they put their photos right next to each other. 🤍
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• we hear “ i love you” in XZS vlog chapter 5
• Bottled joy campaign/s cpn
• Web’s 3/8/23 instagram post
• A really CPN-y instagram data. HAHAHAHAHA!
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• wooyoungmi brand revisited
• Liu Daichu says WYB & XZ are hard to shoot - not so much cpn cause this is really unfortunate that they have to deal with bs like this. however it goes to show how they deal with their fame is becoming more and more similar and they apply the same security for themselves.
• 3/11 zsww rumor house
• more cpn from 2017
• yibo-official related candies
• xiao zhan as a distraction
• similar looking shirt. lol. Yibo, did you borrow this from zhan ge???
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• yibo knitting sort of confirmed
• gg’s infinity ring ♾️
• LRLG 3/24/2023 contribution
• Same hotel in Shanghai rumor
• the weibo night 22’ seating arrangement. so near yet so far.
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• Weibo Night 22’ candy round up
• XZS posting 8 photos, XZ re posting ads at 10:18 and his missing post-show selfie
• Tencent Video weibo account unintentionally matching XZ/WYB
• Weibo night 22’ exclusive interview sweet bits 💕
• WYB looking at ZZ’s direction 👀
• New Wuji recording easter egg : play with the cat
• 3/29 XZS vlog candies
APRIL 2023
• Esquire Magazine Parallels / CPN
• A new CQL bts photo 😘😘😘
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• Colosseum parallels
• Peninsula iron box BGM
• Another example of XZ missing the 10:10 posting time to give way for WYB’s repost of BTF trailer.
• THEM in white shirt and soft cardigan. I love it when they put on the same/similar style!
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• not really cpn but an example of a brand using art made by a cpf
• one & only’s release is 7/28 which aligns to double airport 1.0 / bazaar shoot & yizhan ttxs episode
• same city ( shanghai ) 4/11
• red string bracelet of lei yu appears again
• “matching” post for china television arts committee
• boys in esspensive cardigans! 💕
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• 2019 kangol bucket hat coincidence
• chengyi comic - kumquat lemon tea 🍋
• zenith pilot series ✈️
• yibo-ge x xiao-ge 👀
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• matching shiatzy chen black and white outfit
• LRLG connection to BTF accidental rollover, Anessa livestream sweets, JD mascot heart with a mole and Fake story ( magic wand and minions )
• them going on HS together @ 4/23 & wyb shut up hs + minor candies ( esquire coincidence, #5 seat, bone necklace, kids lovin them )
• 4/25 candy post
• 4/26 yibo official post with 13 photos and heart with a (.)
• same way of tying their shoelace means they are in the same city or together
• ZZ’s GUCCI Cosmos event CPN
• Fake rumor of what happened in Shanghai when they met ( 4/26 )
• the word “wyb” heard in xzs vlog
• same ip address of shanghai even if XZ was in Xi’An. Fans are saying, WYB might have logged on using a different phone number ( GG’s account ) and that’s how it changed. Because if this was a staff, most of them are in Xi’An or in their Beijing office.
MAY 2023
• May Day Candies - ( ZZ’s off white pants, rumor 1 : learning how to cook and zz giving wyb a rabbit charm rumor 2: couple jackets, in the same magazine, heart with a mole again on ybo
• pickle side dish, bruce lee and btf people supporting adlad ♥️
• number 5 seat on zz’s post, yibo and his pots & pans + the story of plane models
• XZ cues Wei Ruolai and WYB “dreams” hoodie
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• Friday clowning - ( includes : ADLAD castmate posts cpf photos, same line in GG’s note & LRLG post script, Ryukakusen & XZS/YBO same symbols )
• Sunday candies 🫶🏼 WYB’s departure to LA & Xiao Zhan’s Molsion photos + use of captions
• Clean Eyes song and XX symbol ( XZS molsion live event behind the scenes )
• Bag/Phonecase WYB bought @ LA
• Chanel Cruise CPN photo parallels
• Yibo’s instagram photo reel & story
• The CPN about matching phone case went on HS
• XZS & YBO split photo similarity 📷
• Ace Troops cake CPN, Molsion offline event launch clues & sunset
• The fact that when they started being in the same city again, Yibo couldn’t stay away from Beijing. He had work with EVISU, so he left Beijing in the evening of 5/15, went to Shenzhen / Zhuhai. Then 5/16, did his business and went back to Beijing in the evening. He really organizes his schedule so he doesn’t have to be away from BJ that much. They will be in the same city till XZ leaves for Condor Heroes workshop & Shooting in Hengdian 🥹
Also his EVISU car has 1991 on it. Yes 91 was when the brand was established but please let me clown on this. lol.
• 85 is also Z28 design
• XZS posts a photo that shows his phonecase even after the HS and then on 520, HZT, the actor who plays Lan Qiren posts a very suspicious douyin video related to it.  
• 520/521 ZSWW fake stories
• Yibo using the photo for weibo night 22-23
• The story of the 85 logo
• HUABIAO AWARDS CANDIES : their movies featured as key works in 2023 + Bunny drawing in the background ; Chanel Brooch 🎀
• WYB’s btf co star said he has a delicious beef dish that he eats and people are wondering if it’s the “sauced beef” that cpfs think is from GG’s mom.
• Same phone case timeline
• Candies from WYB’s Chunzhen event + XZ’s team denying a melon about a collab with his former co-star
• 5/28 ( A day that two topics about XZ & WYB together went on hot search ) ONE TWO
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• NEW chengyi comic about accidentally listening to a horror podcast & sleeping together
• random old candies
• Cherries 🍒
• WYB’s Fly streetwear shirt going to Japan
JUNE 2023
• Maison Kitsune Couple Shirt. WYB’s is for his Chunzhen Fanmeet & GG’s is for Roborock Ad. Yeah, it’s a pretty good brand that they have both worn before but does it have to be from the same line? and look so much like each other? and for us to see it in a span of a few days on them 5/27 and 6/1? I’m sorry if we’re clowning so much here but we can’t help it.
• 6/1, their studio accounts posting so close to each other. XZS shared WDB video & YBO re posted a one and only movie promo. What a nice coincidence. This would have been something to ignore if we didn’t have so many XZS 🤝 YBO candies. Then just minutes later, YBO posts the photoshoot for WYB’s Chanel show and one of the layouts look like XZS. 😂 also using the sunglasses emoji
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• WYB’s Chanel Japan show clowning + WDB drawings resembles Web
• An unusual increase of hot searches that associate XZ and WYB ✨
• Bottled Joy saga Part 3
• both of their works featured in National Cinema Movie Promotion Conference. movie stars! 🎞️
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• XZ found to be wearing Uggs
• Minor candies from Douyin Movie Wonder Night
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• WDB cast and their connection to web: one / two
• Yibo is an introvert and Chunsheng is an extrovert
• Mosquito jokes 🦟🦟🦟
• CPN WRAP UP ( includes : yuli interview clues, bottled joy using their colors for panther and guangdian drawing, numbers on evisu ad, posting almost one hour apart, cute dogs and missing lyrics )
• weekend cpn : same expression, not holding hands, shuke x beita and other sweets
• 6/20, BJYX went on hot search
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• BJYX IS BE was gone in the hot search
• Moncler Event CPN
• Heurueh brand
• LRLG leaves yibo-official
• some “new” photos from SINA visit
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• Infinity sign on WYB’s clothes
• “how they sleep” CPN
• there are conversations that when WYB went back to Beijing after the Moncler event, he was spending time with GG. it’s also because the shoot for Condor Heroes was delayed so they both suddenly had time to be in the same city 😊
• same-style clothes for recent released ads - NANS
• 6/26 rumors that GG/Web will be participating in the same event and their sus airpot schedules!!!!
• Yubin shares a video and we get a 1 second clip of the boys eating hotpot
• 6.29 Hongkong Event : Timeline & CPNs
That’s all for now! 
See you by the end of the year <3 
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kaxenart · 8 days
Kaxen's BJD Hardcap Wigmaking 2024 Version
Pros of hard wig cap style:
The best method for short hairstyles (and I am a masochist who loves short swept-back hairstyles)
Are you the kind of person who gets tilted over lace front wigs having a line of extra net or not fitting your doll's forehead? This wig will fit and you can chop the wig cap even closer.
I hate hand sewing, so I never do sewn wefts with soft wigcaps, and sewn wefts don't work well for exposed hairlines so GLUE, GLUE, BABY.
Cons of hard wig cap style:
This wig will not fit on another doll unless it's maybe from the same company or has a really generic head-shape
Nonstick mat - Michaels sells Messy Mats which are very thin but stiff film mats that are nonstick. Silicone mats for pet bowls are often very cheap! A lot of craft-specific silicone mats have more price mark-up despite being the exact same thing.
Silicone spatula - for spreading glue. Just the generic silicone tools are fine. Comes in different sizes.
Glue of choice - Different glues react differently to different fibers and different colors. Pick whatever you like that has a slight flex to it and is waterproof once it's dry. If you prefer to style hair with high temperatures (especially the boiling water method), pick something that will resist high temps.
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Glues I personally hate passionately: Beacon Adhesives Fabri-tac.
Why Fabri-tac sucks:
Smells terrible
Warps over time, wigs have literally stopped fitting the doll it was for
Rock hard when dry, literally the worst option for fabric???????????
Glue bottle cap always gets fucked up and useless.
Like jesus christ just get some fray check if you need fabric glue
Slicker brush: No matter how thorough you are with glue, you will have loose fiber. Comb it out. Buy two if you want to be able to have a poor man's wool carder so you can re-align fibers and use them later. WHY ARE WOOL CARDERS SO EXPENSIVE?
Fibers -
Suri alpaca: Very fine strands, low gloss, can use hair irons on it
Tencel: very fine strands, high gloss, can use hair irons on it, plant-based. Great for 1/6 scale and Anime Bullshit hair
Viscose (not pictured): very fine strands, high gloss, crinkles like hell if it gets wet, can use hair irons on it, plant-based
Silk (the silver wig lower down the post): very fine strands, high gloss, can use hair irons on it
Mohair: medium strands (thinner if it's kid mohair), high gloss, can use hair irons on it. Various levels of curly.
Synthetic: medium strands, high or low gloss depending on what you get, ymmv on hair irons check before hand how much temperature it can handle. Already made of plastic so plastic-y glue doesn't make it look weirder. Comes in the longest strands.
Wool roving (not pictured): fine strands, no gloss, doesn't really look like straight hair, but works well for styles like dreads.
Acrylic yarn (not pictured): fine strands, gloss level varies, cheap, but you pay in "spent all afternoon unraveling yarn to brush it out" MICROPLASTICS BAD.
I looked at combed mohair prices and it made me scared. How much fiber do I need?
1/3 heads (8-9in circumference): 1/2 oz is a comfortable amount for shorter styles and more the longer the hair will be
1/4 heads (6-7.5in circumference): 1/4-1/3 oz.
1/6 Mature tinies (3in circumference): 1/4 oz, the usual minimum order, will be a ton
Processing mohair yourself is cheaper, but it's a lot of cleaning and combing.
Making the wig base
Fabric base: sheer woven fabric or thin stretch fabrics (pantyhose, mesh hair nets, etc) in a color that does not clash too much with the skintone of your doll
The smaller the doll and the shorter the hair style (especially exposed hairlines!) the thinner you want to go to avoid seeing the wig cap too easily.
Cover the doll with plastic wrap, tighten the fabric as much as possible to mold to head, spread glue around so fabric will stay in this shape.
Putting rubber bands around ears helps shape.
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Putting the fiber on
I'm pretty sure preparing wefts beforehand by gluing them on a nonstick mat and then cutting off pieces to stick on the wigcap is easier for exact placement, but I think that takes too long, so I just glue that straight on the wigcap.
I prefer not to use sewn wefts because I don't like that chunky line.
Work back to front and/or wherever the hair parts.
Hold up a small lock of hair and then use the silicone tool to swab a lil glue on it.
The smaller the doll, the smaller bundles you want to add the hair in so the bulk level isn't too crazy. Not as big of a deal for 1/3 scale dolls, the biggest deal with 1/6 dolls.
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Hairline and hair parting methods
I use the rooting tool from Dollyhair (but you can basically use any small hand tool with an adjustable chuck that can hold the rooting needle)
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Imitates growing hair
More versatile in styling options if you root a large sections of the wigcap because then the hair can flow in different directions without exposing which way it was glued
Slow, the more realistic you want to go, the smaller each root plug should be. I use size 8 or size 6 needle on 1/3 dolls, but I could probably go smaller.
Tiny bits of hair and glue inside the gap may affect the fit of the wig cap.
Takes three billion years to dry the inside because you will swab glue on the inside of the wigcap and then smoosh the wig cap against plastic wrap on your doll's hair to keep the wig cap properly molded to your doll's head
Works terrible on mature tiny 1/6 wigs
TTRPG Mini Grass Style
Fast, just put a daub of glue and slap a tuft on
Hair can be pushed in multiple directions without looking awkward
Harder to do with longer hair and thicker fibers, may just tip over before the glue dries. Works better with short suri alpaca or tencel than mohair
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Fold Over Method
Can hide wigcap edges
Not realistic
Works worse with stiff fibers that may not lay flat after being folded over (may need heat treatment to work)
Ugly glue zone
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Chopping the wig open to cram in fibers where the hair parting is
Less ugly glue zone than the foldover method
Margin for error for not warping the entire wig cap is not great! More risk than the rooting method.
Wildcard showing up with a steel chair! (mostly because this doesn't really need a separate post)
Flocking + painted edges
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Fast, swab on the adhesive and shake a ketchup bottle of fiber powder on it.
Useful for shaved hair
Well, now you have Craft Herpes (glitter, fiber dust, y'know how it is...)
Not all doll sculptors have very flush headcap boundaries
Gotta redo the face-side of the flocking whenever you want to change the face-up
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businesstycoon27 · 14 days
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My boy is finally finished!! I HATE sewing so I bought the dress from Ropitaskawaii on etsy (here)! It's made for a different doll type so it's a bit big for yugi, but it's very cute <3
A few more photos! It's my first bjd, the movement is quite restricted, reminds me of those wooden art mannequins that are kind of unusable. It was a bit challenging but next time I will make better balljoints! Just you wait!
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And here is the full body! I actually lost his left hand which was the prettier one... His arm ended up a bit longer because of it, but I was too lazy to make a third hand..........
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fulgurbugs · 4 months
finally bit the bullet and just bought the dragon bjds.
these are the Adou-Loong Fantasia Series blind boxes, which i got off kikagoods (as i pretty much always do for these bjd blind boxes) they retail for 39.99
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i got two.
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here’s the list of possible pulls. as for me, i really like the pink and purple girlies, and the one with glasses. there’s none of them i’d be upset to get, though.
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but before that, i guess there was some little bonus thing going on when i ordered these, because i got like 3 mini foods and this little red guy included with my order. probably because it was rather expensive. anyways. don’t know what i’ll do with these, but fun little bonus. the bunny cake thing is squishy too.
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enough about those. the first one i unboxed was one of the ones i really wanted! the purple one, Bing Li.
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here she is out of the packaging. these guys, as the name suggests, are long lol. they can also stand just fine on their own, which is nice!
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some scale detailing on the hips
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hair and faceplate. these guys have inset eyes, which i always love to see.
then we have the extra hands. these guys come with 3 extra normal hands, and a larger, color tipped-hand that’s supposed to interact with one of their accessories.
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here she is all dressed! the fur thing is bendable and very long, so you have plenty to work with without impeding her arms. i think she’s supposed to wrap the chain around her hand and hold it, but i just put it like… around her lol.
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obligatory .5 shot
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next up, looks like i got Chi Yan!
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unbowed. he’s black tinged with red. i believe the boys have a different, sharper looking wing and tail mold, as well as differently shaped ears.
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his extra hands. he comes with a pipe
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dressed! he also comes with the big posable fur piece. i really like the little dangly bits of the ties on the side of his outfit, he’s so long that they can hang pretty far down.
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obligatory .5 shot. man; he was made for this stupid fucking angle.
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and that’s the Adou-Loong dragons, they’re super cute! really happy with the two i got, and how unique and cool their bodies are!
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
100 FOLLOWER!??!?!
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Through the grapevine, through the phone line.
HOLY SHIT!!!! 100 FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!! I was not expecting to hit that in like.. a little over a month, that is genuinely insane. Thank you so much for following my hate filled journey 🎉
This art was for my friend because they’ve converted me into a voxelette enjoyer so this is their fault btw/j
The Analysis on this one won’t be too long because I don’t think many people are as nuts about longform content as I am so lets see how normal I can be
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First of all, I wanted to give Velvette her natural hair and have fun with puffs and braids and twists and stuff instead of just straightening it and putting it in ponytails. She actually went through 5 hairstyles before I landed on this one and I’m fully convinced she’s responsible for making this art take 9 hours but its okay because shes cute ^w^ also I have made her into a silicone BJD doll with plastic hands for better posability and a little hole for holding accessories and stuff like how G5 LPS did. The lighter strands of hair are also supposed to look a little bit like yarn because I think I was subconsciously thinking about Lala Loopsies and it led to the button eyes and all that. Her shirt was based off Fluttershy’s colours and that is 1 because they look good and 2 my friend likes fluttershy. The stitches in silicone also might not make sense to some but to that i say. uh go look up a suture pad
Here is her little Colour analysis 🩷
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Now for Vox (and technically still Velvette), his colour scheme is mostly purple actually, the blue light turns a lot of it .. well. Blue. So you cant see it much but im not lying I promise. I feel like Vox is very insecure but still being prideful at the same time while Vevlette is more sure of herself, hence the significantly less amount of blue. The only blue accents on her are her beads, eyeshadow and scrunchies and the “sloth” aspect of that is mostly just how little she cares about others opinions which kind if intern turns back to pride. Meanwhile Vox has a lot more blue, not because he doesn’t work hard, but the methods in which he does things. His employees do a LOT of managing and he doesn’t have to do much for marketing because yknow. brainwashing. It also correlates to his personal grudges and grievances getting in the way of his work like how he had a public meltdown over Alastor. His body is blue but his purple suit covers it, ie masking insecurity with self assurance. People wear clothes, Im very smart I know you can hold the applause./j Hes also buffer because where the hell else is all the wiring gonna go
Here is Vox’s colour chart (note the use of bisexual flag colours/j/j)
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It’s kind of obvious but their eyes are both yellow in sections because capitalism and all that. Also I thought making Vox’s eye change into the screen recording symbol was clever because yea he is watching everything and also he is technically recording visuals into his brain and processing them so !
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I didn’t know where to squeeze this in but theres a very faint tint of green in his screenlight for the envy aspect so do with that what you will. Oh and his buttons are little outlet plugs :3c
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hello! Bjd anon here, may I request Welt, Sampo, and Dan Heng with a crystal reader. Like, their body is made out of crystal and they're really fragile. Inspired by houseki no kuni :>
Also, i love the bjd one!
-Doll anon
A/N: Hello, Doll Anon! I love the nickname you gave yourself, it's super cute! Also thank you for the creative requests! I've actually never watched Houseki no kuni, so I researched it for you a little! I hope it's okay!
Content: Established relationship, fluff, tiny bit of angst, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread!))
》Dan Heng
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He protects you with his life, that's for sure. No harm will ever come to you with him around. Though that means, that he's a bit worried and paranoid about you all the time. The thought of you getting permanently damaged or hurt makes his heart break.
He doesn't treat you any differently from other people though for your appearance. And he makes sure, no one else does either. If anyone dares it, they'll be dragged through the mud by him verbally alone, in the most bluntest way possible too.
Holds you close to him, his hand always holding onto yours tightly, even when you're doing the mundane things. Others may tease him for being soft for you, but he doesn't care.
Treats you with the utmost care, always making sure not to hold you too tightly or ever put you in harms way. He won't let you ever fight anything either. Not when you have him to do it.
》Sampo Koski
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Finds how delicate and fragile you are absolutely adorable. He loves holding you close to him, always slyly promising, that your dear boyfriend will take good care for you.
He also uses your fragility as an excuse to have his hands on you at all times. He doesn't want you to trip and break after all. Or someone stealing you away from him. Things would turn really ugly, if someone dared it. That also includes people bothering you for your looks, which he won't ever stand for.
Definitely likes showing you off to everyone. He's very proud that you're his and makes sure everyone knows. He loves seeing you blush, whenever he does this, finding you too cute for your own good.
He absolutely does not let you fight anything. In fact, he makes you never have to, by just not attracting any trouble to you. But if things come to a head, you can always count on him keeping you safe.
》Welt Yang
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He's absolutely fascinated by you and wants to know everything he can about your existence as well, just so he knows how to help you out better with anything you need.
He always holds you so delicately, warm hands caressing your smooth, sparkling skin with wonder and awe. He promises to keep you safe, to never let a single thing harm your perfect skin.
He isn't the one to ever brag loudly, but he definitely keeps you on held onto his arm at all times, proud to have a breathtaking s/o like you. Anyone who tries bullying or teasing you, will be shut down fast by him.
He is fully capable of protecting you and even fixing you up, if you do break something. Just let him handle everything, he'd do anything for you after all.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the request!<33
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