#gun confiscation
jackass-democrats · 6 months
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The democrats are calling out their Brown Shirt Domestic Terrorists again for the 2024 election season. America can't be silenced anymore if we want to remain free.
As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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jackassdemocrats · 4 months
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As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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purplepodcast · 14 days
It is genuinely shocking to me that other countries don’t have to have metal detectors in their schools.
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diablo1776 · 2 months
There's literally 1.5 guns per citizen in the US.
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
All gun control or calls for gun control in America is inherently racist, classiest and queerphobic. The state doesn't want to ban guns to make you more safe, it wants to ban guns to depower the ability for the oppressed to threaten their oppressors. Restrictions on guns began to cull the black panthers. The ability for the people to bare arms has always been a right the working class has utilized to threaten the owning class.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Was just gonna post this but, the rest of the exchange I've got here is just a great setup for showcasing the ignorance of this dude
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guy responding was nicer than I would have been, as soon as the guy said that bit about the 1920's I would have launched into a history lesson about the city of Chicago and certain parts of NYC, rum runners too.
Glad they got to the bit about all guns being legal with no restrictions till 1934 part.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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Marin Cogan at Vox:
Vice President Kamala Harris had a quick comeback for Donald Trump when he accused her of wanting to take people’s guns away at Tuesday’s debate. “Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away. So stop with the continuous lying about this stuff,” Harris said.
While the remark caught attention online, it wasn’t actually news. Harris had spoken about being a gun owner during her last campaign for president. “I am a gun owner, and I own a gun for probably the reason a lot of people do — for personal safety,” Harris told reporters after a campaign event in 2019. At the time, Harris pointed to her career as a prosecutor by way of explanation. It’s not unusual for people who work in law enforcement, from parole officers to police to chief law enforcement officers, to own a gun out of concern that someone they’ve encountered in the legal system might try to exact revenge — as has happened before. The surprise is almost certainly for another reason altogether: Harris is a multiracial woman from a liberal state who has called for banning assault weapons and passing universal background checks. But this shouldn’t be all that shocking, either. As I wrote in my feature last month about the millions of Americans who decided to buy their first guns during the pandemic, women — particularly Black and Hispanic women — are among the fastest growing cohort of gun owners in the country.
Between 1980 and 2014, only 9 to 14 percent of women owned guns. But half of first-time gun buyers between 2019 and 2021 were women, according to a study from Northeastern University. Another study of new gun owners found that, from 2020 to 2022, 69 percent were people of color. As of last year, more than half of Americans said they or someone in their household had a gun. Harris is right that the vast majority of gun owners say they own a gun for protection, and the fact that she counts herself among the millions of Americans who own guns reveals an important truth that often gets hidden. While the national debate is typically framed as a fight between two opposing interests — anti-gun liberals who want to take everyone’s guns away and pro-gun conservatives who steadfastly refuse any regulation — the reality is much more nuanced. It’s true that support for measures like banning assault weapons is mixed. But the notion that all gun owners are totally against any gun regulation is clearly false and a narrative that gun control advocates have been working to unravel.
During Tuesday’s debate, Democratic nominee Kamala Harris rebutted the inane GOP talking point of “Democrats want to take your guns away” that Donald Trump uttered by revealing that she owns a gun, and so does her running mate Tim Walz.
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mightymorphinnegro · 2 years
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This is America
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grumpy-old-patriot · 2 years
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diablo1776 · 6 months
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bleghcourse · 1 year
I'd appreciate it if gun-grabbers could name one (1) war where the AR-15 was issued to soldiers because I can't seem to find anything.
I can name at least eight wars where hunting rifles were used by the United States Marine Corps as sniper rifles, but nothing on the AR-15. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
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cheetomussolini · 2 months
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queerism1969 · 2 years
Why do you think the colorado q club shooter Anderson Lee Aldrich stopped shooting? Because they were asked nicely? Because the victims started begging then they came to their senses? Nope, it was because a trans person beat the crap out of them, it was because an army vet was willing to sacrifice their lives to protect everyone.
Good intention, prayer, and thoughts don't do anything, actions do.
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troythecatfish · 7 months
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miawashere · 1 year
texas & the new laws
on september 1st of this year, 774 laws have gone into effect in the state of texas. one of the most important ones is house bill number 3, which requires an armed police officer at every single school in the state. with the rise of school shootings across america and the devastating Uvalde elementary last year, i’m glad the state of texas is starting to protect students and not have to make parents worry about their children’s safety at a place of learning. i hope with this law, school shooting numbers will drastically decrease and more steps will be taken in the future to protect those trying to better themselves by gaining an education.
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