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adaist · 3 days ago
A gun is your protection. A gun is your right. A gun does not discriminate against its target; that's a decision it leaves to its owner by design.
A weapon which fires from a bullet, and ejects its cartridge, and uses some form of explosive energy to propel a projectile, has no system of discretion. It has been used in wars, rescues and massacres alike; and has been used to shoot every minority imaginable, but also every majority. It is this which allows Elon Musk to hold his child to his head in fear of being assassinated, but also which allows Elisjsha Dicken to save a mall from any further of a massacre.
If you are a transgender individual, I do not advise you to get a gun in fear until you believe you're ready. They are dangerous, and I acknowledge the relative emotional instability of the sort of person like me. I advise you, however, to learn combat. Read on how to survive. Beyond that, if it ever becomes your turn to be on the hateful end of a bigot's barrel, learn to escape or stop them.
Don't live your life in fear; however, be passively prepared at all times. There is a demesnes between readiness and paranoia. Live a long life well-spent.
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There's something about the Kirby plush in the background that really sells this
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mentholcorpse · 1 day ago
I used to be a forestry technician,
Got laid off, fuck doge.
Now I am a gunsmith and gun dealer; I arm the people, I educate the people, I keep money local.
I just realized that many many people have jobs
Rb with your job, wtf do you people do while offline???
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numbpill · 4 months ago
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enriquemzn262 · 7 months ago
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try-set-me-on-fire · 5 months ago
They’ve got the little window over the sink open and Bobby keeps calling through it, asking for ingredients, utensils. Eddie clatters around the cabinet by the fridge.
“Third shelf,” Bobby says again, elbow on the sill. It doesn’t help any more than the first time he said it.
“I don’t even- Bobby, I don’t know what I’m looking for. Just- you can’t just use a normal spatula?”
“The flexibility and sharp edge of a fish spatula,” Bobby says, also for the second time, with a strained sort of patience, “Is perfect for sliding under-”
Buck’s arm reaches over Eddie’s shoulder and plucks a long slotted spatula from Bobby’s elaborate and baffling collection. “Got it.” He kisses the side of Eddie’s head as he keeps moving, lips catching the top of his ear. “It’s better for-”
“Pancakes, fritters, any sort of delicate patty, yeah, yeah, I heard.���
Bobby and Buck grin at him with identical raised eyebrows, it's kind of uncanny. “He’s not hopeless after all.”
“I do my best,” Buck says, smacking Eddie on the back and heading towards the door. “He’s come a long way.”
Eddie crosses his arms. “I don’t have to keep handing you shit. We’re not at work. I could make you walk inside every time.”
Bobby grins wider. “And I could give you all the burnt tater tots.”
Eddie pouts. “I’m reporting you to HR for unfair retaliation in response to labor concerns.”
“We’re not at work,” Bobby says, serenely. “Hand me the tenderizer.”
Eddie was sent in here, originally, like half an hour ago, to cut up the two giant watermelons Hen and Karen had brought direct from the farmers market, but he’d only got the knife halfway through the first one when the side quests started coming. He finally returns to the cutting board as Buck and Bobby’s voice drift further away, towards the grill. He cuts the thing in half and then stares at it so long he jumps a foot in the air when Maddie suddenly appears next to him.
“Woah,” she laughs. “What secrets of the universe does that watermelon hold?”
Eddie coughs out a chuckle. “I was just- debating the best shape to eat.”
She hums thoughtfully. “Big choice. Little cubes? Little cubes are nice. Or, like, slices?”
“I’ve always been a fan of a nice wedge.”
Maddie makes a triangle shape with her hands. “It is a classic.”
“Kind of makes your plate top heavy, though.”
“You’ve got two watermelons,” she points out.
“Wedges and cubes,” Eddie nods. “I like your way of thinking.”
She grabs a bowl from a different cupboard — why does everyone know this kitchen so well already? This is the new Grant-Nash residence house warming party, Eddie’s got lost on the way to the bathroom like three times since he got here — as he cubes the first melon. “How was the movie?”
“Didn’t you and Buck go see Conclave earlier? The trailer looked interesting.”
“Oh, yeah.” Eddie scoops the cubes into the bowl and rinses his hands off before starting in on wedges.
Maddie laughs behind him. “… and how was it?”
“Oh! Uh- yeah, I mean- you know, horror movies, they’re fun.”
Maddie tilts her head. “Wait, wasn’t that one a drama?”
“Wait.” She wrinkles her nose. “Were you just- were you making out with my brother literally the whole time?”
Eddie, hands up, gives her a bare teeth grimace of a smile as she cackles and whacks him with a towel. “Hey- I mean, I kind of looked up once, they were in some sort of- I don’t know, a theater or something? It was really dark in there? It looked kind of creepy.”
“Oh my god.”
“There’s a lot of Catholicism themed horror movies,” Eddie weakly tries to defend himself. “How was I supposed to know?”
“By watching it!” She laughs. “Why spend the $12?”
“My air conditioning is broken,” Eddie says sheepishly. “And it was 10 AM on a weekday, the only other person in there was 80 years old and snored through most of it.” He frowns. “Which also makes more sense if it wasn’t- I don’t know, I thought it was like The Conjuring?”
She laughs again, helpless giggles while she covers her face. Her daughter laughs the same way sometimes. “Don’t you have catholic guilt? Wasn’t that a thing?”
Eddie shrugs. “My abuela always says once I commit to something I never do it by half.”
“So, making out all through a movie about the pope?”
Eddie points at her. “Gay making out all through a movie about the pope.” He frowns again. “Damn, it was really about the pope? Okay I’m not- look, I’m not feeling guilty about that but, uh, if you ever talk to my grandmother or Pepa, uh-”
“I don’t think it would come up,” she says, patting his shoulder.
“They’re not- it’s- they wouldn’t like me making out with a girl during a pope movie, either, it’s not the gay thing.”
“I know, Eddie,” she says, more kind than teasing. “Everybody’s really happy for you,” kinder still.
“Oh.” His cheeks are probably bright red. “Uh. Thank you.” His ears burn as he busies himself with the watermelon again. “You know- I wouldn’t’ve got here, without Buck.”
Maddie comes close, presses their elbows together until he looks back up at her. “He deserves someone who doesn’t commit to things halfway.”
It makes Eddie laugh with soft edges, because: “I think… I’ve always been all the way, with him.”
She smiles so wide her nose crunches. “I know.”
There’s a tap at the window, and there he is, Buck himself. His nose is a little pink from the late October heat, he’s smiling real big. “Hi.”
“What do you want now?” Eddie’s tone is snappy but he’s sure his face is pure mush.
Buck sticks a thumb at Maddie. “Chim’s threatening to, and I quote, ‘eat five hundred tater tots,’” Buck pauses, presumably in service of Chim’s love of dramatic effect, then continues, “‘and then fall into a coma.’ So, like, if you wanna do something about that you might wanna get out there.”
“W-” Maddie starts to ask, and then shakes her head. She grabs the cube bowl. “At least he should have some fruit, too.” She flashes them a grin as she walks out the door, their laughter following.
When Eddie looks back at the window Buck has his chin in his hand, smiling at him. “What?” He laughs, ears hot again.
“Admiring the view,” Buck says, with the combination of flirtatious and earnest that Eddie has come to expect but is never prepared for. “Food’ll be up soon. Come and join us?”
Eddie leans forward over the sink. “Cap doesn’t need anything else?”
Buck shrugs, very close now. Eddie almost laughs wondering if he’s on his tiptoes in the dirt out there. “He can get his own shit. I’ll eat your burnt potatoes.”
Eddie closes the last half inch of distance and does laugh, right into Buck’s mouth. “We can share,” he says, magnanimous, because Buck’s always been all in, too. He can go halfsies, it’s only fair.
There’s shouting outside, Buck pulls back, drums on the windowsill. Smile, wink, turn. Eddie grabs the wedges, and hurries out the door.
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leatherdefender · 3 months ago
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glockstore · 4 months ago
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CZ scorpion EVD3 ready for quick deal
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refinestein · 4 months ago
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I have found that my basic PSA lowers, w Delton 11.5 barrels fitted w a Holosun red dot will shoot as tight a group as a Daniel Defense with a much longer barrel out to 100 yards. (Using the same optics).
I love these rifles, they are remarkably reliable, and easy to use in tight spaces. Under $1,300 including optic, and magpul back-ups.
I will say that the .308 Daniel Defense shot as tight as a bolt gun. I was remarkably impressed by it. And it of course shot circles around my FAL and Socom. Ha.
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enriquemzn262 · 3 months ago
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loubella77 · 7 months ago
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mikazumio · 8 months ago
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metalobrukht · 2 months ago
17-year-old Ukrainians in russian occupation are getting drafted more and more often.
Forced mobilization into the russian army is reportedly increasing.
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russia will not be interested in peace for as long as it has the upper hand!!
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glockstore · 4 months ago
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Glock 22 gen 4
Houge grip
Solofish beam
22 stick 🔥
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collateral-daverage · 4 months ago
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watch out shes got an itchy trigger finger 💥!! sketch comm for rugdealer.rocks
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vintage-tigre · 2 months ago
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Steve McQueen, 1958
Wanted: Dead or Alive
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