#gums health
wellnessbloom · 26 days
"Meet ProDentim: The Game-Changer for Your Oral Health"
First and foremost, it is worthy of note that the market of dental care is actively developing. Until recently people have used traditional goods such as toothpaste and mouthwash hoping for perfect dental hygiene. However, this is not the case, as even when people usually brush and rinse their teeth in the most appropriate ways possible, dental problems always seem to find a way of manifesting themselves. The truth is emerging: the status of dental health depends on the presence of certain bacteria in your oral cavity. Say hello to the latest innovative solution called ProDentim made to revolutionize your oral health by promoting the health of your mouth’s myriad organisms.
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The Science Behind ProDentim
Society has in the recent past gained a deeper understanding of the oral microbiome; this is regarded as the bacterial microflora that resides in our mouth. I say these microorganisms are not just hitchhikers but they are participants and contributors to the health of our teeth and gums. Traditionally probiotics were used for gut health only but now there is evidence that these are good for oral health. Taking advantage of this discovery, ProDentim presents a powerful combination of 3. Five billion probiotics, the finest types that can be used to replace the good bacteria in your mouth. This is something more than an addition; this is an effective method proven by science to maintain and improve the conditions of the oral ecosystem.
You can get the prodentim here
Why Common Dental Products Might Be Harming Your Teeth
Traditional oral hygiene products, despite their good intentions, are loaded with compounds that are destructive to your oral micro cosmetic environment. As we have seen, Fluoride, though it helps in preventing cavities, also has the ability to throw off the balance of the beneficial bacteria in our body. Also, the alcoholic mouth rinses are damaging to the mouth, eliminating all types of organisms, useful as well as dangerous ones. This uncontrolled sloughing exposes your mouth to pathogens and removes the barrier your oral microflora otherwise affords. The irony is stark: all the efforts that we are making to protect the dentition may actually be shooting the process more harm. Enter ProDentim as the safer and more efficient option that lets you clean your mouth without putting at risk your mouth’s friendly bacteria.
The Unique Composition of ProDentim
Some factors that set it apart from the other teeth and gum health boosting products include; The formulation of ProDentim is unique and it has 3. Of all the unique species of probiotic bacteria, it can produce 5 billion live probiotic strains per serving size. Among these, three stand out for their proven efficacy in supporting oral health:Among these, three stand out for their proven efficacy in supporting oral health:
Lactobacillus Paracasei: As is well known in its preventive role of gum diseases, this strain is also useful in keeping the sinuses clear and unblocked, a factor that is often overlooked in dental health.
 This powerful probiotic simultaneously regulates the bacterium population within the mouth and strengthens the respiratory system and immunity, benefits other than oral would be impossible without this supplement.
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Lactobacillus Reuteri: Essential in lowering inflammation risk, it allows the right conditions within the mouth moist environment and prevents periodontal problems.
These probiotics are provided along with a blend of plant extracts which have been added for their specific effects to the oral health. Inulin was said to assist the development of good bacteria, malic acid from strawberries helps retain teeth whiteness while tricalcium phosphate enhances the firmness of the teeth and peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties.
Real-Life Success Stories
This goes way beyond the mouth; it seems ProDentim has an effect on almost every aspect of the human body. In another sense it does this by maintaining the oral microbial ecology and thus overall health indirectly. Maintenance of healthy gums and teeth has the potential of decreasing general inflammation that is associated with various diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. This kind of an approach towards the health which starts from the mouth makes ProDentim one of the most unique products present in the wellness supplements market.
Comparing ProDentim with Other Oral Health Products
The question, therefore, arises as to why ProDentim is unique in an environment that is, for the most part, flooded with similar brands of oral Probiotics? It is in the formula; this is not the full meaning of the word in furtherance of its registration but a way through which it is formulated. In contrast with other dental goods which may pose various health risks by incorporating toxic chemicals in their formulations, ProDentim is made from all natural ingredients whose functions are compatible with the natural human body. This product is GMO free, contains no gluten and it has no stimulants hence safe for use in each day. Additionally, setting up the product from most other supplements is that it contains probiotics that focus only on the oral health needs of the mouth’s microbiome .
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How to Incorporate ProDentim into Your Daily Routine
The use of the ProDentim is quite easy and straightforward as follows. You will find the supplement in chewable form, thus making it easy to incorporate in your regular dosage plan. To get the best of this supplement, chew one ProDentim per day preferably in the morning. Frequency is deemed crucially important since a mouth must always remain a friendly flora for the bacteria that finally yield healthier teeth and gums. When used together with a healthy diet and proper dental care, the beneficial impact of ProDentim would be optimized, with your smile remaining in the best condition.
You can get the prodentim here
Conclusion: Transforming Oral Health with ProDentim
ProDentim is not just a common supplement but it is a step change in how people can look at taking care of their teeth. Due to this, ProDentim is a safe solution to most dental problems since it seeks to improve the overall health of the teeth’s microbiome. For those campaigns which focus on gum health, teeth whitening and overall healthy balance of the oral cavity, ProDentim is the definitive solution here you have been waiting for. Welcome this new era in oral health and feel the difference with ProDentim which uses the science of probiotics.
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Gum disease is a common yet preventable condition that can wreak havoc on your oral health. As a cosmetics dentist in Silver Spring, Maryland, we understand the importance of proactive dental care to avoid gum disease and maintain a healthy smile for life.
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sunfoxfic · 10 months
We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore. We were so close. Then they flavored it mango and now it's taboo to criticize it anymore. People don't ask if they're allowed to vape indoors, they aren't considerate of people who may have health problems that are triggered by the chemicals or if it just bothers them, people don't care that they're supporting an industry built on corruption and greed, they can't see it draining their pockets and much less their health. We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore.
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bulldog-butch · 1 year
this is not about anything to do with my tumblr but i need you all to hear me right now. if you don’t have dental insurance and are not going regularly to a dentist you Need to be taking care of your teeth. and before you come at me with “well i’m neurodivergent or disabled and it’s really hard for me” trust me, i understand. i struggle constantly to brush and floss regularly. but if you’re not going to get your teeth regularly cleaned and you’re not rigorously taking care of your teeth and gums or are blessed with great genetics in that department, then you are going to pay the price in a big way at some point. and i mean that both metaphorically and literally.
if you’re not taking good care, then your are building up tartar which if left unchecked (aka getting a dental cleaning) are going to lead to gum recession and bone loss, neither of which are reversible without surgical intervention such as a gum graft (but those suck and aren’t the most successful). but i also mean you will literally pay the price as in monetarily, likely for the rest of your life. once you develop gum disease you have to get a more specialized kind of cleaning that’s expensive often even if you do have dental insurance, and after you have that you’re bumped to a completely different kind of maintenance cleaning which is not often covered by insurance as well and it’s also double the price of a standard cleaning
i’m not saying any of this to scare people, or cause anxiety, i’m saying this because i actually feel so bad for young people who come in to get a cleaning and it’s been 2-3 years and suddenly they’re paying thousands of dollars instead of the $100-$200 it would be to get a cleaning every six months or so. if you’re at all able it will save you so much in the long run to pay for a cleaning out of pocket, but if you’re not able to, just do everything you’re able to to keep things going at home
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bubblegumgirl16 · 5 months
how i look at them even though they don’t want me
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If you have chronic nerve pain (trigeminal neuralgia) due to your broken wisdom tooth like I do, here’s my list of things to try for pain management. These things might help for other chronic or acute facial nerve pain issues, jaw pain, broken teeth, wisdom tooth pain, toothache, etc.
• Ibuprofen, Tylenol and most medications severely interact with my other conditions, especially my stomach conditions, so I avoid them as much as possible. Liquid versions aren’t as bad if I can find dye free, citric acid free, versions in flavors I’m not allergic to. These can help for a lot of people though, just ask your dr if you’re unsure.
• Brushing the broken area, gently, to clean out any food particles that might be stuck in it is hit or miss but can make a difference. It’s always sore for a while after brushing so that’s a con
• I make homemade clove tinctures with vodka and whole and ground cloves. I let it sit in a glass container in a cool,dark place for as long as possible and shake it when I see it (keep it with your spices you’ll remember it more). Then I take a gauze pad and get a dropper full and put it on it. Both cloves and vodka have anesthetic properties and can numb it for a bit. It’s a very temporary solution, also can cause soreness from pressure on the tooth.
• Hot pad on the cheek can cause soreness too (a running theme) BUT it helps a lot especially with cold sensitivity. After you remove the hot pad you can be extra sensitive to the cold or drafts in the air so that sucks too but it passes after a couple mins usually.
• Waterpik flossers are great for sensitive mouth issues, and clean out the tooth area with minimal soreness. Great but takes more spoons to do than toothbrushing and is less portable.
• CBD oil is hit or miss. I have other serious chronic pain disorders and just like many generalized pain management options, it can sometimes get rid of the headache I didn’t notice anymore or the joint pain I dissociate out of existence. Like yeah, glad thats gone but it just makes me focus on the other pain more. Some CBD options aren’t strong enough to do shit for me.
• Warm salt water gargle/rinse is helpful for me most of the time, and it is really important to keep any broken teeth very, very clean due to infection risk. The warmth and salt can help with the pain overall though and so far doesn’t have negative effects for me. It’s very mild in terms of managing the pain though, it’s like a soft gentle kiss on a boo-boo. Feels nice in the moment but when you’re done it usually just goes back to the pain your had.
• TENS units might work for you. I have several electrical abnormalities in my heart so I’m not allowed to use TENS but I’ve heard they can help. Definitely ask a dr first for this one though because I don’t know all the safety risks especially with facial pain
• Warm environments with no drafts or wind, ideal for this pain, for me is not ideal bc of my cardiac issues.
• Medical ultrasound machine, I’ve used these for other conditions in PT and they help a lot!! I don’t know if you can get these outside of a medical setting, especially for a reasonable price, but a provider might be able to help with this. There is the ultrasound goop they put on wherever they do it though so like, might not be fun and also might be a bit sore after?
• Last resort: adult beverages so I’m not paying attention to the pain. Works best for sleeping for me, but obviously has it’s drawbacks.
I avoid:
- Cold environments
- Drafts and wind on my face
- Cold foods
- Hard foods
- Sleeping on the side that hurts
- Chewing on that side
- Talking too much, chewing gum, etc.
- Going anywhere without at least one pain management option available
- Trying to sleep without a pain management option or plan ready to go
- Not brushing my teeth, at minimum I use mouthwash after meals
And some important reminders:
• Watch out for signs of infection and get treatment ASAP. Dental infections are no joke and can be life threatening quickly, especially if you have certain medical conditions such as heart valve disorders (like me).
• These recommendations are from personal experience, talk to your medical providers to see if they’re right for you. I am not a doctor just a humble chronically ill person.
• These are not a replacement for actual medical treatments for your condition, you should still see a professional if you can.
• Many insurances don’t cover dental, dental issues are more common amongst poor people, rooted in the idea that you can still work with fucked up teeth or without teeth . Hence why they’re called “luxury bones”
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femmesandhoney · 3 months
as someone who works in dentistry having no cavities at your age is literally insane you should be very proud of it and also possibly put it on a shirt or something so everyone knows you have no cavities because its THAT rare
how are so many people getting cavities!! i mean i have my own shit im bad at with my teeth like i do not floss for shit and my gums get a little mad at me but i feel cavities are like so easy to avoid just don't eat boat loads of sugar i guess? 😭!! is it gene related or something? cause i don't do anything super special to avoid cavities lmao, in fact i usually forget to brush at night and drink way too much tea and coffee, like i would just at that point put it up to my genes doing half the work for me. which if true, then i feel so bad for everyone else i didn't realize it was hard af out there for the general population.
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savrenim · 2 months
got to say it kind of heartens me that every time my mother's semi-feral cat gets a mat behind his ear that she just. Waits For Me to visit and deal with it. I am the cat-whisperer.
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sevens-evan · 7 months
my sense of taste is completely gone so that's probably a bad sign
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aesfocus · 3 months
I'm gonna take some more time to stay on hiatus but the funeral etc. is done. The lack of stress now is astounding.
If you tagged me in a meme or sent an ask, and several people did, sorry I missed it!
Tuesday Moxxy begins her journey to toothlessness!! She'll have half her teeth removed Tuesday and once it's healed up the other half. (we always knew this was going to happen when we adopted her, but this year her vet decided her stomatitis had advanced to the point she needs them all removed, this is a positive move just a little scary)
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She's 10 so she managed to go a nice long time with what teeth she had but it's time for them to all go! See ya teeth!
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wellnessbloom · 26 days
Teeth Whitening at Home: Safe and Effective Methods to Brighten Your Smile
We know how important bright teeth and fresh breath are and how with time smoking, coffee, tea, red wine and many other products can stain teeth. The pursuit of the beautiful smile has prompted many people in search of ways of whitening the teeth while in the comfort of their homes. Nonetheless, it has to be done in the right manner with special emphasis on the safety of the methods used.
Understanding Teeth Discoloration
For instance, people have concerns as to the color of their teeth, which change due to such factors as coffee, tea, wines, cigarettes among others. It acts on the oral surface depositing substances which at first fix on the enamel surface but progressively infiltrate themselves into the dental tissue. Intrinsic factors include age, genetics and regular use of medications which may lead to discoloration in which the core of the tooth, commonly known as dentin turns brown or yellow. Knowledge of the causes of the discoloration helps in the choice of the whitening technique to be used.
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Natural Teeth Whitening Remedies
These practices have been embraced due to the fact that they are more convenient as compared to other complicated treatments. The most popular home remedies include a baking soda and hydrogen peroxide solution. Baking soda has a function of an abrasive, which has the function of exfoliating surface stains, while hydrogen peroxide has a function of a bleaching agent, decomposing complex organic compounds having a color.
Oil pulling, which goes back to the Indian system of Ayurvedic medicine, consists in rinsing the mouth with oil of choice, such as coconut oil in the present case, to help fight bacterial and plaque accumulation for a teeth whitening effect. Another ever rising technique that is also widely applied is the use of activated charcoal. This fine, black powder has a porous texture that holds onto toxins and stains making it easy to remove from the surface of teeth.
Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products
For those people who want stronger products, there are readily available counter preparations which have been known to yield good results. This type of product includes strips and gels which are some of the most utilized products. These include peroxide based bleaching agents that get through the outer layer of the teeth known as the enamel to clean tough stains. Technically, over the counter whitening toothpaste though not as effective can be used to help keep the teeth white and bright as it has the capability to clean out new stains and polish the teeth surfaces to avoid formation of new stains.
Another option is using whitening mouthwashes and rinses. Their main advantage is in an opportunity to integrate the whitening process into the everyday use of mouthwash. These are especially useful when used in combination with other techniques and it may reach areas that strips or toothpaste could not access.
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DIY Teeth Whitening Techniques
That is why many people prefer making whitening solutions at home to get an individualized treatment. Another way is to make a whitening paste at home by mixing baking soda with a very little hydrogen peroxide to form a mildly abrasive paste which can be applied on the teeth. Another simple home made technique is by formation of individual bleaching trays using materials that can easily be obtained. These can be filled with whitening gel and can be used for a short time hence enabling the trays to adapt well on the teeth.
An integration of natural supplements with over the counter medicines also paints a huge picture. For instance, it is possible to apply oil pulling then use whitening strips to make teeth white within the shortest time as well as in the long-term.
Safety Precautions for At-Home Whitening
Teeth whitening is very convenient when done at home however care should be taken. Some of the implications of excessive use of the whitening products particularly the peroxide based products include; irritation of the gum and enamel sensitivity. In a bid to reduce these risks it is important to adhere to the directions given when using the products and also take time and pause in between uses.
It is equally important to discover when it is possible to cease productivity. Solving the problem in question can be much tougher in practice than simply identifying when to stop being productive. If you work these foods into your diet and notice that the area becomes sensitive or alerts you with a sharp pain, then your enamel may be compromised. In such situations, the best person to turn to is a dentist as he or she will be in a position to advise or offer other alternatives.
Maintaining Your Brightened Smile
There is only one downside – to maintain the achieved level of teeth whiteness, a person is to maintain proper oral hygiene each day. It may be advisable to brush teeth with normal toothpaste at least twice a day and floss also in between the use of the whitening toothpaste. Also, one should be more careful with the food and drinks that he or she takes because they determine the period that the teeth will remain white. There are many things one should avoid in their diet to have a bright color octavia fox; one of them is coffee, wine and berry that stain teeth.
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Long-term care also requires touch up from time to time. Generally, if you are using a specific approach, then you may require to use the whitening process again after every 3-6 months. But by paying proper attention and taking good care you can be sure that you shall have a bright smile for many years to come.
Teeth whitening at home is very easy and economical to get your desired form of smile. Knowledge of the causes of discoloration will help you avoid damaging your teeth while choosing the safest ways of whitening them will enable you to have a brighter smile. Basically, a beautiful smile is not just a cosmetic phenomenon but it reflects the general health of your teeth.
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lady-harrowhark · 4 months
after a few days of hoping it was just some weird irritation that would clear up on its own and some frustrating phone calls, i have finally wrangled an emergency dentist appointment for tomorrow afternoon. bless receptionists and schedulers who go out of their way to help people 😭
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dufrau · 6 months
i started off the day being so conservative with my boops. just a boop here and a boop there. but now here i am just merrily booping everybody on this website one hundred times each.
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dear-future-ai · 1 year
Dear people with ADHD,
Did you guys know that if you don’t brush and floss regularly, strep and lacto bacteria can infect your gums, teeth, and jaw and create gingival abscesses that have to be incised and drained by the dentist because antibiotics and autoimmune response don’t work on teeth because the blood vessels are severely restricted when the adult teeth grow in?
…Anywho, don’t forget to brush your teeth.
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orcelito · 1 month
Unfortunately I have My Teeth Suck disease. Unfortunately it is terminal.
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