marypaol · 4 months
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Skin To Skin
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
Summary: The aftermath of Draco knowing who his soulmate is, yet he can’t bear to face her.
Warnings: Teasing, Boggarts, mention of fears, mention of the Hospital Wing, the Weasley twins being themselves, etc.
Note: This is Part 2 of “Copy Of A Copy”, so check it out before you read this! (And I’m sorry if this one is bad)
Copy Of A Copy
Request Reauirements
This person believed in me so here you go! : @theomalfoy
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Draco wasn’t the want-everything-to-go-back-to-the-way-it-was-after-complaining-about-it-type.
Well, that’s what he kept telling himself.
But he knew deep down that he did want everything to go back to the way they were, because every time he looked at his hand, that deep red spot of irritated skin was slowly fading away and he wanted to find a reason to create it again.
She’d stopped drawing. And normally Draco would find that a good thing; now he didn’t have to harshly wipe them off and be left an embarrassing red spot on his hand. But he found himself thinking back on how the drawings actually looked good, despite him being annoyed at the fact they repeatedly showed up on his skin, and he wanted them back. Which, of course, sounds ridiculous if you were to look back on how he acted towards the other drawings that previously showed up on his hand.
But he missed it. Missed watching the lines form one by one, letting him know she existed. He even couldn’t get the image of her face out of his mind, ever since he saw her in Care of Magical Creatures. He couldn’t help but think she was decently pretty.
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Draco’s hand has unwanted sweat on it so he harshly wiped it on his robes, a disgusted expression lying on his lips. He knew the reason for the sweat though, his quill once again hovering over his skin, the same skin he used to aggressively rub almost everyday as his soulmate drew mindless doodles on her hand.
He dipped the quill tip in the ink, the noises of everyone scattering about being the last thing on his mind, in fact the occasional “SHH!” from Madam Irma Prince was quite helpful to encourage him to focus once the students followed her orders.
He sighed softly, taking a deep breath while staring stupidly at his pale skin he was about to ruin.
He leaned down, the quill tip making contact with his hand two times, forming two dots. Those were eyes, he decided, and drew a straight line below them, making a face that represented him at the moment. His eyes were full yet his lips held uncertainty, hesitant to do this.
Once it was over it didn’t seem so bad anymore, as long as he could manage to hide it from Crabbe and Goyle. The thought of them teasing him about it, teasing him about actually writing back on his skin was unbearable. He could only hope that they don’t stare at his hand.
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“Don’t be scared now, it’s just a Boggart.” Professor Lupin explained, his wand held with two hands, a grip on each end.
“Now, Boggarts like tight dark places, and I found this one in the wardrobe yesterday. I asked Dumbledore if we could use it for the lesson and thankfully he said yes. Now, does anyone know what a Boggart looks like?”
The usual hand of Hermione Granger was shot up at the speed of lightning, and once she was called on, she answered not only the right answer but was awarded points for her House.
“No one knows, sir. It takes form of the deepest fear of whomever it faces.”
“Correct, Ms. Granger.” Lupin said, smiling while Granger went slightly pink.
Draco rolled his eyes, irritation seeming to be boiling within them.
“But, everyone, we have an advantage against this creature. And that is?”
“There’s so many of us, it doesn’t know what to turn into?” Potter answered, and Lupin replied with a smile, and awarded more points to Gryiffindor.
“Exactly!” Lupin exclaimed. “Now, though, there is a way to get past a Boggart. And that spell is Riddikulus!” Lupin said, doing the hand movement with the one that possessed his wand. “Say it with me now…”
“Riddikulus!” The class said together.
“This class is ridiculous.” Draco mutters under his breath, Crabbe nodding in agreement beside him while he heard a snuffled laugh somewhere near. His head swerved and he spotted the same girl he saw in Hagrid’s class, trying not to smirk at his joke. He found a smirk coming to his own lips, proud of himself.
“They feed on fear, so think of what you fear the most, and turn it into something funny.” Lupin once again explained, and brought up Neville as a demonstration. “Now, Neville, tell me, what do you fear the most?”
“P-professor Snape.” the boy mumbled, having to repeat the same thing again but a little louder since the Professor didn’t hear him.
“Ahh.” Lupin said amusingly once the name was repeated. “I suppose he does intimidate us all in some way.”
There was a pause before Lupin continued to project to the class, for he was having a quiet conversation with the student before him. “Now Neville, I want you to think of your Grandmother’s clothes very clearly in your mind, can you do that?”
Neville nodded, shaking in his shoes. The door opened and Snape stepped out, looking normal as ever like you’d see him everyday but Neville was scared.
“Wand at the ready!” Lupin reminded, Neville held his wand up and squeaked, “Riddikulus!”
Snape seemed to spin around and he soon found himself in Neville Longbottom’s Grandmother’s clothes, a red handbag on his right arm.
The class laughed, Neville’s face slowly turned into an expression of relief.
Draco scoffed basically the whole time, not ending up actually facing the Boggart but watching as his peers did.
Weasley was practically having a seizure as he faced the spider, helplessly whimpering the spell causing the spider to have roller skates, legs swinging everywhere.
Draco couldn’t help but be curious on what the girl’s fear was, but she didn’t end up facing it just like him.
There was an exited buzz in the air as the students left class, each of them wanting recognition for how brave they were while facing their biggest fears.
“-did you see how I faced that snake-”
“-just said the spell and it went, pop!-”
“-the spider was huge!-”
“-never seen that kind of creature before-”
Draco grumbled angrily, grabbing Crabbe and Goyle’s arms and leading them out to the courtyard in front of the Black Lake.
“That was stupid. Why did he let us do that anyway, and for Dumbledore to give permission…wait til by father hears of this.” He mumbled, looking down and adjusting his arm bandages, thinking back when he insulted the Hippogriff. (He still didn’t regret it, the creature did look kinda ugly to him.)
“Right. We should owl him right away.” Crabbe suggested.
Draco looked up from his arm, eyes flaring. “‘We?!’ I’ll do it. It’s my father after all.”
His friends nodded, Crabbe going pink in the ears.
Goyle’s eyes then shot to Draco’s hand. “Ha! What’s that, Malfoy?”
Draco acted confused, and looking down, acted like he’d seen it for the first time. He pretended to look disgusted. “Gross I tell you, I’ll wash it off later.” He said, looking back at them. Both pair of eyes were still on him.
“Well? What are you looking at?” He snarled, and that seemed to do the trick, both heads bending down as they suddenly found interest in the grass.
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“Do this Potion before you leave class, and then a portion of it on my desk with your name on it.”
Snake’s sharp voice echoed through the dark classroom, his gaze seeming to meet all of their eyes before he turned around, adding one last part of his instructions in the black board and heading to his desk, long nose lurking over the surface covered in parchment.
The girl sighed, opening the book to the page instructed and starting to chop the first ingredient. She liked to think of herself good at Potions, but sometimes little things like the reactants would mix up in her mind. But nonetheless if she focused hard enough and followed each step carefully, than she was proud to say that she could do it almost perfectly.
It was only then that she noticed the black markings on the back of her hand, and, looking more closely by bringing up her hand to her face, saw it was a smiley face. It looked smeared a little and the lines were wobbly, but she liked it since she wasn’t the one to draw it.
Scurrying through her bag pretending she was looking for something important, grabbed a quill and dipped it in another student’s ink when they weren’t looking. Then, turning back to her hand and covering it behind her cauldron so the nosy Professor wouldn’t see, drew two eyes next to his, a soft smile beneath it to show her gratitude. He didn’t do much, just too dots and a line, but the reason was all that mattered to her.
She just knew that he missed her somewhat forms of affection, so he acted upon himself to continue it.
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“Ridiculous, I tell you, why’d he look at me like that? The audacity of some peop-”
Draco didn’t realize he ran into someone else, too busy rambling to himself about an annoying First Year who glared at him out of nowhere to notice his body ran into another. It ended up being a Third Year Hufflepuff, quickly scurrying around the corner to avoid the Slytherin.
Draco rolled his eyes, turning back to the direction he was going and continuing to walk to the Common Room. He muttered the password, climbing into the space full of couches and chairs, all in front of a burning fire, flames high and bright, full of color.
He sat down on one of the chairs, waiting for Crabbe and Goyle to get back from the Hospital Wing; the Weasley twins caught them in the hallway, convinced them to eat some candy, and now their faces were covered in red dots that got bigger by the second. Malfoy simply rolled his eyes at the news when Madame told him before making his way to the room.
He currently sat with a Potions book in his hands, long fingers running across the pages that helped his eyes read it better.
He turned the page, but the page he turned got caught on his robes, and, using his left hand, went to fix it before he froze. On his left wrist, he had another smile face beside the one he drew, this one with an actual smile this time not a straight line like his.
He fought a grin that was threatening to pull the corners of his lips, reaching over to pull his robe sleeve over it so no one could see.
-Like, reblog, and comment to make me happy!
Person I think would like this: @dunningz :)
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bunny-1111 · 11 days
Okay like I legit reread your headcanons every few days because it’s feeding my delusions!
Could you please maybe do an extended bit about protective Theo and the “it’s okay I can fight” and him holding your drinks in particular, like at a party or something?
Thank you for your incredible writing, we are truly blessed xoxoxo
omg my baby, you make my heart whole <3
Of course, I can. Protective Theo is crazy. I love him.
Thought I'd break the request up into two parts, the first the 'i can fight' and then the second part (coming quickly) for the holding your drinks. I hope you enjoy <3
theonott x femreader
When it came to Slytherin, there was only one group, the house as a whole, trusted to run a party and that was Mattheo, Lorenzo, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Theodore and you.
So much work had gone into planning the first party of the school year, and it was the first time you'd felt grown up.
Such a jump from the year prior. Yes, you're the same you, but your mind and body have changed.
You were becoming into a women, and it was a sight to see.
There was one person who loved the new, adulting, you, more than anyone, your boyfriend, Theodore. He made an exhausting effort to show everybody that you were his.
As you and your friends sat upon the cold leather of the common room couches, ideas dripped off your tongues: how much alcohol you could provide, how to keep teachers out, and how to make sure the Gryffindors kept their little lion paws out of your way.
With a plan in hand and a definitive decision to get fucked up, the party was just two sleep away.
Adrenaline ready to shoot out of your veins, how could you even get through classes knowing you were one day closer to a party.
Now, it was the afternoon of, and yet everything still depended on one thing: Slytherin winning the first Quittich game of the season. If they lost, the snakes would crawl back into their dorms silent, but if they won, they wouldn't forget it, celebrating until dawn.
Finding your place on the table of the great hall, you watched your friends faces closely. Draco, a snitch in hand, practising his reflexes. Blaise, eating for his strength, Mattheo and Theodore, reworking the team's format, and Lorenzo stretching his arms. So much was riding on them getting this game right, they had so much to lose.
"How about, if we win, I get to take your girlfriend out to Hogsmeade, Nott?" laughed Fred, breaking Theos eyes off the paper in front of him
"How about you shut the fuck up and go home to your haystack, Weasley", hissed Theodore,
"Just suggesting" Fred continued walking away
"Watch your ass on the field today. The only sea of red your Gryffindors will be seeing is gonna be your fucking blood on my bludger," Theo called out calmly
"Leave it Teddy" you muttered, hands linking beneath the table
"Let it go. He's just trying to get in all your heads, alright, seriously Theodore, your face is so red with anger its almost the same shade as Weasleys hair" Pansy laugh
"Shove off Pans" said Theo as he threw his head back, letting out a small huff, the games just an hour away, the party, hopefully hours away also.
Sitting in the stands next to Pansy, surrounded by your whole house, didn't help your nerves. The teams flew out with such speed that it almost made you smile.
The game presented as they usually do, intense, when Draco finally caught the snitch, you shit up and the crowd sang with victory.
Thank merlin, you sighed.
You waited patiently outside the boys change rooms, when they all strut out, smiles beaming, you run to Theo
"You did so good!" you exclaim as he picks you up, kissing your cheek
"Cause I had my lucky charm in the crowd" he says
"Lets fucking go!" you hear Enzo yell running down the hallway
"Parties on?" you ask "Parties so on baby" he confirmed as he draped a heavy arm around you
"I invited all the houses" he confesses
"Even Gryiffindor?" you ask suprised
"Oh yeah, let them eat the loss" he grins
"You're evil, even Weasley, after what he said before?" you laugh
"You have no idea. I invited him personally" he chuckles before stopping you, his hand creeping behind your neck
"Now, you wear whatever you want tonight; I can fight," he says, his dead eyes staring right into yours. Then he presses a kiss to your forehead and sends you off.
You knew what that meant, he would be looking for trouble, one person slipped up, and Theo would show everyone he means what he says.
It was exhilarating, and he was possessively intoxicating.
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Author note: not reread or edited.
As usual reblogs, like and comments really help me <3
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letstrythisout4 · 28 days
'die with a smile' is the type of song that james and sirius would sing together at a gryiffindor party (bruno mars is so james coded dont even play with me) and the entirity of hogwarts would think they were dating for months after (the rumor never really dies and just morphes to fit in their actual partners, enter poly!marauders)
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shinobi-illuminator · 4 months
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Cursed Child redo
Just started over from scratch since our new bad guys are from the Lovecraftian school Miskatonic in the US. Plus, give us some Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff rep!
James Sirius Potter: Eldest son of Harry and Ginny. A braggart who is proud of the legacy he holds and wants to be the best-- especially in Quidditch! As a result he assumes the other houses are not the best and he picks on others like Albus and Scorpius. As a result of this bullying, Albus lashed out and cursed off his eye. Harry was furious, but Albus narrowly escaped getting expelled and was punished through alternative means. James was beside himself, he wasn't always like this. A combination of pressure to be perfect and his closeted homosexuality were something that was weighing heavily on him. Then his father went on a mission to the US to uncover the secrets to a strange school called Miskatonic University where allegedly students of a wizard or muggle background were enlisted together. But something wasn't right, students and aurors alike were going missing.... and Harry Potter hasn't returned either. James enlisted himself under Ilvermorny's exchange program in hopes of finding his father. However the cocky Gryiffindor was going to be in for something much bigger than mere kidnappings.
Albus Severus Potter: Middle child of the Potter family. Albus was worried about what house he'd be sorted into. Gryffindor or Slytherin. But the hat noticed how much the young boy would over think about everything and spat him out in Ravenclaw. Albus was stunned and felt unsure, nothing was going to plan and he worried if something was wrong. Feeling lost too he befriended Scorpius Malfoy. Despite their families complicated history he found Scorpius to be a good emotional rock in his life while they both related to things not going to plan. Eventually they embraced their house despite the earfuls they got from their families. One day Albus had heard about a portrait that was left empty. That portrait was of Severus Snape, dubbed hero of Hogwarts much like Dumbledore and immortalized. His painting was supposed to be a sign of good luck now that the curse on Defense Against the Dark Arts class was lifted. Feeling the need to meet one of his namesakes he tested fate and introduced himself to the painting hoping Snape would appear. At first he was disappointed and was about to leave when suddenly a voice told him to stay put. Snape finally came into his frame. He was amused that Harry had named one of his sons after him, even with a middle name. Albus would confide in Snape's portrait and share his thoughts and troubles to him. In time he saw Snape more like a father than Harry. He was easier to talk to and relate to. He battled with worries that he wasn't living up to his father's expectations. Snape softened up around him and would give him words of encouragement, especially after he accidentally cursed off Jame's eye. As soon as his father went missing-- followed by his brother, Albus felt the need to rescue them both to prove himself. But he would not be going alone.
Lily Luna Potter (Lily-lu for short): The youngest of the Potter family. Taking after her granny, Lily loves to make friends and saw the good in just about everyone she meets. Her best friend being the demi-giant Hibiscus Hagrid. At home she acts as the peacemaker to try and sooth the heavy arguments James and Ablus get into. The results are mixed, given that she's the youngest and seldom anyone listens to the youngest of the family. That is until she plays her wizard lute. She quickly found she had a talent for music and this would make everyone in the room feel better. She can't stand conflict and feels music helps a lot. With her brothers going abroad to find their father she and her friends are now faced with the equally scary task of uncovering students from the US trying to body snatch hogwarts students.
Teddy Lupin: So of the late Remus Lupin and Tonks. Godson to the potters. In his youth he'd frequent between his grandma's domain and the Potters. Until his grandma's untimely death, Harry and Ginny took Teddy as their own. He became a sort of foster big brother to James, Albus, and Lily. He was chill and liked making others laugh, but he knew how to settle conflicts over a nice batch of chocolate. He graduated from Hogwarts and is now the head of Hufflepuff house acting as a TA for the new Professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Trocar the vampire. During his time at Hogwarts he fell in love with Victoire and upon graduation they're now engaged to be married soon.
Hibiscus Hagrid: Daughter of Rubeus Hagrid and Olympe Maxine. The two half giants were on and off again until after the conflict of the wizarding war blew over and they got married. Hibiscus was one of the only half giant students going to Hogwarts. Her mother would fly back to France for her school and Hagrid would still tend to the beasts on the castle grounds. Hibiscus like her papa loved animals. When trying to find a familiar she couldn't pick one and ended up with 5. 2 cats, 2 owls and a toad. Seeing as Hagrid's house is close by she'd always trade out her critter between classes. That way no one feels left out. She'd always make time to have tea with her papa and soon Lily-- or Lily-lu she'd nickname her would come along. One day she discovered a dragon's egg in a poacher's camp and it hatched. Unsure of what to do she kept the little dragon in her pocket, seeing as it was the size of a salamander at the time. She'd feed it marshmallows to help keep her belly full for classes. She named the dragon Willow.... and Willow was getting bigger. She dreaded the day she'd have to turn the little orphan dragon loose.
Rose Weasley: Daughter of Hermione and Ron. Being the daughter of the minister of magic, she expected nothing else than to be in the exact house her parents were in. To her horror she ended up in Slytherin. She about had a fit, but the hat dubbed her worthy as one and she was ushered into her house. Rose thought this was the worst thing ever and worried how her parents would react that their witty girl didn't get into Gryffinfdor. But as it turned out she found some of her cousins there too. She became friends with Erin who helped her adjust and see things from a different point of view. Slytherin house was very different from what is was in the past. Where as she heard stories about pure blood extremists she found very clever and insightful people. Perhaps not all Slytherins were bad.... But her prejudice flared up when she saw her cousin befriending a Malfoy. She'd shout and tell Scorpius to back off thinking he was going to send Albus down a dark path, but slowly found that wasn't the case. Once again Rose began to contemplate that in her fears of finding bullies she ended up being one. She eased up on her temper and found a healthy spot to be in over time. But as soon as her uncle Harry went missing she turned to her father. Ron was once the Watson to Harry's Sherlock, they were a great team until Ron got into an accident and a dark wizard got away. He stepped down to recover and would work with his brother at Zonko's Joke shop. Once his leg healed Ron felt like he had the fight taken out of him. Was he just slowing everyone down? Should he just be a stay at home dad and watch the kids? The man was in a state of doubt and it sparked some tension in his and Hermione's marriage. Rose worried if she screwed up it would make her parents get divorced. It wasn't true, but it worried her to death. Something her little brother didn't seem to catch. Still she got word about Harry going missing and told her father she, James, Albus, and Scorpius had to go and find him. Ron was hesitant to get his daughter and nephews involved, but he vowed he'd watch over them and bring back Harry Potter. He could finally prove himself he wasn't an old fart who lost his spark.
Hugo Weasley: Son of Hermione and Ron. The scruffy joker of a boy became fast friends with his cousin James. He'd act as his hype man at every turn. But when he wasn't in James's shadow he was tending to his house elf friend, Yo-yo. After his mother freed the house elves from bondage, there had been a new generation of house elves who were born free and wore clothes like the wizards and goblins. Yo-yo couldn't get a wand-- didn't need one really, but he wanted to go to Hogwarts like all the other wizards. So Hugo had him hide in his book bag so he could see what wizard life was like. Hugo despite being a touch naive himself felt the need to protect Yo-yo. This would get them into danger sometimes.
Scorpius Malfoy: Son of Draco and Astoria. Scorpius was the first Malfoy in generations to end up anyway else but Slytherin. Given his family's reputation Scporius is used to having people assume the worst in him. But seeing as he got sorted into Ravenclaw he was hoping to prove everyone wrong. And to kick it all off he befriended Albus. The two got into Astronomy and would spend hours at night trying to spot the constellations in their dorm. Scorpius was cool headed and clever and as soon as Harry went missing he jumped at the chance to help his best friend. He has a crush on Rose, but it's gonna take some time before she'll like him back.
Griselda Trelawney: Daughter of Sybill Trelawney and Omar Amid. Her father died when she was little and her mother supposedly saw visions of something dreadful befalling Griselda. From her two colored eyes, the star birthmarks on her back, even her beauty mark. All of these were supposed to be signs for different outcomes. As a result it left her with a lot of depression. No one could tell if her mom was telling the truth or was just old and senile. She confided in her partner Dominique who could somehow pull her out of her funk and be happy for once.
Hilda Longbottom: Daughter of Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbot. Being the daughter of the current Herbology teacher and the Land lady of the Leaky Cauldron, Hilda became a feisty Gryffindor. She was aware of folks poking fun at her softy of a dad-- despite him slaying Nagini-- and would sick her cane toad familiar at students she felt needed to be taught a lesson. She didn't care if she got detention, she had 0 tolerance for bullying. Hugo has a huge crush on her.
Lysander and Lorcan Scamander: Sons of Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander. Arguably the new Weasley twins in spirit. Despite being sorted in different houses the twins act in sync almost like stoners. Being related to the famous Newt Scamander they both gravitate to the care for magical beasts. They want to be wizard vets when they graduate.
Molly and Lucy Weasley: Daughters of Percy and Audrey. Also fellow Weasley's who got sorted into Slytherin. Molly is their current prefect and head girl, she sets strict rules and expects everyone to follow them. Her twin Lucy, being a fellow prefect is more lax about the rules and even encourages them to be broken. This results in massive heated debates between the two sisters.
Erin Chang Campbell: Daughter of Cho Chang and a Muggle, Mr. Campbell. Erin was a quiet girl who was gifted with potions. She helped befriend Rose while she got situated at Slytherin and showed her Slytherin wasn't so bad to be in.
Victoire, Dominique, and Louis Weasley: Victoire is a Ravenclaw graduate and fiance to Teddy Lupin. She acts as an assistant for Minerva McGonagall. She's an animagus who can turn into a swan. Her siblings and cousins would joke she's the swan princess from Swan Lake. Dominique is a Gryffindor senior and is transitioning from girl to boy. Currently dating Griselda. And Louis is a werewolf. He accidentally got bitten by his father but tries to not let that hold him back. Best friends with Jahnu.
Freddie and Roxanne Weasley: Son and Daughter of George and Angelina. Two cunning pranksters who are trying to bring some fun back into Gryffindor. They befriended Peeves and are on the lookout for their uncle's ghost who apparently haunts around the clock tower. They hope to find him so their father can have some closer.
Harbeth and Apus Finnegan: Sons of Seamus Finnegan and Lily Moon. Both are of Irish and Korean decent. Apus loves food and wants to work at Honeydukes when he graduates. Biggest of all he wants to add more flavors from Korea to his confections to make brand new wizard candy. However his confections still have a lot of progress to go. When they're food, they're really good-- when they're bad things tend to go BOOM. Harbeth is his designated taste tester, often accident prone but willing to try-try again. Both are on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Both have a tendency to raid the Hogwarts kitchens while no on is looking.
Freya Onai Wood: Daughter of Oliver Wood and best keeper in Ravenclaw's Quidditch team.
Jahnu Thomas: Son of Dean Thomas and Parvati Patel, best quiddich player for Slytherin house and rival to James.
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shrimpjuice · 5 months
It's Now or Never
Pairing: Harry/Ron
Part 1/2
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Well, that was that. The infamous Harry Potter, the boy who lived, had failed to find a date. Well, not failed per say, he’d be able to find one with ease. He’d just failed in getting the only date he actually wanted, Cho Chang, who was already going with Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff prefect and Quidditch team captain. Aka, a lot of things Harry wasn’t. After that stinging rejection, Harry decided he’d just go alone, but when he told Hermione this, she scolded him for forgetting one of his duties as a Champion; opening up the Yule Ball with a dance, a dance with a partner. 
Harry, of course, hadn’t really thought about that, especially since the Yule Ball was the last thing on his mind if he wasn’t going with Cho. Still, Hermione insisted Harry at least try getting a date, considering how many girls were betting on who he would ask out. 
Harry sat on one of the plush seats facing the fire in the empty Gryiffindor common room with Ron, as they usually did to avoid the girls (trying to) sneakily crowd around him, just waiting for him to ask one of them out. Ron stayed with him, despite the bit of adversity between them. Harry especially needed to put this adversity to the side, because he had one more idea before he decided to drop off the face of the earth to avoid going to the Yule Ball.
“Hey Ron,” Harry started, breaking the comfortable silence the two boys had been in since everyone else left for dinner. 
“Yeah?” Ron answered from another chair, not looking up from the chess board he’d been focused on since class ended. He was always focused on that thing if he wasn’t practicing for Quidditch or pestering Hermione for Transfiguration notes. 
“Have you found a date for the ball yet?” Harry asked, sitting up slightly in his seat. He didn’t really expect Ron to say yes, but it’d be rude to just assume he didn’t.
Hesitation. “Yule? Nope.” Ron seemed the slightest bit embarrassed, but Harry knew he wouldn’t dare admit it.
Harry spoke after a short moment. “Wanna go with me then?”
Ron looked up from his game for the first time that evening and looked straight at Harry, his face twisted in confusion. 
“Is that even allowed?” Ron thought aloud, resting his chin on his hand. 
“I wasn’t serious,” Harry said quickly, surprised by the way his heart had started beating out of his chest moments after he asked. Seriously, how dramatic could he be?
“What, you don’t want to get matching pocket squares with me?” Ron hummed, putting his focus back on that damned chess board. “I don’t think my robes even have pockets, bloody women’s clothes,” He mumbled to himself.
“What, were you going to accept?” Harry perked up, and then immediately regretted it, sitting himself right back down in his seat. 
“Have you really not gotten a date?” Ron asked, sounding slightly surprised. “The infamous Harry Potter?” 
“Well, no…” Harry paused, his cheeks flushing a faint shade of pink. “But there’s no one else I really want to go with,”
“Apart from me, apparently,” Ron added, putting his chess to the side again and going to sit on the armrest of the chair Harry was sitting on. “What, do you fancy me or something?” He asked, picking at a loose thread on the cuff of his sleeve.
“No, but Fred already got himself a date.” Harry joked.
“Didn’t go for George?”
“Not really my type,”
Ron laughed, a laugh that lit up something in Harry that he just couldn’t pinpoint. “Guess I’m your date then.”
Time flies when you’re having fun, and it goes even faster when you’re dreading something. The day of the Yule Ball, Ron and Harry, all dressed up in their best (if you could call Ron’s frills and bows his ‘best’), complete with matching flowers tucked into their robes, entered the Great Hall, greeted by comforting blue mood lighting and grand tables set with countless plates and food. 
Even with the beautiful sight of the Hall and the hours and hours of practice Harry had spent with Ron and the other champions practicing the Champions’ dance, his stomach twisted and turned as Ron looped his arm in Harry’s.
The meal before the real event began felt fleeting, so fleeting that it felt that as soon as he entered the Hall, Harry was on the dancefloor, arm-in-arm with Ron behind the other champions and their dates. 
Ron, ever so positive leant in and whispered;
“I don’t remember half of the steps,”
“You what?” Harry hissed back, eyes not meeting Ron’s. Just looking into those eyes, shiny and cloudy blue, had Harry weak in his knees and queasy in his stomach, and now was not the time for either of those things. 
“I mean, I can always follow along,” Ron added, adjusting his grip on Harry’s forearm. 
“That was my plan,” Harry croaked, adjusting the tie around his collar that was suddenly way too tight. He sighed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Good luck to us then,”
“Good luck to us.” Ron nodded, his throat dry. 
Yeah, they danced fine, and miraculously, Harry even remembered the steps just before they stepped onto the dance floor, so it went mostly without a hitch, if you ignored the occasional shoe stepping and hands not being where they needed to be in the moment.
As the two sat at their seats near the head of the massive tables, plates of food appeared in front of them and Ron took no time digging in, ignoring the way others were eating a bit more… politely, around him. 
See, that really did it for Harry. Not the monstrous eating, no, but just, well, Ron. He thought about when they were rehearsing for the Champions’ dance for hours every weekend, strictly directed by McGonagall until they got it absolutely right. He thought about how odd it was that Ron was so ready to accept Harry’s invitation, how excited Ron was to get to the ball once they were all dressed and ready. How Ron was too busy talking to Harry to even notice how gorgeous Hermione looked in her gown, periwinkle blue, shiny, shimmery, silky. 
God he was helpless.
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during the goblet of fire, instead of fleur delacour, it's draco's older sister who attend beuxbatons. she participates and basically decimates the competition and she's really tomboyish. her brother looks up to her and she'd definitely be aslytherin but she's friendly to potter and everyone because afterwards she graduates beuxbatons because it was her last year and she joins the order of the phoenix
(A series off of this ask would be AMAZEBALLS) I love your work so much byeeee
Evil Competition - Draco Malfoy's sister
Warning: Mentions of death.
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Hogwarts was hosting the Triwizard Tournament and everyone was excited to see the students from different magical schools Beauxbatons and Durmstrang Institute. Adira Malfoy was the most excited to see her brother Draco. She was almost a clone of her brother. Her short blonde hair and her captivating eyes were just barely scratching the surface of how unbelievably bad-ass she really was, so of course she had decided to enter her name in the goblet of fire.
"Put your hand in the pouch please." The first task had begun and she was nervous yet at the same time confident that she would do well. She slowly reached in and and her hand felt warm as if it were next to a flame. She let out a slight hiss as the fire breathing dragon emitted his flame near her hand. "Chinese fireball!" The man spoke. She looked at her competitors with confusion as they all reluctantly reached into the pouch and grabbed their respective dragons.
Cheers from the students and roars of the dragons could be heard from outside of the tent. "It's time. Prepare for the first task." The man briskly walked out and waved to the excited crowd in the stands. She let out a cool breathe as she turned to face the exit of the tent when she heard a familiar voice from behind her. "Are you nervous Adira?" She quickly turned around let out a wide smile. "Draco!" She hugged him. "Shouldn't you be in the stands?" The competition is going to start soon." He waved her off. "I just wanted to wish my sister luck." He smiled as she felt a sudden rush of excitement course through her veins. She began to question whether she could really face a dragon and really go through with this competition. She really had no choice as she knew she wouldn't be able to back out. Draco sensed his sisters anxiety. "You can do it! I know you can." His words of encouraging were all she needed.
Getting the dragon egg was much easier than she thought it would be. Creating a diversion to get the dragon to cast his fire in another direction was all that it took to swiftly grab rhe egg before she could be burnt to a crisp. The screams and cheers from the crowd could be heard for miles and it was exhilarating to say the least.
The after party was the most exciting. The Gryiffindor's were throwing a party to celebrate the tournament and all of the houses were invited as long as they could get along. Draco was even invited as long as he could promise no schemes and to try to be civil. All he wanted to do was celebrate with his sister. "You did so well! I really wish that I could be as brave as you." She was taken by surprise at his words but she lightly touched his shoulder as a way to comfort him. "Draco, you are brave and I'm proud of you. I know how hard it is to still live back at home without me around, and you're handling it so well. I don't expect anything from you other than for you to find happiness with yourself." She hugged him a little tighter this time and he felt like his wounded soul began to mend. He looked up to his sister and only truly cared about what she thought because he didn't need to look for approval with her like he did with his father.
After the endearing talk they had they went to get some drinks. She spotted Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione conversing with each other. They each had a butterbeer in their hand as they laughed. "Hey Adira." Harry greeted her. "Potter." Draco said with spite and disgust. Adira nudged him lightly as a way to get him to be kinder to her new friends. "I'm sorry about my brother. He can be a bit unfriendly at time." Her slight French accent got Ron into a slight shock as he looked like he was in a trance of some sort. "Oh please, don't worry about it. Malfoy, how come you've never told us about your sister. She's great! Easy on the eyes too." He mumbled that last sentence but it managed to get Draco's attention as he made a face of disgust. Adira blushed at the sudden compliment, but Hermione slapped him on the arm gracefully and painfully. As they were stuck in an awkward conversation, Adira was glad to be pulled aside by Harry who needed to discuss something with her. "Do you happen to know what exactly the egg is supposed to do?" He questioned. "I opened it but it was so loud that nearly made Neville's ears bleed." She thought about it but couldn't come up with an actual idea on what it was supposed to do. "I am sure we will figure it out. We still have some time before the next task." Harry agreed and decided to just enjoy tonight and worry about it the next day.
Days had passed and the second task was approaching. Harry was confused as to why Cedric Diggory had told him to take a bath with the egg, but as soon as he found out, he immediately told Adira.
"Come seek our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground.
And while you're searching, ponder this; We've taken what you'll sorely miss.
An hour long you'll have to look and recover what we took.
But past the hour —the prospect's black.
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
Those words replayed in her head over and over again. Hermione had given great insight into what it might mean, and Adira realized that the one person who meant the most to her was her brother Draco.
"Do you actually believe anything would happen happen Malfoy?" I mean, his father would throw a fit. He'll really make Dumbledore pay." Ron stated in his usual sarcastic manner, but as much as he was joking there was truth to it. She thought of the many people that could possibly be taken from her but still, the same gut feeling that was as heavy as a rock still stuck with her. Could Dumbledore really just take Draco and would Draco even be willing to be part of any of this?
The day of task number two had made its way quickly and if she could be honest with herself; she was nervous. She didn't see Draco anywhere, not even to wish her luck. She came to terms that je is actually waiting for her under the water in the black lake. All that was on her mind was to save him as quickly as possible.
"On your marks, get set..go." She had casted a spell to help her breathe underwater so swimming was problem but the adrenaline she felt to try to save her brother was making her vision blurry. All she cared about was finding Draco. She swam and noticed the other competitors swimming trying trying look for people that they could save. Ron and Hermione were spotted farther out and she wanted wanted to save them, but Draco was her first priority. Her arms began to feel tired from all of the swimming, but she wouldn't quit. She wouldn't give up. She swam forward avoiding the underwater dangers until finally, she saw her brother. Blonde, floating and frozen, but there he was. The relief she felt was immeasurable. She quickly grabbed him from under his arms and swam upward towards the sky until the sun hit her and her brother's faces. As soon as they hit the air, Draco had awoken from the spell that was casted on him. He immediately began panicking and flailing around which earned laughs from the Gryffindors. He calmed down when he saw that it was his sister that saved him. She was after all the only one he trusted. Adira was the first one out of the water and so far she had been demolishing the competition. She was so proud of herself and so was Draco.
The tasks only got harder and now they weren't even getting a hint for the third and final task. They had no idea what they had gotten themselves into because the third task was a maze that could trap you and could drive you close to insanity. The night of the final task was the most important. She wanted to win; not only for her and her school but to show Draco that if she could accomplish something as big as this, then so can he.
It was between Cedric Diggory, who was Hufflepuff's golden boy, Harry Potter the chosen one and her, a girl from Beauxbatons who never thought that she would be going through with the competition. The very thought of going through the maze terrified her that it began to make her feel dizzy. They all felt a little dizzy. This was the end of the tournament, and she was going to try her hardest, even if she didn't win, she made it this far and that was what made her feel so proud of herself.
The maze was ruthless and unforgiving. Vines were coming out of nowhere trying to pull them through the hedges and trap them. It was dark and foggy so it made it hard to see what was in front of them, but she was already too far behind Cedric and Harry for them to even notice her struggling. Every turn she took she couldn't spot them. It was like they had disappeared from the maze altogether. Suddenly, she felt like she was caught in a vine. The vine began to pull and drag her farther away from getting out. She began to cast spells to free herself, but nothing seemed to work. She was starting to feel herself being pushed up against the hedges that made the shape of the maze. She took a deep breath as she accepted her fate. This wasn't how she thought she would die. She closed her eyes as she let the hedge bury her.
To her surprise, when she opened her eyes she was back to where she had started. She was surrounded by an anxious crowd awaiting the winner. She was too stunned to speak but she knew that enough time had passed for there to be a winner by now since she was too far behind. Hermione ran to her as fast as she could and asked. "Did you see them?" She shook her head. "I thought that they would be here by now. They were so far ahead of me." She replied as she tried to catch her breath. Hermione's face looked worried and Adira began to feel an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. She knew something was wrong.
A flash of light appeared as Dumbledore looked out unto the field and saw Harry on the ground holding Cedric Diggory while crying. Dumbledore looked at him with confusion confusion worry as he sped as fast as he could to the two boys and Adira, Hermione and Ron followed to find Harry crying over a deceased Cedric Diggory as Harry began to scream. "He's back! Voldemort is back! He killed him!" Harry began crying again and holding onto Cedric. The crowd went from cheering to screaming and crying as they realized what had happened. They couldn't believe that Voldemort would be back, not after all of these years. Harry was quickly brought inside to Dumbledore's office to discuss the matter privately, but Dumbeldore had wanted to also speak to Harry's friends for a separate matter.
"Voldemort is really back?" Adira asked to confirm if she had heard Harry correctly earlier. "I'm afraid he's right." It looks like we will have to the The Order together again." Dumbledore stated with complete seriousness. "What's The Order?" Ron asked. "The Order Of The Phoenix, is a secret society to help defeat Voldemort." "I want to join." Adira stated quickly barely realizing what she had just said. "I'm graduating soon. I feel like I should. I feel like it's right." Dumbledore looked at her with intrigue. "You do know who you will be fighting against?" She looked down at the ground and thought about about it for a few seconds. "I know what's right. I'll join The Order." Dumbledore smiled a little at her. "Very well, and please do not tell Harry about it. I feel like he has been through enough. He won't be able to processes it. I trust you will tell him when the time comes." They all agreed and decided to see Harry and bring him some sweet to calm him down.
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ofxsorcery · 4 months
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Full Name - Ela Wood (née Cetin)
Name Origin - Ela is a form of Aramaic word Elah which means “oak”. In Turkish, however, the word means “hazel”. The word also has different meanings in Greek and Hebrew origins. For example, in Hebrew, the word means “tree” whereas in Greek it means “dark”. Ela also has meanings like “noble”, “kind” and “God is a vow”.
Nicknames - El
Age - 27
Birthday - January 19th, 1952
Gender & Pronouns - Cis Female, she/her pronouns
Sexuality - Heterosexual
Relationship Status - Widowed, her husband Patrick Wood died in the war
Patronus - Pandabear
Boggart - Oliver dying
Wand Type
Occupation - Store Clerk at Flourish & Blotts
Affiliations - Formerly Order, after her husbands death Neutral
Face Claim - Hande Erçel
Key Information / Bio
Ela was born as the first daughter of two in the Cetin family, a Pureblood family from Turkey. Her sister Asli followed nearly eleven months later.
After their move to London and going to Hogwarts, Ela was sorted in Hufflepuff. Her favourite class was Transfiguration and it was also at Hogwarts where she met Patrick Wood. They got a relationship when they were both fourteen, and spent all the time together - even though they were in different houses with Patrick being from Gryiffindor.
After Hogwarts, the two of them got married after she turned 20. Ela was living her perfect life - until the war came by. The first signs showed right after their marriage and when they had to choose a side, they picked the Order.
Despite the War, Oliver Wood was born in January 1976. A happy boy who already like his toy broomstick from the start to fly around on as soon as he was able.
In September 1978, however, Patrick Wood - an auror - would meet his faith and it would leave Ela widowed with a two year old son.
It's now a few months after the passing from her husband but it is still raw. Ela moved away from the Order, despite the fact that her sister was still part of it. From the moment she learned that Patrick had died, she knew that she would do everything to make sure that her son would live.
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pcttigrewx · 2 years
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did you hear that [ PETER PETTIGREW ] will be attending the Black Ball during the coming weekend? They recently arrived in London for the social season and we will be excited to see if they make a splash this year. I heard that they are currently working as an [ AUROR ] and that they have been quite successful. They always reminded me of [ SOFT FUR AND SHARP CLAWS, A LOVE THAT BURNS AND FESTERS, THE KIND OF GUILT THAT CAN EAT YOU ALIVE AND THE FEAR THAT CAN SPLIT YOUR SOUL IN TWO ] and I heard that they can be [ KIND + PROTECTIVE ] but also [ NERVOUS + SELF-SERVING ]. Rumor has it that they are [ EHHH?? WORKING AGAINST BUT BEING FORCED THROUGH MAGIC BULLSHIT TO HELP ] Tom Riddle, but you know that you can’t believe everything you hear. As far as I know, they are a model member of pureblood society. 
Name: Peter Joseph Pettigrew  Nicknames: Pete, Wormtail  Age: Twenty-Five  Gender: Cis man Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual Alliance Status: It’s Complicated  House: Gryiffindor  Extracurriculars: He was commentator for quidditch matches :), captain of the chess club.  Boggart: His friends leaving him :(  Amortentia: Freshly baked bread, grass after it rains, the smoke of a warm crackling fire Patronus: It’s a rat bruv.  Bio:
( one. hogwarts. ) – People see him as a straggler, a hanger-on. Peter lets them think it. He finds value in being underestimated. Life is easier if they think he’s Stupid Peter, Slow Peter, Never Valued Peter. He’s the only person who needs to know the truth. He’s smart, he’s loved, and he has worth in this world. He’s sharp and clever, and quick when he wants to be. He’s a Gryiffindor to his bones, but the hat still thought about putting him in Slytherin, and he wears that as an internal point of pride. He has cunning, too. He’s the hard worker, he’s vicious in a silent way, he’s a man with a heart full of love and a pit in his stomach that longs for someone to love him in return, to fill him up with affection until he could drown. (Sometimes he doesn’t want to be underestimated, no matter how much value it has, no matter what it can let him get away with. Sometimes he wants people to look at him and see him for exactly how brilliant he is. He makes a vow to himself, in the quiet hours of the night, that someday he will be someone’s first choice, that someday he will be the center of the universe, and everybody will remember his name.) 
( two. auror training. ) – People were surprised when Peter insisted that being an Auror was what he wanted to do. It was the only thing he had ever wanted to do with his life. Their DADA professor asked Peter if he was sure he would be able for it, and it had made something hard and determined settle in Peter’s stomach. He applied for the program and was accepted, and during training he worked himself to the bone. He worked harder at training than he had ever worked at anything else in his life. And he was good at it. It was something you couldn’t deny. Peter Pettigrew would make a good auror someday, even if he had issues with reckless behaviour and a certain distaste for authority figures. (Sometimes Peter is selfish, sometimes he wants to steal the entire world and keep it for himself. It’s a dark instinct that lives in him sometimes, and he counters it by being utterly selfless in every other aspect of his life. He will hurt himself to help other people. He will save the day even if it kills him –– and as his auror instructors warned him, someday it might.) 
( three. lost time. ) – Alexander Nott isn’t his friend. He doesn’t think so, at least. He’s fairly sure that Alexander Nott is a dark wizard. But Alexander Nott is also charming, and Peter felt drawn to him in small ways. When Nott got pulled into the auror department for something, Peter was letting him go again before he knew what happened. And then he started to lose time more often. Hours, a day at a time. He would blink and be somewhere strange. Blink and be in the middle of a club.  Blink and be on the street outside of Alexander Nott’s flat. Blink and be back in his own bedroom.  Blink and his hands were covered in blood. Blink and his shirt was singed with spell damage. He didn’t know what was happening to him, and he didn’t know why some days Alexander Nott was all he could think about. (It a curse that was doing this to him. The curse was an unforgivable one. Imperius. A word he heard whispered in his dreams sometimes, a curse which left him with foggy memories and sense-feelings. It was the curse they used to make him into a toy, a tool to do dirty work with. Death Eaters did so like their toys.) 
Wanted Connections:
( being your half boyfriend was only half bad ) – exes? peter is bi so can be anyone :) 
( you’re not special for winning a game with someone who you know was never playing ) – a death eater who knows what’s happening to Peter with the Imperius curse and might be in charge of him when he’s being cursed now. basically his handler in that group of people I suppose? 
( you’re on your own kid, you always have been ) – someone Peter feels abandoned by maybe??? He’s an insecure kid and if he drifted apart from someone it would make him feel so alone and abandoned. 
( be better at listening, you’re not that interesting ) – someone peter genuinely hates 
( i hope you die, i hope we both die, hand in unlovable hand ) – listen i want a toxic relationship. ill advised relationship. kind of fucked up but still good relationship.
( prepare to surrender to the power of friendship ) – non-marauders best friend. 
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fcntasmas-archive · 8 years
hi babe!!! so i could have given you my old boring generic answer, but there is no one who feels stronger about gryffindor!even than @ravenclawisak​ so i asked her to give you the run-down because no one will ever make a more convincing argument. so, to quote her exactly, here are the reasons why even is a gryffindor, according to the beautiful and talented rachel (remember these are literally direct quotes so the “me” being referenced here is actually her):
the things that made it a gut instinct have to do mostly with certain, select moments where i was just like. floored watching
like when he showed up at isak’s place at the end of 3.07 literally two minutes after isak sent that text
he had no idea what mood he’d find isak in–all signs actually pointed to isak being in a bad/closed off mood, given the content and tone of his messages 
but even still was like “shit this is my last chance” and jumped to take it
and that’s part of a pattern of bold behavior for him, at least when it comes to his pursuit of isak throughout the first half of s3
like consistently, once he started getting opportunities and signs that maybe isak could be interested in him too, he jumped right on those and pressed ahead and ahead to see what they could become
so a lot of the major steps taken in building their relationship–the flirting, the hanging out, the almost kiss in the kitchen, the kiss in the pool, the convo about becoming bfs–those are taken consistently by even
which isn’t to say that like, isak isn’t brave or bold or is cowardly for not being as forward, bc obvs he’s in a different place with himself and his experience with relationships and knowing his sexual attractions than even is, and that factors into why he’s kind of playing wait-and-see for a lot of the beginning
but i think it’s also an arguable difference in how they approach and solve problems: isak waits to gather more information and weigh what he wants to do before he makes a choice, but even is more inclined to take risks, make leaps once he gets that slightest sign to go, even if there’s no accompanying sign that there will be steady ground for him to land on
and sometimes that burns him really bad, but it doesn’t stop him from doing it
and that feels v gryffindor to me
and then okay this next part is going to get less concrete in the sense of things we’ve seen him do canonically and more abstract in the sense of how do i interpret and extrapolate things about even from what we’re shown
but gryffindor to me is the most Romantic house, or at least the house full of the biggest Romantics, in that they still believe in romanticized and idealized notions of like, a ruling moral code, grand gestures of good faith, the core principles of chivalry, the idea that what is good and right will ultimately win out bc it is good and right
and for even we defs see him as a romantic, like with baz being his fave director and what that suggests about the kinds of stories he emotionally connects to the most, and then with the ways (consciously or sub) he tried to work those narrative cues into the foundation of his and isak’s relationship, as if that would help elevate whatever they built between them to those same sweeping, lofty, epic proportions
he’s not what i’d call a hopeless romantic bc he doesn’t seem to believe that like, love will always win out in the end–actually the opposite. but even if he seems more inclined to believe that reality won’t work out like a movie, he still also has this conflicting hope that he’ll be proved wrong about that, by himself or the course of his own life or someone else sweeping in or whatever
it’s a v conflicted and self-doubting kind of romanticism, but it’s still a romanticism that roots itself in the bold actions of individuals: someone takes action and fate/circumstance overpowers them and makes them into a beautifully tragic figure, or someone takes action and overpowers fate/circumstance and makes themself into an optimistic, *comedic (in the aristotelian sense) figure
but either way it comes down to someone taking action, someone doing something bc they have a passion and that drives them forward, for better or for worse
and i think that informs a lot of how even understands his own actions, and his actions as part of the story of his life, and his life as part of the story of others’ lives, and others’ lives as part of the story of his own, and so on. sometimes you just have to act bc actions are what make life happen, good or bad, and idk that again just feels v gryffindor to me
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spencerreidslove · 4 years
Wrong Tie
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A/N: I wrote this based on a TikTok I saw. (Her @ is slugchan) because somehow I ended up on shifting to date Fred Weasly TikTok. So this is my Hogwarts AU. I put Spencer in Ravenclaw and the Reader in Hufflepuff, so to all my readers that aren’t in that house, pretend you are.
“Charms is kicking my ass.” Your best friend, Penelope complained from her spot beside you in the Great Hall.
“You’ll do fine. Ask JJ to help you. She’s great at Charms.” You said, not looking up from your notes. You had a Potions test right after lunch and you were not ready.
“I know a certain someone who would help you study.” Penelope said.
“Who?” You asked. You needed help and you needed it now.
“Mr. Handsome over at Ravenclaw’s table.” She said, tilting her chin in that direction.
You followed her gaze to none other than Spencer Reid, who was chatting with another Ravenclaw student. You smiled a little as he caught your gaze for a few seconds.
“No way.” You said nervously.
“When will you two admit your feelings and just make out?” Penelope asked.
“Penelope!” You said.
“You both like each other- don’t even try to deny it! So just get together already!”
If only you knew. You thought. Everybody in your friend group thought that you and Spencer liked each other. Well, you did.
You had both admitted your feelings to each other one night on the Astronomy tower and had been dating for nearly three months.
You hadn’t told anyone beacuse this was something just for you two. A little secret, something that no one else knew about.
“We don’t like each other like that.” You said. A lie, sure, but you and Spencer both decided you didn’t want to tell anybody yet.
Penelope rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say.”
Later, in Potions, you sat waiting for the test that was going to make you fail. But, luckily Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs had Potions together, so at least you could steal gazes at Spencer.
“For this test, you will be partnered up and make a Potion. If you get it wrong, you will fail.” Snape said from the front of the room.
You felt dread build in you, knowing that you would probably mess up and fail. (And probably get some House Points off, too)
After Snape partnered a few people he reached you.
“Miss. Y/L/N, you will be working with Mr. Reid.” He said.
You smiled a little as you and Spencer made your way to your station. Your happiness faded as you looked at the potion instructions in front of you.
“Hey,” Spencer said. “It’ll be ok. I’m good at this and I’ll make sure you know what to do.”
You gave him a weary smile as you looked at the first instruction.
A little while later, you and Spencer had managed to create the perfect potion.
“Very well done.” Snape said.
That’s the highest praise I’ll ever get. You thought.
As you were leaving class, you passed Spencer a note. It read:
Meet me in the Room of Requirment tonight. <3
You saw Spencer smile and nod at you before you made your way down the hall to Transfiguration.
That night, after dinner you made your way out of the Hufflepuff common room twoards the Room of Requirment. Thankfully, the door showed up and you walked in to find Spencer already there.
“Hi.” You sighed.
“Hey.” Spencer said back.
You two made your way to each other and wrapped your arms around each other. “Thank you for today.” You said, nuzzling your face into his shoulder.
“Of course. I know how hard Potions is for you.” Spencer said.
“I could’ve kissed you, I was so happy our potion turned out alright.” You said.
“Well, Y/N, why don’t you make up for lost time them.” Spencer said.
You looked up at his cheeky smirk and used his tie to pull him to you. You waited a second before you leaned in and kissed him.
You continued to kiss and somehow you two ended up laying together on the floor, kissing.
You both ended up with your sweaters and ties off, Spencer on top of you.
He pulled away from the kiss, cupping your face. “Hi.” Spencer whispered.
“Hey.” You giggled.
You awoke the next morning laying in Spencer’s arms. And then you remembered where you were.
“Oh shit!” You yelled.
Spencer began to wake up as you shook him. “Spencer wake up! We fell asleep!”
Spencer opened his eyes, noticed your frantic state and sat up. “What time is it?” He asked.
“I have no clue! We have to get to the Great Hall and hope it’s just breakfast.” You said, scrambling to find your sweater.
Spencer did the same thing next to you, and you both dashed out of the room and made your way to the Great Hall, thankful to see that it was still full.
“See you later, love you!” You said, making your way over to the Hufflepuff table.
“There you are, Y/N! Where were you?” Penelope asked as you sat down.
“I didn’t feel well this morning, but I’m ok now.” You said.
“Sure.” Derek said from beside Penelope. “Sure that’s where you were.”
“Shouldn’t you be at the Gryiffindor table?” You asked.
“And you should be wearing a Hufflepuff tie, yet you’re not.” Derek said.
You looked down and spotted that you were indeed wearing a Ravenclaw tie.
“I-uh-I.” You said.
“You and Pretty Boy finally admitted it huh?” Derek asked. Penelope looked like she was about to squeal.
“Was it really him?!” Penelope asked.
“Let’s play spot the Hufflepuff tie.” Derek said, turning to face the Ravenclaw table.
They spotted Spencer, who also seemed to realize the mistake at the moment.
“Bingo.” Derek said.
Your face flushed, and you buried your head in your hands.
“Don’t try to deny it now, Y/N!” Penelope said.
Stupid ties.
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The Painting’s Secret
This is Part 1 of Slytherin!Yuta au.
Part 2
Pairing: Syltherin!Yuta x Male!Hufflepuff!reader
Summary: You and the boy from Slytherin kind of sorta like each other. And since both of you friend groups don’t like each other, you have to find a way to make it work.
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[12:14PM] You starred at Yuta as he and his friends messed with some Ravenclaw first year. He looked good. Your friends scoffed and rolled their eyes at the others’ actions.
“Their so rude. Leave the first years alone geeze.” Doyoung said kind of loudly. The rest of the group nods in agreement. But of course the boys heard and looked over at you guys. ‘Oh no...’ you thought as they came over.
“Got a problem?” The one named Ten said in a harsh tone. “Yea I do,” Doyoung stood up, “leave the first years alone.” Everyone’s eyes were on you guys now. Even Harry Potter was looking now.
“Youngie... please,” you said softly, “you’re making a scene...” You hated both the attention and tension right now. Both Doyoung and Ten stared each other down until Ten scoffed and walked away, the rest of his group following. Doyoung had a proud smirk on his face, he was never going to let this go. Then everyone was called for class.
[1:01PM] Yuta sat down in potions, minding his own business. He looked around with only his eyes, scanning the classroom. When he saw you his eyes stopped wandering and focused on you and your features. The way you scrunched up your nose when Jungwoo practiced his flirting with you(which also made him cringe too), the way you can barely contain a smile, and to which escalated to the biggest feature that had him melt. Your smile. The smile that was more beautiful than anything.
Now don’t get me wrong, Yuta Nakamoto wasn’t a soft guy, not at all. In fact, people thought he was the most intimidating guys in the school yet. But when you were around, he was very gentle and soft. But yet he was so sneaky about it, nobody noticed. Just then Snape bust through the door and everyone was paying attention.
[1:53PM] Everyone was out of the classroom except for you since you had to stay behind to talk to Snape about classes. As you walked out Yuta popped up in front of you. You were startled and confused. Yuta looked around making sure no one was around.
“Um, hey Yuta... are you okay?” You gently ask, still very confused. He looked back at you and nodded.
“Meet me on the third floor later tonight. Don’t let anyone see.” He said in a hush so that no one heard. You nodded in a agreement and he walked away. Then it hit you ‘wait why’ you thought. You walked to your next class, thinking about what this could possibly be about.
While Yuta sighed in relief, since he was a nervous wreck the whole time. He rushed back to his common rooms to make a plan, because if he was being completely honest he had no idea what he was doing.
[9:00PM] He paced back and forth in front of the paintings, trying to come up with something to say or do that would impress him. A trick? A pick-up line? But he remembered when a Gryiffindor tried to confess to you by doing the same things. That didn’t turn out well. He sighed and slumped down. You would come any minute and he still wasn’t ready.
“What’s wrong child? You’ve been doing this for a solid 10 minutes.” A painting spoke up. He was a middle-aged man with his wife. “Are you alright dear?” the wife asked, filled with concern. Yuta gulped and just nodded. The wife let out a small giggle at the panicked boy’s reaction. “Well what’s on you mind boy?” The husband spoke up this time.
“Um well I don’t think I should really tell you..”“NONSENSE,” a smack was earned on his face with a shush from the wife, “look we promise we won’t tell anybody. We just want to help you.” The wife smiled with kindness and the husband had a bold smile that agreed with the wife. “Well,”
He told them everything. He told them how he liked you and wanted to do something after 6 years of doing nothing. He told them what he liked about you and what he learned about you the one time Snape had you work together. He told them everything that makes his heart flutter and how he holds it in because of your friend groups’ rivalry. Everything was told. And the paintings around listened close to the Slytherin boy. For he was lost talking about you. And the paintings loved it.
When he finished he looked at them. They smiled. “You seem to like him very much.” The wife looked satisfied and the husband had tears in his eyes. He smiled shyly and finally thought of something. “I have the best idea! Thank you so much... um,” “Mister and Missus Park,” “Thank you Mister and Missus Park!” Yuta said with lightened spirits as he ran back to the common rooms.
[9:37PM] You walked to the top of the stairs that led to the third floor. You went up to the paintings and greeted them. And they greeted back. This couple caught your eye, their smiles looked so wide. You smiled back.
“Have you seen anyone pass by here?” You asked hoping they had maybe seen Yuta. “Hmm no dear, who are you looking for?” The wife of the couple spoke up. “Oh uh no one in particular, just a friend.” You smile and bow lightly and she nods.
Just then you saw little figures dancing around your feet. You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren’t hallucinating. They were paper animals. Paper mache frogs and toads were jumping around at your feet. You smile widely at the sight a chuckle. You crouch and put your hands out to let one jump on it. You were playing with them until the husband spoke up.
“Could that be your friend?” You snap your head over to where the were pointing. You stand up and turn to the boy who walked over. You smile and look back at the frogs. Yuta waves is wand and the frogs and line up and go down, turning back to just paper. You look in surprise.
“Did you do this?” You ask, baffled at how he remembered you loved frogs. “Hmmm maybe. Do you like them?” He asked as he scratched his neck shyly. You nodded and smiled. “Thank you, I love it.” Yuta’s eyes lit up at your statement. He smiled back at you and nodded.
You turn and sit down in front of them as you pat the floor next to you. He sits and you both look at the frogs. He pulled out more paper, and proposed you guys make more frogs. You eagerly agreed and started to make the smoll bois, both helping each other when you needed to.
After a good 10 minutes Yuta looks over to you and sighs. You look back at him and tilt your head. “What’s wrong?” You questioned curiosly. Yuta smiled and look back at the frogs. ‘Now or never loser’ he thought to himself. “Yuta?”
“You’re probably confused why I brought you here and had you make frogs huh?” You nod. “Well there’s this thing that’s been happening and I think you should know.” Your ears turned red, “Is everything okay?” He turned to you and grabbed a frog and put it in you plam gingerly.
“Y/n, what I’m trying to say, is that I like you. More than enimies or friends. I swear I’d say I’m in love with you. But only if it’s okay with you.” He looked up from you plam and into you eyes. You? You were taken aback by this action, and these words.
“I...” “Look I know our friends our rivals so we should be too, and I’ve definitely been an ass sometimes. But I want to try to be better, because you make it look easy and I-“
You stopped his rambling by gently pressing your lips to his. Yuta was surprised but kissed back. To you, his lips and felt perfect on yours and tasted like apple candy. And to him, your lips were soft and delicate with a hint of strawberry. You both loved the feeling and stayed like that.
When you pulled back you grabbed his hands and played with them, lacing your fingers together. “You talk too much.” You hold up your hand in front of your faces. His cheeks heated up and he smiled. “And you’re truly admirable.” This time you blushed. You both laugh look at each other in the eyes.
“Y/n?” “Yes Yuta?” “Will you be my boyfriend?” “Hmmm I’ll think about it.” “Y/nnnn” “Okay okay you baby. I’ll be your boyfriend, if only you become mine.” “Definitely.”
[6:00Am] Your friend groups were fighting again. You rolled your eyes and look at Yuta and he looked at you. He gave you a small smile and returned back to a stoic face. You breathed out and watched them agrue about nothing. You and Yuta decided to keep you relationship secret, with the help of the paintings too. But that always gave you something to look forward to at the end of the day.
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finnwrld · 4 years
wait i take that back
probably not a ravenclaw
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tiny-in-the-walls · 4 years
Chapter 1, new pet
Harry groun as he slowly opens his eyes to see only dark green fabric above him. He felt very dizzy and was trying to understand what had happened. Very slowly he sat up to see what looked like a golden....chair leg? “What the?” He said softly as he looked out from under what ever it was to see, what looked like a giant size room. Just as he was about to stand, he started to hear loud booming noise. Covering his ears, Harry looked out to see a giant shoe come into view. Forgetting that he was lost Harry let out a loud gasp. With wide eyes he covered his mouth as he hears booming voices over head. “Did you hear that?” “Ya, it sounded like a gasp.” Keeping his mouth covered he slowly inched back to freeze as something even worse, then the giants, started to move behind him. Very slowly he turned around to see a black spider around dog size movieing slowly to him.
With a bloody scream Harry ran out from under the huge chair with the spider following close behind him. Harry was to busy running from the spider to hear or see the giants yell and move back. Well that was till a shoe came crashing down squishing the spider and knocking Harry onto his face from the force. Harry was to dizzy to get up right away, and for that a huge hand reached down and grabbed him up. Slowly he placed on a hard cold surface that was a coffee table. As he looked around he saw he was in a huge common room. But not just any common room, oh no, he was in the Slytherin common room. “What is that thing?” “It looks like a human.” “Maybe it’s a fairy.” Hearing the voices above, he slowly looking up to see two giant Slytherin teens looking down at him. A black hair teen looked him over and shook his head, “it can’t be a fairy. If it was, it would have flown away from the spider.”
As he watched the teen bent down to look at him better, “and by the looks of it, it’s a boy about a year or two younger then us.” The other teen with long blonde hair bent down next to the other one, “ well Severus, what do you think it is?” Harry’s jaw dropped, standing well leaning befour him was Severus Snape, his own portions master. Then that means the blond hair is.... “well Lucius, he seems to be a human. So maybe a bowler?” Harry let out a gasp that had them looking at him with a raised brow. Slowly Lucius reached out and slowly, yet oddly gently tugged on his tiny rob. “ hmm, it seems to be wearing one of our robs so maybe.” With that said he stared to try and pull the rub off to look at it closer. Harry let out a gasp and grabbed the sleev as Lucius tried to get it away from him.
“Snape, help me out here. I don’t want to hurt it,” he said as Severus reached out and gently grabbed him in his fist. With a little tug the rob was free from Harry’s grasp. With a sight Lucius raised the rob closer and frown. “It’s a Hogwarts rob, but it’s a gryiffindor,” he said with a hint of disgust. “So he might be one of their pets?” Severus asked as he held on Harry’s squirming form. Lucius raised a brow then a grin crossed his face, as he toke out his wand. With a wave of his wand the Symbol changes from the gryiffindor crest to the Slytherin one, “There, he’s now a Slytherin pet.”
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miaafrances · 6 years
what people think gryffindors are like
gryiffindor: bravery! hero! perfect!
what gryffindors are actually like
gryffindor: fuck no i’m not killing that spider, that’s not even a spider that’s a DEMON and we need to get an exorcist
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hazel2468 · 5 years
Okay so... My fiancee and I are discussing which Hogwarts Houses the new Star Wars Trilogy characters would be in. It is an intense discussion, and none of them fit really into just one house. I figured someone would enjoy this other than us so... Here you go. 
Rose: Huffleclaw (Primary Hufflepuff, secondary Ravenclaw). Rose has a very sturdy set of ideals and a clear sense of what is right. She is in the Resistance because she witnessed the destruction of her home and wants no one else to experience that. Hence the Hufflepuff. HOW she does that is by using her wits, being an amazing engineer and utilizing her vast technical know-how. She’s the one who comes up with the plan in TLJ with Finn.  So yeah. Ravenclaw. 
Finn: Slytherpuff (Primary Slytherin, secondary Hufflepuff). Finn is very attached to his people- in FA and the first part of TLJ, that was Rey. He had a very “I’ll take care of mine and that is most important” attitude, which changed once he accepted the whole of the Resistance into his group of people- and once he really labeled the First Order as a threat to them. He is cunning- escaping with Poe, developing the plan with Rose in TLJ. Slytherin. Finn is also extremely dedicated and loyal to his friends, and does value justice and doing the right thing. We considered Gryffindor for him as well, and I think it fits, but I went with Hufflepuff because it is Finn’s love and dedication to his friends that fuels his bravery and desire to fight. 
Poe: Gryffindor. Poe is the only character that we have had a single house for. He is a fighter, he does what he thinks is right, and fuck anyone who stands in his way. He has a strong sense of justice and approaches his problems guns blazing. Poe also tends to care less than he should for who is hurt in his quest for glory and justice in battle- something we see at the start of TLJ and something that he seems to be growing past by the end of the film. 
Kylo Ren: Huffledor (Primary Hufflepuff, secondary Gryffindor) This one is a little complicated- I know, I know. HOW is Kylo not a Slytherin? Because he wouldn’t know ambition or cunning if it smacked him in the face with a wet towel. Kylo was hard to judge, mainly because he is the only of the main group of characters that hasn’t completed all or most of their main character growth by the end of TLJ. He still has to take the steps that Rey, Finn, and Poe have, and hopefully we will get to see that in Rise of Skywalker. Kylo is a character who craves connection- so much so that he instantly makes one with Rey the second she shows any degree of compassion (or just not-contempt) towards him. The reason he ends up in such a low place at the end of TLJ is because he lost that. And he’s a Gryffindor because his general approach to things is “I will stomp like a skunk and hit it with my laser sword.” He straight up kills his Master (who was a dick to be fair) for a girl he met three days ago who held his hand. So yeah. Huffledor. 
Rey: Gryffalyin (Primary Gryiffindor, secondary Slytherin) Disclaimer that Rey is my favorite of these to look at so... Yeah. Rey is what I very very affectionately call a fighty bitch. She will fight anyone and anything that tries to fuck with her, and it’s amazing. She honestly kind of reminds me of me in that sense. She has a deep sense of justice and is brave as all hell, and by GD does she have the daring and nerve that she needs to be a Gryffindor. Now, the Slytherin... We talked about other houses, and thought maybe she was a Gryffinpuff, but we settled on Slytherin. Mainly because Rey, at least to me, does do things for her own gain. All the damn time. Hell, for the whole of TLJ, the secondary (or even arguably primary) reason why she seeks out Luke, vows to help Kylo, all of it- it because she desperately is seeking answers about herself. She is deeply protective of and loyal to her people, even to the point of saying “fuck you” to Kylo when he dares to try and put himself between her and her found family, despite the fact that he was becoming one of her people. 
I’m also still not sure of these at ALL- who knows? Maybe Rise of Skywalker will majorly switch shit up. I hope so! 
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"Just Friends" - Weasley Twins x Reader
The twins tease you about which one of them you like
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"I really wish my Nan would've packed me some sweets in the parcel she gave to me." You reached in your pocket and pulled out a piece of toffee. "Here Neville try this out." You said in blissful ignorance while the twins made a face that left you both confused. Nevilles round face was mortified and twisted in a way that looked painful. All he did was point to his tongue. Madam Pomfrey happened to walk outside from the green house to see you and the Weasley twins with your eyes widened in a shocked expression. "Fred and George Weasley, detention!" "But Professor Sprout, we didn't do anything did we Fred?" He said with amusement and a slight smile. Right George! We were just innocent bystanders. How could you blame us for doing that to Neville." "We didn't force him to eat the ton tongue toffee. Besides, it was Y/N who gave it to him." You gave them a shocked expression for just throwing you under the bus like that. "You sell them and make them! I forgot that you had given me some. I'm so sorry Neville!" You argued and said your apology with guilt written all over your face. "But, our dear Y/N, we didn't give it to him. You did." George pointed smugly at you. They both nodded in unison. Professor Sprout was furious at what happened to Neville Longbottom. "Y/L/N! Detention for you as well!" You didn't even try to argue back. "Yes, Professor Sprout." You said with your head hung low. "Now, if you excuse me. I will have to go escort Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Explaining this to Madam Pomfrey. Oh, poor Mr. Longbottom. She'll have you fixed up in a jiffy." She exited off with Neville and his unnatural tongue.
You met up with Professor Sprout to discuss your punishments. "Gnome duty. The Garden Gnomes are back at the quidditch field, and you three will get rid of them. Hagrid will keep an eye on you. Now, if you excuse me I have some plants that need attending to." You groaned in annoyance. "If I wasn't thoughtless, we wouldn't be in this mess. After detention, I should check up on Neville, and see if he's alright." You said sounding guilty and remorseful. "Oh, c'mon Y/L/N. It wasn't even that bad. It's just an egorgment charm. All he needed was a reversal spell. I'm sure he'll live. It's just prank, that's all it is." George said with little to no remorse in his voice. "You both should really look at yourselves. I mean you don't feel bad at all?" They both looked at eachother and laughed. "I mean, we technically did look at OURSELVES. We are twins." Fred said pointing his hand at him and his brother like it wasn't an obvious joke. George made a gasp and said "WE'RE TWINS? Why didn't you tell me?" They laughed again. You couldn't help but to laugh with them.
Going to detention the three of you changed into appropriate clothes to help get the Gnomes out of the quidditch field. The Gryiffindor twins couldn't help but look at you. It wasn't your outfit, but you had looked a little different and attractive for someone who was about to start swinging gnomes around. George had to make a comment sounding a bit like gibberish and finished with a 'wow.' Fred pushed him a little and walked up to you "Fred, my dear brother. I don't think she speaks 'ahdjajjiskahs.'" You rolled your eyes and smiled. You knew at least one of them liked you, but you didn't want to say anything in fear things would get awkward. "Since when did you both want to flirt with me?" You teased in an innocent tone. "Oh c'mon. We've been friends since the sorting hat ceremony. We've noticed you. The changing. Your hair, your face, your attitude. Honestly, it would be weird if one of us didn't get feelings for you at some point." George stated in a matter-of-fact tone. You snorted but held on to one thing that he said. "My attitude?" You questioned "You're one of us." George smiled. "A Weasley?" You teased. "An enjoyer of harmless pranks." Fred nodded in agreement. You laughed and shook your head and was about to say something when Hagrid came out and stated "Let's get ter moving these gnomes out o' the field." The three of you began to work. Flinging the gnomes was kind of fun. Hagrid explained that it didn't hurt them, but made them just awfully dizzy. Still, you thought it was a bit mean to do.
After detention the three of you began to talk some more. It wouldn't leave your mind that they actually liked you in a way that was far from being just friends. "Both of you?" You asked suddenly. "Both of us?" The boys asked in unison. "The both of you have feelings for me?" You asked seriously. They nodded reluctantly. "We didn't plan it." Said George. "Obviously, you didn't." You rolled your eyes. "See!" Fred pointed at you. "What?" You questioned. Fred continued "You're hot, and you don't even know how you do it, which makes you even hotter." He sounded a bit whiney. "What a predicament." You sighed. "You both like me, and you have no idea who I have a crush on." You smiled. "It's not Malfoy is it?" Fred teased. You laughed and shook your head. "Hmm, I don't think I'll tell you." You laughed when their faces changed into a pout. "Well, which one of us do you like more." George said as he raised his eyebrows. "I don't think I could pick a favorite." You teased. "You both look and act the exact same!" You defended. Truth is, you always had a think for George. There was just something about him. "Okay, let's say me and my dear brother here ate some of this toffee, (George pulled out his Ton Tongue Toffee) and are tongues got all weird, which one would you help first? "Whichever of you ate the toffee first." You said quickly. George smirked at you and made you get a pinkish tone to your cheeks which was a dead giveaway to George who was looking right at you. You tried to turn away so he wouldn't notice, but it was too late. He walked closer to you and put his arm around you which made you clear your non blocked up and very dry throat. "Don't you think we should head to the Great Hall. I'm getting a bit hungry after all of that hard work. Aren't you hungry Y/N?" George continued to talk to you in a teasing tone. "I am a bit hungry, but I should see Neville first." "Eating would give you a cleared mind and you can have a better conversation with a filled tummy. Don't you think?" Fred said actually caring whether you were actually starving or not. "Yeah, I guess I should have some food first." You walked off and headed to the Great Hall and sat down in between Fred and George. Expect George so happened to be holding your hand.
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