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greenunoreversecard · 2 months ago
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a Gryffindor/INTP moodboard made for my pal @cursednevermore :))
i might make more, and even some for other houses as well, these are really fun to make :P
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jamespotterlovesreggie · 3 months ago
Blindfold - A Rosekiller - micro-fic
January prompts day 4 . wordcount-281
It was the last day before summer break which meant it was Gryfffindor party night , Since Evan and Barty hated going home they saw this as their last night of fun for the next six weeks .
Everyone was getting ready Evan was getting dressed , Barty was smoking his eyeliner out and Regulus was doing his hair .
" Hey are you guys ready to go " Regulus called out .
" Give us a minute Reggie , The only reason you got ready so quick is cuz you just wanna see your boyfriend " Barty yelled from the bathroom .
They finally got to the party , Pandora and Dorcas were already there they'd left early to see Lily and Marlene and Regulus had quickly ditched them to go save James from an annoying Ravenclaw who just couldn't take a hint .
Barty and Evan just sat down on the sofa because for some reason neither of them felt like partying tonight , That was until Remus suggested a game .
So the aim of the game was to put a blindfold on and try to find someone in two minutes to kiss but this was all a part of Remus and Peters plan ,They had charmed the blindfolds so that you were drawn to the one you wanted to .
Peter set the timer and everyone partnered up .
James was with Regulus
Sirius with Remus
Barty with Evan
Pandora and Lily
Peter and Sybil
Dorcas and Marlene
Mary and Narcissa
When everyone took their blindfolds off the only people who were shocked were Barty and Evan but they slowly realised that there was always something there they just never thought that their random little habits were in other people's eyes definitely not platonic .
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sirius-blacks-official-girl · 6 months ago
Never trust Severus Snape
Pairing: James Potter/Lily Evans
Warnings: cursing
Hurt/comfort ish
1k words
Summary: Lily snaps at James, calling him out for all his unwanted confessions and acts of love. Is that really what she wants though?
The sun was setting, streaks of orange and red painting the sky. It was a beautiful day, most people out on the last day of the weekend. Laughter echoed in the air, and James sauntered over to Lily Evans, confidence in his gait. She was sitting next to Severus Snape in intense conversation. James heard bits of 'He's horrible-' and 'using you -'. James scoffed. As if that was enough to setter him "Hey, Evans!" his voice rang out in the ground. "I wanted to ask you something. Will you go out wit-"
Lily whirls suddenly , stomping the ground."Enough! Merlin, Potter! Do you not know how to take a hint? You have been hounding me this whole year, actually, for the past 3 years, and I have continuously.been.rejecting.you! Do you not know what that means? " Lily fumes, "What does a girl have to do to stop some perverted wierdo making advances on her?! Sev is right, you know. You're a douchebag who doesn't know anything. Hail Potter, the fucking loser who thinks he's so great but you're actually nothing. A nobody who only has one friend that tried to kill my best friend." She pokes him in the chest, nose scrunched in fury. Though she doesn't push him very hard, James stumbles back as if she had punched him. An eerie silence had taken over the moments before laughing ground. "I hate you, James Potter."
James takes a step backwards, tears shining in his eyes. "I-I'm Sorry," A tear falls down his face. "I'm so sorry." And he takes off, only turning back once to the girl he thought would be his forever.
Back in the Gryfffindor dormitory, James sobs into Sirius' shoulder,surrounded by pillows. He murmurs soft nothings into James' ear and soothingly runs his hand in circles around James' back. Remus sits next to him, cooling down a cup of Chai, knowing James needs the taste of home. Remus frowns, "Look, I know Evans is my friend, but that was so unnecessary and so fucking rude. If she wanted you to back off, we all know she's not some pushover that can't voice her thoughts, she would've told you so!" Sirius pulls back, nodding vigorously, "She led you on mate! She let you take her on dates, hang out, giggle whenever you told her you loved her, and now this!?" he made a noise of disgust in his throat. James sniffed, wiping at his nose with his sleeve. "But still, I feel like it's my fault. I should've known, she's right. She has been rejecting me for years. I'm just the one who's daft enough to continue trying." Remus scoffed, handing James the now cool cup of Chai, "Please! She was lapping up your attention, giggling and twirling her hair. Besides, it's a loss for her, losing a guy like you. You're literally head over heels for her."
This just makes James return to the comfort of Sirius' shoulder. Remus leaves to refill James' cup and Sirius tucks him in to his bed. He sits next to James, running his hand through his hair and doing such ridiculous things that he coaxes a watery laugh out of James once or twice. Remus had gone to class, but Sirius had forbidden James from going. "You'll only get more upset when you see her mate. It's not worth it." After a while James suddenly hugs Sirius, murmuring into his hair, "Thanks mate. Thanks so much," Sirius just smiles. "That's what I'm here for, aren't I? What would you do without me?"
When night had well and truly fallen, James gets up, pulling on a coat. "Where are you going?" Sirius calls. "Just-walking. Need to clear my mind." "Want us to go with you?" Remus asks. "Nah, I'll be back in a bit."
James still has an hour left for curfew, but he still brings his invisibility cloak in case he needs it. Walking down the winding path to the lake, he finally settles under a tree next to the bank of the lake. He rests his head on the tree, thinking. He hears a rustle on the grass beside him,and his head snaps to attention. There, he sees Lily walking towards him, and she settles on the grass beside him. "Hi," She says, a wary look on her face. "Hey." James turns away, knowing if he looks at her any longer, he'll start to tear up, which isn't something he wants to do right now. "James, look. I wanted to talk about earlier today and-" "No, Lily, I wanna talk about today. Not only today but the past few years. I want to apologize. You're right. I've been annoying you for the past 3 years and I know it's my fault. I really should've listened, or payed more attention to your obvious discomfort. It's my fault, and I'm really, really sorry. I-I should've known. " Lily looks at him,"No-James, listen, you don't need to apologize I really-"
"Lily-please. Don't," his voice cracks, and he runs a tired hand over his face. "Don't do that. Don't be nice because I'll hope again. You're kindness is one of the many things that made me like you, and if you do it again, I'll never be able to get over you, because, merlin, lily, I love you so fucking much. If there's even a sliver of hope that you might still like me even a little bit, I'll cling on to it. I can't help it, because you're like a magnet. I can't help but be attracted to you. So please, please just hate me, scream at me again, shout at me, but please, don't give me that hope. " Lily looks at him, tears in her eyes. " James, listen. I will give you that hope because I do love you. I've loved you for a while, I just didn't know it. I'm so sorry for today. I was in a shit mood since morning, and everything was annoying me. On top of that, Severus was egging me on about how I shouldn't even speak to you because of that prank you and your mates pulled on him but what he failed to tell me was how he was saved. I should've never listened to him James, Proffesor McGonagall told me later in transfiguration what actually happened. I'm really sorry. Please, forgive me? "
James looks at her, obviously surprised but a sliver of doubt shines in his eyes." Was that out of pity?" Lily sobs, smiling through it."James Potter, you are such an idiot." She flings herself at him, locking him in an embrace and kisses him. And suddenly, all of James' worries melt away.
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up-to-some-good · 2 years ago
Written for @jilymicrofics prompt April 4th - broadcast. Projecting a little onto James Potter today… but all my love to anyone who relates to him in this one. CW: dermatillomania (skin picking/excoriation disorder), brief scar mention
June 1977
The first time Lily made her way to Godric’s Hollow was in the middle of summer. Her parents didn’t trust her to apparate and sent her on the bus instead. By the time she reached the small village, her shirt was sticking to her back despite the numerous cooling charms.
James was waiting to walk her to his house at the bus stop, armed with a bottle of water for each of them and sweating profusely in a faded Gryfffindor sweater.
She took the water without speaking and gulped down half the bottle as they started walking.
“Why, in the name of God, are you wearing a sweater in this weather?” she asked incredulously.
He didn’t answer immediately, instead scratching the back of his neck and ruffling his hair briefly.
“Just felt a bit cold, I guess,” he muttered. “It’s no big deal. How’s your summer been so far?”
She entirely disregarded his question.
“You’re dripping with sweat, James. I’m not buying that. Try again.”
James tried to walk in front of her, determined to avoid answering, so she grabbed his hand and dragged him to a halt.
“What’s going on, love?” She tried a gentler tone as she held onto his hand.
“I don’t like wearing short sleeves, okay?” he responded. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll cast a cooling charm.”
Thinking about it, she had never actually seen him in short sleeves, or even with his sleeves rolled up, like Sirius always seemed to do. James was always in sleeves down to his wrists.
“Is there a reason why?” she asked. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but you can trust me. I promise.”
He sighed and looked up at the sky, ensuring no eye contact with his girlfriend while he spoke.
“I pick at my skin sometimes if I have nothing else to do with my hands,” he admitted. “It’s gross and I don’t like to broadcast it, so it’s just easiest to not wear t-shirts.”
Lily struggled to process what he was saying for second. By the time she had fully understood, he had already taken his sweater off, revealing a t-shirt underneath as well as his arms. From his shoulder to his wrists on both arms, there were small scabs and old scars in various stages of healing. James rubbed his hands together anxiously as Lily stayed silent for a moment. Eventually, she reached out and brushed her hand over his arm, feeling the uneven texture and places where her fingernails would catch.
“Thank you for telling me,” she said quietly. “If it helps at all, I don’t think it’s gross or ugly. It’s just another part of you. You don’t ever need to hide from me, love.”
He smiled a little and reached for her hand again, twisting their fingers together before leading her back down the road, sweater tied around his waist and forgotten.
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humblebumble001 · 2 years ago
I’m thinking of pairing off my Gryfffindor MC, Miranda Boots, with Garreth Weasley.
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I mean, they just look kinda cute together.
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iiryoku · 1 year ago
Suddenly I really want a Hogwarts/Wizard World verse/au
Yingxing/Ren would be a Slytherin / Ravenclaw (Still can't decide)
Caelus would be a Gryfffindor, to no one's surprise.
Sunday would be a Slytherin (might change once we get to know more about him)
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goodkushnalchohol · 27 days ago
˚₊‧ navigation ‧₊˚ !
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masterlist | inbox - request open! (limited number of requests for the time being + i might not get around to it)
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hiii! my name is ellie, i’m 16, aries, im irish, go by she/her and im i’m literally every fandom ever, you could request marvel, the outsiders, mha, aot, gilmore girls, harry potter, maze runner, almost anything if ive seen or read it. i love lana del rey, tylerthecreator, olivia rodrigo, sabrina carpenter & so many other artists bc my music taste is so diverse.
cabin 6! gryfffindor! team cap!
top interests !
• padme amidala, han solo (star wars)
• steve rogers, thor odinson, kate bishop (marvel)
• kat stratford, cameron james (10 things i hate about you)
📻 — ‘Billie Bossa Nova’ - Billie Eilish
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©veluques - pls do not copy/post my works on any other platforms!!
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lightcreators · 2 years ago
Innocence  features  welcomed  that  hostility  gaze.  Isn't  what  he  desired  offering  back  as  wonderful  reflections  about  mutual  illusionnary  appareances  ?  Since  he  didn't  wanted  leaving  the  pleasant  place  offered  down  the  wall  he  giving  him,  he  could  appreciating  for  a  couple  of  seconds  that  dominance  pleasure.  Remaining  nasty  remained  pretty  much  anchored  inside  every  layer  of  his  being  ---  showing  once  more  his  playfulness,  exposing  how  much  he  could be  mocking  towards  some  kind  of  mistrust  coming  from  that  Gryffindor  face.  Nevertheless,  he  forced  his  own  expression  to  keep  that  harmless  perception.  Be  as  innocent  as  possible.  Acting  as  an  untouched  person  knowing  nothing.  It  had  been  what  that  boy  projected  him  couple  of  seconds  prior  ---  and  he  wanted  offering  magnificient  reflection.  Hence,  searching  to  found  back  an  usual  tone,  he  opted  for  charm  act.  ��  You  are  a  handsome  Gryffindor  face,  I  find  time  to  admire  you  from  afar.  ❞  Main  thing  was  to  destabilize  him  with  pure  innocence.  Mockingly,  he  would  have  maybe  offering  similiar,  dunno,  his  whole  personality  switched  altogether  he  rarely  asked  himself  what  would  have  happened  if  he  had  picked  the  other  option.  Still,  he  sensed  how  that  Gryfffindor  desired  to  turn  around  his  questioning.  He  wished  he  could  laughing  at  his  face  !  Ah,  he  was  thinking  he  was  worried  ?  Ah,  he  thought  he  was  scared  ?  He  get  rid  of  hindrances.  He  had  never  acted  against  him  since  he  was  unsure  of  his  plans  …  but  if  it  was  against  him  one  way  or  another,  he  would  manage  to  get  rid  of  him.  Lack  of  offense  reasonated,  where  playfully,  unable  to  remain  still,  he  tugged  his  comrade's  cheek  a  little.  ❝  Injure  my  name~  Bring  dishonor  to  my  family~  As  a  good  heir,  I  have  to  make  sure  that  the  circumstances  allow  to  bring  full  honor  to  my  family,  right  ?  Isn't  it  you  who  is  worried  about  how  things  are  going  ?  Isn't  it  you  who  has  beating  heart  for  what  one  could  discover  about  you  ?  ❞  He  wanted  to  scare  him  slyly.  Truthfully,  he  was  honored,  in  exchange,  he  was  going  to  give  him  all  illusions  he  wanted.  If  he  could  confirm  which  side  he  was  on,  that  would  be  wonderful.  It  would  be  a  shame  if  he  traumatized  a  possible  ally.  He  couldn't  hurt  him  to  the  point  that  he  realized  what  a  threat  he  could  be.  ❝  Returning  the  question  to  you  seems  natural  for  me  ☆  ❞
              ˜”*°•.       A  hostile  glance   -  this was  everything  he offered  at  the other’s  push .  The temptation  to  retaliate powerful ,  and  yet …  A  Malfoy wasn’t  he  ?  A  pureblood   with a  family  history rather  intriguing .  What if  he  could be  trusted  ?  What if  in  fact cooperating  with  him was  beneficial  ?  Then  again ,  the Dark  Lord’s  order had  been  clear . Tell  none .  Not  until  the next  part  of the  plan  was put  into  action . Not  until  everything was  ready .   ❝ Watching  me  ?  I thought  you  had more  of  a personal  life ,  Malfoy . ❞ Sarcasm  met  with sarcasm ;  did  he think  he  could  threaten  him into  talking  ?    That  he was  afraid  of  such  childish attempts  ?   But then   again ,  it was  intriguing  too . Draco’s  determination  was interesting ;   for really, was  he up  to  something ?  Something that  he  feared  that  Jone  could  be  ruining  ?   ❝ And  what’s  your interest  then  ?  Because you  do  look  a little  bit  too worried . ❞   Words  echoed  provocative -  and  yet, he  didn’t  attempt at  pushing  his way  out  again . No .  Perhaps  this conversation  could  in fact  turn  out  being  fruitful .
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solisitude · 3 years ago
Sirius : You know how relentless i am when I'm curious
Remus : What you are, is relentlessly stupid.
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G/H: Is there a spirit in this castle?
Ouija board: yes
R/S: Good, your rent is $450 per month and it’s due every 1st.
Ouija board: what the fuck?
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Slytherin, kinda over dramatically: There's a spy somewhere in Hogwarts. *lighting flash* And no one is going ANYWHERE until we figure out who it is.
Ravenclaw: But um, no ones been murdered.
Slytherin: Yet *lightning flash*
Slytherin, dramatically to the window: EVERYONE is a suspect
Hufflepuff: *gulp* eVEryone?! Is anyone else sweating? I’m sweating.
*lighting flash*
Gryffindor: HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?!?!
Slytherin: I practice at HOME! *lightning flash*
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infiresmanyeet-blog · 4 years ago
Hogwarts houses in a Zoo.
Hufflepuff: *gives out cookies to strangers*
Slytherin: Why the hell are these honey rolls inside cages?
Ravenclaw: *Is bored* I didn't ask anyone to break into my personal bubble just to come here.
Everyone: RUN!
Gryffindor: *on the back of a gorilla* I fulfilled your wish Sly!
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annoyingvoidzombie · 5 years ago
also it's Harry's 40th birthday 🤓
And JK Rowling's 55😋
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wizardlogic · 6 years ago
The ultimate test for what house you’re in isn’t “ which of these four basic traits do you embody the most,” but rather “ which of these four basic traits do you get the most frustrated when the people around you don’t show?”
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lucylucius · 6 years ago
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ɪᴛ´s ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ʙᴏᴏᴋ, ᴇᴠᴇɴ ғᴏʀ ʀᴇᴍᴜs :)
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luxinyourlife · 6 years ago
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My habit tracker this month? Flanked by the Wizarding World’s best sweets! 🍭
Do you like this outside the box Harry Potter theme?
What’s a Wizarding World treat you’d love to sample?
Trading Chocolate Frog cards would be so fun, but I’d love to try a Cauldron Cake! And a sugar quill in a boring school class? Yes, please! 🍬
IG luxinyourlife
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