#group crit
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luce-723 · 1 year ago
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Today we had another group crit / 5 minute presentation with 5 minutes of questions and feedback from the rest of the group. I presented where I am up to and where my work is going, along with what my thesis proposal is currently looking like. I made notes during the 5 minutes of feedback which is shown in the image above. Miro is a platform that Leon uses which basically an infinite brainstorming programme where you can make flow charts or mind maps etc. I made a note of it because I thought it was really interesting and it might be something I look into using in the future.
Light - Janie suggested I experiment with light and projections to go alongside my weavings and stitched canvases. I want to explore colour theory and colour psychology so she suggested I explore projecting light onto white weavings. This way I would be able to play with different colours from one weave and see how it makes me feel. The Baker-Miller Pink study was seen to have effects within only 15 minutes so it would be interesting to see how quickly my emotions changed, well, how or if they even changed after looking after a weaving projected in blue for example.
Haywood Exhibition - Karen mentioned the Haywood exhibition that is currently on in London and suggested that I go down to see it myself. She showed images of some of the installations which had bright LED type lights that faded from pink to purple, it created a full immersive experience whilst looking at the sculptural art in the centre of the room. I am going down to see my sister-in-law at the end of March who lives in Windsor, so all being well, we might travel into London to see some exhibitions.
Pink Noise - Jake and Molly both mentioned me looking at pink noise. I have already heard of this concept after reading about Vollebak’s hoodie as it has a built in soundtrack of pink noise. Pink noise is commonly used to help with sleep, it is similar to white noise - a continuous hum which can be calming as it blocks out background noise.
Colour Psychology - again I was encouraged to look into colour psychology and I am going to after my holiday using Google scholar and wider reading books.
Anish Kapoor - Cam said I should look into Anish Kapoor’s online art war. From what Cam explained, it was a ‘Vantablack Controversy’ as many people thought he was stealing from the art community by buying rights to Vantablack.
My Question - at the end of my presentation, Karen said I need to condense my overall question because it is too broad. I knew this but I didn’t want to limit myself too much with only Baker-Miller Pink as the subject, this is because I feel it would be more difficult to conduct my own experiments as it is harder to source that exact shade of pink in textiles. I could probably get personalised yarn or thread however, I can imagine that it would be very costly to get it made and I am not in the financial place. I am now thinking about ways in which I can condense this question so it is not as broad but so it is still interesting with room to investigate and complete wider reading.
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undead-knick-knack · 5 months ago
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Still can't believe Imogen said that about Chetney to the Raven Queen 😂 She's so fucking funny for that 😂
(the painting is "The Accolade" (1901) by Edmund Leighton)
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ramlightly · 6 months ago
It really is unfortunate that most of my personal work is completely indie and self-published, because I really am someone who gets a lot from an editor.
I need feedback! I need people thats not stuck in my own head to read my work and tell me their perspective! My work is always better for it.
Perhaps art school truly broke me in that way lol
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forgthetheaterkid · 1 year ago
“I turned and got tackled by Grover’s bear hug—or goat hug.” -The Lightning Thief, page 216
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
The Pjo books,constantly,nonstop,in your face,to the point it may as well be a plot point:Percy literally just looks like a boyish version Poseidon and a few of the other gods mistake him for his dad at first glance
Y'all for some reason?????:Afrolatino Percy would be a lightskin with biracial kid tears🤪
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molinaesque · 2 months ago
Has anyone been playing Marvel Rivals because I have been OBSESSED.
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arsenicflame · 7 months ago
I love people who love competent Stede Bonnet but, for me, he's always at his best when he's at least a little bit cringefail
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moontide-nymph · 11 months ago
Tubbo: "....Most deaths? That's what I'm known for on the qsmp? Most deaths? :/ I got over 180 kills in Purgatory..."
🙃 I have words but will not say them
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sparingiscaring · 2 years ago
Played the ES... I am just so profoundly uncomfortable with that story and not in the good horror way. In the oh God no this feels racist and bad- way
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blueskittlesart · 1 year ago
I go to an art school and 15-20 minutes per person is pretty much standard for crits here because class sizes are small and they want to make sure you get thorough advice on whatever you’re working on. so it’s kind of funny in like a “oh wow my experiences are NOT universal” way seeing you suffer. Sorry lol.
See i understand spending 15-20 mins on the piece if it NEEDS that amount of attention, but this was A) 20 minutes for EVERY SINGLE PIECE regardless of how strong the work was (and she WOULD NOT move on even when we straight up told her the piece was strong enough that we didn't have anything else to say), meaning that the crits on stronger work very quickly devolved into nitpicking as opposed to actual helpful advice, and B) it was NOT A SKETCH CRIT, this was a FINAL crit, so we're showing work that should, in theory, be in its most finished form. 20 minutes for sketches or in-progress work makes more sense to me because your work is less finished at that stage and you have actual time to implement the suggested changes, but for FINAL CRIT??? it's just BEGGING to have everyone leave discouraged and angry imo. it's one thing if the work isn't up to the standard of a final piece and NEEDS substantial crit, but there's no reason to force students to spend 20 minutes nitpicking the details of a portfolio-ready finished piece. it just wastes everyone's time.
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c-duceusclay · 2 years ago
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What a wild ass ride this episode has been
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spookypartycrit · 7 days ago
Yknow. I think its the editing.
When pc posted the among us it was great. fire video even. I could hear what everyone was saying, i could follow what was going on. Much more pleasant experince
Im watching the new video sidequest new post and just noise. No capations, no highlights i cant even tell whos audio thier using whos pov it is . its just NOISE with no direction.
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How is someone who dosent know these people supposed to get whos speaking. or frankly what there even saying cause there just YAPPING over eachother.
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
Richard Fucking Riordan: And this is the Hunters of Artemis; it’s a group that doesn’t have any romance at all! It’s only for girls though!
Me as an 11yo who was very unsure about their gender Identity but definitely knew that I really did not want to date:
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svtskneecaps · 4 months ago
yea once again i am really hoping it's not a full blown server, i sincerely do not think qstudios is ready for that kind of undertaking and ngl i'm not either. like as much as i go fucking wild for the multilingual communications, even if by some miracle they completely fixed the legal side of things there's some other stuff that's raising some red flags for me so uh.......
.......can i rant about time zones i just want to rant about time zones i've been sitting on this for like half a year and getting more and more like ??!?!?!!?!?!!!?!!?!!!?!!?!!?
like first of all there have been europeans since the fucking first day of the server and yet very rarely were events scheduled at euro-friendly times and when they WERE it felt like it was because the french fans beat the studio into doing it, which they obviously should not have to do and it would have been SO easy to just hold a couple events at euro friendly times instead yknow trade it off like shared custody because we have the update accounts and if it's on a weekend some americans can just wake up before noon and still catch it live. it would have been so easy i don't get why the euro fans had to fight so hard for this.
secondly why in the fuck would you invite people to a server that is entirely about collaboration without making sure there would be people online during their usual hours and YES this is about the koreans, why in god's name would that not be included as a consideration? the only reason yd interacted with as many people as she did was because she fucked up her sleep schedule like that shouldn't be a requirement. i can think of a couple "blue sky" (i.e. idealistic with no regard for real feasibility) solutions, like "invite a few people from an existing language that stream in that time frame" or "invite another language group in that rough time zone", but honestly i'm flabbergasted. did we not consider this or did we just decide we didn't care?? there's a fucking half day difference between the prioritized server timezone and korea. sorry, but it's a multicultural server; you can't prioritize america forever, even if the server owner is from there
third and less importantly but why in god's name was pepito going to be given a european admin. most of pepito's parents don't come online before midnight in europe. that's fucking insane. that was doomed to fail from the beginning. obviously this is small potatoes in terms of pepito but what the fuck was that. who fucking signed off on that.
#qsmp#ok this i might have to tag#qsmp neg#small potatoes but holy FUCK has this been bugging me for fucking ever#block game brainrot#shut up vic#i try not to be negative but qstudios what the fuck was that#sincerely time zones are a huge fucking blind spot which is BAD when they want this to encompass the world#shocker but when your server encompasses the world you can't cater to fucking america constantly#i get that it's quackity's main audience but the server was made up of WAY MORE than quackity's audience#that was the fucking point of it. i do not understand.#they HAD the fucking update accounts. why not schedule a few events for europe.#americans could either wake up early or catch the vod. the way EUROPE HAD TO#fucking TRADE CUSTODY HOW HARD IS IT#ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and biases on the table i live in the USA so#anyway. this is the hater in me coming out in honor of election night#i'll try not to do it again#actually if this is me being a hater i got one more thing#DON'T LEAVE PEOPLE OUT OF GROUP ART PIECES IN PURG//ATORY TEAMS#i make a point not to reblog red team art that doesn't include everyone who logged in#AND I EXPECT THE SAME FOR EVERY TEAM#(the one exception is green team members that may have joined later i don't require them in other team group shots obv)#(as in after the green team was dissolved and split)#anyway that was bugging me too#so. uh. anyway. / end hater arc or whatever#sorry to be so negative i am an american it is november 5th god help us#qsmp crit#forgot one
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bogusfilth · 1 year ago
I guess I'm going to passively @edwad on this because it was originally sort of supposed to be an ask for him only because. idk. as a tumblr commie he's our collective econ-theory advice columnist i guess. but i couldn't keep it short enough and it's more about me just talking to myself anyway. but I'm sitting here reading Skidelsky's edited Essential Keynes volume and it gets to the selections from the Tract on Monetary Reform. and Keynes says something about the natural interest rate and I'm trying to dredge something up from my brain about Sraffa's argument against a natural interest rate and end up falling down the rabbit hole on that a little bit and Wicksell's idea vs Hayek's idea of said concept. and I'm thinking about how every time I try to handle these ideas their concepts of things like "rent" and "interest" seems very slippery over time. and maybe I'm just broadly not well read enough. and how long it took me in high school even just to understand a substantialist value-concept from reading the opening chapters of capital.
but like what I really don't understand is the relationship of Marx's Critique taken more in its status as Critique to the conceptually related but still heterogeneous traditions of economics that come after him, in a way that isn't just attempting to rehabilitate the classical approach, or something like Ben Fine's critique of the explosion-implosion of the assumptions of marginalist theory, or like. idk Eatwell's constant insistence that modern macro is built on sand because of the Cambridge Capital controversy or whatever. those feel like attempts to say "the way we're doing economics is wrong" but is that warranted or useful if we're trying to say that the real insights of Marx are the places where he's doing something beyond just "these guys are doing economics wrong." Given the whole thing about the "categories of bourgeois economics" in the section on commodity fetishism, do we not have to follow the shifts in those categories, rather than say "well only the earlier categories were actually right."
in any case. re: the glorious-revolution posting from User @'ed Above I think it's interesting to look at this pivot to examining maybe something like more concrete a) financial technologies and b) policy as something important and like. idk I guess i've been personally meaning to tackle something like broader longue durée history. and I would really hope to end up with something like world-systems theory but more informed by a more critical approach to the economic concepts involved.
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ladyddanger · 2 years ago
The way some of y’all are acting like quackity is an evil master mind forcing Streamers to get attached to the eggs and then killing them while laughing evilly and rubbing his hands together just to feed his sick love of making people upset is weird and parasocial
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