#gremory family
gainprincess · 1 year
Does Rias tend to be a bit of a slob when it comes to demon-like feasts? Or does she have a more of a refined eating style?
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"I have not used a napkin in years, and I am near-offended that you think I would do so."
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
asking for demonology experts here:
aren't all the male Goetia so far proper demon names - Stolas, Paimon, Andrealphus
while the female side of the family aren't? Stella, Octavia
it's long been established female characters don't get many crumbs in HB, but I wanted to ask - does anyone know if there are female demons in the Ars Goetia? I had a quick look on wikipedia and the ranks they're split into imply only male demons - is that accurate?
None explicitly, but there are some that are said to appear as women. Gremory and Astaroth are known to do this.
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demvalhaken · 5 months
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Lion boy, Purson. He’s a bit protective of his friends and family. Purson is always like the mom of the group, he always packs everything needed.
Here’s some silly little facts about him!
He has beans on his feet!
He loves animals and angels
He’s a hardcore pacifist, always battles with every else’s “evil” plans
He cares about Gremory and her pet camel
He can have horns on command but he rarely used them as he likes to look less demonic
He is scared of Buer… for whatever reason
He’s besties with Ipos and Sabnock
He is a king
He’s 6,3
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(All other characters shown here except Purson aren’t in their final designs yet these are just ideas for their appearance… Buer is definitely the most finalised… he’s like that one weird cousin…)ars
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Ask Devils Pokemon AU-Issei likes to cook for his girls either for a date or after the fun ;). Same for girls he has fun with on their travels. Even just a kiss gets his chef instincts going. Probably in hopes of impressing the women enough to make them come back for more action, but none of them would complain.
I'm sorry this took so long my friend.
Rias Gremory let out a slow exhale of disappointment from her nose as she slowly realized that she was indeed awake, despite how comfortable she was in bed and how warmly her bed’s covers were with how they were loosely draped over her. She unfortunately had to accept that she wasn't getting back to sleep, despite her best efforts to do so. So with a little effort, Rias opened her eyes and sat up in her bed. 
As her upper body lifted up from the mattress, the layer of soft, dark purple sheets slid off her body to reveal her naked body. Her wonderful breasts bounced slightly as the soft sheets slipped past them. However, Rias didn’t seem to  care in the least and just let out a sigh as she stretched her arms up over her head, unintentionally pushing her large chest out even more as she did so. Her eyes focused on the sunlight coming through the row of five massive windows on the outside wall of her room. They shined in only at the foot of the bed and middle of the room, and she was thankful for the curtains that were drawn over two of the closest windows that blocked the sunlight from hitting where she was in her bed.
Her eyes quickly adjusted to the brightness in the room after she blinked the remaining sleep out of her eyes. She lowered her arms down and was about to step out of bed when something in the sunlight caught her eye more specifically. An elegant looking white dress laid on the floor, reflecting the sunlight that landed on it like freshly fallen snow. The sheer brightness of it is what caught Rias’s attention. When she saw the dress, all of the memories of the previous day came rushing back to the red haired beauty, and a serene smile spread across her lips. 
The previous day, Issei had stormed into the Gremory ballroom and challenged Riser to a Pokemon battle in the middle of their 'wedding ceremony' (it was more of a party before the actual wedding where Riser got to brag and show off Rias as his soon to be bride) in front of both of their families. Riser arrogantly accepted simply because he fell for Issei’s taunting and the subtly goading from her brother. It was all his idea to have it held in front of an audience and even televised, all to further “humiliate” Issei in front of the whole region, not just the nobles invited to the party. He really wanted to “put Issei in his place like the peasant he is.”
Then Rias remembered the look of sheer despair on Riser’s face after he lost to Issei in the pokemon battle. Issei’s Shelgon and Charizard somehow emerged victorious against a member of the unbeatable Phenex family and his Fire-Type pokemon. 
Despite all of the odds that were against him, Issei had won.
He had saved her from a future of being a trophy wife to a sleazy noble that only cared about her family’s influence… and her body. She had finally just resigned herself to her fate, not thinking that she could avoid it any longer. But Issei never gave up hope for the both of them.
He had triumphed, Standing victorious at the end with his Shelgon and Charizard. And his Charizard even Mega evolved! Rias had been speechless, and all she could do in the moment after Issei was declared the winner was run to and hug him in sheer joy and gratitude.
However, when her father brought up the fact that she was engaged to HIM now to Issei, Rias quickly thought of another way to show Issei her gratitude. She had kissed him and expressed how she felt about him. After all their traveling and adventures together, Rias had indeed fallen in love with the perverted, stupid, honest, noble, brave, idiotic man. And it felt so good to finally get it off her chest.
And Issei had been very happy to hear it as well. After he’d woken up from passing out that is. Thankfully, he was still in Rias’s arms when he did so he didn’t fall completely and hurt himself.
After he fainted, the group thought it best to go somewhere more private because the stadium was still acting hysterical. They all left, heading to Rias’s home to celebrate Issei’s victory for the rest of the day. They definitely didn’t let the earlier ceremony’s preparations go to waste.
That night however, had been even more wonderful. Rias had decided to show Issei just how grateful she was, as well as just how serious she felt about their new engagement.
She reaffirmed that she meant what she said. She did love him, with all her heart. And now she was happy to show him.
It had been… honestly, pretty awkward. At least at first it was. They were both new to sex so just getting close to each other, knowing what they were going to be doing, was nerve racking for the both of them. But neither of them stopped. They started with kissing, as that was simple and they more or less knew what to do. 
Then they moved onto feeling each other, letting their hands wander and explore each other’s bodies. Issei was more than happy to move on to this step, as his hands seem to have a field day with her chest, not that Rias complained. In fact, she enjoyed it quite a bit. Issei, while very excited and barely able to contain it, was very skilled with his hands. The way they held and cupped her admittedly heavy (and sensitive) breasts was quite impressive for Issei’s first time. Also, Rias really didn’t have any room to complain when her own hands were freely feeling up Issei’s muscles, and then soon his very hard member. 
After they fondled and explored each other’s bodies and mouths for several minutes, they were both eager to finally go all the way. They regrettably broke apart, both of them panting and blushing, and the two of them got up off the bed and began to strip. Rias undid her white dress, the same one she had despised when she put on earlier that morning in preparation to get married to Riser, and let it fall to the floor around her. Issei ripped off his own clothing much faster, tossing the articles off to the side, all while staring at Rias while she finished removing her black, satin underwear.
Rias remembered staring at Issei, and him doing the same to her, but with his silly, perverted smile. That smile faltered though when she approached him, nervousness replacing his glee. Rias had thought it was rather cute actually. She decided to take the lead and helped him relax, telling him that he was doing fine and looked wonderful as she led him back to the bed. 
They crawled back on the bed, Rias laid on her back looking up at Issei, and helped guide him between her legs. She slowly took Issei’s hand with her own and told him to go ahead when he was ready.
Issei hesitated for a few seconds, but he squeezed her hand, and slowly pushed his member into her.
Rias’s breath hitched as she remembered the feeling. Issei’s cock had felt so right in her. His thrusts were slow, but because of that she felt every inch of him~. And she was soon moaning right alongside him. Even after he came, he kept going, making sure that she got to get off as well. Then his thrusts soon got faster and harder, and Rias’s moans got shorter and louder. Soon after that, they became the most pleasurable screams Rias had ever made!
They decided when they finished they weren’t done and went for a round two, then a third… and a fourth…. and then an eighth. And finally a 12th. After 12 big loads from Issei and orgasms from Rias, all in different positions, the two finally collapsed. Rias, as she remembered that she had been riding on top of Issei, fell forward next to him and let exhaustion take her to sleep.
Rias couldn’t handle it anymore, the memory of how amazing and fulfilled she had felt while Issei was inside her last night was too much. She slowly began kneading one of her large breasts in her hand as the other trailed south, stopping perfectly on her crotch and beginning to rub herself. 
As she was about to look over to Issei, to ask him to help her in “scratching her itch” as he called it, Rias heard a brief knock on the bedroom door before a voice, Issei’s voice, called out from the other side. “Hey Rias, uuh can I come in?”
Rias’s hands quickly moved away from rubbing herself and down into the mattress behind her. She fought down her embarrassed blush at almost being caught pleasuring herself and cleared her throat before saying sweetly, “Of course Issei.”
The door opened and revealed Issei, hunched over for a moment behind the doorway before standing up and stepping inside. He closed the door behind him with his foot because his hands were full. He was wearing a pink bathrobe and carrying a tray holding several plates in his hands as he walked towards her. Before Issei even lowered it down to her on the bed, Rias could see pancakes, sausages, a golden omelet, two glasses filled with water and milk, and a bowl of mixed fruits. There was even syrup and a bit of whipped cream. Rias felt her stomach growl just a little as she saw the food placed in front of her. “Issei, what’s all this?”
Issei sat down on the edge of the bed as well next to Rias. “It’s breakfast. I woke up a while ago, but you were still asleep and I didn’t want to wake you, so I went to find the kitchen to get us some food. I was… pretty hungry after last night. He he he~.” 
Rias rolled her eyes with a grin as Issei started with his signature perverted giggle. Even after sleeping together he was still the same perv. Rias looked down at all the food again and had to agree that she was also pretty hungry. And Issei was so much to bring the food to her she might as well enjoy it. “Well, thank you Issei”  Rias picked up one of the forks and held it out to Issei. ”Let’s dig in then.”
Issei stopped giggling at that and looked a little bashful. “Oh, I already sort of ate. Sorry. After I found the kitchen I was… really hungry. We sort of… got pretty active last night ya know hehe.”
Rias smirked at him, putting the second fork down as she used her own to skewer a strawberry from the fruit bowl and bring it up to her mouth. She plucked the berry off the fork with her soft lips, sighing lightly as she began to chew the sweet fruit. It really was perfectly ripe. So Rias wasted no time before poking another one with her fork and popping it in her mouth as well. “Mmmmmm these are really good strawberries.” 
“Yeah I thought so too. I have to say, this mansion is insane!” 
Issei went on to passionately rave about the Gremory estate. How many rooms there were for countless different things. The decor that somehow seemed to change throughout the home, but always had an air of regalness and definitely didn’t seem cheap or fake. And how he got lost a few times just on the way to the dining room and then the kitchen. But then something Issei said made Rias stop right before taking another bite.
“Honestly I don’t really blame your chefs for being so hesitant to let me use their kitchen. I probably didn’t look too competent when I wandered in there. Thankfully they still let me use their stuff while they kept an eye on me.”
“Wait… why were you using things in the kitchen?” Rias resumed popping the food off the fork and into her mouth after asking.
“Oh! Well… to make breakfast for you.”
Rias paused mid chewing to look at Issei. She swallowed the portion of omelet in her mouth as she continued to stare at Issei. “You… you made this? All of this?” She gestured to the whole tray on her lap, everything on it having bites taken out and looking at least somewhat eaten.
“Well… yeah. It just sort of felt like a good thing to do. Wasn’t really sure how to start the morning off after what we did last night. Also I… sorta just wanted to. I really enjoyed last night. Felt like I should give you something as thanks.”
“Issei, you don’t need to thank me for what we did. I wanted to do it with you, and it was wonderful for me too!”
“I know, I know, that isn’t what I meant. I just don’t know how else to say it. I… really loved last night. I never thought I’d actually manage to bag an absolute babe like you, so… it was just really awesome.”
Despite how crass and plain that might have sounded to another woman, Rias could see Issei’s cheeks lighting up and his sincere, goofy smile. She knew he was being as honest as ever, and that made his words mean much more to her. And she wasn’t another woman, she was the woman that loved this quirky man in front of her.
Rias put down her utensils and moved the tray off to the side of her bed out of the way. She shifted on to her hands and knees and slowly crawled her way over to Issei on the edge of the mattress. He heard her moving and turned to look at Rias, where he saw her smiling brightly right before her lips captured his. She tasted like the syrup and fruit she was just eating, or at least her tongue did, Issei wasn’t really focused on anything other than that at the moment. 
Rias didn’t stop there either. She kept crawling forward and soon had pushed her newly betrothed onto his back, her tongue still dominating his mouth. Only after she had fully straddled his waist, not caring in the slightest that she was still completely nude, did she pull back a few inches for a breath. Her face hovered over his, staring into Issei’s eyes with pure affection. And Issei was very caught off guard at seeing it. Sure, he’d been really into the kiss, but looking into her eyes now, he saw the same look he saw in them the previous night where she had confessed to him.
A beat of silence filled the little space between them, during which the anticipation of what was about to come was building relentlessly in Issei. It only grew faster as Rias cupped Issei’s cheek with her right hand.
“You’re a pervert.” 
Well… that was not what he had been expecting. However, Issei had to admit that Rias’ comment wasn't completely out of nowhere, as after she said that he did realize a certain stiff problem he had. One that Rias was ever so slightly brushing back up against with her rear. That was probably what she was talking about. Issei was very thankful that he’d thought to put on boxers under the bathrobe he’d borrowed, otherwise it’d be much more… visible.  “Oh… yeah.”
“You’re also a silly, kind, brave, honest man… and a hero. My hero. You’ve given so much to me and have done even more. I’m glad you’re the man I fell in love with.”
Again, not something Issei had been expecting. “O-oh! U-uh wow… thanks Rias!” ‘Great response numb nuts! Say something else!’ “I-I uuh, I’m glad I could be the one as well!”
Rias giggled at Issei’s stuttering and his face growing steadily more and more red like a pokeball by the second. For as big of a pervert as he was, he could be so cutely innocent when it came to genuine affection sometimes. 
Speaking of being a ‘big pervert’, Rias supposed it was finally time she acknowledged the stiff hardon Issei had gotten. Like she HADN’T noticed the thing that’d been poking her ass for the last two minutes? After how many times it was in her last night, she definitely could recognize the feeling of it against her soft ass cheeks. 
Rias kept smiling at Issei, but it had turned sultry as she thought of what she wanted to do next. She was still feeling rather hot and excited from her earlier masturbation that Issei had accidently interrupted, and why would she want to try and cool down now~? She moved her hand from Issei’s cheek to his chest, pushing open the bathrobe as she did, and trailed down his toned body. 
She didn’t miss a beat either as her fingertips came into contact with his boxer’s waistband, nor wasted any time in pushing them down and slipping her hand onto the dick they’d been covering, causing Issei to let out a gasp that turned into a moan as her soft grip his shaft began to stroke up and down. She slipped off to the side out of her straddling of his waist to get a better angle to jerk off his cock. “You know Issei, you made this lovely breakfast for me as a thank you, but I also want to give you a special thanks as well. How about we pick up from last night? I don’t think I ever did give you a titjob in all those rounds we did after all~. What do you say~?”
Rias could definitely feel his cock pulse after she said that. And Issei’s flustered face turned into a familiar perverted smile. “Yes please ma’am!”
Rias giggled once again, her Issei seriously could be so predictable sometimes. And very cute~. “Well since you asked so nicely Issei, I guess I just have to oblige you~.”
Rias let go of Issei’s cock mid stroke and began to slink back, her massive boobs swaying as she did and captivating Issei’s attention completely and utterly. 
However, right when Rias was about to wrap her soft pillows around Issei’s cock for the very first time, a voice spoke up that neither Issei or Rias were expecting, but both of them knew very well.
“My my, I guess you’re even more of a catch than I thought you were Issei. What with all the fun you two had last night and how you spoiled her this morning. I think I’m even more jealous of Rias now~.” 
“AKENO!?” The two lovers exclaimed in unison, scrambling to separate instinctively in panic. Rias pulled up her comforter to her chest to hide and Issei was left to just struggle with trying to close the robe again. Indeed, the lovely raven haired ‘lightning queen’ was standing over by the closed door. She was standing with her arms crossed under her bust that rivaled Rias’, and had a knowing smirk. After they had separated and looked over at her, Akeno began sashaying her way over to the bed. She bent over and looked directly into Issei’s eyes and put the tip of her index finger under his chin to gently make him look at her. 
“I mean, you two went for hours last night, it was pretty hot to hear. Plus, now I know just what you’re packing down there Issei. And now I see that I’d get breakfast in bed the next day~? Sounds perfect to me~.”
Rias seemed to get a bit indignant at what Akeno was implying. “Wait, what do you mean ‘you’ll get breakfast the next day’?!” 
Akeno just kept smiling as she flicked her finger off Issei’s chin. “Well, just because you snagged him first doesn’t mean that I don’t still want to have my turn as well. Besides, from what I heard last night I don’t doubt he can take us both for quite the night~. I was sooo ready to barge in and join you both after hearing you two go at it. So Rias, how’d you feel about sharing? Let some others in on all the fun~? You aren’t the only one with your eyes on him~.”
Rias stood up before Akeno had even finished talking, no longer caring about her nudity. “Absolutely not! Issei is mine! He’s my fiance! And I refuse to ‘share’ him with any other girls! Even you Akeno!”
*Several months later*
In the forest near Mauville in the Hoenn region, Issei stumbled out of a massive red and black tent. Despite it still being early in the morning with a light chill in the air, he was only dressed in shorts, flip-flops, and a white t-shirt. His hair was a mess and he still seemed rather tired as he stumbled over to the middle of their campsite where there were several folded up tables, coolers, and cooking equipment. After a moment of setting the tables and portable stoves up with practiced ease, Issei began to open up the coolers and pull out ingredients. With everything set up, Issei got to work.
Over the next 30 minutes, Issei cooked away. Batter into pancakes, bacon and sausages were fried, fruit was sliced, and eggs were scrambled. And with all the food being finished up, the final bits of dew on the grass evaporated and a comforting aroma filled the campsite.
Almost like an alarm clock, the smell of food seemed to make the same tent Issei had come from stir again. The zipper slid open again and many more people poured out. Strangely enough, they all seemed to be of the female sex. Rias was first, followed by Akeno, Xenovia, and Asia were all ladies Issei knew quite intimately. The next three were relatively new ladies to Issei, but he still knew their names and remembered their own adventures they’d had together. 
A short haired redhead sunglasses perched crookedly on her head named Zoey left the tent with a big stretch and a yawn. Another short haired girl followed behind her, but this one was a brunette and red eyes named Zinna exited the tent while finishing putting her cape back on.. And finally, as quite the contrast to the first two, a dark skinned mature woman with long, black hair with a blue streak in it named Shelly was the last to leave. She seemed to stumble a bit more than all the others and also seemed to be more disheveled. Her hair was wild, makeup a bit smeared, and the clothes she did have on look loosely put together.
All the ladies were also dressed in their own kinds of sleepwear and pajamas. However, aside from being a little tired, they all seemed to be in high spirits. Giggles flowed throughout the group as the chit chatted. Rias even let out a little excited squeal when Akeno got right up behind her and pinched her ass playfully. Xenovia stayed close to Asia and even hugged her on the way over.
The three newest members to the group did feel a little out of place, but given what they had all just done last night with everyone present and how welcoming they always were, they felt confident in joining in conversations with them.
The group of women reached the tables and all started grabbing available camping cutlery and dinnerware in the form of foldable metal bowls stacked for them to take. They all began loading up their plates with different foods, grabbed bottles of water or juice, and went to sit down at the group of tables set up, where Issei was already sitting down on an unfolded bench. His head was down resting on the table and he mumbled out a quiet “Hope you all enjoy…” as the women gathered around.
“Thank you for the food”, “Thanks Issei”, “Thank you Issei/darling.” A chorus of various forms of gratitude were said by everyone present and they all sat down and began digging in. Issei heard something landing on the table in front of him and he turned his head to look at it. A plate of food was being placed down by Rias, who stared down at him with a smile. “You need to eat too Issei.” 
“Thank you Rias, but I’m too tired to eat.”
“Well, I’ll just feed you then.” Not even waiting for a response, Rias took a spork, stabbed some sausages onto it, then moved it down to Issei’s face. Issei didn’t even say anything and just moved to bite the food of the utensil. He began to chew, and let out a sincere, “Thank you Rias. Love you…”
“Love you too Issei.”
After a few minutes of them all eating and Rias taking time to feed Issei, they all seemed to wake up much more. Issei was finally sitting up and finished the last bits of food himself. After they were all done, the clean up began. The girls all began doing things to pack up the tables and utensils. 
Asia, while gathering up empty bottles, approached Issei from the side and hugged him. “Issei, thank you for all the food, it was delicious like always. But you usually seem so tired after cooking for us in the morning. You don’t have to always push yourself so early in the morning to cook for us.
Xenovia started going around and gathering up all the dirty plates. “Yes, I agree. I think Kiba might have been right in deciding to spend the night with Tsubaki and Roxanne at a hotel. They’d have breakfast made for all of them, they wouldn’t have to worry about cooking for themselves.”
Issei nodded along. It was true that after such an… eventful night, getting up early and cooking for everyone sometimes drained him a lot. 
Akeno, who was scrubbing dishes in a pot with water that was being provided from Asia’s and Shelly’s pokemon. “Well, I think it was smart of us to camp out here still. If you remember, they don’t usually get very loud like we do. So out here we could have all the fun we wanted without worrying about disturbing anyone else~.”
“Besides,” Rias scooted over to Issei’s seat and climbed into his lab where she planted a kiss on his head. “Issei’s food will always beat any hotel breakfast buffet.” Issei smiled and rested his head on Rias’s amazing bazongas, and she was more than happy to hold his head there and stroke his hair, letting him rest a little more. “Aaaaand were always so grateful for everything he does for us. We make sure to show him just how much when we get in bed together, isn’t that right girls?” 
At this, all the females in the camp blushed to varying degrees, but some like Zoey, Akeno, and Rias herself also smirked knowingly.
And for his part, Issei was content to just snuggle into Rias’s chest even deeper. Had he known just how great of a thing cooking for girls could be, as a thank you or just because he did kind of enjoy it, he would have learned how to do it as soon as he hit puberty! Well, he knew about it now, and he definitely didn’t plan to stop anytime soon!
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spiraphobia · 27 days
Manny by A.Rasen
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Currently I'm reading Manny - a horror webtoon by A.Rasen and it's absolutely gripping. The story centers around Manny, who enters the Rodríguez family's life with a charming facade that quickly unravels, revealing a much darker and more sinister nature. As the plot unfolds, the tension within the family escalates, and secrets begin to surface. The family is forced to confront the true identity and twisted motives of Manny, their supposed caregiver.
This series delves into graphic content and heavy themes like mental health, bullying and abuse - which might be really triggering. The author's ability to blend horror with deeply unsettling themes is on full display here, making Manny a must-read for fellow horror fans.
I've been following A.Rasen's work for years, and Manny lives up to the high standards set by his previous works. Melvina's Therapy remains a favorite of mine, with its equally chilling atmosphere and psychological depth. In fact, one of the reasons I love his style so much is that it feels like a combination of Junji Ito and Inio Asano - with Junji Ito being one of his influences. I also highly recommend Gremory Land and Counting Sheep, both of which feature incredibly creepy imagery and creative, gripping storytelling.
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malsfefanfics · 3 months
OC Profile: Medee
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Art by la-horrorosa, edited to icon size by me.
"I've only known Lady Medee for a short time. But she is incredibly intelligent, and a devoted member of the Vestra family. Though as I get to know her, some of her children's more interesting quirks have suddenly made much more sense. She seems to know things just before they happen, and can tell who is right behind her without even looking. Also, Sylvain seems to avoid her like the plague." --Edelgard, about Medee.
Full name: Medee von Vestra (Formerly Medee von Anavros) Nicknames: Witch (by her enemies) Birthday: 14th Day of the Great Tree Moon, 11XX Age: Unknown Crest: None Family: Iason von Vestra (Husband, deceased), Hubert (Eldest Son), Rosamund (Daughter), Tancred (Youngest Son), Absyrtus (Younger Brother, deceased), Chalciope (Younger Sister, deceased) Nationality: Adrestia Titles: Soaring Faith Scholar, Healing Matriarch, Mother of Faithology Voice Claim: Coleen Clinkenbeard (Yuko Ichihara in xxxholic)
Interests: Faith study, Magic Experimentation, Science, Alchemy, Autopsy Likes: Science/Magic, Flying, her children, Pretty Rocks Dislikes: Her husband, Nobility, The Church, Tomatoes
Favorite Meals: Garreg Mach Meat Pie, Bourgeois Pike, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Vegetable Pasta Salad Liked Meals: Sautéed Jerky, Cheesy Verona Stew, Peach Sorbet, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate, Grilled Herring, Small Fish Skewers, Fried Crayfish Disliked Meals: Gautier Cheese Gratin, Daphnel Stew, Notes: In meals with Tomatoes, she picks them out. Do not ask her why she dislikes them.
Tea Preferences: Crescent-Moon Tea, Bergamot, Four-Spice Blend, Chamomile, Almyran Pine Needles
Liked Gifts: Any flower, Arithmetic Textbook, Blue Cheese, Coffee Beans, Tea Leaves, Riding Boots, Ceremonial Sword Disliked Gifts: Goddess Statuette, Landscape Painting, Legends of Chivalry Notes: Gifting her "Legends of Chivalry" will cause her motivation to go down and for her to vanish for the rest of the day.
Lost Items:
Silver Scalpel: A tool meant for carving into things. Looks well cared for and belongs to a set. There's a mark of an old Adrestian family on the handle.
Silver Masquerade Mask: A full-faced mask meant for festivals and feasts. Looks refined and elegant, yet it is very unsettling.
Quilted Children's Blanket: A blanket specially sewn for newborns, meant to last for decades. It has the names of many relatives on every square.
Starting Class: Noble Preferred Class Path: Noble –> Monk/Soldier/Myrmidon –> Mage/Preist/Pegasus Knight –> Warlock/Bishop –> Gremory/Dark Flyer Strength: White Magic, Black Magic, Dark Magic Weakness: Axe Budding Talent: Sword Personal Skill: Spoon Full of Sugar - Restores 5HP to any Magic Unit within one square of her if their HP is at less than half at the start of your turn.
Weapons Starting Levels:
Sword: C Lance: D Axe: E Bow: E Brawling: E+ Reason: B Faith: B Authority: E+ Heavy Armor: E Riding: CFlying: B
Base Stats: (At Recruitment)
HP: 35 Str: 13 Mag: 29 Dex: 17 Spd: 16 Lck: 11 Def: 10 Res: 19 Cha: 14
Learned Faith Spells: Heal, Nosferatu, Rescue, Silence, Abraxas Learned Reason Spells: Miasma Δ, Bolganone, Luna Λ, Meteor, Agnea’s Arrow
Recruit Requirements: Crimson Flower Exclusive - Must have all three Vestra Siblings
Potential Supports:
Crit Quotes:
You need a time out!
Let's test that hypothesis!
You'll need a doctor.
Bedtime for you.
DO NOT SPEAK HER NAME! (Against any Kingdom Commander)
Mother's here, darling!
I will not pray for you!
Defeat Quotes:
That experiment failed. Best return to the drawing board.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I must withdraw.
That was....very unfortunate...…
My dear children....I'm afraid.... your mother won't be coming home.....
Chalciope....I'll see you soon, sister.....
And so.....House Anavros truly ends with me.... (if her children all died in battle)
Skill Level Increase Quotes:
This should help my experiments.
This will impress Tancred.
Rosamund will enjoy this.
I shall make use of this for Her Majesty.
Oh, I know Hubert will find this delightful.
Hmh. Interesting.
Even an old crone can learn something.
Level Up Quotes:
Every day, a little life.
The Anavros Standard.
I suppose I'm still rusty.
You'd be impressed what age can do.
Eventually we learn all we can.
Gift Quotes:
Liked Gifts: Oh, sweetheart. You're far too kind to an old lady like myself.
Neutral Gifts: How thoughtful. Thank you, darling.
Disliked Gifts: Well, I was in need of something to test this new potion on.
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Gremory : Stella darling are you ok?
Stella : No gremory
Gremory: It's stolas again i'm really sorry let me talk some sense to him so that he ca-
Stella : That won't be necessary but thank you for coming here. He just make my life miserable, stolas can you please try to help? Guess what he done nothing! Stolas do you aware how bad this affair was Octavia gonna get judge too? He only care about that imp than his own family
Gremory : I'm sorry dear to hear that
4 hours later
Stolas : Gremory what are you doi-
Gremory SLAP him
Gremory : To remind you
Gremory : Stolas your misery make you believe other people misery is not your concern
Stolas : That woman didn't give two shit about me
Gremory: True but why did you have to hurt her and octavia?
Stolas : I didn't hurt her and octavia was fine
Gremory: Fine you say. Stolas you would left her for that imp Twice you actually forget about her, you supposed to be her father
Stolas : I loved her and him
Gremory : So what? Does that imp even like you. Love is nothing without action that imp is not obligated to love you at all stolas
Gremory : Tell me something about him beside his name, tell me what his favorite colour, tell me about his favorite stuff, TELL ME!
Stolas : I i i
Gremory : You're a man with brain and reasonable ability stop whining & find something to do being in love. If you don't start becoming responsible i have to take Octavia you don't want that do you?
Stolas : No
Gremory : Stolas you are selfish for forcing him to love and forcing your daughter pitying you
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crossoverproductions · 6 months
Rap Battles of the Bizarre
Here's a remake of my old Weird Rap Battles post I made a while ago.
Anna Nishikinomya Vs. Patrick Bateman (Shimoneta Vs. American Psycho)
Jigsaw Vs. Monokuma (Saw Vs. Danganronpa)
Junko Enoshima Vs. Handsome Jack (Danganronpa Vs. Borderlands)
Angel Gabby Vs. The Intruder (Angel Hare Vs. The Madela Catalogue)
Nicole Vs. Micheal Afton (Class of 09’ Vs. FNAF)
SMG4 Vs. CG5
Satou Matsuzaka Vs. Arthur Hasting (Happy Sugar Life. Vs. We Happy Few)
Natsuki Subaru Vs. Colt Vahn (Re: Zero Vs. Deathloop)
Michael J. Caboose Vs. Serial Designation N (Red vs. Blue Vs. Murder Drones)
Leonard Church AKA. Alpha Vs. Ruby Rose (Red vs. Blue Vs. RWBY)
Rainbow Dash Vs. The Scout (MLP Vs. TF2)
Phone Guy Vs. Wally Darling (FNAF Vs. Welcome Home)
The Riddler Vs. Light Yagami (DC Vs. Death Note)
Meat Canyon Vs. Junji Ito
Green Goblin Vs. Goblin Slayer (Marvel Comics Vs Goblin Slayer)
Jacket Vs. The Punisher (Hotline Miami Vs. Marvel Comics)
Hannibal Lecter Vs. Karin (Silence of the Lambs Vs. Cooking Companions)
Alastor Vs. Rias Gremory (Hazbin Hotel Vs. High School DxD)
Celestia Vs. Ra (MLP Vs. Egyptian Mythology)
MAD Vs. Robot Chicken
Mr. Burns Vs. Mr. Beast (The Simpsons Vs. Youtube)
James Gunn Vs. Vivziepop
Trevor Henderson Vs. Okayado
Himiko Toga Vs. The Spy (BNHA Vs. TF2)
Barbie Vs. Emmett (The Barbie Movie Vs. The Lego Movie)
The Ghostbusters Vs. Mystery Inc. (Ghostbusters Vs. Scooby-Doo)
Adam Vs. Adam (Hazbin Hotel Vs. Record of Ragnarok)
Red Hood Vs. Alucard (DC Comics Vs. Hellsing)
Asia Argento Vs. The Medic (High School DxD Vs. Team Fortress 2)
Loud Forger Vs. Austin Powers (Spy X Family Vs. Austin Powers)
Issei Hyoudou Vs. Henry Stein (High School DxD Vs. Bendy)
Donald Trump Vs. Kokichi Oma (Real Life Vs. Danganronpa)
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I can't find that 3H Ask Game again so I will make up my own asks!
If you were a character in FE3H...
What weapon and skill do you think you'll have talent ⏫ in? 3 is the maximum!
What avenues do you think you will be least proficient in? Ya know the good old ⏬? 3 is the maximum!
Who are the characters do you think you can achieve A+ or S in support with? No maximum limit!
In the game, Byleth has to achieve a degree of proficiency in certain skills to poach a student from another house to theirs, right? But let's pretend that they have to do more than that to successfully convince you. What should Byleth have also done to get you to join their house?
What will your backstory in FE3H probably be, briefly? (As brief as you think necessary hahaha)
YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAY this is so fun!!!!
What weapon and skill do you think you'll have talent ⏫ in? 3 is the maximum!
Definitely faith magic and spears! Ideally I'd be a bishop, valkyrie or gremory. I'm a huge sucker for healers so obviously I'd be a healer in 3h.
What avenues do you think you will be least proficient in? Ya know the good old ⏬? 3 is the maximum!
Axes, heavy armour and brawling cause I am not very physically strong.
Who are the characters do you think you can achieve A+ or S in support with? No maximum limit!
OOOOOO this one's fun!! Assume that all of these are platonic because I'm not a big fan of selfshipping.
Seteth - Our support line would be about art and literature and the paired ending would be me staying in thd church and helping Seteth make children's books.
Rhea (shhh I know she only has supports with Byleth) - honestly it'd just be Rhea convincing me to stay with the church for life and become a nun. In this paired ending, there would be subtle hints that I am for some reason unhappy.
Ignatz - we talk about art for 20 hours then live together in some tiny village and make art together forever.
Lorenz - I'd like to think I'd just call him an annoying bitch, then after the timeskip he'd offer me a job as his court painter or something lol.
Lysithea - we ping pong back and forth infodumping about magic and children's books we like. Paired ending where we just become besties.
Leonie - Leonie would somehow convince me to become a mercenary with her. I think she could do it.
Marianne - we'd just have a B support and exchange weird ass family histories.
Dorothea - we'd talk about theater and costuming for a while :]
Linhardt - idk but we would have supports. I like him a lot.
Mercedes - we'd talk ghost stories for a while.
In the game, Byleth has to achieve a degree of proficiency in certain skills to poach a student from another house to theirs, right? But let's pretend that they have to do more than that to successfully convince you. What should Byleth have also done to get you to join their house?
Honestly just befriend me. Ask me about my art and I'll be begging to join their house by the end of the conversation.
What will your backstory in FE3H probably be, briefly? (As brief as you think necessary hahaha)
I'd be an artist from Farghus who decided to become a knight of Seiros for no particular reason. In some supports, it'd be revealed that I did it because I felt lost and unsure of what to do in life and hoped that spending time in service as someone as important as Rhea would be fulfilling, but it wasn't. I'd be part of Garreg Mach staff.
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Most Stylish Competition official bracket!
list under bracket since the image quality died
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Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic series) VS. Sans (Undertale)
Mel Medarda (Arcane) VS. Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) VS. ENA (ENA)
Shinji Hirako (Bleach) VS. Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader)
Gyorik "York" Rogdul (Drawtectives) VS. Eugene Finch (Drawtectives)
Elliot Goss (Search Party) VS. The Weird Guy (The Hollow)
Draculaura (Monster High) VS. Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death) VS. Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Team Rocket (Pokémon) VS. winner of 1/2.1
Papyrus (Undertale) VS. Waluigi (Super Mario Bros)
Mettaton (Undertale) VS. Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Cecil (Welcome to Nightvale) VS. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal)
Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh) VS. Ryan Evans (High School Musical)
The Onceler (The Lorax) VS. Harry Dubois (Disco Elysium)
Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo) VS. Hunter (The Owl House)
Teruki "Teru" Hanazawa (Mob Psycho 100) VS. Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler) VS. winner of 1/2.2
Yor Forger (Spy x Family) VS. Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Miss Piggy (Muppets) VS. Rarity (My Little Pony)
Dr. Facilier (Princess and the Frog) VS. Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Marz (I Was A Teenage Exocolonist) VS. Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Lelouch (Code Geass) VS. Consul Valerius (Arcana)
Sensei Garmadon (Ninjago) VS. Taako (The Adventure Zone)
Mitsuba Sousuke (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun) VS. Rias Gremory (High School DxD)
Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekai) VS. winner of 1/2.3
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase) VS. Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon) VS. Gumi (Vocaloid)
Dr. Starline (Sonic series) VS. Jinafire Long (Monster High)
Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy XV) VS. Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank)
Frank N Furter (Rocky Horror Show) VS. Dean Pelton (Community)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) VS. Eleven Hopper (Stranger Things)
Gonzo (Muppets) VS. Gyro Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego) VS. winner of 1/2.4
Red Hood (DC Comics) VS. Nightwing (DC Comics)
Professor Venomous (OKKO Let's Be Heroes) VS. Noisemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Inspector Cabanela (Ghost Trick) VS. Shelby Presipence (Plainview)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Coco Adel (RWBY) VS. Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Susie Greene (Curb Your Enthusiasm) VS. Boyd Crowder (Justified)
Al Calavicci (Quantum Leap) VS. The Obituary Writer (Death By Dying)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls) VS. winner of 1/2.5
Kuranosuke Koibuchi (Princess Jellyfish) VS. Nana "Hachi" Komatsu (Nana)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House) VS. Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) VS. Sanji (One Piece)
Link (Zelda: Breath of the Wild) VS. Spock (Star Trek)
Apollo (Hades) VS. Zagreus (Hades)
Rhonda Wellington Lloyd (Hey Arnold) VS. Malfina (Conneticut Clark)
Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck) VS. Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo)
Steven Stone (Pokémon) VS. winner of 1/2.6
Yuki Rurikawa (Act! Addict! Actors!) VS. Nikki (Love Nikki Dress Up Queen)
Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact) VS. Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) VS. Saul Goodman (Better Call Saul)
Grillby (Undertale) VS. Spades Slick (Homestuck)
Prosciutto (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Kira Yoshikage (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Mr. Compress (My Hero Academia) VS. Swatch (Deltarune)
Loki (Marvel) VS. winner of 1/2.7
Castiel (Supernatural) VS. Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Hypnos (Hades) VS. Alucard (Castlevania)
Howl (Howl's Moving Castle) VS. Blitzo (Helluva Boss)
Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) VS. Anthony J. Crowley (Good Omens)
Luce (Drawfee) VS. Mac McDonald (Always Sunny)
Villager (Animal Crossing) VS. Blathers (Animal Crossing)
Jurgen (Sam & Max) VS. Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Joker (Persona 5) VS. winner of 1/2.8
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS. Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs)
The Doctor (Doctor Who series) VS. Sissel (Ghost Trick)
Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton) VS. King Dice (Cuphead)
Jolyne Cujoh (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
Samus (Metroid) VS. Velma (Scooby-Doo)
Harper Finkle (Wizards of Waverly Place) VS. Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Fran Fine (The Nanny) VS. Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy)
Good luck to everyone who's voting and have fun!
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gremoria411 · 10 months
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A twofer today, just some general impressions on the ASW-G-16 Gundam Zepar (left) and the AWS-G-61 Gundam Zagan. I still haven’t watched Urdr hunt unfortunately, so I’ll be mostly talking about Zagan’s design, as opposed to anything that goes on in-series.
Another reason I’m pairing these together is because they’re both Post Disaster Gundam units, that have a two-syllable name beginning with a Z and a serial number that has a 6 in it. I’ve been able to remember them by the fact that the Zepar is Zippy. And that the Zagan has nothing to do with Carl Sagan.
Moving on from naming conventions, what do I think of them? Starting with the Zagan, I like the weight it brings to the table, it feels like it could compete with other heavyweights without much difficulty, essentially functioning as a giant can-opener to the mobile armours. It should be noted that with the possible exception of Agnika Kaeru himself, the Issues were the most prolific killer of Mobile Armours during the Calamity War. Presumably some of that was by dint of its pilot, but the Zagan cannot be discounted. It’s possible the apparent focus on defence aided in its survivability, enabling it to cope with battles of attrition better, functioning as an anvil to the other Gundam Frames’ hammer. It’s also possible that it’s missing some armament, since the hands are free. I know there’s precedent for knuckledusters in IBO, but it only being armed with the shields feels a little odd.
The design specifically reminds me of the Gremory (most likely the armour) and the Abyss Gundam from Seed Destiny (colouration and bulk, though I always remember it bigger than it actually is)
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The Zepar I have considerably less to say on - it’s a nice design, agile and suited to closing the distance and stabbing things, but I do want to talk about it in relation to House Kujan, Specifically Iok Kujan.
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Iok is……hm. He’s essentially a perfect example of somebody you don’t want in command. He’s a twit, and furthermore, he’s a dangerous twit, since his actions have a tendency to backfire on literally everyone besides himself. But let’s walk back a little. Who is Iok in relation to the story?
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Iok Kujan is the heir to House Kujan of Gjallarhorn’s Seven Stars, the Seven Noble Families that wield the most power in Gjallarhorn, as McGillis, Gaelio, Carta and Rustal are to each of their houses (and of course Nemo, Elek and Gargin, but they’re less focused on). He only ascended to the position fairly recently, but everyone has high hopes for him since his late father was beloved.
Unfortunately, he’s really bad at it. He’s reckless, callous of those he’s fighting against and is absolutely unable to recognise his own failures.
@wordsandrobots has done an excellent analysis on Iok which I’m just going to link to here, since it’s very good:
But the crux of Iok is that he represents a great many of the failings of nobility - he’s incompetent, he’s unqualified and he displays a lack of care for how his actions effect others - not out of malice, but out of stupidity. He is a walking talking, killing example of how promoting based on blood rather than ability is such a poor idea.
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But then look at the Zepar. Look at how it stands, how it moves. There’s a poise to it, an elegance, a sense of nobility. It’s armed with a sword and shield - simple, yes, but something that focuses on defence, on protection. Even the way it fights seems to be in pushing the enemy away from something, protecting it. So I would say that if Iok is representative of the realities of nobility - the incompetence and disregard for others, then the Zepar is the romanticisation of it - of a noble, red-armoured knight who would protect the people. It also represents how far the Kujan family has come since the Calamity War - Once a great and loved pilot who fought at the frontlines using a Gundam Frame, to a lacking and foolish one who fights from the rear and has to be bailed out at the cost of his subordinates lives. (I know Iok’s father didn’t pilot the Zepar, but it ties in with the theme of Iok being the end result of a lineage, rather than the beginnings).
It also draws attention to the Gjallarhorn’s meritocratic roots - Embrilla Kujan was able to slay multiple mobile armours using this machine, whereas Iok is too blinded by his own self-importance to recognise the threat that they pose, to the point he severely underestimates what it will take to kill one.
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gothimgem · 2 months
The Queens of Rheged
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The Kingdom of Rheged was a constitutional monarchy. Although originally a hereditary position, the queens of Rheged were later selected among the magically gifted as brought forward by the priestesses. Rheged queens also acted as spiritual leaders of the country, overseeing construction of temples for the Goddesses of the Seal and secure divine favor by theestablishment of their rule. Selection of the next queen involved dangerous rituals, and those in power as queen were capable of making broad religious decrees and ensuring peace with neighboring nations. This spiritual role came with restrictions, however, as the Queen of Rheged was required to never take a husband, restrictions presumably passed after the hereditary line of royalty was abolished. This rule would later be abolished by the thirteenth and last queen of Rheged, Buer, who took King Marchosias as her husband.
I decided to think of a family name for Sirene for when she was princess of Rheged. Since the hereditary system and original surname was lost after the seventh queen couldn’t have children, they would eventually pass down a surname in honor of the first queen to continue the lineage. I went with something Croatian since that’s where I think Rheged would be indicated by the shrine ruins in Chapter 2 and that the kingdom was more magic and goddess worship centered. The suffix -evic is “little" or "successor of” and the first queen of Rheged was named Eisheth.
Eishevic. “Successor of Eisheth”.
Eisheth was the first, 1000-1022. Descending from a clan of magicians, she was granted the title of nobility after the fall of the Intoner Empire. Known for fighting off fierce monsters and offering refuge to people. Her younger sister, Nestis, became the third Goddess of the Seal. Had taken a husband, Lucif, and bore two heirs.
Leraje was the second, 1022-1035. During the ensuing years, she successfully ruled and greatly expanded Rheged’s national power. She studied magic and brought a rule to never use it in the service of demons or evil, or to acquire power. Had taken a husband, Andrelphaus, and bore six heirs of which only one survived.
Paimonia was the third, 1035-1038. Locked in war with southern invaders, she fashioned a blade that blessed her with three lives. It was also a weapon of torture that would be banned by the kings of old. Had taken a husband, Balan, and bore four heirs.
Meridiana was the fourth, 1038-1045. The eldest of Paimonia’s children, who survived the Red Eye disease while her siblings did not. She established temples and shrines of religious worship outside of the Cult of the Watchers, offering tributes to the Goddesses of the Seal. Had taken a husband, Zagan, and bore three heirs.
Amy was the fifth, 1045-1052. The youngest of Meridiana’s children. Once locked in war with the kingdom of Caerleon, she established peace and agreement with the construction of the Castle of the Goddess. Had taken a husband, Allocer, and bore a lone heir.
Lilith was the sixth, 1052-1056. She had a forceful personality and bright intellect, having accomplished much in her youth. She fought bravely to liberate her people during the Red Eye invasion. Had taken a female lover, Lady Naamah, after her two husbands, Ronove and Amon, were executed by the disease with her two heirs.
Samiginia was the seventh, 1056-1069. While she loved Lord Gremory, she was arranged to wed Lord Crocell. She was unable to bear children, thus she changed the law so that people with strong magic could ascend to the throne and did away with the hereditary system. She established further diplomatic relationships with other kingdoms.
Byleth was the eighth, 1069-1073. Successor of Samiginia, she was able to wield lightning magic, implant magic into weapons, and have powerful hypnosis. Facing numerous invasions from foreign powers who attempted to conquer it through military force. She eventually abdicated after taking numerous terms due to popularity among her subjects.
Kimaris was the ninth, 1073-1075. A shrine maiden who worked with Byleth as her lady-in-waiting. Capable of healing and decaying magic through ancient incantations. Having to finish the remaining forces from foreign invasions, she established the kingdom’s internal affairs, improved economy, and administrative offices outside of magic. She had twin sons, though the father remains unknown.
Furfur was the tenth, 1075-1077. A quiet yet ill woman who served as a priestess, she was capable of poison magic and swapping souls between bodies. Her frail body gave out after purifying an old beggar with Red Eye Disease and resulted in her death.
Glasya-Labolas was the eleventh, 1077-1080. A self-taught sorceress capable of powerful blue fire magic and a plethora of dark magic spells. She established the usage of dark arts within the court, though the opinion was very unpopular. Her three nephews would later contract the Red Eye Disease and join the Empire.
Levia was the twelfth, 1080-1088. A powerful sorceress, regarded with respect by her peers. As such, she possessed a wide range of magical talent, becoming the most powerful queen from a young age, among her powers was the ability to wield blood magic and tame dragons. Unfortunately, after years of becoming queen, she experienced bouts of mania followed by depression.
Buer was the thirteenth and last, 1088-April 1093. The younger sister of the twelfth goddess, Asherah. A vision of grace, wisdom, and strength of character, Buer was fiercely dedicated to the well-being of her family and kingdom, carrying the weight of the kingdom’s peace on her shoulders. Having taken a husband, King Marchosias, she failed to have children with him. She adopted Sirene as a precautionary heir, abolishing the rule in favor of the old hereditary bloodline. She died from an invasion by the Empire along with her husband...
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wordsandrobots · 1 year
IBO reference notes on . . . the Gundams (part 3)
[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Addendum 1]
And now for the late-sequence freaks.
To re-emphasise, spoilers. If you know your Gundam numerical order and you've seen the show, you know why I'm stressing that at this point. If not . . . I really don't want to deprive you of the chance to have your heart torn out of your chest, so be warned.
ASW-G-54 Murmur
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Sneaking out right as I was finishing this up, here's the very latest Gundam to be revealed. Fortunately I lucked out and it fits squarely into both the number group and theme for this post, because what in the Hinge and Bracket is this?
I am morally obligated to state that bestowing the world with a chintz Gundam is far from the Fareed Family's worst crime, yet I still find myself dumbstruck by the sheer audacity required to wheel out this hideous offspring of a Qubeley and a craft store and give it floral print armour. Good gravy.
Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to consider the unified aesthetic of the Gundam frames, or rather, its absence. Because while they certainly share the same general structure -- for reasons that scarcely need stating -- the construction of the armour varies wildly from machine to machine. In some cases, there are obvious reasons for this. Yet Murmur is distinctly over-designed for its intended mode of operation. Even the twined swords used for close-range combat appear decorative as much as functional.
One can only surmise that while practical considerations were important, there was space in the Gundam construction effort for personal taste to play a role. In this case, the founder of the Fareed Family (who was named Makie Fareed, by a strange stroke of coincidence) obviously wanted to look glamorous while taking out mobile armours with the world's biggest Stanley knives.
Ah, yes. Those drones. Seems I spoke too soon about the lack of smart-cable weaponry on Gundams. Well, possibly. These 'Surgical Feathers' are linked to the Alaya-Vijana system using cables, but they seem to have flown using the thrusters built into them, possibly making the wires themselves were inert. Nevertheless, this does draw a line through some of my theorising from last time. Gundam Murmur did use a comparable weapon to that of its foes and it worked well enough to grant its pilot a seat among the Seven Stars.
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This being said, the equipment is extremely bulky, extending far behind the frame itself, so I would thus assume this was a weapon best used in space and not something that saw generally deployment. Additionally, the released text states the feathers were operated via the Alaya-Vijnana, implying a fairly taxing job for the pilot. That this is the only example we have of this kind of system does still lend credence to the idea the technology was not widely used on the side opposing the mobile armours.
However, they certainly tried and that speaks to how thoroughly they explored all options for the sake of winning.
From the Ars Goetia:
The Fifty-Fourth Spirit is called Murmur, or Murmus, or Murmux. He is a Great Duke, and an Earl; and appeareth in the Form of a Warrior riding upon a Gryphon, with a Ducal Crown upon his Head. There do go before him his Ministers with great Trumpets sounding. His Office is to teach Philosophy perfectly, and to constrain Souls of the Deceased to come before the Exorcist to answer those questions which he may wish to put to them, if desired. He was partly of the Order of Thrones, and partly of that of Angels. He now ruleth 30 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, etc.
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More griffons but the key part here is the 'partly of [the order] of angels' line. Because yes. A Gundam that is part-mobile armour seems to about sum Murmur up.
ASW-G-56 Gremory
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An answer to the question of what the next step up from nanolaminate armour would be, Gremory possess a 'nanolaminate coat', which has exponentially more resistance and shock-absorbing capabilities than standard. It's basically invulnerable, or at least the black parts of its body are. In the Moon Steel manga, the only effective counter-strategy was to smash it through an ice sheet, immobilising it long enough to have a conversation with the pilot.
At 20.5 metres tall, Gremory is also the tallest Gundam, beating out Kimaris Vidar by a metre. Given its extraordinary defensive capabilities, it's down as being extremely versatile, with the manual stating it can be used in both leadership and reconnaissance roles. Its armament, by contrast, is very straightforward, consisting of the giant 'battle anchor' (which was originally double-sided before being broken into the scythe-like appearance seen above) and a pair of auto-cannons built into its shield gauntlets.
(The Gundam wiki errs on the side of discounting the Generations CrossRays adaptation of Moon Steel that mentions the latter but I think it's a perfectly reasonable addition.)
Three parts of Gremory's armour are articulated beyond what is necessary for movement. The aforementioned gauntlets can swing forward to act as 'handheld' shields. Additionally, the 'hood' and 'mask' can be retracted to expose Gremory's ostentatious head.
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Presumably this would allow for greater use of the sensors built into the head, but no official material has shown Gremory in action with its hood folded back.
One final obvious feature are the claws, which are noticeably longer than standard Gundam hands. From Barbatos, we know these can act as weapons in their own right, so possibly Gremory was designed to place greater emphasis on this mode of combat.
Up to a certain point, Gremory must have beem a success story. House Nadira, who I assume are descended from the original pilot, became important within Gjallarhorn, heading up an internal security division called Ollerus (somewhat amusingly, given the smashed-through-the-ice-incident, this is named for a god depicted using skis). But they are not part of the Seven Stars, so Gremory cannot have racked up as high a kill-count. Furthermore, this is the only Gundam among those held by Gjallarhorn wielding a broken weapon; whether that is a mark of pride or not, it's suggestive.
A more concrete line of exploration on this matter is the existence of the Jizin Family (a member of whom acted as field leader of Ollerus) who are notably not descended from a Gundam pilot. Rather, their inherited machine is the Valkyrja Oltlinde, which fought alongside Gremory in the later stages of the Calamity War.
This is the only instance where a Gundam and a Valkyrja are clearly stated as having operated together, despite the two frames being developed for the same purpose (putting an end to the War). While excellent machines in their own right, the Valkyrjas were overshadowed by the more powerful Gundams and saw only a limited production run (9 mobile suits, compared to 72). Given they would form the template for Gjallarhorn's modern 'suits (the Geirail, Graze and Reginlaze), however, the cooperation makes sense.
And perhaps here lies the reason for Nadira failing to achieve sufficient medals to reach the top table: unlike the other pilots, they shared their kills.
From the Ars Goetia:
The Fifty-sixth Spirit is Gremory, or Gamori. He is a Duke Strong and Powerful, and appeareth in the Form of a Beautiful woman, with a Duchess’s Crown tied about her waist, and riding on a Great Camel. His Office is to tell of all things Past, Present, and to Come; and of Treasures Hid, and what they lie in; and to procure the Love of Women both Young and Old. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc.
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I should say that current head of the family Deira Nadira definitely belongs in a mecha named for a duke of Hell who appears as a beautiful lady and has power over the love of young women!
ASW-G-64 Flauros
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I'm using the Ryusei-Go for the image because 1) I'm an incurable Shino fan and 2) I assume this better represents Flauros' full starting load-out, in contrast to the short-barrelled version used for the official art of the War colour scheme.
It's unclear which configuration it was in prior to being entombed on Mars, since the missing components could simply have been ripped off (and why restore them at all if they weren't recovered along with the main body?).
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However, presumably each is a valid variant, so we can probably say it saw action during the War in both forms. And speaking of forms, that's the party trick this time around: Flauros is the only IBO Gundam to be able to fully transform.
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Flauro's conversion is not especially complex, but it does provide a stable gunnery platform for the two Dáinsleifs mounted on its back. This is the only Gundam designed primarily for long-range combat; that is, with ranged weaponry as its main armament. And we should probably pause here to take another look at Dáinsleifs because this is kind of a big deal.
The Gundam Wiki provides a translation of a chart from the Mechanics and World books, which breaks down how military units were deployed against mobile armours during the Calamity War. For ground battles, on Earth, Mars and the Moon, the majority of the combat was handled by Gundams, with other mobile suits operating as their support. Meanwhile, in space, the largest percentage of the fighting force was made up of Dáinsleif launchers.
As I mentioned in the section concerning Gamigin, 'Dáinsleif' refers to a weapon designed to puncture nanolaminate armour with spiked projectiles fired using electromagnetic rail-guns. Examples include:
Gamagin's Revolver Gun Axe
Astaroth Rinascimento's Bastard Chopper (this uses gunpowder as the propellant and is therefore not considered a 'true' Dáinsleif
Kimaris Vidar's Drill Lance
Oltlinde's Double Blade (the Dáinsleif mechanism in this was disabled after the War, so it's unclear how it actually functioned)
Flauros' rail-guns
And of course, the large-scale version that we may consider the template all the others emulate
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Everything indicates these are actual Calamity War-era weapons mounted to modern Grazes, an act carried out in contravention of a ban Gjallarhorn themselves instituted after the War was over. Since these things basically amount to hooking an Ahab reactor (a potentially limitless energy source) up to an electromagnet and using it to accelerate ~25 metre long spikes to phenomenal speeds, their destructive potential is enormous. Despite the theoretical restriction of these to space combat, they were at one point deployed on the surface of the Moon.
It did not go well for the Moon.
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Undoubtedly something you want aimed at the giant killer robots, but with clear drawbacks when used on the ground, of the 'where did that mountain range go' variety.
Yet what is Flauros if not a platform for deploying Dáinsleifs in a planetary environment?
And we're not talking the smaller varieties here. Both Gamigin and Kimaris use relatively small staves, the kind that might not cause too many collateral craters. Flauros, however, is equipped to fire projectiles that look like this:
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Now. We don't have any direct evidence this is what it was using during the battle that left it buried under the Chryse desert. From Tekkadan's deployment of Flauros, we know it was fully equipped to fire conventional munitions, in the same manner that Gjallarhorn has its own rail-guns that are not technically Dáinsleifs.
Still, I can't help thinking it relevant that when I say Flauros was buried, we're talking dozens of metres down, alongside a mobile armour and its entire pluma swarm. It doesn't seem like a massive stretch to speculate this may have been the result of firing something as big as the above point-blank into Mars' surface.
Even setting that theory aside, we still have a machine with a shelling mode clearly intended for ground use. So either this predates the point where it was decided using Dáinsleifs on the surface was too dangerous . . . or it speaks to the urgency with which the War needed to be ended. In either case, Flauros marks a considerable escalation in destructive output.
Which is of course, somewhat ironic.
Oh. Right. Yeah. This is the point where I have to go back and reference from 'If This Is The End' again, isn't it? Fuck.
OK. Deep breath, everyone.
Gundam frames are not themselves indestructible. We already know this by the point Shino is killed, not least because a Gjallarhorn Dáinsleif took Flauros' arm off shortly prior to his attack on the Arianrhod Fleet command ship.
But what the scenes of the Ryusei-Go's demise underline is the limits of the Gundams.
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While chunks of the frame survive, the missile attack tears Flauros apart. One thing I have not discussed so far is how mobile suits in the IBO setting are designed to neutralise the beam weaponry utilised by the mobile armours. Their nanolaminate armour can easily disperse such attacks, allowing them to shrug off laser beams capable of annihilating small towns or punching holes through space colonies.
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This does not immunise them to conventional weaponry, with the joints remaining clear weak points. Indeed, even Barbatos does not come through its battle with a mobile armour unscathed, losing its right arm in the process.
It's a detail that doesn't quite make it into the show, but from the concept art, the implication is the pluma locked in a death grip with Flauros was attacking the Gundam's cockpit, ripping it open before going offline. This tracks with mobile armours going out of their way to kill the pilots of enemy mobile suits: perfectly logical behaviour, to target the vulnerabilities in their opponents and aim for the human component.
I think this is important to bear in mind when looking at the Gundams. For all the trappings of mythology and demonology, they are not magic. They are machines with firm limitations, intentionally reliant on their pilots to operate.
Their achievement in stopping the mobile armours is made all the greater by that fact that, as Flauros demonstrates, defeat was always a possibility.
From the Ars Goetia:
The Sixty-fourth Spirit is Haures, or Hauras, or Havres, or Flauros. He is a Great Duke, and appeareth at first like a Leopard, Mighty, Terrible, and Strong, but after a while, at the Command of the Exorcist, he putteth on Human Shape with Eyes Flaming and Fiery, and a most Terrible Countenance. He giveth True Answers of all things, Present, Past, and to Come. But if he be not commanded into a triangle, D, he will Lie in all these Things, and deceive and beguile the Exorcist in these things or in such and such business. He will, lastly, talk of the Creation of the World, and of Divinity, and of how he and other Spirits fell. He destroyeth and burneth up those who be the Enemies of the Exorcist should he so desire it; also he will not suffer him to be tempted by any other Spirit or otherwise. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, to be worn as a Lamen, etc.
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The facet of Flauros as a shape-shifter, moving between a four-legged and human form certainly fits well, as does the part about 'burning up' enemies. Interestingly, the concept art I mentioned depicts this seal decorating the back of the 'head' that covers Flauros' torso in shelling mode. While this is not 'canon' from what we see in the show, it is rather cool. I also think there is a nice through-line with Shino's character, if we read the mix of absolute honesty and absolute lies with respect to self-delusion. I might come back to that at some point.
(I've actually worked up my own version of a theoretical IBO sigil for Flauros, trying to follow the pattern of changes seen in other examples. Fun exercise!)
ASW-G-66 Kimaris
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I want it on record (again) that Gargin Bauduin was so wedded to the colour lilac, he dyed his Gundam frame and then his entire family line.
That aside, Kimaris is an interesting entry in the line-up because at first, its gimmick appears to be speed. Its legs open up to deploy extra thrusters, it is extremely fast anyway, and its primary weapon, a lance, is geared for charging attacks.
Looks are deceiving. What Kimaris really is, is an example of a single frame being provided with multiple sets of equipment to suit different situations.
If the first configuration is designed for use in space -- in conjunction with its booster unit -- the second is to afford it comparable manoeuvrability under gravity. The 'Trooper' form adds an extreme version of the flight units we see on other 'ground type' variants, making this one of the most agile machines in the list.
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Variants of Kimaris' main weapon also existed, going from the Gungnir lance used by the flight form, to the Destroyer Lance used by the Trooper form, to the Drill Lance that would be used by this Gundam's final modern iteration, Kimaris Vidar. This form too is reliant on equipment dating from the Calamity War, though we can't rule out some modern adjustments due to the intervening steps required to disguise Kimaris as ASW-G-XX Vidar.
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As previously discussed, the Drill Lance contains Dáinsleif launchers, loaded via the shield armatures, in a step up from the conventional guns built into the first two lances. Indeed, everything about this last form seems to be about maximising defensive and offensive power, sacrificing the speed of the earlier incarnations for raw strength. Interestingly, it is this version that bears a place for the Bauduin Family crest -- a feature that appears in key art for the other Seven Stars Gundams but absent from the plain Kimaris or Kimaris Trooper.
All this optional equipment being stored alongside the frame up to the present day highlights that versatility was an integral part of the mobile suit's intended operation. This includes a wide variety of less obvious weapons, including flash-bangs fired from the head, a sword stored in the Trooper form's shield, foldable knives, razor-disc launchers, and even drill knees for extreme close-range kills.
As relatively simple as the giant lances might appear at first glance, Gargin seems to have been something of a tricksy fighter, putting him a little at odds with the chivalric knight Kimaris' aesthetics evoke. But of course, in a war to save humanity from extinction, such concerns must take a back seat. We know nothing about the man save his coming out of the War with a great number of kills to his name (and his favourite colour). Yet we can make an educated guess at the adage he lived by:
It is better to be prepared than dead.
From the Ars Goetia:
The Sixty-sixth Spirit is Cimejes, or Cimeies, or Kimaris. He is a Marquis, Mighty, Great, Strong and Powerful, appearing like a Valiant Warrior riding upon a goodly Black Horse. He ruleth over all Spirits in the parts of Africa. His Office is to teach perfectly Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, and to discover things Lost or Hidden, and Treasures. He governeth 30 Legions of Internals, and his Seal is this, etc.
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Well, it's got the horse motif that goes with the Bauduin Family crest. And the association with grammar, logic and rhetoric feels fitting for the aristocrats the Bauduins are in the present, for good and ill.
In a blink and you'll miss it moment (I certainly did!), we can glimpse the Gundam sigil for Kimaris at the back of its hangar on Vingolf, showing the usual alterations, not least a 90 degree rotation!
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I'm genuinely not sure why its orientation should have been adjusted like this, save that once more, it centres the cross element.
ASW-G-70 Seere
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We know next to nothing about Seere, so perhaps grouping it in with the freaks or indeed including it here at all is unnecessary. Even its appearance in the panel above is subject to this being the memory of a traumatised kid, so we don't know if it looking so similar to Astaroth is accurate to life.
The solid facts are that Seere remains in operational condition and it was used to destroy a shuttle flight departing the Avalanche colony cluster (situated in the vicinity of the moon) some time during P.D. 318. It is highly likely that it is under the control of a Gjallarhorn bureaucrat named Ville Klaassen, the man responsible for framing and ruining the Warren Family. Exactly why he should have wanted to down this particular flight and what became of the Gundam since are mysteries.
This, of course, is the status of the majority of the 72 Gundams: lost, hidden, abandoned by the organisation that created them, and forgotten by the world they once saved. Regardless of the few that retained some prominence or emerged to retake it, they are the products of a bygone age, rendered unnecessary by their own triumph.
In some ways, that might be for the best. In others . . . well. An unknown mobile suit swatted a spacecraft one day and dozens of people died. Keeping better track of that sort of thing might be in everyone's interests.
From the Ars Goetia:
The Seventieth Spirit is Seere, Sea, or Seir. He is a Mighty Prince, and Power-ful, under Amaymon, King of the East. He appeareth in the Form of a Beautiful Man, riding upon a Winged Horse. His Office is to go and come; and to bring abundance of things to pass on a sudden, and to carry or re-carry anything whither thou wouldest have it to go, or whence thou wouldest have it from. He can pass over the whole Earth in the twinkling of an Eye. He giveth a True relation of all sorts of Theft, and of Treasure hid, and of many other things. He is of an indifferent Good Nature, and is willing to do anything which the Exorcist desireth. And this his Seal is to be worn, etc.
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The coming and going in the twinkling of an eye certainly fits. We also have the 'true relation of theft and hidden things', which ties in to the intrigue surrounding Klaassen, the Warrens, Seere and Astaroth.
ASW-G-71 Dantalion
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Dantalion is the highest-numbered Gundam we know about and canonically it only saw action right at the very end of the Calamity War. Consequently, it should not come as a surprise that it represents a synthesis of many of the armour and weapons options we have seen previously.
The base machine is stripped-down in comparison to other models, to the point of being extremely lightly armoured. This gives it a uniquely skeletal appearance, intended to accommodate combination with two external booster units. The T (top) and B (bottom) boosters could be used independently in various 'half cowl' configurations, but unlike Kimaris, where the add-on simply increased the Gundam's thrust, they can also transform into enhanced limbs, granting Dantalion greater strength and armour coverage.
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A similar transformation function can be seen in the main armament provided, a 'bayonet rifle' that could unfold into a sword and fire in either form. This permits extremely quick switches from ranged to melee combat, especially as two such rifles could be wielded at once.
Furthermore, combining both booster units with an optional shield unit allowed Dantalion to assume its 'perfect cowl' mode, turning it into an all-round juggernaut. This includes extra armour for the head and chest, upping the protection for the pilot quite considerably.
The same philosophy behind Kimaris' multi-tasking design has been turned into an integrated function. Unlike its predecessor, Dantalion does not require anything to be swapped out ahead of time to adapt its operations, and the interchangeable modules can easily be slotted on and off. At the same time, its arsenal emphasises handheld blades and guns, in addition to raw strength. We come full-circle, even as we see previous advances and enhancements merged together.
If we can call Dantalion the summation of Gundam development history, it came too late to match the earlier machines for sheer quantity of kills. Although the Zalmforts became one of Gjallarhorn's high-ranking families, they fell short of joining the Seven Stars. Still, to have risen so high in the waning days of the conflict marks Dantalion out as a success story.
Did the engineers take pride in that, as their penultimate creation cut a swathe across the battlefield? Or were they merely relieved the necessity for it was nearly over.
From the Ars Goetia:
The Seventy-first Spirit is Dantalion. He is a Duke Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man with many Countenances, all Men’s and Women’s Faces; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsels of any one; for he knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his will. He can cause Love, and show the Similitude of any person, and show the same by a Vision, let them be in what part of the World they Will. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits; and this is his Seal, which wear thou, etc.
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Obviously the 'man of many faces' aspect is what's important here. But I do think the 'showing the appearance of another' is an interesting angle to take with Zadiel Zalmfort, who eventually brought his family down by making a show of following his father's orders in a battle with Tanto Tempo.
And there you have it. The fifteen known Gundam frames that survived the Calamity War, the origins of their names, and a certain amount of musing concerning what they tell us about the circumstances of their creation.
At this point, we are missing three of the Seven Stars Gundams, those of the Issue, Kujan and Baklazan Families. We do not know for certain all of these survived to the present day, though its seems likely this is the case -- and that the Iron-Blooded Orphans MSV will eventually get around to completing the set.
In the meantime, while I want to write a similar post up for the mobile armours to complete this exploration of the Calamity War backstory, I shall probably have to wait until the Urdr Hunt reaches its conclusion before doing so. Given the hints of what's to come, I don't think any such essay would be complete without what awaits the Afam gang at the end of their quest.
So until then, thank you for reading!
Other reference posts include:
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 1)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 2)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (corrigendum) [mainly covering my inability to recognise mythical wolves]
IBO reference notes on … three key Yamagi scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Shino scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Eugene scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Ride scenes
IBO reference notes on … the tone of the setting
IBO reference notes on … character parallels and counterpoints
IBO reference notes on … a perfect villain
IBO reference notes on … Iron-Blooded Orphans: Gekko
IBO reference notes on … an act of unspeakable cruelty
IBO reference notes on … original(ish) characters [this one is mainly fanfic]
IBO reference notes on … Kudelia’s decisions
IBO reference notes on … assorted head-canons
IBO reference notes on … actual, proper original characters [explicit fanfic – as in, actually fanfic. None of them have turned up in the smut yet]
IBO reference notes on … the aesthetics of the mobile frame
IBO reference notes on … mobile suit designations
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 1)
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 2)
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Can I request Rias and Akeno with a Vampire S/O who refuses to feed from them because they're entirely unsure what demon blood will do to them?
Says that is completely fine and she understands their hesitation to do something like that as she does agree, the not knowing the outcome of doing so is definitely scary
She would do her best to find whatever information on vampires to see if she could find an answer to their question. After all, the Gremory family is quite old and probably has a lot of knowledge in it's members or libraries
She understands and knows it's even more unknown about what her blood would do since she is also part fallen angel as well as a devil. So she just lets them know that if they truly need to or change their mind, the offer is always there
She does let them know that even though they don't want to drink her blood, the can still bite her if they'd like~
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howlingday · 2 years
So rias when you saw jaune still standing with several light spears in him and still fighting donahseek and the other 3 fallen angels trying to coax jaune to rest abit what's your reaction after hearing the blonde say I didn't hear no bell
"Oh my..." Rias crooned as she watched her newest servant standing tall against a veritable onslaught of light spears piercing his body. "Such a hardy piece you are."
She could sense much in the young knight, though it was more in aesthetic than in demonic power. That said, she did sense a faint presence of demonic power with him. Perhaps a devil had deemed him worthy of their powers to grant him into their circle, much like how she made Issei her pawn. But there were so many questions swirling in her mind as she watched this human, that she couldn't piece together information juat yet.
Jaune, however, only had one thing on his mind at the moment; pain. He had been skewered no fewer than a dozen times, but his aura and semblance kept him in the fight. He didn't know what this thing in front of him was say.
'God,' 'Fallen angels,' 'Devils,' and 'Sacred Gears.' He had no idea what was going on. Only that this stranger approached him, asked him 'what Devil he had served,' transformed into this winged humanoid before him, and had been throwing hard-light spears that could somehow pierce his aura ever since. But he was getting closer with every step.
"No!" Shouted an enemy from behind. "No! No! No! No! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"
Jaune simply soldiered on, his aura healing his body once his wounds closed. After this, he would probably have to eat everything with a blender. Nuggie slushies for everyone.
"HOW ARE YOU STILL FIGHTING?!" Another combatant shrieked.
"Urgh..." Jaune really wished he was the quipping type. Anything to distract him from this pain.
The Fallen Angels hadn't made a move on him beyond attacking one at a time. When one grew tired, another struck from behind to let the other escape. It was a cowardly tactic, especially from a species who swore to serve the light of God. Devils usually held more honor than that.
"Madam President," Akeno called from her side, "how fares the man in armor?"
"He's doing quite well for someone who lacks a sacred gear." Rias answered. "He's been holding off three Fallen Angels on his own."
"Oh my, is that so?" Akeno asked. "Do you believe he is a Devil as well?"
"I can't say for certain," Rias explained, "but I do feel a faint demonic presence on him. A familiar one at that."
Akeno hummed as she focused her attention on the paladin currently tearing a light spear from his body, his body glow beneath his hand over the gaping wound. There was a faint energy coming from him, but much deeper than his 'aura,' as the humans called it.
"Ah, I can sense something."
"Do you recognize it?"
"I'm sorry, but I do not." Akeno shook her head. "However, it does feel strangely familiar. Much like yours, but not as prominent. Perhaps a lesser house that survived the Great War?"
"INCOMING!" A familiar voice roared. Landing next to Jaune, another combatant entered the fight. He wore jeans and a t-shirt and had chestnut brown hair. On his left arm was a gauntlet, fiery red with an emerald orb on the back of his hand. "You need some help, right?"
"I won't say no to it." Jaune huffed. "Jaune Arc."
"Hyoudou Issei." The new challenger replied. "Whatever you do, don't get distracted by their boobs."
Jaune was quiet for a moment. "Wha-?"
"Boost!" Issei shouted.
"BOOST!" Roared the gauntlet.
"Huh." Jaune shook his head. "Funny enough, not the craziest weapon or fighter I've ever seen."
Watching from above and afar, Rias watched as her beloved pawn joined the battle. It was a pleasant distraction as she tried to recount all the lesser houses of Gremory from her family history. Among them all, one seemed to resonate well with the aura.
The lesser house of warrior servants, Nikos.
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gladdyator18 · 1 year
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And here are the final side characters for my main Fire Emblem OCs. These two are the younger sisters of the one and only, two-faced Quinton Edric Lochan.
Inspiration/point of reference (Lilibeth) | Inspiration/point or reference (Rosalind)
Left Image: Meet Lilibeth Isabella Lochan, second heir to House Lochan. Lilibeth is the daughter of Duke Adrien and Duchess Emmeline, and is the younger sister of Quinton and Rosalind. Lilibeth is a very sweet young girl who's very soft-spoken, and dotes on her older brother and sister. When on her own, she can be found in the castle music room playing the piano. Like her mother, she became an awe-inspiring dancer. Lilibeth is normally found with her older sister; the two of them talking about anything and everything. When she's around her older brother, she's always hugging his arm or holding onto the hem of his suit, something Quinton finds very adorable. When the Lochan Siblings are together, they're normally found at the theatre watching plays (as per Rosalind's recommendation). Whenever Lilibeth's at the Imperial palace meeting with the Imperial family, she's always quiet and lets her siblings do all the talking. When she found out about the prophecy and that Quinton was the prophesied child, she couldn't be happier, because her life-long dream of becoming a princess would finally becoming true.
Right Image: Meet Rosalind Martinez Lochan, heir to House Lochan. Rosalind is the daughter of Duke Adrien and Duchess Emmeline, and is the younger sister of Quinton and older sister of Lilibeth. Rosalind is a very classy woman who has an eye for fashion and loves to make her presence known wherever she is (also a material girl). When on her own, she's found in the town's tavern having some drinks. Unlike her sister becoming a dancer, she followed in her father's footsteps and became and learned the ways of magic, becoming a powerful Gremory. When Rosalind's with Lilibeth, she's often helping her sister make outfits, something she picked up from her mother (the Duchess was and still is a seamstress). When with her brother, the two are normally gossiping about the Imperial family. When meeting with the Imperial family, Rosalind is able to charm Kayden into doing whatever she asks him to do (similar to how Quinton is able to charm Claudia). She's also good friends with Corrina and the Auradeau House, something her brother doesn't know. When she heard about the prophecy and that Quinton was destined to be Emperor, she was excited because she was finally going to break the chain of having House Lochan being ruled by a man for generations.
Had a lot fun making these two, especially Rosalind. Definitely one of my favorite color palettes I've ever used! More art coming eventually, so stay tuned!
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