#as well as some matriarchal aspects from ancient greece specifically sparta
gothimgem · 2 months
The Queens of Rheged
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The Kingdom of Rheged was a constitutional monarchy. Although originally a hereditary position, the queens of Rheged were later selected among the magically gifted as brought forward by the priestesses. Rheged queens also acted as spiritual leaders of the country, overseeing construction of temples for the Goddesses of the Seal and secure divine favor by theestablishment of their rule. Selection of the next queen involved dangerous rituals, and those in power as queen were capable of making broad religious decrees and ensuring peace with neighboring nations. This spiritual role came with restrictions, however, as the Queen of Rheged was required to never take a husband, restrictions presumably passed after the hereditary line of royalty was abolished. This rule would later be abolished by the thirteenth and last queen of Rheged, Buer, who took King Marchosias as her husband.
I decided to think of a family name for Sirene for when she was princess of Rheged. Since the hereditary system and original surname was lost after the seventh queen couldn’t have children, they would eventually pass down a surname in honor of the first queen to continue the lineage. I went with something Croatian since that’s where I think Rheged would be indicated by the shrine ruins in Chapter 2 and that the kingdom was more magic and goddess worship centered. The suffix -evic is “little" or "successor of” and the first queen of Rheged was named Eisheth.
Eishevic. “Successor of Eisheth”.
Eisheth was the first, 1000-1022. Descending from a clan of magicians, she was granted the title of nobility after the fall of the Intoner Empire. Known for fighting off fierce monsters and offering refuge to people. Her younger sister, Nestis, became the third Goddess of the Seal. Had taken a husband, Lucif, and bore two heirs.
Leraje was the second, 1022-1035. During the ensuing years, she successfully ruled and greatly expanded Rheged’s national power. She studied magic and brought a rule to never use it in the service of demons or evil, or to acquire power. Had taken a husband, Andrelphaus, and bore six heirs of which only one survived.
Paimonia was the third, 1035-1038. Locked in war with southern invaders, she fashioned a blade that blessed her with three lives. It was also a weapon of torture that would be banned by the kings of old. Had taken a husband, Balan, and bore four heirs.
Meridiana was the fourth, 1038-1045. The eldest of Paimonia’s children, who survived the Red Eye disease while her siblings did not. She established temples and shrines of religious worship outside of the Cult of the Watchers, offering tributes to the Goddesses of the Seal. Had taken a husband, Zagan, and bore three heirs.
Amy was the fifth, 1045-1052. The youngest of Meridiana’s children. Once locked in war with the kingdom of Caerleon, she established peace and agreement with the construction of the Castle of the Goddess. Had taken a husband, Allocer, and bore a lone heir.
Lilith was the sixth, 1052-1056. She had a forceful personality and bright intellect, having accomplished much in her youth. She fought bravely to liberate her people during the Red Eye invasion. Had taken a female lover, Lady Naamah, after her two husbands, Ronove and Amon, were executed by the disease with her two heirs.
Samiginia was the seventh, 1056-1069. While she loved Lord Gremory, she was arranged to wed Lord Crocell. She was unable to bear children, thus she changed the law so that people with strong magic could ascend to the throne and did away with the hereditary system. She established further diplomatic relationships with other kingdoms.
Byleth was the eighth, 1069-1073. Successor of Samiginia, she was able to wield lightning magic, implant magic into weapons, and have powerful hypnosis. Facing numerous invasions from foreign powers who attempted to conquer it through military force. She eventually abdicated after taking numerous terms due to popularity among her subjects.
Kimaris was the ninth, 1073-1075. A shrine maiden who worked with Byleth as her lady-in-waiting. Capable of healing and decaying magic through ancient incantations. Having to finish the remaining forces from foreign invasions, she established the kingdom’s internal affairs, improved economy, and administrative offices outside of magic. She had twin sons, though the father remains unknown.
Furfur was the tenth, 1075-1077. A quiet yet ill woman who served as a priestess, she was capable of poison magic and swapping souls between bodies. Her frail body gave out after purifying an old beggar with Red Eye Disease and resulted in her death.
Glasya-Labolas was the eleventh, 1077-1080. A self-taught sorceress capable of powerful blue fire magic and a plethora of dark magic spells. She established the usage of dark arts within the court, though the opinion was very unpopular. Her three nephews would later contract the Red Eye Disease and join the Empire.
Levia was the twelfth, 1080-1088. A powerful sorceress, regarded with respect by her peers. As such, she possessed a wide range of magical talent, becoming the most powerful queen from a young age, among her powers was the ability to wield blood magic and tame dragons. Unfortunately, after years of becoming queen, she experienced bouts of mania followed by depression.
Buer was the thirteenth and last, 1088-April 1093. The younger sister of the twelfth goddess, Asherah. A vision of grace, wisdom, and strength of character, Buer was fiercely dedicated to the well-being of her family and kingdom, carrying the weight of the kingdom’s peace on her shoulders. Having taken a husband, King Marchosias, she failed to have children with him. She adopted Sirene as a precautionary heir, abolishing the rule in favor of the old hereditary bloodline. She died from an invasion by the Empire along with her husband...
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