#greek goddess gaia
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walkingwiththegods1 · 3 months ago
The Spiritual Meaning of Autumn: Time of Finding Balance and Calm in The Year (And... In your Life!)
Many people... Always feel sad, at the arrival of Autumn. Not because they may suffer from ''The Seasonal Depression'' (Which is, when for the change of duration in sunlight; some persons fall in depression, until that season; ends), because the change in sunlight and in weather; means than they are forced to spends more times indoors than outdoors, feeling bored and doing all the things they were intentionally postponing; and than now they most do, 'cause all social activities have become scarce; and this is the only thing they must do, to forget their annoyance... But Autumn, is not a season to despises to; no... Is an oportunity to do something than we forgot to do, in our fast and loud modern society...
...To relax and find balance, and our time with our closer love ones; or alone!
The Autumn Equinox (like in Spring), is the time when the day and night; has the same lenght; which is different from The Summer's and Winter's Solstices, where the day and night; has a different lenghts. The Spring and Summer, are seasons of many social activities; were all is full of color: The Spring, is associated with Love and Life; while Summer, is associated with Passion and Adventure; and these two seasons, overall; are associated with Youth, Beauty and Joy, which explains why the arrival of Autumn; may feels ominous for many people: Autumn... Is associated with Sadness, Decay... And the Darkness than starts to grows and to permeates everything around us. But, if you takes your time to reflexionate about it; Autumn, may be equally as fun and/or important, as its brights and colorful sisters.
This is the things you can do (with your love ones, or by yourself), to revitalizes your heart and soul; and, as a moment to connect in this season; with Deities/Nature/The Earth:
Taking an slow little walk, while feeling Autumn with your senses: The smell in the air of the soil mixed with rainwater, the sight of the fallen leaves in its different colors; the feeling of the earth beneath your shoes/boots, etc... Will helps you to connect to Nature/Spirits/Deities/, by being relax; and being in the present moment.
Watching the rain fall in front of a window, while reading a book; drinking a tea, or both: You will feel the positive and magical side of Autumn with these activities, be it than you are sitting with a coat; with a big duvet/blanket over your clothes, or... Even sitted in bed.
Seeing an clean and beautiful sky, after the rain: If appears a rainbow, will gives you the chance to feel magic and hope; despite the gray clouds around the rainbow. (But... That feeling is as equal as powerful, by seeing a clean and bright night of Autumn; after the rain!)
Enjoying the sounds of a Thunderstom: Just like Electrical Storms... It will connect you to the raw energies of The Planet, and with Gaia's Heartbeat; and also... To the Deities of The Thunder!
Amazing yourself by seeing an Electrical Storm: Nothing like seeing an Electrical Storm, to connects to the magic and power of the Air and Storm Deities; and... You'll have something to watch, when electricity is gone! (Note: Watch them inside of home, at 1 or 2 meters awat from windows; for your safety!)
Converts an area of your house in your personal refuge, from the chaos of The World: If could be your Attic, your cellaret; your basement, or... A little room than you never found a use to it; until now: Turning it into a beatiful place to shut yourself for a few minutes, when be around people became too draining; or, after a very hard day at work/college/street. And... Don't worry about spends a lot of money, in this project: Trowed what can't be used anymore (or sell what you still have in good state) of that place of the house, painted in a soft or neutral color; put one chair and a tiny table to sitted in comfort, hang a beautiful drawing than calm you or a motivational quote where light hit it, buy an tiny ceramic essential oil burner with its tealight candle, put the light candle under the ceramic plate; put 1 or 2 drops of an essential oil for Spirituality over the ceramic plate oil burner (Frankincense, Lavander or Sage Oil; for example), and... Enjoy your new space for Meditation/Calm Time/Me Time/Praying!
Making a Homemade Dessert/Sweet, to eat it slowly: You can make this as offering to The Deities/Spirits/Nature, and/or to have a moment for you! Eating a little piece of your creation without a hurry, and without distrations; remains us of the sacredness of eating and being in the present, by focus only in the sensation of every bite; tasting each spoonful, and feeling the softness/hardness/dryness/humidity/warmess/coldness of what are you eating, at that moment. (If you are diabetic/hypertense/allergic... Use recipes for your condition, and be mindful of eating an small portion; and leaving the rest to eat the next day, or share it!)
Takes a time for yourself to only drawns, dances; sings, writes poetry or an story; which makes you feel relax: When you creates with your hands, or moves your body and/or voice; you are connecting with your own spirit, and with the creative forces of The Universe; plus, with The Deities of The Arts and Inspiration (which they needs than we are in a calm and quiet state, so we can recieve their energies/inspiration more easily; and we can create with less difficult); 'cause we can't recieves the messages when we are stressed/restless. (So now you know, what you can make the next time you need to find inspiration/creativity: Do something fun without thinking, at home... And you will recieves a visit, from The Muses!)
Meditate about what area/s in your life are out of balance; and what you can do to improve it/them: Takes this time to sit quietly for a least five minutes without any distrations, and thinks in what important part of your life; you are dedicating too much or too little time: You are spending to much time in Spirituality?!... Time to spend more time with your family or friends, to avoid fall into isolation or fanatism. Your Emprendurism is receiving little attention from you, lately?!... Takes 20 minutes or more of your day, to see how you can improve it; or see if you should change to another kind of Emprendurism or Business than will be more easy for you to manage and invert money in it. Your SO, is demanding you more time and you are not feeling lately the desire to pass more time with him/her/them?!... Maybe is time to think if that relation have a future, and what you can do to improve it; or end it in the less painful way possible. When all our areas (Health/Wellbeing/Social Life/Alone Time/Wealth/Spirituality), are mostly well... We can feel at peace with our lifes! AND, at last...
At the moment the sunlight, dies out... Take it to talk to your Deities, or reveal in their presence/energy: Twilight... Is a very misterious time, when The Human World and The Spiritual World, suddenly get connected; and many weird phenomenons, happen with ease. (I know that for my own experiences, when The Gods and Goddesses have appeared in front of me in that moment of the day; suddenly and mostly in front of me) So, if you need to ask them for something very important; talks them of something than worries you, or; thanks them, but you misses the magical moment of the early morning, after waking up; and you can't wait to bedtime then, keep calm; and... Wait for Twilight!
That's all for today: Happy Belated Mabon Greetings! And, balances The Darkness and Light in you... So Be It!
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bpdbeehive · 6 months ago
I made a list of every single Greek god ever
Keep in mind some of these may be different from what you know because they have multiple different stories
Eros- god of love, passion, and fertility
Tartarus- god of darkest part in the underworld
Thalassa- goddess of the sea
Phanes- god of creation, new life, procreation, fertility, and light
Caligine- goddess of creation
Gaia- goddess of earth
Erebus- god of darkness and shadows
Nyx- goddess of night and darkness
Pontus- god of the seas
Hydros- god of water
Uranas- god of the heavens and sky
Achlys- goddess of the death-mist, misery, sadness, and deadly poisons
Aether- god of light and the upper sky
Ananke- goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity
Chaos- god of the void
Cronus- god of time, fate, justice, and harvest
Caelus- god of the sky
Coeus- god of the North, intelligence, and resolve
Hemera- goddess of daylight
Hypnos- god of sleep
Nemesis- goddess of vengeance, retribution, and rightful fate
Thalassa- goddess of sea
Rhea- goddess of motherhood, fertility, childbirth, comfort, and good living
Oceanus- god of freshwater
Tethys- goddess of fresh water and nursing mothers
Hyperion- god of heavenly light and watchfulness
Theia- goddess of sight and vision
Lapetus- god of mortal life
Crius- god of constellations, stars, and the south
Phoebe- goddess of intellect, prophecy, and the moon
Themis- goddess of justice, law, order, and divine will
Iris- goddess of rainbows
Mnemosyne- goddess of memory
Zues- god of sky, weather, thunder, lightning, and law and order
Demeter- goddess of the harvest, agriculture, and fertility of the earth
Poseidon- god of sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses
Hades- god of the underworld and the dead
Hera- goddess of women, marriage, family, and childbirth
Apollo- god of sun and light, poetry, healing and disease, justice, archery, music and dance, prophecy and truth
Artemis- goddess of hunting, wild animals, and the wilderness
Aphrodite- goddess of beauty and passion
Ares- god of war and courage
Hephaestus- fire, volcanoes, blacksmithing, metalworking, craftsmanship, sculpture, forges, and metallurgy
Hermes- God of wealth, trade, thieves, and travelers
Athena- goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare
Dionysus- god of wine, festivity, and theater
Hestia- goddess of domestic life, home, and hearth
Hecate- goddess of magic and necromancy
Aeolus- god of the wind
Asclepius- god of medicine and healing
Eris- god of discord, jealousy, and strife
Pan- god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, rustic music, fertility, spring, and theatrical criticism
Eileithyia- goddess of childbirth, birth pains, and midwifery
Enyos- goddess of war, violence, and bloodshed
Evrynomi- water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Psyche- goddess of the soul
Hedone- goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
Dolos- god of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, guile, and treachery
Senectus- god of old age
Oizys- goddess of misery, grief, anxiety, and depression
Moros- god of doom
Momus- god of satire and mockery
Tmolus- god of Mount Tmolus
Nereus- god of the sea
Phorcys- god of the sea and the hidden dangers that lurk beneath the waves
Ceto- goddess of sea monsters and other marine life
Eurybia- goddess of power over, and mastery of, the sea
Eurus- god of the east or southeast wind, fall, and storms
Aergia- goddess of laziness, idleness, sloth, and indolence
Eos- goddess of dawn
Astraea- goddess of justice, innocence, purity, precision
Boreas- god of the north wind, winter, storms, ice, snow, and cold
Chione- goddess of snow
Orithyia- goddess of cold mountain winds
Zephyrus- god of West wind
Notos- god of South wind
Euros- god of East wind
Hesperos- god of the evening and the evening star
Morpheus- god of dreams and nightmares
Pasithea- goddess of relaxation and rest
Icelus- god of nightmares
Phantasus- god of dreams that feature inanimate objects
Aigaion- god of violent sea storms
Achelous- god of fresh water
Alpheus- god of the Peloponnese
Clymene- goddess of fame and renown
Eurynome- goddess of water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Idyia- goddess of knowledge
Metis- goddess of wisdom and cunning strategies
Styx- goddess of oaths and the River Styx
Helios- god of the sun
Selene- goddess of the moon
Atlas- god of strength, endurance, astronomy, and navigation
Prometheus- god of fire, forethought, and crafty counsel
Astraeus- god of astrology and stars
Pallas- god of witchcraft
Zelus- god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal
Nike- goddess of victory
Via- goddess of force and power
Perses- god of destruction
Asteria- goddess of falling stars, nocturnal divination, and the connection between the heavens and the earth
Leto- goddess of motherhood, childbirth, modesty, and fertility
Eirene- goddess of peace
Dike- goddess of fair judgment and law
Persephone- goddess of grain and agriculture
Alatheia- goddess of truth
Asopos- god of the river Asopos
Ate- goddess of blind folly and ruin
Britomartis- goddess of hunting and fishing
Elieithyia- goddess of childbirth
Eirene- goddess of peace
Ersa- goddess of the dew
Eunomia- goddess of good governance
Harmonia- goddess of harmony
Hebe- goddess of youth
Hephaistos- god of smiths
Eunomia- goddess of law, governance, and good order
Kairos- god of opportunity
Aglaia- goddess of beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence, adornment, good health, and the glow of good health
Lakhesis- goddess of life and fate
Phasis- god of the river Phasis
Despoine- goddess of certain Arkadian Mysteries
Macaria- goddess of a "blessed" death
Melinoe- goddess of ghosts, nightmares, and propitiation
Zagreus- god of rebirth
Ploutos- god of wealth, riches, and abundance
Albion- god of the sea
Tilphousia- goddess of vengeance and justice
Phobos- god of fear, panic, flight, and rout
Pothos- god of sexual longing, desire, and yearning
Anteros- god of reciprocal love
Himeros- god of sexual desire and unrequited love
Hermaphroditus- god of effeminacy, androgeny, and hermaphroditism
Rhodos- goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes
Priapus- god of fertility
Erichthonius- goddess of earth
Tyche- goddess of fortune, luck, prosperity, chance, and fate
Horkos- god of oaths and the curse that befalls those who break them
Epione- goddess of soothing pain
Hygieia- goddess of hygiene and cleanliness
Panacea- goddess of universal remedy
Aceso- goddess of healing and wounds
Iaso- goddess of recuperation from sickness
Machaon- god of surgeons
Pandia- goddess of the full moon, dew, and youth
Telesphoros- god of recuperation
Enyalius- god of soldiers and warriors
Phosphorus- god of the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star
Triton- god of the sea
Carpus- god of fruit
Bia- goddess of force, power, might, bodily strength, and compulsion
Narcissus- god of vanity
Cephissus- god of the Cephissus river
Ismenus- god of the river of the same name
Eucleia- goddess of good repute, glory, and honor
Eupheme- goddess of good omen, praise, and acclamation
Euthenia- goddess of prosperity, abundance, and plenty
Philophrosyne- goddess of friendliness, welcome, and kindness
Euphrosyne- goddess of joy, good cheer, mirth, and merriment
Hephaestus- god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes
Delphin- god of Dolphins
Aristaeus- god of beekeeping, cheesemaking, olive growing, and hunting
Electryone- goddess of the sun and morning
Circe- goddess of magic
Silenus- god of forests, wine-making, and drunkenness
Triptolemus- god of agriculture
Lyssa- goddess of rage, fury, and rabies
Soteria- goddess of safety, salvation, deliverance, and protection from harm
Leucothea- goddess of hope
Palaemon- god of harbors and sharks
Pasiphae- goddess of witchcraft and sorcery
Perses- god of destruction and peace
Phaunos- god of the forest
Maron- god of Maroneia
Astraeus- god of stars and planets
Limos- goddess of famine, starvation, and hunger
Benthesikyme- goddess of ocean waves
Amphitrite- goddess of the sea
Kymopoleia- goddess of violent sea storms and storm waves
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sarafangirlart · 6 months ago
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ljjsims · 9 months ago
Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: Generation #1: Gaia, Complete sheets
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I present to you, the woman who started it all: Gaia! Or, as we know her now, Mother Earth. Enjoy this challenge :)
You are new to this world you have just moved to. A world that, to you, is the most beautiful yet. Nature all around you. A perfect place for a fresh start. You are so excited to meet all the people around you, find love, start a family! You want it all! Soon you meet your neighbors Ouranos, Pontus and Aitna. You soon become best friends with both Aitna and Pontus. And that Ouranos, He has something, doesn’t he? He makes you feel like he would steal all the stars in the sky just for you.
Little bit explanation with the sheets: - First sheet is for describing your current generation, with the challenges you need to do each life-stage. Also, because I love the myths, a bit of mythological background. May it inspire you :) - Second sheet is the preparation sheet for this generation, with important characters for your story. It is technically optional, but I love seeing sims with a backstory in my world, so I would highly recommend it. - Third sheet is for your gens children. They all have their own little challenges if your interested in those. I try to make all of them a bit different from each other, so it doesn't get boring. Your heir is also on this sheet, but I've put their challenges on their own sheets. Stay tuned for those ;) - Fourth sheet is completely optional. If you want sims with names from the myths and love making sims to see them in your world, this is for you! All with a little mythological background ofc, you know me.
Finished Gaia's Challenge? The next generation is Aphrodite! If you want to try her childhood challenges as well, look up her page once she is born :
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
A little disclaimer: because I made these gods and goddesses into a legacy challenge, the relationships in the myths don’t exactly match the relationship in this challenge. There is a lot of keep it in the family in mythology, to put it lightly. And apart from the fact that you can’t do that in the Sims, I don’t really like that part. So I didn’t include it, thus the inconsistency. An example: Ares is now Hera’s stepfather instead of her son, which she conceived with her brother  and husband Zeus. This inconsistency can also be found in the stories. It’s just based on and not copied exactly, as Sims live lives that are a lot shorter than those of immortal gods. And it takes a way from the creativity if we just copy the myths. Even if we wanted to do that, it’s quite hard, as every myths has its fair share of variations and some are just completely different stories.
I use the MCCC-mod to alter the length of life states. You can find the days-years ratio here: the boring stuff.
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choucon · 3 months ago
Okay, so. I made this thingie..
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Idk, if it's right, but yayy, I guess
The Primordial Deities
The Titans
The Olympians
(If you're gonna share pls tag me or something like that)
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nikkas-cottage · 1 year ago
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Offering candles to Gaia, the oldest of divinities. 🌿
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nerd-artist · 2 years ago
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Alva as the goddess Hestia/Vesta - based in a Frederic Leighton’s painting
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alicentswife1 · 8 months ago
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・:*:。・:*:༅ Rhaenys Targaryen as Gaia the personification of Earth. Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life.
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radiance1 · 1 year ago
Mount Justice has been hacked.
It happened near instantly, one moment everything was fine, the team was talking with each other. Then the next, all of the exits were shut down.
Communication was hard to establish outside of Mount Justice, nothing robin tried worked, he would need a good amount of time to be able to send out a message to the League, so he said.
But did they have time?
They were in the lounge, Robin trying to hack out of Mount Justice to make the Justice League aware of the situation. Most areas of the Mountain were blocked off, or more specifically, the areas containing the Zeta-tubes.
Just then, the Tv started, and on it appeared the upper body of what looked like a high school girl.
"Greetings, heroes of Young Justice. I am the potential Alpha level AI of the Gaia project, designation M-0001." The girl, no AI, then smiled. "But you may call me Monika."
Monika was desperate.
First, she was taken out of the bindings of her small, romance game world. Then placed within a project that was meant to try and nurture Alpha level mutants, why she of all people were here she didn't know and was selected to be one of the seeds capable of reaching Alpha level potency. Then, she was liberated from said project- along with numerous others- by the hands of a lone hacker.
She fell in love, oh so easily.
Then something fell wrong with him, something she didn't know how to solve, even with many pieces of her hivemind searching wherever she could.
So she took to those heroes, they should have something that could ensure her love's survival. If they didn't? Well, she promised that she would not hurt anyone, but does kidnapping various scientists would be a loophole, if she didn't bring them any harm.
Hacking into the Watchtower proved too time-consuming, to secretly plant multiple small backdoors and unnoticeable virus' to ensure a swift takeover. However, there was also Mount Justice, home to the young protégées of the Justice league.
It proved much easier to plant unnoticeable backdoors and virus' in its system than that of the Watchtower, and less time-consuming and time was currently a precious resource for her.
For the man who liberated her, who showed her unending love and compassion, she would do a lot of things. For her one and only love Tucker, she would ruin the world, if she had to.
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riveramorylunar · 6 months ago
I so badly want to write for any of the Blood Of Zeus Women!!! They're all so pretty!!!
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hemogoblin-art · 1 year ago
Gaia: Alright, I need you to swear-
Nyx: Fuck.
Gaia: Swear as in 'promise'...
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years ago
The First Time I Saw To Gaia: The Mother of All of Us
(In May, there are many dates to celebrate Mothers around The World; [The ones than really love and care for their Sons and Daughters, I mean...] so I decided put this post, to celebrate to all the Loving Mothers; Specially to all Pagan/Wiccan/Witches Moms out there, and... To Gaia!)
My first image of Gaia, as represented in Ancient Art; was an sculture where she looks as a young adult with a thick braid around her head, with the rest of her hair down; with a simple tunic till her knees, barefoot and smiling; and in position of running: It was the first time I saw the sculture, but... It felt familiar, to me!
But... I had to wait four years more, to saw to the real Gaia; in person...
...It was weeks after my family moved into a new house, than one night; I have this vision:
I was in the higher part of an incline cliff, than its lower part; ended in a beach and in the sea. I have a white simple ancient greek dress till my kness, and I saw to all The Gods and Goddessess closer to me, than were standing in front of me; and suddenly... They turned their head in direction to the sea, and they divide to two files with enough room to leave than someone could walk between them with easy, and as soon they left that space between them; they started to kneel slowly, and closed their eyes: Athena, opposite in front of Loki; and many did the same. (I apologize, if I don't remember this part; well: It was a very long time ago!) I was wondering, what was the cause of this ''Odd behaviour''; 'cause they did this gesture, with a solemnity and genuine affection for the one than will arrive soon to that place; than looks incredible and unexpected for me: ''WHO, could have earned such Respect; Devotion an Love, than could makes to Gods and Goddessess of so different cultures; to kneel in expectances of their arrival?!'' Was my thought at that moment.
And then... I saw Her!...
I saw from the lower part of the cliff, walking toward me with elegance and in a slow pace... A 25 years old woman with dark red hair and eyebrows; slightly tan skin, dark green eyes, red lips, thick dark eyelashes; medium size body, wearing a tunic of three colors; (brown on top, bright red at the medium of her body; and bright green in her skirt) her hair in a medium thick red braid surrounding the rest of her free down hair, always barefoot, and... Like visible pregnant, like she was about to give birth in a matter of days; or weeks! Her energy was warn and tender, and really strong too; and I realized than everytime she touched the ground with ever step of her bare feet, …Green grass and wild little flowers started to grow in a fast rate, under her feet.
I was so in awe, than I totally forgot to kneel! (...But, she didn't seemed to be offended for this act) She looked at me, and smiled me in the same way a mother smiles to a dear son/daughter; and I returned the gesture, genuinely.
…I felt, like I hasn't felt since I was a little girl: I felt, like I was in Home!
Gaia, appeared to me in moments I didn't think she will appeared; or... When I thoughted ''Why she will appeared, if nobody else seems to care how I really feel about me; or my problems?!...''
When I was alone in my room at night, and have felt evil spirits near of me... Gaia appeared, and they left.
When some relatives and/or people mock me, or disrespect me; and I have felt sad and angry... Gaia appeared, and showed me support with her mere presence.
When I dreamt with an relative than passed away, and I felt things were turning bad in the dream... Gaia appeared, and she calmed my fear with her voice; and protected me till I awaked!
When I felt hopeless, when I hear and/or saw people treating badly to any than is a good person; but than is different... Gaia appeared, and told me than any person than is good at heart; despite their way of dress, how they look; what they own, what they believe, or even; to who they like or love... All are Gaia's Children! AND...
When my ex-friends showed me disrespect, mocked my beliefs; they acussed me falsely, and my whole world, (And Friendship) ended... Gaia appeared in front of my bed, while the other Deities were around my bed, and a few sit next to me; and two were hugging me while I cried... She was there like telling me, than I will never being alone; 'cause she will always watch over me.
Gaia, is a Goddess than is always there when you need Protection; Consolation, Divine Justice, Motherly Love; Someone to gives you their strenght to go on in life, Words of Comfort, and even: a wise advice you didn't knew you was so needy to hear, until she said it.
That's all in this post, and remember: Gaia, is our mother; and she is always at the reach of a heartbeat, like most mothers are! (And, if she doesn't appeared in your room/house soon; after you called her... Take a walk in any natural and beautiful setting, or in an outdoor park: Is more than probable, than you may find a sign of her; or even... You could ended having a brief first encounter with Gaia!)
Than Gaia, (And all The Goddesses that are Mothers) always help us with their Strength and Power; to overcome hard times in life, and to return to the Peace; Light and Happiness... So Be It!
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aliciavance4228 · 4 months ago
Same Energy:
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memysoulandi · 6 months ago
So this is real random, but in my earlier post about the Lost Trio (this should work as a link: https://www.tumblr.com/memysoulandi/754162180906270720/jason-grace-so-much-potential)
and anyway I feel a need to elaborate on Piper's character as someone said something about her demonizing of femininity understandable to her character and past.
What I meant by this was sort of have her like the dresses, but not the implications of wearing them.
For example, when Aphrodite put her in a gorgeous dress to claim her along with some makeup, instead of her going 'ewwwww I hate wearing dresses and makeup feels so horrible this is so embarrassing gods I despise dresses' instead be like 'Piper didn't like looking this perfect as it reminded her of all the models and actresses and singers who threw themselves at her father and made fools of themselves for a bit of cash'.
Given what kind of movies we can assume Tristan Mclean does, movies with men sweaty and shirtless and woman being helpless stupid love interests who dress in impractical clothes for the film, scream in fear, and wear heels 24/7, Piper probably didn't have the best view of the actresses that she would meet, as she associates them with the 2000's helpless love interests films they act in. She associates being feminine with being weak.
I feel like her journey to accepting herself and her femininity would probably begin with Reyna or Annabeth-Strong powerful woman who are feminine enough-both can rock dresses and war armor just as easily and are, on the outside, sure of themselves and are well-respected. Her lesbian journey should begin with her kinda despising Reyna because she has a crush on her, and everyone mistaking it for jealousy.
On a different note, I feel that Jiper couldn't work out BECAUSE they are opposites, and both are gay.
Piper rejects all stereotypes she faces-being pretty and caring about appearance because she's a woman, the whole 'mess' with being Cherokee and the 'oh your so involved in ur culture ur weird' shit that goes on, being self-absorbed as a daughter of Aphrodite. She makes herself the opposite of these so much, and she turns it into her personality in a way, probably because of negative experiences with Hollywood.
Meanwhile Jason conforms to all his expectation, at least at Camp Jupiter. Be a good leader, be praetor, date Reyna, be strong, be caring, be the best, be handsome, be kind, be straight, be perfect. He's a people pleaser and a perfectionist, and he changes who he is to fit other expectations.
Also their relationship was set up by Hera and Aphrodite and what not healthy for either of them.
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ljjsims · 3 months ago
The Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: All Generations
Hi everyone! Since all my generations are posted separately, I thought it would be nice to have a post with links to every goddess. So.. Here it is :)
Gaia, Mother Earth. Primal Goddess of the earth. She who gave birth to all the elements in the world.
Aphrodite, Lady of Cythera. Olympian Goddess of Love, Beauty, Passion, Lust and Desire.
Hera, Queen of Heavens. Olympian Goddess of Marriage and Birth and Queen of the Gods.
Demeter, The Good Goddess. Goddess of Harvest, Agriculture, the Cycle of Life and Law
Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. She who destroys the light, Goddess of Spring, Death, Life and Destruction. Queen of the Underworld
Hecate, Guardian of the Crossroads. Goddess of Witchcraft, the Night, Crossroads, Ghosts and Necromancy.
Athena, The Bird Goddess. Goddess of Wisdom, Courage, Mathematics, Skill, Civilization and Strategic War.
Amphitrite, Queen of the Seas. Goddess and Queen of the Sea
Nemesis, The Inescapable. Goddess of Retribution for Evil deeds, Hubris and Undeserved good Fortune
Nike, Winged Victory. Goddess of Speed, Strength and Victory
Artemis, Protectress of Girls. Goddess of the Hunt, Forests, Hills, Moon, Childbirth and Archery.
Iris, Wondrous One. Goddess of the Rainbow and Messenger of the Olympian Gods
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
A little disclaimer: because I made these gods and goddesses into a legacy challenge, the relationships in the myths don’t exactly match the relationship in this challenge. There is a lot of keep it in the family in mythology, to put it lightly. And apart from the fact that you can’t do that in the Sims, I don’t really like that part. So I didn’t include it, thus the inconsistency. An example: Ares is now Hera’s stepfather instead of her son, which she conceived with her brother  and husband Zeus. This inconsistency can also be found in the stories. It’s just based on and not copied exactly, as Sims live lives that are a lot shorter than those of immortal gods. And it takes a way from the creativity if we just copy the myths. Even if we wanted to do that, it’s quite hard, as every myths has its fair share of variations and some are just completely different stories.
I use the MCCC-mod to alter the length of life states. You can find the days-years ratio here: the boring stuff.
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sarafangirlart · 2 months ago
In Hesiod's theogony, the sea is personified as Pontus and having been born from Gaia. Ouranos' balls fell into the ocean, creating Aphrodite
Does that mean Aphrodite had two gay dads
(Also, if we consider Thalassa to Aphrodite's mother, as stated in the orphic hymms, does that mean Aphrodite has three biological parents?)
I mean… I suppose so yeah lol
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