#grandma do you know what tumblr is?
sweetimpurity · 2 months
had a conversation with my grandma today and she said something like: “y’know you’re so innocent so… etc” and I’m just like. Yeah. Okay. Sure I am. 🧍‍♀️
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myokk · 2 months
before it felt like a sin, ch. 1
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pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
word count: 3000
summary: Eloise never wanted to be different.
And yet, her differences are what have defined her life up until this point: growing up as a squib in one of the most prominent wizarding families, being exiled to muggle society, and then attending Hogwarts at the age of sixteen.
She finds herself thrust into the life she should have been prepared for from birth but was denied. As she navigates this new life and her new precarious position in her family, she must come to terms with the fact that maybe what she dreamed of her whole life isn't turning out how she ever expected it would.
a/n: Hi everyone!! I decided to post this here too...I'm slowly going through everything I've written so far, and I want to post each chapter here as I edit them. I'm hoping that this can be a way to a) get back in to writing more, and b) get better at my art as I make full illustrations for each chapter. Let me know what you think!! :)
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There is nothing quite as horrible as being a muggle, Eloise thought savagely as she ripped out yet another stitch in the landscape she was embroidering. At least, it was supposed to be a landscape. Maybe with her head tilted to the left and with her eyes almost closed so everything blurred together, it might resemble one. She did just that, trying her hardest to make out some recognizable shape and blast the stupid practice of manually pushing colored thread through a fabric in some sort of -
“And what is this, Miss Babbit?”
Eloise jumped at the sound and looked up at the scowling face of her teacher, and then quickly back down at the tangled thread in her lap. Behind her, she could hear the hushed giggles of the other girls in her class.
“Oh! Er…it’s -”
“How long have you been here?” the woman interrupted.
“One hour…I just -”
“Don’t be smart with me. I mean, at this institute.”
“Five years.” Eloise glared down at her embroidery as if it had personally offended her. It wasn’t like she was actively trying to be bad at everything, but she had the distinct disadvantage - how had it ever come to be that she would be at a disadvantage to muggles? - of not having spent a lifetime being prepared for muggle society and all that it entailed. The last five years had been a monotonous, endless cycle of lessons designed to turn her into the perfect lady: French (a waste of time as Eloise was already fluent), embroidery (a waste of time as the things she embroidered weren’t actually useful), dancing (a waste of time as she was already engaged to be married - why would she bother trying to woo another silly man?), and her most dreaded class of all: etiquette. No matter how many years had been spent trying to assimilate into muggle culture, her thoughts still got muddled when she tried to remember the steps to a dance, or how to properly address the son of a duke.
Did it really matter, anyways, what the other girls thought? She had pretended her whole life to be the daughter she thought her parents had wanted - now she was simply pretending that she hadn’t been thrown into the muggle world without a second thought. What was a bit more pretending - that she didn’t care? That she hadn’t been tossed aside without a second thought?
“Exactly. Five years. And yet, you have shown no progress whatsoever. This -” a finger jabbed accusingly at the embroidery - “is absolutely horrendous. If your parents hadn’t continued to make such a sizeable donation every year, I would have deemed you a lost cause and sent you packing when you first arrived. How your family ever managed your betrothal to the son of an earl is beyond me.”
Eloise grimaced at the mention of her fiance as her teacher clapped her hands together to get the attention of the class - a wholly unnecessary action due to the fact that it was already being given. “Class is dismissed. Please collect your belongings and put them in the correct place. Remember, as future wives and mothers, you must be organized in all aspects of your life. Many of you will be managing important households and the slightest misstep -“ a slight glance to Eloise out of the corner of her eye - “can cause the biggest of scandals.”
Eloise raced to gather her things and leave the classroom before everyone else. No matter how many years had been spent at the school, she couldn’t help but hate sitting through the classes amongst the judgmental stares and snide remarks. Although things had started out shaky at the finishing school - to be expected, really, when you’ve grown up in wizarding society and then are then forced to live as a muggle - it still stung that after all these years, she still hadn’t found a friendly face. She was treated as if she were a pariah: it was as if the other girls just knew that something was different about her. But…wasn’t that the great irony of it all? She wasn’t different than them. She was a filthy squib.
When she first arrived at the school, she was an anomaly. A twelve-year-old girl who didn’t know how to play the piano or who the queen was. It was clear to everyone that Eloise wasn’t the charity case of the school - her parents were obviously quite wealthy - and yet they seemingly wanted nothing to do with her. Whereas the others got regular letters and visits from their family, it was as if Eloise were an orphan. Nothing new to her of course, but to her peers this otherness aided them in her ostracization.
Upon entering her room, she was abruptly pulled out of her thoughts. Something wasn’t right. Everything seemed the same: a twin bed perfectly made opposite a small wardrobe, a plain wooden desk placed between them. The weak afternoon sunlight shone through the window, illuminating her desk. But…there.
Placed on her bed, resting on the pillow, was a letter.
She never received letters.
Eloise shoved her embroidery under her bed and hungrily grabbed at it, pausing when she saw the address. Miss E. Babbit. The Third Bedroom on the Left… It seemed vaguely familiar to her in a way she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
As she read the letter, though, it became apparent to her exactly why this was. Although not exactly the same as the one her brother had received six years earlier, it quickly became apparent that this was a Hogwarts letter. For her. For Miss E. Babbit.
Hands shaking, she set the letter down on her desk and sat on the edge of her bed. She smoothed her hands over her skirt over and over, taking comfort in the familiar softness as she tried to even her breathing.
How was this possible? She had all but accepted the fact that she was a squib. The shame of her family, a dirty secret to be hidden away and never talked about or mentioned again. Her parents had suspected as much by the time she had turned seven without any signs of magic whatsoever manifesting around her - not even a basic transformation of brussel sprouts to sweets during dinner. It was ultimately confirmed, however, when her own Hogwarts acceptance letter never arrived. She had spent the whole year before her banishment daydreaming about her life at Hogwarts, still optimistic that there could be something magical inside of her. Her brother, Leo, came home every holiday with wonderful stories of his new friends and teachers, and the subjects he was learning at school. Even back then, at twelve years old, Eloise hadn’t been sure if he was actually hopeful she wasn’t a squib, or if he had been trying to prolong the fantasy for her before it all came crashing down.
Although she had had five years to come to terms with her new life, there was still a small part of her that hoped. A small “what if…”. She had tried time and time again to squash that tiny ray of optimism that would escape every so often, tried so very hard to cultivate a hard exterior that wouldn’t let any sort of vulnerability shine through. And that optimism was a vulnerability, after all. It was that vulnerability that had made it absolutely impossible for her to fit in the muggle world, and made it so that she didn’t really want to try.
Five years to come to terms with the fact that she needed a new purpose for her life and…
…not anymore?
Eloise grabbed the letter and greedily read through it again, drinking in all of the words. She paused at the end, thinking. Was this a forgery? Some sort of awful joke orchestrated by her brother? Leo had never been cruel to her in the past; in fact, he was the one who always encouraged her and was the most probable source of the small optimism that remained within her. However, she had no way of knowing how he had changed since she had last seen him. It had been, after all, five very long years. And not once had she heard from him, even though he had promised her through huge sobbing gulps that he would never abandon her. Maybe their parents had slowly poisoned him against her. It would be right on the nose for them, after all.
Looking at the envelope again, however…Third Bedroom on the Left…no. It was too specific. Nobody in her previous life had any reason to even want to contact her again, and nobody in her current life even knew what Hogwarts was, let alone have the ability to convincingly forge a letter just to have some fun at her expense.
A light, bubbly feeling began to spread throughout her body as it sunk in that this was real. She was going to Hogwarts. Soon, a - squinting at the letter again - a Professor Fig would be contacting her and giving her things to study. A huge grin slowly spread across her face and she hugged the letter to her chest as she fell back on her bed. She read through it again. Was it the fifth time already? It felt as though no amount of times rereading the letter would ever be enough.
Eloise got up and walked over to look at the calendar on her desk. She was surprised to see that September 1st was in only two days. The days at the finishing school moved in such a strange, sluggish way. They all felt the same. Monotonous. French and Latin and embroidery and household management and Merlin even knows what else all blending into each other in an endless parade of dusty classrooms and gossip and boredom.
The light feeling left her in an instant as, after years of practice, the optimism was squashed back down. But how will you even get to London? And, her brain added sneakily, you haven’t even shown any signs of magic. Maybe you’ll just be returned back here after they realize their mistake.
No, she thought fiercely, gripping the letter. Until -
A tapping came from the window. A tentative smile returned at the sight of a tawny brown owl with another envelope in its beak. She ripped it open as soon as it was in her hands (again addressed to Miss E. Babbit) and along with the letter a small, purple pouch fell out of the envelope and onto her bed.
Miss Eloise Babbit,
I am pleased to be the wizard charged with such an important task as escorting you to Hogwarts in two days’ time. It is something extraordinary to be accepted in your fifth-year, and as such, I expect extraordinary things from you. I have enclosed a small pouch along with this envelope, and in it are some items that will be vital to you in the upcoming days. I have included books for you to study at your leisure, and a small gobstone that will bring you to our rendezvous point in London. All you have to do is touch it at noon on the 1st and you will be transported instantly.
Your family has not been informed of your acceptance. I am sure you understand why - at this, Eloise scoffed quietly to herself - which is why I will personally be your escort.
I am looking forward to meeting you and bringing you to the sorting ceremony in two days’ time.
Eleazar Fig
The handwriting was tiny and spidery and cramped, but it didn’t stop Eloise from reading it with the same vigor as the previous letter and as many times. Finally, she turned to the small pouch that had fallen onto her bed when she opened the second envelope. It must have had an invisible extension charm, because it was filled to the brim with books on basic spellwork and general wizarding history. Professor Fig had no way of knowing, but Eloise had already read many of these books and many more during the year her brother had started Hogwarts, as she had needed to know absolutely everything about what would be awaiting her. A few years may have passed since she had stepped foot in her family’s library, but she couldn’t get the books or their contents out of her brain even if she had wanted to. She had really wanted to forget everything she knew about the magical world when it was confirmed she was a squib but it was a futile effort. As she zoned out during her piano lessons, she would find herself mentally going through the movements to cast different charms.
It was painful to be thinking about things from the life that had been ripped away from her, to know that what she was thinking about would never come to pass, that she would never be able to wield magic - and yet she couldn’t find herself able to stop.
As Eloise picked out one of the books and settled into her armchair, a steely resolve overcame her.
She would prove that she deserved to be there, and was just as capable as any of they were. She would make her parents regret ever discarding her like she was nothing.
She was worthy. She was capable. And she would prove it.
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The morning of September 1st dawned cold and rainy. Absolutely perfect.
Eloise had pretended to be sick the night before, and no one had suspected a thing when she stayed in bed long after all of the other girls had gotten ready and headed to breakfast. As the last of the chattering faded away down the hallway, Eloise finally got out of bed and prepared herself for the day. It was difficult to sit still long enough to braid her hair. Her fingers wouldn’t stop trembling and she had to restart countless times. Finally, she tied the black ribbon at the end into a neat bow and turned to the drawer of her desk to retrieve the small purple pouch she had hidden away.
Everything she deemed important enough to come along with her had already been placed inside: the books from Professor Fig, the hair ribbons gifted to her by her brother many years ago, and some clothing. Nothing else was coming with. She needed the fresh start. Besides, anything else she might need would be supplied, as her acceptance letter had specifically stated that any school supplies would be provided to her.
Waiting the hours before noon came along proved to be more difficult than Eloise had imagined. Time seemed to be moving slower than the molasses that had come with the breakfast sent up to her, the steady patter of the rain becoming a sort of metronome keeping time as she paced back and forth. Wasn’t there anything that could distract her, even for a bit? She glanced at the clock. Only five minutes had passed since the last time. 10.35.
The second hand ticking away in tandem with the sound of rain splashing against her window.
What if this was all a trick? What if she arrived at Hogwarts, and they turned her away because they realized they had made a mistake? After all, why would they admit a sixteen-year-old? Surely she was too old; every other student had started Hogwarts at the age of twelve and had shown signs of magic much earlier than that. She still hadn’t shown any signs of magical capability whatsoever, and didn’t feel any different than she had before receiving the letter. It had to be a fluke.
As her thoughts started veering into the melancholy she was prone to, she shook her head. No. Today was a happy, exciting day. She wasn’t going to squash the optimism down today, not when she needed it most. All of these thoughts she was having were simply that: thoughts. Not reality. Hogwarts never made a mistake, and in all of the history books she had read, she couldn’t recall an instance of someone being turned away at the door. Granted, she had also never heard of someone being admitted so late. But, better to focus on what she did know, which was that she had gotten the letter. It must be right in its assumption that she had magic.
Trying to pass the time was easier said than done. She ended up quizzing herself on all of the charms she had memorized in the books sent by Professor Fig, moving an imaginary wand in the precise movements needed to successfully cast and focusing on her pronunciation. She had studied all of these forms late into both nights she had had the books, and when she would eventually close her eyes to sleep, the wand movements were all she saw.
Eloise was determined that she would receive pity from nobody. Nobody was going to look at her like she was lacking. She had gotten enough of that to last a lifetime, and now that she was given this opportunity she wasn’t about to waste it.
When noon finally struck, Eloise was ready and waiting. She eagerly grabbed the gobstone that was sitting on her desk and felt the familiar tugging sensation in her navel as she was whisked away to London and the beginning of her new life.
next chapter
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arklay · 11 months
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To the public, little is known of the families behind some of the world’s most renowned bioterrorists, but the question remains: did they play a role in causing their children to walk down the path that they did? Or are these individuals simply ambitious criminals with delusions of grandeur?
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For Diana Wesker (née Afanasyeva), her introduction into the bioweapons black market trade was upon discovering her employers were using her research into limb regeneration with salamanders to further their experiments in creating enhanced soldiers, instead of developing human therapies with which she was recruited for. Although the prospect of using biological weapons in the military did not appeal to her, the concept remained fascinating for her own selfish endeavours. Born on the 27th of October, 1963 in Sydney, Australia to Russian immigrant parents, Diana had harsh expectations placed upon her at a young age, ones that no matter how hard she tried she could never live up to. Her mother, Tatyana, was an unfeeling woman, absent for long stretches of time with little regard to how it affected her daughters, much more concerned with her craft as an accomplished opera singer. Viktor was no better. A strict man whose role as father and ballet master blurred, he pushed his girls to one day follow in his footsteps. Whilst Sofia enjoyed ballet, and went on to become a professional ballet dancer, Diana’s heart was set on going into the field of biology. She wished to make a name for herself, separate from her family – to which she succeeded.
Diana was married to former U.S. Marine, Dave Monroe, for only a year until he was declared dead in 1992 after succumbing to injuries sustained in a horrific car accident. Foul play was ruled out while Diana played the role of the grief-stricken widow, but in reality, she had snapped after years of mistreatment at her husband’s hands, and opted for something she could pass off as an accident to be free of him. For years she believed he was dead – and he was, legally – but that proved to not be the case when he found his way back into her life again in 1999. Unbeknownst to her, she had been lied to by the police and coroner, who were paid off by her employers when they took Dave’s body for themselves and used him as one of their first test subjects in developing supersoldiers. Before he could ever hurt her again, Diana’s second husband, Albert Wesker, tracked the man down, captured him and tortured him, before allowing Diana to get her violent and bloody revenge.
The origins of Albert Wesker’s involvement in bioterrorism, alongside his twin sister, Alex, are much different than that of Diana’s. The two hail from London, Canada, but unfortunately, they hold no memories of their lives there, nor what happened to their biological parents when they were eight years old. Agents of Oswell E. Spencer, an aristocratic billionaire and eugenicist, took the twins from their home and executed their parents as per Spencer’s orders. Albert and Alex were then placed in a home funded by the Spencer Foundation where they were given new names and a privileged upbringing. They had access to the best education possible, free to pursue whichever field they decided, but it was by no accident they both went into virology and bioengineering; at home, their adoptive parents – agents whom they believed to be their real parents – instilled them with the beliefs of Oswell E. Spencer, harbouring disdain for war and pestilence, and believing humans to be an evolutionary dead-end in need of a rebirth. They were only two of the hundreds of children “adopted” as part of what is known as Project W, a plan intended to develop an advanced race of human beings. The most promising candidates were headhunted by Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, the twins amongst them, where they went on to create bioweapons for the company founded by none other than the man who had handpicked them for his plan. The final stage of this was to infect the thirteen Spencer saw fit, however, only two survived; Albert received the intended effects, now possessing superhuman abilities, however, Alex was only offered more time to live due to her terminal degenerative illness.
In the summer of 1995, Diana was working undercover within Umbrella to gather development data on their projects for her company. Here, she had a chance encounter with Albert, an intelligence officer at the time, which permanently altered the course of her life. The two were never seen far from one another’s side, marrying in 1998, and they went on to become notorious in the bioweapons industry. The development of the Uroboros virus was where things took a turn for the worst. Although Diana’s infection was successful and she bore abilities that rivalled her husband’s, the plan itself did not succeed as they had hoped, and almost cost Albert his life at the hands of his former subordinates.
Now, they work within the shadows, with Diana declared missing and Albert believed to be dead. Their legacy, however, lives on with the mark they left on the world. As visionaries in their field, they influenced bioterror attacks carried out by countless individuals and organisations. In turn, they also inspired others to fight against such atrocities. One such person happens to be Albert’s son from a former relationship, Jake Müller, whose existence he was unaware of.
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#mine.#oc: diana#pair: ewskers#click for better quality cause it's large & tumblr ate it ♡#hii so happy birthday diana !! queen is 60 today :]#um. there's no template cause i made this from scratch...i couldn't find any i was vibing with so i was like you know what lmaoo#i'm sorry for the essay...it was meant to be just a short rundown of the family but well...that happened. typical leah fashion...#oh and guys. did you know that there's a limit to the amount you can put in one blockquote? that's why the rest is just left like that caus#i didn't like how it looked with a blockquote each paragraph...cause the spaces between were unever. you understand 😔#with the tree i was also going to include weskids adoptive parents but i couldn't figure out how to arrange it all & make it look nice !!#cause i also wanted to have spencer in there as well cause he's a big reason why the weskids are the way they are...was maybe gonna include#sherry as well. like connected to jake (hehe) and then do her parents too but that would've made things so wide & it's already big enough#yes. i hc that albert & alex are biological twins. just for clarification there :] i don't think i added anything else that isn't canon or#implied with canon. cause the weskids were put in homes (or at least whatever ''controlled environments'' means) where they were monitored#by umbrella but were unaware of it. so yeah. i don't think i really changed much there !!#honestly i could've kept rambling cause there's alex's whole situation. there's my lore with jake's mum. there's way more with the ewskers#but it's already so long & i can't be concise so there's that lmaoo oh also diana's grandma. so much stuff#also meant to say the weskids birthday in that ramble. it's january 15 1960 :] they are capricorn sun leo moons but alex was born earlier s#their rising signs are albert is a scorpio rising & alex is a libra rising !!#had to redo the image cause typo on diana's birth year for some reason lmao so if that messed up the formatting i will sob
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cuteniaarts · 27 days
@katkastrofa, circa 40-ish hours ago: Hey, what if our newest bunch of OCs adopted a baby from one of the other brothel girls who knew she couldn’t afford to raise one? That would make for some fun shenanigans :D
Me, with a notoriously non existent sleep schedule, instinct of self preservation or concern for my poor wrist: Alright, bet. Watch how fast I can make you fall in love with this hypothetical baby >:)
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Daneli as a gentle and loving caretaker-turned-adoptive-mother is something that can be So Personal, actually, and originally I was going to leave it at this quick sketch, but then I got carried away thinking about what this child will grow up to be like raised by this little gang of misfits, so…
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Here she is!! A little older and so, so beautiful, I need more of her in my life immediately, she’s way too precious
And, because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t also add a sapphic element to this absolute cinnamon roll, a small crack ship that I’m only half serious about for when she’s a little older still:
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All in all, we may be getting impossibly far from canon, but I for one already cannot get enough of sweet darling Kumisai <3
(I fully drew three pieces from scratch in 9 hours I cannot feel my brain or my hands anymore send help)
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original characters#jinora#wow. nia drew a canon character? what is this?? who was I replaced by???#but joking aside. a small explanation for this crack ship#originally it was me editing my timeline and realising that Kumisai would be around 14/15 during book 4. the same age as Jinora#so my mind immediately went 👀👀👀 and I decided to go for it#since in sotrl I sorta implied Jinora had a gay awakening by watching Suiren. so.. why not go all out and make her another baby queer?#no offence to Kai. what they had was rather cute tbh. but it felt kinda out of nowhere and just added for the sake of parental drama#plus she was a young girl meeting someone her age for the first time. of course she got a crush#doesn’t mean she has to stick with it you know?#anyway. as for how they would meet. Midori could introduce them :D#Kumisai is Daneli’s daughter. who’s a friend of Summiya’s. who’s Zaheer’s sister. who’s Midori’s uncle. who’s friends with Jinora#and spirits know Jinora deserves to act her age a little more often. she has way too many responsibilities on her shoulders#so maybe Midori would think that a friend her age would do her some good#and don’t even try to tell me these two wouldn’t be absolutely adorable puppy crushing on each other. look how cute Jinora turned out here#might be the first time I’ve drawn her? not sure. maybe I did before but it was A LONG time ago. 2019 ish#but okay. enough rambling about Jinora. back to Kumisai#I don’t really have too many headcanons about her yet. but she’s probably rather happy and carefree#having a large support system as a result of being raised communally#I think she considers Daneli her mom and the others are her aunties. auntie Shezan in particular is a notoriously bad influence :)#and maybe one day she’d get to meet her bio mom. but only if that’s something both of them want. not sure yet#I feel like she’s rather disconnected from her water tribe heritage since everyone around her is Earth Kingdom. save Phailin who’s half FN#but she still has small hints of blue in her clothing. the colour matching her beautiful eyes. maybe she is curious about her bio dad a bit#since unlike with her bio mom no one knew him and can’t tell her anything. that’s bound to come as a natural curiosity at some point right?#maybe that can be part of her story when she’s an adult. trying to find her bio dad. but ultimately it doesn’t matter that much#because Daneli is her mom and the only parent she needs <3 I’m really just throwing out suggestions here to fill the tag space#kaaatttt come discuss all this stuff with me I waited all night for you to wake up >:) distract me from my grandma’s tv watching
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lettersiarrange · 1 month
Since I just checked my ask box for the first time in a hot minute:
Just a note that tumblr doesn't tell me when I have new asks or messages and I rarely check my notifications. Helpful corrections of misinformation/any messages in good faith are appreciated (though it's possible I won't see them until weeks later, sorry), but if something I reblog angers you enough you feel the need to get hostile in my askbox on anon, I reccomend the unfollow button.
I'm also not comfortable posting asks asking for any sort of donations/directing people to your blog for donation purposes, sorry :// I just don't have time to vet asks like that
#feel like I've had more hostile asks than usual in the last year or so#(with the usual number being none and the recent number being more than none)#I'm not sure if it's like (1) person who hatefollowed and now just wants to be nitpicky about everything#or if the culture of the site changed when i wasn't paying attention and people are back to being hostile#my theory is that the fall of twitter means twitter users are coming back to tumblr and bringing their hostility with them#also i can't believe i have to say this AGAIN#but while what i reblog is generally in line with what i believe...#sometimes i reblog stuff bc it's interesting and makes points i haven't heard before#or i like the overall message even tho there's a few pieces I'm iffy about#or it's not how I'd say it or i feel like it's lacking in some nuance but still think the point is worth making#if you see a really consistent take on my blog with consistent framing then yeah safe to assume it's probably reflective of how i feel#but if you have problems with the phrasing or framing of a specific post maybe take that up with the OP??#i can find someone's speech worthy of dissemination without agreeing with every word#I'm not going to take responsibility for other ppl's phrasing esp if it's just the phrasing or framing in one post and not a theme 4 my blog#sometimes i just think things are an interesting conversation or worthy of talking abt even if not everyone is saying things 100% correctly#feel free to come for me for things i actually write. but I'm not gonna take responsibility for other people's phrasing#(AGAIN with the understanding that like. if I were constantly reblogging posts with slurs or something that would be different)#this just in humans are complex and do not agree 1000% with every post they've ever shared online#pls hold me accountable for things i actually say...#a good example of a VALID critique was when i was following a secret terf and i was accidentally reblogging things with terf OPs semi-often#there was concern i was a terf (i am not... just bad at spotting terf dogwhistles) bc there were a few of these like...#not explicitly terfy but like popular with terf posts on my blog#so thanks again to whoever let me know so i could hunt down the secret terf i was following and unfollow#and even tho it's not true that I'm a terf it was a valid concern bc of the consistency#if u think the phrasing or framing in (1) singular post i reblogged is sooooo horrible... pls take it up with the OP#again with obvious exceptions of like. hate speech. slurs. actual alt right talking points. content in the post that is directly harmful#but anons in my inbox have been Big Mad abt like. one line in one post. or one bad piece of framing#or one not quite nuanced enough take. or one framing where not every person in the world was considered#so pls take that shit up with the person who actually wrote the post and stop acting like i personally came to your house#and yelled the words of whatever post at your grandma and then was mean to your dog
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coughdropenjoyer · 3 months
sometimes everything sucks. and even then not everything does
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sonic the hedgehog tumblr dashboard simulator
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💠 extremegayr Follow
got held up in traffic today cause some noob couldnt drive the fucking loop-de-loop. lmfao fucking coward
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🎛 420zone Follow
ok but robotnik's kind of a dilf tho
🌫 wispgender Follow
he's literally a war criminal can we NOT do this tumblr
🎛 420zone Follow
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📰 its-no-use Follow
@wispgender dont u literally simp for nominatus like who is one to talk
🌫 wispgender Follow
🛜 viralsensation-destructorofworlds Follow
that you know of
🌫 wispgender Follow
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🔷 sonicinthewild
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43,834 notes
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☣️ lineinthesand Follow
saw sonic the hedgehog irl once. he showed up at my village, released 30 feral pickys in the town hall, paid the ice cream vendor roughly a thousand rings for a single chili dog, told me not to waste my life worrying about the little things, and then caused a fucking tornado
🧿 spiralhillspindash Follow
ok and??? you're not special
☣️ lineinthesand Follow
173 notes
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🌠 chaoinspace2electricboogaloo
sucks that sticks the badger hates all technology you know she would do NUMBERS on here
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☸️ r0u3e Follow
being an islander be like "are those the kind of eggsplosions i should worry about or the kind of eggsplosions that are gonna repair our crops, fix the economy, and bring my dead grandma back to life"
🌁 eggpawnkindathicctho Follow
being a continenter be like "oh great what primordial diety has risen from the grave to block traffic and fight a 15yo today"
🥭 chao-official
being a chao be like "chao chao chao chao chao"
🌁 eggpawnkindathicctho Follow
you said it my mans
579,056 notes
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🏵 sprinkles-the-chao Follow
hold on if sonic the hedgehog is jewish then how is he santa claus
🤖 e123-omegaverse Follow
dont question him
85,628 notes
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☣️ sparkygoboom Follow
hey guys real question are human/mobian relationships problematic
💠 extremegayr Follow
op is about to start the anthro church schism of the fifteenth year all over again
🛞 mobotropolis Follow
ok but in all seriousness did your mom never teach you that part of history
🎢 marxiobros Follow
someone doesn't know about the united federations public school system
🛞 mobotropolis Follow
what the fuck is a public school
⏭️ drowningmusic Follow
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⚄ paradoxprism Follow
are we gonna talk about op's chaos radiation fetish
💠 extremegayr Follow
🏞 mobiancrossing Follow
ok but am i the only one who thinks that the public school system would be a good idea if handled right? like i know it's traditional to learn from your parents and then experience the world on our own from the ages of 7-13 but like combining all our knowledge and learning together doesnt seem like a bad idea
☠️ fabian-vane-number-1-hater Follow
bitch that's what the internet is for
🌅 s0leanna-apple-barrell
yeah where else am i gonna learn to make infinite chaos emeralds
❇️ freesurge Follow
"infinite chaos emeralds" that's called the phantom ruby
🏳️‍🌈 rainbowwispforgayrights Follow
everybody on this site has brain damage
❇️ freesurge Follow
yeah. from the radiation
603,573 notes
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🐸 froggysfriend
caught this today
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🏝 digginginthegroundfortubers
if anything happens to this blog i genuinely hope eggman blows us all up as punishment
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🐊 teamchaotixofficial
Hey guys! Sorry to do this again but rent's a little tight this month :( If we've ever solved a case for you guys or made you guys smile, please consider sending a ko-fi our way! we just need a few rings to get through the month <3
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🖼 give-the-koco-a-gun Follow
do we ever talk about that time the sky turned blood-red and shadow the hedgehog's demon dad descended from on high to murder us all and we only barely survived
❤️‍🔥 songoose4evr Follow
shadow fixed it it's fine
🎮 n0cturnity
yeah that was like twelve apocalypses ago move on
🎆 robotniksbignaturals Follow
kinda wanted to bang black doom tbh
🖼 give-the-koco-a-gun Follow
🎆 robotniksbignaturals Follow
yeah. move over gayboy i'm boutta be shadow's new dad
856,301 notes
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🗑️ berrybarry
starting a conspiracy that time hasnt moved since 2006
🗑️ berrybarry
why the fuck was i shadowbanned after posting this
8 notes
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🤡 clownfinite Follow
tfw you finally save up enough rings for ice cream and you go outside and get hit by swatbot pieces and the rings just go fuckin everywhere
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587 notes
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🔷 sonicinthewild
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34,452 notes
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🌌 h-o-l-o-l-y-n-x
so did y'all see that genesis wave or was it just me
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🆙 planetsgiantcrack Follow
the virgin tweeter "if you use a bad word in the same tweet as the word 'cream' you get obliterated off the site" vs this chad site of "i want to put knuckles back in a microwave"
💟 presidentyaoi Follow
69,849 notes
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⬜️ chao-and-wisps-4-ever-so-cute-2 Follow
ok posting my first fanart to this site pls be nice! <3
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🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow
why does tails look like he's always about to say "it fucken WIMDY"
🦊 miles-prower-official
Hello, @emeraldfwuitgummy!
I actually quote that image on a constant basis! Sonic thinks it's hilarious every time. He's quite the fan of memes, and it's nice to get a laugh out of him!
Dr. Miles "Tails" Prower, PHD
🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow
🏅 iwishhumanswerereal Follow
do. do you not know he created tailblr. dude it's in the name lmao
🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow
🍭 milfwisp Follow
didn't eggman invent this site???
🪫 veganswatbot
🦊 miles-prower-official
Hello, @milfwisp and @veganswatbot!
Very good question! This site was Eggman's until I ate his bones. Thank you for engaging! :D
Dr. Miles "Tails" Prower, PHD
🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow
🌭 sonicsays
what's not clicking
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iknityounot · 10 months
(Long post, sorry y'all)
A little more than two years ago now, my grandmother passed away. She and my grandpa had moved down to my home town a few years before so we could take care of them. I brought them groceries once a week, helped them write checks, fixed tvs, and found lost things. I was really close with my grandma.
In addition to her hilarious personality and dry wit, one of my favorite things about her was that she was a painter and a crafter like me! She used to crochet, and I took her to the craft store a couple of times so she could get more yarn and books on crochet. But her arthritis and the shaking in her hands kept getting worse, so she eventually had to stop.
She kept her most recent project, a granny square blanket, safely packed away in a plastic bin. She told all of us she was going to finish it one day.
Her hands never got better, and when she got sick, and we found out it was cancer, she rapidly deteriorated.
After she passed, I went to work helping my mom clean out my grandparents apartment so we could move my grandpa in with her. In our frantic cleaning, I found that bin again:
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DOZENS of granny squares, dozens of half used skeins. I asked my mom what she wanted me to do with it, and she said she didn't care. I set it aside and later took it home.
Maybe a month later, that tumblr post about the Loose Ends Project was going around. It felt like a sign--I was never going to learn to crochet in order to finish my grandmother's blanket. But they might be able to help!
So I filled out the interest form. They got back to me SUPER quick. And maybe 2 weeks later, I was paired with volunteer in my state (only 2 hours away!) and the box of yarn, granny squares, and my grandmother's crochet hook were in the mail. That was at the end of January this year.
Over the next couple of months, my "finisher" emailed me regular updates on her progress, and asked me questions on my preferences for how she constructed the final blanket.
At the end of August, the blanket was done!
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I had always intended the blanket to be a gift for my mother. So I cleaned it up, put it in the only bag I had big enough to fit it, and drove to my mom's. I gave the blanket to her and she was gobsmacked. I explained to her all about Loose Ends, and how someone volunteered to finish the piece for us. She was speechless. (I was quite pleased with this, because I am not the best at giving gifts, so this was a pretty exciting reaction!)
She said that it was the most thoughtful gift she had ever been given. She said "your grandma would love this". To which I replied, "yeah, I know she really wanted to finish it a couple of years ago". But that was when my mom dropped the bomb of a century on me--she told me that my grandma had started making those granny squares OVER 30 YEARS AGO. She had started the blanket when my grandpa was staying in the hospital, but that was back when my mom was younger than I am now! My grandma had packed them all away, planning on finishing it, when my grandpa was sent home from the hospital. Then it went from house to house, from condo in Chicago to their apartment in my hometown. All that time and my grandma had wanted to finish it, but couldn't. First because she was busy, then because she forgot how to do it, then because of her arthritis, and then because of the cancer. My mom said she had given up on expecting my grandma to finish it. 
She said I brought a piece of her childhood with her mom out of the past.
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And really, all of this is to say, if you have seen or heard about the Loose Ends Project and have an uncompleted project or piece from a loved one who has passed away--these are your people. They were so kind and treated my project with such care. That box probably would have been found by my own grandkids one day if I hadn't heard about Loose Ends.
Five stars, absolutely worth it!
(From what I understand, you can sign up to volunteer too! If you have time to share, it might be worth checking out!)
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cherrygarden · 7 months
grief is weird because it's such an unproductive profound sadness. i'm used to my sadness having an aim or a logic behind it (outside of strong depressive periods, though sometimes even then when i try hard enough), fucked up as it may be. i'm used to digging deeper and finding an undercurrent of negative feelings and ideation; a sadness that feels like a conversation. this sadness is just fully empty and pointless, no matter how hard i try to engage with it. it's just... there, unavoidable and unskippable
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plomegranate · 11 months
i love palestinian and arab culture so much.
my grandma wearing thobes around the house and making us tamriyeh. my cousins wedding when we all wore thobes and keffiyehs and took photos downtown and we danced with someone playing the guitar on the street and this lady stopping us to tell us we all looked so beautiful. walking the graduation stage in a thobe. the girl who liked to guess arab peoples ethnicities telling me "you're wearing tatreez... do you want me to write 'palestinian' on your forehead?" the keffiyeh my brother keeps on the drivers seat of his car.
my dad sending me off to my last semester of college with 2 pomegranates and a jar of palestinian olive oil. my cousins wife coming up with new ways to make zaatar and cheese pastries. me and my grandma sitting on the floor and making waraq 3neb- my job was to separate the leaves so she could roll them easier. my mom sending me and my brother to school with eid cookies for my teachers and tasking us with delivering some to the neighbors. my aunt glaring at me and piling more food on my plate and then asking if i was still hungry (i wasnt). my mom always telling me to invite my friends and cousins over for dinner and asking me what they like to eat. my family getting my dad knafeh instead of cake for his birthday. the man who told me i made the "best fetteh in the western hemisphere".
the man in the shawarma shop who gave me my fries for free and baklava i didnt order because we spoke about being palestinian while he took my order. the person on tumblr who i bonded with because we are from the same palestinian city. the girl i met on campus who exclaimed "youre palestinian? me too!" because i was wearing my keffiyeh. the girl in my class that showed me the artwork about palestine her dad made and donated for fundraising. the couple in the grocery store who noticed my palestinian shirt and talked with me for 20 minutes and ended up being a family friend. the silly palestinian kids i tutored sighing in disappointment when i told them i was born in america because they were hoping that id have been born "somewhere cooler". my friends family who bought me dinner despite me being there by chance and having met me for the first time the day before.
the boys starting uncoordinated dabke lines in my high school's hallways. the songs about the longing and love for our land. the festivals and parties and gatherings where everything smells like shisha and oud. memories of waiting in the car for an hour as my parents talked at the doorway of their friends homes. my cousins and i showing up at each others homes with cake or fruit or games as if it was the first time we ever visited even though we always say "you dont have to".
kids stubbornly helping to clean and make tea after a meal while being told to go sit down because they are guests. the necklaces in the shape of our home countries. people hugging and laughing and acting as if theyve known each other for years because they come from the same city or know people with the same last name. the day i finally got to bully my friends into letting me pay the bill because i had a job and they were still students. my moms friend who calls us every time she's at the grocery store to see if we need something
palestinian people are so resilient and hardworking and charitable. they love their culture and their community and are so quick to share and welcome anyone in. everyday i am so thankful and proud to be part of such a warm and lovely culture
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devildomwriter · 2 months
Obey Me As Tumblr #28
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Solomon: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night
Barbatos: You could have said anything else
Solomon: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja blast to fuel my trouble
MC: Got a vibe check at Claire’s
Thirteen: How was it?
MC: I have 3 weeks to live
Mammon: If only I were Kpop. Then you’d all see.
Leviathan: You’re already popular and widely hated. What more do you want???
Mammon: Thanks for saying that
Belphegor: How does it feel to be a god?
MC: Idk ask me after I do 10 pushups
Beelzebub: Do ten pushups then
MC: Fuck you. No
Belphegor: Might fuck around and walk into a thick fog and never return idk
Mammon: Mark my fucking worms
Satan: This statement dealt 10 damage to everyone in a 2 mile radius
Help me, I am trapped
Inside a haiku factory
Save me, before they
I got your message
And have snuck my way inside
Oh my god, what the
Asmodeus: You’re all beautiful in your own special way
Leviathan: Actually, I am very ugly
Asmodeus: Okay then I was wrong
Leviathan: You know what better than weed? Water
Mammon: Here’s the dumb bitch again
Leviathan: Shut up you dehydrated high motherfucker
Raphael: Why does baby Yoda have completely different eyes to as an adult…
Diavolo: Puberty
Leviathan: You know how people’s baby teeth fall out
Raphael: Thank you for equally awful answers
Asmodeus: The sexual tension between two gas stations on the same intersection
Thirteen: I’m so sick of this shit. Two gas stations can’t even be on the same block without someone shipping them, while I can’t find a single fic of Denny’s/Applebee’s with Denny bottoming
Solomon: You’re literally out of your mind if you think Denny’s isn’t a top
Lucifer: I wish the 2012 apocalypse actually happened
Asmodeus: Does anyone know a single redeeming fact about New Hampshire? Is anything good about it?
MC: Letters can be arrange to spell “heh…penis warm”
Asmodeus: How tragic that a place so wretched should be blessed
Solomon: I think we can be evil. As a treat
MC: We?
Solomon: We :)
MC: Old people? More like fold people
*makes an origami swan out of grandma*
Lucifer: Literally what was going through your mind that motivated you to make this?
Leviathan: Tumblr is just talking to yourself but for an audience
Simeon: That’s called a soliloquy
Leviathan: Found the theater kid. Get em boys
Mammon: Coats and jackets are too aesthetically pleasing to only wear during the cold seasons. I think scientists need to stop doing their dumb bullshit and band together to invent a jacket that can be worn whilst it’s hot out
Mephistopheles: Vests?
Mammon: You’re so lucky a computer screen protects you from my hands
Last • Next
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les4elliewilliams · 8 months
Ellie is away... // e.w
chapter 1 – 2002, Senior year High school
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a/n: helooo:)) okay so this is my first series and first time actually writing something, i'm aware its not the best but its just for fun so idrc. im new to tumblr and i'm still trying to figure everything out so, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. this is based off the game emily's away. also i know youtube wasn't really a thing back in 2002 but for my own sake, please, lets pretend it was. wc/cw: 1.6k. swearing, mention of drugs (just ellie saying she wants to get high) loser!ellie(??) don't know but anyways they're both simps but too scared to make a move on each other. no smut but still MDNI.
summary: a time before skype and facebook, windows xp just came out and Windows Messenger was the thing of the moment. you just got a new computer to chat with your friends
➥ part two
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since windows xp came out everyone's been talking about this new instant message thing that lets you chat with your friends, everyone had it, your friends, your whole school had made an account on it, hell even your teachers used it, everyone except you and that was because you didn't even own a computer in the first place. you've begged and begged your parents until they got you one, you didn't care what kind of computer it was, even the cheapest and the shittiest worked for you as long as you could chat with your friends it was safe to say that they bullied you into getting one you made an account and signed in, typing in the search bar their weird usernames to add them to your 'friends list'. you made sure to write all their usernames down on a piece of paper before you rushed home, Ellie even had to explain to you how to do it. you picked a random icon for your profile and tried your best to pick a not so stupid and childish username who thought that picking a username for your account would be so hard? shit, you swore you probably spent more time picking a user than on your math problems and you weren't even that good in math.
you made sure to include your name in it so that your friends would recognize you and not freak out when they saw a friend request from a certain somebody
dinathedrummer ⇨ friend request sent.
jessescool ⇨ friend request sent.
brickmaster ⇨ friend request sent.
now you just had to wait until they accepted your request. meanwhile you just navigated on the internet, trying to learn a thing or two about your new computer, it was so odd but addictive.
you nearly jump when you hear a sound coming from your computer and something popping up in the right corner of your screen
brickmaster has accepted your friend request!
you eagerly click on it and it immediately leads you to the chat, your fingers aggressively hitting the keycaps almost too enthusiastic to chat with your friend Ellie (as if you don't see her daily)
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brickmaster has signed in.
ynshere: Ellll!!! hiii
brickmaster: aboutt freaking time ynshere: right ynshere: but hey ynshere: better later than never, right?
brickmaster: yeah yeah brickmaster: nice icon by the way brickmaster: so, whats up??
ynshere: nothing really, just talking to you ynshere: what are you up to?
brickmaster: nothin, just listening to music :)
ynshere: ew what's that
brickmaster: rude brickmaster: it's called smiley face brickmaster: i really gotta teach you everything don't i?
ynshere: shut up ynshere: i know what it's called, i'm not stupid
brickmaster: you sure about that?
ynshere: positive :P
brickmaster: ooooh brickmaster: look at yn go
ynshere: shut it ynshere: so what are you listening to? ynshere: your depressing music again?
brickmaster: you're one to talk brickmaster: my grandma got the same music taste as you brickmaster: even Joel got better taste than you
ynshere: okay and
brickmaster: and you'd be nothing without me brickmaster: let me educate you brickmaster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vabnZ9-ex7o
ynshere: not bad
brickmaster: told you brickmaster: it's one of my favorite
ynshere: not that good either
brickmaster: now you're just being delusional brickmaster: remind me why we're friends again
ynshere: because i'm great and you love me
brickmaster: don't know about that
ynshere: and because i let you copy my homework every single day
brickmaster: yep, that's the one
ynshere: i hate you Williams
brickmaster: sorry can't hear you over my depressing music
ynshere: i hope Joel takes your computer away again
brickmaster: oh hell no brickmaster: it took me 2 weeks to get it back brickmaster: you have no idea of what i had to do to get it back
ynshere: lmao now i really wanna know
brickmaster: had to spend time with him hiking and watching action movies with him brickmaster: i even had to help out the neighbor, take care of his garden and all that shit, even take care of his goddamn dog (nothing against the pup he was such a good boy) but still brickmaster: he's so against technology he really expects us to live like dinosaurs and those primitive dudes
ynshere: lol yeah my mum's the same way ynshere: are you going to Jesse's party tonight?
brickmaster: of course i'm going brickmaster: his parties are always fun brickmaster: and i really wanna get high tonight brickmaster: are you?
ynshere: well if you’re going i am too ynshere: it’s crazy we’re already having end of school parties
brickmaster: dude brickmaster: can't wait for highschool to be over
ynshere: ahh same here ynshere: i'm so over this school
brickmaster: yeah same brickmaster: you know Cat from our math class? brickmaster: she won’t stop messaging me brickmaster: we've been messaging for days
ynshere: what does she want?
brickmaster: nothin she just wants to talk brickmaster: she said she thinks i'm cool brickmaster: like i don't know that already
ynshere: you're so damn cocky ynshere: you ain't even cool
brickmaster: what? brickmaster: jealous?
ynshere: of what? ynshere: there's nothing to be jealous of
brickmaster: cause i'm the coolest and you're just a loser
ynshere: yeah yeah keep talking ynshere: so you like like her?
brickmaster: she's pretty and all but i don't know brickmaster: too clingy
ynshere: wait ynshere: is it THAT Cat ynshere: the girl with the tattoo?
brickmaster: yep brickmaster: the one Dina hates
ynshere: oh yeah ynshere: don't like her either
brickmaster: now you're just being mean
ynshere: bitch you're the first who called her clingy
brickmaster: i was describing her
ynshere: and i was just telling you how i feel about her
brickmaster: uh oh someone’s mad
ynshere: you're making me regret getting a computer in the first place
brickmaster: i'm kidding i'm kidding brickmaster: you're just so easy to mess with
ynshere: uh huh ynshere: fuckk just one more month to graduation brickmaster: man don't remind me brickmaster: we're getting old brickmaster: did you pick a school yet?
ynshere: didn’t get accepted into my reach school :( ynshere: so i'm just going to one of the others ynshere: i don't mind though, anything’s better than high school. where are you gonna go?
brickmaster: aw man i'm sorry, i remember you telling me how bad you wanted to get into that school brickmaster: going to art school :)
ynshere: yeah makes sense ynshere: you always liked drawing after all ynshere: and you're also very talented
brickmaster: thank you brickmaster: took me some time to convince Joel but eventually he gave in ynshere: i'm glad he did ynshere: would've been a waste of talent ynshere: i still have the drawing you made for me two years ago  :) brickmaster: lol really?? brickmaster: i wasn't even that good back then but i got better
ynshere: dude you joking right ynshere: it's literally so accurate and you even managed to make me look pretty
brickmaster: lol i'm serious brickmaster: i can do so much better now brickmaster: maybe i should draw you again sometime
ynshere: i mean i am an excellent muse so why not
brickmaster: totally brickmaster: can't believe you kept it
ynshere: of course i did, it's so pretty ynshere: no one has ever made me a drawing before lol
brickmaster: glad to be your first ;)
ynshere: god that thing is horrendous
brickmaster: you literally used it a few minutes ago
ynshere: maybe Joel was right ynshere: technology really is bad for you ynshere: are you starting to see things, Williams?
brickmaster: oh please brickmaster: this is why no one likes you
ynshere: seriously though ynshere: you promise to be there for me even if we won't see each other everyday? ynshere: you're my best friend i don't wanna lose you  :(
brickmaster: shut up you're literally one of my best friends brickmaster: nothing could ever keep me from talking to you brickmaster: who’s gonna annoy you when i leavee
ynshere: right ynshere: i’d be miserable without you ynshere: asshole
brickmaster: here we go with the pet names again brickmaster: stop flirting its working on me
ynshere: see what i mean ynshere: i could never go without all this ynshere: you're like one of the few people who made high school tolerable
brickmaster: same goes for you stupid brickmaster: you made it fun
ynshere: i know ynshere: who's miserable without me now?
brickmaster: shut up you dork brickmaster: Dina’s coming over in a few so we can head to the party together
ynshere: alright so i'll see you two there?
brickmaster: yep i'll see you there brickmaster: think Cat is gonna be there too? brickmaster: what if she wants to hang out with us
ynshere: don't know El ynshere: she’ll definitely be there ynshere: you don't want her around?
brickmaster: i mean, i don't know brickmaster: i don't wanna be a prick
ynshere: you are a prick ynshere: just tell her you're not interested
brickmaster: yeah i think i will brickmaster: or i could just avoid her, she’ll get the hint, right?
ynshere: or you could just tell her ynshere: why so scared?
brickmaster: i just don't wanna be mean and hurt her i guess brickmaster: but it's whatever. i'll tell her i don't like her that way brickmaster: it's better than leading her on
ynshere: mhm ynshere: look at you being mature
brickmaster: shut up brickmaster: shit, Dina’s here brickmaster: see you soon?
ynshere: see you soon ;)
brickmaster: oh look you just did it again
ynshere is away. brickmaster: of course you'd do that. brickmaster is away.
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¡! daily click・palestine masterpost・do not buy any game from naughty dog, neil druckmann is a zionist・more daily clicks. ¡!
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antiwhores · 2 years
I need another part to bakugous partner with a mask. Like what would happen if he found out it was her that he’s passed in the street so many times? Also ur writing is amazing!
Bakugou’s sidekick with a mask - Part 2.
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Yall going crazy on this shit so you already KNOW i got you with a part two. Also thank you very much 💪🏾 there was more requests but tumblr only allows 10 pics. This shit took so long help me bruh. I felt like I should get a little more heartfelt to complete this. Enjoy and shit.
Bakugou has never seen your face in the 3 years of you being his sidekick. No one has, not even the coworkers. As his crush on you manifests into something more, so does his need to see what’s behind that mask. Little does he know he’s seen you bare faced before. He goes running for answers and love.
Dryhumping/masturbation (quickly mentioned), tiniest bit of angst, insecurities, make out sessions, fluff, love shit, good endings frfr, cute shit, read it pls it took so long.
Tags: @jazzylove @justagirlthatlikesanime @ktc1001 @kunkunieee @theacademix @dracosapples @ahahadumbo @ghostwasnothere4u @ruther-furd @gardenofedensbooks @dynamightsdaydream @sam-chwan @coldnachodreamer @izukusgirlfriend
Part one 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
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Bakugou never thought that in his hero years he’d be obsessing about anything other than being number 1. But now he’s obsessing over the possibility of seeing his sidekicks face, and even fucking kissing it.
Bakugou’s curiousity started to paw at his mind, and worst of all, his work preformance. He would find himself spacing out, trying to imagine what you looked like.
Did you have small lips? Big? Was your nose plump or skinny? What kind of facial expressions did you make? What shape are your eyebrows? Do you have freckles or dimples? Maybe you blush chronically. Maybe you think you’re ugly so you cover yourself up. Maybe you think you’re deathly hot so you cover yourself up for protect
He started to look at you more often during patrols and fights. He should be looking for sudden attacks or danger, sure, but the most dangerous thing to him currently is the possibility of missing your face if it was flashed mistakenly.
He starts to notice the little things about you. Like how your costume fits you and how it highlights your personality. You tilt your head to the side slightly when you’re confused. Sometimes you reach up to scratch your nose but you sigh when you realize that you’re covered up. Sometimes you touch him with familiarity and care laced into your palms. An arm pat, shoulder pat, hair scruffle (when he’s sitting down), a forehead touch to check his temperature, a hand rub when he’s about to blow up, etc.
He feels bad for how those touches make him feel.
You come up to him one day to give him a report on the mission you guys are about to be assigned to. You throw yourself on his spare chair, sighing heavily and dramatically like you always do.
He glances at you before clicking his tongue and looking back down at his papers. “Don’t be rough on my damn chairs.” You roll your eyes, “Sorry Grandma.”
He dismisses your comment with a scoff and a half hearted glare. You get up and start to do your daily, pointless rounds of his room. You touch everything that you could reach from the windows to his desk. He’s asked you why you do this everytime before but you can’t answer questions that you don’t know.
“What do you have for me?”He turned around to face you. You notice the creasing of his eyebrows and the eyebags to match. You wondered if he was stressed over the rise of crime and work. You definitely were and you weren’t the boss of an agency.
“We’ve gotta go out on Thursday afternoon for a special mission. Very important mission too. They said they’d cut off your left toe and skin me if we failed.” You lied about that last part, it was just something to ease the mood. He only sighed, completely ignoring the last comment. Weird. “Damn, that was my shitty scheduled break.”
You began to feel even worse for him. His shoulders were stiff and his arms rubbed his temples roughly. You tried to think of ways to fix this. What would a loving and caring, none sarcastic, friend do? You didn’t know, you were an idiot, so you guessed
You did the first thing that came to mind that wasn’t slightly rude. You bent down and wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.
He was startled as hell, you were pretty sure he almost hit you when his reflexes kicked in. “H-Hah? What’re you doing?!” He was stiff around your arms and his hands hovered away from you like you were acidic.
“Im giving you a hug, you dumb ass bitch.” His breath hitched in his throat when you buried your face into his neck. He smelt good, sweet and earthy.
He’s ashamed to admit your innocent actions ended in him fisting himself whilst he moaned your name at 3 am. You were so warm and soft. You smelt so good too. He could feel you breath against him. The soft exhales tickled his neck so damn good. Its like he was intoxicated by the hug you gave him and he craved more. Way more than he could get by just being your boss.
He’s been starting to see that girl out lately. The one who almost died for some cheesecake.
She works as a server for a local cafe sometimes. He learns she has ties with the owners and just likes to help out.
When he first saw you again he forgot his entire order. Not cause you’re goregous (well maybe a little bit), but because he’d been interested in you after that day. He wanted to know if you made it out okay. He wanted to talk to you and degrade you for your stupid actions. He wanted to get to know you as a person. And most of all, he wanted to know where you got that good ass cheesecake.
“Can i get a Caramel Macchiato with no cream- THE FUCK?!“ When he looked up from his wallet you were casually taking his order. His lip curled, “WHAT?! YOU AGAIN?!”
You almost slipped up and responded back with a ‘HELL YEAH’ but you caught yourself. Bakugou was a smart cookie. If you spoke to him, he’d almost immediately know who you are. I mean, you’ve been speaking to him nonstop for years now. So instead you just gave him a thumbs up and a goofy smile.
After you took his order, he forced you to come sit with him during your lunchbreak. He proceeded to lecture you for about 45 minutes about safety and priorities. You just nodded aggressively, which he got mad at. He thought you were mocking him. You were, but it was still a rude assumption.
He left with his heart aflutter after you went back to work. He shouldn’t feel this attraction towards you. He was in love with another girl for Christ’s sake! Yet he couldn’t stop himself from coming every single day after that and making you sit with him so you two could communicate. Turns out, he knows sign language and so do you. So it works out in the end.
Your conversations are chaotic and random. Sometime they’re chill, sometimes they’re weird and utterly stupid.
‘So… like you don’t put toilet paper down when you pee in public restrooms?’
“No. You fucking dumbass. I don’t sit down when I pee. I have a dick.”
He starts to get suspicious of you and… you. Same race, same energy, same personality. Something was going on here and he was gonna piece it together.
So one day he talked to you about it.
“You know,” He began, eyeing you closely to look for a reaction. “You remind me of my sidekick, like a fucking lot.”
If you were lying, you were good at it cause the only thing he saw to indicate panic was an eyeshift. ‘Is she hot?’ You signed. He sighed, “I don’t fucking know. She never takes off her mask. No one knows what she looks like.” You took a sip of your tea slowly. ‘Thats crazy’
He didn’t think he could be any more attentive to you before this but life has a lot of suprises. He started to compare your habits to the coffee shop girl. He pieced things together until he was almost sure that it was you.
But then he wasn’t sure. Cause he saw the both of you in the same place.
He was at a distance but he could see well enough. His sidekick was there greeting and gifting something to his cafe girl.
He lost all hope that you two were the same person after that. He dropped the idea entirely.
Too bad he didn’t know that your friend wanted to try on your costume and you let her for fifty bucks and one of her infamous muffins. Shes built just like you so its an easy mix up lucky for you.
Bakugou continued his routine of chill time with cafe you and quality fun time with sidekick you.
Until one day, into the late 4 years of knowing each other, you both were at a party with some of the heros that Bakugou knew. He invited you cause he was planning on telling you how he felt. He couldn’t hold it in anymore. He didn’t need to see your face, he just wanted you to see him.
He forced you to come outside with him with the excuse that he needs you to give your stupid input on something. He took you to his car and started to drive away.
“What the hell? Bitch are you kidnapping me?” You giggled at his groan. “No idiot, I’m taking a break from everyone. And didn’t you say you needed someone to help you move in? Im gonna help.”
His eyes were focused on the road but he oh so wished to just look over and see your reaction for his own validation. You did recently move homes and ever since you’ve been complaining to Bakugou about all the work. Being the dumbass you are, you leaked your address to him casually like you couldn’t give less of a shit. And you didn’t.
“Theres not a lot of stuff left, you don’t have to-“ He clicked his tongue, gripping the steering wheel. You felt something was wrong. He was off. You knew your partner and he was never this… intense to you unless something was wrong.
“Well maybe I just want to!” His tone was harsh and impatient. Nothing new to anyone but it was out of place. Something was bothering him and you were sure of it.
His whole body tensed when you put your hand on his shoulder. “Katsuki,” The use of his first name faded out everything. It rolled off your tongue smoother than butter like you handcrafted it yourself. Usually you’d stick with a random nickname. Some of his highlighted ones are:
Cucaracha cachonda (he had no idea what that mean not does he know how to speak Spanish but it sounds offensive
Katsu/Kat/Kugo(His favorites, its only used sometimes though)
Brian (He literally cannot explain this one, you just started calling him that and its so funny to you)
Big boss/boss man/ B-man
Homie hopper/whore/slut (He has never “homie hopped”, nor is he a whore, you just call him this to piss him off)
Twin (you look nothing alike.)
And many other names that come and go. But when he was really geniunely upset at you, its always his firstname.
“Whats wrong?” Your voice was soft but not in the pitying tone he hated, but the ‘Im not gonna break this moment’ way. You were always good at treating him like he wanted.
He pulled up in your driveway while you waited for him to speak. He couldn’t piece the words together even though he had spent days constructing them. You turned the car light on to illuminate the dark. You waited. Like you always have done for him.
“I just…“ He gave up on words, he was always better with actions anyway.
He grabbed your top and pulled you towards him. His eyes sqeezed shut so hard he started to see particles behind them. And he kissed you. He kissed you like there wasn’t a mask keeping you apart. Like the thing under his lips were yours and not fabric. And shit, kissing a literal mask felt way more exciting than he thought.
He pulled back away from you as quick as he was there. His blush was furious and he refused to look at your unmoving, stunned state.
The truth was, you liked him too. How could you not? He was your bestfriend, your best costumer, your best boss, and your best partner. He was your number 1.
So your unmoving state wasn’t because you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, like Bakugou was beginning to think, but because you were suprised that he would like you back.
You vowed to never confess to him. It wasn’t hard to admit he was out of your league. He was out of everyones league. He was carved like a greek god and looked like every single beauty standard was based off of him. One of the most desired men on the earth. Rich and famous. The number 2 hero. A symbol of victory and strength.
And you were a faceless hero that wasn’t even in the top 20. You weren’t ugly or even average but you also weren’t fucking godsent like him. You weren’t rich. And you hid behind a mask to avoid people reading you. The only way you got courage to talk to Bakugou as the real you was because he had no idea who you were. It was like talking to him with another mask on. You were still anonymous in a way. The mask made you confident and unbreakable. You couldn’t bring yourself to even think that he would like you back.
Was he playing you? He didn’t even know what you look like. How does he like you back? It made no sense.
Bakugou slammed his hand on the steering wheel, you jumped out of your thoughts at the bang. “Say something damn it!” “What’re you trying to do?” Your voice was unsteady and insecure. He had never heard that before, it stopped time.
“Are you trying to play a sick joke? Cause it’s not fucking funny to play with my feelings.” He was confused but you continued. “What? Did you find out that I liked you and decided to fuck with me?”
You didn’t know why you were getting so defensive. Insecurity placed with distrust you figured. “What? No-“ You interrupted him, “Well if you think you can just get me to sleep with you just so you can see under the mask than you’re wrong. Goodnight.”
You were overreacting. You couldn’t stop yourself. You were out of the car and stomping to your apartment before you could even register it. He was calling after you, demanding you come back and listen to him.
Reject before you get rejected.
You stomped to the door and unlocked it. You quickly shuffled in and attempted to slam the door. A large, strong hand stopped it halfway. He pushed himself inside and locked the door.
“What the fuck?!” “Would you just listen to me!?” He was yelling now, you wanted to cry.
He grabbed your shoulders, “I’m not doing this to see you without your damn mask!” He sounded offended, rightfully so. “I fucking love you, alright?!”
Your heart was racing and your eyes expanded behind the mask. You couldn’t believe it. Your feelings being recognized and returned seemed too damn easy. “What-“ “I’ve liked you for almost 3 years now! I just took long as hell to accept it! I do like you and I’ll put it on my fucking life!”
You were frozen in your spot between him. “But it doesn’t make sense. You’ve never seen my face-“ “Yeah well it’s a good thing you have a personality.” He sassed. “I can’t believe you’d think that I would use you like that!” You went into defense mode, “It was the only reasonable answer to me! I don’t know if you know this Katsuki but you’re way out of my fucking league.”
He has never been so offended from a compliment. He opened his mouth to say something, an insult maybe, but he closed it. “Do you like me y/n.”
It was more of a statement than a question. Like it wasn’t your choice to answer, he was demanding you to. Its in these moments you’re glad for the mask. You probably look so disgustingly vulnerable right now, it makes you sick. Who knew being confessed to by your long time crush would make you question your self worth.
You put your head down and smelled him. He was rather close to you now that you thought about it. He had you against a wall with his hands holding your shoulders in place.
Now or never, you thought.
You nodded to him- well more like to his shoes from the direction you were looking. He tilted your chin up to look him in the eyes. Were his eyes always that intense and bright?
“Words.” He commanded. Fuck, this was getting to hard. “I love you too… for four years now.” Your mouth was dry from the words. You felt exposed.
He was suprised, four years. Fucking wow. His heart was racing, maybe even faster than yours. He wanted to kiss you again. And he meant you, not the mask. But he was afraid that’d come off as your original theory of him doing this just to try and see you without the mask.
He flushed his body tight against yours, hugging his arms around your waist and burying himself into your neck. “Mmm,” He groaned, “I wanna kiss you so bad right now. I’ve been wanting to touch you like this for forever.”
You shivered at his words, a long yet short debate ran into your head. The results could be detrimental but whatever. When were you ever completely cautious? “Close your eyes.” Its like he was intoxicated by your proximity, he couldn’t think straight. He hummed a “hmm?” He wasn’t listening, he put his full focus into remembering this feelings of warmth and completeness.
“Katsuki, close you eyes.” It wasn’t timid this time, a demand. He couldn’t bring himself to care enough to argue with you when he was moving to the other side of your neck to inhale there too so he did as told.
He heard you rusting with your mask, pulling it up but not all the way. “Keep your eyes closed.” He could practically see the blush through your words. You grabbed his face lightly, practically pulling him from your neck.
He was about to complain but the feeling of your moisturized lips silenced him. The kiss was soft at first but he couldn’t hold himself back so it progressively got more heated. His tongue slipped into your mouth, ignoring your sharp inhale. You gasped when he picked you up and wrapped your legs around him.
Theres spit dribbling down your chin and you’re blushing so hard you start to think that the mask can’t even cover it.
His hands are placed on both of your asscheeks. He holds you up effortlessly, like you’re nothing but a feather to him. You flinch when his hands grip at your ass unintentionally. You accidentally rut your hips into his at the intimate touch.
Its like a switch was flipped when you did that. He groaned against your lips, a drawn out fuck excaping his mouth.
He had completely forgotten that he had to keep his eye closed when he pulled back. You squealed before covering up the bottom half of your face up again with your hands.
He looked startled as well, mutting a curse word before he put you down. “Fuck, my bad.” He wasn’t sorry. You looked away from him, “s’fine.” Where was all your condescending confidence?! This was starting to make you mad.
“Can I see?” It was blurted out before he could stop it. So much for respecting her boundaries.
You thought for a long moment. FUCK! You needed to man up! You needed to just take this leap and if you tumble, blame a higher power with no correlation whatsoever!
“Fine, needy bitch.” You mumbled. You slowly took away your hand to let him see. Even though it was only your lips, your heart was racing.
He didnt say anything for a long time, it worried you. His head was filled with thoughts.
Her lips. Do I know those lips? So pretty. I get those lips everyday. I wanna see the rest. Will she show me rest? Fuck. Shes so hot. Why am I going crazy over lips? She makes me crazy.
“Can I see the rest?” He was too far now not to ask. Even if you said no it was worth a try.
You thought for a long moment. He noticed that you press your lips together when you think. Fuck it, you thought.
You ripped the mask off so quickly that you had to close your eyes to adjust to the new sight.
He was speechless. You were fucking gorgeous. He didn’t know that he had a type but apparently his type was you. Your e/c eyes were now his favorite color. Everything fit on your face perfectly and you were more than he ever expected. You were his, someone who he’d look at everyday and still feel overwhelmed by their looks.
He couldn’t bring himself to speak with the way he oogled at you. The words were lost in his mouth again. After 4 fucking years he’s finally seen you. And you lived up to every expectation. You started to get nervous with how long he stared. He finally spoke after a lick to his lips.
“You’re beautiful-“ Realization slapped the shit out of him, “WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?!” You flinched, “DAMN COULD YOU NOT BE MORE SUBTLE IF IM UGLY-” “YOURE THE CHEESECAKE GIRL!”
Your face goes blank, a look he loves and knows. “Oh yeah… suprise!” His eye twitches, “So I’ve known you this whole damn time?! And you didn’t fucking tell me?!” You giggled mischievously, “Yep, thanks for the chats customer.”
His fist clenches, “If you weren’t so damn beautiful I’d fucking murder you right now.” “Oh stop it Boss man, dont flatter me.” “No wonder I was so goddamn obsessed with you at the cafe, you were literally my girl.” “Nah, I’m wearing the pants in this relationship, youre my girl.” “Die.”
He loved the way your mouth moves. He loved the way your expressions matched. He loved the way that this was just his secret. He loved the way you revealed yourself to him. And most of all he loved you.
Your mask was suddenly unnecessary with him. You didnt need it anymore. And the facade you put up was dissolved. This was a new chapter in your life. One that would change you and him for the better.
And it made everything worth it.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒅
🕊️𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭🕊️
summary - little red riding hood (you) heeds the villager's warnings and ends up crossing paths with the big bad wolf.
warning - smut, inter-species, degrading, dirty talk, dubcon, death, stalking, swearing, creampie, choking, slapping, fingering, biting, dacryphilia.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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All you had to do was cross through the woods to get to your grandmother’s house. That was all you had to do. It sounded easy, you ignored the warnings from the villagers, and you thought you had this handled. You get dressed in your little white dress, covering yourself with your red hood before gathering your basket of pastries and fruits. You smiled as you passed the villagers, heading through the path that entered the dark, creepy woods. You ignored their worried whispers, too focused on getting where your grandmother was. 
You giggle, smiling at all the pretty butterflies that flutter by, and you begin to hum a soft melody. Skipping along the path, not feeling the air become cold or noticing the animals that start to scatter, you are too oblivious to see how dark and creepy the woods begin to become the deeper you walk into them. Such an innocent little thing you were. Too bad the big bad wolf was going to destroy that. 
Luke lurked, spying on you from behind the shadows, licking his lips as he caught sight of your pretty little dress underneath that beaming red hood. He sneaked and crept, following behind you with caution. Luke grinned, his sharp canines prodding his lips, his glowing yellow eyes following you, preying on you. He could pounce at any moment, and you’d never expect a thing. Luke stretches his hands, feeling his claws come out slowly, desperately wanting to claw into you as he fucks you into the ground. His cock grows, hardening the more he watches you, the more Luke thinks about what he wants to do to you. His cock strains against his pants, and his swollen tip leaks with pre-cum. A growl slips from his lips, and he watches you halt, looking around slowly. 
You didn’t know what that was. Could the villagers be right? Was there an actual beast in these woods? Did you brush off their warnings when they were only caring for you? Was everyone right? Were you really the dumb little thing in their village? You couldn’t be? You were smart… You were sure of it. Your mind raced with thoughts, causing you to forget about the growl or the beast lurking in the shadows. You shrugged, wondering why you had stopped before beginning on your merry way, skipping again with a ditzy smile. Only to be stopped again, staring widely at a large man standing before you, his bright yellow eyes staring at you with hunger. 
Luke licks his lips, “What are you doing out here, little red?” He tries to make his voice as friendly as possible, not wanting to scare you away.
You smile, rocking on your heels. “I’m on my way to see my grandma! Who lives through the forest, near the lake!” You blush, taking in the handsome stranger before you notice the sun going down much faster than expected. “Oh, shoot! I’m sorry, mister! But I’m running late!” You shoot him a small smile before hurrying along. Luke’s nostrils flare as your scent enters his senses.
Luke chuckled, shaking his head at your stupidity. He smirked as a plan formed in his head, giving you one last look before he hurried through the shortcut and appeared at your grandmother’s house. What better way of getting you than pretending to be the one you love? He knocked, straightening to his seven to eight feet height, grinning wide with his pretty sharp teeth showing. The moment the poor little older woman opened the door, he pounced, swallowing her whole before heading inside, checking to see if he looked clean before Luke walked over to the bed, stripping from his clothes, giving his cock a few tugs before he got under the covers. Luke chuckled to himself, knowing you weren’t too far behind.
You skipped to her door, beaming with happiness at finally seeing her again. Your little hand knocks on the door, rocking on your heels as you wait patiently for her. “Who is it?!” You giggle.
“It’s me, grandma! Y/n!” 
Luke smirks, “Oh, how lovely! Do come in, my dear!” You smile, entering her home and placing the basket of food on the small table nearby before you untie your hood and carefully place it on the hook. You turn and slowly make your way over to her bed, wondering why her eyes are yellow instead of her standard colour, and with a worried look, you sit beside her and rest your hand on her arm above the covers.
“Grandma! Your voice sounds so odd, is something the matter?” You question, gnawing your lip as you check over her.
“Oh, I just have a touch of a cold.” Luke fakes a cough, licking his lips as he eyes you. The blanket slowly moved down to show off some of his face, silently sending thanks to the universe for making the lighting so dark.
Your brows furrow, tilting your head slightly as you notice some of your grandma’s changed features. “But grandma! What big ears you have.” You edge closer, extremely worried for your grandmother. 
“The better to hear you with, my dear.” 
“But grandma! What big yellow eyes you have….” You shiver, feeling a chill roll down your spine at the sight of them staring deep into your soul.
“The better to see you with, my dear.” Luke feels pre-cum leak from his swollen tip, soaking the flowery bedsheets. His fingers twitch. He’s so close to having you under him, tearing you apart with his massive cock. 
Your eyes slowly move down the bed, noticing the large tent forming. “But grandma! What… A big tent? You have.” Your gaze slowly moves back up and connects with his eyes, swallowing the saliva that builds up in your mouth.
Luke smirks, throwing the blanket back and wrapping a clawed hand around your delicate throat, turning and pushing you into the bed. “The better to fuck you with, my dear.” He sneers, pressing his stiff cock into your soft legs. He squeezes, staring with a dark glint as you struggle to breathe. “What a dumb little girl you are. Don’t you know that the woods aren’t safe for dumb little things like you?”
You stare at him with wide eyes, squirming as you feel something wet poking your inner thigh. “Y–You, you're the man from before….” You whimper, your eyelids flutter as his grip tightens, feeling slick pool between your thighs. 
Luke grins, his cock twitching as the smell of your arousal hits him. “Yes, I am, little red.” He leans closer, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Mmm, you smell delicious, little red. It seems like you want the big bad wolf.” Luke licks the side of your neck, sucking on your sweet spot as his other hand moves up your tiny dress and cups your clothed core. “Did the dumb little baby get wet from mean old me?” He growls, smiling down at you before he swipes his hand across and rips your knickers from your body. His fingers connect with your swollen button, rubbing and flicking it, watching you whither and moan, trying to break free from his grip.
“P–please, I won’t tell anyone!” You cry, swallowing your sobs. You had realised your fate was sealed and that your grandma was gone. Your plump bottom lip wobbles, staring into his sharp eyes, embarrassed that you feel some sort of way underneath the monster. “I–I’ll be good, I swear!” Fat tears fill your eyes before rolling down your puffy cheeks, whimpering as the man leans forward and licks them up. 
“Of course, you’ll be good, you dumb baby. It’s the only thing you know how to do.” Luke grows harder from your tears and your whimpers. His fingers pick up their pace before slowly piercing through your tight little hole, curling and thrusting, stretching you out and getting you ready for him. “Don’t worry, little red. I’ll take good care of you.” His thumb rubs your swollen pearl, curling his thick fingers into your sweet spot. Your back arches as pleasured whimpers fall from your lips. Your walls squeeze and pulse around his fingers, juices flowing out of you as you cum. Luke licks his lips, slowly pulling his fingers out of your cunt and bringing them to his lips. “Such a naughty girl, cumming for the big bad wolf like the dumb little thing you are.” A moan falls from his lips as he places his fingers into his mouth, sucking your sweet nectar off them. “So delicious, little red.” He pushes you into the bed, crawling on top of you. “You ever been with a man like me before, little red? Hmm? I bet you haven’t, a sweet little innocent thing like you.” His hand wraps around his throbbing base, swiping his leaking tip against your sopping folds.
Your hands curled into the bedsheets, whimpering when he began to push in. More tears flow down from the pain of his massive cock stretching your tight walls. “H–hurts… Please.” You babble, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he continues to push through, his fingers rubbing your little clit, growling as your juices leak out and help lube his cock. Your hands fly up, digging your nails into his arms as he sends a sharp thrust deep inside you. “O–oh!” Your vision goes white, and your walls spasm around him wildly.
“Poor little red, you’re so fucking tight.” He growls, snarling down at you. His hands grip your hips, lifting your legs, so they wrap around his waist, plunging harder and deeper inside you. Luke buries his face into your neck, nipping the young flesh with his sharp canines. “You like the feel of me inside of you, little red? Stretching you, claiming you?” He slams into you, chuckling at the small scream that escapes you. Your hands move from his arms to his back, clinging desperately to him as his pace picks up, pounding you into the soft mattress. “You enjoying this, dumb baby? Being used for my pleasure? Hmm?” He growls, holding your hips tighter.
“Uh-huh!” You whine, and your hips slowly move along with his thrusts. Your legs tighten around him, feeling yourself clench around his thick, monstrous cock as he continues to pierce you with it. “S–so big… So full!” Your eyes roll back, whimpering with each thrust, feeling your mind beginning to slip as Luke’s tip slams into your sweet spot, your mouth falls open, and your body becomes numb from the pleasure. You gasp, feeling a sting on your cheek, and your eyes blink open, staring into his glowing yellow ones, noticing the glare he holds as he continues moving inside you. His hips snap, and your head falls back, exposing your neck to the beast. 
He leans forward and latches down, biting into the soft flesh and groaning as your walls flutter rapidly around him. A choked gasp escapes you, your back arches, and your vision goes white as your arousal shoots out of you, coating the giant beast. He grunts, feeling you squeeze and pulsate around him, “get ready. I’m going to fill you up with so much cum that it’ll flow out of you for a whole month, my little red.” He growls, pounding as fast and hard into you until his thrusts become sloppy, his heavy sacks begin to tighten, his cock begins to twitch and throb, and his swollen mushroom tip swells deep inside you. “Fuck, tightest little cunt on the dumbest little girl.” He roars as thick amounts of cum shoot out of him and into you, filling you to the brim, feeling it overflow out of you and onto the soft sheets. 
Your body sags into the bed, arms falling from his back and legs falling from his waist as your eyes roll to the back of your head, and you pass out. The intense pleasure became too much for someone as tiny as you. Luke huffs, waiting for his knot to soften before he can pull out of you. He looks down at your knocked-out form with a dark glint in his eyes, his clawed hand strokes your cheek, and he grins. “Oh, you poor dumb thing. You have no clue that you’re mine now, forever.” When his knot softens, he slowly pulls out and watches his cum leak from your cunt before he pushes it back in with his fingers. Luke stands, straightening to his standard height as he collects his clothes and gets dressed. He lifts your wrecked body and heaves it onto his shoulder, grabbing your red hood on the way out. 
With the slam of your granny’s door, Luke’s dark chuckle fills the creepy woods as he makes his way to his place with you in his arms. You would never be seen again, being added to the tales of the big bad wolf. You would be known as his whore, his wife and the mother of his pups.
You shouldn’t have been so dumb and listened to the villagers’ warnings.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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fr3sh-c0rn · 6 months
2024 house md 2: electric boogaloo
Over Halloween or just in the fall, the ducklings go to a corn maze because one of their patients were in a corn maze before they were went to the hospital. House joins for no reason, and throws corn at people over the maze walls.
Foreman is secretly active on Reddit and makes posts about how terrible his boss is.
House has done a live twitch stream diagnosing his patients at least once
While a patient is having a lung collapse or a seizure or something, chase's grindr notification goes off. He never lives it down.
Wilson is very active on the musical side of Tumblr. Nobody knows this whatsoever, but Cameron follows him, not knowing its him
House had some flavor of gay patient with a mother/father that's homophobic. House chews them the fuck out because their child is dying and is making a big deal of something that doesn't matter at the moment.
For Easter, house hides real, raw eggs everywhere, including his office, Wilson and cuddy's office, several bathrooms, the lab, etc. they still find eggs (though now very disgusting) here and there weeks after.
Cameron unironically wears Crocs
house is canonically autistic, and is stated explicitly so at least once
House plays cookie clicker on the computer on his desk. ("what are you doing" "I'm putting those grandmas to WORK")
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AITA for not going to take care of my sick grandma?
This happened like 10 years ago, but to this day I still think back to it and I cannot decide if I was the asshole in this situation or not.
Anyway, back then I was 14 and was just minding my own business until one of my (adult) aunts contacted me and told me that I should skip school for about like a week because my grandmother was sick, and someone should take care of her. (To be clear my grandmother used to live about 3 hour drive away). I did not get any details about the sickness and I just assumed it was the common cold (I am still not sure if it was just the common cold or not, I think it was the cold combined with high blood pressure. Either way my grandmother is still very alive and mostly well, it wasn't deadly).
Anyway, I asked why couldn't any of my four adult aunts go and take care of my grandmother instead, because
(a) I didn't want to skip school;
(b) I was 14 (no car!) and to get there I had to take the bus that goes like twice a week;
(c) I hadn't really taken care of a sick person before.
All my aunts found excuses, and they were either "I have work" or "I have children", and tbh I didn't think the work excuse was different from my school excuse. And the children excuse (for aunts not working) seemed like a really lame excuse because all my aunts had husbands/boyfriends at the time who could take care of their children, or they could even take their own children together with them, it's not like that was impossible.
Overall it ended up with my aunts ganging up on me and calling me heartless about not going. Even my 5th aunt from abroad was involved and she yelled at me and said she was ready to buy tickets for her 11 year old to fly in and take care of our grandma (she didn't do that of course but it still made me feel extremely guilty that an 11 year old was, like, mobilized for the trip).
But at the end, a week or so passed with us arguing and shifting blame onto me, and my grandmother got better by herself, and even my grandmother was mad at me for not going, she kept sending passive aggressive remarks like "now I truly know who is on my side".
Either way, my grandmother really needed the help and I did not go. But on the other hand, I had a gang of adult aunts who did not have any better excuses than I did, and I was still a child (even though I admit 14 is not exactly the age of a helpless child).
So, tumblr, what do you think, was I the asshole in this situation?
P.S. If it helps to add on any other context - I am the eldest granddaughter
What are these acronyms?
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