#good omens kokabiel
ineffableautism · 9 days
Reverse Omens Files (1)
The first half of the Reverse Omens AU that @ineffable-celestials and I have been working on has finally been finished! It's a change of only having Crowley/Aziraphale swap places (and sometmes Muriel) and is what we both called a "complete" AU by doing... well, everyone! Everyone out of the angels and demons we know of (minus Josh, sorry Josh you're not as important </3)
As a note, this is our own set of headcanons and such for the characters so if you're not on board- then tough cookies, we enjoyed doing this!
So, let's meet a couple of angels, shall we?
Supreme Archangel Beelzebub, Leader of the angels
Info:The leader of the angels under the voice of God, Beelzebub will rarely let down their professionalism to show off their true personality. On one side, they come off as cold and harsh to the other angels as well as extremely diligent in their work. Once away from the confines of essentially being around everyone else and off work, they’re usually extremely stressed out at first. When calm, they can be soft and occasionally full of worry. Nobody ask about the very obviously human vape in their pocket though (it’s part of how they de-stress, is watermelon flavoured and miracled to never run out).
Before armageddidn’t, the leader of the angels had pale skin that looked like it never saw the light of day and almost sickly from the stress. Their hair was also short and shaggy- not befitting of an angel at all. Now they’re of a darker skin tone with hair that reaches down to their waist. To make sure it doesn’t get in the way of any duties- it’s usually kept in a french braid but it’s also been put up into a crown braid.
Golden flecks also dot Beelzebub’s face, usually in ways that look like they’re wearing golden eye shadow.
As for their uniform, they usually wear a white morning suit with gold embroidery down the edge and round the collar and white brogues. There’s also a cravat that completes the look in rose gold.
Miscellaneous rambles 
If I were to assign everyone a different distinctive “scent”, Beelzebub’s would probably be something like vanilla
They once discovered fruity and herbal teas on a visit to earth and has them into their personal office
Their animal’s a swan.
They’re known to have one of the most beautiful singing voices among angels.
Archangel Camael, Beelzebub’s second-in-command. Angel of strength, judgement and war
Camael was known as one of the fiercest angels to fight in the war between them and the demons. Before the fall, they were a good friend of the angel that would become the demon of war- which sparked a bitter rivalry between the two. Even now in “peacetime” they still carry their weapon on their belt. Camael can be found usually nose deep in paperwork trying to sort things out these days. They tread a fine line between being an angel and being cast down as they had… destroyed some things against God’s will during the war. 
They’re one of the only angel to have ginger hair in heaven, likely as a consequence of Camael’s history of walking an extremely fine line between Heaven and Hell. They also have a face full of freckles, which humans have started to call “angels kisses” for some reason. Outfit wise, it’s nothing else other than a plain white military coat which looks like it was pulled from one of Napoleon’s soldiers and dyed white, then gilded around the cuffs of the sleeves and hem at the bottom.
Miscellaneous rambles
Betta fish! Why? They’re known as the siamese fighting fish and are known to be extremely territorial.
Keeping Dagon’s ginger hair in being an angel was a decision semi upheld by the fact Judas Iscariot (the disciple who betrayed Jesus) is often painted with ginger hair, which is seen as a trait of treachery.
In more recent timings, their rivalry’s grown to include another demon in a similar role to them.
Kokabiel, a plant loving principality
Kokabiel was someone who created the stars and galaxies, stardust forever shining in their hair afterwards. They very much enjoy music, ranging from soft rock to classical music too. But their absolute pride and joy is their agriculture nursery- Kokabiel’s at their best and most peaceful when taking care of all the plants and planting seeds- often talking to them to help them stay healthy. Sure, they have a small farm they tend to as well every now and again (and adore their cows!), but planets are their true love when they’re not filling in stuff for heaven whenever they come calling. Or someone else.
They’re one of the most gender ambiguous angels out there- they really don’t look like either of the human men or women on earth at all like other angels do in the corporations. With wavy ginger hair that’s forever sparkling with stardust and soft brown eyes, Kokabiel had long since ditched the “traditional” colours of heaven when settled on earth. These now mostly combine “countryside” colours like greens, creams and browns that came from when the second world war was afoot and they helped in the Women’s Land Army. The current loved outfit is the green sweater they kept from the WLA mixed with a long, ankle length light brown skirt (with many pockets of course!) and boots when not on the farm. 
Miscellaneous rambles:
They don’t spend all their time on the farm these days, instead letting it to a family who they adore quite honestly.
The youngest child once called Kokabiel “Koko” when they were a toddler and the name stuck- quickly becoming a nickname only the family can use. 
European robin- they're both very well connected to the british countryshide! But also the red shared between them...
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metalmiez · 4 months
Can I hear a Wahoo?
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My personal AU of the origin story why Crowley loves to hear a "Wahoo" in S1. In my headcanon, Angel-Crowley was also making presentations to the other angels about his inventions and the efficency behind them, and everyone except Aziraphale react to that, being the kind angel he is with words of support. I think a lot of angel crowley. He lives rent-free in my head.
This idea was running through my head for quite some time and I'm happy to finally bring it to life <3 I tried another art style than my 'normal' more rendered look. What do you think about that?
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daneecastle · 10 months
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Reversed Veil of Worlds
Pg 13 and 14
@goodomensafterdark @vavoom-sorted-art @gahellhimself-blog @lauramoon1987 @kotias @gleafer
So future Aziraphale doesn’t seem to know what he is looking at. Baby girl “Starmaker” has appeared … how? Why? There are now two red heads in that room.
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To see previous pages go to my Patreon (support will help me get them out faster) and/or Kofi (has written details about each page).
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tired0artist · 1 year
| who was crowley? |
I know the theories that Crowley was Raphael. And I love them, they are AMAZING!
But, you know who fits him better?
Kokabiel, the Angel of Stars.
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Like listen, this fits him surprisingly well.
Source: Fandom (Angelology)
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xokurde · 8 months
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breeberrypies · 6 months
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Reverse AU🤯
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sillyeve · 7 months
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Angel Crowley w/ space wings!! <3
I spent wayyyy too long on this, and I finally finished!!!
“The prettiest star” // david bowie.
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Angel Crowley's Indentity?
Alright, I won't be delving too much into this theory for now, but I wanted to discuss the topic of angel Crowley and specifically her identity. (I will be referring to Crowley with all pronouns in this post.) So, as somebody who's been in the Good Omens fandom since, well, the release of season 2, I've been trying to think about which angel Crowley would have been in the past and, more specifically, her relationship with God. There are many theories in the past such as her being Raphael or even Jophiel, which are fine but I don't inherently subscribe to. However, let's get a better look at who exactly these angels are. Disclaimer, I am doing the bare bones of research for this right now as this is more-so a silly little thing. That and I am not an expert in religion at all.
Raphael, as stated by a quick search, is a "protector" and "healer" and one of the main, well-known archangels. In fact, he is one of the strongest angels and can outmatch most other angels he is paired with. Although Good Omens does not necessarily line up with the Bible and its teaching 1:1, I still look to it to form thoughts and opinions on certain things. Raphael, unlike Crowley, is not a fallen angel and therefore should still exist within Heaven and be a separate angel entirely.
Moving on, we can now look to Jophiel, another common theory. Honestly, I see this as a cute theory, being the angel of "art", "beauty", and "wisdom". When I think of her, I associate her with "love" which would make Crowley a being of love. I think this is a lovely (no pun intended) idea as I see angels as being of love, at least they are supposed to be. Similar to Raphael, Jophiel is an archangel who did not fall.
It would make more sense for angel Crowley to be Jophiel rather than Raphael since Jophiel, in my opinion, would be more inclined to beauty and creation. Crowley was a starmaker in the past, an angel that created a beautiful thing for humans to witness. However, I don't think certain aspects of both angels line up as they should when it comes to Crowley.
These theories, however, are on the right track. In season 2, episode 6 (yes, I know, the dreaded episode), we are met by this quote/scene between Muriel and Crowley:
"It's all confidential. I can't show it to you. I mean, I couldn't open it if I wanted to. I don't have clearance. You'd have to be a Throne or a Dominion, or above."
Of which Crowley opened the file easily and responded with:
"I haven't always been a demon, and they never change their passwords."
So, keeping that in mind, we must turn to the exact rankings of angels. I've found that the rankings are as such:
HIGHEST ORDER -Seraphim -Cherubim -Thrones MIDDLE ORDER -Dominions -Virtues -Powers LOWEST ORDER -Principalities (Aziraphale <333) -Archangels -Angels Which is a bit confusing considering Archangels are considered one of the highest powers in Good Omens, below the Metatron, of course. I forgot where I had seen these, but there MAY be a distinction between "archangels" and "Archangels" (yes, the capital matters.) In that way, it would make sense, that instead Archangels are somewhere within the Highest Order.
Having established that, we can determine that Crowley was either a Dominion, Throne, Cherubim, Seraphim, or an Archangel. And wow, that is a lot to look through when determining who she would be.
Now, to my theory on who I believe angel Crowley to be. Personally, I see them as "Kokabiel". When looking him up, Kokabiel is said to be a "holy angel" or even a "high-ranking angel". Now, I'm unsure of what exactly they would be in the ranking of angels above, but I think it's safe to assume via this description that she is relatively powerful. Our beloved Crowley is a starmaker and Kokabiel is quite literally known as the "angel of the stars". Not to mention that Kokabiel is a fallen angel which would match up with the Crowley we know today.
The angel Kokabiel was known to be dismissive at times about worldly concerns which may go against our idea of Crowley. But in some ways, it lines up. We know, in the nicest way possible, that Crowley is a selfish being. He desires to protect those closest to him or the things he cares about most in general. Crowley had fallen in love with their stars and it would make sense that he would choose to protect them dearly before even thinking of humans.
Moving on a bit, I want to discuss Kokabiel and her relationship to God. Honestly, I believe that Kokabiel was one of God's if not God's favorite angel. This may seem confusing at first and a bit too "serious" considering I am claiming that Crowley/Kokabiel is God's, the Highest Almighty being, favorite creation. Looking into it further, however, seems to allow something to click in my mind.
In the Bible, Lucifer is the one to turn into the Serpent of Eden. Lucifer was the one to tempt Eve into eating the apple, thus spurring the common story shared today. So why is Crawley the Serpent in our story? Sure, this can merely be of plot convenience and serve only to move the story along, but I believe that it has a greater purpose. God had handed down this fate unto Lucifer. Yet in Good Omens, Crawley was given this punishment instead. This implies that they had some sort of personal relationship with God.
Again, these are all just a small collection of theories on certain ideas regarding Crowley's early identities. I could be wrong, and I most likely am, but these headcanons are all in good fun!
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lvndr-alt · 2 months
Okay for anyone following from my swapped au: I was relooking up name connotations because I forgot (adhd LOSS!!!) and.
Azeal (or spelled azael but he’s. Idk. He’s silly. Don’t think bout it.) means ‘made of god’ or ‘strengthened by god’ and I totally believe in the headcanon that main universe Aziraphale is just usually strong bc that not-man is a PRINCIPALITY, he has SHIT TO HANDLE!!! /pos
So, post-everything, Kokabiel discovers that Azeal can just. Lift him up. Or hold him. Like absolutely nothing. And this may be the greatest discovery of his life. Cue, in the wonderful words of @bumblebees-knees-threes;
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Nina and Maggie try to help Azeal, but to little aid. Maggie tries to pass him an sos blink twice if you need help note and despite looking absolutely miserable with the angel on his back is absolutely OFFENDED that anyone would even think that he would need any rescuing from this (he blinks twice and the shop wives arrange some separate nights out; Maggie and Kokabiel go out to some gay bar in SoHo and Azeal and Nina drink silently in the bookshop)
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shananigans-posting · 6 months
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The Reverse Omens fanart possibilities from this image requires talent beyond me. But a PWP fanfic is not.
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aziraphaledrawings · 2 months
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I know I keep disappearing for weeks at a time, I have lost all motivation to do anything more then sketches but have this sketch cause of the trend
It's an au, I call AziRaphael au, basically Crowley was Kokabiel, but more importantly Aziraphale was Raphael but no one knows that so everyome thinks an Archangel just disappeared
I'm writing a fic about it, please tell me if you want more sketches/maybe some sneak peaks of this au
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utterly-disappointed · 7 months
So I've seen a lot of fanfics suggesting that Crowley was Raphael or Jophiel before he fell. I'd like to offer my own theory on who I thought he was. I believe he is Kokabiel who is considered to be the 'angel of the stars'. We know that Crowley helped created a lot of the stars and other things in space so it's not to ridiculous to think he may of been Kokabiel. AND Kokabiel is a known fallen angel and is one of the 20 Watcher leaders of the 200 fallen angels in the Book of Enoch.
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Anyway, this is just my lil theory but honestly IDK. I hope we see more of Crowley's time in heaven and maybe his fall in season 3.
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metalmiez · 2 months
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The Broken Angel
I had this picture of "Are We Meant to read the Footnotes?" - Chapter 25 "Incandescent Core" by @riathedreamer in mind for weeks now and finally had the time to draw it.
For me, it represents the constant switch between Present Crowley and Past Kokabiel, their rage, their pain, their sadness -- the parallels between them. A part of Crowley he heavily denies, but it will always be there. This chapter is so beautifully written -- gut-wrenching and painful, but still so beautiful.
Go! Go read it! (and leave Ria some love!)
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daneecastle · 6 months
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Reversed Veil of Worlds
Chapter 2 - page 33
A red-head sandwich. Hehe. A bit of fluff before i take a small break from posting. We are putting our house on the market next week, so i won't have time to post a page. But i will be back. Thank you.
Also I have started a discord group for this comic. Come join! Reversed Veil Discord Group
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Fyi it is Rouge as in Red. Not Rogue as in the DnD class! And Baby angel is Kokabiel (or Koka).
To read future parts of this story, smut, and extras for Reversed Veil of Worlds go to my Patreon (HELP SUPPORT THIS COMIC) and Kofi (written details about each page).
Previous Pages are on my AO3, which is also on my Carrd Link.
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lenaellsi · 1 year
On archangels and Crowley's former rank in good omens 2:
Thought I'd do a brief post putting together my updated view on Heaven's archangel hierarchy, based on both this post by Neil and the lore drops in season 2.
"I wasn't the original concept designer, but I worked very closely with upstairs." "You know how God likes sevens." "The kind of miracle only the mightiest of archangels could have performed." "How do you know I didn't do it?" "That arch traitor Crowley--" "I am the only first order archangel in the room--or, you know, the universe--" (extended cut to Crowley) "You'd have to be a Throne, a Dominion, or above." "He always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions." "Let there be light."
Proposed hierarchy of good omens archangels:
First Order: Gabriel (former); Lucifer, now Satan (former); [REDACTED], now Crowley (former); Aziraphale (current, replacement)
Second Order: Michael; Uriel (higher than the others, but beneath the first order archangels)
Third Order: Saraqael (she defers to Michael and Uriel in her first scene, but is important enough to be present at Gabriel's trial); Sandalphon (Neil has referred to him as a 'lesser archangel')
Points of confusion:
"For one prince of Heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story. For it to happen twice makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem."
This quote is almost certainly referring to Lucifer. Obviously this cuts against the theory that Crowley was a first order archangel, though idk what was up with the editing in that scene if that's the case. They cut to him immediately after Gabriel says the line.
Baraqiel. Dominion. Angel of the Sky. Appearance: Hair an eye-burning jinnjer. Eyebrows with the appearance of a grisly slug. Often draped in red. Occashunly damp, most likely singed.
Lots of people have been talking about this page from Furfur's angel spotting guide:
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I'm of the opinion that this probably (though it's possible) wouldn't be in the prop book and shown for so long on screen if it wasn't A Clue. The page would've looked fine with just Aziraphale's information. Entirely possible that it's just hinting at a new character for season 3, but the description sounds enough like Crowley that I'm suspicious. (Eye-burning ginger.)
Of course, this cuts against the archangel Crowley theory, but all we know for sure is that he was a Throne or Dominion or above. It's possible that I'm just reading too much into all the other hints that seem to point to him being an archangel. (Though for what it's worth, Baraqiel is known as an archangel outside of Good Omens canon, and is also known as "lightning of God," which is very interesting in a season where Crowley summons both a tempest and a bolt of lightning.)
Would love to hear what people think! I know a million people have been talking about this, I just wanted to organize my own thoughts.
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xokurde · 1 year
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Just some references for the two dorks in my Universe
Hope you'll like them!
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