#golden trio analysis
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Harry is a clever and competent wizard
A recurring theme in fandom I find endlessly tiresome and disappointing is the portrayal of Harry as an academically struggling student who’s lamentably hopeless at Potions and middling in all other subjects aside from DADA, and who, alongside Ron, is in constant need of Hermione’s guidance. It’s present almost everywhere. It’s reinvented canon. And it’s shoved down new readers and non-fans’ throats alike. Please, there’s an HP wiki available for your perusal. Don’t go about consulting popular fics and the Hermione-biased movie director’s visions to draw your ideas of Harry and Ron’s psyche!
It’s doubly aggravating when this depiction is used to highlight Hermione, Draco, or so-and-so classmate’s magical Einstein-levels of genius and reinforce the false narrative that Harry’s singular claim to brilliance lies in Quidditch, and that he’s got nothing more than fluff and snitches between his ears on top of being oblivious to the point of idiocy. That apart from excelling in Defence, he doesn’t have much upstairs... (And even then a minority of the fandom portray DADA as akin to gym class where it’s all honing muscles, muscle memory, and reflexes, with Harry framed as an archetypical gymbro on top being a himbo. What?!)
So we’re just going to overlook his devastatingly biting wit and clever asides? Or brush aside how he repeatedly demonstrates his ability to perform well under pressure? His keen intuition and how he carefully retains seemingly insignificant, misfit puzzle pieces until the eureka moment strikes and he seamlessly integrates them into the bigger picture?
Take these two examples from Philosopher’s Stone with an intrepid tiny Harry:
Harry was quite sure the unsettled feeling didn’t have anything to do with work, though. He watched an owl flutter toward the school across the bright blue sky, a note clamped in its mouth. Hagrid was the only one who ever sent him letters. Hagrid would never betray Dumbledore. Hagrid would never tell anyone how to get past Fluffy . . . never . . . but — Harry suddenly jumped to his feet. “Where’re you going?” said Ron sleepily. “I’ve just thought of something,” said Harry. He had turned white. “We’ve got to go and see Hagrid, now.” “Why?” panted Hermione, hurrying to keep up. “Don’t you think it’s a bit odd,” said Harry, scrambling up the grassy slope, “that what Hagrid wants more than anything else is a dragon, and a stranger turns up who just happens to have an egg in his pocket? How many people wander around with dragon eggs if it’s against wizard law? Lucky they found Hagrid, don’t you think? Why didn’t I see it before?”
Quirrell cursed under his breath. “I don’t understand . . . is the Stone inside the mirror? Should I break it?” Harry’s mind was racing. What I want more than anything else in the world at the moment, he thought, is to find the Stone before Quirrell does. So if I look in the mirror, I should see myself finding it — which means I’ll see where it’s hidden! But how can I look without Quirrell realizing what I’m up to? He tried to edge to the left, to get in front of the glass without Quirrell noticing, but the ropes around his ankles were too tight: he tripped and fell over. Quirrell ignored him. He was still talking to himself. “What does this mirror do? How does it work? Help me, Master!” And to Harry’s horror, a voice answered, and the voice seemed to come from Quirrell himself. “Use the boy . . . Use the boy . . .” Quirrell rounded on Harry. “Yes — Potter — come here.” He clapped his hands once, and the ropes binding Harry fell off. Harry got slowly to his feet. “Come here,” Quirrell repeated. “Look in the mirror and tell me what you see.” Harry walked toward him. I must lie, he thought desperately. I must look and lie about what I see, that’s all.
Bravery alone wasn’t enough to overcome his troubled upbringing with the Dursleys, or Quirrelmort, or Diary Tommy, or the final leg of the Horcrux hunt — it required a combination of mental agility, resourcefulness, and cunning to evaluate the situation, outsmart his opponents, and tip the odds in his favour. Harry needed to survive. To survive, he needed something other than mere guts. Harry’s ability to think on his feet and leverage his intelligence to gain the upper hand in challenging scenarios remains a testament to his brilliance and his remarkable presence of mind. He isn’t the foolhardy, impulsive Gryffindor who leaps into danger headlong without prior planning everytime.
(For that matter, Gryffindor are more than their “bravery” which has somehow been twisted into being synonymous with “reckless” — Sirius being a prime example of this, when in GOF he was urging Harry caution in their communications, despite the fandom conveniently only zeroing in on the depressed, cooped up version of him in OOTP, sigh. Bravery is fortitude, pluck, tenacity, strength of moral fibre, resilience, and heart as well.)
Some other less-mentioned examples of his quick mind: Harry wondering about Snape and Karkaroff being on a first-name basis; remembering Nicholas Flamel just from a long-ago glance, and again, Stan Shunpike despite their single encounter; Harry coaxing out Slughorn’s secret (no, it wasn’t all the Felix Felicis); Harry putting himself in Voldemort’s shoes, and Ron and Hermione deferring to his superior, albeit scary, knowledge; and Harry frightening Ollivander with his deductions about the wands. (It wasn’t solely Hermione’s brains that enabled their chances of survival in DH, let’s ditch that false narrative.)
The most laughably contrived bit in fanon is the unfounded notion that Hermione lets the boys cheat off her work to coast by in class. Fanon is wrong on both counts. Hermione would sooner report the boys for cheating than allow them to copy off her, and Harry isn’t anywhere close to scraping the bottom of the barrel in class, and neither is Ron. The handful of instances in canon where she looks over their assignments and helps correct mistakes isn’t cheating. Her input is akin to getting a second pair of eyes or a beta reader to ensure their work is up to snuff — heaven forbid a student help out a friend by suggesting some tips and tweaks. (Or attend tuition or retain a personal tutor or three.)
The ‘that’s why Harry isn’t a Ravenclaw’ jokes get pretty stale once you realise a large portion of the fandom genuinely think he isn’t a smart kid or has never read a book of his own volition/interest in his life. But Harry enjoyed reading his new books late into the night before starting Hogwarts (he found Hedwig’s name in A History of Magic, after all). Admittedly, studying is a feat in and of itself when you have zero access to books, but some cunning can turn around your luck!
Nevertheless, Sirius had been of some help to Harry, even if he couldn’t be with him. It was due to Sirius that Harry now had all his school things in his bedroom with him. The Dursleys had never allowed this before; their general wish of keeping Harry as miserable as possible, coupled with their fear of his powers, had led them to lock his school trunk in the cupboard under the stairs every summer prior to this. But their attitude had changed since they had found out that Harry had a dangerous murderer for a godfather — for Harry had conveniently forgotten to tell them that Sirius was innocent.
‘Oh, Potter can’t differentiate between a salamander and newt’s eyes.’
‘Asking him to skin shrivelfigs is a tall order since he can’t wield a dagger properly.’
‘He used shredded jobberknoll feathers when the recipe called for a fine powder. Poor Hermione will have to take over yet again to save his stupid arse.’
It’s these many variations and renditions of Harry’s alleged, often exaggerated, ineptitude in fandom content and making a monkey out of him, which I come across more often than not, that are an instant turn-off.
The widespread idea that Harry’s success in the subject can be attributed solely to the Prince’s book is misguided and further undermines his intelligence — and this jaundiced belief that’s crystallised itself as canon, of Harry and Ron putting on a double act as stupid slouches in class and therefore deserving of Snape’s derision and the Slytherin’s put-downs, is a far cry from the truth. Snape’s opinion of Harry’s intelligence or ability should be taken with a grain of salt, given that Harry has been described as a bright and talented child since his first year, by the Professors, Dumbledore, and the Sorting Hat. Even the resident megalomaniac described him as “not unintelligent”. You know what’s actually canon?
1) Snape’s biased approach towards Harry and Neville caused them to have an unwarranted fear of failure and reprimands. The Potions classroom was a hostile and unwelcoming learning environment for these two boys.
2) Harry is pretty confident when left to his own devices in class in OoTP before Snape flushed his effort down the gutter.
Exhibit 1:
Snape, meanwhile, seemed to have decided to act as though Harry were invisible. Harry was, of course, well used to this tactic, as it was one of Uncle Vernon’s favourites, and on the whole was grateful he had to suffer nothing worse. In fact, compared to what he usually had to endure from Snape in the way of taunts and snide remarks, he found the new approach something of an improvement and was pleased to find that when left well alone, he was able to concoct an Invigoration Draught quite easily. At the end of the lesson he scooped some of the potion into a flask, corked it, and took it up to Snape’s desk for marking, feeling that he might at last have scraped an E. He had just turned away when he heard a smashing noise; Malfoy gave a gleeful yell of laughter. Harry whipped around again. His potion sample lay in pieces on the floor, and Snape was watching him with a look of gloating pleasure. “Whoops,” he said softly. “Another zero, then, Potter . . .” Harry was too incensed to speak. He strode back to his cauldron, intending to fill another flask and force Snape to mark it, but saw to his horror that the rest of the contents had vanished. “I’m sorry!” said Hermione with her hands over her mouth. “I’m really sorry, Harry, I thought you’d finished, so I cleared up!”
Exhibit 2:
“After this year, of course, many of you will cease studying with me,” Snape went on. “I take only the very best into my N.E.W.T. Potions class, which means that some of us will certainly be saying good-bye.” His eyes rested on Harry and his lip curled. Harry glared back, feeling a grim pleasure at the idea that he would be able to give up Potions after fifth year.
Exhibit 3:
Ron found it quite easy to ignore as they spent most of Saturday and Sunday studying for Potions on Monday, the exam to which Harry was looking forward least and which he was sure would be the one that would be the downfall of his ambitions to become an Auror. Sure enough, he found the written exam difficult, though he thought he might have got full marks on the question about Polyjuice Potion: He could describe its effects extremely accurately, having taken it illegally in his second year. The afternoon practical was not as dreadful as he had expected it to be. With Snape absent from the proceedings he found that he was much more relaxed than he usually was while making potions. Neville, who was sitting very near Harry, also looked happier than Harry had ever seen him during a Potions class. When Professor Marchbanks said, “Step away from your cauldrons, please, the examination is over,” Harry corked his sample flask feeling that he might not have achieved a good grade but that he had, with luck, avoided a fail.
Whereas in Ch 15 of OoTP, Snape had marked Harry’s essay on moonstones as Dreadful and claimed it to be a realistic expectation of OWL grading:
“I have awarded you the grades you would have received if you presented this work in your O.W.L.,” said Snape with a smirk, as he swept among them, passing back their homework. “This should give you a realistic idea of what to expect in your examination.” Snape reached the front of the class and turned to face them. “The general standard of this homework was abysmal. Most of you would have failed had this been your examination. I expect to see a great deal more effort for this week’s essay on the various varieties of venom antidotes, or I shall have to start handing out detentions to those dunces who get D��s.” He smirked as Malfoy sniggered and said in a carrying whisper, “Some people got D’s? Ha!”
And yet, Harry did very well on his OWLs before he even got a whiff of the Prince’s book.
Astronomy A
Care of Magical Creatures EE
Charms EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts O
Divination P
Herbology EE
History of Magic D
Potions EE
Transfiguration EE
Harry and Ron studied (!) both days of the weekend before Potions OWLs (!) without Hermione (!), and still Harry wasn’t sure he’d secure a good grade yet ended up scoring an EE. Exceeds Expectations, which y’know translates to: Surpasses Expectations, So Much Better than Expected, Rather Brilliant.
Unless you believe that anything less than the top percentiles is rubbish, Harry is not a ‘certifiable dunce’. There’s no denying he’s a competent and clever wizard and easily punches above his weight when he’s properly motivated and applies himself. Intelligence is a genetic trait, and Harry comes from nerdstock.
If he could achieve those grades whilst serving 7-hour torture sessions with Umbridge, suffering from Voldemort and Snape tearing into his mind, and putting up with the government slandering him in his second most important school year, running on fumes and sheer will (constantly disruspted sleep routine? Ugh!), then yeah, remove all those crutches, and he’d be raking in straight Os for most of those subjects. (It sort of sounds like ‘excuse our mental health and and anxiety’ for us if we perform poorly in exams, but not for Harry ‘he’s an idiot throwing teen tantrums’. Someone give me a hammer.)
“You’d need top grades for that,” said Professor McGonagall, extracting a small, dark leaflet from under the mass on her desk and opening it. “They ask for a minimum of five N.E.W.T.s, and nothing under ‘Exceeds Expectations’ grade, I see. Then you would be required to undergo a stringent series of character and aptitude tests at the Auror office. It’s a difficult career path, Potter; they only take the best. In fact, I don’t think anybody has been taken on in the last three years.”
Did he earn the grades? Yes. The Auror program ran aptitude tests, too, and only took the best, yes? Not because he’s a hothead with a daredevil streak and impulse issues, yes? Not because his dream was to be an Auror since his third year, or that he was only exceptional at fighting, or some such nonsense. After all, Barty Crouch Jr, he of the impeccable OWLs record, saw something worthy of Auror material in Harry and planted the seed in his mind. (Reminder: Barty also said Hermione should consider joining the Aurors too because her “mind works the right way”.)
And Moody thought he, Harry, ought to be an Auror! Interesting idea . . . but somehow, Harry thought, as he got quietly into his four-poster ten minutes later, the egg and the Cloak now safely back in his trunk, he thought he’d like to check how scarred the rest of them were before he chose it as a career.
If Harry was incapable of telling up from down in Potions, the Prince’s annotations would have been like casting pearls before swine. Worse still, Harry’s supposed lack of know-how would have caused more harm than good. The book only helped to refine the skills and knowledge he had cultivated over five years of study. Having a comfortable learning environment, an encouraging teacher, and superior instructions allowed Harry to maximise his potential and excel in class. (This phenomenon of underachiever-to-star pupil can happen in real life and is not unique to Harry. It happens with neurodivergent students with slightly different needs, students who require a more personal teaching style, and students stunted by an unhealthy learning environment. When their needs are met and supported, they tend to thrive and reach their potential.)
To put it into perspective, imagine taking an average kid whose expertise in cooking extends to making beans on toast and putting them in a professional kitchen. Imagine asking this kid to fillet a salmon and very finely slice lemons for garnish, tasks that require careful hands, finesse, and patience. If the kid can’t distinguish between a paring knife and a boning knife, they don’t stand half a chance. They’re liable to mess up the fish from the get-go. They might use a petty knife for everything and present a terribly executed dish; or they might cleverly choose a smaller knife but misuse it, not knowing that the flexibility and sharpness of a blade vary depending on their purpose, and end up seriously hurting themselves. Either way, filleting a fish is best left to seasoned home cooks and the pros.
In contrast, Harry is identical to a proficient home cook who knows the ropes but lacks some finesse and the fancy carving and plating skills of a trained culinary student. He has a firm grasp of the necessary theory and techniques and knows how to prep ingredients correctly, but may fumble the ideal application of said techniques, lacks an inborn zeal for the craft that lends to creativity, and overlook the finer details, particularly when he’s weighed down by fear of censure and humiliation. His level of success hinges on variables such as his confidence, familiarity with a recipe or method, and the type of environment he’s in. Talent is like a little seed; when nurtured, it will flourish.
Slughorn’s NEWT class was small, admitting twelve students out of a fortyish-student batch. No Gryffindor apart from the Golden Trio made the cut, and they were joined by the lone Hufflepuff, four Ravenclaws, and four Slytherins. Essentially, only a dozen students achieved an EE or O to qualify for NEWT Potions. Fanon will tell you most of the Slytherins have been tinkering with cauldrons in their diapers, but canon shows that only two other Slytherins, besides Draco and Blaise, made the grade. So, how are we still perpetuating this incorrect interpretation that Ron and Harry were barely keeping up academically when they’re more adept than half their year?
Harry and Ron aren’t academically inclined or driven by an obsessive urge to pore over books most hours of the day for fun, so what? Let them joke around and play chess and cards and broom race in the rain without bringing their brains and academics into the equation. Let Harry be a proper child/teen when he’s not busy hunting clues and crushing evil plots. Stop making the sum of HJP be “Powerful Himbo” or “Saviour Complex and Running on Luck”, which is pretty disrespectful towards a character who has shown himself to be so, so competent and well-rounded.
It’s such a huge thorn in my side that both Harry and Sirius (of all people, when he’s twinning with James as the insultingly effortless mavens during their time at Hogwarts!) habitually have their intelligence questioned and maliciously devaluated, or blown off entirely. So I had to sit and get this chaotically demonstrative commentary off my chest. Thank you, if you’ve read till the end!
#harry potter#harry potter meta#character analysis#harry james potter#sirius black#ron weasley#hermione granger#golden trio#golden trio era#golden boy hjp#harry isn’t an idiot—he’s got brains brawns and brass#harry is perfectly fine at potions—he isn’t a prodigious talent but he’s more than capable#weasley is our king#good godfather sirius black#it must be said!
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"Snape was a b-tch because he outed Remus for being a werewolf." But when Sirius used Remus to make him a murderer concealed as a 'prank' to kill Severus, it's excused because he didn't know it would've gotten 'too far'? Severus outing Remus does not compare to Sirius trying to get Remus to kill someone. The double-standards is insane.
#severus snape#marauders era#pro severus snape#pro snape#harry potter#golden trio era#snape#sirius black#remus lupin#character analysis
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Lets talk about narrative framing in Harry Potter and how it lends itself to what I live to call the Regulus vs James vs Snape debate, aka the "why does the fandom praise Regulus and James but hate Snape, it's because they're hot isn't it?" issue.
I'm trying to come at this with a neutral perspective (despite being what many would frame as a Regulus defender).
So narrative framing, what is it? It's exactly what is sounds like; how the narrative is telling you to view something. A great example of this is house elves. They are narratively framed as a net positive, however, when you take them out of the narrative and inspect them without all of the unnecessary context, they're pretty bad. The narrative also does this with characters (obviously), like Cho Chang being framed as annoying for crying over her boyfriend who was brutally murdered. When we look at this, we are looking at it through the lens of Harry, but when we look at without Harry's motives in mind, that shit is weird.
So, how does this apply here? Well, I think the reason that Snape is so hated is cut into two parts; the first being narrative framing and the second being screen time. He is in every book. And in every book, he's being an asshole. He's bullying someone who is half or even a third of his age, or he's being speciesist, or he's being a general nuisance. A lot of his coworkers don't even like him. Of course, our lens isn't unbiased as we see all this through Harry's view, but Harry, narratively, is one of the good guys, making him someone we as the reader are supposed to trust. Also, we do know that whether or not they were influenced by Harry's POV, he did some foul shit: we know that he used to be (and maybe still is, for most of the series) a DE, we know that he tells his students Lupin is a werewolf, and we also know he hates James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin (obviously), Harry Potter himself, and, I may be assuming here but, Peter Pettigrew. All but one of these characters are framed positively in the narrative, meaning Snape isn't just narratively hated; he is up against some of the most beloved characters. There is not a lot going for him until the plot twist, which doesn't help necessarily. To a lot of fans it just made him seem obsessive and bitter, and didn't justify his actions, likely because of all the narrative framing against him. Honestly, at that point it stops being narrative framing and starts being the narrative.
Compare this to James and Regulus who we see very little of. The little we see of James is usually through Snapes memory, which I guess can kind of be considered an unbiased source, but with all the narrative against him it's hard to expect readers to trust that someone the bad guy thinks is bad is really that bad. Not to mention like right after Harry asks for affirmation that his dad wasn't terrible, and Sirius basically just goes "he changed, trust me bro!" (Harry does indeed trust him, bro). And we don't even see Regulus, we only see him through others, namely Sirius and Kreacher, who both answer questions about him scarcely. When we do hear about him it is either, "he was so soft, too soft to disobey our parents" implying something in him was good, he just wasn't strong enough to resist the bad, or through his defiance of Voldemort which, despite setting Harry back is positive for his character and how he's seen. It's important to note most people are way too scary to defy Voldemort, so this is seen as a radical act, which I think is also what JK. Molding was hoping for when writing the Snape redemption scene (because that was not an arc).
However, Snape's falls flat because we actually have to see the negative that he did, we see how it effects Neville, and Hermione, and Remus and even Harry. We don't see the bad of Regulus, we only see him through the tender wounds of his living relative and only friend, which are undoubtedly biased lenses. I think the lack of accountability shown for Regulus is because of object permanence. We only see the negative effect of his loss, not of his bad decisions. We see Sirius scrubbing a house clean of everyone but him. We see grief. And people don't grieve for bad people, right?
TLDR: Fandom favors Reg over Snape because we see how Snape's actions effect people, and the fandom favors James over Snape because the only evidence we have of him being a bad guy is coming from someone untrustowrothy.
#marauders#mauraders#james potter#regulus a black#regulus black#snape fandom#severus snape#fandom discussion#fandom culture#analysis#harry potter#golden trio era#the golden trio#media literacy
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I feel like for the first few years of guardianship Darius and Hunter really struggle to figure out how to refer to each other.
Like it's easier for Hunter, he pretty quickly settles on "guardian" for explaining their relationship to other people and just referring to Darius by name when talking to the man himself. Overtime the phrasing gradually warms, becoming "foster parent" and eventually, once Hunter's already an adult old enough to move out, "Dad".
(Sidenote: he doesn't move out til he's in his mid to late twenties, bc he's under no obligation too, Darius low-key doesn't want him too, and the two of them want to make up for lost time in a sense, since Hunter only had 2 years of legal dependency on Darius before aging out of the system. Darius adopts Hunter retroactively as an adult)
Darius on the other hand has a real conundrum on his hands for those first few years. He has a lot of options! But "ward" is too formal and makes it sound like Darius picked him up off the street like after his parents were murdered, "apprentice/student" isn't really accurate considering the focus of Darius and Hunter's relationship has less to do with Hunter learning magic and more to do with Hunter being housed and fed. "Kid" and "foster son" are there...but...
Look, Darius isn't going to refer to Hunter more familiarly than Hunter refers to him! He's not gonna make it WEIRD. He's not a dad, because Hunter doesn't want/need him to be (and also parenthood is scary <3). Darius doesn't know the first thing about being a dad, despite how his friend group teases him.
Eda and Eberwolf are the two who are worst about it. They torture him with how 'fatherly' he's allegedly being (allegations Darius will DENY til his GRAVE!!!) And Eda specifically compares his journey to hers, saying it always starts off with you referring to them as your apprentice (again, Darius doesn't plan on doing that), as your roommate (...kinda weird in Darius' opinion? But okay Eda), or even your pet (????HELLO???). But eventually, they always become your dumb kid when you least expect it.
She's had a couple cups of appleblood by this point, but Darius knows on some level she's right and he's steadfastly ignoring that fact, even as Eber continues to refer to Hunter as his "cub" (kinda cute but Darius doesn't know how Hunter would feel being compared to an animal). The only people who are even remotely reasonable about all this (besides Lilith who's a bit disinterested in kid talk) is Raine and Alador, who both sort of neutrally, a bit awkwardly refer to Hunter as Darius' Boy.
Darius referring to Hunter as "my boy" is funnily enough what sticks the longest before it evolves to son boy. Hunter's crushing it at a derby match? Darius is whooping and cheering, yelling "THAT'S MY BOY!!!" At the other parents in the stands. Hunter is doing something dangerous or inadvisable where others can see him? "Darius, your boy-" "AHH! MY BOY". Hunter, a year into his stay with Darius finally comes clean about everything to do with him being a grimwalker, and is afraid that he's going to go back to seeing him as just an inferior replacement for Darius' beloved mentor? Darius (who has just had to process some of the most bonkers, emotionally heavy information in his life) gently, hesitantly puts a hand on his shoulder (the 'good' one Hunter doesn't mind people touching), and says that Hunter's much more than that. He's Darius' Boy and he's not going to kick him out or get angry or love him any less for things out of his control. It's good. They're good.
Like I said, it evolves over time and 'boy' becomes somewhat obsolete as the two get caught up in the joy of finally feeling able to explicitly refer to each other as family. But unlike "guardian" or "ward" the word never gets fully retired. Even when Hunter is 30 and is arguing that he's more of a man than a boy now, he is still getting referred to by Darius as "his boy", the way some parents never really stop calling their adult kids baby or kiddo (Camila and Eda respectively btw).
Hunter makes one of those corny matching shirt sets at some point for a father's Day gift when he's 17/18, where the two shirts say "if lost, return Boy to me" (Darius) and "I'm Boy" (Hunter). Hunter mostly did it so he could own a funny shirt that says "I'm boy". Darius openly weeps upon seeing them. Like Oh my Titan he's boy. He's my boy. Oh wow
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#toh#hunter toh#darius deamonne#dadrius#made this instead of finishing my dadrius week day 1 comic. it's okay i have time#i think this post dips it's toes into being one of those 'part writing drabble/part textpost analysis' posts#which I'm okay w/ tbh i love those#i just hope it reads well#the important thing about dadrius + eberwolf to me is that it's just as unlikely a trio as King Eda and Luz are#just as weird and has just as gradual and retrospectively funny a journey as them#i also specified foster parent instead of adoptive parent just bc i read it in a fic once where Hunter was placed in isles foster care-#-post canon and he had a social worker who was a gargoyle named Chantelle. it was delightful#this is my homage to that. the fic was 'the titan laughs in flowers' i think (thank you user yardsards for the rec)#alador still gets the instinct to refer to Hunter as the golden guard and amity gets on his case about it#so referring to Hunter as darius' boy grew out of that and spread to raine who finds it kind of adorable#darius refers to hunter as his foster son for the first time when his (darius' i mean) family comes to visit#not as like a statement of anything they don't deny Hunter as a deamonne. they love him like they love a scraggly cat#but just like. it felt right for Darius in the moment and Hunter got emotional about it#anyway happy early dadrius week I'm rotating them in my mind I'm biting down on them like a chew toy etc etc
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Lily and Petunia have such an interesting and complex relationship and there aren’t enough fics that delve into that.
From what we know from canon, the two were relatively close before Lily’s magic was discovered. We can assume that Petunia’s resentment ramped up when Snape and Lily started to become friends, which was partially because she just didn’t like him and thought he was a weird but if you look at it from a child’s perspective it paints it in a different light, children are easily possessive of things and people, siblings especially, sisters especially.
Her resentment was furthered with their parents treatment of the two. Petunia was the eldest sister, between the two she was the less remarkable, from what we know and can assume from canon, Lily was the golden child, when she received her Hogwarts letter and their parents reacted positively and from what we’re told in the books, ecstatically even, which furthered her resentment even more when she even wrote to Dumbledore asking if she could go to Hogwarts too, but he had told her, though kindly, that because she was a muggle she could not.
Petunia lashed out the only way she knew how to, with resentment and envy, which makes sense really.
If Petunia was already envious of her sister, and their parents put Lily on an even higher pedestal after they found out she was a witch, adding Dumbledore’s words about Petunia not be able to go because she was a “muggle”, then it’d make sense that Petunia would resent Lily, to make her a “freak” in her eyes.
Petunia’s jealousy and resentment came from many things with Lily’s odd abilities, with Lily spending time with Snape, with Lily discovering she was a witch and their parents praising her for that, with Lily’s acceptance into Hogwarts and Petunia’s rejection from it, with pureblood James Potter.
That’s not to say that Lily is at fault or that she didn’t care, we KNOW Lily loved her sister. We can safely assume that she wrote to Petunia throughout Hogwarts, her letters probably getting more scarce as they grew and Petunia had stopped responding, but Lily still sent Petunia a letter when she gave birth to Harry, she still felt that her sister was important enough to her to send a letter announcing Harry’s arrival.
Petunia’s resentment even caused her to marry Vernon because he was everything that Lily was not. He was a boring regular man with a boring regular life. (Which we learn from this part in the books below)
“Mrs Dursley pretended she didn't have a sister, because her sister and her good-for-nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be.”
However, even with all that envy and resentment, Lily was still her sister, we see this when Vernon and Marge are laughing about Lily being a bitch and Petunia isn’t, we see this when Petunia tells Harry that he didn’t just lose a mother that night but she lost a sister(it’s in the movies explicitly so not book canon but it’s still a thing to note)
Petunia treated Harry the way she did because he was attached to the wizarding world and her sister, yeah Harry was a wizard but he was also the spitting image of James, Petunia must have resented him that much more because Harry was the embodiment of the two things that took away her sister, magic and James Potter. More over, Voldemort killed Lily to get to Harry, Lily died for Harry, it’s not an insane thing to think that that added even more to Petunia’s disdain.
Harry was the embodiment of everything that took Lily away from Petunia, magic, James Potter and the very reason her sister was dead. In Petunia’s mind at least.
To add Petunia treated Harry horrifically and no this isn’t an excuse for her inexcusable gross actions, but an unnecessary long look into the reasoning for it.
#character analysis#character study#this is so bad#harry potter#lily evans#petunia dursley#petunia evans#the dursleys#james potter#anti jkr#I tried to make this as canon as possible#marauders#golden trio#sorry#this is so long#jily#marauders era#my mother proofread this#dare I say this is a Petunia character study??#I dare#this better not flop#I will cry guys#thank you to the two people who wants to see this I’ve never done a character study before lol#hopefully this is good but idk
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i think i figured out the reason why i hate robbie valentino so much...
it's because he reminds me of severus snape.
both are sad, greasy, slimy jerks who never managed to properly get over being dumped/friendzoned by their redheaded love interest who they treated mediocrely at best and who could 110% could have done better (exacerbated by the fact that in both cases the love interest in question gave chances, and only lost the loser after the most egregious case of being horrible), and as such, said sad, greasy, slimy jerks have decided to take out their feelings on Literal Children, who are already in enough mortal danger as it (thanks to compulsive heroism and a need to solve every mystery and problem that comes their way).
#obviously i'm not saying that robbie is as bad as snape#however i don't like either of them#so i think this is valid literary analysis#y'all are gonna have to get used to the fact i draw connections between characters all over the place#next up: why dipper is like every one of the golden trio#and its not just because dipper and harry both have cool/weird forehead markings#gravity falls#harry potter#severus snape#robbie valentino
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Barty Crouch Jr. best harry potter villain
I just saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in the theatre with my friend, and it just proves once again that Barty Crouch Jr. is one of—if not the—best villains in the movie series. If I had watched this for the first time, I would have never known that he was pretending to be Mad-Eye. And it’s not as if the movie producers just sprung the reveal on us; there were multiple signs that make sense in hindsight but weren’t obvious to me when I was watching for the first time.
Barty Crouch Jr. is canonically intelligent, earning 12 OWLs on his exams, which is kind of insane. But at the same time, he joined the Death Eaters to spite his father, who was actively putting them in jail. The fact that his dad never suspected him and was surprised that his son was a Death Eater just proves how good Barty Jr. was, even at age 18–20. His dad, like him, is also a relatively smart man, yet he failed to catch a Death Eater living under his own roof—not even his wife did.
After Barty escaped and was put under the Imperius Curse for 12 years (I forgot exactly how many years, lol), he was still able to sneak out without getting caught. And based on the flashback to present-day events, he still looks identical to how he did when he got arrested and sent to Azkaban. The only person to even see him was Harry Potter—no one else even knew that he was out, besides Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew, presumably. And the fact that he almost got away with being disguised while speaking directly to his father was insane.
When I was in the theatre, my friend, who had never watched it before, was confused. But to me, it was so damning because there were so many signs for the audience that he wasn’t actually Mad-Eye—yet considerably fewer signs for the characters within the movie itself. Still, I’m glad that Barty Sr. eventually figured it out. Even then, though, Barty Jr. still managed to kill him. The movies don’t explain how or dwell on it for more than two minutes, but to be able to kill a man that I assume is incredibly skilled in magic—while under Polyjuice Potion and with one leg—sounds like an immensely difficult task that he somehow pulled off smoothly.
The way he got caught was either because he was arrogant or not organized enough. I'm leaning toward arrogance because remembering to drink something 16 times a day is way too much (I can't even remember to drink water more than twice a day). At the same time, being able to teach and act like someone else without breaking character consistently takes another level of dedication. Still, I think it’s a mix of arrogance and his craziness. If he had more Polyjuice Potion and wasn’t in whatever frantic state he was in, he might have either never been caught in the first place or simply escaped.
Harry Potter only caught on that he had been set up because Barty Jr. started rambling about the Dark Lord and what his presence was like—without even trying to hide that Mad-Eye Moody was supposed to be on the good side. He was also smart enough to figure out that, since a student had died (and presumably not from the maze), the trophy that acted as a Portkey must have sent them somewhere else. And even if no one had come to that conclusion immediately, he had just grabbed a boy who had seen his friend die and then started talking about the Dark Lord’s return. Obviously, people would want to know more and at least check if Harry was in danger, so they would have investigated regardless.
As for him running out of Polyjuice Potion, that’s just arrogance—though I kind of understand why he had it. In his eyes, Harry Potter was probably supposed to be dead, so he likely thought he could just leave without needing any more potion to keep up his disguise. This makes the most sense to me because he had already shown how disciplined and motivated, he was in maintaining the Mad-Eye Moody act. So, it doesn’t really add up for him to simply not have any backups left.
#harry potter#barty crouch junior#barty crouch jr#marauders#slytherin skittles#hp fandom#golden trio era#analysis#hp
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tom riddle is a yapper. he loves his monologues and dramatics.
draco malfoy is a yapper. he, too, loves the sound of his voice and dramatics.
ron weasley has no qualms about being loud and seen. he grew up in a large household, fighting to be heard over his siblings.
harry potter grew up in a cupboard, friendless except for the spiders, and learned to subdue and suppress and submit at the dursleys. he isn’t loud, he isn’t boisterous, he isn’t talkative, he doesn’t like socialising, he keeps his opinions in his head and his feelings buried inside, he has very few close friends, he doesn’t reveal his worries and struggles easily, he dislikes showing his pain and weakness, and he sure doesn’t give up his secrets and personal details freely, sometimes not even to ron and hermione.
this is what canon harry’s like—very quiet and an introvert, someone who speaks when spoken to or has cause to broadcast his voice, and someone who’d rather blend into the walls than draw unnecessary attention to himself.
#if he actually spoke up more maybe the students would know of the yearly shenanigans he got up to#and not change their mind about him from one extreme to the other#if he wasn’t constantly bottling it all up him thrashing dumbledore’s office and yelling at him wouldn’t feel as cathartic and poweful#harry potter#harry potter meta#character analysis#harry james potter#golden boy hjp#golden trio era#ron weasley#draco malfoy#tom riddle
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I finally managed to understand V's entire "mission" (and consequentially J's and N's) in the Solver's plan.
So, starting off with, I still have two doubts, and that is when each dd discovered that Tessa was already dead.
So basically this analysis might be wrong if my order of knowing is wrong :')
We start with J, I'm positive that she was the first one to find out, working with Tessa and adoring her so much probably made her the first to find out she died. As J said "it tricked me too." So let's assume she didn't find out in the best way ever, but already knew when she and "Tessa" met with the trio.
Second to find out was V. N was last, and he, of course, found out when we also did, in Mass Destruction, so as we see here he's still pretty traumatized to see her

Now onto V. Throughout the whole show, many fans started off with disliking her, only to slowly learn more about her reasonings, that were made 100% clear with the finale.
V's main objective was to keep N safe, away from the Solver. He was still the nice golden retriever robot that V adored back in the Mansion. She wanted to protect him.
But we thought that was simply a thing she decided on her own. We thought that she was the only one with her memories and that she simply decided to hide everything from N and protect him from the sidelines

And just to note, I'm pretty sure she thought that N remembered everything. That's why she was so shocked here, not simply because he snapped

She realized he didn't have his memories so went even more on defensive mode.
With the new episode, it's actually revealed that V wasn't the only one with her memories, but instead, N was the only one WITHOUT.


Even J knew about it. And V thought that the original plan was doing their jobs and living a good rest of life. Not helping it and risking their life in the end.
When V saw the N projection, she decided to tell the truth


As the second image suggests, she had no idea about his memory being bad or good, she didn't know how much of his memory about the past remained. Sadly though, she wasn't supposed to say all that.

What we all thought was V's own decisions, was actually the Solver's. It gave V the option to stay quiet and in exchange she and N would be safe.
That's why V wanted N to stay away from Uzi. She was a possible Host and V didn't want it to kill her and N. Because him going against the orders wasn't in the plan.
A bit more proof that V knew who "Tessa" was:


She gave Tessa a lot of dirty looks in episode 6 for someone who was literally saved by her. She already knew that she wasn't Tessa and she was extremely wary of her.
TLDR: V's plan to keep N in the dark wasn't hers, but it was a bargain with the Solver. And N was the only one without memories and knowledge of Tessa's death.
#murder drones#murder drones spoilers#murder drones n#murder drones v#v murder drones#n murder drones#serial designation n#serial designation v#j murder drones#cyn murder drones#tessa murder drones#murder drones finale#amber's theories???#amber's crazy shit#murder drones analysis
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This!! Everything that OP said !!!
This reminds me of a time when I was thirteen watching some hp analysis video. It basically stated that the Marauders + Lily and Snape were foils for the golden and silver trios, and where their characters fail the other succeeds. Here, I'll just write it down so it makes more sense lol.
Peter -> Neville : Like OP said, Neville represents the potential Peter could have been, had he not been so much of a coward.
Lily -> Harry : They both had issues with their family and relationship with oppressors. Both were smart, snarky people who risked their lives for mankind. Lily did the best she could at the time, butnHarry ultimately stopped Voldy once and for all.
James -> Ginny : Both cocky, sporty popular kids who were close friends with outcasts, and were super loyal. James's loyalty and blind trust of his friends became his downfall. Ginny's careful trust and loyalty however, made her stronger.
Severus -> Luna : Both a bit weird, social outcasts. For Sev this eventually led him to become radicalised into fascist right-wing group, whereas Luna embraced the quirky part of herself and eventually fought for the 'good' side.
Remus -> Hermione : Both hardworking and knowledge-seeking individuals from marginalised backgrounds. Where Remus was ashamed of that part of himself and lived the rest of his life in solitude and self-hatred, Hermione was empowered and fought for herself and others, and aspired to make a change.
Sirius -> Ron : This one I think is the hardest point of comparison, so I'm just going to list similarities. They both had issues with family (tho with Sirius it was waaaaaay worse) and they both were super close to their friends and a bit prideful. With Sirius, his pride became his downfall as he switched himself for Peter as the secret keeper, whereas with Ron, although he also had a lot of pride, ultimately, he did not let that distract him from being a good friend (and some may disagree) and strategist.
Again, I watched the og video ageessssss ago and I doubt I'm relaying the information right (especially as I'm sure that the og creator made a comparison point between James/Harry and Lily/Ginny -- but I think the other way around make more sense). Anyway I love how the Marauders Era characters are foils for the Golden Trio Era characters. I think it's especially symbolic that all the Marauders Era characters died tragic deaths while the Golden Trio Era characters mentioned lived on happily as hereo. I like to think that the GTE represent the solution, or alternate way to the mistakes of the past.
The Sorting Hat // Peter Pettigrew & Neville Longbottom Being Foils *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Recently, I saw someone say they don't understand why Peter is a Gryffindor... and this made me want to talk about how the Sorting Hat possibly works. Harry tells Albus that the Sorting Hat takes "your choice into account", but I think the best descriptor is that the Sorting Hat takes what you value into account. For example, some people think Hermione should've been a Ravenclaw because she's intelligent and quick-thinking. But here's the thing- I think it'd be fair to say Hermione valued bravery over intelligence. She's passionate and outspoken with her beliefs and was determined to remain strong in the face of her adversaries. We see this in First Year and she only grows into these traits as she faces difficult situations. At her core, Hermione values traits like courage and determination, and happens to have a passion for learning and pursuing knowledge. And here's how Peter Pettigrew and Neville Longbottom play into this. Both were sorted into Gryffindor despite not really having been described as brave when they were 11 years old. However, I think it'd be fair to say that both valued bravery. We see Neville step out of his comfort zone and as the series continues, he grows more confident and (you guessed it) brave. He goes from being a nervous, shy 11 year old to being a leader in Dumbledore's Army while Hogwarts is under Death Eater reign. Peter, I imagine, had a similar start to his years at Hogwarts. He has these friends who are just so cool and do whatever they want and he loves that. He admires the courage they have to be able to do that. But, where he differs from the other Gryffindor students is that he never achieves that bravery himself. He remains a coward. He can't find it in himself to be brave and instead does what he thinks will keep him safe. That's what makes him a bit tragic, in my opinion. He never becomes what he values.
Just my thoughts on the matter, but I wanted to share because I like talking about this kind of stuff. I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts or ideas :D i wrote this at like 1 am so sorry if it doesnt make much sense lmao
#marauders#golden trio era#harry potter#hermione granger#ron weasley#luna lovegood#neville longbottom#ginny weasley#marauders era#remus lupin#sirius black#james potter#lily evans#peter pettigrew#severus snape#love doing character analysis'
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An Exclusive Pre-Game Analysis by Gridiron Insider
This is it. The moment we’ve all been waiting for.
After a season of blood, sweat, and bone-crushing plays, the Golden Knights and the Emerald Titans are set to collide in a Super Bowl matchup for the ages.
Both teams have trained harder than ever, pushed their limits beyond expectation, and forged themselves into titans of the game. Every pass, tackle, and strategic move has led to this moment. Now, under the blinding lights of the superbowl stage, they will battle for the right to be called the greatest team.
Two elite teams. One historic night. No second chances.

Captain Xander and Captain Brody are ready to face each others
Who will seize victory and who will crumble under the pressure?
Let’s break down the starting lineups, team strengths, and key matchups in what promises to be a legendary clash of unstoppable forces.
The Golden Knights arrive with one of the most disciplined and physically dominant squads in Super Bowl history. Under the guidance of Captain Brody Gold (#11), the team is a perfect blend of precision, aggression, and brotherhood.

Gold's Defense : Trevor, #52, Eddy #73 and Brock #46
What sets the Knights apart is their unity and execution. With Maximus fully integrated into Football Drone Mode, every player is a piece of a flawless machine, moving with surgical accuracy and ruthless efficiency.
🔨 Strengths:
✔ Unbreakable Offensive Line: Led by Maximus (#70), the Knights' protection unit is impenetrable—a fortress of gold and black standing between Brody and the Titans’ relentless rush. ✔ Defensive Destruction: Hercules (#28) and Ares (#29) are twin wrecking balls in the linebacker corps, ready to crush anything in their path. ✔ Strategic Genius: Brody’s ability to read defenses and adjust on the fly will be key to unlocking the Titans' defensive schemes. ✔ Fan Power: With Milo, Drone-Pup 151, rallying the Golden Army, the Knights will have one of the loudest and most energized stadium presences ever recorded.
⚠️ Challenges:
❌ Overcoming Titanus: The Titan defensive wall, led by Damien Raines (#97) and Marcus Vaughn (#54), will be the toughest front line Gold has faced all season. ❌ Handling the Titans’ Speed: The Titans' elite offense, fueled by Jalen Carter (#4) and DeShawn Holloway (#22), will push the Knights' defense to its absolute limit.
⭐ Key Players to Watch:

Maximus, #70, during his football drone training
🔥 Maximus (#70, OT) – The Indestructible Engine
The perfect football machine. No fatigue, no hesitation—just execution.
Every block, every push, every adjustment will be flawless.
If the Titans can’t break him, they can’t win.
🔥 Hercules (#28, MLB) – The Gamebreaker
The commanding force behind Gold’s defensive wall.
If Herc dominates the midfield, the Titans will struggle to get any offensive momentum.
🔥 Brody (#11, QB) – The Field General
The brain of the operation.
He’ll need to read the defense fast, stay cool under pressure, and take calculated risks.
🔥 Ares (#29, OLB) – The Chaos Bringer
Explosive, violent, relentless.
Will attack Xander Malone all night, trying to force bad decisions.

The Linebacker trio : Twin Herc (#28) and Ares (#29) taking the new Linebacker Roman (#30) under their wing.
🔥 Brock (#46, Defensive Safety) – The Guardian
The last line of defense.
If the Titans break through, Brock must shut them down.
🔥 Eddy "Tamerlan" (#73, DE) – The Strategist
His mental conditioning of the team has pushed the Knights beyond their normal limits.
His presence ensures the Knights maintain focus and unity.
🔥 Trevor (#52, DT) – The Immovable Wall
The anchor of the defensive line, ensuring the Titans’ running lanes stay sealed.
🔥 Grayden (#84, WR & Head Mascot) – The Wild Card
Can strike when least expected.
If the Titans ignore him, they’ll regret it.
The Emerald Titans have revenge on their minds. After their last defeat at the hands of the Knights, they have trained with a singular purpose—destroying Gold and reclaiming their throne.
Led by Xander Malone (#12), their precision offense and suffocating defense make them a formidable opponent.
🔨 Strengths:
✔ Elite Quarterback Play: Xander Malone is one of the most efficient passers in the league and has the weapons to carve up Gold’s defense. ✔ Lightning-Fast Receivers: Jalen Carter (#4) can outrun nearly anyone—if he breaks into open space, Gold is in trouble. ✔ Crushing Defense: With Raines (#97) and Vaughn (#54) leading the charge, Brody will have to work for every yard.

The offensive powerhouse of Emerald Titans : Jalen (#04), DeShawn (#22) and Travis (#76)
⚠️ Challenges:
❌ Breaking Through Maximus: If Maximus holds the line, Brody will have time to pick apart the Titans’ defense. ❌ Surviving the Golden Army's Hits: The Knights’ linebackers play violently. Malone will need to make decisions in a split second. ❌ Stopping the Momentum: If Gold builds energy, Milo and the Golden Army will amplify it to an unstoppable level.
🔥 Xander "X-Factor" Malone (#12, QB) – The Precision General
Reads defenses like a machine, never rattled under pressure.
Deadly accurate passer—if given time, he will carve through the Golden defense.
Has a perfect connection with Jalen Carter (#4), a combination that has destroyed defenses all season.
🔥 Jalen "Blitz" Carter (#4, WR) – The Untouchable Speed Demon
Explosive acceleration—faster than anyone on the field.
A deep-ball nightmare—if he gets behind the defense, it’s an automatic touchdown.
If Brock can’t shut him down, Gold is in trouble.
🔥 Damien "The Fortress" Raines (#97, DT) – The Unmovable Object
A 6’5, 330-pound monster who commands the defensive line.
Demands double-teams, freeing up linebackers to attack.
If Maximus can’t handle him, Brody is going down.
🔥 Marcus "Ironclad" Vaughn (#54, MLB) – The Titan Commander
Leads the Titans' defense, calling adjustments mid-play.
Has a knack for making clutch tackles in game-changing moments.
Will be in a constant war with Chevy and Brody.
🔥 DeShawn "Tank" Holloway (#22, RB) – The Unstoppable Runner
Runs through defenders like a wrecking ball.
If he finds gaps in the line, he can wear Gold’s defense down over time.

Darius (#02) snatching another interception
🔥 Darius "The Phantom" King (#2, CB) – The Shadow in Coverage
Elite at shutting down receivers and snatching interceptions.
Always a step ahead—quarterbacks beware.
🔥 Travis "Titan" McAllister (#76, OT) – The Living Fortress
Massive, immovable protector of Xander Malone.
If he holds, the Titans’ offense thrives.
🔥 Corbin "The Sentinel" Cross (#31, FS) – The Last Line of Defense
Hard-hitting, fast, and always lurking deep.
Any risky throw could be a trap.
🛡️ The Golden Knight: The embodiment of honor, resilience, and football glory. 🐅 Dorado, The Golden Tiger: A ferocious beast prowling the sidelines, ready to strike. (@leander-gold-88) 🐕 Milo, Drone-Pup 151: The tactical cheer commander, ensuring Gold’s fans are louder than ever. (@polo-drone-151)

Mascot face-off : Titanus vs The Golden Knight
🛡️ Titanus, The Indomitable Colossus: A towering, emerald-armored behemoth, embodying Titan strength and endurance.
🏆 Will Gold’s precision and unity prevail? 🏆 Or will the Titans’ raw power and speed prove unstoppable?
One thing is certain: this game will be a war. Legacies will be forged. One team will rise, the other will fall.
🔥 Offense – The Golden Sword 🔥
Brody (#11) @brodygold– QB & Captain
Ezan (#1) @polo-drone-001, Grayden (#84) @polo-drone-084– Wide Receivers
Chevy (#33) @chevy-gold– Running Back & Punt Returner
Leon (#35) @leon-gold– Fullback
Maximus (#70) @polo-drone-070, Hans (#69) @polo-drone-069 – Offensive Tackles
Briar (#50) @polo-drone-050, Michael (#53) @michaelgold53– Offensive Guards
Christian (#55) @polo-drone-055– Center
Chad (#24) @chadgolden - Tight End
🛡️ Defense – The Gold Shield 🛡️
Hercules (#28) @goldenherc9– Middle Linebacker
Ares (#29) @goldengod-ares10, Roman (#30) @roman-golden-68 – Outside Linebackers
Trevor (#52) @polo-drone-125, Declan (#57) @declanthedefender – Defensive Tackles
Brock @brockgold(#46), Xavier (#39) @polo-drone-039 – Defensive Safeties
Eddy "Tamerlan" (#73) @polo-drone-073, Kaspar (#90) @kasper-90-golden– Defensive Ends
Kai (#9) @kai-gold-99, Hudson (#8) @hudsongold08 – Cornerbacks
⚡ Special Teams – The Knights' Edge ⚡
Daniel (#16) @danielgold-16– Kicker
Robert (#12) @robertgold12– Punter
Isaac (#45) @isaac-gold-45– Long Snapper
Ross (#10) @polo-drone-110– Kick Returner
The Emerald Titans have built a powerhouse team with a balance of raw strength, elite speed, and defensive grit. They are out for revenge, and every player is ready for war.
🔥 Offense – The Emerald Strike Force 🔥
Xander "X-Factor" Malone (#12) – Quarterback & Captain
Jalen "Blitz" Carter (#4), Malik "Flash" Deveraux (#17), Wallace "Swifty" Dayton – Wide Receivers
DeShawn "Tank" Holloway (#22) – Running Back
Marcus "Mack Truck" Owens (#33) – Fullback
Travis "Titan" McAllister (#76), Elliot "The Tower" Grayson (#79) – Offensive Tackles
Bryce "The Bulldozer" Langley (#65), Joaquin "Iron Grip" Santiago (#67) – Offensive Guards
Nathan "Stonewall" Pierce (#58) – Center
🛡️ Defense – The Emerald Wall 🛡️
Marcus "Ironclad" Vaughn (#54) – Middle Linebacker
Dwayne "Brickhouse" Harper (#47), Terrence "The Butcher" Gates (#44) – Outside Linebackers
Damien "The Fortress" Raines (#97), Emmanuel "The Wrecker" Cross (#94) – Defensive Tackles
Khalil "Havoc" Beckett (#91), Tyrell "The Steamroller" Ward (#99) – Defensive Ends
Darius "The Phantom" King (#2), Isaiah "Lockdown" Reed (#5) – Cornerbacks
Corbin "The Sentinel" Cross (#31) , Omar "The Hitman" Wells (#25) – Defensive Safeties
⚡ Special Teams – The Emerald Precision ⚡
Connor "Sniper" Jennings (#9) – Kicker
Rafael "Boomstick" Vargas (#19) – Punter
Derrick "No-Fumble" Benson (#43) – Long Snapper
Trey "The Jet" Simmons (#3) – Kick Returner
The match itself should arrive soon. Results have been tallied and photographs selecting their best pictures for the highlights.
To join the Gold, remember to contact @brodygold, @goldenherc9 or @polo-drone-001.
#golden superbowl#Golden Army#GoldenArmy#Golden Team#theGoldenteam#AI generated#jockification#male TF#male transformation#hypnotized#hypnotised#soccer tf#Gold#Join the golden team#Golden Opportunities#Golden Brotherhood#Polo Drone#Polodrone#PDU#Polo Drone Hive#Rubber Polo#rubberdrone#Join the Polo Drones#assimilation#conversion#drone#dronification#mind control
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Twisted boys worst to best, GO!!
I'll make it my fav to my meh if thats fine with you. I fear I would spend hours on a detailed analysis for what I consider to be perfect chara design and motivations otherwise.
-Azul (perfect, 12/10, makes my autism go brr, I still need to do that full analysis for him because I love him too much and have too many thoughts, must pull)
-Jamil (perfect, 11/10, someone please give this man freedom and his weight in cookies, must pull)
-Cater (perfect, 10/10, flashy guy with completely dead eyes, reminds me of Childe, pull if possible)
-Rook (perfect, 10/10, makes my autism go brr, perfect world view ideology, rewired my brain chemistry, pull if possible)
-Idia (perfect, 10/10, peak brother, family angst makes my heart go brr, insufferable asshole, pull if possible)
-Jade (9/10, creepy, would go mushroom hunting with him so we could see who's the most autistic about fungi, sometimes pull)
-Vil (9/10, perfection, made me fall in love instantly during his chapter despite me expecting to dislike him, fawn whenever I see him, pull if possible)
-Leona (8/10, absolute asshole, insufferable dick, wish his flashback was done better so we could see how horrendous it could have truly been, plan on rewriting something someday about that, should be on the pull if possible list but I have no self control for this fucker so I always pull for him)
-Riddle (7/10, made me fall in love with the game, used to kin him in all the wrong ways lol, would've overblotted too in his place, no pull)
-Ruggie (7/10, freaky evil little guy syndrome, has the funniest synergy with Leona, love him, would pull for him if I was rich)
-Kalim (10/10, best character ever and people underestimate him and his potential too much, would smother him in kisses, despite being perfect he is still low on the list coz I'm a mess, sometimes pull)
-Floyd (7/10, creepy asshole, love his mood swings and how everybody just works around it, perfect trio with the two others, sometimes pull)
-Deuce (6/10, lovely little mama boy, doing his best, I want to cheer for him, no pull)
-Trey (6/10, perfect house husband, love how hard he tries to be normal even though he's just as much a freak as everybody else, no pull though was tempted once)
-Sebek (5/10, I see potential but I'm not yet familiar with him, golden retriever vibe, would give him a smooch, no pull though I was tempted once)
-Silver (5/10, not familiar with him yet but he has very interesting themes, no pull)
-Epel (5/10, little dick, needs to learn to move past his misogyny and I love that theme for him, but keeps being done dirty by the story who refuses to have him learn the lesson, no pull)
-Lilia (4/10, should be one of my fav coz I absolutely love the "retired war god who settled down to become a father" trope, but I just can't get the spark with him for some reason..., no pull though I was tempted once)
-Ortho (5/10, best baby bro, has a lot of potential, but rarely ever used properly, no pull)
-Jack (4/10, best tsundere boy but kinda boring in my opinion, no pull)
-Ace (5/10, very good character but I would've blocked him so hard coz I can't stand that kind of behavior lol, no pull)
-Malleus (3/10, just like Lilia his trope is usually one I love but I seriously can't care about him no matter how hard I try, no pull)
-Crowley (10/10, peak character, would punch him in the face if he was real, must pull)
-Sam (9/10, very interesting, would love to see his card or have him more often on screen, would pull)
-Crewel (9/10, dom daddy, gives a mix of Vil and Leona vibe lol, must pull)
-Trein (9/10, father and widower, cat dad, would make him tea and scones, must pull)
-Vargas (3/10, surprisingly one dimensional when the game is so good at fully fleshing its characters, waiting to see more)
-Rollo (9/10, absolute asshole, desperately needs a hug and therapy, should also probably go in prison lol, very interesting fodder for Idia, would have pulled if I had any extra gems)
-Fellow and Gidel (10/10, brothers, assholes, completely out if it and loving them for it, still need to read their stories but I already love them, must pull)
-Skully/Skelly (10/10, looks like the weirdest little shit, super cringe, already loving him but still need to see, must pull)
#i still love them all#there isn't one I actually hate#just some I care a lot less than others#twst#twisted wonderland#ask me anything
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Alfea Overview v2

i drew out a layout for Alfea i will use for specifications of my overview. did i make alfea a smidge taller? Yes but oh well, anyway lets begin.
The Alfea College for Fairies is a girls' boarding school in Magix for Fairies and the oldest (established 9000 years before the start of the story) and most prestigious educational institution for fairies.
The education in Alfea lasts 3 years, one for each Fairy Form in the journey of an aspiring full-fledged fairy. Base form, Charmix, Enchantix.
The Alfea students are mostly in training ages 16-18 (unless they have been held back a grade like Stella, so in her case, 17). Fairies here learn how to control their power, fight evil, learn new spells as well as learn how to be their realms' queens and guardian fairies. In this way, Alfea is a little like a military boarding school for the elites.
In the Past
The Alfea Champions were an ancient trio of legendary fairies who were believed to be the most powerful fairies in all of Alfea History. Their feats have been known to be passed down through generations, immortalised in statues that stand in the Alfea Museum, and had been recorded in Legendarium. Ress of the Flame, Chevonne of the Water and Farcelia of the Wind. They were real fairies, but it has been so long that their legends outlived their actual story of their lives.
When Mavilla was headmistress of Alfea, owning and exhibiting the strengths of one's Fairy Animal was considered a vital part of a fairy education. Everything taught was a reflection of the contents of the Tome of Nature. Eventually, Mavilla changed this.
Alfea used to have a crest which was a curved golden "A" on a purple and blue flower with a golden outline at the top of the school gates, just above Alfea's gate. The "A" of the crest is also seen on what used to be the school's uniform, consisting of a burgundy long-sleeved and knee-length dress and mary janes. The neck part of the dress has white lace and a dark burgundy loop.
At another point in time, Eldora was the keeper of the Alfea Greenhouse and taught floral magic.
School years
First Year
Freshmen fairies learn how to master their own source of power, as well as their base fairy form, and learn basic spells they can use in their daily life and in battle if necessary. Metamorphosymbiosis, Potionology and Survival Training are part of the first year curriculum. Fairies also learn how to explore diverse environments in the Simulation Room as part of their survival training.
Second Year
Second Year fairies have the goal of earning Charmix. Their classes include, magic invocation, magic self-defence, applied convergence and cognitive analysis class, where fairies learn technical incantations, and spells requiring accurate pronunciation.
Third Year
Third Year Classes include, History of Magic, and those who achieve Enchantix will participate in Battle training to hone their skills. The fairies also have a final thesis, also earning Enchantix is more like an extra credit thing.
After earning Enchantix, the basic fairy education is completed and they will graduate with Honours and receive the titles of Guardian Fairies of their respective homeworlds on the Day of the Gift. Without Enchantix, the girls still graduate, but they don't become guardian fairies. In this case, they return to their home world and can decide if they want to work towards being a guardian fairy by being an apprentice to one until they earn their Enchantix, or they can do something else. Alumni can also decide to extend their studies and do their masters here at Alfea in any Subject already offered, being mentored by any of the current staff
Winx After Graduation
They taught for a short period of time, before choosing to take their masters here in various subjects in addition to being substitute teachers from time to time.
Architecture and Layout


The Alfea Natural Park, which is a refuge for Fairy Animals, is found in the forest. It is unknown if parts of the forest close to the school belong to the school or not, but they are also used for classes and tests.
There is a bus stop where students, guests, and staff members can take buses from and to Magix City and to other places in Magix.
Protective barriers meant to keep non-magical creatures, non-fairies, and bad weather out are seen many times in the series.
The School Gates are the only access to the school compound. They consist of a large pink archway with two wing-like doors that move to open or close the gates.
Its campus is a large castle with pink walls and blue roofs built around a courtyard.
Ground / First Floor

Most of the Classrooms are found on the ground floor around the central courtyard. The side buildings have corridors through which the classrooms can be accessed and it has stairways from which the upper parts of the school can be accessed.
Namely: On the East Wing, Applied Convergence Classroom, Technical Incantations Classroom, Magic Invocation Classroom, Magic Defence Classroom, and on the West Wing, Potionology Classroom, Metamorphosymbiosis Classroom, and the Survival Training Classroom. Each classroom also acts as storage for whatever items the subject requires.
The School Kitchen, where Chef Sfoglia works, Students may also be assigned to do the cooking as chores or as punishment. Located in the West Wing
In the North Wing, The Entrance Hall is a large room found opposite the School Gates, and it is accessed by a set of grand stairs.
The Cafeteria / School Hall is a large room found on the ground floor. It has a large dome of glass as its outer wall and there are long tables where the students have their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It has a special tier for staff members. Parties and balls are often held there and during such occasions, the tables are removed to make a place for the festivities. It is found below the Headmistress' Office and behind the Entrance Hall, in the North Wing.
The West Wing also contains The School Infirmary where students are treated in case of health problems and injuries. It is composed of an office and a resting room with many beds. It is managed by Nurse Ofelia and her assistant.
The West Tower is where the Magic Archive of Alfea is found. Precious and rare books and scrolls about many things can be found there and the school's Codex used to be kept there. A Pixie, named Concorda, is the keeper of the Secret Archives.
The first floor of the east tower contains the Applied convergence Classroom which also acts as the School Amphitheater for formal gatherings required by the Headmistress or otherwise. the students sometimes attend the school assembly and it is also where general meetings are often held, especially in crisis times. There is a table with chairs around it where staff members sit. Exams may also be held there.
The Central Courtyard is a large open space at the centre of the school. It contains:
Benches where students can sit and spend their free time. The Well, with underground tunnels that connects Alfea to the other magical schools, and contains various rooms and obstacles to go through in order to obtain the Star of Teamwork. It functions as a gathering area for celebrations such as the beginning of the year and graduation ceremonies are done. It also serves as a landing space for Red Fountain ships.
Around the sides are the Gardens of Alfea. A place where students can relax and study and even practice their abilities with the accompaniment of nature.
And around the back is an open space mainly used for classes with a practical component.
Second Floor

The student Dormitories (enchanted to be bigger on the inside). Located in both the East and West Wings.
The North wing’s first floor’s ceiling is very high, taking up 2 floors, and therefore technically there is nothing here.
The Simulation Room is where virtual simulations take place. It can also be used to teleport people to other locations. Professor Palladium is the one who is in charge of the Simulation Chamber.
There is technically nothing here in the West Wing because the Archive Room Ceiling is the tallest in the entire school, taking up 4 floors. (Tho it can still be accessed from here as well but the platform is small so people usually dont.)
Third Floor

The student Dormitories (enchanted to be bigger on the inside). Located in both the East and West Wings.
The History of Magic Classroom in the East Wing Tower
And in the North Wing, the staff and Faragonda’s offices. Outside of which there is a small seating area.
There is technically nothing here in the West Wing because the Archive Room Ceiling is the tallest in the entire school, taking up 4 floors. (Tho it can still be accessed from here as well but the platform is small so people usually dont.)
Fourth Floor

The student Dormitories (enchanted to be bigger on the inside). Located in both the East and West Wings.
The Dance Studio/Gym in the East Wing Tower.
In the North wing, Faragonda and the Staff Quarters. Only accessible via the offices.
There is technically nothing here in the West Wing because the Archive Room Ceiling is the tallest in the entire school, taking up 4 floors. (Tho it can still be accessed from here as well but the platform is small so people usually dont.)
Fifth Floor

Only contains the Viewing Decks atop the two Towers of Alfea. Only accessible by Flight or Teleportation.

The basement of Alfea is sprawling. It contains what will become Musa’s Music Cafe, the Alfea Museum, the Hall of Memories (formerly: Fairy Animals), the magical Entrance to the Alfea Greenhouse, the Library (containing the Research Lectern with Miss Barbetea as its Librarian) with its Restricted Section, and finally the Hall of Enchantments (It contains the hall of infamy, where the portraits of all the enemies of the Magic Dimension can be found, the entire history of the magical universe and contains the Heart of Alfea), only accessible through the Headmistress’s Office.
The rest of the images here include a Key, a Compass and a small sketch i did to plan out how many floors Alfea actually has.
Finally staff:
Headmistress Faragonda (Applied Convergence)
Miss Grizelda (Magic Defence/Applied Convergence)
Professor Palladium (Potionology/Survival Training)
Professor WizzGizz (Metamorphosymbiosis/Technical Incantations)
Professor Avalon (s3 new) (Magic Invocation)
Professor Daphne (s6 new) (History of Magic)
Chef Sfoglia, In the Kitchen
Nurse Ofelia and her assistant. In the Infirmary
Pixie Concorda, the keeper of the Secret Archive
Miss Barbetea the Librarian
Knut the Janitor (s2 new)
Dorm Assignments
The students use all three levels of the student dorms. And where they go rotate every three years. So if you joined the school and are assigned to the second floor dorms, you stay there until u graduate then the freshmen after you will take over it.
Once again all dorms are enchanted to be bigger than they seem.
For the Staff, (All dorms are enchanted to be bigger than they seem from the outside)
Faragonda and Grizelda (daphne in future) Share a dorm, the North Wing, central Dorm.
Palladium, Wizzgizz, Avalon share a dorm, the North Wing, East (left) Dorm
When the winx become teachers, they will insist on sharing a dorm, the North Wing, West (right) dorm.
The non teaching staff usually have a built in dorm at wherever they are working, so Miss Barbetea has a room in the library, and Nurse Ofelia and her assistant share a room in the infirmary and so on. Their rooms are also enchanted so they are bigger on the inside.
Sketch Dump:









#winx#winx rewrite#magic winx#winx headcanons#winx club#winx club redesign#winx redesign#winx au#winx club rewrite#winx Club alfea#winx alfea#floorplan#layout
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The Push and Pull of Cas and Gabe (1/2)
(Okay, these guys live rent-free in my head so bear with me. Also this analysis has spoilers and headcanons, be warned.)
So pretty much everyone has been saying that Cas is being sidelined in this book and I think there's a reason for that.
Cas and Gabe are polar opposite people. Gabe is friendly, kind and warm, while Cas is snarky, mean and cold. (That's why people ship them together because opposites attract.)
At the end of Book 1, if you chose the poly route, essentially you're stringing them both along which they both are aware of and so they're competing even more.
While Gabe is competing by pulling you in closer and closer, Cas is sort of distancing themselves from you and I think there's some reasons for that:
They think MC is better off with Gabe in some way. Because if you choose the poly route in the end of Book 1, Cas says "I know you like Golden Boy/Girl but you like me too." Cas thinks that they're MC's second option.
They were hurt when the Venandis thought they were a traitor. When the Crimson Beech trio were on the run in Book 1 and they almost ran into the three of the Venandis, they overheard them saying that "Cas had been spending too much time with that human." Mind you throughout Book 1, Cas has been defending the Venandis to MC and Gabe and to hear that they thought so low and so little of him... it hurt them deeply. Cas thought that the Venandis were the only family they had and Venandis just accused them of being a traitor with no reason or evidence.
This is my headcanon here so bear with me: Cas is used to be abandoned all their life. They thought that the Venandis would have their back but they were wrong and since MC is with Gabe most of the time, they're worried that MC would abandon them next. So they distanced themselves first so that if MC does choose Gabe, it won't hurt so bad.
That's what I think is going on with Cas. The Canon story may not go into it like I did but us Fanfiction girlies can use these reasons. (And if you do decide to use this analysis for your fanfic, let me know and I'll read it 😊)
Gabriel(a) is next!
#immortal desires 2#immortal desires spoilers#immortal desires#playchoices immortal desires#play choices#playchoices immortal desires 2#cas harlow#cassie harlow#cassius harlow
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I really enjoyed the sorting questions that you went through for the golden trio + draco. What do you think Voldemort's would look like? I can see him as a slytherin with a gryffindor runner-up as an inverse to Harry's.
Thank you! Glad you liked my sorting method (I actually use it when making OCs for non-HP projects too since it's a useful character breakdown).
Previously on this series:
1. How I sort characters and how the Golden Trio are all Gryffindors for different reasons
2. Draco Malfoy is a Slytherin with very few Slytherin traits
Now, onto Tom Riddle Jr. I can definitely see him as a Slytherin with a Gryffindor runner-up. It's kind of how I always saw him, but let's break it down:
I will add that most of what I'm saying here would make more sense if you knew how I see TMR/Voldemort and I have a whole masterpost for Tom Riddle essays here since I'm not delving too deeply into the evidence and analysis in this post, which is more of an overview.
1. Problem Solving - what is the go-to method of said character to solve problems in a situation that isn't a life-and-death threat. Both without a time limit and on a time crunch.
So, when Tommy has time to plan, he organizes a show. He's dramatic, over the top, and meticulous. He 100% practiced saying "the boy who lived, come to die" before Harry heard it. He studied for his exams, he experiments, he researches. This guy is a dedicated Ravenclaw when he has the time and means.
The Infri cave with the locket is something this nerd felt proud of making. It's kind of an escape room if you think about it. You gotta solve the magical riddles to get through.
He likes inventing his own potion of despair, making up all the wards and spells on the boat and the curse he placed on the ring was probably of his making too. Point is, he's creative, dedicated, and goes about it with an academic air.
So that's a point for Ravenclaw.
I will note though, that Tom cares about how things are done. He doesn't like unnecessary death. He needs to defeat Harry in a proper duel and not just poison him like a Slytherin would. Even when he has all the time in the world to plan, Tom's methods will be ones he considers "the right way" to go about something — which is a point to Gryffindor.
When on a time crunch, he is bold and rash. He makes extreme choices quickly and on the spur of the moment. Like, "oh, Myrtel accidentally died, no matter, I'll try out this new Horcrux spell I found before anyone finds out". His idea to frame Hagrid was also spur of the moment. He didn't actually think it through and in retrospect, he thought it was stupid and he couldn't believe anyone believed him:
but I admit, even / was surprised how well the plan worked. I thought someone must realize that Hagrid couldn’t possibly be the Heir of Slytherin. It had taken me five whole years to find out everything I could about the Chamber of Secrets and discover the secret entrance ... as though Hagrid had the brains, or the power!
But it was the choice he made when he had no time to think things through and was acting on impulse. Tom, isn't cunning when he doesn't have the time to plan, but he definitely makes bold moves and fast.
So that's another point to Gryffindor.
2. Problem-solving under threat of death - when the situation gets really dangerous, how do they deal with it?
We don't see Tom honestly scared often, but when he knows the game is up at the end of book 7, when his Death Eaters are dying and Harry tells him he's the master of the Elder Wand, what does Tom do?
He attacks.
He is unwilling to show he is defeated. He stands proud and brave. He doesn't even try to think of a cunning solution or a way out. He doesn't try to run away (even though he could've apparated away! I mean he could break the anti-apparition wards on the ministry) he stays and fights to his death.
So this is another point to Gryffindor.
Though, I'll give him his first Slytherin point for pride and not being willing to show weakness ever.
3. What they aspire for - what do they want to accomplish for themselves. Be it an ambition towards a job or something they want to just be better at.
Here Tom gets another Slytherin point.
Tom wants to be revered. He wants to be praised and looked up to. He wants to be the greatest. The best. At everything. He wants to be known, he wants a legacy, he wants to never die.
He wants to never be poor, helpless, forgotten orphan Tom Riddle ever again.
He has so many ambitions, he wants a lot and works towards all of it. He is honestly kinda greedy in the way he wants it all.
4. Motivations - why do they do the things they do? What gets them up in the morning?
Arrogance and spite.
Tom wants everything he wants becouse he honestly thinks he is better and greater than basically everyone else. He sees very few people as close to equal to him, be they muggles or wizards. He considers himself the best. Very Slytherin pride, on his part.
And he's petty and spiteful. He likes to say about himself how merciful and above mundane pettiness he is, but he actually isn't. He's lying to himself.
I mean, he dislikes Peter, so he forces him to essentially be Snape's servant. He wants to humiliate the Malfoys because Lucius disappointed him and he is so petty about it every second he sits over Lucius' head in his own manor and humiliates him and his family. Tom is obsessed with Harry because Harry is that one taint on his otherwise perfect record. And Tom Riddle doesn't do grades below an O. He can't fail.
He is an arrogant and spiteful perfectionist. This drive and ambition to perfection in everything he does gives him a point for Slytherin.
5. Defining trait - if you need to choose one trait to define them, what would it be?
I know it sounds weird, I mean, this is Voldemort, super proud dark lord who has people bow down to him, how can this be his most defining trait?
Well, it's becouse it's at the core of everything that makes him him. It's why he became a dark lord, in a way.
Why is Tom as spiteful as he is and strives for greatness and perfection as he does? Becouse he wants to be known. He wants validation and praise. He wants other people to see him as great.
This need for validation and praise is a Slytherin point. But there is more to that.
When I say self-hatred, I mean it. For all of Tom's supposed fixation on never dying, he actually has very little self-preservation. He tears up his own soul in experimental rituals to make Horcruxes. He keeps endangering himself in battle because of his arrogance, yes, but also because he really doesn't mind putting himself in a lot of risk. When he wants things done (killing the Potters, facing Harry & Dumbledore in the DoM, chasing after the elder Wand in Germany) he does it himself, danger be damned.
Yes, he thinks everyone else is beneath him, but he doesn't think that highly of himself either. This leads nicely into the next question and a point to Gryffindor for his surprising lack of self-preservation instincts.
6. Valued trait - if they had to pick their favorite trait about themselves, what would they pick?
Remember what I said about Tom not thinking that highly of himself? Yeah, well, he sees his own intelligence and skill (the only stuff he ever got praise and attention for) as the only aspects of himself of value. He never really appreciated his own personality traits (even though you could say something about his determination or resilience, but he doesn't really care for it that much. I think he doesn't fully consciously think of his own traits this way, really). He doesn't actually like his looks all that much either and was glad to shed them for an inhuman appearance to show how much more he is than everyone else.
But he does truly appreciate his own intelligence and skill in magic above all else.
Which gives another point to Ravenclaw.
7. Values - what traits do they completely despise in others? What traits do they appreciate in others?
He despises traitorous cowards.
Think how he treats Wormtail — he derides the fact he betrayed James and Lily even though it helped him. He hates his sniveling and cowardice. He appreciates bravery and boldness and above all loyalty.
So, that's another Gryffindor point.
He also appreciates skill, cleverness, and cunning in others.
There's a reason he likes Snape as much as he does. Snape is ambitious, talented, intelligent, and clever. Tom likes clever people and he dislikes stupidity.
So, that's another Ravenclaw point.
8. And finally, which house do they want?
I'm not sure how many notions Tom came to Hogwarts with, when he sat on that stole with the sorting hat on his head, which house did he want to go to?
I think it was Slytherin.
Not just becouse Dumbledore was the head of Gryffindor, but because of what the hat probably told him. I mean, the hat told Harry this about Slytherin:
“Not Slytherin, eh?” said the small voice. “Are you sure? You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that
And little Tom wants to be great, he wants to be known and praised (Even the older Tom wants these things, if, he isn't as desperate). He wants to live up to what Ollivanders said about his want:
“Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember. ... I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter. ... After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things — terrible, yes, but great.”
And if Slytherin is the path to greatness, that's where he'd want to go. And that ambition, choosing a house for his ambition and desire for glory, that is a point for Slytherin.
Tallying up the points:
G - 5, S - 5, H - 0, R - 3
So this actually gives us a Slytherin and Gryffindor hat stall for Tom. So, yeah.
As a refresher to my other sortings from my former posts for comparison:
Harry: G - 5, S - 4, H - 3, R - 0 (Gryffindor with Slytherin runner-up)
Hermione: G - 9, S - 2, H - 0, R - 1 (True Gryffindor)
Ron: G - 6, S - 4, H - 1, R - 1 (Gryffindor with Slytherin tendencies)
Draco: G - 3, S - 5, H - 3, R - 0 (Slytherin (The hat did make the call instantly))
I honestly found this one interesting to do. Tom is a bit of a messy character who is very contradictory. He thinks he is the best, but he still hates most of who he is. He talks a lot about Slytherin's legacy, but he isn't exactly the epitome of cunning and his behavior is very Gryffindor-ish. I will give him ambition though, he got that down.
#harry potter#hp#hp meta#asks#anonymous#hollowedtheory#tom marvolo riddle#tom riddle#voldemort#lord voldemort#sorting hat#house sorting#character analysis
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no one wants this but imma expand anyway;
right so most of us know the characterisation of drarry, it is mostly similar to the characters we saw in the books and movies, with some adaptation depending on the au or how old the characters are supposed to be. This has worked with the characters since the books came out, with the redemption of Draco, and seeing harry grow up has been very interictal to most who follow the ship, and i feel that a lot of people are very well-versed in this trope of theirs as we probably came from the Golden Era.
Now for my observations about jegulus, a ship that i have seen develop in its popularity throughout the fandom time, and also saw the re-characterisation of James and regulus to fit this "drarry-type trope", which seems weird to me liking both of the ships at some point. A lot of the new characterisation of James is very similar to Harry's canon character, they very much made James into a forgiving and understanding character, which is something that Harry is due to how he was treated all his life (site the dursley's, dumbledore manipulation, and saving draco and countless others and not wanting to kill ANYONE, despite them all trying to kill him), James would never had this development, as he never had the upbringing Harry had and would never be that forgiving of a literal blood- supremacists.
AND, regulus never had this redemption, and never had a reason for a redemption like other characters had, the death-eaters had always served regulus in the way he wanted, and he never physically stood up against it, meanwhile Draco was officially the youngest person to get a dark mark, being either 15, or freshly 16 when taking it, and most likely having Voldemort, and/or rampant supporters of Voldemort living in his house at the time (such as Bellatrix), seeming being naïve and forced to take the mark, and terrified if he doesn't fulfil the orders, not happy to follow the orders but terrified about the consequences (site dumbledores death scene). We never see any of these actions from regulus, his "betrayal" being out of pure selfish motivation (site: he was angry kreacher was nearly killed, he had posters of Voldemort in his bedroom (Seventh book)). So draco's redemption never would work either for regulus.
A lot of what you are trying to achieve through jegulus, is already there through drarry, and you do not see it, if you want this kinda trope, its already there, in a different era, but idk if you find golden era cringy or whatever, but what you want has been written for yearssssss.
i don't care if you want to write jegulus, write is how you want, if you like this trope, you can write this trope to ANYONE, but this is not the only way to write jegulus, and drarry is not copying jegulus, and drarry is an older, and more popular ship. a lot of the time, to make jegulus a likeable ship, i see these characters projected onto jegulus, regulus is not draco, and james is definitely not harry. thats all.
jegulus is shitty drarry, send tweet
#i dont want hate for this but i know you regulus stans are relentless#this was never meant to antagonise these are just my thoughts#cause some of yall dont know the difference between an opinion and an argument#jegulus#draco malfoy#marauders era#drarry#harry potter#regulus black#james potter#character analysis#golden trio#character breakdown
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